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4 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH?THURSDAY, DECEMBER.29, 18?8. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THK DI8PATO?T COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH Ik ?W to eubscribera at FiFTY OatNTS Bar month, payable to the carrier wcrklv ,.i montiiiy. Mnioi m fc> na Bssaan, : ble ir. adv..ixe. $.i for ?-Ix month-. for thre.? montant ? rents for ?me month Prie? per oopy, s cents. The WLLKl.Y DftPATCfl HaUMSl ?rid aaajted m two parts at Ji pef aonssm. Th?. .-. \.?.\v DISPATCH ?! I'M r,r annum, or T5 cents for six mor. h a Subscriptions In all case payable In Sd- I vanee, and no paper con: ST ths xplmtl.m of the timo paid for. post-offle? noney order, rhe k. or r. ?is tared letter. Carrol i;1 wW be at the r^k of the sender I a ihins their jlOSt OaBoa Oh? g.v? their old as well as their 00? oflice. Sample OtfeOS free. I SJ ' i?, .i. - 00 ADVUtTISlNG BaATSas. HALF I Mil OH USafS, 1 time. ?t?rnes. 8 times. '? g ?lassa. IS tir...M....*>. \ month. S months. . Business wants. ".vantid situation, peynhle lu ?? v.Uhc 01 words or leonl. Above rates nre fOC "'"very day" or ad vert Isemcnt s running con? ?tively. Reading BaMtCet In I ' n'ur ,-'r'>' five | ?s. Jl. in nviipariel. leaded, five RBI I or It --. BJ enta. Card of ratr-s for more apacs furnished en application. AU letter.? ORd tetOgreana must he ?< - drraeeil to TUF. DISPATCH COM? IN! Rrj-rtsd communications .ill not he re turned. All letters recommending candidates far offlce roust he paid tor to Insure their publiration. This is a lor.g-standtng rula of ours. _ Resolutions of respect to Oeceased memb?r? aaunssi by ?eeletles, e?ri tlon?. associations, or other org> lions, nill be charral for aa adve. matter. _ T7P-TOWN offick, m:o \t>-f-tli:i:t l'llAIlM.M'V, HI I.AKT BB HT I: KPT. MAN'iinsTKR OFFICE, 1203 HULL BTREFT. THURSDAY...DKCEMBEK 20. 1898. Friends of the Dasgntch ROUld do us a favor by informing us promptly o? any failure on the part of . rs, or netrfboys on railroad traase, t?> nwel public demand for of this paper Information Is also desirtd by M of ths delinque.-?:.- of any carrier of ours in Rlohnio' 1 Manchc-uer, or elsewhere. Mail BObscrihers are KkeRlse invited to report to na Rhenever th?;.- ; como lato or Irr? % tl.iily. Wat LOOK TO Tin: PKEBIDKXT. It is t.? bO li : 1 I'" dl il M Km!? y i;?.! i? OTO' - ' rl'i? a 111 pre 1 by '...-' .? '. At prissent Vil 1 nl in the ttoa of a ti? btor u b< attached, ir ?. i?e uii.i? ist?.?.) by th with the i-.i ; that ol ol 1. ttn< Vlrgi t 1 : United .i. 1 1.r tii i s Connoni . frequent : to tbeh an Thu> Virgil i 1 in . ihe -.?..?r ol i-:.', end, inl r, for tlon of the Peder?] buildings .-.t v. ? .11. An?! t?> i: . ..m- claims, iiaau/ftb. w anon ledgt ! to 1 lu-aAT bei n aatl Bed. f? r ? d.-ej^io the i'? ? 1 1 Qovi inflobted to On in '!.'. ::u ol ii u4n thousands of Apilara, and Utl eaid ?bout it; but, mm Rhen there 1? a question of a Httla OVOl OS the govcrniiatnt bas sejhnted .- asnaj try mea surra to ?eaforoa paysni nt Instead o? our being ti?. tod vent and honest people, in t? d being Bkenked f? eojuJppIng and bqrjy ing our regiments to the frunt, money due us has been attached, as It arare, In short, tken o)d Htmu- hi to a fort of tarnish, c pi \\ . are not treatad aa fasn a snnabor of the Union, but a* t?fon ,\ blob tbo United States And that, too, when a corr, at Si ?tenant of II cayente betareen us wouiu .show not thai Virginia mvc s the United Status, t.jgv thai the Un i lud Staus owe u It VJt* at the rt' of the Pri bimscif that Qavegnor t. | sup pllcs of clothing to bo bought lor our troops at a tim? RhOB tl . Coy efiimeiit ana anahlo to laenlsh taen. Conformably with the? arrangement be IRRSU the Governor and the authorities at Waiahlngton? the bills In qui itlon *< n mode out py the Hssechanta against th? gOVs iiimcttt. But In that ah .in- He . rejected ai Washington, it ?rai ruled thai thry must be ande out la Um tin- seal . Th? re va ne fund applicable to auch 1 parr, th. Legislatur. ? 