OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, December 06, 1898, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-12-06/ed-1/seq-8/

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* TTTt?
"Salve Reilnn" *Iir- l.itst ?Son? She
P.rrr aag?*A hile R??iUerlna It Bfcfl
Sink rncontrlnn? to the Floor?
Otkrr ?Heath*.
Mrs. Alice Jfw.iln Hunter di, I Banda*/
art -.rno^n ?at her realdei
I Utacs street, from the -?ff?-?-,?*!
' p tic Btrok?? received I'll,lay aft,.
The funeral will occur at B0BB to-dey
Pr?-?m St. Paul'?? B9g :?iir? li. Of
which ?lie -?as a devotad n
flolloa-ii-.i* gent!, a ?
bearers: Th,?ni?<?* to. Alfrlead, Jam? .1 N.
Ve\?. to. 11 Maye, Jefca ?Tyler, Rufas
Yarbro'u-h. Frnf.-m T.?\!or. C. B.
kin?, w. I?, White, I.? I It, i
Hand. Well for:. . und I ?r. I
c. W, V. toro k. 'ii,-- yt ing ladl
Mm, grain's *rr.u>*lc:.l
to meet at the studl?? at I
net **.lll bo In llo'.ivw? ??I.
tori. Hunter's graldea name wae Alice
Fwaln. and she WBC
Ala. Bhe Oas of one of : BOWB
fan-.lliee In that St?,'
advantage ? r I
tu ; l LINED
Sh>? ei?r!y Rave < \. ing
a VT?lc? et rar? beauty, aal If
the t
Brear, the -
ei Profeeeor Hart 11, ??f New
1 the
?f-_ve h?
?I training. Mr, i.^o Wh
?iy i know,
l Mips Swain sing In PI
and In*!-. e?l !:?r to ' OOM to R
In i -r success wai phi IK
Hal. Bhe ssntf In the choir at
? hurth, I
?iith'ielafm, ai
to hear hot, that it waa fraqu
r-ary to have ?poli<c?>men eta!
?loor to h,
I:,***? . Mr. Alei
____ - a.? . i '
her. I
Jlunttr wrnt% to .' ton to
?and v" OBB e inte of I a at i
la that c
"d in lUchmaod
. .
f '.led as one of
i who 1
i -pular socially,
to 1 at w.irm personal frl,
! ' 1.? I
1,1 - pldlty
Por i i
a ? i
i ?
*T t - 1
federate an
mark- ! .-?' i m
t ieut I'.itn, :
at, thron or?n and
luv Iy Chi ;
i '
Her faith fhlldl
'i- ,i, and though
-frweot \ ?1
i"?'-- i- i
Mr?. Hale? A. Tntly ll??n?l.
II?1. n A Totty, ?si'.?- of Mr. Bl
. watehmaa toe the Paee 1*ob,
< -. nfoon at
residence. IN II sir,
from Brig!
lut bore
gntterlage wlth.tl tlan fortlt
Which s- tl
life. ,->: . tel of Mr. .1.
a of this survtv? d b:
at m. mber of t!?-- Third ?'
?i?-.?-<,.. but h? r funeral wiii take i?i
from ; .'
?h'ir, h I an W
i I woman
In?. id li? r ?l.-ath i in
row in ,i ,, circle
Mrs. Ann M. Lan ry.
Mrs. Ar.n to. Lawry, wl??v,w ot
i i Laarry, di,-?i at bee i
?i mil > tr?vt. on Batun
nijiht nt k, I'-, the :.-tli year
h? r ago. HI two Uauglit?
Mlssi-a Harriot and Roea ?_iwry.
Tl?- fuii'.rul will take place this aft
Ti'.,m at | ?.'dock from the Man*h
t-.tr? ct Christian chtW t.
Mr?. Kale Moniiiri- Head.
Kuto s?>- tea x.
C-- ' Mr. William A. Mon? u
?ii-d > morning nt h. : boa
No PU ?eat ?iraco ?tre
waa ib?- daoghtae "f Mr. Hawi
Wallar? , f? r many y'iai-i a well-knoi
merchant of this ? to 1
,, rj;.age ?--he was a greut fa?
Ui'-hmotid's H?,ft saleot < ? iai clrcli
Bhe was a your.? woman of many virtu
und grata* and was pos-?-?-.??,. : of erf
circle ot friends ,o whom
deared hers?-lf l?v her lovable dl?-i??-ltk
? ?i t? them the aaaouBcameat of h
death will go as a profoun.l t-,li??-k.
tuneral will tak?i p.
nd Presbyterian uhuich this aft?
noon at 3 "'< j<*tgk, *
MxstSxih of Mm, A. K. J. utmrae.
A talagram ".-?a reenlved here y?-?*t.rdi
annouiielnit* the death on Sunday
Mrs. Aaaie T_. J Morse, widow of Ca
tain to. XV. Morse, at her houitj, In K ??
i. * **_*' **"**>' m-ithsr. Mrs. Captain Ro
fc Miw^wu Mtss.June Prlt.-hai.li. w
_ * tntto/a ot this city, and r? il-jcd h?t* ui
t Warwick, the ancestral home, on James
in?r, until her mai*rtan<\
lira Morn* Is survived by two ? hll.lr? n -
?..?ries W. Morse, of Raw Y< rk. and
unie M.?r??.'. of Halb, Me.
,.,n,lilli.K nUehsrai-ii-J?ie -Vffrrin*?,
:?.??? ? A-.?,,?.- I lipior l.nmnr.
NoKi-'oi.K, va.. Deoombarf MtpaetuL)
In ?;ia?i?iluis', a?"! 67 reara, the naf een?
