Newspaper Page Text
_ TUE RICHMOND DISPATUH-TIIURSUA?, DECEMBER 1, 1398. ' _ _!__ 9? I nm -flE EXCELUBK-B If STRIP OF FI?S ,. ?. t?> tu?. originality and o', inn also v- ,th \\ luc?? it is ' ? i r - maria LA- ] M Si ill I' i opon pni-niwlm the r, .-,., ,i\ As the ?Tr -i I.iifm-turcd \ I *-?. KIP O?,. ?'f thai fact will . tnri-.l (>v <?, bant par ?II?line- of t.-io (au. , I P i!? i .? tnci, - a, ??ml t!. ptsA iafaetioo , aa 8 .!' l >.'-. tmtt - of families, nu-toa ? on .-.ny a pruaranly 8 Of ill It is f .... ? ;?. . l:v?-r and .?-?tl, ? t ??t gripe nor In hiUt tii?* name of : CAUFOR>'IA FIG SYRUP CO. ? | ?.' ? I-? ??. ?Bl. i ' ? v? gOMSM, B. V. _ * Aa Iy & weow-tcnr) u blood ili-'-.i??" and ! ?, in? ?>? r - I?-?? ** Blood MME. LE CUIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Falls. f-OORSH- BY THOUSANDS. * I cent ? j - i ?r n m-.M r?. i Valuublt? , ? to.,, Rlchiaoad by POLK ? L ...? 1 . Br. Lyon's PERFECT IN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. * - ment oeuUiry. Oa I r) CARTEL IITTLE IVER PII-LS lv cored by theso to Pills. from T**ysr>ep5?3, . Aper - ? ; pjajtM i : . lief ... Pa j ' Small Pin. small Dose. Smali Price. i ? I ti.? day, t Carter's, -' ' and demand ?.-u B* Tu A w) < r Pills. de warps Witch Hazel SALVE h we!! Imr ON for pilos chapped bands, fakf i i unn ; . * Wi- COUld DOt ?IQ f if paid doubla the xi?? rIt-not can buj. IT C -??LE?. iaj,? _^T_._aATU>_ I m?-? 01?M ?,? ,,t '.be rttieil atari *i. i oarraal ?" cuuen of ,?f* ? |(i)to ?. -*ar* a- -*ht,.?l, old? ?i_l,te i. or -k?? BtmtY wta. 'oid all ?i?u?l 4m 1 - ? -I j.?i.-?w u?? '???i Ri?-i?i_!>ni i 111 >?.- l'r?,?uti?,f?t. KhiUisou?-, Va. ***? ?O-?u.iiW-ifc **??** UM IK'VK. OLD l'Aii.i;??. luit svi.l ftl lBc. I'KK HUNi'KI-D _t tu? M-l'A'i?. li Uk'M'lCAm N THE CITY IlALI, Ml. U OHK Ol' 'nu; Tn npi , ? %nm_ OAXfl l.\M MONTH. mm mibit m museum. Iili?f llnmr?) \MI| ?lav?? Onr-Hn,,. Iiillon* ??f Urn? 1, nii,| |inr ??n O.-nlli of Mr. Jnm.-M ?HMMMtl l*r?*??T>nlt?fl to l.n.T mu? K.i|iili> (Hurt. Th? r? n?-u c.imiil'.t. i on ?Pottos m*i ;1 ' ',' '' ': alght, with M???srs. I Tin- i.p.irt of '<,]..: , .:.,!,.s UMAttUt that ? n in. n worked In th.? -i..-,,,, knln gang during th?. month, m agrjn-N -Clerh ?KeDewt Un- ?an .m ,{ ',;- ... !' | -roll, Jltl.lOl.o'i. final, tm??; pairnl WSgOB, . 11.117.75. i"li Utni 1? " n, -i ?,. I'l. ?. .) i?? inted rtl : ? dir? i ....?; ?POrl taUdloa ?j! tho i.?w eiu it B? i bngl ? ' >.>.mitt? ? taken from ? i -?! ?v _ . th? ? ..i.m ,: . ?_ i.ii .. ?. ..'li.iniu?."- on THE KJBMORT OP JAMBS 1'L!:a.s.\.\ts hiIr. J :. Li ? : Anit i. on pr It* I gXti !.. !,ia> norm lo-pted hy ti. ti?. ? .i> Xbt ?I? ?'.'a .?l ..: : an,l it tiny ?be ?? ;.. u,. h i rating Um m u.-??iu;?oih Mr. An* . ' i ' mi ?san rn ua 11.?? ?ben? h Ud bat '-; to take ,.' : ; ? , ,r ih-.' rt to I -i il ibli ; -, .: > t h.i.K (., the I su truthfuU) Mil (n 111.? l.-.,lllli?HB which it IS I honor to prow ?at And ' BOt !? iliap i I - ' \ i known om in nor? dell d th? true qtu?ltlM that k>> to make mi u there PI? .5.1111?.. "Natui v?. ?tli ..i, ? \ mind, . which eminently fitted him for the ehntt a i roi m on. : prai soon . th? di wi . nt of tmih ?and Juatieo, ?thai dominated bli . idmiratlon of ail Who k::??\v him. "To thoM who wort n ?fortuaat? as to . him wol] enough t ?thing of hit ?rod as nancer, disposition an ?genial, ni as tm? ?and at gentle as ? ma i? i - ? -,,, m i? i ?bound to lum friend? Who in?J?.?I loved liini, un?l J. ?. 