Newspaper Page Text
__THE RICHMOND PISPATCH--STJNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1898._ _ a. rni!ll,l,IN(i ASCENT. mm ,1*M.V ?OVWI'l M lAmt Tilt". TOBY 99 9tJ9 BSB1WB TRIP. F.VES MILES FROM EARTH'S SURFICE ? , ,,??i??ni??? Pleel i-"*1? ? *? * ?""?* of ,.,, i lii?i>?. a??d II"" ne??nmr In ?.H..-.1 liy SaefSlOB I??*"* _ . ? ' - - ?. , ,:, : ? ' in " t i for th to f nr, wh (iftl from tho \ - ! i i .it I". - 1 . Mf - V.-Sth :i I i the later? , think | I : ? rlly tor, ?*<* I - witl , . . ? ., th. world-texooas Lssglisti am*iaut, who mci-nded seSW su?vc the cum?, tho greatest height Wtt reiiC'lied._ readings of snerold i> -renie oendUtena of the ,.-. of ??wn? i>ni??*!i?; - I, -ii-l al el?.-' tter? i " I ' - f Iru? 1 - ; ' ! - .\fr. J'j.iib i", ' lu-ley, ?ir J. Berseluri, L*r. ? *-jw. i?r. i?-*???, jir. sv. A. at mer, l?r. ?.- . t. ?ir. Jaint? Glat?h ?'. ? ,?r T*. nilal. ih? thir?! and ?culminating exploration ?H th?? ?V.IO Vhleh I Will Tlr-.v .1? ?ill?. ?th extracts from Mr. ?-lelshefi r??>?>M "We left the earth m l hour S mlnut,?.-? M.? the temperature of thy nir was <- *, nnd that of th?*. dew point BO the height of 5,1 ? feet the mperaturc f^ii to PJ6 degrees, the dew ?int being th.? ?rune, this Indicating that S air h??re mn-i naterated with mole r?. At (hit*, elevation the report of a ird. "We the bslght of two miles . wl re the skjr was ' ' . ?and ?Sb BOS tho ?.-artli ' : ?tonal J?at. h.-a 1k ihe clouds. Tba teiaperature had fn ? itng point ?and the < ? - ?tut to 2? ,* ,-?,? height Of three wes (?ttaine.i ?at i ?Sour 9 minut?e, temperature of ami u*w ; ram 1 hour B mln the w? t bulb meter r. -?a ?m<*orre__*r, tbs los nal f.'i-ined on It. h- i the elevation dl four miles hour -in minutes; the temperatura " : m paint mhri || ' low the 1" : g I ind v. . ?'?l.-ii Itude of ?five milca ' ? itui d ?below i read minus I . i? ni taben obesws> i I irt, wbllsl Mr. ?Coxwell, ace of tb ?xwrttons he had ?tb ?! with diffleuKy lor Having dl .s-in.1 w*??? i still higher; the ..?-pira tur b* to work, il else ?und My ut i - ?minutes! The ;ai.,;.?? :.?r read X? ?biches about 1 hOUr 12 minutes, ?i / halb tb-srsnemeiar ' * mm Afi.-r this I could I m.r.iity in ?the p nor tie- bande si I on any . however, of ?the rotai > ? . ?the valve line bed '. and ?be ?had t>? ?leave tb<* ?ring t?? ?adjust i ? ?i i?t the huremeter, ?and ?und H M ?Aches, ?still Implying a height ?eg? . . niy after I ?laid i of its but, on ?being desirous of eslng . i loua? it pow?srleee it ?must have r momentarily; try-in!-; to us*? i found it nselees, nis<>. .- . ?and see med to have no limit?. baro-meter my ii??.-?.?i f< n ,?r mj lefl shoulder; I struggled, und niy ?gala, btn could-not move log my ?head aprlShl for ? ' lOUl? er; th? n it beoh root? ?the Bds <>f ?the car, and my r- . ?"?Od . Mr. Coxwell in tin- liny, i dimly saw ? I not. Ii irk? ? wet, but i l?ous present this. 1 thought and be :..?l!:i??.' ?01 . th would come, uni? dlly ?, nt>er? . -> un? i?. made at i i .' and i knew I , | -, : '. 1 then h? :iy. but i ?. ?try nocf, do.* Then the In dimly visible, ?then Mr i v.-ry ?shortly I iw clearly. ?;.i look? ?i around, iking fr? : . ?to MS I bli ' He ?sild: "You have, r up and ob ...all told me . t his bands, v: . I . and 1 poured brandy ??ver icm. -1 reeum? ?l observations at 2 hears 7 baromi t< r iture minus 2 H in probable thai four . ,i ?from the time of my h? sr ? . t iture" end 'obsi r \ n to obsen r< lurn ? .une at 2 hours 4 min? nd this Kiv. s 7 minutes for ?total I nity. }.];-. ? told rne that while in the ing he felt it piercingly ?told; ?thai hoar ii,-wit was ail ?round the necb "f the t Itiuii, and that ou at:?.nipun< t^- lea the rtiif; he found lila hands fresen, i ha? . therefore, to placo hin ?ruis on ti -, .?lop down. When be .hi for a moroQnt that l hul la reel my*"?-!*?; he wie-heit to a; me, but could not, snd When ! .: llity < omlng tvr?i Mm be t IS to upon the valve. liu 1 h :\ lui; I??.-, tbe U- . bit ban ' : not <io this, ultimate] reeded by SStS-OB la, cord -wit i dipping his ii? two o ?t-ii the baltoroa t,,ok a <3< Id? ?I iurn downwards. We ?i? in itr- ' ,,i, ? fold Vtt ita fr<.,:a Ludio?