Newspaper Page Text
2 THE RICHMOND M-PATCH-^SUKPAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1898. TBK WEEK QUITE G A? BKiumr mm i vi. sr?TTiXG TO Till THA*N?GI*?I*<: HOLIDAYS. RECEPTIF OF THE MISSES ?0RGA! ?ne of Hie Baal niea??t Kolerlnln. i,,,-.,i? of the Ulnt-r- Germans Cot liions, Dinners nnd I.nncbeons? Mler-ir?. Mii'i? ?>'., anil I'rriou-I. The past week endeJ brilliantly, snd ?One may safely eay that t;?- I lal gayc tles ha\e comnien?e<i for the ?.?.?.--on. On Thankxglvlng-Day the heroes of the hour, th? foot-b?ll t .1 tin ir in.??*! pan)lug "rooters" were ?fated to the ut most extent. Lunches, ?raoaatlona turnte. Bad midnight ? I] | tn thab haa ?r. one of the orownls tures of the week was t!. tlon given at th? Joffe:.?-on 1 y Mi. and Mr.?. Samuel Tat?- ?M : Friday, in he?te Of lh??ir daughtti end IfiSg Maude Moican. N-S-1 w? ? k b<v er..l ?teas Bad a tard part) are "ii ?the ispta . is looked wnh greal ami > ii.d? nt ?managt m< nt, a I . ^ ii. -ft huh a 1 - r. Will t? . tho \ ,. ?ah? ho ?an exo one. , The ?parlous ?home ?: th? v t. r on Thursday i. t . . f n to the vlsl ? ' ] whlb ] ?rti rj ?!i? i' , . . . : . 1 w fu?otn R. .?? n .ah. and J Bryan. '? occasion were Mei lames C. W. P. i J. H ?i,-o Tytei ?n, a TDabnt-y ?Creaahaw, Frank \?. Jack.-?.?n Ouy, A. .1. '?: *?llye.?:., E P. < '??\. J , >: I Igl im, I.. ?U Lewis. Aifri?! T. -Harri . i'. < . H son, ami Joi.n _, Wllliana This commit? tie tktks i sood's laveliesi young gli Mary Mill, Mi.ry Donnan, ?Ka Bernard ?Horvii , Lacy B U n Watkms, Evelyn <. ?ouipe May. ?ctaud a Palmer, i tin, ?Lalia (hi?y. Uly Hill, Jud J?erti.? Noltlng, ?Lily ?Urqul rt, ? ?f?*de?, Battle Qbrli largar? t I ' innon, Hel? aie ?Boyd, ?and tu. Ani"i.?: t:?e i Dr. Baiili gi r, Dr. ? i >r. H< ? h Daba* all of the Unlvi ralty; Davis. ?Pk t . . Mooru, Walsh, Qriffln, i Harns, Nolle, McPheetera, A. ai of l'i.- Abbot, an : ' the ?OS . th- Unit af North Carolina team, ?and maoy others. Chi Than ?I iy Bight th? ti 1 itlOBS of (?i ?and ?the ?olear colors ??i i n, -riven In of the ?gridiron, was itd ?by Mi Ul_ir with ins rostomary skill, ?and In Bvery way a ?brilliant ?inc.. is due Misses ?Parker ?tad D for their zeal In IB*lkl**g this Such a splendid success. The the Iftrifo number oi . ?1 in the ?Friday's ?paper, The ?germai e of the most b?r_utirul even given in Rich mond. The Junior f'otl?on wan, as usual, W< 1 ?attended, it k?.pt up ?nnl Ii x?onvarj it ?will ?steel at the J s?>n. . Mr. nnd Mrs, Butnuel T.itc- Morgan to tn?:r daughters, Miss I Mau?. fersun. one of '.' that have SVCT 1- en ?given In ?Richmond. Th?? reeeptioa was hi i.i in lbs b sutiful rooms an?1 ante-rooms that ?astead i the east. : : th? BOtl 1 *' t *. in themselves marvels of I and t>?tu .'- ?rat? I la? i bly with jMiims snd < it?flowi ra Ths i party eu?".'! In the ?long east parTor and **.-< re ?as follows: Mr ?and Mi fete Morgan, Mm. William i?. Th? Sir. ?OBIT, Miss Morgan, an?! MISS Mande Morgan. A bandeoms supper *?v;i? ?servad In the Isdiss' cafe, which ivas t? : y th. aid of Boa rs and shaded ianu>s in gceno of ?falry-lika ?beauty. T:i the i af th t.1 eco of Madame Testout ?ros . snd Bands of pink ribbon r.i'lat. ?1 thi? to ths ?corners of ?the ?ts la ?In the northern corner of th.? ?room stood th?? punch bowl over by M ?Tonilin?oii, Heartt, Rawls, and Bti-onaeh, Bf Durham, M. C; MlSSSS Chi and Tuc-k.-r, of Raleigh, N. <".. and M Louise Mayo and Lily Ul*u*ahart Outside the do??r of the cafe Pro Thilow's ?Band was ?post? A, and d< iicious music miiiKitd with tin- h m of ooavssaa? tlon. Miss Maude Morgan, who Is a de butante ?this year, w...