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______lflj- tuuni?.iir*-_j jL-iorAiun-'.^u^uAi, i, logo._ ____--_ GRAM) LODGE MEETS. nu: si -pRr.Mi: non y or maso*?:* to hSSMUMM ti MMT, CRAKD-M?STKR DUKE TO ?OLD OVER. ??m ?.?.111 **lo?t Probnbly Contint)?-? \n,.,h??r Twelve Months In the I ,_(?,?> l.i?> tl?<? I ,irnrr-S,?ne ot s , ?-?In,-' 4 htir.-l, WoO-OSOO-Kpi Th-* 4gS Of MaSOOS will <-.<?n ?, suoleOUeS at ihe Ma ?.?ii.riK at 6 sad srill i..'i,. \, . end 1 - ??ctiltiRs at the SaSM hour. This , ?mmunJcatkro of tho grand body held , as there ?en?! later? ? iraad Lodg _ '- i\-.n w wllltag to i r or ont, I , , Atng With thy I a 111 ly b? n. In that sow sen i tbe Gran l tin in the chairs Ih?, LATINa "?is of tl: ' Lodge will iroted to < I rouf ir a.ij i inmltte, s A . r, i.tur?? - col - . ..:-?: .:t All Al i In 1 . . _. . . Tepa? ? - i Franklin ' WORKING > OMMTXT , W - I fommitt? s of ?ho Grand i ic* vain i a ? com t th? . f tho REV. J. , . Kin l Ti;\ i OMIS. >. ?? Pantos ??i* Pesas p ? Slawe t < imn-ii? r (iiiir.-ii Isa ?Hies TO ?Day. r of came _. sod iming : t of Mi i-:. tim?'. return i nd will th the nii'i _r >t Highland i'.. \ B ilvary ' r,- he ha? n his D ght S.u..1 , " al Lei Rev. Mi rvl.n the ' -1.1.1, the well In this cuy. is and . hieb ail are Invlt, ?l. i J. WI h i M. : : , | al rali .- at 11 ? '.i . He h, In - u \m- in in: Mn\im> AGA1X. in. Soldiers ?Who I <?*?, ?he i'?.?itloui? \'. S ?, I It? II |?|???i III I.H-I.?. rtly writ!. ment, the that i the jail of i noon mend? ?i the par? - t., the sn D Of 1 I tl I : : Rex I ?i Nells sn nt to his nd a mlly. i i us i.uik.i: or ?JORRRW. lmpre?salvo MrrleoS to Re Held at ,?,,? ?..?..i. ?.,?. ,,ii* tMatwmmu f the k Will I??- h by i? . Rev. Vtr. i and the a ? the Mr \v. to. Ven Tl,e muPlOHl | : '.! .1 MtV . . .- "... ' < 034 ; ? Wlllii Anil man, W. i .i ?I Wm. P. lAWtOB, . \ i H. Bpps, G? ireh, Jr, Jr.. ; - ?lio??.m Rloei 9-ieere. A u. ?.-> 7. I. O. ?fini ths for the en . -,- - L B Brooks; ; .'.iw?f?-r; .., rer, W, I?. t, to A Joseph and W. O. <\ ifrnnd. appointlvs officers will be name?. tailed, the first 1 RoWttse'P A-f-oclallou'a Iteanlwn. H > i.-itl'.ii have i **_vl-at, _ ?,i ll.eir unnual bam-uet ami "".,?,,?. to U; hf!,d ftt lh, Howitier Armory uext Th-jtedny night. Judg? - I.. ?Christian i* chalrmtin or th? rn-?Ihtlon. end h?, ., H.ii.,1 wlthhln, u-, K. W()r(1 ?rtfl M? w. H. ?immer? mnnn haw Wvn Heleeu?<i a. the (uterer for tho occasion, and the entertainment will no doubt be hlahly enjoy.ii BBBAimS AT ChMKMnv (III Hi ||. Th? Mtr/ratloiis Cwm-Mrice-ami the ?iMlUorlinii Will lie laid To-Du y. The miiin nudtem?. -rooxn of ?Hiutenary M'tho-llKt church will b w-.,l to-day lor ?li?- iitst tlm.? sin??.. Hi,. r?.?,hr? w """ Th. r.? ai-f H?>m.? fornisbfaga that ? ? ni not ariiv.. for tor ral >-... ?*.<, ?and th?. formal opening has bc??n postponed until tti?--?? are n ? - lied. AI.? i.,<i?ns have been mnfl? on quite an euborate scale, and tend t?> ?. Iini?i.?v.. th.? a;.|-,-aran?.-.? of th.? au?lit??rium. removal ol ?the organ t? u |0fi ; ulplt U a ?great advantage In . i?, and the organ Itaeli ha? .?,'hi.v ?overhauled. Mina II,., l,??,!? 9J*M4M\ Mr. Jone?. A quiet mam . ,i, mated at iht nee of the Rev. Joel T. , night, ih- contracting mi Mr. Wilbur I. Jones and Mi? < M r> 8, Buchanan. Only the membon of the ? ni Intimate fi-i.