11 111. ?und -?i? ?bohall ?of ih<? : ?bar "f th? cuy, ? onsid? r it an bono ?pay thi? last respect to h j jii.ii; tlni thOOT resolutions, ! ? ?upon ?Um min irt." OTHER ?COURT PR-OCEEDINQ? M? ? i ?. n ti ? i.t? red in nits: NI? ? lardon Tiller & ? :. ?t . B '. ? i'l7 M. ?Lumber Company ? ? p. Dicken, for ?H A ted tO Minn I? I '. ?rbin, on th? ?ground Hon. in the ' trust?e? ol burch. which ii . of Rev. John umber th? , the ? Ktent ol ebt? 1 j?. II \. r?li t in i il? i?; Well? D ut. A in in : tot by the ourt i?? Robei t k Armour ?and Ida m. Andan I.?, i \ltl.lMI V DIFP1HQ STATIOS. Kicliimind t 'Ii.>?.?* n ?i? n I.ovntlon M.? Ill?)? ol th.- Il.mrcl of ( Th? Bo u?i ? ' of the Virginie lion, whicb n r?l - th? ?aster? Hotel Tin ? : m th? ?Soca? II ?would ' UP ih. ' . qusr oik, Richmond i i ng? mi nt? will b i :.- In a <h? ?ml? ? .1 by th.? \ b tl? ru market? Th? ' oar i both th? ' ' 'undi ?nd has ..; i wh :. ijor \" i; il- B Dr. McCulloch, and It B P th.ii. ?>ih-1 : i ?int.?I t? Thi tnemb? n ,,- ib? i card prow Dl wt r? Captain B ', liini?ii, Mr .' . Brown, of Bi dford; Dr. J. M nd Major B ' mond. r?r. E. P, Nik .1 ?Cullocb, <">?* i; ' Dr. Nil?'.? left f?. ; i_1 night. in: m;\v DISTRICT attiiiinkv. Mr. all?? Will 0"?Hf> To-Diiy?Doe Nul \|?|?i?*li?-ii?l Opposition. ||, m, tht newly-appointe, U is ?notified y-stcrda ,ha! ii id ?been mailed, an lallfy ?n i o'clock this sfternoo Wa.Mili in tl?' ?DlsSrtc ? ?.i.i . I ?, .-,. m of Mr. W. M. Flana ?Dutriel Aii'iiney ?ma ? : ?/eral days, sad thi h. the ?first pace, it l nol known bow that Mr. B. Hand -Well p ?,.,, do?-, | at position, ha I event. If e.,uid m until Mr. Allan had duly imml nste : him Wi n ?sk?.I at???ut th- r.?[???rt that th . ..\ ..... tot (to of th.? part) In th would i > bably oopow iii? coi t... tut ?Sen xte tit Al si ? i do ?no! api rohond ?ta) ?troahle on thi I Hi pub lean twenty > ? .u ,,. Mi. i.amb was kn??\vn in ?poUtlci tO t rrot the party thirty-hv -" _ ??JimtieW to Tin: mi >va m. rpfumt- llo**?'?-?'. Mali??? ? Vslusblv Vo? ?IsISsj?law i BOOf ruHoBllleu. TB? miSfl IS UN Valentin? Mii5?ni .,,,, , ,- ,,, ?gra-g hy whHt it ?fptil on Th number "t vl?lt?MS l? very Ihtkc ?ach duj k> vnlualile donations luvt !? ? Air Bdgertoa Hr,K?*r''; has pressntsd |M oil poi trait of hit iath?r. lUudoip Bogara, painted by Max. Maohaai In U?. ?Ii?"! ,hn ?iftj?.i.-t or tha picture xnt ?i >t?_r?. old. On tbo modeiltn* ?u,.* *t hla aida may I,?. u??n on?? of tin- nia *k?.i<th Kiidlcn Kan-lolpli IU??c-r?? tAt I Major l.<*wln, for th>- Waehtagton monu? ? nt, It? th<> (*npl,?l f?i?juiir? 1- I? h utr-inic UkaaauM of th? aeadptar, aad a araa4arfal? iy wvii-execu,..-* paantlnj >3?aMaa this portrr?ii. Mr. It>g??r5 h-n prie anted to the library a treat! engraving, II? iu??tr?t-?ri t.y jackaoa, a i-o"k ??: engrav in-*> representing aaatw'i mart. i?v Fi?-x ?aaan; .?1 o, th, ?Qdyaaay; aleo, aevei i out? UlM f?t'" I ?iinravtr-? pla- - ' I! iii?"r'.?* r-^.?"* ? ' ' M ?>f the I'. . to' ? ' ' : ||_ |M.. ,.,,,?i ,-. 1. |. ; p?i!n,in???i ?r ,h?? Vaaatlaa lafaoal, aid i - PTOdUOed In .???<r! -| by rarioaa aaalaeat angrawrv; four ? of ? alatli i . vaaea, and a book ,,r arehlteetor* Mr. r tarai hot r ?tented i iti n?- ;,?. *>?iii?i ,,t "Bloody Run." a . . . Mr. y. Brant h*.s pr? polish? .1 BaaUi ;? Ibore, ??f t ?iiff??r nt ahap-t from ,-?ny other in th-? cotteo il ?n. Nu n,? r ?th"r ebjacta of interest .... i, praa? IHK, WBATUM in mi\ kmiii-'N. ? ?>M?-r ?HHhi-r Tlittit I?,?inI f??r Till? Month ?II it I n fu 11 \.?nrl> :>. IimI*?*?. Tha f'>ii??wiiiK ?s titp araathei rapori for November, tha readlnga of tha tharmom? otcr having r><*en tak^n with a K<?