Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1898. CHOICE OF MR. KOINER ,,?,?m>\?. Il'H ?I.KIM?' HIM COM ?MISSMHI-M 991 k?BM ? in Hi*. rtlBI EXPLAINS APPOINTMENT. . ., ,.,,.,1 ?lli?. Tie??*???- of III? Vml. ?r,.| ?l?;,ll?l?-.-.?IO?l?.?Ill? l'\.-. ll-Mlcy -.-HI |jr. ?un ni ?-ml \lio,KI?iii?-nt ol ?a, ,,?i?iiK-Hi n m?< r?*??v?-ii Paatal? thai -, -? ??I has host ' : ism " rnor T? I, - ? : , ? - I - work Vit t ?i:r. WEHTE f 1 fo nt him. to - [ -, :. h li, - r '1.1 ! !l t< : i | : - ' i : v. imei will 1 - MAT J ST VTI", LE iOI I*. - arreados Mit M -m . In the Miami?- I.en?ne. - ?. ?I I? tic f the Rlrhn ? m-1 P-iny. Thl? conforenee -will decido whe that or n.x Norfolk will h??ve baso-ba? j the couilni* teuton, ns the matter of Rich t ????nd Jolnliii- the ?tato League will thei : I fully del? rnilno! u?,..?n Mr. Williams was **_ hero WrtiMiidaj und talk?:.l very freely about bare-ball 11? Mild wm no trouble ?bout th? I- ? hmond ? l'ili remaining In tho Atlant* i -, If th?y h? ?l.-strcd. as this p<>In Ml*, ?-.?itii-.l ?by I*re..|(l,?nt r..,r i w. The opinion that obtained in som? tern, that ih.? ??rislnal franchlMf o ta Virginia clut?. in the Atlantic langue i that if on? ?-int. wen Our mut tor<rd to do llk??wi-*" . ?Stated Mi. William, an. t ; r.<> troui'le whatever ?n ti ? mond tlub ron,.ii Lln?,' In the- Atlantlt IM, ?iamK ?aid bo did not profess U " ,!' i !? ?' i ?all, but he bac ' I with him Who ?li'l WtM <.f tin? opinion that I' I 1-? ?better for HichiiT?nd to rei.i.i.r lu the Atlantic L-Nii-!!?... othurs wer? ol opinion thai h i.<?.iku?? ba??--t?al would gire tuai a*? ?good ?tatlstactlon. I xiM u toot, large sum o tnonoy," ' ?i Mi. Williams, "to ?Mgur? i ?ii, an i ground**, anil w< d ftrt th?m up with ci.ns'.?If-ration, ??nil ? . le OtlMV l"ai?''i? -. ?.r moi ? apt ni Mr, Williams'? attention waa ?"??n^d t< Intel v? m m (h C tptaln Cunnhi which .ii.j.. ir?d eselusiYely in tbla , o - > ?ii-.-i? ii i.? ?| ?v would be girt a in nd club a Ithoal ? ri and gunr that th? i irai n t nwarc <.f thla," said Mr l ?.vill be glad to mor m i Mr. McQuln to I ik th.? maif r <?v r." In th?? Norfolk Bl .Mr. Williams naitir In ?the Norfolk thai there ?should b !?? t(i!. h liana tl il_ i.? . v. Ii. ? ?,'iil. It Is i that th? i thil 1 ? ? week will result h the S ? ?. trill ?.. I lent I ?so MOTOR l\ m;i:i.v'S wim?. ! .??.I Ti-stiiini-iit of Inventor Millie? No Ilcforeuee to l'union* *>?-eri?t. CPhll I Ii erly looked?for will Of John W r of the i. Qg DlOtOr," was yesterda) I to pi tl ::. !' ol i any that : m int WOUld 1hr??\i of I !?? for? - whi? I ?ha ire d n It WOUld 1? ?.v? ? ? inn - ai to the men ? ..?i the work whi? b 11 still Ii.? Bui nil ?pointed. In ?thi will, win f the 1 !. th i? : tator <?!iiv naming bit nt willow, Anna M. Kr ?;. The Instrumt nt and readi as foil? I. John W. Keely, of tli?- ?ity of Phila -, Irania, In? ?r, knowing th? I the m of th? Ihm th?en of i I mind, ?memoir, an? . ?! > ?make and publl ?. , i . ti iment, herebj re? fOI m? r Wl ?l' ai any time heretofore made. ? :?!. aili unto my .'