Newspaper Page Text
10 TT?F RTCTTMOND DISPATCTI-TUESDAY. DECEMBER 6. m?. Books Blow the Bugle of Education AND OUR OWN TIME. Books an* U-6 Stan set lo Watch over all that is good in man. Tho thoughts of ev?iy master mind aro opon to vonr will. Tlio present of a Book is equal 1?, the strongest enoourage mont towards real happ-inesa. This Christmas Store Is Filled With Books. Nothing is left off that ought to ba wantad?not even the attractiveness of tho bindings. ir_-^__a ?Book Store has the hrisk snap /fhtu\? T ?f^ ?' *,;0'iii^ liown tlu* old bar of uttsttlLaXT\\ ll^aVll fi expenaifeness, and is seHtngthe IP \LI-ir INX-U ?'vrry-kiiKl-of-a-hook reachable ** -i!f^'*?_. 1 ^Tsnr-B ^^ by the smallest purse. \\y m,-rits SI v "l'a quite its own it has been made the Book Store o? art tho South. A? Will, CiiMI \M> SIBJDOT 11O0 the great Christmas <' " ' 1 ' In Its Infamy. Ths l '-A s BT, ??.in,.-, the selectioa an.: ?Ums lot :; ti,?n ix'th in strongest IBvor. A few pr guides to help you: i.5?e ?_j?!i it-*, w 11 ott, Con 111, Carl] ? : r, li nty. Carry, l-j ill, aad mi otb< live blodli ii, ?-"1,1, If E""ks ||i ent uti? e to --ilk i bound, gilt t,?p, near, dear type, , vi-luinc. 600 smnl! Hai ?> Clasalca w? re 8 new holiday binding, choice, loc. v ama, OOaSglete llr??*- Of H? nty Hooks for bo; n> w b and la extra cloth, lua rated I ??, for .'.o..-., inste Of i The to nty ' k- for boys, bound in i tract--.-- cloth . edition, 1 Ii.'. Handsomely-Bound, Profusely. I us trat ed n-.. k?, lnolu?_tng nil stir? iin. works and many copyrighted ? o, Cholee of to: Kil-ii and American Pot l b-o?-nd ii ; th? r, gilt top, ?1 ? slue, f"' Webater's l"n?t rldped Dictionary, han ? ?m? sh.?ci> binding, thumb ii,,i??x, edition, for $2 39. M hater's Unabridged Dictionary, :h blrrttn?;, for I The Christian,*1 by Hall ?Cain??, for 2 1 lot of 75o, ?Copyrighted Booka, Uli trated, ??'k cloth bound, for I All children's Books one-aalf ,h?ir r<-? ular v B'?me S.I??"' Bhtiet and Hynu.; tn-dny at epedal 11 terlng on them m any leather 111 Over ths Dry Goods Ston There Are Ungovernable Price-Wrecks. The time for shopping i< a treasure for the con sumer. Larjr;e stocks hav to be moved, and are being soix.-fit cost and less than cost now, instead of wait ing until January. Here are a few that will speak for the rest: ,. . LAMMS' MUBSMHM am> JAOS-BTS .\?,f plskSi ill? SMS but ni'ii-t.-iiliT? ,] garments, at an almost throw-away. It is our way of hurrying ir?-?lo garment! off when wa get r? a?ly. UBIBS SI ITS. ? strictly Man-Tailored Bolts, ?of bnport? ? d Wbi] ( ?rda, '.?m? I Vene tian Cloth. Newest St.?,!-**? and ?Jhadea, *roi and Tight-*t""ittli | Jacki te, ?2? greaoss, for U9 is.ll for Hew :. T.tll or-lfade Suits, all ef tailor? i ???^.*. were fi_.."<?. Ladles Suits of Vlgoreau* Twill and M.iton Cloth, were to? and li-, for $*?.." ?'. LAHSBSP JA('Ki-'.Ts. L-artles' Man-Tailor.-<J Melton Cloth -. ellk Un? ?i, beat styles, UO on? a, - - 1 ?ailles' ran, Blue, Brown, and Q r-c*i"hi Jack? ts, By an I i "X fr?>nt. .?-ilk lined, best .sin1'-- ?and work? mansBip, KL2-G0 jackets, for I5.M, l. ; Tan, Gray, and Black ?Camel's n.iir Ja ih ts, for tLlt were I M - tat 'i " cut, new dm en of etitcl for J3.US, were *-... . ?.oil* OAFI:?*-. ,;?.if f'n.? a with and without fl roll styl?e, -t BP**claHy low prlci \Mii,\ on*. nin AMY om'it BUM SO HAWI hanii PLMMi mil II H ul to buy a Bum's whole stock or g< left .?n the price. It's eusier to sell doi: . tiipl?? quantities at half prless th.i a few at overyhmly's prie?