Newspaper Page Text
6 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 18*8, Short and miscella neous lot* with the niter Christmas prie? appeal. No chance to o? tho many thousand smalt lois that have cropped out as baUnCfi*, uor their price chacgi " The condition means bargains tor the buyers and considerable loss to us. gSiimstfl those balances as of HALF 7ALUS. Tin y take no chances and verv lit tit? time for clearing them. THE PROMPT EST AND QUIOKEST Lr08S IS THE BEST. Look for these marked-down things, each in their depart ment. DOl HLi: the PBBTUBBBB A\D BATI un IFBPUBI WB BATB i \ lit n IB o\ n IBB AT THIS TIME. Fhort work. If tho prices can soil them. ??Y? BMki thl m ,, j Portleres, always sold for $? ? pair. . i for Si > i re?, with beautiful border?. lnateud of V> Striped Broca tell? Curtains, In svrcll "tienta! colorings, for B, in.stca?J of $ 76 ? pair. B?.intifi:l Figured Portieres, with back ground colors, for B.7 Ft\;i->.?: l'un, h Cover?, urtiettc colorings, l.ind. El'UmtU Coach C0V( le. ill ?X<JU thai m>wi f'?t fl" a ?trip, an marked do? n to . ' KMT FrTDMMWBAR IALB. WS Bbbt printer's Ink. ThM asi* of Knit Under? wear aaabraass hssjdrsfia of dsaaas, anal at unexpected SSChagrfcaa It? InanRura tlon Is the outcome of a sad mfieselty. LABlBaT 09c. CAMKLS-ti.vii: VBSTg AMD PANTS. NOW Be, A OAR MENT. Lad!?' Ba, Fine Whit? Wool Ribbed .i:i?l rants, n-.v Lud:.?' 11.71 Wool Ribbed Fnion : now r-7e. a suit ladles' 2f. Egyptian Ribbed Fleeced V?3is. m-w lie. allSSKS' M AND C9c. UNION SKITS, now 17c a ?nit. Children'? Ribbed Vasts and Pants, hsavi ileei^d. HTy . Instead of Boys' Hygienic Ribbed Shirts and Draw ara, Its Dr. Wrtght'e Extra-Heavy )? Shirts and l>raw?-rs, got bays, 75c, a ?Hit The Miir.slng Plated Vests and Pants. for Indie's, In White or Natural, 7 l*hiidren's Fine Camel's-Hatr Wool - N?? >.-r ide. for Be ?OKS WITH AVI M MUCK OF AFTKR-OMHIVDI AS I'll 14 IB I. The aamamtars la full enongh to have snother Christmas rush roll ,.\-?r it. and yet b? safe In siutlnsr all tastes HANDLED AM? BVSSBD HAM) < BamsTfiL Good as ever for you, but their price Valu? i? crushed out of th.-iii f.??u5. Lac and Embroidered Edge Handker chiefs ut !?. ., w< i?- nt' to Huiui-l-irawii White Hemstitched Hand le rchiete, loo ones, lor Sc. I'uro IJnen Hsnd-Bmbroldered Hem ?titchod Handkerchiefs, cost 3.rc, now M< a'l Fino White Hemstitched Hand kerchief?, 3 for 25?., Instead of U Men'i Whit o and Co lcred Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Ladles' Pur? Linen Mourning Hemstitch ed Handkerchiefs, Sue. ones, for i?n >l.'n'.? u.c. Initial Handkerchiefs for 16c. Silk Handkerchiefs, scalloped embroid er* d l| All the Christmas tables of last week in the base ment are bargain tables to-day. Read these anxious price Ft?": 17 Banquet Kamps, that were $4 and l'., f?>r S2.G? choli. Art Ko- k?-rs, made of oak, nia hogany, and curly birch, piano finish, for .*".'," chol* 24 Mahogany-Finished Dressing Trees, v.- r>- :... : ... hoi? i. A lot "i Boheml :'i >' - Flower Stands, thai sold at $i. for ?6c. ? ai h. 1: autlful chin i Caki . Br? akfasl. 11 s> it. Finit ilalee, thai s :;.''. and IOC . t"! 16c choli e Kngllsh ? 'hii a Din i I ontainlng wir.- 110. for $5.95 complet?. ripllta Figures, that were 75c. lot 39c. ? a 1). U Fini <"?ii Paintings, In gold-leaf ?, that wer? sio. for ?5 i B-lai h (?,.1\ mi/, u, ' ?a- h. Siikoiin? -Fill* d . ; f.. t 6 inches high, t"t ' sere $1.7.1 -I Knives ami Ft rk . were 14-60, foi 82.76 i THE COHEN CO, S. ULLMAN'S SON'S GROCERY BABGAIfifij HEADQUAR1EKS FOR HOLIDAY GOODS. ffirver King Minnesota Patent Family Flour, $4?3o barrel; sack.. 17 in Fresh Roll Butter, pOllll?! . II Home-Msdu Mincemeat per pound Good Km Whiskey, i" i gallon. 1 6o 4 r-old Rye Whlakt-y, per gallon 2 09 finowtlake Patent Family Kluur, 14 barrel; ?ack . 1 Lard . "' Sali Pork . f. Bebt Cream Cheeee, p? r pound. Vty% Broken btl<-k Candy, per pound .... 7 pound.... 7 Neu Cleaned Currants, p? r pound.. 7 >' w r pound . f? New Virginia Buckwheat, per pound 3 or, ii pound? for . New Citron, per r-oiu-d . n n . lo New L? ni"n and Orsnge Peel, par pound. 10 Fi Country Kutter, per pound . 16 1-pi.ond blocks Rest Creamery P.ut lar . n ,';,A< peck . n Freshly-Made French Candy, 11 r pound . ? pound? Light Brosrn ?sugar for.. City Meal, bushel . 4", P* k. ]J Nl( a Small Ham? pound . 7 1-pou.ul-box Layei Fig . 