Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, UECJiSMBKU 4, IMG. (?n-.HIKS it ANSWERS. ,(MI |ll|\?. ?>k tiuf. iimtorv ??k iiii OUEST i:\**?TF.nv ?mpiBu rafnii ham. . ?,, Receipts tor t n Hu a. it?i roapoos .,, ,-.,? .-,1 1 riii,l?-M,.i,,|n?x ??f Hi?* w.t.I "I Minimi?*"' ? \n li,??i??, , ; ?,._,*?>, ?I ,< *>?-li?.?>l i( nt?, ?? ' ! ;--,;-*h: v I'-l'.lt. I llilr.l IVniii? It art I a. . ' h: ' ?nt, an?! If 1 ? i-\ v inia. *, .n...? ?,..,,, Park. * a ?lo II. i: ; i.- tendrai of a? '. ??a in llnrrr-la. r the D ?? steh; int up eti l bol s lirt'i V?. R, H. ' r for BO * \ !>.>??, o-ilir ?,r \,,. ' writ? U VIN1 t to I be ? ,irl?,,,|?l,< r < ?,l?.n. : US t 1 nt I ' ?cual I -.-I'.i ??nil. A to < I :' r-nrn Mme-Jjr'e i:.ut??rini. -, published in ton, 1 J. W. V.'. ',: up,m the ladl?* Pmnpkla Pl?_e aad "( lilpa." r m.ikin ?>r niikin | PATfSRFAMl quart . ? . one lei poonful of ami dm liar -- | ?rill ha? ; ltii<?-i?linlna. tor of 11 h, if aeallsble, ? i .? t -* knoa :n H:irp?*i brought to il. rk-rlotis, ol i will prr<*"?t]y M. A. It. ?. e friend of sai i o '??i oi Qrool l:n?l?*rn.'* ? h: bllsh I t trait .-. : me I treated, it ?a;,s -? ?.???'n?-?] I K. Brunei, Atlantic In -,-. -,. fr. ant i Promt | ' -. -.'.: - ' '. ' spaas I i??>n r?.?,?*?l I.a?nia. ich: ?till "t on I auch - I .-.? r In POO! A BUB? BIBER. v. If r t?*n.'int. ?tv-ot, - . or ths I ? ?t to ! rv, ful ft-n? ?-. <?r In t)|.? deemed tien t,. a tor i I A SBtS that ??mi la , ta if ti. ? iii-itt.-'i night or ,y. Tlir \\?.r?l "r?,?f?l," Ich; y?,?ir Query e i v. rdapton BnfUsh laa> . rity XV* y It. and from word ved. OI'E. ' HctieaartN is our ?r/i.-e fail to tbe use of any such word ss " ??w.?????." in the Kn-rHuh langungo. We ere Torced to ?conclude th ?? "pr?i?-. ? - i? Intended by Waahinfftosj lrvin?. U . Mvr.,1 from th.? French "proti^??o." Latin "prodeiiM." and ? ?igniflea excellence, vlr taa a<'0'ine?-n. interrlty, a r.-nt of Vai?,r. i?*? act etc, The wort i% commonly ?i. i ?-?? ?T!.|.i.?.\.,? ?by i-ii..?|: or, Mer? ?t ,,f th,. ! ] , ?Pleaa live me n solution of th? follow Ing example: M .t. r.?i,?iKni,i' nl of ? otton on - ? My ?lofa ?ft. r ?I. -i-?n ? f I per ' .- What Itji iota? ?' ' ' \ \ ? ?B8CRIBRR. Takiii?- <?(T n p-r ront. (?BOBHiMloa for |al ,f) A i? ealae ?of cotton, and tht-t. dinded by i.f.2, cols ?of value 102 97 <-?f cott?-?n for price of tho lot?*, and this - 103 of the ralne of the cation, tnken ?fr?tn the I 5 whole r.-vn- - of th?- COttoa. leaves_ 1? tip Of the value of the cott.m eipial t?> the 5 whole eomtfilaekm. ?B9S5: or **2'"?5 ?. ? 181 ' 102 $5.403. the 5 value of tl ? cotton: then ?."?.405 X .07 ** 5,141, the ??rice of the lots. 15,101 whole comtniaeioB. Tin- >\??nl "I m m nuca." 1 thi itch! II ?ate through your -Wncry "f 'iiniiri " ?ly, < ; L v DabUa, V ?. Tha word "immune," employed as a tO hl i Ott etlon of oar r. with ?Spain. nii'l lee n" au? ii w??r?i at ?all, tl tha Bl ?i.?i.mi n its G?vaslonal ?UM M ni a?l i It Is rare The ?ad? - - mpl from ?ted ?by lo'niiia tlon." It is fr?>in tha Latin immun!?.," ?t from a pu !i m, ' .- Id <>f," The no??a, when na t ref? n < l ha those who are. ? . t . i , 1 , r. S> niptoniM of lilatiilirM. ?Editor Of th- Dispatch: Will you pleaae t?-!l nie In your n? \t ?from w bal II ? n.- b a la auf m I : I .- ..i?? month, and ? 1 hla waa t wi. a followed by a thin watery ?ii1"! Frequently the ?soatrlla ?ir?? ?try. The anl? mal'a Al tlsjtea it ita .?. and tl.? i ii. A. I? ' it would It for a vet portunlty to examine ?the horaa it may tarrh. ??r ir n. .y ?be tl f Um ihiy glandera ?la the iuM?-r troyed, ami : i been ?kept disin fected. We would adrise thai th?? horse i.. , ?xamlned by > ? en animai ?ii atfei l? ?l with k1.ui bould he repoited to ihe Inarl?n, i?r. _. P. Va I n ou run???? Mini I-'our inn?. To Hi?- ?Editor of the Dlapatch: Will you ?kindly anawai the followlna tl | inday*a leeue ot the Dispatch? Mr. Srnitii Insures hla life foi in u: <?f hla fanr ?sons?A, B, ?'. ai i D ? ii to abare ?squally. Af ter ?about t?n yean be ?Bada himself un? ?able i?? ooatlnuu th?- ?payments on Not desiring the ?policy ?to Iji??"-, a, i?. an.i c ? ; ib la ?and eontfane the i?>licy fur ?about two years; i ? refnse-a to oonti Now a. p.. snd G decline t?? ?,?. m<?r.? p ind D COtll the ?policy t ?i U ?ul four months, when Mr. ?Smith ?11?-?. The ?policy hn;. i,??v? r : ? lili? r has A. B) G or I? -.- written a?freement aur l | pod ?any <? 