Newspaper Page Text
? THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1898. feSefift m EXCaLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS indue not ->ul,v t?> t i<> originality ncd sitnphcitv of the. ?'omlnii.tti >n. lutnlso to the care nnd ?ki?! wi? h which it is eaauinlacturnd by adentlnc processes kiK-vrn to the Cam roam A fas BfBgf t . only, and wc wish to impress upon ?II the ii.i|M?r1;i: of ptnvliusinp the ti i' and remedy. As the anainc Sjvrapfif Flgt it BiiiiiifaMiUiisjJ t>y tan GauforsIa fw Strut Co. . a laBr/wlndf*! ol thnl fact will nvi.'t on.- !n ?woidipp tin worthless ii.iita:.!-- s mnnafni turad bvotboi par i Th high ?aasadiaf of tun Cam Foksja tn Si ?.11* CO. with the- niciii cal pr(.fe>-,i..u. and the aatiafnctioa \ . h i'., asnino 8yrapolF|gi has > > to millions of families, makes the nnana of the Company n puarnnty Of the il ils remedy. It is far in advance of nil o'her laxatives, a? it a'-ts on Um I-?Miry?, liver and bow- i-. without irritating or weaken iii)- them, and it iloff not grind nur nauseate. In order I., pet ifs h?SO?lflIll effects, ? uber the name of the Company ? CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. -* . ritiinxii. Oat, aariHTii.i.R.a?. BJsn iokk, >*. r. U? l-iu Th fi 8a ly A wcowtcnr) E Alimentary LIXIR I? M.'i.l? r?. ?n 11 n,l-<1 a? .1 r?mr,!i,f r 111'ii <!.* ie . ?.'..i . j .. lo.vrMiTr tut Ijpuou) I'ttiArUl ?11J all kind? of term Agent?, S. roaaera .% < ?.. \etvTork ^easaaas s\a mumm Positively cured by these Little Pills. They alio relieve I>i?tress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy ? r I>. rlncrs, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels, l'urcly Vegetal ah Small PHI, Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of tlio dar. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist %nd demand Carter's T M ! v. r Pills. ? ? Ma . u * w/ MODIti: SEXT 141 ?.It \ Nil .11 It* loblnmn AIno Arrested for ( ouipll flt> I? .lie Auderaou Kllllna Wfihe Moore, th i bm i ro boy ch u. I vit h kllllni was sent to the ^rand Jury by JsStlOt CrutChfleld : iy. anil John RobtnSOS the ntgN ?t whom Moore waa ahootlng when he killed Anderson, ana it appear! as was atati i itch, that Robloi m ir 1 al M and failed to hit him and thai Mooro then 6icd ??i R< binaon with t),, fal .1 1 to Anderson Robinson's case will be> beatd in the Police Court to-morrow. Post A'a Smoker To-Night. To-ui^ht Pi t "A," Ti., : 0, 0 live A n ol Am? rica, will have ticlr "smoker." The merchants, manu icturers, und ire all expi 1 be I man ihat happi to b In the city. The gramme n . ,,, d tune Some of our prominent manufacturer? and wh merchants hu\ kindly consented ( > suitable and Instructive remarks regard ing the advancement of the buJlni terest? of the city. Su, h a gathering ahouhl be well attended and ai only ten gainute? Is allowed very bedy can give th< post tbeii idea of what 1? heal to be done to make Richmond wh it it ought to It will be understood that this notice I? a cordial invitation to every wholesale bouse, Jobb t. or manufacturer in the city, as' well us their employ ce?, to be I re a!. Property Transfer?. Richmond: Alice T. and John K. Con nelly ! .Mann S Valent 22 11-1- ?c< t on south aid? Mala ?treat, 45 1-4 feet west of Fifteenth, mu? si 1-4 N'aiii street. 22 1-4 ! et west of Fifteen h, ! fJeerg? umnnloa to John Georgien, cer tain p r-'iial piopertv it etore No. 4o3 ea?t Broad street. Including a soda-foun tain, wh 111 Ii subject to a de?d of trust I Mit Laura E D. H irold to J. E. Hut kin?. 11 f?.i on ?en Hide seventeenth street, 22 ti it north of Qrace, P Ifar] F. 1 urdie'? truste? to Harry U II? bier. 1 acre on T^eftwtotrs Nine-Mile ro? ' &ou. J. Wright, surviving partner, arid wife, to J Wright Company, ft) f??t on Twenty grot mreot, southeast corner c?, $5. Mr. H im '? \piM-ni in Supreme Court. Th? Lawyer Oeorg? tl. WIs? from tn< decision of Jud*-e T. Ashby Wickhuni fining him I2u for being tardy Ik ?iwnJing court, ha? gen? to the Pu pieni? Court, and judge K?lth on reatar lay award??! Mi, Wise a writ of error and up-reeenas. Tal? cae? ha? attr . ?tuiiil',1. from the lawyar? ut th? for In the Snpitcme Couit deoiaion will root their rights in court. Ohe?k ro? the Ptrnmen. Mr. 11. I^e I-orraiiK, of Bar tea Hotght?, ha? addtfk.ed th? followise letter to Pal ' chief of iji? r^r? De MUimt-nt' Ploae? hud enolo??d my check for 125 tor tb? r.ilUf Fund for tn? ?xrtjiUi-.t moth of >e-?.f rr,?u wl'h th? ohaarieal ? ?<?? ai tn? r?(fiuet.,. of Cap tai . KM l/?a, at Barte-i. Htstght?. there by ??vIi.m mine Thanking you and Cap lain Si Jf .) .>:,.? a*-' Ui? mon for thdr a 11 Sen A ' pat and whi alo: !