Toys and Holiday Goods
At.50c> on the Dollar,
to close?, thorn out. It If very seldom Hint at this timo a re
tail house is able to oflfVr those goods at such a sacrifico.
But It is such hero. After several days' consideration wo
have decided to make I great chango in our basement that
will bo announced to the public bv January.
This great stork consists of Toys, Crockery, Cut Glass,
Bric-a-Brac. Lamps, Glassware, Cutlery, and everything
carrietl in a first-class Crockery and House furnishing store.
Holiday Hints by the Thousands
are here for the thousands or more shoppers who annually
look to this great store lor their holiday supplies. Our pa
trom? RTB never disappointed. In qualities, varieties,
prices, and shopping facilities we are unusually well pre
Cordes & Co.
Every department in our house is teeming with articles suit
able for Holiday Gifts. i?> enumerate them would require seve
ral pages o? this paper. Instead of taxing your time and pa
tience with the listing WE INVITE YOU TO SEE THEM. Your
buying will he certain to follow, by reason of our very attractive
prices, which cannot be equalled anvwhero for goods of equal
of all Holiday Goods have been made.
As Useful Presents.
Indications point to a wet sea
son. Wo have prepared a Rubber
Sale in oonstqueBos.
19c. lTi.-ket 1'liinlr? :.'. ; Rubbera, s 17.-s
up t?> 1?? ! i? irnlar cut.
SB?. Mea*? s. If-Acttng Vbat-Ctarade Rob?
bera, opera and COnuaOB-aMUM toa,
for 7T,c; fill tun, from <*? to 9. at. SB
50c. Men's Su?rm Orara, Ri
hiKh In front and back, ?rortfe U, ffr...Ml
L,adi*__' ARCTICS, beat wraa?....%9.*MO,
Monta Ar? t?. -, . .?i._*v
Children's ltul?_?-r Boota.?l.oii.
MiH.if-B' Rabbet Boeta.$i._.v
tmMtt Rubber Boota .9LM9,
Motet Robber i ' rada.4S.-rS.
l_a *i? a.* l'ooth"ld**. r.Oc. nnd.'X'*c. -
SLXPPBB i*1'i:si:nts.
Ladles* ?and M en'a Comfortable House
SUpptrs. Ut?, ."i. T...-.. S?. H'''?, tM*
_JMl East Broad,.SL
T11K M\>?LlCIUM^Tl!-. IN Dit *.-D?H h
lier Iujurl.-i? >Iur<* Serlnim, lliiin nt
I-'Irst S ni pu ?.-?
NEW YORK, De? ami r ::. 'i ta I
ship M utili h Is In the tlm
h r r.- look at iba inv\ '.nT, Brooklya,
was entirely ?m?--v? n .1 i ?-?' ?y. Krom a
hole lu the bottom Of the Ma. -:u husetts
several long apHnti n ol a ; wan I
This ta thought at the navy-yard io Indl
maig (bat t!.- ahlp i-tru'-k tie* wreck of a
bars* whkh aaak 08 Oorttaot*! 1
several > oars ago, and which at axtt
Ijr low water ha? been a menace to ?vi
gation ? vr r i'.nce. |
The examination of the t?attlesh'p dis
closed three large dents In the port side
of the ves-.-l, forward. Oat ol tl?.
dais told a reporter thai ?M Injuries
wer? much more serious than had been
anticipated. The thro- platee, h?->
would have to be rc-mov? ,1 nnd replacM
for n?iv ones. II -.an l?l?- plalon that tht
vesael would have to l? 1 It ? it of onn
mlaal'-n tor the pics, nt.
(ttxx rvnox of SBOBOBIi
To C..ii?l?l?-r X in? I i"i--ill.tii ?if ? ?.11
?titioi, of ?jfri?- \iin-r ?.-im Itaer."
xi-**w voUK, Daoember B I sail was
Issued to-day by Dlshop Alexander Wal?
ten, president of the National Afro
Amerk-n C?iunc!l, for a convention of
color??*, people, under th? auspices of tho 1
council, tit XXa blBCtOB on December J*_1h.
All OlSaalaatkMM having for their object
the amelioration of the condition ol the
A fro-America?, race are Invited to send
The objecta of the conference aa an
nounced are to raise funds for the prose- :
ciUon of lynching p?ril?s ami t? t t
Hi constitutionality ?>f th- law? In ?
Southern States dUfruru hisln-? negroes;
to reslBt political and buatneae ?lt*<crlml
nation against the negro; to secure tha 1
better treatment of convicts; to ??cure
F?*derai appropriation? for school fund?
of the 8<juiii?.!ii States; t., eeeoarage in
dustrial und higher education, and "to
recommend a healthy Immigration from
tTr ?r-rMden ??'tlon? of our land to more 1
Uw-abldlng ? ctlon?."
a?fe?-___ Jc'i? V""iln-* ?-** --? executed '
ai the Lip-patch I'rlntliir-llouse.
