Newspaper Page Text
2 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1898. - THE MESA DULL fC-C^TIXUED FROM PAGE ONT'.) BJgA.*. ?-"-??3* " I ?- - - '-rr ford, the American Minis'rr at Madrid. was tclesraslie? confirmation of the text of the fo!n\ ,-eaelutl?.n a,.?t dlreeted t<* w?r?nunics,a It to the Government of Spain, with S formal demand that It at this government ft" '? ? " i?*?-""? "? " San* "n conforma with the fourth da,?? e. the resolution, and Riving Spsin until rotm o? April 2id to r? . n?-m*n?l. si,hough, as auove shown. off??isliy ma?'.?- known to the envoy heie. was not dellverc-a *Aft?_r th? Instruction reached Genera! ford on the mornliiK of April Zlst, I - Ye could present it, the Spsn lsh Minister of 8tate notified him that ? nt's approval of the Joint un. the Madrid Government, re In?, the net aa "equivalent to an evi dent d???larotlon <*f war." had or?ier<-<l its In Washington to withdinw. t?jtr, ..- ?.rr diplomatic relationa I md ceasing all official communication betwoen their r?*T? -lives Genera! wood : . '1,-manded his passport.?*-. and qultt? 1 ton Irtd the same I CALL ?TOR ?OU7NTEERft .- nled the demai the t r r.ipiure o? relations w ; ,1 by the n mer? ta meet t] ?m April 23d 1 proclalm ' i I b?-tw en t . Cf i on ' s? nth coaal of ?Tur?.: for rolun t t the _ i. my ?i - : the 1 i lation, an,, ,-lon of th? th V ? Util , ng the , : April '! the : the nation ?c ? , | tlon of the n the povern -ments with ted States - i thai ?h? Ir neutral ity ml The with f ?nation?* sfter mong the of the sti were , Men under ? Tn the ,-,- . He, the nil, ?f the tn Including sbsttoence ( r beet . . . -.. neither w tlon Till". WAB ON. Our eountry thus, SftST ?,:i Interval of h ,li n ?. ntury ill nation?? i Uy conflict with ,? foi nerv? a;r;,ir.,d i?. m< The 1 ? VOl uriteei - -.?. , I stan, and compl, 'u!>o the i nd call, of May IS, l r 75.000 ?iddltlonal volun Tho ranks of ihe regular irmi srers In? ! to the lut.i : provl : il by the act Of Apr?l the navy on the 6th i > of Augu t, when It reached its maximum, numbered _4.l_'." men and eppi On? hundred and three vessels x\ ? y by j. i : I to th? ernmei.i, one leas, of the Intern i Com pany- fhe St. I'm'. .? and Paris wer,- chartered In addition to these the revenue cutters und light house to the Navy Departmeat -.. f-mpora L part of the auxiliary navy. The maximum effective li^ht, the navj ?luiiii-i the war ? -.-? ?l lato ta as follow i - . battl at ?f the . . six ., ..?_., thrae unpro? ^?fmmr''en ruiib ?its, one dynamite cruiser, eleven torp? old r.s*?-y ltu-.u?lltig moni tors, fourteen; auxiliary navy, elev, auxiliary reoty-elght converted I ' - led > oil lera, hft? n re? ? rs four light-house tenders, and nineteen ml ' is to the alarm - M.e Atlantic aeaboard les? at, ick i ode by the enemy; to tbi menl ,?f the coast signal service, and t?? the mining of our principal harbors from I*.'_in.- le also complimenta the ?., the a! :ny for II vice during tho e. ar. THK WAB I.' Th?r national defence lund of SIO.OOO.OOO I .and t : which II of th r m?. tlm? i> api i erament lo strengthen i' ea and prepai itiona greatly i? ?eded In (?,' \-. ,.i fUBd beim ite I?, I the ? - nduet <?t the w.y. the pat,, of tt meam in the war-revenue act of Jun, 1-th, by auth t ig ad ditiv ti - and I ? 1,1! ? many tlm, - over, w hl!e pj to iio -' ; r i va -ms , , ,nr agin-, ? tern to jpho] : i honor It i- roi u thin th, | this mesa trnoni li-h .! r?f Ap-l! II I? [ RT OF '! I I WAB Th<- President hei PC the war, re? ? ictoi j at OfKK'l , of in vinci' nued ihren the ?trusg lance to j, propei ?/,'* he ? ?rrning end ? ' M ty, thereby t !' t he **h?->i. In sinking the M h ay?-- "Th f OUI 1 h 1! naval -id with ic f.?r? m-?- ,o ,1 mandera i?? i be gunnel .-. 1 II contri .m ?->? ihij- asi ?Unding ? il i. ?r lilel In the < . ? *, ?riion of ti??- i annal woui'i i.? Ir.Mdloue to tingle <?u* any for ? ?.r." RCt?**l .Ha*?,. the i' of oil ?i, , Strikingly ? h-??.. . ?il e;i S An?, l?? ih< ?un? n 1er ?t ai.tiui;?, while the pr and au i-esslv? \,?-.ii .? \ ?i and un'\< : To those who a this . f l'un m? U o I ? an,I lasting ? >i?1< due. N'?.. hh?> n Han'ry ??! claim our leais, _i?<J our ISSSSS by b-tii, -?nd disease must cloud any exulta* ti"i, It ,?n 1 i a ?, ,i- ,,, weigh the awful cost of war, however ri-*htful < ? signal the \ie> ,i ?, " Then foil, w - .at 0f t\lr. occupation ef ?Ports nd, finally the *r--?sident auya. *Tha las. scene ol the war was en*?-,.?,?, _t MmUIs. It?? i-,err ing place. On August l*,,h. .-,ft-?r a brw assau!, upon the works b> the land fore, s in w>i ?h the ?V|u?_ron assiat?-?!, th?. caol tal aurren.Ure i unconditionally The casualties wars ?-?-?mpai-atively f?.w in tb?? the < r?*u?,st of ihe Philinpine L*, '^:,: -' eoropllahed when th? ?punish capeeit) i i ,. .'??ane?*. was de stroyed by Anmlrai Dewey'a victory of IBe 1st of May, w?b formally eei?|?>d *r THK SAY.H V? II? ? WEBB KEPT AT HOME. Of ,'? ..oldiera wb-, wagt k, pt at home viriu/ th?. war ihe l'i?sl?l?.|-t r?v? Be ntt'.?-.- ti i ? abuuM h?ar tastlniouy t, ??., putrtotUm and devotion of that largt poi.?..? ,i u?, uvu?>, ?Ahlch, ?_JiU?,ub1i ?,_ arer to bu order?