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rr#^ *-**.*.* ? **&^ THE : NAME '. OF *. ?MILLER '. & -, %HOADS *. 15 '. ALWAYS '. A : GUARANTEE : OF '. RELIABLE : (?UALITY._ - } ? y Kov8???_s?To-morrow, Monday, December 5,1898. _ ?.-> - _-.?___* PI-RLING SILVER Novelties, plated and solid Gold and Silver Jewelry, pretty and substantial Leather G?x>ds, Fancy and Standard Perfumes and Toilet Articles, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons and Laces, China, Cut Glass, Bnc a-Brac, Toys, Games and Dulls, Pure Plain Candies, Fine Chocolates, &e. It is difficult to particularize any thing for advertisement in stocks so uniformly complete and excellent as our Fancy, Goods and Novelty Departments, it goes without saying that everything here is good ^d thoroughly reliable, and our prices are the. lowest. We have made preparations for a big business and our assortments and prices justify us in the belief that We ShaSI Have a B?? Season for Xmas 1898. _. _____ . __ __ C_ __....-I - 1 C_ ,1,. T_ ._ ms.n-.rt, v?' ?-if* A Great Sale of Fine Tailored Suits, Jackets, Capes and Pups Many Lile arrivait, and some fine sample Suits and Jackets not here tofore shown, and far below regu lar prices. These garments bear the marl, of the best Ladies' Tai lors in the country, and good wear and a perfect lit is assured. ? * l*?**; inlty lu Blue ?if? u bes fur I ton Coal ?fronts, in affect; our $15. ? lt.v t Pitting tS, fly ' dlty for K ' Suit Tl | ?I? you, no ?sale; they an- actually worth $20.<H) ?your tli? I kit. <'i?.*''. Jack? ets. 1" - with ' ?at Jiu.oo, for > V* ' vrn ? ? ? . Silk Petticoats, Taf io sell PP I iffeta, . u ?i t .!'; for $6.93. i Flounce ., good . s ?..'.O, for ,: Purs. Fine quality, Electric Beal Collarett, Satin Lined, i for ; ?4-58. ; Choice ; Marten ? Collarett, ? fancy silk lined, Si5 quality, ', for $13*50* : n, xl ?Collarettes, . ? qual- ? Arfr Department. .?-ize, ? '. ?sboloe ?patterns; ? I :..-. nletty fin- ? , with cord all ? ? y for ?Mo? * -esta, ruf- ?. ..for Sa t \ duality ?foi , red Head- ?] k ?ruffle; ?bargain at J y Trimm???! Fin Cushions, i ?? t? < I . ?l?y lor the. ; lality for ility for $ :'i ln?:li; $: for O ' ? lain TODS, strictly put? ' i . : .in ut USc, ( 1 \- Ottoman Kllk -Cushion . . : a; $1_? quality for * ; Penlm StampM ( ;?.?, large elze; 2Jc. quai- , ? Fancy l'rint?-a Penlm Cushion ? on; mmkX quality for ? plannel Waists. flannel f-'hirt Waists, D.?-. - . StSSS; worth J1..J0 f?p<?!i' off??r1n?f Fancy ", for $1.1?8. Fin? A' lannel Waint?., : colore? ?brelded front; worth I Black Mohair Waists, bina l front; worth $3.70, for $2.9S. Ish Polka Dot thront Waluts; veil ' > All-Wool Black Frisas, front, strapped a uns, dar, I sleeves; worth 9U.00, for S12.00. > A V? fut Llghf Tan K ? very swell; *$l-.7_ quality for Jl ? _L \ to.i Fin. Kersey, in mode she l< , ?