Newspaper Page Text
6 TTTF. RJf?TTMOND mSPATCIT---TlJKSDAY_ DECEMBER 6_ 1898. Latest News From Devil's Island. The Special Kuvoy of the Paris Matin, in his iletail?-?! n port (OitniVr 28, of his visit to ex-Captstfl Dreyfus, girts the list of *** Little Wants." h tita prisoner sends in monthl) to civilisation, smong which a rc ? :< ?t for _ bottles Hunyadi Janos m, Natural Ap?*ri?*nt Water. m This proves that, although cot off from civilization for 4 years, the ex T Captain still n nicmlnrcl the natnc of The Beet Natural Laxative Water. ni? i. i um i" NEWS IN PETBBSB 0RG MKKIIM. UK Till: IlKl KMHHK Tl'It** OF THF. COM ? IT m* HT. IN INTERESTING CASE ARGUED. Vnlnnble IVrsonnl l'roperty, Inclnrt ii?K Family Fortran?, Invol-zed iil?l ? Iti_?-i? Fo?ind Dead?A ??mail Fire?Prrnnnal Mention. I'KTi;r?S','.lP.G, VA., December f">.~ OUpt . i > The i..-,- . mbST term of the Cir cuit Court ,?f relmahnrg was opened to? day. Judge ik A. to iiK-oc-k presiding, The o?->urt beaig srguaeent in an lot? case?the suit brought by to Bhlriey Har riBon, administrator of Gtorgs k. itarri ? on, dec, is? d. vs. Oeorpro I.. Harrison's sdmii.istr.rrix. lor th?? purpose sf obtain? ing the fadgassal af the c?nut as <?? ?the ?atributtoa <>f the personal property be longlr..?: to the estate of OsorgS B. H m I K?n. m)i?i Awl In lv-3. This property ?iti brac-d a BBUBbsr of handsome and ? ble family ?port rs I'a, that have long ?d the walls of the histori?- OUoeils] I aions on James river occupied by the Hajrlsona. Subsequent t?> the death of Oeorg? E- Harrison, a BOSthUBKHM oBBd - Miss IssheBs rt. Ha? i Bam mat born, in .n act was i My the I-e?it aathot-ring the sasoentor to keep the as? t .?Bej-, as provided by the will, f-uth M t I-line necessary whero a posthu xnou? chil?l Is born. it is c!?.ini<-?i i?y George m Hsrriaoa'i administratrix th-t under the set of the IjtflslBiure and ths will she is entitled to two-thirds of the personal property la? salved; while it is eoateaded hy n I for 1 i R. Ban titled to one-hnlf. Jud?:,- Hancock re i ble I, IsloB, id an Opinion ?n the rasa Of to. W, to.' ?- vs. If, v, ct sla 11 red the validity of a deed coa? veyh t of 1 I l ?- -,.. ,,. execute?] par, < ,?urt declsred th?j deed to be Valid in ! i*iti/.i:\- i' i?i:ai>. Mr. Johi . < nra, eras f i dead in hie I in death le s*uppu#?*d ,,-.- an - from v.-t i.<-.*n a sufferer..?He iive.i alone m -h him in !?is Isst I . ' , i i Iiil?ur ^ . 1 ; M, AND ??KXKltAI.. nun,!,- |* was a day of high Win I - resultad. Peo infioed ? los, ly to th, ir hornea, ,-, A little MM Of Mr. John C. KdWBTda, In Blandford, accidentally eet : f the I -ms, in v* hi? h hi S * ng ?lone, ll?< m m'As to the room, und ,he tunately .? languish? d be? daaoage hn?l been ? lohn Bohannon, <r the yacht i hont is, w h" v. ' - t il?? n ill ??n - liay. -?ut t?. h:s iinin-, in Oloucester coonty. it i Ute < xpeii on pavements v>h-> has been sagas i to oome |o Petei ibui.- ?to confer ?rltb ,he Council Committal on Su,, is relative to ths pnopoaed Improvements of our eti win be beie this week, i: pi from a firm In Richmond were 1?re ,o diy. loohlaa ?after the work. Tho -, v. past . i-Str. . f. w. s I, y. and W< st-str? i I to- thodlst Dpli cbnrchee occupied their respective pulpits yesterday for the Brot Um , Tin: HBBBACMB IB I.omioS. Paper* Tli??r<* DImi-:|><?iii?