> dressed ap propriately In a ?own of pura-n geiiny db soie with real lu?- ?and r Bhc (?anted a lar?e bouquet of -. roses. Miss Morgan was dresaed in s handsome pown af blue brocade ?with diamond ornaments, sho ?serried ?red toses. Those prenant were Miss I'atteson, Miss f?ate Montague. Mi?-s Moore, MlM pl'.us Me SS Lily Urqubart, Mayo, Tomllnson of Durham, Heartt of Durham, Maty and Virginia Ha !i? and Pace, ?Carrie and W\ 'albott. Eleanor ?Boeher, Grace ? Anne Drewry, U? ttie Cbrtatlan, Pi? Parker. Courtney and Evelyn i:r Bettle Booker,,Maria and Helen M Ollltsm, Guillaume, Coleman, Ellen Bagbjr Nanni?- and l k??. ?Eli-sab th *vV?*dde!l, Amy ami KI.e Worth, \ Ble P. Cordon. I' and Adele Williams, Woi Katli Mere dith. Alys Tlnsley, Maude K .' i'inlie Noll ' ?ii. lirandi r, Book? r of i ?' i ?Point, Reld of I; " of \\ Si htng? ton, Tylei ?Fucker ?>f Raleisb, N. i . i. o, Tinaley, l>e ? Marian ?Robins, Ruth I I t??-:h Bobina Ch?*mberlayi ron, Penny UrukK, Mary and Uly Hill ?Leila and Annio Oray, Vlrglala Mccioud, Henning? I i .la tkeon, J(nn Tion i Holt, of Bur Bngton, S. C : Nellie Hawis, of Durham, N c.? (' Mahal Todd, Blaford, Judith ?Dean? Daisy Will M Tur? Ein Al ? Btron i? b, ol R I : h, "?' i ioyd Hume of \n a ?Bhafer. a ?i Uaria y- i Mr, an I Mrs. ?bavera Judge ami Y ... Mr and Mrs. Mr. end Ml - l'i ?ah u : Mr. aad Mrs. i y illlng. Mr. an.t Mrs. Moi Perki: 1.1 Mri Davta. Mi Mis ?Ba?th, Mr. and Mrs. ?Camei ?i and Mrs JeBrlee, Mr. and M Mr?. WhHlock, Colonel ?and Mra <'<>?.?, i gin. Or. und Mrs White, Mr. an?! John Ag-dleOM Mr. and Mrs. Jame* l.\ Mr. K H Addlson, Mr. and Mrs Ds flronahaw. Dr. nnd Mrs. Cooper. Mr Mr?. Ed ?rio ?-?trudwick. Mr and Mrs. Cabsll, Mr. and Mrs. Virgmiu? Most Mr and Mrs. ?Gregory, Mr. and Mr?! Boyd Dr. Alison Hod*?*?. Mr. an?) Mr?. i < s'A. MadMUie dulllsunie. Mr. ard Mm. J'.hn Skelion Wllllurim, Mr. and James Walker, Mr. and Mr?. Ben. AI?op. Dr und Mr?. Thorns?-. Mr. snd Mrs. *iVern?r Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mayo. Mr. and Mr... Thomas At rail Mr? J Harrison. Mr. 8h?-j?. S rick. Governor and Mrs Tyler, Mi and Vis ?Yrb?"-, Mr. end Pre f ' ' i ? nk Li'icy ot N??, Mr. ?Prhlttle at fetaesk**-?, Mr, ?i?.i Hi_ Winf-o. Mr. ?nd Mrs. Atkins. Mr. and Mr* Ayktt. Mr. and Mrs. ?Conquest, Mr. and Mrs. Orgain, Mr. and Mis. Boaher, Mr. an,! torn. to. S Quarks. Mr. and tors m Cordon. ?Mr. and Mr* Cotera, M nn?l Mrs. Boykln. Mr. Parkinson; Metsr? aoa 8trlngf?llow. Charlea Talbott. net) ?Ison. Turner Battle, Carl? RolBday, It. Holllday. C. Turner. P. I Oold. Leigh Page. (Jranvllle Orey, 8p?i err t'sricr. K. \V. Kawcott. R. O. Hldei ?;.,rt.?'t T.ibb, .l.ilin Lijan, bouglaas Got ?i?n. (i. A. Walker, J. O. Walker. A. Li Williams, B. P. Williame Joel Perrln. McKcnnv, Bi verly T?.< W Stafford Paikor. William .1. Ilarvle, Q. A ii.x, Juilan Bin "i'l, Williamson Tn! 1,-y. J. W. Ixvkwood, Jr., C S. Strin? fellow, Palmer Ciaibomc. Bddia Q - nor Harrtaon, Aleck Weddell, Hui kdell, lirori-?? Willis. Aillo fian,? Julian McKenaay, Vf, to. lesee Llttl? ton Pltagerald, Archie Crojn ?. P Blanchard, Edgar Vaughn, w. ML Wnrthnm. Coleman Wortham. S. B. P Patteaoa, Juek de Trevtlle, Boaher, John l^nry, Paimtr Grey, F MoCarthy, lullan Hill, Pu??e&l Dave ill n. SpotKWood Welford. Chirl?* Withers, John Coke, Kdward Benson. Venable Johnson, Phil Powers, Pollard "'. .lames L. Anderson. ?Thomas * Armlal ad, II. L Bragg. E. M. Crutch Bd T. Uarrlsoe, Edward Hob.n.-on D Talbott, It C. W?,rtliHm, Jr., A. II i *rea ry. Jr., G? ?i. Raid, William 11 Palmer, Jr., Robert Williams. Robert Campbell, Wntt Bllyaon, i:. Victor wil .1. L. Tyler, P. C Ploaaaata Qaorg ti i.