Newspaper Page Text
.. i 'n,.m^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmWWW^mtmuaaUUa BBSS "" _._- _THE RICHMOND DI8PATCH-TUESDAY. NOVEMBKK 29. [898. . ._ NORFOLK NAVY-YARD IJIPMOYVnOlTI ?U ? ?iMMIAiirn HY t (?MMiiDiiiu: m? mm SHIP WORK AT NEWPORT lfhWS. ('(.??reralaa awd Kittin-r. ?>?? Df ,? ??. Vnlr, llnr*. nrtl, 1) *.|->, nn.l ? ? null?* ? Peroa?I sml I'oslnl ?,,,*,- i,f Interr??. ' r ?. M?,ili. In bis 1B< : i i aad a? saaary im i i"t i?- laid sise 1 sans in the sot aim. oi w < T,-x ,s I teas at - il the : r fi,?in the ring the i littles it has bal n sis have . -. : froi to raj I and r ? I .. hl< h had It, . li is reoomm? n,i^?i I ; . would on ?>" t .,i be i for the . i tin v [NG DI BRICK. : tinued 1 all? aad main? a too -"ii der . i ?built ' I It ls , . 8HIP-FI' 1HOP. |y t-.o : A d with ci l . , enable 1 : > emi i "ii Hi?- work ? ven p, f??r Ity. }' - to the . Whole with fur dud? ind .: ' itlon of ?., ndlturo of and r.?? i,?ity of tLe AT NKV1 : IWR . i the ambulune?* B1 . itor. ?, , . ' ',. , ndry n - yard, ; oondl tlon : ? I ! . other - I j. tin T. ? loned - . to, county, N. M R R -.'?.rri.?-, ' Modify N . .] rimon. " 1er <?f : . Ilfy order of :..- sit- s of Octet? . c? < li: m; 1 MI ' No : mi | .. i utter*? - ; -, le by . ? ??in al the sit. " ?tha. Modify order >a ;^' (Bull? ??,. as to . ?.r .25 mil? loway at i l to take effect . ?.I ?>. I !.. i 1??, " " Wi ;; .j n wmti 1. O. Wl und KV ?i,., I ihn "Paul, win. has b n sitting 1 -. circuit Courl <?f Ap througta ta bla i,.,m?, ?it Harri rg, iiuau? Uharles F. Burdlck, hospital 1 8*"r tia ? IB? I ft by Ci, but .:. i loi > vli; t?? Un an l'a > ,a II t!., m?. HUNDLEY Why Mot Try HimP Sell*, the r..'t Oioeutei at re i ?.(?ii | bit price*, a n ?1 delivers thctn TO YOU ]? r <> in p t 1 v and in ?gQOQ ?condition. Ht pr?> ?B?SCI tu ]>]'-.. ? y-r-yn Up M uf ii, tApthpt by o-penln? ' mith ii?. We trOUmi 1><* plf-a-io-I eft o? ?Christmas PsUrsotfi and i ..i i Whiskers is coaptot?, n | i HUNDLEY'S, lit aim?i \itii:i:?- WOM FANCY GROCERIES 119 UNE LIQUORS, 52S Fast Broad Street, 'Phone 380. Richmond, Va. Bernard A. Gaines, Manager. ;-,' : Hie Ualtoa Btateo . mill i?? _ft from ths ?se? rtoc i?y tl of ?his station, UXWLttmtOB i\ HABANA. ?_B_J IN-rNiMiH liijiircii, n I.urge Wim? (? ? lion 1 iit.ilt.? . HABANA, Noviinli.r An .-.xploaii'ii )? ?urred on the Avanue infanta, ?between he Bunt bettorlea to? lay, killing or lnjuriiiK l Mltj -. Igbl r>er ?Man* boats of powder ?wars ?tore?! n s ?private tiens.?, ?which alao < ??maim-d iv. r??.?iiis full ?.f | 'iiic careless handllni ol i im o? " ?boa? r, or ?on? ?of the bom i ?BOd tli.- . Ml?..- a,ii. The presen.t s?? h s large q-aantHy f ?ca? trid_< s knoirn ti. have i, en "?i.ily frota th.. artillery depot?in on ut-of-tbe-wa* ?hooaa where they were i-iiixii. ims not i,? an enplatned MOST OF victims CHILDREN. Most of those <Mttpl<*y<*-?d In . tnptylnif the tl ?. dentiy diil ?work on the - snd aere ?boys and ?girts un?i? r ..1 .iK'-. and they I ?rii:?al 1':? i m d of the i Ictlma TTm <m '"' in? nl of children i'i SttCh .laii?s'??r,.us ? cup? ii.?n ? h.i t.1,? .?r ?such a ape ?nniMii. ? explosives within the Ity limits tr? ?both In oontravantlon of tie municipal ?regulations. Wh< ther l ht re mt sn s??me uite . ?sxploalres mnot L? . bul the casualty ?sog? ? its tu? l?t) ih'it there ?may bare ?sen ?other ? ?sillar deposits where the unknown to the authorltlea i o, the Clyll ? ;?'\ ernor of [abane, ; oned s gutri orar the i ?powder, snd an li it<> the ?Talr I THREE OF THE INJURED DIE. IF : Nob-o ly was ?kin? d outright pli -a i?. bui thin of the Injured led this ,. and th.- condition <>f lOSl "f ' Is iR??r>. or 1? ' * crlt!? .il. -i a?.? not ? speeted to live, w.-i.s n miracle that the Imni dato ?Sosa is n"t gn IM.MM), in *.?.! v. i?d rii \\t v. rtir's Diet rniniiif lit l<li-u?S? ln roiiH*- ?if -\rmaiueiit for Flee *,??iirn. N .;:' .: ' 'I !? P ? t of the- Tim? s i oft thai the uni will publish to-morrow ?fTueeday), ,'iiielan with Nlcholaa Th..? ?interviewer, who tb< h II i and ' stfully , . I :.. rsatli ii m?. i. ??ii the dl?sa?