Newspaper Page Text
IT THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1898. - ._ __, , -, . * *~ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kersey for another Season is to 1>0 Klrtg of the ; overcoat Fabrics. , i the real Kf r . flimsy, fluffy fabric which, , ,,, protective wool tariff, DtlfactlirWl l.avov.Ui.nthi* K?ngonderthoyme -,,l genuine article, hnt , umlor the rum like a ^^^^^^^^^^_ ' :?,? rsedin water,destroying alllen-blaiioeol itaori- ? K, rsey is i ?finely woven, smooth texture fabric, to the hand a good deal like the fcoftnegi pi a oreae ,.?...,. the beat of Kerseys arc technical!y <!. ? "buckskin finished." \. ? , , Overcoats in Black, Dark Blue, andvarious ,wn and also in ?Oxford mixtures, on. in the ore ad double-taeaated shap a. The fancy woollen rsiufrB nsed thia season are rieh in coloring as well , iceable fot wear, and finiahftig the nppei lialf u,'l cheat with a sat in oreilkoverlining of the ..? .? ??leave linings gives the garment that Inxu? ... ,.n ?inalitv which lias made the all-silk lined a , able. Othei lines of < overcoats in our stock, - rvice as well as stylish appearance, are _ rp Italian cloths, though ?m sieves are t.. Prices from 510 to $25. The Oosts ar.'. "tit-to-weav" the moment yon want (hem, j back for thaaaking. - :0. H. BERRY th CO., Hen's and Boys' Outfitters. \ ?S-S-W-? -?.?--- . ,,>,"? H t ?*- >,m ,N timWtM HIHK. i rokrr and HU? t?. R? nrr lu I lOr ?1 IWgWOtWS Va* \VW?'>*-. ? k Herald.) . ? ;,?k? r Is BO?klng ?MOTOS? :' methods I y districts tha? volee st In the rid B. Hin Blnoa r :? i - - ?t out that < half . the mai of the : I y has. in the ?Uno, making Hi.] .?>.- . ui \NY HEADQUART1 . ? bUahing . Albany, to ntra from? tins my, it is rugad, tlie ln ititry ta cm be ? D il. ' lilrs B */U ? h tha Damooratla ? .. ;??">intment among think this xa* r in the this t the rol - mdldacy b? line with the ?growing out mpalgn ? I ?Crokei for? - when ? much, n ko 1 gible two ?:t OF \ an v. vrK. by n?lvocates of tfcis plan Will remain m the V. I: ?back ?1 1 ; I I in tho i . . - ?him. tatlon th.,* Ire fioni ?active ?poll? t baa beei ? - -i ?by the v. Ik r Into r the v. Mr. Walker . of Chair: . thai b;?s t that if 1 trying trol. Mi it is ( i Ion th? : D<_?ogroo*?_le I htu ?gen, v a i ? n : the a the In j . report tl ' : : 1 ' I . ?a m?, of i,i.. ughl on the i of I ' Utute i y of July St I ? m W bl !?' \. m.l.-.l t?? do. h which an old t.?l on a ??I u din , m ?throe SCO and \, but tly to bea the dessert had ' be stole . i ?tt-r's (l.uir and e me now? tire i?, the last * ?i and a half:" ?*--? iit-r Vigor. K ??? '?.rl..?-. '-" md, i?, ?ne < t two country girl?, *. ovid?.utly. ?Mjv)iSw a boil-lay Horn h domestic s.-rvire in tin- city, were arved by un attendant pacing fearfully - i" Bt, Paul's. Undei the ?mag? thi m p ? - l to gaac wonder about hrr. Curious to ?MS In it \v,?;?is h, r gnnnlfesi Impresaion ild liiui utterance, the attendant stole r? r. l! seem? ?I thai her limited v> ?ulary was lnadOQ.11 it?-. Nol no her apanlon. "Ain't it just ?-rand!" ertod . The spen-bound one ?remained sUeni a moment, longer. 'Then, as if break the chains of BOOM Strange enchant t.t. she turned upoa her friend. "Tee," ? ?-.?id, slowly and timidly, "but. <?h. irl ?Sarah, wouldn't it take junt forever , this ;>! " outr1 Ilia < rim?- ?on fe* Bert. nudlNOTON, S. ''., November 2f?. r ? i i .?"ks. a u*--?:r,. coartcted <?f f?-io inlf Upon I white \v??man at the ?. t? rm of court in Brunswick county, s hanfc .1 in the Jail-yard to-day. iw ni. ?i the ertms up *f> h?st Thursday, i? n he made a confession, and again his t-uilt on the gallOWS to y. _ _ Until I*n?l?i I ?cfnl. (WS hlagtoa Star.) 'What," inquired the psychological stu nt, "do you regard as the chief end of an'"* "Well," answered Mr. Blyklaa, "it dc nda on v. hat you want the man for. If ?u want him to do brail sroik, it-- his ad, and if you want bin to run ?r ii,is, ifa his feet." temple, Pemberton, Cordes ft Co. ar<? Hing the best grades of oriental Kims uni ? f n i r oent M.tniXB l\TF.I.LI(.E*?iCI?, INIATURE ALMANAC, Nov. 27, UN, m rt- I .7"l HI?,11 TIDE. .1:52 Morning.4:13 .i sits .6:21 ?Evening.|:>U ?INI VU RE ALM \.\A?". NOV. ! HIOH Til?!: . . . 1:61 Ifoinlng.i:.',6 09 Evening.;,:;i ORT OF NBWPORT N?W8, Nov. ML (By telegraph.) ARRIVED. Steam? r F.astry. Boston. ..,? r i. until? i moor, ? lali ston. r Manltob -. Porto Rico ?- Henry n. 1'itts. Norfolk Schooner Tale, Boston. BAILED, Bteamer Anglers, i.