-tniuiiii*-. Fono ?>f ;i??.?kki Rcio?. Boat
mou? Cost of Army of 10?>,?X?<?.
WASHINGTON, If. C, Docombot 22.
rho bill for the lnrrrase of the ?rggalor
irmy, which tho minority of the House
^ommltt'c on Military Affairs win offer
is a OObOtttOte fot the Hull bill, v, -
Irawn by RepresontatlTS Hay, of Vir
ginia, and Is n,?;v in the ?hands ?of ih i
War 1'rpartment, where .in estim?t?-* li
?mads of the cost of euch a mill?
. it ?prorid o 9 be
m? h, pi o* Idt t tot a rtandlna
army of PHP? men?12,000 ?artillery, 8,<a>o
i.i.uitry, ?S.0M eoTolry, ordnance
?rai signal turps, and a ?general staff.
i:xi?:i:n?.'?' voi.untki.hs.
t?> r???-. t ?the ?existing exigency ??>r ti
In Porto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines,
Hawaii, and the ?Ladroneo, the bill pro
that the President may Issue s pro
m foi ?50,000 additional volun
pa, to bo onllstod for two yeoro ?
latter ?troops art? t?> be commanded bj
officers appoint?**] bj the President. Thi
orgonlaauoo *>-. i<? ?be ?the ?tome as la the
regular army, the strength of tiit different
m m.s of ?the ?sorrloe to be determined by
the President The prooent toluol
ire t?> b?? mustered oat within sixty ?days
th.- a? t, ?but rolun
rganisatlons now in ?the o n
. ?prof? n i?? ?for enlistment In
the noa volunteer army, if th? y h?? elect,
within fifteen ?lays.
Mr. ?Hoy ?will Me tbe 1,111 an! the ml
i?H,rt on the Hull bill t?,-i?? i]
with the Clerk of the H
? iBJBCTIONfl TO iin.l. PLAN.
The main I in the ?report will
Qority plan, * ?the
Hull bill f< 1 S Standing army ??i ,
m? ?i, Is 1l1.1t ti of t Philip?
>, t ?and?
but ?thai If 1 i| army ?Is loon as. ?1
to 1 0*300 It will ?be ?olmo I I . no
mattet \\b I ?9 ?happen lu the future,
it it.
??lo uf the
Tli it?
r pensiona, will bring tho
if the military establishment up to
IRO.OOO.OOO, the largtst charge in tho world
military ?establishment. The naval
llabment would ?bring the total up
?millions moro. Mr. ?Hoy ostlmstea
l stl B-dlOg am,y of ?10,000, with ?SO.OOO
additional toll ?nto? m, ?would o
..?rijii mlfl.t continue only
t. r ta
TaeUmaoy of Mr?, gooosio ?gha
II? 1'itk? llimu-rriinffiilloii KoOtO.
NfeTW Y"KK. December ?S, The Uhlag
,?f t video? 1 in I
Mec?a, aceaoed <?f robbery in the Ural ?i
was resumed to-day ?before Rooord?
_, Thtoe trttaeooes gnoa leatlmoay
Confirming that of Martin Mab'.n, tbe al
1?K? A \! :lm Of the -, " ','. ?.
Mrs. y '.:'. y. Tohnaon. whe Hoes in
?Fifty seventh street, where it 1- ai
legOd BfOhoa t?'ok Fnyr,o ?St rah an M
said shs baser Mahoa and oloo the lo?
(endai t, but did not know WUlhua a. B,
MoOtO, Flu? ?teOtlflod thai she had ask- ?I
re in the Tooths why she iit.i
not toro ?State's evtdoaon Mrs. Jofeaoon
\,roko down Ol this point, and Shod tl
ply ?to 1 question, she sold Fsyne
M?,.?to find sb?.? would not turn Stat. s
?rldeooo, ?boos > ' he would
kill her.
Tho rest of the testimony was rclven up?.
to answering quettlona mot?? or ',. ag :
VOM to the ci-se, and th? n p waltof from
tho Metropole, who BOfOOd RBDOr to Mr.
B and t/io ?alleged Mrs. Moore, was
put gpOO the stund.
Thl? ende*d the case for th?. prt SSftltlon.
?SJSd Mr. l..\y. th-? ettofney for the de
Bt, mot ?1 for a distiils.-ul of the
i ?nipliilnt. on tho ground thut the pruseeu?
tiOB had fuibd t<> establish It? case. This
iti'dion trat daaled.
Annie Flu^-rald, matron of the
?lty ?pria****, wot called as the
firnt wRneea for the defome. 90?
denied boring board Mn, j.?hn?on
advli". M, Moon to tutu State'| ?*vl
, una mino denied othf-r parts of Mrs.