11 ? - bould the tiAv i? ?. ? r?, very truly, J? HIN SMITH. i pa* 11 " ? ?and then, ?equitably, i> should . \. j:, ?and < ' ? ne-fourth of a bat paid in, ?to be dtYided equally I ? ? . -!i? v ahould I- IJ t?? D thre?-? fourths "f \vh',?t he ?paid in to continue the po : I :,??? I'ulillr Si-hoole. To the ?Editor of the Dispatch: : ?me Know ir a ?person I In OS ' ' I ? * county can ?send Iren to another dlatricl ?or ? i rltl ? bant? . provided be owna r? - tata In thai ?dlatricl or ?coun ; i.? th? i?? n. if there ?la ?ha 1 ... ? ; . i,n or lletrlt t ii? which he reeaoV b a c. The ?law r?v'-Tiing the Inquiry ? htt "tha ?publl ?fi ; w? o ?tha ax? a of I ?and tt ding witbin tho ?trlct, ?andsthc Hoard ot :.!> ?eh ill have i?uw< i. ?and it ?Shall I"? Us ditv. to m-ili ?rsgulatlo-a whereby the ehlMrea ofone .V'rt?-' may ?attend ? ? Ii ? ?! in at* at .ii.iniiik; district, either in or out ?of tha county, bul whoa there ? ??ne or ?mor Ii, other than gradi dachools, in tb same achool district, tha ?sttettdaaoa shall i to the raspi tiro ?pupils, ualsss oUtaraise ordered by the Dlatricl s.h?>?>: Board, ?and the of th?-ir tuition he drawn ?from funJ-t i?. talnln? f<> the ?listriit whifln th?y re : , . , - v. i en m ehool has ?boon and opened la the dlatricl In For a summer cough, Or a winter cough ? Fer a night cough, Or a slight cough, Or a cough which "hangs on," Ayerts Cherry Pectoral Which said Children r?".?l<l* and sufTlrl ii? ur rot tii.-ni to si ?, a ,11 mm? . ta ' ' hUdren atti -I nine district, a-* proi the tnu ' ? i ' ' ipon the hdtloa te"-* ?1 l.v th-- illstri?-f !?i which the pupils reside to the dfartrlct i.-i whli h ',i. The law- at,,,v.- nieottoned la subject to this QUaUAcatfon: "A?J pen -i . ?olt lied in ?his State, s .-, sop cooatp, ,??\vn. Btate, ait of . lid ? "??nty. t'iwn, or I -, so] ? ? ad hi?? children as \ It h : t to any free i therein, I I ? th" laws I | in i ?i.i county, t? s n, or .-"'ii"'?! district.M \\ < ? *. ?, Iiiiys af IIVKiinf Yenra. To ti P.: me know whet <! ?> of the, April the iton. INT; also, 1ST.'?. A. W. C. I own 4.1 . M Namber of daps Jsnuarp 's? ? - to Api il Ith, Ini lusive. 2 US 11 Ans?-? : W,,: the wo k. Oltlt 4C9 tut Ml u At,- - . ,\, the third 'in ture ? Siuilhflrlri Hnra. To ih?- Edttot of the Dispel h: I Bd y?'H by eae of sor I to. 1. Cut Us Bd, short, an?l smooth. ' S tit the . Rub .? of Um ham ons tal ful of pure, pulverised salt ? if the ordinary kind). :>. Rub on sseh h?,ni to nfuls ' It to dry for sn . 4. l*nt on tho ham a plenty of I i,?i; psck the hams In bulk, Bt ip, t??, 100 to 1,000 pounds, in s cellar or obere it will no! f; well with plenty of I 5. Allow the i m to remain In ?-a it i from t?.-? i" i, : lU?ng I wi ether, as in very cold, dry ? i i be used so ss not to a?i o the pork to ? remain in I to short time, it the wi le snd sail I.?. one daj In salt 1 ? ta pound ] the ham weighs or, y, ten daps for a t, n_pound l? im, Is sufficient. C. HruFli off all d, WS b ?.-lean ? In water s little warm; before drying sprinkle plentifully on the fees snd hock end with ground ? '? u ,; pepp, r, ami all-a ! . 7. Hang ni? the ban by a ?trinir put through the skin .it lb hocb ly, bul ? ' ' ' '?i thing; kindle early In ti?<- morning, ??i. i make ?t , with hickory w.i 11 otherwise. | old .?ilk wood, )-. th ?red with water end chips mads from the i * taken not tO allow the WOOd t?> blSSS >_an .1 ? ' : oui h I : m ii. t ora i-,- stsd It wi the I requires the yr end undivided sttenUon. Continue moke until the ? room or c lor. Should it tin In - ii, ,,.- .., once w? k, snd on ? y day, n ting on the in-- a fi ?v cedar boughs or a . , This will -, ft v? nt, in neat to' ? very Is ?tance, ti. i., ara?os of the l'y. Mi:. to. to. Ti'i'K's RECEIPT. pprom th Plantar.) l. The hams srs ptsosd la a hugs trap of fin?- Liverpool salt Then the ] mrfai Inkled ?with dnely-groond ' - itpeti uniii t?a hams an white is tho igh covi red ?by m, -- frost; ?>r. ?-ay. 'o f?our pounds ? of the i i saltpetre to i.? > ponnds of hs : _ . After applying the ssltpetre, bnmedl-j ately salt oith the Llv, n - ol Dns salt,, covering well the ? 1 ok Hi?- hams in Mille, bot not in more than three fe-et high. In ordinary weather the hsi I r? mala thus for three ?lays. ;:. Th,n break bulk and resal? v. ?th the ,it. Th,- bams thus i rit? ?l .?mi re I ahould now remain Is sslt in Fault?, on?j day for e?.-h and every pound :. m a igt thai - te o pound i- un should reesaf i tare d lys, an?! in sneh pre portlon of time for larger ami esselier ?ri/.???. 