-. II a's while u. 8 Handkerchiefs, han , mbri I'l' red, initial, fcr. Ladles' Bo. Sheer, pure linen, ope: \?. n.k initial, at lie. HuBdreds ??r <i??_- as Ladies' Pane: v. hits Embroldei d Lace Edge an ! Haadkerchli f*. that cost up t II l-tc, your pi, k. .' ' sad Pretty efl?_ctive etylee in Embroldere? ?n,,] Lac? Handk? i-ahlefs, moat of :i?. n ?ne und, r 19e., your pick to day "f over 100 dosen, U?-Sc. eeeb. A'J' Be. -Men's Hemstitched, Ken'i I'rintf?! Bordera, Ladles' White an? Colored Bordered H. S. and Initiale Dg up to Me., any in this <-n??r mous i"t. (?. 1."?' ,]??/.? n -New Pretty H. S. and Km hroidered and Footing Lace-Edgi Handkerchief-, showy and neatatylea Y2 l-2c. buy? no bciter: these Ic, ?each other, it 10c., that are wortb li%4c. Ilea's rin?'. tonto Unen H. B. Han?1k?-r r. in 1-4, l-_, atid 1-inch hems U ' i..idi?to4 Ne Para Llaea, Rhabroldered M. S. ??r S? ili"p. d BJdgi v. all i. . ?finest shscreet linen. 9c cl KROM 9M Tu Id O'CLOCK? to- n'e PUU-SIs? Hemmed Handkerchiefs, r>ii tu ?-?t bord rs, 1 -. eaoh. Util Ml'HWr Vl H-UlTIN, au the worthy sorts and styles that you could run airo.-??- in the best fur ?a this country sie al Cohen's to lay at m?,.-t wonderful priesa. It's the i IbUlty of once in many year-?. An ac cident i irehase of many hundred pi? ?.s. Th? ?-(? bmts: Imitation Stone Martea Scarfs, duster . . ?with s tails and 2 hi i -, Quality Electric Seal Cluster s, arf*-. ?.Mil? -. large Harten tails and 2 heads, .-, n Mart?-n. Wide Block Shape Clus . with large beads and tails, R Mi.-.k Clustsr, with 10 large tails. J ?? S, 1 Scarfs, With 6 squirrel tails, worth ' :: thi - M . t Ul.IVltll 11>. Larg, Sis, Eledrlc ad Astrachan col lar? it-.- with Stole front, high double r-i,'ini ?.-..Jlar. lined throughout with R ?l satin, 17-50 v . i HO to al Moufflon, kr'; m- r, or Eloetrlc 1'i-in? ?. ? lollarettes, soiid Or round, fancy silk linini i, about 3:f In the lot; to-day choice I4.M; others at 17.60, that cannot be equalled under ' Tio- New Ruffled-Edge Collarettes, in tylea, at 112.60. Large Blue-Fox Collaretttes, tab fr ?nt, '.ails in back and Iront. SAIS. l? Chinchilla-Edge Electric S? al Collar ettee f"r U.M. Handsome Brown Marten Extra B_M md Collar tt? for ?1MB. Children's Prettj, I'm- Beta, round mufC and ?ollar, f,?r Me. Bet? others up t?, H80 sat A WIIOLK SIIII*-I.O*il? OS? IITLKI IS BEING PRESSED POR WEARERS Qualities don't count In this sal?-. The prices arc entirely governed by quanti ,,nJ in the ?buying. Among them ble ibavy ?Quality Rustling ?raf ft ta, 76c qualities, 45o. yard. Black All-Pure Silk Satin ?J?- Leon, with rain silk hack, _.' inclus wide, 76c, yard for tL19 grade. Colored Liberty Satin. In evening and art shades, all pars s?k, $1 quality, f??r ttC J a i'l. Liberty Gause, In every eonoetvabls coloring, 66c. quality, f,?r 80c yard. Black Extra Heavy ?Corded Crystal, Im ported to retail for UM, tor U.U yard. Black Brocade Bengalina, In satin fig ured effects, worth Be. yard, for He. yard. < I Cr?pons, in evening and street shades, '. Inches wide, usual |LS quality, for Be rard. M 11 TO 11:30 CC?OCK - 88c. Black Extra ll tavy Rustling Glace, i lendld wearing silk, 45c. yard?limit >.\l 10:80 TO 11:30 O'CLOCK 85 pieces ??f s?ii??i-?'.,!?ire?i French Taf ia, all shadea, la Ughl and dark, that ar?