I lofO i Wh, in Ji -tic- W uilin nt???'?,
two weeks ago ordered bOM fOf 'In
Br?, klyn aiilli", .': -, ? ' : hioni',?!?
irg?-d from custody. Meeera. R. w.
B?M & Boa, of i'rooklyn, furniture ?!?al
\\hom illaddhig wronged, wrote CM, f?
::ee Kiz, r that BWtBg '" 99
they did Hot wish tO [?"?-??tile him.
Connect l'.Ut. ton Is to
N rfolk.
The yacht oiitlla, of New V.*?rk. which
waa ?- Hampton Ronda i?y ef i
rday, aaBed iiii*1
morning boaaewatd baond with ex to
rehuid aadeThai owner, Coeamo?
?. < Benedict, aboard, Wofeae sall
Br. Cleveland raid anefhec visit ,o
?i ,i. Sanen, who i? lm
i?i-.\.ii*? rapidly. Hi- ? linii'.ion la re?
i as mot?- ?.ivi.ta!?!?* tO-alght than
:?t .-my time alace i??- arrived at DM Point
l h.? Typ i'nlon of this city
haa deelared for shorter work-day la
lab printing ofBeon Nine and ano half
. with a nine-hour ?l.iy on?- > ir
t new regulation, and la con?
o II.. re lr-j frMtlOn 1 ' >>' 'ii
- ploying print, rs and the union.
Half of Barke ?v Gregory's force of ram?
: re waiu, i oat this morning, but the
.- atoad by the Bras, which rafooee
to ti-Ht farther with the union. The
Bewapapera aro not affected.
state Lkfoor 1 ?eagae of Virginia
neatly organla? i at a mooting
of i??-u<>r m, i, from nil ?,\-1 the State hold
in Bflv dd ii -i. ?a thl ? itjr, to-day. The
following < ted; to. ,i.
non. of Norfolk, presidest; j. p. Bai
aport New?-, flm vlce-preeld, at; w.
? ptoe, >'f Lye hhurg, ?o? -i vi -
.? nt; T. B. PU : Norfolk,
?iy. John w. Bullte in, of P
mouth, treasurer; to. Prlyttt, of Porte
mouth, lin-iiciul a?. i-, tary, and Jam'-?
Roy, of Ni'ifuik, eeigeaat-at-et-ms. a?i
.nc.-s, s were made by m? tarn P? EL No?
Hu. National Organlaer, ai i BL !.. Jor?
dan, ? ?rail in in of the Congr? -?-??iial L
latlve Committee, who explained thi
jects ?.f the National and ?State Liquor
associations and the benefits to ;,
the organlsatlofl of a leases In Vir
iiie inks* Heaaewinl Me ?ill an rni
simal Antes.
-UNTON, va., Doeember to
. the all-day downpour Qf
rain ' caused light attendanoo
at the churches, a crowded house braved
me storm in the afternoon and filled the
-.. ben Btaunton Lodge, No.
ii. i*. o. K., bald If annual
p in memory > I
Exalted Ruler Thomas I xtUA
ling offlcer. Ilia stags wai pn t
my .- and banting,
- dowers, and palma.
The Stonewall played, an?!
r by Ri v. \' .1. Pr, tty
man, Mrs. William I_ Bnmgardaer, -Mi
nn?! Mr. ladward ESurltt,
ol Trinity choir, and Ml Gertrude <
? i" st. Praac o?r, r, aderad
lions. Mi. gHebcT Ker, delivered an
inter-stiii?r addresa on "The inks' Memo?
md Mr. F. II.' Gottlieb) of
Ball I li to be nu ar
tist on the Bate, i.. ; mod Loyal to
.i. i. wis Bumgardner made a eery band?
peeeh t I he aims ami ob
it the oi?i? rs of Elks,
the laatttutlon of Lodge BL tws
-i*. have tal In Its i ember?
?. ?Mi?! John
\\ allace, of Han
i, toot, whose t?rm
? .M,i? h -mi ii- at, whea he win b;
eded by Congreaaman-elect Judge .i
to. Qoarles, left to-day t ? take hi
In th? Congress.
Miss Nannie Lay, of Richmond, I?* In th?
Ity, the kniest >>i her coaain, Mrs, i.i u
tenaat-Qovernor Bdward Echois.
o tiler r* Fleet?*?!?t harlot,r?vl,le Sin,
iern-The fllUs-A fry III.
i'IIAlM,'>'rTKSVII.I,i:. VA.. l>?*cembei
r *i" ' Inl.)--At tlio twelfth annual .
? ???n of the North Garden Farmers' Club
held Batnrday at U* rs Idenes of Mr
to. v. Sutherland, the following officer,
v.-i-r,? sleeted for the sBsotag year: J. G
White, pr, Ident; a. w. Rothwell,
Ident; J. O. Barksdale, secretary; J
X. Parle?, correepoadlng secretary.
At si day afternoon Chai
?Lodge, No. 2S9, of the Benevolen
Protective Order or r.iks, held its nv-mo
ii.ii i, and was ni
' \ ,h?* Hon. John W. l-'ishbui n
C:i]itiiin Mlcnjah Wooda The musl
?ii? nt. Iflas Boats Dahney pre
aided m tha organ. The M
und Miss Bibb sang a trio, Mr. Pran
Abbot B Hu-lo. and Mis.- N< Hi? -
Bibb, Mr. John R, Anderaei
and Misa H. Q. B?**oker ?luait.-tt.-.
