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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH.^ WliOl.K M MHKl?. M,792. * RICHMON?X VtL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28, im * " THttEE~CENTS PAR OOVT.) 3R00KE IN HABANA. tar?es! Efforts Being Made to Prevent Disorder, se. FLAGS FLYING EVERYWHERE. ?.nd Stripes and Lone Star of Cuba in Heart of City. i Piii'i L vu ? i i i:mi ITIOMS, in Or?l?*r l?tii?'?l, llot-v ??\ ?-r. l'?,rli|,l tflnn Inr I)?*itina?lrntl(in In 1'nlnr?? *u lil.*li *?lay Proiin?-? < T.iilli.t ?M.-i ? i'ihii Ontrn-;,.|, TT AR ANA, ] , ' -r fr.rbi.!<ll?ia: any f ' m, in the i . .-: th? "f all *>l : : ' "? . , AMcnn da?osa in which I . ' :, may pro. ' *i nt. ' ' ' ' **: till? rym<-n In <-*rdcr on might f ?niiliarizo ' In nMo to ; r "P m'?!\i,i:v. a bnnnsr hnvlng on , if of rr?*sid^nt ' Armand? ?i nindon ben i* was ? ta ii win ba ?-put to v . i i m? ?-t to-night fno T bare nlroirty Wfro the seems of pro : ?isy celebrations to-day. A c anter I > ?ander -. and An? Triv.-r ' : I thta ;. tin- t?'\\Il I.AS KILLED. ara] guerll hart Irltu* '?ii .. ? UT* of Tl f tl ?rounds, three eh ; D ain JAIL IN HANi'i.-' >!' AMERICANK tin? ?r,,l with .- - pnr? : ' : of the : , ? -.'.. ? ; i., - Til!. t? \': Th?. - read In th<ir th? 11: ' \,<->t I ??. i I ?i piir ' ' - it: \i??i. irtber ? withdrew t?? . ..ii wlii. h I TTi? v , !? ;.-,T 1 Hty. I Ludlow tabular*/ * ? ' eouM th.- An, Imm?diat? ' ' : ' ?pop in ota ; . population is in ?i i lia ?ol ' ttiiuK i" show r? tO ;,n<] to Hhoilt I ,. . ?. , tify tht-in i, h cana* H th. Air,, litan .ni'hoil- ', I- , .. '?.?; uttAa xvvrh promptly moI t?- Ifc* , | g, ,i i,?it th? Cub H? \\. r? in- , Hi? pntra . >.. | I l.l'I'WOUK.S I'H'i'A.l i K? i i ii.ii- n r i- paid In the i? _.tiiist the dUehurgs of tircciai-k- t ?i i.lstol? are fired In the streets all rontlnuously. su ?pereoee bava srreeted. Th.? shooting ?bas been, ' ?i ?M? most pntt. in,n?,?rlmlnate. As ,; a?>l ?I Ludion wae standing on the ay ??r th.? Hotel Inglaterra al dusk tO ?lav. watrhlng tl?. Fl-?li(? In tb. l'l.i?/.,i " '" >sav"1 ? Cabin Bag? another cried oui "An laault, aa laault." where upon, the man wh,. was waring th?i flag ti.d up,,!, th, objector. Spanlah ?company ti al was retiring rrom Port ?Principe was deliberately Bred ' '?m a private residence. Lieutenant "?nt. an \tn.ri,?.?,,, otuett whe a porting the Spaniards, broke into the . hut the occupant-- fled t<? adjoining i'i.oMi-T AMKRIC/.M action. Wh?? Brlgi ,ii,i c,,,,, rt i clou-- and ?Cap tain Hurt \...,,. returning ?from the Palace ?-?lay, aft.r Int.rvlrw with Captain? asi< iianos, they met s mob of cubana earrylng rtagii and shouting. A minute or two ; ,Wli woaW !laVl. intered a detacnment of ?Spanish The situation ?salted for prompt ?nd Captain Hart leaped from the ig?*, faced the mob, and ordered teryboty to > ?> borne Immi dlately. BROOKE tak i.s COMMAND. r-?;? a? ral Brooke has thli evening rormally taken command of the l? - forces In ? I has issued the AMERICAN RBQULrARg FltXMD ON. rawd of i f? ?., V? ; -. . .1 II? r of r : -i ordered I hey refused to pay for I ! which followed the i>r<? i'M< tor of the cafe and hi itani wer? : ? ?1. ?.?dame, with Bfteen men ol the Tenth Reguli rs, hur* p tb. i??. ? | ,?,,,. found n?? ?one In the ?Mom, >>ut ? minute or tw?> later they a ii!'"n from a room in th?- rear <>f the I .!!. t Mil 'rie- Arneiii they i ' * < " out of tue bllllill nit Allan. by in- men, ?bul ? "tie r ft ?port- ??n- v. ii killed were around**d. ? '\iiim?:t dim t ??ii:?i < t n?t. Qaara IHitltaea ?i t urrmtttry riim? I liiii-ltaUlnii Should 1?,* qtii?*l. H UBHINOTON, ?Dec? mber M. The t, al it.s meeting t<9-*day, listened to th? reading of the more important ? f th.- ?Parla ?treaty, and th? ?a a to affairs In i !ub i. OagS talk, d at some I? ni-lb <?f the finn ti? i 11 ?Situation, and outlii plan looking t?? the ?Suing on s ?permanent ?of the value of current moi The l'r? -ideiit and lb-- no ml.-,s of th? ?greed that ?the raising ol an llaf- in ?*ubs on January tel ?not i.? of an oatentatloui ch irac* 1er, and the he* retery ??f War b.?< s? nt a rilrv on tins point. J' i in should ken to prevent ?giving unneceaaan off. ne,? t.? ?any ?one, and tho* avoid ? ble dlsl m x\ t t,l.l, mu. i iii:ki>. He Will l'r..bill.I.> II?