*! to the poet of gre expos-ire. fortunately was not rey .?uif id? of the United guate?. The> their whole duty. ?Mid, Ilk? tiV-lr conn at the front, ?have earned the grat of tho nation. In like manner tho ofl and mtn of the nrmr and of tbe who rtmalned in their department? ai thilr stationa. faithfully performing important dutl"B connected with th<? und w <?m ri.'pieats for aaalgnmont Ir field and at sea I waa compel??-?! M r? because their services wem indlsponi hen . ?are enUtled to the bl?hest com? dation. It i? my regret that there ? to be no provlalon for their suitable coarnltl<?n. The ?President makes suitable re? tlon of the set rices of th.* Red ?luring the war, and prtxjeedi folio?*: OVERTURE! von PEACE. The annihilation of Admiral C? rv? followed bv the capitulation of l ?tlago, having brought to the Spanish < < rr.ment a realizing tu nse of the hopel nc-a of continuing a struggle now come wholly unequal, it made overt of peace through the French Ambaasa who, with the assent of his govt.rnm had acted as the friendly representa of Spanish Interests during the war. the 2T<d of July tit Cam bon presente communication, signed by the Duke Almedover, the Spanish Minister of 8t inviting the United Statte to state terms upon which It would be wllllni ?make pence. On the sot h of July, b conimunl'-atlon addr? ssed to the D of Almodovar, and handod to M. Caml the terms of this government were nounccd. substantially as In the prot? ait'rwards slgr.? i, ? On the luth of August the ?Spajflsn re August Tth. wes banded by ?n to the ?Secretary of ?State. ? i, unconditionally, th?* terms pos? d as to ?Cuba, Porto RICO, and In the Ladrones ?group, but ni>i>??n h to Introduce inadmissible reeer tlofis In regard to our demand as to pine J ' ivliig that ? n of this point could neither practica] nor jtofitabie. 1 directed tt in or.i? r t.? avoid misunderstanding matter should be forthwith close! by r posing ?the ?embodiment in a formal i tocol of tbe terms upon which tbe n? UatlOns for peace were to he umlcrtak :ru" and Inexplicit Tturi-estions the Spanish note could not be accept the only ?reply i??.-tng to present as a *i iltlmatum a draft of protocol < ' ng tha precioe t.-rms tendered in our note of July 30th, with ad? .?f d? ?tall as to the appoi ment of commissioners to arrang? ition et tho Spanish Antl!. On Attgusl l;''ii M ?'nmbon, as the plr poten? aln. and tho ?feorotary nlpotentlary of the Uni protocol providing as 1 "Article I Spain will relinquish claim of ?sovereignty over and tifio Cubs "Article II. Spain will ?cede to t States '!?e Island of Porto R and i?; - now under Spanish e? . y in the v eel Indies, ?and ?aleo Island in the Ladrones, to ta selected the Vil*, d Stal ? 1 Ths Vnited States will copy ?and ?hol?*l the city, b-ay, and harl of Manila, ?pending the oonciuslon of treat) . which shall determ dlsposlUen, anH governm? of th.? Philippin? i ... ! rtn article provided for tho i nt ooi?n*nlsslona on 1 r th?- United States and Spain, d Habana and Ban Juan, respect!' r ?the purpose oi arranging and c .an the detalle of the stipulai itlon ? !' Cuba, Porto Rico, and otl Spanish IslantJs in Um West Indi*?. 'I In nf th article provided for tho i ?polntment of not mor" than five ccrr.m Bioners on each side to meet at r?irls i latei than Ootober is", and to proceed th? negotietton and conclusion o? a treu of j ?to rkttftcatl m H?conU rs conetitutional forUM il?? i .-. ? . iiitrie8. ': li" sixth and lest article provided U tigs iturs of the protocol, h? tuitleo between the two countries shoi ? ! that not! ?e to that ? hould be given us soon as possii by seek ?government to the i-ommandi of Its military and naval forct Immedlntely npon the conclusion of t protocol J i sued a proclamation, on A > tiding 1 '?11:. M : . |he United States. The n'ecsra orders to ?thei end were al once given i'ii. The blockade of th? , rta Cuba end S;-.n Juan de Torio Rloo waa like manner rala ?i. and on the Utfa August the muster out ??. 100,80 volu tears ox - near that numbt r n t i I?- ? ,... ,1? :,! , .?., to?- Js; of December 10i,l_ officere a men had ?been mustered out ?end o charged from thi u I 9,000 jr.. win be mustered out by ti.e 10th ??f U month. ?PBtACB TRBATT W-OjRK. ant to the ?fth article of tho pi 1 Willium 11. D-ay, late tary of Htate; cu'?hman ?? . Dav William P. Prye, and Qeorge Gray, sen the United states, an.j Whitela K-i?i ?to ?be the ?p-eaee commkMioners ? the ?part of tbe United ?Bieten ?Prooeedli in ?i ?to Parie, ?they there met, i the ist ??r October, five oommisslons stmllai : on tha pai t of gpal rheir negotiations have made hopet BToi - bat 1 trust scon to ?be aii to ?Jay a definitivo ?treat) of peece iWo the Senate, with .- ?review of ?Um . a ill??. NO SUGGESTION AB TO "COLONIES 1 do not ?Ulli tu., the go?, iture el the new posse; sions which will come to us .is tho r? I of the war with Spain. ?Such diseui ?Ion will 1 after th?