Newspaper Page Text
R THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1898. To Men== JEVERY NIOHT music by Professor Thilow's Theatre Orchestra Band until 10 o'clock from now to Christmas. Fathers, Brothers, and Sons : Not an exclusive stag party invitation,, but a cor dial request that all will avail themselves of the opportunity of Viewing This Business Enterprise as compared with the old slow coach before sounded the forward march that awoke and pushed aside so manv quiet business slumberers. THE HOLIDAY SPELL OF THIS STORE FALLS UPON ALL VISITORS AS THE KEENEST ENJOY MENT OF A CHARMED TABLEAU. THE STOCK IS IN EVERY DETAIL AN OPEN BOOK FOR MOST VALUABLE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. The invitation has its impulse from a motive to prove what Richmond has accomplished in the building up of itsJavorite store. A WALK THROUGH THE VAST FLOORS WILL HELP YOUR THINKING. THE DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE WAS NEVER EQUALLED IN ANY STORE OF ALL THE SOUTH. THE SALE OF BOOKS by the thousands of vol urnes at less than hal their original cost is lik giving thousands of dol Jars to our public. Thia wllllaa Mrvtoe tdoun mot? \ . rly Hll of HIclinii'Ml t?> OOhon'S St?u You have full ?swoop O? th? I:oak ?Btoi do ?WMM o* bofbra tin- eoaaton an: whet?-. <?ur slat?nut 'i* Of h;ll'-iirl < often ltn.'jin?i; i i.uiy ar. tor Km>?muc les?. Com pi ft? \V??rks of I ?.' are. handy valumos, new, cl< ir typo, ?sill , lotb .-binding, n k ...* " Jv -1 i Ha?. y > \VA'->b?*iK.r'r. living's Work?, complei Ui 8 TOlaiBf-S, Hat pnce $1", fOC i-M H?*t. Cf.*nplete Work I I un?-... ban?lsonie ?silk-? ??.Hi blndlni larrfot el?at t.\p?-. HI voloo. for ?ft.1 net* (-volume ("Wf* of Edna Lyall's Worki trahie, tor ?fl.18. t\,.ii;m?- ?Bots ut Rudyard Kip! A i? ?per, Verm Brail? s, m t'.}\ boxt u??. *'<> a* i. g,-,, oui lin?' <>f H .50 ?nd ** '< i . mfcly boumi and lllu I ?all ?standard c* : y.,.,1- ,-:. .i . . : . . t of Handsomely w(?rk- of all standar? - hlstm. *i i ? ' Kc aath-Bound Bool Girls or Qram " jrtiH ?Mm ?LWTUi Ul M k*B ?WOMB? y\ i Lifo of Robert 1* j ?,.,.., , i<* cbllrdri 16c. Th. Hentj '' ike, r Bo: . Illustr?t?? ...?i. usual 75c. kind, for ?30a vol ume. , .... , Th. ? Hiver Opt! u.iiual, fl.oO wbere, here tor Rubin ??n Crusoe, large, cloth-bound, Il lustr?t? ?i edition, UM valu? . foi fn? k ! ? ??. with ? est authors, pi 111??' , . ? .. Back Story ?an I un?- ? - kin?!, now ;? ., the usual 15c. ai | ) i\y r imlC.; Or, o lia mm. Colored PI? ture Books ?. tor 5c. Ill? 'U i '1 ? ? .". ? >'<JLi " K I?c. ?Paper i "?lis u uifi. n ot costumes to Christmas saleof Fami ly and Teachers' Bibles. Large, ?Hund ioi I amlly I ?.?., ,d? ?I leath? : 1 :ii, : lut ?best-q value; hi : tl?, u, ,,i- Leath? i - ?Bound r imlly Bible?, India p value for $2.38. ?The New Illuminated ?Self-Pronouncing with m ? - ?ordance, map). -.rlginal Illustration*. i?oiiu?l In fl? sib fli*. r. M? value, tor B.W, Ti.? ?? w IHumloat? I Self-Pronouncing airs' Bible, with ?S00 lllus .. f\ valu? $.:..? ?i\! ?-.I Teachers' Bible and Inter. Bible; apt Ti schere* Bibles, referenc? ? ncord ?Tjuic, ?napa. iiiun?i? Index, etc., ;i vein?, for UM sad many others. Till.-.1-1 HELPING II It l*lti? is. LARGE CLI'BTER-SHAPE CANADA M VRTEN SCARJ S, I TAILS AND - hi:ai?.s, si.ML THE COHEN CO. OUR BALL LEAGUE. fff-T? Ulltl*. II I*? s \|?, |(, m ( ., CUD XUtl OIK. P?TERSGN CLUB IS EXPELLED. Itcttlituutiou \r<-r|?tc?l? Srrniiliui All in 111 <<l ? 111...- n>< , I.. > i suit Will ii?