-,,',i?i Loso, Oran ?111? \ enl.n,-. Jam .? Val? ; :In? . J?- k ( . to. Bt. Osorge Cooke, Falrlle Cooke, Jim awood Antrim, Hugh An Mooeley, Ormonde too . Albert .? i.? whi Hanrfe, C. R. i. i I Norfolk : nan, Walter Clelboi ne, Mart) Watte and .*- Dada Aleaaadar. . The marriage of tor. Charles Lab?*: I and Miss Essie Straua was on? i f the ao -. ,.r the -v.?*. K. i:. was filled sith an ? ?> gaatly ny Tu? w: ,, araa rated with ; whi? '. y with the i The bri I . ?? um, Stella Myei lursHa L I, of loa i: R? irg, ' f Danrlllo aa of i?ink tai . . lui I Hilton .*- i :.- Mi - Man '. : : - Ipbli . 1 . .!. A w h L;., 1 '., brkh silk, : iblffoe , r'.'iaii . th< I ?. i ;, p North. ?n their ri tut n *.: wi.-t ?, light? ?i Thors? .. - . ?. v. i ?? ;.: Vil I ';. presen) were M a . h, Busts h urrl Ruth and Nor i Chi :::i.i.l. Mi ;. B ?ok? i-, ??i Tub? I '-.:: Mis-, liant, of Lur nllnson, Mr. .-in?l Mrs : u leton Plta rlea With? rs ry, of Washington; John Madlaon, Gibson, John Coke v?-nnie ?es Tyl? r. Lewis 1 ?. Jack On Piank i i? pi of Baltimore; Ed Old, wuiiam Old. Percy Joaes, Ro -. st. c ?.t? ? i ?_; * Cooke Mo ld, and Charlea Williams. , Mis? Anne Prewry pave an especially r after the gai man on Thursday night Those pressai wsri Bhleld . LAI] ? rrquh u I : Parker, May n. Lv? lyn Brldgee Court? Virginia Cook?. i ad Arnold Baldwin, Qei lian;- bn, Goolrlch, Hutcblnga Norborn Cooke, William Bridg Oordon Wilson, Daniel Lymon, Bob Page and * barb s Talbott. ? ?The " I Worth sat? : I of th-Ir fri,-mis at a lunch <<n 1! In honor of thi ir guests, I Nerf? Ik, rand Ml m Bue H i Tho a pros? nt were all tot < ! on, R? Id oi Roanoko, Baa Tanate ' "f Washington, BHsabeth : Uni I.. -'iy, ar.,1 Lou ? ?k? r. The g? men a ' rs. Old, Hi nry. and Jone ??f Norfolk; Ruffln, of Danville; Tuna ta I ??f Washington; Kn.,x, of i nirt Peytoi L Pai .?id B. Parker, Coke; Williams, of Louli Royall, and M. L. Van Do " . Mr. and Mre Austin Rrockeiibiou?-! w frteada Tui atey at a BUppsr after the gern ,n gt?n ! Bttld? nts. Mr. and Mrs. John a. ?Callea, .Mr and Mrs. Arthur Scrlvci.or. Mr. and Mi ship, Mr. and Mi.?, Ed : ...n?, i. Mr. and Mrs. Adol i toi Mai -, HalUe Rachel,andNaanieCook? and Mi asn I ah Robs? 9\ ?, an?l William Mayo. Ta?af? rro. Mrs. J. A. Welch'a young danoln* els with the us MU I " ?tiltil! :-. -' The boya and girl wore ??? "One feather,' and the evening ; aerrlly, Ml Welch'a large dancing class will meet o Monday alght, whoa e large crowd wil Lv in attendance. . On Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, ?. , at, f Idenoe the bride, Mr. Robert M. Moran and Mis ah to. Kane were married. The par Ion \ re ti ti fully di.rate i ?.< i . ferne and sbryaanth? mame Th \ ,| in a suit of tai? Olot with h ,t and glon to mat ; ,. and cai bouquet o| white ehrysanthamumi were Mi asra C. M Liphar? aii.i T. Bbeehy. The eereaaeny was ? ,? i y i:< v. gather McKeefry, <?f S; g*e church. Mr. sad Mrs Herat It? k train for New York Pblladelphta, and Washington. Th?* Ladies' Matinee Musk-ale, wire!, for UM '?st two years has boOB don - Danas el muslo, la in -.' still furthsr its ?c-opc: of uasful 2 (LP.PiitnanfsSons NEW YORK LONDON KNICKERBOCKER STATIONERY Monograms, Heraldic Desif**ne. Address Dies, akilfully engraved and stamped in appropriate colora on our well-known water-marked papers. PUTNAM'S KNICKERBOCKER VELLUM, hUTNAM'S PURE LINEN Work executed at our own factory, the Knickerbocker Fret?. -%*-? Cerre'fonde r.ct Invited STATIONERY DEPARTMENT _7 & 29 West __.U St., New Vurk The ladies announce that under t?:? ir eueplees <?