Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATOH-SAWPAY^JANUAJYJ*; 1899. KA 11.HO* I 1 Nh/ ia$? i ^ie|p THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRIP OF FIGS is ?1 up not only to the originality and aitnpllcitv of the oosnbinatiou, butalso to the can ami skill with which it is manufacture?! by scientific process??? known to the ('alhorma Kio SVRlfp Co. only, ami ira wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing tho true ami orio-i'inl remedy. As the asggsjJM Syrup of Fig? is manufactured by the CAuPeeMfla Fu? sVfMVP Odt only, a knowledge of that Beat will assist one in avo'.-.ling the wovthleas imitations inanniactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cai.1 roRMA i- to irsayp 00v with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of ffljS has given to millions of families, makes the namo of th? Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowel* without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to rrct its beneficial effects, please remctnln-r the name of the Company ? CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. M> rUAM tMtO. '?I. aeciMTiLi r. K/. m;*torh.?.t. a? l-'iu Th Ai Sa ly A weow-t4Utf> WEIR'S "LEMON BKLTZKK" Headache, Indigestion, I ? ? voubii*.ss. AC AH druggists, lu and ssft. da 10-Sa.Sun.WftTh52t AFE . HE. LE OUIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY TH0BIAW8S. Twtt??y-f;vr * CSst SBunpi brinp trial v??l??S? ?rd coqriocet u,.- ptoM leptksl <l tt.eir wcmderlul pttUr em?*. A ?m Pu? l o., f. > An. |>. I N H Al.tonovpnn^rnttr. I srdrrtun.r i hv m. ? th trill pwk^ ' l? i Pan j-l,k< t cor.taiDing Tnltiabl? luroi-oiblloil l - For sale in Richmond by FOLK Mil* my 11 W.FrtSu&tTu.Th& I'iimi i\ ELI CUBED BV LAVILLE'S i.itji on on ph.i.s. Ijasd Iclans throtiKl ..nt Europe in u ?tin? I : - M11 r COMPLIf vn D and !HRO> NIC ' l Pamphlet with full infor mation from E.Foflgera&Co., 26 30 rllllllllStU , MeT-?sASt) DE WITT'S Witch Hazel A#e!lkno^i.cur^?3rp!!e9 Dures o'ust 1 nate sores, chapped liruid? eczema, skin diseases. Makes liurti god scald* painless. We pou Id not lit pre-* the quality if paid doable th {trice. The best salve t hat elperitDC lau produce or that money can buy. IT OURFH PILE8. (ap 8s-Th,8aaVru) artirs ITTLE IVER PELLS sick mrnkWi Positively cured by these Little Pills, They also relieve Distress from Pyspqv Indigestion gnd Too Hearty Eating. A | feet reme ly ft? iKrn-.iess, Nausea, Prov ness, Had Taste in the Mouth, (Vatol Tori Hk *m Um lido, Torpid LIVER. Tl Regukte the Booriti Purely Ye^ptable, Small PHI, Small Doe Small Price. Substitution tho frau I ?of tag fakj. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Cart.r' i ' ' ' ' Pill du H* Tu a a) ?..Ml I MO\ III I Ol? 1.IVKR Oil,, P " all. i Id ? Co., i pr? Por sale b) all drug. 0 oenu i m i ml 11 RCELLs I.AbD a CO. Oa ll-Uj HSBAN? THE FIRST. ITTLK nOMIT T1I4T TIIK Itr.ol MIOIST St'ILL I IK UIH^OIVKI). EH COIPAHIES, YflTH THIN RANKS. f the Thr?f That DM BcS ?o t? W?r tint iisif show i * m laapseesaa Talk ?if Hrorssnl?atlon Wich Bes? l.lf??The I iilforin l"ni??l. fhe shaneea are largely m larot ol the :.,U of th.