1 not Bare, thi ? but iii.iw anon .-. ttie the blBe. 'i bal tad oor b< asks to 1. d. Thu OOVI 1 .ting, nt fund 1 sanall, and its 1 thai v.- iment, y. t rule, d much ol it i?, aci onm< UM <! ' ral O01 bum nt. in vi.w of all these circunRtuaaaSi - clally in view of the PlOOtdent'l 11 |Ui it made In person to 1! 1, It is ln ?iCMOebte that the Washington author! ties should withhhold this payni? nt end ^itibct us a? default It Is trui?, us v. i thai tu?. 1 alted st it?-, balda two ?>r bi\ bun?! theeannd d relue, of I of th.- oiu .s .it..? of v*a*gtata La it.? luiiuin trust luiid. but it is equally 1 ?"I. ral 1 ii.v. 1 tan. nt Is m l to us in a much ti . than that. if (Jeversnr 3 1 wait until the a.ts in QueaUoa are 1 S ?\ it n , for while we are now and have been BTRaya ready o ?et, cnnsvfaa Is aaov, And mm . new naeetlena thai nay be ral to the creation of the Htalc of \\.-t Vir ginia, und thu part of t!,.- ,,?,1 g . assets and liabilities that should bt down to her. Wi: h.H'e the d. pat'in? oft'., is who parsed uiK,n the (J.,v n.r.s claim are aulltless of any sinister d-MBga, - at, th? least, th.-> bava t..h? n g *'iy un larlunate SORltton, llertafter when the rispidas! call5 for troop? governor? of . will hesitate to make a Ivan. Busasty th?m, for they ran hive au as* ace thai their dalms will aoi be ?nei by ancient cdhs it rippeur?! tu u" thai tiie presrdeal i? bound to saa the Oovornof of Vrrgti I hntni ' ra-' ; rnioi'. wo sah bsiufmad that the prrntdeat may te 'ids out o( bands, p?o?.! there at the nlng of th?- war. Y.t more, it tj t. ,io ga, in order to passsrva comlt) between tbla Stats and IB il Oovernment It will not do for the gUthOtltlea at ngton t.? ti. .it th- Btati - a Itb It I? g i k? d II r thl ni t.. I discredit upon I y. or boneaty, W. annol but believe the president win *.. k a ami "' II of the difflcultles thai hi d? for him and I this Stile with that decency and fair 5pii it which is : , My a? the 11 debtor to us, not | Tin: Dtoam iu?s viikmm USA. That recent Floranna peral nmion ?lory in the M : the Lynehhurg banker after persimmon beer wrth a bai ' .( the i nker. Il told thai tho . it? u per lmm< '.if not quite, t qusl I id ha u haVi be* n in idl to luipro' ? the quality of the fruit i i tlvatlon, j'l.-'f as h . .. Ig th. ; j.lums, friends might turn the. tical ml thai th? i'i m .-n' bt i lugh laal ai I who an wont to make merry over love for persimmons, and the luxuriance ?,f the county*? crop th.rcof. king, there ma) be s good a wh il the Advance says. The per* almmon is not bad eating, and by proper m handling, cleaning ol grit, and : ighl be o ad? to yield eon venue In some parts of Vir ginia. . York Herald saya that, "fol lowlng closely upon the heels of th? pro to i ubstltute automobil) s for tin Fifth-1\' nue Btagi s comes tho ' ' a ' "'m ny for the ; i be - of tba city, ami sa the beginning In what hr-i loubti dly a. Isrge under taking, the N a Fork Autotruck Com pany, with a < apltal of H,ooo,Q Incorpoi it? d. With I pro pos, .i t.. place am..mdi i. rated by i air, in the atreeta of I city." A i h Company tying: ' "We haw built autotrucks and n- i thl m at ?air work- in M We cat il a lead Of Ighl : -. -live mill I without i, pli nlshlns th< I r for our ti uck to n ' tons than for ' haul six ton ?n ..-i ordli ? Ml \\> 1 helpless, and of asphalt for ; I mm ; ordlng to 'hs Herald, Is of the city, and gradually to r a ?th autotrucks, w IthOUt an Blng the i i-i? a mil ir to thai follow* d In : are to bt i. and truck drivei a an to plan may not wo! k, how? :t!ll it Is 1 i hi.- thai a Bght i- twe* n the old m? thods and th? new. A Londi i y of tho final : ly: When to be efllxed to the h ..f Bp nu and Am* rica, ex] fui acknowledgment of th.- cou shown by France, thai the dependent rib bon sh'.'