Newspaper Page Text
8_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1898. f ?'le. of $2. Evening receptions with instrumental music until 10 o'clock every night unto Christmas. The Whole el Santa Claus's Orders MIGHT BE FILED AND FILLED HERE. Th,1 is .).<> lUfai Of the store's condition to-day. DfMSNSE FLOORS AND FI.OOKS mncDWITH HOLIDATSTOCKS. [riLmensebusinesstraaaactionaoatflCohen shayalmost ,,,.., .uivi vearaffo This satisfactory result resta peacefully between W i^ OF SERVICE, EAOUfSSsi OF LOW S and the ?rowth of the stow itoell Naturally, by reason of economy and the possi i ! Vif th.. vuriA of btav for the neater ?Richmond retail business belongs to bihty of it, the right otway Ior^)io^ ]umvA gIowth .adhoneel trading harmonise with all the gOO?l there is in storekrrpiiig. THERE ARE ALrtOST GIFTS TO-DAY WHERE: I OWEST PRICES REACHED HERETOFORE. WE MUST SELL THE STOCKS HARDWOOD VARNISHED EXPRESS WAGONS, 24 inches long,26e.,instead q Hardw?pd Basel Blackboard? the. $1.60 one?, for 76o? 26 sets Sheffield Steel Caning Bets, 89c, instead of $2.25. |6 76 Quadrnple-Plated silver Tea Beta, 5 pieces, for $8.46 i let ?Genuine ?Qnt-ulasi ?Decanters, $1.25, instead of $2.90. is imlus ?Sigh Fine Decorated Bohemian Glass Vases f<>r 7i>e. 200 DOLLS, 27 inches lon$, kid body, dosing eyes, Cor 90a, instead o? Hardwood 'L'en l'ins, instead ?>t Si. ^^-^-^-_ FlM'sri.lM<Hii:sS()i;VKMK( I'l'SANDSACCKIlS, ,?,,st to $1.60, for 26c. Choi HANDSOMEST $5 BANQUET LAHPS, with globe complete, for $2.75. Vases, Copenhagen and others, were op to |2.2?5, for 85o. The Bteel Saw and Horse Toy for5c. HUNDREDS OF HOLIDAY OIFTS that were 20 to 89c., are 15c;%others thai were 10 to 15c, aio oc. S?he Boxes, (%amelion tops, for 8c., instea.l of 10c I aiu-y Baskets of Perfume, l?c, insten oi 25c 60c -Collar and Cufl ?Boxes for 25c. STERLING SILVER Powdar Boxes, ?coal usually 60e.,%for 19c.; ?Frog Brooches 19c, in BlCad4-i to'50c. FINEST BLACK OR COLORED POCKET-BOOKS for 25c LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS? tin?* sheer hemstitched, embroidered, always 10 to lStyc, for Dc. each; Men's best 12** H< mstit? hed ilandkeivhnfs for Cje uucu ' ?y s 60c. Heinstitclu-il Silk Handkerchiefs for 2.*e. each. FUR SCARFS?20 sample Scarfs and Stoles, cost $6,60 to $9, for $4.75. S.'i Canada .Marten Clnster Scarf's lor $1.98. $20 Stone Martin Scurf.- for $1 L90. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH POETS, in handsome padded leather binding, for o:.c, in? ,-i.;,? Books, holiday bindings, i,rilt top, choices! writers, including poets, for ?12c I ?-ii".' ?Board ?Back Picture and Story Books, best He ones, 3 for 10c >i 40 ?Leather Bonnd Teachers' Bibles for75c HEN'S TAFFETA SILK UMBRELLAS-~the best $2.? ones for $1.49, Ladies' $1.76 ?uns. fancy trimmed handles, for .??c $4.60 Silver and ?Dresden Deposit Umbrellas for $2.95, EYF-GLASSES, fitted by a scientific oculist, with a warrant, for one half usual cost. $6 FANCY LINEN LUNCH CLOTHS for $8.50 s -et ; 50c. Show Towels for ?38c 85c linen Hemstitched Carving < lotlis for si.ic. LARGE APRONS, WhitS lawn, with wide insertion, for 25c. FANCY PETTICOATS, ?knitted of wool, for Mc. $1 O RADE KID U LOVES, Foster fastening, for 54c. a pair. Tlie liest $1.25 K'nl Glove in America, all sizes and colors, for $1 a pair. MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS, $2.60 t.. $12.50i all colors. .Men's White Dress Shirts for 75c BLACK DUCHESS