Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1898._J__ *?--- --'*-?w-s ?1-teiMia ?nit ?g to ffmgl A Happy Thought-A Hat. IWbys. in Black? .-?ml BrOW*OB->F*b?ortt?B, in T.lack?, J.vowiiK, an?l lV;iil?--M?'!.'(*t.i? Block ? 1886 MTiiHt-d- - N.-.v sl?x*k of .nnm.fuohi rer'i li, few, tad M Cl IC' Itlip?M. low choir?* S^l ??/ ?*?/ ?iiOOk about you on tho st i ?*?>t?-you'll ion thousands ?if lu-ads comtimI with hals from this Great Sale. 0. H. Berry & Co., /Men's and Boys' Outfitters. ^t^9CO9 *m9990999099999Bggpupgc?ggx9B9g099B99B9g99999C9 special pmcEsT" Kxptviin- to remove shortly to our NEW BR0AD-9TREET : ;.:, wi htvrt ?l<*t?-nnin?*.l to make mtuctions on all Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, &c0 5E0RGE We ANDERSON & SONS, \ZOA- East Main Street. _?t?s i i?a_,w. ?- ?*_?'- _??'*""""" "_???__??"""_?___________?___?> __.>_??__>a?i?>__>a__?>___| Xmas Presents for Men. GUNS. RIFLES, PISTOLS, Corduroy and Canvas 5hooting Coats, Pants, md ?Letfgins, Sole Leather Gun Cases, Sole Leather \mmunition Cases, Pocket-Knives and Razors, Golf :iubsand Caddy Bags, Cameras and Photographic iuods. BICYCLES. T. W. TIGNOR'S SONS, 1219 east Main, Corner Thirteenth. (?le IK-Mi.WA-?; wmmmmmmm, mm-mnmmr vvE6 N BOYD. Phwici.t. MANN S QUARLES, Vict-P.H'T. JOHN MORTON, Sic?f <1 Triai, Virginia Trust Company, K 9?7. TELEPHONE 184. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. R. L. TRAYLOR, Manaoi?. 12*00 EAST ?MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. -ttus?/ri a General Insurance Agency. Representing the following NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE IMPERIAL OF LONDON. FIF.EMAN'S FUND OF CALIFORNIA. NORWICH UNION OF ENGLAND. N. Y. UNDERWRITERS AGENCY. SUN OFFICE OF LONDON. PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS. CALEDONIAN OF SCOTLAND. NIAGARA FIRE OF NEW YORK. HAMBURG-3REMEN OF GERMANY. HOWARD FIRE OF BALTIMORE. ST. PAUL FIRE A MARINE OF MINNESOTA. " jcsle Assets of Compaaies Represented, over Value ol Bonds Deposited in Virjlni?, out ?j-*>o.o?:)0,o?t)o. S??o.(?(m>. Spio.'al attenton given to Insurance on Dwellings and Household Furniture. Our Dwelling Policy is the shortest and most liijcral ever issued. (01 P-9,BmtAW) PERfECT HEALTH. Shoe** Btoj^tho circulation : and this mak?*-? tl I al?n? the Ufl? 1 .1 I IS that whic! -;> - ; '1 hat i.n-1 ihe quality ai the first ; morid but arar) ?mata ta? i ?.?-> ??!; i ;?*id gain an im ;'on. ? phne*., r?* I air. and return. ?ShO H ' " wed. W. E. DREW & CO., >lain anil ?Blffhtll Sir?*?*!*. ir ll-Sun.UAl l-IMMIII.. The Bavlngs Bank of Richmond, .438. AN:? AKTER JANlART I .. BANK WILL ALLOW INTEREST \T THE RATE * . num. ? -i of Dlre?*t?-,rs. JA1UBS M BALL, viler. RICHMOND TRUST ?wo SAFE DEPOSIT CO., *?->ril.? ? ?-?i Cor. Tenlb and Mala St?, HI(HMOM), VA. Amte t? ALL Trost Cap act ti?**, M i? no a**- -? fc.'-'att-ft, l.ruil? Mou??, I l<?. Ii? puait? lli-iih*.?! ?nil Iii??rr???l Al lo??.? I un Hull? llnliiin-?*?. Pr?sident - - - John ?Skelton William? ?l?IN?*{?AiS?t lit) ?Dd TreaVr, Henry landon Cabell LlH-dOH?. E. li. Addl Wn, U n?i ? i,-jr. J >bn u w??lau.-?, ?AtlitU H l i.u. b. Himher, t>. 11. JlttW?-?, It. A. i.?anca?ter, U L. Cal VitankA Dav*i port, j-.ia.iah E w'lllard, H W. Tiav.i?-. C. Hl?.n?y Sl-jtpard. '? J f>ake. J W Juha J'?hn ti. ElWtt, K T !> My?r?, Wta. M Iiabluton J, Wen Mlddendurf. Wm. V. Cociir, ?a, John W. U.trr? tt, Kmut Thalmann. ti C Oavlriiion, .Totin 8 William?. (au t-F.Bu.fcW> FATALLY SI Mllll l>. i A Member of Com finny C, Fourth Virulilla. \ l ' of Mat niifiy tc tin- N? W Tork ii?ii A- c Laraen, ,,f C, Fourth Vin-inia Volunteers, iras fatall?* s fsllow-soldl'sr in a Qu?*rrsl. ?Un Mary. . w'.'h twenty men Of ?the '?i Virginia, occupl .1 Regla to-night. If, of ?OtMnpany 9, Fint North ?'arollnit VoluntMrs, while dolnc si duty last night, fall ipto V?mto ?Bl?k hl I 1?? -n ffcunipd by m<*Ti of ths Fotarth Vlrgi ti su burh ut Habana? on the tii. bay ?from tl ? was fonnsrly the st-at of the Hahan 1 sl.iv t? I U built and has ext- 1,. ?v,? wart? ? liiirn<-il With >lnnler. ?- n \i:t/?'itksvit.i.i:. Decainbsr 27 - This morning in ?the Ma* 's Co- lor*d) ?iras sent on t?> ih<- grand .1ury "11 the cbargs of lay ? venlng he had, In .-in altercation with s negro named John plea <?n tbe . with p he?-r ?bottle, ?Iron which 1 to suffer hm iittl? In* i man wi - .i? out the ? tiinr? nft?r th<- affair, and . ir? : hone .?.nd went to bed. ?Saturday ?. :-. v d ?i?? i?i. Ta ki own that Tu t? r left this city 1 to ret in ? hi \\??rk at Rich Patch, .