- treat ?i peace aball ?be ratified, in tho mea tun", au 1 until the- Congress hu.s log? lated otherwise, it will be my duty t continue the military governments whlc i. ? azieted alnce our occupation, an glva to the people security in life ?an pro uragement under a juj and i?? neat nt rule. QOVERNMENT FOR CI HA. .? we are In poeeoselon ?mi bave ?pacified the island, it g nee? ? t giv? aid end ?direction to It form a f-overnment for them ?selvei 1 bli : hould i?? und? rtaken at tb a ? li : m? ?n,? nt et ni Istent arith and asi un d eu?. ? m. H le important the ?,',.i relations ?with this people shell ?be ? th? < haracter, and ou commi rcial n los? ?and r. It should be .ver our duty to SSI ? ,? y proper we?* to bun.i up th? naet ;? ??' ' ol the ; the in thei t.. term s government which shell be fre and Independent, thus realising the ?bee sepit : the Cubar peopie. . : h rule must ?be replaced by a jusi relent, ami humane ?gevernnMnt. cr<? ited t?y the people of ?Cuba, c ?pablo o i rformlng ell International obligations an.i which shall enrourage thrift, Indus try, end prosperity, and ?promote and ?good trill ?among all of the inhabi tante, whatever ?maj have ?seen their re let lone In the past. Neither revenge no ?pension should bave u piece In the nev at Until there is complete tren quillit) in tbe Island, end a stable gov ernmenl Inaugurated, military occupa. tlon will ?be continued. GENERAL FOREIGN RELATIONS. With ?the one exception ol the ruptur? with Spain tbe Intercourse of the Unite? states with th?? ?great family of natloni das u? d with ?cordiality, an? the doss of the eventful yeer finds mot. of the Issues that oec?eseerily arise in th? complex relations of sovereign Stal justed, or presenting no serious obstad? to a Just nd honorable solution by ami cable agre? ment I have found ni-e.t.-lon to approach lb? v. '. .?.ernment with a view to re moving dlfferen ?.s of rato chargea im posed upon the cables of an An ?a In the transmission betweei m A: f nies of Urugua] >' ' .? ?: ? f tiit?;; ?i meat n ., and to the I nlted ?Stal - * Ji relation i mai t.?? permitted ?to expr?s my ?sense of the limes* ol an internailon ai aareement wherebj tbi Inter? . nnectlng cablea ma] be regulated on a fair basis of uniform? ity. The -world ?has seen the postal aya um ?i*\ ?n a congeries of lode ?pendent end exclusive services ?lato i a? ;?? red union, of which gil oc t!??' manifold benefits. It would tx strange were the nations not In turn ?ghi to ?realise that ni??i?*rri ci?..;,/. . much of its pi t.? the annthlian on ?ai apace b) ir,e ? tj!? force, demanda that this all Impor ? as of i ommunii etlon ?be u herit age of iH ?peoples; to ?be ?administered and regulated in ?their common behaof. a stop traction was taken when thi ii? .? convention of 1181, lor the pr<> t wub-marlno cables, weg -oign??!. and the day Is, 1 trust, not fur distant when this m.a-ilurn for tho transmission of thou?h! f'om land to lan?l mey ?be ?brought within th?.- domain of Interna. tlonal concern u* completely as Is the m> ? Cirilas?? of commercu and eorre spondsnee upon tht face of ?Ihe v\ater*? that divide them DKMAND PIIOM AUBTRlA-IirXGARY. tin ib? 10th of September, 1?T. a con ? ni'-t took placo ut Lattlmer, Pa., between i? tmdy ?of atrlkltig miners and the Bherlil or i.usei-ii? county and his ?deputies, in which twenty-two miners were killed ana forty-four wounded, of whom ten of the killed and twelve of tho wounded ?were Austrian and Hungarian eubj?ctn. This UuKloraMe aveut aroused th* solicitud? til PIM PLES BLACK HEADS Blotches, Yellow, Oily?, Mothy Complexions, Red, Routfh Hands, Shapeless Nails, Itching Palms, Dry, Thin and Falling Hair, and Simple Baby Humors prevented by the most effective skin pu rifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Save Your HairS,cxi^S? lowed by light dl ' Ith I'M'Tl'VI'.A pure t of emollient skin cures, will cle??r the aosip ami hair of croata, acales, danfirift", aootba Irritated and itching aurfacss, stimulate the l. ilr follicles, sup pi-.- the root.-. With energy Sod nourish ment, and thus produce luxuriant ban*, With ??lean, whole-sonic scalp, When all eli?, falls. S?Ve YOlir Skin ntBh_*-**-**imattsa lr ritations, ehaflngs, undue or offensive ner piratton, and other sanative uses, nothing ho cooling, soothing, purlfylng.and refresh ing sa a bai h with CUTICURA BOAP, the moel effectlv? akin purifying sad beauti fying foap m the wot Id, srell aa pui and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Bold throughout the world. Price, CUTI CURA B< ?Al'. 25c.: CI 'TICURA (ototm, I ?. ' OTTER DRUG & CUEM. C< ?RP.. Sole Props., Bostoa B I Is] I ? ?pot, l King E*-dwsi London; Depot Fran ?ais, to'i Faubourg Bt. Honore, Paris. Hen.i foi "Fa ?, Eland, and Hair" boon, mailed free. _ ?pili.H, mumwni m?? mmmmmm?mmmmmmmmmm the Anstro - Hungarian Qovernment, which, on tit*- sasumption that the killing :,n,? wounding Involved the unjustifiably' miauae of authority, claimed . . tor the Buffer? Apart t: ?as tbs Search Ing Investigation .-? , i action -i the ?_i..,,.vl*. ,,f pennsy'.vanla, the i-? di r.ii authorities took appropriate hi? the in? :its of the esas. In 01 d? i ? ? i? in a !" -it;?.i to meet I complaint of a friendly Power. The Bh< rift and inn deputies, having been indicted f,?t murder, were tri.o and acquitted, .?ft. r protracted pi ? lings and the hearing of hundri -is of witn? t?.?