Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE. NUMirt 14.794. = ~ RICHMOND, VArFKlDAY, DECEMBER 30. 189& ' THESE OKNTS PSH OCBPT. THE FOURTH'S US, Mach After Itie Vir ginia Styl?. THE FRICES II CUBA. to Hake Merry. Bat Failed Inglorionsly. \ dim \ VIIMI < \lst.. iL.l.t I lies WtN *->\s iirinu? I In I t(?s ?un ?...i,I i uta? I ,., '? Itftlerrs llii'i'l Ilk?- It?l.noil Water s.nrrr. ?>f the Dispatch.) HABA1 ' n a . their w hi re - name . tariff, ol :. to n i - ml is ; ' . rf a ' I ' : I - Ti i ' - ' ' : "N\ ' ' ftp* ' ' ' and - with the The : I al no ' I ' ' I ' III? ' ?. Rbllc ? ai?- rid?? ?nne^elase for the .-. lia? that bS dO m,'' nnd.-r I anythlni about the syst* ra ' ' ' r was bist ma havtafl ng .e;r the wh.rf ?tl.p. \? i illt no outho* . \\. I? pina W* : id tal d DPI? lit? ,1 i.,l! ,ck. tied li. ireak morning drill ' guard mount i. aft i w M n of li,, tl nlnv on ninth i 'i ME CAMP. Th? i' lurth \ :. ii bo it a mil? ti"m the ?eu, on tl. ,,: .t hill ,11 ' ' " "11 tie I . ' mclu truck thi Th, nights, iban plantations ? )n . ... hlch had lo be bulll . II with port-hoi : by . I., en nd from which we i I ' ' " om a . Ill i. iv b< : hills. laid arui, us. h? ! .an- camp . . wit il ' ' . i; giv( -i the ml ind n t.. be low with troops. T i- <;..\. : n witl.t li. .a is like gov* rnlng the with.'lit : . ton. gnant i by tii" . \- ! le 1/1] I marching through H ii ? .:i the way rta. '! "1 III A V, ' . ! - II) . and th? y ari S] - lid to th?. value ,.: \i 1 I ?.III s\M\lil.lM, |\ m:\\ rORK I.? iii;i iKiii.l? >l?-lh?(,l \?l,(|.ieil l,> \l leared < levelaad Clothier, YORK, i it In i. - which, until recently, th.- Central Nati,mal .. and off. ' ,.f li ' ; ' ' : three . tl . t twentj tmong . I at rio Home rtlni t" I here. ' ::,,!. I,lit t: ' With th.- | -' ** them Ion, bul tl that they could not tin.I NOTE-MAKERS EMPLOYEES. .i.-d in the Chicago ?tock-yards, He , . i. id formerly v. iim Rothschilds ?"iic m. H. 1 lb tl I htlds told him to ?Ign bit i u te to ,i> notes. Jusl what the) . . . a having no he not? ?. I n em : t.. .!., the Lei, and i bout th N ' ^'d,, ti ,i the Btati m? ?it ma.!, i ?th? i m< ' employ* d I With tills information the bank laid the n , - | " : : ' Wh, n arraign I Chile . . ,> that h.- km s no i ,?,,,. n him Into p iy -. d b) -i Arm meni .and was In the banda : VI. TIM While 1 , for the i li.ak. : ,i from a ti,..,- lh{n ",v ' ' obtain? d In th "!""r '? ' ' ' . i th* Rothschllda i i r -. i k ,1 tor , M "II JSJ ?s-take BOMEWH1 ... .... , | ? Nj(, o , Decembi i i It li hsrs sboul Kothschlldi A Son men ;"?,,. n'.w rork dispatch con Dr H.HI? Cttmm *>r?l> ? ? ?""" llU.d-hy. 11 cures thai cru, I 04 BUg, 0? OTIS Authorities Expecting Soon to Learn lloilo Sitoatio,., OURFO KSNOTAPPREHENSIVE There is No EYidence of Tension or Alarm at Washington. HI THI.UK IS DVM.LIt OP IIVTTIl; Onteonir of I'rrapnt ( ?mlill.ina Muy Hi? n Mnirp und D.eUlse f : iikh t;?. iiient ifreca lasaras*.ts nad the I nlted Staff* lorrr?. A\ ABHINGTON, D War ?rtment i.