15 Try our Creamery Butter; it's tho finest on in?- market, only ? pound?us good as you pay 3?Jc. for. ^ : ? "i n, j r can . 6 Wh!*?? A Sugar, P? r pound . 4% Large, Jul .> Cocoanuts . 6 ,ur Jefferson ., h?-at Patent Flour, finest on Ina n ki t. jut aag . ? or. per bsrrei . 4 50 8. ll.l.M WS ?ON. IS20 AND H?l klALN 91 REST. i p-Towa Btore. u*> east MarshalL l?oth 'phones at both Bti It will p?y you to call for or write for >in- of our complete price-lists, it'a a regular money-s. (de B-Th,8afiTut?) Col. I unv. II lo tbe Illy. Oasansl <?. u. gssrsmfi, fas ?sang year? a member of the Board of Aid? rs?< n rep ilii? W?di?on Ward, was in the city ye*i<j?r?luy, and vlalted th?, nunwroua of fle al? with whom he 1? ??quainted. Colo Mi Burwell is now a resident of Clarku < hriaHuM? at lake.Me Club. Tlie I-ak??iii?? Cssstry Club will cele brate th.j Christina? ??a?!? i/. ?i very ?i,e lal way nest flaturday. R#tw??n th?. honrai of* 6 and 11 P M. th* club m, ,. ^iiiv,c?;Uu^cc:r,4iBin*iu^ WEI) FIFTY YEARS. Mil. A*!? BBSS*, RsM V. OWES, BR, % CELicmt \flaVJ ??oi.m:\ wr.niuxo. OTHER ITEMS FROM THE SOUTH SIDE ? !.. Isi mus Kiitrrtnlitiiirnts nl Catho lic School, at Wrat-Kml rh?jr?-h, find ?he Armor.s Thl* Ms a-,tin a? The Old-Ycnr i ? sfna. Mr. and Mrs. Ren.latuln P. Owen, Rr., g al N ? IM < aal Tlilileenlli Manchester, Quletly celebrated jreei th.? Bftfetb annlveraarv <>f th. ir marri.-. .-,> . CCcrgratulatlons from i1 r aide circle of acquaintances snd many hienda in the city and in Richmond BJOUTCd In BpCR th? in dUTRBJ 111" day. They are tin- | a rents of Bon. n. B. I *tn a, m< mber <>f the al ASnenibljr, from Manch? star, Mr. 1!. I*. Own, J:., aaggelai'lf r? tnt" <??v,r nor, and of R veral other BOM and daiiKh tgffg well known hire Th. y have also tv..nty-llve Krandchlldren. Mr. and Mr*. Owen, who ?ras Miss Mary B. Walker, of Norfolk, RSI unit ?i at th?? Cumberlan?d-Strest Metbodlst Hgaaicopsj Church, Norfolk, the olhViatliiK ch-riiyman betas tho beloved Rev. Dr. John B, Ed tber of Dr. LaaSon B., Leroy B. tadwerdS, Of Richmond, and Dr. William E. K.iwatdai, now of PetersbRrg. lire, On . s girl, was in tbs Bunday ' with Bishop .i??l?i r. Grant? ry, of Ashlar,.], and the lit? ReV. .lam? s A. Dun can, formerly preefdeal of Randolph-Ma con College. They were both ?mail boya th.-n. and Mrs. Ov/eni is.oil. its the BU? tying th .t both war-' ?lay be blsbopa Hla prediction cume true, in one OSSS, at !. The seem about tj,? home v - ' rday, of which this Bgetl saagre tly-e?rteemed eou? Btre, and what) Ras made inlon of chlldn n and chlldi children, was, Indeed, a happy and me? CUHUmtAB AT catholic BCHOOI* This sfternoon the Cltrlstnaui entertaln . the ' latholk day and Bundaj school w\\\ ta?.' place. There s/Il] reell Ilona by the lit tle folks, perhaps an sddt I ? Blahop Van de Vyver, and the distribution of its among the chlldn n. Christmas entert? nment of Central Itetbodlal church waa given last ev< pj . atl ndi d and rus h i n? The Chi Inment of Oek? m a ?ill be gleeu to-night at the Armory. 0 Wright am t< d William Anderson and Henry Davis, both d, on ordinance snd ml chnrgi ? Lively. CHRISTMAS AT THE WEST-END. ,t : ... ??'. lock Christmas entertainment for the chll of West-End Methodist church ?rill place. The Interesting i pre pared f"r ihis occaaloh i< given here: Anthem, by the choir: o] "Christmas in the Air," l.y Ashl in I ?!, "When s ?in W< II Lei the SI ' - Ils Womack; ; h by Inl Bool; reell y's Letter to Bnnta i ?laus,'1 I j I Gary; dialogue, "Fob and Geese," by b Ri dford, n ittle Reams, Badl i bus, and Johnnie v?' "San? i B t," by Katie Womack; aiiiKin?? by tnfnnl ? I isa snd 11 recitation, "N? llle'a Troubli ." by . Corbus; recitation, "Christmas." by Ma? Talbott; recitation, "N\> Btockln^a," Woma k; ret Ration, '"i felt," by Lada Bah lection by a Very fhanll Boy"; ad by tn . R< * <\ i ' Cra a. . "Wife of Sonta flau--,' ick, CogbtU PaWley, Pear] fortune, Bad W. J. Willlanm. Each offli - ?i i upll v?ill be glv< n a present at the cl Th?.? Christmas-tree of th?j Meade-Me l Sunday school r ta giv< n night at Leader Hail, and aas truly sa the clty'a most cultured people war. ? nt. THE "OLD-TEAR" GERM?N. Th? following society people acre pres ent at the "Old-Tear" germen given by the M ? Ilion Club it 1 a Tu? sday evi oing: Ml i m w tills, (;? f.ia i>- Wi I? . Bill n Weisigi r, Min... Wi I i nee Holland, Lola Mayo, K ite i ?i i. n Robertson, Minnie Lee Dr arry, Kate Drewry, Bessie heed; mpi on, "i West Virginia; An nle Allen, of Petersburg. Mesara Bam. Patti .