Newspaper Page Text
6 T11K RICHMOND DISPATCH-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1898. tj 9 9 "? tTHALHIMER BROTHERS' ,'.' ONE-PRICE HOUSE. ' I We desire to thank the many who came to ? our holiday opening last night to view our im T mense stock of * CHRISTMAS GOODS. ?To all who did not come to see us on this auspicious occasion wo cordially invito to call and inspect our stock?t ? their earliest convenience. Our lines are , Large and Complete Now, but the goods are going rapidly. An early call will sc ? cure the mmthA Choicest Offerings. i OUR TOY DEPARTMENT is the most complete in * OUR DRESS GOODS showing isthe FINEST. Substan- I tial Christmas presents in great profusion. ? : T" - ~ ? : Come to See Is To-Day. \ IIMIIMIH ?-#-#-#- -#--?- *- - # - 9-9-49-9-9 -^ ? ^ I Holiday and Wedding Presents I *? ' I IN THE GREATEST VARIETY, ? all new and the latest design--. Xo old stock to bo worked off _ ? durin*** ths rush. CTTGLASS, KTJ-.J.r.ING AXL>*S?LYI.I?- < "f 1>1 V ?1 L> AVAHE, LATH'S AND ONYX TOP TABLES, ? CLOCKS, BRONZES, AND BRIC-A-BRAC. [MILLER CHINA COMPANY,; 109 East Broad Street, - - Between First and Second* ? ? Store open ?f9tj uidit till 8 o'clock. Nuturduv rr,'~lit till 10 o'oloc 5 + *?"*"**"~ **-' ' "- (no 99SUA99WI h. a? ^ ? ^ *)-B*i-*>i4i?>i*>i**ar?4?4? "If Mr?g u-.ede th'?m. they fit." TAILORS AND THEIR BAD DfcBTS. -? >lt? d? ibaji. ?if thu er-faniss<l ?Ullois to ten at- public a?. riants obtained by them aM?iin?-t ?i? ; inately ie ], fuse to pay their M?h I? o'-< n that tl on u bad I, 111. M It ?lS S s\M. ;n .. caused It?-- . of the dlaho \\ a have reform?.-.! all this Thf* money ?ssVsd ?by prersotlns bad debt? enables us 1 Mid materia!?? at S mu? h ! I prie? than the old-fogy taii??rs charge. In our Young Men'H Department: K'jlf-* at fa?; Overcoati at ?:>?. NINETEENTH CENTURY MIRCH4NDIS ING TAILOR, 729 MAIN. [oct 30, Sun, TuaF? i Y ! ? ? 5 I led Dolge's Felt Slippers j for gentlemen, ladies, I misses, and children, ? Romeos, Juliets, J Fausts, and Mules. The i softest, warmest, and <1 easiest Slipper known i to the trade. ?j These goods are so well advertised we can only call your attention to the fact that H We Have Them ! t j.a.grjg1shoeco. ! 121 East Broad Street. S. C. WEISI6ER, Sec. and Treas. ."no 50-8u,W\K| Tho only blood remedy guar? aut'-f'J purely vegetable, contain ing not a partiel? of rueraury, pot un h. arsenic or any other min eral, in Swift'? Hp*-ciflc, &S.S.rinoBlood -1-aggSS?BBHBH III . i?.__L-> t uuutry Store Uurnrd. OK_i;x ?SAT. va., ii.??!i,i,.i l.-(Spe cial i?Sema reached ?hers thl? ?ornuit' ot Un- buruli>_ on jcbiculty wt-nlng ??{ th?. at <j i* h ou a?-, ?tod ?alao pun of the Kood-, of M i tit. Addis W. Fo?t??r. of Trav). tht llrt was dUeoveird In the upp.r t.'ty. and i? (raster portion of soot".? wer? Shvud bt-fore th* nunii-i hud ?_ade any d?_re? of i>rosr?*#ii. The cauae of th* tire i? links????. Th?, Murehou?,?? wui In ?Surfed Mim Juddie Davis, who haa be?n ?visit lr* lur elaUr. Mrt. S. W. Wlldm Booxb Mon an, V? Wa ratsmttd _f_ K- ? Hardlns. who haa been en .?*< I la bualntvaa In K'twDort N?w?, fol JOBB BABOOOK IS BBSPITBD The Governor Give? Ulm Thirl; Hags Kara of Life. -Ats last hlghi Governor Tyler grants? a results until Dsosmbsr Nth to .ioh* Hancock, who was to have l? In -grrschhtarg to-day. The Governor had prrvioii*-ly rrfused after m.itur t,, interfer? in the ca??. Last nif?ht. however, be re oelved a tpicr-rum from prominent cltl zens of Ljmchhurg, asking him to grsn S s : Lgnchburg V . : er, RI ),.,? i l*om our knowled,- . .].' ": will be reprieved, ??nd an oppor tunity given to preasut lis case lull, Wire city Sergean, b morrow or it will be too late. CHARLES to BLACKFORD. N. C. M \Ns?.)N. Jr., RAND? 