- always Be., f,,r -uc. a yard. The Basement Breathes the Living Fragrance of Christmas Holiday. Evervthing about Hi?' many aMeways is in high -leo, and comes advancing dressed in the glory of newness. This store adyances Bteadily. Sou will see more this year than last hy far?better in every way. THE DOLL FAMILY comprises one at least for every ehild within a radins of 25 miles of Richmond Prices from 5c to $'.?.,so. Best value ever given at this or any other store. AMONO THE T0Y5 ARE Large Fire and Police Patrol Wagons, $198. Sle?s from I9c 1^> W ea?"h. Hook and Ladders, with three ladders, bell and seat, and fron axles, 81.75. Trh'vrles. |_._- each. Rocking Horse?, with leather saddles and stirrups, 89c. each. Fort Grant, complete, 49c. Knamelled Tables, fa Coflfee-__ills, 5c I'oiding-P.eds. 8C I'.inksaw and Horse, 10c. Snap-Shot Cameras, ?10c. SPECIAL. 100 Large Kid-Body Dolls, cork idled, bisque head, regular $1 value, for 50c. each. CHINA WARES. 100 Importers' samples of Cups and Saucers, that cost to import from $1 to $2.50 -special purchase price, 50c. choice. importers'samples of Fancy Platea, that cost to import 25 and "' " . for i*".?-? ?oice. (?old Stippled Toilet Sets, containing 10 pieces, for $ii.i>8. I HE COHEN CO. ?THE COHEN OX MAY GIVE OLD RANK. OOVI CUNOIl TVLI-.ll ?i**V I1K8TOHI. commission?, ok vounrasnsna WHY HOT SEND HOME ALL VOLUNTEERS? <tm-?ll?.n Ilnla???l ne lo Whiit tlie ll.'Kiiliii- Army la Holmt?<>"?* Hun dred Iterrults S??iit Off lo tbe I ..tu ll? It. ?gimen!. Governor Tyler will iimbaMy Bettle the important an?vtlon of Hi?- r.lai.v.? i.-i* k of atMcort of ?Um Btntt volasteen wfco ?" - tOtnt tin- I'nit??! t.Sates army and ?_ who ttUPUi -A home by r? stiii Ihk t farm OOBM "' U'" dAtS Cf ' which Hi? y hAit prior to entering t! t.J? ? s? i\ The tikrtUtUOt hn.? DOl dsflllltely con <i.i?i.??l i?. ;?.i-?!?t this plan. It Ii l?r?l. Hili? that 1. ?.?.ill An oftic.r of th<- Stat.? Volun'?-? r Artil lery, mthn offcroi ins :-.!vi'?-. int who could not ?t-t Into the national servie*.-, MM yo-t?r?l ?y: 'l think th?? Qorornot should r? ttart to th?- offlcert who r. ??nt? i commissions th? y held prior t<? en thu v?.Kint?'?-r army. Toll would ht a t?? winch n?> officer ?BOW In tbe Vir ginia volunteer ?service, could i? j???:t. 1 am a?>- of DO law that would prevent ?the Governor (ron doing >??. i? would ?be i?? rf? -1..- j??? t t?. ail pai would, I ?believe, bridge ?.\?r a ?large ; of th.? j-:'? " ut difficulty, "Th?? 'officer ?if tbe ?Second Regiment* quoted in Sunday'.-- Dtspalch i vastly mistaken In saying thai th ayed at borne ?should i??? invited "? i ign," b contimnd. "uni? b? ? ? lu mind win. ?flatly r. in.. <i t?> ?serve their country duriiiK in.? w.n wit:. B| ain. THESE SHOULD OE_ OUT. "An officer or ?enlisted man win? cannot respond to tin? ?ill "f duty bas no bust? n?-s in tbe volunteers, wbetber it t> from un-wtlUngness to face the ?bardtrtilpa ??f campaign ??r from family or but Interests, if an oflteer, be should n if an enlisted man, ht? should apply for ?lis? barge. "in th?- ?case of th??--?- officert who volun? i. but who, ?through no fault of ?their own, were unable to k? t t?? the front or into ?samp, th? ?caae i-- very ?different. Th. y were hispir? ?i with t."? ?same prin ciples of fidelity t?? duty, patriotism, ?an l heroism as those who went Into ?service, and to Insinuate that tiny ?should i their commission! is a manifest Injus tic??. Th? ?Qovernor baa. l ?am ?sure, ?bo such thought, and would cast no ?aspersions upon them. "it is ?hard, in ?some ?retmects; that a faithful officer, who during tbe la'?- war. should have to fail hack in rank behind those who <ii?i not ierv< >i> should re ollect tint be has ?had ?con ferred upon hin. -m bonoi for which his liiotb? r. who si .'