- ntSl Viritn... hsai ut no filaient data ta ?sflruiy : - lea it la thought thai the toss, t tn? Armory night wa;< t ? |... liminiry la US? end. The bas, in laet, t" ?B ?o rsgUnent ?Ince [U. taut ?assgssssss I ""' ' *""' .. ; aanrlae, but the rganlsatioa was held Intact, as no dhv andment could be hart ?rtthOUl sn exe.u .-. Now. bester?s?, thai aa bv ajattaa baa eenetelbj revealed the fart ? hat there are hut three companies m til ?gtssent, and that IhOS? three, com, an enty show &8 per cent, of tin ;r m> BV raaug at laspertloa, Omcs seems to bu 10 flOUbt that aa x'iutlve order |Of dhv a nil nun I "HU ?sane. TO MM OMJOBMB IT. Indeed, It Is asSJatUd thai Colonel Stern, he inspector K'neral. will recommend oab aotloo on the part af the Ooretaor. ?tit do corps of the regftnent baa >een at a km standard tor sou.' time. rhero have from timo to time been SQuab >tee in the organlsatl in, and oui] ars ago it bacanas aeeeaaars for ho Oon rnor to I in otdi r i r? :i court ' : inquiry to lnv< In the regiment.. Sit. ttrn--. however, most ol th< Offl i :,ih. r i. d, and ?setter? hare been dragging along. 1,11.1.1? ma? isting oondlti as, and it li that an executive order for th? d tig of the regiment would nol (*> i ItiR to thern, lot tbhy bOBeVS tl regiment oould be reorganised on a much bettet basts than now . slats, at new life would he Infused into the rank and file, thi: PIRBT'S MONET. To thfat ptai back. 'Jh" First Virginia Beglmeni baa m bank to ths ctedil of IU i ?low I large un of money derived from its baaaar, which aaa deposited there, for th? oni of pur. hai ng n * gray unlfoi ma, . not think that b< I ave the right to turn this monej ,,..,r to i regiment which might be or ganlsed to ?ucceed th? preeent on-, and i refore In u quandary, All and thi I - Of th? State militia an no im ted. Tin- major! . ol the men who were mus t- ) .i out of i ad Into Und' Sam's ?arrice ban I their willing 1st In the Btats w i vlca, pro vlded there hi s reorganisation of th i': - Begunent, bul they wUI not?or, a iut few of them uill enlist in th V stand*. >llt. < llltivi I ns i t NKlt vi. To-l?.\? DcosaeoB Loara? <i Larars lusuraui for Ills 1 aiull>. Tin n DM SI Of Mr. K. D. ' who died at his home, oomer of Frankl and H?nry streets, Thursday mornln win be laid to rest in Hollywood to-ds and h.s funeral will tak. place from ! Paul's church at 1 o'clock. Th? pa bearers will be; Active?J. K. Bran in, C. v.. B illli i.' ?h it. Page, Baundera Hobeon, T. Qordon, t. m Parama, w. it. M?sala, P. Lathrof, WUBasa Qrant, and F. : B i Honorary?C. W. Branch, James Bo)d, .i":apb Brj in, John P i? Lang] ?m< . M i lor J ?7. ] ;! Nea ton, Col? ' I B. Pureell T. M. Logen, Colonel W. B. i Oeori Boss, D. D. Tail- y. Dr. J. w hito, B O. Leigh, Jr., James B. Ps Major Robsrl S. Archet, Major Otw S. Allen. All of the foregoing pall-bearers i atad I al th? residence II o', A detail from Le? Camp win at th? hall In full-uniform, at 12:30 to tend the funeral. Mr. Christian probably carried en ? much Insurance as any man Richmond, with oae or two except!' All told hii Insurance hi estimated H \ little hook, publie1 about four year? aero. In the It Insurance companies rave his amnunl Insurance as 1110,060 <>f this amo h-ld In the Mutual I If? e Company nf Neu York. H? : had In th? New V..rk Life [ pany BLOM, und in the Equltal York, luioivi, it ii understood Mr. <'i Ban also had aom? Ina hl Can, of New York: thi fnsuranc? Company, and on? or two o companies, hut as BOOM of these e panics are not represented In tl is hnpoaetbi? to lean the ei tho pou' h i will aggregate. A>' mJUBCTIOB OMABTED. 