- front. reifet collar; ?.heap at , HlOO?your chi.i ?i [ Capes. ? BxceUent line of Clotb ?Copes, dr* T , I 1 , mad? to r, -ail lor $?;.ai?special j ll.l'o. ? All-Wool Ksrsey Chpss, H Inches ? lone marten fur trimmed; worth ' .IO.Oj, toy UM, > Black'Bonde Circular fane, thlbe| ' fur trimmed. Anlsbed ?sloth [ Cerise SStgS lined; JS.OO value for ?5.4V ? '?m? v Braided and Plain Plush Cil??-, ezceSent quality, Cur trimmed; ?? v? r sold less than 17.80, your < I i-'ine ?Ok Plush, fnW sweep, thlbet trimmed?; lift.00 value for U.M. I ? ? ' ! In our Cape t 1er before sueb off, r. 1 . fllOO Plush ?'?i" B tor i''.:".. , r II? eO S O * e U U e mm-mm-m-m-mmm-mm-m+j Holiday Ribbons. j Christmas-like Ribbons _rt auction-like prices. 3 1-2 end ?1-inch beery All-SSb . r..- .1 Satin Ribbon, plain or cord edge, worth Mtx, tor He, yard 3 1-2-lnrh. All-Silk. Plain Taffeta Ribbon in White, Black and all col ors, worth 1-inch run? Silk, Fancy Striped and Plaid Ribbon, good combina? . oortb Be., for i-'Jc. yard. N ?. -0, full 31-2-inch Fancy Satin Striped Black OauSB Ribbon, All Silk, worth Be., for lie. yard. New Polka-Dot Taffeta Ribbon 4 1-2 inches wide, All-Silk, new col ors, worth 8.C., for 2-.c. jafd. 5-inch heavy All-Silk Baf ? Saab Ribbon, ? very color, worth Kc, for : ? yard. 'Jan. ta Neek-Tl? Ribbon in Fields and Stripes, stjdlsb combinations, worth 15c., for 1"? . . 6-ihch, All-Silk Plata Taffeta Sash Ribbon, good quolity, all co-lors, worth Be, for lia yard. ; Laces. ? An odd leSSOn, but ODD I PRICES, as well. ! White Si:k Lace, 2 and 3 Inches wi I", ?forth Jc, for _e. yard. About 1*9 different patterns of , French Vals., nlcs quality, worth Mo, tot lie. a : WhltS Silk Lace, from 1 1-2 to 4 aids, beautiful patterns, wor.h 12 l-2c. for I.e. yard. Fine Platt Val., all widths and newest patterns, worin ITe. for Sc yard. * Pises Val?, about 12 patterns, a very ?ino quality, worth 4.c. for _T,c. apiece. Fino White Silk I_ace, neat pat terns, iiom 3 to 5 lnch?e_i wide; worth 17c. for X Freiich Vals., "._ to 1 Inch in width. a ni? o assortmeot; Worth -__., for &!> . a i?i? co, White Silk Lace, very fine quality, new designs, all widths; worth 3.c, for Sa yard. Umbrellas. Ladles"1 W-teeh Union Taffeta 611k Umbrellas; 11.5. quality for ,1.25. Lodl? ? .-'-hih Union Taffeta, silk ,.:-,*, Prin cesa baadlss; l?argains at 12.2-, for H.H. J.adles' Plain Black Rubber Mourning Han dles, an extra good q u a Uty Taffeta, for P.M. Indies' an?_ Gentle iii.n'a .?.-inch Silk Warp Otarla; worth |i w, for <;-nUeme-n's Fine Taf feta Bilk, sterling mountings; worth JS.T5, for J29S. Gentlemen's Taffeta Silk, '.-inch, ivory sterling-mounted handles; |7.00 quality for 111?-. Handkerchiefs? Prices that intimate im mense selling. . ?Children's aim , neat ?colored borders, worth |Ac . 5c. i.-.-i:. ?Purs Linen Her I Handkerchl? is width boi d? t /? ??ly fini ? \2 1 J< .. ? ? red 1 ' hool * lefs, ?oolors, u , I ?Beautiful n?-?w lin?