Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DlftPATCI?-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1898. S WELL PEOPLE HA?E HEALTHY KIDNEYS. What a New Discover}' in Medical Science Proves. THE WORK YOUR KIDNEYS HAVE TO DO. The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work in His Laboratory, SWAMP-ROOT Is the Great Remedy for Kidney, Bladder, and trie Acid Troubles - To Prove for Yourself Its Won derful Merits, You May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely FRtE by Mail. You eaa arante health wltbout hnontag it, ai In the kltln.ys. jT., organs of Um arbola ira tin- ki.ii.. I -.,.-* ?/oar blood and k?-?p it v.. kidney , ' 11 Is a i,, i m. h troui.. t dl3 ; in tii?- u sinning i era o? the . enn'l be sick If your Mood Is pure. i and dl TOW ? should keep It to. Thit's v long ?mu their ?loti, s with thoi 1 dlspat? ?,. .i- hidni jn Dr. . \? ? . ::. fU? Kb! from ovr w l'r?,ni ? -.: to ?cold and ol ii ; are '.- n ? strain, w<>ny Wtmm arerenl ? .- or overdrinking. A,i these thin -, your kidneys ?ml poisonous p Into I our blood. It la it jUHt such times thnt Dr. Kll Whoa your kldnaya are nol doing Ihalr hyiiipti.iiis which j'iovo it to . re bachauhe, bendache, ssdlmanl In .-inc. seal-In?,; irritation in passing it, obliged to go often ?'iK tov ?lay and to get up many limes at night, ?li/./.i : Irregular heart, bladder or uric add troubl?e, rheumatlem, neuralgia, t - ; -. Irritability, bsJIow oom? i ?. . psy, tired feel loss of energy and ambitl a. mp-Rool is ;i vegetable remedv, rary el Dr. Klhner (the it idder B| und has truly marvelloui restoraUvi r the kldnsy* n with i-r. Kilmers .*-* > proof of this Is a trinl. nothing could b,- fairer than the offer t?? ople of this ? ,' i tri ,1 absolutely : : h ' |?t the I ??mo; * and a book thai : .- ? this Inti renting ibj? ct (and containing sum?- of tho thonn nial letter, i? - ? troin aufferers cured), write i.ilrner & ton, Btngba-nton, N. T.. ?h i mention that you r,-;,?i Mils liberal offer in the Richmond Daily Dispatch. If you an- already convinced tbat p-Rool is what you need, you san pui-chaae the regular Co cent?- or }i . at the drugstores. AGUINALDO IN BIDING l'IMDU or III?.Ill, I M)|;k II Til of AMAMUATira. TAGALS ON THE RAMPAGE. They Drive * i?n n It i ,1?. to Si-i-k It?-. fime in ?lip Bomas of nn Anicrl ran?I'll?-) I.tint Y ?mi run Slttrr, Ren I'nliliiet \iill-\l-nlii.-ililo. Manila, December H. \ Bteamer w ? h lias arrived her from Hamar re? I that tin- 1 ism -ents 1 \ ? I I ?ii sin cenib, r lltli. IT. : ! t,, !.. ontli of tli?; vicinity li.iv,? s.?ii- lit ?refuge in the . t lio i It a reported I I ?American . i r \\ ? y i Spam.,ni. bOWl ad anoth, r was i>!u< h i by Bcott, who rode lift. ? a i:,,?, i and den roded tbe man1 lease, in t- I an armed mob ol rho b ni i ? en lo I i r of th?- In ' ble to control I m. IYANI N?OT IN.*; : LU effort indu? ti" t?, jm ii? i- - ? - Insurgenti baa 1 . int!u-t, ?i t , htadl, a Plllplno, ram ]?u.-i? inkn ?m anfa nd a bltti r opi - on the qui stli ) Mi anuih pi loon : Aguinaldo i -ith-. o h tii? Cabinet decided ; cede then i it l? rumored thai Aguii an Ina ,wlth i, '., -.. itlon. , |.' !