-.-. I laid that my ' mad?- at a height of 29,00 i-. ":.?? I brOaf M il,.nui? s - ?it the rato?of LO ''? t, i end whsa i i '_?ini'-.i obeer - l;tg at the r.u? - l>er luimi! ? two pool? t.ikiiiti Int?) se lbe lui.iviii of tun- botween mv S minutes, and, ?n these eonai-ereti ? must hfi\ 1 f. nt, the 1 riu?-? biid editorially "Thi o i -'1 voyage Just ; ' Il lod M i- <'l.Msh to rnnk with the greatest f?*at ??izer?, d?i?ctyv?-r?>ra, aud .raveil?i_." IS. ULLMAN'S SON, HEADQUARTERS FOR XMAS GOODS.:; | DOWN.TOWN STORE, .??*.,8-- Ea.t ?Main Street! n.PUUniin VI /UP-TOWN STORE, s^ East M?r.?h?ll Street. ,, | 'Phonos: Old, ,,6; New. 50,,. , H1LHKUSU. IS. | Phones, Old, ,4; New, ,4. ,, , You will find o.r prices lowest-goods of the very best quality. B?y from ?s once and yo?, will ^^^JZVil Sm.Vwa'nu'^d'in yiw order. ' ' , you can always save ?-per cent, on your purchase. You willV.nd our prices lower than ever, and we are prepared to meet your ?ants. Sena 1 ?? ,, 1 early ami often. Every article ouantnteed. _... ., ap_H9f?a_? Vf I i 1 W.*?. ) Haxn ?CnrrnTit?? .S 7 l-"rcri,?h Osady, per pounil. S * New Rnlhli*?* . ? I N'.-w Currant??. 7 New Citr?n. *M ?, Lemon and Or**ncro Peel, per ib. i* Lerge, Juicy focoanuts . "? , (VOW Mix.-d ?uta . 0 if > MONEY ORDERS MUvST ACCOMPANY ATE SHTPPINT, ORDERS. spkciai* .?rri'MLs roa \tix% i*t BLUSAS, BVTS, ?tammi:?-., Ac. New Kal?-lns .4 Si v.- B-t-etSess Raisins, per P.?.. New Currents, cleaned, per H>. irraflts, in 1-lb boxc? .-,. Large Callfornf.i T-ruims, i pousds for .m. 1 ii"*, per pound. i I. rr*- Raisins, l-ib. box. 1-pound box New Dat?e . Citron, per pound . _lix?-4l Nut? . All CrOSSS ?"-ruly, SS., 3 for... m .-?i la f?a Grapas. \. w ft -rft-.*-* h oil A31? on ?a, v r Ib. New Hhelled Aim on i-*, per ib.. New Wgs, ,i*.; ;: r?.r. New Dates, p?r pound. N>-w Lenrm Mil. per pound... X? **. na*mons,?pfr Aown. lnt-t-r-.. Rxtra-Lt-rge Mortes Oranges, per doeen . Florida Orang?e, j?> r dosen..., New < ?rang Pc-el, p? r ?pound., Quality London LAyer Rslslng. i?' ?' pound . Freeh Hade l-'i.-m-h , sbdy, I tt te'lllel .,. Mixtur?. Candy . ciYiiin, rt?- ?-?latine, i pech EhCtra Fins Rlv-ii ?.P.irxl ? tlnei, l.'irire p'-icl;iur, f . 1-pound-can RnfHsh Pluma.... 2-11?. c??n Bngitst) i'luni l-'ii?1?Tdng \ iv peoans, per povad . New Fllborts. per potin?!. New l'.-ilrn Nuts, per pound... New English Wslnuts, p?tr Ib.. sin-c-.vj < mu, package... Liirx??. .Tul? > '' ooanuts . i.nrpe Cea J'ur?- Cream . Va. Mralned Honey, p"r Ib.... Cape ,'?.?,1 C^ranbwrnee, per ?it.. DemJasted CoooSBut, per lb... lit? 1 ?r?>|, . Be., of 3 poafleJ for. i- ilifomiai*>ried *~*ea?**hes, gibe. Home-lli de Mine M? at, p*r lb, California Prune*. p?-r pound.? California NMtarlnes, per lb.. i' ?i'-rrniri Apricots, p- r 11? - Peel, -l Peaches . ; . i , re for . I pac? i Ir C for. DAKBS AMI (II \<IB-BKS. I**rt*sh Bods i', ton . . nul T iffy, r? r poun i ? : ; - j ni-v'... . . .? - i ?1! 1 . ? Cakef . . . Xroas Fruli Ninn-i Pound Cakes . . r pound.., with Iflng Graham V , und... Vanlna ?Ci r poand... -i ,. \n. Best American Giwnuteted, lh. White A -- pound. ? nt Loaf . . - . ??? 49 B~ 2,% IS i? i 11 li 88 IB Ig :u? B tot IS BS .".o i,i r. 7 30 B is BS ?? l,? ?i 11 .-. r, ii-'i io IS ISP* BS 5 B i'_?i 28 1?! Ill 111 III IT. II? g ?fPM*__a_b New Dates . S Ni W Ftes. pef ?ib., ?Sa; 3 ?Iba for 25 New ?Prunes. a ! Almonds, ?per Ib. ?tu V.'i:?.e f?ir Jelly 1?IT ?,t. IO ?'hier. 1" r ijt. 8 Rivai Gelatine, world's ?best.?.. 8 Qoo.l ObOktng Putter . lit S'fW P.-.-dles^ l?alsln-* . 7 F F. F.D. ?Oata per bushel . SS ahipiMutr. i???r hm nrands. "'? Bromnt*tutt, pet Iw pounds. ~~> Corn, per bushel . -** Meat, i?? r bushel . -.? Timothy, p> r 188 pounds. "?< Peni, pet ?bushel...? 4M Fisn. vv? ?-gulMllf ?barrels North Ca r?-?Ui,.i Roe Herrings, on?? hulf barrel .t'A Si h in l-j.?.un.l brick-?. n American UardlneB, quartern... .'t Am? ri - ' Ines, halve?. (J - ] -. quartiers... i?? i and Musi ?r?! Sardines?, halves . Imported ?SardhMe, hai? it '.t Hard In lien? * nor '- "? New N. C. ?Cut Hertings, bur.. 4 7." ?Dutch Herrings, i? r k<ii . BB Dutch Herrings, each.. -'i Sal; ?salmon, ?per p??und. s 3 for . ?SB F\ a, i?? r dosen . IS X. ('. Cllpp-fd H??rriniis. p'r do/.. I'? X. C Inge . 