(?n,ion. Jreenbrier, London, . * ISuropa, Liverpool. Polono, Bristol. r L?mmern* ?or, Rotterdam. ,? r Manitoba, B ivannab. er J. B. Manning i'i??vid,?-nee. s? !i????!i?-r L M, [Jeering, Portsmouth. Schooner Bertba Dean,-. mer Emma P. Angell, Lynn. ' * 11,-. I'ruvi,, PORT Ol?* WB8T P?'I NT. NOV. H, MM. (By telegraph.) ARRIVED. Steamship Aecomack, Thompson, .Nor folk; passengers and general cargo. BAILED ?-hip Acconaack, Thompson, Nor? (oik; passengers and general cargo. is in favor of the Pianos we 'rcpre sent. They are as well known t( you as they were to the music lov ers of several generations. Wh< hss DOt heard of the Pianos bear log the name of Stciuwny, Knabe li?rdman and Klmball ? A few choice bargains in slightl* used and second*hand Pianos nov on hand. Walter D. Moses & Co. 1005 Main St., Richmond? Va A?l, to < the (irepliophone Tallin M -< in >.? . the wonder of the vealuty. OLU l'Al'KU? KOK ?AI.? 10c. PER HUN DREH _b> v at the J" ? ?ISPATCH OPFICXaY '0CKS.S?1LL MIXED. 1 RETA I* IWIBBHH ?II vit At TI.H ok Tin; WBBK, ? MARKET TURNS UPWARD. Heporta That *?|?ul,i Unn Con luiled to Sign Trent?, of IVore It etrlerra I'.nrllrr l>. < line?,-The roilure MnrWela. . 11-.?'-. i>i" 1'.'.; P% 176% m 2t >>>, 1.? i.l, pi. ferrad Minn. Irdn IB Nat. Un Oil . * laelfle Mall . 37 peopl.'s (las . K-* Pullman Palace . 139 ?Silver Certificates . ? ? ?Standard Hope and Twine . 7 Hugar .12.: Sugar, preferred . HI T. ('. and Iron . ?it) r. 8. leather . ?i y s. iyath-wr, ?preferred . 67 U. ?. Rubber . ti ?EW YORK, November M?To-day's -ton or the stock Rxehange ? I enough r<T v.-v.-rai ?aneertaintleo to i"i? an.i t,, reoohre ihenuehres again, ?. as who* '" I t?. ?be ?.T th.- sntiii- irregul?r nnd n??i character as thus.- or th- whole eh bave ?boas. Th'? str.-nKth of Amerl? M ?8a tha London rrfaik. t was n,?t suffl n'ly i.r?.ii.?un??.?,i t.? aftect the ?opening ' ' ? * r" ;,?'i'i ?pri?es - ?below the '"'"? Parity, even where th.- gains re shown, it was ?dear enough, how? 1 r. that there aras ?contlnoed puni do* !;'d forJTnloa Pacific and the Bt Louis a san Francisco preferred - rtnerr, Pacifie recorded s recovery of i?n- There was ntlnued prodt-taklng evident at other i>'-'. Manhattan suffered s break ?.r ??n published denials of a Vanderi in tercet, end Tobacco one of almost as "'b on the threatened competii There were ? onsplcuoui (rao mal ?reo .-?-ions also in th. B iltltm id Ohio stocks, and the Coalert showed effeci ??f stories th.-u th?:? coal trade i i- ?an "fixed." GOOD NEWS rROll ?SPAIN. Phi r.- u aa no t mui h cm ouragi ment to ar operations in such a marken and hi n ?reports i?v cable w< re n ?- ?Spanish Government had Inati - conunleaionera t?. ?sign a ?treaty ol ?ce, the market generally turn? ard and quickly relieved a pan or ?all the earlier d?clin?e. Atchiaon's urt?, r statemenl helped the company's ?pre nod ?stock, and by symnatny the en* ?ra list. The statemenl ?showed net ? >?ae of m i:7 saved ?out ?ol the ?groee iCreaae. c.omi statements <?f earnings r a number of other railroads helped the ?covci y. The bank stnt.-ni.-nt was ronsid.r, d a nun- one at first ?glance, with th.? In? " a it in surplus ?reserve, though subao? mnt scrutiny of the ?toan item d< uis?-?i sum?? modification of this i-iew, nd causad ?some ?late reactions, but not n??i un activ?? buying movement ba<i de i loped all through the il rt. There was heavy covering in the Peda? ;il Si? . I nd Bh up r.'??v? ries In tic Baltimore and Ohio -t??"k';. The Bt '.?. ii end i ?ninth aud other leee ?prominent isues were also markedly strong. ?BONS HARKET ACTTV? Tha bond market ?has been active ?sad ?road during th?- week? and prices, -with ew exception.*?, are higher, though there tas been ?some ?lrre-gularlty In the moVo ii'-m al tinn a. The total ?sales ol stocka were tlt.U? including Atchlaon, ?prefern d, : "?, H; Louisville and Nashville, 1.101; ?man? lattan, 7.476: Union Paclflc, lv?<70; Bt aul, tmVAi ?Southern ?Railway, preferred, 1,410; American Tobacco, 16.-S?; Federal keel, preferred, DMA; ?Bogsr, ?s,900. MONET AND EXCHANGE Money on call linn? i at UfVA Ott cent.; as) i??an at : .: prima ?mercanule popar, ?'?"''<'? per ? Sterling ?exchange steady, with actual ?uslnosa in bankers' bill at ?.M\?_t4.85 for demand ami at II.HV&-W-82 tor sixty laya; posted rates, PMWiPM; commer ial bills, ll.M'iH.v,!, Silver certificate 61; bar silver, '.'.??.; Mexican dol?an, ?at ?. State bonds inaetiv? ; railroad bonds easy; government ?bonds steady, ___ RANK ?STATEMENT. The weekly bank statement BbOWS ?tlM following changes: _._ Burplue reserve Increase, ?l.c^o.