'IJ-II HARRISON, PHEN ADA l . \. KRISE, rnor Tyler d?absted Boms time be f,?ro aendlng a reply. He did nof grant i - lously ex amine?! I , fully. Johi k Btanda convicted of attempt,*-, criminal aasBUlt upon three little glril His attorneys say he I?* half-witted, The; aay tha character of the witness?*! vpoi wboee testimony he was coi rlotsd is ver, depraved. Still granting thai all this b true, tha Governor felt the. case was no One in Which ho should interfere. HOW evtr, the h ? : - h character of the msn wh sent the telegram requesting a .*eprlev bafluencsd him to send tho following dis patch; Richmond, Va., December i. IBB. To City Sergeant, Lynchburg, Va.: From number and character of citizen ?, r city making appeal, I nm i?d t grant respite to John Hancock to Decim Answer. J. IIOGE TYT/Flt. 0 ..rnor. Trun?f??rre?l to Immun?-?. Hoanital-8teward Allen il. Dowie, S cond Virginia Regiment, hai been tran? tsrrsd m his own request to tin? Tenl Immums. now statione-d at Manas ni lb f?d,u. He will Uavrt Richmond Bond ? mornin? for New Tork, from whi will sail Wednesday for Mansanlll??. Sergeant Allen was a very faithful ma While in the Second, and many of th boya WhOSO aches and pains he helped t eoutho will i>e ?-lad to bear that be I about to ?.ratify a cherished wish In Cuba. The Meetldtr* ?* Immanuel. "l'r? paro to IM? et Thy God" were th solemn words Of warning from whi' 1 Rev. J, to. Harrison preached nt Immun uel church last night. The conr-rei/ati'i] was the tBIMSl Of tho week, and the B, I mon one Of the most earnest und ta preaslve. The pastora of several othi Churches were present, and Dr. Smi and Rev. Mr. Qrtmaley t??ok part In th service. There will bo preaching to-nii-li at 8 o'clock. Mutter Taken to ?lie? llonrd. Tho monthly meetlnK Of the Board 0 Police Commissioners was held I Howard'a effloe re terday evening, ?good deal of routine businees was trans BCted, but the major part of the tim was token up in the Investigation c complaints nsalnst two member-? of th growing out of the recent pet i tions In bankruptcv ?lei by tl cert*. Doth complaints were laid on th laida for tho timo being. Only Two Vote* ?pponed. Hon. 11. W. L. Blanton. memb? r of 1! of Delegate! f?om Cumberlan county, and recently elected member ? tho Slate Senate? from the Thirtieth Sen. torlal District, has tho distinction of li te?! with only two opposing vote The returns were as follows: Ameli county ?BlantoB, Mb; It. ?l. Boutbal>, Cumberland county?Wanton. 7tt? I.? Redd, L Trinco Edward. 1,1k?. Maaonlo Soclnl Rvenl. FRKDEldCKSRT'RG. VA., D la 1.)?The reception given to 1? H. ?'hewninsT and wife, in th city, last night, by Judae .lam, s ii. Sen. v.-as an enjoyable affair, and on? of tfc most successful aooiety ?venta that e\< oceurred here. The > ?casion was th twenty-Urn anutversary of Judge Bens, beut,? made ?i Mast-r Mason, and th tenth anniversary of a like event in D Chewning'H Masonic career. Th, reception lasted from 8 until ] o'clock, and many of our oltlsens calk tP extend congratulations ami best wlahe Choice refreshment?* were served an sweet music discoursed at Intervals. Pasi Grund.M.,-ter A. R. Courtney and Gran?' B?oreterv G. W. Currlngton. of U'chmon, and Graiid-.Tunk,r-I)eaeon It. Kemper, ?* x were ?press?t, LsttsN ft Kr?-ttinK their Inability to uttend wei received from Grand-Master R. T. *?\ Duke, of Chariot tt'svlll?; Past?Qrsn?, Mast?r T. R. Wellfovd. und Paat-Emlnen, Commander J. H. Capers, of At t)?>- urgent parwonal solid tut Ion ? each memb?, of th<* Executive Coi.imltte of the National Batlie-Ftelds Park forr inlislon. Judg? J. U. Heuer h.i* withdraw his resignation as a member of that A? ???dation, and will serve for another yeui OABTOIIZA? Bsars th? -?f? ^8 *'^ ?Q? Haw Alwavs Bough ttgaaUr? Bt y?lfd Mr.d Yi-u hawAiaaf, i QUAKER CITY GUESTS un. ami m??. ni< K, A*?n nnn. II Mil. I\ III? IIMOM). ?ARE SHOWN MANY ?TTEHTIOHS. Ilospltahlr li?l?