-mil t he was arrested sn ?route. Th*? evidence - *-h'\*. . ?I : : Porti r tried ?to ai Did s ulty. An autopsy ?how..,] that Staples'?* death ensued fr??m effusion of blood on th?? brain. The physicians testified tbs Oould n<?r find any hr itaes on tb? ; of the deceased, hut .?.>?.< none th , of opinion that apoplexy ?resulted from a heavy blow on the ) --a*-*? lll-ft til of H I.OVlliaMtOll I U.I). L-OVIN08TON, VA., ?December 27.? M Mary C. Lovlna dli the ?resld? n ? of h??r ?aon Mr. j. o. Lorlng, morning ?it I o'clock. Mrs. Loving wai was 1 ?'? laaber of ths Metno list church, liaabls woman and 1 survived by tw?> children Mr. J. <>. ?Loving and Mrs. w, N. Dawson, of this ' * '. ?.:' s li ?also survived by an?! four 1 ' - M H. '., and 9. T. Jordan, Mr?. ; Mrs ?Harriet! Kyle, Mts. . Kn,ni??tt. all ot tinty. Wl?* It Murder? DAWttLLE, VA . December tl. (8pe U'l'l Brown, a OOlOred farm hand. on tb? ?South? m railway fifty; feel ol tbs depot at Ruffln, n. c. Sunday morning. His b??dy hud been cut almost sxsctlj In naif by the train. man must bav? Imbibed t?.?? freely Christmae-Eve night and noust-ht rack for i he fHiri??,-?* of sl?*ep(ng, while anoth?*r theory, based on ?tbs . .ii:- mom? m it ?was struck i > the train has II that Krown was kiihii a'-k. rklhson, an ?aged dtlsen, ? .1 n?? n Monda? nt hie home on ***?nth Mala street The was in hii* TTtb year, and was a natlvs ?of F * r i. i * - f ?Edward ?county. Hs th credit In tbs ?' ?i-rat, -.m?. Kn|oy?*?l the Hnn?-|ii<-t. The junior ?BSSObefl Of ihr T?*****? Mi > 1. n Association 1. id a mont Ae Itghtful tins?, last mrht in tn.? Blue Boom Ht tbe tt|so?iatl"ii building. It was their tli a banquet, and all boy? not there I a rare treat. Refreshments and music riev? r fall to Inter?*! a hoy. Th.* junior w?rk of the SSSOClstlOn in In ex cellent shape, yet all th.- toys ?are alive and are working- to doubl? the member ship by the last day of January. Orders for printing sent to the Dla r.atch ?.'??mpimy will be given prompt at tention, and the style of work and ?prices will ba sure to please you. STOCK ABE STRONG. PRICKS ARK HIGHER A*D MPJIMM IS WKU DI ?Tit I Dl TED. TORE COKFlDErP THROUCHOOr. ? nii-iii |i, Kill,,,ml ?itioin. Inn? frn??j t to il Points Generally, ?n?I Even Greater in the *?|?eelnl? ll, .??.nil i, and I'n.t lalniia ll<t?,iii. NEW YORK. December 27,-Stocks were stronj*; and higher to-day, with business well distributed. The improvement in railroad quotation? was from 1 to 2 points generally, and even greater In th- Bg - elaltlee. shifting of peenlattve ecoonnti nnd profit-taking were at time? reO| ble for fluctuation? ??ownward, but the tone throughout was confident. Ann,tin the many reasons to account for this WI I favorabl? trafile BlBlesaeilla for thi- third ?eck in December, aapedefly in the apee of st. 1-j.ui, whert h? gi h Inerw -.e was over 9MMM Saturday'? good bank - ment nnd continued BOM in the n market, moreover, and the advance in Americana In I.ondon. had a stimulating affect, although later there wan mode. rate selling from that quarter in advance here. There wa? a continuation Of the tfn.itr-ncy to discount January div 'i:r bur ??-ment?, n larger proportion ?,f wlilch will tirrmln In th.8 country than heretofore, because of the absorption >,f lar-*?* blocks of lnt< form i - owned abroad. Th Orangen were i largely na?l? In than of late, al al vatu-in?- prices, Roch Island i extreme advene? of Paul ?me of v Burlington one ot l'A, and the a s o? a point - 'itiif-rs >o buy. accumulated ovar the ii ?li?!. ... ,ii Atrif-rl stochs. American Bteel and Wire rosa aboul s , talned the greater part of lbs advance Federal Bteel ilto, both immon and pre ferri d, ?. - up aver X point off somewhat. Peoi Gi nd Brooklyn Rapl i Tranall wen ten al rong, the let 1er on Ih? theory thai then- would t? an incement In January of tilt; consoll dation of competing BCOAR LOBER ? Reflnlni -.-.. e_c< ptlon to the i ? ile, becauee of tbe report ol com i, n? ?n the -inect i v the Indepi nd? nl com panies ai',1 a refuel ion in thi j-c the r. ti'ii a the stock lot ?. I pointa al In? ; ? slightly. snd closed llttli ab?"?, tin lowest s? \? ml of th" Bp< '!? i ?Map! strcii| - r preferred and i.? id, '?it -r Btooka wh - advene? tracted att? ntlon w< r Not Western, Ptttsburg I and Bl i.? lie, l hi P crlfl. . Metr ?pol st. ? Railway, an I Ba: Btati Gs -. The closing area strong, Bllghtly under th?- bfst. aggn gating of n ly a million, and i atabl! ilng tha total t,,r th<- >?. ;ir. BONDI TEND UPWARDS. The pond mark, t ward, the enquiry embracing a msrh i \ ariety of li tut i al i t*uitial Imp n.? Tii-?". The total i il< i wi r.