4. Next, yon OOSh wl,h tepid wu'er un til tho ham? nie tttOreoghlp ?leaned, and , attar partially drying rub th?? satire fuoe with flnely?ground block peeper. _. Now the i,sans should I _ hung in th* smokehouse and 'hi* Important operation begun. Th* ??moklng sh???i!d be \vvy _TSdeslly and slowly ilotie. tSSttag thirty ' > forty days ?most packers nstng green hickory or re?l <.>.,k to roaoks with). 3. After tho hams ar.? COTSd snd ?:,i??k?'?J they should be repeppered to |oai*d Bgalnst vi-miin and then l??,*?*.-*?-. Th<sse hams Improod with a^e, ami map ?,<? considered perfect ?.t ab??ut i poet eld Jfotlce to Correspondenta. No notlc* will be taken of anonymous communications. In answering ?rierles oar first attention will be given to the !? ,t? r? of thore cor respondents who osk but one question seed, We cannot publish copyright songs en??i poems without th* permission of the own er or copyright. This column la not an advertising me dium, his query will receive attention tho answer to which would necessltate the advertising of any person's business ur wares. N?r will any attention be given to long "string." of questions. Kvery week num bsrs ti correspondents Ignore this rule of oura, and afterwarda wonder why their queilee ate not answered. Many queries are not answered because similar ones have bee-n recently answer??,: W cannot undertake to asee lain tho value of old coins. For that information. write to some dealer in them. We cannot undertake to answer suertes by mall; we can enly answer them through thla column. We are frequently called upon to repub lsh poems and songs, but we will not undertake do ee. except where the pro duction called for has some historical or i ' llar Bterarp m-ertt. and ta not of rruge render. Adc'r.-?. ?v'i?-ry Kdltor, Dinpeteh C Richmond. Va." If. _.?We ?do not r?nd unslifr.-*'! lei \..?i<?. ? ?f Stir nook?. nr.n ?ROCK a ?Ctoonl? le of B tio.i. l'y Thomnt Raises P*s,-. ] tra'r-d by w. West ?fMnsdlast. York: Charles ?Seribner*??. -Song. r? m. In this j-owcrful etory of th" rlnr la ??,uth? rn history Thorn m N? Pape -r'aiidi I efure the literary \v?,r! ?the full rlponf?? of his maturity a; au'h.r. "Vu d Rock." A Chronicle of construction l'?ays, in the most amhlt of nil the prodacthma ?with which 1 Virgin inn ha?? ?delighted the ?pa The novl carries the render Into a which ht*.?, ?heretofora ?been ?but uttie tlccrl i,y Ugbl llter'i'ur.?, ?nd, the un* mmaents wh?n the rap! Bhlfttng ?.ernes cv-.k-* nur | an I iw the i lot with mingled f pUasurs and pain. Th? former emo Is the OOteoaae Of that commend ?pride we f??'-l on hearing neiln of fortitude and patience with which ?sonqoered ?Confederate aoldler Lore ?nifiileh of defeat, and th.e pnawlni* row, which was th?? af*?rmath of A| m ?'tox. 'And tii? [?nit? we feel is hut a rev <?f ti. - maaaoclea which ?reu -h.? ?i iv.s srhea the ?Boothl ?bed by tho lr??n hoot ta tho travail <( an I ?Bistng renaissance. It 1? an uply tale to t**ll?this story frii'tlon under ??fa ?would ?auppoee, on ?sndertaklng task, that, at least, one of reading world w?;?uld flinch . ?troth, But ?Dr. Page, wltl i and ta a calm Judklal way, lays bef ?aa the tacts an?i teams ?as to fir.nv ? ?eo?ctaotaaa "Red Roch" ?? mirror which reflect? the hid? Of the "carpet-bagger" and the Insol conduct of Ihe ex-slave \vh?n he s If ?the ?pampered vrard of a Ma i In or?!? r to allow himself a wide rai f?i Action ?as wi-ll as fact, th? -.- - ? py his ?reader I i be in ?hi; ? sqitfalti ly?writt?aa pref gcrlbea it thus: "it 11? s in the ?South, aOm? thai region ?partly la oi uthern States, anl p?artty in the : i bind ot m? mory. * * * \ > iv i im] in those oh) times; a ?rolling ?coi ti ft i) tag at the foot of the 1 lae ?soi tain apura, with forests and II il The - >a In the troabkma | when mutteringa of dril d c??r?l fiil th- air. BS 1 th we ?know that Mood ?soon must flow, cannot ?bul dwell ?loringly on ?the ?pkrti of the ante-bellum 9?juth In ?bar lion and abolition are the hour. There nri ?dll I ?minor ?rjuestlona hut <?n the o parai int I i" ?the ?populatloi the Hon 's a unit. At "Red ?Roch," a grand old plant tion. whi' h ii a landmarh in a the ?Ir i )TS, I n bun ?r and .- :? ??nt ?family, ?