-pls were A ut the ceremony- which was fol lowed ?by a rec? ptlon -it the re-ildi nee of tho bride's parents. The ' ar? well known ami popular ?resl ?i< ins of Church mil. Sulla In the l ||> ( dirt?. fot jddgmi -,i wag ?1? ?i in tho ?Squity Court y?s?;-r?iay 1,-, of W. W. Hunter ?agalnat the ?Rich mond Floor and 1-Y? ?i ?Company. L>am 'iK? I, 51:41 87. Jit?li;iii.-.-,t f..r Jl.G?S.ei ?wns r<-ndere,l In ?rcull ?' ysgterd.iv mornli the-eg e of Johp A?:..m ia?a ?\ Left V\l.'ll. To I'roiu-li ut Iiitiinuu'-I To-Day. Rl V. W. 8. C.'imf.l,. ',1 Will Utx90? at Immanuel Baptist cl irch to-day, timh A. M. ami X P. M. Mr. Caiti-.l ?II. ?lai ly u) ?n and earn? st ?pnecher, <-on?.?nt. ?1 tu ftl the iMor, h?jv. .!. R. Harrison, who Ih ander tli?? a rindo w of a great ion. To rintrrtiiln Cm, Wheeler. ' Murphy ?has ?tenftred tr> imp, Confederate V? ut ins ?hotel fur th, entertalnmeal of <;> -. Whet i-r ?when he visita ?the city, un? ; ?gagbatiea. A I'l-tilion in lliinkrei (< -v. Mr. JttoltM a. Scott win. bti bondact>?d o confectionary st?.r<- ut No, _r east .Main street, in. ?i p tition In the ?nit? d ?Si t Couii yest? rday, aalfag to l??- ?ad? Judged ?bankrupt. Peiieaali ami i?ri?-r??. Dra, W. T and St. Jullah Or???enhimer ?returned t?? ih?? city. " .Mrs. B. D. Cook, is visit*".; Mi-s ?feste Abell, of Ivy Depot, ARgaiarle county, \ . :; !> and her ???---gtoter, Min gh, N. C, ?an guests ?at in north Eighth ( i Mrs. K L. ?Parrleh, of Devlngton,' VaT, - i 'ai't.uM B . ? i.'iu.iu Mc< mho, at his r. ?lid? n ??n < 'ary si Miss ?Bertha __*___>_, of Norwl?h, M -., Is spoodlng ?the vint?,-r r.-jtti her . Mra W. 15. C-.rj.-iter. J. How-all -Lewis, jf M oast ix-iprh street i?-n on ?Decenaber let, for Atlanta, a. r form? r home to visit relatives ?an i fi lende, ; M? I? ? T, Of W? llamaburg, is spending the winter with Mrs. F Mite < ber, at No. 8U nt at ??i???? street. Mr. A. C. Atkinson, of ftt couth ?Pine truck 1 Traction ? t Une ??n Hovember P He 1 still i-??n!iii??l in I ? ?1. a marii waa granted in the rday to Mr. John i and Mis? .'arrii Km >x Blunt The wedding will tali- plaice to-mort ?w. Tin? earninga <?f ih-* K.? inn nd and ! - ., i lonth <?f < '?tul., r, S_,77-51; ?upensei U1.MA.70. The ?earnings ?>f the ?PKeraburg railroad for the same month -were, P9M0M', cx\ ' M. Mr. Richard T,. pr.iwn, Jr.. is improving ?rapidly gad bopm to be out roon. n? has b< n ?ritira?v ?I! at th? \'ir,-ini:i. II?? - ii" whs operated on ?by ?Dr. W, llirrison for a co:??j?U if app-endlcltlg. M? - rule Joneg, Of X'?w York city, who ?fielt to b r r. Mrs. ?Clatter, ai i:ij??u Col ut inn. t ?r Hi?- teert ?month, leti Rjchi i tint le will on u-.e Old raw from Norfolk. i:?v. Dr. Km;Hii. of Union Sei-?nnry, will conduct the ?lervl?sei to-t*_y at the it m church, : t H a. .\1. i-, M., in ?the ?almence < f u? r. i* n ?tothrte, who la In < _arlottea-*ille ?hing at the I'lilvir^ity tt Viif.'nia. Mr. ?Royal ?'liarles, a pn.rninent young man of ?Ooochland County, Va?, wa? has . ,. .1 w.? ks in this city. U now ?.'ii the r??a?i t?. recovery, ?nd ble r thinks, without rel ipee. he wlU !.. t , return to h:.s _'>me ?gad frlenda at Menakew. ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. a mW i>isiovi:hv which is WOl i ii m Aft mi en To t?jeme \mi???*-?i with i*n??a. The ?Pyramid Pile ?Cure, th? ?new, ?pala? * which ii ie i?? ? d s?? ?remark? ably In curing every ?form of tal dl re? .?ntly . on s??'?- ?it druggteta', and li -_ when -'ta ntraoi-lnary m? i ?fully known, there will be h thing m su-u-i ii operations for ire ?