Newspaper Page Text
1? AC. KSI 3 TO ?O. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. PAGES 13 TO 20e NIIOLK NUMBER it.772. RICHMOND, VA.. SUNDAf DECi-MRKR 4, 1898. THREE CENTS PER COPY, Each Side Studying Its Hand and Awaiting Opponent's lead, 10 JOINT PEACE SESSION! ?Ml at Day's Request, Owing to Difference. Among Americans. v ,m-ii I?4B1 m t nOKI loiiuinKnv 1 ,.?ii;.?ii t?i 11,11? \?. Tin r \re n ? trow tot Dalas? *Reeeeaawa sa -?.? -riiiini llrr-i inlnc for ( ur Hlahl] t'rohfilile. l joint : ' ii.. ' . iri sad it is . lards t? ?Vmei Icana i the ?Bpen? d not to yield IS ? : , Tl ; - ?-ii ??f tli?. in : hla .?]?)??. . ?SIGNING Tins WEEK ? rarj ?hall In ?the t rary to ? xt i . Judas Day, pr< : the - ?? the IB at n v ,< - . , and I ?hi i a i i pinion, the -.. I 11 aa ture of th. , me ??! ... iv...iv > i? Idlng I ii? 11 coll? ... their dlplom in? . them. PUCATIONa a tot ? ?arollne ?Island*, - umbllng . doI made it i tntlna la ?i of i te - :.. of ' thual . complica . nlted A . - , i,. r n i Ishta m? ?... ?:, ?, -.-. dd ?preveni Bp iln : .?.? i ?station to ?ha . i:. ituall " :"?'1 ,i r? I us any island with tli?- OU lb? ee '' ? hi?. \l. \N M W Hr'Vl , * '? ni??r ?Milles ?aa Opaeatllaa ut I'ainiin. i ... ??, Mirirauiiii I'liin. ' ? ? i : K rly at ?thfl ipanjr, y, touch? of the dly to ? SB M* :y un the l'"t IIV." to a message by l *, ?..: :?t ii,? i? ?as aald, "The . Bui render ol th .i ',? BOJ , ,:. P , :: ?> prt iter than .. ; ? : . .iy ?a a f defence, our ' ?m to the of ti?* , |. ?:y nus> their own. oi th it of their ? . ?Pi the Am? ri?oan 4 -'MIIIMCN I? TO III! VAN. " " 'Uli.,!, or -\||i|?tiiiti l.rKlolalurr? eieei <i.ll.,| * ..l.?-.?-i'* In \ lal.n inn. i y, ai -\ th* Third Ne mblj ii 1 '1 de tot come a? a military h? r<>- fp? i?- ISaa "ii military her,,,?, n w,,(,i m that tMa u,-- war enu ., ? ir f( -nnot hav.? ?, battle land that dOSS not give additional faino t We can have no er :- *- ' " "' ? '? sea without K'vinK addlttoi Unction to ii ?boon." H ; l t ? dlacusa public ?tuegtlon: ?Idler, i caaaol saesk t?, yo with the rreedom of ;? ctvHlaa, i ?roul It i spoke .u all, bnder Umtutloti that would be Unpleasant to m?'. Whsl would deslr? . v,,u .?k a citiien could n,,: -my an a soldier. I ?he thlnga that ?,, present engni ttentlon <?f |he ? mir.- nsthm. Ha thsr would I ehre t<? dlacusa the thing I two years ?i-;??, but whlc laid aa to el raal rest Ms i 11 ?usa th ? - motten t bl mil of the lots wsr, a broa fi Id for speculation." ?k?- pleasaatly of Alabama, r:o I < that h, Bra, r?,-.-?v.-,i ibe tltl of <u '" 'i in this state some yeara ago. "id.I in.-, r that Wim eaUS loa, I' thu i? | na? ? hit prophi ?h a than In those ni'-n who in 18ft prophet i i would be PresMsat." Th? ; wai considerable i nth? Iryaa resumed bl? lest, WTBBT vntiiiM \ i'iimiks. ii>? iikIi, Bavarian ,>", ??f ?lie i.cuh llltiv?- Sitiiiilioii. CHARLESTON, W, VA . 1 ><c?-mi?.r ::. the m< moreble Ooli . oate, t of il" i""?'?' ??f Wool Flrglota ?bes BO .?--llrrc.! ?,, Qmmm ,??, r,?.,, ,, f(f , it waa generally aoceyte the Democrats bad s sal mejorttj in th? i: sad th Republicans a email aaajortty in lbs Bei st,. with sversl atajority on ??.i.?. Now, ?how, ver, ihi ?Hepubllcan lesd -'?? thai th? !? m??, ' ;!,i<- majorit hi the i!..,,?-. was gained !>y rank fr.-iu? the Mate Bupr? tae Couri ,,; .\| BCtlOB In the M.'iir???. count ?i.,? ata b) graatlag i writ "f err, r to tb ni,- member ,?f the Legislate!1, wh?, had i - i? great, d te of blet tion by the County Court Hi> ? ? mti,-.,i taken ft ?n? htm by lb If an tudgx ' . o, Clrcall Court ad other win h b? 'ni tally before the Bapreaw Court ni? certlflc-ate will doubt 1 - ? ufen ?of Rep?blica] -?i o, from sil parta <,t' th atan i????*.-- ?a, of the Btal ? 'ommltti ii \ .,r Btata to m? thai th?- story thai th? R puW plotting t?-, Bteel th. Log ir? w.i? n rtili.'iloiis canai,1. H. h, \ had no reason to want to Btea aomsthlng whi,-h alreedy beloaged I thtni. for th?- Iii-mo, rats OOBCSded thS bllcaai had a ?majority on Join 1 it, iiii'l OOUld 9], ,-t :i I nit. ,1 Si,i- ; Banator n? t?;i?i m<- timt it waa tru? that t",-h h- sod Qoveraos Atkinson hsi raphed to several Republicans argiBi thai they m.,k?- a contest for their Beat) in th.- Legtslsture slresdy swsrded by th? ranvsasing boards to Democrats HI naUon <?f this waa that the ( "? mlttee had r - . . ? \- * ? l new Information si ??. rrsuduleal votiag la those counties. i have learned i"-day thai one ?.?f thesi Republican candidatea h ? i poad tlvel) refused t?? contes, hla opponent', Thi-- is Judge l'liii'tn?