Newspaper Page Text
mmmmmmm ip- , TT?F RTrUMONri niSPATCH-SIINDAY. NOVEMBER 27, IMS._ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DttPAfOB COMPANY. The LAII.V PIBPATC-I i*? deliver?-? to Babocribera al PBTl CSINTB p? m,?nth, | tfhnier an akly o monthly. Mailed at *.. : ble in adeem . P to* ? moathai BA for ihr?.?? meal gaoeth Pu.,- pec ? "p.? Th? \s i.i.Ki.l DISPATCH leaned an? ni?ii??i ?i? <",, parta ?,t |i i r S . \\ D1SPATI M al P .. BUhOt r?i?t??uis ?!? :> van?.. aad no poxotst ?- ' ? ?, V???,?: ter. d 1, tt r. ;l * '? be at th. wi-: K,\, - ti,' u i? B ?of,?. * I ADVER1 IsmO laths. ,1 ?ii; i.iss. 1 time.1 ' " 2 tun? i. ' '?' 3 tinvs. I '" ItUaea..!. - 15 tin, l. ath.-. S months. . , | ? ad . '-' A ? veru?, in, nt.s i . Hag noti ' ?TP*? s. ii; in BOBparteL H live :. : Car.i ol gatea for a i f-rnishei1 aa applloatlon. _ au lettet. and ti legrama meat 1 dreeaed to THE DISPATCH ?COMPANY. Rejected coaamunlcatlona erUI net be re tur:. AU lettera reoommendlng candidates tor '". ' ,,"'r Of ours. ________ Resolutions ?of r?.?-;? t to dec rpora '. ,v. \ OFF! '". BROAD-STH PHARMACY. man? HESTER OFFICE, UN HULL I SUN DA V.NOVE-ilBEB 1*? ?8. Frlenda of 1 patch would i n favor by ' public <l?-m.-iiiil f??r - d?lit-. ; n?l. Mam : Mall sub t?, report to tl OTOS WARDS OP i ill KATION, 1 atltul ' 111, or of i . it I" ? thai :hc i . v.. r.? it Ti? t for the I solve ' :); past. Par thy or him guffl s?h? i church? built and sustained to ! Porto B ? a : t.?. ?and tho pi op of I .?.ill claim i .. : - of :h , tnd . ' : ?'y. ? . ! . . -.try's only waul it v. ? id thai I: would be i im the family 1,_? basa so lar*. !y in?-r ?pei - ,?,,. child1 ?:. it would be verj ti,, I With 1.'. : i i, ratio? is due bj I l aalf : hi lp '??.in ! - North for hi lp ? ?il ; better ten . ithern whil it a for the from : " it w lay a hi . upon the I n the carpel 'i Foe In? i? i.?? ft net ?>: the i k i "a fake '. !?? ' J.,h ? ?hat ihr | ; ? oui . - ..- w ' tlon \. ir I ? . m prkte. It " v V la thi i ?I amli Saatage. v\_<.? . inte otrtce. tii.? in<r ?uuMUon -vas In a <iui??-??iu convditloa; but he rtnight?iy a-cnl to tniil.liiR ni'poIntaicntK of ver) r?hj? ? n??Kroni lo high office*, on?l uli.u ?a.i?? tho ?rasultf VVIry. th.- ruce Ir-me Inunedtolel*/ r?it*ie t<> the front ar:ain. ' waa a n"- he-ainning. Tbe ?hites '' w.te irritated; tin? blacks wre ?embolden* r ed. we ?may ?saaeeit P the Wttrot. ?i? nt aaaasWansaa <?f diapnelrte? ?lad ?kind? <?f haart, i?yt ti??- fa<-t romain?? tha? his j?.?ii<?v ?hna hurt, nol h'-ipe?i. th? Alinm he ivls?li??i t?> f?r\i? i w? look forward, with aa?tlafaction, to a titn?- when tibe ?supernhnn-gnnt snerglee of ?northern ?phllnathroplaia i?<>-< ai:, ?ii v,<\\ bnra m r field? -beside Iba South f??r th? ir experimenta Then, mhtn tin? eonthern negro is ;iimi>?<t tort i it, the Nortit, (as will drnw doser t.? Mi.? whites "f lbs Snnth and tn?iy ?adapt ?him? -, a 'i- ther ?r n?. Bill: I'lini.MIIU*. < I > ? M \N ft? ?taken by . t1??