- killins was in th> lh,e ??f th- ir i duty t'> upl..?M law and preserve public order in the State, a repreaentatfve of the Dspartmenl of Justice sttended the tna, sad reported its coursa fully. With ail the facts in it?, poaaeasioo, tnia gov ernment txpecta to reaeh a h:irm<">n!ou<* understanding on the with that of Austria-Hungary. BOt? I nstsndf a new? I claim of the latter, aft?r learning the rcsiili of th?- trial, fer Indemi I Its injured ; ,?'.' 11H i .1 ; IA N B X1K : "i TION. Despite the brief time allotted for pre i tioi the exhibit! of this country at the Universal Exposition at Brussels in ?91 anjoyed thi singular distinction of a lat-jr.-!- proportl ?n of swsrda, having re gard t" the Bumber and olssaea of articles ? i'?.-r> d, than too- 5,. of oth? r coun, The worth of su,h a result in tasking kn?"?\vi our national capacity t.? supply the world'a marketa is obvious. I trust the Belgla ? restrictions Dn the ImportstioD of cal fr m the I n States, originally adopted as asaltary r - Ion, ?rill at an early day b>- re ax, . as to th lr press?t testarea ? I I ird ahlp ai?''? discrlmlnstioa, i sa t , admit Uva osttls under dua regulation after :. I am i?"!" ful, too of favoi change In the Belgian tr< atment of our rved and salt, ?l meats. The year's events In Central Am ure here mentioned by the President NICARAGUA CANAL The Nicaragua Canal < un der the chairmanship of Rear-AdmlraJ John ?,. Walker, ap] .,. I July .;. 1491, tn?- authority oi a provision in the sundry civil set el Jui?-, Ith of that j::o\ t?a. .. orh completed Its labors, sod the re, Ita of Ita exhaustive Inqulrj into proper route, the feaalbility, and the cost o constrootion of an Interoceanlc i by a Nicaragoaa nui?, will be laid b, you. in the performance ,?f its task th, commission r?c?*?Ue?i all possible ? oui and assistance from the govemmea Nicaragua and Coats Rica, which testified insir appr?ciation of the import ance 11 iiviru; a speedy end practical out 0B a to ill?* great project laut has for Su years engiossed the attention of the respectivo ?ountrles. As the scope of the roCOBl hn-uiry . m . the whole aubjoct, with the aim king plan.- an?, by the most eooventeat route, M neo, iaa i ii\ included a review ol th? irveya sad plans, and In par i- those adopted by the Maritime ? mi . under h.? existing ?on ns from Nicaragua a,ai Costs Rica, il to this extenl grants neces I i part In the de tl ma and son? lustona of the i commission ss thej have t, lo and muai hold in the discussion of th? i>. ii th?, Cosign -.-. CONCKMUON ?"H.Mri.K'ATIONB T'litit-r these clrcumatan . and In \iew of overtures ma,l? to the Oovsmmonl <?' Nicaragua an,i Costa Rica bj other in tiea for a new canal concession ; ?m the sssumed approaching lapa seta of tha Maritime Canal Company With tl I BSV, nul I?. . my ?'on? lotion that i om Id ra tion* of expediency .-?nil interna;? policy, a? betwi-en the aeveral govern ments interested in the eonstrutTtlon ami control or an Inter ooeaalo c-4n,,i by thla route, revoira ill?** saaintenance ef th?? quo until the canal comniisaiou ahall bave ?reported, and the Called Staie?. shall have .'? ? ! opportunll upon the wboll n .- during the pi 'Ion, without pri : of any change in the existing cm . N? verthelesl. it appsars thai the Gov ernmenl ol Nlcsi ?aa of ita iasi over? Ign o befors m< rging It, i In those of tl im? 1 I'niteJ of Central Amerli ?. (sin, r.,i ?. has granted an options] con ceealon t<? soother association, to become live on the expiration of the present grant. It ?lues not appear what survey?. have been mad? or whi.t route is proposed under this contingent grant ro that an examina,km of Ity of itx plan? essarily not embraced tn the report of the canal commiaaton. All theOS elrcum.? tances suggest th> urgency ?>f som<* ?i? ltr.ito action by the ?'ongress a, this session. If the labors of the pant are to b?? utilised, sad tha llnk lng of iho Atlautt?* and l'acillc oceans by a practica! waterway l? m be readied. That the ,-onstru??M?n of such a maritime highway in now m??ro than ever Indlspen to lhat Intimate and ready inter? communication between <v-,r Eastern and Wesiern seaboards, demamled by th? an nexation vt the Hawaiian It-Und?, au?i tho prospectivo expansion of our Infl and Commereo In the Pacific, and th national policy nom more Impere than ever calle for Its control b> government, are propositions wh doubt not the Congress will duly ? ointe and wisely ac< upon. OUR INTERESTS IN TEE ORIE The T'nlted fetatea has not I different spectator of the extraord event, transpiring In the Chinese ?pira, whereby portions of Its mat provinces are passing tinder the et ?f various European Powers, bul prospect that the Vast commerce, t the energv of our cltisens and th? crsslty of our staple productloni Chineas uses haa built up in then Kb-ns, may not be prejudiced thr any exclusive treatment by the n??v *.ta, haa obviated the need of ??juntry'a becoming an actor in ? ena Our posiuon among nations hi i 1 a me Pacific coast and a constant!; p.nndlng direct trade with the fa Orient, gives na an ?r-aaltable ciaii c??nslderat|nn and friendly trentnut this regard, and it will be my ah subserve cur largo interests In that < ter