Johnson's tttd-..? ?? , At thl? point court
"djouriK-iL - *,
THE 1 ?D? ?E?,
Cart? r to look out for Mooro's approach,
and the only denial of this had been made
by llio prisoner, who had vigorously hurl
ed th?? 11? at ??very witness who Rave In
iiny mutirlal te?tlnv>ny ??alnst l?lm.
siini'Li) N?yi* BBLIBVB TiU-'.M.
Discussing the testimony given In by
the prtoooer and his daughter, Mr. Banda
?"1?1 tin? Jury -with great ?-?rnestnecs that
if they believe?] what hud b?*K-n testified
l<? l?y th?? father and ?I-night? r, they must
acquit ?'a.t't'-r, "lint," continued be, "you
must convict him, If you don't believe
them." The teatlmony of the young
tbea Inspected i?v Mr. Baada, who,
aft? r ? itinin. tiding .' ' ' for ! . :
loyalty t?. mnl Ulf SSI llflta I ?r h?-r fa
ther, assorted that st?o I pptd
l??-r duty. Ho referred to Mat Ball
1 coolness as ?he saw the shot?. :
r father st M? ore, and of how she
tunned quietly snd said. '-Mamma, I
llevo papa has shot Mr. Moore." Thin,
Mr. Baada * ?Id, was unnatural, for th
girl further testified that sha saw M
throw hid hand behind him, as though to
ilit'.v :i pistol, and prepare to spring out
,?f his baggy on her father, and nil of
t?os wn?, before bee father area bli
t.'i, and ret the girl, seeing all thl .
not make any exclamation to bar m I
thongb sh?-* must have fen red that h? r
father would be billed that Is, pn?vi?l? I
lament eras true, i
I', slag on to the statement of Carter
that h,- feared thai he himself would ba
: by Moore, Mr. . made a rigor?
?us attack upon the probability <?f hi?
.- manta, and di nounced his I
along the Una - ' "s untrue.
t al rlklng phyal
cused, Mr. I fed thi coat
which waa worn by tha decedent when
killed, ami pointing out th?j hoi? s In the
-.t, |i t them bear mutij testimony
t., the fad that the shots wt re Brad from
behind. Tho testimony Of Carter thai
he had fired Die third empty shell ?t a
.?if Matota the homicide, Mr. Bands char?
I t'Tized as a "cock and b ill I ' ry."
Concerning the conflict i>- twai d carter
M the one side and Chlldrey and
-?n the Other, Mr. Bands a-k??l: "Qentle
men, which will you t>? li? ira, this prison, r
who ?stands charged with this sei
^rimo, or Charley Chlldrey and Law Ha*
?.11. whom you have known all y?>iir ItveOf
:.'art?IT says lie only Bred two shots, ami
having toi i these two y- atlemen
that he fired m??r-, nn.l jret th? y (
that he told t}i m that three shots I
rn ? ?l by him." *
Mr. s.-md.* referred al some length to tie
?baracter of the wit t. who ha :
tifiad again-1 m . and thi n
aklng the Inatructloi I in, argued
nid explained them folly, explaining that
- order to reduce the offence from first?
murder, the barden of proof was
in th?.- defence, i' aleo explained thai
ylng In watt did not DOCOS arlly Imply
bat Carter was concealed from Moore's
in unaiyzing ti,?.- Instru? - l for
y th? n, Mr. B
laid that even though the jury bcli. .
be rrldence ?-, i * n by ?Carter sad b
laughter, they must bring in a ?( :
?f murder la tho second degree. Avai
lu asserted, in conclusi?n, was ...e ? i
>i the clime, and ho made a strong sp
? ai t . which, 1 i bad, coald
?ni-.- be sattsfl?sd by the cone*ation of
Tarter for a crime a
:> of a bread-wlniK r ami I
paaci able citizen.
Mr. Wendenburg arose-when Mr. Bl
oncluded, and after dlaolahalng tha
hjWi ra of oratory whlcb h id b Q UfM t >
lira, asstirlrd that ha proposed to 'en
. i.? show that hi- ? Ui al v. si nol
ruilty of tin- charge preferred again.-,t
"We trf," Bald Mr. Wendaabdrg, "the
Ibis case In tha shape of Mr.
llUy Bradley, and there also appears in
he role of the anee,
?1rs. Moore, while she Ins :?-? her fur;.
.loore'ts brother. Now, are theee two
-entlemen who are assisting In ;
ution the agenta <?f this . ren
or of this Nemesis, or are I
?ere by the request of the .. I
realtb's Attorney, ?rho thlnki hi baa
lUch ?a weak caso tliat he mu I
Leaving l-.is question unanswered, Mr.