.una M. k? . i : boira i, all my property, and mixed, of what natur? or is; . u r il"' ?midi . .? ?I the tin.?? ?>f my death. ords u. ?const!? appoint my said wife, Anna M. i of tins my ?lei I u IH and t< In , lereof, I, John W, Keoif, the i, ?n?? d, AOsy to this ? ? m and t? ?stament, wrltl I n of ? my ?hand and I ..i ?October, in th? ?jreai df nur Lord JOHN W. KKKI.Y. saled, el TUB \? < i - I iTHIKB. Fnlrness of Btrrtn* I'ormnlly \lt?-?ti?il l?y Oiicrntives. AVQV t OA., i ' et moot ?I?Thi Rt!i>." ' 'u !' ton factories called in a body to-day, Dial of 1 n. ,. tbefa latlon of In that with reft j ?are hopeful of a?? nt. .Mr. ,i -i-, ii. King, brother Of tho A : Th" if tho Sing mil! one of th? thai n 111. Thi mills here, OLD NORTH STATE. A III SHIRT OF ItnWS C'ATIIKRED AT n?\i rif.H. THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW BERNE. ( Misen* to Meet and Consider a Plan for It?A Carions Cnse to lie Tried? Militar? nnd Political?The Hnni in?j* Prosecnllnn. RALKTOH, H, C, Deoember 3.-CRpr clal.)?The citizens of New Renie ar? to m :?t next Tuesday to consider the future Kovemment of that elty. This means that they will then decide as to the ChasgaS in the law ret-ardln?*- New Benne*s municipal gOVSTOSsent, which they will ask the Lsg-sUtUTS to mnke. Dr. J. J. M??tt, late chairman of tho National ?Silver ?party, SOBRSS out fiuarcly for a repeal of the lnw a?*alnst dttslllag. He de,lares that the SSBtUBSOt against the ?bel )<. cruel, nnd that were th?- pri P ent law rsBsalad a better Stats ??f ? would result. Qersmsc RasSSll pardons ?T. H. Milan, formerly a ticket nt*ent of the B, aboard Air-l.lne, at c who was a de faulter to tho amount of Fume 12.0W, and who was serving a two-years' sent? At tin- term Of tho ?SttSd Bf trlct Court here next w? < k a rather curious esas win be triad. The defeadsat . young man namsd Hollemsn, who wo? a slsrk la the post-offles si Ap a, in this OOUBty. His ottSDCS v. ill h his liv il v. i yOUDg . aad then re] to ti letters. 'i'h<- Actlas Ail.|ii,.irtt-C? nera.1 has not H yet received say returns o? the el, of Held ofllcers of the new Becood and Third i'- gtments of the State Guard. , i ?i. p' itlon to do for tin- Quard than SVCT b? f??re. It ? . ex* cted thai the O, neral Oov? i, ni win <jo more than svsr before for : be ? luard. Much rain has delayed cotton picking. " an- not a few fields of this crop i? spp, sr i-? havi b? - n will be Dm? h d - "?t??n. Ci " :i man Peaison, of tbe Ninth I ?. ? here last night to : ee ?he ? - the v. Thi plurality of W. T. Craa foi ?l. his Democratic opp? -. As has beea ststed, Pi i ?n wltl msk? ] ired A Republican here it the stti tuds of Benator Prltchard, as shown I open letter. 11? saj - th? B, o> ator net ?- speaks, except si borne, wher? he t- : ,i by ? bite R?. and tl r tbe cam] i ? a North Carolina. "Why did ! -li??' down in ih?! dang r line." ai ? ?i tbe ?. "It I, ? ? ? for him ,?> talk and Issue pronun? , ut??-- ??t h ' he continued. ?The United Btal District AI n imb rding th? pros? ? of ti ? Wilmington ?