Newspaper Page Text
?tip RTC?lMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1898. "WB-P IST. L. LEWIS? Hi** ItONUSMAt. 01? MaAKCMm99ru*mm%t ixxtKiNu roa him. OTHER ITEMS FRO? THE SOUTH SIDE. Tl??? , nilioll?* t.tiilles' ttnsnnr u firent ?H. ?r?-, in ** ??-in I AVn>n?llr. OstrrTSIiKt H?i?ll> Ilnrt?Dr. Gll llnui's n???jl.s?nrlcf?. T. I_ Lewis, of Manchester, who was ?d FVidsy evening on a w I i , out by hi? vite, charging Mm with |l?S|iaas on her premise?, did not -; P??_ee Court yesterday morning, i . ho sr*orto have had a hearing, mil en .-.ttaohment vai Issued for lilm. Th<* j i were unable to find Mm yesterday, and he is stri In part? unknown, Sltbsf to them or to his bondsman, Mr. O. W. I? B4. V.'lien LsVlS was ?muted Mr. Pond, v!.o had known him some lime, -heard of It, and, festlag SSttf fur the Ought fn which the mtin was. kindly a/T?e_ to g? on In? I'.i.l-bi'ii I. .*>*t. l'mnl S*;d I?u?t B_|bt that be h id bu:,'.? ?1 Man thesl?r and Richmond ovir, and cannot end him. SUCCBSSFVL BW. A AII. The basaar given 6ome months ago at r Kail by the. ?Catholic ladles of Manchester and ?Chesterfield Ins proi i a most suixess'ul ?ifalr, ftom a ft:.; r-ian-cuint. ?9 it aras from a aaalal }*?* that ??1 expenses hi- '.to.. lady aaiasfsi- tind that u?? y cicarc.i i tbaa yw. ThM money win bo used to pay t ? balai e on tho school-house, and the i ihe church fund. , : BURT. Mr. J. R. Osterbifid, Of Drcwry's ? i : county, who i? smployed at I : Works, in Rlchi 1 j hurt while at woik ; inorn . ? !"WH into hi? toco wiih greal foros, strlklag ?i. Dr. Broara, ol the City j ailed, and, treating | him. Kirs BOOKS AUDITED. .-v Bowea sad Thoaaaa How? naiiu-i by the sr-p? rvlsors ,-?iunty to audit the bo?.)'.?? ?i Dr. J. P, OU? led their task, sad Bad ho ? \v;il Il ?Bpoit m Um uvxt masting of the ?sard. );.-. ' ? been the Trcasur, r el C_??b the death of the l_ta C ?V. B. Wo : Iridgs, m arly two d- i ?lili. I ELBCTS OFFICERS. The Conclavo of Improved Order of ectc_ OfTlc-.- IS B?BS| y?.?r. Tiny are: Arc h on. J- to. -, w. II. AUklnson; Pr?lats, ?.'. a. Raines, ! tar*.-, i'. to. Barrett; Financier, O. D. Cole; C. -V. Rslnes; Inspector, V. to. J .?.. .-, Warden, 1_ W. Chsstham; ; . i, W. J. Williams; ' B, H. >'orr. ette, < Borg? A. Stein, snd R. E. Griddle. l'ERS?NALS AND s. Mr. William to, .Li;.-.ob II dstslBOd St homo by sickness. ThS Ladles' Aid Society of West-End church will meet at Mra. A. EL Thomas'??. sa H-,-ii attest. Mo lag at I o'clock. Rot. Chsrlss i_ Rano, pastor oi Vnion Btatlon Methodist church, In Richmond, h'l'.l preach at Flfth?stit-<.t church this ffiioi .. . .. r?. T. Wilson, the Bear ling elder, will preach at this church at the erenlng service. i: ?. j. O. Bead srU] preach the first ffrrinon of his pastorate at ?..entrai ti this morning, lie will also preach at tho evening ter?, ire. The suit against Mr. Charles Ftetn, br?-.u:'.it by Mr, Bhroodtr, of Powhatan county, to reoorsr throe head of ? ?was brought op ' ra Uthgow rday morning, but as Mr. Bteln is rfield county, 'Squire i.i-i duelled that he did not have Jurl??, Um roti 1 le ?I? I.. coi Ml Lu At o, Pi dl A uni,;i,\n tit tiif. closet. A Young Man l"ori;<-ls ?hi* H!nht Way to Turn that Kn?il?. pUcent burglaries nnd rsosBt attempted bUTf' ...? the STStaajS ?itlzen u little- i.rrvous. Th- i In the attic excite Brava ?aa, A marauding eat to |irn!d cars sounds precisely like lbs guard? ed to Igtsps of a burglar. Old rey,?hi; n brought out and fr, -hhly sllsd -?tid loaded; tin y no* rest beneath the pillowa ol the owners at plsht. In thort, almost everybody Im mor* or ie??s narvaus, sad this aanrousaess is M-SlfSstSd ;.: i?,any vaya The pollco feel IbSCS Is no special dim Mr? but .? ? hasping a sharp lookout Thoy have hnd several amusing experi I The best occurred a night or two go. One of the best-known young men In J'b hmond %vent homo late from a BoclnJ gathering. lie is of very abstemious habits. In plain langunc:??. on the night in ?nutation, ho was as sober us a Judge, lie went directly to his room. He lighted the gas and removed hi? coat und veet. He wrnt over to tho closet to hang them up. II? turned the knob, the door would P?A ?laid. After repeatad effort- he began sa Investigation. Btoepln?? down he peered Into the keyhole. The key waa on the bi elde. In s flash lie gnu-pod th? situation. A t*f4i*Rlar wa.s In hi? room when he en tered tha house. He heard the noise and aecreted hlmnelf in the Moaet Ho was there now, locked in. The gentleman hurried down stairs and out into the strict, wbsrs he notified th? patfossaao on that be-it, who chanced to be passing. Accompanied by the officer sud a privat??, watchman h*- ra asrtstsi tha house. Lights were turned on every wliura, in order t?, facilitato the capture <?f the burglar should he make a dash. Then threu more poll ce m ??n appeared on the scene. Ry this ?timo the family was all aroui-cd. Then the four policeman, the watchman, and the young gentleman who had discovered tho burglar ascend?wl th?e stairs to where ho was concealed. Th? officer first summoned, the blgge-st man on the Richmond forre, led tho fray. When the room whs reached ka march ed boldly up to the door and laid his hand on lije knob. He turned it without dliT, ?thllty, end Tprned the door. The c!o?et was empty. "Dy Jove! I turnad that knob the wroi-i-* arsy," said the young gentleman who thought he had found a burglar. REKl" lll?N IIAC*_? 