.- i al home, ?would gladly have ezchani i ?. rank. COULD NOT BE RE ?ELECTKD, "From oonversatlon with many <?f th? men in various com] I and Third ?regiments l iiav formed the opinion thai quit? a large number ? mpa ny offi? ? r i cannot b? ?i to th? lr old i osli lona in ?the ?case of I who can i?? ? l* ?ted to t'??- ?poslti ma held by them before the war i n p? itfully suggest that the Governor r? store I mmlsslons." WHY NOT ?MUSTER OUT ALL" "How many men ar>? no\? a thn regular and vol the united ?84 t? s, and ?.?. n? n th?? various commanda of th<- t?.? ? anniest That is ?the quntlon i should like t?? see Congress ask c-;' the -Secretary of Wut," sa m a well-known g< nt] jresti i ?lay. "Where are our ?regular ?soldiers? Shut up in ?barracks within the inn??.; Bl twirling thumbs. >> iiv not I th? m to < luba? why ke? p 100,000 v and u\? r In the - : vloe ?\b? n the war is ended, and the m n -who w nt to th?. front wh??n ?they thought the country 11? led t|.. in ;ir. an\l? m their busli i ?h! lt?!l you, th n :.-. .-> of War ( an be k? pi i does it- duty." ?RECRUITS Ft ?H THE FOURTH il i??? men b ? ' i? d sen! from Richmond ?recently to j ??in the l-'our'h Virginia Regiment. All th tai,, n from ?among the m? n n ten ?i out of th.- Third Regim? i Two bundred more men are ne? led. i?.. obtained with litt!? ?trouble when ths ?Second Is mustered oui This will ?occur ?by Saturday nicht at int- st. Captain ? *ora pany ll. Fourth Re?**imcnt, who charge ?of the recruiting detail here, ?has received no m to what 1 shall d?> with men enlisted ?after the ?Seventh t., ( 'alia, but eM" CtS to th? m ?lir? ctly t? i labana TIlKIll II AMD? ITA1 BO. ?TimIkp Minor I ?????In?, lli.n iiol.i? S j i? - rtlenli??Other \<????i from CourtH. Judge ??Minor ?grant? I a ?temp i f b - junction yesterday ?restraining i <:iii Istlan, of tt?- Hustings ?Court from ?giving a di sd t?? M t' ' t ??f land '?n ; street to Ifr. ?Joei pb v.. Glenn, th? i tentative ??f ths Roanoke ; ndl? ?land ?grabb ira Application f??r this innd was ?madi laal week, the ?notices having ?been ?filed moi ths ?ago on John Pryor, ti and William B. ?Harria through wh was sold to th? ?State ?OB h . tOt tas delli quent. The Ian?) ou n? r was : : l?y V alia? F. Bro*s n and I?. A. ?Ritchie, and Mr. ??: tf I .\l!\ Chas? . of W Ise c ?unty. The bill of M? ?srs. ! ? ? b and Ritchie made the fol lowing ?points why the deed should nol be execut I: i. Ths Commonwealth, hy reason ?if er i ?In th? ry to acquli title, bad n"t a? ?-juin d a \ ?lui tltl l land in question, ami therefore oonld t.??i con*?? such "i??. 2. The owner of the ?land, through ni? ag? -i*: . api '.i> ?i to the ; ilerk of ?the i Ings Conn at ?the pi oner time i . ment <?f the amount of n. j n t.? r? ??.?? m his land, it 1 elng 11. ?: that official t?i ?give auch Information. The ?statement was ?meule i?y th>- Clerk, ami tin- ou mount named. This amount aflerwai Ii i Insufflcl? nt, th?- ?name of ! ants, a former own? : <?f th?.- land, whom tax? ? wer due, having ?been omit ted, hut nevertheless ths 'ami owner claims thu Hie Commonwealth P<?.I by the action of its a?? tu from ?ing the land. a. That ths application to ?parchase the land n defectiva ?because it omits the ?name <?f th?- i rson in wh??s?- , ?land st????,i at tin Urns of its ?sals ?to ?the Commonwealth. i. ti?, applicant did nol pay tin? ?amount of money required i?