-rlnliir?l l?y ?fi?. i;..? irnnr und SlnlT, ?Jo Whom They Were lio liimtlu- in Phlln<1ol|itiln? W 'Illianis-Xoltlns; Mn.lillnit. Mr. anil Mr*. Kvan R. Dick and Mrs. Dr. Hcbart Hare, of 1'hlladolpliia. were elegantly entertained here yesterday. Mr. Dick, who IS a well-known banker of Philadelphia, was chairman of th? sub commlttc? which had charge of th?? en tertainment of ?Governor *J*fI*_ ami party St the Peace Jubilee In that city. He and .Mr*. Dick showared so many courtesies upon the Virginia party that the ?Jov. r nor and his ?staff exerted themselves to show fluir a ?on upon the lirat op P'-rtnnlty. The visitor.?, were entertained at dejeun ner at the Ov/vernor's at 2 o*c!??ck y.'sfr day aftarnoon, wero r?ftorwards tal; t'> the Doap-Itnn Hunt '?Club, t? ok C o'clock taa at tho residence of Colonel BfydOB TSoaaat und tritt, and -ast night wcro tendered an decant dinner at the '.-on. The ( ?>? |t| at tii Q ,\- rnar's ?ICsaskm ?bsslflss the guests of honor were ?Colons] C. O'B. Cowardin, chief of rtaff. and wiie; Colon?i Brytot t snd wife, Colonel John D. PottS, end Ur. Ben. P. Owen, tho Governor's private .? tury. Those at tho dinner at ?lie Jefferson i wer? Mr. a? ; Urs. 1>.??!:, Mi:. Rate, Miss Tylor, Miss Montague, Miss Ilattle Ross, Ool?onsl CbwartUn ?at .Mrs. Cowoniln, Colonel Tcnnant and Mrs. Tmnant, ? nei Skelton, Colonel Stern, Colonel l?ott:5, and Mr. owen. G?.Vf.ii.?.r Tyl?r wa-i BOl present, owing to the severe cold Which ha? kept l.lm confined to his hon; I ?lays. Mr. Dick delighted the yueats at liinner by recit?n? un original poeta on ?ilia lo.-a ?sf ths>Mains. Tho.-ie who I attsrtalni ?1 Mr. and Mrs. liure enjoyed ?to the ?tull-tst extent th pleasure of tho society, but felt 'he tirn.? was all too -?short to repay i ?tallty extended thant la Philad?.. Mr. and Mrs. J?kk ni:J Mr.. Haro will ? ?to Old l'olnt to-day. They ure tMvcl ling in a private car, and eamo to Rich. mond from Ashevllle, N. C. Th? y have !? ten making an ?-xton?]. ?1 t?>nr ?Sooth m * Mr. ?.angbournc Meado Williams and Suzanne C'atharlna ?s'oltlng won married last night at 'J o'clock nt the ?'?fui homo of tho bride's mother, Fifth und Main streets. Miss Bertie Noltlng, Elster of the br!?l<\ "?1 us maid of honor, ?and Mr. It. Lan r Williame SS best man. The hi IS were Misses Annl.? McGuIr?, ?CalTl i Brags, Gretehsa Noltlng, Virginia Le ' r ? f PstSrslmrg) ?and Maria Williams. The ?groomsnisn were .Messrs. B, R, Wil liams, Carl H. Noltlng, Dr. Bnlon Wil liams, Fred. W. Koltlng, W. B. William?, and James H. Logan. The flow? I were little Misses ?Sosie Gibson, . Cutre, Susto Carter, and Carlio Minor. The bride and groom left for an e\r. n l '1 ? p in the private car of tho grooi: r, Mr. John ?kelton V, l Qt of the Georgia and Ala Mr. Williams, a popular ?gentleman and ?most tAorot youns - man. Is a son ol Mr. John L. Wil liam*, ami a member of the well i ?banking firm ?of John L. Williams S ?Sons. Ill? l.rkie. a ?laughter of Mrs. B, <>. NOlt? is fsTorite in EUchmond society? Mr. Lancaster Williams gave t?> his bro v.c. a handsome "far? to-bachslorhood" ?dinner in ?one of tl liiivnt?? dinl a*, the Jl B ble ?-vas de? i B? ?aut* the dinm ; last? d i - ral hour?. 1 Bnlon, and Berkeley William*, Dr. Williams, ?Q-eori i, Anther Wiley, Edward Willis, Jr., Thomas wmiamsnn. Stewart Bryan, Hugh Antrim, Habllston, ?Tames A. ?Logan, Otto Noltlng, Carl.? Nolt i're?1. Noltlng. Chalmers, ?and Wtt? liam Skelton. . ' Last ?erenlng the members of the old iMy G? nnan Of ?last 1 orlptlon german at the Masonic . V. Mr. Julian ?Blnfbrd I? d many m m and hi ?antlfal I the whole affair in s a ?brilliant ? - were Mr. and Mrs. R Mr. ?and Mrs. Henry Williams, Mr. i Mrs, ?Charts! B. -Smith, Mr. and John W. Harrison, Mr. nn?l .Mrs. 1 POWSTS, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brocktt? broURh, Mr. ?and Mrs. W. M T !; ?ferro, Mr, and Mrs. Oar? tt B. Wall 'i he roung firls of ?the ui ?sal rere there, ami the i ?tii m? ss follows: Mosers. Osorge Bld llenry ?Csrrtngton, E. Robinson, Phil Pow? i ;. Fran* Potl;. J ioh Oi iiv Arlington Carleton McKenney, E Vaughn, ?s. Weddell, Ben. Tallaferro, Jack . revllle, Torn. Armistea.l, I). 