-..n, Will Patti Lacy Pendil y, Tom Pendley, Frank Bamp s"n. Bam. Moore, Gus Gool <? orge Cox, John Britton, Jim Brltton, Royal Wei 1er, Allen Taylor, Tom Turpin, Cm? m. u Turpin, Willis. Pulllarn, Dan. I nax, i:. fa? i;.n!y; Prior, of P and I ? . Rndd < perona; Mrs. Henry Pan. o 1. Batte, and ' B rtson. Th? 1? aptlon given al thi n Mr. D. m. Wiltshire In honor ? I fila son, Mr. p. B. WUtshire, of Phlladi Iph a, 1 - a vary pleasant affair. Those pri w? re '!-.- tubrey :? ?rra n, ? ; Btai d? ton; 1..m. Davidson, Bertha Cox, ! Demied, Florence and Ruth Brandts, 1 ? r? ry Moody, !; J and Bernloe Fahr, I Alma, and Clydi Bv/iff, snd M rs. Ber dle Wiltshire, Kit ? rt, W ? .. Vernoa t*i i? ., Otla Morrlsette, ar:J Vic* tor Hague, PERSONA] s AND BRtBJFA Misa Mat" I Aci Petersl nrg*, la the a, of Cowardin . atlas Lettle Behrlckel is^ her r. .i.iv. - In I'm. a George and ?'buries City during the holidays Mr. Arthur Nunnslly is up from the i -m Shore, ?pending the Christmas arltb hut peeple and friends. Mr. L. B. Lloyd, of the city post-ofBee, is apendlng the holidays with friends la Portsmouth Misa Maud Bouthron, of Petersburg, is visiting ber friend, Miss Cbrlstla Smith, ' al i.i? v. nth afreet sir. R. a Carter) of Petersburg, 1. on a visit to hla brotl HI -; Leila Wright left Tuesday for Bel? ma. N. r., t?. vi-it friends ana relatives. Mr. Fahr bas reto 1 m d to the tagten, at Norfolk, aft'r Bpendlng ? ? 11. I , Do You Want Consumption? Wo are sore you do not. Nobody wants it. But it comea to many thousands every year. It comes to those who have had coughs and rolda until tho throat is raw, and the lin ing membranes of the lungs are in flamed. .Stop your cough when it first appear?, snd you remove the great danger of future trouble. krc Pectoral ?tops coughs of all kinds. It doea so because it is a soothing and heal ing remedy of groat power. This nuke? it the greatest preventive to ooaeumptiou. Twe. alias; fieO; 50e. AtalldrugglaU. Mmdloml Advico F mom. Write (reel? ?11 t?.e partirnUri In year i???. Yuti s?ll! r?<-?|v? a (.rompt ropljr, ?uh.-ut ?..?at. AUdiol?, Dr. J C. A Y EK. hl? furlough with ni? Basais lu this city Mr. Barons BhirhS, who ha? baen ?pend ing tho holiday? with friend? and ri In . laft yest't ley t?,r ))'? BOSBS, Ir ? X*. r u Hit-on ans? ?b?t*r. mi?? Laura Frunkrin, of R-ndon?. are th* glieitj of Mr?.. Llsyd n Franklin, ol Tu. tfth .-,n,i gtoekton Btrseia The followltiK <>fnc*r? have b??n BlOStSd f?.r Liberty Council, No. It, Jr. O, U. A. v.., of gwensbero': CounseUoi C ( i' *iua: Vice S?Ui llor, C S. T . : : If. - cording Sserstsry, William J. Mori' taut Hoeonllnt S., retal ' . M K. "' ?in.-nts; Finan, lai S'en tary. II. E. <"rl?l i . Treasurer, w h Toser; Ooridactor, a i. Seville; Waifiea ,\. A. Aivi?; In* aids Sentinel, 0. L Bates; Oumtd? Pentl n?d, H. *?. jenninKH: Trustes, eighteen months, A. R. Toler; twelve months, j. e. R ford; six month?. W C. Clements; Representative Funeral BenefH Associa tion. Wllltsm J. Moti t! ThS funeral ..f Mr- J B W'Mmore ktatt who died m ser resldsnas, Nu, 10 south Fou th street* 1 afternoon, took placa i rtarday aft, mo.,n from ths iduoted by Rev. J. A. Spencer. Four cblidrsn survive hsr, 1{. v. IC Ashby Jones, of Rlrhmond, will deliver an sddrsss at Bsmbrldgo-fitreol ehuroh this svsnlag at I o*clocsx. There win be rjtcellenl muMo alas No adaais? slon fee will be charged, though I who attend ?roi ? gi\en an opportunity to make B contribution to I worthy i TO MEET AT THE JBbTBMBSOV, Ml?? .Innen to LSSlSSS Hefore tbe AVoninn'? Club Then?BSUlStg gSWS, On Monday mxt the meeting of the Wo? man's Club will be held at the Jefferson hall-room at bslf-gSSt 8 o'clock, on Which c, astea Bias Dora Darby jo-i?.*, ?.f wssb lagton, D, c, wi'i ?.'iv an Illustrated Isc tnr?> on Botticelli, Mis? Jones needs no Introduction t" the i !ul>. before whom sin- lectured noms two yesra ago on the ".\l.oi,,!'!i.i in Art," and those who beard her, at that time will ? xt? nd to her a most cordial reception on Monday. This b.-ini? BB<evenlng entertainment, members are d to invite gentleman aa ?scorts or sisitiiu: Richmond, Ths current events and i-lo utinn classes in connection with the club were suspend er this wsefc, bat tAa- French ?lass nil] meet, as usual, OS Friday aft'inoon. The "K,n llur" rehearsalfl an going ?m aplendldly. This "Ben Hur*' has never pr* at nt?