\ r :i tn?!,t InatntaMOt near the ?ny: ( OS pit,? ? ?j ?.. I?ClMf. ?i ? ai. 3 Ceir. . . 4?Cloudy.. .*.??. |??ar.. 0 ?? londy. 1 < i?ar .. .... *-. Oteut... ?9?Parti] cioii , ? . 11? Cleei. ... I ?J 1 ' I, v , | IB??1 ,?l?ly .I 1 I ' lOUdj.. i ? laar . l?. Cloud . 17- Partly , toady, ia ? ' n i-. 1U?Par lyelfl id?. HO !-,, . ii < ax. . . ".- r ,i : i-. cl, u.?-. '-' : ? I. ?a i?. I . ' Ml. '.' ?( .? i] . ml I Ott. > ' ia -. ?H -i IV. :?d ? i,-ar. *?I?-IU1. 1 n. . a:,o ' sa * - ia i m i stare f. r lb? nanib. 4 > I Amount o rainfu'l. 2 S\ fa REMAR!--. (Thunderatorma and ml n ? na." 4. f,,?. I ght i u?,m ?it In ta i rala dui ti day ng. i Light rain all day and nl Light rain at Inten day ?nd night I 'Min In th. 19 Ll{ hi rain in the evi nlng. i : E an m en I ? , morning; g 12 M.: hall 4 F M ; win I in < vi nil . In moi n During tha cloud) a, the I is 7 A y unusually mild, until the ; which bai been quit, cold for I Th, P. M. 'm the Kth Wa give In the tabl? below the mean t. mp< ' Infall during the month -f Novem ber lor ire:, ? - r;? . ? . . isn .n; . ? .n.i u . un. 1881. . . .17.1 : . : .47 2 . .60.9 . . .? I M menti of rainfall taken ng. rail. I I >'. 11 I 1. ' Ml i li li < <>.%M 1.1' THE I W-< OLLECTOR. The Mori Or?,liiniu-i- Will Up V.-r? Strictly 1 nfoi, , ,1. ? ?w lag to .m ordli an? ha p b) tl?'- Cil - 11, In no longer withhold U , .... i to tax Ulla for their non-pa) n prior to tl of J ?'y. ;- etor ba - giver, tnx ; > i > i ? nable time -.- law, in i nay 'i" lr taxi I billa for the t? m i .,1] ??r lu? Il befori lui) ? order to a\-.?i,i tbe pen ill ? Thi i ?n which to pay, and t ? half b t be I bat ? - i for ! pa) m< nt, ind the I i- r ? ;.t. i>. n. Ity n aa? Tha recent ordiaan this, n? -. ..-? r foi on July let and ' m,, Auditor of tha ? '> ! i ' ., ., p i et ni pe? ilty on all ,-,,.,.,, ,,.y unpaid at that ?Una f All f who ?i aire to avoid tha ; m ?< nalty "u rt ,i aatata and pe? ?nal ? t f the expiration of June and 1> The Lpaaaua Batartalamawt r??-Muiii Mr. v ii"i?kiiiF??i: Bmlth a ithor of " on, i Carter el CBrteravilli " and a Oth? r \\>.rks Of i;r? at I"-?'-? ? "??> In th? South, will rander one ol -, ,n "A to, to u and other lata woyfci of his to-night at the Aeadi m) of Muale, Mr. Bmlth will I by his i>er s??n?ii fii'11,1. Mr. Roeewell Pega. Just a Cough This ia its story : At first, a slight cough. At last, a hemorrhage. At first, easy to cure. At ladt, extremely difficult. ?uiekly conquer? your hacklngeough. here'ia no ?ioubt ?boat the cure now. For orer half a century Ajer'a Cherry I'ectoral haa been curing colds and cooi^t aod preventlog con luraption. Two alien: $1.00; 60c. tuet uuaei?t.Ayma Ckarry Httonl VltMUrt t?w )u_r lo.ft? if tu ?nt?? WtrMo tho Dmmimt'. If you h?T..iiy eoniiUlnt ?rii?t<'T?>r. wrtte lb. doctor !? t co.t. ?i?_f?_? ,,?,l Iy ?tiout it. T? uxgerpooxty TeasMfeea. Richmond- j , Boewelfa, Jr.. true?tes, > It. l-'r?ir.'-i.?n<*. f*Sl on ?? ??ith ?H?' rove avenue, M feef areal sf \^--:-. I Cd lTU-1 ?1 to .'?". p. c. Deaooa la Jaeofe Matan, M14 t Ofl MMItll ?Ma 1 >>ival Hir'-nrt. 1_7 l-_ Pft C. R. "nimlssi? ?tr.ih G M't'iithy. 38 1-2 i on want aWe Twen, I V.-ill!.,m L. Smith aii'l wtfa t?. v.. i ilanhi : - Ter? a r-elghtb rde, I, $'???*>. ?; ' L And? : i : ?I com? ilaeloner, to i ind it. ?. Hai t -A2 f -?-1 ? : eaif i. i '.? ! -2 \. orth ??f Q a Burton'i trueti to laab, A. N". ?ollard rt-h n same. ' et, M a N, tor B plan of ?: ,. im? 27 t- -i an louth >? ' : {I i? e Blah , : iah? ngtoa, f-,?