FVendenbarg called attention to Mr?
i iiirt stateaoaat that if the jur>
i Carter's testimony they must
km. and of his subs? Quenl
? ui??n that on the fame grounds 11
hould adjudge him guilty of :
murder. Mr. Waadeaburg said all
. \ idem in the eaaa bad I - m
orted by Mr. Banda, i mad to appear
.gefnat the accused. Ha then plunged
nto the ' i reviewed it in , _
enao. Taking first the ooarral between
larti r and n Thursday, tha at?
ti iced Hi-? ' ase through to lb
: the homicida Referring to
ffort mad? to prove that Carter had re
rained from his ueoal cuatom of going to
own ??n Saturday, In order to He In i
or Mooi-'i. Mr. Wendenburg said the cvi
elong this Has ? .? manuYa trured,
ust as was that OOaoeralag the third
hot in the buggy, though be t
ii.v ?belief thai counael tor tha prosecution
. :? a party to the transaction, r
Miner Inclined to the belief thai tb
. of Vengeance and her fury"
-, ? !.- the reaponatbla on
Mr. Wendenbarg n?sxt took op tho 1
imony of tho Guerraat girl, ami ? i.
, to show that she a itrtt pot
o- bald up and riddled every confllol In
? r teetlmony, asserting that if it a
natter of dollars and cents involved tu?
nry in the land would accept this child's
eatlmony In pi-eferenc? to ?Carl i
'NOW," continued Mr. Wendenburg, "in
, matter of Ufe or death at,.- you going
take thi?. chili's testimony; IT her
away this man's life when her re
oiiectton v h al fa dl :
iiinor detail?."
The testimony of tor. W. B. Bradley
cas next attacked by Mr. Weadeabarg
the gentleman a y arraign?
?1 for his "apparent parti ansblp." Mr.
A'-ndenburg called attention to the ?fact
bat the Commonwealth's Attorney bad
.1 that because a wltaess bad I
partly In i n or bla entlra avid
vas pro!,ahly In error, an.l then Bh?OWed
mue discrepancies in Mr. |
nony. asaertlng that his statement as
hi r. fore not to hi aoci pt< a.
Concerning Dr. McOulre's teetlmoay,
Jr. Wendenburg tlianked the pi
<?r putting him on the stand, asserting
vith emphasis that the eminent surgeon
oalttvely corroborated Dr. white in an r*
sseatial detail. Th,.? attorney then caii
1 attentkn to Mr. SsilllS'S actions while
iiustrating In his argument the p
tents Of Moore In his huggy, .
rbils be "wag endeavoring to show i i
hing the law of nature lia 1 m ok- him do
ii'ither, and he had demonstrated that
?huh the deferaoe bad dalan I
At this Juncture the e,.urt took Ifl
ntil 4 o'clock, Mr. Weadeabarg suspead?
ng. He r,Mimed whet?! court r. OOVaa ,|,
ml, using the witness--hair to tepr? ?-? r?t
i nggy, begaa an Ulastrettve argumi at,
ml? a wring to BBOW that the natural
n"v?ment of Moore's body when rea?h
ng fur his hip packet was to raise the
Ighl abouldar, thereby making k pensi
le for euch a wound as billed Moor? to
uiv-i lie? n made.
The nttornfy defended the defence's cha
wltnesses against the assertion
hat they wore "the SCOOT lags of the
arth," and devt>t?-d himself lo empha
izing the evidence to the tfteot that ?
bare wen? but two shotn tlreil. Mr. Wen
enburg laid great stre?s on the fact that,
hough Moore's bugg>? was a-t the court
louae on the day of the preliminary el
imination, tho bullet-hole In Its nur
ould not tiVn be found, and asserted
tosltlvely that the bullet-hole wa? made
.fi-r the buggy waa at the court-hous?
I**-*. Ho then entered Into a discussion
if tho Commonwealth's reasons for not
?lining f*yrvanu8 Moora on the stand, and
?ruught out the fact that MootO was an
---convii-t. and had previously testlflrd
hat he bad taken, the buggy of his dead
bra tust to lakeside after the preliminary
The iit'oni.-y was KolnR on to claim, or.
Ht leaat, to show by inferen?-?*, that Moore
1ih?1, While out ?H ?LOhOBSdO* flre-d this shot
Into ?the r??ar of th? LujrKy, but Mr. MM
tajruo '?b.1? I "*?1. and the ?Joiirt r?fus? ?1 t??
mi Mr. wemi' oharg preeaod fartheraloat
that line.
"if. ?gontletaaa of the jury," ooothraod
Mr. Wendenbarg, "they would forge this
part of the ?SOMOneO, and if they ?WOOld
forgo that part of tho eridOOOC given by
Hilly Bradley, 1 ?seh POO, "?ntlemen,
wouldn't they for^-o it ?ill; wouldn't ?they
have Just as r??a?!lly f?>r?-'??l th?* t> stl
mo.-.y the rtdlculoos^toettm oy ??f that
llttlo girl. Tl,. i#? r? i
on v. ?hi ' i ? d .- ? d stn s ?oa tint
third shot"
Mr. Wandt nburg, In ?1I-" UHsIng Mlts
?Carter's ?testimony, compared Mr. ?Soi
silo ?toas to ?her, to tht words of the vil
i,?lions I -?go, us ho whispered Into ?the
of Othello the rile slan?i<vr??. ?sgalnst
tho puro and Inn ?cent Desdemons, The
tf j.iM a ?high ?tribale to ?the \h
luot ' irter, who, he said, ?could
not ?hare I en ?node to l'e, eres though
by ?to doing ?she could sore ?her father.
