Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WIIOI.K NUMBEB, M.772. ~ RICHMOND, VA- SUNDAY, DBCBMBBB 4, 1893. THREE OBBTS PBH OOFT. BUILD B? W LABOR, n S?ock-Yards Co, Will Make Their Own Estimate. :S ABOUT QUARANTINE. : ol Control Will Locate Dipping Station on BrooK Road, i i \\ liv TWO Hi i ,??w ... i,?i. r.-?its ?.i ,i,<- Brokeso , -n; i u,:, linn Win ?hr Dili- I ln'lr r-rlty QoeetloooB. Hu, 'All ? Sel at o?-?t. - . and It, or on the ! ; - - I which , tho ': : - Willi . 1 "1 po Ol lius lock of the : - ; ly a Thors i . ?1 in th?.? - , ? . hall have ' Utined ippolated -* - . -?.;, SSertftlS Irom Ibe thorttiea tha ? x.-ict ? ?when 6 to ?gnforea n ?aua-raatli > Irginta. A ' "':-'?" 0 appointed to see bull? bo aa i?, comply with toe terma of the contra? t. I'lt'l I It t nu; Ml BRI M (.Hilt Mi*,. l?os? nuil ?Stale Irtrui nil A III ?nrlety fur Tale riii'iniM?, Dui ... ?n? ?y doting in?- ?long .-ninin. i ?avenlnga, H _: thai th? ; id th? ?growada m w? ?re !> .?i playgroua?] tor ?mai i i.? ?re w.i? d '?. and tha i mpllshed hou - ?regei - the ?aelghbor "ii duty, motl ,0V< ' : lit' r| themselves hito a I ma for th? l) ,?'ii..,,,i t., il li?t who . and tl : and died f r, ?. take up ., ... the w? .?aorj r ni Boy'a m Aid bo? ' ' ' 4 moa tin . ' we oidei luty, Wh i ? "iinir.v." nd thtnka ?from th? : i lary. I ' Emily Th I . m;ni Brad Ii H i'? ?!] Kl j ' Willie '.;? ?!: ?*.:.: Lei M V\ ? mm RS iimmi il l.Tov i'cri.?>ii.ii nuil Other Ifeaaa from the Burnt i : ml. W? ?I ! II- ' nlghl ?al Was),, i'.; ?n Loulgj The Incl? m? nt M? in? liai. .-. '. Hll?l ? I ii. .1. Brown, Hill. Boula h, ; . Coi He will ghl ' Hill Meth .- . ?'. i i ??nil work In that city. N PoHc m m ?: i: I : tui n . i R? v. B. Cal ell II-.: : Ful? i ?r. J. William .(??n? s will pr? arch al i??ih ; day. ?Green, who . Mr. nkla a?, is al?It l'a III up, and It will . ?Pulton i?? . : ?.-. Thomas < 'Connor and ilulcal I i ? ? ' . : i delightful \ RBVOl Tina ? RIME, INDEED. .?iiiui.-i F? Worm, dr.. u Prlewwe? ?" ii.-ui-ifti'? ?in i .?o ? lerleaga ? h?r_w. . - :. |all it ?Samuel F. >'" ' . Il'- ?ho, if the - i.mi ?be ti i- Iblted - ,i"-:t inmltted ee mult ? *hter I l.i hmoi . -m Of th afternoon, I on th? r .'i . Jail, and .?,i for th i.. .i.-i, and i -1.1.i ,? made h n- waa 1( i, r? when th Id were Inform ? d ol tha out? ? "iniiiUl. ?. to Commonw? alth'e-Attorney ,i tt oi D1 for M - i. 0?1 foi any trOUl . . . y Id v. ! Ford Hoi ? " I ' B as hla " ' to prore bla uii-k lluf-ll"? Ulf??:?' ihe < <?n ml 1. p i ', ,utH II Will m? 't to-nn?r I the hatl I I railroad , n |? fought afi? h ,he i. ! track removal pro . r? iy beatt I, one. a Dumber of conflicting are (,, be beard, and tl I of th n will b- littl than ordinary Int? !>' _ , uff tie nil?