SATIN. -JT inches wide, strictly pure silk, and usual cost $2.25,lor ?L..?. $1 Black Rustling Taffeta for ?60c. $] 25 $1.19 ?and $1 fancy this ?season's Novelty Taffetas for G*>c. FIN ?ST SILK VELOUR LADIES' CAPES that cost $16.60, for ?58.75 each. s:, Ladies' Camel's Hair skirts for $1.69. Best $5 Ladies' Black Jackets, newest and best tailored, for 52.50; $14 to $17.50 one? * $6L75. \11 $21 and $22.50I?adies' Dreases for 112.50, FINEST 85c. SILK AND WOOL BENGALINE, all colors, for 2'Jc.ayard. Wool H-omespim, 25c ?Dress Goods, for 10c II \c\\ ?14-inch 88?c Dress Goodsibr 89c S2.7S RENNA?SSANCE PATTERN OF LACE CURTAINS tot $1.25 a The ?best ?":> I >amaak Portieres of this bcssod for $2. L8. ** J B." CORSETS, the always $3.50ones, for $1.60; $1 ones tor ?50c CHRISTMAS CANDIES BY THE TON at 10,16, ?and *,<-. thai oosl doable $}.50 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS for $1.75 pair ; Donble-Bed Size Comforts for 69c 1,987 yards White Wool, lSfyc Flannel for <\U*. a yard. THE COHEN CO* THE COHEN CO. THE COHEN CO. oair GETS ITS CHARTER. gant m_\v BJDC1?1CAL co?ipwv oh dim m B is PABfBD? ONLY TWO YOTLS IN OPPOSITION, The IVnture Triiii-f -rrln? ?lit- Penal DepoHlt of ?be (Utl ? ?iiii|i-nv ?t. Uu Ikexr ?b?- (nnii-il (llij. rtl.iu?M_nt-?l liy Mil} ?il- Tu)lur. At a ???i <iai meeting las! alghl thi Oom mon C nun U ? neun <i In thi th.. Board of Aid? i fienrhlaa al P \ " ' Com pany? wh et a si Quired I Vlrgtnl ment i ??nil' my, In i '!'? i : ?a of the pr?s? ut on i |gg an ordinal.,-.? providing tot tin til Southern Electric '.pony, which or? sanitation bas f tin luw i-.nt.rn. ' feature ?>f the ordinance providing for the tr.ui-r? r. ' gaantmous in it favor, After 11 at tin to..m., n th ordlns i id, signed by the* h?? n and ' * .mili? n Count u. and by thi I _ Tti. : were i v.h, n Prealdi nl i fell at 7:41 Cur Ma, Li'? I, Fen iiii , Hob fP?ll ir?l _!i a, T i,i , r. T> ?fi -., \\ St, Vt h_ ,< i. \\. ? ? n M . . ?' The prop Ideal bad read the requ? t for a opt forth the obje< t. und signed by tu?, mi tobt 'Jin; ORDINANCP ? ?PPOSKD. Mr. Bloomberg, in an ? eh, ordinance, dwelling upon t!:e t, hi rrtng the bond. Il<- Said bis Chief r, a???.ii for ?>i i oalng th? ordiaaa? < a had always had v,-i> strong v ? ? tin? met??? of a oonti hern Kit-rtrie Company hid not ooaaplled with ltn ?contract tti , ,,ii.|.i. t.- Iti j.lant, and i should forfeit it* ,| | (?ii ssotlon, Mr B. R Wiiliama. attor- ? n,-w in- ti.. ? und Development Company, ara t<> ? xjruin tin erdlnanci to the ? ouncll. Whldi he did .in h i-i?< ? ? h ?,f ooms length. - ?i? posited by the South- : 'ii ? impany, which had . way and Development Company, was not put in as a penalty to be paid In cs ? of forfeiture, but simply as aa earnest of aood faith. He wanted to h.ivf the *?.?K) placed t?, the credit of the new company, a very nun h m??i. Imp* rtaal terpriae, In that It was tnuih larger and would ! _ ?;f vary mueh greatei benefit to I **?"&, 11? .?aid If the M.OM deported by tit?? ?Southern ?Ctampany wire r??tui I the company f??r which be appeared th< latter would al pMlt ?110,000 ?sa ai in?e o? good failli, in i ? i?, a queatlon, Mr. Wll? ?said ?a majority ol the stock ??f tin M m on ned i?>' EUchmi i?? m? ii, an,! that the nom company . m i practically all the mi n in th? .- ; ?iah, in i.'ompany. ?MA' rwo opposa. At * lualori of .Mr. Wllllama'i :, the > -i? n it taken. ?Onlj on '.:;. l:;.,,?!!,!.. t | .. i 'ni,. Council a?ij',iirii,??l Immediately af ter the ?final tote. ?Clerk Ben. T. August at oi engi ' iii<- ordlnano? - ?.