- ople s bo Irov? ??ut Bunting, th? United Bf misstonsr. This much may b? to Bunting: That if Judge Purnell, PI tinted him commissioner, t? t here w, re chargi i 11 Insl hi ,-i? r, be v?ould nsvi t b ive spi I L .-?.ni. ,?r if he had at any time | ri??r ,? > ?xpulslon kii'iwn of r-.ii? h chargi ; i u.aii,: have r? v?k?-?i ,he ? .. Judge Purasll so Informs me. it |? learn ed that BuBtlBg as wi II ss Msltoo, th? ex of 1 . have bsea ?n Wai hi, \-r since their Bight from Wllmii Little than?-?? for IOrrnr. i ftockingham Register.) Rumor comes from Richmond thai ?Oov? ernor Tyler will appoint Mr. Qeorge Wel lington Koiner, of Augusta sounty, Com Colo nel Thomas Whit. i?. ,,i, whose health Is -. t? i'i v r list Ws do Bot SBtsrtals th" highest opinion of ih?- practical vain?-, of this ofllc? to farmers of ?Hrginla, v?ut there is l!--! cha?es ot err??r in the appointment "f Mr. K?lner. Th? K.r?. are a f Of fin?- people and fit??- 1 itn, I w-.ii if Virgin 1? bed tu- re like them ,? ions of trust sod honor. The i,cii-><>ii. (Appomsttox Times.) If William McKinley is In earnest about repw?latlBg his proml ? f 11 - r Ty ler t?> pay to,, cost ol ?quipping our Vlr* ...... be*ll a, ? d mors than Hao . i,ti ,,, ! ,in il],?m when .1 el aad Tom Martin gel through with the brushlag down they sis ar.- s administer. It'? no trouble t?> s?-ttU: with wt ??t i'.? pui-i?'' <" but Vlr ginla downed McKlnleylsm, and for this Virginia a : -mm? Orders for prlBtlBS SSfM to the Dispatch Company win bo gives grasp* sttentioa. Wrmmmn nut agr?ala?! in i'kmii iPari?- Lett r i it u ?gorions, Indi ?i, to ?abeerve ? iv which th?; : ?ling from Pf.lte and r? tion, baa ?ret ned that character, W i i;.mi raed M. ?i P*i 'r nil h I '. hi.-? object wee to b? i.ini ?tor ?so? ?reding ?him : - br m ii- bad ?refused t?> Join h ?! thai h ? ?i h i be ??v? rl ?grow i : tanate, f??r mdomlnlnm would ?certainly h. to i r. ?Thi n i foi th, howen r, tun Ign mini it??rs ?hers imhti In the i?u?.-r?ii ?gane of worrying Bngti .-, thOUt li'ivln?,?- ih.-? rr.? ins or Hi?? i ?n ?requisita for retrl? ring th? orl nal M?nder. Thenceforth the ?S*rench e In ?' Iro i ? ime the centre of England, and, aa alwi In inch cas? a, ?Fronce ?loon fov In ?air??, ?as nt Alexsndrla, anxlliaries ?ad ?rank gsTe them th<? iii_:ii?-:.t i?< sttl Tbla pull? \ has ?been steedlty i nr-.?i When Tlgrana Pasha and Sir v.. ?Pain t ? i'arl? In l".'l to neg? ? ?ion of the d? bt, rt j? - tkM . Lut ML Rlbot ttl] uleted thai I . I abould i?? locked n!? the Rgyptlan Treasury, it n?'\v amoui I 0, and whereas It minht h?? lightened taxation and Quintupled ?Egyi i?ty by prorldlng th?- mean? embeaking M?e Niiu, Kran??.? has ?had I simple satisfaction of annovln? ? AgatQ, when Kniflnnd In IM .?sk..?l I < > to go to Don?gola, that ?Serthetofs outburst, the ?refUsel of t tribunals, a*i?l th?? ??'i?K|?,t ut' nurr.? minded an?l malicious m? ?a at lnfll? tin** fresh retmfl on ?Bnglend childish it? ?aa ti.ou?)i the refusal of half million to a nation lik-- Kngland ron delay her sction for a ?stngle moment T Marsband ?atlsMos w?aa ?Haply th.? ?so ttnuatlon of rhis policy, and, ?conelderl thla K?.Jiailenfii-uil?:, It is ?