>*:ten<i rii**tr ?bos : it-ility t?) tho ?residents f around. HoapltaHty is tl WOTd of that household; chivalry Is t predominant aharactertetle of its ma rultne Inmates, and purity is ?the I ? wbl? h marks Ita women. V. ben the first thunder'm? inns strife ?torn the plowshares of this ?aal ' n Into aworda, an?1 m ike soldie Of b? r citizen?, th? >*S is U ?rand r'isti f army aerrioe. _oung and old, rich ai high ?and low?all, all alike, j?? nkS of th? Spartin mln?.r1ty. Tl (Iriys, foremost In all publia movement 7.?? the local military. The senii hold- an Important commission, at -, l:v? > up ?hll life for I be ?S? Ith His r??n, Jaequeltn, the hero i our l it tl?- romance. th??n tak?-s his plac while long ore this Steve Allen, a ?sous! fif the ?'.?avs', has w??n a ?saptalno] :. for tha nonce we bid farewstl I many whom later we learn ?to live an honor. ?Bui ft |fl not of war that the read? ?hi ira ?the most. "Red Rocs*" ?la ?sa si emplttcatlM ?not of martial Ftrlfe. hi Of tho anck-nt prov.-rh. "Woe to th? cor .?." The maimed and *rtef?e-triclu heroes?or. rather, u pathetically ?m,i ?pari of ?them at lait como ?bach from th bettle?ftotda and ?prisons. i ? xcruciatlnir In its every ; in tbs lanJ of pristine peace ?and | and nom ?soadltkms f.?-? 'h- irra-fgUn survive? , l'ow-rty and wsnl stalk han In hand; ?chaos in ?he h -, ?and, worsl I *??i Indis r.? to follow. Like hart.?' ?tag oeei up amonii th>- at feat, am piad d v ?. tb ? v.h?> t ??a w? i a- i fi -:. ?reauscttatton. 'i ag tha ?reptas* tai - f i who hit" , f.? r ta .?' rlfcrht and Justice, bul j ? protests ara ia sa ighi .?,-ret..i of these who o mid asp th llf I 1...1.1 of 1 ?Hiram ?StlU?sa>o*/eresor of th?** Ors* plantation, scoundrel, trattoi and vul ?jarten? Is the lesser villain of the ?fiction .i i ?flab ?Leech Yankee proYoat-ma ?- p ? ?politician, aw triek.-tor- U the arch f.rnd. Th?-? former ?by the loans h.? ?*. to bla I patrons In th*ir hour of need, altlmatel* seqshres tho "ite.i ito.k" estate, an?: oth%r raluable property In the netgbbor h????d. CombiniuK with Leach, ?ho cora* nlves at the humiliation of those ?befon whom he formerly cringed. The ???u! : -i i air are unceasing nnd r?-lentl.?sa hi th?-lr vllUinles. They incite the ?hither to peaeefal nefcroea to tosubordlnatlon, prefer ohargea sgalnsi thy laaoceat and Inoffensive, hafas-s the unfortunate, ati?l ?brew discord month aft or month and year after year. At ihnir Instl ?housse ?are searched, wcanen Insult?**?!, the gentry imprisoned, has re?l Insttto bed, and ?the whole neigh lened by o ?tyranny which la unen durable, yet uaavoldable ?Deepite the lash ol despotism I thig ever them, the veral times ?rebel, sud?, for the time being, curb th?ir tormentors, but In the end Ii60?-h and Still and tl???ir hlre liiiKH prevail. Aa a proteotlve measure against many outrages at the hands of n.'-rr?) troops, the Klu Klux nl?_Tit-riders OfganhM, and Wtaah venpeance on the chlel Uut ?the us ft ?sai asilas element ? f the ? ? m muiiit\ hold the ban.l in theok, and curb them Into unwlllltii* ?iiibmifMwn? ? to the txlstlng order of things. S?^\^ Allen n.kl.r", h> ihfudfcd. ami bine fur a tlm?4 rides wlih the i<ho?tly bar.d In til-ir ?nocturnal ?-xpi'ditmris, ?but, tindirg ti? :.i a itaaaaiuiia median? of <rindlctl*/e ii? ?wHndravs from their number. n end Btm, liarnlnii of his c?>nn?-c tlon with the orsunltaiton. through the ? nt i Itnlsslon of Ma awwih. Ruth Welch?have htm vleor?.inil> pros?v ?anted. And It Is bare that Dr. Pape tunes his lyre to a K'-nfler strcln, and tinga ot love. Ruth la the daughter of a very genteel old Tanke? mejor, who settles in the neighborhood, and. throuph the mmhi natlona of 8UU and lyeoh, becomt-s In volved In some unfortunate speculation?. Ills wife?a would-be ref??rmer coni.ti smith with a henrt full ef prejvullce, and with all kind? of noble intent!? na toward* the negroes. Sbe Imagines that she Is a special Instrument for their elevation snd salvation, but, later on, eba-doua this Idea. Tho meeting of Steve and Roth Is ro mantic and thrilling. an?l, to say the least, novel. The yo'ing lady one bright day take* It fnto her head to climb a cherry-tr?>e, and. while enjoying this ele vation, Steve comes along snd espies her In her perch. Thinking she Is one of the neighborhood girts, and a fledgeling st that, he climbs the tree, too, and find? hlm?olf f?i<-?