< T. II.Oil.I) M Itltl Mllltl II Bl RIOS. Tlir Siirri-iiili-r. II i? WttU?aewAL HnffO to Ih.' \m.-rl.aiii?. MADRID Hlo?. ? In the VII 1 i | i i-ti -i i of ths i ii- t" "A: !>irk on t Of M 11 , , . . j ? :iri?i the I- ' Mils. arrth the ??r-ii? ? ' Bpnnlsh Intel ..? ai Manila by ?1 this month." Though the diHjiatch is amMgnous, n ts an-. .?i hal I hi Burn nd< Hollo xeee to tin- Americana. MR*. \% i:% iiii;iti*oi?i>*fi >n Hicti.K. II. r I * t.i i. 11 - i.,?t.- n < iiMtinlnu I iiii V.rt I I.-.I Me I- I. Mr?. Wcatherford'H pupHs gave a de lightful niUHicul?? in the rooms of the I inoinl Music Company lam night 1 ?? r? was not an item In the progmnuM that was not charmingly um!. i?-l, and the lurg? audieiii:?? wu? fairly <i.thunlan ti<-. The prosnamme ?urns ua follows: Ixiv ?gktou m fciund iu_rcli, by Miss J??_l? Rogi . v.- me addres-i by -Miss Jxittie McCabe; duet, .Mi?.?* Ida, linker and .Mrs. Weatherford; "Chapel In the liountalna," Annie to, ka Uj?k," Miss le Phillips; "Mil. pherds _*v< nil % Bong," Misa Hasel Herbert- "Niagara March," .Miss Nettle Baal; "Old Oaken trumentai), Miss Annie Schmidt; recitation, Miss Mum Carpen? ter; recitation. Mise Marie Smith; recita tion, Mits Nettle Seal; duet, Miss Marie ?Smith and Mi? Weatberford; "Robins of tho Woodland," Miss j?-.??sie Baunders; I "?">!,) I.lack Jos," Mise Mabel ?Tyler; "Uncle Josh," Miss Beatrice Baunders; -Ball Waltz," Miss Ads Figo; "Bat tle of .Munasas," Misa Mary Lowe; "Re member toe," Mu- Lucy Merldew; "Manhattan Beach March." Miss i ay. In the examination on mUBBCOl primer the following atood | : Mil i Minnie Whitlow, Verra Lawder. .Win Jeaele Baunders, and to MM mi OTT <.i r.*t\ roixn. l.litl?. Wiinii?!<T Tarai Vn n "Sol dier" in N??\v l?irl.. matt Glenn, the little- LaJtlmorf? lad who ran i t ft em home, and about . whose wand? i Inj i o nun h has bt i Baltimore and Richmond i i .'; IS ?Il l l? l.Tl fOlinil. }! I. ?..ui nurae at Camp Wal? I rk ? Ity. The camp is aoon to be broken up, and Emmeti will be j? I an moth? i in ii?. Mon imental City. . enn, a bo hai .1 numbi r ol m this ,if?. we 1 Been here last sum in. i w h? 11 tin- volunteer ti oop t< , 1 here, bul after that/all trace <?f him ??.--t. ii ?a now ?related thai he l?. - came a mascot of 11 ? ? - Eleventh Infantry . and weni : gimont to I Porto Rico H? fell -1 k, however, and ind ?m the hoaplts l-shlp i:> ?n ;. I ? > " hi r< l ( ? .1 .is inn e 10 w alwortb Ni a foi k, I whet a I ' ; .1's 111 -, si n bit Ion, It is d? clan d, i j t, ? Wt Point B1 MiW-M nom. ? r.l,1:11*11 \TTOVB. 11, nag tit 1 m m ii it 11 ?-1 ii.-iiiiUi and Bt, .lolin'it ?.i-i'iiiii 11 lli-lil Lnsl'. I - ohool of Imman ml B ip . h? Id its Christin esle? ?ration : 1 .i most 1 uc . Tul one II .? Thi church ame crowded with the children of the school ami tbsir 1 t ha pulpll h id i" en con .1 temporary stage with drop curtain, and in ti,. choir al ill -? pi ?-i tlly-decorated < Tu; 'it,- and BCeneB pie-tur Uatio m in r thla iii?-> v.. :. clever ?-. an.1 abort 1 ! hi a, in Jack Frost, ?Santa ' ni.1 1'laiis, ?m,i tie ,; *i? Igh and relndi er wen repn nt? rtalnmenl los? d with button of baga ol good th Bcholai s. ?.?? h bag containing 11.1 candy Christi bratton at St John'a 1 ;,-i m.,?i Kvangellc ii church ,?? .i moxl delightful affair. Id wa ? i?'