Newspaper Page Text
2 Tf?E RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1891*. THIS IS TOE PLACE WE MUST SELL! Why you can buy everything cheap er than anywhere is therefore PLAIN ENOUGH!! FURS! >ILKS! BOOKS! TOYS ! l)RF:5S GOODS COME!!! Stort open every nigh, til Christmas. MEYERSYCLE 103 East Bread Street, Nr\l i'oriii-r l*ir*?t. _???.?_.?????~-__?1>??~?? ? ?"?m REVENUE MEN KIGLEI IN \ 111,111 SBAB TIIK MH'.INII BOBPBB WITH KENTUCKY MOONSHINERS. ??in- of the > i< iim?? a BonMoai <>i I iirliiirn, Win?- I < ti n t ? ? III?* Uli.-M Blntlllore iuii> llfgiilial arad Arn.t-d ? Ml??-urrlt-il. BIG r a. rifar Joe*] Boiling'!, at I Tl.- .- . h th! ' hin? ? . .?ne of his raid? ra wen ? an Tbe i .i . in 1 . in a ? n all tii? cltla ni thai any Inl .? I 1 ' ? nun? up .,11 Hi? till! in tl ( ??ni BDBB MTU x i: I Bit ans. A Lottfr fioin Mr?. .Ii-fft-r.iin DOTll l??-M?l nt tin* \iiiiiinl M?-i-ii.?t*,. A ! ! ?.ivi-j^\-;is t>,.- .-. and Navj Boofederat? 8 f.?r thi i- aolm upon u,? .um, Davis. Ai ?.?- time ?.; MU 11 loath thi reeolutloi Mr. Jnaaei 9 Dem a? t fi??in the Fourth District. ?. sh??i rom: , ?the i tribute to thi ir n?. to \\ i have i t ? ' i >i : i ? nay, "and among ihem is the ?i-1? i mlnatloi :.,1 the I ith. We <K?n't - ?. ri ' il Be do -,. II ' rotea I I era la their it th.- i 1 am in I the South n 'i be there to 1 mltted i" "i" n niy Upe In uie cf Thoraai k t tnlke - m rt ral other membero. It \> h annual : in? ?.f t tit r-'x-i? ty. ami the llecl li n cer?> for the ensuiin-- ?j fol |OWI i -. rideai, Brb Johneon; Tit ii Vb e-Pn ild? -.- i I VI Pi *Maj?.r Btenmrl Symington, i?.ii? ereoted ofllc? ? ; other ? Engineer Eugene to Browne, Captain her, Lit utenant And Triine. Private Jam? s W. Denn] i Robert to Blundow, Prlvati D. Rldgely Howard, Private Frank T. B k< Pi Jantei i. Aubrey, Lleutenanl Henry to. Oravee, Captain Vf. L Rltterj Rt ordlng ary, Auguitlne J. Smith; I jo-tm i Thorn ? , t 'oi Pr?vete It hn P. Hayd? n; . Cap tain 1*. M mmit loo?Mldihlpmaa Bartlett s. Johneon, I'ri Jun.? ?. R. I - rgeent xv. ii Pope, It ivate Aui I B mon, Pi! "Mark O. Bhrlver, Prlvi 11* Th'.*!**1.*-. Major Maaon Morflt: Chepl I It. v. W. U. Murkland, D. D majui!. Rev. William to. Dame tptix it i; i ? m? n r Bi i i : i ant) and Rev. Vf. i: Cowardla, B, 3. (lergi ant); Bergeant?at?Arn W. *_< hafer. The me? tin? ?.? I, nnd rar'ttin H"??ih i n * The annual r-ii.-t <.f the loetety arlU be held .?t t>,? CaiTOlltoa Hotel January 1Mb. \%oltK of * BBATCH-TSUBr. Purnr kihI Oil??-r \ iiliuililr? Holen from u I.inly on III?- Stri-i-i, Mi?.-? Nellie Trnylor bad ? i i TrK??k. ? ? ins m. hro Blver napkin r'nge, ami u y ant of ii? r hand tin? i. The r?,ht,?-ry (?< <-,?rt,'i ea Piral bOftt ' - -i., bed follow? ?j tbe young a. big ha? opportunlty grabbed thi purse end other : fl.-T. ? i?, work f?i "? i ..-? promptly, Men up to ? late h?,ur they had not been abli to K<t any clue f? ti?? Identity of th! - Travrllftl V, |(|, |fco l?i. ,l?l?