> to face with a damsel whose acqualntawe he had not made. But. llko moi-t young men In books, h_ BSps the proper thing, is dignified and rhlval rlc whilo in a most monkeyfied position, and smoothea matter? over as if he had thought out the whole programme before hand. This cherry-tree acquaintance ripens Into love, and many complications ensue. Tho two are parted, and diffi culties presset themselves. The path of true love is like a suburban street in its 1, k Of smoothness. Ruth, like most women, Is Incapable of secrecy. One day. while undbrtaktaS t?> tiefend Steve, she foolishly allud?s t?i his having borne a comparatively lnno eeot part in certain Kin Klux pranks. Her StStemeOt furnishes the enemies of Otmg r*?arifoderate a clue on which IS DS ? eution. Steve Is arrest I the girl summon.'?! f?i testify Sgsinst him. This Is very unpleasant for all the parsons Interested. F?*w men 10 as seat to prison; none desire to be convicted on the evidence of their ; .arts. Roth is In agony, and bitterly laments her Indiscretion. At last It Is suggested that If shA mir rfss the man whoso confidence she has betrayed ail win be wstl. ai that - ? i?ls and wives were incompetent WttOSSSes for and against each other. Ruth visits Btevs in jail, ami offers to marry him?just to sees him from prison, you know. It doesn't take much ;.?!on to get ftOfS to SgTM to this proposition. In fact, both of them aro only to-? ?_ia,l 10 marry, and to place theipsslvss beyond the purview of "Qreenleef on Evidence." Blair f'ary, & pretty Fouthcrn girl, and Jacquelln ?.'ray, the mslaacholy and most !<y h'-ro, also have a little love af fair, which |a finally settle?l to their mu tual satlsfo-t-On, wh?:-.- s certain M ; J?.?< k-^t. daughter of the <'?*-inty Clerk. olttmately surrenders to clever little Tsnkss ofBeer. The aortheroer, how ever, bad s hard Ight before he in "Red Reek" the sutbor ihoa that ho has not forgotten hi? ??id profession as a lawyer. A most lot ban? ? ? ry pult. Olth fraud as an hMM, and the Ora y estai matter, i? Introduced. The realer follows this llti ? fr?m th" filing of the lis pendons to the suc-easful COBeummaUOB Of S com promise favorable to the Injured c?un ptainaata lawyers will SSPSStSlly ap preciate the details Incident to this feat ?_r?> Of the n'?v-.-!, an?l. Si ttia. I the*** Will hardi-, th, lr iti'ligna tion at the unjust ruling*-? of the Taakse I ?he a,??ry hrt3 scores of attractive s, and Ufe ami S? 11 D I ! '?-nty. a dosen or more m r ?r mtei lUng cbar ? are In trod u< sd, sad l?v tin- p.-n strokes of their ? re_t"r maintain their Individuality ami make themselves I Dr. John Cary, th'- i eoontp I? Ian, whose Hi?? was one long st->ry ?if goodness, eharlty, snd rlflcc, is, perhaps, the best-draon character of the noveL When be i , die its f? -'v |1*< him our te ire, un.! fe? 'ii ?ter? - Jvatlon. in "Rod Rock" Dr. Page is tender and ., humorooi snd loyal, candid and ia to th Booth, end firm In his patriotic convictions, ji. rooghl i iii-tory out of fiction, and = ii _ -, .- (ulem for a knightly race PRISONERS OP HOPE A Tale of ro il Virgil.ia. By Msry Roughton, Mlfffln <*? Co. i: For sole by the ; orge to 9 ? 'ompsny. Pi i?-.. 'lu?-, oorofullj studied an.i well wrll nee Is n brilliant lllusti ai Ion of th that in o'ir early history are to be found materlsls of surpassing ??it for the pen of the novellat, not lees than for ths i"- : h nt tiie lan. In M toi y, the novelist hau almost pr? ?-.1 ?i ti hl?'?, ? deallag ?rith ?facts snd eoadltloas ot social iirv that havs been largely ob i or Ignored, though ti.eir evld -.niant in the records of ''??iorii-il lit"?-. It Is grniifytng to tin I "at si OOe southern writer ! I OVSrsd the vslos of this motsrlsl for purely iry purposes, sod has proved Its nee, us w*-ll as her own ability, '. S ?tory of etr??ni? and often thrilling In *. The title of the -tnry hardly of fers the clue to its real sob*] r to the historic tacts and conditions on which it i_ based The ?'Prisoners of Hope" art redemptloaers snd other srhlte servants, sold or condt?mn?-d to tempo:ary s-r\i -, w 's very eemm m . I thai tS-,1. h white s.rvsnts Wers la ItlOCt ClSSS, very different . r.'in t > pro sl-'.'Bfl. Who were th t.. rty of their mestsra Und r the < llteh Untforralty Acs an i . nig] i di,i often, h si rietlmi oi such laws wen men of _ .-'laiiii-s an?] eharaoter. The , ?. i w, ? full "?' them, an I B favorite m.ile of dlSPQSSl of SUOh pris? by tr lasportattoa to the i rs thep ?were sold for Un The main interest of the "Prisoners o'f o around a plot i.r Insur? : . : older victim: ( inch servitude. That ? men should be ft i ' Impatient no? der yoke was one of the ?dangers snd dlf? 1 th?? author ha I t wbl, h th, rs Is but tie record In 1 : !'l. ri?