? - nt? 1 with .1 G : i, :,n?l the ? n > ' ' iiiimTit COn 01 ig* and was ?if a ol the ? burch ?n . 1 part In 111 - mualcaj pro ne. BBB1 HI? MON OF Mil HlliK. Muth sin?,. Ili'inocrnti?. r.iiiiniltfee t , ml tier?, Hi?? Miitler. R \i,rn:n. N. C I ? eaaabi r 17. (Bpt elal.) Tho meeting of the Democratic S'at?- Oonaadttee heM her,- to-night ?wag for tho purj???-e of ??inferring regarding ?i comstitutlonal amendment limiting the suffrage. The prevailing opinion was that any restriction <>?* lb< ?Joffrage must ex clude an many negroes as possible, and ie> whites. The conference was to obtain the ?lows of the representatives of the Democratic Committee, and not t.? cut and dry work for the I>-alHlature. Jose j.iius Daniela and Franc-It- D. Wll were the oblef apeaker*. Then? wa? some discussion of the party's g?n?* i'ondl tion, which was found to be excellent. SWANN WKOS AGAIN HF. Am MRS. Hlti.W N ARR MIR RIFT? A SBCOffD TIME. OTHER ITEMS FROM THE SOUTH SIDE I *. r I > j 11. i metal A?-?-l?l?-nl to nn Inniuli? of lh?? I'll.v A IiiisIumisi*? Wnnilrrr? fnr lin* ( H > nn.l llrunulii III!. I. I IH'i.liarl.iii?. .Mr. t'h.irh * W. Sw. up fas bella ?Avara wm ?ond time laei i \> ?alna, al 7 ,,'? raaldsta ? of the brM Hath Mr? et, I? r. The c< rem??ny \\ an ??? i - f,.in;i?.i ?by Ber. J. s. Vfall? ?. i tor ol Hi? Fifth-Btre(?t Matbodlet ehtixeh targe waa a rerj . aoi raers than a half a doa It. Mi?. Swntiti, N'?. 1. was, of < not present, Th> r? Wen ?BO attendants at all and no re*<ption or trip following the niipiidl c-v?nt.. liiini?idlat? ly afrer tin eoreiaoay ?the hri?ini ??.??pi?- ?sat ?4-ewn te a supper, howt'v? r, where an re many of the good I Uli:? , A ?DU IM IT1C CASE. Thai ?.? ol ?the moi t int.". and dramatic i. i? ord of the Virginia courts. The history ol s? marital ?sxperienc ? ? .? ,.f tie Am!,?an Nights. ?' ?than tw my >> n ?Ige the ?'i" in ?married to a briJe wb? ?now tiring in ?Manchester, ami arho Is ?the mothei Ills ehlldn n. ?Sis <?i ?seven yi SppUed for ?livon-f from his I il divorce or separation was grant? i??i. i :ni??r th.- impi? - ion ?that the court decree gar? ?aha freedom to mai afttr waiting ii\>- reare, ?he ?raited ?that um?-, like j i arall Log ?and a n Ing f ?r ?Rachel, ami ?then fo ? ng Mrs. ?Brown to North ?'aiuli',.;. Wilt? \?...]|..l to !.? ;. MI.simmks SWANN N08, l ?AND 2. There eras th> n ?to his rr??iit two -.'? Bwann -or, to ?known commonly, Mrs. s,?.ni;i No, i ?and Mis. Bwann No. 1 Mr, Bwann !? tit s? ? ?ond aif? baeh to v ifter Huir maiTlaga and took I aoar thai ??f ?Mre I f. H *.. iy im. h >;ilet ?i at th :i?.ii of her p? n?-?*, an?, after araltlni ft ?r or mur,?, ?poui i'?i?? h? sympathetic ears of tho ?Qoverni ;he ?State, Mayor ol I i tb? !ommonwaalth'i m Ing b? i-a-! fall, had tb? matter ?brought to i?, attention of tb? ?grand j'iry ?and bad lira Indicted foi ?bigamy. The ?tri : . m iff, Be ?san pl< i I? ?i guilty, i to the penlt? ntlary for thi Everybody f? it ?thai h? ?had vlo aw In the letter and not In ?spirit H? ii i what i ' the law, which b? tad always ret] him n r o do. ? ONV1CTKD ANT PARDONED. II.. was convicted and I y, ?and ?perttoa? d bj -.