Newspaper Page Text
o IHE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. JANUARY JS Kinc; Corn to Conquer Europe! ?Joe of laa) plan? for iba Co_rt ol Klag Cora. T>osoriii?<l for thia newspaper by ffisidca_t Carr, nt Um Anierirnn Meiie Propaganda, CORN WILL BE KING. A WOMlF.IU'l I. < Olt\ PAIaAl I'l. \ V BiKIl l-'Olt i'Mtl?. EVI'IIM'IIOV. mtoi COMMISSIONER PECK HAS APPROVED. Kvery I'rodii.l find II > --I'miliiel ?f liirn Will lie There, nml M > rjlBhqa liioUril In t'liiulii?? Home SI?le. (For 1h. DtapatCh.) ?' tu will be Ung ut the Pail.-- Bx posltlofl of 1880, Tin ! ' the eorn-sro-aing m fiimi of this eountrybave , ,( it ; l-'erdinaiid W. I'- k, Unit? '1 ItOtea I'ollilliis.i"iii I -? ?"lierai Of the Paila T7xi'"?iti<;n, boa approved of it, and the vistiois i?? Hi.-, greal fair arlll " i the lost The Court of King Oora Ii going to bo a Win!. It ni ' "H- The a la going to bow the kii'i' befon hi Ma jesty, and aclnowledg? thai tb? mo Is the gTtlBtOSt that BVOT I'll. 1, and oth?r nur nal aeons roh? main oeoaaa to this American potei The plans for aatoalSblng th? world by the aaajaslj of King Cora oui Um ?i by Clark g, f'arr, ft* ?-id? nt ol \tnerb can Maize TTiopaganila. who writes as, trom Mt. Carroll, 111., the following ?h crijition of the part that f?ae-rloan oorn win play among the attractions ol J*ari? gxpoetttoa of ' "T!ie |epH antattv? of the American Ma?z? Propagando, th? president of tbe esajfaialaattoa ror th Btate of Illinois, and other ofttcers end members, called upon the BOO. TTrdinand \V. Peek, and laid before blm ?air vh-ws with i . : to a ?,'real coin exhibit at th? Parla T'air. Th? Oommlasloner was Interested st once, and thought that the Idea would be ol great beneOt i?? th?- Aaaerlcan peopl? w?)ii ,i.i h uniipK and Btrildng addition to Um attraotiveness of tb? American 8(-etl"Il Of the I'lxi'oMti.n. \\ the winde matter with bim, und were aaaured ei his oo-operation. '? )ur |'l.ii), ho far as i bave every aseful article manufactured from Indian coin on t BbibltlOB at i' eorameal, corn-flour, boaalny, ai BUgBr, syril| B, caramels, , all kinds, oil, soap, tin- substitute for gutta peteb rn-plth ceBuios. In t lot, everytiiiug produced from this Amei eefoal bj Bull and Baanufoctory and kiu coee-w "II?.?id s thlS to es tablish lui Ii, 1; i- ?. ! B kUtl b a B d tavmn!, w a. IB Ho- I:> Dpi : nun aJl laud?- I ::? !' . V d with well prepon i on i well 1 a< Bornpuddli -. . -. Bfrttt? i, eornd? Johnny-oake bo? iclg, ?torn :- i pop? ira, hominy mush, I all the liinun. rab?? i I thai Am, mans ri 11: h "Th?j good n -'lit ' ' about is to Kut tin- world to apprc the v??iu? and wxeellenco of in.nan a*, w? i < ' i>> A feature of tin? exhibition thai think win le a Very popular on? wig be tb? free BaSt**lbatt?l*** Ol I im| meal, C"iU Bl 81 i h inii.v. "\\ Itb free nan;;! ? will In- given POBW printed In rorl i u lai i ting forth the beel ?