*-mami nt i.-ui whicta th? Csar ?poke wltb .- utmoat candor, . thai be want, ?l Powers ii? themselves it to in nil far five sad' ol win? h tim? they ight meet ?again, I upon future ti'in. ] alao s? m, tneir al - ii?!?? in i ii- event of i pros? tlea M- as s at iioi?. ?that "i- ?bod i idem ?might bava ?been referred by to ; be i nit? i States ?and ?by R i; 'hi si fallad t?> mi?, ht ?have irse to i'.r ?if Ans ia. In i?ii ay ?would have i be ? '/..h ;?r itesti ?i. ?his Interviewer tor?, at Indignation, sgalnst the .a Imputed i?- bin of ? rglng ?France 1,1 ?into conflict, characterising ?DODGE COMMISSION STALLED. it riinjiht in ?lie Slurm It et we en Btrtt \ioh end llo-atou. tOSTON, Xiivmiii'i' M Attar having f-n on the road t!?.!i - - v. n hours, ,-.?n members of the War Investigating . ?early tins ii-atng. ii? oeral I ? trot tht only ?aber who did noi ?reporl si tin- ?Parker Ii ii- ral 1 m ral McCook, Mr. Howell, Mr. D< nby, ,i Captain ?Sexton were In the ?party red ?from Hum Fork, aft? r hav* i? en st.?ii.-?i i?1? tht Qor .,,, w,..?ll?. ? an ?v- ?1 at -, ??his r G meral Dodge it tup ... \ .,, he ? ? ; "' bo ?word fa is o ?had from him. "A- -' nOS!? II %*.' ? V". IMKM.HAMlli:. a run u :i ?Paaal Feaee Trent? ? Mnuilinu Ariw> of It MM MM? Men. i,i:\ ;:i,a.\d. 0. Novi mbt r Y\ t \\ now- Important maa - ?i .luring the ?coming ?ston of ?Coagreoa B?snator Haana to ^'ai.i th?? Nicarague ?anal matter | -..?iiiy i?.- ?buten av. ibllshmen! <?f a ?goveraasaat In Hawai!.m |>Slandg Will I with ?Spain ?will . d an i dlepoeed of ?tarty," itor. tumi y he ?favored Increasing ?the ndlng ?army, Mr. ?Banna .sain: i rift the am.y slauiid l?e In >0,ooA i ?belli v.- this n itter . ? th. ?short t. rm." ? ?**? Henn i.?????? vu tiir Imftna hi? .'A?k ?, tinn mi" i ?M? A ?saraffol ? ? - ate ?of ?shipping and ?e. rs M tfts ?great ?lab for the ?record sji places the ?probable ?a-.?. Tftis may in* ?m* the ?stone of ?navigation, .vitii.iii; more ?storms or foun? -.?.?is ii win hold dial i*'a , M ? ,. ivl?-.atl?.!l. The? i < ?.i?? ?t Snnllntgn Andrew H QOBttf PAt ?Jrnn i.f till? City, have Just returned heir ii"iii?*?. ?basing atrod t?m? ?-?f u yeara* anllatmont ?la the ? gui?*' iy *-*j u?-in ?i i?j the rflxlh airy ami foughi ut Wantlaa". Tl" ng fellows eon hurdiy Mmi words too *smr?SW their admiration tor r officers ?and ih.-lr ?atls-fartton al th* mar la wi?i<h Moiditr? m tht regular ko arc trcaUii. ' THE Pina AKT TASE. Brmnru \tih\ m thr smmmci 1*1 CHA M II i: H OF I. EPI TIES. SOIF. PIQUANT SPEKCHES, amant Uni*??- M?ire J lu,,, Due t proni ?iiM.iii, n,,? LasIaBatata ? ? om? M.Mu?i, |n Drrjfns Proee???llnj-? \<nio In l'le?iiinrt Atfiilr.*' PARIS Noveosher M?The Chamber ol i>'[?uti,s was erawdi i ta day, much in ternai hein* taken in the eaaoanoed i;? t't?'l??n ,,f kd-ni- of the flsputlllS to in'? r peilote the govarnabsut oa the r M l'.-iui Deaehanal ??Republican) an? BOWK ? ?1 that he had rsootved a rsgBSBl to Interpellate the government regard-ai the Ploqoart proceedings, and the ?Pre? oder, m. Dupuy, proponed an baunedlst? I ths aiatter. A Radical Deputy, to. Boa, opened the ii ' notion, a. - ild that whlli I been soms boa? ty In the Dreyfus i ro - cation, there bad been nothing but dls boaoaty in the Ph q . marks CBUSI ?I a.i BpTOBT. Continu M. del Bled the history of th?* Plcquarl ''pene utlon," recalling nel Plrquart'a < \??' to the United hi : the Mini rter of War, M. D ' ' v.-m. i, wby be had permitted a ? I to be summon? i f? ? amber %i. Tb I Gen? ? rai ZuiUndi B, the Biflll ' nor of Parla, who, bs Mid, had pi ?mis-*d re rlsion of of having i,r??k?