- Oiler, -, I tbe 1'lrnt I : null ??Il 1.iiI1m-i-i?ii I'lilpll. it is conaldered more than iii?.?iy thai th. cong*r>*>gati(>a ?.?f the ?flrel Bnglish i-i ? . church win extend a call to Re?*, Mr. Freed, of Mid.11? brook. Va. Mr. ?Freed ?preached f"r ?the ?songregatlon a.t both ?i Sunday, Ctecember ist h, ?bis sermonl pleaaed ?all who beard arho met Mr. Freed found in him many ?social QUalltli s to adl The ,-liur. !i council, Il * pnd? 11 ! " ?<!, la 1er! ni Mr. r to I him ?shortly. Mr. Preed, with other minis r n denomin bj the Mission Boai nable a val mlnlai I front I i numb- i. If ?possible, -? I? et a i?. R? v. J. A. M< Mr a young man. He i ducated at Roanoke Colh ?ge and at the Luth? ran Th? ol i ti tort he . ,t? i he was called t ? the Mid.u? .. church, where be bas ?b? en evei The Mlddlebrook church i> in tin centre of a wealthy and Intel* . ,i community. Thai congregation i undoubtedly regret to low him. not ?knotrn ?thai Mr ?Preed would here, bul all ?sigas point to tie ne win be offered th? ?pastorate ol rat ?Bnglish church. Mr. Preed a a man c4 pleaatng ad? i and a ?scholar of more than ordinary at tainment?. H" ?Is married. Dit. liiii.l', G?OWI?O WOBSB, ti*- i?? si??>?-iy DeeMnln?f?-Trlbwte from Hit* t uiil' rt-Ki?li?Mi ll?-lli AIiiiIiii. i:. r< ],,-. Boot i i? Hog? Is ?growing .weaker ? ?? n ?day. He is nacons ol ths tune bow, uni i>i. McQu*?**e think it but a queatlon of s feu hays ' ., , W|U |.. lo ts involved, and be a i ,,ny hour, but he has wonderful vitality. a e.'py of th? folloa-tng letter from ?, ? - ,,f the Congr? ?gatI in Beth . | was delivered at Dr. Hog? 's ?rea rday: itlon Beth Ababa, i J?. UN, "Al a meeting of tala congregation ibis da), the pr? sid? m and ?ic? -p ?bin ? ' ' ' ' tarn* our moet worthj eitls? n, and tb? min, nt divine, Rev. Dr. Moi t?. Hog? ? sympathy with ihern in this time of their trial. "We earnestly play that Almighty (',,,,I -may lessen the pain of tb? n I ?. n'ti,- ??oui now lying upen a I , re ?Ulm ?se. "Ma, ! - ? \? Illphliy life of |.I ,. all eitls i?? monument ol Inspiration f?>i others IW. "With i owed h< ada and ?pro bund ?soi i ?-?v. w? are, i ly, .in.irs BTRAl ?8, helit , "Cl IA III-MS HI T/.I.KK. i'i? ?sldent. "Attest: Isaac Held. ?Secretary Pro r. in." The paper bears the fanpraea of th? itlon. 'Ilii-n- In H? I'lol. S??>a? Ziirllinlen. i ? ?m ?? ?N i '. ? mi,? r R. Th? P eapondenl of ?the ?Dally ?Mall telegraph? D- paper tile BUbStSnCO "I H i-il.T\i?-w a? bas ?bad aitb General EuHlndea Mill m Oovernor of ?Paris, who denied ?the any military consplrac] t .-publie. According t?? tii?.- ?eorreepondent, ?9? ,i Zurllnden said: "1 ?beltevi there ?k ?no i, ?aad n.'? ''* win i? i ? ?because b, army ;~ ?republican to III" <?>re. VY? e, k n.? dbtator. Th?? nam?? Napoleon \ b. miisie to our natl??n. but w. BJ be nation's secants, and our ?luty IS |0 -Vance. Ths trmy, IQte lbs ?majority ol ti,- nailon, bell? v.- lu?->fus ?guilty, bttt a . ?deration of teaocence would ?aoi induce l t?> turn ?as-alnei Ifea ?republic Bmugmtrutt Bum y tun UmAL PARU, I'???nib? i V. '1'" 'Ii'"' *s':<" ,.?i,is, urlplng out of tin- ?Dreyfus affair, ? v.,,,, Box ?Regla "" ;"'!! * -alte es avor of ALgtera ?aad M, lA-ple, an ?editor bich wt stopped yesterday, after au* . ions vlgoroae ?e?nooua.tere, ??win?; to th? the ?MMBbataata ?being beat, ?was ?sinned to-day. After three li?,t en, oiiu i? M Lrpir wai* ?evenly w??uiide?i In ,, abdomen, g?rerai other dgeis grow ? out ?,f tbe ?Dreplaa ?aaniiwery un treatsaee? MORRILL NO MORE Nester of united States Senate Passes Away, VICTIM OF THE GRIPPE, His Fatal Illness Was of a Fei Days Only. CARBBM AM? Ft III.IC* ?ERTiriJ, Tlie 111-; In?- i, ??I?, -I Yer-iioiiter ?n? i.o?? < im i mi h a nf gannla l*lnan<ia < o m m I It.?.?? II ? ii ?I ?- r.-tj tiren, Mil to A_ rli-ull nr-i I ?'?illi-t;.??. VYASHTNGrTON, D. C, Peemuber 27. Ron, .Instill H. Morrlll, th,*- s.-ii1or I7nlt*d ?r f ova v? im?,iit, ,)i?-?i .it M minuta* past i o'clock this morning, In tbs *-?ih year of hi* ags, after an ?i : I? B* thnii * w.-, k. Wit!) him Wh?m th?- em] rame I ister-ln-law, Misa Louis* Bwan: hi* non, Jamas; Mr. Benjamin Durfes, for a ion? -i? Intnd WtUl th - S i ,'.>r in I-'. nane?. Coanttttee work at th,? iVii>ltol, and Colonel s. ] :. Chamberlain, an intima'?? frli nd, Benator Proctor waa In th* bouse al th.