^ ?Scolloped Bin- t 6 oui h? m- tltcbed Flee II I variety ??i ?patterns, worth , ?r IOC. * ?She? p M tslin Handkerchiefs, * Intlly i'n i \ trot, ?all .. ' i literas, sroi h , U-Llnen, Hemstitched BtabTotd? * ercl ! ; I worth ISC, f??r 1? |?Jc. I Pure ?Linen, Finely EmbroM liar: 111 llnty n? a) | I worth : VVsry ?Sheer Muslin Handkerrn > with ?ruffle of ?Sne footing, ? II >.., f ir tic Women's Underwear. A dally ?growing basinesa?? and the is good, reliable \ Underwent, | y RIW I Vest I and ?I pants, Ue, each, ) Ladles' Entra ? Heavy Rl ! ?and F - n. { white, ; : f ?and ecru; ? La?-]- ' l HJii ; Woo] end Penh , In gn y ?and white; i .? ii. i. ties' Natural \\'.?oi Non??Bh?ink? tutr Vests ?and ?Pan! each. T..-!.:. y Ribbed H ilf tPeol Vi U an i J'.tnt -, i.i ?g* y ant i * AH?Wool v? ?its end . ; Lad) ' ?plain Whits Persian Wool Vests .i-iii Pants; ea? b, ? I V -'s and Pants; Pt baling Values } that dignify the word "bar- ? gain." Such ?Lining values sounds jnystcrious, but a house I doting business enables us to ? put yard* of Percalines j and Silesias on sale tor Won- t, day at less than manufacture cost. |_ Crinoline, b!aek ami gtOJi HOW Ic. Sc. Canvass, in black only; t? price .! ins, light, medium and ?dark , grey; only 5c. I i vira heavy, snly in . black; special u\ : ??, 8c. . la, 36-lnch??3 wi?le; cut t price, ? 7-s.-. I 10c. Percalln* s, M a lia, A greys and I . Silesia, M-lnohSS; cut I .' 7-?-?'. 4 ?-' If r ; k ?Sill ' I, 3C-lnch?as t ? -ut price, 9 S-4c. ?*__ Fancy St* I ' ':, 3C k in? b? s v. ido; cut pri ?-. : :' L>eather Goods. More poods, more variety, more satisfaction. Black Seal Combination Caaes, <> nicely lined, with ni'krl rim and f clasp; worth _>c, f??r tjr. i ?Combination Cases, in ?-) ?alligator, ?seal, monk? y -ind levant leather; worth 12c, for 2la. ' Genuine Peal C-on?Ma?tfcm Cares *) (black only), neat tlm; worth 75c, for W)c. I A complete. ?assOltSSSnl of AU- t I.eiather Combinuion Onset, in all 7 tho latest COkXS and shapes; worth I 75c. and 80c. for 50c. I An ele-frant line of Genuine Leather Pur-?<?H, Combination ?Ceses. Curt Csses. floats* Purges, Bill nn?l N.:e ?Books, in the ?latest ?hades ?an I - cviry !?ty!e leather; prices ?ranging from 7."?c. to ??.I'S. ?QentS1 All-U-ather Card Cases, in French ?'alf-i-kin and S?-al, Kid-lined, neat size, worth f 1.19. fer Me, Meiliim size. Seal Chatelaine linRs with black enameled rim an.! leather ?trap, ?suitable fot mourning war, worth &0c., for I.e. ? Gents' Collar and Cuff Ilox. ?Mack seal, nicely lined, ?with oxljiz. .1 t comparurent fOf collar and cuff buttons, worth f 1.45, for I Gents' Traviaii;? Caso, brown alii gator, fltt-sd with good hair, brush * and comb, tooth and nail brush. i?a? and mirror, a very useful gift, worth 11.98. for UM, Black Beather Wrltinj- Tsblete, nicely lined and "finished, ?tnvoiopo and paper oornpartment, also metal ink well; worth J1.1S, for 7 FineS?k Waisls ? we've ever inaugurated. This J lot represents a inanut'actur- | erer s sample line which we ? bought as models for o ;r To- ? Order Department. Prices at? about cost o?'the silk?, I Silk Waists, Mohair Waists. 