- Ldoseomb of ?Tucker county, who Bcknowledg ?l thu Mr. w ,- -n-1 hla opponent was etectei ghty majority. Th.- st.-n? lit..- and Governor Atkinson n?-n him several telegrama to-day Inslsttai thai h? alga an sffldavK giving notice t? itis op] nent of contest He d< ' ned t< and wired back, "II you wanl thi aed you win have ,?? do so your aelves, und do the swearing. I tvaa hop tan snd have no grounds for i Then Ii -, gn it Indlgaatloa am??n?? rrbo in ?opposed t< I behind the n tu, ns, snd th, Reputa llcan Btal C ?mn Itti la being ?ensure? for Ita sttempt t?? force th? at defeat? Into ? "? ? i ting th.ii oppoi Oovernor Atkinson did BOt come to th? State-House to-day. Aa Inquiry ?n hli home r. sealed the fad he waa nol feelloi well and denied himself to all esliera ea i?t Btat, ? ihalrman Dewson, IBAmST <MIN\ nr.\ l.l oi'Mrvr DO, T. W. iiiinn-H Brlasrs Baill les **.,.ooo. ooo for oiuiiiniiiii Cowoeaelaaa. NEW viiKK. i" 'lui i The W?erl? to-**horrow will say: "Thurlow Weed Barnes has broogh1 suit la the Supreme Court sgnlnst th? ; lean ,'hi'i.i Dsv? pment Companj for ft.000,000, lo services In ohtalolag rail ?aa fr<?m the Imperial Chi Qov, rament, through the Chla, * Minist? r si 9 sshlagtoo. Thsss cobc * - Bporth in aet profits at less! Ill,? . t,, th?- company, snd thej m worth ?4,000,000: 1 h-v sr< the most val? Ki.uns eve* m.i le by the Chli a, Government to foreign eapltelia?ts, snd the terms srs mote ?favereW, thaa too- con? obtained in rece?? reara i?> Belgium, England, <?i Rusais. "The ehlof Bplrll of the Amerlcaa China ' ?pmeal Company Is Calvla s Brtci i. m? of promloeace hi the financial world Barn?-* clatma that hs aocursd these eoacessloBs, and waa promised ? ..??ii?.i?*^.-.ti?'?i* for them by Mr. After the eonceaslooa had beeo irgcs. th, company refueed ?gnlse ins claims." DISBABIIBffT iMtoii:i'?l\G**". i'r.iii???? ?i i-viniuion trmm Cloeelnad iinr Ssssrlallsrii CLEVELAND, O., Decembsr 1?The re ?port al the Trial Ooanmlttse of the Bsr ,n ??n the disbarment proceed agslasl Senator Vernos H. Burk? waa pr-asentcd meeting if ?the latlon held n?is afternoon, The com mlttee msks lbs foRowtng roeowassada i. That Veroon H. Uurk--. be expelled from the Cleveland Bar Assoelstlon. :? xhsl ?h?- as, retan "' *"' a>~ lion be directed to present ?i com ?i Bndlaga t? the CommRtss of tavea tlgatloa, to i" treated aa ;i complaint In .; ' authorising auch procoedli - - t Hon. Ftaah B. DeUenbaagh aa deem prop?. ,-|, ,t i,.. ... n i irj ,i thi si -?"-i i ttoa i" dirt-*? t, 'i to presea! -'? tony of thla to the Circuit Court ??f ?Cu^shoga county, for such aotloa la the presali ?ta thi " m ?" to itt m proper." Both Jiirit;?- Dellenhaugh and Senator Burke an ?accossi of m-K'ii transs I la a divorce sui?. Holt? llrow?! ?? Die. Glasgow. KY? Deermboi The Jory thla efternoon, sfter being "nt twenty mlnutca, returned * vordlel agalnat Bob Brown of murder, and Used his punish ???t al death. Two awmtbe ago Brown filled his father-in-law. AlOBSO IfcClsl m ?M man. oged ?8 and shot hla -nother-ln-lsw, his alecs. i{?-rtlia ?*??urt ,,,,1 gls brother-ln law. Uwls Me nd in r*H'?t!iiK srresl wounded evsrsJ iiH-uibera o? a slicrlft"? poase. SIX MEN KILLED. Parboiled and Suffocated in En gine Room of Steamer. 'ACCIDENT ON THE ALAMO. Sbe Was Jot About to Lcava few p York for Galveston. lit ItSTiM. or A STEAM PIPS 1? Kill? n Lune?- Tun of I In? Ship *A'l1li II??- I)?-titll>, ( rui-l \ ii??or?11. a IVrsoii-? I'n I n ful I-r, Tlimmli >?>f I'm (nil y ?? .?I?!, i. ?NEW YORK, Dit-cember 2. -Six member? <?f th.- crem <?f the Ms!toir?I__e iteaaaer Alamo were ?killed to?nIgbl t?y ?the ?hurst las of a at?aai?plpe ahile th? r-essel laj .-it ?her pier ?a ?the ?Esst riv.-r. Th? dead .?i. : PATRICK UURPRT, m ??ni engineer. TH' '.MAS ll'HUQH, Hi?man. PATRICK PARRELL, oil? r. PRANK M'MAHON, Bremaa. I. ?CQNNBLL? flretnsn. * J. RYAN. coal?heav?r. Injun-I: JOHN BTONBMAN, ; ? i' Albany; ?scalded; no! aerloualy hurt. Th?' Alamo has only ?recently bees ?*Hs? - A fr>?ni ?transpon t?rrico f?.r the sovernmsat? snd is fi?sh from Roach's yards, where .?-ii?? ?received a thoroosfa overbaullaa. lnclu?fdns, it is soil, nom si < .iin-j?ip?s ;,n?i ?boilers, si)?- was ?ache doled t?? sail at i:::?? i*. M. yesterday for ?Qalvestoa, via Kej West, ?hoi waa ?detain ed ?a order t?? piece on ?board an unusual Quantity eft freight ?Sbe carried tinny 1?..-.-? nu.-rs. At lln? tilii?. of th?> a<tCM?SBl sboul 7 o'rii.ik th.? ship ?had ''?st ?-?ff her ami th?? tup ?Presiden! hail her ?Una taut to assist th?? Alun?, tat?, midstream. Her englnea had made i"it two or three tarn lations when the explosion cam.. ?STEAM in CLOUDS, Th.? ?Soorlng of th.