- IE '.-. . i B ' ' ' M la tha bid prli . t he total Bales of - looks were share?,, including :.'.'?' Atchlaon; 11 Denver, preferred 11 - m; 10 ' " r and RU ai pref? rred; 10.100 and Nashville; * WO Mel : | R llwsy: J - to m St. Louil. I WO Ml? n Kam and . ? North? 11? Pa Iflc; 17 080 dc. pr? * - Rook Island; IA020 Union BO Bl Paul: il . ' T< rca -.'-,.??.-?. i'n n Pacific, i?r? f. ! |-?-i-. i *".- 50 Ba.} Oai : ?- '.' ' Ped? ral *sti el; 17 20 pn - Gas 6.720 C orado Pu? '. and Iron: 1170 I d? 117Z0 P Mail; 2? ?20 Sugar; |g.900 Unit? d Si (too it . pr?t t? all? ! . Rui !" r. M"M.v AND EXCHANGE. Money on call ate id - laat i ,-. r VA pe? 'nt., pi im?-- mercantil ; i : ;:.' per nt. Bterllng ei - dull and * leler, v.-ith actual business In bi ?i.*:'. snd *' n mmerclal bills, KM. Sllv? , rtlflcat? - .'/?' -.""' to.- i ir silver, .". ' . I Government i- r; Btste bonds Bl i railroad bond gBW VOHK BTOCX RVOTATIONB. Closing. Atchlaon . I i . Baltim . I - . I 11 hern . . - < 'li'-o . i Chicago and Alton . . i-i'? n.i E. Ill. . Chica?,,, to, W. 1' '_ Chi., lad. and J. IS Chi., Ind. : ; i . < ill. and N, xv. nd N. *? ? prefer? d . C C ?'. and st. 1. 4i rred . N .1'4 i i.. and W.M? i . and Rio ti. . -..i Rio O., pr. terri d . i (new) . i.i ' (nee >. isi pn fern d . :;: t Forl Wayne. 171 Sor., preferred . i 9 , ? alley . , i m il . ll : , Lak? Erl? and W. Lski Erie and xv , ; . 7-i? I-ik.- Short . : . ?Hie . m I. tt% M, i st. Railway . IMSk ntral . m al St. 1. 2,\ to im and m. k. I I red. M to Pacific . MM Mobili and Ohio . B Mo. K and T. H% lio., K. and T., pref? rred . N a ?lei eey Cai tral . H t- s fork ?' ntr o . IB* . N t., Chi. and Bt. L. 14" ','. t., ?Tii. ?u"l Bt. 1... lal preferred.. To N -, ? it. an?J St. l-, Id preferred., M \"<?r. West . 18 ?o, Amer. Co. 7 Wo. Pacific . MfjA T.i' iflc, pref? rred . 77-1. In) Hi ? anil W. IS ii?-. 1:. and Nav. ."hi in . Shore Line . 43 Pacific 1 ' ?.. ' - ferred . B Pacifie Coast, Id : I . 9 Plttaburg . 173 heading . ?rn, [leading, 1st preferred . 4S :. c. xv. 26 i; f.. XV., preferred . ?;t I? ? k Island .?.. UM It LouIb and s P. M lt. Louis and S. F., prefern . 6-i?t it. Louie and 8. W_ U preferred . '21 It. Loula and t?. XV. 71-. it, Louis and ?s. xv.. preferred . 11% It Paul . in?-? It. Paul, preferred . It, p, and (?ni. .'?;?, It P, and ( l'-- prefi rred . |fl II 1' . to and -M. 172 Iflc ..<. M louthern Railway . v>\ louthern Railway, preferred . Q rezaa and Pacific . u-i, 'nion Pacific . 4'tS Tii.'ti p. lie, preferred . Tito '. p. D. and Q ?: : 'I paid). |gS Vabeah . . * 1 pn fari ed . B and to. ! :. iini aae'i paid).,.. |% Vin-ci. and L E, pr? ferred. ?jgu EXPH2SS COUPANXIt Ldama Express . Kig Expn h . lit 'nit ?! States. falta i-'i'i eo . m -Il_CKLI.AN'KOL'S. i. C.t. Oil . MM ' ? ' . ; ' 1 ?I . MU Spirit? . lug n Spirits, j'i?. ferred . 37\ .merli-an Tohar'-o . ,;n? ri? .m Tomvecc. prefsrred .i_j on?. (Jas . IMu '?mi. Cable CO . 175 ?I. F. and Iron . *ol. F and Iron, preferred. 77 .1.1.1. Electric. *,- , lew. < Tun'l Co. itematlonal Paper . ?v* it? inatl-inal Paper, preferred . i?:??, ??-led?* (In?. . 61 ead . -ttix, ead, preferred . lUiI at. Un. ?Mil . (Hi aclfic Mail . 4M, ?<?pl?'s tl?S . 111)1, ullman Pal. liver Certificates . 69*?? teodard Ropo and T?rlne . 8? 1 r\ Ligar .lXiK, lugar, preferred .116**i T. C. and Iron . 28 y s. . "t? U. s Leather, preferred . 73-S V. fi. RllbbtT . 44tt. L. H. Rubber, preferred . Ill Western I iihin . P\ Federal f*t..<*? . v.'B Federal Steel, preferred . ?**. ?SON o Li HT. U. 8. new 3's . Ut_\ I.'. 8. n??w 4'h, r?gtstered . US* u, 8. 4'h, coupon .ltt\ V. 8. 41. Ill*, U B. 4>, coupon . 113 4 ?. 8. 28 .' 'i C ?. t's, registered . 112% 0, s. I'i eoopon .i?-r?i LMstrtci I's. ? ? .1)8 Alatiama (Class A) . 108 Alabama (?Mass M) . IM Alabama (Class C) . Ml Alabama (Currency) . MM AtchlM'n 4s . UP ?.??n adj. t s . 79V? c.,n. .-<?. Fa . li'i'a Chesapeak? ind Ohi-j tft's . ? ?ko Term, ft . 9 i?. ?K? and ?>hlo 6*. 118 ' . II ?I? I D . ?a-w'S. hH'H P. and It. O. lsts . Ml D and R <;. i's . a Ke?t Tenu. I's . Gen. 4's . ?. 9, W. aii?l 1*. lst?, t. r. I (Jen. Elec. '.'s . i ?i. 11. and 8. A. ?i's . ?;. H. and A To . H an?l T C. ?s . ; H. and 'I. C. con. i's . i"\\ a ? lat . i?, new ? onsols, I's ... 1. snd Cni. 4'-*. ! * . M. K. M l K. v. N. J North North Nu. Pa ! i ? m \u: VA 111 i *; I??.' ; HO and f. 2-l.s . ?7-4 and T I'i . M Ista . BVA . 1154 Carolina ?Ti . 1-? Caro'lna 4's . 1 . 