1 la: r ?Frank Blankenshlp, Frank Mo ithy, Bor. Ra? dolph, ?Orafl Falrlie ?Cook?*?, tii. Bensr?, Champe ?Plea? ante, Qeorge Head, William Mayo, A. h. .iv, Gus. Breanx, B. ?'?. m-a-gin botham, Gessner Hsrrlson, ?Qarnstt Tnbb, ,,- Williams, ' i ' ivis, Julian Hill. . The- Con fed er ilmnent given at the Woman's Christian Association lnrt PECULIAR POISONS, i.i \F.nvrr.i) t*i thf. IUMW nonY. The Rranlt of Imperfect Dls?"?tlon of Food. Every living tiling, plant or animal, ?SOB? tains within ituelf ?the fsnu of crtaln ? ? . v and death. In the human b?x!y tV?sa germs of als case and d?ath (called by ?selentlsts Pto maine??), ars usually the result of lmi-r r-ct diffcstlon of food; the result of lndl B or df?^Spl la. The stomach, f'"m abua?, weaknew, does ?not pr.-imptly und thoroughly dlgf-ft the ?feed. The r*3u!t Is a heavy, B , urhinh form*nt? (the first rrocess Of flecejr) pol?oiiin? the Woo.1, making it thin, w4i.k, and lacking In red c p?teoslas the brain, causing headaches and pain lu the eyes. Bad digestion IrrltajU-s the heart, caus ing palpitation, and ftnally bringing on of this very important ornan, l'oor dlg-stlon poiaons th?i kidneys, (aiming Blight's dlsenft? and dinb-etes. And this is -*o bei-aus? every oigan. .- rp na?tre d?pends upc?n th.* stomach alona f?5r nouriuhic-Cvnt a ad tt-newa.1, und weak digestion bh??\vb itself nut only in losa of appetite und flesh, but In weak nerves and niu.ldy ?. oinp'.exlon. The great Kngllsh seientlst, Huxley, i he best iriart In life Is a aound afo maeh. Weak st-sssae?s fail to dig-sst fowl proi?erly, b?ecauB? they lack the proper ity of dl?_e?tlvo acids (lactic and hy drochloric) and p?ptogenie produc?a: th* moat sen-lb!e remedy in all casea of Indl getttion is to take after each maul on? or two of Stuart's Dy*p*-P?la Tablets, be caunr* they supply In ,i pl?-a.?ant, harm tSSS I'm in all UM tdiniL-nta that weak Sto rni c-hs la?k. The r?sgular vit? of Stuart's Pys-pepsla Tablets will ours ?very f?jrm of stomach troubla ?Moept cano??r c>f the -stomach. They lncr?-_a? fh-?b, Insur? pur?* blood, atrong n?*rv**?-, a bright eye, un?! cl<-*?r oompiexlon, t-acau*? all the?aa result only from whol?-?.uma fool well digested. Nearly all druggists s?-U Stuart's Pys? p?pela Tablets at CO cents full-sized pa? k age, or by mail by encloalng prier to Stuart Comj-Any, Marshall, Mich., but ask your drugfrlst first. A little book on stomach discus ?a mail ed fr?*?r. Address F. A. Btuail Company, Marshall. Mich. night wai a pronounced succeas, finan cially as well na otherwise. The rooms w-?r.? dessrated with flags and red aud white, bunting. One of tho most striking features of tho evening were the "star" faoe?. A largo Confederate fbirr was stretched acrops tho roof, snd from Ms thtrt'en stars pespsd lovely girlish tapes, whleh sang Ftlrrlng war tongs. Th? "star?," were Misses Alice and Mary Le fftbre. M?*f r- ry, Virginia T.ilhott, Mary Randolph Thaw, Alice Thaw, Lucy I.ow n.y, Rosalbj Howman, and Pearl Kn?lly Mr. Herbert Curtis persorint?'d a colored dude splendidly, and hand? ?1 tho refr?*sh nv'titi. Among th.? songs, will? h w? , beautifully rendered, w? r?? th.? "Sece -??I?,n Wagon..rramp, Tramp. Tramp." and many other ?_onfederate songs. Miss Motes, of Alabima, the accomplished re ollatlonlst, gave a gNht many chilce se lections, which charm?