- Board of am? i m? n, : ?i ii?, Common Coancll itgned it, and - ?then taken t?? Mayor Taylor, ?ho I!.-I-, ill? ! <- ScImxiI mix! **?-???-r (ill-. Committee on Health met In the City n.?ii laat night and trani Kpected ?thai it?? report of the ?BSb-Committee ??n Btreet . . . ' , conaldered, but though iched, it was laid on ?the table the m \t m?-- ting. The in??-1 mi- of th-- ji-'i ttatemeni from ?the pr< il? if Health to the f? ? thai ? omplalnU of "m wot gut" .,t i: ,????: mren do to ?mlechlevcua i??ys, win? ?tuned on the in ?gss. I roll and billa of the depart ? ?...? re ??ni? i ?l ?to i? i Member* present ?it the meeting .- ' Hobeon, Burton, ?...t ?:i, Qrlmat?, Camp, snd Cutchlna AArUtrtuim9i rrlntliiK. end 111 mil nur. , p ?, m? ?.ti Aecouhta ?and Mterday evening, ?and i ciiy work f,,r r IM, < tohnrnr?'. a?i-, -, m.. and ?.? rman Dally job wort*., Kv retl Waddey tny; ?book \s??.k. Planbart Prit ?& /< rett Waddey Company; atock-books, Everett Waddey ompany. The contract ?for binding wlU ?i later. Mr. ?Carlton McCarthy requested the eommlttee to ?sitter fifty ?soples at an <?i?l ?pamphlet t-> be printed la erdee i?-? eoas? plete certain ??eta of th?? city ?wdlnancas, motion to till-? ?tffaof omt ?carried Membera preeent ;it the nleetlng ware Meurs W-ast (cbalnaan), Parguasoa, ami Bloombei ?-. OrtWor? of n?-lvl?lc-rr t ??mull. At the ?regular meetliig ??f Bell N 11 .'. H A. held last night Camp Hall, the following offlcera v-ie elected ?for the ?ensuing \?-a.-: Re? ,N ban 1 R . ? f ?. r-? s ; Vice-Regent, John Stamper; ?Orator. A. H. ?Peltl Bittlna Charta v. Barga mln; Secretary, Joeeph II. Shepherd; ?'??1 !;. A. Jacob; Treaaurer, * l?r. Charlea A. Mercer: Chaplain, Rev. J. ?Cal vin Stewart; Ould? Hatten A. Am??s; Warden, I. A. I-urdle. ?Sentry, W, l* in. Trusteee ?Major Jamea li l???r B. Brown, and .J. 9. i> tat Iva to Orand Council v. tilth ni. ? i? April, IN!?*, at Newport N? WM. Nathan I. Bedford; Alternate, Charl?** V. liuricainlii. ?i Deputy ?5ran?l I.??s<*nt <?f Virginia and Mr, Imdor? Lovenatcln p.-?l?l rnal unit.? and imparted much uaoful i iiiiurniutloa. MANAGER WELLS BACK AT HOME. II?. ?*>??> ~t Hie Atliliill?* l.-iiune Will H<* Mr.tiin?-r TIuiii I.nat leur. Air. .i.iki- w?ills i? ' v? nlng from Allentown, Pa., whera hi hai In attendan ? upon the meeting of the Atlantic B is? -Ball i. igue. Mr. B aays it la now definitely determined thai Richmond will continue In the Atlantic circuit, and the matt? t i" Ing tti? ?i. s will begin at ?n?-?. to algo his team. Tin* league no Mr, w*< lia i i. d not '' n.; loath t?, pat I aith Norfolk, but they wouldn'l h? r to N? w? ark's i? tin mi nl fi on I be ? Ircult it is than likely thai Hartford will b given to tin- Bat lei L - I for Wllkesbai re, and it li I lacl that Bcranton Will take the place oi Nor folk. Ni warli will no! ?give the league any trouble, Mr. Wells thinks. The decision i i i.... NT,n..n ?i Board wa? too ? mpl t., admit of this, and the new manager, who ?-? m- disposed to prove a trouble, bi ?.-!. i \> 111, m ill probability, be whir.I'd into Une before the season - i ? - prlng. The league, . ? , I of Richmond, it idlng, Lancaster, Bcranton, WUkes barre, Allentown, Newark, and Paterson, a ill h?