- in itnth Congre the li .t- d st ?:??-? will have .-in?. 11.,.I! Ill hitb thi Individual with these trlgUenti Brlgb ?m 11. ?Rob i I Mormon, win? U at n nstltnenc** in r?;?ii i : SI . '!: ; K-SjI ???na, Atttmbty. ii ?t tin? selection ??:' Mi. i: - . this ho ' - petit lb? ? n try, .i mild!**, i many Ills I leotlon la n -'.?i?i- i of the Moi ' . ibera are fe? * ho . , a in Wai hli W) ted to ?ths Unloi ad?ml Ion was Her inti pledgi bad ?been given by the Mormon oil that they would ?abandon i :?: lefl in 1er it nullified - , moua mar h ?bad already been ?.:- oi d as a ?bar to su< h ui In the tature. B ? i Ina that hs f been i I to hla thi arlvea when ths llonnnna' pledge ? no retr?? thai bo ?matai ' ftei y< ira of be, i?ft upon men tia wlii? ii - of th?? Church ?could r. lea " In ' ' ' foi bid ii : m fi ?m non dlaoardlni ' - la bj no i. a po , who has no fear ?>f - motbi ra-ln-law, bul in tl . the | anothi : t . * i, and Ihey ?ale ; front Tl ovi ?rnrhi ?rlty, .. eh hi hi cho Hone a blch Utal ; ?Tor mai j the 1'nlted Bl ka ?wn their opposition i ?i? s promu! by the Moi Chun h. in IK] Coi - i ;i bill t?> ] v'.i-h those guilt*- ol la** ?ior-i .- inaly ? nf< i . : rty, ?both i | now .- t time thai on ths thougi r igra, wi work of Sena! r < p. Edn :l? ?i with. upbi Id bj i!- From indreds of Mon?. - the penitentiary .. but upon th. Ir dlacharge the; their former mode of living, d not be again pun 's and tii it ?h? v the full ?xt.-nt ol lerona ?poly has not practiced bj r : : veil 1 II i i i: i\ SHOBg. N w fork nt of a rn contemporary la suthority foi tbe rath'T suri' ? that thi ?i? pat tmi nta of tbe : hi e-atoi Dowadays thronged with women, engaged In ha 1 tor ther. | hlon I? g di It( d th? m to for ?soma, i it ? ii,-rrro?i thai worn? n's - bould i? ? ( s bro id, h-eavy build, and that dalntl I dimlnutlvi should ?be "real thing" foun I among Is, .'?n<l hen.. In must : urrender the stoi k In | whli: hded f< r him. Whll? too hlli dainty, feminin Ible. The thi ? - hitherto i rly In tdi qu?le t?? pr iteel thi m - ether, and many i i ? n due to them, Ii the fair sea hs ta in] mo ?.in? M ? ?. hl li M ?to their The nai ?row. : : t n i thli g pf tortui ina, of nil ?modish exnctloni Ever] :i tii tor 11 ft ? dlagr I ?big, h" I to be 1 Wkful The bid? former dajra U . . th? t of leatl .. -. ?and ? .<U turn i' aaurtnln Ita mpl wi iih ai ?l stands ov< r a thick ?sole, which keepa the ?a Mg? nnd dry. The ?aaanll f??oted man it now m ,.i ; "'. and would i.? v ?f he tooh ?prlda In dainty I m ire Of him that is ' tiiin.-il :." the betjee and more styiish lered. And truly li la d< - ... ?hoCh'i "'" I* ;,?,?, .\- > i'?? ?mis ?b. (mo . tlons ai rgaret Maeee, who ! B| th. i.ltar In , o, Wi., '!;,s ms-rrl-sd Mm! Bht .. ?Tim ,,,av be ?sure Tim will nev< t- for? -, hiimillate.1. ami maj I? . a : trtih hot I ?r.m >, . .i i let ?mind which will ' ? :.!.'