- tima, as wer* also several other Th? * * antor n< i i I from the un? onadoua *tat? Into which b* lapaad early In th? day, and hi* death ?j- catan an?l peiK-eful. Th?? Imm?diat? cauae of death war. pnf-u monla, which developed from an attach of grip, contracted about a week ago. The renerabli .1 to hi* home Lut a ?? w da) a Notwithstanding his advan<ce/l itt?*mded to his aenatorlal dotlaa fully. Tin: j'at'al ii.i.xi:.-'.* . About t? ii day-? weathci was ? old, raw, und foggy, and hi* i?!. ?.?links tint axpoaur* '-? it?-, ?rigors brought -,n the attack of gHp. Th* day befon Congr**? i for th* Christma* holiday* th* Bsnatot a is unable to leav* ii? greu do batter a* th* m un. his low vitality, - g ago, being iinabl? t>? r .. hi II ?i?-?- ilopt -i Into pneumonia, and from th,t Urn? until lly. THE Pi MBRAL . \-it be, a mad*, it i?-- although J'kely that House ? i ? Icea u 111 t?? hi Id In Ihi i ml r, but Just a hi a canno' nos be of Mi . Morrlll, who died durtntj tbi presen) ?? ?r. ar* in i vault at Rock CT< ek l ' mi '? : and ?t maj be that I body will b depo i ending re moval to Straw. n.J. V'., w bott B leum is now in course of conatructlon. Nr>T? *R <'to TT1I-: SKNATK. in th? d Smith Morrlll, he Senate lost its ? ? nior m< iriber In p" nl d iis oldest in age. H? had n .I t*ontInuously In th* Bannt* for nor* than thlrty-oi md be ? ? old on th* nil of April laal With he Btngle exception of Hon. Qalushn Irow, of the House of R?*pre?entatlves, ie was the only man In Congres* who** lonal ? ireer b< -.- n pi lor t., th* ?eglnnlng of the eh II war, and i he honor over Mr. Qrow In that hi* ecu? had been continuous, b the .' h ' and Hi .am* h ? ?i aim? i*t forty-four years. Mr Morrlll was a n.itiv of Vermont. ?l to lb* Hot hat State, a* a member of the Thirty? ourtfa Congress, taking his seat at th* body afr.-r th* th of to Hi n n - il? i t.-?l to h* Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thlrty eventh, Tblrty-alghth, and Thirty-ninth . i, and was In IM7 ? '.? ' d to I he ion ?i?-, :?? f.-o:-iA Hun. took'- to. Poland. ' ^***-*^**?^sa,SK??^w^" .TISTIX s MOftRILL, it- ha?! h? m hl* tant in the B??alo alnca will?., it Interruption, paving .-?ii ,-i, ?i? ?i six times su? oaaatvaly. HI* i, ?.nt term, to which ha aras ehoaan in Mt, would not have expired until lwi. A IHTBTNUIIMaN Provloua to entering Congress Mr. Ilor 111 had i?"-n engaged in mercuntlli and igricultural puraulta, and iuu?h of his ?uiiii?- nit- has i?-> ii ii? voted i?? th* np Ightlng ??f Interest* dependenl upon thean in, s of bualnaaa Ha had raoalvad in ins ??nth an a, ?clfinle ?-dur-atlon, and w-c-i i mu hi? enrly ?lays a do** reader and infill analyst Of |>ul?lle questions. Il uns at tin- li*gllining of tin- war that ,ir. Morrlll'* practical bnalnoa* training Irai iiought him forward as - mini of tatlonal reputation He was n?,. ,iuih?,r ,f th?. Morrlll tariff act of HO, winch was ?it- It-isls o?* all lin- tait!! It-is-islatioli ?if var tta**n in UM he becnm? chairman .f th,- Conunltta* on ffnin and Manna, h?*, principal conunlttaa >?i th.? Hoope, und t that <-rltl<-,?1 llm* "f asp? i 11 Import ,nc*. After entering th? Betsgtt tor Mar? ill eontlnued to glv?- bin 1 ,i??-ly o tnanflal ami eonun?*rcl ii qiieatlona. and I iiiring the gfcn*tf p.ut of hi?- term of | Ii??*rvlce he wan Identified therewith as a nn-mht-r at th* <"<>mtnltt?-o on Finance. ?liAMLMAN OF FtNAM'F, <'< ?M.MITTKK Ht firm be<_m<- chulrman of this <-<<m mitts* in i**77. *aoaaen-ng Bai >r i her? man wh'-n thu? lnttfcr enl?-r,-,i th i Cabinet "f PraaManl May**, and In held this po sition contlnupuitly aft? r that ?late, ex cept cHirini*- the Forty-, lj?hth and Fifty third conicreHHM, when the Iiemoerutle party the S-nat?-, aii?? duritiK those Int? rvHls he contlnu'?l at th* hand of the Kep-l-llian rcpr<-s.-?it ation In the iimiiiiUI?s In reciit years he had dMsgatttd the grants* si. ?r?- al th* detalla of commltl ? work to the yo-iij-t-r maaabar* of th* c?>ui mtttra CUIHIIIMBimHI LtBRART. During 1rs |Pag earn r Mr. Monill stave lilsj atf-wlon to many ??ueMlons, In Which his pubHc ii?'?- w,s given to taking ap a subject und holding on t?> it for y**r* until aonsununatndL H* was tb* real futher of th* Bcbem* fbr th?- construc tion uf a I aUdlng for lb? ???nal lilwary, and to him ar.?l .