Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATOH-8?NPAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1898, THELAST MONDAY IN NO VEi? mm%\ aM. ?? AUaUammmmmSj MMmmmmttoM_ _*??_% *__ *T* W C ?T? H WCVCD W A ?^ ?sIICH A C 5HALL BE EVER REflEMBERED BY THS REMARKABLE MERCHANDISE PANIC IT 'PABUB^ SHA%Bht acres ?if store floo^ of the ent.^re store. The order Has been given, anil _-^_L^!C Lilil? auvo _ ? -??* .- ??. ?.~~..-.-, - what it will briiiic.** Thb flash-like necessity has captured the entire stock of Dry ATP _?> BEGINS ON MONDAY WITH A COHEN-LIKE ... . ?. c i Th? exmrmrmtthcku ?inri blunders of sineularlv lance purchases are to he corrected with one fury that has never taken place before January The *r* TO REDUCE STOCK AS IP IT WERE JANUARY, sweep and at the pure expense of the merchandise profit. ?THL SOLE OBJLCi is iu ^^^ I SURE IT'S. BIOQER THAN EVEH BEFORE. THE life o? a full year's growth of present making is in a most Brilliant array. PIp?ic?? Itmmxn ttt thi* riirht in the MislewAVS. THE BOOK BUSINE! Founds like " a fairy Btory-w times ?the quantity of ?*i y ago. TIils eminent ]" the ?book business should taken ae ?an fllostration what Qua ?store does for public. Price saving by li and for the most pri-ce-wort works. ? holiday prices th* re ' 1 Complete 1. - ., C type, regular l Turn tViTke o? liai?.?. In . ?Complete w< ?i?.-k??i??=? real i . t Chin.-,* ?i?'? Kiirycl : v. niplcte. i I . i i ? 'l 1... ? , . \ at\_Ut I ?1 in ? res? . . ' of 17 Scott l- -, tlrc.-i'-i Hi- ??i y ? ;' I.: . Il) h ith-bound, r? * - 6-v Kerne I of Marie Corelll, o. i . . . i t per, il.. -,i, and othi Wo ah la als, In voit?ni aHo, Nu A <- ?*m***>* ' lino o? regular bound li. ?handsoi list of all Erota . i . c. volume. Bee our tall new line of I 1 > I and, lart.?. ?cigar t?. pa, rlbb mm i than '.'/j titles to seit ti ??n.. for 28 . ciioifa. A ?'.brat-. Reading for ?bo . Til* Hants Boekg, tor hoys, lnr-linli . i.? m oi :, Ib ?anl i ?sa 'h v'.i? me lilt trs . lino of I-Ienty Bo >ks, in cloth bin InK. a.?- ? . Oks, by all tho ?po ulnr and stai Cor ?ail ageaj bow, attract!'? ?- ady Volume?, in dainty bin Inge, gold i k-ribb? illy il!u ..: J t-.iect list of titii _>c. \ 01 o of lin^iish and American Poet in ? , led b .? ?v r 111 ' ' ? pi?, a ?and i??.>.\.?d. f r Complete Hi h .nid America Poets fo: \ mat . fleo our display o? Children's ' ??K;?. ?and then tli? ir r ?M. Our, Now. Beautiful, and Well-S '. of C.;,: i? . ? ? end N" ?v.lty r play. Oome mid *.?i? t rut?h?from la, up. IA7/UI.? AM? li; \(units' BmMLMM FBOtAUTT. A ?Mg ?Bible sie 1.1 begin Pont ?ont L?'?' lljr Bl Imprint i i luality Indi i , l?n . , . Handsome ?Family in i beautiful illustra Wen Illuminated ?Self-Prononndni Teacl to tha ?? ?: tli? t'nlv ?:v | i, is ?ford), hound lr Tli-- Ni w l uncin^ ?l refer : i.inn.? y ?