.?? _ ?,i Mur??hv. of N? m Torfs thai ?be m- ?ana to n tl?rs ?from ????ii ., n lak- i tri-? ? i ths world, i ?keeping ins m ice la ths ?Dea ,, i .n ranks, <?"?! ii"j? ** ' " Mm I ?. i? Kited fi? m the elotchea ol . ?V- 'Kg? ltw-v?_?V?-4t A CO. , M~ ' THF. (llHOEO\.r,IM?:illl,. The developments made tw-for? ih, gsr-Dodge Investlira'htti Camn-isslon plainly that the work of the surgeon eral <?f the army wie l!l-?ione. Th?- i ? ?1 ?1? pa riment of the -,_vy wa? month* ah^.id of thru of th<? nrmy I prcpnr-itluns for war. .\.'t only was BUfgSOII QOBaial P b-'r?: ?low In ?etiln< tofother the r apptlea, bal he was sseyatemat ninny roapactA It Is true th- i of the ca_e rom pH led him to mskr? of tho f?ivtow\ of many yonag :?n?i trtsd BWdlOBl OtTBcef* but It seems ei ly true that he faJl<"d t?, give thOBI struott siiouii! bur* d rule, the sorgoone we.-.- faithful an 1 < -, bul i"i' i of them cot atan la red I few ?el Ur m km w to as ? aaatilTsa The] ; from the r . man] * in moot bosp there v.' ft too : a ?! >? I t -i - latter a are ? ly unfit for their pa* Kpedltkm tl it m!- r.idly equip ! ; that any *, ?rigorous r? m mstrnaes was mallo by ? si is rnberg This i\.i- a war 111 which thi tod that th ments said t?> have boon nade la aurg an? ?iy eel ?.. a o i ?i ha ? n ted to a wondering world, t,?it ? Of all the <-le|, irtnv army th* medtea] appear . ,i?h airi?gn The chief reason for l i"* found In the f??-*t thai Burg ; ml St? i ' re olB? a | l 11, v an aaalstanl surgeon In the Ferlerai ai during t he ? Ivll a it, has thai f bad pli ' not distinguish! d hlma If as sn ofB? sr. i : " a he could a wi book telling how it all should I done, and th? booh would l re . ?liiln't BUi 1 Surge Bternberg onoi experience arlth oflioera of ihe Confe? rate army, which aaaaperated tiie lat? very much, it was shortly ftei I Bull Hun, where Bternberg a :. ?With m ; I to p m wa* ut tl . ta o an -, tnbai the Doctor was : waa aet to W"t-k carint I i i Ft : r 'i v, ooaded, ?arho a ara. His ser i r?*o'.s to ears for t wounded. ! of the ten daya :-' : . v through the . |] gtOB, OU? . ' ;.-.-, bul y, tent word to v. . ha! bi ha I I I'l? ?11 t: I ' by the, W;;r Peixartmer.t, bul B ?th.n. ? ?,.- charge b n what II :; .- h-- n -thai hi I fed in,li; . i thi- -'ly. Th?i n ttei : sur camp, and a urooag the ? 'l- i : . ; o* i at it fin i out of the public mind. I ii ?1 when i?i. Stemberg 'l I WlW I . i N < ountry ins captor? Uoned in Bomt of U ?i published of 1 fact is uot dwelt upo* thai he left his wounded comrades whei id whi ' BHA1 i l it s RR1 ll 1*1 m\. Q? n? ral Shaft? r banque) ' Frida; "Il a ??f th? rid hi told m? bo him lela y I - Ml after that ',,? matti r a hal I hi publl? the . , kl) I win be tcment. The Pn aid, ?it aet mi to nd Impulses, Out he ? exei t? d m him by c< ti nd In? ? . .? shown ?old, if he could, but al ps< i has proved l ouhln't. I! Plopping? At "i ra in and ven after be was nominated for the ?resid? i - some that he ? little " . " But . y the high abo m? all", ai". igltatlon \ : war w i 111 Spa : _i times b : i sist the nd, but Anally ii weal over to that l< an i * with W< say that he ?could h ]ld not jus'ity the confld? n th lervative p? ?pu "i the country, i lllty ??f t?