** :i.i''-r \'<?<?rh?-s. v.,?,. early Joined him in praaalng this question in Congress, is the splendid li brary buiuiiiK monument Vary i r to hi?: heait also ?rare the plans for th* erection of a Matar bullding, for th* Pniu-.i Btataa Buprem* ?'??nit. H? ha?i beoa pnraatng a maasure looking to th* ,. iistruciton ??f such a building t<>r many yeara, and h?ui ,>n three dlffi rout eoen? ? tons prevail? i up.iii iii.- Banati t" pa i a hm for this purpose. His LAST APPBARANCS? His i appearance In the Benat* n*na on th* 19th Inatnnt, whoa be mad* a !i Of half an li?.ins ?lui.?'?on in ad? I .,i th? Buprem* <'"urt building bill. He .;t tin- sa?n,- tima prevailed upon the s? r*a?paaa th? bill In th* tan* ??f opposition. T?, Benatoff Morrlll probably mor.? than any on* el at splendid en ?!?,?.? ment pi moni ol igiicultural collet;? s duc. H<* W** th? author of thu rl pul t??nur aid to tbi -- ooU?ege* froiii the pr- ' ' ?is ol th public . and in never refui ?i them the *n ? ?an.?... m? nt "'. in- - i-i tii..-. ? >i'i'< M :i* 'in EXPANSION. H?- the aim? ration ? ' the h i - Wailan Pian,;: to tb* la t, and a i* t.i be oppoaad to tho exei sort . tmerl loven Ignty o??-r th* Philip* Mr. Morrlll wis an in-], t.t1 Ig! : l WOrkar. anil ;h an ?.- itor hi fully and fore? fully, and a to at? .entirely. Hi* great ago and iiIk'. pool? tion .-ni-? ?l him t?> be uni? ei bers of tbi -? BtoLtMPt "i:?ni u.Mi'D" ui'.v.r. Bseatlea nf lit Chnmntnv vi ?> (?n?? r. t.i.,n_ .-.I I,, ,| ii i r > . \v * shim ?ton. Decembtw U.?-Thar* ! .' tl.r? * m- m ir In? ting bonunl Ion ?mi the r< . r was deferred until to-morrow. .\?? .?.It mmoned. Ti??- Bwlfi i ' ' mpany, i I have ouv municatlon takli . Ben? ;n id* by Gem rai Mlle* on th* eha : i furnished the exp ji . Ill?- war. This .?iies tlon of tin ? i ii.ii h r of the beef : mthei prolonged Inquli . lui- s Bsmethlng unexpected ahould ?i? bov ? ver, the ? omn I fore th* mlddl? of January, and possibly finish up i; ? U"i k ?-nur? ly by Pebi nary ibmll its repon i?, < ! iboul that tima. This i- barrir Hon on th" bei f lasue. ?u? Miss i. ?i m i \ DM ID. ii? i it,...? v? in ii?? I.U..II ?o Cnhn Willi Tim? ?if ll.-r FiiIIi.t. TOOMA8VILLK, ?; v. i?. . nbt 9 r of tll< a . i ; d i :,; \h<- Maaqtdry Hqitel, in thi* . impfdon. Mr her ta ishtera ar rive i here the d G ? 11 u la i? ?l in a. and nhU* al dlnm i i th Of th? bead of tin family. Th* content* ??f th? s ere nevi ' - who wua al ih ?! time falling i ipldly. All th? iti.Tiii" ra of the Gan in tins country ner* al I u bedald* ol Miss Mi i- ? o?.- when th? Tin- i?"?!: ?-.ill b* ?mi iini'.i and taken to i 'ii'' i "H ! be n irshlp which I in- I - i i di algn ?te.i to convey t;. malns of < ?? neral 11 ; i : i booh ta hla country, i ir Tin-: THMOATfl OF TWO BOTS. The t ? i-riiiii- Crinas ?if u Barth Onvn 11 Hit Ni'iiiii, palkmii. n. C . i?? tu mi.? r 2;. eiai.i To-nlgbt Thorn - red) wot brought bar* and Jailed to rave him fnun lynching*. n>* hv? s four mils* from Bmltbfk Id, To-day tbre* whli iVry* passim; hut houaa threw *om* fir? at It Bmlth ran out and wit li his p.? k- 1 knlf* cut ti,.. throat of ana boy n Can ti;. .? i ?-. The boy foil da d then cut the throat ,,f anoth. r, but ? d the Jo ml "' v. in. Tb* third boy !!? L Hound* from fJohtaboro1 trailed Smith to Bmithfleld n thars, an I - i to r- his hiding-place, which ro Odd ! ' Howa* Hall, and ovar negro atore. Smith was Jailed al Bmithfleld, but Ij n? hli i m ? H ol b* r? theft a f- w- hours longer be would an (>. ?-ii i? nek III'.W i:\ Ml? SLMOH ill IK lilt. He ii ?*n ?i, t-? i lut i,h withnni (?iiiu ri-<ts?iiu-il \<-iIiiii. ITABHINOTOM Decsmber M Admiral Dewey is now th-* aenlor pfneer of th* Anaarlcan n ivy, havli pool? tl'in without congressional action, thi the rotJremeni Baturdaj laal of Admiral Bunoe. H- win oontlnn* t.? hold th* tinction until tin- '.v,th of ! M \t, when he win go apon th* retli t, un him from th?- ? : tion of th* law, ?m?! after raiMrg him admiral of tb* navy, provide* thai h* m..y bold thai om, ? In actft rarvlo* irlthout age-llmll action. RRVIN T?? ADDRB9- l)|< IvWOHIIIS. Mit Sne?-?-li Muy suit.- I'lau ?