- ex].Uni d-eftnlte \s?,r,i i*r"iii ?Ha within the n ? four i to what I ?i at Hollo, for by that tin:? Oenei ,i U. a ill from <?', m r,ti Mtllor, la at on thin Hon. ? offlclala about the Wot Department i?. ii,?i appt iv i.. i. sppi ?i the results, nui thi : si"n r-r alarm, oltho n ?nD.e?! Ituatlon ?' ? ' BO! at a , i L . . ...... . the Cuit, u | i i? '.. id., clos? of of! Ci n v, - .i m th.. \? thai oe ?i nils h, ;..riii?.r ?.?a the militar) Mtaatlon. All that 1 r?'i>D i ?i. finite news s ould i rod ail next twsnty-four houi i OUR TR( ?OPS <:<" 'I ? FIGHTERS. What to taking ?i the ? Ity, lth< r Rltb force r S IthOUt, i^ li??l <d!i?a:tlly . ami. Indeed, it ,.? ? Hkely thai ?oonaMei ? lodged with i!h- commnnd? in? . -.,.... taken. ?Sat in th.- even) ??. a clash ba ta m the Unll ti i th Ineurg W ' i ??r?. "in n- ? i.? doubl a: h l-'t nitiy, %\h?, for llghl . ability of onr I IRITT SURPR] i 11 I? 'A' ;< >. De, ? Uli? ' . \ Mi rilti. who i the holl? snr t,. hoar at the irrsni II M.rtitt thinks the > i. make it <lif ii,?,?]t ? . . i nlti ?St ntrol of the l'ln.-; "It Is. of < .1 M? rrltt. "t., pri fllcl Rh love Rill hi v. on the ultli - HAD NO RIGHT TO PT"R DKR. ' com? rvatlon, ?,r . ". iftlla with It. and though tie I made on ; t?. m might 1 i . i ' ' : i , n,?-.. m< ' either on th.? pari of tl the Islands, or on the part of th?? E should ha' ' ' er Hollo 1 I State? ti THE IN8?ROBNT IDEA. . idea tii.? Insurgente ha th,- more territory they can .? Hi the Unit? d Btati s ding ti>? m?pde of governmi nt." !.. r \n.s O? Tin?: ClTTfl FALL ||ANILaA, I ' " "i'. .,. occupation "f Hollo i?\ i he I . have Jus! beet re< elv-ed here Ann- exp-i lltlon ? omn r Brig? adli id. nersl Mill- r, srrlvi d ? ,i f.,and thai the Bpi . .,n boat i the ati ami r !hui u.a. and had l.i-i n transfi rrt?d to thi i ?nd ?.f Mindanao, Rhlle, by ai . i ar rlv .1 at with the t?.-.: t the laVttl r , :. Ill? ly nn ' ?prop iiy. Ths fairly quit I and or? althoi I ?'r night, - ..t...'..:- the r.-st. The onli fon the i?.r wH-s ti ? ?alarman second class ?cruiser \K\V FILIPINO ' Alil.N'l. .. The ? I ; '"' Csblnel la wa\ ... . > ..- II lldt : p?a M In? I the ii.t? '"." I nota : Min? .?ai i lommi i 9enoi Minis! i csnon; 81 I Dead (ksaper of ar - ^ Rosarla ajTB< SQBR than thk LAST ONE. LONDON, D? m i nt|. pino source, a i meed tbal thi Filipino Cabinet Ii much . ich as ;?ii ti?, i upan thi Inde r th< - nd '?? r.-t; i . i he >'i mlsh p li i. ..d.i d that thi . of Kil!|,ln?.- li fn th- B| I ... . | LAf/TON ORDERED TO PHILIPPINES \\ ASHINGTi 'N. D C De? mb i o\ Th.- \\,?r Department baa Issued erd-sra assigning Msjor-Oeneral l*awlon to vi? . i? .. Philippines Ths nsslgnmenl Is consldei> ! one ol eaci ptlonaI h IB i?"ll. ml La va Ion. vs DO w.h DM of the m?, a conaplcuoua ofllcera in the Hago, s III i?? in < < mmsnd to General ( HI? and In tin event vi ?. neral utis'-? appointment aa tovsmor-Oensral ?>f the Philippin militer) command of the fore.? hlltpptssrS. Hi? nsw dul '.pur.