<-<! ?it Its >?,ii-('oiiiiiiltl:il Cliiirn<-,<-r. i-ONDON, 1?. < ml?, r ?,. Mi h been sspected, there is a osrtala ,? a of disappointment Ifl the BMCnlBI paper edi toriais on Prsaldeal IIeKlnlsy*e message. its Bon-eommlttal oharactei I attrll to the fa? t that the I one "f the p?Bace Oommiesioi Paris are not yet Bnlahed. Coii-ii,? i able faction Is exin at th?- r?f?renc?e to Anglo-American re? la,l??t?s, end el the ooldness die] i Som<? pni ? re exprese dissatisfaction over the ri? id.m's treatment of the M i ruifiia canal enti - ii,i,im: \ - i : ? i i ; i :. She 1? Repot (,-,1 ti? ,! M. Tutitl A\ r????k? Otong Ssveil, KOCKX?AXIIX mi . Deeeeabec r..-The OhOOUST Thomas 1; kin Day, of ftlchsso-d, w? m ashore at H< i - land, near Port Clyde, this morning, du rinii tbe k??1<-. -'?-I is r- p.-rtod to bo a total wi?, k. Th? schooner was loaded with i>' and ?Tas bound from Htllsboro', M, I!., f??r Newark, N. J. The ?i- \, w? | a'l -. MUM IltMiltii) mWgOMg roisONED. Orplimi? in Ki'iitiM'Uy ll??iin?, M.iir? ,i, mi?l 'li-nilii-r 111. YKKSAII.LKS, Kf., D-c,mh, r f,.?? >n hundred girls. Inmates <?f thS Orphans' Home, thie city, together with thS ni,',i??n. Mis. Mary Bradford, Mrs. Kate N'.uiil,-rvur. music t? SChsr, are in a pre, ?artoua o.ii'lttion tO-nlght, b i? . i, , i have not yet <: e ed bow the pcisoniiiK was dOBS, but ??m drlnkiag ?rater that > n standing la lead pipes. Boats ?>f lldrsa may ?h? . TIIK ATT1TI -Hi OK I'lll'i: I.IIO. Denial of II?.?,Uli? l?,i?..i??I Amerl <-?iii I'iiIIci K?-?-,n r.linu Philippines. UONDON, l> osssbsrlw?-Mr, W, T. ?Bl I '. editor <>f lbs Review of Bsvlews, who has Just returned nom th?- Vatican, gtTSS to the sei ! af n?? it ' an ur??ji_tllli"<l ttUlSl Of ali RtOriS? I ?entlnif th?t the I,'?i-' l? hostile to the Amerlcm poil? y reejsrdlng the l'htllpplnea. ?>n the saatrary, bis ! iv to *>A>-oi??rate with the lulled ."Utes In ro blorlii-* order ,1/ Managst i? \iu.-n,,,, tlHM< AI/.llOHS DaSSSSber I ThS French steamer Aia?-i??l? 1>,?n found, a fortMed aeaport town of AIrmIo, ^? i-r the mouth of the ?Ivor Bi-lbos. ^' ven Deruous we;-?) drowned. THE BBlIH.i: QIK KI.Y RKI'I.ACKD. < br?BI?i-ul.?' mill Ohio Soon Mended Cllflon loi ?? W re?-U. The b!oeka?lc ?OS th?? Jain? .-?-Liver Di v. i. ,,f ? ;?? ilk?? and Ohio rail was, onv"i by ?Um r..n?.if? of cm? ?spaa of the Jaiks<?nr;\.r brldj-e Saturday a.* :i was rslatd at 6 o'clock P. M. Sunday. l?o wr.-ik ??(?urred nt 1:4S o'clock '-. M. Saturday. A wracking tram ?carry? log mat? rial un?! workmen 1? ft hero ?it , and ?m?. fr??m Quyandotts, w. Va v. tino huiiied in f i -?tu th- want I : build? r-' v.. ? (Ott! u 10 ;., ?nil. uiy a? ?peaetble, and i ?.' t., work, Con th? amount ?.i w??rk t?> be don? Hi?- ?bridge -pan was completed m a r*omarkably snort time. The aocldent ooourred ?about a ?mil? ? >f ?Clifton i Paaeeagaji ov? : . ?River ?Division had to ?ha trar.sf.r t, i around th?? wi?-?k. it , ?is ?remarkable that no man was hUCl i'l th'' ai-ri.l.-nt. A lOttS? att-bound freight, loaded, was cr?? tii?? bridare, a ?boa-car, shout ?the middle of t'-c train, Jumped th? track, ami after running a short <ii>tain-? on Um ti?-j. outh span of the ?bridge, H into th?? ?river, thirty f? ? t i? - ?low. Two other ?boa-cars want down with i ii .-nul ??ii.- ??1 lu-i was ?:?i .ii?? d. 'I 'i> m. n handise aras aav? <i. mi; rim; i\ SEW voiik. ? ?-Scriipcr* ou I.<>,>?-r tlroudway Ad?an??LnaOi *.*.(k).(xm>. (X. w Y??rk II?-1 aid- L??u? i ?Brondaray, whils the wind ur_a roarlttg through t'ne ?straatt at tbo rate of sixty mile.? an h'?ur, had la?t niiiht one of th?