Mis. A. Blair Antrim, ??f Uoanoke, I
very ill at the reeldeace of Mrs. i? i
U trim, in this ?-ity. Hen cob Dt sa I
critical, and her family physician, lit
. f Boanoki instant attend
anos on best,
Jud|*e Daks and Mr. Walter Dinwlddl
left to-day for Kk litnonil ,o attend th
Grand Lodge Of Masons of Virginia, an
Maphia, Comptoo, w. ii. Woo?
j. to,. Wood, 8oL Kaufman, arid s.mm
.m i ni ? , -vs ii probably follow to-marroi
For Terrorisiaif* i? Nel|"hborli?i??il o
i'\N\'ii.i.i:, vv, December r..-(Rp,
ci.il.)?William and M ' t, Whit
nun, who tenolzed a whole Belghborhoc
last clcction-day, Keriously BBSaaltlng ;
1 S t p dtfi* n cili/.i us, WSrO tried In ti
Oorporatloa Ooorl t??-,iay. Tl
jury returned live Indictments for fe!?
nlous assault m?c?n two of which the li?
thers erere tried Jointly, the verdict I
? ach Instance, being "gallty," and lixlr
PUalahmeat at twa ysrant In the penitei
tiary. Afterward aa agreement was a
lived at whereby the prison, is will ha*,
one year a?i,i,d to their respective sei
ji oonstderatioa of the remalnii
ladiotments belag dismissed. This meai
that the t?rala win spend Bvs years
,o* i '-iiit.-iitiary.
Mis. Sarah Kran,..s J.-fl.rr ,n, wife ?
B i. JeSeraoa, died rather Haexpeeted
at 11:3(1 this nioiiiin?'. after a weeWt ?
Tho deceased was i??rn la Plttaj
venia county in UMi E iucated :
Hi.? old Daavtlle Methodisl OOl'i
was an original member of Calvar] If?
??dint BptSCOpal church. The BBSbaBd Bl
eblldrea survive Tbs eMIrtrrn are n :
Jefferson, .Mis. T. 1?. Staibur.v, Mrs. \,
- Vt I Ml es Sknma, M
Katio J, n.-i. o i, all of thu city.
OVATHI1 to OSUnSSBAIi \viit:i:i.i:
II.- Will Return to Private Mr.
I Uli,In- ts Over.
(WsahtngtoB l.v m 99.)
Major-?-,? n?irai Wheeler Bas a centre
'i.?n ??r,d oongrataiatlea when
red in the House of Hepresentntlv
tg t< - trau bis ooBBTasseonal duth
11,- :in!v?d lest nlxht from the caa?p,
A Isba ma. wh?vre his , r,,?>i>s are st ,ti n
\\ heeler -aid be probubly w??i
reslt-n from the arniy, but his plans w<
not yet definitely BmA H?- SJ
wafer wttii th?- Praetdenl and s
,?f War, and then win -i. t. rmlns on i
"If thers Is t.<> be mu mure gabtlni
want to ftny in the atiny." Bald tl.. , ;.
?-r.i!. "l?ut if the Sgbttng is over l prof
to re, uni ty ,-lvlI lits."
*-____-a-i PI i -
Rev. Mr. llnlahP?? BsBaff?tt09 A"*
repted, to Tak?-? V.Oect at the Cloae
of the Year?Church anil ?inndny
H.hnol QjllW Elf-rleil ? Hrlefa.
Manchester people l?i\?- ?been wondering
why it was that ?Un Manchester Railway
and Inipiov? nniit ?'ompatiy bail not t ut
\- til.ulee on their cars of the Hull
lino, a? the Dew law of the Legislatura
?. hptiiin Andrew Plntal, .Jr., of t.i
?street cur company, Bild t?. S I
tive.of the Dispatch ?Saal night Ihm w
tlbules would bo put on jr.st the ?moment
that tii?.-y eonld be ?made. The ?oontimct
for tli'-ni had b? ?ti let, li? >>Sid,
timi! UK??, and as the contractor ?could sol
uni tin- in.tKt.u' in ?Manchester ?su R
inotiil to make tl m t i I. i 1 I" ' h fot?-' I
to send ? : . Be S th
work poaalMe.
which further delnyed th? completion ol
th.nll.nt WM til? ?lili? ?.. ill tli
at ti??' ?me, i? i? i
i.avilis to b>.? m.ui? by a did reni pin
t- m.
The Witt CX*nunlsslonars arare ta
ha?) their regular mi sting lasi :
?am \. ? ....
?i and ?'Mi. t i:. ?B. ?Owoi
.?; .. Bf. B. Ms unweU ini
und unable to ?Sil bis appointment at
Clopton-Street ?Baptist church, and
Mr. ? . m. Aft? r the
morning servi meint? i ol th
chin? h n.? :. ' Ing ni???n 11 :
mendation ol i??" deacons ol ;
accepted the resignation ol th? ??
k< v. Mr. li.iight, to take ?
Ths following ?hav? i?- en el? ti '? "
of < !lopton*_tr< at churi h foi
i erk, W. T. Jo) rer, J, W. Jioit,
' 'hoi
-, IrJ ? ippte ? i- d
?organist. Miss Mary Hanoo k. Ths i I
Dd ii? aeons of tin.- ChUT? h.
Sunday for the Sunday .school to
tur tue coming term: -aient.
Judg?; B. A. Hancock; Aaalstant E
Intendenta, w. 'J". Jom.-? ?and J. \v. ?
& cretary, ?Gk oi ;? M. Trevllllan; I
< '. Q. FiHiua; Ti' xturt r, a. B
" . Ths muslo ?will be In chai
the church chon.t't and organist.
Circuit Court ?of Ch?Mtarflal.
he in ression to-day.
Mrs, s T. Bims Lit yeaterday foi
York, where she will ?reside In I
Mr. v. N, ?Qragory, who quite
ill at hi* home, on Dam;,:.
?now Improving ami abio to ?Ml up.
Mr. .lohn Hadden, of Kocky M .un), N.