-ot. 99 i ,,,?.,? s '' ''> '' of tin Wt ? urn union office of thli ? i .. who ?.s i. pre? at itl. *h< telegraph comparo Preald?int .M.-Klniuy and part) on ihelr alighted with i ?and v?.,, cordially thanked by th? bu -m ?aid, thi th- vaiuaM? ild rend in gettlu ?fr th?rlr mail, r _?_?? r?r ""*'"? * ' to th! Din pat h t ompaoy Mil he given prompt at? ^?To'?ota \ i""* " WOrk ?? **? Wlil ?. uuru to nloase you. A NKLSON WEDDING om: of the most hrii.i.iim i Tin; ? ?it M is MISTOBY? GUESTS FROM MAN? PLACE! II. i. in I fn I l Inn <-li |l?-.?..riit.?.? I li Attendant??Tin- \ttlrr of lli iiritir 1,11,1 ii, r MalSe Warilage? ? '?II,, i 1',.int?, In l he -.m i. . | j l.'?\TNi;S'i'?'\. VA , I?.? . ml?'?r P ?A ,?f th.- ni?.m 1?, ftUtlfUl an .: :. ?V?r Wltl T mnlsed at C ?.?I? hUI*4 h h? I- t?. ! ? i les beln daugbu t Mr. B - . k, ?! Al ad Dr. Jaa I ivttit, ?on of mi .' :., ountj. The et n .. " ' perl . i-., k- . h. w. Watta. Tin grt it ?popularity o? th M ; tliow ..ut a. 1 . .! !y. Tl?, i?- w? te fri? ? d from a "rom 1 :m, r? M. IngtOD, ? I, ] ?a:i\ill<-, l.\ . I il. \ ? !>, : i,', ;:.; B - ' - H > I . 'I ' K. ?i vmiii , ,i fern?. Th I :i?l t h..;,,-, 1 .?. . wltl ?lui myrlai I ..?.- . h? ?i thel . a upon i). Iful ?Ugh .1?; ld< . a ? . wor? w hit? .-.? t m ? n trau??, an? .'? r veil d with a diamond .-?m burat ;.: ... ?/alley. She ? n ?ried bi | with whll ribbon, -mai?is wore whit? an. >, How organ lie? trimm ?tin rib -. -'j . party entered tl ? in th? followli M > i.ihi?'.?. Sn ' go ?'ai.? i and Mr. il? rl k and Mise Peai ? . Mr. v.. j . kers and ?? Mr. Johl . and Mr. Job .1 It-*-) .ink. ma . i ?r. a. pin? h. be?) m..?, followed b? Mrs. W? ?J. I y ?-kilfully r. n w? ddlng m in h. ?and pi . i tnon). ",-m-t i? { Ever Told." emony thi i the, .'n- ?of th? i ? ry aura] i .-nul elegant lunoh. After this ?the I limit.. . a \ ry ?I brown v. netlan . with h x\ . orth-bound train fur a;? They win ?top in New York to Niagara ?and fa? ada. i ?r. Pettit ?graduated at the ?Unli Irglnla ?several years at", and ?lnc< rative ] In thii county. I? . :y ?i1 of the W? -, . v.. ddli . ; wer? tnimerous WEDDINGS IV PACE. On?? I' I.urn-,; \ii??lln-r War Hope .Mill? LURA1 VA., ?December P.-ffinecltlA? Mr < ? |v? r !.. i uf ?Elder . ??f this ; : i Mi.-s Man.. . d ? ighter <.t ti Thomai i:. ? ampb? II, Jr., ol i. . wer? I th-. mother, on Me? . . perfoi in- ?i by Dally. .? is popular and attra? : . -. ?and ?.m la oonnected with th? /.i??i. . ?Vdvocate, aa Baptlrl publl? ?-i- n. ?if whli )i i I? father is th? tor. The j . .then of many friends. Mr. Wltmer Mlllei of Blkton, Rocking? bam county, ami Mian Ethel Brub ter ut' Char]? a D. Brubaker, Bi -i of this county, were married at noun lo af i brl !?-. n n d . l; .-. T. J. Miller, <?t il ? M?*th? !,i.i? b, ??th' ?Sating. WISE?CLISE. \ rr?-l?y (linr?-li \\???ItlliiK In I'r?di ri<-|. (?mill | . WINCHESTER, v.