- moat dfMtl-CtlT? UtOt in years. The building at th" Fouthw'ft corner of Iway at.?i wan? n th I nipted i., i:ogai a Post & Co., wag totall] to stroyed. th?? ft rue turo of the. Home Lit'? Insurance Company, at Nos. 2M and 2"A laray, was burned down to the eighth Door, and the ii,lit st?.ry building of the United States Insurance Company, at the ?aortbwaat oornar of Brondamy ?and Warren streets, was ?badly ?damasad. Th?? ?flaSMg ?alao attack???! th?? upper il.??,!, of '?!: Postal t?: graph Oomnuny't ?building, nt N??. Ml Bnndwny, and the drlvan ?out and the ?n? wen m? ttad. ?TIBBMBN ?STILL at WOBK. NT:w YOKE, Decenib? r 5.? A hxtg? tOTOt of fit?! ?busy ?this morning-, pour? | . trint on th? buildings involvi'l in the bip Broadway tire ?last ?night A Rang <?f m? n wag s?M at work t< arine down the walls of th?- bulldlnrg in which was the ?tor? ??r Rot i-, !' t ?.- Co. 1 ?-piity-chl-f ' ?tod that In his oplnlon ?the losaos would not be as heavy as was at ' oated. He place* the ?total lOM at $V"J/" '. MILITARI BABA VR OPENS? It Slnrl? Oft I nilor Aimplt-loua Clr Mmu-oi??V ?t;????il \lli-nilnnci?. The Military Baiaar, f ?i- th? ben?Bl of th?? Virginia Home for tnourahlas, Opened Tli t Regimental ?Vrmory, ?San nth Ifarshsll stre.-'.s. lasl erenlng undei very ?auaplcleus atre um stances, Promptly nt I ??'clock the doors were swung open an?! tii-- whirl of pleaaun bosun. Oon? siderlng the unusual iir.mb?r of gttno* In the city last ?nlsht, th.? attend?. anc? was vary ?good, Indeed. Mayor n. M; r was among tho? present Th?: il plan ?>f the mammoth entertain lir ?.t is Jual t)?i-: Bach i nomi nation of ib?- city has a ?tant, gayly daco rated with national colon ami n ... -. Th. an pnal?ded over ?by ?some wall?knowi matron, who Is -ii??? assisted by another mal -ron ?and a i? ?. y ?,f pi? tty ^ir' . ti, Slli i with pi? m\- articles that In thorns? : t?? mothers, sisi.t-j, and sweethearts Th. n? is alao a i? .-'->?.*!: ? and lunch each presided over by well-known l.-i'ii' a Mrs. Ralan Gray Manson is chairman ?if the entire m til 1'- fton Carrlngton, sssisted by Mis. William ?Chamb?n, has charge <>!' ?the ?restaurant d? partment. Ti;?? Episcopal or tant is des-tg? ; i?y th.? r. ?i er?? ? Mn ntahugrh Mayo superintends this, and is ;i ?ahly by Miss Cayec; a)?-?!, by the Misses Tylei ?and othara, Tho Methodist booth is ?known as th?- Gypsy tent, it is In charg? ??f If) \ \ ?Beck? r. a by Mis. Herman Myers. ? ?f the young 1 - in this ?booth in M es Myers, Misses Cray, Ml Miss Linn. MIm Hunter, Mi.- !:??i,?r. M ?Parkinson, Mi.- Nolte, Mlas Wal ford, an?l oth? is. The ri.--lyt.rian booth, <?. ?it-l u.?t ? <1 by Mi .' in Grlgg, stands next t?. -Mrs. Grlgg Is ??--sist'd by Mis. A. I,. M ir cy, th?? Miases Grlgg, MIm Toting, Bite Wilbur, ;:ii.| oth?-rs. Mrs. Grlgg ?i postmistress, all the bl)lata-doi ? thi ?uuh ?hi r ?band. In full ?bcoratl.itis at the ?weat end of the ?row on this plaaaant camping-ground ' i th.- Baptlsl t.nt, over which Mrs. Jamas ?Lacy presides. Mrs. Clark? assis,s Mn, Li? y. One of the ni'.-t sttrs 'i, faatuns <>i" ?the sntartainment last night was danolng of tiie young ?people. Mu sic was runiisb'??! bv th? Cltlaona* Band. Dancing will be bad every evening till ii k. This svasilng Miss Maymi? Laahy will bo prenant, an?! will nsslst at the tent Miss L? .) y will introduce 'wo little darkles, who are artistic dam? rs. The ?big entertainment will c(.n ? ieh evening, and certainly f/fOrdi an ?opportunity t?? spend ?an enJ?oyahle eve? Ding and help a most worthy cause. Till: SIX-DAY IHCYCLK HACK. Itci'orda Urokin by w.iit.