- .ick Immedtstely over th?- ?engin???room ?van torn np, ami the ?stesrn ?poured ?through the open i In oi..a?i>. The s.?niui of th.? ases ?ping steam ?as mingled with th.- abrieka of th?? dying m'a v i i ? > were enveloped in it. Th.? ?flow '?; steam was I'liii'keii with ?great ?litli.nlty. ami not until alt? r ?flve or six minutaa ?had ? la, Then it was found that it bed ? omj lj filled i >:? engine-room ?and Are-room, and that ail who ?bad been confln?ed ?there ha?i been nol only parboiled, ?bai ?aulfo? i. by it. There was m ?alga of life !.-i t in ?m?? of I ho ?bodies, an?I in : '., ral ia ia a? * ?h? akin had ?peeled from their haials and ( U Th? ?second ?engineer wsa found close to the l.i ? nk. in a '???sitii.n which Indi? ited ?,. a .?i ?tried !?? ahul ?off tin? ateam at the ?holler whan th? ?accident ?socorred, snd i. ?i ?n the attempt. Two of the Bremen were f??.: in one another'a a?rmi ?t ti. fool ?i ?lb? ladder leading ?rotn the Bre-bole. For ll MEN'INJURED. Huf h ?Caunlng, chief tngtae? r ..i' ,i ?sel; .i? hi? Ht m. ih?- ?port engineer ??f th? .Mail.?i> Urge; ?ft. 11. Robinson, i . ?ut ? Dgln? ??r. and one other ? - sp? i, mors or less ?badly ?scalded. Th? other men in th" engine-room ?were ?barely recognisable ?.?-. h? n their i?"di? - ?. .? i.ik.ii nut an boor <; two later? Most ??. i he ! wer? m ?i? ch when th? ? -gploalos ?? m : ?i. John ?Ryan, tin? ?superintending of lln- Mallorv I.ii.. . ,?. Ql ??iv plac??! nial? i an? at i: ?i..Ti Mail??iv. of the .?'. illory : was a* th?- i?i> r shurtly after th? seel? ?i?nt ?i? corred, H< aald thai m fat .-?s ?h? ii?iii?? s? o n?? blame could ?be attached to saj one I'atruk Murphy. Hi? ?a? ood engineer, was formerly aecond aaststani eng ??f tin- transport ?Comal, He lived in tbla aty. Nothing is known shout the othera ?killed. ?STEAMER RBCENTLT INSPECTED. Th?' Alamo was Inspected by lb? i? ? ai atesmboat m pectora snd a license i ii.'d I. > ('aplani P??t ri.? t wo ?>r tin? day? ai;.?. Th?? ptpt that ?batel tnt an U?lnch iris- pipe ?running from lb? ?>tok?e-reom ni? through the ?pump? and engin ?room, ami thence t?. th. engines, in the ipper engine-room waa the n in-gi. v-hi th parted. ?The iIveta \?? ' ?? arad ?at' i - -.*.Ith a knife. The ?pipe waa tested ?by the atei n I, ?at ?ii.-|.'?'t'?r, ami. il is state i, alth? 1.l a hydraulic pressure ol pounds t<? the ?square Inch ?Chlei ?En gineer can,dug st.u ?i that there ass ?only forty pounda ?pressure on tin? ?pip? When it ?parted, (IliHI.lSTON AS ?.HIPI'IM. POUT. <;?-u?*rni ?BTIIsasPa Oeeas ? ?<? is?* ?leal ii??'? ( n rol lint ( it?. WASHINGTON, Dec?rmbei t Senator McLaurtn, >?f ?South ?Carolina, sad .Mr. .lohn a. smith reprseesting th? authorities ami commercial ergaalsatloaa ..f Charleston, ?wsre at th?- Vu ?De?part mont io-ilay. The people ?>i Chart? believe that th?- ?gov?snuB?al ?diould mak.? us ?of thai eit) sa ??n?- <?f ih?- ahii Sapote of troop? ?for Cabs ?and it ?area for the purpose of matea thai tbla b.' ?lone that the call was inu'i-. Th- u.< n tlemsn aere ?sssu-r-ed thut in ?conformity Alth th. ?bistructiona <?f htcrttar) Alger, ted -oui?- iiiin- ?ago, ?the War i> ?part? menl lnten?led t?> stillse the fsi afforded by th? South Carolina city, and ih u Oeaeral Wllson'a corps aouid be seal from then sa ?soon aa it was ?i ter? mined t.? ?begin d spiiul.iiiK 11 ?-?.j?s for 'Tuba in ??arge num'.era. -A oui- ?Paeaaeaa >L_e?_m ?Baame aaaS ii?>m? (Norfolk '. irKlu'.aa-I'll.l.) Wo ?have sai?i ?sotblM heretofore about ih?- new law ?providing that a!, h.n?! '!i?i n at for Btat? lax?; Hat have been bought in by the Commonwealth, ?>r the Firs- Auditor, at '?nulle ?ale. and that luv?- ii??t 1.? ??M redeaaaed by th.- ownsn thTeof. may. on ?la? application and tl? paysseol of Ihr delinquent tax?.?. Int.: ami eosta, with ?! , rt-oUee of the ? queata ate, become tl??- property ??f mi? *i appH(*aai to whom shall i>e Issued ?. etc. Th?? Vlrjiinlnn I'ilot in eonslderlag th?- matter, hsa coofSdered that there is much te he salil on both Hides, nor, un?! r other ami 1?. *t< r ?It? uinstanoes would th. law I?? uiijiiHt. Uit ?-onMilerlng the hard tlm?-!*. the acorclty of money In cir culation, that, th? Slate could watt i til b, ttsr Um? *. nnd that ay tak? n advaatage ot the law an?l press It with all dlllgenc?. and ?virshne??*. It m':-'t rri'f,?* Ma voice i? bel sil of the l?,?ir and week, an?l aentnst th?* operation ?<f th- l-iv. which r. entles ly ,hrow-> _?j many pasple, all over th- COHMBO. mu ??f house BBd horno, at the luginninq of a win?, r BVSSP indication that It will be a bad ?me. Th.