- louKiit la ti??' r.???i? j Innukai itf?.ij_iiiiii<ni Tn i? i ?-?ti. ALi.i:.\v<nv.\\ pa., i ' ? iui?,-r m.-The [ lAtuniii: i.?-..l'.i? ?.i basii-hall clubs met i this uf-.?rni??.?ji, vsiili the follow-in?; Q. ?Barrow, of l'lui.ii. ?i?i ?.,; .m. ?MoGalra ?and v. . ?Richmond; A. K. . .?l i?\ y i. i?. A. If?', R< .t?iii,K; to* Newark; i tin Mg und I i toym, and \v. s. \\ .Detroit, i? . , of 1 -, v. ., ilk ijr ?be Iran fei ei t?? \\iik? ?barn . i. ? B Ilk? ?abarre ! ai??! Bcranton will N k and :, ?Um i? igoo. AI : ; Uve up to < ?iitia.t j was dt- ' < ils? a ? ?: ?be op? rat? d n ?ranton was admitted, :?.. d to a i i by .M irtln Swii i and I I i/'iiK. The i?. Ignatlon .v .-. ? . for * ? ?. i,, en er tl ? tern L n? > v. ill : Hon. Robert Wrifhl prepai n a ? n;. i Irculi for oast AM? Muso, S? ranton, Richmond \? . ur?. und Htht-r Wllkesburr? or 1?? new* BUIswIll o ite either at Nor? Till; BLOKl?ECKE Si it ixUt n Bl m owner ol N'-vyark elnb, lb . Died a bill hi Collanttes, worth IR, combination ?1 trie seal and moufflon; ??nr price, $i Brown Marten Large-Slse Doubli ? lantte, worth H2.S0; ??ur prioe, ?W.!*?' Black Blurred Scarfs, bead and tail, ( s I I III.IM. MIVIOIl prove? otir ?frort to ?do w? IL Nothing i ours In town. Few thlags so j?? r! .?t.ti handsome. None en cheap. Thousands of doliar worth of Leather Gooi where hundreds hereto fore. proportion for the pr>~ lot purchased account?? for tin- snormo selling. v??u pay doubli say when else HERE is A CHKfFTMAS PICTURE ? i.?uns- ami? ssuuMunPs t??! ?hint?.. f?uch as !ias ii'-vt-r prssiatod itself to o public. Ti,?- v? ry nandeomeel Karment??* of t for i- i than the oost of the at i in_. Fine-Quality Black Kersey Jackel newest cul and style, large ?medal 111 button!. iiikI double row*! of ititchin : ?"?. 112.95 ami ?I". Jackets, in Rack and (*? taffel Of satin llnln ? bO! front, for $.",..?>; **1S i mi niti:vs iu:i:ri-.its. Childn d'i Re. ei In plain In i mix? ! rge bi ild? d collar*-, fan? ma, w< re ; ind UM; ai ..f Uli! lot ?ti i? me English Derby Re? I !? It-bn i. button!, * ai 12.50 Mixed Cheviot Reefera, neatl . no, g__PAKATSE SKIRTS. Handiome Brocaded silk B? i. - p, nlng _yA m i.sua l(||g7. w ool Cheviol Skirt?, ail ctSBrs, fi trimmln , r MM Finest-Quality All-Wool Cr?pon Bklrti ng Bounce, with latin-ban 12 7". AMONG l'HK i:-WRI.i Kl OF l.lM'.M PURE UNEN DAMASK TLA' ? i.? iTHS, full lise, Se . Hemstitch? d Unen Carvln ?tra-Hi.ivy Table Damas?] yard. UAMIKKHI 1I1KF9. w ?; Bilk Handkerchiefs i. 'for r.'?'. 1,.loxen Men'! I sad l*>c. Hsndker eh!? -' each. M. i?'.- j w hite u? mstltcbed are for 26c. , _ ! mbroidered, Hemstitch?-? ting Trimmed Handkerchief: 7c. 26c Initial Handkerchief!, 3 foi I H-OUDXAf. MM to-.-Al, s' .-uni Men'l UM ?tnd $2 T*m i?r. lias, I ?r B6c and .M? ii'.?- *"> Umbrellai an UM t iteel rod, covers, am Dresden I r? In re for INFANTS' BOOTEES, ELAND-CRO CHET 11 ?R G . Children's Croch : Leg Ina, White 01 i?. 25c. a pair. ; I . ? Tii'-h? t S s, Whlti and Coloi lie. LARGE WHITE LAWN APRONS loi otheri .?t IG and 25c. ? ?nuh?? m Aprons, bord? r? d, 5c. FLANNE-.U-TTE SHIRT WAISTS AT ill ,T ARE WORTH 50c. Silk ?A., -t-. that cost 90, are -' ; 75 BILK SKIRTS, IN* PRETTY. CRISP i"i."i;s. F*OR Missi:s- AND BOYS' SOLID-BLACK I IM'-' BIRRED, FULL REGULAR MADE H?BE, ALL sizes, fe, PAIR THE COHEN CO. members, and that be be allowed RSOO M- all?g?e that i tat July t? t tb? v? wark fran? blue and p from the league for 12,000, lut thai Play n Carrlck and C |, and thai the Board of Arbltr itlon ? liioti. Hi u?