1'. s. court Btraa "inninriH" M? fact iirt-r? an K?<-lii*l\ ? Truila-iu" lMiiANAi'iii.:^, ixn., January The Centaur Company, af H I '.lay obtained a restraining (1er from th? V. .?.ral Court agntUSt ward Roblnaon, g Torre Haut? drug WhO was ?barged With Using lot a bottle which bore the a torta." .ni i a i? in other ways ahuih g ? raj i. r aeed by the Centaur Com] Through letter? from a Kansas druggist and an Indi inapolll man, New York Company allegad II lea that i. *. lawfully Imitat! wrap] i- asi ?i b? the Centaur Com] the lawful proprietors of thi prep I known ; iris " it was da that thi i iba] wai iran? aa Centaur Company. ?XCOpttng the geed by the Terr? Heut? drui rial ba naaa? Pitcher, th? Inn si In pi.-u autogra] Charles n. Retcher, pr?sident of th? taur ? ' mpany. i Pitcher, tin- inventor, is ? tldng i bysidsn, Bring si ii Mr. PttOhet ?Old hi? right? in rast" taur C< mpeaj, of Net | :, plglntiff. it |? thought ' a generally th.a Mr. Pltel The d( turn I that Rd b ig the right to ?aahe and in Igs Baker said thai :i;!\ i- irattoa i market to make it clear to ev. n et good? offe' i VM ii-kiiov. u manufai and that ti., nen ?aanufacturers ! ? would leave r.o as to th*- origin of the goods, in 1 the Injunction Hobinron was dont Privileg? of aeUIng Caatorla with i. h mbung thog of the Oantaut pang. Baptist Home for tgeil Mon 'i ? ii nv sting of tin Ho , ^. m. !. win i e held at the borna afternoon of Monday, January 16i The presence of all tr ; . , and nre-in. m Der* la 1 as there uie many mut Im] ?rtaa e to m at a full mettli ladles urse that all these asahe a effort to ho preeent, owing to th aeed of oonautiattaa jum im tni with those interested lu ihl? work Kitt t? 0OK1 TO JAIL. He Is Olvei? HI? Months for Asslstlan In the Lorraine Sliootlna Cnse. W. H KniK. the young man who waa charged with being parti-?p* nlmines to the Bheottng of Mr. J. F. DunsUn, nicht . sake and Ohio at a, wan tried In th? Henri, o Cotin rdoy and given ?tx months , j m? d > W< H known l? Rlchl hitherto he BUS borne ., Ob] live. In the aelghborb.i of 11 park, and he was sav I ,yt | ti , ;. dm Ii the p- rlod that Mr. yj ) , n i? in control of the stag man ad* rottted th il ** ni the that hS In* wi*s A BS t - Clarke for * rllle and M crut%. - tried Th lary for three I. i ircult Court will meat tag j ?ry has bean summoned John archer, Frank Elees, M O. VoegMr, J. W. Taylor. .1. k. Tyi? r, Jsnv I Re um ?n, ' EBubank John B. schaff. J. ht Buodoy, and \V. H. 1'urk.r. FlM.ltU, OF RET. I. H. BTAEB. Eeaaalaa or This ? oowsswtod Mim ??t t.oii Laid Ivney Teaderrday. Th.- funeral tff Rev. lomoel B. 1 ins d.ath occurred WedMOdoy n?Kht at H:i: o'clock al kte i Ho. sE i,,,,-h Twi nt - 'i' ? k *'lac* from the Lelgb-8? : Ba| I t church yes i> rd ly afu i noon al I o* lock. miirsaalTB t*tvi.