-?l In Richmond. Tl. bieaua will be unique and beautiful. The , a 11] i auctloni d off si an early date; ttm? wfl] be given throui ta th* nesrs papera Tbe Ely? and Ear Infirmary bas i? tob Into th.- A: sodated Hnei ii' be on?- of the ftv* ?"ik I meeting of the cast tO-nlght at & o'clock at the Wo :, Association to rsh* Tickets for the satertainment can be 1 m of th.- eh 'Innen Of th" difl hospital commltt? a, .ir.d will soon be on mis si the A idemy, There li a greai deal of dancing and drilling In th? performance of Ben Hur. At the m- ' ting of th.- A ted ] I Mis yesterday alterno m the reports fr?'ni the wets most ?n couragj rBUly? M* I ' i ? am . ' position of Mlm Bl OohS, th.? i : I miner Nigh t'a Dream' will be postponed tot s tima . There was auch a small meeting of the men "f th-? k < /. tar for the i a* hies yesterday that no business waa trans act! .1. . * i- ii ay n ' Ity, la Brooks 'hithum, at No. I&l Floyd avenue. . Mil ghen of Afton, la the .- wart, N-j. 9i'j an ti. at ? Mrs Carini.d?a? i i.s at Um Bt Vernon. ? ? Miss Ad i Baker, of Woodstock, who r., ' nily visit? d her aunt, Of NO. 1"! 1 t ' st!. t. hi? return* d to Richmond, lorn in ^ a blngton, Baltl . . . P I] Id.I. M MKROl S CHRISTMAS WEDDINGS. A Ma?anes af Ballsing Wafiauusjts occur in Tin? City. Mr. Edward k. Kldd, a popular young ti relllna. ill man, and Mb s Mini Curtis were married last night at the home of th, brlde'a parents Mr. and Mi ;. K. P. Rogara, No. ir> north Nineteenth Btre* t. Rev. Mr. M I Trinity Metbodisl church, performed tl)' cere mony In the j a comp : friends. The bride wore a gown ol - la,!:, ?" ( loth, Mr. Michael N. Coughlln and Misa Catherine C. Paj ? ra marri* d \ terda) afternoon al .-t. Mary'a church. Ri ,. Fathi r Willibald and Messrs. Loula Ossser and WHUe Miller were the i ser of frli nda and rehtttvi - of the i parties gsthi red st tl i to the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Coughlia will resida at the home of Mr. and Mrs Micha* i Paptlstllla, th? brlde'i parents, No. m north Fourth ; in et MU PATRAN WEDS m?. UVE8IE. Mr. Thomas J. Lit . rly Of this city, nos "i Norfolk, and M Les F lugbti f o? Mr. and Mrs W. B. Patran, ol RI tu I wsri mar ried Tuesday svsnlng at 1:43 o'clock In iii, i a i nee of a i> n Inth .is In the i -i. 'i ol Rav. i". J. B. Butson, pastor ef Plne-fitreet B hurcb. .- I . Mr. LtvoMc la I prominent and popular trunk m..i.- facturer of Norfolk, a-nd tbe bride utlful and papular > wh.? will be from a large frli nda In this ? ity. Immediately after the ceremony I couple left for their futui , . Nor OTHER CHRISTMAS \vi:i.?MNi;s. Mr. William J. CoM? and MlM K?*a L. lismpklns wera msrrled by Rav, W. A. Laugbon at hla Tnesday night. Mr. Cobb i? amptoj i at tl Riohi Cedar-Works, and m hlgnlj ssteemed by .-.ii who know bbn. ik> aride la a popular .voulu? lady. Bean! J. IK BtOnS, Of Company M, Third Virginia Regiment w u m on Monday afternoon to Misa Alice Pettl grew, m ths panera <>f Rev. Dr. fitarr. ni Stone is employed at the Alles I Qlnter factory, and u . | bbsu g( i. i ii| . ?teamed. Hla brida Is th* . ; of Mra s. k. Pettlgrew, No. Ill n i ?ii Fsurth atn ii boms to th* li friends, at N h street I'lincral ?if Ir?. ! il/ucrnl.l. ' ?BJC, MB : -V-iSpe ' " H Fltsgerald, wife of the Comml d in Rica ' : brought I timor? to-day an i planed In a n .m In Gre* nmounl < Cemetery. Th? bod) was accompanied by member? of the family, and waa met at Union Biatlon by i imber of friend?. In prominent ex-Confi li com rsdes of Mr. Fitsi , a ho, during his Ion? ' n th!? cit) was h mi m?".| of th.- Conl - |? si,,!, ,.r Mai > land. The only cem etery were tbe prayer? foi thi by tbe Rev. F. g Kr., h n,. t??rm.-r ot the ?i. covered with fioiai offer) . Wiilern-lnlnn O|iertilor?' ?,,???. ?I. Operators Mitchell, Capertoa, QUI. ?hU? oott, Bargeat and Dsbney, ol th? K ern Union >>ftl'-r, bl thi> ?lt>. < tuf c?vnte?t Saturday, with a VMSJ to tSSting their ai>lllt" as reoelvers, and a purse was to ?