*. the evening of Novem ber '"!i, at the Jefferson, a most de ??t-ht?ui evening of chamber mus??; wil] h? ;;ivrn by ihr, Ladles' N W V??,k Tl 0, of Now Toi k. Th .? orga c im pel . M M U??;;i v triol nial. Misa PI via \ a? <:, r Heads, 'ctiiiat, and \ laniet . * The tableaux for the benefit Bf : ?omini ?n Hoepi 1 will b rapsatsd a Decs* Art Club t\ to' effort to make its tableau (the "loan ? perl 'i !.. get ry tetalL Th? Brat pactare seen as the cartals roas, "T?, 1 Mai 1er I with the ? puree of the m, and the backgi ound of ; 1 menu n. '1 hi Bmplrs gown? the cocki ?I ha! - ?ft lUlant ?-! Hi William proom; I , ? picture i : . ' . b her 1?.. . . Iran! : : I B rock with b? r ??".1 1 Ei I . '*' 1 did. She a . * ' A held at ' posai <?i" ; .is of tbs Rs*, form? r i:. ? iry :?. U :?. at the .1 iffei ? Hotel. N ? w "i > the Invitai;.?a t * ? ?n 1 lag?! ' Mr* Henry Hlg? I ar.d . : - man. I n I? r th of Prof, I Wil? ,1.1 and Mary ( ad wi n iti ' in tl :.i m v> llliams* burg, l . " A meeting of th Virginia Home Incurablea will take place on Mond y Bf 1 .,',',',? k. .it the r? aid? nca or' Mi Valentine, PM weal Pranklln atreet On aber the 2d th< re win I - .',,-n si the Qovornor'a Ma , -,. nt of th borne The houra will be from 4 to I I Thei a will be lie evening, and th?*? public is requeeted to attend. . On Wsdnesdsy, the soth of November, Mrs. Oray Bklparith will k?v?? s : t*d paity i" i? . with. About tars hundred carte have .? nt out, . a meeting of the Board of Mai ?f th<- it-'* reaf ' yam > rday, only routine business being trans acted. The Tuesday germaa of 1MS-*M, under Is now an a ti i i thing, and a Hl | It FA r" nber si th,.? Ma? , .-. The oflleers and of . . it tor. . Mr. J. L ,: Pali. - P. C h , Mr. Lewis K. Har? rl-ia, Mr. L? R Tucker, Mr. t i ?ote W< II M ? a. Alexaad? r W. Ar? 'hot, tota. ?St. ; -'.--'? to Anderso* Mra phur Blair, Hrs. Hoben M. Blanken I ip, Mi?-, .m?itin Brookoi broa :?. Mrs. ' B. Cary, Mr?. Charles (PB. ''uwar. In, Mra Oideon B. Davenport, Mr*. John ?\*. Harrison, Mra ' iham B, h ?nson. .?k. F Montague, Mrs. Hontet lire, Mrs. 1 ' , Mra W. i aimer, Mrs. W. Prank Pow ra M-s su-... 11, Mi*?4. Bhsppord Btrnd? .?.-Irk. m Q rrsti B. WsJl, Mra Hi WUUama Mra Richard T. Wilson, Mis :??s<!?h A. White, Mrs. a. Churchill v.ung. . > Th-? L. m *' Matli m Mu not el 'is. Bt? ; < ?S 01 i ', tern ?on, when i-, ,| ? lullla ime; th.? t. (Kucken,) Hi i M ' : tur . .. ' le.) Ml? Cari gtoa; (a) Ws Mi I .- ? ihaao? . (1 ? Bluml ken,) Du val; : ? ? Im Bin? irten, (b) Zug Vogel, (e) Ah< ni D?mmerung, (NI is W, Oade) M?as DU? ard rlolln, Mlaa Bh Iton plano; Q Night Farewell, (Kucken.) lusa Mfks; a Ploworsl Thi"i Resemblest, (Kucken > lis DavlSJ, (Splndltr,) Misa The IsdlSS then h?eld a busln??4S meet lag to oomplete iho an-anf-env-ntr*. the rt to ht- tiran ander tnetr eue] by the Mow York Ladles' ' by m-,. ith, at the Jsffersoa ball? 0 m i:, id I'M l : '.'h? la II? !? ?r-h t?, mike this a social, Ba Well as a tl, event, and n tuest ,u a?ho ?.u to com? in evening drso* e u Miss Pessie HuatST gava a dinner In h ?n ,r of a number of UatvarMty aim letting fHends ob Thanh y\ :r.K-)?ay. Har I lasts w? i | ' i -, aii'l Thomas: Messrs. Alle* Way, and Haws. >- 'he University of Virginia, and Cray >f Kandolph-M.i-?>i The dtnlng-mm ?lad ttlons were In pink and gieen. la <?\ r piak ?Btt* carna tion?", raase ond rlbheaa being lavtshlj 1 fl with charming fffYct. Tiie aouvenfa* jards were in the University col*?r*. * * Mr. 1-ewls Tabb and Mr. Trank H. Pholp* of Bsltimore, gars n ?-! pa I tup .- r at tin? J-r-fff-rtKin on Thursday tin*ht. irhlch was ohsperaaed by Mr. ind Mra I K Pulling. Those i-ret-ent were v!r. an?! Mr? <\ to. Bolltng, Missus Anna 'a it. Bailie Randolph, Robtna and Mary '??well, of AJmt ?r Irf -, and M.