- much stronger th in it both WUkesbarre and Bcranton are excell? nt bet - i? ill cltli i and the man? agert of the league are much encoui i.?,- ti., futura The assurance of Richmond's remaining in the Atlantic League practii the prospects f??r the Virginia Leagu organisation cannoi possibly bop? ed a Itbout this city on Its dn ifit. PIREXAH CARTER IMVE8TIOATBD. Th?. Ilonril Place Him S l ? for lTi;lit Ina In th?* llnul n?--ll<ui??e. Til.. Board of Fin i '"i?-. - mai b M n ?in In ? p? the conduct of H. W. Carter, of Engine Company No. 2. Th. charges w< re ncs to <>r ,1,!.?. Insubordination, and lighting al the engine-hous*.. Carter gas lulted 11 Wade, of the same company. 'J'h?- Brit two ?-h.?i?-. were not sustained, but Car ter ?vas fin? ?I ?1" .?n the third ?'??unt. The ' mmiaalonera pr?s? ni were Messrs, ,t. :i. Frtschkorn (president) ?; W. Tay loi ? to Taylor. J. !.. Levy, L, C, Jen? kin?-, and J. H. Bheppard. Presented XXUh a Cnne. Ai | la:..-? |y ut. ndi .1 sp? < ?.?i met ting of St. Patrick's Beneficial and s-'??:,) Society Iget night, Rev. Father ItcKeefry eras prescated aith a caw ,as a mark <>f the m in which he li held by the mem r t?,. organisation. Th* oresentation speech ?ras nia?le by Air. J??hn Blake in a few well-chosen words, ami the recipient made a happy ra sp?n '. After this ceremony the sodoty morn bere enjoyed an ?-i? i_ant banquet, arranged limier tin direction of Measrs. William E. Doherty, .1 J Campadonlco, Thomas P Bagley, and Thomas Bheehy Mi John, Th'-nias Bheehy, (?"rank un ity, j.ihn T. Blake, Qeotge Parater, Thomas O'Oorman, ami Father McKeefry and Father Tiernan aaslated in entertaln Ini* with Bpseohea and BOttgSL Former BoaatOT T <*.. Wells, of Wise and Mr. XV. to. S Dunn, who held a high position with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway company some years ugo, are at Murphy's. WEDS RICHMOND MA? MISS 1SF.W,, OK Ill:? OUI. iiiiiiii: or mu. ?mam. A NUMBER OP MARRIAGES HERE Several C'oiiplea of Thin CHf t'nte the Ii?.ml?, of Mntrlm??.?* ?M?-?-tlm of tienruc >Vii?*IiIiikIoii M?-niorla Aaaoelatlon?Soelel.-? UmtUU, Mv. YX ?'. !>? m. of ?thla <ity. and ?Ma oia !BMt). of <:i?.\?r, were married la ?It Lnk'-'s ??Dplsc-spal drardt al Clovti :? t?i .itt ti?? ??n at Irll ?'?clock. Tho ehureh was tastefully ' with svergrsstM ami lighted ?rita i.?nii?> The bride, aturad la ?trarslllai ?fowl ?of brown broadcloth, sad ?carrylag ?bride1 ?eatered the church wiih b< i ?si? of honor. Mis?. ?Ullis Wood, ?of ?South ?Boa toct, ?ta tho ?stralai ?of M i i- ' - ha'a wed ?Slag mar? h. rendered by M ' r, Alita N'.ii of ?the ?bride, ? lad in white silk, ?sa ?tared ?the church immediately In front o the ?brida, with the ?redding ring oa i bed <>f violets In s ?silver ! i Tho ?grootn, ?all? ?a-tled bj I Mr. H. i:. K? a. i al the ?sitar The tarais wen made one by Rev. W. T art b, .-). by i;? v. O. i ?. M? ide, ? f the Bpia i Rev. J. r?. Ask? m, ?> tii.? Methodist eh .in. t I?? fore ?i?, hti? il pai?ty ?snl red th? chnrch "O! 1 ?Misa Ma id? Hi Mr. W. B. II?.u!? it, of S .. Hr. L s. Mas? n. ?of Clovi r; Mr. i*. M. ? of Richmond and Mr. J. B. B.1, ol . ?Boston. Th - * ?lady w? : ?n a bich She h ? !- en an act te m? mb? r <?f th? Methodist chun h 11 ) i- n otr? , ?and will ' ly mil Am??? t were Mi L C I ?. an?. : W.i ?and .Y. ?moud; Mr. w. a. N? il, broth r of th? bride, ?from M ment -; r, and Ml Carden, of Mecklenburg couaty, Va. in a? dlati ly aft r tl.remony th? bridal part) took ?the South rn train foi Rl< hm? : aestern tour, Aft. i I II I Mr. and Mr . ?Deane ?rll be at bome t? ?their friends, at No, ?KM north Tw?snty-thll . * M r. J. L* m ,ii i? ?i .?t ?th? homi ?bride'a mol o'clock. 