.i .1 be trie??!.ired. Bearch she forthwith made high and low in the Qual v, v. it h t hat In Hi?? For eign Offlct ol the French republic not a im ?.i ribbon of the French coIots oould be found. At this critical Janet . tion flasheo ai roas oi th, beada of the department, "Qo," hi . "t.. M, X -, the con fectioner, in the Rue Bt Honore, for a i of , h,,.-.; and be sure you mi to ti" them up with a trl i " 'With that I ' : . ribb.iii the 'reaty of peace b tween Spain and the Unite?,, Bta tes a at? d. Rathei ' appropriate ?o ration of tii" dIBculty, perhaps, csnstd " a t n tht treaty pro . i i p.t us into, and the number of : hocolate-colori : a rat ?tica t. It mii;l't be i i thai .a. | point? c- would i" requin d to Ination as to his Btnesa to hold a commlssli n, and n ought to be a real ex amtnaUon; not au? h a on th Weal It 1" : for four years at governs In n ply t,, : ire t., say to notice th? ' store nm< tit In the ' irapb, from Di?] ' i;- hould , ment" I in it- , ? M course, we with him thai though the exp kcaden ul ol th< Cuit, d 81 ' i'" ui |. tl , ' ogle of the put the moni y there I ir ...I by President Davis, was not educated by tbe Federal Govern but b) Virginia: for ?h? paid hi r full shar* ter Um aopnori ef thai tutioii. and was entitbd t" demand In r, mi i Ice ol her sons'* Oh how carefully Mr. 11 the word I lirai" that WS omitted. Peni fh ota Ralli iay la about to Inaugur?t? pronounced com ?a with tba Bsltlmore and Ohio Rail? road Company for t! . i n New fork, Phlladi Iphla, and which l? attracted to th* Baltimore and Ohio by Ihe fact thai lingtott, the national capital, la on Its direct line, and all through tickets lap-over privileges at that point. On and after nexl Sunday tl?- Pean? .aa has deterralaed to permll sseh ?,f its weet-bound paasengsra as mn so re to i us ?.n down from riill idelphls t?? Wsshlngton over It? oonnecUng linee. i who Bi .?is himself of the \\ 'iiriKt'.n Btop-ovet privfloge Will i i ! u i?, t with thi assgef agent in Waaalagton ?luring hi? ta that < Ity, ami lb? ticket will have to b?f ooaatersigaed by the Washington t l.efor-.; it will be acceptvd again lor pasMUKW PsTjrStOlfB AM A IIFIIT. Indfhntipnlls News, in dl-icusslmar "the talk" about pensioning Oonfedernts USB, Rhkh wan l?y the presi dents "Confed?rete Ii.nd" ?paoen, qnotea the fourth esctfon of th" ftmrt. BBth anendnent t?. Um Constitution, and then " it i?* recognised thai peaa?vns for aervle i rendered In auppresslng Insurrec tion ore d>bts, sad the faith of 'he gav ?t la pli Igt >i foi th'ir peynenC if. then, a pension la o debt, th? ; am? ndnv ni i forbid? the pay mi ' of i ? naions to Bg?Conf< ?i? wiu-n h prohlbil th< governnenl fron Ing ?UV al i't or obliga Hon Incurred in aid of msurreottoa or k?. i ml :!i? United Bntes.' i-ii then m- to I i- bast? to ...h on than in it ?ir oMlgnU<m . . rendered, 'I he govei nnenl i iiTct v.u.? gral ... no m iti. r hOR v oi-thy." 1' tin- i-H't. IHlon of th?' New? I? OOnta, allty sf the meet II rnnl violation of th.? <"..n itltUtlon, and that. too. ??t the sspenM "f the i.i \ ?. i\ ? i i, a i.;.- ral estima;?' le ernd fa ivs m id ti.- rubied i- m ' I rear o-osjhi in cover the "debt" the governnonl ovrea f..r ctvil v i i one. Therefore, ovary dollar above 11 that i-- ?1 <,? civil-war ; Ity, and seconding t.? the r. isoning or tii-- News, invorvi a ?.f the nth amendment By thai token i wi'hont ' '"^1 v\ IT? rant?noy, in thi fan ?f :< cei atltu? ', inhll Ilion la giving an ly idly. it is allowing pensiona to thousands who rendered no sort of service i" tic kov it in connection frith the dvtl war, and t?; whom the governmi at i sort of obllg The South ROUld bO tn. than v.'. i romli " the whole pension qui un th.' '. : th.