{ i 1.1 i. get I Of t We van tn GOl Me Nil OO ercli thn tory turn at ? tar MUST SHOW RESPECT. i Stoff PAfffSJBffBB ?O. HKI'RlMAM). KD DV SlaSSsWffff COMMITTEE. LAID RAILS WITHOUT PERMIT. IVnitlt; fo lie Imposed for Opening Revend? Mrret?Mr. Zimiiiernmn At tends His Last Meeting?Contract for City itln.llnii. The Committee on Streets met In the "Ify Hall toot night. Th-re were but few natters brought up. ?nd these unjfO qulck y dUris"! Of Th. most interesting fea are Of the neOthag grnf a report that the JtlchmOn 1 Railway and Electric Company i id ? i . ' Bi veiith street for the pur Of laying new tracks, without per il A motion was adopted calling ip- n the company to atop work, and In truding the City Engineer to enforce '" ? -nalty. Sub-Phalim in S. I,. Bloomberg called bo committee to order shortly a/ter 6 there being present Messrs. Petl s, pollock. Hurton, Olbson, nd King, Tbi city Engineer made a Which showed tbo Mteet Im : trefnantg ardarad eithe: > > have been 1 or else WOB BSslOl way. He alvo m there wer? balance" on hand lit Of sOve.'k? funds, du? to the :n bagtontng work, the ?nme bo> i by circumstance? beyond the ommlti s*i i ontraL MI' NOT ASK PERMISSION. Mr l'o!, ,?k onUOi attention to the faet ii' (ho Bk nmond Hallway and Electric impany had torn up Bereath street, and as laying giider rails, without notice to n? committee, and without, he supposed, te. On hi? nnithn th? City Engineer was i to notify the company to ca?se ork at once, until permission had been m d from th.- pr i|>< r source and that) . c implj with the provisions of the ordl incea loch also enquired whether there as not some method of punishment for " nina tha trasto without porgslsMon id being ana wared m the affirmative. ? th,i Bngtoaar to se* that the inlsbment was enforced "My Idas." said Mr. P?;i!oek. "is not to th? conpany, but to teach it to i 'ii. al proper renffeanV* Pi is to furatsfa the city with cement ?j?? reserved fron Masara, carnea; & tria. Warner Moors S ?'o., s. ii. Haw.s Co., and a. tV- a. BurgsjaJn. The city was matnectad to tabulate the di ind gnmrd the oontrnot to the low? : bid i Mr. Bit nberg suggested that stepa he ken to i ?aie th- adnptlon in the revl n ?if tha city QCdtaSJMSa, now in ] - es* uf the chapter prepared some timo 0 by a Sub-connlttnc Of th? ?^ommittee. gtreets, assisted by th? city Engtoeer d Clty-Attoi d y. Mr ?.looniherg's suggestion was ap ?oved by the committee, and o ouh mmtttea, consisting of Mesara. Woody, loomberg, ah. n, Burton, Gibson, and Mock, appointed to go over the cbap r and pr?sent it to the full committee. 1R. ZIMMERMANNS FAREWELL rhe Committee on Claim.? and Salaries Il In th.- City Hall last night, with ?Sara, Zimmermann, Wallerstein. Mills. and McCarthy present. Claims ng il'Ci ;s were approved and or red to be paid. At the. close of the Mr. Zimrtitnn"nn announced at it was th. last nMOtlUg bfl would tend, as his resignation goes into ef ct at oin-. Thar? was an exchange of ne- pretty compunentn CONTRACT TOR <itv riniung. Ib-Connltta? on Accounts and Kiting has a wat i??! the Contract for y binding to Mi isrs. Weynouth Mi & Snail ' Iowas! Mddara. There .; tttnti In. the Said for Is corn: rUBB FOB STREET DEPARTMENT. dr. W, T. Woody, on behalf of the mmlttee, yesterday purchased ;.? oi nuit s for the Street De rtrneni from Potor Paul, the price paid inir Mffg rhe following committees will naai ?day: Water (sub-connitte on eiec tiysls), at 6 o'clock; Aecounti and Inttoff, I; Bi hi ola, 7; Water, ?.:?>, b\ .rk.-t, 7:.A'; Health, 7:". t. KISSOLVlNG'g tOX.SEt RATION. i lam? in Wi.i.-ii the People of rgliilM Are Especially Interested. e asjgsfoachtaff consecration of the r. Luden 1? KJnsolvlng, Blshop-olect BraaU, which has boon appointed for nuary 6, 1S?0, in fit. Bartholemcw's Brch, Corner Madison avenue and rty-fourth street. New York city. |g Interest, boeanao of the Virginians a? win take part. h?- rector Of the church Is a native Waal Virginia, the ?i- v. '?.vid H. oar i >. D., who li conesdered one of i ablest enrgynton of New fork. The for ti..? eplsoopnto is also g Virginia, whose fellow-laborers Hrizi! are all of Virginia birth?viz.: i; v Jasaos W. Morris, a grandson (' ex-Governor Pbasants. of th?' well- <_ own Morris family, of Hanover county; .: Rev. William Cubell Brown, of th? abolis and their kin," and the Rev, m ? I. M.? m, s.u. ol Qani al John (5. . m, uf Shanandoah, closely relatad to many of tha pnuninent families il pebburg. Among ihe well-kni wn : I '..minion who will take nan ?