by all means appropriate to tho ?tant policy of our government. ' Meanwhile there may be Just i*r for disquietude in view of the ?unreel ?revival of tho old sentiment of op tlon and prejudice to alien people w pervades certain of tho Chinese provii As In tho ease of the attacks up?">n cltisens In Sseehuan and at Kutlen in tha United States Minister has beer strutted to serur? the fullest D protection, ?both local and Imperial. any menaced American interests, .in demand, in case o' lawteea ?injury I i son or property. Instant reparation te to the reea In this connection th?? PresMe-nt provee the reoommendetlon of the rotary of the Treasury that an ?pproj tlon be mad?? for a commlaalon to si tbo r?)inm??reini and Industrial condll In the Chln-so emplr? and ?report a the op* | for enlarging our ti It direction. He continues as lows: PARIS EXPOSITION. There Is now every prospect that p ir: i ipation of the united universal ?Sxpoeltlon to be h- id In P ? will be on a sea!,- conn - I with th<? advanced position bel products and Industries in ?the wot chief marta. i appointed Mr Fei-tnand W. Week ?Chicago, commissioner genei ' (to < ed Mr. II P. I! int commii ral and .? rotary, and Mr. Peck ?at onoe procet to Paris, v-i? ?re ?his eucceai in ope and vari? ty of tb States' exhibit has ?be? n most ?gratify - th>? ???tni Ited ?area 'if th?- exposition "ne half that of the World's Pair ai ' gned to th.- Un ?been Inore te? ?I from the al lute ?allot ment of PI, \ port? ?i by Mr. ?Sandy, to feet, with correspoi Id for a trul?. ? i ti?? representation of tho various imp? ant branches of our country's, devt ! ment. s e e e a : PHODTTCTS IN' BUROPEt The commercial grrnngement mad?- v Wruae.i the Bth of M?> of s? '?'.ion I of the <?i" 1897, went into effect on tbe let da) June follosring. D be I of our export trade from rai ment ?Furth? r r ng, and? r s? ctlon -t ot th v,ith a view to th?? i? ?trade . tbo two countries to their mut advantage. Negotiations with other k ernmente, in part interrupted by the with Bpeln, ?are In progreee, ?under t? as of th?> ?tarift ?sot i h ?able to announce some of tht- n mite tlons during the pi -, the same end with G msny he .? l en ?sel on foot. M? -, relaxed to nvln imperial ?Gov? i nmenl of '. of our Inspection of pork i itlon, end it li trust? . dminlatrstion of ?thi hi ?be cognised as a guarani : food staples i !.- th? .r ui ,rv. I tra to th of v. bruary ?is I th~ * portal ' b fruits tr??ni this cot bed then n tly been decrt rmany, on the ?ground of dangei ilnatlng the Ban Jo a at This pn cautti nary n rmany on the tal>? i. In s.-v? ral Stales of * i m .-. pest, t . pul In ing r ?to German fruit-growing I mid the ?scale obtain u lot ment In that eountry. Temj ? * ,;- afford.**] in ?the si ? of lei if fruit then on th- way, by Inept ? nd admla rton when to md non-1 f., ted. "Let? r the proh ?. ? it? drle i fruit but w relaxed ? r< a? to apply on! .n?i ?fruit waste. Ai 1 tbe alarm ft t~ht ?I ' land has adopt n lar Inhibit. m. i : 1 lovernment to i prohibition in fas ?r <?f dried ft ?ENTENTE WITH GREAT BRI 'AIN. Hi itain hat continued on the most friendly footln r quest, tbe protecttc ? . th.-.r Int? .... i by the d i il? an i ?cone ilar repr? ntatlvea ? Great Britain? who fulfilled their del lUOUS tl .ist n It h tait an a con mendatlon. I m ? wed t?> make fitting allusion ?to t_ of Mr. Rameden, ber Mejesty ? . ??? am, efter dl itlnguh h? ?i ?servie and untiring elfoil - during it that ?cil ' It will, give i says th.? ?President, if I shall be ?autboi iz? ?i t?) ?communicate t?> you a conclusion of th>? ?pending with Greet Britain in reenect to the D? ? L It la the ? rnmenl >ve all sour ? Ion In our : with the neighboring ?Dominion. II.W?. All. Pending thi of the plenlpol of Um ?republic f Hewett provl the snnexatton of tl lutlon t?? accomplit h th? accepting the ' ln< or poratlng thi < ? ?b ?l territory into tin i r?lon ! by tie? ? 'ont appr ved July 7, ISM I tl reate,', the Unit I Btal delphla to convey ?Reer-Admlral Miller t? Honolulu, end Intrusted to bis bs mi orta tl act, to I to the ?Preel I? nl of the r? public of Hawaii with whom th- Admiral end tl state> Minist? r wi re auth? appropriate an t'a 1 rrlni ?he aoverelgnty of the ?telenda to thi United Btatea Thle wea il lm August last, t?y the ? ei titled >opy of the 1 Dol? ?.-. bo yielded u?> t ? the i pre th? Unit .1 ubUc pro of the Hawaiian : ... Ref.i ring to t Bat Comm it i.? i?. li? ved i bal th . lenda* r will ?bave ; the '.'\\v the relationship of those mtd-Pe ; inda to ??>:r ?bom? I tilon a '.?. I i I both in the high? et d? gr? n .tlons of the community ?the -seal its ?lot aith ?as, end polltici I heritage, whili it tl.? rams time Ju who for tl heve i?? ?feed to I imm i Ig harmony with ou ind in fulfilment of ?. oueetiom ' ndlng ?be? Hawaii and of tbe alles l treaty Imta b>- tiie payment ot a : Indemnl y I Japan. Und? r t the Joint With Cue '? i irlth ? ther count) anchenged until provide. '! of Hew. gi ntrles continue to ?fulfil th ir ommerclal agi nclee, while States Honolulu 1? . for all app ei \ i?- i pertal Ing to trad? and the revenue, it would ? for- ign ".?? - tie In ?the illan [elende ?