18 Rmoaktsd Bloaters, ?per dozen.. i*< Bcoteh Herrings, ?per ?bos . t8 : No. i Mackerel . r. ? : .] Salmon. p.?r can, 8a, / ? ot n for . M New Ma ?"k ere!, ?per Co-/.en . I." i Lobsti ?rs . -? I Mm k. 1. ?per can. JO Plat O.m Salmon . ."? OOVVV.V.A. Jap Prand ?Roasted ?'offee, 1 I'liin?! imSsge . if* i:i?. . to n R?io . 18 : Ore?*] Laguyra, best . 18 ? i G J -va . I."? M ? "ha. M Fconomy Roasted, i li?. ?papers. 7 I ! Mexican . 1"? .isavs i] Roasted ?Lagueyra, i?fst . i-'j i| -.l Mocha . 'do Arbuckle's Ariose Cottea, lb... i" : : -- Ground ffoffee .-i lbs. for 88 < ',r?-?-i I ? ?i ? era ? ',,ff. e . 1?! . ?? :: ?poundi for . ?SS l.ion C iff? . !? Jeff? rson, i It?, i? ipei i, i ? '. ted t<> -t Mnm:s. '?-il? r ?n ?' ag Powder. it tor . -."? Irlsn ? ? r ?peck. 18 I ?Qood < king 1 ott? r, i" r Ib.. 12 ? it ?ter... 18 ?' Mr' ndy i h? ri? s, ?per -bottle.... Is? bottle. ?IS '; . il."? ' l'w'.i r . SB Ii - k ? . Baking Choc ?late, i?? - tks ... 8 r k? r - ? ' per l sage... 2.1 Mort? ii ?per bos. * I La nce . f. r? .) ;: . ; ? i ?. l. :t ?? .!.?r->, ti?. ,i vsith ?Pre VM . I<? SPF.riAL??. Tuirge : Htle ?Ressacs i^mon.. a ?Bottle Bssence Venilla.. ?r? Baking Chocolate, i??.r i ike... o Home?Made Minos M? it, p'r ib. "? Shredded Coeoanut . I."? Ilome-Madf? .l.-'.lv per Ib. :t Currant J.-lly f,?r font J??lly caks . 'A New Va. ?iuekwheat. ?Se., or l) A? I SHIPPING ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY RECEIVED. AL/L- ?-run i rnswoStrun GOODS. Apple I'utt'T. Virplnl ? . 8 Larg? i?' ke P.horrs- Pow.ler-? M ?i Bla? king. ?per ?bos. 8 ?Can Charri?e, ?per cen . *;' Dairy .-'alt. ?per ?bog . :> Imported Jam-?, per jar . 88 Root Beer . .1 B?-i?t Bur*ar-Cur??d Ilatns. n? Va. Club ' 'hcr????t-i. p? r i''?,"-... 1 Red Bt ii ?Lare, ?per bor; . 8 Ht ir Lye, v"-r boi . _r l-Tb.-cang Chippy P??--f. " '? mena Chipped n> tot . ?2 ?Large bags lim.?km? Tobacco. "i I. ! Tobe? . *" Tan ?Polish, r?t ?bottle . "? . a 'how ?Pickles, i??t quart. ** Sweet PI? kl? ;. j??-r Quart. IS White Banns, ?per quart . * Lima B?eans ?per ?pound . 1 car ?Uns ?Rice, ?per pound . d ?Polish, per bottle . 8 Hominy . '* Hominy Grita r- ?" ?pound . 2 Flake Hominy, per pound. '* Meal, p. r ?peck . - Pun I il'l i'i.l'T Vin.'U'ar . M Large ?Bananas, ?per dosen. 18 Black Enamel ?Stove Polish. I ?tor . "* Corn Btarch, per p i k i| . :? New Capers, per bottle . Large Olives ?bottle . 8 . ?Pippens, an?l Baldwins, ;?? ?per ?peck, or, per ?barrel, ?.s ?Starch, i" r packa-K??. 4 Celluloid starch, per package. 4 Lump Starch, ?Sa, ?>r 9 is for . 88 Va I',?nib Honey, per I!?. IS Imported ?Sauce, p?r ?gallon.... 88 Axle On ise, ?box ec, or T boxes 2.*? Ax? if indl?t9 . Cedar Buckets . J* Brooms, I string . 18 ?Scrubbing Brashes . I -. per ?gallon, ?sour. ist Hecker*-* Buckwbect, per p'go. -**? Sauerkraut, Imported, ?per ?p.. "? Blacking Broshea. to S-pouno-can Jelly . h* Cedar Bucketi . IS Cedar Tubi . :?< Washboard* . 8 Hanover .;t and t r dosen. i Black-Eyed Peas, bushel . t n> p.! ick Peas .?SB ?to **?<? i ?i i? ?i ?Chi i rt? .;. s? edless, Ib.... ISM 8 .i per pack ?re. ." Mason's Blacking, ?box . 2 Bal] Blu? . 2 ?box? i for . S s ? i?, ?per cake . 2 Chewlng-Gum, | ?sticks for. i ra ted Lyi. per i"?x. 8 M it? Ii? ?en . 'A New Virginia Buckwheat, Be. pound, or I ?pound- for. 2.*. Dry Mu itard, per ?box . "? ' ? . ?per ?pound . 4 Roil? ?' Oats, ! r p..und . :t ?Oetmeal . ? P'-H?. bu? k'l *?<> Quart m ion'! Jar till? ?l wiiii French Mustai I, jar . io Cat up. quart bottl . n> ' h, ?per ?bottl . n> Lu? le Baking ?Powder, b..x 4 T ible B lit, _'!'? ?poundi to ?sack. ?r. Fulton v? > t Cakes, ?per pack. ?i Indian Glue, p? t- bottle . ."? for Jelly, quai t. n? POUTI?*,!?. "_' i Bslxnon . _ Or.mK-e Co. ?'i- I Ht? r. ? ? . Lay i- to. listes, per lb. l-lb. peeks?? New Daten. , >i,i ?;, \. rni ra ?Cones.. in Our Prl.le Clsers, --?0 to ?> ' <.?j -? KaisiiiH. j?t-r ?pound... French Candy, fresh made. Spairhettl. i??-r ?pound . 