-^w. ?Loana di i ?reaae, ?-.S???, I 0. S|,i,,.., ,i? re tee, I*7J400. ?Legal tenders, Increase il.6.16.100. Deposit?-. ?I? ?rea-??. ?.'..7?''..?>-*. dation, increase, UMMO. The bank? now hold ?tia.307.575 in ex<-e?s of tha n M'iir?monta of Iba ?pat et at M.W YOUIC STOCK UtUTATIONS. Closing. Atchlaon . Atchison, preferred . Baltlmor? and <>hio . Tan.?ala Pacific . Canada ?Southi in . i ? ntral Paclflc . ? Chi sapeake ?and ? ihlo . ? Chicago and Alton . M chi.. R. and <i. i'hicaK?? and R. Rl.;. ?in? ago and E, L, preferred. i ? . Chica?,. ?. W. . I- ? C?hl? Ind and L.,-. M * Chi., Ind. and I... preferred . ?Mi Chi. and N. W.:. V* cid. and N. W., preferred . I? ?'.. C, c. and st. L.?. . 9% c, c. c. and st. I., pret?arred. i?, i. ind ?Hudson . 5 Del., R and W. ?J? i>. n. and Rio o. . '.'/_ Dea and Rio c... ! lariwd . *?V Rrie (new) . . i : i.. (new), let pr< d rred. ? Port Wayne.?? Qt. Northern, pi 'fern d . I ling Valley . ; Illinois c? ntral . m ? \mxke Erie and VY.-. ? ,.,k?- Brie and V,'., 1?!? f< IT! '? . ?Lake Shore . Louis, and Naah. M mhattan I. Met. Btreet ?Railway . Michigan Central . Minn, and St. 1. Minn, and Bt. U, lai pn Mo P n Id ' . Mobil? and ? ?hio . - Mo?, K and T. U* Mo . K. and T., preferred..1 \. w ) rsi j Central . ' < New York nti i . ?' ' \. v., Chi, and St. 1. . U \ y CW and St. I... 1st pref. ,1 x ?> chi and st I. N ?pri t. :;i Nor. Weal . u' No. Amer. ?Co. No. Pacific . ,. No. Pacific, preferred . Ontario and W. Dre R and Nav. Ore Shore Une . "i\ Paclflc Const, Isi pr< : rred . 77 Pacific Coaat, id prefi rr?rd . Pittsburg . Re ??lirif- . Reading, 1st pn ' rr??d . t?m ?. ?;. w. '-'? R ?;. W., l?!?i'?U?'l . r. k Inland . ,,;>; st. -Louis and s. P. v ; : end S. F 1 . *~? st Louis ?and B. F -1' p?referred . ; Bt Louis and s w.*. ?S-M ?Si L ??us and B. \n ., prafe?rn 1. r:?.. St. Paul . R-1-. St. Paul, pn (ei red . ?MM Bt. ?Paul and ?Om. ?MVt s? Paul and Om., preferred.les p m and m. R" ?So i-.? Iflc . W, bo, Railway . b? B ?Hallway, ?preferred . S Texas and ?Paclflc . iv Cm.?a PaciU . 37'-, i nlon Paclflc, pn (erred . c-i C. P. I?, and G. 7 W iba-h . H preferred . W Wheel, ami l- ti. . ;'.'. Wheel and !.. E, preferred . ii EXPREM co>.ii*Axii:s. rot v.xi Mas .-r. w, \i erican Bxpreas . 14G 1 nlted Stat- a . 41 1 ?Targo . ?m MISi'RRRANIlOI'S. \ ?Cot Oil . 2lt A, ci. (?ii, ?pwierred . p,t American spirit? . >j -\merican Spirits, prefi nrod . p American Tobacco . i;i? American Tobacco, preferred . ||j Cms. Gas. 1?,* ? .?iii..CuL?l- Co. 175 Col V. ur?.?l lr??n . L>:" Col f. and lr??n. preferred . 7; Qen. Bl-ectrlc . tt? Haw. Com'1 Ca. 4i> Illinois St?-el . tt?4 liiternattonal P_por . ??j International Pai>er, pref?-rred. ti Riulede Qua. in ?Lead .1. N " . 111 1. Rubber, preferred .106 tern I'nlun . 9i% ?ral ftteftl . .11 ral Steel, preferred . 7?',,(, 1?ON1? LIST. r. a. to.___ I. new 4"e. retrtiOcred. I*m-.*)127*4 I. new to, ?-oupon .IfT^i'i IXS I. 4? .wvptu I. 4'?. coupon . lU'4?ilU*-4 ?. Vt . - , I. I'S, re?*l.?t<-r-*d .Ill l. ?Vs. coupon .112'i'i-l'? rlct 3"s. ?,' . 11IH ? ma ?Class A ?. MS 5:ima (Claaa II). Ml r-am.-i d'lass i'i . lf>4 MUM (furrcncyl. Ml Meen Ft . ' ' ' ? lleon adj. I'M. 74V_ Bo. Fa.liov_ Sapeake and ?'hio . W?i aj-o Terminal 4'?. '?l'a s.-ipeake and Ohio 6's. 11' H. n.nd D. 4i?i? (offered). 104% tnd It. O. 1st?. Ml und H. O. 4a. 94% H Tennese??-? lata .lu? I Gen. 4'? . PMA Vf. and I?. Ists, t. r. ISM ?? i.?i Klee i'i . 1"**> \ rs a. rs * ?. Ml Ml no lio i".". 1-C-. V" 9% 92 t. Centre! Ists .IMM Il au I S H. aii.l S and T. '. fa end T. C. SOS ':-. C. lits . new eontoli?. 4'a in 1 N. l'nl 4's.... M'Illi Ft . K aod t. r?.... K. ait?! T. fs .1. c m?. rth Carolina ?Vs . IM rth Carolina 4'? i'. IstS . P *. . to.". 4s . Y. C and St. L. 4's.,, . v. I IM 117H <;ik i i , ia rtbweatern consols . 141 tern ?i1 b. I's.liTVj Nav. lata .m Nav. i i . i"i'? s. Une rs, t. r. i S s. Une Fs, t. r. 1"9 cific rs ?,f M. )'-" ? adlng l'a . to% <;. \v. lata . '*) Loula and ir M. <''?n. rs . 99% i,. and San Fran f'?"n. 6' Paul <*.,ii. i?'?i "Paul C. and to. Ists . 110 ith'-rri ?Railway l'a . l ?i?. indard Rope and TwineCa. 7? ?ti. new .? ?i "'s. N x. pac, L. O. i-'-1 .J"' l i L. O. r? g. fa. I7>, i*, f?. and ('.??if fusta. MU 1st rs .ni1-. absah ra. ?*l . Shore l'a .111% r?_;iiii:i Oenturiea .*"' ? rglnla ?Centuries, deferred. M la. Central .". MU ?bUe an?! ohlo 4'a (l)i?l). Xl?i an?1 V,'. coneois, Va . 94% and w., preferred. :~\ ilon l'a? Iflc, prefi rred . M don r.i? ii..- 4's .m% ntral of ?'