-?. he ? , Into the contraci nade with him 1 in that for which h>- paid. Jl? s that Hartford hai withdnwn and Norfolk rcilgned, and thai Patorson li * '. white Wllkssbarri and Ton at?, al.?,ut to join th? 1 i bla consent." WILL TAKE mi >ioiti: ri:< hi its. lurtb.-r I : ii 11-1 in t- ii t ?j in Hi?-? I'niirlh It ?ii i u,.-m I'Ktliiltlli-d. Captain (Tat, :ni- \\'y.?it, who Is in recruiting detail which has m Virginia : ? 11 reral w? fa ? n llsting men for the Fourth Regiment, rdi n from the <k partmi at \ ? - - terday to receive no mon recruits Ha and Lieutenant Couch will probabl] : ?Lana in-?I ?/. The order t?? enlist no neon men was al dlsappointmi ni to ? bout sixty member! ol th? Richmond companlei <?f i i. mi? at, wiio wiihi d tu join? the Fourth. Aboul '.'.' men have recently been eenl to the Fourth from among the discharged Btemben of th, B mi Third regi to fill Vt . hi and d . Th? snlleted itrongth of tbi Fourth li now ab? m 1,300 tot a. i Pi . U ! ? iaptain Shanks ?in still . u -..u. ? i ?>n their accounts They rwarded any of ilm gov ..- iy turhed in bj the Be? and Third Im? ate. Thli will be 0 BUS h as |i not lit for II be sold at auction or burn, a. XX ?<liliii_.? To-llil*.. to i rda) by the Cl? rk of th. Huitingi Coui t. to the J ii? s: Tboraai i Moon aad Late W. Carter \^. T. ami .1 Vf, l'ait, r. i.init*. i,. Rogen sad Bauns <?. Wade .?ei ..f Alvln and Miity Wade. Mr. .. iH?|iui;ir ihlpplng clerk of William young end Hattte Buck An? .. diughter of Joba ./. sad *****snnte B. Ami? TTi. irsddlngi take plaoi to?dsy. Of os ?Slisel 'l'util ranels Bald. Th?- Qn?t*e?8treot tabernacle, which, th? destruction <>f their church. ?, had i., ?-ii occupied i set Baptit i congrei Um, . ?> to Mr. Micha? I K?-li?-y. i ? !?? refoi it ?. The auctioneer w.?s Mr. .v W Bow? Mr. Kellev will tear tho building down in the e^ily future. Ladles' ?Poney ?Sti v i? il i - i? r ;.? . : tend >f ? Boys' Bi -: : : I ' " Bibbed i?!,. k ii. nj sise up to i". for lie. .-i ?pair. 'i m; si im*i.\ OF TOT! is HD? n \i si nu i:. Th. groat Quantities laid in ore exP" to ,?,|U.-,I almost any ?I - ni.. 11 ? I that ? ?be raade upon ?? W< bore ma?)?- plonty ?of ? ut jiriif-s now, in Otdet to CJOOI !?,(. ?M _x\ a - I! Inch? i long, ?hardwood, varnl in ?i i >- i : -, nicfly let t? i, ?!. for ?Ko. choti Large Book ?and ?Latid? rs. !v lachea long, Iron axi?-. with bell, ladderi painted r. d, fa ii. .a ri ?guiar 12 valu,.. i. ?Bardwood k ig? i i:1 / will, 10 feet of copy ?and drawings, regular |U0 si/.?-, for 15c. ea< b. i*. ? -j!?... ! ?si? ' . rnlth >y el ?num?ro, n ?SOc. value, Tor 17c. ji s -1. j i ? r ?Suite for i,. rgi iron ?Police ?Patrols, with - horses. i. li, driver, .-un? i nn a, i? tul xx pM \ i lue, for ?fL iy each. i?.i ?Hardwood Wheelbarrowa, la ?saca. 200 sets of 1 ??Il Furniture fur : ISO Folding l 'ru- t??r l ???J-. I? . each. ?DOLLS BV whom; FAMILIES, from the smalMst to the school girl There i.* greal latoroat in our ?Doll i"i rim .?t ?Quality Kld?Body Doll . in, ', - long, wiih clo II iV? :i hau-. ' ?! stockings, fi.?'?* ?and I1.7.S qualltl? s, for ?Dolls, ?kid-body and lONtsd, that ?-.-in to ?sell at ?Wc., will be ?"?old for chol ?Dolly Varden ?Dressed Unbreakable Dons, with ?shoes ?and stocfdi Fine ' "IK that were ?J .- n ? i ?.'.:&, Cm ii.?' , boli Tin; < iii\ \ skiiii; butriei ail of Its many -araros t?> a ?mi. There is a ?Coh?en*s price for almost ?\? rythlng you fan look i French and Bavarian Chooolots Pots, 12 aiai 12.'A values, for 90 . ?and U T? a i'i .a , for MM. i?i and '?"