7 pill ?Salt-water Pickles, gal... '" ?? French to- is, per n ._ l**? i't - n '". Mushrooms, i? r en? t* Split Peas . ? ?Ire.-ii Peas, i?-r quart . B New Hurley . 4 . M Macaroni, inn?., 7c. Ib., ->r 4 Iba, BS Kunim.-l Bead . -* ? Poppy >3eed . *" ? ? Hive ? ill, per half pial. B i ?live i HI, p, r i-nt . I,? oliv.? on. ?per quart . SB Celery Seed . SB Vermicelli . B Baga l-pound packages . h Nndsay, per pound . B LItnburg? r Chaeee, per pound.. i-'-? i Be ?Itser Cheese, r? r Ib.. _?i Sauerkraut, per quart . ."? Karina, per pound . 1 SUM'??. Wsflhiaa ?Powder I pack's for. r? Lars? oars Elk T??n? t Boap .... :t Royal Soap . i" 2 cakes ftlrk's American Fassl iv Boap for _ .. 9 2 r*akes [Tllman's Best Boap r?,r ,**. Casttl? Boap. half-pound cake.. B Poor Man's Labor-Saving Soap, 1-pound bars . or, " bars f.?r . M Floating Boap, per bar . B Kirk's Anierl.-an Family H,,.i|?, lo for . -ft i? line Bosp . I 1-potjiul oaks LiiAinilry E in tor . '?? Celery Toilet S<?ap. '? ,- ' <*akrs, 7 fur . M Kiteiion i-k-ap. f??r cleaaing, I (or ?*? Empress Boap . ? or, I b ,? for. '_" Tigress, U ?ake? . BS Turkish Lath Toilet Boap, l dosen cakes . i** ' Sp??cta] Bbap, ;i bars for. ." j Jefferson BoSp . I Genuine Imported Casttls B White . _ II IM'.S ?Ml 1 Hjl OBS. ru?. Catawbe Wine, per sal.. 4o !.- ? i ,'.- : win? per sal. *??? Wine for Jelly . M ? nia Sh-r-rry wine . to ? Imported Sherry - . i M ? Port Wine . *?<? per bot., Imp. BS Kv. Whisk? y . ? SS Old Lv.- Whiskey . i " n Old Uve Whiskey, t years old. '-* <m> i ?l.l Kv,- Whiski old. _ MI , Old Rye Whiskey, fi yearn old. :t ?hi Fine N. C. Corn Whiskey, n -, esrs old . ' ? in? ?Fren i> Brandy, " yesrs old... 888 I ? ?ii \ ? Apple Brandy... _ n?i iii.i French Brandy, i yeere old :i 00 N u Rngl iu'1 Rum . ?? Imported Oln .S ?h? Blai kberry Wins . IS i , kberrj Br indy, i I SS Catawbe Wine, per gai.. At* ! ire '?i. Pea? 1? Brandy, gal.. - ?mi <",.,. ,1 Holland Hin . I ."u I : !--r. p r gallon . SB II \ Cl) TBAB. ? ?Fine Me. Tes for . i;?.?l tOc, Tea for . -"? Choice . MB New Mixe?! Nut?, per pound.... w 4 J? ily for y??\ir ?sake per lb. 8 t, Putter, Poultry 4 alwayi* on hand. J New ?ngs. ?Sa; ? lbs. for. 88 S Wltie for Jelly, per quart. tu J ?Julek "tervlc! -we run ten De- ] ii\?ry Wawsna ? -TRITE DIRFGif IONS PLAINLY TKAS. I i I I hint . <:.I T- ?. m \ d . rior . SB Huti.ow?!? r. ?fin? . '*_' v. ?i<T. ?good . _9 OunpomA i Uiiy . SB g, ??r i laek, beat. 70 ?Oolong, or Black, superior. ho O.ilo-m*. or Black, tin.? . _? Outonn. or Black, hotce . 85 Engltsti Breakfaet, beet . ?j Kngttub Hreakfast. choice . no -i. K'1"?! . 25 choic?? . BB ' ?basket flr,v?l . A4* Gunpowder, ?> ?i . lb rim it. ?Snow?f__te ?Patent Family ... 4 oo silv? r Kin* P?tent Family .... ? .'?? Rye ?Ptoar . >? ?M? Tl V Jrf?i teen .?-?pi I ?Flour, ?an'i be ?beat, per ?bar. * rt\ It?.?? ?Ptoar, ?per pouu?l . __\ ?Baow?Fteke ?Family, ?par ib.... 24 Silver Ktmf. Patent Family, lb. 3 to Klour, ?per p??und . 2'4 ?bag . 27 81 ?. i ki . p? r ?bog . 25 Family Flour, per ?bag . ?ill ( t\\? I> ?.?HUI*?. Thistle Toi . 8 {--pound-can Tomatoes . T Table Pechen . M Early June P . I yinest -Sugar ?'"in. ?per een. ?J Can A?."ini;ii? . 25 String Beam . ?? Condensed Milk, l'? in Brand.? T Condense Milk, iUbal Brand?. * 1 ipples, por 1 an. JO Potted Hun . 4 Pott? .1 Tongue . 4 California A ; "... t? ? 'how-Chow Pickl? ;. ?per gl 1 J. I Orated Pli ne.. B Callfornl ? "? ? How P? a? hee, I ? quality, ?per can.. H'?'l<j ? . 10 Tabk? Peaches . 7 can . B Can Pi 1rs . 5 Bartlett l'< >: . 10 lt\< 08 \m> I.Utl?. d Kami . n Smoked .i??wis. ?per pound . ?5 . 1? ??.????1 Salt Pork. I . 5 i:? ?1 .- I Mam-? . H? California Ham", p???- pound... T er ?.??un?! . I? <;?. ?! ?Lard . 1 ! r ?pound . 5 ?i ? 7 Frank for i Sauaage, per ?pound. **? - pound... 7 ' Sniltbfl.l.l Ham?-?. Ib.. J24 ? 1 -?ir.- r.? if ?Lard.. fl Country s ilt ?Sh? ul I. : -. pi r lb. 5 ?1HI P. Syrup per gallon. 15 per gal.. ."?5 Maple ?Syrup, quell cane. 25 S. o. Mol new < i'op. 20 r.?i ? . :t?> Best Vanilla Syrup, per nul_ :?? (?olden l?ri!>, p? r gallon . 88 N u. ' ?MW ert?. 4? Porto !<!? " Molasses, per gal.. ?SB ?