.,?. .7s. M of ??a. lut in. MM ?ntral ??f Oa. 2's n?idj. il M i :?', r.irilMOXD stock MZCBAMO-K K!?*hm< nd, Va.. Nove ml gr M, 1WS. GOVERNMENT SECURITIE& 1.1,1. Asked nit? ,i Btatei 4's .m nlt? ?l Bf .b%% _ ?STATE BBCURI-TBa ??rth ?Carolina rs .IM ? orth Carolina rs .i-1 irgtaia ra (new) .MM Irginia Centuries.M CITY BECUR-T-E& ilchmond elty 8's .IM Uchmond ??ty gs .llfi .ichmond city Ps .UP, Itcbmond liy 4's .MI RAILROAD BONDS. .ti.inta and Charlotte Ist rs....lMM ,. and c. guar. int.. ?j'h.\9VJt ?i-. i". ,i- and Yaiikin Valley, C M '., ?'. and Augu*ta M 7'd .IM la. BO, and l-'la. 1*8.SM% Ug Class A. 6's.IM 'etersburg class ):. t's.120 'ich. and Mecklenburg let rs.. M loutbern Railway 1st a'a. Vestern North Carolina 1st i>'.--..u."? leorgta snd Alabama i?r?-f. Va.MPA leorgia and Alabama consuls- '.? ?', Itcbmond Traction 5's .lot ?.'.an?l W. 1st mort. c?,n. 1 i>. c. ?? ?.'orfoik Street Railway 1st Pa..MI% HAII.UOAD STOCKS. I'ar. tuante and Charlotte .IM IM ike and Oblo . " ti forth Carolina .MO 121% \"<?rf?,ik and Western pref.^100 ' -. n luirg . 100 !: a to | to. . to .*> I' umi 71) 1?" ft., P. and P., common.i?? 129% ft., P. and P. ??iv. obligaUon.100 129% ft., F. ?*>. l'.. ?j per. ?i. guar. .too i:-> ft., p. and P. 7 i??-r ,t. miar. .100 ig m Ri? l.i,??,ml and !' it? rslan?. .1"? l?S1 South) ra Rallwaj. prof.MO M loutbern Railway, com.IM W% ;.. and Ain., prdf.M Ha. and Ala., com. 17 i. .- . ? ' Pia. 1st prof. :-<i Norfolk sift ?Railway Co.... BANK STOCXM age.2", City . C Piral National .l??? BtS' National .1??? Mi tropolltan .2:, National Bank of Virginia..ISO li?S IM Plantera' National .I??? Pot Bar, and ins. Co.M ?Security .Ml st.m- Bank of Virginia.KM Union Hank of Richmond... 60 \ .i glnla 'l*i ?i -t Company _100 igs Bank ot RI? hmond.. M Rl( h. Tin?, and B. I). Co. INSURANCE i'o.\l l'A NIK.-?. Virginia l'Ire and Marine.... M Virginia State .M .Mis?i;i.L.\Ni;< ?i I American Tob. Co., pref. Amerlc in Tob Co., com., Va.-Carolina Chem , pref., \ .. -, larollna ? 'hem , com., ...100 .I???) .100 _ ? I?-' IM 21 Ml IN Hi 10 UO% ;iv ,m% ?.i 12714 IM 94% ; ? M% ? notations are f,,r bonds ?metering i_ n?U less than t?-n years. i.TtMV \M? CO-TON BXCHAHGR. Ki? hmond. Vu.. Novcnil? Quotations: \\"h?;?t -Longberry, ?,, t-, mixed, M to 1 o? ri ?.. 1,, 1 , :.;.-.; No. 2 ?e,i. lie. Corn white, \ Irginia, bag Iota, Me.; N??. : wblte lie; No. :: white, M to Me.; No. : mixed, No. 2 mixed, M%c.; white Virginia M i?? ?Me, Oati No. 2 n mix? d. lie.; winter seed, .:?? to Ryi H lo it 1? HMOM? TOMAOCO MAMKMT. Richmond, Va., Novembei M? i-'1'* Prri i??,? i,-?i to-daj were light. Stonewall, Bhockoe, and Beabrook'a report to-daj Receli hog h? ad . tda Prl 1 ?i foi H?, week end ing to aj were: Wrappers, 13 hogsheads; 1,1-.. 1. ri (?lark), .'?'. hogahi a li : Burle). 3 - hi ???I-, ?'iks. 32 I ci ,1-. :? hogs ? 1 umber of hogsheads .- ?1,1 ?'.urlni; thr v.-'k, I'm. Boh - of new ?dark I001 ^ toi hold ??ti the iti hmond on ih foi the v.- .-k: HtoneWall WTar? --. 112; Bhockoe Ware? 1 : , pound highest pi ?, . , Q2; c,, o ., ,\?, 1 Warehouse, iv. ;?> -,,,,, highest price, ?11 Total number of pounda of loose sold during the week, ^4*j,:iii? ill. ? B :,'.) ?s, M y MICHMOMO MAMKBrrS. i ?unoti.i. Va., November -v?, iw?. 6KKD3 AND URAI.N*. Oats: Wlntl r I i . 30 @ 30 No. i mix .1 . . mixed . Cnni: , , Whit?- Virginia, old White . irginia, new No, I white . N& :'. v.Uito . While . Mix-"! ..-. - : . Rve. per bushel . Wn-'ftt: L?>ngh?-rry . 7; Mixed . M er . 71 ? it Rejected or damp . &i t\ -,, Navy B?-aiis. per b?ish<?*.. -rmlnsr liluckeye 1'eas, ptr bushel? tioml-ijl Clay reaa . nominal. Black PSM . nominal. Clover, wholesale, per bushel . * ?5 Timothy, yer buuhel ...... I lo vi Orchard gnu**. P**'" bushel. Herd tna? . c. 1 m ?11 miurt . Hungarian . Black peaa . r-o ey 1*5 Buckwheat . 70 9 p) 91) ,il 11? 4,' 11 45 5 if So 1 10 --ri 1 IS GROCERIES. ETC. Mstchei: Atlantic ti't . __,*_ liest and cheapest t_ s Climax SS'? . __ ? Hwifi A Courtney 66 a.. ("oast 1W)'? . Uiobe 100? . 40 M 70 ui M) i i Han 900'a. IM i Utn ?o/a . 4 u ar syrup, accordtn??- to *IUy . 16 9 a te corn eyrup . (J Un-flavored h y nip . 'A) Q P Orleans tnolassee: r ?rade . 12^ u : ';...?il. . l.-i ii __ n kettle . 2? ?*g :u> to Rico . lj Qff _, .?Una whole grain . f|fM 7 ollna. orokeh . -, elK?. good . 6'iw 6?? icy . 7 ?ind alum, from store, :r sark . *_ nestle (234 pounds). 1 10 nily . ?, 10 10 3 20 ntly, fan.-y . 3 20 ty 3 lu nily patent, choice to Jicy . 3 50 0 3 7"? .I?-?? Extra . 2 50 <>t 2 7.', ra . 2 25 ? 2 40 " rflne. 2 1? _ 2 26 meal: mtry, bolted . 