$2 98. 1 tir iyi?c. flexible loathe Bg for 11.11 T? sobers* Bll tlier blnd ? ince, n ps, etc.. 79c., ii Jl.M). I .?e. Handsome ' Bibles, re c, b? - t: , . l? ath( r lilt.:? 11.89. THE GREAT BLAUOHTER OF \\ It U's AM? M ITS BBOINS MONDAY. A .lump ?trOS to wltliin r? ii of tiie ?Short ?HI the ooToral th at MWO. V? ur prie? in N'?vni.i..r lu ?place of Januars*. 21 r. It?, et ?all rh Milt?. 1 BOW, able? \. Ith .' ?sny, A Blacli Cheviot Bulto, ni w eut, ket, ?Mrt : utehi ?i ?-? ?uni, $10 ?I.7T,. ] : ? wlih * f. ?: N'obl '' ' ' ?Suits. | ,ln top ?i of etjrl l . i i of ?tltehln?,', and ' ; sold lier.?i??!'?; - i- \it vi r. Mi hit* Skins of ?Ften ih ?Stamin?, : tally -ti i J? ?i Skirt?, on i smell ts ai ?tea i oi I. o? ?* f ?i t ?floua? e, eolf-ti be?) ! ? llnli.K, tho u. . SKlrt. for t-C.?O. ?fgnertor-Quallty Bi ffeta Silk Shirts, I . ed i l?H?'ki". full width, and ele.'-ntly lim d, tvr 1-1 9. < ?iiun VH j u;ki:tm. Tl It?!??'?.!-? of l-'ancy M;>??1 (.'luth, fur trimming, for 71 fi i $a./r.. Children'? !: ?r? ? ? , vlot. coll.?i i?i-,d itiffn braided, fumy button? f?.>r ?i. v,viv. ?fl.-tt tor Heavy t loth Reefers, from S *<? trimmed with goutwt'iii. braid, 1?< li ?buck, ufcu %%' ? < id ?mit tit "f<r? .?f Two lug, 1t4.llln? 1,1111, .,w ?, ,- 1 - ?_ / **' Ka ?sa - -a LAMSUr JACK-TM. Ledlee* Handeomo EU av? r-CIotb Jackets. h Roman-striped tuff, tu silk, blas hsnd-trlmmlng, end - ?. \v,r>- Ml : m de Jackets of Rough i Boucle, trimmed with torna (?llar, and Ins tot ?fc?; *e'A usually : ?m "Rlegani All-Wool Black Ker s, . Jecket, dart sie? i double rows of : si] usually for U.M. 1 imb'fl Wool .. fa y i satin, new itching, for UM lastsad ol - LAOI-Bg* WMAPPMMS. Fr??neii : tte Wrapp? : In ham fancy yoke. trimmed with ruffli and br;?i?J, tlghl ? lining, for H i | lallty Fan?**? i " nnellette u? p. R? d, Brown, and I bo ,1 I? r ? ipe, brai? Ing, end beading, will?- skirt, for Mc. Best Percale and Plannellette Wrappers for I i: rt?od Hou " Go? ' Woo] n? m i? tta, In light and darb shades, i ' \. -, '-. end lined I tirotighout, for M.W. DinBgglSS I \< <H us. Ti? n? h Flannel!? tte 1 >r? m Im B -y color and style, s?>ld for Ji, Eidi rdown Bagues, plain arel faac] ^ I rt] d with Bla< k, end i lbs 'T? al m ' ,,, ei, * .-,!?! lim 8 Cques, yoke effect, outlined with Black end silk fr? tit-Blue, Pink, Red, and Gray, thoi? , DMBPg-SATB BILK PMU MS. A most ooaspli . goeo te the n> eeslty of rlddence. The beet end t s.irts, the Blocks end ths eve las things, no equivocations in ths Co? v sa y irk th for quick riling: MO yards of i Iks, In poj alar i tin ;. . - ' Taffi r., i lengall . and Surah, in pi i feel con dition, 75c, t?