Newspaper Page Text
4 TTTE RICHMOND TiTRVATCH-FRTDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1898. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE DI81 \ATCH COMPANY. Tho DAILY DISPATCH ti dollvorc.1 to eubeorlbere at FlfTI CEKT3 per month r? wmm%9 ?T nionthlv. Mailed al ' ? ^iya* ble in adranw; U tor Us ? ? - S 9lM months; W cents for one month. j?.? .3 cents. Tli.? WEEKLY DISPATCH Issoed and ; Bd in two parts at t\ 1er aamm. 1 : ?.PAY DISPATt H at UM per annum, or 73 ends fur MB ni<> . Siitis-riptlons In all ?'*' ?' ,n a<'" vaine, m tinned attar the Bt nd pos: ' htck, or , i. Currency ? I g U f-B risk of ?UM Wishing th'lr i ?hanged must ?rive thiir old U w'?l M th? lr taw . ?vfiic-o. Sera* la ? ; ' s ?fr-ee. Al)fEET_PKQ RATBH HALF INCH 08 I , ,,_. .i ?Vi 1 time. 2 timos. S time.?. . . ?times. 1 ?SO 13 times. 1 month.:. saonths.- ;.; ness -wants. *" , iWa in a?tV van?-- '. -' Ah . tf or n '* Ver;!:?, menta running OOUBSOath I matter mjno, five | . ., Jl; In iinnpaiiil, 1 five lines ? : I of rates for OaOt? *Paec furnished en appll??itlon. All Utters and telogramB must be n.l , THE DISPATCH COMPANY, ftajaetad aaaraaa?cattoas w.n pot I turned. All letters recommending candidates for oAoe mast ?be ?paid for to basare ?their ' -atlon. This Is a 1 :i;--landing rule of ? resolutions ?t respect to deceased mem. I ?hf a thut, corpora tions, asso lafdons, or other ?srganlaa tlon?-. wlU ?he Charped f ?r as u'ivertislng mat ; rr-TOWN ?OiflC^ diioad-strf.f.t 1'llMLOCV, ?HI BAST ?BH?AD street. manchester office, 12*33 hull STREET Bit IDA ?.DECEMBER 2, 1808. Friends of the ?Dtepatch would do us a favor by informing us promptly of any failure an ?the ?part "f IK or newsbtvys OB Salhroad trains, t?> meet the ?pabtla dssaaad tor ooplen of this i Information h .1 ?by us of the ,. i.?.y of ai y aillai <?f ours in Richmond, .Man? b< Mar, or eh ?where. Mai; ?- il Isa Jr.vited ?port ?to US whenever their papers como late or Irregularly. TUL OTSTRH <ti ?SgTIOE. Th? ?, i -. M ,-,-,- v.? ?asaj not Mlj : . ? : suppers, bul fruitful i- m, ami there lndlcattoi .i ?poUttcal < ampalgn ?and the n< win ?ho bum ii <?. upli ?i in ? "iim.i. ?ring it. in tli. oyster countr) the people are ; aith ? 11 tain p....... Ion - ??f the ?hile th? ir UDH ountry kin are ?dissatisfied *srith th?? amount ol nue ?tha oyster brtngs ?Into tha . Last ft .i- ?n of th? ?nom? ; into in t.?. u .. member of t':. i. .;. tature, i? pn atlng a ?arhlch annnslly ?draws ?from tha public >iry mon? ?money than It puis in then?. ?Many < . ?tsettsh ?things ha?.-? I . ?I about Virginia'.?; i land??. ?Estimatag haw- ?been i tho ressem? ?thay ougbl to yield which m? atttrly aboard, yet thay bars mads un Impression upon tin public mind. Wtom the lat- I ?statistic an bard : an the Dnlti entire oyster output of Virginia al ?ahoul KX> i?ir ?annum. Whethai thla ?sum in cludes th.? rains oi tha oyatsra ?sonanmsd by tongers* au?l planters' famili. s w.? know not. ?Supposing that It do.-a not, but ramemherlag at what east ? are i?!ii!it?. ?1 and market? ?1, it will ?be . thai the Industry Is not capable of eot'lchini" th?? State Treasury us many peraonf? Imagine, Dut it is contended that if tho State would adopt a moro libsMti poUoy with i et to leasing out her laads, the in dustry would Kr??w amazint'ly. That m ly ?or may to?* be ?so we ?do net ?know- it i a question tint can otilv l>e ?settled ?by actual expel mi? nt. 1 'lit thr- time has ?noi yet ?Dome When inch an experiment ?can be Italy tri. ?I. Virginia would ?better Mick to her ?pres sait laws until they ha?.-?? I?. . n thoroughly tested. Wo ?lo not m?an t?y th th? y photiid not t.?? amended wh? 1 - ?hOWO th? m i.? !? : Not at all All th?. ir ?smditloa should I-? c??rr? i t? d. bUi we ?artn-tly ?hops no se rious effort ?cm t??- ms ?le to ?find s mam i tor logia] . 11-..- ?tinkering. natty ??f tenu?? ? Bitty fron ? in t?- rtetsmce are < msnoal I the iv lim. ...riii.-n fH'ht ni'itnst Incrsaas of tax atioa Josi ?as tha ?people of other ssetloas of the State ?lo, arid wh. th? r th. > to do HO or not It Is a fa't that look upon Whal th?> State calls "r?-??tais" SB an ma f"r taxation. l|..u, vr. we think It Is to the int.-rest of the - ?country to do all that ii oaa ?So to ?ant law a ?suoosss Snaa? ?dally and otherwise?, it is not Ukeiy thai a h.-tt.-r law can b. illy ;?> in the course ??) . M will ' orno wh? n oi for, ?'?I t i i low for additional reve nu... i . > o?jr oyster friends Is to of the ? slating law and not to seek to r???p.'ii th ijiks ti??n. fair-minded pilhli?