-r of TUiu iiui, nml l'liTci-, NEW YOKE. Dec.?mber 5.?Frank Wal ler, of Boston. In the six-<lay bicycle-rac? at M.nli?on-Si'uare Garden, now holds the worl'l's record for continuous riding. He left his wheel at tut o'clock this after noon, having ridden 814 milis and g laps In 16 hours and 10 minutes, without ?dig? mounting, l>?atlng last year's record of '272 miles, mad? by Vtephape. Kills are more fr.-eiu^nt this year than last. BUfht spills occurred to-day, but t ?UM rld'ts was seriously hurt. One Of th- ?a:lv surprises and a. great disappointment to hi? many admirera was the retir? ment of Jtje Wee. of W8k?.s >>arre. Pa., who cfiiit work this m??rrilu', having found himself in no condition to continus t in- n? a. I'l.rcc. ?who was In magnificent form, broke a record before 18 o'clock to-ntght. Ini'i ridi^a 41li miles, 1 lap or SCO yard ; .a. Ui? record made by Waller In lAtry?ui Dumber of hours. - ? ! ' r, i, dors at 1 o'clock wa?: Penroe, ?wt miles; Wulier, 4M; Miller, 451?; NaWB, 4-fc',; St??v.?ns et); ?Jlnnn, 4X2 Bchiner, 3>?n; Albert, us, ?Lawaon. 419 Arons.n. 310; Hal?-, ?_; Tur\|||c 584* Julius, 373; i'liklngiou, U9? Joycu*. __ TO H KR_ BROTHER. Hit?. ri-.HBlflO.VB ?OVKL DBDI CATKD TO HO**i. V*. XV. HE-MtY. MR. SIMS ?KD SISS BLUNT WEDDED. O re m ?ii ? nt Plne-street ,'hurcU Ve? terdny?Mr. ?mil Mrs. Plntt Cel?brate Their Weiidlii? Anniversary?A. I*. V. A. Commttte?. Meets?Xote?. A novel entitled "Courage and Loyal:> has Just been wtfUou l?y Mr.-. Bmma Henry PergusoB, ?,<? well knows *p< r. In ?vacia] diel, s. It Is Oedlcab d to the "Hon. William ?v rt u bry, of Virginia, t?j ni,... i high i unple m ?rladom aad I? ?i n? in? l owe the best lasplraUone ol i?-., life." Mrs. Perguscsshi-i been known for time a.?- a OoBtrthU-Ot to UpptBOOtt'l an?l other high-olasa gsgssinss, bul o embt? tious a w,?rk as u n I What of emprise to bsr -Heads. But li ths dsugb ter or Patrick H ?eou. John, an?! the sister of Bon. William Wirt Henry, of Richmond, Bhe owne Lo Vsl? ;,,, go old historic home In Qo hi ind ? "inty, hut for ti? lar-1 fi >v ) ?i s .- :. spent h?. r WlBt, i iburg. There wi of tbe f ?entrsl Commltti.f ih'- AssodstlOB for tbe Pri - Hob of \ Ii i ' il ?JH Historical B ?y st i- o'clock, Mi b, Jos, ph Bryan, 11 i nt, a l ?.hair. Th? lad! er, re btre Ar cher Anderson, Mr.?. H. A. I :?ii . loba B. 1.,-inloot, lira. J. B. Wei tem, Mr?-, k. T. Cramp, Hrs. C. 97, to. ? r.?r 1 I Bolllpg, Mi ii- ?... Tuylor. Mrs. 9 D IIOf I k - .Mis. ?;. A. Lyon, Mi?. Rob rt i.. < ?brlstlan, snd Hrs, William C. B 'H, y. After tin i? p ?i i of the tresi . snd "tin r routl . . nsact? e?l. I- [??'I'ts u.t. n?.?,,, bj chairmen of Um "Midsummer Nlght'e Dr, m." This play ! *> progressing most . . hly. i: ?r? ths m'-? Hag ??t I hi C< ntral Com mittee there was s me? ting of the Publi cation Committee, "t which Mrs. Howard ii -is chairman. The souvenir pro gramme of tbli i ly will i?<- a i" lui band-booh with handsoms p?etuico uf the pun, ipal actors, . Mi?- ? Blunt a . i?,.? t sveoli g al Pia? Btreel church to Mr. J. Qoode S::r Ba r. .1 B Hut on perforan d ; be i Th bride ?s s i lugbter of Mr. .John S. ImubI wao is a trusted employe, of the City ,. Works, 'J b< gi ? om Ii m? r? liant of this city. Mr. .1. If. Hoo] ? r, th ganisf of ths church, furnished lbs n w :.. \r.:- -. i.. : 111, Mr. Hugh r, of Bslem, Vs., acted as b, I n The as folio wai?i Brown, i. /.. and H. B. Atkf Th?