>- ?the law for his pur? ehase ?from 11 > ? - Commonwealth within live ?lay-- ??t tie- expiration of tin? own four ?months' rlghl of redemption, bul only part of that amount, and tl the ?rights ?>f the applicant, n h- -.. : bad any, have expir? d. The attorneyi f?r the applicant, >?f coui ?. controvert th?? p.? .1 by Ifeeara Brown and Kit? i.i.?. Judge Minor will ?consider the ma"- r ?.?. Itl vi. h elth? r to -dismiss the Injunction or making it ?perpetual. fudgmim waa ?rendered in th? Law and ?Equity ('.?uii yest?arda) in favor ol .1. A. und c. j. Cooks ?against Anthony Fowikea tor us The .suit of U C. Morton ft <.'??. aimlnst J. ?0. W. Gravelly, action ??f debt, ll on trial. The ?December tenn of the Hustings Court began yesterday. The grand n t-it a? .1 m folios 1.- :i is bills: Alexander ?ank* alias 1'lunks. h? breaking. Four hill? of Indictment 1 return? ?l a?gaini l him. Nat. Mosby, charged with forging tin? aws of Costen ?Colds and Archer ?uoeby to a ta gotiable not*. Jam?? F. R'ley, stealing an overcoat. Charles Koch, mulici??u.? . -; AI? . ru?. ?Rakef, ?cutting Richard lirown. Julia Holmes, malleiou? wounding. Phdebe Randolph, malicious wounding, 1 njamln Kersey, cutting it. it. Ran dolph. ?Charles IJonanarte, cutting Tbomaa Hat tie ?'?ry. entering the ?ton house of Bradsnan Thomai Beaton, attempted ?assault on Willis J. ?Cotiasn John Henry Jones, entering ?ths ?bar room Of B. ?'?arzoll and Stealing gold coins. In th? < itv ?Circuit Court 1 verdict was ?rendered in favor of the defenfant In tin buh. of K. T. Htcka ?againsl th?; Klehnioiid Hallway ami Electric Company. Th< Plaintiff claimed J4?0 tor damages dono to his buggy in u collision. JikIk?- \V"llf.ird granted th? applications of it. it. and Minnie W. Prancl? t>> ?, nee T. Bartow, sod "f John i? - - tt and rot,- t? a,l??i?t Lillian A. Bartow. Judv Haacock will preside in the Chen eery court to-duy, and ths special tsrm will come to nn end on the lfith Instant. Judge i.ami?, i, \f now expected, will bo nougb to rasuro?' his duties at tho 1" rrffli \t y?;,r. In ? ery Court II. A. Atkinson. Jr.. qwtiiiled et administrator of th?- es tai? of ?Patsy J. Bolden The win dt 11. Burkcrt waa probated and Wllhc-lmlna Hiitk? rt qualiiled as executrix. Marriage itamaea wei Issued by the Clerk ??i the Hustings Court to John ; c : Kno? Hlunt : l-M wla a Woodall and Margaret B. Smith. SIM1VY, Till-'. DAI O? IlKST. it? ?. iir. s-.e?-ii?-> Pvanahna to tmteyta , <>ni_r?-w,ii Inn?.?tlllier ( 'Uiin-h BOWB. i'?'-v. v. t. Baecacy, i?. D?, bad a rsry good attendaace em his atoning service Sunday, notwithstaadlngtl la ither, church was filled to averSowlaa I'r. Sweeney spoke at t_ ,,n the theme, *< tut of B ?nd ? Id of the dlscoui-ae war? th? the ft?? -i ?m froui Babylonian bondsg, to tho fre d, i 'hriatlan pe ?pie from man- end ci rule. The diacqurae of i i powi ' ' vend In the i ging i larly j-irtci pulpli Pulpit uikI r? **" Ito r. .7? re V. Ithl : *> '1 ?w ' -,1 and forceful b? rmons on Bund at Ore ireh. His morning ?. Pew to tl j, ct waa "'i he i kity of tl -,. ctl ?n i l ? en the ted, and need ?of 1.? arty < ? op? i al Ion on I lie part of both pastor and | i pha BiS? ?1. Tl pol| If Of Ma*- Plrsl English Lutheran church was filiad at both mo, I ; ?. J \ sny.i..-. D. l>.. of New Market Dr. Bny df-r's mon h "Humanlt l With Divinity." Hi? ?v-niia* t??i lc was "? tur Indi? Idual Salva11 in." Both ' effort* Dr. Bn ?nd oldest r in th? S of the bod; ' been pastor ?