Mr. v ' ?adenbarg uoood ?the eridan
down through thai giren by Mr. ?Tusooll.
and, ?taking up tho instruct!? |
?TBtod on and ?smphaslasd them a?, r??n
?sMotohle length. Mr. Wm
?gomool a | on??, un?i was ?i. 11 v
i- nt. ?forcible ?su nnei i '
I - for more than ?sis ?hew 4. sad la
?referred to ?the bairoorlng
Ofl \Y' .;
- to ?the ?Jury t..
Der to ti.- i
The bort i r Mr
W< i? ?? lud? ?i. ?snd Mr. ?Smith
? iment In the oats t '"
spoke of 1 i blng,
snd * stlon thai ?the
. m" n of ?the Jury would = m I ? ni?ie
to ?gal i.? r ?around ?tholr tritl
?th? y loTod He ?sj ?,i<.? ??f ?the i i
of I? gal ?talent by a
wealth ? * Ing n pi at at? i, snd
?paying s high ?tribute ??-> .Mr. ?Stands, wl
B ?.'.'.?-t tl| ?TOUS Ml?d
fearli ? prosecutor, i ferrad Mi
?m i w.-.s ?the j ild ?rep?
tatlve "f th?. Moore family. Mr.
smith Blinded to Mr. Montage*
tion with the coaa, ?and ? ild: "t ' ?i11?
!,? Is DO| b? re In his publl I
..? ?the Atti rney-C of Vir
bul i i l?. ?re la h?s a
igh ?some i
know n?,t what, he
aj?I ,r b< i".
there is a very fine and
pet tecutlon, snd ?tl mt) of Hen
fortunate In ! its
r- prw ent bt ?re ?the ?gentl? man who
:" .
?, - t?, tal
words ?as thus?? ?of the i toral;
i have ?no more Wt Igbt than
'? I 1 ?am
I mi will not tree ?th? d Ight."
Aft? r ?boring delivered ?bim elf of tinsse
irha, Mr. smith ,-t
Ion of ti,.' ? see, un?i first
laying doom the general :mw tb I I
*. -?lia of ?the ?galll of
' I?,? a? ? U ?1, be should b..? .
fit of It, I : that tho
...th- ??ry Mr. ?Smith ?argued it ?sob?
i??,int of evidence ?that eould ?have any
?tor Ol ' ' :
have hilled M?"?r? In cr.l : ?
- would i on foreign 1
nature. Conrernlnir ?the contention ?that
?the dl 1 bud been 0 .?..? . . I simply be
rter was ai i over M
failure to pay him R doe him. WS
1 ! Mr. Smith that
the trouble and t? had Us origin
with Moore's failure to I ?
It was Moore who been ' ?and
not ? 'arter. The latter m< ?roly tried
h!? |!f< hltrts? If.
Mr. Sm'th reviewed tho ?sridence
lytlcally, nnd asserted that if Carter ?bad
red to He ?in wall for Moore he
i "?rally ha\ i ?fre
ho dal ?SOleet? The !. If
?sd to, end tl
that her I woe b i]
?smphasiaod. "Now, isn't it a mono)
propos 'BOM Mr. Smith, "to
you coarict a man on the .
tlmony of a little R-yeor-old ?girl,
that, ?too, sftot thai teotlmony hs i
Imp? i? i-.- i by :
Mr. ?Smith, after a full and free dlOCUS
'y on
the II Ions, i sn hoM up th?
not t min. but a ?plain, blunt
, | : ." continued tl
., "when i?-' went on the ?stand i?
d with ?tiuesl a Al t
until 1 IntoAm e\h:'
Will ?DOW - I 0
? shlbttlon to Influ? i
In the ?r?alisation
poor, 1
Mr. Smith mud? 0 SOTOrS
W. ?'hil
Wh0 had tOSl
r the boml
r ?-'??.id: "Before la i
that claim ..? ?have
him by .Carter, i u
have gone to ' ; ind stayed h
me." Turning ta ?Mr. c!.u?'r? y
continued.: "If CbarlRr CbUdrey is ?
of ?the distinction b I i him
self, . near hit
-, : ? ! i o ?sari I ai tbe
? r dwelling ?somewhat ?, Mr
. 'a SI 'Hud?'. Mr. 8
Illustration of the bomlcl lo. <
a ? jui I i?- l
toi k up
?.-, i : h b< ir? ?t-d luriitlv
1? ;. that lu.?
failure i :i ih?* Stand In I...
OOt op?r?t.? to h:;- hur' | Mr.