- bride'i goers a - trsv, tume of green whip? loth, ?rlth bal to n, ? t< b, and she cur:? ?i whit< rosei. Mr. aii?i Mrs. Bimi left on the I ? ' train blngtOB. Aft, r th ir i - turn they ?-> ni be si bom? t?> their fi at tU south Chen y etr, ? t. * . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Platt celebri t? ?1 the first iy of thi lr v.? ddihg on ly night at 9 o'clock at their home, Ho, '.? south Morris street The tabl? ?r< r beautlfull) .?rated and ti?e eupper ln oluded ;?ii th, i Delightful music sras performed bj ral of t'i the in -n ?? . ao, mando lin, and \ I? Til??!.? present were: Mr. snd Mrs. h. T. Eseklel, Mr. Oustavus 1.? Abs H, n bell, Miss Raj Platt, Mr, s, i h Hoddes, Miss Carrie Bottigheimer, Miss J. Webster Hassel!, Mrs. Laura Flaaagaa, and many others. ? The following ladles from this <-lty will attend the Dau the Am, rk an Revolution convention, in Norfolk, on th 6th and 7th of 1 '? et mb " : II ?. Gllbam, Mrs B, n. I'm? ? ?i. Mrs. H. A Clsiborne, Mrs. C "vV. P, Brock, and Mr??. | DiUS Hall. ? There was e ateetlng yesterday of th, r betl Camp Auxiliary, at Picketl Camp n ill. Tbli mi one, for ths si, ctlon "f o;T. * . Ti ? eras served at the Womaa's Club OOn, and a most mi Ing "trav? i talk" wa.? Kiv. a i members of tin club. ? Tho r?guler monthly m< " of 1 Auxiliary Board ol the Virginia H win be b? Id th ?-. IA o'cloi k. Hon. \Y A. Little and bride, of tor, d the Jeff, i * MlSSI B? ,; ?.- .. I.-. v M?,--? 1,-y. and I. ] -, Isitlng thi tyland, of Hew fork MUXICW IMBABBADOB NOW. It? ???uni, Ion by l-'tir.-lnii StStlWWS of Our ,.r,M?.iut; I m|iur,??ncr. B ABHIHOTON, Dt mb r :,. Don Metlfii Romero, tbe Mexican Mints? ter at Washtngtoa, bas returned I i"in the City ot Mexico Hie gov? deed I ? advaa? M -- n mission h.-ro to the rank ol an embs l'.iu I Clay! present the United States Hinister to Mexli will boob b - th r? fore, -*v-n. issador of ihe United States ,<> Mexioo Tins sction of th, .'?i rdcan Qovsrnaaeaf la hut one of numb pointing to s suddenly aroused conceit* tlOB OB Hi?- par i ?growing Importance ,,f Washington as a diplomatie j ? -1. Il?,i?i;li i:\ix-rii-iK-?'? With Storm. i. i-'.WKS. DHL., December I schooner Georgette Lawrence, from Charleston, B. ?'. for Hen Fork, v?ith lumber, came int?, th. Breakwater ?luring rday*e gale, bi e Isaldng eonditlen Later ths water caaae op t?> h? r lower deck. Tbe tug 3. Mc-CauU?**y has boon sa* gaged to pump h< r, snd to tow her t?> h.-r destination. Bhe met the gale on ?the 2">to.\ ??ft' the Capee and sprung alsske. H-r men were exhausted on th? arrival of th? THE EXCaiENCE OF SVB?P OF FlfiS ifwliH?. not only to the originality and simplicity of tin? <*oinl?in:iti?m, but siso to the care ami skill with which it Ig manufactured l?y SSfaaftiflS processes known to th? California Fi?. STSUf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance) of purchasing ths true and original retiuily. As tho ?Manias Syrup of ?flgV li mniMifaetured by the CALIFORNIA r'i) BlfBUf Co. only, a ?kaowledge <>f that fact will I -t one la SVOkHag the worthless imitations ?S*__ta_Mtared l?y other par ties. The hlffa ?alsudlnj ?Of the iikma Pis Bybup ?Co. with the Sal pr?>f?v..?.icii, nii'l the satisfaction which tin? ?genaiae ?9yrap of Figs has ?given ?to million', of ?imilies, makes the name of the Company a ?gaSTSatj of the ezoellenes ?if it.s remedy, it. is far in sdvaaeS of all other laxatives, as it acts on the l;i?it:??ys, liver and bowels without ?farritatiag tie weaken in?