>f ( nni pnngn \nnin?i Bnpnnalnn. CINI'IN'NATI <?., D? - ml, r 9, I nei William Jamaing* Brjmn win I : ent hpre at tin- Jacfcaon-Dny banqoat <>f the Duckworth I'luh. Th* Ant* of th* 1? USqoat lias been ghnngod to Friday, Jan uary (?th. to met-t his convenience A* January Nth falla on Bnnday !.?xi, it was as ,-asy f,?r tb? Duckworth Club t?? hold its banquet on Friday as en Saturday or Monday nlKht. The njMech Of Mr. Mryan is expected to outline hi? programma for tii,. eampalga agnlnat expansion. \ m Itat-mliii* Homero III. \\ AsiiiNii itix, D. C., Daeombar it? Ambaaaador Romero, of M.xi?,?. is? se rlously ill with appendidtM al hin i ?-si - ,l?-ii?-e A c??ti-ultatlon of phy-lclans was li?-ld tO-ntght, hut It wu.s ,le? I'lt 1 to await fhr ?lfVelopiriefltS ?)f th?' OOXl twelve honra before determining vbother or not an aparntlon i>? nacaaaarjr, flonaUarnbl* annlet) la f? H aa to the oatBoaa* of th? AnuWaaador** Ultimi?-?, bsoaa** of his _?i vunced axe -W years- und lit? tia? coii Btituttou. IS UNDER SUSPICION, Aries! cf a Supposed Sex tuple Murderer. J, C. DUNHAM, OFSAN JOSE? Is So, a Reward of $11,000 is Offered for Him. Tiin <in mi: A most atkoc iois NI \li?!???' n Wfcale Fiimlly Wlpr?! Ont Therein? Hlfterence of Opinion, iintTi-ver, ?aa to iii**ntitv of Haa Ar I amadme Wl<**h Man Wanted. COLUMBUS, O., i ??"? . tnber 27.?There is iitnb?r arrest in tilla ?ily .i m:in who ,.? strong rtaeon te ?hellere Ib James C. Dunham, foi whom, dent ot alive, th. r. is affered at ?Sea Joee, ?Cat, a reward of Hl.Mli He -.vus picked ap hers by ?Detective Lenla Wolf, ol the ?local uepteteoa rh.u ,?. t? r. ?having aaTered a lit ut goods for ?sgls al about U put rent, of their ?aetnal ralea, ?9s said his ri?*ht nam?? was Harry fhiir?'h, an?! thai be wan hern In ?S?acramento, ?CaL? ir-?,?n which ?petal he ?started ?mil ?two ? .-nr?? ago. !!? lins had g number of The ? -rim.? with *vhi? h ?Dunham is eharged was an ?atroclons ?one. At u loos ly farm-houaa ?betwaen ?Ian Joee ?and J.??-* ?;.it?js, ?gent ?Clara ?county, ?'al.. ?aa the iiiKtiL of Toeedag, May M IM, James C. ?slew ?ill tii.ip 'nt:-? <?f the -, aavc one, i bal : soy?his wife, bei rnother, h-r stepfather, her brother, ,i man-. ,in,J a m ??-i-servan;. M ' Dcedi Th? y were ell membei ?-.i the fam? ? onel R P. McQltncby. Th? ' d a,is eat, ?full) ?Dunham i bis wife In iii" night and I ? ? h? r i chance to write s no ige to th she believed would ?be sper<t*d? Then hbi Bngei iround h? r throat and ?the woman was ?strangled. x??xt. rsTlnnle ?being clefl arith an ?aa?, Mrs. Mr*Gllncby Tbe murdered m n Campbell when tbe two women were ?killed. ?Colonel McOUnch* ? une borne ?la hi ? ? , ?i tii?- door be was ?met wiili ?i ?bellet, he ?turned to a ?ah in flight, aad James Wells, his > ?rushed to bis ?assistance. \v.,is was ta rt Jumping bodj. lm? . ,i tb,* older man. He ?caughi him el a near-by caMn. and ?sndsd bl m ?Dunham i scaped, d? ipl'e tin? itnrauoua efforts to ?capture him. DIFFERENCE OF OPINI? ?H. There y difference ?of opinion among ? h re? irdlng - Dtinh nn, the ? . At ?Aral gtence th? w? ? n rhurch and the ' ?I? of J >'ll llalli III th? ?t tii?- ?police Tin- ?aotl? .i bv me of the detectives, whom curtoalt*/ i i.? ? i. ar meed by the air of n a? ?i ?to hang over the prisoner. ?'Inn -h was shown the | i? I II in fhf on of the ?police, and al Brat ,'?l: "Why, ?thai look- Ii].: w !???ii questlonsd more ?about "T? ?au i k," ?he was na ? rive a rery ?good ?aecouni of hint, but sim ?ly sai,i ?he knew bun ?SB S oir.ais band. ''in? f-ol P 'ii? Kelly is of the opinion hat th? not i lunh un. A ?cho? ograj h of Church will b.? foi . rlth a ?description, t-, ?San Joee, ? Ii about 3S yeai s ol : ? Ight, and weighs sboot til He baa s dark Complexion, dark lair, tinged -with ?gray; ?dark mouetache, ill ? nt, straight noee, atber thin fia? -. ?and ?slightl* ?point? ?i chin. I'ln.I ?the ni?!" ? teeth heve ?geld ; on na i.o\i:i> NOT WISJBLY. Kills Ohjiot of II? r AIT<-<-lion ?Trli'-t to Kill llermlf. DUIaUTH, minx.. ?December 2:. Uto. A. !.. ?Borglupd I??-.lay shot iitul kill,-,I ter 11 and th< n ?eut h?sr ?wn tin ' tive in h?r -.M, ease, and will probably lecorer. Mrs. i i- a ?widow, U y ?sers ?et ?age. ?She i? ?,t ;i iiiiiiii?-r ?,f ?board 1 ?them a io area her cou ?in. Though !>?Ut lilb- 11 \. u - lu sas arlldly In ?tore with him. ?Hanson ... 