\, ?December 21. \ \ : y | :. I I v wedding I urch, - ounty, ;'.i:- morning, Mi-., ?Clara Dim * daughter of Mr. \\. Sti ither Kiln?. t Van l : . Mr. Jam? i young ?farmer nf the county. .. to th? ;, fully red by Misa Nelll? I w? d dlng the church, 'i he tub? i ' J. Harry fan?. ?rille, \'a., and s a. .?i ?tt? tt, of N< ?.. k< red in the following order: Mr. P, : "!? Mil? Stlckley, of Vaii.-ii: ?. Th? i ? .?ni? i ! bride ?n? the i,it .,. I? leaning upon it??- ?arm ??i her ? lavia Kiln? . w bile th? a ? am?- il], th.- right ital? with r, Mr. H. C. %\ lee, of ?Lezln ig the bride in front o? ?th? pulpit Cupid's ?Laooa, its th? way of the , .,. \\??-,hl. C '.: -,* ? . ?~CVrs a man land maid putting tin ii head i thet in a e mfldential way Th? li'ti? frontiena in throw? his las-?? ovei them ami th?*re -ou art-: ?two *?? (> pie ar<- mad? wore <?r ?lee? ?hapoy ?foi life if shf ?9 a might, In althv, cheerful wife they will be mot? ?ad tnore hippy U the years go ou. If sin- ia weak an?l aiiinsr ?and Incapable then- woal ?be much , it ithet of them A woman maker a ?grav? mistake who rater? upon the obligailons ami t : i.. i - of i- ?handicapped by phj r ?dise? ft ia h?-r in t>-- ?., ; ] libl? . i. Hi ' t -; ; ?port tin- tluti? I ??I wifel if every young ?roman who knowa of ?or fcuspttcta ...n unhealtbv condition in htr cal make-up would ?eeli rompetenl B ,. | :-. ,- !|. ?would ?save her?? !f mu h futur? mortification aad misery. ?Di k \' ?Pierce, chief consulting phvsiciao >?f the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institut? <?f but ' N v , gladly answer? confi-den* ti ii correi " tm <>t" charge and pm-s tarrkil father.? and i nal advice, to -.tut th?- individu ?i i H? baa i??i thirtj jr? ir? been n fuized a?, among ?the moat eminent of living ?pe ts in the treatment of ? ral tat tt? women His "Fkvorik Prescrip rietary n mi dr in the world designed t?v an auth?oria??*d eautmted physician ap? cifically to une femal? trou ? i? i lit*, ?te.-it ?Utouaaad-peac illultrated hook th?- Comaaw ?Sen?? Medical ?id visv: "will be ?tut ?free fot 2i one*ceal ?Stamps lo f:i\ thr cost of mat/in/ oniy. n ?viel Cloth f'.vrrcd copy Will a< Kl 111 ?Barker? a Mu?i i ,?? ladiancreek Monroe Co . M ? ?Tfitei I ia vpiv thankful i?,r what l?i I',? i. e - I SVO il?" l*TfKrip?i<?n tli'l f??r tar I w?? ?Ml l,r?ik?n down ?ft ?ra nervou?? ptoaUBtioa, t.ii ?alaor takia? > *** ??tdlclae I have bad m? i rellel ?than from ?ill ibe doctor? Vour ' Havane did mr ? U ahl ?if ?ood " The quitk constipation ? nu- ? Doctw Pierce'? i .rasant Ptlii-tn Nevet ??itijc. Ami pt uo ?ub>ututc or imiuuon. PflDl OHANO Raw Sors From Finger to Palm. Physicians and Medicines No Avail. Cured by Cuticura. my llttlr, hoy ?v.?- two year? of ap?N <lry Hpi.t? ?-^niDiPn?*??,l to appear on different l??irt?i?f tilnlioily. I lit ? .-t? r i' ?.? ?-, i.?-?I t?>.-<> t?,his ha?,!??, .i,,?1 I OM nl.lifjeil t?i ki-rp hit first throe*? firi^r.-r?? <|,,n>< If . ?1 tlir titnf-, U it was a raw ?or??, hepinninj; to extfti?! ?loWB 10? v, ,ir,ith? - ]?.-?*.ii. of the bend. WeeoueaBed tiir.?? ?lifTr-rent phj ?i. i.m?, ?