--n his word. This Caused soother uproar. ht Boa coaoraded by Insisting that the government ouffhf to postpone ths trial of Plcquarl bj court m irtlal untS ths ,: -ion of thi ''"? la ths revision of lb Dreyl u trial Is mads known. This brought forth Bvely sp? piause ir,.ni a BWjority of ths di putl is. m. MtUerand flUditial-Soelallst) spoks la a simllrr - PRESIDENT KEPT BUST. Th.? jr- aident of the !? imber, al thl i .. ; was fr>|'l ntlj q .. n the aproa* on ?? I to. Polncare (ft- ; iblican) mads an lm passkmed speech, In the course of which he sai?i it was not r.--,-? ssary to confound th? arm-.- With S fWW inmu.lent tn?n. While ti??- Breathers of thr- oourt-asartlal v- r.- .-.!.< I "-. tb pi. ' ? I ii quart savored of reprisal (Applause.) r iinii-i Ptoqv ' Imprim? ; M. Polaeare further aetwitt-id, sraa b I root _? m, end there w? rs guilty mt n : ihms impunity. .?, :-. i "Tht re are of plcquarl who ought t?? be proae I," exclaimed the Deputy. "Tb< a lojuoth ss a ?n ? nd by ? g the t,??- ? M Polncare, arb ?1 ter of Puh i il,- instruction In 1899-1 ? 'i??n by adding : "We a ted on i,r of the Dieyfua affair In UM, bul [ learned of ib I ilr through the Ti- m? ? iae and iipr??.r fol M. Bartbou, a Minist? r of Pub lic Wot i<s in UM, b? d, "i . m ready t?> i ndors? th words of M. I Thlf* called forth mere appl.i?r<--n, and ur,I." "It i h tl : " Th? upon M. P added: "*] it. I--.?; consisted of the "bord. Cabinet Minister, nor even the Pre of the Council of Minist? rs, heard any m, ' tlon "f the confessions I ?n ? CAVAIGNAC HOWLED DOWN. M. ? foi m? r Minister of War, Mi rcier se? Mlnteter of Vf , at tb Dreyl trial," M I'? ?in nault, when he was examined by th?' of th? Cou? II, did not mentf ?n the i ?reyful i onf? - font," 'J'llis si.? ; r, ?n the hon?--,-, during wblcb If. Ca? speak, buf - own, slth ' ?.* ' " M. ' tying: TH? weighed he t? lly up.m me, an,i I m now h ipoy to ha? bad th? oppor tunity to tell v-, hai l know of I (Ren? > d applau M. Cavalgnao ted that C ?.tain U t?, General Merdi r. "Hli rej ori and erf "Date, date." "Bal ? ? bap? Captain T. - )?iuii-i;, n?,nil has since r? ira? ti I ma." Bho tlon. GOVERNMENT ?SEEKING THE TRUTH M. i ?? il*i | In? ; said: "The ? o m? m. ? n assuming office, found th?- , i ndlng. We i, ive only anal? tv, and thai : I i tain ths truth. We ?i ? not object t?? fuinl Court of C saatlon with ??II thi svailabl?. ?a? pt the e?. Id? o? e Inv? I the national def? bi Both 1 tho military coults are fully eqtUpp? l to | ,. Itb the resj desire t,? arrive al ths truth it wil a. Ths gov? i am? m pocf th-- Independ? n? ?,f ths law." After snotber appeal from M M?r-1 a postponement of the PI? quart court martial, to. I ?iii?u>-. the Pi mi? r. deolared that thS Dl por? ly j idreJal as the only m< as I Ing tin- truth, wblcb may BOW 1 i attaiiud." "We ,' dine t ? order ? of til- ooort-mai tl a." i aid ths ./.-. would '? to strlks ft bios ;. Of tie? ] j, men. "it !.- not within f pr... ii- o of pai ! i.t or the gat I ths conn? ctlon which ma Dreyfus sad Pi ?nr Intor \ ? ntlon u.',?!d ?" ? ?' if ?'-'i to l?, . . ths work of the Court of Cessation, v ?rill i aped the decision of tho law. We are a | ?*< ? i nmi nt ol Is s. ai ! refuss te m< ??' "i : ? bitrary measun .' . ? i? rs.) QOVERNMENT SUSTAINED. Ti.i di r of the - ?vlng th st it. u*.< m s of the y- ?vertun? nt respecting tite principle of the s?paration of ths ill? lui and v cuti? , Is Ut? o adopted, by a voto of IS7 to in the lobl Chamber M. lm puy'a sp?-<-'h waa Intel an Invi tation to the Court of Cassation to aek for the !'i..,iuv-tiin of the ?etlt Bleu, un.i in tl?" l'u'?|iian ? .is-, which the governmenl would Immediately produce, thus Indirectly hading to a poet? -martial. Which the nrent has refused to tram under it was also b? Id thai tbe Preaslsr bad tdmltted right of ths government ,, intervens regarding Ganara] Eurttndea's i, (?on. i"it bad only refrained fr??m fsar hat intervention would be mialnterprets i PRO-PICQUART DEMONSTRATION. An Immense msss?mooting was held this ?venina in favor of Colonel Ptequart [?houaanda of people shouting "Ooaspoes toehefort" and "?'onspu? :: Ururnnnt." Borcbed to the Chercho mi?j? pri-??ii rhere Ploquart in confined, aad deasoa? tratod tb?tre oa bis behalf. Th?