1.1 1 ttention for a time F *. I \I.1TV AT \ Kl ?VEHAL. rail Bearsr Hun Orar and MMni xi 1,10,1 ln?liinl ly. NEQAUinUB, MICH., December M.?AM be funeral ?,r Mrs. William Martin, a ? mi which ?drew a hack carrying mourn* ?rs ?ran away. William Kevern, a pall-bear. i-, who sras wallriag ?b?saide ?lbs bearee, ?rae ?ran ?ever and almost instantly ?killed.? 'lank ?Schroae, s liv?e?ryman, who was ?riving th>- ?bearee, ?a* ?thrown ?from it id injure.!, though ii"t ssrl?oosly. Ilnrla.-r lo Unit nt < ?litio. wasihxi;'i\iX, ?December - ' Orders kbted by ti,?- NaVj Depart? sent t" <'ai'-aui Barker, of tbe < 1 r and conuaanillng oflleer ol (!:? Ittte :i? st of bate, bips snd supply rtn els now at Callao, s ?remain at that port intil January 10th n-xt. it spp? irs thai the reesel never bad .,-,|, rs i?, 1 " d ?tltber to Manila ??r to lonotulu, though it was the ?pan be Xavy ?Department when ?they started rom New fork t?< meke Manila thAr leattaatlon. it -was ?not ?p?setele, ?how? iver, to ur.iir ?them t.? thai ptacs without ?' ing guilty ??f a breech of ?ths spirit ??f m, 1 m ?between th?- I'nite.i States i,| Spain, piovi'lll??*; f,?r the m;?-; if hostilities. Therefore, ?'t was uiui.-r .1 tn?- ?ships w? r.? t,, ip, to Hoao? Ulli. t.nnn Ontpulnta Jti?*k Daly. Hlf V??ltK. I??-? nil?? r la".-.Jo?- Can?, t ?Baltimore, outpointed l.'k Daly, ut Wilmington, ?Del . ?n a ?V-rnand b ?ut at , ?pounilS I? f?>r- tbe I.?' ! I All'l'-'l'? <'i"h o-nlght, and tin? ?referee ?decided la favor th? ?Baldmore man. Th.- referee*! ?de* laloa <li?l ?aal mil* many of tho?? who lai.'he.i ?the ooatast, but th.- ?eonaervatlva ?adgee sgr'ssil that the ealorad b.?y was ntltled to a fav?rat?l<' ?. Ha?.s fore ?i ?Daly to do \h? leading, nd throughout the fUht he C?Unterad u 1. He whs ?always on th<> alert f??r , to kinnk out his opponent, but t?a? opportunity did not pi?'??-nt !t*eli Oan? was a top-heavy favorile in tin butting. Fropoiteil Prrnrh Coup D'*r*t?t. LONDON, Iiecetnber 27.-8l*C'.l ?I ?H? pat. I.? s from Pari* My that. In vt*W ?? thu dally preparations f??r a cup d'etat th?? revolutionary Soelaltsli* hav? otrga* tz?xi u tigtlejMe commutes m anch ?lunrict charged with the obearratloa and detoc tl'ci ?if the anil-republican movement (?jurfer-preparatlons are al-> bahag made. QfRcera <>f lb* hint.' r ranks In tin armj an -s-.lil to have b?-?-n sounded on th? uliject of a coup ??"? tat. hut the r.-sultr , Id t?) have be?n disheartening. I ntq-e Wet hod of *?al<?tile. CHICAGO, D? ?mit-r M.?LouM sil? k, of li?i north Marsfleld avenu.?, ?Im-?- a entono and horrlM* method to and his Ufa t.-?lay. He lifted a lid from the StOV*, an?! held hi.* agakMt the r1??w Ing et ?Is until he was hurneil no seriously that he was rendered unions? loiis. He Was f'iiind a l?-w minut<s later by his Wife, and elt-ht hours later h" died with out r.'t*alnltiir **on*clOusnssa Slick WUI 9 yean "Id, and was formerly a harness in?k? r. / Seer??? Document?? In Tlrevfn? C*MM? PARIS i.mber U Th* Pr-nnler, M Dupuy; M. ?n* Freyeinct, Um Munster >?i War. and the president of thi Court ol Caaaation, M. u??-w, hav.- finally agree?, upon the ?**onditlona under which tb* ** eral document* In Iba Dr*y?fu* oaaa art to be s'il,mitt??l to th-- it,un uf Can i tion. They ai?- to !>? taken there by Cap tain Culgnet every morning, if th? eourl appllea for thom, and they ar* t., b* i?> t m n? .1 th* same night Another lux QBM Field. MAR-ETTA, '.. Dasemblr If.?Th* Granits on Company struck anothei m?.re ih;in twenty-million day tin?.- quarter* of a mil* from Hie i'i?i on th* Al?Iec',_in tract, between Cornwnll'* and Whlshny-Run ti. it--, it dsflnes on? of th I gas fields In the United Btates, and near In* field Buppl) Ing Marietta William M. Jonea \o More. ash lam?. VA., December tL??49pA* rlal.i-AVHIIam to. .Ion?-.- died I' ,.? uiorniti?*. about | o'clock. I etc- I -l |lll I, II- iel't. Mra [rabel Mellon, beat known by her nom* ?i- plume, "Bab*1 and "Both Ash? .," died al bar bom? In Now York ?. .--t. niay. Bh* ami a nativa ol BaRt? mom Th* Plttdbnrg bara-bnll club will not piny Sunday ball next year. I young, of the I ?ragua, has been notified act i.? Include Plttaburg in the Sunday ale. Ailvl? ? I from Polivia say that Hi? of affair? th'-i" is s. lions. fOUOg inen I" longing to th* i" st aoetoty ay* Jolnlag ule, the bunks; hau- lost nearly nil their ?.I'-rks, and civil war la Jii?