-r of trying to i n - real It After the pi la ? d Mr. Mi - Klnley a I t" thi inn? aatl Philippin?** and th i reasone, It a ?f ab on that q rtrong ones Bui who* In th ?I it mi ? S ' ' , this sort ol :.. . .. waa atumplng the w?-t in tl tap? i Ii : in riea ol tb< a facta Gci . ?'?n thai might b ? . n Ft ill know that - ' irar i . \ igorous prop aade In many tuai tara a pali si nenclng a campaign in Cuba until thi an waa over, aad tl i iwhii?- ?hopea teere held out by '. l.lliis'l'.ltiotl ttiat Ih onlij ? Be? led But th caee is oal* nsian- a < ( Ihe I'l.uhl- nt's v,i,, ; |. lew ' revel itlon i-? full ? i IgnMcano* II do aoi rellevi War 1 from th iiiium of, ..i"' the ? for, h,- m?-m m gi mi n( ??i the campaign. If lo,?s not in the BltghCr, ,-. represented In the unneceaaarj --uit.t .uk or uui ini'.pj. Therefore, it -?.?.-a noii abata in atiywlPe the nhere of oif r? ?: of this form of Aliterlsm that attach??* I tlu? l'r??nld?-nt by MM "f hU ff-poti! - I'lllty for Alger. But It In In what 11 rrvelntinn d.'-K <*<> thOt It O ' "' "l" i ?Iftnltl? int. It piare? ui-'ii tht Pi i 'h* additional raaponsihiiity lor ?sond tl??ns that r??ndere<l ?pOSSlblS the . ut Ahptrttm Pnnm? ?referred to. I . .I'.-iht the Pretfcdaei tm ta well 9 , iloutit be h B man ?of ?/'">'' ;|I!'' torn , impulses. But, alas, we ?fear th-t ?ha . a. W i k \ ? it Ik sai.i tihti whlla ?-bndon, Maneho tar, ?Llvarpeol, ?Glasgow, ?Philndelpbi ?noaton, ?and x?w fork, ,.n ?sities bain in obtaining i adequate water aupply, would ?suffer m ntha' dronghl t , ?Mi"- ih ir water*ah? da I a Fi with ??-. lyau m "i .:; ri could face a ?iron. ths i norm consumption ??r ~> ? i montl A?-*-cofdthg t.. the ?Sei? ntll Fta-a :- ,, ,,..\V ?, . : ;i, , ,|,??p. "i Of atlifl. :,.. In th WOrM, an?l I? s?n tbe fits water su] r?iy. Tii.? ?achli v< ra< It, hoe ever, In* ? ! ms in | tur.? of oeai ] ' (hi nltlc were many. Nature i : I? am wbi pulou commun!) ?ira'.mi. i one ? : t : ' y ths natural of th com th. penln ula iu">ii wnlcl Frai nirabl lakes, i tlon of re raal laid up, from which suppUes might I?? taken In the ? venl of pn 01 gi ?I drought . during th?? |nl Th? New v??rk 'rim i in ?n a ?Ing lh< ; n "To establish i :" -Cubi w ?uld ?be i" ab a end ultla Unction, 'ii ' i. i ?political failure, n we ?should nd our < ol ?t? ? j?? ople t?? ?Cuban ey v oui?i sini I ol .. tin th lev? 1 it h il i ach? ?i In the South? m Tbe 1 of Cul Inhabl tants, wou Id : ntlng on l nts, ??'n : ed regt ? r. it is .just ?poeslbl > tl bold ?per ?son wll ' t rlfli ?.us to the i ty of thi The Baltimore Bun ask Moi ? Klnle-j haa 11 i ? it r Itorj ?right to graL era Ilemi . d ... ,, , mud ly. after all ( ?!? ?uld only If anything*! th?