- R Is to ?see th.- oyster Industry pro?; t of net reven.:??. A\ ,. ?i?. not think a large revenus is l-seked tu at first. The ?hops t? rather that fi ?- s and the r. \?u'i?: v.ill j-'inw s'.eadily. I l:\Kll I. Id ? OMIMI'I.V'ir. The r?r,"? ..f (?he la tnior ahowv that In July last w?- ?bad on the ?psnstofl rolls HS?3,714 jK'rihi? with tPM? claims p? ?ding, of a : have, It lx eatlmated, e limn I m? ... ?, m, i ' outlook >.h Dial l?.r some tlm? th? Will be "still 11 |.?,.; u. pensions. Since the close of the civil sar wo have paid on this account S2.2M, US.KX), with ro,!?G6,31S additional In teen and Otmmt expenses Incident to the sys t? i,;. To day we arc paying mor?- annually on account of a war that ended over three decides ago than any one of ?! of the great powers of I'.u for the malr*. enante of Its en tire military establishment. Yet the American p? opl<> are urged to andoraa a policy the carrying out of which would Boesssltata auoh increase in our ntmy and our navy as would, including pensions, make the cost of our naval and n?in, ?i I't-hmetits amount to some N.M0 n jrear. Add to this the ordinary expensan oi the |0?rsrnment, the lateraai on the $2rT,i,l??y>,oy? of ?mar honds we have the - api -1 np to data af aw war witii -tonta, the RBUMN we are to r th?- Philippines, and the salaries of the horde Of ollh-f -hold? rs that WOUld be empMB-d In administering the gOVOTB? of the Islands, and the taxation Btbtng fearful to contem pla*?-?. Till*. LABI %M> THK l'll.LOIIT. D laware ta a uttla behindhand in some of her methods of punishment for criminals, or possibly It may be that she Is up to date In the modern cruzo for antiques. At any rate aha still uses the pillory as n means of subduing her male factors. During the snow storm last. two men stood in a pillory in the H-jrard at Newcastle, and f'?r sixty minutes WSTS BgpOBSd to the biting eie rn? nts. The temperature at the Una wai Btiortabl*/ l??w and the mon appeared to auffer m? little, ?from an aditorlal in lbs Baltimore Berald, wa arc led t?> bs? lleva thai svsn tha jail official? thought inlsbment was too asvsrs?, They blankste ??ver tho forms of the manacled law-brsafeera and humanely encased their ahaekled hands in gloves, - ,?f gindnaas, bowsver, the n neatly stiff with cold -when relea sod. To add t<> .ho <iis eomfort of one of the prisoners, he I ?I tliirty lashes on bare back, admlntatered i?v a cat <>' nin?? ?ails in tha banda of tha Sheriff, and was then .taken bach to jail for a tea ?rear term of lm acllt. The purpose of the Delaware law || to Inflict actual physical suffering on th???-. s spirits who have lost tneir BSUSe of dec bSOOBBS insensible to their own degradation. Both the stocks and th?- pillory BTS at pr-scnt used In D, la and many Sow Jans*/ ottteena arc ? adeavorlng to havo a revival of the ?nicking st?,'?l th, re. Tha pilloiy practically Baw its end at th?- ?beginning of this century, though MssBBOhosi tts, the ?.'r?-at rentes against alleged wrongs to the m-jro ruce, ap? t?. hairs clung to it tenaciously. In Janu ary, UB, a man nacaed Hawktaa stood for an hour in a pillory in Baletn, and had ?lis ears ? r?,pp< ?i. This grim, old Instrument of medieval lays was used as a punishment for many B in!. In its ?lay it hi Id many i |.i and tamoua man in its \\ a bava evao hoard of one nnfer who suif- red it? embrace i"" be ?delivered tais,,- dinner Invltationa Ha v- d what h, -i also a prac tical *)oh?*r who Buffered th? ? uns penalty. But tha l?i!l"iy la as much out ot place to-day as candle Fnnfl', ; 01 I l iiinets, and loym at will Btrlks tho ordinary mind _- a 6tep backward. WHO LACGIIS I/AST. I oto news from tho Philippines vK M.i ls to the effort that the Insurgt-ntB Bedded not to recognize the ees.-l ?n of the islanda to the United States, and will restai t?? tha last It is uls:o claim? d. gram conveying this Inter? Information, thai the United - will re?Tulre 19M9 troops to pot down tha rebellion. Furthsr, it is al? thai th, insurgente hold 1M0B Bpan? lab prisoners whom they will force to , ngslnet the Americana, So, in addition to what our war with b ah *t us, we ara to pay ?Spain Jiii.OOl.?OO for the privilege of civiliz lug th.- gentle Filipino in tin s am?- way wc hays bran civilising tha "noble ted man." rda this whole Philippins business, it may l?ecomc Spain's turn to laugh, and illustrate "who laughs last !?s best." Tha Young Men's Hebrew Association . in in paring for a great ?bar it y basaar, now hi progress la the Windy City, hit upon a most happy idea, which will ?produce splendid flnantial result.