118 3s . ii\ No. Par. 4's . ; M N v. ?' and ?St L 4'h Nor. an?l W. Ft . No'thwesi ;.s .In I?*''. ..* UVA Northwestern ?le.? 5'? . n .\??.. lata .11. s 0 Hut. I'i . O. P. Une 6's. t. r 0 .8 Lll " It? " in? i's . R BI B Bl a, w. ptt . lyjul.?. and l'un M l in Urn ! . ' ' . la P ' n. " -a P ; . l:i . I . it*. .- it?rn Rallas . Vs . 1" \ Standard R I d Twine ?'.'s . a - ' ?ft . ' :-?. Tex. P ? I. O. 1 It! . R . . y P, D. and ' ; ill Ists . I \* .ID i B i' Ida . 95 I'S . 1! '-j . <* deferred . TM WIs. Centrs lat? . . ?Ohio I's . H. and v?.'. , oni ?is i's . N. and W. preferred . i ni ? i 'a?' -, ? ferra d I's . Central of G ,'a . M : ? ' - ? . C? ntral of Os. 2 la .124 ?ml Danville ron. C's _12*> Col? : - . ?MU I I . Tl'j F.iniM-mn ?TOCK ?RCVAIIOVi R chmond, Va., Dec? ?aber M, MH, '.-i nts snd cha lotis i ornes I 102; Vlrginia->CaroIlns ?, ?!. '. ih u?-- .? t i ? i -. i ? ?hares at ?90VKR n M f.N? ?nOD RITI99. Bid. Asked Btal ; - .113 . l'a.i ? ? . STATE SKCl'RlTICft North ? - in . North Carolins ?Tl. Y,ru .v.u. l'a ini-w) . 88V4 ' ury . I CI 1 V gSCURlTW Richmond city *, > .Kl 'Richmond ? Ity ?'>'.-? .h? ty ;,'s ,?i,.ni1, . y t's .94% l.A.LUuAL? BU.NDH. : - . i ; Atlanta and ? ?1st 1 ?... ' gus r. In, ?.'? . 1 ' C ind A, M rs . . - . . A. f's. Class H. F?. Rich, and M' k. 1.1 ?j's . ti uthern Ri '?'s. ? d?na lai rs. Qeorgia an! Alabama pref. l's i ?ag consols. I . N. ?*v v.. lai Mort ? fon. 4 p. ??... Norfolk Strf-i Rwj lai ?RAILROAU ?STOCKA. l'ar. .l(*i Chesap? ? ?nlo .MO Korth ?Carolina .khi Noi (??IK and y. tern, pn f. .101 a of Va, "A"... AU. ? ??.. Un? Of Va., "il'.. y.. F. and P., com.IM R 9 P. A B.. 9. 9 P. '.'onn't 70 R., r. snd P., dlv. obli.U? y... y. uni P. I pet et. ?guar..M0 R., F. a iar..l 10 ?Southern Railway ?pref n R tllway, com.IM ? ma, l'r? f ... , and ?Fla., ist pr? t. S'ortolk Street Railway Co. 'IAN!-* I i " Kg Cltisem 1.- ?age .25 . a .1 .1?0 ?SsUonal .IM It?P.. .'.'i National i:nnk of Virginia..It? - N tional .n? \>. t. Bav. an l ?Ina. Co.M .Ml :- , i" ? ,. of Vlrgli il.1?*0 ? ? l... ?j I Company ...100 Rich. T . ,; i ? ? ' IN8URA : ? ? "OMP wo:.? ?.nd Marine;., M . l? M.ISCK1.LANKOU8 inter, Ttob Oo. pref. Amer. Toba co Co., com. l.'l ,1M .Ut il" i .110 ,ia H .100 .">' .UlO Va.-i'ar ??nui ?'hern , com..h?' .m .117 ,101% .1 ?i *? nr n? H 1-'. .mm a I?. 1*74 I.V. MO U pu . U t.i M . ? Ml 21 m 40 ? . Ill 37 n IM 113*4 ? 4 l'-: 41 ?H I?" 40 un ?H ' . ?Quotation! ' omis, maturing la aot less than ten years. ?.ltVI\ \M> CIITTON K\CH*a*4GF. mond, Va., ?D*acea*.ber M, MM? \\'h>!?: -Longberry :i< .; mix? 1. U to 71, .. . ?;', to ?.. .; N..,. 2 ?red, 74c. Cora -Whl (new), M ! a . j old), M Ko. - white, Me. : no '? whlti, i7 ?Mo. I mixt'l Hc? No. :i mixed, 3?V-. * ?. 2 ?mixed, Be.; No. I mix? i. "?i to ! v.. it? i a? ?!. N t?, Mc. Rye- R >fl Lll?. HI? IIMOM) T??IIA((<) MWIKKT. Kh hinon.l, Va., :?e?emb?:r M, 1898. Nowhere In ?Richmond was holiday m?,ru lenerally tsk^t, than in th?- toba? *o m..i tet and that region of ths dty ktMwn is Ihockoe Blip. No business at all was Monday, snd the ?txteal of prl? rats ?salea yesterday ?so far as reported, ?,s 'l hoaaheada ??f filler*. Th?? ?- are -, > which depend ??n the bringing of fi ;n th?? ?country to ?lbs ?Ity ?by tbs fanners were not ?area opened -eaterday. TkS country p.ople n?*arly al va> ? take a whole week's i,??.)?*>?iy f??r 'hrl*>tmHs, and so business In the Ion?.. lepartmenl will be eery lixht thi rU] not be much priv.,'. boslnetas lone this w?-?*k Ml RItHMOVD I.IVF.-STOrK 9x_M\\\mY9, l:: hraond, Vs., Deeembtr T!, 19? .-: Cattle, i"t htad; shf -.-p and ?iiiibs. 200 h?"nd; hog?. 1>?0 head. Ciittle, Ml head: sheep and atabe, :'i*? head; hog*. 1 z?t head. I'ri? ? s Catt!?v-B??sf, 4 1-4 to 4 3-t?-. ?gross; l to good, '- 1-4 to 4?-. gross; common . gross.; bulls. 2 1-2 t. > :t I - 4? . TOM; si,,-? |, ?and Umba. 3 to 4 l-lic. gross; loga, ?UM tn P.ML (?EVKKAL ?MIIKI'T*. Ni;\V YORK PRODrCE MARKET. ?NIW TORK, Deceaaber 27.?Hour? iron? and hi*rh?*r, c-ht-cklng buslneas; win , i i?.it??iu?, |3.7i.'iH Rye Flour-?*fitroiiger; good to fair, 1?,{r HiK-kwh.-at F??'ur-Dull at |1.9?>3*i2. Buckwheat- (Julet at 5*l?fl*36c. Cornmeal?Stronger; yellow western, 8l?*j* M. Rye?Flrmir; No. 2, ?vV. Strong; feeding, 44?45c; malt* ig, 53?? - Barley Malt-Quiet; western. ?>M??c. Wh?-at-flTK?t firmer; ?No, 2 rtd. w^c. ?ptions opened flrmer and res?ponded all ay to a broadening speculation an?l hull ?h a?