1 Wool Waists, j I lot tweol k Taffeta Pan? ? Plain and Changeable Pe? I led sod ! I Front, I 'I and M; man- , J- <ju and i roar pi? k for U 9, Another -, of i'i tin Batta, j all shades, tucked front; a Byer at , ir choice, $r?.is. , Silver Novelties. Lmtgtt varie'y, heavier goods, uninateliable pi ices, backed by reputation. B i? ii Item : - ?-: "> Una Too eaa a dsscriptl' r or ?: wi,i be msll? I to you up,.n r?- eipt of a ?postal C ltd. . ?rtth Nib . tor lie. i.? ! Stirling top, nea-. i si Puff Jars, |arts sise, s It ?p, ? ni- ty of pa?eras, . I Whisk-Brooms, BUh Btlf wiili heavy BtO I ? lie of B beaut! , : Ivory, heavy Sterling Backs, good worth |1.M, for I Us -ta-bteldsry poll ,.iv Vlo . r 4'C. Children's or Ladies' beevy Bterl in?, plain or rhSBSd. worth 2',,'., tor lie. |-lncb Btsrllng Olove Hook, new i i Tooth-Brash an.i , .-.; r .?' ira, o its , m s!, . 1 !' -i'-' Hi ivy Sterling || If | -vely . ruh : . worth {?..'., for I Qenulns Cot-Glees Vlnalgri i with Bt? liii-tr R|m and Top, Ch?telain?- Hint*, worth Mo , I t Fancy Qlasa ICndlsge Qottlss ottb ] indis Brush a id I ?p. worth He, f"r 4Cc , h | Ola, i Ink-Wetlo with ' ' ?1 R? A Leaf pattern, ! worth wc, for -i Sterling Pens with Tiain or Carv- ? ad Pearl handlet, worth ;*,, ., for Ne, ' Bterttag BUver Bouvealr Bpoon, ! Gol i Bowl, new shape, engraved i "l'A.-hinond. Va," oerth .Oc., tur 2_c. Lace Curtains. Hand somest line, Isrgt assort ment to se- \ lect ; from, ' many \ choice ' pat- ? terns, worth 53.50 pair, for j $2.25 and $2,50. ? Bargain?full M yards long, In , White an?l Ecru, very neat patterns; l worth I-.00 per pair, for J-..?). ' Handsome Une of Irish Point, Ex- , quislto Designs; actuaJ worth 18.00 ? per pair, for $_._0. 1 Beautiful Une, handsome designa \ lri.?-h Point, in White and Ecru; , 115.00 value for flO.OO. ? Holiday ?Jewelry- ; Jewelers' items, Department | Store prices? YOU know the T difTerence. I - BthPOV Sad Cold Platel m Ci" Pins, a variety of patterns, wo? ?h Bo . ?for ?Isa ?safer. * ?Black silk Watch Guards with * Sterling ?Silver Turtle slides, w??rth * Ha, tot * Gold I'lat???' and fiterlinsr Silver I Broochea the rnry ?newest designs, ?. worth PC, tor 2.">c Gilr and silver Hat Pins, turtles I and other fancy set tops, worth 17c I m Pia in ?and Carved Cold ?Plated J all sizes, worth -ISc, for So. ! . ?Tille?. ?Mags, a variety of ! ?styles w??rth Pc, tor %\c 7 Solid <i'?id Set EUngS, any size and I ?it?li'-nt of settings, worth I 9c, for D?X?. ?i ?Sterling ?Silver Dumb-bell Cuff] SS, p'ain and fancy ends, worth lie, ?for Ita pair. Wnnny Stick Pina P?rettjr deeigna, f,' ?golf ?Sons ?and whips in i?ri?