>i tins obstinate and tfommon Mrs. M. C. Hlnkly, of o?i Mleaiaeippi IndiunapoUti. 1ml.. ?aya: I had ., t? rrlble suit? i r !'; m plleb for a \? .us und no i m? llm i neflted til 1 saw an :i !\ ?-rtis-ment of the Pyramid Pll ? ! 1 pa?ka :?-, ulsu a ?package of Pyramid ?Pills, ami used both according t?> ilh 1" waia as toniahed a1 the Immediate ?relief obta ?and now I ?hone?tly believe '?he Pytamld to be the ?only certain ? ure for pUea, Thai you ?ma] : '* ' '""J J was, l wax ?jontlui-U tu n. !.. fore the colle?--., of phys. who aald my eaae >w?gi of nei . m. and wan;? ?i aevea or ? ?xhl bun? ttndertake a wre; th? ! ?ad bro ight on rapture, ami i knew an operation would he tnuxh t.? m? on account of bloc i g. Soor ,.. ),?r?- Uii'.ws iif m>- terrible auflferlng from ?pllea end | m-i that I . . is the i'yramll Pile Cur? : the 1'yi imid PUle alao. My -,d will Join m?* in Wghly r^um . ._, the Pyraml I, my daught? ,..'. one ?boa ""!>' Por aeyeeal years 1 weighed but a?boul nlnetj pounds, now l weigh Vi" and f-eel in ?perfect h-ealth. ma to ?be Hi?.- univeraal testl ,,'i , v. is auCen r rr??m ?Uot who .,,,,, ,.v.r tried th.- r.vtaml.l; it Is the afest most palnli-sa file <"ii'- fOt dls contalna n<> opiet?*, morphine, wcalne. or any poleonooa Ingredl? nl whatever ha* a soothln,;. hmllng ?-fr?--t from th* tlrHt ?appUoation. ami th? ni???l? i rtae ?pUoae it within the ?reach of (vory one needing tr.-utment. The Pyra nii? ?Pile fore Is ?old ?by driiKKiate ?t ? -entn ami ?1 l?'T ?paclmg?*?, and the P\i.? ,ni.i PillS at ? 0??t" P*r box. Send t?. Pyramid Company. Mars h ni! for fr?-? t'ttuk ou t?iu*e aud euro f ii:ee? I FREE FOR Weak M@n Who ar? Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. A iicienUnccornhlned medical and B-SChsnlcal cure has been duK-ov srad lor "weahecssoi Mol." The proprietors umiounc?. that they will sen?, it on trial -feasstUsa and appli ance without adossas patinent - tnany hontstsasn. If not all that Is claimed?all ran wish?<_-nd it back?that ?-ii?U It- pay nothingI Thi? combined treatment cures quicklj-, thoroughly, and forever all cff,,ts of early evil habita, later ex? OSBsas, overwork, worry, etc. it cr? ?t?*?, health, ttrengtb, Titn?ity, eti?* tainitii? powers, and restore-? weak mid lll|ileve-?o(?-,l |?,rti?>IIS of l-Olly to natural dimensions and function*. Any man writing In SSTBSal \? 11 receiv- diseription an?l references in h plain sealed envelope. Proles* sional confidence Ko ,'. 0. D. de ception nor bnposh-On of any nature. A na aoaal iipulsllni hacks this oil? r. AddvM Erie Medical Go.,Buffalo,N.Y. PIIII.IPPIM. isiAM) mfAMCRS. ' Silver ll;,?.N of ?lie ?urreorj??i'lrca lOllOO. ? -" I'er I _|ill?i. wAsiiiMiT,?N. December It?Mr. M? ward W. Hariil? B, who .- t?-d In August last as honorary commissioner ol th? Doited States to make an investi gation of ,he firian'-lal an.l Industrial con ditions, in ths Philippine Islande, baa made his report to the Secretary of the Tra isury, in tin- eoarse of whleb he snys: "Silver is tii-- bauds of the curren the Philippine brisada, Thsrs Is no in genera] droulation, and ha? been f??r more than twenty years Tbe Meal can dollar of a date previous to Iff! S current In the Islands, snd it is practl ? ?illy the ,?m> money In i:?t" r??.i ? ti'?n. Th?- Spanish Government, in the summ? r of US., <*.,;n,-,i R,<W,?300 of silvet in a lo.-ai currency, which eras s?-nt ,u the islands. Tl;?