>ntlm nt. The public and foreign ouat's wer? best huyera, with profeMton ls at times unloading;. Through llqulda un the Decumber option loat half Its pre ilum over May and closed unsettled. Xport trade was light, but was offset by 1 ths big and unexpected vlelble auppVy de crees?. Close very strong; March clone?! 77*??e.; May closed 74?ve. ; December close?! 7?**4C Corn?Bjiot strong; No. 2. ?-H'*M>-*4c Options both active and very strong al day, on increasing speculation, higher ca bles, and generally bulhVi sentiment. Close at a ^?JU-jC. net advance; May closed 4t\c. ; D?"-*emb?.r closed 41c. ?Oatt*?Spot stronger; No. 2. M<*. Op tlnnB quiet, but nominally firmer, with corn. Beef?Firm; family. fl-Wll; extra mess, tA^nt?: beef ham?. $1S-..tI:i. ?packet, Vi.WQ $10; city extra India mess, $l.Vfif!8. Cut Meats?Firm; pickled bellies, Si?-?*?.; nlekled shoulders, 4c.; pickled hams, ?? ?7c. Lard?.-Hrong- western ?teamed. I5.-56; December. $5.?Ti", nominally; refined firmer. I'?.rk -Firmer; mesa, *8.5<>ii-$10; short t\?.'*"iil'2.&); family, 11" 2.??tlll. Huit? t-Flrm; w?stern creamery, lf/u? tic; do. fa? tory, )?(y.; Klglns, 20c.; Imitation creamery, 13?2?17c.; Stute dairy, lJ-^lSc. Cheese?Firm; I'irg.* white. State. lO-vfre. Eggs?Firm; State and Pennsylvania, w?stern fresh, 28c.; southern, Z\\v 2U: Potatoes?Steady; Jersey, U-ttoJUM; New York. $1 2M, II.?.'?,: ism* Island, ti.WiQU; sweets, Jersey R.-y?$2.50. Cottoneeed-OU?-i*rtrm: prime crude, in-yr,1-W\; <lo. yellow, ?g^jc. Petroleum?Steady; riifined. New York. 17.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17 .46; do.. In bulk. ii.'Jf: Rosln-cjuiet, stta.ned, rommon to good, 11.40. Turpentine?Firm at 44*4.'/, IZc. Hi? e Wlrtn; domeetlc, ti- r to extra, 44.? 3Vc. ; Japan I?0I ,?t $2.2.>^$l ?per 100. Coffee-Option? ?>poned bar?*lv steady at a 10 points decline, under weal Kuropean and Brazilian cable?, and more liberal re ceipts at Rio and Santo?, contlnue?l easy tmlcr ll'j'iiilation in absence of outside *p<?c!iiatlve support, and more dispoeltlon t.? -e.\ spot supplies, and clos?<l steady i and 15335 r-olnta net lower. Sale?, 23.S00 bags, ln?-Ii!?1ltig toif-r, mht-r B.B; January, MM. Spot Rio weak; No. ",, invoice 99.19; NT,. I. johblnsr. 17.374 Mild market barely Cordova, 17."Tt-'. Siu-ar-Raw ?lull ami Irregul?r-, fair re Bnlng, i",* ; centrifugal. 96 degree?? test. to.,-.; molasses sugar. Ugc.; reflaed easier; 'twould A, VAc; grsnulsted, 5c. ?NEW TORE I?K'i ' ' DB MARKET. NEW FORK. December "~, -Ths mar ket f - drj 'r~'- ' * ' ?pi : itlet 'he h1 II rrpot i islness In pro pre?? In cotton -.'""l ir? I m at., r.u?: tbrougb mpf orders This had no effect in on the gem -h? h e.jn ttn'K.I Strong. P'O ks at- la Buch exc*l i.-iu ??iiape, as B ru . thsi idlen ara undo! no Dressare to look fei orders? :">r I'Tin?. g al '-' < .- ??.M?, have p?T inced to th?. i.H-is of ' ': cents for ISH-Incb ?M ?res. Lighl -a.'hlit ?r 11 - for men's ? r>- in fair r< quest la I rin. BALTIMORE PRODUCE IfARXBT. BALTIMORE, Ml?.. D- einher 21.? r ?llper, Y. 1 >|/$J.T/. Wl .i I hi n.oiith, " '-.'il'' ' -.'' ; January, 7iY-/.7r,..: February, southern Corn- Strong; spot md tt... m t~x,,-.; December, n? w or .1 anuar*-, t2-,n2i,, .. February. I southern whit'- ind yellow ? rn Oats Firm; No. - ?a hi'? . .- . i "firmer; No 2 near by, lee.; No. 2 \?. ? item, ?il Sugar Btroni I. 15.n. Butter B eadj fancy c eamery, ? U-ic; do.,, ;: if . Eggs firm; fresh, Me. pot dozen. ?Cheese- Steady; fancy, New I ?rk. ?30c; large ltf_R4c. Lettuce?Per hushel b??*., *l.25?fii 1 .'". Whlakey?|1.2<V8ei.30 per gallon for fin ir.? .-?i fooda in car-loada; f-.31@fl.33 per -*all?>n for jobbing lots. CHICAGO PR( IDUCI MARKET. CHICAGO, December 17.?Gram and provisions enjoyed boom to-day, and sharp advances were i orad all around. It was more th?- result of the condition of trade thin ,if mw.". outsiders ?-??-lug short in th? market. Wheat advanced 1'V- ami corn about the .?ame. (?ais i \c. to the previous price, i provisions etoeed If to He. high The leading futures ranged aa follows: Opening. Highest, Lowest, ciosing. Wheat -No. 2. ; .f.; 67 fjt May .'V"V..".',h '"\ 94% July .*":' ? >** ? t.1, ? * . , Corn?No. .. i .... 9% rr\ to..y .... ', July .?*n**W% -:" 37'-, Oats -No. 2. May .*.7i/.j\ 2S'? _* ? July --. , .'7 I K U Mesa Pork-Pur Rbl. Jan .ll'iT.21*, M0.? II'-.'2'.. 11 I May .(Mill $10.,i7??, H0.?6 U- B 1. it.1- IT r 1'?? Lbs. Jan .RM II May .MM I" 70 $o.0.'> ehort Elbe ?Pee IM i>bs. Jan .$1.1-0 13.00 |?.">) $"?.")' Hey .$*?.ii> ti, 2> -? M MM Cash qui Ions were as follows: No. 2 .? corn, M%e, Flour firm. No I .- wheat tiVg^wo. ; No. .' ?red, We. . com, ;; .'