>. to cool i' ooplalBlna bow t" .""k tb? ?er! h? ihui Ihey win be appreciated and win favor uapng those who '. iv? m rar known ih. |.,i- and take evei y ifrosslbl? tnaans of Introducing th? tmrtui in its various forms to the nation., of tin- Old World linde i liu- nn-i-t ble conditions. "Th* aapau ?i riutbui by CJongreea for the fasplai at Paris of all Am- agricul tural product? is limit, d to 17.',.???i. WTit-'i this is ?gividt-n ?xanong <?ll fho srtlcl? ie from agrleolti re, ?t will bi found ii be inadequate, it if hoped, and be Heve?!, that ?'..rim?.-?.? will, st the Beat ae??lnn, gr??<ly jqarsaea this approi lion "Hv?t It Is hot eutiugh that Ooogi mak.? Sjgs*f?jBSTlaW8r>B, rh? kglelaturei I th? als ?;i?-at OOm-prodl in* Btatea mi nola, Iowa, Indiana, glaouurt, Kai ?nd Nebrnnka-miis? make IhemM ?rOMiation? to in wlriariiiK their moa! Importan! sod whit tle producl to !b.? attention ftf th? world, tl.lmii..- .. an ur work for In? go? ' .... .', : the annual ex port of thai ?unm., lity ". .m<l the oaodinnviaa ??unii., mbled sine? that thai "An a* i i.'i.r.iitien of tk?),?M? by Itttasns for tbh, uur?,????? wvyla only bo ?-?ae-fOU/th ? of i per cent due ol her ? of th? ?rere appropriated bj I pi i ... r ' ent of -: v ',,; ' of tht-i I "Th? rt? for the dil com i" d ! "' be limited to ' mllar t< r . .i' Indian orn la ai throughout the w< : wheal "11 la ?Mir own 1 .' iir own Indi il the huma nothing of lh< for thi Import a the pi f wl lean producer?, have practically the mo " The Beer? that i I made ac much of al ai will ... from this ' "Hill iv. Who havf ' I | :l Will l!"'lbt wi il patron??i d by thi Ai i oati! IMPORTAXT DIS! <?\ ERIE?. ii,.,.innen?* in Vet leen Hearing or nuior? of Norse Col?-les. A Laurel ?Md.? . p cl U to thi B iltlmon H< raid Mrs. Marl? A. Bhlpley, the author ol "Tin' Icelandic I 'i COV? ' " rifa,' write? to a frii nd In Laurel fi nni Ches 'niton d. Vaiid. Bwlts? rland, thsi there has been recently discovered In tb? Vatican archil - , at Rom i a n .i., um? nts "thai Of ! hl N"! ' colonl? ted the flist Ami r lean r? public, prior i?> I h il thlrti . n' by th? Engll h." Mis Shipley, w h" i-' an ami i in. mai 11. d an Englli bman In isy\ publ 1 lost .n her book, which la an ingenious. . nt tending to i how that ? tolumbu enjoyed un? aa the dl . rerer ??f Am? rii had galne? whatevi r knowl? I ti i tlon h< had of the - ' lend l" yond th western ocean during a \i-it he mude i. i l, the "Thule" of hit d ty ? ha ' royage of l 'oluin bus. about ? I la known, and th? auth? ! dinjtl) om ' found In a letter wrltt? by bun t.. i I -i in thi Roman Church and th Columbus may have brougjhl back wltl him traditions and Norse manuscripts which have alnce lain bidden in lb? ai of th? Vatican. Mrs. Bhli in h- r letter In relation ti) the i of i be do urn? BfB of e hieb never w? re awept away at !. i heap of di It??ion? am Imaginings, fstsety called nistorlca ana that "perhaps ao ? n nt tb i i within the domain o literary effort baa endowed historical r< Bary ?Ralltj and poo r - ' '- r rr- sent coadltl? ng "f these