* M.i?eiiiii Prrnrnlntlou. in tin North Carolina ?Room of tb -Museum, ?on Tueeday seat, ? n o'clock a. ti., there will In a 11 ,,,,, of the ?portrait of Captain F. k.r the ol-ieet Confed? rate living ? Carolina, Al latorcated i the room art rogues te?J U? P? preaent. 1 KOR LIGHT AND PO WEK LARGE CORPORATION BRING i oiim i:d i <i DEVELOP JAMBS RITSUL CONSTHUCTOiNCOMHiiYCRARThHFi'. it i? tanlHarj t?> ,in- Losfgae Or-gaal? eatloa. ???, win i adertake the It ?t ?l <l i ti_r ot ,ii<* l*i n ti t?lii.- GOpltol as I,?-?-n 0\?-r *?o li-m-i-lli?*?!. .Ill, Court, yesterday, granted s eta the ? lil "it m t!?i.-- city to be nsed foi on nt of the , Jam? i river, The pew, i loped ?rill be nsed In light , hratt sad (or manufsct, i Thi : m nn?**-cted with this auxiliary charter Indi tats thai the i poratlon will be c impose I of | ol Richmond snd Baltimore. thing Ilk, r ci nt. ,,f the stock applied for fa : been alloted. , -i ter tor the ; :n| It?) will I day. THE r_ON?TR_*_TION COMPA1 PETITIi ?N. led by tb? t of th? I rant? d j sstei day moi nil To th? H B. <*. Minor, 3v Ige ol the ; -y ol ? d, Va.: The : -?i persons, who d? sire to form . tosh company, til.- name snd lor the pu i. by make, : Ign, sod - ii?.- foil antlagi i. The name sf the oompany shall be the James River Construction Company. 2. The i pany Is formed are to oonntrucl bull ta for Individuals oi which m ?.?' ' or ?:i "' - Indu? pecisl : i roi ? r ' n. ??? - such i lion .,-:?? :\ . I Id Company may t.-ik?* and hold the stock , 1 the same In payment of in paym, at ef i .? ih. r b) s ritt, n - ontract or o;?,u aO o'.iut. THE CAPITAL BTOf B 3. The capita] stoek of the cons] t., be not lees lhaa i.".,??.,? ?sor mott divided Inr if H00 a ?ich sha! ? I aad ? ild for in such mam., i and ai such tlan the i; ird of Directors may Botera i 4. Ti?.?- > a ?y take by pun : own, hold, us?-, sad Im? r, nt, , in- iml ? t II or Othi \ ,:nl.-i. 3. The principal ofles of the company shall bs a< I ?s. The chief business to be 1rs icted : forth In so lion s 7. The ' " But year - til their .? - quail? tii?jl, shall I?.- SS folio? Ft. Las .? ?t- r Willi ims; P. C Todd, of Baltimore, Md.. nod Treesurer, a. W. BTsddell, Richmond 1 ?ir?.? lor.s R. I.:?n .,it? r Williams I ?' Todd, 3. W. Mlddendorf, John U Wil liams, and John BkeltOO William.-. Th?*. application for th?' charter is slgaed by i-'. ,.'. Todd, B, to. Willi?,m?*-, K. Ran? dolph Williame, ?Carl ?. Noltlng, aad Charles B. Bolladay. * A RANDOI I'll RELIO, it Sold Boeootty ,?>r Teso Timuannii Bailors CHABB ri'i'v. \.\. Dsossnbsr 3. - (Sao \t the John Reodolph sals, by i? ? sgrovtOfR .om? Uuiu in the thirties tbsrs i heavy, I Mr ?Randolph, It In 1 ? ? Af ?, il.lln, ' In dlamet? r. It It had he ivy I ntury t] art and CAMP i)\ *.