>e awarded to th? ?rlnn* r, Mr Wirt White, who la 'Mir of th? fart ent teiejcr?ph ,.p?iatoi? In tb? profession and wiu, happen?! to e* ?t Newport .s- a> at fhe time, wa? enimi?ed to ?en.i th- t?l? graphie mutter which h? did wl i ltK|it ranMltr. Mr. White ?eut twenty telegrams In 1", minutes, which wa? considered exc d maly ?p-tidy. Mr, Mitchell captured tlu; prUe with Mr. Cliilcott a close ?ecoud. LicbJs >ANYS For ?fpttlrinr, health ful cccklr.??. Delicious Z BRI ndSaaosa Send pajul to LleKr's F .'tract of Moat Co., P.O. Box 2718. New York. for free CyJt Bock. \ EXTRAfT ifEF A perf.rt method lo develo] 1?f*i;15 ?strengthen, enbiiy all weal r ? ' rtnntfli table portions of tti body. Effects of ??rrora an i i.i'-il. A 111 Indorsed by pbyatclans. Aj plmnce ami treatment ?jsjR .. approval So money in a?i vane... Write forex|?l?nationaiid i?r'M.^; inaile? In plain, .scaled letter. ( OaVSRjjOBaleace cor lideutial. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N.Y. MEN ONflY i o OUR FAMOUS NICKELSf rULL-SIZFOHAVANA ?*-...?. ?,.? FILLER rt'RITANO ?DOUBLED?, Eqratl * Chan ?\ ?%? Wtoaioc ^l Hand? t HERE. I Cigar. JV- Made. -L^-^^^i TOT "NE and u'l: #..#>.,ay..e>.,aj)..n want a buz. ?, P. 0. CIGAR S?0RL, ii low ioBtomce (de ?l-liio l)i: \ I It 111 BJ Til POISOVa it iiii..-- to LlfR V|?i?nr?'iit attnsag to Take ?lu- Life ??r mi Athlete. NErW TORK, Deeember :v-Mi-?. Knt J. Adams, a w.'.l-to-.lo woman, was poi Batted to-day in h? r hainlsoint ly-furnishei apartments en Btghty-slxth atreet Be death ?s ceaneeb ?i srlth a curious chain o events. M i. Adams aras a rmbbw, M years old and lived Rath be* so.i-iii-l.isv, BdRaVTl i .h. insurance agent. Mr. it. Cor rash, a R-sU-amoern athlete and physics of I !.. Kniekerboeki r Aihl? tl< Club, boardi d Rith Bri day Mr-, A.i.ii'.s had be, an? lira, Adame? (laughter, Mr- R \ Ised h? r to taki B hunt) ?i around, bul fount none ef ths n ga ini. Finally iha i?m mben d that thai e - bromo seitaar in air. Comlab'a room This abe gol and gavs to bar mother, arh< toob s fa i -eta ond . . : i - from the affecta ?>f I . ; i >v. mu? u' .. k Raa call? in, and be rned to counteract thi effecti of t arhlch ho declared'to b< cyanide of potassium. u.NLY A TABTB I'K' ISTB \TKS. Mr. Corntab and I 'i. Mi'? bet ' r. 't. and :n I minutes both w. 11 i i. its "i the .-..???iii quantity they bat lied In ii? i? m< a, but Mrs. ? llr. ( tea 'hat on i ... r. ?-'.\. '1 B I? I(. fa ' ii,? dii holdi ;, In a I an,i m the hold? r a ,s a bottle m i "Brome SeltBeT.'* This package ?mi anoi... but < ' : - ;ys h? be frequentl) 4r. thla \\a>. it i bottle that si t for her mo Ii b Mi.- i with fatal effect. Mr. 'ornish caanot who could bava had any ue I It \I\-W It 1 :? Is IN ? OL(lit ADO. Twelve Perseas BeeftMMly laJaseS \ ? ..i|.si- * icnmiiil. nuNBAD I -Thi ?Sal 11. limited ti ?In on ra road this city al 7 of ?lock tins morning. The Bccidi m : is s i] by a : . OVl i all right, 'i -. ar. t\\.. draw Lng-n "in Bleepei s-cai 1. ft ths track. : from ar, and thi wer? up. Thoee la ' hi - omposlten ard an p.,it, ,i badlj Injun d. x?> one bul twi r< wi isly Injured, as folloa Condui tor C. D. Boucher, i. both banda and face bi dly burned by gas Prank B man, Lns ind banda i . i '. l' ilrba i Mil?? and slightly burned taca 11. D. B rent, B a City; . ? fork; ??lightly 'I "ii fa A corn? . wblcb was en rout? for Phil? 1. A | i bysl? wen ta ken ; rom I bla dtj : for th< In in I the latter wi n 1tk n to i-i Junta. AILVM V WAMS I 1.1)1 It \L PRISON, < ciilial of (..?... kIii Muilssny mi .-., a Ute t'?r It. ATLANTA, HA., D ml '' u tral ... : ..,? t... affl l d t?. Ija -. nt t UcPl for the n> R P* dei al prison, In ths tender is in. Lud? <i tin right of the Oentral ; for tin i emeat 1 not to eb Ushed ti ? i ro ll the tra. . The 11, i in j Ui - ilmoet directly in : il B H.i | : pi i rty racks The ap point! i the propo n i ?He and it Ras thi oplnl? n ol :,,, .,' ? oll ,11 M t V. At! . In a : a 00 i vl II to A I ; i ct thi in. ' ltii.t m: OV A < \ i i i.i: KiMi. Total I n.l.lili'.l in ms Out Tssit Ireil 'I'liouMiinil Dollar?.. is \.\s.\s (2ITT, MO., December SL?A in Milan, Mu . ' . the failure of Wall, r M. ? Sulli van county cal \. , agb his fallm ? has : . ,: . >iin? years, the eel ... ghock to the Rhols country. The records of ' i ..?t un hi in(li. vidual Indi t?i? Jr.? s -vin .. ,. t?r?ll .-r ?? ??) t/oo. |f | ?. . , ... ,,... is held by the Chli I Stock ?'..i'aiii--.: . . Company, ihe balanoa b) the J. ( . Ii?.hard CornmiaaSon Company of Bi well, of K City; thi, 1'ii.t Nai ,.., ,,t- th{< and Afoorhead a Bandlfer, of thla county. CASTOR IA For Iniants and Children. The Kind Yod Have Always Bought Signature of C&?