docum? ni>?.' Mrs Bhlpl? v baa bo id? a proposition t. the Bmlthaonlan Institution, aa well ai a f. rm ii re from <" for th *i>. ?Us ..'' m ley he ire in im r North a! mou? never aaw por I be In ezisfence, l In a proj I? b , of th ry of the noi se voyage tl ' ! : s?I -i who. i ..n i he > arlii si da y. to all i . rt? of the known a Iceland In the tin m i km > - ol th menta In ? In aland, : Rhode laland M ? Int? rcoui m with I d to the i a of Columbus, supported by th. Chun ii. Bhli I y h< i . if did not - un., ms In it.. Vatli lb ! "one well qui llfl? I for tl fully thaa i . n 1 ctnes' rring to I publish? ?i h iitm: i'mn iiM.s niMovnim iinviiMn l>> riiiuiMin Old B?Bstasi ??fl?-H I on ml In IVeullai- l'Iuee?. (Boltb??ore sun.) The n lentlj i- , rv? ry of th? famous Doehi i of Qalnaboreugb paint int; in ih. ' liar "f n i ouae bt Baye tha Nea fork Ev< an., T? I?. a atriking Instance of th? p< coll ; in which work ol ?n bj old netalah an. liaii.ui Buster? have be? n i A em am? to light ah aa i-gardlng one of Dovid Tenlere'i faiii'.us ?a irha of art a picture found it among a quantity of i which a aecond-band dealer was exhibit lng for sale ai Montmartre. Thi bad pi?, them on one aide as worthies? a?_ th? eeUeeeei giauu-? thfeagk then I i ' f o . di- over? d In a pe< uliar place. 1 i . in 1 . and adorna i ! ' . have been to examine I . " ? a | i rded BB ?. i' " and every li It? ipanied by a while ib" pi ' i i I --,1 i '. . of the entombi discovered in I city, .. in ' one of the ] two I. W lui-? tb II. woi km? n ' pain tii ? little ' til. m for paii " ; It ' h the ii.i. . r it. 1 at U thai ii it, mall sum for ' : I : iiloe . i : 1 ' s. II. A ?-rAly Ing | ! thi ii- ? \? dil : :- Hi- y I ! rest In a hut owned b o lived - the i nit Tin ' i caught II i ii- eye on ? nti ring tbe i I a w hieb on ful ther ex nation proved to Ix lina v r* elm? n Ioi M? miiti/. art 'I'll' hi i mit, strai te . Ine, and r? ; mill It, II" .-aid that at III.: dl all' B? should bequ? ath tl n to a church, \? hieb lo ' ' a I be ] ' A Defense ?>f B?_sow, (Ral? i > i ? ay? ; ck in all tins ? rltlclim of Rob on for hhi oeculatory ? ? : . " in old fellows, our b kea them mod t.. .-.. !h<- sir' i?ii Kave iii'in un? i It la pi I by t I "getttng i- it." it i- true ii. h Hobaon has not i < promt - i< : / but, serl ild he help il '.' II !.. : I I It, this Christ?i D rou i-ritic. Bu| i were I h? r. and a lovely | ' k im i ...d beg for tust h co ibi you i r? You would know thai it waa a losa "f dignity and all that ven'l the chiva] humanity ah? 'it jon that m b? h .. ?leo a young man. Thais our defence of Hobaon, and it i< t defence thai will outweigh all ala ?Titles ?rlth t?a- avenga Americaa citisea, EIF Medical E, Treatment FOR Wsak Men Who are Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. a .. . ndficcombined ?Mtdit?dead al ?'lire has > < ? er?-! lor " Weak lie? of Mr?." Til?' pn PTleiors announce that ? M ad il ou trial m....... ,i_d appli aooi?without advance payaient - tunny honsuaman. II not all that _ cuJmed?