- - i.-iiii.-o Landholders \ r?? Parlai Their 'I aas. Th? fact ' t wort ? the prop? rty oa u , ?. ?ii Pollard Mi -i une i leed o - for which \\ 'ed needsi ? lui. , i,iiiir.-u'? Charas i Chlldren'i ' i 7d 13 o'cloch. .-ill new ap ,, ,.-,i i? n th. i nta to a large a, , and tha i Childn . bould t??- present on Saturday. The i.jc.-niii Muck. lampsn?. Lyceum in ?re, Md., i.rom brilliant bo ctal ? - ; f? !? aali ara Uonlaed by the Baltira? ih, ad ??f ? mce fo which they are aold, - tha di ma nd for th< m. The with all ? - I . . . ? m. Whi?. mpany will ??a next y 'm - an "The Thui sday night, '"l h Ironi . n i^?i t. "Mot bs " Tl ?. box-ofl morning :,? 9 O/cloch. Three laaall Wrea Yesterday. . r ?i?, was ? ?:n.? ?i i?? froi : ' . . caaloni gahesd ? tobacco ii treat ry small, and ? I cbeml? - . turned in ; m ?No, ? norf d thi damage amount? d-cloth, ? Ml S r Main a n Ta i.?*?-i-.ii ?- m Haeaate Besas. Th? it 1 >r. i ? A Kuyk ?n I ,?a ?i c.,?rr, - I I a to-morrou i tlon --?- ; -11 the the to ind ?a i : pro* tl. The i There will t??.- no ., tlon. An o,d Him- Carnea Mom?-. Amoi - : n Mr .1 Newt, r ti Richmond I fantry Blues, and m M when th their o?untry, wem with th?'ni. H- hd.? reeentiy "t-,t?il froaa the s* an K?a?i to wi com, him tomt Mr?. Teunniit*. l'mitral. ! The raanalaa of Mrs Anaia n. Taauu l, in ?Hollywood Cemeti' peat? rday. The inner?,i took \ . It from All Fui:,t.- hureh. T ? pall-lw-ar, rs wer.* JohB M Hit-gins, I ii?. a. Kuyk, J. ?y.-ir John In. Joeeph Faherty, Prsetoa Beiv ? oshurn?? ii ??*.- i? to Chlldrey EL ' ?ur, QeorgS W,, ami Mr. V ! liur n. Clerk Hrtdr ?o Wed. Chrda ar? out Ban ?unolng the marrl.-i of Mi??s Martha Ann Brai-g ,f pet? burg, to Mr. JuS!-i>h Plunkett Brady, the 14th ii,stunt. Mr. Brady Is the po| lur Bad ? I'i-it-i?t clerk of \he 1'nll States District l'oint, an-1 will m a ko 1 futura honea in this city. The wading will occur at the resi-ler ??f tt,?* l.tll-'R parents. No. 14* High btr? Petersburg. A Very Baccessfnl Operation. Little Emma i.r??wn, the *-y?-;,r-, ?laughter of Mr. T. H. Hrown, cashl-ar the L_f<*-lnsuran?-*e i*nm| any of Y!r?-!n underwent Ba OjierallSB for app.-mllei last laturtafx which wan t-mtneatly si erssful. For eleven we^ks pust shi Y b?-?n ?l?-??i"eratcly III. ami the operati ?-nd a "?Wnler resort." The unfavora svmptom. hav?- now disappeared, a she Is now on the high road to recove THE DEEP RI II Ht *T t LIB RACKS. Indications Thnt Tlier* H 111 Be M_ny Klnc llorara ?BwtOOaSL Entries for the Deep Run Hunt Club races close at the secretary's otflee to ?1 ay at I 1'. M. Already s.-veral et-.tri.s havs been rec?*.lv?*?l for hOTMl comln? fn in Charlottssvllle, Baltlmor?', ?gad Wii-'hlniton. ?Entries from th?? latter infimte ono of the bo?t*known ?leiigloe??ISSfl la America, wh" ?bas ...i sad ?roa ? wJ at ii. nainga, i1 C, ?nd i" ;v si ?How fork. H aill hi ri kaowa gsatiom ia ?rM Th?. ?Richmond, ?Pr? ' ''" tomar- railroad win run ?special, l**a*/lnj i?, i et st i W. m l1'' n sad ?th? Rtehmend Railway i; ? my wit pul a ?I through --1 Tlcki I :.'?. an.i V.. '. Schmidt's. Homier. the Trl??k V ville i i) night will i'.rmai -.? l?y th- famous wltl tricks. tea ?red erltk th ?shews end ha? been seen at injr van?! i rill? I? 1 fit l Mon tit? rnoon Horse. fiiii ?raodo b-a th?- |>? r tri? k on< h indn i Tbl? 1 ' all ?th? I- "' - v ? u ??n Hroad ____.