>i the New Market i for thlrty-thi 's belovi ?i I Hon. 1 pMorth f nagua Mi-ClliK. -, lit. rary m? eting of the Epworth Leagues of Richmond ai : Man chester f?T the v ar I I be Mr. al cb in h, T Bday ev, nitig. I?.. ember 13th, ?an Intel ting m end literary i ; i sr R? v. ,!. M. B? ckham. of Aul ? hur'h, will deliver an ad reas on "The Bible," 1IH??I <hur?-h X-?vs. Rev. to if. Pitt, i> i- . u ?t a iwi Norfolk Baturd iy an : for Rev. B. i: l" ' it E ii -, iptlst .-hurch Sunday, W. O. Powell, D i '.. pn held this the 1 . rhlrd J'r bj terian i hur h lorn i Rev. Mr. B ill al n C. R Hyd Rev. Vf, B. Campl - II ' \ : : " Sun i,.- for R< - '. J. R. H . . . , ... tl.- Ir i Mr. on in his Bi v? ? I r. Harrison. The i j. B. Hutson i two ?ri ka from that 1 V "f mond In the last t.?. i-, y? A. E D '. ?'. R. H. Pitt, . J. Wllllngham, of this ? Ity, ? _ ? ' u th, v at.?? ?l i -Ki-olti ? i , ' - ; they bad an 1 IT-. d offl v R ' Hill; ' J. W. R. .i" r, L Min? r ' Butler; A li, rkl? y in Eddie Cogblll. There y four i ui th? run: Ooma88i08BB9 SBST, i:i-iilii?--ll,>?? ,? No. B Mi|?l'll> \i--iriiiu; c?.niiii?-,i?>n?cuicf siuiiv itmttt4rrima?. A regular meeting of mot t ild la ' m In 1 city Rail last all ht, i i>ort >f th wed th it m a few Which ar?* shunt? ?1 r of ! -.' ', . ?hall str < is, wi' : odern coi dition. 1 .lent of ?M un: pr Bthly ; ?irt they i'ly for any en The tl ent, Mlai ' ir new Instltu? m lOB, \n hi? ?l Hit, ident - up - pertntend lied lir,* iliim i?<?*-, No. i'.-. :. of he watw-worka, i B tper? t.? . On i m the . a ho bbs for over Brat tiin?-. ?n ?liity, be doctor think i he b -i?i in? itrUCted l.'rrl ,.. the foil Thai rirst-Asslstant?Engln?*er ?haw shall be - r uch dutli r as the i'l.:. f En? loa. i si al routine \\?>rk .. ni?. Flagren Mnahed. ' .? 1,1, a in.. ,' Na 808 aortb S D Brown, : the Injury i, cldent has :, ii r? ?I at the . P. M >> ? ; i> the ambul in ?, In ' to the I. ? ka, -.?h r? \. Murphy i- a u, i one of ' H< wa m? tul, when, by tt-? . .?a?i r.Hi : . ... . taken i" ' ttl-l Ion will i? , rewrd i.? in Hens \\ii.,i,r, in J. Ta. - from ' ' ?lone D. < ion freight agent <?f the Southern Kail Company, quartered at Columbia, s. . wh? n General to, Ih ira'? p> r ti.iii is to be presented t?, Lee cm?,. Similar l? itera ha ?? ?..-.-n >-.-. Iv? ?l : m,s In the South and th. indi? ., n ,n- are thai an mm? ..i ?m the i"- s ths plctu -.1 to toe to i ik ."i that usion. in ??luve'* TSStalSSS Chill Tonic y?,u snow what y??-, an taking, it i r<ii and quinine In u tnstrl?-?.* form. It 8 Bold SB a Ruar-i.te,. No euro no pay. Piles, ?VO cent*. I W.L. DOUGLAS ] j SHOES """ON MADE $3,50 FOR MEN $3.091 FOR MEN % S2.53I FOR BOYS 9 \\TBnretha largest aasss_set_?rers la ths " v.?,rl?l ?ellii.?* sliof-? Jir??ot t?? tli< a wearer os ?i on?- ?proll lud-, through our A 6tf oxolu.iv?! r? tail Moni. A N?' invi!?' Impel han, aa?l an* rc?nil?l??nt ? w? ?can ?coartan?* ,?"?i thai tln-r.- i< ao aecet lag In i. ' ; ?r l??it y w?ir. W. !.. Oougla* o!???? -? n-jin <?-n! the _t ' ni ?-ut kt"t :?; ?say prier. Iks ?anne . ? ?vfepie woni'icet ?51?>????. Ada A t'?? 11 Every kind oi lt-utli.?r. a ,*, AU e??-? ?Md ?SftdthS. ?, _i lot th??n at our ?? 8tor?, A A f,?3 EAST BROAO STREET. *Z* m\\t?otyiT&ttny^ Barnett L?thia Hotel, CHASE CITY. VA? W. S. BARNETT, OWKEB AM) PBOPBIETOB (Nino year?' ?tXPerlettCS in A-die?, .?lie, N C. and y> PUB! LITHIA WATER and i ?ST ACCOMMODATIONS IN' TOWN a ?consult my ?gin "I -c-onslder Mr. Barnett the best ?note man i know."?A ?Distinguished Lawye end I' lent ?s? e-Th.Su*?Tutm.lpwdtpte ?LOUT, STB \*? i?, ?mi nuMi. ?STRAYED OR STOLEN ?FROM TIM f ; ni of James McDonough, on the Charli two mile and a hall I rom th . ?SMALL BLAi !K MULE abou Any ?Information u :\. ?!, a' ?