-vitabl??. Th* i'.?mocratic ?songreeainen from D ireral prominent State and meal i ? mo i ioti-1 W. J. held .? protracted me? tins al Chi? < "** ;,? yesterday, colonel Bryap left laal night for Lincoln, Ni b. The dofeno* In the Botkln ta?g at San Francis.-o h;,-? |? i ti ,-L.s, d. and A ment nil] bac?n to-day. Yeatarday wai o? -upieii in tab- Introduction ol tsstlmooy in rebuttal, and In th* gathering up ol Odd* and finis of I | ;,v. Brigadier-General Banger, with I qu irtera of fiftj m< n, ih,? Second Iir l i i Its), fort) and thirty Bcvso :n s ,. uni the Tarelfth New York Reglm? nt of Volunteer* i.i?"?o mi n, arrived al Charleston, B, ?'.. from eolumbua night ? :? it fl pot and the nx n arho accompany him will embark to-day, on the transport Manitoba, for Matansas, i ui.i. The steamer China, at s.m Franctsoo from th* Orient and Honolulu, bring* ad \ i.. - from th* iait?-r p?a? ? unid i lecember nth to the , tie t thai i Juatlce Ju.l.l h is decided that < ' who secured permita previous t?> annexa* tion may land ?it thai port The qui na* bn ugbt before the Supreme Court <?n a a lit of pua The i?? til were recent!) refuae?! ? m.! Agent Bronra, of tb? Treasury Da? partment. PI WO ll\lt(. \IN>. 'II?!? IVi'ck 111 PiaiKi?. II'-hf Milken? innr nun Wrtma nn4 Tomno? XV,- have six of th to Bell thla w? k. Th?- handsoMest and I?? *t "f th* stock. Aii I term* to -mi buy? if*. Com? t.? te? -, ,?? them, teat ti; in. eompar* l**em and i-i I i. Th?- bai tale we? k \t? won? GEl ?RGB A. MIN' ?R, Ninth and Broad b< llolhliiy RntSS ?la II.. V. A 1*. It. It. Th? Richmond. Frederlckiburg and Po li itlr id ' mi- ay nill - II round trip ticket* betwaea all pointa on its tin* ? ii a- count of Neu ?Tear noli, I on a f.ire ami ow third th,- round trip. Rat? t?, *jpAblngtoa, UM; to A nidria, UM; to Predrrtckaburg, 121? f,?r tb* round trip, Ticket* on ral* i > . ember fifth to January ad, in? I i good to return until January t, UM. Ap|?i> t., ti- hot . I tion; Richmond Tran fer Company, : Mam street, or W, P. TATL-i >R, Traffic Manager. Mr. Sam Ri endorf, the popular proprl* lor of Um H. p. h. Cigar Btore, r?m? mi, r? ? ?I his frit m is i Ibuted among hi* patron* *ome choice Havanna < lirliliii-x, lloliiliiy IImIcm. 1s!>s--?i?>, Via Soullit-rn Itiillttii). On th?- BboV* account t_,- Southern Kail way will Mil tickets between point.? on its Una ami connection* rast ?if the M M| pi and south of the p?ji? mac rln : rate of ot; for the round-trip, Bailing date? Dec? U, 9, 9, 9, and U, UN, January i and 2. MA Tteket* will ai-o b* ?m sal? f.^r students and teacher* of school* and < ?ember Nth to 9th, Incluslvs, al upon praaeatatl n ??f certlA from president* or prlndpnl* of auch in stitutions. Final limit Of ?ill ticket* Janu ary 4, IMt, Sam?- rat*a ami condition* win nppiv vit Tork'BUvar Una Richmond to Balti more .?t rate of $ "?. ;.", round-trip. I'liiiKi-llii.fH for Sale. xv> h iva Bold the ?Pianos and now bava ; bnpt )' ' ?OW pri? Qood f'.i coal boxes, fi ed box.-?, <?r st, boxsa GEORGE A. MINOR, Ninth and IT?.a.1 K Christmas ll.-llilny Rates, ls!m-?j?>, via Atlaullc-I oaat l.lae. On th? ount um Atl t? Cua.t ?in? will Mil tkksta between point* on its Una and eonnectlona eaal of th* Mississippi and Houtti of tb* Po livvra ut rate of one and on?- third tira? ela?a fares for the r?jund trip. -Sllin? datea?Decembar MX 23, _i, _., _ ;, 30. tad 31, lit??, and January 1 and 2, 1*?. Tickets will also to- on iwle for teaeh eru ?rid StudontS of ' "?Ih und col I'ccember loth t., lUSlV?, ut rat^s, upon pi-- of fr ?m prenldents or principal* of such in Mtau*tlona Final limit of ail tickets, Ja?. I r\ l. 18?. _ If the Uni.? la ' u?il?u Teeth be fur?, and u?e that old and weil-irled ramodv Mr?. WlnsloWa Soothing Syrup. f?i children teetlitnx- It sooth?--* 114 child, ?often- tho |uma, _IUv?t ?11 p*in, cures wliid colle, and la the bent remedy for diarrhoea Twe-tv.ftva centa a bottle. FOR FREE PUPEO, Argument of American Newspaper L...J ALSO FOR FREE PULP. Representations Made to the etna? diao Commission. HI i*?jTi;n\%Tiovai? impbr -ctk II..??. It AtiMorbe?! r. .-irtlrnllj* All of the IIIh- nnd I?rofl?al?le Fopemm Mill? In the Co?nt*r*--I-a WM*?* el Stoi.lf. WASHINGTON, D. C, Peossabsff Ft.-? Th.- ?iaerkaa Wawspaaer l'ubiiaher*?