--. ah the celebrated beauties and singers ?r tin- slam- were. BSfcOd to BSBd B d"ll, Bud the magnlfl ; r< ?Us of the meeaage to favorites has been BOBBO? tbipg incomparable. N'ow, |f thsrs la any one thing Of nil ?.tiers which women lova t.? do, it la to a doll, ."?nd th?> footligbt celebrltlaa havo pr ?VI ?l that they ?ir, : ; ? -.. , ??tions to the rule. The basaar will be literally ?1 with ?lolls of the hands.,m? :-t sort. ?1 in the finest of clothes. In di? .1, soph- of th,- aetrSSfl ?; mast have .1 sums in >30B_plylng with the odatlon. In nearly I the PUPP, ta ara ni ray, 1 in .-m representing tha glvsra, and so they are. doubly Inter, .-ting. VIOlS All, n, who is starring In Hall Cslns'B "Chris tian," .-?ut a <i??ii rsprssetlng ,;i.?m,i Quayls, whii: Beatrloa llansflsM eon? ! i one r pn Banting Cyrano ta !.,,-. I'aulite 1 Trill gBYC "The CM? 0 Qirl of IBM"?a beautiful creation of ist, which w.ns a real tailor-made suit of gray i? ?adetoth, lim-d with ccii??- silk, and li?t to match. To rc:;d tile letton which accompanied pretty china and waxen baldea is 8 the actresses Si their sweetest, and ? oi-iii-o in them tin? most lovable : v. ?it aiihood. J? ?.- Bartletl Davis, in her litt I? note accompanying a .-ays; "1 have made every BtltCh Ol clothes OB this doll; you know what thai means when you ara studying a now roi,-. if it is not to your Uktag, you must lay it to my tired h? ad and It is , ?I , BBCtly like my Brat act in Tin Botonado.1 i bops you win gst a good sum for her; she cost nie over J."???; I only t.ll you so thsl you won't los.- ,.ii h,r." It i lo say that the dolls will bring tmmsnse figuras. The thhrty-elghl ,.f the bazaar have airea.Iy br? unlit in th?* Michigan delegation reosntly l ii the Fifty-sixth Congress th? re OUt Of tw?-lve ghOMBSfUl QSUdldateS, three v. ho bear th?- uni,pie name of Smith. The triumviri't?? who boast this usuras! appellation ara ii?-nr>- c.. Bsmusl \V., and William Ald.-n, und ull ol th? bava tha moral courage to omit g lina i B from th? Ir naines. They will be tlrst, second, and third IsrSBSra, rcspec t.vely; ?ill are lawyers, und all are hus ,n political and profenslona! circles. liier?- will doubtless be other Smiths In ?ess, but Michigan flutters baTBBlf that as "th i Btate will send ad iurge a bunch un sha. FORCI". Hill. TALK. While on the one hand Mr. McKinley end hla advisers are pressing a move ment that. If consummated, will even tually mako Ftntes of a lot of islands over in the Pacific, that are InhaMted, for the moat -part, by savages an?l scmi savnges, on the other th?y are consider ing; the question of reducing some of the Southern States to the condition of satrapies. Whllo they feel constrnlnel by their superabundance of "humanl tarlanhm" to labor to extend the 1>1?a\9> lngs of civilization to the polyglotic. polv.thnlc Philippin???, th? y ar- at th? same, time, w?? aro told, r.,nt<?mplatlng a war on southern clvlllzati?in. In other words, we are told that th" Prsatdsafs ?plea lo ?'"tun-ess for support Of his imp? rialistic ?pottoy will probably i ompaiii???l by tho SUggeotlon that another turre bill be pot upon the -South. -The I'r.siilent has ?heOfl conferring r< c.?ntiy with ?some Of I nits of th. j'.ipuiDean party on the ?sahJact of the "recent race riots" in tl?.?? ?So ith. and. -Hays a Washington refill, as Mr. Mc Kinley, when a member o?" th.? H-OV S, retad for the old force bill. It Is believed that ho will favor the enactment of a. measure ?drafted along similar lines. The >-anie special also -??ays that Hun- Is talk in Washington of tho South'.** Ix-im? honor, d during tho coming session of Con by the attention of special congres sintial eommitte-s of Investigation. That Is tp Fay, It is proposed practically to go back to reconstruction days, With their visiting statesmen, MbOTOOd Wit? Federal judicial osurpatlons, .1 bayonets al the polls, and ?ffons to put the white people ?ander ?the heel Of Ih?. nsgro. Of COarsS, this programme will be ostensibly In tho int'-r?