1*05T1*0M-:D. Thrv Will II?* Kun Tuesday tat? The Jniuplnir Contest W?-iln? ?iln?. The rain yesterday prevent??! the races b*li:g run at the Deap-Run Hunt Club , and they w? ,o p<'sti?onr.d until nexi Tuesday, the Jumping contest which ha?! be?-n scheduled for Monday being post poned ?intii Wedoeaday. AH of the owners of horses who were entered tnr the races yeaterday liuv, oonsei.tud to keep tnelr Stock here until Tuesday, and hence the events wil b< ???luaUy an interesting at If they had b, < >> run vesterdav. Th? tlckrts purchased for yesterday will be recognised at the gate? Tuesday and the programme will not be changed in any particular. The fir?t race will start promptly at 1-.30 o'clock. Urs. ToMpklo? sud Johaiou to At tend. Dr. Chrletopher Toiapkln?, denn of the ! s.1 OollCKS "f Vlrfcinta. will go to phi?, Tenu., to atterid the convention uf louthora menUal rollet?-, lie will be r<<tlr,wed In a few duys by Dr. ,???,rK?> J|L 4ohra?(.ri. t q,i?i.tb?n to he discussed *to i hi? yiar'a seesloii is -arhathec It is ail _*u?bie sr aet te cWi_* the ceuree in collegea from three years to ont ot m? tlrxt ?ea-alon of the convention will held to-morrow. Mi?? _la__ay to 9Jmu\ ttt. John B. Thu.ey. of IM? limon?', has uei Invitation** if? IM ni.iM'iiK'i of h?r tighter, Misa Ahs Ksot, to Mr. ?Charles Dickin- m, ?! Cuhliiii:!, AlWmarl? -.nty. Vs. MU?? Tln?l??y la a nieDS <?f *, JimluH A. Morris, <?f tlio wholesale tj of Davenport A Morris, of Rl?.-h ,!i.i ami i* one of the handsomest and . mpliahed of Richmond'?* many He?. Mr. Dickinson is a T?n.mln??nt um- civil cnRlnur of Albemarle. ? ? i '" - -i " * '" IXYON'B IIBADACIIR AM? lvin ?,1*. ri<?\ CURB TI1K ONLY REMEDY ON THR KT that will cure every form of H??;,d he In 3 to 10 minutes, correct n, stimulate ?the ?ervos, an?l ImUd up ?? ayatsm. It ahould ho In every horn-, ?fl ?very travpller'n (rrlpsaek At nil "oggluta . Twenty-five curea, 25 cent?. v 24-Rn.W.&Ft? rMI'I.OYMUtT WASTS. 300 WHITE GIRLS WANTBD TO M 1X8 CHKROOTS, Iiicxpc:ic?ncc?l hamls will l>c taught. TH8 WIIITLOCK BRANCH, 'lui!itv-.?-ixth a'.nl Cary streets, tie _tt_city. WAvrr.i?, 1ENT8 TO BELL ?STOCK OF A COM ny organized to buy and ?Improve land?. Itlvato sugar-cnn?*. t bSOOO, ami frult-s. ?.? ?I air?. t?.r? s ts and mine? In Cul a. mil it?, Rk*0. Vast ?urns of money will ii t.o flowing to til?*.?-' Manda f??r In atmsnt Oreat fortune?*, await ?auch a : ';-. 1*1 In d?*man?l. ?Libe? >ns. ANGLO-AMERICAN '? N COMPANY, < " Btsta sir? ?i. Bos* _d ' tK-n^ WAITED. 3BT A WATCH OB CAMERA FREE r u ?bear's work. Any bright boy or a Camera or an Amerloan ri.le Watch, f.'!rlr>' or boy??' Flylo. It :ictit not to ?taks an hour's time to ?o re i i t, Pond for free particulars. Ad GENTLBWOM \N' l'l?'?. ' ??.. Qentl? woman Building, New York city, if Y. WANTED, riKNTS. NOW IS Till' TIME- TO tstla. *' I i " while the eun shines. Mil like hot OSksa They are ; and astuAbte. Homethtng: that ii ? s and must have. Exclusive rritory fftven. Don't delay. Act qufck. i ?lamplea a?i?Jr? ? . THE SHERMAN COMPANY, le 4-lt_Jsresy ?City. N. J. WANTED, r.F.NTH. WE WILL PAY flOO PER onth ?and railroad expenses to any man ho will faltbfully represent us in taking d?trs f? i- tli?.- nvigt reliaba.-. Portrait spying House in thi, world. V?- pay rtctly ?salary. Addrssa o. l'.. MARTEL, rtv York city. _tli 1 It WASTED, .VOIES TO EMBROIDER, GOOD 1'AY g, envy work ?r-rit to your horn'. A<1 os-?cd envelop? for ??ample and ma? rial?. EMPIRE EMBROIDERY-' ORKH. s: Duane Mr.-ot, New York city ?? -l -Sun&WSt W imi;u, A YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION ? Toachor in Private Family. Hranoh<.?3 ught: En^ll?-h. Pr? neb, and Music. \ . oderato terma References exchanged. ddress "SCARBOROUGH," car? l" i aster, j Va. d? s -jt* WANTED, DIVE. ENERGETIC MAX TO TAKE ?.arge of and ?sell Vehicle? and Agrlcul iral Implements at our atora. So. PP in Franklin street. Apply by lo?t??r. ' ting ?reference, to Till-: IMPLEMENT OMPANY, r Rich lund, Ya._ de 4-lt* wanted! ad?es to work ??for ?8 at their [amos the Year Round. No canva^im*. Ity or country. Particulars by mau. HDD Mi'?;. <:?>., Gl Park Flaco. New ork. do 4-lt WANTED, NMENT F'JSITIOXS. DON'T repara f??r any civil aervii ? exsmlnation nthout assJng ???.r ?Illustrated catnlo(,'iie r information. Bent Tree. COLUMBIAN ORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE. \Vn. h i?tonL_D^jG._ _de 4-lt* wantedT L riRST-CDASR LATJNDRES8. APPDY. ?ith ?reference, between the hours n and o'clork at k'2i west Franklin street _fle 4-lt? W LNTBD. A THOROUGH AND PRACTICAD . want-? Position on ?the road f?r Ity. Fndt-rstands advertlaing in ail : os Al. HUSTLER ._?de tu* \VA\TED. A GOOD WASHER AND IRONEli work guaranti ?ed. :\2 Catharine atreet. ?'.? t i-* WANTBD. ORGANIST WILD GIVE SERVICES or T.'se of Pipe Organ. Address "OR IANI8T," care of Dispatch. de *?lt? WAMKU, V PAINTER. ONE THAT WELL I mndy about tho house. Apply nt LE1X? \? ,<?:,' HOTEL. t di 4-lt* WANTBD, (TOM-EN TO DO PDAIN at Home. $1.50 a day. Four month'3' work fuarant' ? d. Sind atainped a??roi?gri en .e4o.