-?l the largo audi ence. Mrs. Gill's boys marched beauti fully, and the whole thing may be tount <*d among tho most successful entertain ment? giv??n thus far. This evening a "musical tea" will be ?rlvm at the Executive Mansion by the Junior Auxiliary of tho Home for Incura bles for tho benefit of that. institution. The auxiliary is composed of pome of th? preisest and most attractive girls in tha city, who will be certain to make till-? entertainment particularly charming. The hours of the tea are from 4 t? P? 1'. to., and BQ who are Interested In this beautiful charity are cordially Invited t?j attend. In the afternoon tho musical de tails, which are beautiful, will I by Miss Louise Williams and Idea 1 ?il ia rd. At night tho following namea ap pear on the programme: Miss Mamie Leo. Richmond, planoj Mr. Willis Dubois Pul ver, New York, cornet; Mrs. William Slyke. Philadelphia, recitation; Bweeney, vocal teacher at Woman'a Col? lags, from West Virginia, vocal solos; Booth Carolina, slo< teaCher Si W'iman's College, recitation; Bentley, of the Hi W to- t\ md aarvatory of Music, Boston, rinnist, teacher cf inptrum? ntal i : Wo man's College. . Mr. F. Hopklnson Smith, whose i bags at Ota Acadsmy la il nicht aoohsrm ?i tha audli ?, .-. hga se? epted an invi tation to become the guest of the Wo man'a Club this afternoon ;?t t ??'?-lock. i i \*ir.s i\ wv>'\v\ki:h'?i "Yarrow r*??-uiu- from Ilestrnctlon of Stiir?? by nn liu-i-nil la r> . PH-LA-MB-PR-A, PA t 1.? The timel p by a 81 >-ial officer "f B in the- BOt ??' starting a Br in ?M L UMnent of John ' -!ve department store this afternoon no doubt prevented tlon, and pooatbiy aaved the lives of many persons. The ??tore cover?- an entire block, and '?as 11 Be ira, and the bu wa-i at the time crowd d with thou of ahoppers and ami b ?ur. ?D per i f whom w, ra i oaasak to spring from a pile of wlck'-r ? i -runo mo ment an officer seized aman arho was stooping on r tl Ct of atrlklng a second m I i was quickly , xiingulshed, and feu Of loose in b liiding know of ' man, srb > ?ave his name aa HI *h tel m. In ?i fault of PVMt Id ha had no home. run xr.w OBDBB at a\ ii mi\(. i un. IIo?v It Was \cc?nii|>ll??heil? Chamber of Ooasaaeros Bpoaks?, WILMINGTON, N. o... December L? (Special.)?The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce I lutlona de * taring that tho i bt the Ity government Wbl ? d B WOBh 1 le gally . a n?-w a:. ?ttivo ::iment was BOCOmpU I Without was tho legitimate ? of the combined m?jral Influence of the Intel.. . Ith of the m a united effort ' " i itera i . :. . of Will?*:. I repose of society, and the tranquillity that ehai i ubiic and i life, and thai the i i ?1 in:' an I thai oocurred in an outlying district, in -.?. ht h preceded tlio change In ,he city ; I ebsrgeable to a \??ak a*id vadllatln ministration, which, When BT I for tlie nta an i determln, ?I ne shrank witli f Of f< BT fr ?in all ?. ' rang the I i f,f the si:na tion, resolutions fur; ' victl< ?f the nt anthorltlea that their abdication ?i. et Ii nt to *' tlon of peace and the preservation of Tho oflfeera of North Carolina * Hi n m?--t here tO-day and re >.. rge L. Horten, eommander, and T. B. Hoi , nai Igator. sto.xv (iiiw TOBACCO DtTTIBS. The Work of flcnnln?- nn?l Dlsln fasting Ilnfinnn Ile?un. habana. Dsoeaabsr L I oahla mes sage received here ysstsrday bj the pria clpal to! ?Jgar exporting firm in Cuba, annouie a, on the authority of r Luis Marx, special commlr of the ?Cuban tobacco manufacturers at Washington, thai tho United States Qov? arnment will placa a prohibitiva duty on leaf tobacco imported into the Bland of $5 per pound, and of Jl.CO plus '21> per ' on cigars. The export dutyea remain as heretofore^""?*.:.?) par hundred kilos on leaf tobacco and |1.L_ per thou sand on cigars. l-i Bt evening the Marquis Blieben, r of 11 'I saga had a long \?iih General Greene concerning * i i ;?