43 <$ 45 y . 47 ?1 ?IS ?ff al : Ik, shlpstuff, per ton_11 00 .n . 12 U0 ?SU 50 ir?New York basta: t-lo?f . * 6% nonrd, powdered . ?SS imitated. New York asl* . r/k nfcetloner--* A . . fi. R . ? . Iff . 12. C . Oh BDTTtS. ea new family-packed, [ pound . 13 ? 17 ee n??w etore-packed, pound . 14 ??J 15 ?11m store-packed, per ind . is 9 h et new yellow roll*, per and . 11 ?f H ?1 (white and y.-llow) is. par pound . 12 fy H mon grfid??s, per pound. Hi Q It DRK88ED POULTRY, ?toys, fat. and nicely used, pet- poun?l. 12'-i?3> 13 ?soya, medium qunlity, r p??un<l . 11 @ 12 kayo, rough and poor, 1 p .?ind . 10 @ 11 kens, fat, small, per und . 8 'S 10 k? ns, fat , lar??*?, p??r lUid . * G 9 ka, fat, par pound. 12 <ip 13 M, choice, fat. ?and nicc , ?grassed, por pound. 7 ? 8 se, poor, and roughly ssed. ?per pound . 6 op 7 -.drawn poultry 2e. per pound leys tha wn. 1.1 vi?: rr.ri.TRY. "ken-*, small, fat, per .,111.1 . 7 kens, large and mixed, r pound . 7 se, large ?tiul fat, per ecc. 40 *W 50 se, email and poor, per M . 30 r'fi M is, fut, p?r pound . 7V>" I ?stcrs, grown. per pire.. 2?) ?U' U noun, pat place . li k?, larK??, ?per pound_ I ks. small, p<?r pound.... 8 rkeya, chol??e, fat, per ?und . FV& I rkeya, poor, p*r pound.. 1 OM is. ecetpts light ?and demand good. Mark II cleaned up, and outlook good ? ct week. 1 raff:., Virginia, reeh, par dozen . 1' c?ate*, from other sec lona, P'-r ?loten . 17 <& 1! barrels and boxes, fresh, <?r dozen . 1" FIU'IT AND VKC.KTARI.F.S. pb-!*, ?fancy, hand-packed, er bari?l . S 25 <Zt 3 I pies, choice, hand-pa?iked, ?er barrel . 2 75 <g* 3 0 ?pies, common, hand-pack ?1. per barrel . 1 -'?0 0120 tatoea, Irish, per buahel., M bbage, large ?sugar hbl.. 1 20 pi I ilon?, large and dry, ?par lour barrel . 175 @ 2 0 gami:. Cartridges, lower. Receipts he ivy nee, and quality has been p<x>r. <;? >*ah?kllled rabbits, deer, pheasant!?, a Id turkeys are very active. All rabl OUld be skinned ?for this market.'s, luce, per pie???*_ 8 ?if) 1 ibblts, damaged, per piece, irtridge*., large and sound. 1 irtrldi???, sninll or stale.. 3 leaaaata, ciioic?:. per pine. 40 ? > 'nlson, snd?lle, per pound. 15 ?# hob? deer, i"-r pound. 7 ?w ?Id turkeys, per piece? 100 | I i LIVE STOCK. Veal?-,, Inmbs, Sbee**?, and good cattle StiVe demand. Hogs somewhat sea -ui active. sala, choleo, per head. 8 00 own ?sala, common t?j ?good, per h?a.l . 4 00 Oi 6 eel cattle, very best, per I . ?SUA tl". good, per pound. I ? ?Ule, common, per !???und . 2 9 heap, fut. per pound . t\MP unit?--, fat, i"-r ?pound . 4 <Qf Io??s. live, gross, per poun?i.. DRDCD I-'RCITS. ?peeled, bright, new, i?? r ?pound . '? schea, unpeeled, choice-, per i""ii??i. 3 @ ?, bright. ch??lc?*, new. i?. r pound . 4'4'??' ipples, di?rk. per pound_ ?tftfg misci:!.i..y\i:(.)cs. Valnut kernela, ?per pound.. I 'i1 '? aunt -. Va., Ho. l, ?per Ib.. ::??i ' aunts. Va.. No. 2. ?per lb.. I S >*eathera, live ?gooae, ?per ib.. H 9 '? ith??isgmixed, ?pe? lh? U 9 U ?sewax, ?beat, ?pi r pound.. M 9 lo?s, dr**S*ed, small. p??r lb. lok-^. ?ir? saed, large, p??r 11?.. . country, 1? r pound, 6 op Thine, country, ?per ?pound.. Ipare ribs, country, per ib.. 6 op :.ard, N?>. I, country, per ib.. 7 'it BKANI AND I'KAS. ?Sosas, whits, Ko. U pot bus. 1 y_^?-1 white, No. 2, per bus. 1 #1 1 ? olor? ?1. per bus. t? < ; [ ? as. black-eye, Ka 1 p.r bushel . 90 <rb Peas, blsck-eye, small, ?por bushel . so at Peas, black, p-r bushel. O ?-,/ i?. , . ? ?\, ?per bus. i? .,,1 li h 01k. rossed. per 2.24-0 ?pounds .I10 01) en Black-oak . ( Hay: Choi??- timothy . 1? N,,. 1 timothy . 160 N??. >* timothy . \ . Ho. l clover, mixed . 8 : \ ?* clover, mixed. ? N ?. 1 clover . nom iv?. 1 clover . nsn \ irginla timothy, No. 1.... 1 Virginia timothy, No, 2.... 7 so Virginie inised . ; <*> t( Clove;. Virginia . n< Straw : ?1 . r?o?osr prttftiitd, lirge ?balea t <>o s? dhucks: liultd . S!0 i,l I', eti tilnseng, per pound . 2 60 & ?Seneca, free ?of ?tops, p?.?r poung . . Ang? li?, P?-r poun.l . Peanuts, prime . 2*<y? ?Bstre ?hand-picked . 4 Q Wool: Wash?sd . 23 <S* Unwashed . . 16 ?3 Burry will bring I *<? ->-^. ?pat 1 (??s;' than th<? abov* rates. ?Country Bacon All kinds coming In very slow, anc ing quick at quotatlona. ?mail, well ?smoked, I ,-r ? ?nal . 11 fl Han- nii?dlum-slae, w-ll am?.ked. per ik>iii??1 . 9 ?i? ii. -, \ sry Istrga-alao, weil -mok?-?l. per pound . IJams lightly-smoked, small ?per v.'"?iii'i . 10 ?il ?Harne, ?hghtly sssnkad, iara;e per pound . 9 '?i Shoulders, well-smoked, p??r ?pound . I f? aiioiii'liTS. unsmoked. per ?pound . I? Sub?