-, al tb? i . . th? Jury ,,i,virt,??l him, ti"- <'? \ .. . tit in? 0 Of tb? ?ity. His ?marri -,i Mi Brown in lOrtb ? I void A ??m?, building w? rk which all ?l to siand trial, and h id I .in ,1 to spend the ' flay, wii.-ti many people had ?begun to ilnk. ?>n a? ? ??ni t of hi d? i ther or Mis. Er? wii bad i red the ? itt? r ol marrj. d to ro i.iin apart, he ? l rom rk of th" ' ond r Mrs. Bi MARRIED IN WASHINGTON. Mr. T. Pickett B But in w? ' m Waahlngton ?m Mon? ay. Th? lirid.? \v.?s a ft Id? : t Salis nry, N. '., whll? Mr Holt i ol Lancb? ster. A whit? Infant wl I? h i ?vd ? ? en d ?d .m,. , found ?u an old w? tax r? in U snth and ?Perry al I un iy ?afternoon by ?some ?boy? Th? child as ?about sis ?months old, Tbs Coroner, r. Bi odnez, te* ?a |u?est unn? i iy. as th? child natural EXPECTED TO DIE. Waahlngton Barkedale, oe*ored In of the ?City Aln I in a ?crltl* Si condition in the CltJ Hi i-it.? 1, un jiisrious, ?and la aol expected *?? Barka i " tur? sy by ?Superintendent Allan to i_-?> du?., ?wn, ?and there ins ?trouble b? i in. n as originally from IS i is though! th it i.- ?took th? nth.t,i depot, under I wool a to that city, i ? ?mid tat? r lying Ix oblou'e stall?,n. ?some tw?*nfi mil uove Mancl hat v?i?- ?in?i ?gaping cul In the hi ?-J. Prom m written pen ket froi r. Allen, ?th? i ? n .,? d to Identify htm, r, natif, ' Chlef-ol ? **. In the m? an tlm? ndent ?Allen had tbs man ?r**n*/*v**d th ? the hospital, wl it 46 years old ?and .- ... la ST. JOHN'S NIGHT. Rt. Je lebrat? 1 by the bt bj the Mai I : styla Aft? r ? ? u ? utine ?buill : lourn? ?i to ?tb? bi aqiiei ?hall, a ?. : loiue l g that full . me. PER8? ?NAL* AND BRU \?u ?Oallli n lefl for < ty, wb? . Mr. A. J. W lili l? tho week with tbeli friends In ty. \lr. l: C v. Bluff ?re t?? ? '?.?..y th? Christi th l:is friends .-nul i, latlt \lr. Ous Mai '.m ? ??n .? rlsll U-r-, I ?th. i -, rin* Bt i ?i |>-. fi?. i to tin ir ?lady i:. ill tO-nlgbt ??fr. ?E. .i. Powell, <?f Newport News, the rity i day? with 1 ?'ml r? lat ?.ir-?. T. .!. .i? wetl ?and ?son, of < ; ?re*. N. C. have retun I ? Ir home Annuel Sel??* overa,0O0,0OO Coxes FOR BtLI??B ARD NEEV0?8 DI80EDER8 such as Wind and Pain In 1ho Stomach?. Qiddlneae, Fulness af"?r meala, llcai aoba, DU-lnwaa. Drorv*sln?*<?i??. 1",things of lient, l*is* of A pi??:.'.'--, 0 ? liven?-?*?*. Blotehea on the fikin. t>i?I Chills. Dis I Bl? p. Frightful liruacis an?l nil .a and -Semolina; Beneattona, TEE FIRPT T)03E WILL GITE BELIEF IK TWENT7 MINUTE-, J-.vr-r/ sufferer will ackiiKwledgc them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. WlfHil Fll.l_Mnk.--n M fliegt ad, nlllqalcklyrestore ?en??\(*n to ec-m? plete health. Th?;y i?r?irnptly r? obstruotlonsorlrragulsrltlss of the *.**? - Ism and euro Mrk Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beocham's Pills are Without a Rival An<1 h?.?-? th?. LARGEST SALE nf any Patent .****< ?liefne In the World. 25c. ru :.!,' Lbnz Rtor?-??*. (Ja 12-Wtt?ul(Mt aAf r e t o a r m) Mrs. .it arett ama accompanied by i?? t aMt* t? r, Ml m Latham. .Mr. Ii. I, .I ? . who h-is hp'.n ?rlaltlng ??I friends hi re dm Ing the boll? y night for bis home, m \\ ai 1?!?. Mi ' ' ird K?, of thlfl city, and \ lolet Mann, of ' Richmond, ere '? Chrl Unas holldajrs with I Norfolk. d W. and Horace L. Brad ley are at h??ni?