<'., is bars on a visit to his friendi
Ths ?juiti-Slirofdcr ?sattle ei??. m?\
ni? ?before -?gulre I* W. Cheatbam
?urt, in Marx Addition, on F)
n? \t.
Mr. B. a. Woedell, travelling r r- - - i ?< i
agent of the ?Soathern Paciii?.- Ballwaj
?Company, hi hare rlaltlng ?his fi
w. j. ?Carti r.
Mr. P. W. Nunnally hu? retun
a tri;* i?? ?Scoitavllle, where b?
the protracted mot l
by ?Rev. Dr. Tbornhlll, Mr. Nunnall*
?slated in the .^iiiuinj-.
? 'arils ?have been It tl
of Mr. w. W. Bry?ce ?and Mise Mat?
I? k< i, ??aught? : ; Mr. i., i r
ol Bw it., boro*. Th? cerei
i?- rformed at the ?realdenee of Mr. v,
at ?I o'clock Monday ? renli ?, i
Burglars ent<red the house ol Mr .
?Powell, No. .'?it v. -, ?Seventh street,
?Sunday ?morning, and ?snetwsded ?in
Ing oft'tm overcoat belonging to Mr. i:. T
IL Th<?ie is no
Rev, J, c. iteed ?preached b i fa I
mon to ?the Centre! M
Bunda] mc
th? bad wi ither, was heai i i
numher, n?- n ide a very favorable ba
in. J:? . ? I ?
1 Ind.
1*. H. C. Noble, ?Jr., On :
Of Itiihrnond, who ) letter car
rl? r in this < H> for ?- h ?. las re
. a ?ivii Intment hi
.ington. He will i ; l
a colon ?i man. net? d Maui I
rett, of Jackson Ward, ll R
'J'. L. Lewis wab i *r Maurice
in tin? Pottos ?'oiirt ytrsterdej
charged with tr??ii.,?- r proi
t?. t? ?,. ai the " wa
I'M'Am.i) i\ Turin iir.ii vi r.
(.ovornor P?.-??_ MHIt-vca There'?
m **<>iiicfhiii_ (.oud lu Ho? v
If th?- audience who attended the ?sa
cond of the- Star ? am? at
at ?the I a Association
bt had an) iln th<
when t. I ?from ?hone '!
tows must have be? n dissipated ere tl*
evening ende?i, fei rarely ?has tb
a moi?- mlrth-provoklng oconalon in tab
city. The MM IT. Peck
author ot "Peck's Bail Boy and His Pa.'
?s ?Um very synonym <?i ?fun, ind b
pearanoe in Richmond was ?the ?signal to
a One play of the i ?sibil?tica.
Governor Tyler, fun at he
l'un, introduced th.< speaker an?) in? i
?dentally showed ?the asoambly ?that b?
wasn't a bad man at Jokes lutns-li. In
deed, the Bseontlve naade a moat fettH
t?,us little speech, and start?-i th?
?ful hall a-rolUng right ?merrily.
And after him came the d? lug?
a political deluge us that win? h followe?
the ?am? a ?Trench monarch, but a
of humor. ?Mr. Peck diseusaeu boys
"KO'-'d bail hoys and 1?a?l j.? i 1? |
and tne wa) I i? ? d on 1 ' ?If of hi
puerile fii??inis was truly delightful, n
urged pnrents to b.? ?patient with thel
I oungsters, ?and ? i
with th'- ?prediction thai ?the meanei ..
urchin vas the bett? r ini.n b. b In?
Indeed, be spent* btnt?ed thai be wouidir
for i"'1-' thel wasn't ?bad
nor ?did he qualify this hint by i
. atlon whlcb limit? d I
other folk's one ?first ?and atwaj h
urged fathers to I "partnei
"? linns" tO their boys and to !.. ?r uj? Wll
their ptnaka and practical lok?
In sootu, Mr. p. k who dm
coutm .?f his ?laeture eeafaei d that h
himtscif h.ui ?been a hoc, b?Mttll)
"t these Juvenile
along imintej them in ?.-: .
The anecdotes snd ?personal
h.- retain wi ?re truly rtdicul?
withal ?o true to life that bis audlenc
could almost "amelP' i?n\i Ig hli
There is ?something i" miltarly pure an
benign in Mr. Peek's hnmor, and whs
we hear him dlscuas boy? \a.-> f
t1.'- aoooe the bei
I?. -, which lliey one and all
like htm, love the mischievous bip
Wisconsin sa-Qovernor weers on his fa.
the 1 t?t llty, an
his audiences?, In I Imaglnath
mood?i, could not picture him as
Tl . hall of the Toui.fr Men'? I
A ?.ion WM i'ii'-k?'?! ,in?l janii;
?the l??-ii.r WM a l?nft#?rln?-:-r."ini wl
knock? ?l the si?iin'? rs ???it uf melancholy.
I I.?-? ?Blew a. Very l?"nlr 1'riiiliM-l Itm <
"The "??i.? I..I-." Lt\ui Mu???.
'Ihe I.vium Theatre St??ck Com?paii
laat nlnht mad? th?-ir Arnt ?bow befor??
Richmond audience, un?) ?presented i?