-ho??!?,? receive new ex eipiaturs from this gtvernm? nt. Tl e attention of ConaTsea is ealled to the fact than our ?nsiiUr officers ?having rased I exist in Hawaii an?l be: ig about to ?<-fi?e In other ccuntrtes coming under he sovereignty ot the l":. th. provisions for the vbif end I Bon of destitute American seamen in these countries under our consular regu lations will !n conse'.pienci- terminate. It i? proper.. therefore, that new legislation should be enacted upon thU ?subject, In ?ni. r to meet the changed conditions. ?UK EXTRADITION LAW. The difficulty with Mexico rei{ar.lln?j- the .lematu* for the extradition ot Ji-eu? ? Guerra la hero referred to, and tu con nectlon with It the President saya: In this relnHon I may ref? r to th?? necessity of some amendment of our existing extradi tion statut?*?. It Is a common stipulation of such trestles that neither party shall be bound to give up Ita own citizens, with th? added proviso In one of our treaties? that with Japan?that It may surrender if It see fit. It Is held In this country by nn almost uniform course of decision? that wn?re a treaty negatives tho obligation to sur render, the Presiden, IS no* Invented with li - ?1 authority to act. The conferment of such authority should be baaed oa thai sound morality which shrinks from af forillng secure a??yliim to the ?ruMior of a heinous crime. ?Again, statutory pro vision might well be made for what ta atyled extradition by way of transit, whereby a fugitive imrr? n-lerod by oat torelgn government to another may be conveyed ncrn.-?* the territory of the United st-it's to the -fairiedlctton of the . The problem of the Mexican free zone with regard to its Inconvenience I i>r.,vof*a,lve of smuRKltiti* into the United states along an extenslvs ami thinly guarded land border is mentioned at this point, and Mr. McKinley suggests that "Congress eonalder ths advisability of authorising and Invltlu* a conferen, representatives <?f the treasury depart* of the United BtStSS ami SfSKlCO t.. I? r the subject in all Hs complex bearlm*?, and make report, with pertinent re-commendat'ona, to the aparate ?"v rrnment.?* for the information of their rongressea." PERU'S ABEOOATIOM OF treaty. The Government of Peru has green the prescribed n?>tliV-,?lon or its tnt?niion to abfogata the treaty of friendship, com m< : e, and navigation ooncludsd with this country August H, U91. As that tn contains msny Important provisions ne to th? maintenance of commerce ?. which C'Uil?! with diffi culty be replaced by ?tlstion ?if i provlslooa withtn the brlsf twelve months Intervenlni ' treaty termlr itea. 1 1 lions by l *?-r ? i aa to the particular pro il, in the of ?reaching an arrangement whereby the remaining articles may b? provisionally see sees '.: v R'? PEACE PLAN. Tn i prop ' f tin ' Rossis 1er ??f the vast military IshmentS that w? Igh so h?-uivilv upon ma t.-, -, sopl r in Um? A p ?' ? ccmmualcated to this government, with n ? -r?ie?t Invitation to be represented in the c??nf?.-rence whi?-h it i? ilste I ? e with ,i view t, ig th? of sccomplishing bq I - His Majestj was st once Inform? ? ?i of the < rdf i1 syropatl ? iv? ernment with th?^ principle Involved In his . t< ? -1. rt proposition, snd ?of ?l??- rs :' the United States to take pa? In the conference. The sotivs military of th? United B mea tured by ??m i?"!' il nloo, lei rltorlal area, taxable wealth Is, snd under any eon oeivable prospective condltlooa must son? il uo to bo. in time of pei I? na than that of the armed Powei to whom th" ?"-tar's a*>p" il Is esp-"*ially led, thai the question ?an have for oa r.?? esp?acia] Import as park ing an auapicloua atep toward tl better men, of the condition <>f modern peoples and the eultlvatlon of pesca and K?*od ?rlll fim."ng them, but 'n thla view it be hoove? us as s nation to lend eoaateiusnoe and aid to the beaefleent orojeet. BALING CLAIMS. The claims of oarnera of Amerlcaa seal ing vessels for saisure by Russian era In Bering Be? are being prasssd to a s, ttletnent. The eqnitltM ?if 'he ca?*?s ju tify the expectstlon that .? measnrs of reparatloa will eventually be accorded In harmoay with precedeot and in the light of the proveo facts. * * * * swipk CLAIM To ALLEGIANCE; The Important question of th ? ?I Mm ol Bwitxerlsnd to th.- psrpstu il csntoni ace of Krn ' i- a, 'Isena "1 ? hp -? nol msde h pet A progri ition, ,*:ii ? ml 'cverstes in ibli regard still ? ,? ? Inue, TURKISH MATTERS. ti,, it. ?i?i, nt aaya that th.? new*ry<-ae 1 envoy of tha Unit? I states t?> th? Ottoman Ports carrlsa lastra l .< to the dispo-jal of matte--? In with Tuifey tor a number Of ; FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. Alluding to the financial sffalfS of the country, the President says, in part: ' Ths Secretary of th,> Treasury reporta that i of the aov, rameo, fron ? i ! sources during the fiscal year ended June ?, 1M in? udlng 1*4,751.2B received from the ?,A? of the Pacific rai'.t 21 335, and its expendi tures to $41 PRC4tTP_K*_TVB DEFICIT. "it is ast?mats?. upon the basis of the pr?s, law s. thai the r? i of the government for the year endin June "71 M7, and It, ?74.647. reauiting In a d - . of Uli.QO RETTREMI NT OF OREBiNBACKS. "In my lodgment ,he present eon lltlon of the Treasury amply Justifies tl??? iBUBO .ihite enactment of t-i?