-?sily ?und? si.?.?d hOW ?this -r'l'lj? n 111 turn anil?! I ri,?n of a victory won by -oo loi ainl li?-t??ic an efturi ma?le the ? 'i|i ov? Mow. i a ?id, hoerever, b?.- a ?crying lajustl not to acknowledge that Bnglend, on ti ,? ?committed faults, ?and has u furnlehe i i-'t m - with ! ?mission to accomplish ?facts. Aft r tl i irabardm? nt ot ?kltxan irla, ai battis Of Toi el Kvblr, ?.h?- mii;ht ha' Im? S t?- 11"? * -' ' '' ?and ?sol we_M liare been raised again But did not in ? '" ill Infui in? d us to tli-- etat Of i . . sh<? ?lacked riboluti?. ni was afraid tc? undertake tl si).- ?Usereby ?left the door ??i?.?m t?> i. dlflteulties whi-h hav?- aiis?n. ?She ?son mltted a ?lUll ?grantee Munter, ... its ?Bgypt, ih? the ini.iiiii? '?.?i \\'??iff ?. ;'nd sh?- owes the wonderful ?.i f?ortui .;' not ij'.?iK foi\-?.?d t?> withdrew t?? I I. . Ition t . . convt otlon Now, i agree with those who i oo*npent*ation t?> ?be ?given t ? ..i. Inasmuch xt n ? ? on pensatl Is given for an iit-iurn. i?ut I ? .-i shoul i... ?givi ?, i?? K'.ui?. for U'u-, ind'i m..nt. which ?sha eannot mirti. ?tren if eh uniil'l. t?? \Mthd, I !gy* i. Th : I-': ?,. . ; Id-entl ?ai wuh tli >.o of other natl I?i,iBOS deprived of inoi ?-' tha iii.v ?have been; y?-t ?Ml ?by war. whlc wouM bave *given Bnglend ?right whk poeeesa, The Freneh C ' * i ; the tun? - . thai ol ?any otht ?nation. .Alexandria has been for ?ages kind <?f continuation 4?f Ma?rseillea Kran?" In fact bae always f? it ?heraell at ?bom m Alexandria? and tii's I ?sling ?aha be-i Indeed, at times w!i?-n no <-:!i.r i'..?,-,? ?mid f.-'-i Itself ?aa ?priiV>ialnanl there And, Inally, it must not bo ?forgotten tha !? was with ?her labor, h.-r ?g? nius, nn?l ?he lavlnga an?i ?raaoufcaa, in hpit?.? "t Bni land, that tha tits-z Canal was construct i?d. and JO dey BngMnd has mad?? l.v tha mil, which ?aha .?pt-os???!. tho enonnau! ?- urn of M.4MilM of pounds. ~~~ ?Lei Tli?"-? Invesllaate. ?fCbertotte ?n. ?C.) Ob?srwr.) When It was learned during; the re ? nt iampal_n that a suKiitsttoii ol io?!.?ral tSOOfS for North ?."urr.Unu bad ome from Senator Prltchard, it was re i.arked that p? hud !<>st a lar?? ?art ol Us political BUf-aclty. The issue Justl? I Bed Um atstsmeat, for nothing was more p,,tentini than this threat In gtv? in-' the Btat? > th? Dean -t.-us. if th" naeat printed in this mornlog"s pap? r, that Mr. Pritchsrd will latroduce in th? Iob of Congres? i r? solution to tatst a committee to lavee* tlSjatS lbs ?ft riots in th? ir'outh. is true, then it may be said that all bis asgsclty hns takes leave d him. if nothing but the facts sis ?ranted about the trouble in >."?,rth Carolina, thea I ro need of ss Investigation, for thsy have been I published brosdess, to the world from half a hundred p> ni sad s thousand prli t? ing presses If it is simply d<sslred to harry oar people, thai BMiy ba Sows SI consUlerabi?! Incoavenleno? to them bul it will signalise th.? tlnal undoing of the RepabllCSn party in this ?State. If "tho I i of the msrtyrs is the sesd <>f the Church," it la no less true that th? i ?soution of the people of New Haaover or any other North Carolloa osuuty 1 fl r bavin?,' adopted radical hut n? ?s *.,.