-a- h a ? rtaiu Irncth of tnrii-, t?. m beaeSl <?f tin-ir mee-daee? I think now, after iiMii-: (Tin i ha, that ?? mo <>f i Mid Ild more Injury thee ft . ). a get Ih man (wbo ml nail M M in ehaieh) Mkad bm the atattat vBft my bejr*i (..uni. 1 took ??ff eaool ibinlilbeieil ihooed him. tie tol?l me he l?-?-n in a l??>*?pital ta |i???t"n. \?li?r>- f'.r all iktn ,Ts<;, ? ? I ! (en ira Kf.mii'Ii- i iii.ii.? .Tiifly pnr> timed (Tll'ITtA S"?AI-. (?IHIBA ,'iiiit nn-iit. an. I ?T u? 1 isa III 909A I'M, put Midi ohal 1 had been eilng, :m.A began nitfe them. \\i-ii: they eurei tAat uan?, i miifmld thai Sita vlatei it wniiiii iir,-ak oui again, bat no, t in all curi'il, and i bar? I I hi I to li trt .1 lOtb ?mi it tin.- I m*? r. Mi? l?l \M'iM>, laa.fB,' "-. vi Bmneon lvo^BooheeterfN.T. daily pt-rr??rm mort ur'ht certa e? than iill..ii.?-i In all th? world there 1? f*o l ?m pur*?. 1-.. uxret 1 I ?ctlTe f if ? ?tre?alo| Iren as Cimcirii ' rt r-t ?kin curt??, lie?. irrt.T t'SKiTRfATviM if I.? rtr llrmi? wiin * . . r . Curie? ? loiatintiii] , ,. n ... t I r, tV.t of Moa! 1 ? ? . .'?) ?hronthnul lt.. : - M. l'.IIf.R DUCU ABS t BBS. I - , l!.?l ,. " m??!H frf!. [ Here they were uslti R . .1. to. Thi ? |>|f-r<-<>??.??inf. B] to-..: \"ii.i.?;. VA to - thli evenl irch of Berry? ind tor. V II i...ill of ?'laik.. . perform? ti by 1 ; ?,-. .lulian ??atar 1 .?wB of n ami : T h?? pulpit t - ml CUt?fl? whit? green being ui In :. ' -. to Bbe '. to r, tbe ; and l-'rip 111 rry 1 i -, L'i K" : TI : I. V. P. )'.: organ. A . .Mr. ny. Bonnoko \? eddlngto. ROANOKB, va., Decei dal.) ]? m., rly 8. Thon i ? d ai to-daj th? . anti y pnty? Mil i Ro . '?'? Un . -. v. i moat fashionable affair, and iny promit it. Thon i ? i church, South, ?th R. B he gn on man, and Mil Re? i H per waa maid ??f honor. To-night at th XV. I - id BOW? rs. Rev. Thomai J. Sblpmai d by Rev. i ?r. ?'.n t? i, of thi ' nit? -i Bn thren \\ <-?l nt Pel be m. DAN**, li.I.i:, V \ K took Pi lli.iin. N. ? '.. .n :? . W, i Tun r. A : I Mr. an i R< T B D, l?.. of this nd? .? ' hi m ti KILLED BIS PB1BND. The Art of n Boppeeed Crtuty >i mi. IMVILLE VA., i rmbei ..' dal.)- Vi hat u i the kill - l ' idjoinii t lui? ' j. B ' wi mlnul i He not reached the I hill, when li| ? i with i ? int., the back of t hoi : It la ??.- undi i man i? ii ?a I . 11 lan . t?? u- I. f.iiiii.l a) intllng In tu Ing, half mur derei .? ti, it thi . I... how ; M I ly h a abort - lia I ' All ' ' I ! ' . y t h a t Rol i in coi ol in up -? ?I in On taking hi i?l ?? Bollli Hi? y u. mi i.m : l had bcin i I It In ii,. in Brown i \ lllil.ll-t I* Til \T I Ml ill. a\ ?>ii iti - tit* Rohhora Plie l?verai ShOtOt Hm Olitillu Nolhl.iw. QRXNai ?a, MISS . Dm 1III ith i. .in..i. wai )? m up on --it.ill : Pope'i Station by t\?. ? mm al 10 I ?.',?. ? k loot night ", in u. n * iddoaly app ii-?i ?i-i tin? ingtne. ami oompellod the engtneei t > .? i??!', aftei ohloh th< ? oent beck and ait? mpted l" lir??ak in the ? , - door. They Bred several iboti, but failed in gain idmleelon. T*hi i >l bon tb?ie ?_< d, obtaining Qothlng, and nuking no attempt to rob tin- paeeingere No ?me **n* hurt. THE HOLIDAY RECES ?SCMM ?DM ini.