Sands WOUld, in the WOtdS of II
1 1 1-n.As
well; nun of Infinite ?mirth
leal foi
In con? : rgumrat, Mr. .
refer?, d t> the la? t tool ?the AttOTI
al was t., follOW hua, ?and
i. m? ii ??f the fury, i hope ?that y??u
win so ?sotara yourservoo an not t?
r DOMIllagS ?by the stmiiif
tide of his shillty, nor by the ni
wares of bis eloquence." Ho th?n
, , 1 for the ?acqnlttol of his
cllaat, ' i tb*- h ips that ?the
would, whoa Iboy gathor around I
s. ?receive the omm? n d n loa of
?their '
Whea Mr, Rtaltb u
o'clock, ?and Mr. M if it
was ?the pi ?the <"'?urt for him
to go on. The ?lodge thoiiKht ?the
?tad ?better ?go over ui tu to-day, si
adjouroed ? ourt nntll l" ?r/doch
mornln?:, Mr. MOOtOgtM ?ashing tht? Jurj
to r. serre ?their decision until I
A January Mfirrlaj-e.
Invitation* hovi ; tn received here t?.
tha morrmge of Mr. Robert k Leigh, ?of
Sou thair.pt on ?
Cobb, of lilnwld.ll,? county, at Corinth
Methodist Episcopal church, in l?lnwl?l?i.?
January 4th.
Mr I.ei-jch I- a brother of Mr. George
Leii/h, ?chief olorh at Now Forit
Hergennt Drander l?r??m?.leil.
Mr. Lettls A. Brandet, who left here ns
color-benrcr ?,n General Kltzhugh ?Lee's
staff, bos 0000 appointe?! lieutenant on
tfene'ral Kief?r's ?taff.
B-trt the _ A,!w *'n(1 ^u H-'? Aiv?a>s fotj?f?
Merciless Upsetting of Prices!
The Amount of Every Hour's 5ale Now of
Vital Importance.
Thousands of Dollars' worth of Holiday Goods, Pun, Sufi-. and Win?,- G
Ludmt ?ml Gentlemen'? ?mbiellaa, Blderdo??- Drering^o-*, Bne_.Biac,H?_d.P?i,
Anetrian China Soveltiee, Marble Pedeetal?. Boat*, ?hat ...-? Oameo'Wear, I.
Qooda, Suit-.. Wraps, er,-., must be oloaed out by t??-moi-row night Profit-, no longer a
consideration. Store open nigh- a-? lato as may be netWesary.
AEDfOn ABlTMIAl Clliw xov
thicks (it mov? abb i.k.ft.
Bond-Pointed Plac*3**?eo, ?floral fir
and ?gold decorations; ?reducitd to . "'" *
Bond-Pointed Puff I iQr
n rth , ? ?>k-o,i t?,. RFVe
? ' > Dtli ?m? n's Smoking ?Sets, oil ?
,1 Austrian china, cut o?nr
? to .?J*3'?U?,
i.? autlfull; -l ? o?rati d ? II ? .? ..nd Hand
k?' ?. : : and flota) decora
tions, prit w.. iS7Ar
Hond-Painted T??ii??t ?>r Bttri i i > ts,
Comb snd Brush Troy, Toilet Bi
lew? irv Troy, ruff ?Box and Pin C9 t\f\
Tray; the entlro set, dow.ir-oa?-tv
Ash Receivers. ?Pin Trays, etc?, all ?hand
gold trimmed, worth fmlf
for .*-**
Hond-Painted Comb and Brusb 4."2r
Trays, worth H .T***1
Band-Painted Toilet Bottl? i, fiQr
?. a pair.v**?
600 Long-Handle Wall or l'ic
tiirt-1>ust?'is.r, feel 8 inches t [>r
long, for. I3C
UBATBEB ?;?K?ns.
AOOOpfOMO C.ltto tor WeOtB, Men.
ami < lill?lr?"ii.
tlemea's collar end ?Cull iir?xos,
p null r, i? lutifully flood, at Ji,
|y hair value.
[?odies1 Leather
Pursei ? md i'? ? hot ?Books,
worth up to . ' bol? '?"?r
?La-dl? s' ?Real S al, MoroccS, and All?
?nitor Leath? r ?Po ?. * Booka snd <'ar?l
? ?.mhii:..?1., leathi r hno.:, *"?(),/
worth up to 89 ., choice now.~>\*x.?
All our 1 Ini r Pockel Books, Bhopi Ing
Children's Leather Pocket
?Books, Pnraes, etc., m>w, ifb
choi.ee, lot. IVvs
it, \\Mi, WAISTS K??n v> (i:\Tfi.
I.ilra! I'xtrn!. r.ilrn?!!
i.?i ilmtt AU-Wo i i ?bean?
ry 1 ,t. cut DOW
t tually ;' : , .-?Op
ALL*"? iUR'h si? ?S ?MB 'BRAIDED
For \ m h?. Presents.