- of Mlf-protectloo win ti,, ?taadard <>f the Democratic p;irt- rely that it erlll wave over the State beyond the llfetim? of th? present generation; aad the effect of tho Imprisonment of s f< si "f oar fsllow , attisons would be ?such thai th? Repub j II, m party in thu Btats bad ss ?ell diS I band. it may be sa!?l in paastBg that H might look better if Senator Pritchsrd Id i" ; nil som, I ' 'o take the Initiative in the lovestlgatloa of bis j. ?i le. but th.u is s mere matter of taste, and about matters of taste- th? rs is bo disputing. ? "aTMI-aawhassi l*?-r?onnIs. WILLIAM8BURO, D.saber I.-fSpe ! ?- Chief-Engine? r Robert W. Gait, United States navy, with bis sister, Miss Annie Oalt, and ins little daughter, Mary Wer? Halt, is in Norfolk visiting Mrs. Puller, ???i Oranby street. Captain Montii Brooks, after s week's I visit i?? hi*? family here, returned last eve ning to Richmond. The C ipt iln i,,, k with him s quantity of ?game which 1?. will distribute among his frl Mr Richard Hansford has secured po 1 m? h with th-- Norfolk an?i \\ ?ad, in Norfolk, and will /u> r upon ? bis duties next w? k. i Prof, - r Hugh B, Bird received s tete? I gram this morning from Petersburg nounctng the <i?.,th there of his sister, Mr. Bird l? fl by the UM trsla tot that dtp. Miss Bussn Webb leaves for Richmond ?Jay, and Mi-s Elisabeth Morecock r Norfolk to ?tt< nd the rec< ptlon ?>f the Daughters of th? American Revolu tion. Miss Moiecock will be the ru h. r friend, Miss Madg? Lamb, daughter I ' , Colon? I Vt II lam Lamb. Prof? .-? ! Chart?*-? B. Bishop will ' ! for Hampton this evening, and to-morrow win addres? th? Young Men'? ?'in. : .- - dation ?-i that t????.a. Miss Jennie Wise l?esvea Monday atora? oond, to remain several ' days, a-i'i upon her return aill \onri tor WsslUngton, where sh>- will spend th? winter. ; Dr. i:,lv, ?id Booth, fr,,m Cart his morning. Tin- D !' -.. , rops on the <".r,.iv.- (arm this ?n, and th?- farmers in his section in Mi ISdmund W. Wharton returned tins m i i nlag o- m .'. visit to I'l?" ? i. He 1? ft here last Buoday sad sp? t?t tour ?taja in Ja? ksohville. M'MUXX'S ; ELIXIR OF OPIUM ) Is a preparation of the drug, by which its i Injurious effects are removed, while the i vahaabte medicinal properties are ret.iln i Rd. it possesses all the sedative, anodyne. j and anti-spasmodic powers of opium, tmt j produces no sickness of th* SaSBSSjCh, no j vomiting, no costlveness. no headache. ! In acute nervous disorders It Is an In valu- | able remedy, and in recommended by the litst physicians. I*. FERRETT, Agent, :i72 IVarl St., N?'\v York Cards, Hi II-Heads Statements. letter Heads. Note-Heads. CUcuUrs. H_n?lbt?Is. Dodsc-rs, &c,. printed by Urn Dispucu Company ?it low prices. Will u-ivs you good work at the same prices vou I ay for Inferior work, ?end u? your orders and we will guarantee satisfaction in every TEMPLE, PEMBERTON, CORDES & COMPANY. THE NEW STORE'S HOLIDAY READINESS. , ,'..?