-osrs. Lmi ?en MlUsr, of Baltimore; William ?e ,t-, i'iiv. Oarr, and Kenoerbon Iragory, al Wsehlaaton. . Mrs. .1. A. Welch'a dancing 'lasa which ai. s ptaee <?n Monte] ovontag at the Jef l?r"mi-,?s t?, be on* of ih>* most le sad elesaal satsrtalnments oi he season. The majority of the pay se? vlll be pr?sent, a- w?ll as many gvioi isopl* who take this occasion to renew hslr ucquaintance with the "old-time" lancea The ehaperosui w-ri be Mrs. ifunt r McOnlre. mi?. David Tonnant, Mrs the Duelo* Mra O A. Crenshaw, Mrs tlegaader ?"*ameron. Mrs. Kdw-ir.l Mayo. ,lr?. A. ?. Uuford. Mrs William L. : vail, Mrs. Joaaah A White. Foor lanagers: ?Colonel Jo I_me i-?tern. Mesara A?liam H. Grant. Jr.. William H. Pal i : B tnard Peyton. AfUllam Ferpuaon, Sdwarii C Mayo. Th* Jrfferaon's Orche?? ra, uiiider Professor Thilow, will furnlah he music. e The grand charity bill to be giren by ha lady wanagera of SL Paul's Church t Home on D?scemh?r Mb will not ony b? a plea for the poor which va? have always with us, but socially, it will bO unusually I nt. The supper will consist of every ! !l icy of the season; the inusla w'.l fa he best Richmond can afford. The hall ill be held at tho Jefferson Hotel?a snlflccnt frame for any p -.Hitre. and he '.met snd most attractive feature la ihe bevy of benutiful and ?plOtnlnont so I-1) girls, -who will form th? K?c??pllon 'ommlttee, under the efficient ru'dsTce of Mrs. Isaac Davenport, who will t?p?r? i alna to make this part of the ball at _*/_ The Reception Comniltfe w1li st of Rob. J. AUton Cab? 11 (chair? n), Mijor Jam"i? H. Dooley, and ra. Joalus R. Mosby, Henry V. "U'lek 1.1m, H. Lancaster Williams ' h.Si!?1? Da nport, Hon. I.. I.. ?Lewie, ?Oeoeral : i J. ?kaderaaa, m D *"' n_ ?w. B. 8. Ciumt?. RegiBald f.iiham. I ?: m.ts Atkln.-on, Vlrginlus Newlon, S. i' I' tti - n. .TMin Ruth rfoord, 7h>0_as Ing, Alfn -I T. Hari C ! Jaba ' P reell, M< -th. ii. r. Cab I. aadrnw If., Jr.. Joseph )'.. J. Anderson, and Edward C M-iyo. . Air?. Measnre P.-rklr.s ?gars an elega-nt f n Tbarsday avenlng to Mrs. in* I ?son, of b " ?' ?rkti 'i prttty parlors w-re full o* people, an.l her "tea" went off nirst beautifully. . There will bo a service on Tuesday, No vember Sth, at I P. M h of > ?Barton Belghts, for ?anlted im t .-sn?n for ?sitailona - k i ?rice i.? Id ?by ?the united ?. ? i of all ti..? ?Bjehmi a.i , hnroh?sa i ?ire urged to attend ': mary t?> ilra_ii. :* an. ad ?1: : .- . . i: ' eca (3>oi*don giv?-. a dellghtf i oar i ; . r bntnn, ? n L turel sti last niRht. - . A i Curr, Bl Ii Han I ? ' ? don, . .\ r i i * * . Germ?n ?Cl r delight I : ' . :?i n Hal supper ?i i?i . . There will Vll I | tO b. .n?" l| \ will bs full* . ?and ar . i . Mr. and Mr ' Mr. LB. tr. H. 8. Sti ' I Thorn is Mr. W. W. t Mr. O. Kra ': . h ary ?Bo and ?Mrs. 'ii-.-. . Mr. ; ' T, G riai '? ?Maah v ? ; i.-, i * a eharmln dim . with i nd M ? '.Mi ' v, Mr. and Mr? ' !>r James, and Mr. ? Mrs. Minor T.v'??, ? r the Unlvei -. Franklin su I - Emily H. f ?City P I ng in the city. ? t m - Annie Mayo .?