\r to Tim \i joiHN*.u.M or < ?iv.ri.**. ^ O?R COIfGRESSME?.'S CHRISNU Wh-ro^ll -Will M?- tpomi In Hi?? H? ?nrrtltr I nnen??iirrem of \lralni ? ?nil in Prraajaap Pareeaal * >???? * < Soirlnl In?, i? ?t. WASHINGTON, D. C Deetaabtr -l. it-'i?., i. : i TI for tin- i ih? r,- ?a -a' th.- linrry-sKutr ?x< u? n,? i.i ani | larlty | las thn uunl ? of a s?--?? ?of ?both hi were tnltif me ?Slled, irhil? t?a? h die, ? ?jrrldor? thronged ? Ith < onataatly?BM>i ate. a\ the Vlrglc a I ? ; In th- i who is ?been! o uccour,' sitl'.n. Inn . m ?Hi ii Both of l i winding thai ?required lmm< the i.i !. :' of whom art re paid "tt to th? i-t of lh amounl for th? boll?*?. * ,,, rform? d. Th? n l?o dr? w th?l well prepared for a Merry Christina? an Tin.Hi CHRISTMAS ADDRE88ES. ir i ? -ai? : . iy at hla rent * : Mrs. M n tin, I will r? ' ' llalli.?. . i;, pi w. a. Jon I * n :IV f,,r his home, ??t Warsaw, ?In Rlchmom morrow. i Rlchmom ton, M? ?klcnl urg coun ty. remain in th. ir ? :. spend ti?? ' -. i. e,\ her? hill, will family . EN \.n'?-v POR Mi:. BR tNDER i ?morn ?? Died M to th two re ! ..?? I ?Gen? ra? Pitan u h i.? 'i hey i letter from polntm? ut i, ... r? th? two ?gentlem? n to Adjut -.- :. to do what \ s?>, an | if a van ! "i.? RICHMOND. with ?h li? tal .1???- U - r. i?, I??? ].? .- lit at "f Pel ham'a plctura i?? I in Jan i ippy t?, ,i - thai h? V hours I ih- pa**l West vil . d about . . .it is he ful. RAT!-: ? who \\. re i' > my, bar, ? : y ? !' War i 1. 11 ft i 11 ' . i ih it this hill r? ?furnish the fa? ili\ by th" I Mr. Hay s i iinj*- th? Hull ai i. : . - army, ?General B VIRGINIA ? " \t. IN' i RUG?AY to I und I ! th Welsb ? is have had ? comp - * y. an?! have controlled prices The Welsh lui.?i, Oal in all n? ; I ' thai W 'f th fV V *V "V V V V M*^"V^7' j-**- ^ " * A v ^ Mtl mB I Does Year Hezti AchvtT Ar?? year ?serve? a....:, t t m*| ' energy ? r 1 fr.iia ;h . inJJerii .- ..?.,1 ii. . oaui 11 a c mu, ?a-sente cure. ;,< ?r*> O^ Tin y ?laily i . batnr?! :.,. reu ,,; ?,f the ?bowels. I'n. .?#-? | i. til draggisu. Ayo n'a Sar89pnt'H/n v. Ith :??-1 IUbwU bask nr--? -.?-.. . > Writ?, ih*. .|,.rtor lint Im? j .ii ,... oiT-rlnt V? ?i m f re-Mtv? the bvkt! kiiri?? without ? >?t. i?e. J. ?am . i.;.*.:.? y+w vvv^^-'s ?l u% A at **- *- ? A ft MHMMMI ! Extra Stock of Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry.! We have just received from one of the largest wholesale houses in .\?w : York citv one of the larqest stocks of Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry * ever before seen in Richmond. lvalue, Fifty Thousand Dollars.j t] These goods are sent to us on consignment. All which is n?>t sold will 8 ?J be returned Xmas morning. There being no expense we are going to |j j !!? sell at very low prices. r\\ I J l__ U. T. ALLEN & CO.,! |j Fourteenth and Main streets. I! A Full Line of Sterling: Silver Novelties. Open Evenings Until 11 o'CIock. : I i 3 ? ? tt^^r^r^^4-A-AmAm^myAm^^ GOOBmirtMtjXrBmMrli)^^ I? GREAT n i i 9 9} 9 9 inducement! at nur ?special Xmaa Saldi < >iir cut prices on Pianos this \w-.