---- -... , -?? ~r??-;- -* OIR FORMAL HOLIDAY OPENING. With a great, deal of pleasure we ?announce our FORMAL HOLIDAY OPENING for MONlfAY, December 5th, and we wonlil Ik* pleased to have you inspect our qfrck and become acquainted with the thoroughness of our preparations. Not nnly are all old linos represented in greater variety and LrOWEB P1MCKS than ever before, but also all tho newest and nost advanced ideas in Sterling Silver, High=Grade Cloussineware, Utopian Art Wares, Japanese Vases and Bronzes, and Bohemian Glassware. The extreme lownese of the prices will no doubt be thoroughly appreciated by the holiday shopping public. noi'iAX mit WAMMB, Wt hasard iMthlnj*; in romm?*-ndln'' < ranlca to yonr <earn<esl eonaldera ti??n. The perfection ??f decorated art ?a fully attained In tbla arara, ?very srtlcla entirely different, as f.,r as deco ration o concerned. It h.,s n charming symphony of bli nd< ?1 colors, and a pi r? ?ration that eonnoli : pictures?*) < . Thi- ware m Jardinieres, Joss, sod other ornamental pieces, particularly ?l? Igned i?? add greatly to the adornan? I of ?, home refinement. Price? rang? from UM t?, UM. j \ri:\i:?ir*. aut WAMMB, Vases, Jsrdlnleres, Tohsood Jar??, Trink, t- nnd Jeweh*y-Hoses, Rose Jsrs, In liiiis?--. arc. Antlqoe ?hspes, ?olid and ( i ' -'- PI as rsaajs ttt m )! ".. (O ? I'l, I \l.. ii-?ii?h Claueslne "Vase?,, ?*,?* rsrh. AltT 1'in JtSMtM?. Jap. Ornamental Clay Ja**dla!?trea an?i Jap. China Jardinieres and Pedesi le, and Gray -ranging in ? " i j -,.!,., : - an ! Pe I, tala, 112.50. ? ?nya Tabaret?. 13. Inler?*-, $12.-. to I i ! ill , i mbrella R?*-celveTs, lorlrig?, ".,26, Japan? se l ?? corated < "hlna In - rj. , Hair Receivers, Puff-Bei < ? i. and Brash Trsys. Ifatrti Stands Ac An Immen??,? assortment of atylea anil ?m 2.-.C. la SI'KCIAI.. ?o ?-ce our lin? nf Extra Tich'-P.oll teed ***--* 11 it llmhrell is, tor ladt, I j l gentleflMB. 51 IIILINf?-SII.VKR ?VOYMLVIM. Heavy?welght aterltng silver, ?. Immense assortment, lowesl prices. ?Sterling siiv??r Hand Mirrors, I'.r ??shoe nnd Combs, ?Shaving ?Sets, ??lux- Horns, Button Honks. ?Cuticle Ktiiv? a, ?8 .p.Boxes, Nail Files, re *h- and Nafl-Brushsa, W . and? mortes, lors, Thlmble-CsSOS, Puff-Boxes, ? ligsrette an?! Cigar .i ra, Vinaigrettes, an?l Tooth-Brush ?Bottli >. I ni;i?i'Mi!: Vree ut ? I? a ? (. -. aWUM V ?OL \*>??l"s. mads by tha c< lebrated makers of lonsps. ?Andemalr ??i I.? uiaiis. I? ither and pearl n ountings, In Snail, White, Smok?-. snd Prie? r inge from ii ?50 to ?01 Beaded Neck Chains, In j? t and ?colored beads, M and KM in?!u-s long. Prices, 75c. i i \ i ?nit OOODB. ?Ladles' Combination Purses <in?l ?Card? Si .. Ifonkeyskin, ?Pigskin, Alll ?rator, and Liserd, in Black and a variety if new colors, ?Special attention has been liven by our buyer in ?selecting th? silver r ?(old trlmminga for tb?ese l?r? >ks. ri ;?