-.?,- dollars ur?? lighter In weight than Um Mexican dollar, bat ths -ity of mousy In the ?Philippin Islands caused them to be Quickly ab sorbed. There hi s local note-Issuing bank called the Baooo Espa?ol Filipino, winch has in circulation notes based on silver, of which there were outstanding on ?September ' ' '. UN, approximately, -.'M>. BILVSR liri'T. V'!:*- i;??!.i?. "The currency Of the. Islands was orlKl nnlly gold, In pieces of Si, U, and to. with the M?-.\i'-?in sliver dollar .'it??i thi Bpanlsb sliver dollars, tbe latter clrcu lating to s limited ,x?>-?it only. Previous tO 1*>??> the silver was often at a po ml im over gold, wi.'ii silver begsn t?> d?pr? ci?t? tu value, the gold coin ?aras rapidly exported and replaced by the Mexican all? VS1 dollar, whl?h has for a long time i?? en In genera] use throughout the Orient Gold became so sosurce ti?r??!u;ii the exporl ..i the gold cola, end the siiv.-r eras tiikim- It? place so rapidly, thai ,)i?- Span ish Government to??k st : ,? th, export ??r tbe one and the import of the other, In the spring of IWI sn edl Issued from Madrid, prohibiting tbe im port of all siiv? r dollars bearlni s ?flat, subs?quent to 1917. This law was main? talned until the control of the Island. : ed to 1 he United s ttea "The fim'iunt of money needed for thr trade und commi r- e of the I fluctuates in Ihe diff?rent seasons. Thli fluctuation in tbe demand for money In ?liff? rem seasons of tbe year has resulted In widely fluctuatlni hange ar?i in the continued fi"\v of money elthei to or from the Isl in? BttDBGLING OF BILYH "The lnw W_f< !i prev? n'???l the importa tion of the Mexi? -in dollars of adate seqUeni t.? iViT prov?ad ?? great hardship t? ths business Interests, ami would hav? been a much greater ?-vil had it not beet for the laxity of the offleiaSs, which per -,l sod encouraged smuggling, if wa* not uncommon for the ?????lar t,> go at a premium of l" or i_ per cent, and thli would iiiiiiii-ci ib - ?n the i! .- of , llvei toward th?- Islands, which would i- eon. Untied until the demand was met and th? i to of exel : ge was r? duced t?, a potnf which would cause smuggling '?? cea being pro-tabl . The smugf Ing of sllvei Inf ? the Isl mds wss ?a r, cognised ; try. It was ?virii.-.l on largely by th, rich "mestizos' or Chinese half. There s : s regular system f??r tin hrltiglne in of th- Aft.-r th? patlon of TM. 11 il In. ]?y the .\n troops, permission eras given the banks t< 11 sllvi r fi - ly, arid the re, all bsi 1 i to k? -i? - t ?t? s ?m a mor, stable bs TOTAL 'li:?'T'r.\Ti? IN. "The Bpanlsb Gkwernmeul k'.-cps no ?ta ti.-tii's of currency or Saaaee, si I bankers can ? i\ only estimates <?f the most e, a? i ?i ! ira ti r. Tb, r.- s millions ?ti Philippine dollars ootaa? i by the Spanish Qovernment tad seat ?n* a year ago, of whk i? only amall percent age is nOW In M?,-iila. It la titir t?sd thai th? i- i In circulation I ubei-iary coins, ?nu- estlm its of th* M< aleen dol?an now In circulation, as n by one <?f tbe beet-Informed bonk ers In the island, is from C0.000,,?_0 t ". This, u itli the t_.600.OOU <?r notes of tbe Hanco Espa?ol Filipino, now In circulation, constitutes ths carrency of the Islands. Tins srould make a total of from 140,000,060 to 146.S0S.tM0t, speaking roughly, f??r the entire*, ?r ap proximately U per capita for the t -,ii population of the islands. It must OOt be overlooked thai these figures are ? rsa so a silver basis, and that, therefoi ?, In figuring oh <"?! own standard, a.i ? I flgures must i?