- i r? it iark, I.?-? p it : ? ;> it dark; ?aie, i Is to l ? ., hiiper, I.? I) "The It ?lark. Th ii - : A T?iin-li ol Nadir?-. ;, with bis umbn l, Ud cruafa the i 'j'li?- Blabop ?i. . In a wild 14 ?uce, up: 'i!. Mayor, with ? fa * i ?n i him t?? t?a? i \\ tier?- they ail did I ? ha?.alian ditty. 1 ' ' _ .1'.' Ah. no! . nth . kinship wll latur', Th : ? nu ll., ?i ! -n w< 0 for tl ?A \ M?mele in Blther ? aa?. to the ?i??? ? ; library the latti r was in tl ittlng a bottle ol lit) . ?"kin?,' the do ?i of tl turned t.? r "If I ghonld I that \. i be u miracle : : i'i di nh II all" > r ?pardon. Pat, "but it'i I ye. ?J !? K \ Hail : that I '. Johnnie: I know, me. It was the taun drym.iti; be was | down tiki I ha fell d?>wn ami lir??k?* his : Jo: ? . m ?km w, *- * S> u?i?ii( lil'T?! Willi Him. ? -mm my tror-er) 11 " ?ssctalmed ??rator, "?!? ? n with Hoi:" I know how t?? sympathise with roa man." Inn i ?mnn fr??in th -,, fa . down With II my? , ?aere ti-..m ? \ |lU?r?i'?ii. Mi P -'." ' and Mrs. ' r. ?rowing "n ths i m I fall tu. ..ii?. ity: A. gr?ai ?for tbeaa, : r i" my knowledge I Uly tailing mit. -r-m. A K?"d?-r. i ter; Th< re ;? ?ta OP ?Bulger. How ?ha ?goes ?senthaoe t? ?aecnmulate ?Seen. ?Hta vest resalida ? of lt,e ra!lvv*>' *|,J*t bc" yong our station. yucstcr; In what regar?!? Jester: Why, It run? around a curve. Kfleet and Ceuse. Llppr-r: They tell tn?; tliat Tiad-r's head has become Unsettled. I wonder what him cguaed it. Chipper: i fptass It'a becauae hta baal? . m,- :n the game cendl? tion. l-'riink l''.in!or?eiiu-iit. Mi -. ILitit : l-'r.-m Whgl I !? u o! fOUl ?ii,i inf? r that he is ?i man of in n ?m. Mi'. Blunt. Yoii'i-i' riaht h? Is; and \Ay Iron. at that. in;;? dngular that arhea th? - a tax, it should condemn the ?freeholder f? r calling It ai Wh? ti you feel Irlvei to despali proper g< t oui an i - elk. Illenirr \ofee. ii | ; - achieved distingu?a! d au? coal do? Hat, Mr. Tboraae Hard i? -,.1 art. He hits In i volume of "Wessea Posma and .. . , > Mr. Hard] ,-?i, wh? - mes 1 iklll .ii di ' pecuniary galna of writ?-r?< gj make Int? n tins n idii ?-. Borne : are publl ning th- i that wonder! ling The Brt BUthority for th" fe Ing ii?' Mr. Klplli ed to writ !" the he will n Bngllel i, he will receive paymenl from Am. ? ? ,. and ' '"' ' '"' This will probably bring up the pr: the atoi -'-. makli ?for th?- year. Bwldea this, he ?rill for 1 publication in England and ti Thi i will not am?'': th -n ?4,000; s?? thai I each lory thi i,.,i lesa than -. ' l dol ls not ha. work, evea it ganlua, and ?m sup g thai Mr. Kipling will write n?? thlng itoi les, a sup position which lined. ilt all, however, a i I ?body v m his i . ard. ; > 11 \ Hop? ?ture of Lady .-. It is to I - I- i I # , (We i rpy in allttera? ! ti?-?n>. Mr. Hope'a "The n ' rlott Wa( ' "Tl Hea " and || by Mr. I 'a "Th" ii? an ??!' ?Denise." Mr ? -. wh-, Wa ?How "Th.