RlglrrOrade Helvetia Bilk Umbrellas, I
it? 11 rod, tight rolling, all b
< ..s?-? . worth up to ii.O'.i, QUf. :
;' offering at.***?-"?* "?
Ladles' Very-H Silk
Umbrellas, in Navy, a,
with finest ha? rs special i'-'.:''? I
value; to-day and to-morrow, Cl *\t\
your choice for .??ji.?_?*/
Qentlemen'a Handsome Silk Umbrel
: for holl all with the
ok? ?1 ii.m.II. J < 'link., hue at
.- 50, ?i.7.. '.:. end
siik Umbrellas, in .
rown, with
new Prlnc? ?a ' Wavy, k? ?l. i
H i? k. with mother-of-pearl and st< r-1
Hag-silver knob handles, the finest $7.m '
ana to values; off? : c*r t\(\
and ; al.iB?PeW (
sTi.ni,i\G-sn.\i:ii Aitrifm:s.
A tbousand and one useful thi,
e from.
to, .: :-!'.. ier
sterling-silver handl . -?*
Btertlng-Sllver Button Hooks,
rs, Paper Cutti ra, ate., '}**\r
Btetiing-8llver ?Shoe Hotrns*, _Qt(
! worth Be., now for._?_""
llanl or?- and Embroidery
grade, *Xi\?
Sterling-Silver Cui -. A*\c
i UM, -''??r.V?Jl..
Stive Ilixes. beautiful Sterling
stlrer topa; to-day and to-mor- inr
row, ? holes .txr*L.
Lsdies' I '"ml?, Brash, and Mir
ror Sots, besntifally embossed
backs KXTK.V i:\TI
To-<l;iy for oiitiv?' set
Will Make BaaSsaasa nn?i .gpreel??
nie?! \ mat Qlfta.
PBISBI < I *** TO Till-*. HOTTOM \OTtTI '
Bxqulaltely-Colored -in-t Black Taffeta!
Silk Waists, thi
signe, th.? regular 15 \ - ?t'3 Q"
clal for two days.?a** ?J _??_?
Tiaffi 'i Bilk r? tti- '
corded ruffii -; reduced f?tSB t\(\
t'.-.i ; morrow only t? >...'** **'i-'***/v'
comprising everythli table
In to
hoi in \ V APROAS.
Baoffol i.ifu f??r tin- Hold and *???rs .
Indio laa ?.
With wit it.
for . '
: \\ i?!-?- .\ .
with in-? t ;i?ui tut ..
hi *r. ti, ? ..::,-. kli
M \ 11 ?S' ?
with full i
MAIDS' CAPS, of 1 |<|
l wo DATr ? HRim V v
II Its, j \? ki: i -. s -, ;,
I*n??IHvol jr the I. ????? ?! Pile?-?
Henri/ of for I..-II..? .,?,?1
I o-Mnrro?? .
Children's nr.e i
Muff and N ?*.i i
M . I l
JACKETS \M> -i i i I
Itortllng* Itriln?*?|..ii?? l'?r,,i?jil.r
Botlro ttoek. II ? s?sl t:.
Boorsooos ?Stack, go Ms
9 linl IhO ??.iii-rlll??-.
5)7.50 VALUES bow *4>4. / . ).
$12.50 $9.00.
$15.00 $.<).'?,$.
$5.00 ? $3.50.
$7.50 ; $5.00.
$10.00 7.00.
?$12.50 tv?iu? $8.50.
hlll IAD >H?i i? \ Ol 01 I a*
l..r II..11.la ? P -?
stitching on bad
fUlly K'l.'H 4L| lilt
all i
. and : 11
quality, ?again I
. ' tm..
KAUFMANN & CO., Fourth and Broad
: Extra Stock of Diamonds,
| Watches, and Jewelry. ?
x , i
X We have just received from one of the largest wholesale house in Ne*Ji t\
t York city one of the largest stocks of Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry
J ever hefore seen in Richmond.
iValue, Fifty Thousand Dollars. {
These goods are sent to us on consignment. All which i*- Do( ?sold will
he returned Xmas morning. There being no expense we arc (join?* {
X sell at very low prices.
J. T. ALLEM tk
: Fourteenth and Main streets.
; A Full Line of Sterling: Silver Novelties. Open Evenings Until ll o'Clock.
? sssssssssovsssssssssssosssssoeesi?seess'i'eeeeeeeee^sees
?nu m>r ?um \ ?DOOB to ami
i niitii ?.ii Til \ T kingdom.
\u \ 11 i.iu? ? of BogrlOOd, Iln??-ln. nn?! |
?China for <!'?' Punition of \?iu ?
win <.t\." ?ii?- world Poaoa ?tar?Coa
? ?ni??.
oclat? ?li':? i
I.? ?M" 'X, I BBbOf l:l.-J'?hn W. I
woltor, ot Oblo, orbe boo -Jaat ?rets
a throe mimtlis' Joiinuy through ?
in an lnt??rvi. w t??
that ii?- enjoyed onusual facilities ?loi
Mnrlag what i? going on in that eoantry.