.' . No. .' oats . . No. : whu No -' ry.. :,i \f.V-,,-, No. : I ?rley. f. 0 b . t"i-i7' No. l Saxseed, 11.10. I'rin.e timoth) seed. (RM Mesa porn, per bar?* r?-l, ? l-nr 1, pt r 100 pounds, l&. <? -Tort-rib sides (,' ?..? ? ?. to $.', '.?-. ? i boxed) i , Short clear sidas (boxoli, J.V1" - Vt itskej finished g ?ods, gallon, $1-2". Silgara-cut loaf, granulated, R.M. nu'i'-i- Bteady; cream, 1-1 ,2'ti-iC. ; liairle?. !.''/?/ 7 , Ch s; -Tv at 8 . ; |C 1:h?*-5 Firm; fresh, %<' thk: ?COTTON HARXBTR LIVBRPOOU December 27.-1 P. M - Cot? ?n?Quiet Tl .I the .??i? were sales, of which IJM were for expo-t. Receipts 9,Off) bales, including Am- l : an Futaies opened and clo?ed QUiet. with i mod?rete demand; American middling, low middling clause; Decem er, i ?r-#4d., ?der.-?, December and Jam - r>, I - tt lera; January and February, ? l-Wd., buverr?; February and Mai h, 'S . 1 v;, ue; March and April, 3 a-6i,i., ?? Her??; April and May, 3 t '??'!3 5-H-i?!., sellers; Msy and June. 3 5-'Hd., buyers; and July, ?? H-i?rf, sellers: July and Ht, 3 M4d., buyers; August anl S? : -, 3 7-?;t.i. buyers; September and ' - il -1 , I 7 Md., bu ers; October and Nov? mb.-r, I 7 i?i . I iiyers. NEW YORK, December 17.?Upon the r'-H'imptlon of business at the Cotton Ex? changi it wa.- discovered that ordert tree Wie local contli a ? ? practic ?i..> In wli bo il In? ght to stimulate them to activity. The : ting, and especially as to th<^ amount of spn cales at Liverpool, The Indiffereni cbara< ter Of the f?ir?*ign market for COttOO ful ire sales acted as ?i damper to sp?culative energy h<-r<\ c?ur market opened oulet and Bteady, with pit - anywhere , 1 ? Int h;?her to 1 point lower. Th less ?har.i t. r of the tiaiilng whu-h marked th- opening call was scarcely Improved on for th" re st of the session. The entire range of the market for the session was only a matter "f I points, a few ventures on the long side of the ac count were made "ii generally firm re ports received from southern spot mar ket-,, In connection with the ? ?ntlnued heavy exports, and also Stimulated by continued favorab.e accounts from dry gooda markets and spinning diatrijts as tu the outlook for the ?Jistributlon of cotton goods, and th?? consumption of raw material In this country. The ra?t that outsiders failed to take any interest In cotton, to speak of, however, led f some liquidation of long mid from an advance of 3 to 4 points on Friday's closing prices, th?? market here eased off under li-juidatioti, and cleaed steady, with prices unchanged to 2 points net higher. Cott'-n-Steady; middling, 6 7-8c. ; net receipts. 1.4.3 bale?, gros?? recel?te, 4,?i2 ' I bal? a; ato ',<. M '7?; hales; '--to Creat Britain, IJM bales; to ths Continent, 10,200 bales; to France. &Vi hales. Totals to-day: Net receipts, 40,915 bales; exports?to Great Britain. 17,106 b to France, 8*30 bales: to the Continent. Z.IU6 bales; stock, 1.239.12? bales. Consolidated-Net re-elpts, 130,671 bale?; export?*?to Great Rntaln, 88.?366 bales: to France. 24,1*74 bales; to the Contlii-iu, 40 7*46 bales. Total* ?I nee September 1st: Net re celpts. 5.r,7??i,i-*- bale?; to Oreat Britain, 2??7?&26 Vales; to France, 46?S,5?B balen; to the Continent. 1.447.282 bales. Futures closed sti ?<:.> ; December, 15.4$; January. 1644: February g5. ?M; Manch, IG.4?; April, MM; ton*, too*, June, |KM; July 16 62: August, 15.66; Senteraber, $5.-0; ?Dctober. $5.?$0; November ?<I0. 8pot closed steady and unchang?*-. Sal.'s ?UK bales; middling uplands. 5V.; do. Oulf. 9\c NEW ORLEAMB, Tecember r.-Cot tori?Future? steady; December n??mlnal; January, t6.?)l*i$5<?: February tLOJBtf,.of, March, |?3 llflt? 12; April, t? lfitr|?.l7; May. |*m#ef>.B. June; July, |5.?tP ?6.M; August, t."? **H?? :;:. NAVAI-STORB MARKETS. CHARLESTON, 8. C. December 27 rurpentlne?Market Orm at 40c. bid; ales. none. Rosin??Quiet and unchanged; sales, none. SAVANNAH, OA., December 27? S:!2 ? Great Reduction! Great Reduction! I Tog, Holiday Goods, Crockery, and Glassware AT 50C. ON THE DOLLAR, to close them out by January 1st. After several days' consideration we have decided to make a groat change in our basement, that will be announced to the public in a few days. This great stock consists of Toys, Crockery, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Br-ac, Lamps. Glassware, Cutlery, aud every thing carried in a first-class Crockery and Housefumish ing store. Great Slaughter I Wraps and Furs. There are as handsome garments in this department as when the season began. Many of Ehe iiuest styles are here yet. We have, flierefore, decided to give our patrous the benefit of an early reduction. It simply means a slaughter of ?seasonable garments of every description. ? TLoee In need of a Jacket, Furs, Capo, or Snit should - ?all at oiht ami secure one of these wonderful values, which we offer at one half their former price. No other firm offen you such values. Each offer a golden oppor tunity. You have but to grasp it. i j THALHIMER BROTHERS' ONE-PRICE HOUSE, Fifth and Broad Streets t BplritS ft Turpentine?Firm at 1-M*<*. ; suies, T?1 casks; receipts, 1,013 iHsk?. Rosin- anno end on?