- legislation r? r ago, under w hlch a tloa ., > . . - ihould be p iti s trust ?fund, from which greenh ui.?l upon pr? im, when once ?redeemed should n?n there ifter be pi pt for gol i. "It la not to be Inferred thai oth?-i legisla to our cum ncy la no ntrary, th ?1? msnd :'or it." STEAMER LINEfl TO "COI/ONIES.** The says that in view of th n enl acquisition Of territory by th? United Btstes, there ahould be establlah i regulsr and frequeat ateamahlp ,o:n Am? rican fln-r with wly-aoqulred islands. "TELL iW-FEVEH D IMMISSION. in *?i,-w, also, of the lacn Msd Impor of the piropo ? ?! formation of a mlaslon of sanitary experta to investigate yellow-fever problem, owing to the militar?, occupation of Cuba ths P dent recommend- that iv,ng-esa pr tor such a commission. INCREASE OF ARM7. Ths r.mmeodstli n ths ** of War for the lr Ol the tabllat t to 10".?.? U the president's ur.'UHllfied ap pr??\ sL MUSTER-OUT OF VOlAJNTEBRfl, i!,? saya it Is his purpose to muster- ou' th, ?.u'Are volume? r army as aooi Congreaa shall provide for the incie., galar astaolishmonJ, NEW OOVBRNMBNT BUILDINO. Hs ;? ' tomms da tl.roc tloa of build Inp for the Department Of Just! ;ts also the advisability of mskl ? lupi . ' art. INCREASE OF MAVT ii.- earnestly approves ?f th? recom mendstiona of Secretary l.??ng ss to th< increase of th,- navy, sad recomm? hs grad, i of admiral aad vice admiral ho temporarily revived, to filled by officers who bava , dis themselvee la ths srar srlth THE NEXT CENSU? '! I Pr. .-Mem .- ,! and legislation providing for th tlon of tl DP whit? Ir, n tn Aun Terri! U ?i ?i?;? l < <>a-?ip. ? Bvealag Post.) ., tha aaeet auperlattvs hnsabui ths Bttuffcal wor,?i la the aoalj SM. n i itaalst pr? claimed I who would like t.? apare, ? ? th? it did not ?know h?,v. : m was waa D . : bO S : ?I?' ind I ? llS, the p",als rinit y (.- a ?aid h.? laughed a'. il y turtle d, cret i mug poetry ; koewledga oi the art o? paralas n.i? aeau mid t,e boot, ? a mus?? u. gaping j thai -t of und, iiki!.?-; mualc lies in *t-i?j; |ng li -. aro pu; tOgethei dorr. knot form ire lj beam ,i that th critics an- usu tr* public lu unoerstandlng the b of n??w fon . snd i-i-izt varied th same thought when he said that crlti? <re "the rear-guard of the musical am.. In Its march of progress." Mr. Philip Hale, '?,?e of the critic, SB i."t believe la analytical progianur.? s his recently un>aith?-d un am . of that form of pedantry, wr In !*.".l by the western humorist, l'hoen.x. For tho edlfloattOfl <>f ,h writer? and readers of analytical grammes, it i? reprodaeed here, it'?. scribes a composition entlt?,*?i "Th. Plains: Ode??S>?nphon!e par Jalea Tar box: "The symphonie opens upon the wld? and boundless plains lu longitude IN d? 1887?11,894,000 1895?19,526,000 1896-21,973,000 1897-22,585,000 The ever-increasing popularity and the pre-eminence of Apollinaris is clear to all from the foregoing quantities bottled at the Apollinaris Spring, Rhenish Prussia. THE TIMES, LONDON, speaking of APOUJXARIS, says; These figures are more eloquent than words. -rees west, latitude H degrees, 21 minute.-.. I second north, ami about sixty mi>i 'rum the weit banks of Pitt river. .These data are beautifully and cUarly expressed by a Ions (topographically) Irawn note from a H Hit clarinet. Th?j lundy nature of the soil, sparsely doU?s<l with bunches of cactus and art??m? ?i?. the extended view, flat an?! unbroken :o the horizon, sav.? by tl?.? ?rising ?MBOlM n the extreme v*ge, denoting the vlcln ty of a PI Utah village, are represent? d by the ba.-.t drum. A f?".v notes on the ;ii?:<?..l.) call th>- ait.tifion t?> a solitary ?uitelope ?picking up rn. h<- :l .-'.ins i:. foreground. The sun. having an alu .r minuten, Mages ? ipon the ?scene In Indei majesty. ?Iradually the BOnnde roll forth in a ??jng" of ?rejoicing to tli?* <?>"J ot Day: ?f th*/ in*en~ And ?grant immensity NOW then wo ?Beholding in ?gratitude Th???> In this latitud?, furious thing, which swells Into 'Iky Jim along, Jim ?along Jump,' then decreeceado, m??s ?? menos, poco podtn, ?I.? I away and dries up." 'i*he reg] secret of nuil md? ng lies in two tl ation end re? ?' 'it'.-jn. F.w per.--??ns WOUld fail t>? a?? reci.v . ?imposition if they could i?-? iiaiur?.,! to Unten to li ettenUrely i??/.? n t?mee, Analytl immee art iseful only to ?Btudentl of the art of com pofalng. iiir.ii H?eckel, ?of Mannheim, was the ?re? ipient <?f over s:\ty letter ?fr im Hi ihnrd r. ft me i ?Tinted In be "Wegn< r Jahrbu? h" ot IBB, The Ber lin ?pnbllsber, Fischer, is ai??ut to issu? volume oontainlng all of them. The tor of thi.-; volume ?Intima Weg? ; the time of his ?i? nth, bed b brain ?the c? m? irlo tor three i on the subjects or" Frederic tho Martin Luther, end I tard, ?f Weimar. This stat? ment is ?said ?to r? st in Wen. Ft wn ?toetimony; but to tboee ?.vho kiaiw him I l..?l. ?Few things ere more extraordlnery tbna the stupidity of the bulldem of ?COI hails end op? ra-housee. ?Hottentots u know as much of ?the liws of aeo md hygtem usually srlnce, l?n i??ti, ... p., hut certain bell whioh il?tege?ther, %?MMo, yet the* only way of Dg it consists in shutting up th?