/anilla ?Syrup . 25 ? ? ' ' S?ii3tl PLAYS THIS WEEK.? ru i,Y,-i'.i m VtthlATMM stock! 00. wn BUB-U WBISWBIBT. ?HE Y??DEYILLeTt Um HALL. ! Uell-Known Playa 1o Be Presented} liy the ?....-i- ? . ;,,,,,,?, _*,-?, |,. *iVniii?.vriHiit'-i Bweeaaa in Mei?i-? ?Irania?MI h ?j Kn-iaoi-'a Ir?. The current, week will break the record )f th?.- Academy at Haste foe ibis sssson. in thai <h>, boaee will ? irk a ste? ?it. Thai le '< m -. i ? r is now upon ti: ind It is SSTtSSS? ly time that the ssai ,.? comment??! in The Lyceum Theatre Btoek Company, timen, will msks ti In laenow evening, iii.i win agate tu- wot n the it I res days >r th?. week. On lbs swe ?-?>:? Intel sy mu? \\ ?.':? sday, Marie Walnwrlgbt, who la wall known to aatdl? ames of thin city, win sgpear la '*flhall I -IV-' ii'i " and "Baal -graos.** Haaaaet Albaugh, of the. Lyr-om f*.toek 3ompany, win britv* to Rlefenaanl h.K en tire compeay sod i-r??*4inft the piftv*. eo . In exaotly the Mme manner oM ,vith the BSa? ? t -, - . t i ? 11 to detaM that ins' stwsa-s saaraetertesd hin prodaei n Baltimore, *\?r. Albaagb prefers to eme to this city wit-tote any great '-?lui-. ?f trampete," and simply piivc? bedote our mbiic the oocapaasr, wii*.f*l> ,s sow raoog? llasd as one of Um bsM BlOg)l or^anlra :i,?i_- in America, and let It xv\n out or I Its ill- lit.-. Lye-urn Stock Company opene-l It? ii.-i Bsasen in Baltimore in Beptessber, rourteeg months ego, ?rhen it ?had ? new ..?de. it - -n-irj'-e in the Monumental City, and is pia* tightly to larg, audlenc Brerj ??lav .;?-?l l?r tiiu company te cl';an gnd rbolesome, trot from valgarlty or sug? tut sn ling only srhat 1 t in the dvaass Tin,*, plays, in! abich the company has made tb '. .i?m et Ike "boons u o." v,in be presented in Richmond, th? irnun?. ? ment b- lag BS follows: .Monday evenings and 1 M stay matt? :? -. "The. Senator," Lloyd ?sad Boean ? Id's tiuly \u:?rii.?n irtav, mad? fassOufl ?y William H. ?'Trane: Thursday eve-nin-f. The Ironmaster," eoneedod te be the of Mr. and Bra, K.nflal, ?ni "Moth?-,'' a dramatisatloa of ?_**i? \-l of the same name, on H.i,ur?l.?y i ? ?4 h t. The otnnpany Includee Stephen n. Jiihii Flood. John T. <"ra?-?-ri. !?.- . Wtel r. .t ,i ? W. Albaugh, Jr.. 3i"tt Cooper, Tti'iu ib Plater, Jahn T. . aad Misses Orsce Lamkin, lio h [?'r.-inkh u. ?Jennls Kenaarfc, L*ona,-a ?Brad? I.-v, an?l Jane Iti? . Harts Wainwrlght's new play, "Shall We Forstes Hei I ' ta which she win appear Tueeday ntsht, e*as first pr*> du, sd in this country at the FoartBSOtb ,i New Tork. It ran f?,r toar weeks to big Irasteess. Tiw piece was proihieird originally in Tendon two years sgs at Ins Adelphl Th, ites, with juila l*eltson sad Fred. Tsrry Is ts? leading roi?-*, it nut with considerable favor, ond was k? i?t oa "for ssveral months Haaager Ju<- b Lttl asw it. aad hooahi the Amertean rights it i plsying In Knsian.l gad .vu-" Us .'? toon u.? it we.?- dselarad to be i ?irama of rim irkabic power sad originality it? ?Hew York, aTnssaer Utt began '<? io??k around I actr.--??? with the ability Snd v?-t>a tiiitv neesseary lee the leading roio. n? hit upon HIM Hsrie Watawrtght, who was then dls?-n ?; i, : I poa-lblv tb, .?a best Sited by Bspeiieace, talent. , . ?i attractl ins to |ive a proper mterpre-tettoa of the b<sroiae. atenta were soon mads, sad M Wright, who had hitherto In her stage career always appear?-?! In the Bhs ,n snd PAsjn-t iatt ?"?h?'' Atm, v- " ,i,tf,e.*d to p'ny 'he leading role In 'he 'miria. She ha? mole a. mmc-ndoUK h!, In tha part, as Sfaa to i. I ,,f ?,n aetreeo of her ability nnd rare par : b.-auty. The play ir. described as a verr lnterestlna one. Tbe scenes tut laid in austrsll ? end England Wt ' ?fieri I night ?Ml i W ilnu : " api ?earing; ?if ?. in tie du ?! ?rote, * . And ho we ?re to hay?? a ?jegSOfl Of v.-.u - r Bell v. i*i : t?> th*? ?public to-morrow eight ?ai veode* ville houa1, and flv?- algl I we? k (Friday being the exception) the vari "in ?bold forth, amusement ti?ktt of Rli hmond will ?so doubt, wish ?fqp-s- to th?? n? u tbeetitaal enterprise Whether they will sestet, in tb? ?mo it ?subel mound-. In making it a r.ucce*i that la by ?patronising th.? performan? ? - - ?? mains , Tboes \?