*, small, -<iii"k.-il. per lb. H ii P?en, lar??', smoked, per lb.. 7 (a Import?-d l'"rtlaitJ ?CcmstBli DvckerhoT . i;.:ii,i#i.i . IJon . Alphi . ..._..-.. NEW YORK WMODVJCM MARK NBW Vt'ltK. November 99.? F ?Quiet and a fehade ?asler; winter pt *;i_^*??.M'? i>e Hour oulet' buck linur tlrm at 12 for s?pot. Buckwheat Firm at Sic Cornmeal?Dull; yellow western, ' Rye-Easy; No. 2, Bl-fc. Barlev Malt linn at ?.V??-?.?<:. Barlt-y Kinn; maltlns. i-vi.'?>< . Whe_t-Spot easier; NO, 2 re? 7?'. 7-Sc ; options opened steady on ing. but Immediately sold off, atu et H I ? r ? o i o o ai ,od .]?,! Its rea weak all day. under liquidation, ? cables, and large Northwestern receipts, closing l-4^1-2c. net lower. Sales Included No. 2 red, March, closing 75c.; May closed 71 1-4?-. Corn-Spot easy; No. 2, 40c; opttona opened steady, with wheat, but sooa < - cllaed ander favorable weather and un loading, Ctoee i-i?-. nel tower. May closed ?l-4v. : December clo?.?,l Ml-Se. ??us Options neglected; spot quiet; No. 2, :v?l-2c. Beef -Steady; family. tO.W&tll: ??S'ira mess. Mttofip: 1,,-,-f ham?. Jl*.i$i?.:*t; racket. **U.K?-gtlO; city extra. India mess, il*?tt$16. Cut?MCOt??Dall; pickled bellle?*. f:i:>9f UM; iilckled shoulders, Ilfl-M."?; hams, ". Lard?Weaker; western steamed closed at 85.J0OI5.27; city, 10; November closed US. nominally; reflned easier. Pork?Firm; eld m?*ss. fs ..v-fi****?; short clear, UO-limUM; family. lUiKtl..",?'. Butter?Steady western creamery, to, i-.:??,, ; factory, 111-2014l-2c.; Elglna, .' < -. iifaltntton creamery, i.'.yi" i-:c; E dairy, p;-,? Cheese -Pina; large white. 9i-2c. Egga?Steady; Mate and Pennsylvania, ?l''.:.V-.; western, fresh. 231-2c; southern, - ?Potatoes Qniot; Jerseys, HOtl.40; New York. ?1 -V?ll >j; Long Island. ?V-.fill. 75; sweets, Jersey, <l;,..; *-. !: .?. :i. ?' ' 'i-7 \-lc. Petroleum- Dull; refined, New Y??rk. UM: Hhliadelphla and Baltimore, ?7.25; do In bulk, It.,.".. Cottonseed-Oil Dull and easy; prime crude. 17 l-2'u :*, . prime s.itnm? r yellow, 211-20-Bc.; butter gradea, nv,?:;?-. Rooip?8teady; ?-trained. ? ??mrnon to gOOd, *l.!V(iJl.;V?. Turin-ntine-Firm at 191 I Hice-,??teady; domeetic. fair to extra. l-4c.; Japan. ?5 t-fif? l-2c Cabbage?Quiet at iVati. Cotton?By steam. %?. Coffee?Options opened steady at nn ehari?;,?! prices to an advance of 5 points, ruled tirm and exceptionally active on tlrmer European ami Brazilian cables. Increased Investment buying, small?!- re ceipts at Rio and Santos, and lory house deliveries in this country, and , ly and n,t unchanged to a (??points advance, liquidai ion of December eon trecta was a feature. Bales, 33,000 basts. Including i>.imber, * " ::::> ;SB ir>; January, $' "". ?rpot Kir? market dull; No. 7. Invoice, M.U1-?; No. 7, fobbing, |?>.i"21-2; mild steady; Cordova, $.y.-?!5. Bugar?RaW strong; fair n-flnln?*-. 4c.; cent) If teat), 4 l-lc.; mo? ;iigar, 3.1-4?-.; refine?! llrtn. NEW YORK fjRY-OOODf M\RK!.T. NKW FORK November 2?*.? Tha week's transactions in print-cloths have been heavy enough, in spite of th? holiday, t?> offaet ti-.?' production. Tbs latter was much -urtailed during the w-k, the Thanksgiving shut-down bring the ?rea? son assigned by many milla tor closing during the week. Although the repi I tatlvee of the ?Pall River Advisory c??m j mlttee ,-?r?> reported to have stated that 1 th? y had practically n?> ?loth.? m sell, still they hav?*- not advanced prie,-a on the lines Included in the trust agreement Th,? general market f?,r staple ccttnn gooda ins i??, n adjusted to changed eon? ditions during th?- week. Th? re li , - bei B an Increased in,miry for bleached gi ods consequent on th?* recent reductions, but - nave not quite met tbe expectations of aellera In all quarters. Other Un? s "f staple cotton? have shown varied r? solts. Baltimore PRODUC1 MARKET. BALTIMORE. Ml?.. Noveggbtr 26. i ?ull and unchanged. Wheat- Dull ?in?! easy; spot, the month. and l Sec ember, n%0TOc.; January, aaked; south-in what, by sample, ?Hfl a Easter; apot, the month, snd ?De? cember, ;:sto,<::,>",,, ; new or old, November or December, 38-4113840.; January, :',", ? ?8C.; February, tt%c bid ?Southern White corn, .'/Arme. Data?Finn; No, 2 whit?*. MMffte. Rye?Dull and easy; No, 2, near by, ," ;',..; No. 2. western, i'*--. Butter Firm and unchanged. 1 W< ak and unoh in?? ?l. id" and ?in?!i i:ig?d. I.- ttuce -7.",c. por iiush'-i. ?Whiski | fru-li.? ? ;.-.1. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKBT, CHICAGO, November | ;.