- ?i command "i nerve and tset. -id Lawton in sntly bet b la tommand of tivr- camp it Huntsvtlle. !' . k. ia raiikln? ??111 ?if Till i??ume this command on Hie departure >f General Lawton. The latte . 'or cuty ii the Philippines aras owing r ?)f Ma luring th* war and later at H ?^ B1 -.www BMWB. n loi li?. Aakei] to incur Alleirliinee to I nileil Btntee on?l Kern?e. OHICAiJO. I? !'. i D A speelel Tri'.iunu from Rabat ? Btartl ' me flying about ta re given credl ne,- hr ?J-.e'i?. Us - Ing that M : 1 n aaked to iks ths o? to the United and uV, rsfutaas. Ths bows th?? ? liars had i tfie oath ?.f .?.iiotrt?!'ea sma wj. and mount .-?I hi lurgents through th? towns. felling th* sitbdrswa hi* Uroopa from La FSj I ,ii! ifcsa t.. c Thi? -' r/f Its truth or t) .? f\ worth] ' which t waa i i who la riated a, :i'h. Th . orted ?en The s.-' if Chinas troops In t - .-.. iy. ? 't R FLAG TORN I" IWN. ! | r . nigh! i- to United St a I t lown from msfl houses in th? los I I'PP' r a/Hhsat nurabei to Preeldenl McKinley a to Inter! United Bl king for pubUi :.. n-sense ind Ju pie, -, . ai. bul I...I out, nol only will they bo b tut will i ta to ths ' . ' on: s ILDIERS Ri H rTED i ; : .. . Ths higher bltterij shagrtned a i the turn a'tu:. know whal i or i . n most avishly bo i to m,et in?- tosurgenl al th? with muatc hearing to tl si oldlers ute the populsr i'lois of the p* : , llll Of ' sari \ \i: WITH Cl ' :. Breen the United m t! o r of a provision w.u , ; .i-, ' "Viva ' > nul It r li di?. M* Ml xi.i * i IVAJL BEFOBT. \lei\?. ill Wllll.ei * <> in in I x -, 1 oil ? >< li ? nu- Bat I re?) Feasnble, WASH! e?OTOK i o e It I - ' "Pep m :. D. '.. I Der -?'.. ; iv.- have the honor to aokni -?M-.-ipt of j our letl of the i* by this . of tin Nl( has un? the law by proved J routes I I any ment ai? : routes that app. ' : losslbiHtli t,. t . i ira ti ?.mi thori ui n ii'ie a .i'! II routes to the i In i -. i" ami ex aaustlve report BCHl ME ENTIREL1 FEASIBLE, .] ,',;. i flel ! tin? d. Th? ' ... the . ompllatl ?n ai I of formt i I ,. art) titty ? m two moi that tic construction ol i S .I ( ' 1 ' I IW0 Of He ' . : . Com] Lull rout?-. i | ir estira - pprozlmately ? th in \ ' I, both and m width, depth and radlua of curvature "f the canal These Hi I t.\ the demanda "f : Bit Of 1 This has necessarily : din? ni. reas? In thi ? Btimated : is ti, n?> way Inconsistent with mat? from foi mi r s?, ,,i, h ' da much sma LULL tU lUTE BEST. "it i- oplnl o '. com? ii!;tt of th?- two n tlmated ! the Lull ! ut? ms not w, li within ?good i and ?fill ; sfei ad no ., hen compli ted. It dimensions snd rom by th? re bet -m with smaller i undoubt* tap mi m- within a ihort tune "f i'- compl* ttoa. \ our o bedien 1 ".I. K \\ AKKKIt, K,sr-A b d States Kavj ?I, nt of '' Btml i "l.'il IS M |1 M'KT. "c:\?I >3ngtn< i, M< ml r " N0N-CONC1 RRENCE \s t?j i ur with tin ?;. . oral i ' pect to ths pi a in, ? nk snd f> a ii-.i't . ! ?h Lmt i think. In vkm of the laeres ,: iii, canal sstlmatsd snd the dlfficultie? m i?l* nt to th?