> ____ ?de 6-lt REWARD FOR RETUR?* OF ? DOG PHIL; ? luish white with I i . tan IEOROE H MORRIS OR MISLAID, CERTIFICATI So. \ Old Ion Build] ?r and Loan A , Kind r r? tui n to this and get ft Tui;* Tli?- i Ilr??t?n?rli????il. An h tod of Christ, oi ' 'hrta . burch lasi r th. run ? Mr. w A Cr? nshau Lherliu ? ' i i . polltl i i C'hri- tlm.'t? I from and iddr Rev. S. U. Maxw? 11 :rn,?.l the : inn? h by the * Ihrlstl . of tho chui ?..ii?? ?if \.-i.riina. A v Camp 1 . . W. R. Wald? ti A ? OBI? rrom John B. i m. for tl Courti that th?? pi? tur.? would be ready In ? t, , '. Cox to lyrsssse Lodge I elakrataa. Bjrr A bou following l George A ' - i:. w I r I Got 1 I If. Marl M. nol T. B. ? Pit Ki-ii ? n m|i Caatrlkwtaa. PIC1 :'. !'. Tli the ?fund I - i. . ? ?auihent t?> Miss VVln tii > I M. W Ha/. I wood, ry In ut th? ? ? ? in the 19th Captain J. M. ll i v-, ill a?'..!r. m ti. .?.imp. Hi? ita? Mommrormg, Morgan Robin lon'i ti : i '- will be - ' I t.. know his shoulder v i Ich I I y a fall, Ii all rlghl I ? ??-. I I i? naon net I :?.. with the 1 rr? ? i Mr. Rol th t.- sri fall n >ball two ) I'll-?- nt Mr. Miiiilfc'a It?-??l?letu*?-. in??r; lence of M R. Bands, i - ' ??ru? i " and the draoe rlc-a-brac i t;,,. it oui furthet and i and trii? k N ' out. 'Hie ? onl \\ . ? All Mi., i, i. Th is an?i BuiMInx? m? I . ml Insiie? t? ?l th.. e? al In th?* bunk itv Hail, it ?,is carefully ry. AI! Bub-commlttee w?r. it. lii-uuil i.o?!*?? Maats Tn*Bm%p, Th.? ?; .ml ?Lodge ??r Masons wttl n annual < ommunlcatloti at th M Tem? III . ?".-n.! ?,?,. r tl The ' ?. ? omi . ml nion ? I L"l. uht. and , ; a candidate. ThS !'.< f. Dr. JOS ?h H Ken f?r wenty-thi - > .?,?,,, i. sbyterl m church of New v?>rk h? resti in centl) aboul I ill thai he was an until , ,' ,,. BU-PLOTMBirr WABTS. i wj-rras?, AN ACTIVK ol? 81 LENT PARTNER IN* Whohsalc Manufu'-turlng Busiraraa. Mu I , have from II-,.? ?i t?, W.W caplial. Will I i . frota B ,') 3.1 per annum. i no . . advertiser commis ?i inri-c trade und ex ' perlen?, In the huslnes?. None mil th?>s-? ' ! who iiT'iui busln'-ss n? ' ! answer. Ad * dn u 'OFFICE.'' care Dispatch ofSee. ' -.-it*__, [ M *.*.TKI?. i BT RICH.VI,)NI? BRANCH OF LARGE . ' Agricultural lmi>l'-m?-nt House, s . man to UCl as Dook-ki l? t ai d ? 8 Preferance given t?> one wfa? stenographer. 8tat? pa i i aperlen? , tc. x. X.. care Ditpaxch, -! li-'ito WA.1Tr.Il. SITCATIONS SECURED IV ?MTV OR ? un try; hon rabli, I althful. lue, I : i i? is pay me. Immediately. Writ, i'.?,x us, Richmond. de 6-it** \\ \VI'KI>. A COMPETENT, UNMARRIED WHITE Woman t>? do Dlnlng-Room w-.-k north Laurel sti I '?'* \\ \vri:i?. SEVERAL Voi NCI LADIES TO A' c'".-,ks and SultB. Apply -it "THE i? >v. ER" (Julli B M *.\n:i?. ? TWBNTT-FTVB SALESMEN WHO . -l ,,n the road, celling ?it'll-. ?!i handle ?,s a Bide line an article in mand. B irge. None but men getters need mas? ?N ?v ('' ' , <'i? v. la, ?1. ' ' ??,- >S-Tu,Th&Sun3t UIMM'.SS AVANTS. D.O'SILLIVAN'S. Eighteenth and Hain 5>ts. II.M'.ST ( l I.PKIT.It (HHAMF.nV III I 1 lit. VIrpS?iia"s fin- \'w-?\?= ih,' s un?. Nothing in t?'i-? town in equal it for purity, _ ivor, and nualit) i Ilclous flavor is not equalled by any But ter ,?i twice the coat m-?i : a pound for ?ami IBe. i??*p gmwmi la Bay awunttty. ?CLBBBfBB OLD BTO WHISBBY, a p? rf?, -, ? y pure Vli ntaln ?Us till'-'l, tr !' W l; \\ 1: -, ( , in 1 June. ' 111??, in-i- ?pinrt; gl.,!,? KiiHon. Large White, FBI MackenI, la -t ->r 13-pound kits . "" i) DBWBT nuil' ti: \. T* ?: ltd ne fl roi Bids of China, where It u ed ior our custom? i??. P<*r iioiuikl. in?