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n,E """ nl6rATUH-8ATCTl?AT^*5^S^ 181UK 01 ii-\ i m iMiiuxn THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE DlftPATCH COMPANY. Tb? DAILY DlSl'ATCH Is delivered ta subscribers at FIFTY C9BMTS PS? month, paysbln to the carrier week. nionthly. Mailed at 15 per annum. | ble lo advance; J3 for mi Math . H :i? tor three months; SO cents for one n Prloe per ropy, 3 centa. The WEEKLY DISPATCH issued and aaeaitd ?n two ports nt |i pet asaras?. The Bris l ?AY DtaVATCH ill or TO cent', for gbl ?soatha Subscriptions In all MS?? payable " ad? veno?, and no paper aoBtlaued altet 1* expiration of tho time ?add far. Band post-C'ffioe money order, che k. or tered letter. Currency ?sal By mall ?rill be at the riek of the aesxtar, Behscttber? wishing their post-((rue ehaasei ' give their old as well an th^lr new office. Sample coph-.i free. ADVERTISING RATES. HALE INT 11 OR LESS. >t,n".::::?i5 g tlmej?.. I times., g time?.. II times.. 1 month, t month? Tt-ialnvss want* . 1 M . 2 n . ... r a .Mil . . ;;;;;;'.;;. &o Wante.1 elf nation. parent? In ?d vanee 125 ?reren o? Basa. *? Above rate?? arc fOt ' vcrv 'lay" or ad Vertlsemeiits running cnirerunvely. Reading notices In tending matte? lye*. Ove lines or les*. U', h eoaj ariel. leaded, Cve lines or les*, 7& oeOta. Card of rates for more ?pac? furnlsTi?d on application. All letters ?ad telegrams aSStttt be nd lliaaill U TU? DISPATCH COMPANY. ted communication? will not be re turned. AH letters rcommenrllng candidate? for office murr bfl pf? teg t bsant? theli publication. Thin Is a long-staudltig iul< of ours. ReaoUittons of respect to deeeasei members pa?I 'i By turn?. ??eufl?tlnna. or other oi t ?rBl be charged for as advcrtisl-ii matter. VP-TOWN OFFICE, RROAD-STREE' PHARMACY. Ht l'.AST HROAI STREET. MANCBTsssTTaWI OFFICE, BM HUL1 PTKEET. SATURDAY.JANUARY 14, 1801 l.\i. \\ Un mu?*. The BswraaeujMMi al the country wtlh oi asses oeeslflsna Conu Bhatan fat the loath? ma whli be need in ar : Mlb a'a tei tiiminy i- fere Un D sap i ' ," Anfl that remnrkutile body Of in Iota, u?:"T aHowtns I ?HJiealwn? j.irnotti d la i i U mrl in the Ian Bava mot Bagan' types t! statemi b irk to blm, teBtai him I j.viv. * it t ' b> rly 11 will not be admltti to Iheta i i if Qaaeral Bagan, personally, the i> ndi t m is bow in vi t < I it bat ha "w ii i . ut' liant ..i volunti I ' star, ?rhanoe fit ii guiar army, ? : ' be rank and asi lgnm< n1 solda. The iiubiie i1 roand I? tb I E i tha ! it Hut, poealbly, there ait torn? dlrncull la the wajr. AI the beginning of i : tlgatlon tin ii Id procalsi i thai : i . tu suffi r "'i I . Vldi thai h" gar? ' : oosamlaston. \\ hile I wful tin against Ml! b BtlmC -, i he surely will be, to ?hi Itet htm : bt hind the Pr t ' W? ahould not woi der If tl t the mllll of MUee and Bogan I General MU i married Into in. i. fumiiy. lis Influence in I mi ; vary h. Ipful to him, but it may be I that connection baa ) an hurtful to of late Thai the Bbormena ate oui t t'. admlrdatratlon may hare I tiding to do with the fad that from \ . i? ginning of tl war 1 was snublx it a ?rlth a6 feeling towarda the War Department HU< : retui country from i alth a g ti m ?en i ii neu papi r Ii '. his denunciation of Um " that Eagan had aen^ but command. W? AoaM if m?? s i. "i any Idea tb? condemnation of tin Mild : U commotion that It has. : tertsrai i of the dri . m belated, MUee n<>t only tina Ifngsn. but arrayed against hi tho rub ?.ml pon t-packln t' n m of the country. Already it ?