?Bo travel] to tho tern
i. t,? ih.
?blag tii- front
ii i to iii?. end ?of tu.- oae
?rating * bina throuKh Moochutia.
ai ?those are aow practically completed.
Mr ?Bookwaltar aras sllowod t i
ever*** see everything, and take
hum!:- OtOgraphS, thanks t?-.
dal permit? ?bnraod to him by the Mi
of tl.?? ?Interior, on the sppUcotloo ?of ?the
I'nitfd Slat?.s Aiiib.i?SOOdOT Ol Bt ?PetOtO*
burg. 1 'ur 1 n? ?his Juurm-y he com? rs. 1
with th?*?.'? I ?Of prOVtoOOO, and
with military ?and ?ivll ofllclals of all
i ?sano.
T*v. rywh?*r?-," sail Mr. Po?'kwalter,
"I ?Sonad the kindest and meat frl, .-?lly
fooling toward Am-rii-a Ottd Aim?n
and hi-ard many etpSOBglOni ??f .?iitlsfiu
tl??u ov?t Annika'? BOOOOM in our war
with Spain. To tht? th?-rn was not a
StBgle exi-eptlon. Wher?-v.-r I w?-nt,
ev? >thln?j< wm thrown open to in?>, moat-,
?y because j wu an American. America'?*.
l?a? *-<*aj _
?T ntral A ' : ina
' i.J {j
rit,- stock --il the i a
ire of An?, ri?an ire. *|
will l.i th.- t- be |
* m irk? t in the arorM for
ill kinds, and our oh- I
.?itiiiig thi- \: ?poly "f t?'is m:ir- I
t'l?' J?
i- aa, 11
'-.v greet snri?r?-.- t.j th.- world Is In 1
111, -1II. 1 I
; will ? one, I i hill : a. Kot *
any y? ?ir.? erill i rid I
I ? 'iilii.i com- .
The *?J
t-ry Ion ? : clmimat rill brim; a
his about win
,. v? r ! ?it I
hay allow ?the albor Powers to share 1
rith then la the spoils of thai enptra. g
. .
the rest I
f th<- world, and t?> share with bar I *
omtnlon ut Asia. I
XVHA, maki; FOB PI4 a
"Th?' ii. ami j,
' tha hum ,n r:n . ?J
?ill t?>- .-H h im i history has I
se which
?ti give ! . ' 't, world !'"i' ceatu? I
i? au its interests will ma I .. a, 1
'.'A It will t.?? able t'i dictate terms t?. 1
b" reel ??f the world." c
\V?io<lim>n of ?lie Wtirltl Itnn.itiet. J
11t.-k? r\- CaSttp, \\,...lin.n ,.f Hi.- WT.rl-l, I
' <*hurch 11:11. will havt- ? grand buii.^U'-t ,
: the \t-w Ford*! on lbs ?v? B_ag ol J mu- i
y M. Covers win be b?d for I Del I
to _
?i?l Camp meeting h m- I
The Fiiir ? liniiu. ,1 Their Route. t
A mum?-r of Norfolk people cam?? up
? Riehnond laal night on tn.-ir way t.?
'.?.?. y??i!k and Baltlnore, n??t being able "
ink? the Wall r route, ?-wing t?i th??
tnae i-?-?'?. i
The I'.K-ahontai? was un.-blt? to return t<>
'ttrfoii?. \\ dn i'\ iiiKht on account of
rie fog. She g?t out yeatarday morning. C
Colonel James t\ Iiakcr 1? nulto HI at ?,
I?? home m WiHxii-to, k. Colonel Baker's
salth ii.i?? been p?>? r for yeere, bul during v
la ??-rvkc tu Florida he galn?-d Set b. V
Christmas ?
Presents. ?
CIIATC cul ft bi
i:ts for i " |
thing canbem i
?patent leath? r. 1 I
nml J'nt<-i,t I. i A
FOR misses a? ; *
?r. I ?. ? 11 -_r? ?I.-*. ?nul M
cfiD Dnvc i* , '?t \
run Duio 1; i;..,,,,,- |
Hlippera. ??'??t Etui ' ?>t-. ?
ForuliES f?v&xit \
room, i nil. itn ? . ?and " " i
Tor gentlemen ?
Slippava, l'ut. ml.?n
m?-???, Panal ko
.Noi ??. ?h.-ap, luit ?<> ?fOOd a)
121 East limad Street.
S. C. WHSIGIR, Sic. and Treos.
L^ard*. Uill-H. *..!.-?. Bt item? ati
cuds. Nutt'-ll?.
?>dgers. A?"., print?.i
>mp?tny at low pciOOO WIU I
ik at tlu- ?MUM i ' I
f,-ri. r ?aik. ieM ?a i "
? ?ill g-joTant*? **'t*t-* ' ?- ' ?a tt? 1