- i'?,ii?titutlon of th.- State ?uaran ry mail'?? hoesestend agstast evi-rv SI ?.I.?nt >>'-'-;?t the St?it?., and t* now invites ? v. ryb' In it? r.nv- tfl diive every ?Jellaejaoat tsz-payar from hi* homestead, it is ,-i and ease, ?nd store deptorabj? b a its it is ? many <f ?at? fnrm?rs. v. ho. In n Ot the lew prh'e??, of their products Bad the mm?- ? t?,min,- In the land, are reduced t.? the woraf itralf live in any pitaes and ?comfort This law, and \ht mannei- in which It is taken sdvsBtsgi ??f cape the <iini??x of hardship .?n?l nuisfortnne f??t- oor people. ami all th?- farts ami crlreemstaBoea plssd trurapet-tonguad f"r their ; -?'.> relief. Why are there n.?? eounter-syndiratea formed to redeem these Uin?is in thi i| ibe s? ite t i th -ir delinquen owners*. Th?- auggestloB t.- laug but let men sble t?? form auch bodies foi the - -1,-. .r nt their fell question ?" their ow, i be Bl it?- now tl how croeH) the law i*? ??-"--i. i hooW promi * tsl st? ps (O 1 I I I It. mm? ?H It IN I I ,,\. it ?s Hatstod Ovar Saa?rtl ?-i??? ?-* nn?i I rli,|,|?il. HABANA, to- et ml 11 '.. s t.-. P. H Ai n??"i? to-day, the Aaaei aa ba?rln| previously taken charge of Banctl Bplrll w ,-itni TrlBldad, in Beata Clan proviaco, ra an?i Btrlpsa ?were with Impressive eeremonlei holstsd ovsi the <-ity hill?-- sad ft??- military, . m? ?it. sad other public bulldlaga in th.??1? , Its? *-.? \\ h> :-, th, unfurl, i th, p ; id?. Btai -Hp .-..- Ban ind in ? i ?wde "i cltls, n red , illy. ALL oiu TRO, ?PS 8 BLL All ? h?- ? i ?opa ? hii-h ha re irrl? I 1er, so far nr?- in sscsllsBl health. The "se cond Engineers, together * th l ? -ban? of to- ii'-r.ii Heno? u ? ?ii\ laion sa bra hi imp f??r th? troops ??f th-- Seventh Army C*orpe, whkt are expected to srrtvs bei shortly. Spanish ? ' nspon Qh snd Antllla Bailed t??-?! ly f ?r Spain aith 1.481 I i : | on to ?nd 'v and the Werrs, I ?, sad J on Tu? '-iriy. soldiers. Th.- Bpsnlsh Commission ws? advised to-day that by Monday ? ? m ol Batab lao ind th - Une to Ban Felipe would b, finish- ?i "Tnh ??111 coiaplet? the ? \ icuation I the ,-ntir. snd ?,f the Islsnd srssf A ? qu?esi baa been nude by of the Isle ol Pln?rs, which wsa ?vacu?t? I Spanish n- ?pa on Thursday ins-i-, that the ?Cubes General Ifeaocal ship to? morrow, rls Batabeao, fifty Cal ,ii? rs, foi i - ?ii?.-? duty there. CALL QM CAST-H-LANOB. il Wade, prssMent <?f the T'iiit??! tEva?**,iiii?,n ?Commission, ?ccompa nied Ly Colonel ?Clous, Judi Captain H??rt. ihe ,,ffi?-i.,i Interpreter, and Almy, AlllsoB, Butler, sad l.r,?,k>'. call? d opon Csptsla-General ' at the Paisse t?. d ?y. Tbej \>? re received by the president of the Bpsnlsh Evacua ommlsslon, who lnti-odu?-*ed thi m. The meeting wsa ->*" i moot cordial na tare, sad srhsa the Amerii ina rstlred tin Captaia-Oeasral accompanied them halt way down Um stairs ;i*n?i 8h'?"k haadi with ill ???' them. The Spanish military guard on duty at th? Pala? waa di ?\>n ap, ? : ?i military honora t?? the American visitors. San Antoalo de 1? i in? -;. provlace ol i . Jug n y la O? ande, provli of Mstansss, were ? rs, ust?rd by th B Ish troops y, ' ! .... Th, work of cleaning tl ts of Ha? bans m?? ? American auspices begsn 11 iis morning, I Hi: B01 B* lit BEAU, I'ir?<t "B<th*B ll?-p??r, it ,lie Sii|n?r iii,<-li<l<-iil ?I il.',? All,mi, It. Th,- Boys' Bureau, oi Cl.b Hill, li.'?s reality just on.- ni"iith: the ?-??o?: doas Is prob ?I'l.v messun I Poliowlng la given the report f??r th?. month ,?f Mr, B, Whybrew, the aaperlB? "n,,- tit ii month's ?.?. orb .?f th? - on m -i? ?era verj ? in?' re. oil -. The butt ,--, , thirteen nights during November, and a*S perlodl -., i ? n ?, i -1111.. i th? m-in?-, i ! : t ordei ? ?i, port? m?iit I mnint.iii,, ?1, and n?'t a single ? tusa for oomplslnt has On? hund? d members srs bow on the roll, sad othera cootemplate Joining. Thi bu ,? m will ?,> 1? inn- al! in !: > appl) f??r in- in i?, i-hip. snd un- boy loo ?.i to pay thi ?dollar fee (In ">-< nt ??. ? will b, ah ??vu bow to ? ?u n It, a pi in hat tins oommeni a bl? : Sixty papera und m?u ob th, catal?gate, and th, -,i ?ini:? an attra? live spp, prop .ire ;ill??w?',l to loot at SB] pul make th?-ir oars ae - areok ta ??n, w ?i m, rabe, -? to retain the i their homes. The ?n? igi rec? Ived a mbsrahlp Is used as Cast reived to sdd new stl to the bo? r? m couat? ?-i. and scai ps - the re? ?iuii? in,m-, .i.> .iii papera si paid for In ad va ace t??? ;? y, ir, i ?u, lag the taoatli soiii- helpful donation? were mod, to the from the ?Bsughman Stationer) Company, T. W. \\'j???i 8 Bons, J. l'. n,,~,, ,v CO., <?f this rtty, snd Bea ra Butterte! .