*ht ?and Roman ?gold, worth 19c, for |Sc. Fancy Qart?srS, all colors of good silk elsatlc, with buckles and ?boars, worth Re., for Men's Furnishings A more than ordinary sale here to-morrow. ?flood Cu?!? rwear?perfect fitfrlnir t ?Shirts (White and fancy), correct f .ii- ?and ciliar.-;, ?Hen's White Iteren? Shirt? ami I Drawers, a regular ?Ha value, &c. i i. ti. " |f?sn'l Jbrssy RI1?'??d Shirts and ?Drae - in cream, bine and dark , tan, ?Me, ?snob. a'l WhltO Wool* ?fhtrtl and Drawers, a (?rood value at 41.23. to g-> at MM i ?? h. ?Hen's Natural Wool, ?Elastic seam Norfolk and Newteunnwtek make, sp? ci.ii, ma, Men.?? Colored ?Madras sad Percale Shirts In plaids, check*, ?tralsht and * ?. : m ?stripes with de?tached cuffs at ? I Men's Percale Shirts, open back t ana rront, with detached eutfa, ?spa? ' d i., Un. ' Men's white shirts, with ?solored | b n -m. ??? tad i cuffs, a regular n.oo value, to so at 75c. Men's Colored Shirt-?, with ?'.??tach- ? e?l cufts, a fcood value at ?9a, fpe- , cial, Ma Neckwear. The ?newest ?shapes end nades in J Fail Keck? r ln?hsada, tec-ks I an I pull ? Pail N?Kkw< xr, i regular ?Ma val- -j ue, In f??ur-in-haii?l, teeka puffs j ind band bows t?? go at So Kid Gloves. We are head- j quarters tor fine i Kid Gioves. Only j ieliahle brands 1 lind space in this t department;! hence our success ] in the Glove \ trade. We are * now p repared ] with h full line { foi the ?holiday J trade, embracing; the well- j known brands. \ P? ?rln's Lclasp Fir.?? French Ki.l, perfoot-flttlBg, 41. P, ?Our d K"J 'I Kid. we re commend for fit sad ?rurihillty, $1,25, ?Our Celeb-ret ?J role, Alexander : 111 line Oi Mocha (.. -? > t, il.00. j Children's Kid Gloves, In all p-op- ! alar : h ules and ?fastenings-? price ] Ha and Jl.CO. ] Linen Specials. When you start out to buy " Linens, what is it you most ?? desire? Isn't it the very best J quality and prettiest designs j for the very lowest price? * That is just the kind we keep. J Here are a few of the good j things at special prices: Crash, all lli.en, 17 Inches wide, J worth 7c, now ic , Glass Trash, reJ and blue borders, j worth 10c, oiny I 1-Cc. Doylies, red and blue borders, all 4 linen, Wurth ?5?:., now ?jOo. i Turkey Red Towels, 2 1-2 yards I Ion?*, worth tl.iX'. only |75.?. * Dinner Xapkina. German linen, 20* inch, worth 11 25, for 11.00 Irish Damask, tine bleached, M yard? wide, worth 59c, now 50c. Hemstitched Doylies, fringed, ? worth 12.0?. special. II.t?"}. , Hemstitched Napkins. 23 inch, ? worth 12.50, special. 12.9S. I Damask, colors creen and red, red T and blue and stiver and green. ? worth 45c, cut price, 35c ? mmm __?H_.*__. _.. -_._..-. m? ..._.-_. _ J_?|| ^, Dress Goods | kMuf^^ .And Si,ks _?r^??_ i at^-^^Fir^ Positively the Greatest Val- I %3QS^^,^'^_5hw??'i U("(''v'n*-r?* *--ie se?iso'1- Tins j ?yfrslffr^^ _r_r -s 'at0 buyers' chance tor mon- T l?K'?-A?^^ v' \\t' ey sav?n^r* Black and White V ^3_Mrf n^l^ Striped Taffetas, Black (iros- f A-r1^'?-!*?-^^ Grain, Satin Duchess, &c. ? Ttla.