< -< '? $id. i.i: \ Mat? h Boxen Blottei -, < ' il? ndars, C ?Tar Q - Bi ush-Boxes, p Cigar? and Cifurette-C price? ronge from ' ''< I ? - UBATMBM DHB?SI??fl CASMf. .- -.i or ?Pigskin, wood, ?rubber, or ebony mountinii?. for : idlea and ?gentlemen. Prie? ?9 to *u. ' j BOUDAT Ft It?,. A romp?, or I?sat of the now i and m?'st fashionable Collar?, ? ? snd i?nK and ?Short Stoles, In Marl ! Mmk. Muffron, and Electric Seal. I'm ? rang? frum |5 t?, $.;r.?u. >n rrs <>f Mink, Marten, and Electric !**?->al, and US, Two SFBCfAIJ N il n fMfSi Two ?-Inch Wool *-*-.? i Capea, fora price |S0? ?pedal af KM i Two M?-*nch ? '?ni. y ? ip**-. former pr apeelal at 17. H,il.Ut VA' im umsiiim;;?* IHK (il'XTM'.Ml Men'? Scotch Wool Glovss, heavy a warm. 2"! and I Men'? Mocha Qloves, Astraeh ?n I' ll, UM, and UM. lien's llocha Clove?-, wool lin? ?1. ?1 r,<i Men'? Mocha Glove?, silk lined, coli T.'.ti and Gray, U.M% Men's Dogskin Gloves, full line shsdlngs, $1. Men'? KM Gloves, all the fa?-lilonai colorings, to SO and U -'"-. Gantlemsn'i Hemstitched Silk Handle? ?, 7.",?-., fl, *?l _*>, S, U.M. Gentlemen'a Initial Hemf-tltr-h?-?! Han '?, GO rin,I ',.'.?-. ?to sn'a M- ni-tit. lied Strleily A llandkerohtef?, extra values, 121 16 2-.',. .-,. .t: l-t, and Me. mea'? Tecka and F*o?ir-ln-H:it 1 new patterns, 2.r?o. Gentlemen's Teck, Four-in-Hand, ar I'off Tf? A BOUDAT SALB OF OBIBTTAL HI r, A apsclal opportualty to aseare i?? f., sape, iwii> ?d? intageou? i rf ? ?ur collection compriM? all siz?s. froi tli*- amalle?! ?loor ?Isa G?xB Inches) to ti ? door size? <ix."> yarda). Pot th sale a ap?x lal ' - owit of nt. on our already low price?. HOLIDAY 1 Mllltr.M.A*. Momigriimi or Initial? entri-ved free of char-ge. All tii?-? new? ?i most advenc-ed id?s?. a, ? 'leusinne, Princess trimmed Gun metal and mother-of-oearl ' heada i ?Ladles' M-lneh ?Steel-Rod, Aii-SUk \;m? l lu?Has. Imported natural wood handles | colors Black, Blue, Bet. Itn-wn, Gr**n, and Hello a regular UM value, at 12.25. Ladtes' Silk Umbrellas, trimmed sticks, i extra valu? ? ti. J5. M. end 17. ?Ladies' Han.i Painted Drc-sdcn-HeaO I Umbrellas, Black and colors, extra values ' at | ' ii ?.,. and I? Ladles' Silk Umbrellas, handles of eter? i lin?- sliver and p rl de-post! work, efctra I vain? $13,50. $15. an?l SIM. -Gentlemen's M-ln h Union SHU Vmbrei ; las, Imported natural wood hand ?los, o\ir lal, at P tlernen's Silk Umbrellas, Importe?! natural wood handles, ? ' rtliig-?>?llv*r trlmmlnas, extra valu? s at * ?., *?> $8, V, is. and M 8H i IBMMWf TUXBDO AND HOU8II ?COAT! AND ?SMOKING JACKITft of Trleot. Cloth. Velvet, Twsads, and ?Prices, M.7B, $5. P. UM, and $1??. ?.i vri rvivs math ?MHMH. Gentlemen's Terry ?'loth Bath-Robes, new patterns, absolutely faut colora, ex tra values, I'.??. $4. *m. and tt. O? ntlemen'i Blanket lint h Hohes. ntc?-?"** made full sisee Brown, Blue, Pink, ana Bed bordera, a re?gular V? value; ?jioclal at U Gentlemen's Blanket Hath-Bobes, Ja?'