1 be ?bride s ?;? a tall ? ?alt ? ' Mu< '< ?. '. with gloves ?to in.'it? h. endants. R? r. J i C. Osrrison, of M B 'hrietiac ? hur? h. ?performed ?th? ? i i i ;.. i : of Mrs, M irj a Th? ?groom la ?an ? mploj Bouthern ?railway, ?sad young man. Mr. ?and Mi i left for Washing* ton for a two-wwha' honeymoon. Thelj ?uturo home -srill i? In Manch? iter. . ly married t?, Mr. William , <ia>- ?morning at ?the home ?of bt r ?mother, x?>. !? south Becond atreet ?Rev. ?Dr. ! ??a i>- ?rformi ?l ' ! l m m? ?liai? ly aft. i th? y Ii i* for B tOB. ? m ih. Ir r? turn th? y a 11 ??"nu. t.? thrir ira nda at '? south ; ? in .-?.'?-.?nut of a recent death In the famll). 'in w? ddlng waa an quiet "The ? Mrs. J. B. . . ? ii. i:. i;. ?Dunn I t m Misa Anu?.- Bm] ri? ?1 ??n W< 'im - :" h? r mol h? t.i, t?? C iptali - Lurty, of Of ti,? I ri I plk Ity e*aa obs? ; . Mr, John i*. \\ 1111 tma scted ?and Hi? bi ?Ida wa gh d awaj by Mr. William L. Bh< i b? ofRclatli i". ?M. Whittle and Rev. W. M? ade Clarke. Mr. ?and Mr* ?Lurty will visit Phlla* Upon their return th y \\i;i month in RI? braond ?and then Cai tain ?Lurty is . nent lawyer of the Vail?... nistrl.-t Attorn? f, ?and ran Rej ib for Attorn? * . . : ' ?Hla brida is a ?lady hi I ill who know h? r. ?lister of the late Mrs. Aux. B. ?... * . The wi ddii ?and Mr. Amos Pearce lasi night ?at I o'clock ugly 'prettj i ated wll : lied with i K? v. .1. B, Hul The bride a ta i- comlagl] attlr? i la a , . ay satin ed with rblt och "f American Beautl? ?s. 8he ia 1 of Mr. and Mi . ' 'b- lat?an .-' : ?i- r, <^f ?Uli i -2 u? at I .'la l ir and esl ; W, Pergui n A Boi . T : ? IV, d s ?larga aun liful pres enta * . Mr. Thomsa !.. Moore, a pop ilar young Lula W, ?Carter, the cl irj Mr. an,l . i? i 1-rnl? s n k. ?Rev. J. B H i : 'i * . 9 i lai A Robinsoi o'clock, isoa in the chair. Tb large att? C. Minor, Mra Jo Don lop, Mr Mis. il A ? boi ?ae, Ml - W I ?Roi and i Ki M ? 'h im; orten * . I ?r. ami Mrs. O. V. " In th? Mi rphy*i , l Morton i- sa Did Virginia Military Insttl nrarda Bais** l'iii? ?ago, ?n : n iw ; romlm il arlth ? n-,?.i : Worth m? y leave tl morning t ?r i, visit m ?Dr, Mort lotte ? "Utity. * . * 'i h< ?Ladt? -' Matin? M u il call t ti* i r r?? \? m. ?sting J ,? realdt nee of Mr -. i W avenu? .? *.' i . M Tl eut laneous ?Jay will be ??iiiitt???l. M: vision, Mrs. Brockenbroogh will ?take charg? ?ma. Dr. Boaturrtght, precMeat tri Richmoad i-, i:? ge, tendered a ?i? UghU i > . ?bm ot his students l.t.-t night. a . A telegram anaoaaees th. death of Mrs. Elisab? th il M | riorida, nt hor sumin.r bom?, near ?Greenville, 3. C? ?iba was ?sister of V Hawaii, ati?i a beautiful .ni cultivated w.?n:.tii. . 0 Mr. J. UghtfbO. UroOlM h;is returned to Ills fa The Modern Mother la? found that h*-r htti , arc ltn ttmrot ttnn by the p; ?Trap <?f rigs, whoa in need of the laxativa ? IT? : ?ii?- remedy, trun by an 'hlldrea enjoy it, and it b rio- tru,- remedy, Byrap <?f ?pigs. Is ama? ifhCtared by the C'.illf.irula ?Hg Syrup -ompany only. J #?i#?i^ii#n? Tes, n good one igt ?anted by every ?m-.k? ?l# for Be. Y.tu will Ilk <" I _ T New llrnnd Just r<-<-lv?' 5l? t m h ?* '-'"*-' Mi" ! " ?5S" I bane Filler Puritano, sa ?l?AD eauiii? a Me. sflsoha. w UlUnn? I want to double ?nir ?nitle '"Bi"B"#i?# and ??rrer Bos for I .V) I;'. B-rery bos gtmranteed, an mom r ''ark if ?ranted. B P ' ? ? ''**' Cigar Store (Below F?.