*-. now la AnnapOllS. is visiting her cousin, Handy. . . pen: ?. it h Miss ?' tty Booksr th Third ?street , Mr. Frank II. P?telas. Mr. Louis " nnd Mr. vP Hai .of Baltimore ?pent Thanhaglvlng in ths city. . Mr. Sidney W.I, Mr. Henderson B Mr. Truby, Mr Mr ? f Newport Newa, speal Thanksgiving Day in the City. Mis? Madge Drummond of Norfolk, i? ity. Msasia, William Old an.i Bd Henry, ol Vorfolk, were In the city Thursday. y urg irai i ild of Norfo ?k, rig the Ml h m Wi i th, Q ?Mala * Ulna ?Baker, of N< 11 i. na Mayo, on Frank: ? ?. MisH Nonle Bold, of R moke; Miss '?.. k' r. of ? >M I ?. I n t. and Ml if av.: blngton, srs visiting Misa Bran? 1er, on ! Mrs. ?Ptrktns an?! Miss ?Balls P ,v:ii be : ais Tburad 1 January. m m Mrs. .t. h Efitteraoa entertained Mrs, ?Batur lay. Her ol Mra H. C. or Harris, Mi Moai D. H tlfr ?j T. ?Harria, sad Mrs. i.? r. I Need, ?and Noll hs guests of ? Professor Heath D f the Cnlver* ipon lohn ?Rs iIpTh I Ri u ;.? ?ander \ ion of Virgir.iu ABttqultlCg In \ bruury. M i i 1-i City Point, Is In h?j city for a ?fOW t m There will ho a ?nesting of the Virginia ?loase f'?r In ice of . ?Bl i sal Franklin at 4 o'clock. AH mun ie rs are requested to attend. . * Mr. Howard Bhack? Ifoi-d, of Houston, ,'a., is vteltiBg fiUJidd in the city. . Mr. W. A. Hirftjinbothrim ti Vhkttng It in the city. . y.r. .?-'helhurne and Mr. Victor Bhelburns etarnod ?from North ?Carollaa to spend F ha nksgi vlng-Day in the . Miss Florence Holland la visiting rela Ivea in Lexington, Va. . Mrs. Taylor Curtis Is visiting her nother, Mr?. Coate?, at Bon Air. Mi?. Mary W.xi.lbrldge entertained a tw friends most delightfully on '1 ftemoon. Her guests ware Invited to i*et Mrs W. V. Trent, who Is I PROFESSIONAL PROOF All dio-ase? arise from microbes lodging In be lx.dv and producing j?to. lainea. "Whatever kills the microbes cures lie ?li.ra-r. Dr. A. I?. Orifnthe, author of the "Manual f Iiactenol?j?_j," report? thst in a aeries f experimenta conducted by himself, RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is ?-1: ar: Of a ta h Pe T\ A Up ?as all -i -a t, r De M th ?tetchy kiftsit all the microbe? of onsump on. catarrh, ?carlet fever, typhoid Ic-er. -rptheria, iWtpepsia, La Grippe and Aiiatic holers, and rendered perfectly inert the oisouoa? ptomaines of these disrtincs.and in dditton ?at? that "Radam' a Microbe Killer \ h perfretl? harmlest, and CSB be u Imini.t. : ?.hi i to children as well aa adulta." Think this *,,. ver. i.?... Iccomparable also a? an antiseptic remedy "" ?r ?ores, cuts, burns an?! bruises. Rend for our free booklet. * ' _? \V\t. kAI'AM MICUOOB KILLBKCO. i th 121 1'rtncc Street. New York, or 1 F. E. LONG, __ 1-1 n. Sib street. ?Xlch? [sea oDd. 1 H' ?53C3SaSSC363-??^3?'M?S*^^ SUITS TO ORD 5 Q \%y 9m \ Heavy Overcoats TO ORDER, }) ? M?rh A \ ') ? " i ? *fl C, Stout & Co. > Tailors, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. r\,EW 'PHOIME 1455. i;o?<"^.SS?_-S^?_?2?S'S^ BBBBMBB-MMBlBMJBMBjBMjBBMBBMjBBI lh her mother. Mrs. PcUTikid Tn Bt I a* of Boydto* Vs . . . , foi rt ral daya . ?'. Hurnham Isfl for Philadelphia Saturday to vlsll . * - . , nding the tter with Mrs. Proaasr Harrison. . !olone] and Mis. Mclotosh and the Mi Inl hi ii Ifn I Munford, at N i Franklin atn I * [iu Oretter, of Waterbory, r,,nn., is - ?. Laura r?ili*-n, east Grace eet. . 1rs. Arthur Cashing Small Is at hom< her friend* at No. II ?as; Franklin] ><t, on Tueadaya In November. a * i lair, of Brooklyn, is tone st of Mrs. J, W? Hard Cralf*, So. 1310 ?yd avenue. . ? -.'.- will make a I mi wlnttr for lest and . i F '.'. ' ird, of Boiti lla." isnt of Miss Anne Tata . Mr. William P. Tompklna tnnoun ? of Norfolk, Is on a t to M i Allan May* ra, Henry 1 mi i?* the st of ? i Mm i *rani I of \\ llmlngto* N C i ih ,:'.. Mr. Bmpta has r Harper uro- i re ' . * re O. B. Johnston's ol iss In ?r moi Friday at ;- Mr. Kau'.T b's clasa In east drawing mat Friday i :?t. I Isa May -tamper, who has h,*en vi it? i ?i. L -illy, ?it Basez, Va., , retarned to . ra, Qeorge Rennon, of D"hv,t Col . DuvaT* Third and Franklin ets. iss Louise Bolsey la rlMtlog Mi.