- cui In two. Till-: BANKING BUSINESa "Thr?e banking Institutions do th. banking busln, as of ths Phlll ln< I lando ?aside from that done by the burgs OOaUOSrCtSl houses, which buy and sell exebsage, and to a limit?,i extent carry , n tin b, hieb I, gitlm ' ' be longs to banking Institutions, of the hanks the two ni"st Important sre breach concerns, the third betag s local Institution controlled by Bpaniaris ;-r,l natives. Under the charter of Ihe Bsnoo i: i??.]?, Filipino it Is permitted to issue bank-notes in amount equal to three times Its capital stock. The preo nt capi ta of the b ink Is UM9M \ sod II i note Issue may. therefore, amount to $i..'?<?.' 0. , ?n ?September 3i?tli there was ,n elreuLa ti ?n. as previously stated, approximately, B.50.,000 of thi ?tot, s sie Issued <?n a BllVCr bSStS, arel are payai. 1>? on dem?,ml to t.cir, r. Tin-: l-T'lTUK CURRRNCT. "Th?1 <|i;?sti"ii of tbS futur?- OttIT, I the Islands is one whleb is of vital Im? portaace to sll bostnese-men in tbe islands. Th? best-tnforsssd men In Manila at?- ansnlmous In th, opinion that under present conditions s silver currency is the ?.n?y "n>- suit,-,! to the brisada Th? natives of the Philippins Islands ar? eon sirv.itiv.? le n dsgrss i;i the naati : their currency, and it ?would bs -i long an?l tedious task to SdUCOtl them I dollar ohlofa would i?e worth twi > that now in circulation. Notwithstanding the Americans have s force of if?.???o soldlera In Manila, who ar.- paid in yobb tit pie of the Islands will bava nothing but silver. AH Of the soldiers, when th-y are ?said In yAd. take their money to one of the banks and sxehsags it for loeal ncy. Th native will take the M?-xl can dollar, worth les*** than 50 cent? In gold. In prefer? nee ,o the T'nited States dollar srortb 100 cents. If the United - re'ain the Phillppis Islands u. spe ,?1h1 ? .?Inage of ?liver dollars mUrht bo mlnt?_d for ctrculatton In the ..rchlpeluco. BONDED DEBT. "There Is sn issue of t40.????>,0n0 of bonds which was pu, out by the Spanish Gov ernment in July. 1*5*7. SOd which serve. tin .? lirst Hen upon the customs re.-, ip'? ,,f thS port Of Manila. ThSSS h<?nd?? . ie cslled ' ? lulls btpeteeerlss," are i_iy .,1,1,. in f?r,y years, SOd b?*.ir interest at , t , , ,-. , .; | - nt. Tho issue price aas m They arc divided Into two class Medical Treatment ,-?' es, called A and U ?Vomi*. The A bond? "??n-lst .,f ?.??.(??, i?s-.Mi..l?- In Spain, and with ?bill i est and iifln.-lpai payable ?there. The B bonds ?Mg^?rlsa the remaining *!.'?, ttui'.imyi. und they were to lie isnued In Ma nila, with lut? ?mm ..mi principal .?ayub'.e in Manna. ?Of ?the A ?bonds I.'"." un.|??rwiltt?-n hy the ?BaiMO llisuami ? ti". ?if Madrid, whleh paid a eommlssiun ?f | i?^r oatm- ?Of Un- B bonds issued in Manila those that -were put out were practically a fon?<"-d loan. "rrartl.-ally. all the ?I ?rt nnd Import trad? of the Islands is In the lianda of foreigners." DP.ATH OF Hum:?. (DMITOI. Former Mur? l-inil i ronamnn Suc cumb? to I*ural)tl<- Stroke. LAVnVA.. Ml?.. I ?-.-?nil er I Wl COO Kr.--.snia?. Harnes Compton died at his home, in thl3 plac?, shortly after noon \? st? rday from the ?*T??cts of a paralytic stroke ?sustained two days ago. His wife and several children survive him. Mr. Compton ems one ??f the mont prom inent Democrats In the State, ?laving rep r>--'. Bted till?, district In ?CvmgTBM f??r several terms. He. was ?State Treasurer foe twelve vea ru and chairman of the ?Democratic ?State Central ?'ommittee for an ?equal period, h? wa* appointed ?naval officer f'ir the port of ?Baltimore ?by Preel? dSBt ("?? vilaml. and held the oftice umil a f? w months ago. A.i? by _ .Masked Man. OAK, ni:w HUNT COUNTT, VA., ?De? cember L?