-ii- ral Greens ui ?;:d disinfect the city forthwith. ral of th?*- munlclpsl Off holding office under the B\ olih i will be retained, to assist the Americans wan nslr azpei I apeclal know? lodge of the city. EVACUATION PROCEEDING. General Clous this morning paid B con fidential visit on bshalf ol ths United Stat?iS Kvacuation Commlasionera to eral Parrado, pr? Idont of ? ion, who lnf< ahn that the tourna of Quarrs de Hi and Vereda, with other l?s- Imp village?-, would bs d in thi of tho d.\y. il?- d,ath-ll?-t of victims of the i powder exploaioo had reached tw< nty-two a to-,lay. CUBAN BUMPTIOUSNESS. It is learnod from reliai- that the United Stai? s B Commis? sionera have re?iuested the BpOBlSb com miasluiitrs to sdvtse th? in at lea-it two or threo days In advance cf t: tlon of clues and towns, so to snabl American authorities to Band del, to take charge at the evacuated points, with a vl?:w 10 avoiding I., rent, r such lnoidenta as occurred on the evecs of th? city of Pinar dl Klo, when un Insurgent lU-utcnan,-colonel, with _>0 men, aasumed control. ~,Yt-k?(?-r TSentriieeo; REDFORD CITY. VA., DO, n.l.-r 1.? lal.)??On Wednesday at - o'olooh P. IL, Judge falloway Brown, of ih?- ?County County, pronounced the death se., upon James Webster, the negro who was 1 gulitv of orlminal asuault upon a highly ren.-.-cted lady of this place, and Friday, the ?th day of January, was ap pointed as the timo for tin- execution. The Modern Mother haa found that her little onea are im proved morn by the pleasant Svrup of Figs, when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any Cher. Children enjoy it, and It benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Flg?, is i*ni?n i red by the California fig riyiup Compauy only. THF NINTH DISTRICT. \<> COMUTIOXS TBBU TO SII'I'OUT \v\i,Ki:ir?! ?DOS r:?r. DEEPENING OF JAMES RIVER. This, in Connection \\ It!? ?lie New ?liln-Varrt ll??re. Is Attrncltn? WHesgrend nuil I'.ivorHbl?-*? At frii? l?>n?Ws Bk I nul <> > IN'r-xonnls. WASHINGTON, I>. C, 1 x?Mr, W. H. Aston, of 99 < - ty, Va., who, with hi? til ih? d -t at tho llo - left -;<>r his JS ton q :',i?? poiitl :ounty, mht r? b - | vico in ?reuniting dlsMrdant eicnvms of i: i ? i I uiar in the Ninth Distrl ?1 Walk? r's <: SttrfbutaMS t,> the ?iOSk Of ?ven'.a; that ?et Is primarily 1ISSSOOInie, and iaa3 only gone wrong of late from care? ; that the ?people have, h??w.-ver, J?"l? rinir.? d to have r? lief, and bellevtng that the ?COntrsctlon of tho currency, ccu plot with high taxation, eaa asset ?pro duce prosp.Tity, have determined to re turn t" D? m ??ratio prtnciplSS, and conse quently soted for uiiea against Walker. ?Upon i?? lug ?asked if ?the election was a ' -i.? .'? ?,?. !?-. : ?i ttl?-)-o 3v??r ?tfe might !" x pected " . . of fa? witii the requirements <?f ?the law; y? t in tin. m un tii?? election iras fair ?and h Ott \ i U many on tho et. ?n the other. Mr. A ?k with ?oon y, -,h ?re i e -en? v.- tii?- ? r.iy ?purpose sr tu? D?mocrate ivas to ?hold a fair election ?and b . I ballots properly count.-?!, and .:' there sae any ?fraud in that cmntv, In his )Udg? m?-nt, it was f??r the ?benefit of llenera] ?Vail-:, r. j?i-:i-:i?i-:\IXG OF TBS JAMEBh In ois r with Hon. Connally P. I Just return <l from th?- Navy Department, and that ho had ?keen very much ' to flml ! of th..? r ?SW -hip-yar.l ?.' Richmoml Mr. Ti, .? I leres that if tii?? ?prop? r effort is ? >y the city of ?Richmond .m appropriation ma be secured, -which srould ?Utaate!** result In deepening ?the .fames riser to ?more, If ne< ?see urjr, cp It*/ "f Richmond This, in ,i??n with a ship-yard IkSTO, h>- ?believes, would !? a ?matter In which the while of Ith eOUld b?- ? a-iiy in n.??i, h?