__& __il Tho ?Medew Cloancr ?TWO POLISH. C-0"PA"IC3 V.'ITH OTMfR CLCANCRS AS A tCWING MACMIf . W'**M A NZCOLC. is? :o-T?i ThASaSmi Kirk's Elegant Silverware, Hade Since 1817 At the rianufactory, 106 Baltimore St., East Baltimore, Md. SAMUEL KIRK H SON CO. \IX> Diamonds, Witches, ?and Jewelry. Orders by mall promptly ut? ll'll?l?'?l 111. ?BO i-??"lliil _Di:riiiTiiti: ?W WFUAMMUB. fe*K eJ7?.x^* **\ i\ Li) D 0 M IMUN riTEA.'.i?.ni* ?COMFAJfT. DAIL1 LINE von M'.W _Ol.?_, Passengers can leav? Richmond ?i?lly fr? Igbl onlyj Via CbH*l ' '*""> at O A. nt. (,r Richmond ?nd Pe . (Norfolk an?i \v. iten route) ' ? A. M . conn? ?ting st Norfolk wii?; 1 ?! 1 l lomlnl team?r sailing K ',. ... ' o'clock for New York ALL WATER RO?TK SteimHhtp Richmond leave? Ri.?hm.?n.' every Monday st 3 V- M. lor .New kin .Ii J ?in? I r>v ^^^^^ FKF.H?HT ^^^^^ ,n* vew V*i* ?nd sU ?point? beyond esi ET-,1 ,oed by dir? I ? eAUijr ?aliln? fro? md forwarded, UFr?l?ht received ana rorwaraea. am - bllli ' f,,r :i1 ??n ports. Dir leav - ?very SATURDAY U P. M freight), end -freight b: ~me?*yja_NnrtoJk_ever|j MONDA] ....,! WEDNESDAY " :{ P gatlli r . [,,"r Mo? 2l Ver h I I daily Sund? , v-m furtl -J For U,r 11.11.-. F MATER, k? 1211 " el niehm??n?l V-i r.niil audeu, Vie.--President an< W I r N'en t-, |< Tr-??*!'' M> xjUlUmVELVtiiA, BIOH. r MONO A.? I ? N? > 1.1-? ILK ___ i_ Mil* COMPANY. -' .1 ?sailli Ever* T?W ,; xv sad IUNDAY al flay ? tall*/ until I p. m. ' berth), $; o imer. ..,. information apply 1 WOt t irtn j ? M'CARRICK, _ ?, , ?southern ' ' W P CI.Y1 U r, Mnhi'-i. menu ?ayi??ti?i tvv.WC_r COMPANY, V*?**^ JAMES RIVER 1 DAY LINE* steamer POCAHONTAS leaves \i<is .,??, WKDNWLAY, and I itlu.W si a' \l' lor Sorf?olk, Portsmouth, Ol? Poln s-'e-iiioii New?, ?Claremont, end Jam? ; r . ... connecting ? ?I Point ami Norfolk for Washington, Halt more and the North. gist? !? "I; ? for tl't) nl?l?t ? ?eet t?> th*? wharf. Far only $1U an.t 11 to Norfolk. Music t n-rsnd ' ' '[on Wreis I f"1" ohove-nani >n? sTl points in Eastern Virginia ar; Worth CaroUaa. IRVJN WEIRTQER, N?rln f?eneral Manager. A. H. Drewry. President oc 12 AMERICAN LINE. KAVI oVXttmB?? ?KKVI f g*g TOBK, OOXJTBAtirtOm (LOSDOX) 1 Sailing W>.lne??l?y? ?t 10 A. M. s. |,,ut?i..Vec 7 j ?t. Lnuii..Der. 1'arls. . -..l>*, u I Par,,.Jan jt. t'lui. ,Die. .1 I **t.faul....... Jiia. ?ED STAR LINE. NEW YOKK-ANTWtuf. t?. ry VVo?ius?><liy ?i II Sosa. Noordlaul." ** " I t'neeland.Dee ??"?? TUss?* stoamsfs .-ttrry ouir ??x*on?l. and ttiii elaae peer?i"?" ? Urn r*f* lStTSSNATloNAbSAVLJAnoMUUL, Piar? 14 i', 1 ?V Surin ttltue. um?-?, ? HjwiIq* ?irasa, ?i. f. w & pal ?j Kit a?;?)., ?j_??.l"?.Tti.Tfcasalr Rwhiaooi. HI atiL COMPA?Y. Old 'rh'?ne. 661. New 'phon-, t?? PEKRMAN DL'RIAL COMPANY, 1211 EAST ?HOAI? 8TKKET, RICHMOND, VA. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. J. O. PEKRMAN, Manager. W. U ATKINSON, ?Secretary. C. E. BBLVIN. I'reHidenU (no 13-lm*' HA,LU?'AD f.l*??_S. _2iV soura-iU ?IAIL-A?. St.keuuie effective Oriehvr ' ?, ISSJ? lltAl.N? l.l.i,i: HlUIMllM*. XX. ilUllA, -.1, Au. .?, _o_lu?-i.i ? ? ?tally ror Atlanta, August*, auu ? ?.nit?, -ouin. ?s? ? i??.*r Richmond w Danville, Oreen-boro'. , per open .? ail ti . na I twe? n Kt? ' '"-' Danville i_ take on MS 94 ou Pass angers. Connects at Danville, Salisbury. ami cl, irlotte wttb "" i Southwestern D,mli?-d (No. il}, canyi,i? .\ ?s XorS to Ashenile, i, ?Sprl *-'**;>u''" '-"-'-tt. and Naihville; Ne*s " j''? to Memphis, Sew ?ork w ?Jrleans New York Hrst-clas, day coach Washington and M? mph, nade foi ail point* la ?em Texas and < er ?',en ,., ?, !?' ?psn?i at 9J0 P. ** ... fnr i -?? V M v. 7 ?