(SpeciaL>?What seems ?to ?have h. ?n an ?attempted ?assault upon s rm ?bi- lady in this vicinity occurred ??n Thursday. Mrs. Makey Bhermaa ?be? lner alono in h??r ?hooaei at ?her dinner taUa e/ag attacked ?by a man ? : massed sad ?dragged oat of th?> room, but on her calling vi ry loudly for h? r husbaml, tho man t????k Sight ami ha. sot been ?seea ?state. ?So eecurely was ?the man ?masked ?that Mr?. Shermaa ?could not ?roeogalae say of Ma features. Mr. ?Sherman, ?however, i d ti,4> ?re ward for any taforraatlon that wool I load to bis ?'it'tur?'. IH? C lie.? I n u t Crop, ?LB3UMOTON, VA* ?December ?*V-<Bps riai.i?From ?Raphlne eon;. i report of tho Immense ch? tnut ?top ?lathered In th.- mountaina i?a? k of Veauvlue, in Rock brid-ge county. Fr??m Vesuvius ?there hav?* ?been ?shipped up to tins date thlrty-dve or UMt buahela of ehoatnuta, The largeei amount, shipped in any one ?flay was 141 buaheis. lY.mi ?Raphlne a little ?.v? r ?MO buaneie were ?shipped. The ?price ?received was UM ?per buahel, and ?the n ?. t of the shipment? were ?made to ?Httsburg end ?Philadelphia. Ths nuw ?vero ir.i'h?r. ?1 l?y ?the mountain ?people ?sad ?sold ?to the country merchants at the ?above ?plai i -* Sudden ?P?tl of Mr?. Mann. ?Private a?i\!'?s were ?received ?here yes terday of thu sodden ?death on Friday night of Mrs. <:? ?? - W. Lig?n, at th I-, ,n,? of ?her father, Mr. Daniel W. Tuck iv. <?r Maidens Adventun ?i ?Llgon Was "ill?, about M yarn ?Of SgO, in??? ? a most ?eatlmabl? The Re Vere Sister < iimlnK. of the head linea la the Bai er Hall ,i reek, I the ?Re V? They are charming wwi ad as they are ?popular. Mr. llnrll? It UOPUU ltunlin??s. Mr. Barth tt Bopi r, of Pet? rsburg quail? n.-ii in ?the Dotted Stau I > ? !ourt y? '-' . of minor Importance wet? ?en* red. PECULIAR POISONS. GENERATED IN mi: HUMAS BODY. The Result of Iui|ii?rfeet lliice?! Ion nf Food. Kvcry IIII ptonl or animal, co? rtalo . -, ii. In ?Um 1. th I Pie* mulntn% are usually the ?resull of ?unper* f? ct dig ?stl a of foo Indi? ?gi stlon or dy ; . The ?stiomsch, ?from sbos?, weokncea, not promptly and thoroughly the food Tho ?resull ?la s heavy, * which fea meal - (ths> t.r t pi of ?t ? u lag the Wood, ?making it ; . i.;- ? I nlng ?the i rala, ?cas dug 1 ?;n In th.? ? --. - tlon ii rit: tes the heart, ? it! n, end ?n tit) ?bi portent o lb?- k : 111 ft, causing . this ?Is SO 1 v- ry i? - ui ?a Sa for nouiishmeal end ?renewal weak '. If i;.?t only in ; at i ta ?sad ?Serb, but in week, ni rv> i ?gad mmiilv ? <?m;> The ?great English : | ?ocli y, '.?rt In hi. ?J to U'l.iik atomaeha ?fall to dlge-rl food propi rl? . i- xuta th? y lack I Ive tic and b) - ?Jr?ii bl I | | . rit mo?st s-'iisii?!?' r. m? dy In all Indi n is to ?take sfti r aai ii meal . tie | or two of Stuart's Dj . blets, I ' ?they supply in a |. harm? : ?mi all ?the ?1? in? lit.; that w?. ? 1 i?k. Ths ?regalar ass of Stuart's Dyepepals Tabl? ?Is will cure ?very ?form of stomach ?trouble ? m- : of the stomach. They ?iaeteass ti-.-h, laaura pure Mood, ?strong nervn a, ?bright . .. ? ?4 . c implosion, i- cause all th si n -m s hole me (.? en II ?dig? t?.i. Nearly all druggiata ?sei ?pepaia Tablets si ?SO ?mats full--sli ,1 ?park? or by ?mail ! ? Stuart ?Com] ?any, M ?ball, .? ask your -druggii 1 ?Ai A little i?