* ; the Rig! : Bav. Thomas v. Dudley, D. li. j).. Bishop of Kentucky, who '.' l nol as coneecrator, and the Right ,l v. c< orge w Peterkin, D D u.. i?.. _' ihop of Wool Virginia, who win to ' i of the 11. santera The Right i:? v. Herbert Klnsolving, 1). D., BlShOf l Tonna, wtU to the consecration ' indldate Will be attendeI by th'. v. John ?i Meen of th? Bi astil in , and the IL-v. Arthur 1'.. Km- (' ring, of Christ church. Brooklyn, n. l? both nativas of tkls stai?1. and by Rev. Angus Crawford, the well >wii Pvofossor of BJebrcw of the vir la Theological Seminary, near Alex- '. iria. It Is to be rogr. tted that tbo ' ,ht Rev. Fran.-ls M. \\ tittle. I). D. . v., win not be able to be present, I Bishop-Coadjutor of Virgin,a. Right !. Robert A. Qfaaon, D, I>-, and Bishop ilck. M St Mnrfc'g church, in this r, will attend, ?nd probably Bishop son, of Ceorgla, and Rh-hop Randolph, ihe J noces? of Southern Virginia. This )ng contingent of Virginians will be mented by many Virginia rectors, and umber of students from the Virginia itnary. O nrong the representatives of other st ttona of the oeuntry who win partiel- U] Bishop Potter, of New fork, Bishoy Lawrence of Mnnsaohnsotts, > have been appointed CO OOnnOCratOTS ig with Bishop Dudley. The Right '. William CloaWOH Loan?. 1 >. 1'. L, will present the candidate, to ler with Bishop Peterkin. The bishops ?J he Episcopal dioceses of New Jersey, st.rn New York, Central pennsyl la. and Rhode Island will also be sent v. uiiMill WIM. NOT IffTBBrEBffk. O |K ll.iiiLa the Hi'Iimi.iiii.i.? Hoard JJ uuUI Be Absulute \\ i i li the Hoy?. M ivernor Tyler doaa not propose to ex- H ne his pardoning power in behalf of \\? boy? confined at the IjOitrel Reforma- H . The board In charge of the InstUu are empowered to release any Inmate my tlraa thsy may think th? clfeum ica? warrant auch action, and hence excellency is of th? opinion that b? should leave the ma-ttcr ?ntdtvly in their hand?. In refusing tn In** rf""p '" H rn** ,n which clemency wa* askad a few day? nao the (lovernor OIBStO! Thl? Is an Institution ?aJtabHakad hy benevolent gentiemei . the gbfiesi belag to save boy? of tende- year? fi-om -he dis grace of Jail or penitentiary life. The In stitution wfr? pelt) for by. or through the agency of these gent lernen. The State osn. instead of ?endlna boys to Jail or th? p?nit?>ntlary now, as BS U know, ae?nd them 10 thifl school, paying Ml exl<ense for keep In* Hum cents pet lAF, and allOSMMBJ Of $10 ft'r clothing per > ?-ar. Tlie rule re quires that a boy ?hall n? t he taken for Mian eighteen month* or as Jong as h' may gg nentencod. The board has a r'ghf to reduce the tlm* of the boy's stay In their discretion, and In all cases per? mlttliiK tba bag by gocd betnivlor to mak a monthly reduction in time Warning off the laidRo?' is the Inoeiitive for k ?d behavior, and frequently no, only one, hut BOVSral badges are tsken off each month. 'For the Governor to Interfere In the BaanagerneaW l I this most ei cellent board would he a svrlou? responslWlHy. not only gg assert! rSfiacttag on their discre tion, but prcatly Increasing the dlfflcultv Of maintaining discipline, for at BSSe the boys, feeling tnat tr"- Oovwruor would readily pardon them, a fllsraaard of (ha rules of the boa.wl would bo liable to fol low. "At this Institution ?H aproaran e of prison Is avoided, and th. fm presaed a? far a? imastble with the Idea thai it Is a large f.unily, or school, gad as far as limited m?tms nul parmi*, i, portunlty I? gtVOB th. jn to improve, BOT? ally and Intellectually." Confer? ssiiian Sydney P. BpSf Culled :i|?>n Governor Tvler. !,'/> ha? Ju*t return cd from Kentucky, and i*s much unptt VCd in health. Bon. .1. CL Parker, of S>uthampf.n. end Treasurer If. s Cancan, of Qotetoort, were also visitors nt the ^Mottet. THE <;o\EftM>K IS PEBPLBXBD, Doe? \ot lude-atntiil W!-y Me llnsu't Heard Knrther from Lrnrhlmrg. Governor Tyler has been alXOOOt In con stant expectation dunnf.* the pant thn o weeks of evidence submitted by LgttCh? burg people designed to gstabalBh i for the commutation ce* the d? tw. of John Hancock, who Is to be hanged there Friday. Hancock was to have been hanged De ?ambar 2d for criminal i?s?ault upon two lltti? white girl?. On tfia niuht of De cember 1st Governor Ty'ler reootved I talegrarn from tlve of the la-wt-known citi zen? of Lynohburg asking film to rep Hancock, a.? they had personal knowli of fact? that ?hould In. by the Oovemor before the man w is allowed to hang. Governor Tyler WOa very loth to order a stay of BCntence, but OWlSg to thl high regard which he had for the opin ion of the gentlemen roojucetlag it. be or dered a r?pn?ve until Decemtwr ;50th. He fully expected to hear from tJiam within a tew days. He has not h?f?rd a word. All that he has heard from lijnchburg re Kardu.g tha cane has been Contained 1:1 anonymous and otherwise, pro testing against commutation of Hancock's aantenaa and eritlchune* him for ?ranting a. ranrlova. The Governor dots no?t know what to maki of the telegram fr.