*; them, and it. does ?aot -L'ripe nor ii? meets, laogdertogetitaheaefl-olal effects, ph-as?! remember the. name of the Company ? CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. SAS rilAM Ml (?, fa). ?iSSIWHIlS Bji M'.v vouti,y.f, (to l-Xu Tti * Sa ly & wcowtcnr) at ?the Breakwater from pump in g. Th? Johh A. Mi v. ft i i Jack lie, with lumber, foi S? w fork, ?ar? r\ i this mornin . b i li a i oui ??n th. nth, off iiatt? ' : . Tnm? lee] ... in the I . ni-- ?I hi r to leak badly ?and i? ?i? i k-lo i?d, ?Shs will i tlon to-m?t i >a. 8I.SATOR hi \M.? \<? \l\ OS TIMM,. < ??ii -?i? 11 n. > '.?iiii?i i?> ?Chargea ?*n \\ Ii i i- It Hi- Will Ilia! TriiMJ. wii.m l.\i fl'? ?x. DBL . D ir L? Unit? : . : it Ken? I on In ti i Ited I for ti ... ?. im N. ?8? nator K? nnay n th.? h In mlsapi July, and aft? r s tri -i. I ??ting o\ : wi ? k, ?the .n?i y ? , ji.itu d to Bui ?xamlned to?d ty. S'l AGUO OB ci- v*i ?. Ull-Tri-. ucia tn Mel lind?. Her? and A liroHil. ? - a "l r? ?ad with . - Au actor who had J tient of ' "ll' ' n.t ?if tic- ' ??<? n la UM iratloB of a play* I ' In ths i? in.irk. ?thai .' D I n. it v. ?'Ii any Au. otxut foi ??aid h help .1? l? dgnl 1 1 In London Edwin a. . turn? I ; " Alms Tad th II boh m p.* it y undoubtedly : do no) take any pni I in d? .? 1 do not think that it is b too 1 would work, It is r ai ?i ?and ?i?. Ir . 1 presump? 1 n m.m . ne b ?ii? ned t?? ?be an artist ibould , a.-1 in matt? : I pr? ta bis 1 '. n. 'i ;,. ,: : t wool ' I I.. 'i he act nary ws th ?..lriiciiUr m< I It ?Of th?; a ?as m : -... 1 'it than it wou rcnnV? : t ion ?of ths mm? ; t.? r pi ?! with only th. ne ?handi ? tie I the artlet h id .. ELston .mi I.? of silks, sp ?? -l s, paint, ndi r lowed the 1 of an nun?! ?tad ?training; and 1 ! ?am iv v. hit n suit.-- it v, 1 m for ;j 11 ? 1 how ?to attain them. Bui 1 ? In aid. ill .-| t? pt li? ' ful axpeiin any Othei v. as ? r r 1 _'. 1 - - i afterward to t ?that ex* "Tho ?story toi?i about th?:? sbnhby, ?sol? orieea, sad ??nil look ??f sir Henry [--??ring's ?seonery in the ?daylight and of its ?. eflectiven? ss 1 night suma op ? difference between th? scene i? unt? rs hpre and ?n Kngiainl. Th* t? thttf pal out ?allowance for the tact ton th- plc tur? Is to be subjeetad to the atremp tllxs niiiidtion of the n?1 lUownnos tor thai dlfferenca ?but m.- canvas just ss if its effect . tu b. made In Um ?daylight But in this country allowance lu made for the 1? ami the colors ar?: la. : antly, with th? ?idea ?that ?thai wlS 1 subjected f., tho ?atroi . ghte, and for renaon n m every ?detail. The resull of this dlff? n I? th tntty when it is oa mellow ?l'iality, a ?. ftneas ?that will not b.? foun.i ?*, ?tho arti.-t has ?meroaaed the allowanm color and exaggerated the qualities of the picture In order thnt th? tUrong.light to which it Is Mjbniltt?*?! m.-.y n ?1 It of tin ?ff. ts he went?. 1 ?, palnt ? d in Bngjand neturally looks ratiu-r dingi whan ?nampared in the daylight with th.- kin.i painted h? re, but whaa ?aneh ?has t up in its j;. ? the advantage is not so much on the side of the ? ?product. **Thls u.?e of materials here and In Eu r? i?. differs in quite the way that the ' manager quoted in that ?article ?explained. Rich stuffs are growing . ? mmoner ?every day in ?Umdoa and New fork, whets th? y were ?always more used than th.y are In Paris. With the Prendim? n it li ehlefiy ' a ??a. .?tlon of denign and clor. There the ? .