-i-omce>. Open 'tl Al de 21-lin BMPLOTMB1TT WABTfl. WAKMTtUM, tolVto. BALEBLADIE8 AT THE AIONK\ Baver, No. IS east lir.M.l street. Appl to-day._dp 23-it \*. WTKD, AT ??N*?"!:. TEN BALE8LAD1BB. HAI ploymi nt till F? l?ru it y 1st. MEYER BYCLB, d,? 2t-lt i ii ' i'-f" id stn ' \\ \Mi:n. A OOOD COOK; ONE that CAN HBL with houa? w.irk and ? blldren. it? feren? ? required. Apply t?, 71*. l-l W? ' Cla _de B-1P* WANTED, \ GOOD C! ? IK. APPLY MM WU iYI do -' to' xx \mi:m. A GENTLEMAN (WIDOWER) WANT: a Working Housekeeper. No i Apply al M6 Nicholson atreet, Fulton, i>e tween 6 and 12 A. to. : 23 u* WANTED, A MOUNTAIN HOME a TEACHER 01 I ii . ? p ?Hence w int ? to ry i.rdlna -? hool aomi the mountains ot Virginia, and woul? like to hear of a aultable location. Ad with full i'.irii. ulars, H' 1MB, can of the Dianatch. \\ I1CTED, CIGARB AN EXPERIENCED BALEfl : on i omml ?Ion, to -? II stralgb v. .,.<ls. No prises k?v.-h away; m ?Ins. Established ta Tl ig toba? co liquor?, o i O. P. MERRYMAN . Edd. de :i-.'t IM SIXES! *?A w i 8. *.\ wrta?. PERSONS HOLDING '"TICKETS"'' Nos ill" to call Stn et P 'i" gold." r A MILLER, de 23 "i ?tr? >t. A\ will?. T? ? BELL ? ?NE IN H Cl >W .if with her . ment t LUCK & BRI ITHER, 101 south Twi Iftl \\ *?\ Ml). MAS! ?NIC H< ME, TWO MILES PRt >1 city, will b ird l h'n e hoi - is for thi v. Inti r. Good belt? i. and atten : .).:. to"'-' iffl . i: l;i. nun.i?.I. de -i-nt \\ tvna?. MAN V.t :ti . CASH BECTRES !'" 11 monopoly. \.? cul price; no competition. ible and I M'KINL v\ . I ils.] atch offlc?. ?i . \M\S CHEER. COME COME Aid.. T? ? Till reliable stand -John M. Higgina, 1610 ? al Franklli - Flour, ? - - our Xmaa dinn? . iran?? ed. : 7t INGEL to' K >1 '. PI? i- Pound Cakes, ? Co I i KINK AR] >rth sixth atreet and 1708 ! iln. DO YOU WANT TO BF HAPPY CHRISTMAS ? il* so, <;o TO T.E.GILL'S BAKERY i< ik vi >UK fRUE CAKES. POLAU CAKES. ORANGE (AKtS, G0U)!N ROD, AVGtl. E00D, S\0W BALLS, MINCE PUS, &c. FILL LINE OF FA*Ci CAKES. See us bt fore yon purcfa i e, 530 Kdst Broad. T. II. QUA.. i Ht) BARGA! NS \\ v have reduced the prices on the following goods, so as to close them out quickly, and they won't last Long at the prices : Fu i -: \;: .1 Fruit < to, ach .?i 00 and Fru?! i ' . . . to, dosen. T.". Holiday Ml-? d C ... reduced to, bos. 2-> h_ .m.i- Candles i .8 Blx-pound !?,'X imp"!ted i"i t?t, t>OS . 1 OQ Ti ii-i ound boi ! ' Cslll i" . i to, bos . i :". -.- Butt? r, l-pound prim -, ?pound Geo. A. Hundley, ill \ mil \ i: 11 ?;- i oi; FAlfCY GROCERIES AND FINE LIQUORS, 52b East Broad Street, Phone JS0. Ruhmond, Vd. Bernard A. Gaines, Manager. WMMtXtOUAL, THEDI8SOLI WON Oi fill. FIRM OF UAU-URI baa left i . KAILROAD, BTEAMUOAT, AND Mil.I, si l-i . ich l .?.>. out at 20 per ? nt. ' ? ion manufac turera price. Hav? . . I 11 - 1 ; In**, : > i in my lint- J |i mai,. strre?. Bsltln *\\ d? \ M.W 111- I ??It Ti of I in: < II II. \\ \lt IN V IK?. I M | (A REBEL CAVALIfi MAN WITH LE : .? KS.iXi i tbe tin? ?I tbe i i- ,,.,,w ?tl i itains a chn . . ?,, cuiuhl i ' ' war In Vii . , ,-Tlrn | ' ' " n u of tu? private .-?.i.n.-r on tbe n ?irt.-ii. m bottle; many hit , ' lackai n, _t i .,. n, r . wi'i. thi sei -. the capture, . t i. ' I laon life in th? "? M ' ', -. tbe Hampton Roedi the potenl be Smith . -, Th? romp? half-toi i'1'i itrationa. Price, ; ** ??f lhe Orel > dttion will aend the pnce ?>f th? bo i< and _", , ? i, ? addr? John X. ?ii'ii-: - mton, V ? . Dteombw H I _ Cards, blll-11-.