-in the gentlemen referred to They have placed him lu an awkward position und subjected him to unjust criticism. Had th?i negro bave been lynched a? the raaull ot thu law's delay the Governor would DSVC hi i ' uned and th? citizens who prayed for the commutation would bUVS been re , ble. Two or thr^e months ac;i> Just such a case occur: id in Fuuciuier county. I OIK HEAVY DAMVt.K MTT?. riiree of Them Are Agpafauri the? Itlcli. nonti Kallwuy noil BlSSlSlS <??. Mr. .1. H. Whitty instituted stiit for ||M damagea in the Law and Bkralty Court yesterday, against the Rlohmood Hallway gad Kltotrie Company. The plaintiff claims that he BUStalned oerloua injuries through being run Into DP u <'lay Btrool car In the nelghborlUK. 1 o? BtOOll \. DOC BOme weeks ggO, Mr. Martin J, Whitty, brother of Mr. J. H. wir ty, wie. arsn Involved In the same accident, though Im.- Buffered slighter Injuries, also entered sjuh against the ame company for $.">.'>oo. Mr w. n Clementa bas Instituted rait igainat the aamc company for IMOO dam? SgaS The bill lile.l BJiOgSS that on No vember 17th, Car tffi Of the said cmi; a.ny. p ran into a vehicle In which the >ln ntifT (j a ated on Franklin tract, betwsso i Btghteenlb and Nineteenth, tbrovrlng him :o the ground and Injuring him severely, c galt a - Inatttuted for x..,. .>i by inania? Paaoot agalnal Harry' Fisher and w Bather Fisher, ins wife, ior alleged ma v Iclou? proaecutlon. In the Chancery Court, J. A. Qudo quail- 'j led a? guardian ol l<n. | C. ami Katie W gaanarsonanldt, infant children of Charlea geaaersebmldt. F Thomaa S. Howies Qualified M admin.? rator of the catate of W T. Bos/Ion. * ' Marriage Ucease? were lnued by th? "?erk .a tha m tri to Mwird :. Kldd and Minnie A. Curtis; William i. Baalep and Mlnnl? Browning. THE WEST CASK Utl.lKI). Indue Ujiddill III? Decl lon?< o m mi ??louera Appoln ted. in.!--.- \s'a,i,ii,i beard argument peeter ay ?n the case of the Qcorga M. West 'ompuiy, whoso cr?dito: s have filed aal ?voluntary petition 'n bankruptcy. The i as.- has excited no little InterOOt, as it ' ill decide the \?xed OJUi B?OI whether or t an aaali nmanl can be a?ada for the eneflt of creditors, under the State law Mr w. w. Henry, of Henry .V- Yy'II ame, appeared for the company, and it. Kmiii'tt s. ?ton, of Daweon <t Beaton, ; jr the creditors. The argument hi i n. grly tan bonis, and al Its eon ion the Judge reserved bla dechdon until i 'i Iday at I c dock. Th< di fan lent 1 pit a to the effect ! tal at the tim?. of th? filing of tb? pi tl an In bankruptcy II v., not In aa laaol . dit ton, to which plea the piala Iffa demurred sa being inaufhciant, and ot m a rdanee with th.; law, which . was g| gui -I t ,-tla> . aMITBD STA 11 I OMOtlgnUOltiUUI APFOJJCTBD, Judge Waddlll hu.s appointed the follow itleaaen oanuntaetonera ior the nited States Coart for the Lastern Dis ict o? Virginia! Captain Hi nry Hud? all, of Richmond] Mr. Frank T. Korbe?, I Prederieksburg, and Mr. Richard Mo? walne, ot Mori ilk. SIPT. KXOWUn TAKEN ILL. Ilia Broken Down ai m Beault of Overwork. Superintendent Knowles, of the City as-\\orks, has broken down under the rain of the last few weeks, consequent >on hi? effortB to Improve the city's gas. id fulfil the duti?? of the foreman of le works as ?roll as hi? own. On Tuesday he was taken suddenly 111 the works, and had to be ?ont home ra cab. Ye?terday he was ?lightly mv ov-d, but very far from well, and It III probably be several day? before he 111 be able to go to the work?. The .New Year's VuuUevlll?. Qua William?, widely known ae "the I ?i man Senator from Harlem." and a ' ?pelar favorite In thl? city, i? a promt- j ??it member of th? Koeter & Bleu com iny. whnh ?ppeai-? at th* of i unte on New-Year*? liay. Other mem- ' >re of th? company who rank aa fun aker? are U?l?la Bonehlll. S<?1\ and i 'eet, Wagner. Bruno Arnim, yberta. Piyme, and Williamson and ng. The sale of ?eat? for the engagement imroence? thl? morning. Dr. nuira tonarh lyrop stop? no?? u.uing atteaeUug a gold. Price only S?c. Cupid Is na sally pictured as a frolick some, playful little fellow, et wa).? smiling of laughing, Dht with juste trece of malice in his majteup. This is the artist'? id-ai. In reality, k?aV Sid in these ays is n mat ter-offact little icbsp. He is beflnaing to lcatn that life is sat all a summer holi day. He it fast learning that sick men and unhealthy wom en have no right to tamper with lore or matrimony. It is brat for thrniselvcs and best for the human race that they should not. It is not a hard matter for men and women to preserve their health if they wish. It is far from impoaaille for them to restore it after it has been lost. That being the case, the modern Cupid is right in looking with disfavor upon tu.