/ffi&$?? ?a a-Th&?afrto EMPLOY BBS* WANTS. \V i.Vi'EI?, A TOTJNO LADT IM STAY IN CONFBC tlonery and liuk-ry. Mu*t <?ime. well re commended. IK W. MOESTA "i cast Main._ _ de a-it WA*TEI>. A HOUSBOIRL APPLY TO SB BAST iklln. B-lf u i\Ti:n A V"i'.\?; man WHO CAN FURNISH f re? ncea, or con giv?- sscurlt). d?-sir?. i a Position li I "r offirs by th?' Brsi ol the rear. No? to begin with. Address liA?, car?? Disputen 1 ' _ _?le 'Jii-li* W IBTBD. TWO ACTIVE, INTELLIGENT, AND Experienced Solicitors ran aecun good ? ..Mtr ict ? ?no lady wai I : irth s. v nth .-ir? t. Apply In person, de M-2t* \\ UTTB?, A REFINED I.Al-v. WIKKlN'i; TO work. In ' n* "f our departments. Work m? ami agreeable Good pay. Room B, No. ii"; . ,-t Main atreet da B-R*" W \>TEH, AT BO FLOYD AVENUE AN BXPERI i Cook; ' M-fa.dii..ii. d. "befor* war*' black' iriamra: preferred, l want woman of the old school, who served master and mistress before d* m _da hvit* WANTED, A THOROUOHLY COMPETENT COOK, with good refer* ncea Apply to ;-'" s St?'eet. City. ?I. S ' W USTED, ATONCB, A GOOD, RELIABLE NURSB Apply at IB west Main street de irt-it' III BIKES! WAMS. D.O'SILLIVAN'S. Eighteenth and Hain 5?ts. I IMKST ( I l.lT.I'l.ll CREAMERY IIL'T'I i;k. VtrajtaJa'a Bai il product Always th" sanie. Nothing in tins town ?an equal it for purit>. Bevor, and quality. Its '1 llcious flavor ?*> not equalled by ar.y Kut ter at twice the cost. Order a pound for ample. ISO), per iioonil -In nny qnnntlty. clkmmek OLD it Y t: WBISEBT, a perfectly par.- Virginia mountain dig? tilled, mellow Rye Whiskey, In bond since Jan. . 40c. per ?imirtt SLfifi wallon. Large White. Fat Mackerel, ?n Bg mm IS-pound kits . ?pi.^^ DBWBT chop TEA. its delicious flavor cannol be found this side of China, whin; it was selected tor our custom* I'rr pound. OSS. Cream Lunch Biscuits, still warm. ?r 1 ist baki '. i : p* und .. ?>*' Brus Polst Bnowfiak? Oyster ?-lr Crackers, per pound . ?5*^ 1.000 barrel? Fis? Family Flour, d> . or> per barrel . P4"?r> Climas Stove Polish, mske i tur p.^ Btov? look like a mirror, for_ ?J^ (Al.iron\l\ DMIBD FBACHBB, B dainty saa -lor, su ?-et and Juicy, Dried California ..,, i . '.T^ IOjOM ca? i. mon ? Hing, '. *jf\r '. . ?SV?? < ?ni;.- ? limit? i quantity ?r thl? prli e. LO00 ries, 1-pound -yzr can-- . ^?i^ ; .. | i | . eXQ': ' i . 5C 42c I 32c 1111(11 IMAM) l.ltlll Ml MEAL. llak Fatally Flour, ,n per bag . out rrcls "Pride," spring whi it <C . -^ . "f4*5? '. LjgN pounds Frsshry-Oround ?\r \ Crai ki ! Meal . VIC ! 6,000 bushel? Wster-Oround Meal, acc \ per bushel. 4r?v | lonno bushels White corn. ' - on tba market, p.-r bushel . riBSfi V HI.KM) * Ol I IE, Richmond'? llnest medium-priced Freah Roasted Coffee,. Its flavor Is tempt big t?. good coffee drinks per 20C pound . It Aint'ia Bock a, 2 ?%C per i ound . ?' t I2C . 1,000 i '. tham Wafer? pur? sir and cris] per pound . ?3 .w Dutch Cb.Kit?- Cream?, In ^r -m ?I! quantity, pei * CO- JQ ; i psi lag? .?? . ?5 Imported .larns. in quart bottles, in^ . iid virgin! i Cider ?oc Vim sallon . "w Ken Crop N a ^OC per gslton . * ..... .'::. | R| cc, i .a J i .mi da . r"J; ' r er r pound .^ ?^. MOW BtlfiB FOTATOBS. Hanover BWS?I P r |()?j 1,000 bushels 'Large,' Dry Irish Po- cr, par r* ' s . o M pound* : irch for. 2?"> IMFOBTBD WTfiBg. \\: \ x Fi rp*" B Thli i at N? wport n< wa to , Jim dandy, . Fine H ?Hand Gin, thick with age, tuai . Oil ?on 0 Ry< Wl per quart . Home ?i . y Brandy, ,II irt . - . BOA | ?''li Smoking >%mc Tobai ' l-po ?:.'i 1 g . <*."?? 11SE oil) Mil rHFIBLD ll IBB. l-A, : \ lover ol |.i n a bal a Smlthfli : t Ham ?hould be. i lura will your expe? tatlon?. Tbura will bring ii- B Fin? Old ?i iras. S nd your order In Urns, .? i they sell rapidly when w? ta iv? th* m Fer iiounil. lS|a> 10,00) Rales Choice Timothy Hay..4^C. .; 9 Si,s m, fufiTh) M WTEI), AN ACTIVE OR SILENT PARTNER IN \\ hol? I? M .- mu -t have 11.',.i??? to IJO.OuO. Adv* rtlaer cc a i u - of thi i . trees "N ," < are I Us ! _ . .' \\ VM KI). PERMANENT CAHVA88ER WANTED h town; new plan; constant work; Increasing pay. (?Kl> DOMINION PUB LISHING COMPANY, IK east M Un 1 moi..I. Va. d.- ?S-ThA-SuSt? \\ vMi:n. tD Fl ?R MAN AND WIFE I.v PRI vete fan I n as ?nal I A <! W \M I II. I ' IRDER9 TO OCCUPY TWO NICB of parlors, if desired; In h mi comfi rts; ha> e no i \ It .' I. ll . ! patch offlc .' Th.JFr&S IAOIK?! Chicheslcr't English Pennvroyal p::i. ?rw-,4 BrMkU. qra the Best, tit,; 1* U4>-> ' i. >.m* i. Return M?j!