-*?k on ?stonaach d?eases matl? ?ad ?un ?a. Addrsss F. A. Smart II, Ml? b. THE "S. Galeski |_ OPTICAL CO. For comtort ana preservation of your l_*?t, have ycur Glasses sosurate > bord at our well-known OH?, U Ks lbli.ili i ment. Everything reliable and lowest charge? ruaranieea. 915 EAST MAIN ?STRUT. Factory, m soulh Teutta 1 ? la l?-Su.W&P ?NOW READY . . . Warrock' Richardson Almanack . . . KOR 1899. JAME5 E. OOOM PRINTING CO. Richmond, Va. , . . Wr print ? ? . rytli'nK (no ?-Su.WAVlmi TRY ?tII?.T*\VORTH I??\IRV (RKIU. HRo.M OUR OWN SI:i'ARAT?ii:. |( A DE l'Ht ?M MORNINQ'S MII.K, "M.Y a CBMTS WMM QVAMX de m office or I. N. .IONIOS ? SON, (i, X, nnd II) *?. Kluhtli St., RICHMOND, VA. NuVF.M?n:!. 22, 18981 \\ i* wish to inform our friends that we arc in the Knijraving ind Steel-Plate Printing to stay. >\ hat we intend to do is to .hsrgs a living profit on our paper, <ntjravin<j, and plate printing,- and when we cannot Jo this we will retire from the business. Pleass hear in mind that we ire the leaders for the best ualiiy of KURD'S PAPERS, such as Wedding Invitations, Correspondence Papers, Society Announcements, Visiting-Cards, V.U., Etc, tnd in tin* Printing of same we .hallengs comparison. \\',? are not the lowest in price, but wi* claim to he the best, as ?ur patrons say we are. Respectfully, I. N. JONf S & SON, [.ngravers, Printers, and Hinders. V B.?Dont forget that we ire in the Printing and ..hiding business also, though we have ) tOTJ litt I.- tim<- to devote to new I ivork in this line. (as i-itA'-ui'.'t) Ml?. CHARLStf RARRISOl l)l". \I>. \ Worth) Vnuna Man I)l?-_ Her,?? Rolla l ii<*x|i?.?-,?-ili>. Mr. Charles Thompklas Etarrtsoa, of IPyane, Ark., ?died yaaterday morning at 'k at the reS-dSOCS Of his father, Her. 3. R, Barrtsoo, No. Nf'ssst [?Blgfe Death reenlted trota m At Brlghfs die? ind cam.? most unsxpectedly. Mr. Harrieon had n"t been strong or w.-'.i hrough tl??? summer and fall, but cam to Virginia in the bone that tii?- trip and i feo ?reeks ??f -csr would iM.-n.-tit him. md his symptoms, ty-,??n?ii unfavorable, oer, not regarded as alarming until i-'ri ! mornlog ii?- sank rapidly through : night, end at th?- hour named paeoed swsy without pain. Ths d?aatb Of this young min Is Hiir round? ?I by r?.-. ullai!-- sad r- tatst in arsaty-four days before his death he i t?, tbe sltsv M?-? Rollmage, an attrao* I lady of Pom si city, Ark., md the happy ooupla ?started si ones fer ..- k-' Visit to th,? old boms, the and Other r-latlv-s and friends of M?-, fini I Ron, who v. | ; a native of thin t hers up t?. a feo veers ii.? was K'rt in robust health bul '? it that be was Improving, ii- oever, h toon begsn t prow weaker, i s?iit 'f th?- fatigue ol trav? i. Be t??ok us uide to vieil his sister, in RusseU oouaty, ind after spending two fir three oeeks there i)r,?,u,-ht h-r to Richmond, snivlng morning; to visit his father, ng, sfter ? f, o ?lays bars, to go to ? to s?-.? his other sister, and rr?? to the thriving Arkansas own, wi'.'re pisas bad l?e?n made for a boats, i" an enfeebled condition] shea bs sol here, Mr. ii irrtsoa continu? I ?> grOO w, -ik, though he would rally ?t ?i ?I ss 1st bs Thursday arsilked ait to }lr,?a,l sir? ? t. Th, deceased eras th?, last of f,.?-ir i <->rri to RSV. J. R. Harrison and ,?. rwo di.-d srhen suite yo mg, snd ths third ! Is itf".- in a railroad accident about ! I .