-itriuioniii matches between ?Irk mm and unhealthy women, ill health in a woman I? generally the result of some weakurM or disorder Of the distinctly feminine organism that is slowly tapping hrr vitality At first( a little pain and slight ?dispositions which Men to her quitr unimportant 'I BCJ gn>w steadily worse until she auffers all the time from burning and dragging s.nsatiuus, and occasionally bas to take to her bed. Fin ally they completely unfit her for wifehood and motherhood. Dr. I'iercr'a I'avo'ite Piaacriptioil i'- ?n unfailing remedy for ail ments of thi? kind It acts dtrretiy on the dcliiate and important organs concerned in maternity ?nd makes them well and strong It transforms weak sickly, nerv ous invalids into healthy, happy s?, lvrs and mothers Medicine d "alers sell it. No bon est dinggi-t will recommend a substitute. "Since I wrote you we have had n baby girl born to u?," write? \V. K Malcolm, of Knuehe!. Clav Co. Art " My wife to.k Dr. l'iercc's Fa vorite Prrs< riptlnt during the ?sraeCtStat period ?nd until rounnernrnt, and ?he had no trouble to menti.m 4 stouter, healthier child was never horn. Our ehIM trill be one reares* Sgeea the ?th inst . ?nd ?he his not beca ?ick a day. lias not had so much ?s the coli..." AFE UIE PEEDY ?E. LE GLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. nOOHStl. if TMIIMH. TwiDty-five 8 cent Kimpi brinrt tml pick??- and eocVlCCM the moattkei'tical oltheir woadrrfulpr. p ertiit. Addren LsClass Kill i o., I' S Aif^i is, WWfOa.Maaa. NR AllcnneMnn-lisnceeonfirtiilis' and rtHirn*a bf *n?il wi?h tria! ?jf '. ?gr Basa * I in stamps for PMiuphlet sostSUNSg Valuable I tloi in m Ion Vor aal? in nichmond by POLK MIL L.L.H 1J1.I.U ?.Ojil.l.?!, my ll-W.F&Su&t'fu.ThfcSaltaw& Dr. Lyon's PERFECT ?" AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by pooplo of nTint'inent for over a quarter of a ctmtury. <ja ti-Tbui2t-n r) FOR PRESENTS EIH'CATIOXAL. Boys THE BALTIMORE COUNTRY SCHOOL for has room for a very limited r nnbcr of boarders for the cur rent school year. Situated on the Hesse wood r>ta:e. Parfactssni tat ion. Ample playing fields. Classics, Mathematics, English, Modern Languages, Natural Sci ence, History, I Iras ing. Modeling, and Regular Gymnast ic Training. Circular as ipsJieatfoa lePradarickWli r, Head Mj.i-r, ( i.ntrv S. tool for beys, BaWilarra. Mar?, ?.md. Ba,TuatThMH RELIABLE ?ULI1 BPECTACLEi and rE-OIaASSBS, OOLD ROOKS and HAINS. 0PERA-OLA86E8, LORO ETTES, and OPTICAL NOVELTIES. CORRECT SERVICE und LOWEST HAROES O?ARANTEED in all cases. GLASSES BOUGHT K< >H PRE8ENT8 ill be EXCHANGED To SLIT "KARER froe of charge. HE S.GALESKI OPTIC ALCO. HI LAST MAIN STREET. Q? ACTORY, s SOUTH TENTH STREET. I AIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTEND ED TO. 1 (de 8-Th,Su4TutJall) \ UT Pai St. COUCH CURE re? grricklv. That is what it way ida for. Prompt, gafe, sure, quic> lief., quick cure. Pleasant to ttke. lildrea like It and adult? like It. Jthera buy It for their children, 'repared br B. ?. DeWitt ft Co.. ti&sers ol Ttt's Litth. Early Lisura, tiio W fclapUl* (ap ta-Th.BadrTn) B?ware o? luiiuUotai <riK^ lilt Fiel P. mon TAXES. Office Collsctor City Taxes, Room 7 (flrat floor;. City Hall, Richmond. Vs., December 1, ISM. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYBRS. THE RESIDUE OF CITY TAXES FOR 1886 is NOW DL'E AND PAYABLE at this offlct!. EVERY nial* 21 years of age, end EVERY person keeping- house or doing business In the city la saaeased for per taxes, and thoa? who have not paid any eltr taxes during the year will pl-ans call aril ?e'.tle, ao a?? to avoid being posted * dflimi'l?,!t ORADIN?i. PAVING. FIFE, AND SEWER CONNECTION B1L.I.H are alao due and will have to be declared delin aij.'?t If not paid ??'i or I ef<rr Mid of year. FIVE FER CENT. *'?" added to all tax bills, real or BOtaoaal, not half paid on or before June ?Otii. PIVB FEU CENT, ?rill be added to last halt if Boi paid ON OR BEFORE DE CEMBER ' ' t Interoal si *> PER CENT, also attaches t<> all I'll1* ai 1,"on n" reported delinquent. particular attention I? called to tlit above, aa under an ordinance just passed ?v th?' Clti Council, there can be no avotdaaee of ?ho 0 per cent penalty after J>ecember Oat. PRANK W. CUNNINOHAM, de 1-Im Collsctor of City Taxes. WEIR'S "LEMON SELTZER" cures Ri dache, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, N'er rousness, ate. All druggists, 10 and ??c. da 10-SavSun.WATb?gt WHITE SILPIIl'R WATER, FROM THE OLD CREEN'BRIER WHITE. We have this Water now In both quart and pint bottles, fresh from the s'lirlnga. PURCELL, I.ADD St CO., no 2-td W holt sale Druggists. It DEPARTIR? OF STEAMERS. LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPAJNT. O route) I? A. M., connecting at Norfolk with Old Dominion Line steamer sailing same evening at t> o'clock for New York. ALL-WATER ROUTE Steamxhip Richmond leaves Richmond every Monday at 5 F. M. lor N'w lira via James river. , TtoPets on ?si? s* Richmond Transfer Cnmpa.iy'?. ^ SSS? Main -?met; Chasa- j seake and Ohio railway, and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depot?, and at -ompany's otlUe. K12 east Mala street, ilenmond. Baggage checked through. FREIGHT 'or New Ynrk ana nil points fceyond csjo ue shipped by direct steam r sailing from Ikhmond every MONDAY at 5 p. M.J il-., i.y meaner l.