- Vi Who Did." which in tun-, had ?i ri?l:-n Mr. J? i "Three Mi n in a Boat," v. I?-rh: ; "Thr^-- in Norway I y Two of 'I h? m " m? '. hlch h ,\ !... a lin?-; - :i - n w orki -I pei ' I ? Will ? ' .' . - "The Writ? 'states . . tin and I ght. 1 friend of I a I i Mr. Lang la l little prlv its autii?? whoae Kl tl I! i . forthcomlt multai ? ; n.?i. Mr. Bai pi ,y, thus: 1 - . ? this ?r <?f ? ?nd for indry A trays' his Tr.ill??; ! how, we Id that h? i ttmi s. Me had a small w hlch he alwaya carried and ! - Woman's Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Hood's Sarsaparil.a Makes the Blood Rich and Pure, Creates an Appeti'e and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. "I feel that I ought to write a few words in praise of Hood's BaiaapaiIlia, which has done great things for me. I was in a delicate condition and nil Hick j at my stomach and constipated. I tri? d remedi?-") highly recommended for female weaknesses, but the medicines brought Ion other troubh-B. 1 was ho weak 1 could not attend to ray household duties, and I then determined to try Hood's Sar ; o-parilla. After I had taken this medicine . athort time I began to gain strength. I ! * Crew Stronger Each Day ? until I was able to work all day without j any inconvenience. 1 have taken Hood'_ Pills (or constipa: ion, and I am better to : day than I bave 1-oen for five years. I bince takin-f Hood's Sarsajairilla and j Hood's Pills I feel rested in the morning. ' I ,.:n l?-ss nervous und am ?uro I h.ivo richer and j .:? r Mood. I liavo a! I been bot legad with scrofula, but now I i am r';<l of it. Bate? my lu-t ehlldWM j born 1 t??i?_ Hood's Har.i|,nriila, and ' my girl baby was fat and strong, while ? my other child was -mi will and Head to bo onlv ttio Feen old.'' Mrs. K. F. Deal, Ho*" 99, Juaaoari Vjlley, Iowa. Hood's 3Sa ! bag? - ?a f,i,-t (he On" Tni(? Blood Purnlrr. HftfiH1? Pille ?wepurelyregat?alo, ease? IUUU *? I 111-? ?fcjj- mMUtfUMUA N cn.t*. SORES On Daby's'F-co Neck and Breast. Ran Blood and Matter. ruhi to Tie Hands to Keep from Scratching. A Bad Case. Doctor Did Little op No Good. Cuticura Cured. Skin Now Clear A SWORN STATEMENT V.'licn mv i)?'i?h??.*" wat '" ? ?reeksold lie had naming ? ret onhh fat ?, m k, bieaat.aed III :,,, n^i" ? ? ? (trow ?n rae. Thi f looked like law licet, ? 'iini-iriii?-? lil????l w??ul?l .-r. He arta awfully ? i,.-., r t?, irtf of rea i of aa-haeam. Mjralatethadtotlehial the li.iii Kwfc to keep him t? m serai ?. be it, h'-i -". He oftee m neck -m?! ?*?aes ** "l! r '"* abo ? ,1,,.-i,,r did li*fl?? "r no good, 0 from the i'i<? '!-' ate. She bear?] ol i , i R\",ii?tiii?'iit?. an?! I i*ciii:"ht BOTBBOX, Bad ?ndisgit gare sal -t ?? 'ion ?he ,'?>i,t?ii?i.-?l to U?rt It ' dear, in onh rto? ?on at) good faith la _lt> r .,:.,! bo? | MM-MO" I am ?ith Cl H ,-i a v Hi-Mi im -. I hare taken osth t?, shoes -o.itoin.-n-? KMMJ. ll-IIKi:.'