>t. for paitlculais. 11. W. HUTTC?N _ CO., I'hiluihlplila, Fa. _d? 4-lt WAXTFl*. ?ALESMEN ON HIDE LINE. ALL MER Dhants handle. No Famples required. Commission very liberal. EDWARDS, Sox 4SS, Westftsld Masa <3?i 4 it WANTED, AGENTS. ?SEND QUICKLY FOR OUR Christmas St llerB-AYatcheg. Jew?4ry N<> valUfcS, Plated, und Holla T.ibKu.. ? HensehoJd Articles-. Right now Is the time to moke big money with our line. Writ? for partleulars, mftfai. M kg. CO.. New Yerk. da 4-11_ WANTED^ POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER AND Typewriter. Best of reference priven. Hilary no object to bej-in with. Adi Mia? "S.," No. 311 Reservoir etrp?n, city. no ?V-lt?_ WANTBD, A MAN OR WOMAN COOK FOR A large school. Good wage??. Apply ?t 317 east Franklin ?street. no -SO-W.FASunSt wantMd. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER (S-oung man) of oxporience desires Post? tlon. Can glv? vary b< ?t of city rofer aoses a? to ability and ch.iract?-?r. Ad dr?Hs 748_northJ[rhlrd ?treat, no g7-eod6t WAN TI.?I. A MOUNTAIN HOMB-A TEACHER OP ?uifceasful experience want? to f--?tahl!??<h a costitry boarding ??chool aomewbere In ih.- muuntalntt of \'lrglnia. und would like to hear of a suitable locattsn. Ad dresa, with full particulars, HOME, care of the ?D^apstch. oc 16-eod:ni WlXTED. umtMtmnM man. GOOD position OF trust. Come recommended. A. T. MOB? SIS, General Delivery, city. do 4-lt? WANTK?, YOUNG LADY TO DO GENERAL OP ? Work, including typewrltlnc; om? who understands do?able-entry book-keeping. Address, in own handwrltlnf, P. o. Box till._ _de 4-lt? WAITED, JUUGHT AND INDUSTRIOUS YOUTHS and Mlaae.4 to aollclt ordera In Ri'huiond and all other ?cities m the ?State, using ivlfure houis or all of time. Nice, a gble w<?ik pay. Addr?-s.-?. in own writing, stating a_e, residence, Ac, OP* PORTt ' *ara of Dtopatch. do 4-lt? WAK'?CD, AT OMC?, A FIRST?'IJ.S9 COOK. ran como highly recommended. F<?r KUch a ?erson yvod wagfi will !? pall. Apply at ltOi Grove avenu?._do 4-11_ WAITED, WASHING TO DO AT HOME. CALL OR writ*. CELIA JONES, 9^7 Hickory atrett. da l?lf_ WAMTRD, AN EXPERIENCED ?.'?." >K. CALL AT nth Beech 8tr*H Monday morning ?etwees #aud 1_ Clwvd reteranc-t.. is vu WASTED, ?LESLADT FUH T??V fSTORE. AT_?o, >y to deliver amall pu? k.ig? s of toys and ? work*. Referen? es r??iulred. SCHUF. M l>, je < eaaj Main atreet. WANTFJD. VOENTB. MU,K OR FEMALE. CAN rn |4 and $3 a day selling Vu|csBlsed ibher Fountain l'en*. 0-11 for Kc, A?l J. M. JOHNSON. 4-11* Imperial Hot? l, Richmond, Va. WASTED. PAINTER WANTS \S ORIC RY DAT contract. In city or country. Roof iliitin?-* ?t r? du? ,-,l rates. Can gton beat rrferenees. Address PAINTER, Dts .tchofll? ?-._de 4-lf A*. tMKD, [RIA TO OPERATE ON PEWINO aohlnes at SOVTUKKN BHIRT-FAC JRY, No. 10 north Fourteenth street. _dc4-lf WANTED. SETTLED NURSE FOR A RARY M onths eld. Good reference required. Ai> g from ?*? to 11 A. M. or 8 tu 10 to. MX OBdsy si 104 west (?race ?tre< LdS 4-lt* WANTED, 3ENTS TO SELL STARCH BEAUT-? 1 packiifies: easy to sell; liberal commls 111 ; used in every home; send 2-cent amp for sample paeknir?* and full par mlsrs. Address ST A LI. Y MANCFAC IT.INO COMPANY, Ualtlmors. Md. ?le 4-11 WANTED, FIRf-T-CLABS SALKSMAN RY A rge whol???nlo dry-no???!? and notions ,i!ae; one innllA with the line, and ho controls , rnW In Eastern North indina. Kt it? the am?,unt of goods sold, id name ,.f : ,,t, and give r? rences. DRY-GOODS, care, the DiS itCb_d??4-U WANTED, r a young man, with piivniM, ars' experience, position in tobacco istness. fan i-lv- go ?i ratonneo. Ad? es? "to.," esra of Hardtrrove ? Co., Ichmond, V?. 'It* WANTED, NURSE, EXPERIENCED AND FET e?l, w-itl, referai Apply between 12 id 2 o'clock Si MO enst Jvlgh street. _de 4-lf WANTED. ?RVANT OIRL POR GENERAL ouee-Work. Apply nt IMS Floyd avenuo. it- ?-It _ BOOK-KEEPER. AN BXPEBIENCED BOOK-KBEF-HI --ires n Pcisltion. Can ?Ive best of f.-?rences as to capability and character. BOOK-KEEPER, care of Dls iteh._ __ ?le 4-U?_ \v,Mi:ii, GOOD, BOBEE, INDU8TRIOUB COT. etor to collect, on ?alary or commission, tth flrst-clssa references or security. ddreea collector, care of Dl lia 4 It HI SINE*. S W\N I ?i. WAVTHI), LL WHO WANT To BUY A HOME r have a bouse built on the monthly nynur.t plan to rail on me, for I can eoommodata yoa la any portloo of tho ,ty. Also, Lota lo aell on same pinti. ISO, Vacant Lot.-? BBd cash Klven for uprov? d property ninlur a goo/1 rental. D. C. BARRAUD, It, ,1 Estate Agent, <"?*4-n _K'.2 east Main street. wan i i:d. RESPONSIBLE PARTY WHO WILL ike care of premises, to rent Three-!*'tory rick HousS. corner Main and l'ir.e, at ;? ry low ligure. Apply 0 cant Main, at _ _de 4-11-_ WANTED. a i r.Aur, r.n ?u' lAJtttA SUUr-BIUIBWWai, ho in recent years has been principal of me of tho best gradbd schools In the outh, wishes to securo a Position In irirlnla or North Carolina. Bui aun, French, Mathematics, nn?l aeual Ingllsh branch??. Lest of refer?ibci t, Utlr,.?-p. stating xermi-, "A. B. to." I!.?x Hon a his, B. C. de ?t-eodlt* WANTED, ,LL SANE ?PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT udson Cunninghsm, corner Twenty-first nd Main, la Belling Dwarf Roses Tobacco or Mo. i?er pltn?; Hickok's, No. 1. 