A ltovnti'-ld'rt four-act <*om?dy, "Tl
Hciiiit?r" The auillenc??, while not ver
?largo, wuii A fashionable one. and Ka*,
Daltlnior.-'s well-kn?<wn organlzathn
warm reception, While, of cutirse, tl
i FOR a
| Fine Furniture, j
I ==-i
to Wo carry the largost v
a lino of 7
! Chamber Suits |
T ? I
and to reduce stork girt* of- I
faring Bpoeial inducements I
in way uf prices, fj
{1 Our Is roe stock of PINT. I
J LEATHER core His. i
? EASY CHAIRS, \<-., ehouN 1
f Interest you. as will as J
a onr exclusive deaigns in ?
a Parlor Pieoea, *i
t . j
! James W. Martin, 1
f 1211 and 1211 _ Main street, j
Wo manufacture Puro I
Hair Mattreeees and i-uar- \
:' ntee I lien?. ,
n. ,
tlon "f the I?,win aker
with his be, I iher poo
. o. wbih
| '..--..,
i .un!. S mad
Dating widow.
play la Norfolk, and i Thura
day f t an
' Will b
: :; iin pi i tented ! *, id ij ?ir.-i at the Sat
ht will be eeen to-nlgh
In "Shi
-v?. i 11 pi i Lynn," ippeartag, c
; . i-, .
A lai
night, standing room only being the nil?
r," the horse with a > l
genes puai
. not understand how
and ,1
im. l :. n. '.MUH'?? REBIOlfB.
Will Not Hemitiii an Ml ii,-rlut? ml?*?
af , i?i, ???? Bahaals?
? ii to the i "S orld.)
i - _?. at nl.
mln Andrei
ent In Re] '
ft- nipt?
11 .- ,?. 'I ti
he tnsii
Oet 11 !: *
Dr. Andrews attribut
tlltty i - ?thy li
, 1
. Hurpei
n ciiii-H?
- Id:
: lie i??;i
. Hon.
i no rules l violai
It?) ,. V?. 11 I ? 11 .
,r-i "
The C.-ir?ilIiin-\ Iruiiiln (.nmp.
(N.i ? '
imond, on
\ersity ot IN i ited ,1?
and wi
hip ol
victory wi
nowevi fled to i
-.-. h'-n the i . - out th
lirly; that ah? had ,
in.ii, and that : i
ni ||
that they a a
Barril of the faculty of t
leg? 'i "p. . tud?
of th?
.,t Richmond, ti?;
It Will ? :
I. but on ,-ery au
Will l"-ii? l.t '
maintain In ; I?.- future. I II will fa?
: value to \ li
tu c
m,,nd next i
ilally th, i?- le thle commi -
the North
, hamplont hip:
And th? ?- I
hard? r. I
ball he ?m -.-i
Carolina put up the
fort of her -new ,'
her team this j*? ! u
if ever ehe hop,?l to arln
thas to : it* touchdown i
due to ploylni
of their halvaa _
? ( .-i *V* i, ii |
?.f the Carolinian
. r writes:
- ne??, It? ?J
utive victory, had
? and th.u Carolina won
i -i B
?uiks in di fi '
li w?ould na to
an I with
i- nt Dr. to irrli-i;. r and t
l?"ge T r tl entlr?
l'?n? ?lueli ??? Ha m ?- m her.
Little fi
Two eM ;> f i:
?>r aft, m 'Mi ? ? II
'MOtbi r i-t not at 1 : i'!n !..
"Now, Chrlatophor, will you '
remember t., t n b? r thai
"No, i don't think i will."
"Why nut?"
i: .,,,- th??re are ao main thlino, 1
I would rather reapssnber, and
that I ,-ar,. t<? remember, thai 1 >._i.
remember that."
Of -
i I
, s
h? r
ill I
(Scottish Amerl'-an.)
"Whet's httmtuf the paper laddie the
I nicht 1 won?I? t ? Surely th?- train mouti
i?? awfu* Inte!" The ?p?.?ak?r was Mary
?. th.- only child of the Inepeetoff
?.f ?poor ?i Oardenstona, ami the wards
were ad? i? ?ad to her fatlmr, who was
comfortably seated In his armchUr at
th? lieaide. There was an anxiety in
the tone, which Mr. ?'hrlstle detect.-d.
hut ?he only looked Inquiringly at his
' dnughter ?and sail ?nothing.
i it wtiH Friday nixht. and ?Mary was not
the only on?- to whom th.? delay of )h?i
| T*M train, wt-.i? h brought the weekly peper
?to the Village, was proving g son:
I perplendty. The Sfcuai ?srowd of villagers
. country people from the near-by
| - ithered around the door of
I r Willie Mill's shop weekly, w-?!t
inK the arrival of the newspaper, bad
I collect. ?1 in ?groups, and wer* ailv
[ dl? uaslng, In anticipation, a ?bit of news
f ut ?great lo?cel significance, which would
I appear In that number ?if ?the Journal?
* it??h J.?ck. the village ne'er-do-ere
i ?been "taen ni?" again; this time oti a
' irge win? h waa ?considered
I ?toi? was a strapping fellow, the ?band*
luth In th>- village, i?ut. on the
I ?other ?hand, his character was ?the moat
a unsavory. Among th?.- rilfaga ?people
f then fing, whenever there were
I slim or doubtful chancee of a debt L?-itig
?recovered, "Oh, it win he setti-?i urban
I Hob Jack ?pays alg m.al"; In other words.
?that the debt might as well t?o written
off as Irrecoverable, ll?i ha?l ?been n sort of
?village Ismael ever ?stn?ce ht? ?bad ?been able
?t blmaelt. Bob aleo j??
tt i ro.'1'.vity for ?poaching; f< r
-, which crime he ha?i often been con
and a the county :?iit it
?was for h?i ?alleged ?breach ??i the game
laws that he I I. and 'he
village filks, including Mary ?Christie,
Dow anxiously waiting to beat the
?Sn ;'.ir aa D : P had b ?en oble
loply the infornmtlon, the clrcum?
?i eut f ?Hows;
?Sandy Wytte, ?gamekeeper for '?Squire
?l a ?gradual
diminution <>f his lAtunhlpfg i hi ?
i?ii. as the
re h id not i I ? d to his eoun
tr\ -- ,- i ' BO other Sp
men on I dy, In his ?raid?
nigh) tl axei Ins a
i - mast i ? pi
never heard the ?report of a ?gun, ?nor
1, .? : ?any traps: and no
; ever crossed his ?path.