- ?nti- ' Ictptartltes ralllad, and than vara pwr? rai coafllets between thp two bands. Th?- vote In the Chamber enabl,?* trie I ?ntl-I)reyfusltes to ?diiif 0 song of vl< - ory. since th?* DreyfuaitS d,?mi?n?l wa,? or ths goveraoseat to order lbs "Plcquarl oiirt-martlal postponxl. Nevertbeb he whols d<*bitte torrad to advaace the an*'.? of i ireyfus. I HAS 7.1 HI.IN'I'K.V RJCBIONBD? ! Amoii?,' the rumors prevafltag this eve? ilng Is on?- that (Pn rul Eurlladen. mili- * nry irovernor of Paris, ha? already i- ? | siiKht dsaaoBStralions contlauod la th? tracts up to midnJ_!it, bul there was 1 tothlng ssrluus. 1.1 (CONTINUED FROM Fli: I tufe of .1 hnnkii' t to I AB m und dli . ? r r Men erty, real or p raon .1. or to i from 1 to Itlona ?any or other ? '. Ims due or ?belonging to the i t?te of th bankrupt." Hearings In tu* fa s s a ? i ?rovlded ?for, j eri, in ?order that ?they may appear and . : should not i ? I.u. to th? keeping of - - i ?cminf* money deposited, and * debtoi INMENT OF DEBTORS. The '. if, at tltlon, the ii?- rt, up? on ap] Ii? ation, may oi to ?be ?pro? !. upon babea? corpus, by the Jailer ? (Deer in a hose s, for the i :, in :.:? ?matter ?reis h ta hl i i nki ? if committ< d after the civil actii i. i?"? in i? inkrupti , the c rurt ?may, ?apon ition, discharge him from m fa lit. If tit ) the i the pi .. i : i : ted or ?hnpii 1 t, upon his application, n, will of ?habeas corpus, t? ?bring him ?bo rt I tali pro fa of ?any claim ?provable in ?bankruptcy, and if . ?.a i ble i" ?shall i"- dl cb irgi d; If not, hi shall be ?remanded I ? the custody ?lawfully !". " and U d? ii with ?petitions for ' ?bankrupta and with ?pro? ?> ?i?.?r-ition to ?such dlaehai Rule ' '' ' provides fur arbitration of ?some ?if hank rupts, ?upon the spplicatton of ?truata to i and Rule ?to ?the f ofhci da The baud raptcy I hei fur ?and * hi provide thai the tees ?therein named full ?"in!?? acatioa APPEAL*. Is to ?oonrts other than th.* Fnitp?! me ?'??art trt r ?gulatad by the rules ?savoring appeals in equity ~ : : ?.;. :! R P Th-- sum roritet fur appeals t?? th,- United i Court, but ?requlrog that a within ?thirty ?lays, giving be Judge of the court ?appealed fr?,m. .?r ? prems Court, the ?right ?i. Rule ?fl ?alio ?spodnl or ler in ?any i ' rv the Tim<- ?allowed Por rrtiirn ?of pro was for op g, and for taking- t?"?tlm ?n. and to otherwise mo?llfy ;? ?rules for the preperation ?of ai t?? facilitate Il st, rule provides for the t ?ms whteh ?are ap t.? ?suit the drcumstances ?of any ,.i'ti. il r \t i.i: i \ i?i>i:k i in. 1 I? i. i? m?.!?-! Palian l-?i. ? I'p a Fourth il- i.iiii? ni Man. W. II. * "i '?" ii'l? B ?1? . ter fr?,m Com- \ i iany F, Fourth Regiment, was ?TUTO-tOd ?gat night about mldnltrht Itej rin?l Otmtent Hulrher, of the Fiis 'istriit, at his r? ?idem-.?, n--ar Thirtieth ?:?i Franklin streeta ?Crlttenden Is now ?kicked ?ap at tl ?N in. i?. He ?sajs ?he hu.i on i. rtin? from his company, hut that be . .?m., mtoxloated, and while ander th. ?afloeace "f li'pior boar.'??! tl.? train ami me boasa He ?has a JTOUng wife and a llttl- ??irl. item I v- ?ars ?of ?aga His tamil) i, deetitute drcum?tancea II,- i- a | utiK, and Joined the _*? mpany trhnu it ?jams to ?Camp ?Los ; ; he f th?? ?war. Ills arrest will !? report? ?1 to ? Vyatt, **hu la in ?sftnrge of tii- recruit? ni frmn th? ?Fourfh ?Reg ment ?>w here, an?l he will be Sent to Sevan .ii. ?Governor Tyler wan > ?gottfled . th- War Popartmanl that ?firlttenden ni .lam?s i? Whit.-, of ?Company K, ??iirth Regiment for srhom Hi a?i be. n ank?-<l. had ?lesertt-.l. Th? m<-n v ,<>iild have barged In a few fi aya d Cards, Bill-Heads, Statements. Letter lend?, Note-Head?. Circular?., Han''-.111*, ?odger?, Ac. printed by th* Ui.