- very properly , , ,.,. , | ,,, ? ,hal Is really the Important ?uestlon ' ?So long as the effects in that respect are wen ?done, the texture to not imporuint A ' Irssety ih_i hAMg? uju_ 4?4 ?w^ o_iy , Headquarters For Elegant: Holiday Sifts. E desire to announce thai our preparations for the hoi ?da i b have been completed, and we an'novv offering the largest, ' most select, and elegant stock of 'Diamonds, Watches, Jcivciry, Sterling Silverware, Zoilct J?rticlcs, and 9/oucltios to he foil ml ?11 Ule South. These qoods have all heen carefully selected from the leading manufacturers of this country and Europe, and the assortment b so varied and extensive we find it Impossible to issue a catalogue, but we will guarantee to duplicate any article in the ca?a! of any reputable concern, and in many cases with an art of better quality at a lower price. T he ad vantage an early ?selection fords should not be overlooked, and you are cordially invited to ins our stock. THE OWLAN COMPANY, 921 East Main Street. 1 _ Orders by mail will receive prompt attention and upon satisf , reference goods will be sent on approval. Ids l-'l-.SuJt I' I, .m i??ii?iwi__o_asas??m??iis ins us ni? ,r i -.?, :'. be dl itiaguish? i Dr ?m ? un,? i that amouat ??niy l somi t -ualljr . m i ? Thi public and artist will be Interested only la lbs a Ign. The flrsl of these in is the toon Impartant Thai same pria? . la L ?ndoa erltb greati r travat n sards the price ?>f - -,?. m pay mach muro t rosa lor the I -me thing le true ot this untry, t. sad at t? o f regard ?to ?the niceties "l will explsln Je I li??w that happ' An Amerii I . That. m. ane the pi - is costumes, and the i All til- ind models i distributed to ne peloter, and the i After awhile he Bill come ti t Si?'?" He loot *er 1 ltd i innot i olor. Then I t ,?, piac? - and flnde that it le ao< t?> hui. Bfl I-, ' Boto are i and in bis oplnl igh ilike t., ta out ,i i make bat the original designer, t Bgures ta e pertlcnl ?lor i. ? .I tic re. Thai ? f ?r r iris, but it u isn't m d id here. ' costumer hi , he thin e well se sny mere Paris artist, snd irlel tt be hi en'l I 'I nit h thi principle on which m , ign | iii. - and modi le sre foUowed. - ir, i lowed with the eeenery. The Paris or) nsl le sie ted more or 1? Id si represeatatlve who ?. "One thlag ta which th,; American r bave ?never approaot their foreign eolli Is 1 be d ? . Ab aetn la \?ho was recejttly i of wearing a i In f ! It OB ' ! to twilight v? le so inad Indica! *bl they we tahlng pis ?it high boob. Either the or be did i? turn it oft enough. Turning off the llg suddenly is the customary way of ta -, :' twilight i oft? go to at which bundrede on the performanc? light nu h. d .,i b? r the Imi ree Ion ??' a rkn i here. That it can be doi wh? n foreti the ordin?r) mai banical : . ? i . our th? atre . rery d evoted " much s tention to thle qu i rvlng, Ti || known. I hsve often I . . "il e Lyons Mai!.' H It I?, frill in .? i ilcium ii.iown ble. H", sft, ill be bad d< sir, ?i. Me i lac? d ... drop, or backgroul .? ?1 fr??i ?tul by i ? ?i In ih I on th m men won! bave taken - Bui no mb< : m< n get tl that Irving doee. Many of hi h elabo hing ouf ?,i a hat ?-?jjp unlmpor '-,? i "A m i:... r who pro ! n i i urlesqu, ; : : : ? praised toi th i 30?r :!,,,, I';iil's '-''??? s' *? ? 