|. * "ru?(?i?. CBSShSSMS Ctoeuilcai Co.. TLlIa.ilA., p?, (au E-Tu.Th.Sulj i 40G 75c 15c PERBOSAL. HAVING QUAUFIED AS EXECUTOR OF THE KSi ATE OF Ml KK HELLER i won . ,,,,, ,? tl; ,j .-aid estate nent to m< and I ?j ail p. n on ; !.. u bom th* estate la In - .! 11.,! will pl< pro. p< rly autbentleated, to m?- for settlement MOUES MAY Exeoutoi of Mo r Heller RI hmond. Va.. December it, _ THE D1SSULI ilu.S OF THE FI??M OF REI 1 ER ?v MALLOR1 I .- un dm In , f 1 - - and varied ?took .,' RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT. AND Mil L si PPLIES, which 1 will close out at in.m 10 t?. *:o per cent, below manufac turers' price. Hive an extra large of RKPPER GOODS, auch an li big, pelting, etc. Write me for anything may need in my line .r )> MAK LORY, H Light atreet. Baltlmora Md _ d? BBSfiBTTB WEfiTSSUI BTABLBS, >?ji ami tin:; w.-ci Broad - R. J SLAUGHTER, Proprietor i will ftirnUh Rubber-Tire Carriage? to " attend fun. rab In Richmond or Manche?- ' ter for L' each* Rubber-Tire Runabout?- ?1 a?s... th.. Larges) Awning In the ?dty for ?f we'irtlng? and roceptlons. at re.lm ?4 A Al? T?OS SALK?-Tbla Dny. WHEN HEAL K8TATK IS a<>LD "-"H? TAXES FOU THI CURRENT CALAUN DAB YEAR An? TO BE PAID I'BO RATA BY THIS VaWDOK AND IHK VENDRE l?y J. Thompson Drown & Co., 1113 Main. CKNTKALL.' - LOCATED WARE HOUSE an i> MODERN, MEDIUM-SIZE DWELLINGS. Qi OD-PAY1N0 PROPERTY. Fa will sell at public auction, on the premises, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ?9TH, at ? p. II -hat-;?, that WELL-BUILT AND SUBSTANTIAL TWO-8TOR1 BRICK WAREHOUSE, No. beta? n Main and !ary strt Lot fi eet (more or less) hy a riepth ol ISO feel (more or less > Tha i ' . Mam str.'. ( and the la? U ir?- ?if the city ados s valu.' t>> thla ! < i'tv not usually found .in a building of this kind. Then, say at i > P. M., the TWO DESIRABLE, MEDIUM-8IZE RTOCK-BRICK DWELLINGS, ! and 109 H am street, near Cary etreet. containing ? Ht rooms each, Latrobe range hot andrcold bath, Ac. handson id, and In i rfi i order. Occupied ,v well-poying tenants. They offer sn ?pportunlty i ?r an Investment that will pay 10 PER CENT. GROSS on prospective telling prlci, . TERMS: Liberal and announced at sale. J. THOMPSON BROWN ? CO., lo ct-ts Auctioneers. By George? W. Mayo. Auctl. Cs ? r, | j . gat Bn id street. pIGARS, NEW TOILET SET?, U Fl.'KSI'IUKK. aba, ATAIXTION. l will sell, at my auction-house, al \. ML, I'd-DAV (Thursday? DECEMBER 8), K consignment of HandJbme New Toilet a.I separate n? w Ba Parlor and C iambi r Sun-, Rock? ra, Chairs, Chiffonnier. -. < ?ak Wardxob. , uak Extension snd oth. r Tables, Bu reaus, WashataBds, j.. ts, Sliver-Plated u re, Roll?ed Gold Band : Rlchmond-Ma root.? and Cigars, Mirrors, Plat-Top and Standing Desks, Soap . Ral Powdi i -. ? looking and Heatl and artlcli GEORGE W M A v<>. do 29-it Auction? r. DIMllllMi MOTlOaRS. Granite Building Company, No. 110? Richmond i mi,? i- 17, is:*. TIM-: BOARD OP DIRECTORS OP PHIS COMPANY HAVE DECI*ARED A IEMI-ANNUAL DI\ IDEND I ?F THREE ER i :ENT. (ffe. of tax) 0 I *l ; ,. : i the pasi six mi ntbi md after January ::. : SAMUEL If. PULL! AM, tarj and Ti ?surer. _ i State 1 Richmond, Va., Dec? ml er 20 189 . THE i'lKK' T? >RS i ?r PHIS ' ?M? ?ANY I - lared their IEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND ? ?P IENT. ' fter JAN1 'ARY 3d text CH IRLES K. WILLIS, .!< 28-lw_ Richmond, \ a . i ?. ml : THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OP his company ha i ? SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF S1-1 PER i:nt. out lz mo ii. r JANUARI K. A. CATLIN. C ?shier. _ a rit y Dank, Rlchmon I I -' ** THE DIRECTORS OP THIS BANK ave deel.I the usual SEMI-ANNUAL ?IVIDEND (free of tax) OF THREE PER BNT., payable on and after JANUARY _ A B. BLAIR, _ THE DIRECTORS OP THE GERMAN lMERICAN BANKING AM' BUILDING 'i ?MPANY, In m< i ting l ?. mbi r 13, 1898, , SEMI ANNLTAL DIVIDEND IF THREE PER CENT., payable tu tockholdera on and aft? r JAN! ARY i CHARLES K. WILLIS. _ Bank, Unlti and City I hmond, Va? Deci ml THE BOARD OF DIREl Ti ?RS ' ?F THfl IERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK OF lICHMOND have thla da di i lared their lual SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF . PER CENT, oui of irnlngs ! . ... Me to the Btockhold. 11 on and alter JOHN P. GLENN, de -l-i.l _ ? ' , ?ga Bank ol imond. \ .... Dec? mbei 24, THE DIRECTORS OF TIMS HANK ave declared a Dl\ II ?END ? >r THREE ER CENT, (fr.