-ails. ttotements, loiter? n???!' Not? Heuds, Circulars, ii-tiut-. Dodgers, &,-.. i rip.t.?i My tt><? nis^-xtch i'.,iiii??iii> , l-.-R piu.-s. Will ft-iv? you i_o?j_ worb ?it tti?; ?..un? price? you i ay for Inferior work. Ben?l u? y??ur ordora nr.d xse will u'.iarantee aatlafuction in ?-vary particular. Al'CTIO? ?ALES-Thl? Day. V/HK.N REAL KBTATK IS SOLD THK TAXliS KOIt TUE Ct RUKNT CALEN DAR YBAR ARB TO BK PAID PRO RATA ?If TH?B VBNDOH AND TUB VENDU.? rty ?Charlea a. Rone, Beau Estate and ?Loans, N?>. 11 n??rth T? nth ?treet i>eiu.mptoi.y public auction i- lALBOf UM SIALLY YAI.t AHL1? M?IK-ST. COfilN STORE PROPERTY, N? -:i ANDS1 WM9Y MAIN STREET, CORNER MAIN AND CHERRT. ?By ?request of the owaer, \%i.?> ha? re moved from th,- ?city to live, m i a fully determined to ?sell, 1 Khali a . th.? above-mentioned EXCEPTIONALLY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, upon the premises, to tt,,. hlgheat blddi r. on Kitili.vv, DECKMKER .'.: Ii at i I*. M. HERE WE HAVE TWO I.Akt;.:. FIRST-CLASS, SPLENDIDLY* Hl'lJ/r. THREE-STORY STOCK-BRI? K STORES, all ?perfectly arr.-niK???! f??: ness, with complete, well-arranged, con \ t.:.-at dwelling an irtmi ?? lit 7 ?>r .". ?rooma ea? b, ?ritb city arater and ?gas. Theee ?torea ai by >. .i. prompt-paying tei at a ?and plumbing all in ] : tet : ta order The lot fronts on the SOUTH EAST CORNER OF MAIN AM? CHER RY STREETS M FEET, extending ?back I el art en parallel lin? s, and front?n ry sir.-? t a dlaunce ??f MS I Inches, t?? a 10-fo I Id slley I . this property. Such an o tunlt) to i . h \ iluable prop? rty la ran ! ? I. id, - t!.. locality ?and high? clasa Improvementa in unquestioned bj 111?' IT. ?RMS: ?Liberal a; ?.! si time !.. applli atloa CHARLES A R< ; : ?- \\ M' By -i a. Brown, An lion? r, V a. DUB9UAMT TO~A J > I : f 11 > 01 1 insttro-a e\C ?Bobertat?tetsd 0 taker -b IPP4 .r?i? ?i In 1 - .., ,1, ?having bet n made m ;:.? i? lj m< at th? rein ae? ur? ?l. and i?,.- required by the hold? r of the s,,'t,, .il ?sell, t.. - '! > '. ?.i, tl,? n ?'?n FRIDAY, DECEMBER ?. iv?g, a ' I m 'RES OF LAND, n lh, pamunkt \ river, i:i th? ? Han?.v?r. about ?ihre? quarter! of a ?arils ,, ourthouse, TERMS: i C. P. CAKDWELL and K c MON? ?URE. dr 15-I0t_Truste? c-_ By 11 * ilentln? ->' -1. T i :, t-, ,??ir regalar santon salea ?ay ?t out WAREROOM, - BA8T BROAD st"I'i:t. 'clock A m , ?FURNITURE ?Fine OeJt an,i other Chamber S l - ind Wai Oak an?! Cherry Centre . , -hei iv ? ? tk. and W inut Rocker?, Heads, Hair .<:i?! Husk . it track with oval , . >,a!r^. one 16 W W. Bpi v, t ?Squan - and ? irj H< .'?n? and ( H. ndi om< f . ? -l Mirror?; m - ?Piano; very Una ?"-i-i. ?Parlor pholatered with silk bro? - ihe duplicate uf tiii of other good Furni ture, ?f ' ? mention, all t?. I?- ?Mid, s?, attend tin? sal.- II '?,- invited i?? atl .1 II \ ALEN1 . By J. i' I l M ?north Ninth al B AR FIXTURES, HOUSEHOLD l-l gNI il -A. ?sTOVSS. SII.VKK PLATED WARE, I AT AUCTION. We win ?sell TO-DAT AT : \ U l Marbl T"i? ?Bar Counter, l Large l? ? - Box. ] l'uni;?. Chamber ? In a Ni m ? III ?ii?l ? :t>. I.-ini; ? and FRED ?I \\li.'.[\ | BI SIXES* .)?V.*OItAl MT1E9. ?BEAT ?CHAMCE r?> a ?'* ?Mii: : ?:n"i DR1 OOI8T wii? ? - .. -???r.? in a town ??i 1,1 - l. ibitanta. Ten is. a ting, For t m.n^ .*c- Minor l ?nur ? ' ?mpanj. : \-li SEME* . -?. \i?i:mv ??! ' MUSIC ? '1H NEE, M "NT ?A' -TUESDAY. 1 ?. , I? VI. S STAK Y.