-?lia tram dall) tor j Charlotte N ' C i on ne? ' ? ' _ lt*y arlth Farmvll e and l'?".?.nat??-u railroad, a: K.-y?viiie tor ?JaiK-? Wile, oxford. Henderson. ??O ?wur bam. an?? ut ?. f*J!i. ?,," ham, Raleigh, and " ;"\ -to 6a,iviiu with :? *',1V;;* ststes . ni mail, sdid '' V, * Mr .New Orleans snd potnti Bou which carries sl^^rs New ?< K to K w Orleans, sad Bes, TsmM llJvT? liabury to Memphis alio I uUnun sleeper every Wed ? ?ington to without change jan ?JfrBnclsco, ?OOr M"'k,;' it local, dully except day for Keyavilla ?and nter" TMAMl kJtlUVB AT HHHMUri?. ?-?Ml A. If.) ?M I' M? From Atlanta. Augusta. Ashevtlle. . , ?, B:44) A to, from K?-v?-vllle and local - lallen? LOCAL iiii:i<.ur rn Alisa. Koa n and U, between Msaehsstsr and N?.? YORK-RIVER LINE V,. wK?r poibt. Till: I-'AVOHITK HOITK XURTII. LEWK Ultimi NU. 4.-0 p. to., rio, is, Baltimore limited. . ? ? epl Bundays, for W ? nt l'oint, il?, ie making cl.???* cuniiec* ,,,, .. ,,.-. We in,.-lays, and tov\ lays wlili ?ifiiiii-r for Baltl m. ?iih stage at l_? Manor for Walkerton and Tappa laya, Thursday. and - _.;,o i- m ?.. .; ?x| ri-?*!*. Mon Wedn ind Fridaya et,,;: , i ige at i ami Tappahann ?? k; also, a, ?> est Point s tb it? i m, for ?Baltimore. Stops , ions, 5.oo \. to, No ?i>. local iuix?*d. Leaves iintlv exc? pt Sunday from Vlrglnli Bt, e< i Btat. n : r '?'? ? it Polnl and ?m, eCtlng ?ail tag? M mor for \\'.,!i< ?non -n i Tsppshannocfc TmADTI AttHlVK AT UCBMOIB. ,?:I7 A. PL, 10:40 A. M. only. 7.O.I p. M daily, Wedneidayi an?l Friday! _. _.. daily except Sunday. fi"tn Watt Point ?ind Intermediate sta tloi -.. . ave We * Polnl al ?' P M Mondays, Wedneidayi, ?>n,l Fridays, and Baltlmo '? P fa Tueedayi. Thura ?ii.i Saturday a ??t itstion, foot ? iiUa su,-, i Open from ? A. to. to *> P. !? .-,?, p m , ,_ a to. City .1 M C, i.i'. W A TURK Trafll Manager. <; n. Paas. A^ent. F. s. GANNON, Third * I? nl and iton, D. C C. W w KSTUL'RY Trav Pnss Agent, nt Mam itri ' ?, Richmond, *? . (PC .21 CHESAPEAKE AMI J-$*tf* OHIO RAILWAY. , II,-, ll?.e ,\o?enilier IS, lH'.IH. lllAl.Ns LMAVM 1IUIIIIO.MI, IIHOAI) M Hill. I SI a non. U.00 A. to., Dally. .With I'aiior car lur Norioik, Poi tsmoul ? Old i'e*i>t, Newport New-, and principal i tatiutat. Con cects at ?'?i?wl1?. w'tb Nei ^ o, ?. iti ?n? n, ? a? n Tuei d iy. s:4? P. M., Daily, with Pul.maa, fo local station. -N.-wpot News. Old PolnL Norfolk and Portamosth. Connect .,i Old i'?'l"t w'.'y Washing ton steamers dally, an?! wttl Paltimors brt_am?rr_, SSCSB Sunday? 10:_0 A. M., Da) l-xpr? ; t Sun day, for C I ? illo fo 1 ing? , Culpeper, ? ., i v.- : lai AK san Iris IA ashlngton; ,,t i qIo, Button, Charlo ; to-, . bbui i; it ] Hagerstown. Dally, with I'ullinani, t Clncini atl, Louisville, an< B< Le il onn? > ting a < ovington, Va,, tor ton bpnngs. Stop? only al im in, ii itlona M,ai sei ved uu dining-cars. N,?. 7, Local Train, excep _ji?ilay, follows above trai from t_ordoniville to ?taun tun. \ ?mmodation. axoapt Sun *-:lb 1*. M. | 5i_i? P, io :io p F. ' _______tor l"?-.v?-l|. . M., I ?ally, for Clni Innati, wit V. Pullmans to Hinton, vv ' '.? a, i Oordonn/llie t Cincinnati and Loulivill? Meala serv, ?l on dlnini ears. Connects at stuur ton, except Sunday, fc Wlnchei t? i, Va., ? ' Ington, Ve , dal Hot aprn l llAIM? LEAVE BIGHTH-STMEE' S i'AT IO Si. io ::o a M.. Dolly, toi Lynchburg. L, s Ington, \ ? ind niftu 1- orge. ? 'onn* la, exo-j ley, with Bu 'kingbsi and Alben hei, aa at Clifton Forge with n?, f,?r Cincinnati 6:oo P. M., Ba ept Bnndsy, for r0iun imAIBI AUHIVE AT Kit H MO M BBBIII SIBBBI station. ?i.OO A. to., BXOSpt Sunday, irom Du; h_M \ M-, Dali), from Cincinnati. 