*haaa?*4? salsa. " ?saipts, 3,ou?> ?b?rrala. WILMINGTON. N. C. ! 27. B pirita of Turpentine-Firm at 12..1'l'^c; ! .-li I . 177 casks. Rosin?Nothing doing, receipts, HI ?bar? reta, Ci mi?* Turpentine?Kinn at $1.30, ? .. .1 12.80 r< ? elpl I. 1$ barrels. Tnr Fitm at ii.i >; ?receipts, Ut barrels. PBTKR9BURU TOBACt'?"i MARKET. ?BR8BURG, VA, I?, ?mb-r 27.? (S] ?? ni??? with up ward tendency. Offering-* thi? w??k were small. Quotatlona: Ci mmon to msdlum luga, H.M<ei2.60j food to line lugs?. |3?|8.60; poor ahort leuf, D itf, fair to good short leaf, U9H; ined?urn ti? l?.touill; good i" tine wrapper?, U43I20; ti tO fOOd ahlppina*, |7 ." ?>', ?I'?; gnr>?l to line shipping, Bttftit, DANVILLE tobacco ?MARKST OAXvir.Li-:, va, Dseambar P.?ttipe ?i?! i Quotations: Wrapp? - . t-m ? 10. medium, l'2"Alii<: < ? m n-?>n, $128$.?). Filler?! 5l>: eom* mon, Wats Cutters Fan?-y, $12/'122: smokers Vvn$S.5i); expon*, gll* $20; nonde BCIl] t, iZut*'). UFfOLK PEANUT mai?ket. Suffolk, va., Daeemhw x.-tRpe cl ?1 ,-Har.d-plckea, (ano*/, VAC.', extra. 3-\c. ; Virginia Hhe'led. No 1, ilic, So. 2. 2c : extra larg". ic; Spanish shelled, No. I. 3^.: farmers* ?xond*. VAc.: ?Spanish, ?o ? -, *,.. ner bushel. NORFOLK ?PEANUT MARKET. Norfolk, VA, Dsssibsr V, isp Paanuta??Vannera' mark?.- rirm. Fancy, 24c; ?trtcly prime. 2'?4v-V.; prime, 2 - ? oramon ?grad? '1 ?as demand for all gradea at present U ? ???I PSTSR8B?1U3 PEANUT MARKT. PETERSBURG, V.V. ?Dansmbst 27. ?fSpectal )?Virginia Paanuta-Flraa at I .! Iota; fancy. 2***>.c. PETERSBURG COTTON ?MARKET. PETERSBURG, l?e emb.-r 27.--Special.) Cotton??Stead) at 6%c. for ?food i I PETKRSB1 K?; PEANUT MARKET. PETERSBURG, Decembei 27.-(8pscla1.) Virgin a i eanuts Firm r?>r g?;o.i to fancy. Spanish tlxm at ? ?MsnwamsHBB SAimm. Meeting of the Modern I.bii???iiik<* V ?i.i.-Iiii u.U. CHARLOTTKSVILLK, VA.. December,' 27.-(Special.)?The Moa? rn LaiUMfS A aociation of America m?-t thla evening In j It;-- .slxt?. ruh unnukl session In the audi tt?rium at the UnlveiMty af Virginia. An j address of welcome wan ?lelivered by Dr, ; P. B. Barrlnger, chairman of the faculty, I ?... which u response w?i^ made by Dr. , W M..? a. i i.? ?i? tin ?sddrass wan by ilio president ci the ttsaocUulOD 1 ro? fe-ssor Alcee Portier, of Tulan? Culver- , s'.ty, on the sub).*? i : 'S.i<-| il and Hi.-toH cal E**orcas In rranoh Mterature.'' other' aobjecta discussed were: "Ate Fren 'h I poet? Poetical."' by Dr. P. B. M.iikju, of Harvard University, and "A Neglected Fi?-M in American Philology," by Profe sor Thomas Flu-Hugh, of the University of Texas. At the conclusion of this ?eaalon a re ception was K-ndered tht'.ri'.?ml? r- of th-t association in the library at 10 o'clock. On Thursday the a?sociati?m will re celvs the report of tb?- committee of Twelve, i? i ??'?in? d two years a??, to oon sider the ?poaltli of tl?? niul-rn lan guages (French and Oerman) In s?. ondary itlon, ?and to ? xamlne into and make recommandations upon m.-thod* of ln etruction. the training of teachers, and such other questions connected with the teat hing of mo?lern languages in the ae- ' iry aci.oola and colleges as in the Judgment of the commttt.e may requlro consideration. Profeaaor Calvin Thomas, oi Columbia Uni varsity, is < n.i't ?nui of the committee. The other members of the? commute?? are: E H ??tary. Instructor t <'; i man.v Languages. lumbta University; ?8, I.. Bowen. i*r. f**???-r of Homanlo languages, Ohio State Uni versity; H. C. ?.. Brunit, l*rof?-hsor of German. Hamilton College; W. H. Car- , ruth. Professor of tterman, University of Kansas; H. W, Cutting, Assistant Pro- ; fes*"or of O-nnan, University of Chicago; ' A. y Elliott Profeaaor of Romanic Ian- j guuge*, Johns Hopkins Cnlversity; C. H. ' Orandgent. Professor of Komanlc Lan- I guar?s. Harvard University; C. A. Hench. pr ?feasor of Germante languages. Uni vc-rslty of Michigan; Hugo A. Kennen. Professor of Romanic I^nguagea. Uni versity of Pennsylvania; William B. Snow Teacher of French. Btighsh High School Roaton. Maaa.; B. W. Wells, Profeaaor >?f Modern Lunguagea, University of the Soii'b , Delegates have been coming In all day. and about a hundred aro here already. The representation pram?