^ auk% to .ear the matter so favorably talked of by [,-irrii's IfAK V! 0 BE i'.ITI.T INT Vlft < ; l M A Commodore Htehborn, chief of the Bureau of ? ? and i:? ? iir, la lis annual r?????rt ?glTOO 'he i? unoag the eontraets swarded tor tl itructkm of ?battleships, ?monl?tors, tor pedo-boat > , an?i destroyers I Contract ?Pitos, ?Battleship ?Missouri, Ne-??>ort Metre ?Ship-Building Company., f?.sscooo Monitor ?Arkei ? ttt News Ship-Building ? "mpuny . 860,f?X) Destroy, r i?,! William It. Trlgg Company . ?tjO.OW j. ?'i ?... . ? me itur, William it. Trigs Company . r??rpt?lo-boat Bkukrlek, William R. Trigg ?Company . 129.7W l*oipedo?hoal Stockton, William K. Trlgg Company . 1?,7W rvrpedo-boat Tkofnton, winiam H. Trlgg Compaifv . 129.760 MMWD 09 NKW NAVAL DU?CK?. Ing Of the necessity for hastening ?he cons'ructlon of docks appropriated tor luring the lsat session of Congres?, Com n?d?>r? illchtxun suys: "The tAOO\ SOU ? at Norfolk reports that Ike tlm t>er dock at that place haa bevn In actual I use 11 I days, or an av? per year, nuary 1. UK and the 1 atone dock dB days, r as rersge of IB At the lima bla rej ort was ul led by i the lively, whil th? K itahdln and ?loci?;. The Sterling, to be docked, bad f to sea wlth , ia- Justin, in urgent ?,f docking, h ?-i to i nt ' N .Neu toi ' ' privais do? k in the ?/Ictnlty, I struction of new ngly evident. PERSONAL. j. j. Learsnd wife, J. _. Lsht?. Jr. tngton, v ?.: a P. Dari jOhn Howard, Rlchmond?N I G W. Kesslsr, Phoebus, Va.; H. J - lor, Btaunton, Va.? W. A ?--ton, v.l.; J. dement BhaYar, Richmond, Vu. - Bt Jai 1- J. Irvine, Virginia; II U ? ?wens, Werrenton, Va.i '? .? i.- a, Mfn to Jon?--*. Vlr ? p. Omohundro, :?.' i P.. I!an??>el<, Ksswtck, . ;n H. Hyer and wife, ?Staunton, Va.? Mi-. W. J. ! i.- th fhter, w. N. Fiel wife. Jar ' ' Vm . to.. i' Weyland, W. 0 Gentry, Croset, Va.; F, w and Hra, Neva, Ivy, Va. -Howard II- - William Traey Ho : , FJnlv? ralty of Vir ginia; G. H Querrant and wit-, Danville, \ i.. r?r. j. w. Wallace, Osvtngton, Va.? t. Vf. I:r?,dl?y, Wilmington, N. C ropolttaa. ASBOBg the fourth-class po??m.isters ap ! polnt-'d to-,!ay w,.-r?* the following: Jam? I < Caldwell vice 9, P. Ooehraa, dead, Query's, Hschlenburg Bounty, N. f ; Jes? slu N. Johnston vice John R. Johnston, Hlcksvllle, Bland eounty, v.?. Th,?s.? et ed to-day were Wil liam LI. M fall. Auhf.^rd, N. C; Art!- Wil liams, Yellow Creek, N. ?'.; ll._eki,!i P. Jam? s, Jamssvilla Vi M hive hr?n established at Perkinsvllle, Burks county, n. C, i ton, postmaster, and in county, v'a., Blanche 1 CHINA AFTER "HI,. liniNDEH*?.*? Pruno-e?? i?n I'xtradltiou Tronly?Her fruei I'll n Is h m?* nt? Frnred. Washington, Dscambar i The ci.i Governmeat. through Its mlnlater. , Mr. Wu Ting Pang, has broached | authorities here the willingness of I to negotiate an extradition t? 11 ail criminals, bul im, edad in particular , the "Highbinder?." fratsrnlty has ??pread through the far Want The Chlnssa Government Bnat> ly determln-.d to take cognizant*?, of the BUbjeet, as the agitations In this country ?peiatcd quite as much ugalriut the law ng ?Chinese and against thu L: Government ltaelf, aa It did BgaiOSt the pTiles to ?ecret crimes. It wan th r?tprSssatSd to the ottielals h?-re tl. . the HlghMndera had proved Buob a dlil? . ?-nit c?as? for th? bical police auth in this country to deal with. China would no the burden of detection and pun Ishment, if an extradition treaty could be Hated. The purpose, It was auggeat ed, was to have China Kusiime all the f apprehending and tranaportln?: th I t'ullty parties. While willing to get rid of Chinese lllghblndere, however, and all other Clu , rlmlnal?, the atith??rit1.-s bsrs tmtO? i saw serious iegul objections to Mich a 1 treaty, Th.- methods Of trial and Bunlsh ni.-nt In China are very summary. The propossl, th>-r. for?, was open t?