-s salie Smith, on Fifth and Grace streets. ??hop Whittle will preach at St. Paul's rob to-day. i . he many frien?ls of R,-?v. Hartley Car- I h???-l ?rill be glad to know that he Is j ch bett? r. . r. I_ I Un indar and Mr. Marty I the University, are vi ate In the city. I ' i r. Dick Cook, of the University, spent j -..?i in tiic- ctty. ' ' 1 .r. Rodman Grubbs, of the University, ] isiting In the city. . hire will he a meet ?ne; of the Rich- I i-i Chapter Deugl*.terg of the con- ' i eracy. on Tuesday, the foai, at i. np Hall, at 4 o'clock. It la dOSltsd ' bav< ., i?u*-*.- attendance, sa report ! ; n the convention of United Daughters, I 1 November 11th, at Hot ?Spring* Ark., * i be rea L . ?ton S. Elliott. Miassa Florrie LI!!:. Elliott, ;.:i?l Master Bam Elliott, burg, have returned home, after illghtful riMt to Mra. t, f. Pagraav west Main. iss Annie Elliott, of Ruckroe Rearh. Of Ml s Mattie I 1 ram. 1317 ?reg? Main stritt. MAKE PElll'F.TI AL VOW?. I i 0 Sister? Take the Veil at thr Hinrdti-tlnr Instituto. St. Mery*a Beaadlottao institute the ?t of the H-nedU'tlne Abb:ss Saint rude was celebrated last Tuesday ? great solemnity. The most interest feature? of the ?'ay was the soU-nin Ice at which MmtW to .?us Ba iMIss 1 Werts, of Newark, N. J.) and filster * ' to?e, of Munich. Bereit* neenoameed ?. r per-o-lua! OWWB , .h?)p Van de V>ver was uiuvoldably ^ nt from tarn C ty, but the ?'eremonles 0, ? cortduo'.ed by Very Rag. Father W?b , d. O. S. B . aasle'.sd bv Rev. Fathers ick and Johr. TiV chapel of the la it? su? baautMullj leoerattd, ;nd :hree altars were bank-d with tlowira. e advent aaaaon baglaa to-day the .??I of Braaentloa tor ?he ?_i<.at chiUt >* feast Ill; PENITENTIARY Ql ??ll\Mi>i: rittoissa of il.? om.-iiii? is i*ro mwtUAomn ?V-nJwatahnaio. The quarintine * i lary has ! ' been rais???!, thiu-'h funerinten? Helms ta ai . sta from all bectiuns of ?the _ The quarantine Is only against N ?rfulk. hers has hf-n smalt-pox In that city, r In tho vl'ir.ity. for alx.ut two BUM hers have been ?several caaes in ?the jail. ' irlng this tims Major H te ttot to receive any prisoners from Nor ,1k. Several days ago an Ofietal from that iy ?sailed at th<? ?penitentiary and ask???i iat th?- gnaraatiae ?be ?raised, statin? that ie ?reports of smail-pox In Norfolk -era very much exaggerated. This was n Thursday. Monday morning Major Helms ?le l?led i&tiaa. ?About the time s reached thla ?????lsion ha received a ?lephona msssags to come to tbe*Jen*er m. When he reached ti: and was wanted to saswer a loag-dlataace as call. The Norfolk ufflclaJ ?ra te ?wanted to t U ?htm that a ease ' anall-poa had ju?t developed in toe ty jail. ?Back went thy quarantine, ?and has been enforced ?SI N-Brfolk ty and COUSty ar?? th? 1? littles atv?. Ited An ofllcial of the penltentlarj stated i was ?ranch I for bis snforcement of the inrantlna. He said ... char* tat his object in II ?, I ir uiuo was to k?,??-;? the irid ? m learning what wai a laaM .Us, as visitors have BOt beer. ?lowed th? ?aient of th guaraattne. Dr. Ben. arrieoB, aurgeon 10 the ?penitentiary lid ?that ?SB ha?l advised the Quarantin??. ni w.?-* ooaviaced o? ite wladeos? ai e inn OfhClala ??f the pentt iry have Le?:-n v ? but it is pa ould ?they i??? sspoeed te Un , of small-pox in the instit.i in WOttld ?SOSl the State S v?-ry heav?. Id i ?r ?Barris a. "The ?arm a king th?- .-!-. ? -a ?the prison weald at do * aa nong the workmen. The Btate WOaU ? ma be pal ?Id a Uiss et thonsanda b| ? ;ii advise It, No chaneea ?ai l ?kau i "The priaon was aever In ?better ?aondi ib than bow," ?. I Dr. ManIbob is not a ?saaa ?al ?ass inte;. ?asuar. ehlcki n-i ; rleonara. Th meral health ol the la?antes la ? ?cellent owever, if the mot were ?frara an- . sated ttam working, thati ?alth woul?! t>? impaired, ami I li.lve n ?ubt many death.; would result. T.. is been the result of Idlensss in ev r (?on. I repeat tbat th?