-.iving Richmond everv VEDNE8DAY AND SATURDAY at ?l > m for Norfolk, connecting with learner for New York. Manifest closed one hour before sailing 'me. . , . Freight received apd forwarded, and n.-ou-h bills of lading Issued for all lorth?rn eastern, and foreign ports. FROM NEW YORK Passeaaers can leave dally e.\r,?pt Run ,v al *? P? M (Saturday 4 P. |f.) to ?orfolk cr Old Point C??mfort. conne.-t ng with Norfolk and Western railroad r Chesapor,^e <ini' Oblo rallwav. Direct strainer (vlnJii-n.?driver route) ,v.!K every .SATURDAY ii F. M. (pas engers and freight), and freight by teamers via Norfolk every MONDAY nd WEDNESDAY at I P. M. Sailing" from company's pier, No. K ;or'h rtver, f< ol ol Em ich ?trot l Freight rect1'. ed and forwarded daily sceol Bundsy. For further Information apply to jOH*s F. MAYER, Agent 1212 east M,-?ln ?treet Richmond. V*a W T. Oulllaudeu, Vlee-Presldent and raffle Manager. New York. oc 21 IUILADKLPHIa BIOH life MOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Appointed sailing days; Every TFFS AY, FRIDAY, and Hl'NI'AY ?t d?y rht. Freight received dally until 5 P. M. Far? (Including meal? and berth), $c] on ri'lay's and Bunday*i itoanar ' For further Information apply to J W. M'CARRICK. tsneral Southern Agent: Office Rocketta W. P. CLYDE ft CO tie -'2 General Agenta, Philadelphia VIRGINIA KAVIG?TIOF COMPANY. JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Meaner POCAHONTAS toares MON AY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY ar 7 M. for Noi foil i month, I ?Id Po nt, rsrport News, Claremont, and Janes rer landing?, and connecting i lint and Norfolk for Washington, Balti r.. and the North jtate-roon? reeerred for the night at ?lectrlc-cars direct to the wharf Fare I li to Norfolk. Mu and Orchestrion. 'r. Ighl recelrod for ahore>naned places p. ints In Eastern V rginla and >rth Carolina. IR\IN WEI8IOER, General Manager. v. H Drewry, President de M AMERICAN LINE. PAS1 SXPBUEag ?BRI i? !.. NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPT03I (LONDON) Bat?as. Meesaasaayi ?t 10 a. m. rls.J u. * Pnrkl.Ian .>"> I'.i'il....... ..?an. II |3t aal.l'-?, i Lou.a. Jan. 18 ? St. Louis.Fab, S RED STAR LINE. MSB VonK?AN I eTSttP- "a .is. ?? re?r Weone?d?iy ai IS Nooq. ?teruiM.d... .l-.o. i J 18 r .:.'iuu....J?n. 1 ; | Frinsland . ..Jan. -.'5 rbeae ?ssnasan carry onl? second- and third ,? pa it i-?r it intrates DITlRMATlOS'AuSATIJAriOa ISA, Piers 14 ii l 1 >. .Vorta .tirac Otdce, ; i >*ti j< <r??i, i, {. W. U-FALalllit AUJ., li-Tu.Ta*salr uicbiai?l. VINTER CRUISE TO THE oes of the Batils-Helds of the Spanish-American War. THE AMERICAN LINE TWIN SCREW UNITED STATES Mwi S. R. MEW YORK .'. S. Aaslllsry < raiser Harvard), ?LINO PROM NEW YmRK SATCR Y, MARCH 4. UM, for 1?ARANA VT1A?O. BIBONEY. DAIQUIRI QU T AN AMO, HAN JUAN. PONCE THt NDWARD ISLANDS, AND JAMAIC?f RATION. ?1 DAYl-J. ? a. ra of PaaasK? a?ixi fta,j Upnri]|| rriiiitlunal Navigation Company rs 14 and 15 N. BL Offlce. 6 Bowling tir. en. N. Y. W. B. PALMER A CO . Richmond. (de 3-?a,TuAThJ7t> 11 7 I? RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER resal? llleodiiiid (hroalcDiseases. n4 for free hlat. r - of ram.'.lr *nd t??tl i.'al* to 1bC haUani Mlc-t.b? Katar ('?,, 1'rinca ?truat, Now Vor* l a;. E. LON?, M 14 n. ?th street Rlch d. <OC 18 a v W> 1 bin nr. Eh I.I O RAILROAD .ISfiS. D ? ft p Ricuiofld, Pnle lie, f. iX f,ricfa^| Potomac ea?dal? la Effect ?Voveavuer 30, 1808. IsHfiVH illHU-vniLM ?TATIO.N. 0:03 a. ?f., Ually, ror Washington and pcliiia ?North. Stop? only at Miiiord and Fredericks?,urg. Pullman Sleepers to ?New 8*0 A. M.. Sunday only, for Washing ton and points ?North, Stops at Elba. Ulon Alien. Aaii laud. lay iorsvllle. Dos we.i, R?ther Glen Pen?la. Mil ford, Wuousl.iiie. Guinea, S ii ni m 1 t , Prcdcrlcksbuig, Brooke, and WldeWStef. a mm ? .. Pu?man car. ?:45 A. M., Daily, ex.. pt Sunday, for Washington and pofnte North. Stops at Klba, A n land, Taylorpvllle. Doewell, R?ther Cl, n. Pen?la.' Mil ford, Woodriaa?, Guinea. Summit, Frederlcksburg. Brooke and Widewater. V* ?? .. Pullman car. 13.00 M.. Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and points North. Stops at Klba, Olea Allen. Ashland, Doawell, M i i f o id , Frederlcksburg, Bro? ke, a n a Wfdewett r. I'arlor car. Also, connect? with CcjQsxgselonal Limited <r a^t, .. at Washington. 7:40 P. M., Daily, for Washington and points North. Btopa at Klba. Ashland. Doswell, ?Ml I ford, Freiierb ksburg. Brooke, and Widewater, and other sta tions Sundays, Sleeper Rich m.jid t., New Vor*. ARRIVE HYftD-STRKET STATION. S:4o a. Ai., Daily. Bi ip? at Widewater, Brooke, Frederlcksburg, M? ford, Doswell, Ashland, and Elba, and Other station? Sunday?. Sleeper New I rk to Richmond 3:30 P. If., Dally, except Sunday, Stop? at Widewater, Brook , Frederlcksburg, Summit, Guinea, Woo Islane. Mllford, Pen?la, Huther Glen, Dos well, Ashland, Glen Allen. and Bjlba, I'arlor car from m .? ., ., Washington. 7:10 P. M., Daily. Stops only at Frede rlcksburg. Doswell, Ash land, and Elba. Pullman car? from New \,.rk. 8:40 P. M.. Daily. Stops at Widewater. Brooke, Fiedcricksburg, Summit, Gfulnea, Woodslane, Mllford. Penoln. R?ther Glen, Doswell. Tayloreville. Ashland, Glen Allen, B I Fin?. Bleeping aw. I HI licit ii K? 11?, ACCOMMODA Tlfill. (Dally oxcept Sunday.) 4:00 P. H., Denies Byrd-Street Static. 8:30 A. If., Aflvc Pvrd trroet Staf.-ri. ASHLA.MJ TRAINS. (Daily except Sunday.) ?:42 A. M , Leave? I.Tba. StfiO p. H., Leaves Elba. 0:4? A. M., Arrives Elba. 0:00 P. M . Arrive? Elba. W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager. E. T. D. Myers, President. no 20 A? G L atlantic-coast , Ll.Nc? schedule lu l-.ffeet December It?, 1*08. i RAJAS LEAVE llltH.UUAD-L.MOX DEPuT. 9:00 A. M., Deny. Arrives Pettrsburg ?>:?l A. II-, ?Nciiiolk 11 .J? A. M. Slops onhr at Petersburg, _. - Vv aveiiy, and Suffolk, \ a. 0.03 A. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg t? 00 A. ?M., Weidoii 11:4a A. Ai.. Fayettevtlle till p. M., Charleston 10 JO P. M., Savannah CO) A. il., Jack BonvlUe IM A. M., Poit Tampa IJO P. M. Cmnccts at Wilson with No. 41, ar ising Ooldsboro' 3:10 P. M., Wilmington 1:46 P. M. Pull man Bieepei New York to Jacksonville, 11:30 A? M., Daily, except ?u' Ar rive? Petersburg 12.o?, i* M. gtops Me ochester,,J>p?wry'a bluff, Contralla, and Cheater on signal. 3:33 P. M., Daily. lx>?-a?. AnT.e? P? tersb'r.rg 4:11 P. Ii Makes all ?lou?. BUM) P. M., Dally. Arriva Petersburg IJe K M. Ma am all 1 ?tops Richmond and Peters butg railr? ad. T;30 P. M-, Dally. Arrive? Petersburg >>:<j4 P. M cuuif.t? with Norfolk and Wi ?tern for Norfolk ami in. ti'tuediate points; Emporio t uo (con with A. ant D. for stations between \Cmporla and laiwrence\tlle). Weldon I'M P. M. Fayettevtle 107 A.M., Charleston 6.1'.' AM.. Savannah 8:w8 A M , Jack ?onvlll? 1 P. M., I'ort Vampa ??:4? P. M. NEW LINE TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINT8.-A Ylv ing Alken 7:8 A. M., Aug St I h.lo A. M , Macon 11 A. M . Atlanta liai P.M. Pullnen S tepeTs New York to Wil mington, Jacksonville, Port Tampa, Alken, Augusta, and Macon. 0 00 P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg |J| P. M.. Weldon 11:20 P. M Make? local stop? be tween Petersburg ana Wel don. u 45 P M . Dally. Arrive? Petersburg '1.30 A. M., Lynchburg 3:27 A M . Roanoke 5;2f> A. M., Rrlstol 11 10 A. It Pullman 81eep?r Richmond to Lyneh burg TRAILS ASRIVE RICHMOXD. 3.X-3 A. il., Ds?y. Bom jac??onville. Savannah, i6n, At lanta, .ttdiou. Augusta, and all points South. S:15 A. ht, Dally, except Sunday, At lanta, Athens, Raleigh, Hen derson, Lynuhburg, and the West. i 37 A. M-, Daily. Petersburg Id I ?. oo A. M., Bunday only, from Atlanta, Athens, Raleigh, Hend? L) ?K iii i? Wast 1:05 A.M.. Daily, Norfolk, Buffolh Petersburg. l-gfi P. M., Dally, ?xcepl Bunday, fern Petei iburg. Btoj ?lb? r, Centralla, Drewry'a Hluff, . Mam hei rnai rxo P. M , D illy, Jai Sevan nah, ' !haric8t? !.. w Umlag ton. Qold?boro', and all I |i is Suuth. 1:35 P. M-, Daily. Norfolk Suffolk. irg. 1:5? P. M-, Dally, Petersburg, Lyneh burg, ami H. KF.NLY. T M EMERSON, General Manager. Traffic Mai .*<r. II M EMERSON, I Passen?, r .