-? ?uu conducted by Ri vs. M ' > " H,'n' nag, and ?; rge P. WUllan a 1 be Inter ment was i ' : ' arhere an aleo buried n ?da soi and daught? r, Ri .. Mr. Bvnni a ;?r- old at hit dt ath, ?m ; : yeara wen sp, nt in th ' ori prti ; Hi 'n Chartes1 (Sty counts i pestof ' During bis i iB in I of a ' work, nn? far t sg ?or th ! upUftin feBow-men. H man of un iu? stloned i I J'!,,T> v. dedl oated wholly to the- high principles of hi calling. Death of Mm. SiirnU EMlott, Mr?. Barak 1 t. t ' ba liott, died ) aftornoon ai ISd o'< lock; agi d B yeara. I been nick fot sevei I daya from an a if grip, bul rds w much Impi she loi up? u i.'.ed Wit beart-f illun , and ; In d in a I na menta Mi born In ?'in tei , Va., but since tl d? ath ' whli h ceurr? durini bad n sided vrfi Mr. Join . . Walsh, one ol the ohh i rch HUL Bo ti i were the aff< ctlon i beta ther ; . sal thi sudden d< nth Mrs. EUliott i i -, all .' ly - I In the i to hex brother, wl : iik- toan I : Itiful tr dt?' ter, belni kind to I sick b "i. and by ht r amiai msnnerB and sa i II with whom s Two children ther Csmp and Mra. .lu.;?- ? E I i] grand? bildren sun i'> s hi r. i will take place from John's I chur.-h Bund ly ait noon at z o'clock. 4 h, i. v*. al A. ?y a it? in a* Of ml In "1, 'ew rl - i li eu t ii. . if It ' nn rk. oik, or Ed ;ist. ; i r to my Cits mod any. itlon I the >r of h of Yn ?rac faas i.t to . th? i r || The llojs' Ilurenu. The work of fui iting, Ive literntu boys and mi n of Cb n h Hill (In ti on n bom? s) . me new i the bun The ' . I I. and it h I to wl month v? i w. re i snd Muni J. R. Hei in >nd I lifts tl the B. r lohnson Pul lii ' ing i the I'.. II Bo k Presta r?an Board of Pul barged is 1 t to n "i. i is proud to be si le to Bin h mm r: .\ Ouir. |j of i ir h H,ii tor . i rlnt? ndent ' The t No. 4J06 i orth Twei fifth street, will be i to-day fre k until 9. between which I ii ,. to visit H smlne : Bra, Bijou's Bill Bast Weak, Th? . ,,ii week ? | ii i the ts bei and n. xi . itlrely n.w i m I. The names of i and l?or? tta, "t soubri Review Comed) Pour; sketch t> nd Hi acrol . )! :,?. ! . and the American vltagi with ' I'" - Eldl : Ig? . the blaek-faOO n loguist, ' , n i lii ' e known, bul he has made himself n i favorite, I Bijou to-day snd th will sav farewell, : t\ ent, to Riel B H torta. ty Of n the S not tan i' must doubt Mutuf i Um Com ii ird of :?n the i. it 4 IStl s ors of S. 'Mi? upe-rial great i time Sunday ut th,> VnsoelatIon. The servies at th? ai lociation I lui; to-day and to morro? ? .; lar chai a? t. r, and and bo) The J sill n rning s o'clock. Rev. Dr. E. L Pell oil! cc scl.I '.son in the A> ti it 4 N b? ' prayer service in th- i to-night at 18 To-morro? men's meeting |n the r.i at i o'? lock e of I ae man ol - The n.- ned with a s? i \ I? e, and a numl er of j oung ally wcl The ! pel Army will mee o'clo? k. Mr. McB i as us Supreme Court of Appi-nli RI? bn i. nd, Prederic i . Company. . by Wyndhara Mei lit h for plait error, and Hill Carter for ..?: .. to. Argued h M. Johni aw Brent for spot '.i. i s, and continue Monday a ml 'way C ,\ i. my. i td. A BSUgtSM mul Cars l.euve Tr? An sxtrs lai i b-bound frebj l it Line in* ' n Ith eldest yesterduy morning at ?M at Bnfii id. Th? tend i lumped the track v B - going St a slow rate o bavins just text '-.nt. \ .