-. m Luach Biscuits, still warm. -. iust i? iked, p. r pound .k ?V** Blue Pola! Bnowfl r - i r ?'rack?-is. per ?pound . ?> * ? Family Flour, e* . __ per barrel . *P4*Z**> \- stove Polish, make your __ tove look like a mirror, for.... ?"> i'AI.ll'OHMt DRIBD PEACHB9, n dainty ?': I cc I . '. ?* i" 000 ms Lemon C d, *yi\c S-pound - . _su?w inly i llmi, i qu mtil 'ti*-- Whit, n-1 ->rc . -?**.?** 1 . *)V*' III It 11 I-I \\:i GROUND MEAL. a, -tctr beg . ??"** rele "too-. I ?, -q 1*1 our i ? poui Fri Bhly ?_? . VM" c ???, bu -h ?I Vt iter-, ' per bushel ._. ' rn. Fin? st Osts on th, I l . 45? 42c 32c \ ?, -,? ? III.I.Ml ? HI I li:. pjchni'.'i I.- in, it m- dlum-pi. lag ' 2()C . ,\i iblu II 2^C 1 er pound . ? * -.. . '-''** ; ahem v.'.f? ta, pure -1 ^ Dutcb ,n 12C arm P"'ii!,!- '- *?o . * ' ?mpo IOC IOC Vlnei ar, per nil* n . New Orli C(>?j . *-' AC '. . *' indi er r pound . ?-' m;*.\ misa i*iit\ nu.?.. 11 IOC insu Po- |-c - . *-' 10 pou "\ pii'?'iiii:i? SI 181 ?. XX\\ I*; .!,; : 1 I'hlB Brand; m v v?i ?ri Ni mw_ 1 r , . / ? > titr 1 1 qua r, . 4"**' nal --cr /?*)* I Ci' . ??>* -"moking -,c/? l-pound bas . ?*?ol l im: OLD -mi I hi ut i) 11 IMS. Pis ery loi a Smlthtield 11 j our 01 d? i .1? time : when we bav? tl r?-i- |,?uiii?i i-i??. : les Choles Tlmathy o ,v. 4O* * ?* d>- :: THE PI ?BST \M> i,l-i Mil K l\ THE CITY, DELIVERED IN 8TERI? I'?-r quart. 1 pint. ,,!! . CHAT8WORTH ?AH IPAN f. 211 . . - \V Wlilll. TWO QEOTLEMHN OR OENTLEMAN Wife to a im 1BDBHI \\ \\ , id. to a: SEN ERAL NICEL1 FURNISHED ?t -un north i: _ WAKTI !). HIGHEST ?'ash 1-Kl? .-s PAID FOR \ and !'. ?..Pi-. China, -, Plated Vft :> Old 1 ill McOEORGE, No 113 t is, Id Richr, -IU. Ul ?IM.-N \\ VM?. Ol. I. W lll-KI?, > AT POPt I,All PHI? Kg. Pride of Virginia, old Mono _. old Stand ird | Dew, to.. 1 ?Id , . 1 WalWl.k. 1. 1 Kentuckj So.11 Ma?h ? ,,.,? Pineal . old North Carolina C ra Whiakei M . gallon; tono 0,0 \',,. f,'. Brand] ;,t 1:.'?' and S'2 p, r ?<_ On? a- i- 1 ?-. .-.all? n; Medl . U II j. Qot A Wi,!?..? > a, I and Bl .? k! . i> W Im -< a, Ux: ? ,, Kt p:-i? e \ ?M- Thlr t??en,h street, 111, _ IADflKSt Chicfiettw's Eigl'ih Punnyrov.--., aro the T?-8t. .-}no..., T.k.- M mmm UmSt ?0., ?._^, i.? ,*rth?l?s - ruiw ' ' LVhi,_^;;\'ae^ir^rT*k,i?-..lrTr tsu ?-Tu.Th, iuly) Bl'SINBSI , ll\>, 1 v NEW ?STOCK SHOES AM? CLOThYno for Boh .u a dlacoun. Beat tov, ;.p? rtunlty f..r ma , with tt.u ? Addreaa A , care ?,f iiisl.i ob U? 1-1W ACCnog SALE,_Th|, ,,,, WHEN REAL \ ... 'AXKd Ko 11 Tin: . i . TAXE* FOR THE ? DAK TEAR AUK T RATA !-V Tin: VENl VENDEE. " ''' - J.v" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE STAKJETIFS, SHOV?Ct?f? STOVES, tic, N* AT AICIIOV We win i i '!'? ?. i ? ? ? FiirnlMn rnt ? I I ?Chairs, n I>Oiib ? brick i L de ?-It \i rrrios iii.w rat?t? i,,? WHEN Rl v. TAXI 11. ? D\K VK.U? ARE R \ta iiv Tin: vkn: t 4 riTI.'NSAI RO? - V I IN 1 I At ' offer THUR8D ' . .. nn?l i? Tin - and li TER I GUBUR1 11 [win on MOND ' !_ Ti.r , ; E_ i A B1 : I ? I I i ? In int? J. Tl R AK i [OS f IL i At I i u , ' M.INQ ? The ' hfl_, C. i' PAWNBBOKI i. - POR ill 0 f_ ROOVfl I ' '" s WITH OR ' DE WITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE Awelllmmc?ia:)^r;|M ?Cures obsUnste ? , ?kmum. ?skia d andiK'altispaiiii prc-*> tli?* ?iualU> if I*1 ' : price. The tx-u S-aprouiKvur r. IT-CUr*-.?'? lap ii-ti>,??*iw __ Cards, - . , - . work .a i . irifniur work I w?- win ?guarantee ? ' ' - particular.