50c. per i,un,i. lui*- stock of Drugs. Medicine?, nd Tobacco. Polite attention and cor set prices, and don't you forget it. de 4-11 WAN I -ED, fONSUMBRS OF MILK TO MBAB?RB heir milk after the foam Is off and ess hat they got good measurs. Parties buy tig milk in ; md measure, ay nothing of cl? unliness. At HI WANTED, :0 BUY A BOUSE OF BXX OR SEVEN ooms on the Inatalment plan; S2?*i sssh, nd Pt per month. Mus, bo in good neigh ?orbooa West End preferred. Addr? h? I0U8E, care Dispatch offlea de 4-lt? PA1?EU-HAN<'I\U FR Kl".. IF YOU HAVE THR?JB OR MORE ooms to pnpor, wa will han?*; one? room Vbsolutely Free of Cost: one week only; irst come, first aerved; this offer 1? b Ide; pend postal for i-amples. Add] HILES, car,- of D de WANTED, rO LF.T, SIX LARGE ROOMS? FIRST i.nd second floors, with bath, hot and cold vater; central location?south of Broad I'artly furnished, If desired. ?Good range md Latrobfj. Reference e**.ch_n?-?-?i Dispatch office._de 4-lt? WAFTED, rO RENT OUT ONE VERY LARGE Unfurnished Room on Second Floor. Ap ply 114 east Clay attest de 4-lt* WANTED, ro BBX__ twelve large ?OYPRK88 ranks, l2xir. feet; capacity, ?O,(M0 y.nWrm; rood as r.ew; half pr!?-?'. JUDSON CUN NINGHAM. Twcnty-lirst and tit In ?treet?, Richmond, v_._do 4-n WANTED, RUBBER TIRES. HAVING SECURED i Eubber-Tlre Plant from tlio Ami-rt-an Kiibbor-Tiro Company, of New York, we ?iru prepared to put on the best quality Rubber Tires at bottom price*?. JOHN A QREEN, Carriage Makers, Manchester. > .,._ do -1-U W VM III, OCCUPANTS FOR DE8IRABLE ROOMS on moderato terms at SB ITSSl Oraos street. Young men preferred de 4-lt* WANTED. OCCUPANTS FOR NIOELY-FURNIRH ,?1 Room at reasonable rate?; also, a few Table Boarders. Apply 411 north Eighth street_ d?> 4-lt* no MtlH US WANTED, TO OCCUPY l'LEASANT, NICBLT? Furnished Room; us-? of Bath and Par lors: or, rent room; private family. Apply to ::! east Clay. _ ?le 4-U* WAMEI?, SILENT PARTNER (LADY PREFER r?-d> with M.0M to invest In Good-Paybig, Already-Established Business. A Doe cha?es to the right party. Address "W.," care Dispatch. _ de 4-U' WANTED, HOARDERS; LARGE. NICELY-FUR nlshpd Room; convenient to buslnfs-, centre; flrst-clasB table. 108 north Eighth street. de -4-lt*? BOABDBR9 WANTED, ?FOR ?SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED rooms at 407 north Eleventh rtreet. de4-*ft D Y -it for llcl ter s II 1 ! in; Joi Ls H T Sid ? '?i Cti Bli r i .< i I I, :i I 10.1 I ( ! ' e I?-? e | soo I 1,1" ( MM I M FI RI to, ( M D, , M? i la v.i Ni I tor L A ni ER! CMche?ter?! Ensli?h Pennyroyal P?T?? piM-oiii Br??*-, arp the Vest. *-?". a-i???>. T.k- ?. i ?Hitr. ??.??I ?v., ? K J? |?'t?.?-./>, ' K.: . f.? i_i..,-' i? inris ?y Beturp Mail. , ai DT??j,rt (au l-Tu.Th.8uly) WANTED, TO SELL AN AGRICULTURAL EN gine on wheois cylinder 4',_x7. In pertect ?.rder; Saw-Table, Saw, ?ind Belting com plete. Price, IM. Address C. E W? Box *.- . iv, to,.- hmond Vs. _ de Ml WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICE? PAID FOR Old Miihoi-any Furniture, Brass Andirons, and Fenders. China. Cut-Olass. Silv? r Plated Ware. Old Clocks of all kinds ml painting!-, etc. Apply to R. to McOEORGE, No. 613 east MarshaS street, Richmond, Va. no lt-dlm* IIL?IM:?*? ?OHAWCt*?. NK\VRTOCK Siloes AND l'I/?TH?N;; f?,r Hule at a discount. Best town in South. Good b??lii<:sa. All cash. H;?l i? did opportunity for rani with v-.-Xi) l" MOJO. Address A., care of Dlspauh. Je Mw_ A ORJSAT UARGAIV A PARTY L0AVING THE CITY 01" fers for Sal? S Magiihli-nt MAHOGANV t PKIGHT PIANO, at a aarlfl?-?, to a rash purchaser, or would ?ell on time. Apply at once to t'A ???rtli ??venth atreet u- i-4t* BtfflJF.A*- WASTB. ^SSS*?r\S\r /VV?A**VV?A^^i/v?,,i/^"*" r-.rj*mfk+m*mm*S^f-''*' >. O'SILLIVAN'S. Eighteenth and Hain 5ts. iimst CULPBPEB CBBABWBT 111 1 TEH. 'IrRlnla'a finest pro.luct. Always ihe ?i.?. Nothing In tills town ?ran ??pial It pin Ity, flavor, and quality. It? in put flavor Is not e?i nailed by at? Bot st twlco the cost. Order a ?pound ?for ni.Ie. I Be. per pound- In nny qnnntl-ly. clem m v it oi.n nvn whiskey, perfectly pure VlrRlnla mountain dls od, mr-llow Rye V?'hlsk?v li. b n?l slnoe is, 1 :. 099, per quarts $1.00 {-nllon. r*o White, Fat Mackerel, In Ci -y_ ?-pound kits . ?PI..-5 DEWEY ?OBOP TBA. ts delicious flavor cannot be found this e of China, where It was selected for r custom? i ?. I'er pnnnil, in??. [?am T.nnch Rle-Milts. ?till warm. -r tut baked, per p ?und. ?>* te l'oint Bnowfl.ika Ovst. r m In backers, per ?pound . o** >0 b.iire!? Fine Family Hour, ?jt* > or. cr barrel . ??4*?i?J max Stove Polish, make yo?:r ?,-? tove look like a mirror, for.... 5* CAUrOBWU DRIED PEACHES, lalnty difh, like beeswax In color, sweet nd Juicy, Drle?! California . cf. '? aches, per pound . * ?*** " ?MO cans Demon Cling, ?llce?l. *yr%C -pound cans, 3 cans . _c*w ?nly a limited 9'ianfltv at this prlr.?. i White Cherries. 3-p?_,iind -jCC ans, ? cans . -***>**' ?"j poiin?ls It.-? ??in-Cured Prunes. --/ ? kqulslta t? te, ?per pound . _ li\r?i> ISLAND QBOUND MEAL, Is Uhclljik Family floor, -joi* r I X? . ?'>*-' *' baricis "Pride," sprlni* whe:?i ?. ?f. Hour . ?P4?5U u0 pounda ?Preahly-Groond (\n ;rack?r M? ?1 . "*" U0 bushels V.'ati-r-Ground M?.nl, _ cC ?er bushol ._. 