- w>rk In ti * untrtes, that the BsttmaU hi tows? than it shouM at. "PETER c n mm:s. 'Cotesel, iv?*??? ?a" ?hmrhaears, Bsmher," WANT MB, OSTERLOH. Will Be Urged for American Com missioner at Paris Exposition, CHOICE Of THE LOCAL TRADE Selected by Committee and Endorsed bj Board of Managers. OORRBBsTtS Til M\KK TIIK HACK Tlie Vs elt-N ?...wn Tl l.l.?m?iu,l Tul'lli? ri.nM >\ 1111 n ?r to RORreaRRl Till? firent liitr?re?st, nml Ktitv KfTor e Will lie Mn.l.? in Ilia IIcIihIL Mr. A. Ostsrlob, iris of the best-knowi m a m the ti 1 greatly hOlMI m< d 11 Richmond, Rhers he baa made | tor thi ? and BBOTe, ;. ? .t bj th?? Pnrfi Exposition Com *'r, the Rl< hmond Ti I iccoTi ide .1 i?. -X? i ' tard of M of the Trade, t?? the tob?ceo . ess of the Unit? I i oottlon . I , the ? ommlttee it m i ' ii.. Domic Hon, roi TER FROM MR. OSTERLOH. Th.? Exposition i'? nun''n? in ? un W'e.l I ... . Bgt s,.[l Mi. i .?-t. i h th. following 1. :?. r: i:: ?hmond, Va., D Mr. A D. u- Blr, At th.- meeting >>f our com l u In, wail, he th?' ' ?a? - n' iliv? . no ?ally fur th.- ' Tradi ??; Richmond i,m ..I ..II Hi. t.. I . ? a,?? :? - ! ill.- South and West mmtttee ha-? unanimously come ti ?lusion thai Re could g< I no i?? ttei tit at i ve than you, and we therefor? . . i . n un.? ? as ve thlnl t?. g? i> . I se we know of ^ oui i p COMMITTEE FOR PARIS EXPOSITION L. D. \ augh in, 'hanman. E. i. communli I of m in il? ,i t., hear a report of th ' : Ml O without MR '?v. The i forward? d I his repl; of a i i i, Richmond i i tter ol thli day. candid . r for the Exposition r Pari . i Kiii?i es ; : of my I : . nanli one, I 1 ? re thanks. My long connection with thi knowledgi wants ?.f for ! my knowledge of Ian English nlsh and ; ehlcl . i ral trail ?ant am lh ided i an? ol the ! ' the in? th? i- of Inventli .11 and everytl towards the I? ral Ion of mankind ill? in.?n. \ ?.ut r? ? tfully. A. ' ?- -TERLOH. RESOLUT!! ?NB ADOPTED : Ir. O rthwlth d tie- following ?rea i TI thi Ti le doe? mosi . . nd the apj ointment .? K hmond \ of thi American commissioner? to t romlng I'at I . M i \ ? I luh has made a life study ol the t?,!..??? ! irtlculai iv the expor branch! a He la r with all thi i., m ourl, and from ' ?hi ? to ?Boutl , [e is a man ol high education and ?a well ?posted In ii? 1 known in every market whlcl o throughout thi I ..... | wi ?ge, he Is sis. r with ? .- ?li. ?m I \\ e ?believe that 1 .intmi n the whole tobacci n ailll'V a ii exposlUon to be bald la tb< ' the United 81 tarv of ?State, an?l that thi- Trade do al In its i M A I und tradi - i In it in thsl I i ?nia. t.. sltlon, The igty enthusl istlc in the! action of Wednesdaj and the results, am n of Mr h with ?>r. th-^ vim that la in th?;m Hund? ' n solutloi ind wii countrj s .; ,, ,'tiii ?and < - | it. ,i t.. do V, III, OPPOSE MR. HIRSCH Through the noml and in ntleman Pi -rdlnaad i1 i Ni ? fort R.?-hmon.i Trade re ? . IV? 