> ii valu??, reduced to ;..-. Black Brocade ?Groe-Gratas and Batlni. 60c yard. Brocade Gros Grains, strictly nil . in rich i ik *-fi.-.-1 , eleo. ?, loi ??f , pli ces Black Batln In hai ?. Dme Otl i*. ?Mc. i*.uall rd. A Brilliant Lustrous Black Duchi go? lar il.'-.? grade, r? du, . .1 to HOC. ? b r?:i'i ?l? B ft, mell?n ; . ,-,??i -i? U 36 ; rd, for jrard I Zt-lnch Black "Ci ' .=11 If (?,r from IB to H Pekln lp an assorti er ol ?ill shii l-walst ma ? erd. ?Swl and Frt !? Taffi lln? -, IS In wide, in all tl ides, a few in ta s loi checks and stripes, all satin? . 19c yard. 1\ : v W_ Im?? ade ? fleets, i?ur.- .?-i. Itles, for I . an . "71 : . ?n y Silk-- in each Ive colorlni i k, R? ?I and Blu? end ind l'-t I ,?f Others?;i7 l-Zc valut . yurd. FK'i.M lOM TO U O'CLOCK? Batln Ducbi - - Bi ocade, lai hai sold for il, heavj , . ... .? A? ?CUMITLAT-CO BTOCK i ?F ?il, \t K DRESfl i-Miiti? s. -. i?. the i'i ??-?-.ii,,?. for all ths i?? st o for ?s to buy _i these priced in?-.? -but en are ioi buying now: -.;, pieoei ?>f Imported Black ?Cr?pons, in ti?-? Igns of Tufted, l-ii-*. red, and ? Lit to Im? . ? - i . yard, 41-iii'h Black India ?Cloth, In Bayadere tyllsh dn i, : Sll fur ?A?-., Is lure for yard bow. h Black All-Woo] r ? ', :h ii C-? All-woo] Black Granite Suiting, a handsome material f??r tailor-made ., regular UM valu?-, tor '. h AJt-Wool Black B di tta, a Ir, ..i?.i a Une twill, .. d h? i tb 9e High Lustre Piain Black Reversible Brllliantine, Imported i?? sell for ysc, ?san i--- )?_<i bi !? t??i ,,.-,. yard. AB-Weol M-lneb Bleck Vlgoreau- Twlll i?, w and bsndsome mate? thsr tailor-made suits *-?r di? -> c tusses, considered a ? - ? at UM yard. Is h? re (or to s ? i of AU-Weol Black Hard ?? Chariot for Me. ? 12 different patterns of Handsome Black Ftgui a .' I tiei i ? -? "? i mail ?Ssci i, moni i a i rllsh dress, a regular 4sr value for - ' < . yard. i R< ?M I ?-- I - Heavy Black Imported Brllliantine, in ,1 .-f*'?-? is. COSl lo ini;??->it. for lis-i*.. yard, one ?ii? f* t?? a euetomsr. FROM 11:46 TO IZM Imported ?m Blseh Bayadere Whip ?Cordo, worth He. s yar_ extra h',,\y viuv handsome, for Bo. u yard. i . 111:4 TO Fine Black Whip KerRc. that is pv.r?i ! and Ma Is a barpjala f.?r it, I*_f ..? ,i [MP08SIBI-B TO BUY ?COLOMBO D-tXSI r.ooii* AWWHKKl BUT BBRE MONDAT. LAW TARDA OF THE FTNBST Al.l WOOIi FANCY l?:<!.?s FABRICS, th?' soM up to Ha yard, a*< No matter how mw or how gOOd, this tut cuinu down to its aooastooMd svoL Read these redactloas: ?k?-ii:ch Wool BrOOgded and Fanny Weave Fabrice, a rct-uhir -?-*. value, C, a. yard. 11-Vyards-wMe All-Wori Suitings, in li and piuid eii-jct?, foe. ( ods, ;,.-. a yard. uo-inch am-Wo?