-k ?been appreciated by ?many buyi I our stock is growing SMALL. CHA5E IJROS. PIANO CO., Chas, li. Branner, Manager, 419 liast limad. riean coal hns G marl "The Pocahi i ami . amin '?'- '" :, i.p. n. H.- \\ i by thi - - "' Is that i rowing trade i.- pr method tl - ?. should I ?low." .'AU Among the I dring; remo* ity, Va ; Ml A . Va., with Wade a iter. PERSONAL. RlChmon i d the Pulln . ; ' I rlngf? trip, r ; I plei e trip. All ' I? .** I ? til?' to - I \ r ! t ? ailed ?.a tl . y of Hi?- l ; i. Ill lip?... Ylr- | General ij I . P, Win ' in. K. ' lev. Fred D. i N ?' , T, I.. I p ' _ unlit) rch. l| B. O | \ . A ? BAOUB ' ' ' meet li ' ' - 1,1? , 1, li ' bank. \ . 1,-ii i- not Hki a tort t it rkmi ..., ?-. ron i eertala eoum Curo It :y with ? i-.?- Minute beet -mdy for ?u egn lad for thi n. -g-| -- i ^""inifnil It bivause It's l I DISASTER DDE TO FOG i w.? wAttt i:\i-hi *-* imams i <?? UM m:uv BA99) w. A NUMBER OF PF.OPLE KILLED A Murk LUXptUt \iini...-r MutO or 1.??? Serlnumly 11.|.ir.-il-*..? Inuln?-?'! Il.i- lilt *<l??ill ? ru??li?-il. *?\ li !< l.?<oU? Iiik Out, Trytug ?< * < < *?ii?-?id. N B W 1 . . this m??tn ?small .-' itlon In Ne? .1.1. fort* .- . Neu "fork thro gil ti Into kimllitiK ?rood, kill?; - y Injurln** Al ' ? r tr.u-k. DEAD AND INJURED. . -Wolff, t W. \ i . ? ?? ;:. In ? and 1*. B. BartboldL TI,? M1JUI..I: M N. v., H tal, J? City; . l*. Mead, Bi horn? , I ? ... Broo 1' II. N , . ...:' J. \ ,' lergrlfl ? i ::. H. -b. '. :: I. T. H : 11 ? 11 . . , Ai. train, ' . ?S*B?-j '? ? : 4L INJURY, l: n \vi. e -wai ?if th? window ?,ii I m..I 1,1-? .?hull M : in. T\\ ?I M.-..N KI1.I.KI? ?ylvanl i '-nek and ?kill? .1 two n Pi ?.rl-atreet croaeln** In 1 H. .1. -...l.ll-r I.tii?li??a In \lnhnnin. CINCINNATI 0 I 11 r A maul? t -?I l?r ?in... -, . of 'I'"** 11 1 : from h?T?-. while ??t .? lanca waa dracsed from lb? ?unt . ni"i, of MO man and Ha n ? ii.-Hi- ;h?. 1 ?n<! bit 1 ? Iv wa -1 with bull k i?rt>iii?-r ?if tii?* murdered man i.?,i mob. S. ULLMAN'S SON'S ?,lt?l? lit \ It \ll?. ?IN-. Headquarters for Xmas New : Irvear-old Rye W - I I New Mil ' < lake, : - lll'Tl \VV: ' - PLLMAITI ?SOS It will p I 111 ? \ I D.% w , THE BAITIMORF COUNTRY SCHOOL f< JBoys hg! room f??r a verv H number o: rent s(.ho?>l year. Sit . Homiaooi* l. *.?.--. i tat a. Cleeaica Math? ibitics, i i encr. II -?.??1 Reg ii If? Hair. . DeWitt's Little EARLY RISERS The fnm.-HM HtCls \n\K ('v?t' btiiMB O?*--, Ivaij'i hi*, cunf-tljiAti'in, ?)?lfB> tion, heartburn and t?>r; ni !;rci. Very small, very satV, rery -ure. Most popular pill ever made. I '?-vmrfKl b* E O, i>W!t?A?Co? maker! ?J? ?VeWlll'i Witch li-?... Salve tap ?Tb.SaBl*m Cards. t-ill-Ht-ul-,. Siaitiiuui?. Lrimr Heada, Nata Beada, finalere Hi ' Dodgers, Ac., printed by lb? ' * * J r??inpan\ ?t loa i rlMB XMA *0tt _??od wok at the ?.?me jirlcss tg/B | ?> Inferior work Semi us >\>ur MEM un?l we will guarantee s-tUfactiua in ?very particular.