- spending the holidays Clopton-Streel Baptist church, of Bwnun boro', will bare it ; ? 'hri tma morrow night An excellent mpelcal pro ma will be rend? red, i?. aides the to all members of the school. The i' ii cons, ' J. M Ol :ry, B. II. Morri? ett, n?,t'i.- i: : Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ball hnv* v from bridal I Aro Enjoying tlie ll?.I??l:i ? i. AI. '?' ? en young lad ?fnl the \ : whose ?nom? are r. mote or Ii i thi It Christmas vacation or with M, mN in the city. 'I hi > In -. All Of the - containing I ' - l h?,m?-. th? y sre having I T ? : itti ntti n ': i.? the i.i of the ' oilege Almo > i. t niijit th were . iX A e "f the The rved, Till* MM(I\ IV rCMI'dR. This Interewtlnn* P_,ea<euaeuon tvii iii'om ?I 1>? ?Irin?- r?-??pl?-. b of I mrrad last nlgl Il a ta plainly vlstble In lt'?h . k fl nd > B it 7:i?, and was witnessed with Intel r,.sr? in was set id lb? . : . m ?. - o* unusual ah ' r e number ol from , . | inh. v la has flvfn rise pular Id? a thai t in- . At ?"nlli?*rlr'il Mull To-Marlit. t | ere jit: for the i>? n. tit bool. A \-'\ In? ? ' ind a pi tor ail n \n?r:r.n*' Moonr IBXTRHOBDt His Tu nl ilt m ?-nt Miiet.-en Yenru* ini|,r isoiiineiit?\ stay Qsnntun? rORR D i 21. xv. A. to.. lloore, robbing M ih.m. a hotel keeper of thin city, by h. ins of tl to to a State -rae I ' ' tmenta occu ?led by the I ?y the husband to pay blackmail. ?.i.I trial, the Jury . . , b Ufe .. Moore, tha ad tha woman la r second trial. In th S i| erne Court to the appll ? mnoal for >. itlon of tha ' ire by Rec ird? r loff until a motten . ting of a c. ii Beate of reason? bl doubt, m order to enable an appeal aki ti. ilium: < minio:-, DROWHBDi lether, in na ?-ttenapl t?i lte?rue 'in?in. Alan Dr..?-, ii?.ii. RTl >A N, N. 1 r 21. - ..i t?.? i be f ' :?i from Aiex l <?f the ,l,ildr?n of playing u\ en tha .. -I. a of ?' I . Lawn r i h, n the lee .-. ke. and tl I pa I in re ? rned, A fourth child, who was on the i m t.. th bouse and notii ? i . : to the i rohe I i, . too, a i drou ted to th the a? the a ?- t and : the children, but aa i/ut on the . the child ?slicpfd Irom big ?grasp and I ?Ti irl< Bag r .. : ?1 . - r .in, who mi? been in Canada, arrived ..... ?m hour nfti r tha I i ?. to take y, ii,- went t?? i and atom red the four ? i sseonl <l?y Itnee?-. NEW ORDEAN8, December U.- Twen ent City J H'eal ,,- k fast. 1 IV* bat Next ,. the ** ' nlng fsvoriti s. ? : 1 >na?*see l to 1) won, Daves Q in i) . ond, i ii t-> 1? third Time, . i-1. ii\" an I a half furlongs ? a ?:t t>, li w? n. ' -. N III (t? to n?l 10 ti Pria ? Harry <? to li iliinl ? i a quarter ... ? i ?oubli i tummy ?." to t) won, Babe ids ?u t.? 1 and l t" H s-vund, Judge ? adman third. Tim? . irli). '?Mirth race handicap, ,?:-.e and one hih m?ri? What N? \t 0 t., i, son, ,'j to i and ."? to 2> seooad, clay ilater ?- to i? third. Time, i W. nThr i one and one-t**xtenth ?m Traveller 01 to D won, Bampden -,, 3 and 4 to 5) uecond, Ludy Disdain to 3) third. Tim.'. 1:1? 1-4. ?TTili.ll? III. U_HUM*TD, VA. 1 ? ?ember 21. -c *-*(.. ,l.)-WUIuin M Janen, -.TH,?,.. f,,r y?