< ?"... ?i. ?na? ludd, .?n?i Pete, Hender son. of New 1 "rk. i h sol? purpose of th.- bureau is ,n provld? ti youth of Church HIU wltt good, v. !'.,'l-s.?m,- ,. ?, | wt\ help to educ iti Ibera t,? Ut ? t of asotul n? -s. T? work b not s charity, .? phllai ii py, bol b co-operaUoo f?or ut all-'lo uni --.??"d, and ,niy person WbOSI aympnthles extend t?? the boya ?,?i>i young m? n ??i ?i location - i??;, ??f say ?good sad bslpful Institution outslda ol the ?-hm, h-.-?, can Bad i??-r? ?. pla?ce ?when lb? Ir assistance m , lish the htgb ood. 'it |i with regret tha? loi bai Il rices of Mi Robert Wli luis doae escelleat i recording .- ?-r.Mry. gettlai ind ?et ounl - Info condltloo for perman? al The duties .?f the ofllc . idd? d to 1 fold eogsgemeats BBd stu?in.*>. bava pi??\?'?J t,?,? gt??t B burden, atul. though r? lu? tantly given aad scceptttd, discretion !?' i? hin reslgnsthet \ worth] su? esaoi : found la Mr. Marvin Taylor who is in full sympathy srtth lbs work ? otnpetent sad la ate >-. bersv, i bnoa n." BISSISSITPI r\l*r\i\ DBAB. linrnlni- ?if III?, I nrnl?he,| MM t?-rlHl for "Jim III iitUu.'' ST. I.? ?IIS. M? )., 1?? , . mi, William Lamoths died Mini l.-nly Frldaj Bight at .\r?,?n, III.; in, II? was sus of the bsst-known capf the Ml In IM h l? .-ill the Liulli. This bOOJ X-..I- burned between ah ?n .md at. Loula ?mStrom tba lacfdoal Joba n ip. sea Bse r' ?f State, fetuad inat? f,,r ,h? -,!lm Rl'id*..." K?-piiiiiii-niin-1.?-, raallBoalss KltANKI'iiHT. KX., TttOttOhtfi TV state slqetloa ooauntssssa ibi?? sft?trn urn -t ?,v??r the ?? : ? I election in th?* Nnith ? nal l>i? tt Id In f?iv??r ,?f ?',?::,;r. publican?, over WtlHasBB ii'.-n- :.i?i. Con gre?smaii-.-.!,-et l?ortng (Bepubllesp) wai i the !tliic?r.i In m, ? piftii, t. hi? ?-??.in? being ?dtaput, ?i I > i?-'? D. White (Independent). THEY DISLIKE US Angry at lew World's Expansion. OUR DECLARATIONS CANT, We Haye Oat?one John Bul toen In Pharisaism. l\TF.RVn\TtO> ON STAIR*! 93____9*. There Was a Time When Knropenn ? fur I <?? ? ? ?on of Tilt? I On nl r> Wn? lerlewelg Proponed-? Bort It Was I're-ionted. sprinilpnce of the Ajsocutcd Press.) ?LONDON, November T. ?stead, writing Ir??m Home unl.-r ?late 01 November '.'Ist, *ays: "Th- answar to th?? ?qrueetioa, ?dees the OM WotM think of th?? New World? ?bee ri<-v<?r ?been neede with ?greater emphasis thin In the Eternal ?City. Th- oldest Old World trda the [few World with feel? ?inga of enger, disgust, snd alarm aln-*at I ??it maria. The aentheent of in dlgnatton ?iiff-rs in Intensity, bol H nnhrerssL There is n?? ?sympethj for the 1 "nlteii Btate? Htmitig elthi-r whltee or blacks* in feet, dislike of th?? American selsura ?if th?- Philippine?, an.i ? conste? tion that ?the bumana enthastesoa which ma?!?' the war p??-? IMe waa s tottn mn?k of cant, assumed ?in order to Cactlltata ? ?mpi.-t, at? aimMt the only seiitin shared in common ?by th- rivil camp-- of ih?- ?Qulrlnal ?sad the Vatican, OUB ?CUPlDlTf. "?'.nerally. ?aatlmoal la ?. ?mparatlvely mild. Th?> people do not ?be-Heve in th. i in th?? disinterestedness of the Am? i ?an war of liberation The Am.'-ri . m ?fleclarattona ?are almosi untvei lly d? riii, ?i ea ezamplea of a worse than Bngllsb hypocrisy. Uncle ?Bern, th?sy ?ay, d< U riiiin? ?i in ail thinaa John Bull, ins outdone him even in ?Pharisee i in ?and ?ant. The trien Is of AmerlCO , ih? it ?i.m?ls In unaffected ?grief ov?r the 'an of the United Btatea under th? temptation of th? i?i?-i of t<trritortal es I on. Her ? ni mit i ahoot onl the Up end ??a over what tbey ?regard ?sa the unmistakable demon? i hieb tut demand for ?the ?Philip? .\ , cupidity, Am??r lean ?bad faith, sad ?*u_**riean ainhitt??n. Outsid? ??i ?England i bar? ?met no non Amerlcan who did noi di.-iike the ex panslon of An ?rica, not do i think that ?n th? eholi ?f our tour through Europe I ?base m? i "H*- European who did not re ceive mi i to Um genuine sincerity alth which the American people i . ntered Into i ?be m ir wl r lei mm king Incredulity. ?COMBINATION AOAINBT ?US, "i:: r?\- ' .?ir i am now mit I I :?1 proof of tho , Ition on ! '" p. ! ?a. Powers to Intervene on i>?-n_11 ??f ahlch might hev? been rery aerl? ?sue ?bad it not been checked in the bud by the knowledge that England would have ?nothing to do ?with ?. WThsn I was in I?., rely ( ild thai ?so pro , Inten ene, and that, bad ?never ha?i the ?sec i- ?n or pp i tunlty to put l,. r i""! ??own on the antl-Americ in eoall tion. That, n?> doubt, a far ?as 0V< l t a? ti??Il ??ii : m? nt was con lerned, i"it it is not less true thai Immedlatelj sfter the wsr broke i? pi? ?lentaUve ?