*?? to be quite larg.-. Among thos? ;r%>- are M. Camille M?ller, a distinguished ?iducator of Paris. France; Profeaaor Alie? Fortltr, preaideut of ti i'i'ii, Tillan? University J - \\. Bright, secretary; Herbert P3. Gn secretary; EX ' Arms:rone, T. H Hak-r, ivllli? Campbell, S. K c.rifiln. XV. A. Ni'/... P. Ogden; R. H. Wilson. Johna Ilopkt'ie University; j L, Ann strong, lihurg, Vs.; E. II. Babbitt. New York: !.. W. Hoi?.en. Randolph ill V ,.. *?*?'. VV, lit Is 1. 1?, Va,, J, 1>. Bruce, Bryn Muwr. Pa.; .** . R. Brad haw, Bethel, K.? : C. F. Heed?! Gettyu. burg, l'a.; R. E_ Bl.ackell. Randolph-Ma.. con; C. B. Baldwin. A. 8. C?-"k. F. If. cha?.? c ?-, ctsgood, Yale University; Mis, Bartolman. Wsear; a. W. Huraett. Haw fork; T. r Campbell; n H. Hud? niill. Blacksburg. Vej XV. S. ?Curr-ll, Washington and i,.?..; s. xv. ciar. Boa Mas? ?lph? T'.lin, Columbia Cnlver H. .1. Darnell, Ualverelty of Te-mie? 0 I-'. Emerson Cleveland, O.; John I .- '.- r, University of Michigan: J. I?. M Ford, H ?'. ?'. Von Jagemali; to. 1 Sheldon, Harvard; Thomu? Fltz-Hugh. I nlv? -. C. H- Grandgi-ni, Boston, Mass : XV R (Hllc-tt. N-w York University; C Hem pi, I'n.verslty of Michi gan; Ml-?s It ? Hendrlkaen. Piiooklyn. N. Y : Thomas Hume, University of North Carolina; J. E. KeniiemHii i ilvereltf <?f Tenn? -?? J I. Hall. William Mai to Harris. Charleston College; M - H??we, Fsxmlngton. l'onn.; T. *? Jenkins Vanderhtlt University; A. F. Knersteiner, Bloomlagton, in il : M. I> I.. 'it?ed. Unlvsrslt) or Pennsylvenia.; E. S i.?wi- Princeton; J. T. I-tti-to-, and II- i? K W to inning, Dela ware College; Samuel Mey. l'niverslty et North Carolina; Brandar Matthews. C?? lumb'a University; l'rofessor an?* Miss Maglll, Bwarthmora College: J. *** Me Oulre, Richmond, v.i ; i. M. Mdlnrde, Hollina Va.; Mr atid Mrs. Mottj New fork; H, R M? Ilwaii H Hdaey; F, M. Padelford Tale; Misa Pinth, BelM more; C I- Raymond, f*rlnceton; W. H. lolph, i: M B.; M w Bampson. uni versity of Indiana; m .r stockard, locust lui,-, Va.; Mrs. Baunders, Lyn-hburg Va : R Bumpter Smith. Bedford? Yjfc! "W. S. Symington Amherst. to iss . XX'. D. Tov. University of N rth Carolina; J. A. Tufts, 1'hlllp- Exeter; W. C. Th.vyer. Le? high T'niv rally; Calvin Thomas; Ran d'?'ph Tomb?, Columbia University; J. C. Walker Oran?*?- Va.; R. II. Willis, ('hat ram II B. White. Cornell University: Prof? or Walker. Blacksburg; Cornelius Weygart, University of PennayTrvanla; F. Bpanhorfd, Concord, N ll.. A. W. Bpan? horf.l, Washington: O W. Miles, St. Al lans: <; I' VI I Cornell. Th!? association meeta every year durtm* the Christmas holidays. Its representa tion is larg?. !v from the Atlantic Coast States, Including the New England, Mld dle, and Southern Btstes. Us flr*?t preal ?l, ut a i James Russell Lowell, who hel?i th?. portion till his death. The present it?-;?hot is Professor Aleee FortUr. of Tu lane University, New Or>ans. i a i i ??mmmmmmm II ?ill INI' l?Ii:il.l?,KM'?. MINIATURE ALMANAC, PE<*. 2* ? ? Bun ri.- s ...T..7 .- IIIC.H TH'K." ~ Bun BStB .4 (i-S Morning.,....6:13 M,??,n rises .5.5> 1-Jvenlng.5:4? i'.T OF RICHMOND, DECTsT?SI. SAI i ?:' 11 Steamer Yemasse, O'Neill, Philadelphia. merchandise at. . rs; Clyde Llr.e. DECEMBER M, lf-M. ARRIVED. steamer R. hmond, Hlller. New York, m ere han Ils? an?! passengers; Old Dominion _t?-amshlp Company. SAILED Steamer Po-anouta*. Graves, .Norton, _K.-reh_i.dse and paist.igers, \ irgmu Navigation Companj Steamer Rtchmr.r.d. HUler. New York, merehandis and o??sengers: Old Dominion Steamship C | DECEMBER 27. 18?. ARRIVE]] Steamer Winv_h, Simmons. Philadel phia, merchandise and passengers; Clyde Line Steamer Pocahontaa, Graves, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers; Virginia Navigation Company. BAILED, Schooner Jame? S I'eacbam Morgan. New Haven, pig-iron; veasel, John A. Curtis A Sons. PORT OF NEWPORT NEWS, DEC. M lily t?u.giaph.) ARRIVED St.amer Mayflovter. New Orleans, . Steamer Jamaba, Port Antonio. Steamer Asophanthus. Hamburg. Steam.-r Betty. New Orleaiia. Steamer I'rasathus Savannah. Nineveh New York. Schoouer Marguen ,e. Pro.T'ence. h \ i i.Ed Steamer Mayflower, Hull. PORT OF WEST PoTnT. VA.. DEC. ?T. (by teUgrapa.) ARRIVED. Mteamahlp Acconiaca in imp ?on. .Nor folk: pas-iongers and _?-n?r?U cargo SAILED. Steamship Accouiaok. Tbompjon No*? folk, passenger a and general carg?.