- Ni s s'a content! m, and the Hull';.' the fourteenth amendment?that is. on I I : of an i i nient <.f the government's debt f id? n d B ask ; ons for her vet? mns, bul lo- s i ! ' . T III, Dick, and il it i gned is fencc-nenden for polltli lana. The Londi ii Bal H vi. w gayi thnt the United Btatea may ha\e been b< in proclaiming that th. > w< nt to Rar in the Interests ??i humanity, bot thai "the - far have on'.',' I L" Thnt is ahoit the size of It. ii { is r.a toi: Oral ana railroad. A ? In? ted at Al . x. v., with a capl? . ; ? ol an .! team line Juan i?. Rio i'!, dras. Hi-? One I'milt. I 1 ci? I .) II. v, . a man of bi tins, He'd m ; a for!un?. Among ii? world' . won tue right to His :... At !i 'ii- . And ). He a Hla i. I n?it A thing hi * Lut. oh. the world n (I i ? 'IMF. ( \\M>\ ?III si I -1 ?.* Accident n I ?i \iu.?is < . I.-lira l ton In 1 Ins.I. I 'eh.) FL< ?TD, VA., Deceml f af ternoon . did con? ?Idei ' i fler is that more Town ?'.mu? ii hot given the tfbya II to i ; .i.lli '.' O'olO k at I I CO] v. I uf boj s a ml .-... .' h ; !. mbled on Mi n street court-house for th.- fun llttli and big, and b?I o re -!.?>t ll y, th?' boy.- brought ". ii cannon, ibout " : Th Ii es with im bud : ept the breaking of a few v. m.I iw-gl for that 'in. fun want on. The last ?hoi Bred v. i-. .m ezl ra I pos - v u i,,. k.... a ,;n clay. Ti ? . Ilghti ?l and th?' ? rowd -catti n d. A tremendous roar followed. The boyi rush ?ni their hiding p ly to \..l!, as 111 ?a!. Hut tiny did nol II TO their surprise, ih. cannon was nowhere to be found, it bod "busi the n - ? v severs ken in i)i" post offli i v. Indos . .i o h ano BbOUt ! dOSI '. I ' tile con "i ?.t th.- bulldln .ni:. a lau jri . in tic- con i boli ia hla ; h ?older and hurt tiiat he will i killed i tn.' men. an eran, who rig good over < -, .1 who, Il b for < ' > m i.,; . r "a ; in standing near the ? nnon whi !, cusslon. - --a*. Ml 1(1)1 It IN II \\l>\ i:u. An ol? Segrra Una th?? \ ?. 11 m. II tNOVER COITRTHI I Le an .,;. mom The dcoi mau i.p - iii. : . : . mi. u hi | t?. visit nis daugbti r. Tn i ..?,. r i.' hi Id by s iuii il. |g< . tii : . tO flag] In I'osllls?'. 'Il ?RLE8TON, V?. va I ni I H (8pi ? ;.;i ? Ju i-. Nath ?ii Goff, in a tills . ?!>'. - no) m> Intent i vacate th" o? - flee of l-v.Uial Judge, nnd I urn nol noR, nor will I ?nit Ing tn il ?n ..t' th? L ii. be o candidat? for United States s.nator. Ms frteada will do ni" B by advising those who mention the a ?i thai bj inv own direction? my name ha? been absolutely, eliminated from i ..[ candidat. ?/' E asy to Take asy to Operate Are features jieeuliar to Hood's Fill?. Small In JgO, ta?tcl. ss aOJeaSBej thorough. As one man ood's ?aid: You new.r know yoa ___ have taken a pul till It is all I J Lj I I ??a> over ?*>.. C. I. Rood & Ob.. f^| l? Proprietors, Lowell, Mass, * ess? the only p!Hi to take with Hood'? barMpartlia. atalUNO Powder m v -ABSOLUTELY bHjRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ? ?i temr?? oo . ?? * vom. THRO?GJ THE STATE. mr BTBBff IB vamioi ? mutions OF VIMI.IM V. THE SUDDEN DEATH IN ?BSC Of n Cornier i lll?e.i of l'etersliur?? Beading of tfia Oaefinafia ?ity ??' cvel?? ( lull ? Mnrrlnni'ti ? l'oroonnl ami Briefs. ( PBTERSBURQ, va.. December ML fSp?-ci;ii.)-..\ir. James B smith died q suddenly at an early hour th'a morn ing at hi? home. In Sussex county, sboul font* nil! | from Stony creek. Hi token alch last Friday with grip, and hi .n trouble di n loi i. which cat sd th. Mr. Bmltfa . v. ? widely known throughout this honorable and highly useful citizen. Hs h-.d be* red aw-mlll and lumtx r I ?lis blislii . \^ > nslvi i moved from this city to Bu -. i ths ago to la r, . his i. littles. Mr. Smith I* Bmltfa and Mr?, ah neat Qrigg*, both of 'i Ity. In all trw- retettona Iff* "iii. and personal be was a irted m .-i. poseeos in:: i: and oosfidence of all who km w him. m remains M bt to Petei i :. and his funeral win from Qrace church III"!! ow. At i meeting of tho <' city 'Cyi Is 'I"!., hi d 1 ' night the following onT i ti,,- Bttsslng lent, W. F. Bpotswood; Flee-Presl dent, i ir. v. mi. m Pitcher* Beerstary, w. T i laugh; 'i : . urer F. M. Hohns; ?iv. K. \V. Harris; Kxo Commlttee?W. F. Bpotswood i ,i. M. 