>i ilia Powi ra ?communicated t?? ?an Amerl? an in ? ?.uit. in plain and muni-:, kable ten of the Powei i ?I their d< sir? ?to eg? ? , that : ubliely and for I? hiy. Tbeae communlcatl lor the ? ontlngen > of a union ??i "" forcea of European nations r ir the erd n of the United Btst Le frankly discussed ?between ?the two kilt Of that dis? ?. ammary stop to ?all ?sol Ion of Euro?peen intervention. i ou ?intervene,' said the American Minister 'it ?tneana war.' ' ? ?.?<J his visitor, 'and the forcee of ?the ?r.-ai European Powers, acting in alliance, would ?overwhelm ?say opposition which America could offer.' AMERICAN AUDA-CITT. "'So doubt,' American, "hot you_r/ould hurt to bring your forcer, 9p\ that bemh ? aad k?< p th? m th?-i? for ?the jf your natural ?Ufe Por the New World is n?.t ?going to BUbmll ?to the ??id \s'??r:i m ?i>-. No, s??; not any ?more than it submitted e century aince, when ?the odds wer* far 'And ?remember,1 he ?added, her, 'that when yon a? r '?i ? no and your naviei 1,600 mil? to l rice, you tvould have n?> count with rtolnly not friendly . "ihi?. i?ur an extln-gulsb-er ? th? ?aro? ?posai. Nothing more asa beard of th? ?conteasplated Intervention, it nevei |o1 -?i far as to 1st sulinitt.-iJ to ?England. The whole design was checked el th? v? iv outset by ?the ?aim audacity erith u bleb t?ha ?rej i Aamrica play Including th.- triii,ip cart ?of the Anglo-American entente, s h.? h n? ncefortb will play part In all th ?! . ;: arlth lealooa ?sad ?ors. "I ?am rery i*ia?i ?to b<- aid?? '?? -?--o forth th? -u tuai facts, sa ?th? ? ictu ill) be ? i They nmra ?te ?i bm at Brat hai ' the ?person most Immedlatelj con? rned. ?- ?ii ?sen absolutely rely upon the v of the ah it? atatemant BRITAIN OUR QOOD ?PRONTO. "if tha ?OM World ?regards American ?growth and expansion with nnconeeuleil ?alarm, ?the Brltl - ? hlch ?s both on ?the <.n?i World sad the ?new, ? ? niempiai. s th. aew departure with im aff?c!.-?i aympatby. Th? ?relations betwi *n th>? asabsaslte of i> and Amortes al tantlnople snd Room could hardly h .1 S r and mure cordial If thor. a hur.! end fast, ?sul ?uni ?dried, ?lgn aad dell ? of ail? oKensive ;-r.?i defensiva betwcea tin? two Powers, 'If thin?' tl ar? K?ln? cow. .?ir-11>h-Speaking man will feel, as I have felt throughout thl? war, thai Am.-ri.., one Amhns-aiilor. Imt two. in every eapttal bo Europe, ?m?i ti-mt bi'litu?! him. wherever he goes, he Is hlile'd ed by the might of not one empire, but two. under the combined shadow of which the whole world may k-arn to reut In peace." WITH THE MUM I?* I *4. Mlrlde of falrinm. ? Son SoU-stanc?, Melrle ?)iti<ni to Be DlsCOSSe?-. (New York Evening Post.) ML H-nry Molssan, tlu French chemist. Whose investigations with the electric furnace are so well known to the scien tific world, has recently announced the discovery of a new body, ritrlile of cal cium, which possesses the remarkable property of setting up a reaction on com bination with water, resulting: la the pro dui-tlon of ammonia. The n? w product is f??tnied by gently heating calcium in an atmosph?re of nitrogen, causing a com bination of the two element*?. At a red heat there is a violent reaction, which rwises the entire mass to incandescence. The chemical composition of nitride of calcium is given as N-' Ca3. and its specific gravity ut 62 degre?'.* V. Is 'J.t>3. it melts at about 2.5?? degrees F. The production of ammonia In combination with Mater U analogous to the generation of acety lene gas. when calcium caroide comes la contact with water, and M. Molssan be lieves that his discovery may prove of considerable Industrial importance if only m--aille caldnm can be cheaply prop_red by means of the electric furnace. one ?it the Bieasm.B lo come before the approaching ??aslon of Congress In which ail the leading scientific and techatcal m?fn of the I'lilted State* are deeply lnte ?reeted, is the Hurley i.iii, which was j?.?tilling ut the last ?iTcaalna This bill ?pro vi.,?s fur ?the adoption of the metric t? A t in of weights and measures, and the i mpulsory use of the ?ajretem after July I, 1VIH). In all government transactions, ?x? "pt the i ompietlnn of the survey of j'iiblic lamia, und rccognisae the ni.'trlc units as the legal ?Handarda Of weight? Snd ?"nasseres in th* unite?! stat.-s ?after that ?lute. This bill was latredttOOd In tu?- Ptfty-fourth Cenatesa sad fa Mod of - iga i?j only three vetee, so thut a \er> t.ood chaOSe of Its passage at the mini session is anticipated^, A n??w tm ?portane? la ro? .nid?'