- t of th?? "poor, doarntroddeo man ainl briither." Hut even were it not ilsmmiBiiahls that the repressive measures of the past w? ?re not In the interest of the negro, the hls tOry "f the operations of thOSS measures show that Congress could not do the negro a worse turn than pas-, a n??w fOTOS bill All the repi? ;\ 1 ?ylslstlon it may be In the power f?f ?Congress to enact will not prevent the white m<?n of th?? South from ruling. At the same time, If a forre bill is passed? that net will but make ,moro apportent tha hypocrisy <?f the claim of Mr. McKinley and his ndvls? rs that they are the apostles of civilization. Tho New York Central Ra?road Com pany has determined to erect a ?E0D.O00 Qger depot on ?tha f?lte of the ohl Dolaran ?Hol i. Albany We ?ire still hoping that ?some ?Such Rood luck as this win come t<> Richmond before long. Tho ?lisagr? alil.? position of the White offloera of Um sixth Virginia Regln ? -??-?-alii d), while entirely undeserved, y ?suggastlrs of the homely old ?saying to tha ?sffeet thai ?one cannot touch pitch without i" ?ng black?' ?and. It is underatood thai ?the ?Aator Hank, of NOW fork, has bought out the Sixth National ?Bank th?;-e. it is said that *:;", > was paid for each share of Stock. Don Carlos*! ?n, i???n Jalma, ?sesma t?? ?be ?having s i.i many ?brldea cbooea ?for him just now. Would they make a M??r mun of him? it is ?earnestly to ?be hoped ?thai Spain's "sa?l but ?gtorlOUa*1 days will er.? ?long ?be succeeded by happy though eommonpla? ones. The main ?flHBculty about tho Philippines O ?ins to be that Aguinaldo comes with ih? m. The Jackson Ward Inddenl is mildly Stjggesttre of bO? it was in Wilmington, s. c. Baltimore is ?moving for aii-night ?street? cars. The ?need of ?such a conveiii-iiee in Richmond la felt by oeurspap? r ?man. ?Secretary Alger*s report is out to-day, but what tho people- really wish to see is an anti-Alger ?report one of ?ii?? World's Ways? ( Chicago News.) ;-' ?m.? men are bom to f?iiinw, And ?soms ?are ?born ?to UI d; S'lrn?. men ?are ?born to ?order, And ?some an- ?born to ?heed. But he ?thai ?leads his teneurs Who trail ?along behind May hare a lu'-? companion Who makes ?him meekly mind. And they that heed directions Which other m? n expound At i. me ?are ?inore than likely To ?bom their wfr< s ?around? ni:uTii'ii, HOME \\ r.niiiM";. niellirlags of i:\-l.letitennnt <?ov eriuir K?-ul's DsaghtSS. WYTHKVIIJ.l'. VA., 1?. e. Hil-T 1. iSpeelal.)? At '?Bowling Cr-i'ii," the Is-au tifui ?and hoepttable bomestssd of i Lieut' nant-ib'x ?i nor ??Robert C Kent, this ?afternoon al * ?t/clo k waa srltn? I a pretty ?and most ceremony, thai ahlch oi ?ted the ii'. i Miss i:iizaiuth Patton, ?daughter of ?Oer? ernor and Mrs. Kent, and Mr. Edward Co by ?Darling*, of New Kenatngton, ?Pa 'I'll.- oeremony, which was wRneaaed only by tii? i? ?:tiv. s MU? S : > .?? ? ' ?! 1 of th?? ?families, took place In the spa? ?parlors, ?Rev. T. P. Barclay, of the t '. teriaa church, pastor of the bride, ??t-n ?a iting, Ths I? mt of i ??lar and boil?,. The blending ?>f th. bright rod berries of ?tha latter with th deep ?.a-in foliage? tosjetJMr with th? beautiful shaded red lights, ?j most ?pleasing affect t?> the ?sosas? r'i? bri?i?? waa ban Ii I in * bltt sfjtin and ?rose )">int la? v.-tl. an?l iarr!??1 beautiful bri?ies ?roses, n??r sister, Mi?-* Anas 1*. K' nt. was ?maid Pf h?n??r. St. wore a gowa of white l?*r?ec?aded silk, ?and carried ?red rases? The bride's ether at? tendants were Misa ?Flora Stuart, m?-? Nellie Csldwsll, ?tKruatps ?Of the bride; M ?Sus Spill, r. Mis.? ?Fannle ?Pulton, Miss Helen MoOn , and Miss N-'i. Say. rs. They ware attired in white organdie, with I ?srry whet crushed ?girdles and oollara, ?u ? ?aniel nal ehry-.nitle-mums. The ?groom an?i his attendants wore the <on rantloaal ?Mach Prince Albert. His ?boat man was his brother. Mr. I'r.l. i> irllnr*. of Warren, i'a. Ths nahen arate Cadet? Captain Joseph ?ClOyd E? tl S?d JoSSpb W. Kent, brothvr and oOusiB, respectively, of the ?bride's; Hoben ?Bayers, Jr.; Dr. Bd? ward 1'. M.Cavoek. ?Of Max Meadows; l?r. John i>. Thomas, of Washington dty, sad W liter Taylor, of Norfolk. After the ? |. iiuuiy a lMrse I was h?l?l. which was attended by the iiuin? i ??US friends of Governor ?and Mrs. Kent. I ai ling the ersalBf s ?mosl elegani collation was ?sSTTSd Mr. and Mrs. Darling left on the IJI train f??r th??lr futur, tome, car rylag with them the beat adehea .f their many friends In <-ld Virulilla. The bride la Qossi?or Kent's second daughter, and is on.? Of VVvthevlUe's ?most elmrniliig ?and popular young ladi?s. Th? gtOOUl is an active tmsin*??>?*-niiiii of New Esnsington. H<- eunptt of an old New ?Bngiand family. ?and is a son <?f a not?sd minister of th? Congregational ?ChUT-Ch. luiM-rnl of Mr. (?i?i>. ?Huni.