*ho ?are Intel te I In th* ?tnteratise ?arc willing to ?take the ?as ?Some of those u bo ?for tim* ?have ?been deploring th.? fad I Richmond bad so house which ?could ?be called the "home of th.? vaudeville" will row i ret ortunlty of uriating to ?maintain ena it la true the enterprise i m ?been ?start? >i on very but the oppoi tuntty is bow mrr.?i i. i Hng the ?ml,lie, and if th? ?people how ?any *,?rt of Inclination to such e house, why t !.. n ?better things ma? follow. ??n the ?in f?-?r th.? fit?* week of ganda? rille at Saner Hall will ?be UUIan Je? ?rom? eoritralto; Ada B mid? ?a, champion f< male ?banj and R weon end Bfd 'y. _dl i ;m,i it trick !? on the pcogrs mma . One of the m??-t el n t bit? of ?anting oen h ? t! eSSon was that ?given by - n?*?- .-Mma Eruger during ?the . aunt In this city last week of ' Heart Of Maryland.*1 The charm of Miss grageas woik is the ?natural U t?n? r in which out exhibits the emotioni thai cali? ?1 forth in th?- dlfji . ? of _>u,Tid ?Belasco'i femoua play, it is in th? eeCQlid ai : ?thai Miss KrUgl r i- Call? 1 tlp??n ls ?io ? ?am I dlfltoull bit . and ii? r r art 'i.? > ?.- ring ??f the hi , peal '? ... ?ae ?referred to I "M irylai l" ; ira of her brotl tth. Moa i can h ird - !:/.? that tlie hoy, v.h?> a. ihori h .IT i 11? r in i.i ?BOW in death. .\???i ?when th truth gradually ?dawna upon her, so : Is alll !!: With | ? 1 ? quently do 'lu? quivering Una tell ?>f the nn?rvMi ol i?? i i oui, end her y i ? \ ?than any \ ?? lin that ?s ?gnawing a1 BOT h art. Xnd te?.", libe a aroman, ?sha breaks ? ? ? > v\ i ? un r the ?Jio.k, and convnlshre bar i. . Truly, if ?is a ? lever pleca "f When Ii''- actress thus ihoWS pity of it all." Mis* ?Kroger, when ?-he through this Bcene, ?n bm m a woman, and she deporta fr??'ii . ; d "m? r!,??,;-,'' of ... -?acting ?saeta a ?grief ? * is then ? ?han, ?gad ?allows ?? ?rsslf to be ?affeel ?i ; 'er would I ? un?!? I oUvunmUtnoea To ?thus be ?true to naturo r?<iuir??s ait, ?and ?as one who ww Kruger iti the scene ref.rr.Ki to ? dnubt that lbs is a mistress of it. * ? * "The Golden Horseshoe." tho new spec tacular play of th? LUTputlana, with which th?-y will come to the* A? ni? my ?ii Wednesday, ?Deeamber nth. rarpaesei la Oueneaa end brilliancy all f??rmer Llliputlan productions, uni, ftvi s an ?ta? i opportunity to Fran?. Kl?it. Adolf y.itik, ?Sehne ?Qoentar, and all ?iba ??'h. r little favorito come?llans to ?entort?is th?? ?ace at th? it- ?best The plot of Th - Oolden Horse-shoe" deals with an lin ?.? y which has been 1? ft by a ?omao in a srestera town t?> ?arid m ?tbres fsel ?kbjb. Tbs ?nitty dis? logue and catchy musb- alternat?- uirKlh?? ular features of tb?- production. The three ?grand ballets represent i ?pink ?French ball, a musical ?festival, with the Llliputlens as famou?-- i. a.i. ra ami ?rom? . an?! a submarine dance. Maua?-.r !.. ath has decld?9d to ?erve up for chrlstmas-Day und N'ew-Ve.irs a nw? delicious repast, and one that he ?thinks vin appel ?stroogly to tbs ?appetites ??f hi* patrons. The vaudevilles from K???<t?r ,v Blal'a win b?3 th? attractions for theae two days ot the holiday w.-k. ami ?ome highest ?salaried artists in ih- l.'i-l ?Jd to t?o numbered In th.? ?ST? nntaatlon that will be brought here. William II. Crane Is to make a hurried tour of tb?- S-"ith In "A Virginia court ship," the play in which hs has made such a succusa. * A SPLENDID COURSE. mm: committmi: h\s viiH4\r,ri) I IMO Y. M. t. A. l'M'LBTVIXMF.NT*?. SERIES BEGINS ON DECEMBER 12TH. The Flyaiiin |-'.iit-*rf ?tini-ra Will llulil ?lu? llnuriU un Iliat Dut?'???'?"lu? Had Iloy'a l'a" Is t?? l.?-<-,iirt? To-Morrmv Mglit. \YV n tbS Reception Committee of th? Young Hen'a Cbrlstlsn Assodatloa Isst determined to Inaugurate tbe mem? bers? oourse, sad to pr?ovlde for tbe mom? bcrs of the sssoctetlon snd their friends n list of dean, snd af the same tin-,?- roost sttrscttve ?-nt? ? some doubted the success of lbs undertaking. While the attendance las* y, ar was not all that was hoped for, yet H es.i? d the first : :.