> ven ;iiators ?and lighting the ?see. In the ?sum? BOT, therefore, It Is lnsuff-rably h?jt, while in winter the tedies ?have to sit In furs ?n ?the -boxes, end ?the quality of the air breathed is ?vile. It is i it it ?n the wrong -?dace, t< o, for if thi windows ere ? : the iti drown the muelo, New fork ha* halls to niaf-h. ?mihecrtbera of th" opera at ?"??vent Gar r?, win be . ?mo ?new On, Th 1 'ally ?ys; "Hitherto the hah: . :?'d to tho olgnrette heve bed t?> chooee between the . ;.-?' end a crush i through whii-h ledles ?pees. Now, how? ii r iia- amp!?- ipece over the porti??> le :??!, .-irai t?j i?-? enclooed with gleea The new smoking room, wiii.'ti can !? v. rmed during the winter, will ?be furnished with ?iivans, - will, - r course, ? luxu !ii? nt, wh, OOt of the ?.i ind tier, and it would not -surpris? :... ?r ou a hol ?summ? ** night we I i th? IgdMe* sal? ted for tho ?BOW divan." A ?lisi-ussion 11 now In progress In '1- r many r? ?spectlng tb lmpOfd_OB of "petits i" for i-'i- ?anim ?portsnt compositlone In that country. The Ocrmen law. like the Krit . in. ?to ?Impoee e ?fine ?si '?n these who ?ilng ?French ?nge or perform ?Ft ptanoforti or org en 11? on the Utle-page of I :?r? ssiy stared t rut the right of perform? rv? ?i The <; irtn m ?; rvern* ?ment '? I this c?-?n i. althi u ?.r t" publ Itlng i?, ir vien s ??n tl In ESngl after clergyman and oth? ? J In tMriteble ??r i.? nevolent ?bed been m rriOd for h ilf-crown ?9n?es and r"'?rt>--.?hiniTf-r ?penultiee, tho matter was ? me mode the subjo'.t of a . act of Parliament. The pro . :i??r'.i :omlc opera. "Der i< tut er," la an nounced for Janury, 1 Blch. An np.-riM?- ?Storm B? m i 1 ? miponl Dnlly Mai! prints this gossip spro "It : t in Vienna that Dr. thnt eity ?tin competition o? Herr Mahler, ?the ?new fit? ?f ; ?? imp ! ?err Mahler, for recial r? ? to the ?anti-Semitic party; m . is, i?? ha> pow r behind him, ? i rard;. W) 1 Wll tlm? II ?:?i : ItMbter, n?.:- ?.?i? - ?,- v | ?, rel of the pr whom, at i??as?, ere like! Is a project 0 _it opei . ?urtiet i v ni i;?, ?st an iuredly have a ?better ti?-i?l foi I ,i an than tii- y neve at ; . i? i H?n r _ Beoout event?. in l'aria have shown that r will still ply if h effect.?. Formerly ho had aimo-i ;t m?in?> t the ?grand ?( a. :' ine -a? 1 with his < "Meyer -\.i ??reo, i know btm. i? ty." Th N ?. ml r Sc ? ( Nord BOd Bu?l has a p r-i nt of? Humperdinck, ?with -m ertic}e m wrhi * s deleted ? ?bet ! I ? ?be? out ?11 ?1 I? a he was teaching, v. i . the prise ami toi?| Wagn? '. * Browning reelly : Mr. i ? innrenther mid in it Titr?es: tut ?seen him tench ment or hum a tune." To which ?Cb Fry repli?e In ?. - mi e ?.ii?. ?i ??ti ?Bf timing a !? -.? -. in \'> u . , !?k Craseent, wh a, . ?sxpcessHii , If in i :. with ! -, ? the txseutlful ?setting ??f t.?. ,.vg a Worn m Uke a i lewdi , sir : m ?kensio had writ* is m Vr. . ?' 'it >_ i i.i'ii.r ?shnrmlng ?setting ?ae ? er th .u In th? than entern M over I h.-r." Whereupon he sat iamn t?? ?the elanofort?- un?! huir.:; ' t , mporlsed t?. \p __ OWU ?.? ? ??mp.uurneiit. "M;. . ? * 1 \S !.- . 1?)t thla ?'.own and thus .;?<! a n.-nt recoil! of song written composed by Uobert Hr.?wung." A coi'.fh it not l??}.-? a rever. It do*? aoi t. ?run i ?-ertaln c??tti-s#. fare it f in.l .-ff ' tU i?'?- wl.h (?ne M. Cough ?ms? remedy for ail und for the aevt-re <?as.?i. \\-e r?. -?r.imend It becaus?* If* gt OLD PAPERS f.'H ?AL.'fi nt lOe. VV.U HVNDM?D at the DISPATCH Olr-riC? S. ULLHAN'S SON'; i. It,m 1.11*1 BAHU-l.*,!. Headquarters for Xmas GooJs N, m IS THE TDffl TO Sl'Pl'i.Y FOR FRUIT CAR - BUI ER HAB JU8T RET? KM NEW i.ittK. WHERE H OREAT BARGAINS, AND v. ' QI\ B OUR ? - . OF SAME ,n?l . . ; >ew Cl? T New Ra pouod . , .- II, " r la-Roll Butter pe? lb. - S-w Or . per lb. , I I JDraady, per gallon .2?oa Nea Mix, i \'??i? <-, T- ?r our 8 :ll Plour, r li?ar . New Cranl erries, per quart.. Potted Mam or r " Old Port V ! i Win?-. : - or, |- 4. New Sour Kiaut. ?per quart Silver King iPinesnti Patent Fnml* |y Flour 1 . or, per bag. Large box? s Mustard Ibli?' or, per gallon . 40 S. ULI.M WS mis. 1-J? ANO 1-42 liA-l MJtXh .-. Up-Town Slots, ?mi tia.t .. a pi.une? Bt i." 'a St? It ?aid pay y??ii to ( r one of our completa pi * a regular monej -aav, r. (no 3l-aa.Tii.t-Th*! ids 4] I Wl.V Room 7 : Richmond, ?... ? TIIK RESIDUE OF . EVERY i buaii . s, snd tl. i - - ? OR VD?NG PA**. ' BEWEH CONN due, and , <iu. nt if : ' , FIVE PER ' tax ' ' - : 1 ON ?.'li. . CKMHER i- ti rest at | PER t,. all Ml a sa Parti, -liar si ti abov? . rdlnanc? by tl a ?CttJ ' ''I. 'her* - avoid Deceml I RANK W. CUNNi: I da 1 -Im :ector of ? - an s ' ful ur OHUCB-I. VIRGINIA IN TH1 "T OF Tl THE 2d LAV ' : A. R. A| ' " f N. A Bl Thoi - : of this s lit Is 'o ?*.? I LAND, front ? of Broad bm , Elev? ni h ai - page ? \ It; the mber, linM .!. A. fteenbo? , .-. - n'?. truil - J . I t rua tee, sad da|? : - se.-iir?' ??;'\'.n T An -ftliluvlt bl thai v Myanv - S',-?nb?,ck, to ' . note Is . id. r, t that th? > tlfteen days, . i their lntef?ei .-> ,'ii- ' i '-? William Elkyson. i ? *