-i-. fork I'MoN, Daeeeahar i.-especial.)? From the Haptlst church nt a'olook yesterday afternoon took place th.- funeral of Mr. A. ?ippmh i. ?i?.i ih. ?after a long- and painful Illness. otearse i lu fctohmead Tueaduy morning. The exercises were conducted by his pastor. Dr. O. H. Bnead. assist?-?! by BSV. Dr. W. 9, Hat? h-r, who Is tahtag a few days of r?-?-r< ,-iMoii at his country MSI? d? nee. The speakers referred ,, Mr, < ?p penhlnier's devotion to Christian duties, and to his remarkably-successful busine-s ? r. Tha Interment was at "Corinth mil." In his family asmstsry, which la located near th? MSBS of his litst business ranHiras. made forty-eight fSBM ai*o. To his children, six In number. Sil of wh??m were present <-n the sa,i occasion, be gave an example of Imlomitabb- Industry, Bad h<* baves the prloele I ?,-gacy of a good name. xonm ATI,\>ii< *nii \nuo\. The Texas i:?p?-?-,e<l?Cuse of (up III 111 ?I ii n rue. N'oiifolk, va., December L?CBpseisl.) I isassinililliig ?>f th<- Borth Atlantic BQUadron In Hampton ttoadS, WblCb has i ? ? h delayed owing to th?- non-complotlon i airs on tlie big ships at N? W York, will 1?.. has,?ned n,,w In prepsrntlOfl it the wintir nui.--?. The battl bip T Captain Hgahos. is expected t., j.j?u ih? dp Nes York orr Old ?Point fern fort t"-m"rr?,w momlng, an?! a? soon as the other ship-- assigned to tha agua Ir m arriv- _i the Boads the ti.? t onder com mand of Commodore Philip win sail f?r ?uthern winter dnil-grounda off C Charles. Naval ofllosra say thai the prao tlc<- evolutions this winter will 1 largely upon the expsrlsnoas of the biooh? a?!?- and patrol off Cuba ?luring the war. Captain Oonoaa, of the BpanBfh i*svy, Whs coinmand'-d the fiSgsblp Infanta Baria Teresa, ofCsrvsra'i BQUadron, and who was B prison? r of war at tha M Hospital on this station f?,r S',m>* time, baa a at asvsral of his pletorsa to the naval surgeons who Were, on duty it th hospital during ins confinement there. They are Intended aa tokens of his ; i > i > r ? * - dation of tha kindly attention pal i t?, f and bis nu-n. The ease of Captain B. V. afunros, of the Pritisb ship Canada, eharg ?i with ooncealing bis Bast mat,-. K. B. Croaby, wh", it was alleged, murdered oik or two of th?- Canada's crew when aha a this port la ' BUnUBK r, was further hi ird by Justice Tomlin, In the PoHcs Court, tills, in? ruing. Th? ? -,,uit held thit there was no proof of murder's having DCOU committed, an-l tho warrant against Captain Monroe araa dtomlssed. shortly ;:ft?-r leaving the i ?<?in Chptsin Monroe applied at ; i -, headQuartere tor prote?ctlon from osvornl of th- Canada'! crew, who were following him about in an effort to wages which they clslm t?? !" due tl m. C iptsln-of-PoBcoPrlnea detail? ?i i ?el ctlv? Bnowdss as a guard f r th,- Nova captain. Later Cnptifn Munro? had the men aevsn in an, arrested apon pesca wai rants. Thov were bailed in the , | ?::. each. BBVBBWIC-C Jones on Trial for >\ lf?--1liirder?V -I., ..! >, - ?tilia?. LAWBBNCBV-LUC, VAL, December t~ IS|,' ? lal.i- II. to. Jones, the OOtorod a, t-, chargsd with murdering his un?', srss Indicted by tb i Jury at this term of our County Court, an?l was arraign, ?i un Tu, I iy. ? S' m-,: of a material ?witness for th, de? f :. a tho trial s*aa adjourned untl y morning, but since ft.- n the I big "??t ?--f tl??- the 1 mon? v.. Jtb bsi progressed slowly, owii its ].i?r?'iy Bbrcumatantlsl i ami ills that must "f ni lie into. Au Ugly shooting affray teas re port? ! i Ol oville, in . .- . it occurred y< it? rd iy be lw< n Mr. Larktaa Rt sling and Bi Ja I? S..I1 a Thomaaon, two promlm ..: < .< ot th? ir neighborhood. -V ?i?? 11 between them a.- regard to the hiring of ?-,,- bot woi ?. but n?? -n? ouuter toob i lace, and M;. H i. t* *, ? - -. i . i i.? his home "i Mr. Thon t?, Qholsonirille. Bhortl] afterwards, it Is st : ?I. Mr. l: - nil a Mr. Thorn i- on, who ted with Mr W. W, Wesson by I COttOI -'-m. BUd In- 1 ? b- ol ,,:' :? Mr. Thom for tan m iy, bent foi sard, ami ? ? iiii'i. Thomason th? n i ?i Baw1ings*s brldl?s-reln, and aa I app? d the other bai re\ of gun at him. Rawllnga then rode oft, ?rant lias '' -mt?? I '*,, C, IF.II. Triiile,,-??pHiiiiiii MmrliittP ? *iVnr leolon P?