? . Olfl '''?; ." ' . U-plece Toilet Sets, underglaaed leo i ited, f"\ ?UK, u good U ?value. HAVILAND |. ? DINNER ?SETS Km: UP. Dresden I ?ecorated < "ake Plot? a, lint ?i. BOc. value, for Uc. id 12 Fani -. \ tons un T?i*?s or CABBIES. The ?Cbristn i ?haw tbe | tica] ?goodn? m of th? il ira. The ch of all candles. ?Fresh, puro, and i- i valons we knoa h..w- to ?give. We know win n and how II Is ?mad? ; Il M moat mace it i;.i. American Broken Mixture, ? r " _ . ? ! i ound ?Cream Almonds, Cream ?Filb>erts. Cho i ims, snd i irienl ?i Jelly, for V2YJ-. a ?pound, ail U and ?Wc. kln?is. Lemon C?ocoonut ?Squares, for 10c u ?poui ?I. .'.?>? i? inda of '?-'.c. Mixture for 20c. a ?pound. Extra Fine IfOrahmoUoars for 15c. a ?pound. Fairy and ?Starlight Wafers for He. a i ound ?hi?.m'-; T.ii.i-ts, in nil flavors, r i pound. A4 ; ? ?and ?We. ?Bonbons and ?Cboctdati i .??i? , for -T. a pound. Apple .i? lly. extrs fln . for :?:..?'. a ?pound. m! Bonbons for 10a a pound. FROM I T?i 1 ? ill.? n'K - ! ". . I?'-. Di a lilxl .i '..r .'.?_ . a pound, I i:? i\i i Ti > I O'CLO? K ;;.,'i pounds of Extra ?Fine chocolates m .1, f??i 14a a pound. THE COHEN CO. ! \ -' linnl IIH'il?. ? %SE. An !)? - I m ??.?ri ;, ., i ?(,,. ?n. n to II <-i(i?*?i by Ja-dgra ?Lotohot. ' in lois ?and certain publishers \\:ii ?some ii!? for trial h?i'.-,. Judgl 8. HOUStOO I.? t ' a .-i?? ? i il ?term of tbe Cir ?;t Oonri of UockiiiKliim, ti? he h?l?l . iily next 0 k. This case Involv? - the ?right of a county .?? !?'??i b tord i?? '? d ai, i it-- action it has adopt? ?i books for n? i . f> i a i?? i ,???i of four ) Tin? last QeaeroJ Assembly soocl lau- prohibiting county ami ?city ?school ^ from < ?hanging the t? v?-t..?,k-- used in ih.? pabilo schools darli ??i ??r four years, ?for whlefa ?the ?books bad been adopt? ?i. Th? i;??? kingb m ? a th.- , ?instruction of ti there ?s? em to i??? vori ons, Man) nd that if Hi.? ration -books get ?lato II I th pupils ti?- law is not \ ???i j?? t of tin- law is t?, ?protect th?- ?patrons ?? ?pabilo schools ?from the ? tp* nw ut to fr?-qu? in changi.- of i. \t LOOI AOgUSl Ih?? 1: B h?.,,l Trus of i:??? ?klnghom ad pt< ?l Frye's gec ?:? - ?Lab r un ?th? ?board, ?having ?re? tubled, ?reconsidered Its former ac tion, ?and adopted llaury's ?gi The publish rs of ?Frj applied i?? JuiIk?' a. *tch? r for > n to ? "mi?, l tii.- i ohool authortti? ??i ?Rock? mi I,, UM tli? - I ??.ks in th.- ?public schools of that ooaaty according t?? ?the . The status of affair's in ?several ?fjpautl? s ?and eitles win i,?? ?aiTected by the decision in ?tbe < >'. a.*- iV"!? Ideration was bad m then before th Stute ?Board <?t I., ttoii put a .summary check to th,- opera? t>tans ??f th,? ?bOOll aK?nts wh?, w-r.? ?going -li tin? Slat?? VOrking t?> MCUTO a i? - .|. nlag ??," c?,- adoption of i.ks srher? > : .? ?promising ti? Id could ?be found. < ol?.i.?l lll.Jl II?, U nl llnmr, ?vi,,noi Taz? w?n BHett, who has baea in i;ui??i?.- f?>i a number of months on business connected with an American railway? enterprise in which in- I* Inter is h.a. k in th? ?it;. II. l/lslted ?London, ?Liverpool snd E-arls, a.- well as a nunii?. r ,?i Interloi cltiei In Ki i ?and s?,\ s his n, i ?. enjoyed hi- tii??. ?and (??yoking remark ably well. Til-* on it? ? !? of Iti-lniNe. '1'h?- I'??miul.ssli?! r Of I itemal 11- -, ? nil? ha, re ? ntiy. after mature coaalderatlon, reversod ?his forin?i rulings, ami 000 h<'!?!s l hat ?If? 'is Of I ?r?, \. ,,,|?! from ii.t.-rnai nvii.u. , ration. .