-k sad Whit? Striped Taffetas.?! (route's with narroo obits j strip???, all silk; per yard, .Do. ' Black Or,? Grain and Safin Puch- ] ssse, i. tnqbss Bride; per yard. Ils. j Black S.iiln Duche.?-e. l'eau ?le Suie, j ?. and Oros Qrala; per reed, " <-. , Black T.-itTeta, QtOO Orain. Satin ? DuCbSSSS, Paon 'Je Scie, and Armure; * per yard, .i.uo. Cbaagaabls TBftetas, II lachte wido ? and au-sllk? ix.t yard, ' Colored Botlaa, if> inches wide, with , very high h-BtSff, i r yar?l. , Plate, Btrfped and Plaid Taffetas; ? at per yard, "r,c. Putas Dot Taffetas, Hanlaniai Plaids, , stripes and Brooadss1 p?r yard, ti.oo. . Black Dress Good? ria.-k Crepona i-i bandsoms designs; ' at per yar?i, Cl?,-., Do, SOd UM, Ifohslr Cr?pons, 42 Inchc-s wide, with I rich, high luster; p t yard, ?, ' ' Mack French Poplin, Imperial and ' Storm Serges, Henriettas, Cheviots, ' WblpoordS, Plata and DrooadSd Mo hairs; per y.nii, too. -_ ? ? m m-m-m-m-m-m~m-m ?* * ?' New Ycilin^s. Black and Colored Fish-Net Veil ing, with chenlell- dots; worth 2_c, for -9c. yard. All-S?k Net Veiling, with in a variety of meches; worth ?'Je., for . ?.rd. Wide, White Sewing Silk Veiling, with blaeh oovan dot ami t-utiu striped border, worth __c., for 23c. ri.iiYon Vellin?--. with fancy satin Stripe?! border, ?ill co!,?rs; worth 33c. and Va, tor '_.".?-. yard. V. rjf Fine Chiffon Veiling, with new woven silk or chenielle dot, all colors. Including new shads of gray; w?r h "A'c, for 39c. yard. Heavy All-Silk Fish-Net Veiling. with OOTSn silk dot, :. OSSl mesh; worth i.e., fvr He. paid. Vt TV New pi:r>i Silk Fish-Net Veiling, with le-,ivy ebsnlstls dot; worth tLM, tor Tie. raid. Black Armures, Henriettas, Storm . Fancy Btrtpes and llrocadee; per yard. p.l.i, k ?ObevtOt, Storm Serre. Im? perla) Berge and Wool ?B?rooadss? per ja r?l. ?M: All-Wool Flannel Suitings and Fi?nh ri?'rge_; per yan?, 25c. Btsek ?Senas! ipo?, 3< lashas wide; , per yard, is-. Colored Dress Goods. All-Wool ChOefcS, 32 Inches wide, , regulas ?Sa value; at, ?per yard, 19c 1 Plaid Drew? Gonds in a large as ' s?>rtiii?-nt of pat tarns; at. per yard, , ?UM*-?. M?, Me , Uts. and 75c. ? English ?Cbeoked Buttlnga i>2 inches wool and heavy weight, auit t??r Hl-ycile Suits and Tallor ? H ul?: ?Qowas; at, ?psg yard, -51c ?anal Suitings, Covert Clothe ', and Mat**lJS!-,a KiWeUISS' at. -per yard, , ??a ? French Poplins. Ohovlots and Covert ? Cloths; at. ?per yard. 86c. ? Corks?-?-,-'.v S iltliiKs and Two-tone ?TlOtS; at, per yard, 11.00. t t | Xmas Sale, of I Evening Fahs. I A most acceptable <;ift is a f nice fan. Our line is better [ than ever. I Very ?mtty Silk Fans, l'?nd ? Feinted, with nicely -finished ath-ks, ' ? ?. enlng .?had?.. ; \> ri h i??.. I ? ' ?China Bilk Pans, dowered, with \ ?gilded itldts end n?sat h?.?n!ton luce , ?sdgS?, White, In-ht Line. pink, and ? black; worth ??O?