> tho sh in thRt this country was xurrei, 1 i In?- persona domiciled within Its borders to a foreign ?"-ountry, for liar??h und un , usual prosecution and punishment lit? ??bt was enterUlned her? that If Chins ??ncM ?ocuroil po?s?e?slon of tho Highbinders, short work would be made ! ; of them, owing to the prejudice they have j brought upon the government. ChlUS via* ? ts OVeraOSBB this objection, as fur us posalble, by providing for a f'lll hear ! Ing or trlul In thla ?country before th? ? partlea were turned over to the Chin?_e ! officials for deportation horn?. Thla. bow? ?ever, did not fully meet th- ?. ; tlons against tho proputStlon. Moriover, J it was believed the Senate, to whom such a treaty would have to be referred f ?i i-j 11 il.-at ion, would not act favorably up, ?a Il and ?agil ? suthorltl ?gone ti ?.'? ii of M'IIOO.M-:U hIMi 1*11 II II? LOST. .til V. lut. Wit?- on II?.ni il si tiOt H*?? l'tl iS h. B M.TI.Mc 8heridaii?? Norton, ;. Di m, i . m-, a. v\iih 1 Bunday night off Highli \ : a A. A. Dui Wlli? i? ; la 11 ! . I It is sai name Ur?i : I s of bor ? Muring th? lato v ?: King ?Philip msd ; r s en ' etstsd ' ' tw? It? ? ; and cargo WSTS ?fully -mm? GII.MMT l\ l MM "'" ? Cniti?- MXrm >?nl.l t.? ?Se I"?!'?- -* test Mis < npi'" a Wut kam? \s . ?rn. M' '.. i .?111 , that in ?Ism ni? sn Indshtsdm m ?of i ? und?*r ?krreel of tl M. A Fil "l.jtlrtt Is U officer ?has gone ?for h i ?htm ?be k; : in ? : positiv but that b is in soil; ?that In his : . ?tunde on r ? GRAVK n:\ii?* von nui? ? ***' ?Bwtktaej LsaswMl ?.r ?Mtke* < lly of I l'liii.vpin.rniA. i? ha? ? H Isan chai? s.ule. whl< I ?Mon, m ?Sunde -si ti i im- r -City oi v .. her hawser ?and s '" * . Monda- i of ths ere* neither has I eels. Th.? ?City of A eight nun ami the I n?.?-n on board._ s.-tiOoner ?SOte end < ? I PHII.ADKl.rMl ? mat!? i?. schooner Uau?i?f > ' i for lb* wre.k.d off lilac K ?or?. all the membi-ra of the era? ??. _ _ Ordere for printing Mai U) ?J? # ?steh Com^ii) w.ll b? give? lentlon. and lha at y le ot moth -' jilt bs eure to plea?*? you. li--ii---UiUU-il?) f ?4**+v4 ? M ? f *? *> ? ?HHMMfV*?*?*? i-*+A++*4r4'4444444444 t??\^^ . ? <?H*H*>T?H-?Hm4t;! SUIT SALE ! OVERCOAT TO OFFERINGS TO i Startle the Arouse the Multitudes! : : Community! $4, $5, $6.50, i $5, $7.50, $8, $7.50, $10, $?2. ! $10, $12, $15. tlMIIMMIIIIHtttttttlMlttf1-1'1.l?iiif?iiHi?ii?iii??nn.| At all these prices amazing values are here for your sun it's a carnival of crisp chances in Clothing, Shoes, Fur nishings, and Hats. THESE FOR YOI-SATIRDAY. Men's White Cashmere Shirts and Drawers, full regular made,other places they can be bought nn as bargains at forty- ?|||P eight cents. uuu A new line of Sweaters, Navy, Green, and Maroon colors, just the _n thing for outdoor "Mn work or sport. UUU Boys' Blue Chinchilla Over Reefers, agea a t?> *.. The retail valin' of these Coats we lea vo to your judg ment. Men's Half Hose, in Solid ?Red and Blue, some thing entirely new, in full regular made, j | Men's Wool Working Pants, Hair Lints, Black Cheviotsand Worst eds?a saving of half.!. Boys' Wool Kin-.' Pants, in hundreds <>i <i?iT,?r,-nt kinds. You'll In? pleased with the wear. 19c Boys' Long Stockings, Fast Black, heavy ribbed, the kind usually sold hn at double. Men's Solid Leather Shoes, heavy, double sole?a winter Shoe made to give good ser- ?,*) vice and keep feet ***!HP Men's Black and Bro*a n Alpine HaK. Chil I! it would readily retail it one dollar, but they arc yours at. 59c The Wonder Sale in our Children's Department ends as fr^ Af%\ advertised, Monday night, December 5th. Suits. ?-P-fcsTO RETAILERS OF GOOD CLOTHING. E _BROAD A.ND ," ?%???*# . -**-.*- . . LOBE SEVENTH STSu. MAKERS OF GOOD CLOTHING. -iniMIHMMItttf MM ft 9t9t9ttktit994999949i9i99**9**H?9i99i9ii994**ii