*. v hi?. Dinner ill Honor of ? !.? ? ? I'? rs.i?. .1 (Correspond? nee of iii i ?.MP ONWARD, BAV ?INN \'i. ! : ".- Tl en -Aiii i?. ? dlnn? r In honor of ?; neral ?Lee n ?. i next Meada adlng hualni ae- nd i <h. All ol ;', a;id ail the i and ? K. i?;i -t Indiana, dl --? cond Di rt hospital of I ? i >. i? ,?,- ?. num ? !a| ' ? the ? ?in: I B, S; C, 6; D, S; F, G I 13; l,, I; P, i ?. Th f all m. n. and Colonel Taylor is . .?h the progrt bs of I charg? na been au Ta) !? b) ? lovernoT Tj l? r, but no n any of th in. 'l'h, in? i. In the ? rifles, It ,? rung th? Ir i like u.? m than at fl ik? n in 1 i in ; ; Mr. r W. ?Smith, the T i A llver y lut i ?re in our v.'Ui.. ? t~nt :hj'Ct, "1. ?i ink 111 r." I F. V, D i charg A. P. Bo ' v.. i'. I ; . i.. who duty, in th. l? I ? : ' nil. ?Private Willi im n II. \.l, ? fa .-il.iy i. lay. P, WhO 1 . . : Ig lai? i; again and "doing b-u ;.t *_ '." la Adjutant . . m ?Se?rg? un J. . R? ipaay M, i- v b j.iuinii? ? . t.,r him, -rally the life of hla com? Bons. Corporal A. L Le Company II. who has i" n 'm'!' r ?ti boapltal, la : rating i ?iii.-l.lo lu soiilliiiiniiton. ?OOI7RTLAND, VA., ?Deeember L- - eltD?John B i ?highly r?.-; here, commlti I ?suicide thla morning with ;i t>iHi?)l. Diaappomtmenl ?In loi m id to ?hajre b?ea ?the caja.- ?,f in?, imf-or u ex. Cards. nill-H-????!?, Stateiinj?ta. !.i?n r HeuiK Nut.- il? liara, l'nii-t, Pc, printed by the Dlapatok Company ?t u?w, will give -?-?.a woik at tho sntne prl???- y??n ?pgy fi?r Inferior ** m k. ?Send ?--? y?"?r ?ardeira and we will euarautte aatisfactlou lo every -?articular. I THE NORTHERN NECK. ?A GREAT scuinrv OB ffTSTRRf Tills SR tSOW, . m& IS ft THE CAUSE Hum ?in? Baataesa iimi its Doyf I ir, I ni_r No,?-??l'.-r??in:i I in-il <..-n eral?v ,,,,,,:. i, Rnperleaee lu n tan-Rood ( Correspondence of the Dl patch.) MORN, KING? QROROB COUNTT, VA., r 2.?-The scarcity In ii for . ptexini and aid? : I question throughout ?ii, North? m s-- k ?and ?uhtry, rlous theoi hKI i i dvcnc ; ed i to enlighten ths pan? ? in- ss to thi ? luse. T*l -, obc i have not rolui ? i thi nrf ,.il slong, say now Hi ?' rain both ?n the ',.1 that thi i i irtly for the mssgie supply In watei for f time, thai the general a srdty I .. .. ? .:., to th?, fact tb ?t the ..:?:,. to thi . ds, 1? tvi* iy in tb tl the oj . * wh n their f?rtil* i led that the .-.n of oysti m hire . ol I r |_ . in our ? s, u hi i? s as for | teen of revenu to man] hun dreds of our dtis , ? r?-?iiiziiii;- prof . - - sson, the : n have not been able i tual ?spiii-?-?. .-,nd many of them have : I t0 th? ir h"n. leei and ti. ,i nothing u? ? ?.i- i bettei ;. snd hsf in the o item of the i Ite, ?Pol mac - ined -1 ? f Rev. T, J. w my ,?