\l -that Un- tiling of a h ?tnestesd ?exemption ii,.im under the lows "f Virginia ?fsejolros ao staaap?" AT CPPIDS SHR1NH tOL JOHN M.?H\ AM) MISS ( \Rltl a. iviiii;\i:ii im:iii>kd. ???mm?- * A SUCCESSFUL BOX OF MONKEYS. .?lin..? Mouther- People In M?* York' oaf ?elect Boetnl < ir?'i?*a?ih WmAmamauag* Qmtfftmw ? Cleantwgo o In?, r. ?i from Field of Socle!?-. Mr. JOba Sloan Sad MNs ''arrie .Ui tOlaStte WaSOner wer?- marrie,I ) t i .. p. to. it ti.. ?if th? bride? uncle, Mr. Jamei Netberwood, ttm MB rast Oraos trait The psrteri un i folly decorated with pelsei sad eel The bri?i" erae dn -- ?! In bto t.,)|.i!-:na,l?- suit, .-m?l ? ?in? i of bride**! ri bod two si I Bltesbeth Mann, In whit? organdie nitk white r??-? , sad M n> Talteferro, In wblte orsaadk will y ll"u trdnmini's an?! y,-!l?,w rose?.. The best man wai Mr. Jajoea si,?an brother of thi gro?se, sad the two neben wen Met r . II irg n Shepherd sad B. XV Bendy. Th?- oflh rgymaa wai Ri v. I?r. Mast?n, of Trinity to Ii thi d utgbti r ,.f Mr. am Mi-. Arnold V\ i, gin?-? i ? bJld, with bor uncle sad aunt. Mr. sad \. th? t w !' d v. .. |f] N? t h* nrood gavi i i ! .m.- valuable dtemom i i The groom la the foranas for I. N. i ,\ Bo and la a popular young So. The voong couple lefi foi i bridal tour ?f two w< . The pi ly, "A it?\ oi Monk? ." ; : y n i-: ht in AII-8 Tt at thi It Is, n Itself, Used, which will bi distributed t., worthy poor. The cast was ! the follow? og well-known people: Ml - Mai : Mi ide, Ml a K ite to- dl :.. Mn R. f. Meade, Mr. 11. K. Ti try, Jr.. and Mr. '. 'loll. . The Wednesdsy Cotillon, which - I 01 h Ity, will ciw its ?-?lui dann of th? be ith of January. This dancing ?-lass as !.-.. me mor? end n - r. it Ii . otllloa In that city M-at ' ged ait. r the ord< r uth? rn the n,- n b< log iti Ictly th m ijotity of H i tew Yorkers, then is ., Is**ge element In? lit sol; 'bom an Hon. and Mrs Hugh S. Tbomp . M on and Mr . Willi im L Trenholm, 1rs. Al- Ti'.an, Mr. and In. Jam? i ' lordon EJati I?. Hon and Mi*, "im s. Wise, Mr. and Mis. Samuel Bpen? r. Jami i Lit Qordon, Bnowd? n Mar? tall, ''ary Beiden Rodman, i >r, Fli Idlng lor, i Bol r th Lorton, who bai ?- < many In lu? ii n?- 1.1. * and I?, :uid it is due l.ii-L?. |jr, if not holly, to lus un . Ty en? rly . i, 11 ? 11 . ?ith h-r 1st' r, ?. don, on w?est On . Bi Paul'! lurch -r i thi n? b mutlful ?n Richmond, 'i b ?i ' ? ii in their effort! I love for theli npatby l :k i'ast??r, u l ? Is, fa iwev r - ti noon then v, n be . at which R ?-. Mr. P l n. ??i Japan, ? 111 ... ? little . t f.?r the? "Mldooauner Nigbfi ip, and . ig ??n imoothly. ' ' Helena, Park? r; Thi u Mr. u.. T? r, Id TT .. i ; .Mr. Haqueab i ? . -. Joe T.r- toon; ? foe] Per? , Bn --.'. to-, tdolpfa ' ? -. rloh. Mr, InUlvan i*. Revote?!, from the tiafflc offl? ei .,' rj i. ' - : tor. \v. x s illivan is ap nted asaisti nt <.f con-ii -*-'\j. --me??*- ^. ?r-ro??."" *"" f!*****^4X*_?S____^ arnettL?th?a Hotel, CHASE CITY, V\? *A_. S. BARNETT, vm:i: AKD PBOFBIETOB, i?j y?._ts' OX] ton | Ui A -Ii? > 'U'-', N. c, and Chase Cltyj PURL* L1THIA WATER and IT ACCOMMODATIONS IN TOWN. , tat ," - ..' i > oonsldei Mr. Barnatl the best hotel i i kaow.M?A Dtsttej : Lawyer Bank Pro Ident. ho _t-*ni.8<nATuSm.1pwd-pSu PKOt'OSALS. t un, e of Cli a n ?Richmond, Fa., D< mb r r. NOTICE TO CONTRACT! 1RS. ALBD PR( " ' ?SALS u ILL BE RE VED at thil oui. I until WEDNE8 P. M.. furnishing and ?i- llvei Ing I he ell til ST ? ITRIJ IED 1LAY SB, BRANCHES, ?v '. di of I' tla ad ' ' mi ni < i hoff, Alpha, Porta, Gen . :l? for :.. planattoni can bi obtained al thii AH propi tali to i ? .? certified ? hi ?