-pttjh ??mpany at low prk-ea. Will give y?u ood wurW at the ?aine prie.? you pay for iferlur work. Send us your orders and re will gu?rante? satisfaction in every \ art leu lac t The Keniilon nt Clinrlculon. (Charleston x< ? ? Ur ? The Thomson Auditorium will b id In time f.?r the r? i Confed, rate ?a May. ] ? -, i th?' work ?. tton will ,?? gin wltbo if 0 ?,| d? ?i ? " f,'i?i ,, in will be i Ih a h ?v. bi ? n ' I. ?.-1 ! arith - ?ii" re ptloe an : ntertaln ? he thoul inda of rlaltora who will come -n to be hard at w?.rk ? * iBtil e? i for. it U probable thai I BMt \ reunion, and thi y mus? all b : D mus ll it Bill fall -.?.<>-k. will be re -ji i i re-, i ??-> make the reunion a success pie will i,.' hers oa May ?oth the) v.ii! begin to come on May 7'h: an i ?.'.id/ illtl! thl :il. Weal iriegrfala -.?-miiorsbtp. (Bs Vlrginli slalm t ture of ths 'tat- on joint bs Hoi i< j ond ? They h in tl? ' I l claim IOW in ! In Lewis ntul li will ?jive them two more, oi Mirty-: of live ?a tl?>- Des then Charleaf ho Wh? Ftepubll counting pro m ? ratlc m ijorlt?, in joint ballot t" one, while ?i, i ? i. 'rats say ili-y will I I here win be two R, lorely dlaappointed. Hon. N. B ',-: . .1 States ' 'omm i -; ?n? ? of : ;? rsnue, in an Inter? ifter the election aapraaasd the utmost lection to tin- i hip, while G-overnor Atkinson proi , ; : ? ' I Sen? : ?, ilkn? r snd d< luged th,- leg! -i part] frii ndi srlth or their support In the event that ths i the Legislaturs ?, ibis h re a II ' i s irm i t? . ?t for tbe senatorohlp. it is announced bel .-?i ur ?jentlenwn aill bs incus by th? ir fri? nd; .). faulkner, the . H? nry O. Davis, wl ., n?m h for ths dev-stopment of hi- State; lolon? i John T. McGraw wi,o ? briBlaat cans ? - for i !oi .-..A District, reducing Mr. Day? two years ago to . leneral C. C WatU t Char I ' In addition there ar>- doubt? iti? men who v.,, ild be ? n llm to bs sfruek by "senator! il if." Sotes on Sel?.|iee ?nil liirltiatry. t least, to ths pertalatag '?? wb ib - m ?t i original or ? rods ?Jana to iat of i ppllc itloaa us? fui snd t Baa Prani Isco snd ihlj d i be distributed st the various centre* saving ths Pa? IS erAit, - Ing '- oolor, and ?d up in bundlee; after splitting, the leoea an termed "stalks*"1 re from I to U f? I In I? ngth wb? a sigh from I van i y-tue pounds S leb. Whl y the menufaoturei ?? la fringed Ith strong, ftoaay black i-..,ir; tbl ?.n'.it- raine nt lu own, snd in used in furniture m uiufsi tun . mixed with hot n the ii ii?- '? Ins i i ' . ., and th-n put ' i, r for al r-tly soft? n- -I ti-,? ? I to lh< Hop ??f ateaas la , ii^inK thus ready to i ?lit into "shell" ,,r '?ii-ili?" l-oir ally ?ut Into t>l . &C. rlous und at the same tie i ?source 11 tog In phot , often due to th..- fact thai n off the tens m >u.if ad th,r. i*. a raSOOtlOU whi ? segattve. Coo :unt use and en?: ting of tl?. nu in tini,- wear the blacking ?it. aad oded t?? ai its kept well blaeked; srhers leases art sated In aluminum still more ease ; In this r ? such ?is,? the Masfclag wsai hit,- Hght instead of yellow ll?ht is re et? <1 into the leu?. 8om? tim. : aphragms of the iris pattern are greet I) : fault In this r?-sp.-, t. By i -on nt i ?iietriietion, the 1? i n.-, in thti aghragm are in nanalanl frto?on whih lti?* set, and thus l>.-> . .' ,,??,; for wM? h r,-.,-,,ii koass photo nahen avoM bavtng iris dlaphrai - ,-ir laaaes, notwithstanding ence. A eareful examination <?f t!. ?ratus will Insitr- saf? ty In this n ops of the ordinary pattara beataas n me Bttls better than hare m- t i! ally at the edges ot the aperture. JACOB. (The Win lin ed. And 1 Ta?? ?bright hi-. un I.? i ? n l ?d .still. I rlth thai ?ill. ... store I I ?.? h. her t?il . Then I gased al thi the i ?in,?nt where she had ! i entlj snd !? ml ?i after hur; \ >. in the thi??ii?; of R? ?gent j i : .??h. .1 ? 