'I'm ner, -i. s. Jonea i?r. ii. v\. Talli y. ''- ?; Rog r*. F. n Helno t.m. and T. S. BeckWlth. Jr. The club Announci have been rseeived here in Kansas < Sty, Mo., on i ' mb* r Bat, n T. C Butta and Mi-. Cbartotl i Rila Doneisoa, daught* t "i Dr. & J. 1 f th it in untts la a well-known and poj ulai i ' burg boj. who for ass In I antic? [jine and Norfolk an i v i item ni' - . and who W1 ?it Wesl to I hli fortune. H here. Tl will :. i.,m. in i . slngton, M... Mr M and Mlsr. , ; ; '.:?= , popular OOWpl? f , Il ulmht by t hi. were the nts. hi 1st? i rder this s *k Ln th" ? > mi: * IMHIt \i. - llXfi. Believed <?? n?- 01. Jahn'a Iden?Be umrknhle * arara. v. iRFOl !.. PA I ' r i red S dov.ii. . on . itenant Edwin \. | "f Oleafu? I from the Norfolk navy-yard this .'. .11 follow ber ter? 'hip, ; . a lied ...> to mouth, N. H '"> be n modelled at \ i.i ? and tbe i " i u ill i It Is ths : , ; -|,. "t ti.,- trophy Bhlp. Tl t., join th.- Alvai do I Ann ; ' tO 1 mouth Tb. - F ' ' i Military Govt rnor rjeneral J i. arrived her? : : . by hi nlnenl citizen-, s bo | i : ' ulmlnlstratlon in IMt !lt of til I - lid and C it"l?'. Hi ved t" n, ii.. I Air. Line's opening wedge Into ! I MI I \ . : ! com ' tloi - Of Its : i rath rid the At rjen* . pai t. a- a tour of i is line, The i u of ths m w Inde] Une Is bel of vice-i" ? . tt st. John, of ti.? ~: .i" 'id. who. whlli r of thi H B ?twitted its ri\.tl by j i-t a remarkable shipment was carried from l ti " to England b) I S ' , . I. . :l . , 1 V : I nents to i Ireat Britain l in Ibis aim rt u ipi '- ' d. imi. \i lie. BALL, x linn Bnrnefi?Wtlllnmshnrg Laeal No'?-?. WILLIAMBBURO, \ \ . Doe* mb* i , livery bu - ' I I i hi . . . | with nd thlrt) ; i, un had oiib. be* il two w. , k l '.n II It v. only b ' it. d in the hay-l? : I k from a amall angine, s : by. The ?'unis run I numb. t?. .-n i.. e ii ail and Yorktown ind i and Warwick Dunti* i, and Will B li OW " It fa la good authority that th' well-known and tomona York town Hotel bar been sold by Its ownej M r i ' Roger? to a th rmaa, who -Will eon! run It as a place ,,f pub lic re? Th- marriage of Musi Battle Jon* this place, and Mr. John Leatfa ol Prince k i ' i . |1 : rventni Re* I N Lathi m of th* Methodist church, ofn clatlng. Tr.e groom was attended I brother v- Roper 1 aa th. of Petersbui .. a? his best man. The weddlsg w way ajBlei and pretty affair, b?ling ?r ;.. aed onlj by the relatives and frlenda ?.f the ecntrssrtgag psrfien After th nrarrlsga ceremasry an exeeHenl dinner win BSl'Ved, and the bridal pair w? re the re ci pi eats of many bsmrty oengratula tlon?. Mr. and Mrs. fsssth krft on the wu?t-ljoimd train for Richmond i>r. Charlea n. Brock, of Richawnd, ?iirt?eon ut th" rhesape-alce and Ohio iiot?i^i*?i at Chstsa Forge, is vialUng rar,-. Dr, gars* k aras tor Basai tun.- eoa? Bd wRfa tbe Kastern Hospital, and h.-??l an ? x< lient reputaib.n aa B Physt eian. BS WSS Bjlvsa B hv.irty greetlsg by M i iay frfmsda ii? t?-. ??(.-??-?'.iv in Aloxandriu. AUBCANDRIA, VA.. D.cember 2a. (Bpeclal.) t?oe. ?-.use of ?mall-pox lu?? de veloped here. ? videmly from raga from Norfolk, which are rasassfl bora, The p ill. ut is ? colored a-lrl. undertakers Christian of Richmond, Kurtz of Winchester, Wootwlni I R< noke, end Dugutd >>f Lynebburg, i 'ndcrtaker R/hi itle). m Alex andria. Ai) ore meaRbers of the State i:.. mi f.?r Licensing Knbatmei S( "OTTSl 'II.I.K. Ii? nih from ii siimiil'ir tri'ld^nl ? SJ a pensil a Bhrplaslaa. BCOTTSVILLB, VA., Doeenber B. (Special.)?