-., fur 3*.?c | !? i.iitiful Silk Qaane Funs. Hand ? Painted Flowers. gll?l?d sticks, in ? all ?evening shades; worth ?VJc, for ? t/ie. \ While Silk OstlSO Fans, daln'lly , Bowered, Bnlsbed with honitoa lace ? odga ehameU'd ?Sticks? v-.?nth 98c, f i r ?oc. H ,n i-Palnte.? Silk Gauze Finpire Fins, With c ai ved ivory stick?. In pink, light blue, and white; -worth ?ffC., for ?Dainty Wl I ?Ulk Gaur* Fans, with ?oaraed Ivory ?sticks; worth II.2D, for 7)C The B?? Basement Is \ Now In Holiday Attire ] Beautiful China, Biic-a-Brac, Cut-Glass, and \ Novelties. Interesting Dolls, Toy ?ft* Games, etc. Sub- \ stantial bargains in Dinner and Tea Sets, odd pieces of ] China, etc. _ China and Bric-a-Brac. 1 l??t ?if Dinner S?-' I Of PM sssorted I ind oeo*? , '. i . any $11 .'.', SP at $lv i i??t of tin,? [nported China, soaatsts of Chocolats ?Pots, Tsa Pota Cosab snd Brush Trays, Crache.? Jars and Bated Howls, choice 69c. each. Imported Ornaments wlt'c rich do oorattans, 10 inches blph ut UM saeh. Large Bohemian Vase? with hand some ??lit trimmings at _?<-. BISOJOS Figures, H-irich Mgfe of best quality Hi, quo at $1.5?) each. Pr, tty BISOJOS ornaments at lDc. and ich. Handsome China Lamps of newest rations with Roches ter Burner, oniy UM worth $5.00. Large China Lamp with large globe to match and prettily decorate at UM. China Lamps In rieh colors and de corations, large globo and best burn- , ers at $5 79. richly worth .0. 1 lot of Jardineros with beautiful ' d*-?-oratlons and gold stippled, a $3 J vahas for $1.98 i ? Sale of Pure Candles. 'late Shell Walnuts 25c. pound, j Pine Loodoa chocolat? Besstsi Pe*-?j nuts Me. pound. ?j London Chocolate, Spanlah ?onga, j 25c. I Fine i-eerl**_a ?ongas, sssorted, 2Sc. J Assorted Chocolates __c. p?r box. 2 Chocolate Manna, 25c. ? Orar?".?- Ji > He. IM ? 1",e. ' Sniiw i-i.ik,- March Mallows I5c. ? )to , ?TOPS assorted 15c. ! .,-. Almond i Chooolots Ice i'r.-ain Risses l?e. i Assort,-?! BOO?! - ! Fin.? Fr? nch Crean Mixture, 10c. , pound. ' rsppsr Mint and Lemon-Met loe. ' pound. Peanut and Cocoanut Brittle. _< _. j Holiday Goods. i.'-ither Fitii'h Haodheeehlef ani OloTS b.)xe_, (,'o.d gilded ?.rm.-ra, spe? \ cliii price 2-c I'.-llulold work, bos oll h Mirror, handsomely painted and Ailed af [ Fine Smoking 8e,? in Cherry and , new shade of ?.Jreen with Ttierinoiuo ! tet. price $1 ?50. 1 Large Book wi-h Card B'-ard bach 1 Illustrated, live styles to eeloct fr,.ru | 10c. i BbIIMs and Police Suits, worth $1.00 1 hers for 1 lot of cut out relief picture? In , box containing ?0 different style* all handsomely flnlsh?_d, w?,uld be cheap 1 at 50c; specl.-il prie? Large toy trunk 50c. and 7*Jc, 1 Large size drum ISc. 23c, un to $1.1.. 1 lot of Kid? and Jointed Dolls; Me. 1 lot of Ureas?.- Bisque Dolls; spec, lal pri?.e, 2.c Large Book, with card-board back full of illustrations; at 5a ,i.???.??.n? ? ? MILLER & RHOADS, "The Always-Busy St?re," Broad Near Fifth St. i 4 * T M^XMmmmuiMmmm4?mLmmUf M\ "***^ X __ __.^^^_^^_.^?t_^^--fV^E-_ -_-^_r_^-___^^a^^^2*__?J*>?