43** CK? bnsbals White C?n. 42?_ nest oats on the market, p-r "* *;_(? ?-ushel . at VIENNA BUBIB COFFEE, chmord's flMSt nudlim-prl'"! Fr?*eh ?toasted Coffee., it? ?llatrof Is tempt na to good coffee drinkers, per ->nr jounl . **'""-' nest Arabia Mochn, large bean, _?**r ier pouml . O ?000 pounds French Rreakfa?-t |2? 'offee . 00 pounds Graham Wafers, pure r-\r and crispy, per pound . >-* **' itch Chocolat? Creams, in .-yc ?mall quantity, per ?pound.... 000 pounds N??w Grated Coco- -q :iut, per pickfiK?; . ?-, iport-fl Jaaas, in quart bottles. jOC itrawberry and quince ?o? old Virginia ? xtt r .qC Vinegar, ?per F Gb?n. w Crop New Orleans Belasse* -q? Mr ? ilion . * MO | /?inds Carolina Rice, i ?-r -? poun?l . -.. *-' ??? pound? nice, crispy OtOgei r-? Snaps, per pound . ' NEW IRISH ?POTATOES. anovST ?SW.JOI Potatoes, peg |QC ,l>] -.?lo* l/ir'ze','Dry Irish I'o- , -q tatoes, per peek . *? ^ nertnuP lump Ptrir^/or ;. . iMPoniin u im.^. XXX French Brandy, quart I??.(ties, reg ular price -va? ?.'. This Rramly was ?old it Newport New*, ?to pay duty. Ws bought ?nd it's a Jim dandy, ?-?cr trv a bottle . /?J** !nl? Holla? 1 Gin, thick with a;-? . __ . 4U* ?b?on Old Rye Whiskey, original __r a. per quart . y?^ de Blackberry Brandy, .-c pi-rquait. *Ol*' buck smoking ->-*c X o, l-pound bag . -6?>v' ? im: (H n SMITIIFIELD HAMS. Kveiy ?Sever ?Of good Hams knows what Bmithtb-id Ham should be. 'nirs will en-el rour eap? cations. Thursdsy*a .at will bilng u-= U Fine ?J.d H m our o?rder in time, ?as tiny ?sell upi?iiy h^n we ?have ?them. l'.-r pound, 1_lc .000 Dales Choleo Timothy TTav..A}OCt do S-Sa.Sun.Tu&Th) lames Brothers FOR Xmas Goods. - fgat gotten in n ?largo quantity f Fins Xjnas Good-*, which mu: : be old to maks ?room. ?Call ?and sea them. RI..SH BUTTER.19c nancy Ci .Un, i Flour, p? r ?bag .%c * . 7c. loud Par?! . f.C Ireakfest Baoon . la eh Pork . fie 'ork Hams .Be. lOOd Minis . 7c j ?bars i.u.iKe ?Soap. I bars Good Hoap . SPECIAL. Jew Turrante (washed) . tc leeilcd Raisin? . l?c. ?>w fit ron .12c. )rango r? ? ! . b.c. JNttOO l'ec-l . lL'O. ?Tew Figs . 1?>?. few Date? . *>c. ?helled Almonds .?>.?. ?lew Prunes . 6o. 'ooklng Raisins . t>?. .rbuckle"? Coltee . 10c. /on Coffee . Ho, iuekwheat Flour . 2c jrenulatsd Sugar . 5c Vy.1 have a little more ef the Auction loap left, It Is a bargain; call and lames Brothers, 608 E. Marshall Street. (no l-TuJt&tSu9t) BTABTBD. )CCUFANT9 F??R DB8IBAB? ROOMS, vith PlrSt-CtaM ROaid; also, Tab!?? and [transient Ruarders. .Mrs. it A BEB? ?tKRT, 4?:: east Main Etreat. de 4-lt? WABTIBD, rO RENT PLEASANT ROOMS (Fl'R lished or unfurnished, ???iu?Ih ?t en suite) or gentlemen or faml'.le-a; one square 'ron City Hall. 319 east Marshall streot. da 4-lt*_ WAITED, fBW OR GOOD SKCOND-HAND 6,000 Toot Capacity l'i>rtablo Hteani Saw Mill :ompletc. Spot caah. Address ULl'H IPRINQS MINING COMPANY. EUsabotb? on, Tenn._de 4-lt*_ WANTUD, K'CCPANTS FOR PLEASANT, COM 'ortal.le Ro??ins, aeoond and ?third Poors, l'erms reasonable. Address Mr?. It, I_ S'OOLPOLK, 710 east Franklin, city. _de 4-lt?_ WANTED. HOLIDAY PRESENT. CANVASSERS find large profl',3 Mtliina our ?al-sgaat Psr f.-ction, Hell-Heating Curllnfr Ir |rn?, oil, or electricity r?-quited. Always lean and ready. ?STANDARD SPECIAL TIES CO., Times Building, NVw York. no 2?)-HunH _^_ llPIt M, MORPHINE, Ulll-KI \. 11?' INTERBSTEX) IN THE CURE OF these habit?, writ? for my lx?<?k <>n these diseases, mailed free. B. M. WOhI.LKV, M I? , Atlanta. Ga. _ Jy 10-fiu2?lt _ WASTP.D, iiED GOLD ANO BILY-U. BIOHEST cash prices pa.d. or will k'vo watches t'-welry, or eilverwar.- in exohan_o A. St *?1/-:YHR * BRO.. Jewellers, 6a east Broad street. Richmond. Va. WAITED, TO SELL OR RENT TWO SMITH Premier TvpewTiters, In dret-clasa condi tion; ii-oo?. as new. Call or TYl'EW RITER, Rooms 11 and 11. Chani? t?er o? Commerce, dty. Ue 4-lt? ?BAL ESTATE AT l*SU V ATK S ALE? WUKN ACAL *_T*.T_i IS *?0-.D TMS TAXES TOR TH? CURRBNT CAUBN? DAR TEAR ARB TO BB PAID PRO RATA BY TUB VENDOR AND THE YBNDKE FUR saln. :ertain income ten to rom TEEN PER CENT. NOW'S THE TIME T?) BUY. 'rice. Ideation. Annual Rent. fsiO Graham St.. 4-room dwelling..! 9L 7<\) Linden near Main street.1 99 SUO North First street .I 1?. l.i"> May?, n,ar Broad ?ties!.I 120. c? room brich cheap ) I ? CoriKtr l.eif-h and L??mbardy..| Ml iirlck atoro, 17th street.I IM. 1 '-' Grac? near ?Hth street.S l"?e. ].?:"? Orare near tilth street .I IM. l.Tix) Medium brick, Fourth street..! 1W. 1.900 Detach?*!. 24th St., large lot....* 2??. :'..'< ? ?"orner drugstore. Main.I 2*>. M West Ci <<*?.-? treet dwelling..! 400. 4,808 Two Gary-street ?tores.I MM, MB8 Franklin-street dwelling.I 5r>o. *.?) Two stores, isth street.I 120. Main-etreel stor?-. near 9t'u....$ MM 12,1'XW Liir?re tobarin-fuctorv.**l,SiO. 'IT YOUR MONK Y WHERE IT PAYS REST. J. THOMSON p.ROWN A CO.. de 4-U_ 1113 Main FOR BAM-, r_N ATTRACTIVE HOME. WITH leven room?, double floors. double-b<?ar?l ?d, an?l In every way a substantial, eon renlent, comfortable dw?-llln?*. A picture at ?urne can be seen at my oiflce. above Is situated at the popular ?uburb of Hlnlilanii Hi ?tin its. and to th? many ln?i?