'a:'.,i?! i ii turne i snd i] iteps, and , I raw in ? ?ii I other shop window, i picked my way I dellcatclj through tbs feminine crowd? j My ?arm bi ?sad b?sra ?an > ihe blood ru?h ed ?from mj heart to my sera ?She turn- I e?i. Our ? yes met And, b] all the ?saints j in Heaven m m brownl it waa I i. her ?girl ?art aood e-x-1 actlj like her. My band fell ?from my hat and i gaaped . , py, i Was wriggling sway, wh< n ?ad grasped my wrist ?and ?tried ?to i i and i , id a large man in lll-fittlng olothea Ali. would yon?" be said. Quletl" dug his k:: . '!?? ?back . i u> Inflict simitar treatment on anos, and ?said, "I*et go, i in't >ou ?see I m l up this ; h?. mlnuti i i ?go, gn : | . r?l ail that l,??for?, sev^ru! Hmi -: i ?i? i?'i want to b ar it at The ?-?ii ?'I'ii ths ii >wn syes ?earche?i h< i ]? > ? '. found it. and th??n ??it in it. ? , . Imed. i i roke oui Into cold p? nplratloa. Wi nchlng m> i b Id o it the pui -. "But this i "lint it la <?. you ?bad .ricked mnnl 1 f.-it you take it!" i ?the matter. I was mar?l.? ?1 off to Vine ?tree! between two ?policemen, went in a cal?. Ths magistral bet h It iced in the do k ?and the ?girl in th? ?She ?made g preti nee of boina . ?' in lean, and i atbi tic ? hi the nu thorltles t?i ?releaae me. ?Bui the trate?a white-haired, fatherly old ?gen? llaman soothingly explained to ?her ?bow i iry it m tt r the prot? ctlon ??f honest ?pa aid he ?pan? i womnn, eommlttlns ?perjury for the sake ?.f g paltrj ?purse, suffered ?the ?oath t.? b?- ?ad? ministered and swor? the purse was I ".??li? ti? s, prli tl lathi riy magistrate?stlU fatherly, but in s ?differ ent way, -'>i?li | ?btaephemy. A month. Take him away!" 1 \?. . iy to tli?- ? Ils and 9 lit? ?Us i it? r t?. lvntuiiviii.?. in this Impolite retirement I ?spent the snd aighl life. Bui i ante : . ati?l with more respect than I had yol ?tasalvs i in the prison, told me that my ton** had been and that I had : aed for the off< >? i b ??l not ?torn? ; My ?-i???j?i ?name and my doth?? baring : : ?I a . Ig d?to ?step into i private ?room. ?Here i found ihr. s Is i i, the ?girl . . w ?eft's lh ?tag 1 a, and. with win .in 1 was still In luv??. i:?jth I t tlnir ?syOO, exactly r.iik??. Twin-, ii pan to son girl with th?- brown cys had tears l-i them. The girl v.ith tht bad h' : ?haadkerchlef to I But was be ul?, humor of the ?bad luat struck her. Shu was ?hiding What might eeesnod to tn?- ladeceat ?mirth. i gravelj. "Sir. ?an awful wr??' S d??ne to fi r which I QUMtion U ? can make adatprate ?aasoud I ?bowaver, s my moat da i? ?and pet But ?before l endeavor t?> explain, permit HM to intr? . 1 'ii Mrs O.rot ?Tsatherstono, ?and Umm ?an m?, ?i- rs, Mai? i and Altoa" I'it?!,?ii me, Mrs. Ft 11 h.rxt.ini-." I suld. "I h.?\ bad the b?onor ?of an ln troduetioa i" Miss Alice ?Tootherai ,? i ths r??snit of th.? Intsodaetton ama having no aateral*e for errituda I would rather not ?punge . .ni unta!?, ir anger Is just. Mr. Felix. Hut v???i will at leant p.-rmt* ?mo to explain, un the ?lay which thin awful thing happen ? ?l my daug?ters w??re u? ,v droaaeo exact? ly allk.- " "Ah. that explains It. 1 see now. l,K>ubt I*??? that yOUBg lady In tin? fulne?**? of i b ?rt y*as d???IrtOUS that Other? hhoul?! i.? r K"" i fortune. 1. too. had a Ir.-s ?m the day In question." mu? Mabel feat her etons put h?*r haml ?kerchlef t?> her f.u .- ?agafta? Mrs. Fijather l'it her ii|?K, hut ptxmtontsot, "The ?- th.- i???.-kern of :1k ?.? a? iiloiisly ?hallow. Mabel i ?l.iri.i that i dan to oui anything In ber ?pocket? for feat having it taken, but Alle- laughed at the >:id declared that ?be w<|? c-umpe tOttt to guard her pocket it Mabel was They went shopping, and All?-e i putting i bet ? It ha i tx en th.'re for I f.?r?' Mabel, from pare love mischief, took it out unperc Ived by tllce, and put it In her own i < *k?-t. Th j In Itepet the p irs? -,.i. hav? ;t of Alli-0 ,' ! n.?t miss II caw It in your hand. i?n?i then wh-it could she think**** "i ? Mr. I .