-k for H e Com? i., i j. t unj or .?il pi 1. XV. E. t'\ TSHAW. 'it-. , . I ?P08ALS FOR CITY PRINTING, llONERY, BINDING, AND AD .TI.-'IN?: FOR THE YEAR ISM ?rill tin - u .'ii ' P M i ?i... mb? r 2d. when the i ntncti - m, e irded i lit on same can procur? i mi: propottali from thi of the ,-,'iiiiiiiit? -. win, win i?- ,,t u l.v City H ill ?third floor), Friday, ml?, r l?Th. ir.'in U M. t., l p, ft., tot i . i . After thai time : hi \ m -,,. ui? ?i of thi cterk Main i, up-stalr* ah bidi muil ?be up ?n blanks prepired by the romn hat purpose, and must tx? addn i "Committee on Account - and in**. Room 11. <"iiy Hall." rommltt?- tbl right t?, t any <?r ??I, bi?!? injwn ,?r in whole j.iilN T WEST, Chairman T. Kz?kl?I, Clerk de,2-6t #">"#"#"> V?-. a good one wani'-'i hv every emi tor k. You will Ilk? New Brand iusi ment It I? a Loim Mixed ?bans Filler Puritano, rouais S 10o. -?niokr. want to double "tir oui and oftVr ?BOS 25 for a?? for p Brory h?>x guaranteed, ?back If want?!. U. P. 0. ?'I Btor? (Below i*??st-? ?til-?-), ?Open ''ill H M. de -i-i nnA^AABLmomnnm bm?? tku t s? * i 5c- ! mm ,___9_~__a_______t_\ mW w^MW*^?Www^W*^m9 EMPLOI HEBT WAJTPS. WAXTBB. WE WANT AN AI GROCERY SAL man, wh?i Is acquainted with th- Vlrgl trade, to begin w? rk January Ht. I.i thing for th?? rtgbl man. s. nl . i:.. ?Box H, Su ihvllle, Tenn WASTED. i'.' K?I? CANVASSER V ANTED F ili-iri. t ?sou h of .Main. w?st Of ?Bev* i i lant work, In i??.? ?In?? pay ? ? DOMINION PCBUBHINO COMPA? : t M iln (Ro, rn )I.? WASTED, ?LADIES TO l?<> EMBROIDERY WOl at hi me; ?good pay; exp? rlencc unnec ilar? : sample. Manhattan EMBROIDE COMPANY, !"1 I-.?? ?street, N \% UVTBD, A COLORED MAN ?FOR BUTLER Privute Famll . None bill exi ? n? >?.i app on TON BTARKE, 1423 Main itre \\ Will?. CIOAR1 AN EXPERIENCED KALI ri.,n. on ?commission, to sell ?strou ?ooda No prizes ?given atroy; merit oi ,,l twenty-seven yes selling plug to^bocco. llqiioni. ...1 O. P. MM.K? \t W en h iltimore, Md._ D~0'SlJLUVAN'S r.ightcenth and Hain ?5tS. rnraun ?cvlpepeb cehamhbi m r nit. Virginia's Snoot produ? t. Always tl v? thing in this town sn equal for purity, ?Savor and quality. Iti o llclous flavor is not ?equalled by any Bi twice ?the cost ? hrd? ri| -.uni lo. IB*?, ver i?oi?i??l In n n y ?innn?lty. ?CLBMHEB OLD ETD WHISKEY., .?, j?. rt'? mountain ?h tilled, mellow Rye Whisk? v, in h??i?.l sin? ?June, 1?N\ |irr qnnrti ?!.<;<> ?allon. Largo -White, Fol Mackerel, In C- -> U-OOUOd kits . * * *_f DBWET ?CHOP TEA. Its delicious flavor cannol be found th ?si i hlno, where it woi our custom ro. l*?-p pound. IOo. 1 II -till warm, _ bak? i. i?? i p ?und .? 5 - kers, per p* 51 i' > ?.unis Fine Family Flour, it* . .-? barrel . -?P 4 -*-?. * ?x f .-? Polish, m ki our -? 6tove io?ik iik?> a ?mirror, f??r_ *>' ? w.ii (ii'M v miri:n PB ICHBS, t) dish, like beeswax it. color, bwh oad Juicy. Drl I x . _ b? ni'i . lo 10,.mat ?Lemon ?Clb ~.f.. md cans, I cans . AUl .y at this 1 IMP cone White Cherries. 3-pound -,*-, . cons . -**?v _. exquisite l to, 1 er pc ind . *5' n\ un ISLAND OEOl Mi MB M-. . o"? Ing wh? at C 4 ?, . *P4*;>t '" hly-Oround ?,, Cracker Meal . u* h la Wat? r-Qrourid Meal, . -, ': .mm- 45* j A 3--< 20c 25c 5K bushels White Corn. I Oats on th?: market, i? ?l . \ II \M III.IM) ? Oll i:i:, : . m? dl in : ? . ?lag to good per p ?un ' . Finnwt Arabia M booo, 1 er p? ?und . it? ;. h Bn ikfoot ? -m. Coffee . ,-**' Qrabam Wafers, pure ?