-us ago. He, too, bad been ir? -led lees than a BSOath. Mr. Harri ?on -i ", fears old. an.l was born at Hollina Institut?-, while hi:- i BthSf I ;?astor ?h?-r-. Be oas educated at Rieh? mond C ind bsd risen rapidly In ih.- busim H S rid. Be wan an expert tant, snd bad for reve?a] years ? Uled the responsMs position or crshtsr 'f the Kink at Wynn,-. There, as flg.-j obere, he was esteemed by oil who kaeo , ilm for his upright manly, and true life, j He bad t''?n a m-n.)'?-r of the ?aptlst i ?hurch atoss his boyhood. Ooly two ?la-j BTVtvS him. These are Mr?. | ?, I , f Atlanta, und Mr??. 9, ?L ' ,t Klk ??artlt-n, Va. The fanerai uiii take plaes this aftcr lo-m at ? o'clock at th?- re?*l<lenre of Rev. I K Harrison. Ur. Hal,-h**r. president if the 1,-ipti.t Minis'? rs' Conference, will Dave charge of th?. service, and he re, ntettt all ?he member** of that body to tee! him at the hoime by VX, ? ?hick will take part, ami Ci|> taln Frank **unnlngham will sing. The remains will be taken vU the Norfolk (no 3-Tb.S inJtTiO r. , ,i.; . , _ i &4><t?4r4ji We Greet You and i ii rile you to come in and look orrr one of Ihe most com pi etc. stocks of Holiday Norcltics and finest quality Jewelry ever exhibited in Ihis ri/y, Do your trading i ehe re an es tablished reputation ira r rant s con tinued ra/i/idenee. Holiday Opening. C. LUMSDEN & SON, JEWELLERS, 731 East ?Main Street (de4-Haa,Tu.tTb) .. i ; .......... i r ?i arpets,Rugs,Curtains,&c Expecting to remove shortly to our new Brosd-street store, s i.ive determined t<> make specie] prices mi all Carpets, L?ce Curtains, Rugs, &c 3E0RGE W. ANDERSON & SONS 1204 East Main Street. He 4-Sn.\\\i n?! West, rn train, leaving h<-r.- at RS-Rl ?.night, to Gla ! Spring, wh- r>- the it.-' ?rasent will be mule to-morrow a, 3 I'. r Th.- fatiier SOd BtStSr "f Mrs. Harr| >n will met hSS SI ''.ii-l- Siiin-,' ami: oaspaoy bsr ?-.??-k to ?rhaosao The pall-bearer*, who are r?M|uested to I, ! \i O.' ! : to-,llght St 10_M o'clock. ira J. O Sale, R r? Woo?inn. J. . Wulthail, ?. W Hornet, W. 9. Dillon, I. J. Kppa, W. I- t?mith, ami Rprso ? ?Im?n. TYI'KWRlTF.llV HAVK Yol' BKKM THK MANHATTAN'! "YPEWRITRR in th.? <*<tMe at '.?u_ .-,_.-t Iain street*? COll lt.-*!?!,- uml take a loeer lo?k. You will nee that It I? built ' n established ajitl approved prinrlpU-s, ' H A. flHKl*!l*_l'ti __ CO. 1*1 %%,?*,. OK,' _> ?. A.c. TO l'i-.NT. A HANl'.SiiMK, NRW Mi \V t'PRIOHT PIANO. Terms rw PIANO," in care Dispatch. ! It" OMA-tOTD 1833. The Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Compan OF RICHMOND, VA. Assets.$696,5*0 ? sMBaaaoaB-aBMOBBBB-i Orders for printing sent to the Ois? I W* H* PALMER? PTCSldCOt? at?h Company will be given prompt at? STS "-? ?l?*-***" "~ w- H-M'CARTHY.Secret? de ?t-lt? ?1 AS'lltS. m DOWN GO PRICES! All the Suitings That Were $18, and Many That Were ? $20 and $22, Go Now at One Price. SUIT TO ORDER, $15. i Our $15 Suitings always were, and always will be, the fl cheapest line of goods in America. Tremendous sales had f) broken our assortment. Wo scoured the market for fresh ? goods, but could not find what we wanted. This special ? line could not suffer, therefore we have filled it up from fl our $18, $20, and $22 Suitings?a better assortment and f) better qualities than we put on show at the beginning of the season. i SUIT TO ORDER, $15. Morton C. Stout & Co., Tailors, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. NEW 'PHOIME 14-55.