> this ? In uit. end it Is undi i bm , e ,i "pound? m. olfc ?down tros v -,',,. . i, hi : beau tiful ?"untry I gear this Af sill, Immedlati Iy the Pol river, near i and It IS SSld that a BlQCh t I - I In oater. Mr. James Llm, rick bad - ??f :? 1, .?lly BUtsh, -1 tl?.- ? th? r A -. 0 ! to r?'. m ,,r .,r' this . partrh-ges sre mor bave been ?' ?my thoe Is many It H -li'l '?hat tli? M IS I evidences <?f Kin? ?tomse t-? bannock, m rth sod soeth, snd .;. sight miles, eosl snd weet Th? rk ,i?i- tl it i? Is inn . . . , SCCPS . .? ?I in M ass DO] - -u to SOOUDlll depredatlqps in the daytime, p rk li selling here 1 ? >" ? to ?B per '. a i- ?'ii. '.? '. - than the oel at Bg it, SOd ls n.?t in ?brisk ?I inn,d i-vi, at th- * Mr. Th.?m??.. to. Oemett. a Kim Osmglsn. .-ii.-i tor yars the- poouler purs, r 08 the? etc-mer Wshf*Ssld, BS , \,-, i ;': - -n a ssvere stl ' i? of sickness ami returned to hi-* hooertaoi i?Ht of duty ?m the stssmer. Mr. John w. DJehnton, of thi?- oo?it?ty win? has been m ?lor ?ease time artth ty? phoid-ferer, Is improving, und, it is hopt-d. will .???on be <>ut .ii,\iin. Bhllob Bsptisl church, th?? oMesi R i houat? ui worship tu tin.-* OOOOty, has been treated to a new coat of paint, and Is now a very ?han?aaaae ??diticc. Mr. Wilson B. Ashton. the Dcpity Tn teurer of King *;? !- who ? ?lenily shot In the fa? * by a friend while partridge-huntlnK a weak uto. la "ufYer lng v? i y m?;? h fr??in I In- w ? in?J?j. Two I shots, whl.'h ?aooM n??t be extrl*at*d at I the time of th?? ahooting, ?remita la IM anil, it la f?rir?-?i. threaten trae Uktt ?Flora Hay.?-?, of tii" Bhlloh ? i borke ?i is -;? iuI?iik sum?- tlaae with rtha? | tlvoa in Waahlagton, D. C. Mkaaea Jessie and Mettle ?Baker, Of this ?s? naty, left a law ?laya ?ago ?tor Washing ton, where they will H|???n?i tin arlnt? t. JikIk*? < ?. ?). Owathmey, ?>f Kin? William ?county, ii ?s i?.???n rial ting hit ktaeeaaa, w. RoMaeon Taylor, ?Baq. ?near tkla place. Miss Mtl.i:, ,| i Mr. Ay? Un wii ii, bath ?>f thi? county, won M ri-?i ?several days ?ago, Rev. H. H. Koues, ??f the Baptist church, oAr-ated. It is said that th<? loss C rise?! hy the burninge| Mr. ?Btanoon'a eto?re?_c*a_a out ttoek of aaerchandlea In Weatmorel ind cnnty sonic ?taya ago, amouata to ?nearly ??. it is rme by s??ni" that the lire was of lacee? diary origin, Mr. T. U. Jones, n w-11-known citi/.-n of this county, has niov ?I, with Ills family. to Prederlckstnirg, where they expect to reside in th?? future. Hewa has fuel reached here tint Mr. rlea Btbreahly, poatma ter at ?Leelaad, s ifford ?county, a ?on-ln-law of Mr Mra. B, W, J? nklne, of this ?county, ?a crlt Iceily ill with typh?oid I Mr. John Q?rnett, memb?tr of th?? hit oanttle hrm of Nlnde 9 Out county, narrowly ei al daya ago. Alone la a aaU?b mac riv? r. in tl t?riiti<? ?gale that ?swept down la the night, Mr Qarnett's ?boat-eall iir??k. I trout n. th?? ?rigging i -t ??nt ol ..i 1er, a-i.i tl ' nnmanage :i!?i... At ?the men y -f tho midnight storm, he waa swept Tar down ?the river ...,,l "bead t Blufl Point, in W? ?R? moreland county. B fa b< d tha ??,- ?i : loti I, \?