-!? In roms , ! ments ba, -i on to ts of which tti? ii?v A horse in the lead pulls in vain when the wheel horse lar* ?Sack in the breeching A man's body is a good deal like a team of horses, and must work harmoniously The hctd may want to work, and strive ever so hard to work, but if the body is balky and sick the head will make no progress. The man who is out of condition physical ly aiey a? well give up trying to work men tally. He will uot be able to do good work, ot ?ati-tattoiy work, and iti the endeavor to do so will only do himself further harm The reason that men have nervous exhaus ti.n and prostration is that they try to work the brain when the bodr I? bulky. The right thing tor a man to do when he finds he Is out of sorts physically ia to give the mind a little rest, snd piomptly resort to the right remedy for bis physical ailments. Dr PteuT s Golden Me-iral Discovery is the beat of all medicines for a balky body. When the bead aches, the appetite is poor, the ?fleep is restless, the nerves are shaky au'l boto body and brain -U-Trr from dull ness snd lassitude, it is time to resort to this greet remedy. It restore? , lie appetite, corrects all disorder? of the digestion, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates th? liver and purifies and nourishes the blood. It Is the great blood maker and flesb builder. It is the best of nerve tonic? and re*toratlvee. It makes both body and braia alert and active. Medicine dcalera bave nothing "just aa good. " "I ?uffered ive year? with ao ulcer and the doctor here could not ?lo me aav food.' write? Mr. John Jenkins, of H?yw_??l. Ma.bsou ?Co. Va I took twelve boitle? of Dr Pierce? Golden Medical l?i_c_r?rry and I am we,I I would have been iti my grave if it had no? been for your medicine." For et?n??rtpstion snd indigeation, Dr. Pierce'? Pleasant Pellet? sre the most nat ural snd perfect cure ever devised. They set gently but surely, ami effect s MtrXxtM aunt cure. into play tho Imaginative fa altli of It sod I ?? to QiVI n Bd lions, and th? possibility of combinai a sight or tsa of i ! lie victims of the condlU, Sad we have tho mat? lia! Irani wh ithor ii i ? ? . a strongS I ron living us one dl b? _t Virginia novels yet wrltteo. Godfrey Landli se, the hero of the stc Is a Wi U?d Of one Wb ?liiallti?-s make ? atat in S I Iti which men staked Unir lives on '. pal accomplices an- men who, I ' y snd Wore t? r, or h.1,1 foil row, il thro? the bo.,- :? at i "ogh? ' ? The story . irally told and si iuily '. also the i of its aim wss the f t lees! 01 plotting known Ii history. of Wln-Qi s boldly ??raw n _ like tj rabi?i . tsrians of thai i? old ?;? ernor ?Berkeley. The sketch of the | l reproba, us in thought a ti i ',' portr ipsl, and ? A the f? .-. OS ill mod, books in ? hieb be la Dot n . a boar, v. r. o -t of pi-' ?tency . . There are mauy d in the dev? lopment ??f Ktory woven rato th romance? that bin : o and heroin,, t being tho ?-harming, if waywai : "t L... ;, r. < !oloi . The final cal - !i be a ng to ntoef - ti urtlstlo blondi r. unless justil. by legal and loi;', il t . The story is full of itf.- and sctl sometimes highly dramatic and ad , - | a as t : . k on i Verney mansion. Tho terrors of such may seem led, but it w a, f;irai danger Incident t,< ti?" days of tow ?'?iiony. The Incidents l'ris.-Ilia's cspturi : ictlon by I dians, an i II pursuit ai i i >- the bei i aarratl? worthy of < there ars f< - ia th- i equal ' ount of iht i""?; snd : ?i?- ?v ]ou -,\'j lev, ra am - trlend Indi ??i throu? it tho prim? ral ti will, h I to bon and fi! 'i iio "Prisoners of Hi ni? i il . r of th?- 'i???" aith ublob story that the Ci ?mwi lUao, ??r Purttai element In the Colon] than i- ipi other bs taken ?summon <-t?iiiiul with studenf StOO is U native In Alabsm l If I r nni book snd os kn of i markaMs r. . : ORCHARD POLK, Two Cattfoenls Bto .ih Wintbrop Johnson author Of 'A' t laoys . Publish] '-' Pari rk. "The l ; ' With ell of brai ' That mods the -.oro foi Impses H triv, of ful r.i m- n in the booh -"- Inten Haas sss el rin? boot, bot bsr powers, si , .--l enfortunet? '? sqoa imblUon. " i . loi'." is m th? main a -?tuUy "f on?? ?<r to n t!i? f ? OM n-onula.e characters, and the author re lies ?a a v-ry ' sleep v scrap "f ttory* to muke thsm InteresUng; ami as m.gii* b?' sapee ted, she talla lbs -tori,;?, ju.a from ?In standpoint of the r e in, diocntv . od tl -'?^f ' * fr?