-11? -. "ideatui i will try lo for? ' ' ll had a tiff ov r those wr? r Ic till 1 hi i ?a? ?i ttn? ' make it up. To l?,y? I?? t, and ?h n I il thing I ?, i ,' Tie t- w '? re. And I laughed ' [dined with the Peatherstoi \ I - ?r?well, to pul tl i i-i ,, nul my wife hai blue eyea, clear and bi like gllmi H I o - ?nu *b* toad i my ?Racha? I. Did I not gsrvs ssven dtys ?flor her? The DriuHii't-r's Dream. (?ten ' tob syansC) A llttls r<>>?m In i Httle hntel ?WB, ??n a little bed with i ?misty ??mell, A nun wi town. .\ greaJ bit rent Mi* snore Anil he 1?.\ ,,:? blS I And a i ? s? sful I? ok "i, in !, wore, For in ins dream what marv*loug trips ho III.! What tremendous bill-- bs soldi paid. And bis orders v. I aa gold. tolled and smothei? I ?, scornful laugh Whoa h h fellow-drummer bloaratf] Por bs knew no other had soM lbs luilf < -i what bis ord, r book io - d; letter fi ?m ti ?me one day: "Dear Blr.?We'vi no Oi tor term In >..ii? ,., . Hi in simply (?? nay, 11 of th? Hrm." And ? bange this made in his Ufe; a rr.'in the r??a?i wlthdi And i illy - ?on got to know 1rs wife, II , too An?! then h< moved from his obscure flat To a house ? n th? I.U? ?I swell, wai got h? aithy and t it, R< ?- ?. ?1 an.i W? ;i!il".. : Hut with a tl thump da. Th? i ?dlord rt? ...| m the door. gh time i I . train!" And the drumn r"a ,li im waa o'er. Personal* ami llrlt-t?. Colonel A. A. Gray, <?f I-'luvunna, ls in . i,usines?*. fer. Bam Donald has r> i-?rn?-,i t?, the Ity after a pro I his old home In Augusta ? ouaty. Ellen Wilson Timber-lake, of utaAm I ndlng r-.,!!? time with relatives on ?Park avenua Mrs. P. B. Johnson, of Sf.ninton, la ?1 lying wit , Mr B irnetl Lewis, Pi Franklin sir I Mr. Harold 8. Bloomberg, who for the i Itlcally ill arith typhoid-fever, Is improving and con I to f 'Very. na met last night, r>ut nothing ?,??t ? il routin? oc? *urred, und the rwesl? a was not a IengtLy 'J h?? regular meeting of the Confederate Ut? lary *-',, :? ty will be hell at mi W. dnett-J ,y at noon. A largo ? rs Is desired, i Two of the former ?Christian Crusadere ducting a i-, rles of m-t-tlngs at orner of Twenty? ranklln streets, this we-*_ Drs. R. J. Wllllngham aad R. BL Pitt > "vr .i irlp In Mouth ?rolliut. Th? conilurl of a big iiaptlst ; Plti mi? ii ? a the road. n the last few weeks he has been tq Uabama, Lynch burg, Washington, aeve i.j now he is off again. i:i. t?,n..1,-1. i ? In >>*?- York. NEW TORIC, Nov. mber 28.?(Special.**? . to. to,- Is; W. H. I'-irish. llal DEA""IIS. JOHNSON.?Died, at 1:40 P. M., N'overn ML at the residence of ble parents, ?,,,. 1017 Buchanan street. JutlHPH JCWIS, son ?-f ?Charles I_ and Neltts R. . ; aged I years and 3 ?lays. from above residence THIS T?i.?,l,i}) APTERNOOM at S o'clock. JOHNSON. Died, November tl. IMA. at .' .7.. _t the Old I>omtolou Hospital. Mr* JOHNSON, relict of P. M. obaooa, In the ?th year of her age. Funeral from Raadolph?Street H-iptlat burch TO-DAY <T_es<l-> ?. Novemtrer M. ! ?, at 330 P. M. * i >t l. at the residence of Jr. N. to. M??Oehee, near Ivy Depot. Al? >, Yu? on Hunday morning, ?.??v-'mlKT INh. Mrs. ANNK II f'OEHEB, in the 8d year of her age. s 'il'NNANT Died, at WO ww-t ?.?race t 4:4$ P. M.. Monday, November 8th. aft?-r a lingering Illness, Mr? AN'XIB 1 TllNNANT. Hours of funeral announced later. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. GREATER WILL GROW THE CHALLENGE SALE. The gauntlet has beeti thrown and every visitor yesterday agreed that this chal lenge sale had never been equalled in variety, quality, and price of goods offered. The Meyer Store is making a name through this challenge sale, and it's your opportunity ?to take advantage of it. We challenge all Richmond to sell at such prices. EVERYTHING FOR F.VPRYBODY Challenge Snle Hltfebosrd scurf*, Jluronii BcmTint Table Siarts. vTofth coming mile? ?to ?lay to i?uy tli^m Not more than '?no. Linen Proemle. Iri-?h Appliooe. some that old for$1.