-lii<-h l?n<1 l,. en thorough!) wetb i by the pi ly, \v.?r.? f-roxen on him. and ?he waa if from the te?rrlble ?eapoaare. DAHVILLB <*? *? I'TT. *? Week M?'iniii-ni>ii? in Batial hvaaal?. Mini. r. n te rt ni nine nt a. I? WVIl.l i: VA, D -nil?? r ???Spe < iai ? s. -.- ral notabli I func Uone ii ife aaade the ? losing November memorable in ?local anna',-'. and the ?revival ?blda fair ?to ?continue until the mtdwlnt? r I i y y. ?rklnaon'a t< ? -lay Mis. , , ntei ilne3 Ehe ti ra. Chai 11 I rn.i lit? Club; Thui Jaanea ??. Penn'a I In < I? ?oration ol tha a. i,,n ot b? i nla Let I'.-nn. monopol / * nlng. Th? mai H ? cock to Mr. i w i lursd . itch. Invitation option al Ike i'? at . ID 111.? II llllr ol : Mi-. Jamea <"? Pean and Mlai \ in te. 11 wai a mem tl hundred ?gueata who made up tha l?ril i? ni ?compati I d Hon. M . of tii- ! n i the newei : i A. 'i ' ! ?ra. P. t Mr--. Cla ?-". neon. < ?l h? r ? ? ho entertainment ?>t th? gn. ta were lira F. X. Burton, Mr- C, II ? ... i* Jordan, Mrs W. P, .\w? m Mrs u Iter W Mrs. ? ?. W. Dadley, Mi i. ?Charle U Cosby, Mrs. w. S. Bh itou, Mra, 1, A Henderson, and Miss Nannie Wiseman. Among the ? two wen i Mi . f- ?, i \\??r?. | ' I i I-Y ?h ; trimmings ol ? v? nica with an ?entire ?real lace. ? iiu? entian? a Into their ranks ; .. I With r, M ? Mil M i ?id Bankhi Congi ?man Bankhead, of Alai glea i- * ' ' ??i. and Mra, Jwanson. Mlea 1 in ,i ?gown of ?a ?bita ?me is lint i i . , 111 lea ot ru" ralle} and pink rooe? fa id i. tu- debutante la a ?pronounc? ! ?tad wo month I ?fifteen ni?.: M ? m Europe, wheri . . i ? ? ; i - i tour ? ly all tin- ?'until?.? ital i I | Mra. Perk honor of bel Misa Dodaon, of ?Knoxvllle, about spondtng to th? . i : i in tha I ./ a hu nd . panel con? tainlng n medallion iroup ol author**? ' , Qreenhow ?Maun fortuna one. Mi u n 111 (ten * IngtoB Mi W. P. Boat wrlght, ?Mi -. .i. i' n? fane) Wl an?) Mra. .i. Allen Patton ?'.a- trio ol ? ?bai u.?. pink, a unes, Mj rt I? ?Bailey of Campbell county, and MJ - K ? I i i -. I I? meeting ??f I Boud CI -n ?held this fail th xn ? moon. The ?he i, who is ?u??i Cabell, ?? >' re? nor Tyler* etaJf, i tjr, ati.l tha Hans ?St more ? ?baranlag A g of the Wed? .; afterno m ?... t Mi . ( '., iv .... - i. trav? la In Karo,??.-. ol ? kiatofaaa n??i.ui Mra H. W ?Baritel an Inetrumental ?selection, ,\i.-s ? s;arr a. ?recitation, ?.