( I i i ble to th.- atockholdera <>n and .itt.-r ANUAR1 ;: II JAMES M BALL tilted B inking and i CHECKS F< >R THE SI ?I-ANN1 \\ IVIDENDS ?>F J PER ? 'EN ? on the ER CENT, ild itock of tiiis < lompa - ockholden SAM1 EL 3. ELAM, . mond, Va., Di eml i THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OP HIS BANK HAVE DECLARED THE SUAL SEMI-ANNUAL DI\ IDEND < F HREK PER CENT, om ii thi past - m in r January 3, : J. W. SI\Toy l in _ C Did I ? n. Bull ling and Loan A ?so lutlon, Richmond, Vu . Dec. ml er 21 THE SEMI-ANNUAL I ' ' OP PER CENT. I >N OUR F [FT! - ' ?LLAR PA1 i l' - . ' ' a ! ..ii <,ii ami after ,i?n i .. ?. . ifge. l: a BARBER 'aeln _ Treasurer. . ?mond \ THE DIRECTORS OF THIS AVE DECLARED \ SEMI ANNUAL IVIDEND OP THREE 1" ?LLAR HARE (free ol tax), pa) ible on and U r January 3, U J. B. BEASLEY, ?3 in_ v.i' aal ink of Virginia, Rl< hmond, Va., D. . - mb< r 22 Tin-; DIRECTORS OF THIS HANK AVE DECLARED A DIVIDEND OF -1 PER CENT, "at of thi san past Mx month ' r JAN1 IR1 J. \\ !.. M ;<\\ . .. ,i, '_ DIN IDEND ?v i, ICE rLANTlO-COAST LINE RAILROAD i? ?MPANY OP \ IKGIN LARED A DIVIDEND OF BNT. ? thi capita] it .. of i i I t 1 mi Compi irglnla, Including i? and e Clasa it al i of tj i and ,t Compai IVIDEND OP i PER CENT, on th.? ock of : he Pel i my. on the par value of poo iny r,,r six montha end i n JANUARY . : ord In ?? ?'itii dar of Jan will i? ? ! - d f: m the 10th t?? ,? IHth ?>f Ja; dtd W I: Ji ?NES Richmoi THE la.ADD OF DIR ?r,,..? [RGINIA TRI Si ? OMPAN1 havs HIS DAT .,t ,,< \IH\:\-: PER CEN II M ;, ft,;. tax, on H Ij? ij able on and aft? JOHN Ml ?RT, ,\-. ! 'Jl-tJa'l DIVIDEND NOTICE. Til l : D' IARD OP DIRECT! >R1 OF THI It'HMONU, FREDERirKSBl'It rTOMAC RAILROAD COMPANY have iclared a DIVIDEND OF THRE HALF DOLLARS per aban on the mmon atock and dividend obligai a ooanpany, payable on JANUARY ;?. r book? will be closed fr,,m ECEMBER . J. B. WINSTON. u?*3 ?surer. The Planter?' National Dank of Richmond v., . December IS ['Hi: DIRECTORS OF 1HIS BANK W H TO-DA\ DECLARED '1 HE REG aAR SKMl ANNlAL DrVIDBND i >F \ nu PER CENT, un the capital atock ee of tu??, payable en and after jam 1TJ. IS?. RICH ARD I!. SMITH le 23-tJaJ Cashier. AICTIOV BALES rwtwro On... M MEN REAL ESTATE IB SOLD taxes for tik; currkxt cal" DAR YEAR AHE TO BB KMK ?i "> RATA HY TUB VENDOR AND th? VENDEE. W D?BLNMBALEOP TMi; PBOp] ? A m.Mi gatASCSlBES 01 rflfi it i v % x. NA NAVIGATION COMPA riernigi. ; ta lb? de n.t Flu? i entered I tl the April term. ISJ7. in Of .lohn \. W ilk? I fie., vs. the 1 party and others win Ber for , publii au? t;m. in froi ville. Va . at U o .... ta M Till KSI?.\V. MARCH . : /,, all th.- WORKS, PROPI FRANCHISES of gallon Compan) (chai ? . , of Vu?;,' Its r'.il ? - It ? and r on the Rlvam \ a.. down said river to lumbta. v - - party, Improvi m? ut? i in the pap? map and d< ?ci Ipl Ion from the r? ' rd? of the Uo otlie.- of the und TERMS: Cash . . purchase equal ai nu >l in - and can | from tl of the ? curlty. tain? i : with it purchase b? p i ; In I JOH? ' Chai Th" l>ond requi!. : by the AS ? , referr* d to has I Moon, special con W I ..- Clerk Flu? ' i! I ? !*,?.? j\s\/\s\s rv THE RE -i LAR AN of the ?1 kh ?li ? l< ctlon Banking-House on 11 r >i >a i iry. 18W / ,' . . do 13-eod Tho 9 - A N N ! ' \ I. STOCKHOLDERS at the bankli DAY, Jana i/y 12, J ' THE REGULAR ' ' of Jan i 11. , td_ THE regular OF TH UNION BANK held In t'l i on THURSDAY, do 20-tJa 1- til_ THE REGI i. \' - r.JCKH" 'K. { RANK Will 1 I at on MONDAY, J. \v ' la i In THE REGULAR ol the BT< "' . HOL1 , ITIONAL . I : I i ? ',. i : II THE ANNUAL itockbol . held ai DAY, 11 < C?RPORi I THE ANN1 A . ' THE BLESSED SA'K ! AND COLORED r , MU OINIA" s on \\ ED! ' . ANN1 I ?w ""the I I :' MKK.'K ' RICHMOND will I I M. I_ : Bull? ' I CHECKS : ' PAID ' mailed ' _ MAI. 1-1 - ... I OTIS DISSOI i l ihn \M> ? OPAH . I HMlir. ?y mut h I. It . I have thin day 1 of Mr. M air 1 .: \ nii'i: \\t. | S .n.l will I il: h will they had in .Sim.. Rii 1 ' LOBT, ^iitvii h nu i DI M' 1 i >. - i :he Coll I ' - I?l\ MUM) Mil l< I - Rli'hni"! ' THE BOARD OF DU i i-l'M? ' >.% ' ?NE I" ?I LAR i >a the : HEN! -t I 1 ! Rlehmoi DIVIDEND. THE Dl ? hi? Company hi (. N NI \ ?. I ! \ I I ' i \ I ' . . ' . m\ able on and i nge? of addrest : .n> \V. H. MV1I1 m i ,.i Ion Priatthg n* -l t the Dlsasl 'i Kiliiflng-IIouri?.