-nt. o a n Ident, A |ng train was s.-nt Immei b i; i* u i i | I before the d< reib d l? ?motive a w- !? i.' ill on the trai k and troll I .-lied. |i>- nli of Mr?. Frederick V. 1 Information has been fi death flprings, Mtss., uary &th. of M1^. Fredarleh v. Mi Dsbney a is afhsj Agatha ] danghtt r of i?r. John Moncuro, of Virginia. l.a (?rlppe U afc'aln ?pid?mie, i: caution shoald t.^ taken to evoi Kpeclfic euri Is Ono-Mlaute COtti The boai reusOdy for ail age) coughs, .-ids. and all lung troubi1 sent to the tast* Closer you keep soaking ??''"R- ?,^i best of all-better ?th^tt? you. Use no soap with it. ?, .? to Th ? Be & SJ e o W) ?"-i^?+++***+.i fill CONSOLIDATED COI CO,, j J j W. HOPKINS, General Agent, ? ? matt and Nain Streets, ----- *-*? | : so,, imam. r-v?^: ?? I t River Steam Loal. TU? W " ,? b? c01lt,nued X ? * V .' H .Pk'.n!'?r ",. Worders are solicited. t UV Honkins aaent lor me 9y**m**~* - -, ,i e- J. V\. ttopKins. ?j Ynnr orders are solicited t bv the above concern. Your oruers aro II wi u< i . ?.? ? ?.? ;n 7-'.'w) *"* ae? icr o ,\/' T es, ?FRE?I id .h - 1 te d th al O of - b. i of be .n be .. i S'. the itlr ne at .u. ith : i, li ront and this r. - em of pas Norr,rrr In a.'.vanee. V?**t, Stunted, shrunken and aMbbj pramoosofth? ? * ? \ y quickly enlarged and strength- Bed. TO ? Eenlidnei and b Mrument | mm sjBB KB I mnt on trial. Medical ?n i Oall E Itl > dorven.vii's. 1'ar'i.'?a.-.-nt j m WL |W L i I plain ieuled l.'t.r ?or I *""* ?| *|" j reS"C..l.:i.'.'Coiii;duitial. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BurrALO. N.Y. Rheumatism If a di^nrdorod bOfiditioD o! th?> blood which the mercurial iwiedief of the doctoM lire onable to roach It is cured pi rinuni'iitlv by Su 't's SjH'ciri':, S5SJrL Blood M'MUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a pr?pnration of the drug, by which Its Injurious effects are removed, while the valuable medicinal properties are retain ed. It s ad th? sedative, anodyne, and antl-spaamodic powers of opium, but produces no sickness of ths stomach, BO vomiting, no cosUveneso, do b< adoehe in seat nervous disorders it Is an Involu? abl? remedy, and Is recommended by the best physicians. II. FERRETT, Agent, ?72 INMirl St., \>w York (my a-Sa&W104talrm) S. ULLMAN'S SON'S GllOt r.m IJ-MKi.VINS. GUmmETOUTETOOMPRICMT. ex tMfl will laht. the irr's\ MOO treat mild t..i - 1 this will ' the men o the . i. at Lint lb ry John nut 1 <;. d until tMBpaay MBBa er, and .?|.,k to the I o'clock :ic could or, n?r gallon (fine ?r.i Butter, i Silver Khig Minnesota Patent Family F;uur. it?j barret; sa i* . V tain Fiesh Koll Butter, per pound . New California Raisins, psr lb. i RyB \\ bisk? . p- r ?ailon.l ?>? - i \- I im?y F' i\ barrel; sank . 2? I ill . 5 irk . 6 ;..-r pound. :. , ind. 4 Nev quart 4 or, ?er gallon . M : ? 7 New Cleaned Currants, per pound.. 7 ?.'. v, tensed Mi.1-, i or can . 8 New Vlrginls I t, per pound 3 or. ?? pends tor . 2&^e Evaporated California ?nd . 12V New H : t. o pound. 7 i. 4 pounds for . B Mme, i r no v, per soar! ._ io 4 large cans Virginia Tomatoes for. M package. 6 i .lav ? a and Blackl erry Wine, per quart . io Bne drink). 