-r (?nuil?. BTAJtBBNTON, VA., ?December 1.? iSp. ,-i.,i.) The n - Lucy Bpilman, of J? fl I to Mr. Triplett, of i ' inter, this j attended by Warn people. The ceremony was performed B] Rev, i',. \v. Nelson, and Mr. Appleton Idlng march BI nie Bpilman, Lana Pletcbsr, sad Alys i rner, of this pines, w, re h A larga i c ptlon was given tha . | couple at the house of the bride'?, :.. Mr. Tolaton, nton. The bride Is lister of Mr. Edward Bpilman, Jr., of Warrenton, an?l lias numerous relatives In Richmond. Mrs. ?". B, Cart i entertained a nuin Of friend?- VfsdnsSda ,.?i at whist and tea Mr. Plncbney Cralg, of Bait n dos -? to day for a Mr -, Keith, to ? t? i"v the 1 anting sad . I Misa Pannle Cochraa, of the Plains, . .?f Washington, are visit? Ing the Misses ?fair. Miss Charlotte Nelson I? Tues? ruff.ilo, N. v., where sie- will ?..?it Miss Josephln well knou n In Rli hmond - The People Believe What They Read About Hood's Sarsaparilla Their Faith in This Medicine is Grounded on Merit They Know It Absolutely Cures When Other Medicines Fail Hood's Snrsoparilla Is not merely a sim ple preparation of Sarnaparilia, Dock, Btillingis and a little ludido of Potassium. Besides these excellent attentive*", it alio contains IkgBB {/reat anti-bilious and liver remedies, Mandrake and Dandelion. It also contains tho'?? gr-eet kidney reme dies, Pva Urei, Junlpor Berries, and Pipsi?Jat\TS, Nor are those all. Other very valuable curative ar-ents are harmoniously com bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it i-i carefully prepared under the personal supervision oi a regularly ?educated phar macist. Knowing thcae faets, Is the abiding faith the peopl?' have in Hood's Sarsaparilla a matter of surprise? You can s?r-o why Hood's Sarsaparilla sures, when other BjadtdMI totally, absolutely fail. "My little girl was afflicted with eczema and suffered for seven years. She was attended by physicians and tried many different kinds uf medicine with out relief. After taking a few bottles of Hood's Sarsapariira 3h?* was cured." MRU. I'M M a Fuanl', Honeoyc, R?W York. Sarsa parilla Is the Best -In fact the One True Fio. ?I l'urlBer. %1, six for |S. ('. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. Hood's Low in Price, High in Qualityp Perfection in Fit. Suit to Order, $15. It will pay you to see this line Of goods. Whether you with to purchase or not we shall be ple.iseil to wait on yon. Th" same ?goods an? sold by other t.iilors for $S0 a suit. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $5. As good as otilar taflors M_ 6.50 for. iilon C, Stout & Co H TAILORS, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. NEW 'PHONE l4.-?r?. JAMBS CITY. ti>?t?*r? Very ?Tsar BoaS MachlaO' ? \\ i l lin m ?im i i. Note?. WII.UamSi.i i:?;. VA., 11 smb r 1. (Speclal.)???Ons Of (he largest oyst.-r plaaters ?an York ?river was h- ro t-a-daj*, and stut.?l thai the bivalres Ui were as ?poor as he bad ever ?seen U Some heavy shipments ara ?being mads tu northern markets lo ?be replanted. The James ? rs, at th< ir last me? t tig, pure] d ? new ad ?un proved r? id machine, which has Jusi ?been i ??. iv? ?I, ind Is ?aow in s? i vice on cur '?. r".i?is doing i:??o?i work. Next t" bool-tax, tbe road?! xx Is one ??f the that ?county ?property-hold ?rs to i .and tr??m j tar to ye ir have t oi nothing ?to ihow tor this ex? 11 tofore, our n?aii mending consisted In clearing out dltcbes and throtring th.? dlti ?from them on Ihe ro ?..ii, ?i. to ?be wash d off ?again I y th< lit t h? ivy rain. ?County? and ?Citj i quarters In tin i ink building in ?the roar ol the ? I fl . ?and will ?move in as s????!! as his ii? >w ?furniture ?pilcants for ?the ?pmitl ?Blast? m -State H< pi i. it by ?ths d< of i t. Mon? ? are. Th : pi ice, but no tlon u?r assistant physl? Ian u In January. Ths ?al? ? lion ?t?omi ofl tha llth of April ' !'. T.irus, of II : rs to-day, and met many oi old fie nda. Mr. ?and ?lira. John W. Minor, ?from River \'i w, on the ?ChicksJunnlny, m ?loam t?i day, Mr. Minor ii a huntsman, and i -?'.ti. i of ?m ?the ?river. "yrus A i?. ?. .) mi ? ?ity, cal ?i si Clerk's oiOce ?ibis morning t?? ai the approaching term of Judge Smith's Mr, Walter Burns, who was so in for Ben ral an ? k . was ?nul nd ths latest ?from Miss Lottie I i ?Lane, of Aul Al rery mu?efa lm ar? DOW ? : f??r her rocov? ry. ?She has typhoid? f? v.r. Mr. San? i. chief engins ir .-?t lie- i i? nm< i i ?Plant, li In Ht arporl t r a a ? i.' i It to ! *" imlly. Mr-. J. i>. ?Schell, of N? wpori Samt, has ?returned bom?. sfter s d? h? r mother, Mra ?Dozle Donnegan. Mr. Hoi From n impton, 1b -visiting bis onde, ?Captain ?Ddward May? .?. 's. on York rivr. Mr, Anh'tr ?Sbootey, ?from Richmond b? i . aini viti.r, la ll.