*'W Wh I'l., Mar? h . ' * '--" IU* flr-Tt or lir.ii.ii COI M 1 "I ?.,.,? . I Charles F, Vet i. ? Kct.irv Tul,lie in and for? il?l e >, i? Emm i Klsbei m- to t.?. Ih" ?.,.?e ??-el-SOS w hoir nain?- t? r-iit, - iiiH.i?'. ?i, ??-r- ,n.?i?l ickaowlcd? CHARI.KB ' ' VOOBL, N? ury PuMlc. Si--?nT C'-k?. Ir? . r-?* i -n t >i?t glB>1 !Ii mu? - ?* irto wr- ? < ' ,i, ' ? - . ..'-mol'lt-ni-. t ,. IU?'., ?i-m |*rftn-it??I Wooa iniur cu?*?? - ',r,-.ii?ha?iltii??*?>-M. l'orrn- ??in Cn?*. -..'. I?-. ?. ? ,. .'._, Hg re ?'l l Kipling la aid to b< preparing ' : ' I I I M B I'? ?uUl*?. K laughter, little M kllss J? i i for ti Hing i hi?, ni"' ' iHously: 'I think II I My pa i The Bcrlbi tied, "W .." ? ?tli-r . ?f his h ngs, In? .j from his cor I ?How. Mr. l*. .!. Sullivan, wl 'is Will foi Th?- "Hist . and ?Charles nong < .?rlyie's " tseff will I : ?. I'M- ,.:.r-. ... '.' lodern I ! raphed ... "With K - : hla Look. ? com I Th.? to I the Baturi delphla. i -v ?-tory. . ?1 will author nn?. Mr. i'! raw for Bid, t" : I hardly b <>rth Ii Mr. J. efuaal craphy ol ead ? sman's family, 'i tn I m j,oiln ni III ir.-i-<-ii,'c. Tu m.'?? ent to i h? link thi . Icti d with it tint tliu ' to their h< arl Pigs. 1 Entertainment rillt BBXBFIT m \ "COUNTRY PARISH/' AT "ALL SAINTS' PARISH H< ?!'.-'!:," AT - " lv If. "A 1 ! - i --. Middle ton. ?1 .i.Mr. i ..: . a, t i lliddle mg. iki ii >* ' ' r In Mi. Middle n's iious?- aft? rn? u !: ? . nd Master J "1 for r, : ?' Piano ?s-,?i : HBBB'fl \ ol it lim BDSI TU? > THOR ?i OIIBREO 11? ? \l-.s I'?. \T >? V \l.\, MBB-IBBB? i in: ANN I \i. MKI i n?: l'i i?Klii?l.i>i:i:s oi th, *, litUINIA HOT r.l.M .*-. COMPAN1 < tins I ' held - oth?*,. ,,r the, I "?il . , illdlng K hm.?,?,!. \ , i TI'KSUAY I ? oi - i U I'M ?? : ! win l> '. to , .ii-il i?-n! ?In closed until IB A. M. ..?, I? a ' l! w Kl i.r I IV J tl -w i HIGH QUALITY in vii.u'iln.i, : baking is paatrj wife moat d< ?BUM iliini? r. We ] in the line ol tul Wines. ?Liiqi ? Nuts, Olives, ] iVIincemeal?that w '-.' Jllllll) |?I1(|(I?! nuis fi*ast ,-i BtlCl l 1 ? ??m* ?of ooi d r price lists. t?o- is the ; Fruit Cake. ' and cheap. New I N a ' N'eve ? ' ' N? m : ' ' Try i?'ir i ' I just amve-d, al 7< ;'f)(?|s, fil Pi aches, 7c. i Sow \i ?pound, or 9 ?pound - I II. ? !.? ' i Prepi 8c. package. \ g H.-iii Horn? M ' ?! Butter, 3c. T:? Mountain Roll B il i (iiiinl. Sob C Ifisl Crop Se l lion. Small genuin ml. Our ( Ireamery B for. S-.?ir Sev " Whll St m ' ' S' I S, ULLMAN'S SU l)ov\n-?ov\n Stores, 1820-1822 E. Main St. Old 'Phone 31-11 N'-?.?. ripm Dp-Town Store, 50f) I ast Marshall. Old mirti N.-w Plioni Quick delivery to till parts of the city. We run ten Deliver) qons. Special Bargains: Fresh Oys! < * ? ?Dust, ad. I difornia I' ble Peacl I Lit ('.-m Sain Silver King M Family Flour, N Vll.'.lv?- I',;'? ' I 11 ?barrel, . ! e boxes Mi; ; Wh -* / n : ind. n -. " p i? Orange Count** ( t. r, 15c. p ,;i - B ?too ?Baked W . .,? OW Counttj mlW gar, 2??. ?gallon. K'.k ml I \\.x: \t I OXL