-Mr. Aimuei BJardtng, urbe Ras My InJ'irvd by B dog falling ?ui him in o Rsll, died Bnndny night, and i buried yesterday at his bone, three mflea i law loam. Mr. Wilbur H. Billa went to Richmond Monday, und y< iterday broughl up on it"' train the n mains of hla fathi r. Mr. J B, Kills, v-.ii?. ?Bed auddenly kfondaj morning at the Soldiers' Hum?. I(. v. La T lli't, PfStOr Of til" M< tl ; -. with grip at the and, ? ' ?SI ; V. Mi--- M ighti r ?.f Mr. Jack? son Ben!, I holiday? Rttta her aunt, M ;' al, ind "iii. ; n ind friendo. Bom i : n ho were oversealons in tic ?i d?sira to Ii tma ?, on m ndey night, rtous - . About a o'clock they i i In a barrel In Mais atrei '. Ini. I twean the Al ud th ? Methodist chun b, er I i the bnm I ndtb ?Mr'. pSoded the cbarj Th< i r.? o blew out n? srly all tbs window? gtaea In both buildings In the onda facing the atn et The i 'i R ';' bed th. Tiiwti Sergeant, snd Rhen be wrl* al the upper end of the town they did - arork and gol oui of the way quickly. Mr. i'i. ?i. Parrar, of Charlottesvllte, apeni bis Chalstmas?Dsy Rita hla parents, Mr. ani Mrs. .1. ii. Parrar, Mr. w. c. Pendleton, recently nusti oat of the Third Virginia Volunteers, but who wna . mid..v.?i by the reglnent to help nuke, out and settle up th ir pap rs, has returned to his hone here. Mr. .1. w. elementa and family, of Ot Ray Milla N ' ion i ounty, i. iv? moved t th?ir new honte, 1 ?i i??' Parra," m ar here non dei concerning the i h s MU? horror, Rere this nornlng learni ?i fron Mi af< ? dloi h, the m who held the Inquest upon Mr. Payne II I aid that Mr. Payne I ad quite b lar m of mou. v about his the nur k to get the money, and mu t.. rob of good :. Inasmuch n plao 'l there al the tin OLD HI Rfl Wll VKIMTV, I'l../ell to llelll II?( Il I nu ?Medium; ? I'refiTrcil n A\ Ii ?piimii. . ?RBICKSBURG, V L, I N nber 28. - Cully (col ' .i ,| i .-.' ?.?, ' md frozen to d? ' a h. .ir hla home yesti rday m< i nlng. 11< ti t., 'hi mlng in home, but v? hcii iii sljrht Of 11 fell. Mr. and Mrs. .T??hn L'if??\ Of CsroUno, m.i anniv. | their wedding at th?-ir Inn: Among the \i a iiumi.? i fron this city. Mr. John i Mlrrick, ol anta, and Mi-s Cornelia B. Henne?, ?i Orange, were n the bride's home Christ mas evening, Bldi r M vv. Brnhh i - formed th? ceremony. V W. W ill ice and Ma jor and Mis. T. K. Moll I night. i reci Iving by th and Klrkland and the \ i: H u h.I. . fOUth Of <'a iy, who h.s i : in r.ii month?, wna given twenty neben by Sheriff Kennedy Mon? r rol bin. bouse of Mr. Chariei I n. Thorn i the , i i-h in prefi rent 0 to | II. Tanner, of Richmond, is the ! Mr. M. .1. Tyler, of Spray, M. C, is ng the holidays ni h relatives in thS city. Mia Nannie Cooke, of Richmond, who i. i ; adln - several ?lavs with here, returned home yesterday B. Rowe la m North Caro lina on business. Tin: BILL MTV. P.tlllon? In Itii ii L r ii|?1<? s ? \ lii-t'n gWlSBiad \i-ii?>r i:\pec I. ?!. LTNCHBURO, VA., December M.--<Bpc? clal.) Andrew T. Silvers snd W. P. Weg? I uptcy in the United Btati Court hi re. BUvi r 'a II ibUltli i tn i x I quit i dollars, and those of '-' i hundred doll : Hoa Jsi ;.?; gor 8 fri m Ben been 11 .,nd huntl ' ' '?' ?t, i- exp< ,...'i rOW "il a visit ? John Porter Vai c.-ntl> of Richmond, bul now of Lynch? bur?. Lord Ablnger, which I? th..? and Mrs. Iv nephew ' ol M.c i ii P. Watkin .1 ... i II K McWi In. . William Hurt. .. v . iv?' purr ! : the) ma to this fil ?ti ti i ?.ri-'.- \'. ; .. irl noke, was moved there In boom day? from : for a time emploj ?I a large ' men making v.u.- lo k f thai . lion, bul Pilai e ?rent the wt 11.muni i: \< ? un \ r. Vanas lulls i r h ?h ?-il i?j s Rallwaj ? I'ill.l. GREENSBORO*, H. C. .si- rial.) MbR ibeu k, of ? i lod this aften r High 1'olnf while she aSJ wlkliu; down the d off the d .. .?..?m .i - i u and rs i run ovi i ire that wei fully mangled. M until -indent of ' 0 laboro" r- m .?.- . libre al tala placa, PLARfl l ?ut tu -un o? ?, slxtli \ Irulnln nuil Tlilril North < .tro lla* Included. Washington. Decesabei H it R ?eJel ,t the War Departement that ne ; in th?? i.l?tn-* as to the mustering out of trenne win be al! of th.