-nlti of it It? ?p?<l??l ?II Iacii?( linr laitas villa Not?-??. 'Tl A Kl.? n TBSVIl-LB, \'A., I? 'al.)? Mr. James Harlow, an oia and highly respected dtisen who tired in ?Southern Albemarle, is dead, at tl; ?after ?an ? is? i tl m illy ?sctlve and useful Bf?*. He I? ?ares an and blldr a, ? " v. bom one 1 Mr. J Hartos of this el?ty. The ?funeral placs this ?after.n ?from Cunnmghsm which d? etaa ?i had long been B member. II? was \vi?i. ly kii'iwn BS . .Hm Ilali The Bn tl of ?St Andn w ?has . ?,: 1 ? Charl? s w. Hulflah; [_ i. A ?sou; Troasurt r, B i. i This evening the Bible Instituto, e?>n i by Dr. ?'. a. I i'ai rerslty, was Inaugurated al the ?Chrl church, who . term in the i ; d from th.? city ch tin-gang, a bei el - ? rv tng a t? rn. I LI nt? riant A. ! '. Kb.. Virj-i! now station? ?l at H?- is i crult Ins from th ?S? cond m?ents to till <?ut the ranks ??rth. Ann tuia ; convent Ion t?. m? t here i ?rill ?be Colonel I of pomolos). ??t the i culture. His subject ?will ?be, "1*1 n Apples ?Likely t?. ?Succeed In *Yir?_inia." . . mt John M.? ?,. i thtfl morning from ' rton with his bride, (oi merlj Ml n vt- i city. - ? ? - xkw PORT m:\. I. Tha ?flhs rsaspsel iiri?.iir f??r ?Many l.ilillielinii;?. SISWPORT NEWS?, VA., th no] t 1 - (So- ? lal.l ? X?-wpi?rt News I. , No. ?Hi, l: P ? '. ULmmU, will hoi?! its ..?anual ' of s?ir??w, >?r ?memorial ?servtcea, ?Be afternoon at th>> ?Opera^Kouaa, Th.? me morial ?ad? ! ?be ?!?'iiv i? | t'harles 11. Krupp, of BaltlmOl L No. 7. ?Other i i ; of Ihe i i will h<? giren by ?local talent The ti? k it 1 by th?? i ! h a ntary, ,ui?i it ?is believed that the ?Opara-B v. ill ?be ?crowded, i on pr i Th | ?rob 4 ? ??rnpi.'tioii of th? wai ihipe aoa I : aid, ?as estimated by t? -, ;ir<* as follows: Battle?] Kentucky. August I p Iill? April I. MS Juna n, MB, m? i It r \rk .-?-, .i i i_ IM Th? ' or Mori ml two (W?.?niw?-il Liners will all i eomptoted ?. i? rln-< ?the next ecta for mi ni roua launching h? i?? In the near futura ttcularly bricht. l?iis ?have i>? lb. Navy ?Department ?'??r the iai*?-;?- IS-lnch guns th.- ?battl hip ?Ml -? ?..? : ?aoa I ulldina here. The ?guns tor the K nn i K ?ntuoky, ?wall ?as ihe Illinois, are now : in ths Wsshtngton ?gun?factory, r?-1 ?I \ t-? I?.- tr the shlp-vant Ah? n ?needed. The ?mortuary r.?i>ort ..f ii. dth-Ofltaai by f??r November ?shows lhal ih?'i.? daring the month twent* ?ivathyi in the city ami three In tli?.- county. IT-TI-'ltstu H?; ( Ol ?itll-t n?! *V?irf??IL oiiil WraK-rn Obstruc tion of a Street. PPTKUSHfIt,?. VA.. PSOBB-BB-'I t?pQ' ial.)-.\t a meeting ?f the Council t<> Ight, a letter -?? r'-ad from Vi<-e-I'r? ?ti ent Harr, rsosivsd after a ru-etin?-; of the ?le?ais (,f the Norfolk and Western an ! he sp?cial eommlttsa appoint,-?I by th aid t , lii, f Second street in T Ii is elty by tru ,'orfoik and Western ? dir ad, in which ' said tha use of this stre? ws enttre!y as?,nai.;,-. m? s M > o ?raya by hii-h tha nuisance "i' I !,? Bbstsd?a iBdUSt BBd B belt linr i in- i? tter tor. Bart i toy wot ow being mule for a bell Une, but he i?! ii"i ??iy bow loni; it would be before ?ma definite action srould be I ik? n by i<- Norfolk and Western. Hon. W. P. Icllwalne iddresm ?l M. Co in ii abject ami that m thin?? be don* t tin? s:!tm tun-- itatl -, had e, n employed i.?> tha tanners ,,f Chen? nBeld eonnty, whose i ?? city Is through Be -"ni str u?' legal sti ttsr. illowlng ???solution was onanl : "That it is tha ? :oun, ii that f? mat?, r nd ?rill n?.t. be allow??! t" real arbora it . | ?-, bj fe- i- n- r -?f Mr. Barr; that ,? Norfolk ami Western railroad must tak? s?? ; - !" a BBSIS nmedlate ?solution ??f this question; that u committee api olnt? ?i by the I ' , (ora taking i i th, r ai ': :?. ( ?iln with th.- Norfolk ?nul Vt ?oi. provided a conference i- ?t once Night t>y the railroad authoi A tricycle ordinance ? passed, allow? ig th?- bicyclists great, r i?i Ivl n-;.- bava her, t"f? re had. -mm? S?'\\TOU I'HITIIIAIIII'S riBWB. ilsciusalsai of Ihs ?HuallBednBuBTtags <t lie?, I on ? l)?.|ii?M-rn,l?. Opinion. RAJ-BIOH, N. ''.. December I : :, , .-' i: . ,,.- Prll liai'l hints a; 1.? reduction of the congressionsl repre c-ntatiou of North Car le is ?limin?t, ?i. i aly a:;?! | willing t?? nave I . and th? r.' i ntirsly unri., resented '>n i ?i prii, itton i control ol th Salts by i Utes. Buch things aa Bi nstor Prll it will do more than aughl < : to ? ,- i i pro aly ?i : . U hi;.- DOM 1 > in . ' ?ti'1 le.o! ?t they . lleve the enactment ->i .