-ti roe oish -.-u?i it back??tat ends It pa; nothingl Thi? O?abioed treatment cure? quickiy, ??roughly. i"?>' forvv? rul! BBhOBI of early . vil habits. later ex eoUsUX, ov?:??.. Itere air.- health, an ngth, ria i taiiniift i- i rvtaiaa ?ea?. and _ode vea.i? i porti?ito of bodj to namr_Idimeo nsand fun??ion?. Any Bau writing in ramest ?ill a latrript?m and lefereDcea In a t.laiii sealed ?on lope, ifofes klnii .No (' 0. D. de Ii Ion of any Batons, a na tional rej.i.i?tton becks thi???1er. Adrfrci? Erie Medical Co.jCu??aloJ.Yd F THE NEXT CENTURY Ht 1MB A8D HKIil I.ATIO*?*? OP THE I'tHIS EXI'OMITIOV OP 1UOO? POINTS OP VALUE TO EXHIBITORS. Tlie Hnao TI??Mitre Tlint Will Ho One ??f the Star Atirnc'tl??n??? it i? m i?e the Etappen! I'lay 1,,.,1-e In the \\ or I ?I. ,1- im ?iimi.i. Bf ti" Dtaasrteh.) PXBJ8, D The way in whi"h . ganan I p?au*lng into th ef tb? Pat ,n from the Bfty-*V? tj,,:. I IriMt ?1 t ' I i to ,n? that boa PI Of tl . ' ' ountrl? ? to wbli b In teni ,y at th" exposltlOB i ll.i : W. P? Cl, .1 Of I" . industrial i :-; I I B?BO illty." I , . | among ? that aw Paris gr. r? * will b? iti *?*n tb? ; the trill the m? m? i . ne ,. a cosl : win. ". Btal .o tb? dr. r,. t, Oieat Brll la, with the i ' i, i,. ;. ition in ; i i the . n In ?, all omli . w i'h an ' the C< niiiii. ?, III' ! I| wondeiful ill bride n Will i It t! the l'l the most Interesting will - kin 1 in ? in i i Un, t" pal thi m it I Ira- ; i an hour; the ditli : Ing from 111 || ; Ano world, which . with build It will be - . " i iu?ii Wl hi ,,i . noi n, c?nica will ; ail bavin. t.. empt] in '. w blch la to .. m pan - table, will alone m? un. i' r. Of ? I la o be exhibited In ''"? l itter-day . um " theatre-go? rs at i'. I. pi? ' .vi'h lion the feat th? World's Pair will in a ol win be knosi; here, "les Joui - tices," wh? n i i i - feti a ' 'i Provincial i'. inen will i? "i,-, i red with all tie ir ptctun I n ' n commiwioi rn ti. dos n to 1 hi i imbli It | m r.iris thai if lie A ' i.i"n it v. . n. :.i .,,,,! ov< r by ti. n In tie pp l? a hi try. Th. Vice-? eral B. D Who, a. i lii charge of the Am? i le m . tommii h i- WOB - for th" a: and la, I I, II. . ?PO .'"U .. . : - I :: charge l'ai 'm. nt of Fon Coi Pn ii-. b< *< da] b. . worl do tic u will.: \ i : I -.s for i. . .'? --.i. a. the) ale BOO . ?i in the h l be promoters. . i careful aiall pei ., otage of th" ambltl? '..- .?? i: ' '., li .,n ii.-ad.tu.h t. ; ' b; da by a crowd of I lib with h ?troug Parlaian oc c. ni. and w ;.. i>. i ..i, t,, , tpiain k and r- i questing a bossII loan ou short terms ? Yi.-?--?\,iiiml?-.?lun. r-.'.-n. i il Woodward | sic?H ? the ?great! - with this ? !.?s? Hers, l.ut tie ' are rtgardsd as : unqualified nal-.m I y th, rest of th> American otih-iais. The axpoelttOU, from April 1?, g*g> t Novoosber ftth ?>f the ?am y,?r, will I,, apea day and ?JBghi tad briilisatly lighted bj ? '. '.'tricity. To produe? this Ugbt i m.itiv.'-ii'.wer of lf\?