? quart! patterns, new ??olorlnK?. extra ?, a?, p U '?l"'. * * 60. and $io. ? Ladles' and Gentlemen's Terry Bath Slippers, all att* t, $i %v# #-*? m o o ooo o o ? e a i I There Is a lime to Buy?It's How, I Everything for tbe Accommodation i There Is a Place to Buy?It's Here, of Evetybod). on Cradit. I I and Broad KOlllCu & LO.f andBroad J : A Word or Two About : Buying Your Xmas Present. It is always good policy lo buy where you "edit o our 99 f 9 l I u a i can have a lanje and varied stock to select I s from. You can make no mistake at our store, ay 9 Everything marked plainly. You can pay 9 9) cash or take advantage of our liberal credit plan. "We help you to help yourself by J system of easy payments." "What a beautiful lamp, and how cheap!" ? j Yes, we have heard that expression before. a> ? We havo more Lamps than any ordinary f lamp store, and the prices are really lower. ROCKERS by the hundreds?every style, ?S price, and finish. Buy a comfortable Rocker for your friends and make them happy. LADIES'DESKS,COMBINATION CASES, I LIBRARY AND CHINA CASES, DESKS for f the children, strong and nicely finished. T WATCHES for LADIES and GENTLE- ! MEN, SOLID GOLD and GOLD FILLED. o + DIAMOND RINGS, CHAINS, ROGERS'S t SILVER-PLATED WARE. I RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERES, ? BLANKETS, COMFORTS, and QUILTS. # I FURNITURE of all kinds?Bedroom, t 9 Dining-Room, Kitchen and Parlor. I f COOK STOVES and HEATING STOVES, OIL-CLOTHS, MATTINGS, and CARPETS. EASY TO BUY AND EASY TO PAY FOR ci.osiM.-oi t lAIJi or onft-:\'r\L ,.s _HD cu,l*i:i-?. j^HiiiH.?,,.?.(||1|||.u| DO TOI* ?LOVE HliiS' DO TOO et i* 'i BARO vinh Then go I ? ??h?- cle?iBS oui ?.il?? o? tho Ruk Bl ,?, Main, i!? * Or?1ers for printins sent to the Dia? patrt Company ?ill be aiven prompt at- . - , on. ana the sty.e of worS and -?rice? S-..^..**^ f be ??re to plea?e yoa. ? OR? fRANCH'S Grains of Health j BBSSS li??l?> pltt% win SB*hS-. Csre ? Coostlpatieq, CcngesHeti, He^stttf. 1 f.KK-IIUCO..?to??VeHiilarey,Pe?*?a. I ~<IUII?IIIIUIIIIIIllllll:|lii,||,t|t,IMM.....ri.r|1-l| r *4f*m<*zt^me*m*^^ ?AN EXPLOSION I in apparel values. These remarkable offerings in J | Hen's Garments are of intense interest E 0 ... v? ^,m W7?MT1T11.WP.IGHT SUITS, now design??, and ?f -_? ? i i wnni WINTER-WEIGHT SUITS, now design?, and $5 00 w^?P^n Good B,ue aml Black an" __ r Tc^tmft*^ SUITS, in forty different pat 7 Cfl i;,'- S W?ol Kely Overcoat, box style or reijular liVU length._,_ --7~m\7Z,nci^vrt ruFVTOT AND VELOUR C?SSI HI RU ffiffSWA Overcoats, !?? lUellll worhl's stamlanl.__ _. , v I i? rnRFSS-WEAR SUITS AND OVERCOATS, lined *$|9 nil til^-S^%aa manner that only " fancy price IPICibUV custom tailors equal. ____-_ -tit:nns ms?^%^ ^a M0.UU VERTS with silk yok, in Overcoat, _________ HOI I DAY PRESENTS GALORE. HSb%^Ls?,SSUu.?-.^? a* Cot Bo?, To.,, ., Children-? Department ends to-morrow ?Jj ?Q nine days ronde* sa"1 |M.T_ night. JTour ehoi?ce of Suits._ _ *. ??- ' f ,, ,,?;?,.?rr^^ holiday! Bulto ?p to $$ I oP Coats, > ? -m-??m** ? Completo THE e< ....BRPADAND A Complete -^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Shoe SEVENTH ST Se? store.