\\"<'A I ?. rray of drai ; _ 4? IDEM1 <?l Ml -n . FRIDA*i AND ?9 ?VTI RDAY, 1 le? . ltd I'M!? \Y. ? LAR *? LIPM VN \MI LOI In M \\\ IN l Hi: TELEPHONE a. it ..** A M : i - ' l\ I IRE ORIGIF I < ?"??I* \M. THE VALENTINE MUSEUM ELEVENTH AND ?CLAY STREETS ' M Aiiin ?free on Batui . __tM0f_9M9, THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEE'I IN?; ? F THE IMPLEMENT ? Pani S ??a \Y l-;i ?NESJ ?A 'i , .1 . : 1' . K?'.?. atl. .. k I.. R. SPENCER, 'ary ami . . itw ,,f The First I .. I i, \ a i.i hi THE ANNUAL MEETIN ? Tin: ,t it- bai DAI in- nelng at 12 ti? n of dlret tor? fur | for i . II. C. Rl ?tJalO C? IRP? 'RATION MEETING" THB ANNUAL MEETIN?! OF THK BLESS I) BACRAMBNT FOR INDIANS AND C< ILORED I'l.'? ?I'll: IV \ |R. GIN1 S" Si Elil il ? . ??n WEDNKSI '.\\ , lh- 1th ? I ? k A. M. ANNIE i:. M.ann. J\v l)|s*??t.l MON AMI COPARTNERSHIP. Richmond, v ?v,?. THK PARTNERSHIP II hi;;/: ? >r Pts : s i : i? mm, un?li r the Urm name ?i Block A Ruaenbaum, 1? THIS DA*? DISSOLVED i?:, t? f. H ?- ??i nun con llnuiii me n- m n n M S BLOCK. (Signed) B. B. KoSEN BAUM. Rlcbmon I I n,i. -.- u f have thl- du) boual I out th? en'tli " Mr. tl . In the linn of im, ?A h? ?LES VI K LEATHER \M> FINDING i>k.\I atal will continue t?, conduct the i?u i; i under th? and ? an uasure oui ? thai all ord? ra which l ?may be favored with uiii have the rame careful attention vvhi.h they bad In the p i s ?i R08BNBAUM. Richmond, \ , i ?. ember M 1898. I have thl? ?lay ?old t?i S. ?: Rtiaenbuum all of mv INTEREST, OOOD-WII I In the ilrm of Bio k ,v Rot . ,.,.;. I?, -l?. ak for him tl.,- ??ame lib?rai i,u tronage with which mv : w. 'ul. v, ? >., favored us in th.- i? <Sign?>d) M. 8. BLOCK. de -? -w Atino*? ?AUC**?mture .Je)?. XX ll'to.S REAL E-TATE IH MOLO i li(v TAXKf- Vnll TH9 CURltl *" 'AL' *,' HAK VEAU AUK '?'n BE PAID I RATA BY THUD VENDOR ANO THp VENDES. PUBLIC SALE X av ril): DANVILLE KITJI-'TUa (DAIM AND WIT.Kf.t i. As directed 1?" ' , of the Corpoi - - It, tli, suit of Ulllenn? I. IT F. t*. w???,Te? -, ?,.? i-med ?p? .ni ? by tli?- asid di cree of l hall, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBI .if ii .,'.:. ck A. M nt of the ?aid Danvl le II Danville, \ tn Hi.? high I newap III and ?ill thi ; loneinc? ol ? ?ill.-. Fui i. igt, T-, pfwrlt.-r, Volumea ?,f the unta ?lu?' i and i?i ' ?>i ?ill K.ti'l-' .?i?.. said n? t" the II ard 1.? ereil? n I ' ;iri.l -Tii'nit?<'r?-lili - In i - LE I i with on X. T W. T. H ' to. , ' - Clerk's "' \ i that 1 T. Hal . - i i . executed i . WILLIAM l;i.? IT .1. It Cl r i i Cos Dui per houi ' gowi In fills connection ? Deremlx-r 12. IS!-*-! -. di\ iram mi m k-.. ! Till. HAVE 2 l-J IT the i aillo ,,ii an . J' v> DIVI] AT LA*. ? ? . The l :i? A DI\ ii I , * Vlrglnl 1 DIVIDEND OK I it atock of thi i i : of the : the I": I tli.- ifttl It.l \\ T!i- i : : THE Ml li \\ i; ll.\i: SEMI ANNUAL IT, six AR Y ".. '. - .'. RICH DIVID ' THE BOARD ' >] lilt TIM' i M ' I A HALF 1 ? iniii ' DECEMBER 1889. J. THE BOARD' VIRO THIS DAT _ TH ' Hi '. ' ' DIVIDEN VNXCAL de l?Am M-i < IAI I I i' I T? \\ i : l 1,11 111.) ? ' : KIM. \TT\, TI i 'I UK' \i Ha?rlB| - i i I li I ' .tin! with h 1 l" | Astdl ?,iir old fl ' -it_ _. 11 l I |u\ M? I H I NOTICE l- ;. AN El : 1 ".'. THE i: S.N I COMPAN! the bj at- tl . the ?Kb ?'. -. of J ' ,\ n i m ? i ?i-i i> in htn? n : ' TI ?Till-? COMPAN*i VVILI I MONDA"! Januai ? lau.l 10 x de XI it NOTICE IS 1 ! ? lerab Mi iNDAI , 1-? ?i ; DAY, Januai ? hours of l" .utd n A. to il. l- K _*./?_ de 2. :t **'