*g*f-bOI*Ba power Bteoa will i, To tl?s Bauet b? added a for, aorse power for th,- pur- ? ; produclag the electric energy t< , a-'iu:, i ra lona of asiti Tin? in ... . .power wid rehuir? > ? than gM8 kii igraaaass? >.f ?team ' par hour. Tin.? steam will bs produced | ??t ii..- extremity ol -...- Champ d" Mar?. wltblB fOo . , art?. Which Will contain the I halt, ins of the it-, och bol The rill"? an |f of the expo ?ition d.scrlba' mlauteli the way in which la? exbtbtta ar. to i . ?, at !.. tht? i OUB ny. it would bt well for laUending ix- i tfbitora in A marina to study these rosa m?i regulation., -arefully. The exposltl? viii ba ? ?a -* *reat wnded VA*l louse, and foreign products re ?iVOd lut?? tb? expoeitlon-Krouiid s/lll be taken charge of by \n asaetal customs ?lepnrtment <>r aaa ?-position end ?ubjeot to the I ?3m of wsrebooeee; any such prod MIS will not be Uumd Wltb m'?r?. than he tariff aid'ii'abl" t.? nlmilar pr.jducts if the most favored eetJea. ._ Object? ir.anufutur.d within the limits ?f the exposition, from malerlais of for l?n origin imported ander the eeotoma ?gtass, will sol be ibshta t?? any other ?ntica than ' -Bint to th.; Basa* ,red materials. The inanagemenl of th- cxpoeltton win to prot? cl against danger blblted, but in bo e ? Ba Bmnageaaent i? reepooaible for loea -, m. . icddental causee, a?s> ilbitora win i Bzpected le insure their oa a _] anee, On the ther i. i;d. ib.- man-cement will a im ir ...un lu done to ob> ,i in tb? retrospective or ia, but only to the by mutual agreement be? ment and lb? ?xhlhitora ; admis i?n. The management <?f th? exposition aril " i"1' thefta nd robbery, bul will o arvetl ..... nl to prevent ro t? -i by exhibitor?, :., ii,,- appro> ii of th- din utm? at, but ba case they do , their duties, or er? found In a . ommlt ?i lawi" ; n i. immi dlsti ly dismiss? d y the i- ral Ail gum ,,!,, , v.iii i" n quired to wear a uniform emblem, and will ola tb ' Ion. Exhibitor? ?rill have ell the right? and mmunltie* granted by the French law i ?lay 23, 1868, a? to the gu?rante? s ?>i In . Qtiona liable to be i at? ut? ! n id also of i th? delsya , to the ?ndltii n i of tl for ?pace occupt? d la By of the palaci ; I dldinga by the m in igement of the ax ?OaitlOD "I. and i machinery exhibit? d a 111 i. Bjbitora, : will be ! . piping re ring watei as n |uir< d or th.- n a of the motl he driving i I-.xhibltoi i will be i to 1 . with pack m--, n pa< h? ag, and exhibitor will t??* llowed ?o ?reel ? privat, building until bo m submitted . d by th" m?nagement of a and all earthwork and ... n,d only ii|miii the O] ' ! III" I :.. ' N : . ' "II : ither pel n will b allow lv? rtlae within the limita . b) m- ana of port? i .. without aul All industrial and agricultural products position must be plac? .1 on in the p< riod from nd i'. i?r-. ud all works of art admit;- -I mUBl I ? . e In a hieb t hey will !.. twei n Fi binary ii and B Will i. i frai 1 ' i that -. will i-- ! ?..m th? It now oath the ei