_trle.?i, "How ?1o you BMBBgS to II places sogirtckly lit Htshlnnd Springs, irhile there are M few sales anywhere llssT" we would add (hat the people ap i re, tat.- jrenuine bargains, auch a? are Kivcn here. PKRi'Y S. READ. de 4-lt_2o?? ni rth Ninth ?tract. FOR Sflf ANOTHER ??MEAT St'RPR HE? FARM OF PU ACRIES, ONE AND ONE? half miles from railroad ?tattoo, with house, seven Moms, in ko,?i eon? ?!ltl?m. A fine barn that cost 8M8. F?>ur ii?*r,-?, in fruit-,r?es. Price, ll-m?. A FARM OF 9 ACRES, nesr Ashland, that OOSl three SUBIS af-o C7??>. Hnt lar??? new house ?-ml tine barn, all In i??-r f, < ! , ondltlon-llX). FARM ??F m ACRES?180 acres cleared, M SOTOS in botiorn Issd, 60nerea In i nal pine and oak. Frame bOUSS Of eight rooms; also, loi? ho'i?*e and s.-veral bsrna This place cost ?18,000. Will ??-11 for $1.?*?0. PERCY S READ, ?i<* 4-lt 2<* north Ninth ?treat. FOR StT.E AND EXOBABBE, A LOMU UBI oi?* farms, ?SUEUR? RAN AND CITY PROPERTY. Small Farms BSV (he olty VERV CHEAP. ,-ihurbnn Homes for sale or exchint-e. Hunting and Flshim? Furms on Rappa I.annock. City Property paying 10 to per SStat J. R. BOCKADAT, de 4-lt* Ml fast Main Strsst FOR SAIE. ?IRT CniMI?, THE EXCELLENT FRAME DWPr.I.INO Nu. C-i north Second atrae?) N W. HOWE, de 4-lt ?A_Real E.staie Agent r FOR SALE, BUBUBBAM 9, M, AND 20-ACRE PLOTS, four mllea Ursst of RI?-hmond, on Rich ie.,.nd, Frsdsricksburf and Potomac ratl rosd, sad near electric Hn<\ J. THOMPSON BROWN A CO.. de 4-lt_BU Main FOR -ALK A CENTRALLY-LOCATED ANT? VERY Desirable Corner Main-Street Store, which always rents well, and is valuable. do 4-lt N. W. Bf ?'?VE. rpLiss WILL BT'Y TWO DWELLINGS IN good locality renting for t_d0 per annum. ,', 4-lt_ POLLA-ID m BAQBT. fSBO WIT.L BUY A BRICK DWET.I.TNG ON Cherry **r?-e?. Can't buy house exactly like It next door und?*r ll.iK-). do 4-U POLI-ARD & BAQBT. FOR SALE OR IJE ISE, LARGE STAHLE LOT. CONTAINING 3 Btalla and carriage bOUSB, b.-tw???.n Plum, Lombardy. Floyd and OroTS ?venue?. Apply MM Floyd avenue, no M-WABun-f* U'_.r.nii WITL BUY CHOICE CORNER PRO? pcrty on east Broa?l street, near the park. do 4-lt POLLARD & RAGP.Y. <V P%\ U. ?i in Sb I A. t| in 1 1 1 FARMS, $3 PER ACRE AND op ward; ail sizes n ?1 1?.cations; it?. Catalogua free. QEOROM E. CRAWFORD & CO., No. MR east Main street nn 13-Sun.W_-Fr12t FOR RENT. B FOR RENT. No. P1? PARK AVEMK, 12 ROOMS. \ ,. m srsol Ors. - otra*. -, M rooaaa, No. IM Paffe avenue; 16 rooms. No. MM wes, Grace -?treet; 10 rooms. H least Grace street; 10 rooms. No. 118 south Third atreet; IS rooaaa. rti Third street; 8 r??na,?-. No. 808 esst MslO street; 10 rooms. No. 518 essl l^ei??h street; 9 room?. No. 112 north Bosch street; 8 ro??ms. No. U Boutb Plum atreet; 5 rooms. Also, ni.iiiy sinalier Houses. de 4-lt N. \Y. BOW. FOR HIAI', THAT DESIRABLE OFFICE Ml NORTH Ninth Street "Ford's Law Building," for years occupied by the Metr?poli* au i-ft-Inaurai;? e Company. AIbo, Rooms la Piimt? building for oSleea ?n?i lodging rooms, Rent very reasonable. JOHN T. OODD1N <_ CO., Real ?B?tala Agents, ?le 4-lt _ Eank and Bl.-viiith streets. FOR HBMT, THAT ATTRACTIVE M ? ? - STORT Corn-r Brick Residence No. 301 south Third Ftr?8_t, with 8 or ?o monta. Will be put in perfect order. N. W. HOWE. S 4-lt FOR BEBT, THAT LAROB, SUBSTANTIAL FOCR Btory Brick Building on weal rids "i Twelfth atreet north-of Clay atreet at prSBSBt and f??r many years occupied BJ tobacco factory. Obs Goodwin Orsau? lator and other machinery In biiildhi?*. Jo.'lN T OODDIN &c CO., Res] Estate Agents, l iK and Eleventh streets, de 4-Bun&W2t FOR RE\T. OSS WEST BROAD; $10. 1'A'J Broad; RO. 121 west Carry; O-?**-**. 9 north Sixth; 12 rooms and defnehed 9-ro.?m kitchen, lfxio e.V-t Main-very cheap. H. L. CARELT dei-lt_ S north Tenth street FOR RF.XT. ?ND - FLOOR FLAT, PRIVATE bath, sad every convenience ?lesir?-,', Also, two Beautiful Parlor Room??, auitabU for phyalclan or ?peciallst, si very low i _de 4-lt? 3o5 EAST MAIN STREET. FOR REIVT-REDKED. No. 9 NORTH SIXTH STREBT; 12 rooms; ?-room kitchen. No. 121 went Curs atreet: 7 rooms. II. L. CABELL, ' 4-lt_No. .?? north T, nth street. KO H It I : XT, THE FINE RESINES? STAND AT aouthesst earner ol Mala und Seventh stree'H. Al??o. another Stor* in sanie block. I must hav? tenants for them, de 4-lt N. W. BOWE Kim v?. FOR RE\T, WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD. ESPE ?'?ally desirable for gentlemen. N?>. n . Fifth street._de 4*-tl* FBE MMtrf, ~~" STORE 430 NORTH SIXTH STREET. ,\U?t desirsbly located for refall trade; imiuedlaie poh-ussion. nasoimble rent Apply to SAMl'EL REOESTER, Trusteo end Rooalver, U07 Bank street. au U-Su&Wtf BCSIBBSI 4M 4,SfTS. OLD WHJSIgBYl AT IMiHI I.AR i'HICE?. Pride of Vtrglala, Kallon, ?2; Ol.i Monongahela, M; old Standard, r: \ir_una Mountain Dew. i2, Old Ken 4UcE) -. o**u. ?-, < ?:?1 Kruuk Hill Rourbon. 2, Ol?l Warwick. t2. Old KnUu.-ky Re -entacky Sour .\ia.-h, j_; uid I ?i.??.?Wple, *_. Old N? nil ?'?irollna Corn Whiskey $ ? 81.70. and II JO p?r gallon; Pure ol.i Apple l,i_:,?.lv st !2.?"Vu an?l J_ per gallon; Pure (?In at f. per gallon; MeUfoni Rimi at |2 V? i ?jail u, L?._le Rye Wh,ske> a, $* _ g.j.,1 Whiskey at 11.26, Sweel (?tavvhu and ltl.i-k'ii i iy Wines at iioc. per gallon. ..iiohns and Jugs at cost price. A. W. Rii.'F.NE. IJ?4?i??r Dealer, 25 Mouth Thir teenth B?re?