^ quarantine wa Ise and that it should not be raised." The Social Clu?Vi Thi-I-*. -, Social Club, cf Church Hill, tvs one "f a series of their winter ?par? te on w? dm s? lay evening laal ;.t th?? ?me? of Mr. A M Ally, No? Ml tarih The rooms were ii?tlfi.lly ai ' i' Ited with : evesgreena. i taring, ?asuste? i id | .m? s w< r Lnd.. i i i.i. attar which : r .ii.? nts wer.? ?:?.!. Bd t irtldpanta dl small ?urs of the awning Those present mere r?-: kin.-?.I:. B urr.iw, util. Pea re? ?v odwar-d, a ?Ball v. and MdBera White, ?gg, Waik-r, ?Barlow, ?Dlefteraosh Meta* tt. Austin, C??^ Tilden, and : Auley. Properly Trtnmfrr-. Ilchaa .' C i?tel - ?spa Bunlaatonern, t?> W. l. Knmfart, _?n-_. it on Fifth street, e ?t*-thw? .; < un.? r ? k-ott. n.auo. lettle T. Ho?-kaday's truetees to R. P wa 2", 'en. pu east tit? T?'tr.h street, '?' i .-t sout? of M. S.'.'-o lililrnl Wtlsea's truste*?? to .-. ?Banking ?and t ? ! m t;y. , 11 7 ! 2 >1| I ?el OB P??rth si | ? et, MT14-1 ? [eniicO: Benjamin T !!i:r-' S| .? r ta it. ?Xastleb rgs ?Boos, Meadow Bulge rotad, 11* feet neat i -.?. a M ?: road, an?1 p t ?t side Meadow Bridge road, tS.OOX The l ??? ?.m-U..U??..- It, ...r.t. '??I!..-tor Bethel has received a letter m Mr. M. T. Bennett, of New York, ting certain Information concerning Bennett Suemuit. who ?hljped on the -w \v.ilium E. Platlaeus frona itich nil. November 24, 1?? The records ?rlod are nil ?1? trey-sd, ?nd the oimatlon cannot be furnished. .\o mor?: sMiiv looj tor. Evans Dors Not Lipr.-f lamber Storm In >i?nr liilnrr. The fir>t mow of the j ?. seen yesterday monda -, - Mr. Bran* tin* s etioo Dir r of the Weath? | lemon! f??r pom The temperatui' Mr. Evans says It is ImpoMible, preserr ?, to tell b eold weather will last or arhai it. The correspondents of the bureau throughout the i of Friday la.?t a have been most ? of any dlatttrhance in ti. r ? yesterday moiriirg. the (ii\i.ivii:v co. M iv mur?. I'lnna tor m, I.arite \\ nrrlinn..? II?? Already llr.-n llrimi, The options that have 1 loarat Mela - prty by th< ? of the Richmoad, l' rail lay. "'? t?> ?the prssent. tima BO ' - U i- n pjvi B, v. a, 'her or not these oytlj-ia wl 1 te taken up. - B L>. Chill. ' Mil Oary street, hav? BOW the option unless If ; lane have be, p di?an*, : . boct P. llunti, their an r a large >ry, and if the i [?.my ,l?.,.s BOt buy th?.- | at once begin to build upon It. The Claim of James Hell. James Pell, the ?1,1 ? vho !?*??t his ejt? tl lu the L-iw and Court a !? w daya ago that a slave could not inh?:rit j ?n effort in the U_lb ' Court to recovar a nm *s r.?*r L'himborazo Park. wh!?-h !; , : urns. Alexandria Tfotei. ALEXAN'DKIA, VA, BOTOmbOl (Speolal :. ri, Al. BOWSTe a well-known youm,' -. raa kill? rst fa!i v. pad? aaanl of th at army. ?ther youn?? men went to Cab* from. i. Praetor Alad last aigl Ha was a sellent - - . ' ;zen. Valentine Walk r 1 1er* M iVlexandrla county, ?i ^?^S"^? BarnettLithia Hotel. CHASE CITY. VA., W. S. BARIMETT, ow.m:i? am> PBOPBII-TOB. Nine years' experience in A?he\ c. and Chase City ? PUIIE UTiilA WAT9M and JEST ACCOMMODATIONS IN Please consult my ??.eats. 1 consider Mr. Baraett the I nan I kn??w.**--A DUtlagUlahed _**?)? " nd Bank President ae _!-Ti..Su.t:Tu?m.lpw?J!p8u iOW READY . . . Warrock Richardson Almanack FOR 1899. A MGS E aOODfi PRINT-*.- ?- ?> Ichwead. Ve. . . . W* ?' ""r''>_ ?gio IU-Hu.VVAF-'i'