- threatening outlook in the Philippines. Tin? Secretery of Wot has made progress la tbo destgnatloa of regiaaenta i-ir the neuter ont, but no ennouncs? BSanta will he mad.? until the li-t i- . on? ptoted. It h behaved, h-owsver, tint tbs ll?t will lu?dud. the Thirty-flrst Michigan, now at Knonville; the Second Tenn at cotanbea, s. C.? the Third Tensa at Anataton, au.; the Third North Caro lina (eeteted), al Macea; the Sixth Yir |s<intii (colored), al Maeon, snd the Plrsl Vlrgtala, at Cohanbua, Oa These regdanenta woui.i constitute .1 ko?>?i pari of th.- ?rokenteera t?> be nnetered out, for tin entire number will not run very hl?h. wing to th.? purpose t?i first nROtOr OUt the volunteers at Manila and reduce the regtnaauts down to the asnnber raailsn plated by law when the war closed. M AI) E A B_I S il 0 P. ki:v. .fivice uooh?; iion\F.rt COB ?reit \tki> \t ???iikvii.i.k. BISHOP GIBSOJf, OF iIRGIM. PRESENT BS <<iii?liie|s lue Cxn niliin t Ion in tas Csassogallan *cr* !< ? ?iu?iiop? I henil Ire. Wut.?,n. nuit 1 nper? %l??> l'resriif. ABBBVILLB, N. C. D irri.? f M Tas consecration of Hey. Junlus Moore Homer M Bishop of ths ratsstoaary jurisdiction of A arre,i nt Trinity church, this city, this raorrnhg. Th.? church, which ?as Riled*to Its capacity, a d n it h christm is Th. holy . ommunloa was ?, id i al I ;< ind m irning prsyi r si I o'clock. ration d with th?> f ths ocaciatlng bishop of the .. and vi-ai ne a, Ri v. ii. B. M* i ?airy, pastor of Bl M I i? idtag, bt arlng a ?old I ro.WKi'UATMN BBRVICB Th* m. ?ras bogan by Right Rev. Jo? pli Blount eh? shirs, Jr., B h ip of North Carolina. The sermon waa preach? ed by Right R* v. ffllhton C ipsi . i?- D., South Carolina. Bishop-elect Horner was presented t., ??t. Cheshire, the pi . ?hop, by Right it. r. ? A and Right Rev. Robert A. Qihson, Bishop-Co adjutor of Virginia, who conducted the All th?. blsl: ' ; pr* . tit lai?l hand- Upon th? t, niter I the pri tentation of itlmonlala was r* id by R< v. Churchill Bal . i . and the order tlon from th* : ' ?hop of the !'; pal Church In Americfi, Bishop Williams, of Conn* tient, wa ; also i MANY CLRROTMBN PRBBBNT. After tb? d iHv* rj of tl toral rtaB by the presiding bishop, the ?ervteea were i when the holy communion was sdmlnlstered to th.- clergy and members of the congregation. The following bish I'.en were pn sen) : Right Rev, Joseph Blount ? Iheahtre, Jr., B of North Carolina; Rlghl Rev. A A. Wat on, Bishop of Baal Carolina: Rlghl H"v. Ellison Capers, Bishop "f Bouth Carolina; Right Ri v Rob* it a rjtbson, Rlsh r of Virginia; Ri r. A. T. Porter, I?. I?., of Charleston, s. < , anda number ,i elergyn H ll.liK.irs in DORT. 1tn??rll'a \ew BSVS BsgnontS Car? for Iks RSM I RALEIOH, N, C, i.mhsr B?<Bps? ?i.iii i.:ii\ yesterdsy morning *'iptain w ii Day b Id your cot ... J. M. Mewboorne bad resigned sa Pesi an,I th it th?? Governor would offer him the piae* Cap tain 11 Aba ?roo I this -ind ' icing; . .,o?i Democrat In absoluto c'iurge of all the fauns; sa> ln| Bl I OT had ,r~. and ilon of . bill I'l It he I iv willing ' t no thing wa "leaked" yesl rnor* a J, R. TtUery, from whom ... . > Ri moke, I ; t' n. .n I 'aplaln Dav farm ' ' . morn? Mr. TUbry: "If I i v. HI turn ..-.. r all the fan ?uch r hud when h? S is : nt- thai I?, power to appoint i hole f'i. Me? i it" baa not h id control. I men like r.?nxnr I....I are a pili Tbe State Manufacturing Company; capital, ? W, T Bb w, w. i ' i i there, rtockho i? is asserted thai not twsnty-flve aril! ?, Legtslsl -r.- against th,. b. - .- . ; n.l blacks. Th* li a nidt In favor "f it. Tbi, aras si* ?rty ?bown at the 1 ' ''' but nil ? is difficulty In g?t tlng a t.Iver for Oulrkln .