_t, Richmond, Va. oc 30-8un_*Tu AUCTION S AMCS-Momday. WHEN KEAI, K.1TAT?. 18 IJULD TIH AX M FOR THE ?CURRENT CALEN AR TEAR ARB TO BE PAID PRO ATA BY THE VBNIiOR AND TU g NDEB _^^ By George W. Mayo, Auctioneer, ?Ml east Bma?l ?tre??t. IORSE, PHAF.TO.V, HARNESS, TtOI.I R.K ?TOP UKf?K, PORTIERES. CARPETS, ETC., AT AUCTION. I will aell at my auction ytore, at 10:3'? M.t MONDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1898. * dtrei-Mon of ttv* r< ??Ivers of the Do estic ?Bewing-Machinc ?Company, Hay Ilor-^.- ;u;?l '? ?Sets ?Hai B Qrlnnaa & Pllch?er, K.ccivers. r win rI.o ?soil - Richmond Made Phaeton, in excellent order; consignment of Shoes; oak Roller-Ton Desk, Walnut Parlor Silt; oak, ?Mahogany, and Poplar chamber Suits, ?Cherry Chiffonniere, o.ik Buffet, Hallracks, Couch??*, l.oun-ge*?, Portieres, I Ins ?Brussels end other Carpets. Rugs, Matti Springs, Bedateada, Chain; Cooking, Healing, ami Out Stores; .?i^o. a lot of ijiw. Medical, and other B?ookj out *_ls>cellaneoos artlelea GEORGE W. MAY? i, do 4 Auctioneer, By J, B. Elam & Co., R? .il Estate Auctioneer?. 3 ALE BY PUBLIC AUCTTON FOR J DIVISION OF THK I'ACIOUS, SUBSTANTIAL. CONVENI ENTLT-LOCATED, AND VALUA BLE BRICK RE8IDKNCE AM) ADJACENT ''?It? >UND8. iN BROOK AVENUE " ST HEYO-N'D THE CORPORATE LIMIT?) OF 11?E CITY OP RIi'HMuM). IEING A PART OP THE PROPERTY ' J BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF JOHN ?LIN-BET, DECEASED. At the renue-"t of the heira of ?he late ohn L-indsey, and f??r the purpose of dl lfl.n. w- wl?l s? 11 by public auction, on he premises, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5. IK*. t l_e ? ? I?? k P. M., the LARGE ANO kTTRACTlVE RESIDENCE AND Uto! ND? referred to above, having a ?rontage of i?u ?feet on ?the north aid?- of ? Iro'k avenue, extending back on Frank- j in stre??t and between para1l?j| lines 3?W cet, or more, to High street. The lm? Tovementf* consist of the spacious and ubstsntiul dotsehed comer brick dwell ng of two ?stories above th?i basement, ontuinlng about ten ?rooms, cenvenlently pi?ulnte?i. and In good order, and several utbuildingH. in nur, on Franklin nd High streets. This itol???rty is welt .dapted In ?xlse .?nd kocatioo for either esldence or buslines purpooss, ??r both. he vacant groun.l on Brook avenus being ,ttr*.-tlve for residences, nnd that on Ugh street well atllted lor manufacturing ?r other business ?puipos?as, and tin? pro ?erty will !?? sohl either as a whole or in ?aparate paros?*?, ?i? muy stem best at Ime of rn'i.'. TKR.MP: ?>ue third cash; balance by ne rotlHhle n??t?.s, at OBI and ?wo years, vlth lntere?t, and * ,ir? ! b) deed of runts or all c-ush nt the option of th. urchaser. J. B. FLAM .* ?CO.. no '.'7*?-_?.do I4B4-B Auctioneers. I,- :' . \ al-pii:-,? \ i? ii?.n Compnnv i_n.?rai Auctioneers, No. Pf? mist Broad street. r ARGE AUCTION SALE OF 1 J HOUSCBOLt) AND KIT? HKN FT'KNl ? ? ? ?i-;.s r? i ESS, HEATING? ITOVE8, CARPETS, PARLOR S'l'lTS. HIRRURS, HORSE AC At our; ooma No. *%t east Bro TO-MORROW. DECEMBER 5, ?ommenclng si 1-0 ti, me wlti ?aefl l Brown Horse, 6 years old, ' und. ?all rieht, good iad?i!.?r i?n.i driver, weight : : oak ?Chamber Suit?, ? >ak \t ?r BTalnut Chamber ?Suit, ? Walnut Ward? "1 Oak nnd Walnut Hatrack, <''ik ami Walnut Exti n?t ?r.T.-.'.i- ?. ?Cherry an?| ruk ?Centre?, lb? r B? ?i and Bol ?tere and ?Pillows, White Enamelled Iron ?Seda, Double and Th?re?e?-Quarter ?Springs ind Mattreaaes, ?Plotures and Mirrors? - ; ?<??! ?Parlor ?Butta ! '' of New Cook? Koves, lare? loi o? Good Carpet, Walnut ii Oak ?Sideboards, Walnu i ne-Senl Roekera and C Chairs Foldli g-1 H la, Couch? m and [_unges, an?i other ?Furniture *o<> nume rous to mention. Bola np-stalrs and 9 own-stairs. THE VALENTINA AU-CTION CO. J, H. Palentina Manager and Auction pep ?i? i REAL ESTATE AOEHTS. tiTC. r? ' THE PUBLIC: WE HAVE MOVED T<> THE LARGE AM? COMMODIOUS OFFICE on the? ??round fl"or >?f the Times building, COR ?TBR OP TENTH AND LANK ?STREETS, ahera we will be pleased > aerve <?ur *r?. ri.t-? and the general public In ALL BRANCHF.8 OP THE REAL-ESTATE BUSINESS. LOAN!. MALI-: nt ihort Dotlee. MONET ?LOANED ?TOR PATRONS on real-estate mol tciw a. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RENT ?, ,|,| '-. -?'[i i\S LIST TOUR PROPERTT FOR SALE N.? charge if we ?lo not t-? n. K- -i ectfully, WILL!a:m B. PIZZINI COMPANY. Real Estate Agents, corner Tenth and Link str. ? Real Estate.^**" Honey {? H. A. M'CURDY. n.i. 31-Sa I north 1 ?nth ?trset. i;; limCSI < ii wces. CeScAOO '- '? ?Ml'ANV WANTS C I siiio man. with aome money, I ? itabUsh and cany ??n branch house; U'?J> i"*r month and expei . slur.- ?of [ < tits, permanent opening; worth POP pot year at least; staple line; ?high *laaa busl ii. .\i ??,i anta muai tal ; ex perlence an.i amount of ready cash and aL.? nee?. Address HKNRY WADE, Boyce Building, Chicago, d I.OST. STUA\i:i), AM) Forxn. LOST. DECEMBER 1st, one BLACK AND WHITE SLOTTED HOUND DOG. head ?partly ?tan, eara apllt ?and mu?-; en? svvit-? to name o( Hero, Return ?lo w t. witt, mi Albemarle atreet, un 1 n ?reward. ?? ?LOOT.