'I Tr id? Hlrw h. of th. Ir . itv bad i n ?noRdnati d by thi comml i the eodoraatioa of tb iti? hmond urged, Tb ommlttee took the mattei una? advisement, snd finally replied thit aft? leral thi I ? ould I i Mr. Hlreeh. Ths* al i olrcvlar? over the tobaccc-raWng r? nsHii|rT lb? many tra?Ie* not to esu a man. ?rhS, as far as they knew not n touch with but ; small part <>f the gn a' tObSCCO Ln:s!ne?e?.. (AMI.- ITERE FROM BREMEN, Mr. OStSftOh was hern and educated In Bremen, and tells with prido that h* \ - lived ander a repubUcan form of goverinii?nt. When be lafl Bremen, in IBB, the dty hoi not then J'>in?<i the Oerman ?"n adaracy. but was a '1 city, having its own Senate aad Bursjo master. Direct from Bresson, Mr. 0 l"h came t.. Richmond thirty-two - aao, and from that time till the present ? prominent, honor?'!, anil ac ",. ad - of ths Richmond Ti ids. For twsnty years be ansa ths buyer of th? Austrian OoVernraeat h.r?', and baves? led tobacco In the Isrgssl Quantities. lb- Is mm of One address excellent education, and knowledge of th- ways of m.-n, p?jh?e*.?t>i] of -ip:,.ri,ii,i business quail? ties and ripe ext, .. a . VOIt I II CAROLINA K Ml,HUM) fifiUfi < upe Fear A 1 mitin Valley Bought b> ailsnllB rsSSM bine. BALBIOH, N ?'. Pa samba? Lf.-Tho Caps Pear and YadklB Valley raaVaai was sold at auction to-day, in K.avctt" vilie, undiv foreclosure | Commlsssrners Martin gad Manley, ?p potntrd by the oouri fin? the ?purposs. The raamwna i??tight i>v the Atl ' Kin.? for BlM,aW, The bidder P Idi t:; s nun i Bpencer, of ths South? 'in ral i we] , Wi n im H. r. p ting th? '.' iltlmore batd' Seaboard AJn-Ltae, and Harrj W for th" Atl.inf. Ins. Master-Csmmlsstpner Martin was aus i ?i kg H i bidding si The Brsl bid s 00, nid tin was raised b) 150,000, US B.B0, nuil Sl.i'jv jumps tor an hour and a ?pior ter, when the road wsa kaoeksd down to Un?' Bl Ired at a bid of 1 ind Bp* no* r stopped at a i,:d of B.1M.M0. The property wsa, there knocked down to Walton at WIIi-imi. outcome of th* i ' hi a B?rgern?, both la to tha pi lee P iM and tl ful competitor SOVTHEBJ BBVCATIOBAIi ?tSfFB. MIkx I'.irrlxli, of Ituiidol pb-Mneon < ??Hear, iteiul? a Paper. NEW ORLEANS, Dsessibsr B -The Southern I ' Assoclatl i ,! following Bassets; Prsasdsnt, Kr. Jualua Jordan, of Arkansas, vi e? Pr* ?idi at, Prof? mor fil I ma Bi er. ? 'i.-. Prof ?sor P. P. Claxton, of \ '" rotins; Treasurer, s ? . gerby, of Alai am a i Blas Celeeti B P u h, of Randolph ? m i i.n Coll?ge, v L, r* id ? pant r oa Id Btud) in the Bebop Is the " at the morning session. Th.- flnsl session win be hei i to?morrsw. I.iltle t Innige in Dr. lloue'a Coinll I ion. Thsrc whs uni., if my, change hi th" . .m.??in.... of Rev. Dr. Hog* r?stenla] H< l, id a slur.;.!? ?pel! during the daw but rallied ai night and seemed almost as strong a> h>' baa been fur several days, >OHI'OI.K AMI WESTERN 11 Ml.WAV gffWYenr Holiday BBSSSSSIBU liebet? to All I'olul?. Ill I be Hale of llin ?,.H nia Fhlad Pasas taw Urn Rnnaal Trio. on sal* December Nth to J Inclusiva good for n tun until January ; potion an* . the Richmond ut Main ?treet; B C irisr, ticket ' and at i 'oniD in? "'i ' ?treet K. W. COrURTNnYl . Diatrlcl Passat isr pi i'ios i o n MW min. amst Mnfiwsa Stwest ?Plausos Bmsllssl Pflee? ESSlSSlI Term?. Do rou wsn i Plsno foi U I : le- .