3VL. w i r m Pelt-Sole i S Bouss Sli|,|.?-m, .'r,!,.., worth t\ ?a fully double the money. ? I $1 00 :{:,('l''i?rs UdW f ^' UU New Boft ?aikan ? ?9 Kid Button ?ml Laoed, <lif Cerent shapes, ana look like i ?i ?2 shoe, for only i**i. j I CAr ?ion pairs Children's I ?S*FVV# Bntton Kid ?Simes, ( sott anil Strong, sizes 5 to 8, ! only 50c. < i $2 00 Bi-lot of (}pn- ! I ^*-uv tleman's Box Celt J Shoe?, Scotch extension ! Isoles, look and v.var BS prell ' Bl $S shoe-, for only * '_. I * T ? I QRc 9mBtA\imB' W B r m - , ? ^ol" Lined, ?tor-Trim S mod, Hi?h-Cnt flous- slip S Ixus or NullihVr?-, only .i.*---. !| a A fine ?Christinas present n I THE | ? Model Shoe Store, I ? 607 BroaH Street. ? at (eeS.Sa.-rsAB1) 1 ' ? ?'SMrnii^t^S^^S^S^S^sI . . . ..' - -;.? A We Greet You and invite you to come in and over our of I lie most COmpli ti Of Holiday .Yon Hits n n'I / (jiuilihj Jewelry ever exhibited in this city * Do your trading where a tablished repictation warran Untied confidence. Holiday Opening. C. LUMSDEN & SON, JEWELLERS, 731 East ?Main Street (?!e4-?'nn.T?i.>.Th> ...... ?.;'j.;..;;;:.:: manner In which hs I t'.id m*? aft* r hs cams b u k fn m this fall that he had b kutlful ' ? turn? - as ?tho worn ? ? m t'a.- rt \i? ws. ?Be though) tl in the world, ?But th? re w? r? half so many of th? m a:, would bo ti in an Amarte ?n burlesqui ... It ?posnlb ' with -aneas of material. H? ?un?as thai hs trh ?i to | . srtlst wbq In his own i h< ! . nut the ; would not ?give I oostumer was ?allowed t ? ths in ?pal i-, -I ittar ui I , ,: . "in playa of modern llf? : ing ?lady ? ? in th..? ?matter V. hat eoloi performen that the) : ?readily i two or ti. : I' I lik. waB. ?Sa -i s thing woul I lad n n : ' i : e?.inrs of ?dn ' all ?furnltur? and ur ;? . .. - >? i ; ?harmonise. . ? 'ii. ti., r j ??ii?' !:i which th?* f | is tl. ; ] ? well-hno? i ?dental " Sir Arthur Sullivan Haml n, ami oil t' : thuStC for : ta 1 \ l.a ?I? >. I . . 1 . have i?l? ntal music. I.ut i ir? :v tl? i . r iji'ii.-f lu? !i w?jrk. I: i.? .t?; ot about a tl.. the An artist. Tl??? col i usually hase, and m work ?a >. I ?am only m? ' quality of the mi ?sic .t it tin-,?? ago dlsmli - ?i t? : his orchestra b latt? r obj *_ -writhig . without extra ?rompen itlon. Thei thirty-Mx music cue* in th :.i : and all the conductor wanted was y.? i for his work. "There aru only slight diffei twevn the- preparatloa for forman. ? of a plaj hi re and In I. In lavishnt-ysi and .-. willii t. money, if n??t In n productions at?- a I. ... , v? ;i if we ? always get the I it >: result?," | Jt'MUNN'S : ELIXIR OF OPIUM I I* a pr.-paration of the drug, by which its ? injurious effects are removed, while tho valuable mcdiclm! ; i t?. r , i all th? vs. anod,i ..-. aad antl-spa-.mO'lt?- powers <ji opium, but I p.*oduecs no sickness or the stomach, no j vomiting, no ?aostttrsnoM, Jo ?,e:. In acuta nervous disorder* It Is an itivalu , able ?remedy, and is rccomm,?ii,t.?,i by t:ie phyatdana lie FBRRETT, A^ent, :i7?i IVnrl St., \? \, York* <tJ*r?1-,, Ttlll-Heeds Rarement*. Latter. Hoada Not? -Head?. (Jlrcnlara. Uaadbl u. | Uu'jiicr?, _?.-.. utlutsd I-/ U?t _Ha*>aicu s s s s - s s o a ? s * 1 "Everj . .. . i S . M\ .?' ?- PTi'i', _ THE TOP NOTCH OF STYLE I all. A t th? i ? i An i : ? ?J MakiStrc t ?S 9 9-ay^-*^-4Ut-4y-Ar-m^ [OC 30. * ' DU2UC8ALK 0 ; X i\ A.M? i' UJMM1I .N.V .- UN i - til.- .V . I r I ' ?, ail ?! Kriliutl ' e .: A . ; ? . ' . of the . ~,n,l r? : : ?msirk Vluv-i \\ i'.J.i i 1 ?