However, he waa a wily man i?y ?nature
? ii .,s hv ?name He decided ?to ?lie In
ambush In clone proximity ?to where ?the
majority <?f the birds smelly ?pei
The night ?aele? ?t?l for Die work t
tvt??. . her to p
?calling. The moon, which wa I
at long inter
val ?broke through the black
clouda. sending a ??trip of light through
D opportu
whereefhoute of the
? ?patiently In dm nth?
-?ten?,. ii?. heard ?the toil of the
ga bell toun In? the midnight hour,
but as yet no poacher bad appeared, it
was 2 o'clock before his vlgUance waa
rded. Then the crackling bf the
lying on the ground an
nounc? ?? the approach of foot-"'
the moon shot momentarily from be
hind a ckmd be could ?see ?the intruder,
i h? was certain he recogniz? ?1,
wining towani him. ?Being deatroua,
?however, ??f ?asoertalning J'ist how the
poach? ? a??tompltehed hi-i work, the k'??i>
?r rsmalned In hw ?place of concenlment.
At length thu fumes of burning rnilphur
?ad him, and almost simultaneously
lu? ?heard the flutter "f win*-.-?, follow.? i i y
dull thuds as tho I trda f'ill to the ground.
iche?r*a modua operandl was now
a stnplfted the pheasants with
biirneil BUlphur, thus rendering th--lr oap
'*' ! from past experience, ?knew the
?all ponchera, ?but
1 - was I brave man, and his duty to hlf
employer urged ?him forward. Ever on
? .? i eu? a work, ?however1,
had caught the sound
of the keeper's tootstens, but he -
v tior?-?? struggle ? asued at
the ? dich Wyii.-'s b dj ?aras left
?for ?dead In )h? wood, and he was still
nncoAn ;???i : wh >n found by the ?eon? bm n
day. When he dil "com?:
re.i that the blow?
on the head which he had BUatalned ha.
s?? ?impaired his ?mental fncultlee th
Id only ?remember the foregoing I
?the ?name of bli
pl< on
upon Hoi? Jack, and he waa an
I'M If?
ity, and the out
rly ?.?. alt? 'l for.
at h | ? night th?
nd of the whist!?- >?f ?the engln?
trata ?? ?tat on. she aren
?remained standlni
the ?booh selter'i
i, with ap
rei irned t>> ?Um
' of 'h,
til?. : . The old :
? ally ?throng!
u she tremblingly turned t!.
.?ni whs
: ?ing f'?r ?among the court newi
faw ?moment
:.- conned ov? r I
i -peper t?? ?fall on ber ?tap
?he 1 ep eiRii of evident relief
? usly mm mured aloud. "An
U hat is it that's troubling you, Mary?'
l h.-r fath? r; '
bother? d abool . In th?
Itber; 1 \?.
reading the trial of Lob Jack I
th- puir chlel baa
tin. H
y? r proved an ?alibi, as the) can't- th
than h
Latherden when i
w > II
la tae I
munni?. i tonton n, twi
ind ?aa ?Bob
:. ? ' whaui i
?Stall i .
I ?rannI
?-ut. think n WS
i that ?
lilt iintits^but in
and t . Idently i i
il. .? r ti it may be, my l
piled : ? underslani
I concern
toon, ?Sob .lack'."'
"i am i???' c'iiKvrniii' m?- . - ,i mu1 :
blm, fat! rad Man
ban 1 ?wad d ? al
fort ite fel ? t." u.?
bta daughte
h?- ?might have perceived on her flushe
I the uiihi?i?i.?n
.. in a
,i from
The port mher t?
and the ?OardA
nd of : .. i
long that
raim?is and
In his "?.?. n | it. -ri,.? ?hiring ?
i ? hi! hot over,
* '??King at the :
! I
?wa rough manner. 1
I ?be ?Sit-at,l ti
wlfle, ?exhorting th.- lada to tr???
.intng i
linger, t.-iiing h.?
"Pretty little Surah might here
I th- inspiring Mr
"Luiiv u .- Ramaa) " ,.- ...
Mdlet utni?.*?! to ke.
of hi-? listen?- , ai
at Interval.? by the shrill whist
round ?and I
if the wheel-.?f-fort,m.. ,,, .
Who weed his hearer? to '?tnak? a b
While the ?ball's in moth... any color yr
incy, bla??k, blue, red. ?*** M
low." statin? the amcint? backed on tl
- <-'?l?.i -,. Suddenly there was
?treat ?omniott.m, and a crowd began I
form near the Inn do??r. Hob Jack
leavta* the pubUe-keuee xxiim tmA, n
nntl btae ribbon?? atrvaaafng Brasa
tattered bonnet, la compaay ** *?*
_?-atit Mackay, of the QoT-ona. Riet
ealiated, and waa on hin way to the
tlon. bourui for Aberdeen.
M.irv ,'hrletle had taken a run ?
to "SOS the mark?-t" wli-n the crowd
illsoofsiBg ?She ennght s giimp?
R ,l>. who wived hla hand to Mat
Khouted. "Cheer UP, darling"; but
people never knew to whom the *
were addressed, or f??r whom Um h
?ras Int.-nd? ?1. Mary returne?l to
borne with a heavy hear!.
-w.-ei. Mary, hoo Is the market?'
her father.
"On, Jad ?boot the sams as oeoal;
.- aeMsa, and the plOUgk-Mfl pi
idiotic tricks, aad I.?