- 1 ci Ispy, per pound . &? Dutch ? ' uu, in t__ II quantity, ?pel pound.... "*** ut?.is New Grated Coco- -.? nut, i?? . ot ?us. in ouarl bottles, tu_t* Miawi?. rry and quince . "*" !lder mr.c . v N- a ?Crop N .Ihm . :.:. 1 Ri per 1ound . IO.000 1 ounda nie?. crispy G Snaps, 1 '- pound . ma iui**;i ?POT -TOES. 5OC 5C 5C ?Hanover Bt ?Per ,qq l ooobush?is L I' - t?__ tOtoes, l"-r peck . ,0? 10 pounds Lump Btai -*-.">*' ?UIFOB1 BO w IM*. !>c.\xx i-'r? nch Br ?ii'iv. quart I ,,!,,! 1 Tin Brand) ?n N? wpori N? w Li ?naht m dandy, -.??/. try a 1 . /?">*' 'in?? Holland ??in, tiii *k with .. _ art . 4?.)L ; Old Rye Whiskey, original ? ~n xri. 75* l cr i 1 . *o? bui 1? Smoking -^?t Tobacco, 1-pound bag . -**0* ii.m; 01.11 IHI1 m hi ,) 11 \?i?.. ' i Hams k ifleld Ham C -oat will 1 IF Old Ham rapidly rhoa we hove th? m. IVr i?.,noil isio. ),ooo Bolos ?Choto? Timothy Buy.A/OCt I Th) .*. w III). I? ?I.DER OF TICKET N :-i '"? ? CALL 1 ' r ward. T. A MILL ?road --tri??t. __-l, 9 im ?;d. IT A Yt ?UNO M ?VN, ROOM AND ?,,.?r?l 1: - ' Main. I. ng t. rms, /.. v. .1, ,\s, v : . : . * X*. IM'lll), , > 1:? IRRQW ?FR< 'M B.9? Tl ? M -., , ,\ >od s< -ii? Address --i?i ?ici;, ,\\ ?gR xn.**? CREER, COME ONE, ?COME ALL TO Till " -ble 1 ?., ,' s ? ere h? will g\ ?e choicest Wim lour, etc., for rour \: - ? I? - i7-7t ADIESI Chi-hcster's En-ii'sli Pcnnvroyr.1 t?u , o:r ... ?ha fontal liU'Ai^Tcb?nillltiZ^' (au : Tu.Th.Suly) CITRON ANO FRUIT I INOBL it. ' ''"1:' : Mini? . '' " tl < .. Choc-iVi'Ii KINK a uns ;:ny ?? . J x\ II. 1. 111; ? 1 asi:i). ??TIC'1 .:' HEREBY OIVEN THAT " >; - of th.? Hichm.?nTla,K tersburi , , v.iu t? "Ni'A'i I i.- . i,?.|. 1 MON*. \N . January I, im - x* .-T.i for the ?1. erj of perishable freight? l??i?.a. ' il A. M. II 1. KINO Agi nt, Al i i mu? BAI.E-.-Tli I? Day. WHEN REAL ESTATE 18 SOLD TI TAXE? FOR THE CURRENT CALE DAR YEAR ARE TO BE PAID PI RATA H? THE VENDOR AND '11 VEM-EK \. xv. B i- I ictloneer. TRUSTEES' saLK UK 7 IS-100 ACRES OF LAND WITH A ??????I? FRAME [)WELLI> AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, ('S CABELL STREET NEAR TO AN JUST LAST OF THE CITY o F RICH M< >ND. AT AUCTION. In orVutlon Of und? A -,-,\ Beptemb 0. i*'-,;. and recorded In H? nrl, ? ' lurt, in l ?. ? d-Book 152 ".':." pagi I having I?? n d?failli In of thi- debt s,-i-iir.-d. and in i with i ?!? ? r- ? ? tit? red ? ictob? r 1.1, IS in the Law ml Equli ? Cou?-l of of Richmond, in th? mil oi . Perklni v A III ?r. ?at, i ? -,? te., we will aell, by public auction, < t he prei THURSDAY. I'I:?t:m: i:;: :r It I ?.' -I?, k P. M.. the PROPER*] l t.?. and which Ii bound**! t ? i bell, Walnut, R i| tteets, and Is ki s I of "V TERMS: Caah sufflct? nt to j cesl ..f tale and t.. ?. n up to ? \ and tO Interact thereon from March H. -Tin. at one and te day "t nie, for not? i, writ b lnt< ed, an?! lectiri ?I l?v ?i rt? 1 of t the property. HILL CAR N. Vf, BOWE. _de 15 _ Trn By J 111 : CI0MM186I0NEBS ?ALK ' 'u? THI HIGHEST BIDDER, TWO - STORY DETACHED FRAM DWELLING, No. 7I?t> Hoi.iA STREET. NEAR LAI REL STREET By virtue of 1 the Circuit Court of th? i of ? "umtx rland, N r thon In appoint? d for tn? pui posi ? ?u sell i - ,n, to thi ddi r. o th.- |?r?-m:-. -. THURSDAY, DECEMB] p. M., the REAL ESTATE de siTil.A It, said dl lot ."t land froi . on II?TI -tr?-. t. in ti," city ol Richmond," and run nina back ?betwe? a ?pai IU feel I ouae ??nt tins ,' room . I water and cuh i pon n. and win prove ment or make i mug home moderate mean!. TERMS: ? ine-thlrd - ; ??? li ms and I adde? from T i- ol i ' Id? gOtte bio not WILLIAM M. SMITH, S| ;.' - j. Thompson Brown ? ? Co., A i lio In the Clerh'i ' *tBt ? ?.f I of the Conn'.?, of ' ':.