?? t.? n?. measure ?by the ?recent development of the foreign trad? la tins oouatry, and ?the prospect of having distant Celooteo, which not only will ?ase Ani'ti lean prod acte, bat wiu at as distributing points for ?esperta ?to ??'her oountrtea The metric ayetem b**ing ?now sdoptsd of ?nearly ?all ?the civilised nations ??i th?? world ? v pt Qreal ?Britain and ?America, the necessities of foreign ti ? de ?call for its usa by tbeee two ?aoen triee, snd should cm? sdept the system, the ether would i??- compelled t?> fellow i - SSample. .N"t only la tra?l?-. but al-?> In all m?? nun? il \\.?rk <lo? s the metric syst. m facUll it.? i.p i ?'. ne, .?.? i ill the ?v? nt 1.1 tlM ?OM of tbS Interna tional atandarda, we have aoflclent data to ?conetruci neu atandarda that would be ?perfecl reproductions of ?th? originals. Two m w aystema of telegraph*/ ?are i M to ?receive practical trials, the expert? mental wrk in aach i n having ?been s.irisf.??t'.riiv ?accomplish? i. and the In? v? rotors claim that th?? new methods ?.wll ?.. ?-???n many and Important changea in the presenl practice. In America ?Pro feasor ?Henry A. Bowland baa i? rfectod a aystem knoam us the multiplex, which in ih?- near future will ?be t? ited thorough ly i?y the operation of a ?in?? extending ?from Philadelphia to ?Raw i"il<. in aystem eight m? ?n b? ?sent one wife simultan.-ously -four in eacb dl? ?rectloa-ami Hi?? ?tranamlsal-on la effected by meana ol s gsyboard reeembllag thai of an oniinaiy ?typewriter, The nu iv. .1 ami printed on a tap?? or ta of paper, and no ?akfUed "i" ? ' required si ?al?ther ?end ol the Une. A typewriter of average ahilas- can forward msssegea at the rat? of forty won the ?minute, and aa eight m? sent over the wire at the at me thmn, a ?great ?aavlna of ?both lima snd mon? off, .ted. Th? oth? - ?tern : ferrad t< has tx 'ti Invented by a ?Pren? bman, and la known as the duodei iplex. It has i n used experimentally for aome time over a line connecting Parla and ?-?ordeaux, ami it. has been demoni trati ?l n? - many as>- m? m b?? ?Sent simultaneously l?y the uee >?f the oniinaiy Moi transmlttera The ?receiver? si t ut' ?Instrumenta ?somewhat similar t?> telephon? -. and ? r i i I he particular n ned for It Tins Is accomplished by the use Of tuning forks and Interrupted c?rrente. By ?the principle of electrical rt manee eacb re? eelver ?aelecta ?s eunenl. bel ig ?i.i for one particular ?period. The s?gnala ar i aaid t?? be quite distinctly heard, and Ih? other rdgnala coming ovsr th? Une ?t" ?not Interfere to ?auch an extent ?as to ?saue? ? difficulty. The difference in th? tw,. i? ?ata to i"? ?rather in ?favor ?if the Am? i tern, ?is ?; ?!?ee . with th? skilled operators, ?particularly at tin? ?-?seafaring ? nd. wh< re on? p? raon ? xn < r or r??ll ; ?-?f ia t!>? y art pt Inted. Wot msnj yean metboda an?i rstoot to i?arete the ?Abra f ?the i ?ami? planl hav? been proposed, be ?u their ?comra ; - ppllcatlon hav?- not m? t with -'i'' cess, a ?sew machi Invented, which not only - Mi" , bat e?lso d-eguma it without in juring th- fibr.-. The atalka o? rasai d i" tween i ullariy -const* i cylinders, which ?remove the w? ?d I, av? a < - ?sr, atraighl ribbon of I which is through . ?get riil ?if th? sum. As remie is raised al : ni .,* m?, i ?Um Obre will ?be ?>f Immense value, at it can ba n ??t ?n weaving end spinning with ?advantage. A novel application of eleetrlclty is i*s us? in the tinning ??f ?leather, ?and s ?pro? gas been devised In which the i. ? - til- cum at i^ seed ?sol only ?to I th?? ?tanning, but to ?render easier the >m balrtng of the animal -^kin? ?and the ex? t?a. tion of the ?tanning ? laments Fut unhairtng, the h'.?!? s ?are ?placed !-i? oniinaiy ?solution Of lim? SrsCttlC, through which s carrent la m for lift'-n ?.r twenty minutes. Th< ?gur? r.nt is ih? n shut off an?! th?? skins r?? miin ??>r an boor or more additional, ?r the and of which time they ar?? ?ready f?jr ?the m.-<-h ?ni? ai proceat of removal, the hair being auflictently loosened, in ?the ?nest operath i*. the hld??s ar?- placed vat ?containing a tannl lion remain, receiving tin- cum i about fifteen mis?tes Th.? ?aRect aaama to i?? t.? i,p? u the por th?. tanning ?agent to th? m? terlor, with th- ?result <?f ?greatly ?i? creaalng th? time ol duration ??t ?the ?pi - Ung ?fron ?the ?bar- ?snd other materials the ?rahstaaoee ?seed in th?? tanning solution. ?. current of ?utft < i? ut intensity i? ?seal through the ?tank to cause the solu'l? n t?? I?.?II This pi.: i ?i dn ihent ?thirty ?atin?las* time, when the oedtaarj a three weeks, whi'e the i-ffe. t ??f ?Seing 1. c trle methods ami appHancss throughout the works Is to pre'.tly diminish tl,.? time of all the differ* m opi rntl Tlme-C _* ?. _ S.vluiller ?.?