>i MeBoo Cloth, for tailor dresses, In various asw shadea, considered obeep at ?a, our ptire jv. . i Hund-unie N,w l', 8S luches wide, fet 87 l?_e., ln?-t-?_d ?>f ?I**. Soft Siik-l?iiash?-d Jacqeards, in a greet variety of '<ilo?-.s _iid wav?.?*, tli_t were ??J tu Mc, for Sa a. yard. Ail-Wo??l Tail,?:- Clothe, M Induis wide. the louiar * "._". grade, for N? v netlan cioth. Vlgoreaux Twills, in n?ti ,,i ?',f to.o. English ?Cheviot, 60 inehtrs wiile, new -md nebbg goode, Imponed to at-ll for $-, , on' - .1. ? it Cloths, iiflk and Wool Novritle?, that sell regularly for (inc., for !?c. a yard. Fr.-neli Broedcloths, 54 inohoe wide, all *ha_t*. sold everywhere for %l'2i, only 79<-. u yard. A i.aik.i: ( Mii'i: r ?STOCK |gi ?to ?be sold. While this k unprofitable, ret th? ?lit ??I' an OVei - '? ? 1:. N-Obod - -i. b ?selling a...'? a l?? re. In :;. if h ?rising necessity ?kl aw, ii ?rolls o? Roxbury, ?Smith i el ilar value in??.-.; In tn 9 i? Ils Smith or ?Hartfoi : Red?, Blu lairs, . for this ?sali. 10 of ] "i\ ? Frtki to Body 1 Carpi ? i- . I ol All Wool Extra Bupi i ulai ii ? : tl?; III (.- \M? Pill GOETS. *__>jrard i'; th r.?.-,. I ends v < - h et -earth Rugs, all oloia, Li M? ?i ! Greens, 1 ! rth Rugs, 2 1-2x1 " ' ! II. av\ [ngi lili 1 'l .:: et?, $1.5" ' I Heav ' y ?is, ?|1< .. . u ?SO, i ?i Einri' ta l ruggete. - light ?.I from display, valu? 117.50, as th?> . ?Mi?. fi 18c. ?BATTI IGS. " Seamli the i? I, Linen-Warp Mat) : ' I I ' 17? . Heavy -Chins Damask M Hi?- roll le, ' '> '. V llUl Is???-; i all colors, value u THREE l'? ?URTHS - ?P CI RTAIH BVSIKESI if all Rli hmoi I has been don? t C ihen's i my hund? )vt will ?be : ? ?i like thla M . -??.?in Lac? ?Curtain?, h*n?i a 111 ?be ?sold for ? . ? lain World Is ??in r our : . tain.-- ten ?select ::??ii A full 111 of Ruffl ' n R ?room i irtain i, f ?ron i up. PORTIERES. trill b< ?;?i i? i - -SO pain Q ad Gold i . The i? id Strip?, in i l heavy fill ' lose. Curtain .El imli ?. i l-i n quality, will i f??r A fn'i line rnlture Re] to $3.50 ml. PRi K FR< iM 3:1.? TO ' ' ' LO? l I?ni 1.--V iid Herri Curtain ?Scrim ? 11-1 b jrard. ?SI ERLIEG "H,\ v.nw \hk. MORE OP IT AI ?COHEN'S TH \ N WAS ?SVRR ?PITT UNDER O Rl i'il?' SINCE RICHMl ?ND was a ci n. The >**i ' ?are absurd compared ?to those ?v _nt.?? them pun ?Sali m IP - Sterling-1 op 'l Ask t?) ?see our special llm? of ti Main in > ?Pi? - Ali o, Darners, Blot ters, s? ?ale, I Tooth-Powder ?Bottles, with ?stei tu??i, :'.",? . ?Large Bise Bonnet-Brush, long sterling Tnmmlngi _ Lad?? s' Bti r ?: i Silver B il 1179. Ladles' Hail -Br u he . i, i > . ?back, well w< B llng-Bilver Mateh-Safi -ize, erfgrav?- ?i or i : iln, ? ? ; hi $1 ?kind. Hi vj Bterl g-8ilver Thimbh -, U1-2, ind He Children' Sterling-Silver Lock Bri eh ? or plain, the il klml, for t ?.?s.t Hethi ?reole Bracelet, ?stcvl i ILS i? LadlM' ?Sterlinl ?L-ock Bracewetg, 75c? regular pi I. - 81 r ' "h tins, that s?