position It 1? ta will be f han tb Itlons. The ?vi ral inl " ? n held In I thirty mita as n hundred and 103,600); that the mount of mon? ) spent In Parla I - In 188B the raih In IBM : ov? r all ' thi r ?similar | bout 78.000,00 Islng In tb? rs, and in the re? li ' tph .. ifitable to . F :iie.i -if Munter Ballet? ai fosa Jaan, . ,i Newgarden In Harp vv, i kly.) the bullet? wer? (o say I rai per de by them i n m? m nature. O ry ohi - '! tb? fa .idly ban. red a beautiful - ml turned downs . of the mo tl n the Ii ft si.!.- of tb< : ' m In tie- t? '' The only mark he Imple at th? tight ?n. Another ias shot through both thighs, and 1 f? u. i h? bullet m i w Qen ? bull? t. i I t lose ft for a farm." 1,1 be i relj a boy. m f., an led In bj two a budlj .. ' der him '" '' m? i- qui? Ii h?-r crack at th? m." out Of III. demonstrat. th? plril ol Ind of material th .,- ()|i? - lv i a n the '.' :""' struggling ao hard with hat It : u,r '" with he In? vltah n ' rtion: "Will I I TV" will I ' - tl n- r oretlom ... pllnterin fracl l pene. ' :-" ' _bt, . round from und. Colds, Catarrh & Consumption When yon cu?. a co|j njTe ?t ri(r)?t Borne people eure a -old and leave Catarrh is halt brother, behind, th.-n tk but .i step U consomption, mu? in any contract con.' amptioa Jase ta the? weg RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER rill ctir?yottr cold right and cure itonlck by iliuiK the microbes that cause it thereby rrventinR catarrh and consutnptt? a Bcromla, llrijrht'i disease, liver complaint nddT?pepma. all of which are ' in the ody by myriad? o| miCfOhSS, yield to ?hla r?.>n?lerfnl remedy when all eh? ?fail. Perfect r hannlcHs. The beat home remedy for sores, cuta urna and bruiaes. Bend for free book. HeWM.RADam microbrkillbaco. 1211'nnce Street, New York, or ?. B, LONO, 212 1-2 B. 9th street, Rich ly n?. IVHTTELDORFER'S roiimienco on Monday their OKKAT JAM'AKY CIM?\$?XCU BALK fore taking Inventory. Fttotfl that np?;ak volinii?-; for thatagaiTOa. J -r vulin? our price? cannot he equalled. Thil mi!? to < ?goal h'1 Ol !.. - wonderful val?en osTorod. (inuit clearance ?ale of LADI K*sTAlL.< ?it .SI || JACKKTN, A.NH CAPES at 60 por cent, long than f?>rni?r \?ri<-,~. A WWW SPECIAL? FOH MONDAY: PRICES CCT RIGHT ANT) LEFT. WRAPS! WHtrs! The balance Of our stock of Wrap? to be told regardle?? of cos! or value. Ladles' Boucf? and Cheviot Cloak?, i wen '!" . . T.a.11.-?' Fin.? Tailor-Made Kersey C silk lin.d. newest stylo, worth tu.** I LadleB' K< r ey Coats, w. re *>n. $7..?. and g. .r otiMoott Coats, from gJ8 t? is. worth doubl? Plush Cape?, handsomely cmbrntd. red with ?ilk braid and lei collar and front trimmed in Thibet 18.08 Ladbs' Cloth Capes, g. LIDIES' TAILOR St ITS A .\K\V LOT ?I' HII.K lIRi:***? SKllii, AT SPECIAL PRICB8 gONI) I Beavv Taffeta Broi ided Bilk - made in th? newest style, hand ami b? st tailor-tnaile, Ii". la. H itln Procade?, talk? .?onh ?10. ?ILK put1?00 \ i ?. W? i '.. ?i I ored Bilk Petticoat? marked ai i?. SKlAAMG PRK RS Changeable Tsffeta-Blll 8kir!s. i the m w- coloring?, wiiii ?Id?? ? raffle, I vs.