-m standpoiat latolerably dull '. ?me wiio rs nui **SUvela el ?.?? .l/ a"?critically will itoabt thai kuthor has talents undeveloped. H?r N raiher fro.ii ir e than from lack "f ability, an I sh, nttaus bsr work, With ?- happl'-r t!??rne. un.l m rs expeliente In writing, there hi no n why she should not produce a r, *rvut Pat tale by the i ibilshars ?Pries, ti. THI ?SHADOWS OP THE TMBC_| OTH1 ii i- ?EMS By Robert Burns Wil son. New Vork. R H. Russell, UN. Haos the death of Lanier perhsps no . of sonthera reres ha? sppeared haif h in prom t illy gives le Um publl In this little voi 9 " Is a 1'? m ?. Iviniaii, but his Ion?- llf? In Keatoeky h;is nude him southern, at least su far as eoaceras 1"\?* of o ir southern country, ami h uri-? heraar. He is a true po I lov.-r of nature, and It Is from the Booth, win-re -atare is a h. r best, that h?? gets his Inspiration. The dreamv, far?Ofl of the ?row in saauaor, the sh the treee, the songs of birds, and . ? streuras. "the deep, melodious murmuring of the river" ail appeal t-> him. and inspire him. And he write? of our southern fields and woods aa only one i v.Tlte that knew sod loved them as we love tlieu?. Por ??ale by the publishers. MISTAKKS Wl_ MAKK A Manual for ?. y rit, ra Bested by Nathan Ha Do]?-. ?One Veiume, liloio. JOO pages. ! Cloth, 8.1 . - volume t* baaed on a somewhat i similar comsslstloa peepers?] toi English market by C ?jut It has ???mpl.-t.-lv n.vis.,1 end largel written and earkbed with an ebundss-?s i if material, making it an Invalual Is SOBS? i'-ti regardaag t-t of subjects, it r,?rr-?-i?, the mis? taken tin* constantly making iboul : ? -. planta ? V ?niiiiais. words and phraaea, m? ?quota? and mlepronunciiattona, historical blunder? and errors of fac??. A completa index co-ordlnatM the whole ?book, wtiieft is latereattag ?saougb to ?rsad at u s.tting, No mor.? ? ? ?appear ed In a d? ?'art?'. It ?la rv-ry library. ?Rantblas ?ml Idealising. :Obser\.iii??iis .f a. l'hllo?ophlca.l l-'rlend ??f cur?) " ilmnla que COn1 tu ft ?htnt lmtniindo."* -Virgil. " nu : t.??u ornavtt." -Allqula. a i?-? fl< ab unti the spirit la, ?perh ? nowh? ?re more ?i l'-iulhl !> diaplayed than in Corau*. it would do f nlsnst a ropy of tla- ' :. ind read th? ".i ; 1 ild be Im? printed on il tnbl ?a of * th? s? ni i i d with th? m. We i fer ?to: iv? n is saintly . haetlty i a .-??ni i? found sincerely to I liveried angele lauque* Driving lar off <"i??h thought of sin and . t,i clear ?'.ream and lolemn * Islon 'i-, u her of things I ' Till ?ft ?sonverss wl'h Heavenly habt? n th" outward Dpolluted temple <*?f the mind. it by ?legres? to the aoul'S ensene*. Till aii be made ?immortal; but when lust By un ?haste looks, loose gesture*, and f al ?talk, But mosl ?by lewd nn.i lavish ?act of ?in, in ?defiles 1I1V.J-?! ?parta ?grows clotted by contagion. Imb ?till It quite ios? The dlvll '? Of her tiret being.'' This ?la ' ? nahe tbs lady or _en?l?*u.aR <?r th? ml reverse. In a ?vatural ?.? ly, from within out wards, ?Without th?? aid of an artist, ? Realtetlo and Idealistic phtliaophl?*?* don't differ very widely lrom what are known us tleih and isplrlt, -or sense and " 'il. Rt niu'.erlalism are In? i;.iu without violence, and nplrlt? Ism are a trinity 1n unity. v ilk . on Its fc??t, at tinu-e i little crawling, nay, grov? Hing; ? It sees, feels, laste**. In oih' r wo .?Is, it is rtb eerthjr, ?nd is Identified with. ? far aa they can be appropriated. abasehed, or enjoyed?, B tl Baas, The roalistlo takes ind as what a ? ??tii mon ' I'om? ?mon ai ass aa? s then) to be. it grazes Tinmen Th? woria ?alwaye abounded in this comnion though ?>f lat.? more than ever thef I ??.ii dlgnlfli t at reell ni . and 'hoes ?>f .?. low . peaelmlatle tempes Il to be of - lu "Aa You Like It" Jago ? le feruves i % forxn hia r walls tla views emit of what ui | 'nitba he'd t*l| only baa a chance. Th?*? amiabia WS him Just what ?sort of g pi llosopher he 1?: Jaq: "Would I but do good? M t tniachievoua foul sin. in? clijih:,g For I been ?. libertine, il aa the brul la* if, .. tho . : 1 h? a?l??d That thou with license of 'ree foot i_?*| _ht, Would'st thou dlagorge into the ???era?*)' world." Our ezpericnoes and observations aiafT nt supply our hi? te and) .is, our lights and color?, aad de? termine tho direction und < :?ar.trier ???<$ of ?ir minds; our way? of looking I ma tin it value. merit. The ?mind of tho *vlck?4 Is ?as the troubled uca. that <AMtt up niirg Irt. VVId.lom and virtu? t?