- Liquidation of ?December wheat was tbe feature on '?Change '"-?lay. Tbe December premium entirely disappeared, and the option closed v. 'v'. ander May. Weak cables and heavy NOTtbWSSt rOOOlpta WOTS fSC tora Compared with yeaterday*a Bgurtw. December closed 1V?*!1;?-. lower snd May 'yitof. lower. Corn declined V?'*-??-., oats > -., and provisions ai>out 8c. The leading futures ra? i i ss follows-. Opening. Highest lowest. Closing. Wheat?No. 2. Kov. _ I' c." May .?;?' ; i'-.. 66l,*j dorn No. *. N??v.U% tt% MM MM D-e.33% n% May.U%Q Oats-No. 2. !< ? ._> ? May. >% 28 Pork?Per Bbl. .$7.75 ft.?) UM VM Jan.&.?!% to.i?? uAr Map .$9.?"> PIT*/} MM MJtVA Laid?Per ioo lbs. I? .totVA U.91% Jan.H.'jV, May .MM Short Ribs-Per .toito. I M iy .UflUk 9 4 r.. 40 M .1 I 4M 7 i\ I MM , ?. '?V/a l\ ;- ?'.' '?, 26H M U.92% <? ?, 16.07?. Jl ?2?'. | ? M ?5.10 11.17'i, MM U.41% ll.tTb 11.70 M.1S Ml Iba. ?1.I7?-. M.''. hit% Cash quotattoni - lion i: So. 2 yellow corn, M%c. Flour ateady. No. 3 spring wheat. i;:'''it,0c. ; No. 2 red. No. 2 ? "in. o-V. No. '. '-?' . No. 2 white, t. o. b., 2!>*4!it29>4c.; No. 3 white, 2?<ii2!J,/<tC. No. 2 ?rye, 62c. No. 2 No. 1 tl_x?-..d, :?lc. Prime timothy seed. f2.20. Mesa pork, per barrel, n7.s?--? ?t.s.-;. Uird, -, pounds, *l.93?i15.vtt?i. Short-rib Mdes ?.,,?)- >, t!..""-./t?t ^??. Ory-salted shoulders (boxed) i'.'a-iv. Short clear aides 0>x? .?I?. $4.S.V?J*4.'.?:,. Whiskey, distillers* fin lnhed goods, per ?gallon, to.%. Sumar, cut loaf, UM; rranulot??d, M.45. Butter ?-: . [ 20 I 10 90 95 90 7?) M . 'M ; ou ? H ., S 0?) - I 00 lll-?l. iinai. s M 7 M -.?na.. 4 00 7 00 0 00 i 1* uyi rs; : : .id., buyers; . ,-?;??!., VA H M M ?ound l sell 12 10 10 > 6 j > $ 8 28 S 10 S UO 8 (M ET. 'lour It'IltS, wheat i4-i|7i?c. d, :--*r cover I were m rv. u>2V-,r : dairy, \A,.to quiet si S09C. Bggs arm; fresh, -i ??__*_. THE COTTON MARKETS. I_rVERPOOt-i Nov-mi., r m C?otton? - onit t and un? hanged; Ameri ? ?n middling. I3?_2d. The sales of the day were 1.000 1 all :. of which . aion and export, and included .i, M.MO bal?s- ail Araertoan. i-.,ium . opened quiet, with a mo?1. .,.?!. and ?I'.r-'i Irregular; American middling, low-middling clause, 3 2-1,1'? . ?.. ellers; November and December, , i ?ecember and Jan? January and Pebruary, February and M ircb, nid April, .',;i?i., s.-ii?l-s; April and May, : :-:\-i . sellera; Ma3 and June, 33?-84d., buyers; Jun.- and jul). 3 l-?54d., a? July and August, 3 4 I., b NEW YORK market opened steady, with ?December 1 point i- her month? Trading was fairly active during Ion, with tbe 1? v.-l OVer last iiii-lit's - . ted ii"in rta of Brpser pot m ie South, a smaller porl movement than anticipated, an?! o ?-i?,\s iii-,- disposition to red itimates. Coverin ture ?-t early doings. Liverpool 1 tatlv? s V..-I,- In 1 of mod? rat. buying orders, chiefly for the to tony deliveries. Bcslneri aided with tb< M |.,rt. Wall iho wed 11 ? reaslng Intel .1 t. w ' t?. hand from otbei however, be ing mostly limited T!. :,1 ,,\uu fr?-^ly on the advani e. i' firm at a net gain ??f 4 t<> ; p?r*tnta Tr;u' Ing waa vers actlv? during tbe last f??,? moments, with covering the feature. Rs recelpto al ihe porta; To-day, ?; ?. 001 bak-s, against (actual) las v.< ,-k, and ??.-M:, bale? (actual) ? This week. ?IIO.OOO bal? ictual) last week, an : . Mempl 'les, sgalnat 1 Ml bale last year, and at Houaton, 2>j,2??i? bal? ... . Cotton ateady; middling, ?l-2c. ; n,-t r?1 relpts, \&9 boxet took 101,438 bolea; exports to th continent, ?IM b Totals to?day: N? I -2 bale? exporta?to Great Hritaln, 11 the Continent, 5,inr_ balea; ball.-,. ?lldated: N.-t recripti exporta?to (?rent Britain, II.4.VJ bales; t th., C -istin* ut, MM b.-il.-s. T?tala sin? Bei mb*r 1st: Nel ft 11 .. *?: bal? t\ - :.< Or,. Britain, 1 loi.ioi balea; to ?Prance. 208,3 lo tbe t' ?nfin. nt. 970.78g bol? a. Cotton futur? s ,,p,-ned steady; Deces )).-r M-M; Jsanary, 15.28; Pebruary, jr." March. M.V; April. |A?I; May, MM; Jan r>47; July. $5.50; Aiu-ust, $ '?..VJ; Hipt.mb. MM; October, $5.57. Spot closed st'-.idy at a 1 l-*5o. ndvanc middling uplands, 51*2?-.; dulf, 5J-4< sales, none. Futures closed Arm; November, $8' mber. K.JO: January, JE.J3; ?-<?!,ru*r7, ii , ...:'i. Atril, ?.47; Juna, g.??; ?>.mi; August, Pt?; September. DM; her, *"..69. ',W ORLEANS, November H.-Cotton res firm; Novem'^r, #1.90; Ije-ember, K; January, it.*.)??'*!.?.- l?>bruary, IP.?; Mir? \;?rll. i'..12*> . May, ?t.", lVo|.,.i:?. June, i?.Z{?;?_.?, , P.'?stit'.'2'.i; August, SU I \Tti.32. NAVA r.-STl?RE MARKETS. IAi:i.i;ST??