-ar? it ii n the Jaaes-Rlver iraprove nt Department, in seriously m at his Idem-o here, ills ooudltlon to-night In II, ,1. IS HE A BRIGAND? Alllt.ri? QRRKK OITI.AW IN Till. TOILS AT M.W YORK. PRICE SAID TO BR SET Ol? HIS HEAD. Ills Exploit?, If He Is Hi?* Man **np DO*?*d. In < nptnrlnu Wcnllhi '1'rnT ellera ?nd Oilier* nml Ilolillnu Them for I! an??,in, NEW TORKi DaeeaJbar W.?Mlefbael ! '< irai?./?,, i <.r?.?k, who Is ilia'c'il with bavin | a ?Oreea. sailor, ?NI X"?ii7??ui.i.'. to his room ea? thare beaten him Into Insensibility and robbei him, iii?"u b'-iii-r srralgaed la ?neatI to-day was i?j.?iit,!i..?i m ?ike Qreeh brtgaad?, .-'oteros ?! Baraatea, fur whom the ?fjreeb ?fJoveta? ?Meal baa I ?fraaea (S, * ">, flea? or all-,?-. .ho Id-ntlflo.itlon ttg? tAUd? by Q ?f?sfimrag of this eity/aad bthera ta rantos, ii was stated, ?has beea in this DOOBtry fur many months, find ha? rniaed by nearly an the ?Qreeka arhe ?have met him as th* ??rigea?! en erhoa ?bead th?- Qreeh Oarer amant ham pta?**sd .i pri??e, hut they bava beep afraid to ?Sie? Ok -ii I , !? nilty to the a'itli?.: II Jorrt prior to ?the ?brsaklng "'it ot the ? ; o-Turblsh war, i bunt ol nu,!, r il??- ; ip of the ?provine? <?r ArtoMa, la ihr- ?southern portion ? ( Qreeoa. The aatlaw? Imprteoa? ? ?1 ?wealthy residents of th?* country nn,i and held them for ransom. Many English Bad other tourists mil g| tho hands of the outlaw-. COH9L?CY WITH AUTHORITIES, The latter ?beeaiae ?sucb a ?terror ?thai th? >9reeb OtMrerneaeat seal s del otdiere te aid the ?poHee of ?tb? ' litj in suppresalng them. TI.itlaws ?and the autborltie? ?eaass into .??niii? t, and a iln of polies and Bve ?old..* killed by tbs outlawa Tbs Or ? h Our tit tb-sn ofTt-nM a ?reward f"r the ,;<i,tnr.- ,,r ?flaiantea deed or aHva. I'jnui'i ? denies emphatically that he i* and ?! ?clares tbal I I i to ??-t ii,i of Urn. The ?prleoaer eras held f'?r trial on th* ,.- ,- nit an?! ?robbdly, and the ter o? th? brigaatlage will I laid 1 fora'ths Qreeh O ?m ST U Mi .. Stunr*,*, nil Ciinii?. ? ?inf?-?lern te \i-:<* ran???r.?r?i,iuil : .,I Oncriil. STAUNTON, VA., ?Di Bpe? ciai.)- ?Stonewall Jaca on Camp of it? \'.-', ran?; had i till.? Si ' mee! ?Oil the coming ye ir w.?re nominal cl Ba?turday night. The old ofl I i ?**enomlnat? - ,- thai I?r. J. \> \?. ton y. -, rice l?r. J. S' p. ?rj ?aWoi ? ? ' '. , | ?:??>r ul?? . . I I ' \t f??r an i Jame ner. and M from M ?of Jaek nt ?to I i, .?", ; .?. n Boyd, i ? i '. of Wteh inton be**e< tba gu.-at of Mr, .? 1 Mr. and Mrs. WM ;.-er urt |n . i Hi bu -u .n),l ?Hon. Holmes Ool? ?ir. ?Colo? : a i ? otl i of ?Mra ': , end Miss Hobeon Is s eoua|o of ths tr Last night, at < ! . th.- Rev. II. F. BI r ion. with the i , - ral ? a < hurch ? i?, Mo. Not ?alone 1 be ?aeeamnnity, i itapartttra, At tii?* Bm . Ight th? sehool ?mads thel I " i t. Mr. 8 i ?.-t. Mi a Amelia Cempl -, w. \'a., is i. p ! -siy ill at t: * i ildei ol ,. r soa-la-law, the Rev. Walter Q. Hulll? i?-n. Dr. Hat??-*. ?,i W? l< \ krglnl ?. ?Jl n eoiiiiiitation ?aver th? ease arltb ampbell's ?leca] ; . xonFOi.K I xx xi. ROTBf, t ri.?* ilrands n?ni the Baa?t?eval?Ma-? mas-hable Escape? NORFOLK, I a., i bei : i| Al vari'io left :he Norfelb navy-j ird at I .. to-night for ?the Porten where ??li?