-- Ft? ttl? 11. Powell, for Ac, r ? :-"t. trator, J l,. fendant: i\ cii w -i:i:y. I, Et A. Noel i lerk of the of ?he -special commissioner, William M Smith, bj ' ' deci i. nth ? ol No*. I n undi r my I Ch rl of the ?a . lotirt, this ist h daj b. i 1?:??. B, A Ni i 17_: j p, i: - : -on A Co., Auctlom Nos. _ ?in?l 21 north Ninth Itl Groceries, Show - Cases, Counters, Fixtures, &c... AT AUCTION. We will lett, ai No. 68 north B ..n THDRSDAT, I at 10:30 a. M.. 'rtmi nt of i lanni I - and ?Laundry s. ap ; Starch, Cakei, and Pal s rupi, Vh Fool Oval-Fro t -i-'r..nt Mel it to, tal Bhow ' ' Two Two ] -'to Mill, OH Tank, and ihr. Count? re, FRED, ir u 1LLIAMS. . / &Th3l ' In-PKWIUTKK, DBSKb, NKW TOILS*! -i. B CARPETS, RI ROLLED-GOLD I RACELETS, SILVER PLATEI W A t)<; \i:s CHER? ?? A s FURNITURE AT Al CTK IN. i will -' u oi ui**' auction ho A. M.. TO-DAY fThur : ? i. DECEMB r; Handsome N? v?. Tolb i . I . \ii. tin.' and ?Si indlng ? il ' : '. a large nun ?Ti.iinr Mirror? riialt - Rod . Oak Re itor, Tri, y BI AN... ,i : . GEORGE W MAY, i By the t Broad QPBOIAL \i ii(?\ BALE OP LJ XM \s I 001)8, **l UM ! i KB, ? iRPSTS, ART ?SQUARE- t TI RES, MIRH I. ', Wi will s, ii, at oui THIS MING T-; allO ng, i ni-? Hablo ?OI i'Ti! -, 'i'!.: attend lb? Ladle? are m ; 1 to attend. .1. Il VALEN i INC. de g ' Mai i lost; si h \*. ? !. .wo ro? so, '1 HE PARTY -U II" I? ?UND A Gi l.l? S'TED, GREEN LE VTHER 1 11 will pli _f M ?i? -T. ON Ci:?.AH STREET POCKET ? some i n:..:: hang? ? : be i al J v GRR? COMPANY, 121 L< '<- H IFI? * ;: ... SHARES THE. PEN OMPAN*? ST"?'K Th | i ?I igalml trading for th plication h made for th? ? newal. .i B. VVI8HART. STRAYED OR 8TOLE> \ lej bet! 11er und 11 I 1'1'A'i with a - iltabli i? ward will !? p . return te T C WILLIAM8 - ill SINKS*? ill'IMKll Mill:?. ?.ici: \ r < h \m i: i' ? A ?t >MPE ?KNT M? OGIST WHi I nrunta to |>ur> ;.- , a Well-Equlnprd Drug. I biiihi ?t bui ' In a I a ?mmodutii irtu-uio t l)< " Ti i: . an ol thi .-.? ? n- fl Mil |;i, , '?' ' 2 ? $| Or?lers fir printing I bi Db? .ut?-b Comgani will be gives urompt at ?mtton. .?nul tht ?t.i.- of veri sad price? rill be sure to uleiae you. \i? in?*, lAUis-rwtan n.,,. WHEN REAL ESTATE TANKS FOR THE CUftft DAB VKAit ABB TO BB l? HATA IIY T1IK VENDOR , . ,' l VENDEE -"* By Charles piBiMPTOBTpi * ?Al L ILLY -VAL? MAIJ..ST. COiif?bH Si?h WE8T M fully ?l. ten trie il . VAL? \ FRIDA, ? al i i- \i h LA RUE. i, IAA!.",' TH -g S il ?I.: taining - oecui i? i bj and i? ;}\i,.r?. '"inf. t., pun-h i II! BUG BALE A. THE DANVILIJ 1 As dir? In th? . t . ?S W * *?. bj the sal?! ,1. , ; shah W El lion, ? t ^ ?hood s I t. ail A? 'i uni ? . and i i of ail kin? all I. and A I . I.. ? . Cl< rk's oflli < t I i ?if them by - W1LI ' ? m - I will ; 1 I In li . S bouKht or i bv a|>; 1IUBS?AH1 Iras' ' fault bavli ?so to do. a on ih. pren H i TERMS : ? . '-int OIYIDK.M? SOT? ? - N Tin: this ? - ?mi SEMI ANNI'AL DIVIl PER i i and ai _ i 'i THE ?BOARD OF I RH'HMOND I . ? A HAL J. . I ; THIS [IAY THREE PER CEN : a w JOHN J . THE i ; Un DO VOli WANT TO Bl HAPPY CHRISTMAS? IF so, <?o n> I. E GILL'S BAKERY POF Y< KLIT CAKES. POl \D < Akl s, ?RAVG? CARLS. GOIU<\ ROO, ANGll f??l), >NOW BALLS. MINI! PUS, iC. till UM Of I AM" I tML\% -,, befan 5..ol;?ist {..-odd. I? i:? till ! a HHISTMAS lill>l \ 1 > \M? ? UBI*?** ?I \?4 I? \l\ I II * IT PRICES ro f-llT KVI exchange for Woman's W-vi?. lauklu. ?ti * *