\. S r . November 24 icntlne?Firm at 87c, asked; salts, sin-Quiet; sa!cs, n me. VAN.VAH. C.A . November ?.? Its of Turi.entli'.-.Firm at ?We.; Mies, asks; buyers bi.i.iing u.c. b?)ow mar 's, ijf?? ci k ?? in?-yui.'t and unchanged; no saleo; irrala. II.VIINC.TdN. N. C. N??v?mher ?. its of Turpentine Steady at ,n?j?i_Hc.| Ipta, i'2 reeks. ?sin?Nothing doing; rec?Mpts. K? *ude Turpentine?Steady at 11.30. S3. 13; rec? ipu, 90 ?barrels. ir-St-eady at H JO; r?cipts, 127 b?rrela. ?BTCRSBUKa TOBACCO MARKET. 1ERSBURQ, VA. Novemh.T 5?.? '?ial.i I!? ,:lpts v?.ry li?? ivy. amourtt alni??s? to a ?;!?it; n-.nrk<'t a lltfl?* iker than In-1 we? k. Quotatli m C?m diurn lu;;-?. 11.ji? to 12.50: good lln?? lugs, i'"t to 16; poor short leaf. ?? 11; fair to good short Vent, V> *? P: hum t,? npud ?a nippers. I? to 1!-; ?food fine wrappers, lit to t20; medium to ?I shipping, s to 112; good to fine shlp 1'A.W I I.I.I : TOBACCO MARKET. AWIl.l.i:, VA. November 2_-(Spo? ? are well maintained, ?lesptte? h?-a -. y receipts, on ?both ?lark and kIu toi Wr ?ppers? ticy, t2i*tt'.'l: s.1. UAV'lV-fi; medium. ommon, $l'"?i*lo. Fillers ?Good, mni'in, J:'.'ii?;. i"itr.?rs- V i/$i.S; smokers. UttU', exports, U2iQt?ti pts. $i."?<y(f*?i. NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. ORFOUC, VA?, Nove? (?po li Peanuts Farmers' market we-ik'r: es at JVi<*. for fancy V'lrgtnla stock; for strictly t?rin ? for prim?: fflVfcc. for common. Spanish nuts orT?-r Ttia marke. Is not te-oipta ot w st??.'i< threatening a decline. ?sorrouc peanut market. UFPOLJC VA?, November 2ft.??fs?p?-? !? Hand-picked, fancy, ?H4c; extra, ;iila shelled. No. 1, I!1.?- : Ko. 2, " Ish shelled. Ne?. Be.: farmers' Roods. ?VHc.i Spanish. CO r buahoC l/ni-srci-.f; ?PEANUT HABEST. ?ETERSBURQ, VA., N?ovomber an.? ' \ m Virginie r? snute stendy; extra prime, '-".< .; fancy, ,??. ; n? w Bpsnlah tlrm al TR8HURO COTTON MARKET BTERanUR-, VA., November ?. mcIsL) ? mi at *i?-10'i-jc. lor i * ? ' . l'l\\MI?l?. r. ?PEE hat. \vi?: HATE ti0'*'? TO LEND ON rst-Claaa Improved ?Clti ?Rsal Kstate, r a ?torn ?of yeara, at.'? por seal smaller asunte always on hand to lend at ?1 per rat H.l.l\M B, ri/./.iM ?COMFAET, R?.? Catate Axants, M 27-lt * !'?*& Hank sin- t. \ONEY TO LEND. CHABOB8 \ BET ?H?HT. N. VV. BOWE. (no 27 l ? MONEY. MONEY Tu LEND. ;. _ ?CHAFPIM .?- CO (Il ?m ?uated,, no 27-it No. i north Tonth ?street. MONEY TO LOAN N ALL AMOl NTS, ?FROM ?..0 TO S10.000, Ihnrges !?>w. and no delay. no 87-lt POLLARD * BAQBT. ?25.000. WE AEH BEQUEBTBB TO RLACW Ids am ?iii.t on ?city real ??tate; -will li\ide amount. ? THOMPSON BROWN A_CO_ ?SOMETHINQ NEW IX ?STUCK ANI> ?BONDfl i S POT cent t>-r y? ar <m investment; any amount. Invasion ? ui?'.l; payable any Mm*. No speculation. w rite for pa; tlculara. INVESTORS' TRU8T, 12_ Arch str-.-t, I ? no 2"-sunlt_ FINANCIAL. $50,000 To Lend in Sums to Snlt. "W" linvo this ?special fund in hand to placo on Improved City Ron I Kstate, and ?OSO make loans without delay and at most rea sonable cliaiu'es. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, no 27-:U 821 Main Street. We Offer fop Sal? Saving? Bank of Richmond, National Bonkof Virginia Stock, Virginia 1 *., Virginia-Carolina Chemical (empan? Preferred 8 Per Cent., Norfolk Street Railroad 1st S's, Charleston and Western Carolina 1st 5's. an l othor attract! r? ItiT-.-tmerjt tar-etltlss. John L. Williams & Sons Bankers and Brokers, Richmond, V?t. ?fe tf1-T-_Tb._?.u? LANCASTER & LUCKE, BAVKEKS A-ND UUOKERS, 1107 Main utreet, Hlrlimond, V?. INVESTMENT SBCtTERIBS OF AUt KINDS I)KALT IN aal BOUOIIT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. LOA Nil NEGOTIATED ON COU__TE. RAL8 AND CITY PROPERTY. fe IB-Tu.ThASu 1 RICHMOND TRUST 5AFB DEPOSIT CO., N... il.t>> ?i -to'? Tenth anil Mat?. Si?, Jilt llMO.NI>, VA Arta ?" ALL Tract < it par It la?, M.iiuia?? Fatatr?, Lend* ?l??ur), Bt?-?. 1). l?.i?l??i It? ?<l.'?t e-d lulrrrat All lourd ?a n? il y Ualaaeea. FrCSitlCIlt - * ' John ?>Ke,tt>n VVilliami v;? - ?-??*?._ < James H. Doofe>, YiC8-FrtoideDts,-(lrailkA _?tttp4)fU SeC'V aDd TreaS'r, Henry I dmlon Uhel?. _>iR-k:c;uiv_; | I'.. A?i lmou, Ms? ?. iioeher, Win. V. irt ll-ary. S II. llawaa. Ju;iu L. Wii....!?-?.?. U A. l._i?.Oa??Ur, Jiiin?-? H. L?vo:?y. 11 1? -v'i?b*ll. Ir i ink ,? ?rt. J??s?i?h B. WilltrS, A. W. Travers, o. isi?Ji???y Shrt?ar?t W, J l/..ik?-. J. Wm MM<l?f>n?ior(s J. \V. U?.tl.?-rt. NVm. V t' >?.?hr. n. j.-iin n. Put j??hn n\ . ?Oarrau. J?.!i?i S. Kllttt, ?tini Ttialmann. K. T. D. Myer?. K??t.?rtC l>??*ida?*?% ^'m. P. UabiHton, .lot.n 8. **'lUla?asrt (au h-W,9uAW)