-?l?l M for : '?. Fin.? Rolled-Plate Cuff : our ' ? ',.:' Jow< ll< ?l ?Bi II Bui kles, I i ?for 11.25 and $1.50; your ch U *N OVKRSTO? K OF KMT IMII.IU \\ | | It ?SHALL OLL AT JOUR OWN' ?PRICE ON M? i.M'AV. l.a.ll. s' |1 JO Wool ?Ribbed Union Suits are here at Uc a ?suit to-day. Heavj Ribbed Egyptian Yarn Suits, for iiii? n or a from Tie li" dos >_< it fleeced, all sizts, 9 3-4c. each, instead of R-. M t l'r? ttlly Trimm'??l Egyptian Rli 1 ?I Tl? et d VeetS and Pants, the lar 41 ouailt r I Ladi? ? . t-Black Swiss Kil?t??'d Vests f??r tl.".*.. Pants to mat? h ?.?..r. $1.85. Children's Heavy i:n?i?. d Union Suits, nlcel) tliilstied. the r?-.;,i!ar Bo. grade. l Kxtra Heavy Natural M. rlno Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 19 and Uc Infants' Fine Wool Itlbbe.1 Vests (wrap por fi(tstenings), _ each, for ?SO, Riad?. PK<?M 9 TO 9;.W O'CLOOK Ladies' Plakced Ribbed Vesta, hlyh neck And lotii* -?le^\?-s, Te. each. WIIITK ?|I ll.TS FOH RAL~ .V.M? UBS8 T-OR llf-ST H13 MOVED?N UK I TBB SI'ACi:. l?nr?j?. Handtrojn?) Uan-i-lU??? -vjiuii ? for PM for %*.:*) kind; II. t? for tho UM kind. Crochet Spreads. M.irsdlle-. jrnigna, $1.50 kind. t?>i !X? ; *.' U kind fo! 75c; $1 kind lor AVc; 76c kind for *>c. SPECIAL Ml si i\ , ,n: i? w : *u PniCE -. I , S ' !, ,n a i i -a -. S do - - ? - ' - -. yoke, l - : I . Children's? 1 IE ?HAVE w 11 ? i ; *, ? :. ING COLORED I NDEBSKIRTB i?1 n. i?l? . l'y, Si i. the bu ' ti Knll : h. .-. . our A V '" <. Knli - . ? A Knll Bk I I ? ? rs, thai gO.000 \ LRDI OF DOMESTIC I IBRICfl . I "it the all 11 : I 7-8c i yard. 1 ,;. ?1. ??'1 : ,:i"ii nf th? - . W? - | 3c. Unbli i Di 4-11." I and i All ti - whole? Cambric '. i ' ' Bed Tie! : i .- th? i ? om, I I w \ s If n w. . i , ' for I lie, for ' : ? 11 I ' ? , for |c, I i . M? AN EMRRi IDERER OF i.m: ii \>m i ? " will, The i., \t prl bout 1 A WORLD OF BLAKK1 Pi TO SB Ol I). . . to l : on nkel ? I F '. B a to be I quality to Beavy Twill and I tori 'i 75c f??r U FBI ?M ?:1_ TO "?: - i?- i ,-,::. Blank? i, v. Ith ? olor? i bor i>mi ORTf \nr. !'ili< i.i) LIKE THIS ni-i? \ , . ml they are the L i teh la? ? ' n-, fevered on. j, I 50 i ind r??r US ' r UM. > :omi rts, sat? ? tared, i urge for %b; $!?? Chintz ' ts from 13 to 75c.; ?ill !? II form : : Don't think ;iV HKDDIMi OB IIKOS vou sec our price?. White tortni and Brass Bed*, single or . - for Sl.'Jfc. I ts ML ipriags from ?"i -' to ' Mattrecsea fr?">tn Be. to SI?. Pillowi n an H B v>. BBMBTB AM? riLLOW-CASBS. MaM Bemstli ?xM li Sheets f?"?, ! yards long, to ma'ch, for Be PlUow-Cassa, SaM lnche*. to match, for I Hemmed Sii--?