- y<"A \w will BBswer ail put ' there : in nv who think ii,, wiser com nd tbst tho I ni,) tie and tii ?! the whit, a ,i:i not i tlsi -l with anything leas ban th.- absolute elimination of th" ne? U tad thai tly an.? , itb mai '?? d can iti it i_ .[mi.- ? id-1 b ?t this i m stlon fore the l?gislature. Second only to it will be the uestion of u ?.,.? s hit? . i ill v. ,- -natter ut it fall? d to 1 'to'': mm? - Lesistgtoa Batos. LEXINGTON, VA.. D ! ii , General S ot, Sh | ! the Vlrgli ! ' Mil . i?,t ??f an invita-. nvltlng ?lion ol - i i arade In / ? 1 -i . urch has est? nd? d a call i ? R?tn '. a. il ?ii. ol Or? envlll T i n . ome th - , a Baptist cbui i - Ute, to -Mr. " . ton, i ?. f . i.? annoui ' ice Dee, ml r I P. M., in ? ; I bur A:. to: | ?/Ration h i i.. xlngton to Hi?, n lelen Btanhoi ? ' nd Mrs. John M ; f., to Mr. Herbert 1 : a!? ?in?,r?-. IOO "I tb? lat? Colonel and 1rs. .1. T. 1. I'r. ?ton. 'I -. t.ik.s place In Kli gston, S. V., . i ?. ceml i lock. Tl-..- In? 'elepbo, any to put in th? lr wltchboard of ISO drope In place of Ihelr 1,1 one ol i -. which will i e tal luena Vista to do ? Tl fa in tl Ro? kbriiU > the Warm Iprings Is compl I OW in "i this n now b< : i,n? ?i??' i lath Alum, ??nd \\ arm Boss post %? ?,>?. su?-(i. NEWPORT NEWS, VA 1 I ! Spi ? lal.) Tii? Set '???m Railway and Kli l ny, Vf. . Pay ne. of R he city ?ntrai toi i. foi v. hf< ti i- M? Br t In tl I 'ewpoi t N?s s, .?ml that sgainsl I tu put do? n ? tu for . ,i,.ii i'iis i,i ?t In laying th, 1 parallel 1 ne. The : h? '..n ot tr.itiie on th? i ad, and na?t? rs wi re . , l-'.'.iA, an?! o re oblige I to walk h I ar t,< ,ndr? ?v Caraegte aa <'?? Batloaal lll'.'l mu. . -, : | . ;. An mi' i- : t and >n, the ! : ,.v r tirown i h impion of the ? ippi ' moni, ad set sb m talo i- soon t? , What i That still ' ; ?I. Is the I ' I. . " ! -!i\.-r." U H'i Ign, or Ii aln his Idol? Is the ' i r, n? .in. r d? man.i prompt : Ait!. ? find In hire sa nemy? Is the 1 proel ?it,?ir y im- If only y may et h in \o. . stating that terril : when ',i was drawn, territorial . mr, .?r is be t ? attempt th, oa to keep I ray? ! ?ill > tOld C Is crtmli I o be. . m-- th. Into r in] with d i'i ">*> I resta tha plot "f the eeond act, whi? h ?till fOdS, the ?vil spirits fall whi.-i lu and natlom I ath of sll-llle, ?ili.l may l!? r. \.,ii which . -ns and k?,|> !*,?-m In th<- narrow ? ii ?. tl RepubUr, ? v. iiieh men of oth, r lands hsv? ,, I,,eked for high I, ana* ?li?t h ; sons m >> find in ? history bo paga whl ! he blush Of -I intl ! ANDREW CARNR1 Dr. Halt'? < ?uii*t- M>rai?. Ihr bor-? ol yugli remedies, cur? s sold in the eh?*?* It's Gain Are You With Us. Our iIOL_DA*i Q ' NEW B? I. BO? >KS \M. JV\ RNIL1 of STANDARD BOOKS <M BOOKS BIBLES, PR Wl.KS AND ?f v POCKET-BOOKS I \ I .A !' "." >1 l ? AND l ?SILVE1 . for every dollar han an}m HUNTER & CO., 0_?> i:ANT BfiOADeT^ It let? moml. \ n. _ #^jb??gH*?**#**?i''>"'??'0-?#>?es?.w^m i^Qr? :i" ' m***? I ->" - W i r n i i House Slippei ?s, ::.??, 9 fully double tin? ?money, ?*?l fif? :!:,n r:iirs |;i': ? Kid Button snd Lac? ?. dif? 9 fereni shapi s, snd look like ? i |_ -lu s, for only $_, TZf\r 400 paira ChildrenN -WC. |iulton k?I - ?soft snd strong, sil 15 w only 50ft I <?! (\fi KR ,!'' ?vP_,.\>vr tli-!ii(i(i.. | Shoes, Scotch . ?goles, look ?and ?well v as * ' ! ?shoes, for onl] t me-d, Hi'_-li-('iit I! id's or Nnllifiers, ' ?fine Christmas i i ?QRr " ?' W;l rn ^OL* Lined, I i Is I THE | Model Shoe Store, I 607 Broad Street I q - m C?TER Special ?Sale Friday end B I day of 1' in'1 Elgin ?Ore imery Bu. tcr in ?one ?pound [?vint?} at 24c. PER POUND. Fine Bntter, ?brash No old, i-ce-honas '_r? ods csn ovi-r. ?See our display Nats, A.c., for the hol S a.1- an its erery ?day. H UN DLEY'S, II I \tn?t "All I Ii;? ?FOB FANCY GROCERIES AND FINE LIQUORS, 32S I cist Brodd Mi? ? U 'Phone 350. Rkhiii?.<i<J, Va. Bernard A. Gaines, Manager. _ ami ramm u in 11:11 \ .1 OKI Mil. II \!.l. . ? und .'.. _ ?Il \ t ii n i IT THE 0 ? : _ ? \HM\ VI -I ?SO*. "?^ohanij'?Tn i'eh 1 .\ 1: .?r n.. list church. A OS. 1.1.??in.1. \\. : 1 ' K y. m. a a m ?HEVALENT1NOHSIIM 1.1.-?. ?-?ill? 11ml I Ii) Vi-cM. IDMMSIO? 1 hi 1: 10 1 m ' ' ,u 1 on mi: *.*. 1 1 1 mon?. 1" I * ?arm dai un **? S*et ti k ?;. ?r?.? M I A?; K'llton It? 1 ' no H_ CarS M l>.j.lK<: ?'.itii!?.ii,v el i< w ?prt?sse. 9 pOOi \v?.rk SI Ii S-i.,1 M vi srs win ?guanales ntM ? ilar. _ llLU I'Al'KK*? ? OH ?ALU P? lfic. l'KK Hl.'M'JltJ at the DdSl'A'lVll OFWlmh