< Coi'a bank, m Bui ' ity. The i ibjeet . .1 to the tirst receiver, if hi? ?. t., a bink offli Lai, and now to the second the bank money. i . put) -Marsha B Ing, la the ? oui with -L Oullford moon Bhiner nu.i Lawdi I the 1st? t. r through the h* l |a Committee h?r.? last nlghi ?ras well at tend d, it did n-n until after midnight. Thl? morning Francis D. Wla? I m? mbei s, . t nor'? new line In pi | i put In a Den ti ndent, end said: "\\ a want to k; nor thinks be i; fooling anyb* dy The Dem? !.. ui be llki ly to n une the va olfli er? t" t ike t h irge of tbi ' ure will i the i ON BABY Whole Body a Mars of Sores. Doctor Could Not Cure. Tried CUTICURA. Speedily Cured. Now Fine Hair And Clear Skirt. <i':r baby al ths iga of four i fhedm tor SSSM Bd * cero aha, line gay t ? advert?s er, ami i rol l'crici ka 111 \i! Misar ?,iK ? . ] SSdeUSBOS i a \ Bissaaeal . ana I attfs si it n ?in Rm 11 sa r, Bad lama < ihaa "i Cor* <t t:\ Boar, and 1? swi ?aces' iti w now ea months ot.i. aelghfl el pasmes, au.) ass ths laset head ..f bah and rlseiw yes ?jeald aunt teem. LOt'IS BRKZINCAR, gab. I, BB, BM Mh A\?- , gSU fsttClty? ECZEMA ON LEG CURED BY CUTICURA I had a sure on the SpSSI l"rt Sf my lejt that thiee dsstora asilad aasasaa. Inch pala i never experience?! in :i?l u?> lite. I read in the paper? of COTS PSU Bl, Bad I Bengal it?- Corana* itasadbvmrr. Cu i kvsa Bear, aud Ci rs is fetatasast). The first time I used them r.?s before I weut to Ited. and I llept more that bight than I had for rvto week-, before,'and ftam that ttaSSSS H SSI better, ami to-?la> it is BSttTSl) C??ne. Feh. 3, 1S9S. C. gt'N WEI.. Mount Jo) , peon. ?m,.i ' r*i Taa^raiKT *? ?u * *? i, Hi ",iiH'.'??ii< - W?rmb?tturttM l*?' ' ?? ??' '. ? till?? ?? ?net Vila I'l ra, r. ? (.xiit-nmii. pat?*l ?I t mollirai thin curt?, %nt m.. ! ! .? i '.I t'rticraa 1.1 - ?i?t, ?S?aaS?fbmS ?ur,6?r?an;l humor cur??. ?ol? !*? ??<?','i!t!i. aurld BSTSBBBSSa a??C?B?. torn- . ??1? Vrf% , UrSAa as- - H" t? Cat? U* WorU I.cj??u." tilcl frt? PROVIDERS! The mind ?.'t? h>tngry as well as th? hod] '? - b? ?as! f montai . terars On our ah? i uniera *.r? rl?"h tVaa'.a ii|Wir. whli . ii have - ?ration? . n.i the Isai m I upon i by re? . I.AJU'.K.Sl LINK ?)F BS i-i:? ?M sec. To |io PRAYER-BOOKS A,M' HYMNALS BEST ASSORTMENT OF POCKET hooks CARD 'A4--;:- r?\r tv I.ETS, POUTFOMoB, COU) PENH POtTNTAIN PENS. ' . ? TKn from *i to Bj, MANY SILVER AND FANcV - ? 1'li's Our ' k la mort attractive, -in' brai-? i ? novltl ' i ?F THE RELIARLE Ki" OPEN tTNTIIi 16 < ? l o? i, \ HUNTER & CO., 619 i:\st BROAD ST., II ;?b nu.nd. Va. BO H-W.Th.V?a) ESTABLISHED 1884 Oscar Cranz& Co., 14 Governor Street, HIsJHMOM), - - VIKl.lMv Importers ?ml Dealers In FIIE WINES, LIQUORS, ANO CI? beg leave to rail attention to their Urge stock of the si mentioned goods, rtost o? ?a bit ii are of their or. a importation. FRENCH UHANUii . , I.Ulll'l 1/ I M All tl of .'ii >?. PAONE PREMIE Importation n fl i nil In ! ': ' BHERRI1 -' M Mi.'M: \ FRENCH VlTV ! bran la i-'HATEAl CHAT IA MARi'ORUVNNER . 3 J< ?HAN? I GIBSON'S PITRK ??!.; '? !d\N < WHISKEYS 1 ii- CANADIAN the JAMES E. 1 ? REME DE Ml \ ' I amr HABAN> . J'Uf^ atanilv nn ha? ' AsfrsEufetT*. F?1R1 ii r.s n RTAIVHl s t op viu COI ? V \l ran ' , \? .; Hum? Reserved I Pr> ACADEM1 M \TI.V January 2d COND VAUDEVILLE Bom hill, Qua - "ill mu Till. ill \ Ml ? i:vri;m\i\ m n i may hi I horn Mi LJOHTroOT .... sii.i r.i -i \ AT RESIDENCE OP MR Isran, N 01 east Mai . i - I I n. tit of BL V IT VALHsTBsE MUSEUM ELEVENTH IND CLAI - . ?pu S3 A. M. BB . P M Iralsi .,2? cenia Pre? ?? 13-lV ed with I loea of an] appoti mako. This la lit i : I ' there I i ?a -i \iio\iid mm-lim: ? ii \m.i-. "Mr. T. .1. \i,.l..-..i. t.. I!.- -.,... ?<i?-'l lis Mr. !.. ?v .liuiUHrs 1st. ATI. \NT v. OA ! J. And rson, ? bsi il p. . i .i nuai of tie same M ' | . ' ? Tin- \ . SJ. I. Hour.I. ' 1 I ahould hart i to \ I ' : II He- entire .md of Virfli ol f na) i tll'l- ! . atltutlon ..niiu.;.:. Stan?, .m in o d < tola district to reja ix th" ?i m? m vs.i.,"it i- . to ; ferment. 'r.i? re ore ?sny gi i Institution In jallnmK tlleln tiai and Infhtsnttsl proi.I n> on? "t" wboaa ? tesas i* in ii'u. .uni low thai Ri itmond is than over aesate (or and KUi.| .it ..r th?* h . foi ? to laai should ans? "" v*';? ? la RO. U W INSTO N Richmond Orders for printing sent to th? DSP pan-h Company RtU be (tree ty.-^Pi **" tantion. and the at? I?? of work asal ?**?> ? rill bo sur? te pleas? roo.