- ii.i. h,i to close out the balane? o( ir !mm?nse stock of AT APTgR-CHRIBTMAS PRICEA We intend to ?ell every one at I? half the price they were made to Bell for. l,."ii*?' Newest-Style Ply Pronl I 't.-d, and Tight-Fitting TallOT Mad?' Suits flounce and dr. liar skirt". I in Btyllah cbevtota Venetlai d covert I cloth?, ktcli t? lirnd throughout In ?k ..i satin; every suit In the lot worth ; ga. si'i'iiti. BAXag ok i.l\*?\ellette \\ It AITITIS. Flannetlette Bon t Wtwppor?, in .a va riety of pretty i tight bach, full front, collar and call's; belt nicely finish-I .-I in braid, were ILS.88c. | THE BALABCg Ol' OUI ITlNMll. WllsTS IT LESS TlltV LOST. I' ". . In checks and Otalds, j arere ii. \ Wool Plann? i w alsts; ?ome trim- I m. i In Blacl br ' i and some plain, worth from ?1JS ] . , - our ?HESS (.1)1)1)1. at less than eoota "871 won't carry ?.Vf r. THE SALE OP BAJLB8. io.ivjo yards "f imrks. in solid dots, cheel?, and brocades, s . skirt". ' BaC ln short lengths, from I to 10 rd worth L1 ;--. to U I%c. \N OPPORTUN1 V TO BUT A MVTTIMi AT -?I'll I \l IV LOW I'll!! I,. AFTRR-CHRIfi M \ SALE OP MATTi - ?a ? lOVI lV llll" of . ' t . si it i |L *?lo\n\v I'Hiii.s 08 i . M EST M s. Yard I I l-i Bleach? I Col ton, 8c. in-i ' 1" 1 I'l't.le. hXX :.-! I'iiiow- - . j 1 iWTTELDORFER'S, ?217 EastBroad Street g o a or^tr-9-^-9r-ty-o-9-^-o-ty-^--^-jj>-A9~ } Blooming and Decorating Plants, ! T 0 ??Violets, and Cut Flowers. H?M MOND, o 107 East Broad Street. SPECIAL PRICES. Expecting to remove s'n.ntiv to our NEW I'??oaP-stkeet STORE, we have determined to miike reductions 011 all Carpets, Rugs. Lace Curtains, &c. GEORGE W. ANDERSON & SONS, ,">i??^ B*a???s.i tVl^in Street. MUM M Vit \ i'.I^.IH - I I III lv BJADB. la A m? ii ii I? Ii i im I .11 riipcii n*. nuil Will ( un??? a Boaumetea ?? haaeataw. A eh" k of ?-.,. h n. that i; m .*. : forf? i(- 'I I owin-.r i-, the b> '.i- i I - Sill? d to : roan oblivion, and is now on exhibition in rlor to i- ;: .; brougbi I try. The .; ;v w .. ^ mad in I??, by a ma 'ii-' i ami Pohl, who wa I tWO | Kinn it. 1 1 in ?11? . aid Bitterlich, "f \'i Th? ?OUr dials. B al.d ! I Of tWI IV? and tu ! n- hours, then ara dl.' : axaot . Beta Mi i Venua, Earth, Mars. Jupiter, and Saturn aroui I . and tba path of tin- moon an.-nal Hi? earth. Then l aroi - derful ? ai-n.lar on which can bo aeeo tba iioui tha month, tu?' ?reek-days, and tin- phases of ?.in- m.i i '"in.-. With < v> ?i aliow The nur:. work. | by the a m irvelloua j.uo. ri .1 h? Uo, Il whlcti tL .in fi al et the ape?te t? - . the n*.r u..i. ?ho oaaaee out lu fu "*h I? th.- chlm - a* th? | tahl th?) f dolpb I wiih her Infsal on her a o i" Egypt, end a pr Ing S??wly by. b">. Byntbot of ir air; yoiuli la re;.r. ? n '. by .? hours; an boll? The eh? h kind -?SB? M in-Ii lu I.Kll??. (B ilttni"! A m le m ) A atngti ? about mg. ? m- .? ti. a i i clothing. Most wonderful clock la the wuiid.