-'.s, js_??o, fsr ?o.; ? for '2&i. Bolster-Cases f??r Hl-Zc.; Plllow-Cases fur ?lc. FROM 11 ."v* TO 12 O'CLOCK? Fill-Slse Pill well m??-"e, fnr U Tilla nil,I.IM.ltl Ulr'.l'AHTHRXT ill f,.rc? the osle of it? wares by pria? rdeeure such as you seldom see here. i??c)el to-day: iVO B?v?utlf_llv Shaded Coques Monday TU- , wsre ISO . Curled Quills. S hi bunch. lr?-.. fi _", d^zeti bunch,* Flu?? Black Ostrioh Tips, 3 in tagr-ch, *-<*. All Fancy Festhers greatly reduced. 3fi Trlnimed Hats, $5. reduced from IS and JM. _i d?>*en Bough Rldsr and Colli ge Halb 75c. Tin: ( i.onim; s\m: OP silk si. i a n?:ri kom:??. I- . a -,l Bath-Bol e Blank la, ? IP ROBRI AMU HORSR LBL-AEKBT ; ? . 89c. 'J tvoh mad wai n i iv. PLAINEST *.*.!> HOST BTAPL l im ?Hfl ?. All "i v.. I prompt youi '' >n? ?kins t LI Dam - ia 5 ' qualitj Hi n Da a yard. . i l n?.i i Centre or All-Whit i jrard, Insti a? ; ; ?. i hemme? 16 i Linen Dai \.ii?..- an-, where ?Vapklna : | \ i Twilled Cotton C a j ?K i. Huck ' l ', .'-.? IDMIRER9 OP >il\ ? lECKWEtl ?.'?I hard ?pan; l"\'. An Inl i -? i iii Men'? Mi n'- ? le. Plain ! I ? : .?. - ?hrinkahle . : Ml : I i :l II. Mei I. , B till !i: ? at. i- ; ... 22'-. I hi- I- \ li it ?STORE, ida ??f .?11 ;: i the two i. - . : I'm- *.",, ! , . ?A with i'? r? Pur rttl : r PM. : and thn ters 1 . .- ri tl Muffs, ?. Bro i, usually ?? ?i. wltb in ? - v in?.? ?Lamb's-Wool s l h Jewelled Il .NOKERI mi I' HI MM>V M " i ? i. ? ! | 11 | ? I . OUt ?lore? ?. - now 1- 1-.'' ? a. 1.. Colored M.-fs, th? - I. i: - Hand J ?n wn Hi ! Handk I . quality, bos h. ??r T'rintfd Bo: . : Hal'lk? lb 1,'s Silk Hei if :.. r ? M :?. T? ? lu W i ?'? I.? ? chi:?!? n's P-- . red Haadker? ehi'rt-j, 1?-. ?.ach. 1,1 M ItiOH HOS1KHY. ?PanC* : .;s lu iiday ?prOgtBtg. i'. In rtnwf ?sort. NEARLY *... DOZEN ut-" 'IHK ?USEFUL ?LABIEE, I?Mtt ANL' CHILDREN'S KIM? be ?old profltl?i*s to-day to r? lue .tock. i . ??Plaids an?l BtrlpoOi that ??il ? m : ?-o. y. : ? . Ladt* ?Extra Heavy-Weight, high . i i keels .?ral ?toes, double solee, M . i?. >ee, for '. I?di*?' FtktXCf Still "T_r_ ?n?l Ulaoki. that ?nut up t?? Pc | t?i-d.?y > sur chok ?-, lie, L-i?its' lilaok a*id < >xford-(.ray 2SJc. mere Hoir?, 12 l-Ii a Mi- ?m' arid buys* Heavy-Welgbt <'?>tton Ho?-??, 18c. r pair, or thrti* for 50c Ou? l"t of Misses', Boys', and ?..'hiidrKii's lins?.-, ovi r 20? dozmn t?> pick from, that cost up ? i -?Je : to-da lot ?.'I l?iirti.;s' ajid ?Children's Black Tan, and (Jray l?os.... \. j .?, . oiM ? two pairs r??.'- ;:'-? to-day. PUOM hi 30 TO 11 tyCTjOCK < ','' ! . n's ?PMt-Blach Hon?*, good, sub ?t intlal wearers, ?ieof dye, foi le. a roirix 11 a m i ? i ,v trjtbi tour n IN THS l BMMMIA *.?