* Am notation ated to the AngU* Anieii? in joint ?high r o m rnimai one rt a carefully ?prapared argument in favor o? i alp. the following In ;i Sjrllaans ot tho nr;{uni?*iit: ?tora ?of the American New?**? km >?i.itieti, tmnpnpngA* ?7 dally newspapers <jf 'he Liau?4 . and i?)?!? ?tenting ?the bulk of the total cxmaamptloe ?if prlatlag puper, ara In favor uf ?tree ?paper and it. i inili?. Th* tariff of ?i> per ton on ?printing piper la iir.,hii?ii?iry, ai??i wn believe thai the rat? of 11.?,7 ?per tin for m?- ?-t'-inlrnlly-Kr-Mia?! I . i bal th American - ii,,.1 no protection, beca?'*.? tie?y , .m m.m III lOtarS ?papfV cheaper thArt it is don?- In any other part of tho world, ?and ai.? do** supplying the Australian. Japaaeae, ?dad British m. rkrt* in com? petition with ?Swedish ami Herman iniuiu rersj that no printing paper la brought Into ill" United Itatee, b?it that daring the ?Seel ,? ir ti?.- expert ha? uve ??\> r imp ?toas per week, ami that th* satire i-eveaua received fron' ?the impor tatlOO ??f iii.'cloitiii aily-t*rotm?l vT?>iKl-pulp w.i | ?;?.> $11,?h! I,,.-? y? ur, ?so that Be PWAm log <?t national e??ononiy aauM b? lirgi ! in oi'i'o.-itioa to freo pulp an?! | paper. Th? .\in??ri?an mj.i.ufu?Jtiuer** are pi?i . to th.? aatent of n p?.-r ?tea ?bg a of their proximity to thoir cu*? t? in ra Ths differ-jin:? in the cost of portaUoa ?te markt! is th?-ir ?guai** of ?security against rawads m say forslgn country. They ate ?alee protected llV I I ? I?' .,l.l',' lo onvenient ?stappllee ot ?coal and chemlcala, wblcb un- aot ob t ; 1111.? i ? i ? - in th?- Canadian i??i ckuam/.a'I i??.\ ?OF TEU?VT. in Januai). i ?'.?.', all the big u d pi Ms ?paper-nulls >>f the UaKed ^'.?tes, with s fen anlmporteni exopUons nere ?i Into ths Intei natl? mb? oomblaatlon that xboo b ?l ivsei.i..?four ii?Hb. ?preda a abe il *> i?-1 cen? ? ' the ?un??. Amei lean ???i!|?iit. Th corporation, or trust, waa capitalised UJ.OII I l,.i ?lh > : Vvi ?o? I Ths pr?tez! ?riven for tho >a?rgas*lsntkMl "f tb" in; area the Inability ct mil:?, t* niak, pap?w .a ?preval ling pn. ? *.; that i m. m m the ?taee. Ths ? ? mbiiidtioii ?.?..?s ?reully ??run?! t?> plot.?: th? proprMors vrshoss null* arara i- I??? ?alltiesj or on *tt i?uni ?thai ?running dry. Every ralU-oe/n r vbc . that truel invited a withdraw ii o| amant favor. Rtxeotirt and las? , aid for many milla ti? m wen le? tted on eahaented atetes**? i were tributary t<> ?i?.? netted timber tr?ete, ?tor milla ?thai at tb? year hav? an ?'i*u.tiei?-ns . ??i ai?, ander ?ut? i ; f??r mill? that are inferior .u?l ?A |T~Ihl?SSi in ? ?i'lif Hie; ' , foe mills .! f,?r - ?thai ?I?. n??t own . for tivllla. th., . hav*? neither pulp-grinding at?tacbnsents ?not sulphite ?pulp auxiliar! DIVIDBNDfl ON misers of th.? truat frank!-. | : mltted i it-, ? ..11111101? i i,.? m?., ?, y??t a, dividend of l i>. r cent, on ih. nnmasoai ntoi'k A m >.?? mi" ". p.iptblo I ?. ? . ml?, r ..?.ui.oii ? ii Wall street ?t '?. .v. ? ?furalehod I??. ? :. | ..i: l'a,? r Company, snowed that in July th? trm-c was n Ht ol ii'.? ?per ??m oa it-* a.i" "utp'it, r. presenting 1.140 tons i?? r day tor th?*on ii? il ? .?.parity, could be reproducid by a pr> -? -it lnv<-st-> ? that tit?? American ?r-onsumers ??f aewapi forced t?> pay lUyidend? u?pon an Inflated v?! whotly* fictitious valuation of al ?leaat tOtMAtJ ?. l.\? l;i:.\SK OF ?PBIOM, imim?lia-? ,\ after the orgsgieaUaa of tin? ituU i? rs , i toe o?? paper wherevei ???- Ible, In three ?assea It releed ?rice t!" i" r t ? .ii. aad has -ivrraged, an hi, i? a M Of ?? Ii t??n on Its ,billy out i .i of 1.1*0 to?aa, eiiualllng ?an loci una apea th?.- n???-** papers of the eountry, which t, u , i " ?per ?viiium foe ply. Th.- i nllghtcned ?POlley Ot N? w York ami otbi r Bl tte? In prottMJting furr-iu ahnulU igedgby piitttm' ?'aii.fc.Jian pulp i th B H'"?' Hxt. Every ?toereess ?,f ;t ?junrter of a cunt I m the pri?-?? of newspaper ? of ?the truat The Weather. WA.-HlNilToN, 1?.?. einher 27.-* t f??r Weiln?? 1" \ a i her; cold nav- ; temperature will fail u to night: brick to l?li;h noithwHsturly winds. ?For N.rth ?Cal Fuhr wrather; c<ild wav ire will fall X degrceaj iily arlada, txcomtng northw? *t?*rly. Till", WKATHKR IN lil-llMONDYKS* TKItDAV um? and c?ld. 8tate of thermoiuater: ?! A. M.P I A M...?U U M.? I l' M .?W I 1' M.?W 1-' night .?S aU?au temp?rature .is 1*4