4.? - pound., '.j tter. 8 Old a Re ii' . M per pound. r, ..- ,? i om itoei per can. 5 : . 6 Powder. 3 per i . 8 Try , ur Bnowfl ike Patem I' lour; it's : :. ; nia,!?! of \ i, _ , r barrel. 4 01 Per sack . B Ii.- t . :l> M I . 47 : . II - Broom. u :t-strin< Broom . U i.- Broom . r Broiled Mack . per ran. Id I Salmon . I 8-pound can Appi> Butter . S Ti., our Cream th mai ket, onlj I . pound?as good as ?Oc. rhers for. S. VI.I.M VVS SOX. MB am. 18B i.A.-":- MAIN Si ; i i -Town >i' n .. ' il M i ' 'ph. B It w e of o *;;. It's a r, gui I >ju r. (de B-Th.BadtTuts) lahm-v. or the i B Jli;, Doboey, Honours, 1 'Miui.y very pro 1 it. It? gh Cure s. Cures us. i'lea BDVCATIOEAX. BIOHMOWD ( oi.i.f.i.i:. BPRJNG TERM, rEBRUART 7 ' JUNK Ii, 1899. Btudenta raeetved in Toltl RIB h BchooL Uw tuition, J:0 ::!n^tr ko ,1 , fun lotorn ; Term h>sl ad will be i freo up. n t inert. r* W. BOATWRIOT1T. . Presiden TME BALTIMORE COUNTRY SCHOOL for has ioc>m for a very limite? number of boarders for the cur rent school soar, Situate 1 on the Hon, e. 1'crfeti ta' n. Ample i>!ayino | OassOCa, Matiiema'jcs, English, M si?ra I h Matara] Bei* ence.Hisiury. DmwfafcMod iling, an i sMfolaf Gymnastic Trauung. Circular on application to Fr?leralc \Vin<o tic-. Ma?ter, Country School lor bov k^eOtsMn, Mary . (de 84hkTuf?Thl8t) A7IROINIA. TOBACCO SEE is noted the world over. Seed growt produces the linest types of Tobacco fi Our C-iti.ogue gives' full descriptions, best adapted to different soils, and other viluabld information for To growers everywhere. Catalogue mai reciuest. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SON. SEEDS/TEN, - RICIinOND (ja /-aat*TU44Ja o-w3t> Il h?. AC j ,, ' Ja ; f ' ' / -/ri :;* *, ' y ! ..' '..' '.. ' f- ' Will Eradicate WORMS FflOMTHEHUMAN BODY wncifV^MVieV (ap 6-WA 8a ly) f E8KYRQYAL PILLS Vv ^vTW|A)Uini |i?n4 ?ta r.?c* rl>*?ii T?ke ^r Tt? ?j? 4 1/ J* o ?flu?-. *>/W? <fa??#ro?j .. il.? it??. ri ~ <Jf Nmi?) 'WIMrt,*.?. It ?>r?n?lit.. er mi 4?. \ V? ?) "Sbftlltf for Loal?-?." M lerVr I? r.lnra ~?r*-hleh*v.n..< t,cuilr.?iOi.,lt?4H*ei%??rk 4-'i l> v. :.. K ?s ni i It DA., ?"a. ri . y^ ?HMagfSSj H*v*?)w**gj _ _ UEl'AIlTtHE OP mtSMsTIIBi ~ QLD DOM IN ION j'i?tV. ?TEAMdlilP COMPANY, ffsaffT1.L> DAILY LINH a ^"^ FOR MEW YORK, ??essenacrs can leave Richmond daily seep S" . \ ' t or Richmond i I l - 1, r. r',11 iuad (Si tersbur? rallroso ^ K?K^oia Dominion I . a. r ;ii.inK ?Ith s>w Yor*. ?unie ? ?/ff*wATER ROUTE ?wi- Richmond leave? Richmond .AJ'fiSnca? aH * ? ?* ?" ^fetTo?'iaH ?? ?!Chmond Transfer ?* " ? *M ea?\ Main street; Chea Unii\ v. rrofiv?d an.1 forwarded, a. Fr*li^iitool I? i - ' f"r "' uiroujh l northern. '".,,,.;{ Nk\v YORK *', , ?ve d ill] - ept Sun Pas?. ' S??3 . ;,-. t 1 day. si ?id point ''?mfnr', , : Merit railroad BSSBSSBSSBSSBSSUUUU ?V formation anprr to For turn, i >r MATER. Agent. 1M2 enst Main Street. Rlcnmnri | ?- t r.iiiiinndou. Vlce-Prestdaat aa ser. Hew York oe ? pBlLADELPHI? RICH * untan \NP NORFOLK - ' ? HOND ^?^fiaiup COMPANY. Annolntert BSlUOg darS! Kv-ry I th). $6, i RE&CK. I oenaral wthern^Aaw^omc.. Roehett f1(, 22 Onr-rnl Agenta. Philadelphia VIRGINIA NAYIGATK COIPAHT. xv-^ JAMES RIVE I DAY LINE. blngton. Be I for th. Bight rect to tl?? wharf. Ka -. ,0 Nort Gi . pB,lvr?nfor abore-nen; on. ^';' ? ! uiviN WE. I to , North Carolina. Genergj y A. T?. DtUWty. rr^sl'lent._de AMERICAN LINE. iv?. ? KxrRSas ?EB\ ! ' s^TOBK.BX)TJTBAIIPTOBlUW?W sa'.'