-i voeal ?soloe. Mrs. j:. \v. Ba?rrotl ilnghaoa, rialtlng bar ?grandmother, Mra, W. T, Snili.-ilin. \.lie. Mi. ?Barrett, who a lb Waahlagton correa] \ ?onatltutlon, is .- of the ? H? rj'.ii. \\ \i ii:h t.u \ii\ms t \sv.. ?, -tfipe Norfolk **wrreiid?-re?l lliiiiielf? Henri Ug Wilt lie on Tiii-biIh). NORFOLK, VA. I?,?i. n-.h.-r Walter L Qraham, the ? ?l in ?Baltimore on of ?hi . ng lady In that d?ty, on it warrant proaalee of ?aaarrlaga t?> a young lad Portsmouth, arrived In Norfolk tkla n. ?rnin?*;. and with Al r. A. 1*. 'i'h??:? ooiineel. treat over to portara aurrend. red blmeetfj to ti at 3 o'eloek thla afternoon. Mr . ?sued out g writ of ?babona oergaa ?sofera Jiuige A. s Wan?, ami tn? .. of wttn"s.?.s took place this ?f taraaan. ?Captain John v.' Hopper ha? ?tali ed t ? nal ?_r?UBn In ih.? proeecution. Count agr? i gfl ?bond ol ; anca ?before Mayor Halr.i on : r 1 I'h. with ?ieorg?- ?:r ? K. Moi1.ii>, a.d A. U WcClelian' u s ?rctica. ON ?HE GRIDIRON. Prominent Guests Toasted at a Famous Club, HEROES Of THE LATE M Ovations to the President, Scfciey, Mi ter, and Others. CWTIITK Ol* ?SOOV WOlf Mill,.** The War I., ? r ?<,_ ?if lon?Kind in ?4 Thai There XXn? .-. *,*,,..-! ??-I?. Una's Bow i',,i. ??? ?,,- ? ?._ \ u,,? ?? ?tn U?m?? ? rn| !,<>> iiti.ii. WASHINGTON, T>. <?., P^e-mber 9 ? The C'.riiiir, n dub tonight k.iv.? a m??st ble dinner, entertaining distlngulsh ?1 guests from the 1,'nlted B, it? i, Kiirope, and Other parts ,,f ih?- world. In the rr?m w.r.? the President, the v*hie Rig? ? members of the ?Cabinet, the P-reii? l: ,, th?* Premier of Com* tii , ntlre Joint hi-h Am? idlan commission; <: n .-.i Garcia, the ?prominent ( the army and enatoi Ivss, and many other dlstlsgolshed ntso, More than lo?i ? >,,lo w<-re i-ssembled In the dining hall of th?? Arlington H??t?d. ohlch oai l. lutlfully decorated for the ?oil. 'ill- ,llnn,?r was In a measure conduct? , ?mpllment snd hon?ir ta m n wh?i distinguish??**- themselves on both land wir. <?reut ?ns were given to the President, Ad? i I General Sha ft ?A* whe? ik, while other tot ?M* era ?received m? aslder^tlOO?, ] [., *\v ? i-' BM i. Although ths dinner was upon the lines in.ii :,t?-?], wit a-.'i burlesque wsrt clev?*r? ? with ,h?> patrlotle senti? m? i thai ?h?- gueete were at no time from the Ori?lir??n , ?ducting ? : i i- , ?n Prank li. Hosford presided li .a sda mner. He was v.-ry fortunate In hi - - ? wi?]) sentiment, w l ? : I th? fee, nr.-s ?jf the rtlft? ncr i ? a mosl satisfactory ? i .- horf at th Gridiron ?in? n?, exception te i i.i.j to-night. Item uk w? r? the I'r?old? ??,, i resident o| ,. Lord Hersch? II. S;r Wilfrid .iry Ix-ntf May, p tmasl ral t_mory Smith, Adrnl? mi _ hi? y, Q i" til Sh ift, r, i ??-?i? ral ? .;,, Captain Siirs?!?