11 ;to \. M., Dally, frSm N? I did ?point .-:,o p. M . Dally fr??m Cincinnati ar Louisville U 511 p. |I.. Dally' from Norfolk and O P Int. 7.45 P. to, Exeeot Sunday, from Cli tos Forge. THAINS AKHIVI". F.lf;ilTlf-STBI-:E BTATIO.N. g 40 a. ML, '-*' *-'?-* Sunds j*. fiuui Cssai Ma. O -O I* M., Dally, from D> nchburg. Le ?iigton, and I'lifton Korg and, except Sunday, fro New Caitla and Roaney. JOHN I? l'l'TTS. Assistant G? neral Pfi?s?'tiK??r Agent. Beware of imiutiuai m_mum mt ^uc*?* * jOMH no?^A?-? son, turner,, *?r ? ** ** Orders for printing lent to the I) patch Company will be given prompt , tention. and the style of work and prit Will be sure to please you.* a AI I.?HO AI) IHK?. Bg| ?ft g i?i_fcim_| Potomac 't-liriliilr lu t ?? ?-i .\ovrmbrr -<?, IHO*. o m; ?an.iSTS'Bun bTAWoSi ?.:?i3 A, _., ?Dally, foi Wnshlnguni and points North. ?Stop? '*"iy at Si il tord ? rtcksfcur-g. l'ullimtn .-lf??peis lo 'tw V..IK. SrSS a. M.. SunUay only, f?-?r Ua.-hlng T - ? j ? . N'.rth. St??ps ai Kii.,1. Qlen AU-n. Ash iaii'l. laylorsvllle, l?osw?*il. l'en?,la. Mil me, ?ininsa. t? ?i ni mit, r*Ttderlcksburg, l.|. W Id? water. s W A. M., Dally, except S'inilay. for w ' ? ihlngt ??n end pofhts North. Stop? at Kl!?a. Ash land, Taylorevllle. I-oswell. R?ther Glen Mil* fluid??. - m mit. l-'u i k burg, Bro Widewatsr, ' * '>? P., y ?pt Sunday, for W aahlngton ? a ?1 point* N. rth. Stop? ?i Elba, ??i'-u Ali. n, Ashlan I, l'oswcll, M i I f > r ?i . Kl ?l-ii?k?bur?, i:r???ik -. s n ?1 Wl.lewater. Parlor csr. Also, c<>nti??et>s with Congressional Limited _ st Washington. 7:4o P. M.. Da i-, ?for Washington and oint? N'?rth. Stops at Elba, Ashland, Dos? , Miitord. Pr??dericksburg, Br?.oke, and Wldewater, and other sta tions Buadsya Sleeper Rich? i ? Neu Volk. ARRIVB It*, HI)-? l in:? I !?TATIO*i. S:SS A. M., Dally Stoiss si u ids?at??;\ Brooke, Fre<l?*rkk*bur?, Mll ford, Doewell, Anhland. and i, ?and oth-r station* Sundsys. Sleeper N?w York i?> III? hmond. 8 "to p M.. ?Dally, eacept Sunday. 8tops ai Wldewater, ?Brooke, iricksburg, ' B .mmlt, Dull / '-lane, Milford. ii".a. Kuth?r Oleo. Dos ?Vsbls ! Olea Allen, an i Elba, Parlor car from ?blngton. 7:10 P. M., Dally. ?Stops tuty nt Frede? ri .ks!iur>?. Ooswell. Aeh 1....?. ai,d Kiiia. Pullman from New York. # P. 1C, Daily. Slope st Wl.lewater. H r n ?. k " , I?'re?lerli?ksburs;, ?Summit, Guinea. WoodMane. Milford, Pen?la, umher ??' n. ?DeSTWell, Tavlrusvllli?. Ashland, Ol.-n All??n, ?and Sleei?lnK ?-)ir. KREPKIIK KSHMi M . .? M VJ.I I? \ I POM. ? I tally except ?Sund .s > too p. M., leaves Byrd-Street Station. H..10 a. M . \riv? -. Byrd Street t?tatto??, \MII.\M> I It UNS. ?1 ?ally except S iieluy.) S:4S A. M . I.? ives Klba. S_M P. M., I. IVC? Elba. ?t i?t a. M , Arrive? Elba. ?MMi ??. m . Arrtv? s i:iba. * \v. i*. TAYLOR. Trame Managsr. E. T. 1 ?. My.i ., ?Pre I '.??n! do '?O - Ll\ _? BaM-Wtl In Dtfeet Nov.'iul>?>r ill?, UMh\ ill UN?-, ?LMAVB luoino.Mi-lMi'-l HVAiil. 999 a. si., Dally, Arrives ivuriburg V i A. M., Norfolk UJI a. M. 8t?jp:, only ?il i ? : reburg, \? averly, and Suffolk, \ ? S-OB A. _L, Daily. Arrive? P? ttiraburg ?UW A. M. VYeidon il.u a. _., FayettevUle 6_f ft M., Charleston 10_0 P. M., U ivannab 12 M a. M., Jack? a M., uort Tampa t?:2o P. M. Connici* at \. Us ?a v>itli No. u, ar rlvl o' ?3 10 P M., Wll?__ngton ?;16 P. M. Puti i. u . i ? r N?:w \ork in Ja< k?onville. ii.:to A. M., Dally, inda) Ar as 1- .'