.in? WseaiaWHf at to A. M. ? . -^ .inn in s'.. Untt?.fs* KEO STAR LINE. mm rOBal?ABTWBBP-PS US. V'v?r> WeOo??*as m 11 S ??, , Jan. .H SOOthWSrt ^"lC"^,1.;jan. iftlWsel^lai I M? teamen i ?rrr onlf BtoonJ. aa<l t %1 low r*??a. C ?rSKNArioN to N 1VI3A LION uu i?rsi.4t?n! IS. Sorsn ctlfst Utli-e, t>Ho??ii!i< ?r??o, >i, W.U. fAua?it AOJ. sshl*Ta.Th?Sal|_?b??g WINTER CRU1S TO THK Sc?nes ci tH Baitle-fltlds K the Spanish-American ^ rr Tiiv AMERICAN UNE 1 mr\ BT S?UEW UNI'?K? ?TATES MAI mm\J Uu Si s. m:\v fOEK "i m a Au*t?T> ? 'miser llarva ?htn .?iViNQ FROM MEW rOR sind? %?*i??S, ?Jj^Sis^sw es S^f? ?7| ? oreen, n. > VA. w ? PAL.MER * CO.. Rlchmo tin, fur ent it. 1 Sfc SOUTHERN ** KAlLWA?. bed ule JKUTertlve Urcemtoer 4, WHS. TRAIN!? LFVVi; ItlCIIMUMJ, \ A. tgfjsj a ?I No. h, - Bis^reee dally for At.atita, Aa*usi?, -i I pointa South. , ' ban . . Charl a'1'1 Au Sleeper .open a; . P. P ?1 . all Danville to tako on ?ana M : i.ville Bali and Charlotte ?nth !>" ?>sh and Southwestern Limited < carrying sleep? i Yo.i;,i *? AshevilTe, Hot Spymgs. Chat nooga, und N to M mphls, N v.- i irk M Orleans, New Voik to 1 first class da* coach b? Ws btngton and Memphis. Connec tas are mad? for all point- n Texaa and Caliton . : UPV" for <> upancy at 8:30 P. M. x:oi p. M., No v. solid ?rain ?laiiy f"r Charlotte, N. C ley with Fart railroad. At Keysvttl? tor Clars> vtlls, Oxford, Henderson, and ham, and at 0 ; ?' r"r Pur' ham, Raleigh, and Winston . at Danville With No. ?. ' I Its? last mall. ?Olid trat',. for Now Orleans sad points Mouth wh p< r? N? w lori to New ' N< w xork t? .Jacksonville Through Sleei ilsbury to Memphis; siso, l'ullm u tourl.-t sleeper every Wedn Washington to Ban witl ?hange. U:00 p. M. No 17 local, dally ?seep Sun,lay. for Keysvllls and lnt^r BlCdl TRAINS AIlltlYH IIICHMOM). O.OO A. M ? i:M P. M ? 1'iom Atlanta, Augusta AshevUle. 8:40 A. M.. from KeysvlllS and loca LOCAL PBEIOsTf TRAJES, Nos. a and jj, bstweea Manchester an Neapolls. ?ORK-RIYER im VIA WEST POINT. lilt; BAVORITB BOI T? north. EJBATB BICBMOHD. 4:10 p. m., No. 18, Baltimore Limite dall) | E (or v> Point and interm? dl its maki on at \\ > and i to, wli h si eg? at Leal Manor for Walkerton and Tapp h.i,m. ck on Tu buradaj and B iturda] s. 2:ao P-jM., N i". and Frida for W? st polni and Intermedia stations. Con,,-,us with Lester Manor for Walkerton a Ta p| With sir am. r for Boltim? at B : 5:00 a. M., No. B, I? col mixed !- it dally except Sunday from Virgin! tion i : West Point a interm? Hate with stags at ' mor i Walkei ' TUAlvs ABRITE AT RICHMOND. t?i" 'a. M., dolly, loto A. M., v. . ala. ha'.t? p M., ds ly except Bon Wast l'olni and In'. tiona. Bteam i ' I Int at 9 P, Ba n. ! " P. M. Tuesdays, Tbu and Saturdays. T ck? ition, fool ,: .,! to ?I ,i from <? :a> P. M to ta \ m. i J. M. ?l r.iv \V. A TURK. Trafha Manager. Oen. P. B. GANN? ..V Third Vice : I I General M , D. < C \\ WESTBtJ i;Y, Ti iv ''chmond, ^ (d.> R? F. & P. Ric?moad, Fre? ricts?urg ? Poton: h?dalo in RBool Bivos?bor -<?. IB BJEAVM BYBl>4VSUsBl BTATIOB b.ay a. M.,Oally, i?