-m ittSSl ,."' I '' you -.. . terms? i i you wsnl ? I I Ninth and 1 . u. I Hi,, old reliable Instrumsnts, knewn and . li. ar th-i.i G il prl and how i i can ?ai on MINOR ets, - ~r$f lime? Bsafislph'a PSBBBUi - THE BELL BOOB AND BTATTONERI I, Va. < hrl-tniMH BsHfia) Unie?. IS!)S-!l!l, \ m Attu"lle-Coa?t l.Ine. i m tb< ! ' v': ,nt: ' - Kine will a point? on Its Una ind cos i tha Mississippi and ?outh Ql P tom*ic rivera ai rat? of oi a ami one third I fares fot I . inb-r -.:. < ... .'>'.. M, i ,l H, iMf>. and Jam* r) la id I ti 'U- ta will * ?d Btudsnis of i llth to 8th, Inclwsli upon presentation or prim Ipala of . one. Final limb of ail tickets, Jas : 11 | 1 IBB Holiday Hate? vtfi R., F. A P. B. B. Th? Rlchnwnd, FrsderieasburB sad Pc? tecas? Railroad Compaay will sell round trip tick? t? between ail points on II on account of New v?ar hoi t ,^.ei OS a fare ami OB? -hl. round trip Rata to Washington MB; to Fredericksburg, r.? *> f< r tiie round trip Ti keta ot .... jot h to January Id, li , return BUtH JSaUBTJ I. 1?9. hpply to th k? t office Byrd-Str* I ?I, ,, ri ??n.uni Trsnsfer Company, Srta Main street. OT W P. TAYLOB, Traffic m f.. get*. If the llnby 1? Cutting Teeth ;-irled , m ib. Wlasloafa BooUimg Byrup, ildrsn t?< : ' ? '' - thee tl ? Child, softens the ii?inis. alliiNs all PBlB, Cires wind elle, und ? remedy for dlarrhoeu. Twenty I B bottle. The Weather. i__ \\ ?iSHIN<?a'i ?V, I',-,'? mt.-r 'M. - ni ijiny pol'-? j st for Pi J , . , . ',C|,li lt? - - much l - .. t " .... lout lina?li much CSlds? in v.?' : : ?> I "' fr'*'n outberl) wk i " '* south ? nn: WEATHER IN RICHMOND VKSTERDAI araj deer and pi. saaat : I a m.? ? I A. M. 12 M.? I P. M.:. | K. M. U Night. Basa ti ni|.erature.ta '? : KNIGHTS OF TIE GRIP. ?or Travelling Men Prove Them selves Royal Entertainers. POST A'S ENJOYABLE SMOKES. Prominent Business-Men of Richmond t?e Drummers' Guests. R %>T lVVTRlOTIC Bf'KRCHES WADE. Mr. Ullllaiu it. TrlKg Tells of thm Great R-RlRSe In -?Inr? tor the tJwty bv tin? Jnm.?, anil |M Foil-owed br <t'li.?ra-Ulrl.munira td-eaataRas* Tins snniker --Nf>ii last nl?xht by l?bal *\? Trav,'ii?rs' i-i-?>t.?;ti\e aesiiidsRaB. ara* jn,? of the nv/st e?nj>ry?ble souliil fiuic -Joae w-hi.h -bare ba?a hai.t ?a turn i-ity Inring thaejoHdaj? an aon, it w-n?, inf<?r tiiai, aeanawhat apoatensoRB, in Ibbbj ?? arhlle plei anna a m tidmc a<*a-Kht hv th.? ?Jarse ge i Im Sag whi??h ruled th* Bt home ?of tho .liuo-iin. r-bov?, tits toaitsta, with taear aeeus? tosaed enterprise, spload the a/Tuir with l n-j n, is, ami highly-patriotic Bai r,? rrcebteg apeschea ww,. ssbsr i?y ?