\K??nt. C. B. CAMPBELL, jo H Division Passei.gei Agent. l^WHorfi^Wssierr 1,,,," Srrsfldk?;? Ffftrt December IS, 1808. fc.AVE BICHHOIIO, imtD-STREET SlAllOA. I.UO A. 11., i:iui.,|...o) A.ND N"K i'uLK VESTIBULJfi LIMIT ED An.ves Noifolk A:li A. M. Stups oioj at fell in burg, WOVOrly, and Suffolk. Becond-claaa ticket? not ac pt? ?I on this train. :03 A. M., TIIK CHICAGO EXPRESS. for Lynehburg. Roanoke. Co lumbus, and Chicago. Huii man Sleeper Roanoke to Co lumbus, also, for Prlstol, Knoxvllie. ?.:; i c?"hattanooga. :30 P. M., For Buffoik, ?Norfolk, and In termediate station?, arrive? at .Norfolk at l<i:40 P M. ?4? P. M., |"0r Lynehburg and Roa noke. Connect? at Roanok* with Washington and Chat tanooga Limited. Pullman Sleepers Romoa* to Aleni phis and New Orleans. Pull man Sleepar between Rich mond an I Lynehburg. and berths ready for occupancy at 1:0' p M AI?o. pu||. m in Sleeper Petersburg and Roanoke 'rains arrlv.! Ki-Amord from Lynch rg and the Weet dally at 8:15 A. M a 8 56 P. M ; from Norfolk xn? ttl? ?t at 11K? A M . and \rE8TinULED M1TED ?t * M> P M fflce: 83S Main atreet. R. W. CCl'RTNET. DUw,cn^Tvfidr.A,tnt General Passenger Arent. ener-il Ofrlr?; Roonok?. V?. cell 1 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' HAlKGkOWKK AND hCAI.l' tlULAMBR r? the only pr?par?t loo? that will restore ?e hair to It? onaltmi beaiUiT ovaduiou. TALL DKUCIUlMrs'. vm?7-UI;) '" RAILROAD UNK?. RAILWAY. s?-n o? o?.- EsTooMro n.. ? ...i.. r 4, lassa TRAISI LEAVE un 11 mono t v ' IS.'ISA. M., No. ii. Southern Kxpi ? dally for Atlanta, A .g ?uta, .... , point* South, f . . ; . rUIe, t;:.?er.abyro', Sail? lumbta, and AU| gle-per op? 1 *t ?:8u P. M ail stations h. tw?< n Hl hm ... Danvlll?; to taka on an i pasaangers. aects at Danville, fu and ?harlotti with th?- Wash . : Southwestern Limited s tarrying sleeper? N. w \ . * Asherille, 11 nooga, and Ni to .N>w y.irk to 1 fork to Tamp? Brst-class <i. v\ asblngton an.; Mi ?opt... dons .n T<'x?b an?! i '.-il,f..11 : Bleei for occui M 12.01 F. AI.. No 1 Charlotte, N lej wits rarnville a:..? ? .. railroad. At K ?- ? v 1,1.- (..: I ville, Oxford, Henderlos bj han, snd at Oreei - ham Raleigh at Danville nits N State* fast mail, solid " for New Orleans and V whl to .\. w ? ?rleans, and Ne? ksoavllle. Thrown - let s eper every Waahingi..ii to wltho S.-SS p m . Ni . i. local, da Sur i-? pointa TRUSS ARRAYE KKHllllMi, ? 'On A M . S:SS P .1 ? From Atlanta a aahevUic. 8*0 A M from K' - |< s'8!. MM ai, PRJUCUI i afRAJSS, Nos. 61 an : i . N espolia. VIA V. i YORK-RIVER LIA HUJ PAYOHITH hoi u non i it. LI M lili HMOXD. 4ao V' M x" I,;' Baltln : dall ; Bv Point and vii.t. rmi d ... ninklni; Point ..;i Mondays and Friday? with st. ?ni i . timor?; .m-., ?A.", Manor f? r Walken hannock on i ui a.'i'i Batnrdaya 2 .to )'. .M., No. days. V, : for Weit Pol stations ? ! tel Man.-r f..r U all paahannock; , .. writ! ?:0O a. M . No, ) St! Interne it.?'" - uith stag? Walk. ' TRAINS IRRITE IT RICHMOND. !? IT A. A! , . :>'. I?>. I'? I . V. . : ! i only. ? -i.*? i' M., dally axeepi West Point and Int. tions. Steamers leave West I Hondays, \\ Saltlnore at ? 1' M. . lays, and S 11 Ticket ?'t!-.. lion, foot oi dan Mr? ? i. ? ?pi ! fn ... B A. d . and fron : 80 P M 19 I icket ofl r. M. CI W. A Ti Traffic Manager . s GANNI >N. Th rd Vlce-1 d Manag? \\ ' i J. W. VVESTBURY 920 ea?t Main ?ti _?. ' CHESAPEAKE AM> 0HI0K.aiI.irAY. Effective. DaaanhSf BI, Is!". RAINS LEAVE ."H IIMOM??IIKOill STHEET *l V I l"N 9 00 A. M., DaU ''ar;,r ' princi!. ?I News. Old P onJ Portsn at Norfolk ? steameia excel 3-15 P. M,, Tally. With local * * Nava, OM P Int, N and Portsmouth, at OM Polm with ton st? ... with RiUlmore ?teamer* ,, ! i ?day. F20 A M Dei Fiipr??*. ax < for ?'.i/-..n Porge. at Oordonsvlil? for ? < Culpeper, Col <?* sas. Alexandria, and ' ' jngton. at Union 1 rhariottMvr.le, for [.' t it.:, at Basic CI . Hagi rotown ins p. M., Daily, with PoUnaa I etnnatl i ouUvili? Louis, eonni Uni U tan, va., i'-r . Stops only at station?. Meal* serr? I N . :. train, ea ahoro trau fr..m ?; > I ?r i nith P"uth ? :t<> p. M. " tlon, excej day, foi i ? -" i M FMI ) .Kir in I H tOI and Gord ' red al Bunday) I f r Vrrgii I vins ii: we HIGH i B-tl SJ I I IT \ I IOV 30 a. M Dally, foe Ington, v, and i fi OO P. M.. Ex< ?| ' f ' t :., I UNS ARHIVE IT Rl? ll>H?M> HfJiH ti m i 'is riov ;00 A. M , ' : .? . ' 3o a. M., ! ?silj. fron Int. 30 p M. i so P. M. D Po . :45 I'M IA1NS ARRTY? rn.ii i ii? i ;: " STATION :40 A. M * n < - :80 P. M . Dally, ' m ft : ; ) burg; and, < * ?pt s fraas N.? ?aatla si gay JOHN I? v< Assistant (?enera! l'Haeen/?er .* u: \ nor ?riti.xt.s con yiAi, BATH Co, NTT. VA.. OM E8APEAKE AMJ ORlu RAILLAT. Lkw afB?T ELA.VAT1Q.S. Ta? New llomeaiaiau." with ad uiodcis ivenlencea. mcludlng privat? t,uths, u hsr wltn tba batb-hguae. tu on t r r,\wud. ara] '? mads psr?acily comfort* ' ?ndrii?'! results to ?ufferar? ft u. ihcumatlsin, and nervous ttouL>i?i AslFBKMKNTS ANI? BPORTfl ldhi? and driving parties d*i y, n?i? vale track, golf-frounds. lawn teonia 1. and billiards, fl.hl ig, and huntms or winter ratet an! aceomnnoiatWt? ?ly to PagL. STRRRT. Min???f, ib W-8u t a Hot Springs. Va ?rd?. Bill-Hvad?, Statements Lsltar tds, Note-Heads. Circulars nsanssMU? Igers. Ac. printed by th?. Dknegsi npany at low prtcea. Will sivs POO d work at the ?ame prices you i-ay M trlor work. Sftid us your orders and will guaniu?? aatiafatftiou ?WSJf tioular.