?I 1' M. ?Stop? Manchester, Drawry'i muff, ?Centralia, ?ana Ch?sss?f Ignal. 8 38 P. IL, Dally. Lo? ai. Arrives Pe buri 4:15 P. M. Makes ul. blou?. 5 :-?0 :>. :i., Dally. Arrlv?M Petersburg P. M. M ikee all lo.-al bmond and Poiera ? 7.30 P. M . I' ?i \. Arrive? Petersburg ?v.-, p. :.i.. conn?cts with Norfolk and -Weotara for Norfolk and li.terinodiata i oints; Emporta 1:14 ?\?..on necta with A. and I). f?ir stations bi I w? en I'Jn.porla rille), \v??ldon . P. M l-'iivrttfvllle I:?*7 A M . ?'h irl??i?ti.n m.itH A. M.. Savannah l*M A. M., .lack . lUe i P. M., Port Tampa P, M NE** UNE TO Mir>LLK HEORGIA POINTS Arrlv lilten " -' A. IL. Auguali - ?A. M ?Ms ?>n 1! A Urn, ,n-i 13:11 P. M. FullDian pilfa New V"rk to Wil fton, JscksonvUlo. Port i?. Alken. AuK'jsta, und Ms-con. it.m? p. M., Dail) Arriv?e Petersburg P, M . W. lilon 11?0 P. M M !-.? lo? .il ?tOSi U iv... a Petersourg ana Wel ?l? n. 11:40 P. M., 1'aily. Arrlv.s Petorsburg 12 .'? A. M , Lypehtiura; 6:15 A. M., Roanoke 7:15 A. M.. Itrlstol 12_5 P. M. Pullman per itiehm? a?i ?to i.yni-h burg, TR\INS \!'ltl\i: HIIIIMOXD. 3.-3 a. ML, Pally, f?roai jacaaouoilio, Savannah, Charleston, At kanta, M non. Augusta, and all points South. S:1S A. M , Daily, except Sunday, At? l.u.ia, Ath I Htm* in, l.yn? hi?.UK. and the Weet H 37 A. M.. 1 'ally, l'etersburtr loe al. ?Ursa A. M., Sunday only, ii m Atlanta, Ath.M.s. Kiltigli, Henderson, i.. :.? hburr?, and the West. il??."? A. M., Dally, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Petersburg. 1 81 P. M., Dally, except Sunday, trota r? tersbur?g. Sf-i-s rhester, Centralia, l'r.wrys Hiuff, and Man? I ^vr <-n slsnaL 7 _o r. m , i?.iily, JacksonvlU? ?lavas** i.,ih. Chsrleeton, Wil.-nlna? i ????Idsboro', and all ?point? South. S-SS P. M , Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, Waverly, and I'etersburg. S 50 P. M.. Di >'. l'etrrsbur_. I.yncb burg, and the West. J R. KENLY, T. M EMKRH'iV. al M Iliader '.ratTi.' Mamtgi-r. II M. EM ERS".N' ?i? tit.! Pass?naer Ag.nt C. S. CAMPUELL. no 2?. I ?Ivlsl I .-- " i'-r Ayeat. N^WNoiii^Wsiimi . .kt?w gchtfJdla i?-EtJCt June 1-, IMOa. LEAVE RICHMOND. BI RD-STRB?! STATION. o.oo A. M., RICHMOND AM UOm r?JLK VESTIBULE LlMlT l-.'L? Arrive? Nortotk HM A. M. s?i??ps only at l^etsrs? burg, Wav?riy, and buftutk. ?Second-i lass tleksts net a?c? ? .pted on tin? train. 0:05 A. M, J?1K ? HI? A'l" EXl'RBSS, for Lynchburg. Koanoke. Co? li.mb'is, and ? i. ?Sg? Pull? n .' Sls??per Roanoke to Co* luinbun: also, t??r l?r?st?il, K i.??avilie. an?l Chattanoeaa. T 80 P. M., Por Suftolk. Norfolk. *ndT*. t- : n.? dial? stations, arriva? ?.: Norfolk at \e Fl P M 11 :?W P M., r"?ir Lynchburg and Hoa i ?ke. Connecta at Hoan? k* with Washington and Chat? tano'iga limited. Pullman Sii-nprrs Koanoke to - and New Orleane. Pull? II14I1 ?<l?-e?.??r b?'tw-en ItU-h? mond aii'l Lynehburg, an<( berths ready for oc<?upan ?y ht 9:00 P M. AU?? ?Pult rnan r-'leeper Petersburg and , ??ke. Trains arrive Rl.hmond from I.yneh burg and th. Went dally at 1:15 A. M. and 8 fui P. M . fr?>m Norf tat Eaat ?at II M A ,\f. and VRSTIllPMCD LIMITED at ? SI P M Office: 138 Mi.?r street. R W. CC t'RTNEY. Dlntrlet, Pa.oei.ger Agent. W. B SBVILL, ?fleneral Passenger Agent. ? : neral OfTlc?? Ro-rnoks. Va r,f \% Cards, btl!-iu-ads. Statemeuu. Lettwr* Heads, Note-H?*ads, Circulars, HanlbLls Dodgars, Ac, printed by th* L>ts.>?.:oh ' '? i'.ipany at low prices. Will ?give you good work st the same prices you pay fur inferior work. Send ue your orders .T.g we will eatlefactloa la ***. *.( particular.