* aril] ; I . . . , . navy, i'he littl?? Vessel Is und?*i f Laien ser from Cuba. i to i ii?,.?d time m? the ?soaat Bou? ?ths Al? ytkto? r ship, the I itory to th?? voj B mdoval ?lKi not !l i?, i away ?UMBorrOW. Th t: i i visited by bnadred ?ring ?their stay at th? Norfolk ? ?, where it was ?hoped th? y would ,,. i.-|.aii?-d. M in>' visitors ? .?n them, Th? iry crui r srrived here * : t.? lay ber ap In ordl? uiry at this yard ?n preference to ?selling ,?r. The ?training ship Essex will leava in a iue her pr rttb m sp| turd. . ivii of ?Industry In fob i bas . treeaendoua shipments of ?joai to ?ad, ?and of the schooners ?now a -with w i for ?the ne aben? ?i Indu itrle? \ si.? it tin ??i the coal ?BOW I?? ?rill i ? :. Igi d * . pi . small saU-boet m ?tb? ?1, hut ?two rho were with him were thought t?, be ?owned. Twentj ?minutes ;?! owever, ?lb? d, .ml they it-re found aliv? In th? ?bold. Thi . wltb dltBculty. Tin: M *??i? t jTy. Very Sinatiliir A?*?-I?l?*nt? V Miir riiiK?*** ]\i i w iKl fA , Peaember 2: ml 1 W. A. Byrd an.l family. ? ty. spent a sad Cbrlstinaa ?Frank !. \ 1,1, a j >ung man ; tl t itni a latently killed at Olen?Jeen, w . va., bi ie uxplo.iiiin of a bomb, whii h !. ther rks ?la a large store h .?'f in celebration m.? hoUdaya 11?? orch, al what h?.- cm ?.n. disten??? fr.'in th? ?bomb, i? 11 , . metal ring was driven with ce. striking him over th? ?,ii th.- above ?result n ttlng ?post ire, and it was som ? lm< I ?re his companion? kn.?w of the terrible icident Th? remains or ?the Ul It? fOOng man w.?ru brought ti ty t'i-'lay for Interment Th? sh?-rirf ?if Hawkins county, Tenn ir,-d Chlef-of-Pollce ?Dyer to-tlay to bold . loon w? if. a 11? ;<r?i who a ire ?Sunday on ?suspicion ??f !? in?; th? Urderer : Mason IatirK?-. a wliit? i,. Tsnnesaee authorities will send f? r m aa ?sooa as requUltloB paptr^ ?taint?). K. ?A Davis, a young hnslnese man of Is city, and Miss ?Ellaabeth T. Thomas re marrlifd to-night at tl,.? the bride's unclis, W. C. Thomas. The Modera Mother s found that her little ones are im ovtd mor?? by the Syrup , t I?, when In ne?d of the laxative < IT.? a gentle remedy, than by any other, dldren enjoy it, and it b.Mient? ?them e true remedy. Syrup of Figs, is man ?ctur?*d by the ?JullfornU Fig Syrup mpany only. V. \**.lllXCTO\ JIEW?I NOTK?. Cn;i'.iin Carter, of I.nwilnnn, Die? o HU liil-irlrx. WAsmxiiTnw d. 0., Dee?eihar 21 fs-vcini.i- ? iptain John Cater, an ?go?; Virginian, who Whi rr.n ?,\,-r l?v a ear? iiiTv.-n I,> ?,n unknown man ?>n Wedi t. died shortly befdti Cap tain i'arter was tik after th* a>eeMlett1 Itnppened, u M Hot known :!i--- hUF?. *' * *' heure Ml - - "" Bmeri Bpltal, ?n,i v.) jur, d man was taken t IttttlOn it w I it? rdtnl ' ?Snd tin- man who hi i tain Cart? ft Injury and subes - *n inouesi will now be hi p nal i o,iv? r can i ? ' m I. '" iptain ' i urg. He " bar of the i ' :-v ot %ir' gtni.i. PBBftONAJ An informal rooapUon In honor of M im Lucille s.iuii.i? rs. of Middlesex. Va held i . i eve dug al I I? *\ iTiir UU Wlnth Btreet, non. There were pn lent " IT ider, i;? rtnide . i- ,r I Vt elsh, U. 1 '' , ,, , A With a ' rdsy, o hie way t em. :" -i holidays. ,_. Dr. and Mm Aahl i tha n. ,;. i-,, nshaw, Jr., W. 1'- ' - ,ond; .i. H. L. Rice, Bsllsbury, K. C.? i v? ' C. H Wure, Bull I . I- ' Luck? " R'* ' ! irg; H. T. \i. tropolttnn. t. Pollack, Dr. W I lit; W. C, Bpllman, Virginia; ti n. X. C li'jini!. .i. Loula y---,"' '-',. T. Chrlal Penn, i- l. Ai ?rife, Bristol, Tenn.: J. Andi snd i , ?7a.? -i. Va.; i V. Lynch, Harria, ?. s-iin ' i ' ?. * *. wife, R An ' mi., r : ? !! la thai ol tl 13 inking i | - ! n. C : " I ' '?