-iiii-iieed. ST. PAUL?, MINN.. !"?.? mb.i I A S nth.?II wh??s. ?I? alii ft In fraauu!. nl ?mvsrameat Ume-cbec?ka wer? -.?i?i to ?bava i loss. % to iirm* and ladivktuals all over th?- ?couatry to an amount o i ?gatiaa ?IRMA, was to-dn? .i t?> ?prison i r ten ; ?-- at har?l labor. Pasee Vsewtj awd Cmmprmnu, MAI?KU> ?DO? ? L??After to-? Cats-act meetin? ?Duke Alraodo*. : ' :. Rinlster "f I "I? ipi'i Affairs, stated that be ?ii<! not baMave the treaty ?>f ; ?.?sited Si.?i. would be signed Infor? the m???-ting of the American i'ongr. W. J. Italtloman *.o?mtl?e?t. ?MNi'INNA'iT. i? ?h? lu.y in th- i?t W I. Hal ': m in, ?I with Hi- munter of ex-81 ?i? -S? a at r .1. ('. Rl tiered a v?-r.i!,-t ,,f a.a, lit! I .ut.-r ?tl l.oura' deliberation to-day. FOURTH ?O E! For Habana on Next Frida or Saturday, ?HIS DEFINITELY SETTLEC Company "FM Will Lcaie With t. froT<*st Guard os Tuesday. A REVIEW OP THE COBUf A ?aneiMos from HeaAqosrSas? i ? ,ii?.n.-i Taylei? of Interest Sa? _*_? ? Whs Wlsb ta Bid tha Boj t'ood Tly. 8AV__N"y-*?TI, Ota,, December 9~<2$p <*1al.>?Arr_n?;ements are being compUt? for the defiurt-ro for (Mba o? th? Secot Division of the Seventh Corps. OrSe notl?ji?ir-r the regiments to bo retuly leave, ami Informing them of the order wht? l\ th'-y will embrak, have beoa pr inuluatt?(l. The movement will bt-Kin Tuesday, wll the tUp-i'tuii) of the Provost Oiar<^ ui der Major Harrison. P Company, of tl Fourth Virginia, is on provost dirty, ai will 1 IVS With the re?*t o? the guar?l. FUI HAV <>U SATURDAY. On WsdaSSdaP th?? regiments will beg Isavtag in the order in wht, h fhoy ittai In the ?Itvt ion. Th, Fourth Virginia w l?.- Ihs t?.iirth rej'im.ut to move. If? tin f??i- starting, General la? caUulates, w be ?a n?>xt Fii'lny or Saturday. A letter baa bssil ?received frem ?.tener Qrssns?, i?, wiik-h hs Bta?tss tkal he <m hend?a UNTOS regiment* a \w'??k. Ksf mating on this, hy two WSSks tr?,in t day aa Soubl ?ill of the -? ???ml DlvlsU ?-m bav? left hi A grand ntvlow of tha wh^le Seven Army Corps will tike piar? next Tue ?I ? v. Dooember 1th, at _ o'clock V. ', Thors will be upwards of IT.SN troops try and art 111? ry, TO BID QOOD?BT. In a i , Colonel T?.' from headgnarters, it la suggsessi ?u hs notify the friands of tiio Fourth vi gtnta tint the regiment win Isave t wsrda the sad of m-xt week, an?! th >>.?iring to eonae to Savannah bnj Richmond and other imints in Virginia i of thla r? : v In th? ir tii. nd* in to.ui r?..- . fore thej 1? I ma would wall te aseare redaei troto i raOroedn CROWD I'ximvtfh. As thi v ill bo the i sel revtsw i'f t wholo corps l"-for<*> ItS ?leparturs f Cuba, s Isxgs coiK'ouri-e or people fro ?ill part? Of the i-ountry la looked fc It i> BZp t'-.l that the ralliai ida will mai i i i *?--:-:_i ?i- to uii desiring to wl I ; display. The mea were exearined for v.ic-inati, throughout the * Dti ?*i"n to-fln All who have n??t been va? ? iiti-,1 n|n SBllstlBg will t>? ! tors the division leav tot Cabe. Mili, ill BTBEB ?IBSIBBSIBLI IL \o Bones v? ?* Bwtoetalned ?>f Her it? Oliver), liiul I : ml la BwtUt at lia ad. Mi u A In Hunter, who suffer? s strobe of sp, plssy last ?Trld t.u, Is in No hope of h< ? ry i.-i entertained, and it Is n I that ulie i .in survive mai,y hou longer. i - - - h as bei riltl? n. ami has I an Ins' . It is ' hat durtnjr" h< ?, Mrs. Hunter undei the w?is no weakened I expert nee that her strength wi i win u she fomiiienc, .,iln. Hi- lliif-r'a ?i) inpto?ui- ? nfavorabl l?r. Ilo?:?'s cood not linprov - wi ?ik< r, a a,| h i:i?-?.?r<il?/ala. To the Bdltor of the Dtapetcfci In \ Dlsp itch Is a report i a m'.'-.-.;' of the Commit! on Wats at which an Interestli * on ele Mr Willis, ?,f tl mpany. who in 'he tlon i.s asi i to 1 '?? opln, that th? adoption of th?? plastic bond, I atead of the Johnson bond, would effect ally do away wllb i "-olysia. I bOI i?-ii).,rks we led, snd trust that hs w rrect me if they were see, l a boy ar,?i learned tl ABC that nothing would prevei t insulation, if Bay '?n?', ? or not, et Id in tl ground, with ' trotyata^ l Ivane? <?f say ??n? .n th country' I may be a litt?.? tx-tter thi I Nothing Will pi IvmIs but etWclent Insulation of rail wir?-. C to. AS-'Iltri Cbamberlayne ml > r 1st. -mm? The Wccither. .-i WAMHINUTOK, \ RAIN ^ ,"'('il',t i,,r Sundav: ] For Vlrgtnla?Rata: n , . | , easterly galga; ? ' weather Sunday muht. THF WKATH1 KXIOXT YK TEKDAT was rainy and dis et il le. Slat, . i ?A. _1.?M SA. M.XI . | ?!. t 'to -o .ft ht .? M tura .id