- r Course, an?l durin?*- the latter half of tb s b< a it b? ante oaderstood tiiat there erare .?*t?ir attrac tions in th,?. Hembers? Coarse, the a;t?i??i Was very gratifying, und lbs course cloyed with the moonii-fbt ssourston? which wss s megporable eveat The committee of thi?? year Is com] I following act!? If lOU work er.*?: ii. L. King, chalnaan; n. J. Wltlteg bam, Jr., a ?retary, snd Messrs. n. V. Lineback, O. J. Benson, T. <i. Tabb, w. u. Putvor, T. .;. Bmlther, F. W, Laughton, T.". H. BeAasr, ?.'. W. Montgomery, W. L? WtegBeld, L C, Perkins, O. W. Gregory, end ? i. ? '. Band. AB ATTRA-CT-VB LIST. A most sttra? tlve Ust of enti rteinmente have been assured, snd, ?-? last, season, member ot thi assoclatton win be entitled to one free ticket, If be Is fortu -'n to tiidk?- si plication In tima; I at a reduced lu order to provide the members s talnn .-nts ? qua! in char* aeter to tl Btar Copras of tb city, tie* committee bas determined to ; . n i ils one hundred si ason tl t?? i, m membera al U M . an eddklonal hundred tickets ;?? members ?<f ti.v sssoelation .,t s- each. For tl reserved Beats win be held until lock n?>"ti ??u tb, sntsrtaln? meat, and, as issl year, -" . win bs s.?id si H ?-?-i rtalnment, t?, the Pllbiie. Blnoe tbe capacity of th?? Aaaoelatios EteU i.H eaaetly mmltu nounoes In its little bead-book, which wit; sppear on to-morrow, test ibs iu!< will be "lirst ? otne, firvt serve,!" until every ?seal Is t ik,-n. snd no ?as win be admitted to the hall without flr?-t saving a n ed a n serres a -'. Tl a sacnlag entertainment will take pla?e on Mon,lav, PsCSBlbsi :n,| win i,i p eery strong attraction. Tbs Blyslsa Kntertfilners Company Is com? I : of -Mr. John F. 1 ?ilion, bUSBOrtSt gad sarltene; Mr. Clinton 9, Westen, musical monolegulst; Professor k. a. Hendrickson, gaagidsa, sal Mis.-? Loretta Greene, Imps rson Reserved Ba?tS for thU* entertnlnm-nt can be ascarsd beginning Thursday, De? - r Bh. a' I o'clock a. H. Wot ,-n other oBtertatessents ssata may bo mired ?me week in sdvance at I ?, - A. ML Till*' COCB8I AHKAM'.Kll. Asaoog tbs sntertslnmsnts that ; .-,,-ured f??r tbia .rs>- ars Hr, Asrea V, Bower, ander th>- suspiees ?>f tho .""tar f.Ve ?un Bui .nt, Of New York, in hia illu-ur.ited lee,tire, "Michael An selo.'' Captain n. k. \v. Campbell, of New York, who gave such ?ml? SSI ?,_.--| tl?m la"t year la tht illu*,rat?*d lecture oa ' our N ivy snd Qoast l?-f?-ii'*es." will SB* p?-ar In his iltestrsted 'Hawaii." and at the Clees will glye -i thirty minut?-!-.' ?le BCTlptl 'U of lUM Philippines. The fourth entertainm-nt will be there of the Bort?n -tais, a ?|?i,ir stertaJaera atvi a ?-?>ncert , ny that hua a record unparalleled f??r appearing upon sseedattoa seassse, bavteg bssn recalled to fit. i-?uis alone elghtt?ro times. Folio-arto?; thlt Dr. Ly man B. St???rry, a lecturer known throughout the length end ?breadth of tbs ?lend, will appeer In elth-sr "Oumptlon ?and <lrit" or "Buperstitloea, Deluelona and Pads." The committee bave ?again ?se? cured ?Professor ?Byron W. KiiK. <?r the Kin? Bohool of Oratory, irta? - ? idlngs and tecttatlona of last y tut were ?aonstd ered, by many ?competen! t?> Judge, th?> ehoioi -: thing of las) naeon. On the ??th of Merch the "Old II >me steed" Quartette, the only and original, which is now alnglng with Dennum! Th*?*enneon, ?in ?appear in concert pro? gramme, the Bl u Lyceum ?Bureau, <>f ?Slew fork, ?baring seeured several weeks of | ?their time i ???, Mi nd . ?prtl it*ii. ?Prefaaser a. W. Hi wk<. the laughing pblloeopbes, trill again ippear before s Richmond audl Mr, Haerka ?s a prine? of sntertalnera THE IfOOKLiaHTS The ?remaining lard numbera win be the moonlight -* urslons. The Brat will talcs place Thursday May 'J.">fh. and th.? -? - I une Bd. A sisteen-pege proei the ?course ail] be maU-sd to each member Monday nitrht. and Bcm-mcmbers ?desiring them ? ?an ?secure th??m at the ?association ?building 1? ia ... foregone conchialon thai tb ?sond annual Members' Course erlll be a m?