*??, Senator Lodge, Br, Foster, and others. uai:-i.iki; MKN'i;. The n ??? >-< ping with ,h?- other features if th?* ev, nlng. Tl hen severs! pug, i in Imitation of snay or I -,?, u-, a pro ilamotion t?y ths i of ti??- club?, calling on v??l? ?nit, ? i?. sssist lbs i guian <?1 the ?I ? , itgsg* ?"':-' :" the At* Ungtoq dining-room from I to i_ o'clock. ived Ly a sert? m ??t orders lu n le, directing the vari?os commi ib to propers ?i??? rtaiameat, and tu a I. usually p.-r? formed by them. The gu?nts were group? ed In divisions <?r volunteers, ?md in ind explicit, required to "k. ?-, in the line of lire" during the ?nt!r.- engagement. A mm,, of the ?battle* ?ground > is one of u?,* unique featares, - divisions a? r?- r? pa - . through the Cbmn pagne river toward Table Heights, ah era tu y w.-re suppo?*-.?! to havs ? aptured "Soon-won Kill." i ere were severa] ?iio?t?d ut th* j.i i. ?i ot the evening. whl?*h added t?< the merry testare of the oeea alea. WAR INVEBTIOATIOB. Among the features was a burlesqi_s l ict of th?? wsr, . conveyed some of the more humor UgatlOO. Members of the commise! ?an brought la in,;?., of tei tun t., . also large ?it.? and diff?rent exhibits, which took ??IT -?in,- of th?_ ? nests, _n?I ment. The r?-i?ort Unding thst ther?? w?ui a war; th leked, and that the Anglo-Basons .*-t"??<l together. As tide aai done tho American trod Uritlni? Huge . ,,s a compliment to ?he ; .' rs of th. Joint high com? d Ion. .\ ther feature was tho eppearanee of i Sam with a number of ?oloied i . repr, sent the rilipi was nude upon the new luld be acquired by the i inlng a part of the A ? ble skit was thi prei'nra II. v. BoyntaOb who the charter members of : ib, aial also holds a brigadier's rmy. Th?- h?,r? was one of rlety, and its appear? Of hilarity. DISTINOriSHKD "\ ? ?I,r\'l Kl-.Hfl' Among the m ?KUlshed guests William Mo rt ?.r the lnit-,1 states; Don 1 ? ' l'i oi Rica; Cirr.ti \. Hobert, VhjO? 1- L' ri St.-?,?-*; ,h? Right . Q ?' li., England; Sir Wilfrid i.iur'.t, l'i.-ml.-r of \\ m?, r. Premiar of Newfoundland; S?r 1'1-hard ,'.i?twrlght, Mlnlnti rimerce, Canada: i, Minister of Marins and .--. i?.r l??,i Joi. , u ? th-- U.m John Ml*. Can Hon. John II.. v. S-?ttnry ,.f State; i retary of t;?.- Tr?<j H in. ?< hn W ,'ngi.'??. Hon. i'li ni? ? Kiiior-. Smith, Hon. J.?li l ? i N -. y; lion, .l-ni's Wtl : A. : : < I J?d?n MS l 1'nlted Nel son ?. " mmandlii? Unlt??l S,_,?e um? Ri -Admiral WmttVId .* ' < iiavv; M^Jor-Gur? :u! Wli? H m R . . I'ulted Blates army; Ma lt nry 1- L.iwton, 1'nlted : ?I I?. T. MertVDRo, i: .-? i ilen? ?**_l_?n artn- ,.f J| A. W. Weaver, I'nlti ' - navy, retlr. ?1; I 11 Ig? l'ntt?*-?** : ! nial T. ICONCLL'DKD ON l'A?_i; TOA H |jj|?-r ONCL MOUE BEFORE THE PUBLIC. st. i.ou,sR,pubHc.