Uumles noahta' fools o' themsers,** re
his daughter. "Whan win they sverl
dec? ['nu.' 'Am shun* they act like i
? ' wild cattle let loos?-; but, pour th
they're Juat lei loeee ones e*/ery
month-", s? we ?an hardly blame then
being lublleat." *
"Ta took ,i kind o' ?fl-ici, Mary," aaM
father. "1 fan?-y the market BtchtS
bo* tee your nkin'; ys shottld kae si
in ,ii?-- hoe
y ,ry hung h?-r head nnd wan slleB,
,t i w moments, then, lifting her -.?
those of her father, she said: "Hob Ji
aera? wf the sodgorsj i i vb btm oa
a iv too the ?-t.aion."
"It's I he best thing he could baS dn
1 the ?ild man; "1 am share lia
stopped Ian?-"-!- around the village, cj
lag on as he did, he wad ha?-- lln.iliy
como a burden on the palrtsh. too
g.rt his irn-.il an ills ClBSS wi,aur I
gaun, an' they'll mak' him work?a t
he ?radna ?ia? here. An' the axpenss
n? ? ?.?me ?,ui 0' the government funds
atoad o' trae me taxes o' the village ?>
i ,v?r think ye miajudge K->b. taitl
said Mary. "He ha.? .? b?g heart; a
think bll s,?-, ailed iBSlBSSS IS nialr
miafortuos than his Caalt ?s k, i
had naebody tae cars for him sew i
he was a oree, ItHMHn' laddie; sa'
warld has dealt sosaewhat harshly
him; BBS >' ' 0U hardly l,?ame bin
treatln? it in a similar manin-r."
That's ont excuse, Mary," replied
father. "A lazy and dlShOBOSt Tnan
blames the waiM for Iho ootcome o'
..m misdeeds. Bol what makes y?
Interested In K?>b Jack?"
M ry 'itt?r?-,l nut another word, an
the I?? o'clock l'.-ll bsrgaa to ring ?he
p- ?i bea ' be booss t.? h?-r
It was a favorite thems of II i
to descent ob ti??- way in wblcb he s
the money of I ?vers <if ?lar
II?- Was K little wiry m ,n.
sharp featoree and a COldneSS of mai
which, it wae BSld, ffroas th, marrow
malnlng In the bones or the "i<i folk
were "on c I rd" is h?- bandai
them their w <-. Ha en
staunch teetotaller and aa elder of
kirk; yet it was reported that he us?'
tr?-nt the vUlegs policeman, Tom en
to a gill of whisker for et
functionary con^.i i i lbs brig
?ljoiiiing j ? thai If any,
happened to the tinklers lbs
whos>> charity funds h?- was the I
would not bo r?.
Long ago he had predicted the nltlr
destination of Rob Jack ns ? IthOf
oenltentlary or the poorhou
nfter time tl,-- D ' -i -'l'i-W' el I'M int'?
slat, h, s of the 11 w. Hla pn SI ?tlon m
earns nearer materialisation thaa * *?
liob was arrested f ?r h- Ing the it
r of what was considered the <h
SSt blart In the history of Cardensto
the burning of the elllgy of Babbler *
li--. who k.'i-t the l'??_r Inn, f??r canning
Imprisonment ?if th?.- Aul?l Kirk procer
whom the Inn; ised of stes
a gUI A'i not be oonvh
<?f the precentor's Innocefl IthO
Baker Brown aaanred btm that be
the gtll-etoup la ths preeentor*s poo
Tt was said that l'.ob Jack planned
etTlt-v rnck'-t In the K- nan smiddy. w!
? |-..- almlls of Babbl, r WBBs, ?u ,
an.i tarred shavings, waa brought :
; also, that WhSB the throng ,
gathered around the Boar Inn on ,
1 memorable evening were bowling *
1 s.-lv - Sight Of the tlai
Hub Jack the example to break
[ Window? Of the inn by throwing th- 1
He v 4, with nth
b m 'h-* sympathies ?>f the viu
I with the ' . tad their fin,--? w
! Dilld.
, Mr. Christie was a weaver, and h?* I
brought np Mary to follow a similar
I cupatloa; but ever stfl her moth,
. ahe bad tak?-n her mother's i
in the houeehold. Always of u mo?
? disposition, her mam sr 1 ' hanged
i th<? worse from thai sa
l<??!> .Ink ealiated. Her fa,,her beca
i ned ghoul h? r. Thinking that
changa of scenery would b?? beneficial
i, and went doera to Fanontwn
mak? ments for her tecemsso
t tii'ii. it was aaceosary t?? inn'.?
" ney of tea mil?
I ?,f Kirk?.m. A ander? und ra
1 storm kepi hint at Partoatowa an nig
' and when hs r, torn d to G iti
the following day he found that Mi
1 had gone, leaving no word behind her.
The Afghan war was at Its height, i
; sreising the whols "f Europe, and i
j village "f Q ? was w
, mu-lit gall pen mall) Interested la i
. 'lown that ths re
ment which Rob Jack had eaUated h
i th?- front. Three
? ?-ii sin? e be bad tak, ;- . hat, i
> cording to Mr. *__ to M
ths money of the t-,?<
Ttro ol thee, rsai
dreary ones to the ii , he n,
: li-. the solitude o( I
* - I broken only ?when B
Jawfrs cam?- to r?-?l?l up hla
v? -he notabii ..t i
i village -a kind u! Her pr
enea was Ind n et
? death she had beea in a,t?n :
lato t he wh Id of two thli
of the i ith, and ander manj
Bsoond in ths little churchyard w?rre !#?
Ing peacefully In d? ith th ?ae wh?