-?st ?gratifying succesa ?and II certainly a oommendable undertaktng the part at the Reception Committee to provMe such a list of attractions for the entertainment of On- SSeOCiatlOU members and frf? n *?* . r\-f;ov. rr.cK to-mohikiw \1r.1iT. "Hail SaT*B Pa" ?t the V. M. C A.? ! Batr? T-iler to In I nuloii- Ulm. At no tlm<? has there been any d??ubt I that ex-f;,)vern r QaSSBS W. P?eck, of v." rc-eosta, will be greeted by i i audience on hia -ace In the ?Conrea si the Young Men'a ?Christina Hall t.i-1!'. u ht ?:?.v ernor ?Peek ?beceme f <?f ?Peck'a ?Sum and stin mot? through hia ?xr.-.i t book, "Peck'a Bad Boy end Hi- l'a." Every n ?! boy In Aim knowa of Mr. P?eck ?and hia famous b.i??tc, which ran the ?irenlatPui oi Peck's Sun _ir. !'. ?. , - , unique character, In np-1 I it mee In- Is ??;' medl it.i but n t Heaby with light hair, ondj like some ??iher TSSBOUa in? n. "vi ry light, Indeed, on top,'' with ?gray ?moue? ?tache and goatee. He baa k??i?iiv ?gray tpan, w?hk*h r? i ' and hi?? lorn,' atad u ? ..?* ii?..? red garnation as a ?boutonni?re haa t?. : la thla i'ewes ?tbs ayml II mteeraoy." I Mr. Peek Uves ?b* i : the ?swell -i Milwaukee, ?and Is I ly fond "!' Ins ? tul- j dr-n sad ?grandchlldn Colonel Oeerge W. ?Peck, Jr., ?s sai?i to Le the h??ro Of many .,1 the "l?a?. )o>" ' ? ?if Mr. Peek's ?famous i.>??k. o, ?vrrnoe Peck is r.7 ?/sera of ege, end Is What t3 fr?:.?u?>ntly ? Bl nan. I? WBS In lw be I of article?, "Peek's Pad Boy an! I!'- ?Pf In his pnper. and from that tims OB lie was n?it only famous, but also ?Ule ac knowledged champion of the American boy. Mr. p. i v? first a'pa+ainnce op ?on the lyceum platform was made la tm part ?.f :hla year, and his lu j Rl?cbmon i win ?be outit in et emosament-lovlng pubMc, is i thoaa **h" know a no., i thing i ?t Mr. I*.?'?; aril] be Introduced by Hon. I i T will a?ppear ii??f??t>? a ?large sudlence. Th? i ?hat the ?Star ?'? ? ?king thi-? v.,ir is ?wonderful, si !> ? "inniSi rrt the b< . ? of the ?publie f?- i tient enter? telnasents they ??r?. pres?>?? A l)i,iiu?-r?.ii? ? ?l;r????klvn Life.) She.- V., 'h-r. ?WOUld It hurt y??u much if I ?married wl'houj your consent? He.: it mt??-ht hurt the yen - mau ?sssre, The Difference. (?'i-u-aiio ?Usera.) In China a wife 1- h? r husbiiul Ixfor? marr!a?e. In thin ?* ****&. try fiome \\lv*?-i seldom emo tli.-li- hi ?--I?-mis after iniu-rlnge. Special Pianos. Upright Bargains. HARD.TAN, UooUfSS, largest si/t\ i-ano of b-'st rosewopd, #ua ranteed. Solil si 8450?our pfict >"J7?. Tbe tons is rich and sweot. EVERETT,7| Oct?T-8, t'u 11 cabi net gTBlkl 8MB, ,'lmiiized. Spe cially fine for singera' practice. Sold si $400?onr paies $350. DUNHAM, T| octefes, .'I pod?is, full h?/.o ?lark ease, bought new last wi**,?!?: nt b Hftm York fin-tory Bale. Worth s too--our price $*?. SOMMER, upright Krand, bongh. originally from a Kich muiid store (not th? $2,ooo,000 one) at $400, wss shipped to Bal? til?n?!?-. Can be bought nt half value; full guarantee. KNABE .Direct from tho _r?at Dearborn estate Bale in I'liilndol pliia. The very finest upright in Richmond. Cost $1,000. Coon auil see it?a bargain. Throe of abovB ?Pianos were scqnired in ox? changes for tho ?-vlehiated liicca Pianos, for which we aro sole agents. Cash <? easy tanas, MANLY B. RAMOS CO., 119 last-Broad Street. (OC '"-Ml.'lU&lb] a m. u a-4V ?>- " - * tmaafttaj "It l'wiff tn_<le them, they lit." TAH.OKS AM) THEIR HAD DEBTS. Tho de? i--,?>!i of r ? _<-.. tailors to < M ?' puOlic auction jmlgments obtained b) usslnst ?- i lielliigtgll r?. iillls Is sn Im ., ,h_t tlw-y havr ?-it a bud sy?*? B whirl? his ?J tho hun o pay for I of the ?llshoiv's*. vv.? imve ? Th? money na ved .'-rig bad debt lit tO sell t*.??'. Work and tna,??ri-*l? u, ?. m-.i-l? less pries thsn the old frt-ry tgtkjn eh r-u. in ?sir Vo i riment: fiults nt $ its si l*>?. MSMILSih C-N?IHY >llRtMA\0IS (NG lAltOtl, 729 MAIN. [oct SO. ?un, 1 o*Si T i T t : Cards. l!ill?K*ade Sutemente, )_?ttss> Heads. Kote-Heeds. Clr?Bam, il rub? U, Dodgers, Ac,, printed by tbe Diensten Company ut l??w -.rices. Will give you goad work at the n-m?- pri?es you (?ay f?>ff Inferior work Send us your ord?f*s aad w* will gu?rante* sattsfactioa in every partl?-nlar.