>r Washington ? Mllford and , : . '?ru to N 8:^0 A. M., Bunds North, t?t at Elba, Gb ti Allen, A R?ther . ford, v Summit, i an i v. r liman ear. 8:45 A. M., l ?ally, i scept \'. blngton an i po Noi .. Iba, a land : ? L'ob? R .the: > il n, Pen?la, ' f? i i. Wood ilane, 8 u m m i t . Fred? . 1 i. ur.J Widow? .' illman car. 12:00 M., i ept Sunday, i pc North , Ali, n, Asbland, Dosi I f o r d , F i .. n d Widfw: Also, co n u t *?"*v-?ir Lin ut \Va -In ? 7.10 p. M., Baity, (ten : mu lerb ksburg, Brooke, i. and > ARRIVE va iin-s i mi ITATI? g;4UJ A.M., 1 ?hat \ l I , id other sta -, .- , r New t i Rli hmond 8:30 P. M., 1. , Sunday. I Be t; u i Pen?la, Ruther Glen, \\. i . Ashland, Glen j and ' I I .n. 7:10 P. M , Dal . at F :' . 1 ' land, and Elba. i*u from New ?:-lo P. M , i ?ally. Brooke, Pi Bumn < 11..n, I iiism .11. oid, Glen All n, PRfJDBBIOKfB*G ACCOMMODA (Deity ax.-, pi i 4 oo p. M ? s :io A M , AIRLAND THAI'S*. (Dall ,-\, ot t;U:,iia.y#) g:41 A. M . Leaves K'b*. u ?o P. V ha. 0:40 A. M . Arrives ?iiba. <l on P. M I a. W. P. TATLi lit, Traffic R T 1 ' Myers. J SUTHERLAKD SISTERS' UAIi: GROWER AND 84 il v > il IN KR sr? the or.iT pmpamtematbai win r.>i the ban n <r r itoal beaiiD? a r.d. AT AU Id.i QOISIS 7 t*eW7 dly) Beware of iiiuuiioaia ?>?F5jj ]\^ced?rshiret trmt nu<ie?M*s sor?, ?it??, MM? * CHESAPEAKR OH?O KA1LWAV. K?rillii> Jniusr> I?, ISgg, 1K\IN* LKUl: III? iniOMl-HIHMi,. v I Kill 'I \ MON. O.oo A. IL, Di. ?i ?i i -: us, .-. .v, . ' '1 . !i Si Noituik S/Ith .\ i?r?. i-x eni '1 * :*.:45 P. M., Dally, with Pul i, .S?-*?. Old Point, .iii'i Porti h .h 0 n I 10 SO A M I i 'alvertei. ir?a, and v. i i iilon Ht ; ' I U:13 P.M.. Dal v. wi ' ".I DStt. ! I . , - Dinli abor? irsfn t\ villi * ?so p. m dap. foi io 3o p. Ml rlnnstl a rmAors i i u r ... HT ATIOV iu:30 a. IL, Daily, Bet L , . lag-ton, \-, i rrtn? ?it ' 1 for Clneli BOO P. M.. Rsi TRAIVS AHUMi: AT RICslSStVB, nROVIJ-STHllET s l \ 8.0O a. M.. Exoei I .: is well. S BO A M , ,i>'. f; m il ::i? .\. M i int 3 ?SB p. m . 8 SB P. M i llr. from \.. 7-13 P. M Tlt \1NS A II lil\ ' ' Il M \i IOB, 8:40 \ Inmbag 0:ro 1'. M . Dalbr, fi ney. JOHN ! A Al C L ATLANric-,uA,: **h.<iui- iu i.nti'ii Paauaabi r li PasASEB i.i. v\i; ?UCaBaawBi>-UBItl ?MI'oT. ooo a. ig., Dally. M. Stops uiiii ... . Waver ly, sud a - i r. 0.06 A. M . i isll) . M. Churl i . Ja ' : If, Wilmington &:il r I ' ? . 1 1 ;80 A. M.. 1 >all) on si? a 33 P. M., 1 ' . l.yal. ArrUet PU I i M S 30 P. M . I . d T 30 P. Il . Arriva? P I I ' ilk kl : la . rtta a am i ?i "' Ni' I g | '. . ~ s'. :.. J i * I USt?. ?B UOO P. M., balls. Arrt\ \l m 18 I \ ' TRMN" v. ki\i. au U 3:^3 A. -Ni . I I 8 15 A. M I . \s H 37 A. M H 00 A I 11:05 A. M i ;ir. P, N' 7 UO P M , 1 ith. O 55 P. M , ' ?> ' 8:50 P M J H . , r. S. CAM no ?3 _T. Ai^ViH?^fj llHT.f^ Schedule ? ' Schedule i Uecessber is. mnv i.tAVK ituinfoMO. BTB1) ' ?l'AllUI. O.OO A. M.. RlCHMi -~J FoL l A M. l? 08 A M.. iH' fwr ! ! ni i H i .i . K 7 .10 P. M . r -1 t. rmi cl - at N ' - ui M P M I nok?. i" t l! i ; i at -< .-?r i Train? an m' irania (i; s ? jMiTED s? s? 1 N , m Hala i N ' Dl?< W. ? ?;>' Oen^rat ' Oensral Office; Roanoks. \ *