> it.a v?>0 be no greater war'?*? Ing on Inat -?In than a thormi?-l*_ ?il. For It 'he ROOd, thg true, and I tiful have no . mma? .ii full of dertleni-i.r. ana, like Hal . ?bed toulnt?* ?>4 whatever Is presented to them K.lthej ?-?vour but ili-iii?" -Ives. Tho purest auB holiest and things on > <r'h tg th. m ir.- dirtily and vilely eu^Mtivo? ? ?are to awake tiw-tr nouw or i m. Aud the sen?_?-__?t?_| ilds '.' ? own ?^ '. rywhert*~"wU! e??.ts l><d an?' prer on ?variai."" It may ?soar in the heaven? ag high Ufa ?and esrry all He foulness with ir? ? that it la th? only ?hat ail else Is fane) vialonary. '.?a mere notion, supernat.ii-j ?Si 1 ?><it of the order of tt-riga. Dot in* ? m Ceomo?. And so th? i?a*ue ig op. ?Christianity Is Ideal; its ?land* ard and leader t? divine; man's ?perfect! n i ot of the devil rriWy roaRattc ag Ity. Hit the great ??.-?1 Ai rnUii?. iur?-me and all-emi.i i ?*ng rions of the earth wt re .--... i oat by tllic. They shall ita away aa un realltlo ' ..-,,, ab all ? -r. And ?-'.v whit u Id ..ti. - * ?htoooaneeg ? tl| that ahull . only the .1 . I in it ideal.?.?* ration see? and anj??>s . ? ira , and dignity on i?./, ?ulna eye and the heartn. ?-ar ,.rs of the I_r?l Ilo ha'.h mad? .._S beautiful In th Ir time, and h??- < m ihelr hearts, Th* or* . . t<j one hand red on th?? ?ither lurttut? tic.? . ?.if, ?M?lttl Ufe. m Baking mA Powder m Absol-utely TPure Makes the food more deiicfous nnd vvholcsome . w**?n p?m^tu co., ?i?? v*?*x. ?smiewm?-? ***?"--_ Cold Weather Brings Catarrh? The Severity of this Dis ease Increases Each Winter. Though th? d isagreeabl?-? effects of Cs- ] tarrh are felt all the year round, cold | and unpleasant weather aggravates the dises?,?? snd it is during the wir.t??r season that Its severest form is felt. Each s-ceewling year se?**?ms to in tensify thediiease, so that it gradual!*/ fastens its hold upon the? sufferer with s grasp that becomes firmer each sea son. Catarrh often appears as only scold st first, and is liardly noticed. Huti gradually the cold returns, and it is more difficult to cure, snd stays longer than formerly. These symptom- can not be mistaken ; th??y mark the first appearance of a disease that will de-j velop in severity snd stiibbor_ness,and , which it ?9 impossible to euro with the i local trestment of sprays, washes, and similar applications. Hcing a disease ? nf the blood, only a blood remedy can | have the slightest effect upon it. S.SS. (Swift's Specific) is the only cure fur Catarrh, because it is the only blood; remedy which gees to the sent of all ob-; tinate esses, and forces out the disease. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading mer chant of Spartunburg. S. (.'., writes: "For four years I had nasal catarrh, ad though the ease was a mild one at first, it was not l?>ti?_* until I noticed that it was gradually growing worse. Of course I was utiilei- treatment of flrst clais phvslcians, but tlieir remedies were applied locally, inrj *ho OstOIvH seemed to be getting a firmer hold on me sll the while "After spending so much money f?*r treatment which proved to be all i vain, I was urged to try S.S. 8. I1 i remedy pro**?*a to be the right on?*, it got at the disease, and a few botties eoped me perfecily. The cur?* was a permanent one. and I.have not had a touch of the disease for many years. ?Swift's Sj-eciflc is the only remedy thaS will have the iHghteet effect upon Catarrh." _jm___ Sufferers from AUa%W^__ Catarrh should ret MT ^?BL S start on th?? di_ H S^ ease before tho cc?!d MtMh MMh yJP weather np_;rR\ ate? V**j " or- ?v jt Tin^e who have \_?? My- been relying upon ' ^-oaoV/' .loca! treatment wi!l ^B?V>^jh ?lind winter weather *T? ?. v ?_g___is all that is needed _g_t_p_p___p_\WkJto show that tho ^0; i--??-j?*5?.' Hirdii-ease is still with them. A course of S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) will prove all assertions made that it is the only euro for Catarrh ; it goes to the cause of tho trouble?the blood?and forces oat all traces of the disc-?-? Swift's Specific is t!.e only remedy which reaches real obstinate blood dti** eases; it cures Catarrh, Rheumatism, Cancer, Contagious l?l?x?d l'oison, Ec zema. Scrofula, and eyery other disease of the bl?.x>d. Tt \? guaranteed Purely Vegetable and i.-i th?> only Mood rem??dy containing no potash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by the Swift Bpeeifle Co., Atlanta, ?Go,