*.<->"*''. . . tola (-m "JTZf. 11.60 Any snd nil of than si ? ?Jl*, Challenge Sal?? ??li liiuaw :?r?'. Most ?'\frn"filiiiiiry i?nr -niti?.. Renl ! m? Toothpick Holders, things bought t'? ?ell for 25c., ill Till'?? i .hallenge Bale. Real Rnnlisfa China Cnps end Saucera, l?!u?** How dacoiationa, >.?,ii"ln to ?-?'II nt i?:! dozen. 10c. 10c. 25c. I 'liiilleli-_'i' Sal??, set? 0-to I Quart Mil!? <>r WntVr I'in-li er-. Ifaddocki ?Boyal porcelain, ii? rni and ?stippled l"?M d<ecoratione, bonght t?? ? n ,?r 60 mu? Mc. Chal lenge -ale. I nr?-'?? Carlsbad China ?Salad Bowls li,>?nl ami stippled (fold decora tiona, Imported t<? coat He, I e^, Challenge Bale. I.3C Caiiabsd ?"ln'na Botter Dtabee. il?,ml and stippled gold clocorationa drainer, bought *<> $m\\ for *"" * tZ^-, :;:?e. Challenge Sale. _i JC? ChaHeage ** '' of Baskets. More than 110 Undg on main floor entrance t?,basement. Hair Baaketa, ?Waste ?Baaketa, Trinket Baaketi Hni,v Baskets that sold from JZft^ ?SO to" B8e. ? Ihallenge Bale.,, OUI,. {Tj/CHZ 9r*WiWnt VQHn er t-J/, n*?f me ky\x*j^ij^fa I Challenge Snip Moreen skirl?ii?j. Striped Silk .\f,>r???n UtmuornkMn, Black with J.L'hr ! In? Strip? kinil ?that ?-'II 11.75 v'ul. 0\m r\r\ ? yard ?Kirr ?pattern.ijKltUV Challenge Bale Of <:iiiM'r.i?. St-.-ti I c.-irliHr Corona Plate Came rn?. tnk?- j.ii'Tnr<?-= 'l:-?:'.'. a iirrniit???l ?SI ?perfect ii? highest ?price <fc?J RA ?Cemeraa ?Challenge nain. m/I?-?" ? D? raloping < tatflta 4?l |G Challenge Ma.?Plels! Challenge S;il<? All-Wool Blanket* .iii?*t in timo f'?r tin- Challenge ?Sal? comean ?Mee ?of-Country hTade ?Blank os, ?gnnranteed ?soiN and fleecy irn?l the werment rnada blank6t& weigh i ?ponnda worth ?15, ?^^h QP-t ?Challenge -Sale..tpJL%^j3 Challenge ?Bale I>n*s?i (ioo'ls. Whip:-"!-?!?, id fn^-e. wide, nerer -" ?! for 1 - than | ? '.'- ) < 'hui fa? lenge ?Sale pr!c . j nr?I.3"C? It- * :t ?jrTy^n? ram*- w thp f J art. asme %y\w^&?/]&2?1re Challenge S?llO of Rilke. Solid r?nk mi?! Bine silk Ben? line;also 23 pleeea Fanci Taffete end wie Silka worth W to 3Q., In this < ?iallenge Sale. -JzJ*-? Rxtra H???r.y Taffeta Bilk, ?en broi 1? ted dota ?nan lot Jnat ?re ? ? i\.-i for <"ir ?Challenge ?01 fifi Sali at, yard.QUaW Challenge Sale Pnr Molos. Bine Pox, It-inch Collarette, with >t? --?.i < ? liar?, long tabs in ?front, *< hlne foi fallu, yokes of electric ?seal, made to ?ell at fS.HO. In G>0 fZfk Challenge Sale.V47-J.3U i.??ii.- Oapea elcctrfti teala ?rith Pe ?slan lamb yokea itorra <'"l lar? , worth ?H..90. Chai- Cl?Z Q*"? l.?ii: p price .*4-'VJ-?Zt-D Challenge sui.? Re?ady?Made C?rpete. 8weU (?1.1 Engtt-ti WlHon Vtlrri Carpet, Drngeete, -'?\l yard?*, worth 8V?. In this Challenge ib _g_ ?a\?\ Bale. v>JO.UU /?V//CW ?V^T\*~'r-? $io?s -y f?f> f x rr? ime Challenge Sale of Coots, At the beginning of the Challenge Sale there wrr?? 1<H) Hlack. Navy? Blue, and Tan Rough-Edge Kersey Coats, Smooth ?"loth Kersey TailO*? aliid.' ('??nt?? T???lay th?'.?-?* u'?> " the Challenge .**nl?? at a (?-7 ff/"| choice of.?4r/ ??-/V ?CbaltoMge S:ii<? .*><? and *s.r,o < .??>t? A manufacturer sent US 150 l-Adies' Coats which he made early in the Reason liefere the proper style w?*?* known. A? wo ,-???tl?l not ti>e them und wer?? to return them he a.?k??l iiit to put tlien? in the < 'hallen-**?* Sale at it price. We have market! them 9.00. They are smooth cloth, rough cloth- -Tan and Black. Challenge Sale **_ Skirt*? Diese Skirts, fancy wool h roca?! a, percaline lined, velvet i.inding, made np to sell for $3. Chai faff/-? lenge Sale."Jt? Challenge ?Sale Ol riirnltnr?*. Cl?othee Polea, liirht aah, rt hook*, a eonvenienca forevery r??,?ni in tg\ tin? liousc. I v/C? Challenge Sale Tin?' (hairs. Riegant Mahogany Antique Oak, For-rat ? reen Arm 1 l??iirs hu?I R??? kern, <-,,v?-r,-,l \?,?ili Ix-vt liberty %_\~M (ZfZ veloiir. Challenge Sale.*. i|)j(Oj forWrng orja^TM jtiHT-* or rw? * ?err* mee -^lUa^^i??^