^>m* ol EUebnaond'e mont i.i'o?gVt'ous BBd Influen tial Citl7.f!lH. llU i'.ltltlllM ha.l I, ! - ?tit out to th< business men ef ki? hmon.i, an.i th? of th. in which ha? ?vt-r gathered si Traveller! Probsattei Asso ciation headquarters . i'U.t mom? l"?rs si i - n.anv o? them of could oroRd Rlthln Its | sasRssaHal In the .i- llatfRed ?o tha apee here, Rho r ire gracefeltj introduced l v- Pr< itdent rmiidgale? Mit. T??l-;?J'S SFatBCH. Mr. William k. Trtgg, pr?sident of ths shtp-bntiding sstabUahmenl bsatflag his woo the Brst speaker prenotad. After a few latroduetarp ?reniafbs Mr. Triga ?Bs?d: "Tbet ! . Ilshed - ?iiiip-bu"*J ini; laduatry tu Richmond, .?n.i leal ihe guv er nui ai tea s laigi can? i??ly from th? bettef i ti t v... and maintain, in season and out Uf BSOn, ans " v -! I 04 tO, r. can ?i" anj thins In t ata, ear beloved, < It) that i an be d In any uther i ?eh. I h*v i ?n Impressing the offlciala at Washington a it i . hh Imprea I .... uountr) al I W? diamond thai Is prectb rally in I, Mr. ?Oh ilrman, ven -?H : .? lapidai I ,<: v.i'ir .htu? , . I u ata i'ii'i in.-ika i have i bave all pi li In th* bj birth or ?adoption, <>f i luid iv.-.inly in i speech ?befo.u? Chamber of Cbaa? . , ;, r. - Iblllty, for H atanda foi honor th? w?hl over, and you should tciiurd It un ?r? guard oar beartbsti The measure ol ? mi ?Ml aboald . t?os a ?sad runaeng ov.-r. Til!-: DISTIN-CTIOM OF SiON. "in the fulfillment of your contracts you sh< ' ?I'l'T 11 no fi ddi i and thua transmit u, 1 ' . you : ' ' - . . I'll for iras li mai asa born there.' Now, th I m< at, i a |iv< .(< ."' Mr. Tligg ? ' ?M us inai?. .Iwit ?at SOSBI tab< .i met Baal al asnool In this . a u, in con ,i?l: red, ill.? ' tin ... ! t..? ?.1 ,? r :? I iv? just the same I leva 1 it: bul t ' in ?if . onlj "in?, tltlor II m. by Rell-a v. ,n hearth, and I ami. BXaLTBON'l BPBBCH. Hon. J, k , ,i. and m "H Hi aba! Air. T . :. of the la ?pride Is, . a !.. Il J mann? r In win?. .v : ! th. q and corns ' . naI an?! , j,,y??J If," ?aaid n?. "ri bad in?, ?in | mow y w hl. h our local i.apn ik in Invi ?i? v v.. ROttld haVS n y lu Hh Sooth " Mr. ' ? ?? ??n. Jr , followed Mr. i?:iiy.-. . k behalf ol the Travell i led i eerdlal i "Al v? Counti Ifl "> ail and n ' \\..i'..?r A?au .. comp oblation. A! A" I'\ i IUOT1S.M. Mr. Janu A. , arinti ndent ol ? I mads hapi i JanMi it. wnii oM tally to ths ig dona by ib? travel ? ?.thi-r tilings said: "l. myself, travelled for tw? nty arar, I carrb l rti \ow i.'-r of Klcbtnond from the i.mish ': m Rich? . i.i.iud tt ltd all ... r t?, uiv.a. ji, i buen ? dl irinii.-r of bul ti? is vary bum h re man than he s mj ?lay ?m the road, for Be lH.r !.. T. Al>. i \V. C - r-, . thrown man and d i?, partake ?*r i both li.iuld und auba-tantlnl. by Alt U I ?t the ?.iijoy. ' tb ? < ? olng*a en o\ The Modern Mother Bne found ?hat Bei um? omob ?>,? n>>. proved ?more by th? pleasant Svrip of Flge, when In need of the laxative effect tool r< medy, than by an) i iher. Children enjoy it, and it beneflta tl.?m. The tru.? S,.up of Figs, is man* ufactured b> the Callforula e'l? dvrao C'.iiu inv only.