Bell '
Th ?ugh Bell was v-rupr ?and I
nner, aad fond ot h, r
dram, yet withal
, ar-*' It WM t?) h-r M . '
' m hi r tryiag ta
confidant In away thl
_ which she at any time ?II-. '. *
,1 T'!" wlnte, , ttmm
M '' te Of the terril.!,, r
flight m,
' --n. A?* th, '
creasing the i
? line of ?
parish, the driver had (aereas :
r Ot the engin?- in order to make
? through the eltppery eoadltl?
hastei ng, .?v ?t proved
ith the darkn .--..,..
rain i? Itlng against the asaall wf
r' the engine eab prevented h
eelng ths xai? which ths leng-conttnu
' ' - had m . m? ,. peat
i the train, with Its
; lunge I Into ,
of 'he passeagera w?
'I ?-,, roimlv . . ,| tn9 ,,,-j
.'. ?ne 1 id) pa ... killed .
h the l.tt.r * young worn in. whose f,
if waa so horribly mutilated that tl
... ' ?ar? ?. gniaabl?. .*
,, ? ' lb) -'?:. - :
* unhurt .
ir ' rgba to ? ; ird? n
"" ' found ,.i?
n msn'a paraon to ?give any clue , ? h
' !,,'*v- Th? womi
,t snd ths Infant wr,- taken !n ? ? ?
,t Mr ChrtetU n- inapeetor ??r tta
I - usual, Bell Jawfrs perforated
. th.? dead, and during th- ep
,r ration >?r ?ire?-,inK ,h.- body befo
t- eoAned ?she snrreptltl ?'i-iiv r?-im v?.i
ie ring from the ?lea.l woman's in.
r terlng aomethlng to bereif t!i.? whll
a th.-n qoletl) proceeded ?vi,h th?. work fi
! had In h .ml. XhS remain? ?,?
i- aameless grava in the vMiai? ki-kyan
S. ?n.l the Infant (that Mr , hr,s?| h?
t < hrlntened "Christina Jawfra," after Be
"t and him-?*!,, was handed over to the fo
1- m.-r to he reared at the expensa of tt
i" partnh.
* Christina grew up a h??n._some girl. A
M ter -.-rvirii In eaWaas oaadnKiaa ,D tl
Milage she left It mtmrn iso r,?T. t.
_W?1| satis,? Urn,"
be temptt -*-* emtopp?,?,,
*%?i To 9p thtiAg,, ar?(1 ,,
she shook It? dual off her
was It that rh* corr.i,
her foster neither. *'in
"When wild war's
' 1 k
I .at
NUI I ? 1 M
duously applied him* r t,
tag the fav.r of th?
wn Koo jach was :.. .1
nv, and be reeo rod *
?ter h- f?.mai ami n
' .'
msly applied bimse r t.. : m
: the favor of th. ? ?ri
and Anally being :
temlent ?
tJoa be reu
on bui the h??ni?- ? " -. -
of T-Ti'i., Bayne A
?Loados i'
oi ?month . n -.. ;.i
??ne morning: "Mr. .i -
of th.?
probnblj you wou . 11 k
myself nri?l family t0 t*ie 1 h
to-ttlghtr ?Boh ?accepted ? -
win-. , 1 it when ?be d I
tie knew that that part ?j;*r
. ral times during the ev
bed i 1? ??iv? ?i m r
tail, ?bande?me, young w? :
allem "> ??. saw [
ly in- b hag
ttenttve, -p.; r. w- .
f? rmed him that the
mniil in ?hi
mak?< ?* * >, Junh ;
Ing that she w?.* tr??ni ?Scotia ,
doubt her ? ??nv . r
esllng to him.
The ? (|j4
yniinir laiiy hoi-.. .
pinning of ble h.ve-r: 1
??ar -1
green in high ?fettle, ?and ?s?..
tongues mut eraggtag wttb
his wedding, i '
fiom London In anoth? r
he erg ?
staying at
paid ?that I
in India,
marry son
employers, although the r<
Mr, '
his place aa ?In :
Ing ?
yet able to perf? -
Mr. <
, .
the old m:in aald was
blotis about the DM??m :
?Stiler h id L'en gotten.
R a?
Devi r intend? d 1 dl
?he ? ? '.'?>i k
th? re. hi -
?action The ?marrie**?
?formed in ?the Auld R
an UnU Oh
The -
m ?rve
( his ?bride. As .
tall, his
with !
; thia? igh tbe
at his manly bearli 1
an -
a ptrnnge 1
nhlgpered 11
of tn" mink tor's
UM usual .
any rea^?>n why tb^ ?
Bb ?'.?Id not b? made man
dying aw.iy In tbe
through the ?building
Cl 1 latie by 1.
wedded hU
altar as h? was sie^k'.r^
would-be 1
I took it f*ae the Hi ger ol
1 , 1
yours. I ; i
saw it, for It was ?the sun..
I it era Mat > s tlngor ?the
h-r t ,.- my ho??se and toi
v it? I knew ?
thtj nameleae woman was ?Mai
lut 1
blow wad kill 1
aank trembling on a ? *
H..h was stager :
w irdo, 1 it
dlatel?,. Ht
It ; there was no doul
h>-r art
Inn M -
. I
If, his wir?
of hi?.
prior to i?
filment of th?-,
ly alt
fath? i ?and n l bar ?
join I
the lin.lu?.
Up :?? : he time that I
from the A
: I
blm In th?
?I with Icr.
: '
?Shortly aft?
hold In
fath.-r ?
it or I
... was
and the vilim
Hund?) -
l : n ?.acred I
1 i'-k an?l
OBviawol) Ina
(Dot H)
"M. I
nllee ? ,?.
Is n tall n.
I r ?H man'' ? .#
Ah. how stupid Of the ; -ft nm "
thought of
Dr. fktWn ? ??nah *!>?>'; Is *
I ?pa ta'Ion, une?,

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