> WU 1 . : . tie T. Kelly. ly t?* rohn Th n \ivis, both ol And Tl ?oien .oiidotm county, '. ' \L. if. L, Rollln ted g mirth ' - r J- nklns, ?Bull Una; . x. Ttiia I_ W irtlle. Va. - : Minor, B. : ' * C -, r'l. ter. lurried Hi, ||, :i,| ttmggg, WARRBNTI S. VA . I ' T'l.-h i lived here ii afa a t ripple, and i - !?, >' l?y t.. native ? in the 'in with # w opby. Wna n Courier f?ir ??tn.-irt. BALTIMORE, to :' , .1 . irai j. i;. i 4 h".v \g been [e had 1 , ?p Tut ?m Beer-Dealers. WA8BINQTON, I ?- i -, ,t?ng, r. t an opinion, b tall dea _ f . ' ^. >0':-':t-:-:-;-':-:-^:'.-: : - :?wc??:x*-o-J for you, hut you muitspenk ?quick? ly it; you wish to avail yourself of eom? bargain-? In Mum.* ?CaMneta Several ?ad e irly In November < nly arrived the diiy at hrtetmaa. Just too 1st?*, for we ?v.? ,1 bave ?Sold man-/ m?,re than thU lot In addition to those dls t of ?list -\t<;k. The manu facturer wired us to take them out of tho dejv.t and sell below cost ?rather than throw ?them ?batch on his hands. ?.'all early snd tske your rhoir-e bofi?r* tin v ara sold, for they will not ?dreg at the prices. Walter D, Moses & Co. 1005 Main Stages, Richmond, - - vir;i\:v M ?gents for th? ?telnway, Knai??-. Hardman, Klm.'.-iil. Stan.! aiil and other ? \ tew tpt clal In slightly need and and PUaog of ?Un?' ?SMkSffBb y?&x>s:<<>'>Qim*sy>Ck^^ look and Job Printing n?**atly execu ??(pateta l'rlntliig-llouse. rj_??_ff?B^'&n EVEBYTHINO FOR EVERi AFTER-XMAS THOUGHTS Wo have niioT'i'T ?stir,? store for yon. With lire 1 larges?1 il h ' ment III] i, hero you can re-i,!il\ turn grita. from tin* fut that -, wore so far in advance of .in thin;} BTBt known to Richmoi The largest remain im* a-- . mente ?compi TOYS. BOOKS, CUT-GLASS, ORNAMENTS, I IMPS, SMOKING ARTICL1 S, si I R] ING SILVERS SI I V Ml TAB! i W IR] , ODD CHAI] FANCY I IB! ES FIRS, and little knick-knnr ttfj/o-r. *g9\%0?B NN rr , A/nemi? itop. f--. Ht ri ' >, j Christmas Presents. < I si.nF-*%(,it n ' f ^,,UI ^ In the m pre lenti f< ? ? thing I'.'inl'im??; mtx p: ,, rnxru .... t I FOR CHILDREN ?"ft I u" * ""- "'-? folf. kn!. ?1 ]>af."it i? | M ?ml I'nti'tsl I.??ather i ? | ?Tl ill ff!t. , kl',1 ' 1 ? ? F?R f ?T. [?.?il JFflR pnV^ Patea ar ? run cii.o ,. *-l'| ?I'TV. till?! ' ! fnft i arm the f IUI1 Unillti I w {wmiEKisr ? Slippers, I' f ft ? an m I ?d Strt'ct. S. C.WFISIGfii, St.,mi! I I I I 0 An . money i it ms Ti i ?.?tiltil?, inxl Briefs, - inK uh - is doing M r. very 111. I Blata Renal - Stre?t i Day, and | r It l.-lt ii.t.ti.l ? rs, |,i ,. ?, . N'i:w YORK. : v. J. Mai H. l Sow Air in: \ i ?i?. I ' ; RICHARD i .. . hurch bar 0. ;* * RYAN - . i-'iftii street, Tm i a " SED Y Jrl : . < ' rilllMlAM. I P M . ' ' rRAlNHAM, wt : w of 9 B 1*1 funeral will tal rERNOOH at I . ???t?. OI.O FAl'I.HI KO** SAL* St iac. I'EH IIL'NDRKT at tns dispatch orn<