-g REWARD POR RETURN ? ?! ' BETTER DOa PHIL, I li : i? arhlte, with black head and large I : ?x spots amall und thin. A ? ?Bt,_ I!. MORRIS, Ashland or Richmond, Vs. _ : i-n* MY BLACK AND WHITE BEI DOG JEPP lift my home, on Hei turnpike about one mile north of city, evi-tiing of .Mti ?Octol . for infor mation ??r return of dog C n eli-'.m 1NO. ?air.- of S??ijtli. m Stove-Worh north ?-? renteenth, Richmond. \ ? _ .1? I 1-* LOST. UN PINE i i ! I {BON ? Hr-?.?.i stre? t?, the TOP LA l;T ? >! ' \ LOCKET, with four pearl .?-et-.. tw?> halt moons, ?nd one imrple s.?t in . . . -??I be rewarded If left at ?It Pine -u ?t. d.. 4-it Cards. Hill-H.-ads, Statometr Heads, Notc-lLads. Circular? Handbills Dodgers. &o., printed by th* Dis,.it. h Company at low prices. Will give you good work at the same prices you pay f??r Inferior work. 8?nd ua your orders and we will ?guarantee satisfaction In every particular. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS HOLD THB AXEii FOR THB ?CURRENT CA? , \' AR YEAR ARE TO Bl PAID Uur] ATA BT THE VENDOR ASlj rur ENDEE. e )UBLTC SALE OP THE PROPER. . TVJ.ND l'l(ANCIJI?KR(?F III; A NA\ IQATII ?N COMPANT ] ralgned, ?xpoclal comml the decree or Pi i*.?r.-l ?it the Sept. ?i.ur ? April t??rm. J?i?7. in uta of lohn A. W ilk? : the Rlvanna S I others. Will . ? tion. In fi?" t of t " - of AH? marl- oOunt i!>-, Va., st i- o'clock M THUR8DAT. M \? "H im?. Il th- WORK* PROPERTY RANCHIKES ? f the. itlon ? 'omi any (chart? ' ' ?t Vlrglnl ? ?. . s ?real at? r i ri*. Il? gea, sil ii!i -??i ii? natures, ri* noro'. if-ments extend! i the Llvanna rlv??r, n a., down B il'l ri*. i j. mhl.i. A il ;rty. Impro*. n i the p ip ri om the t? ? rda f th? fflee o? t?o? undersigned, J TERMS: Cash sa to 10 arohaae money -?ad th n t\\,a I lal ann?. ii Inel lm< ' le day of aal : ??m thai ?ia\ irlty, hoto? ? ultlm " curlty dlapena d with if , urchaso be paid I | Va. JOHN I Charlotte?\!!!., ?,',. Tho bond required hv the .?- ... a?V>?? fei r? d to haa I |. on, apodal ? ommlssion. r WILLI \V. ?Clerk Fluvant de ?t-Pun.tda_ By Sutton & Co-, Real ?Batate Au-rtlsnsera corner Tenth s ?*r?*?ti. A UCTION BALE OF TWO FI,\MK A. DWBLLIB iT THE BOUT H BAS DBNNT AM? I 1ETII ury IN THE CLAN ? IP ' At the ?reejMSl ?t the devl*-*?** who art to sell for a ?Viv?s!.?-? tr? ?.rl : rr.-r for sale, at publl im promts? a, on THURSDAY, DE?" KM UK, I i :. ) o'clock P. M.. l?ov? ?'.???rili? ?I. The lot fronts W? feet on Fifth stritt nd runs ?bark along the ioitI ?t'nny s'reet. Th?' Imuses are In fair or.1er ?r? ?? nt ?rental ?will p?v n nod ?"?-arc-tataga ?n th?? investm.'nt, and ?betng i ,nd ?having a front on I * t ?iesir.-iMe either as store louse r?t"perry. TERMS: Annoui ?SUTTi v t_A . -? Py N. W. Powe, Real | ?er. SUBURBAN STOKE AND __S_ ? DBBOB PBOPBKT1 AT DUMBAR1 IN, A VS. I will sell by au? Mon, en the prsmlsM, >n MONDAT, I" i* i l 'eh ek 1". 'i ?E ?;l? ?UND, at Dumb i mond, Prtsdertckaburg rail road, three mllea '. m th? city, cootsln ng about nine sen ' * t?r?a dwelling, and other il 'i?'? then on. Thl i Is a ilx trains Ft?.p ?: i 'l ERM8: ?Lib? ral _n,t at bde_4_ Py J. Thompson Prown I Real ? . : No. 11 t rpBUBTEE'fl ?UCTIO? ?SALI A SUUCRHAN f ** TURNP1 ' * \ ADJOININi; THE LANDS ' I! LLSSELL, : KNOWN TACUB." Clertfa D?eed-Iiook i I * b?-. a made In I ' ot moat> uucllon, ??n th? pr< mis? . ou i SDAV, I KCKMBE1 at 4 o'cloi k P M . th? LA? ' I'll? o events des? .?,' l In - 1 "Heglnpln?- nt 0 l*"1?'?-' ?*?n thu or nee wl?l. ned) !" Brook Tun , ?Sine of ?ground ol F along asid gi ' C f/J :-, . '.. fi t I to Kroun.l now or late f th? n? a along th? aame 1 line of ild H rook. - I ?SSt 47 f??? .ice of C - Impr.-vern? Btl !, m mot i et a*. eight ?rooma an?! in ?o> ?I order. TERMS: A suffi? ?it sum In of ex?K r i : f rom M ? ? Il IM surplus a or.?.lit of ei) note. b?-.iritis Inti ;it l? p? r ? nt., '.. i - ; by deed ol - ' In In- si the y rect other terme for ROI J. Thomps.?!! Bl liv L? Baf : I ?t'.gby I. ' AUCTION S ALK OP I TWD-MOIY ?KA-.IK l'A ON EAST SIDI TWBEN ALRKM Utl Bt'RINU KN? fB "- I At requent ,f termine < - t\\ ' - on th<? prei . - UED.M> v nt x .-:. . k p DWELLING * nice Tin- lot has .?. ?Laurel i?> a <t?',ih o? al n t* *< alley in r- er a? I I : ate looking for s . Tit TEKMfl ?One thinl ? month*, ? bear It ?POLLAS de J-td_ a h ?on* *r . , HWNBROKKKti SAL! BBcTlOB of C C. tl.n.-.-r. I will ? 21*. and 08 north Nln r. ?t.-.i Pledg? ' ? ,., ml bes, J. welr> (ions. Pistols CliUbln? All fort? , . of s?l? will be - 8. BAi.II de S-Ba.Sun.TiuvWU ~ Orders for printing -???t *" ' *>atch Company will ^B^-*^? ?_ itiiilbn. end the style of work OUt p* ^Ul be aure to pleaae you. 1 AtCTIO* SAI.KS-F-tnre Deys. AUCTION SALE ?-*-. r THE RICHMOND BflZfllR, 1433 east Franklin street. TUESDAY, December 6, 1898, I WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT AUCTION 50 Head of Extra Good Horses and Mules. Driver?. Suddler*. Heavy I>rau<.cht I lor*?'*?. a?-l ? W of tbs L.?st sovtbaru U\lsoyacon^M.UH-ntof Standard Bred uUttut, F?IUm, And Colts, by ' Anderson Jr.. ??f TborooUffa Stock Fan,,, um, \?. mtmtset_ win??',. , ?, II find aoas very Mr-_l*4f l'iff''l>r?';I <?'*; ' \l-.i the l.tiv St,illi?m " BffgWOOd,"- 1:1?-., OBS Ot the han-i-,,.?-?. horsSi the ?Smith -a trottt-r btmss-I ami the sire <?f trottera Also, a winuor in the ow ri..**, def-Ulln* the best horses Ib **^*^biph LA8ITTIE le 4