-. Three th?, hundred Of the the mot ? fore : '1?,' Mt This Is Ihe way we'll sell Hi ll over R.B La lies' ?m.i M ?Black B Twill Bl Umbrells imed, in i > make, f< .,;- .?r 2"-\i I " Dreed? i wood ha kind i'"r 71 Black Teff? ta Silk, Cloee-RoHei Rod Uml and sterl ti Immi -l bs , ?li the lit, s| I'riii . handl? s and silk tl? I I Y will silk ' rod, : l'h" Best Twill bn Has, ?*.<-?i n i mi: tur DBPABTM1 v : -.? bs on--' of the Baptlvatli Tour bolld ; ? In nil n? ,-ii r Unen Cen? - 1 lili. - 'J'r r , : ,-ni stamped, GOi value, lor < : ??i- i nil, ?. :" and Odd shades in Wash Embroidery ?"'?il le. i ->, wit HOLIDA1 RIBBOSB, tin, an . tlbbon, in ?ul th or fancy work, -f usui ' ?in Iill,l"n, a' \ U for lie. vi; CI i' A .?'" tiki: ST LEATHER OOODS, iiiis mornlnj ?liar. We p 0 Ladl? * ; i HE Ml? i.i.hx i: in i' mi mint t C I ? I? ij iiu, i ? rtcd i I k .?ii?l W : pair, i - shadei ? ?luallty II : : ! Kid <;; ;. i,. ? i i i. . ? ?pair. ! i ill. Bl B-GLASfl DBFABTMBB i. Perhaps tether, n rlghl to worry th? ?iff? r for It v.'? 've an opf est youi -? sad su] , rlth the i .rth th? toual gl ?rescript A HINT AS TO PRICE: Bti ' t l-'i- tm? l, ,?r Rl.iiiii? i...-,-. - \ B.? ? fold Fran for gl.i-S. Aluminum Frumi ? ?id I- - UMUT _<?o PIECES OF 1)1(1.? LIMING! re to l ** linda A B7 yards i-'.n??y Percallai : P worth i". U yii i. Pare C ltd. - tor UAc. yard. O, nulne Fren? ?ill ? aad Be. yerd l BO ; niiisKi's. C. B. "Leotle" ?Con t ?, W] - i -ii for toil hi re to d -too many in stock M ?1 o ti Short-Hip Coi | ribbon? trimmed, t, r 75c. . - ? .. i lal for a; to kind, f?r FuQ lino of Boys' Double V? [ - 5 to 10 years, for Century Corset Shield ? Wim ?. Fine CSOOOlaas CroeaM f?r '" i pi.un,I. Cocoaaul B? ?abona, assorted flavors, for 11-: g p,.uii?l. ("roam Almond? at-.U Filb--its t-r \ ami. Broken St'ck Mixture for Ida a pound. ? ??inn I ?rope for 8c pound Bplce Hems or Mtmiette?-, f,,r 17c. a ?nd. Vaniilu-Fl ivore-l Marshinallo**.-*, for lie, ;? ii'nin.l. Kxtr. H M,. , i:. ?abO-A tor a pound. Orieiirr?! Orange snd Leni?n Jelly for D& a sound. FROM U> TO H QtttXM Ol It POPULAR i Ml M ?Perfume Atora Ai?? i Remember, \\ i-h ?ssrerj ? 11 Hal ' i . 1 ' I 1 to I ? : h Sett, meto : i 11 \ ? i i ?\ : : ? ?. v \ I ' ' The Basement ?Has a Thousand Voices, K\ery turn is imbu? I irous entertaim lovers, Chim .'I'll II,: Tict ure connoi friendly m?ood i" ; ! tin?! th?. light anil .'lin' Urn? ;i!?' -?'in? of ; Mond HO 'IT 1 III \ \\\ I .1 I ' 1' I I ' - .?-?rs, * mwiat un n ? 'i " ! : 1. I ? Tl : ' V ROOl U ? *- \? i Dl Cl'TLERI -t ?III . . ? world n \ ' ? ?r* tren ?nd t? < l i t i .?-.. invert mm ?t i?? iJ* , PliSCB-Cot ?ggar? ai t ?CTSgSU? Rlehly <" :t ?'- lory TrufB t ; - \ .ii?-.?r i:-*tl?e, tee. *v m ? Bottloo. I1 ** * . <?.?_ I :.?. H - - By nip Jus?, "?le THE COHEN COMPANY'S ADVERTISEMENT, HOUSEWABE, CONTINUED ON PAGJii 1\).