> lag has done un as trade almu: : |? Injury. S m. attacker? have abt and wo may ptesum? that in the circles of the \\'ar Office he wai i t'lack and blue. I , iii mi, asagaa ?eepati ! ht? i m lad. ii" > t i . i irlat? Itllsa and all of Miles' porb is. sad he went at thi i ttvtely. Hi ' ot t- ai the fill tj ad, ijfM ?n Itti n. And I written ?heats b? read t.. tl at cannot plea he acted wtthoul <! lib? ration, it Irapnsoibla fat htm to try to xteou wer?! I ing th< raaaed m tin heal t* wiit is writ, ai it! \ Be no w.iv nut ui it for blm; hut w reaaeaabat that egaa. 1 be i Shall SO I "Ult-inariiall. .| fo becoaalng ?a off! for eoadaci prejudicial t" the resi where tt Is. la tl wuiihi t . labll b< I whl the service for ?11 Bagai shas ?frort vmI! I i ,.it with bias, i Miu-s ins besa 1 of our tro K ls liiK ;uo very rl bfllce (o aupa??? that B to ??? i je* ?'i think iru beef . ?,,i (, our ?oaclusien btktemeiit? Of I R . rait, thers. K that i af tim tafriasjtattsd aad II 1 unfit for im ., t.. ?at, Bat ? i i., jr that In only one ur twt were cbamlcala lunet. it u <.:^.n.. >i that these p, riment * ?bjmTmj Otth the object or BBVei t lining if that i std not t>" better than anything before tiled tOf pre-aiMng d ?neat? in the tn.ptes. le Ini i ny. it nan ? that him ?1th int - the Hie? ihm ii. v Vi nt d in ' I | : arac i .li li,' In i said ortlng undlv, dellbe e rail ' Com* win be Bte his it they . \\ !u,t em to e must act un ?an, or - si \ ice. ??red to i plague l Will be Int.. th, unfairly the Wai \ to hltll ?v.n the stgnmeats be, f were 11 ip. THK p\kim?mm; powKn. In N'.rth ? arollna and Yire.lnla both at this lime ? ,. i i- DOWI r" Is a BUb? j... t t>f dlscttsatoo. it has been found thai If th. la'V.mor of Ether w-r. M ?,.,,riiu;s to all ?ThO ask them, with the vi.-w of getting citent? <>r frisadogw?r . u , ,i knve rio time for say eth? r work. Elance, m each n> I Is a : Bd f OC tl . 'n of i loon " hite " Coi tion of Vln "'"' Bxocntive the grant par ; would bv 1 iwt'U , i. .,,.. duty It would be nek sfgdlcstlon ..... i ity In th preesi bHagsssaiHy limit? d la IM .. p., o,I of M atlsry, u? the amtier . Each pi ball of the time of who has k.-pt th? ori na every re pent," end who, in platen of th? board, k **a ht persea*1 for exocativ? ctemency, may r~, reeom . by the I Of tsmras, th* prison recorfls are at hand to nftonl : : ... ap. s prison rscord; but it is not so easy f..r th.- board t.. determine whether ( , ani "ib a tit person" for sney. The penitentiary official? and the I ?Governor well know- that some of the of the enemies of society make ex prieoi is. Bo, the priaon n rd cannot lie rolled upon to solve the tlon O hOtht r ?ll.'ant HI "a lit 0* r te be recommended for pardon," hence the board make? it b rule to write to the trial - . th? subject of each ap plication. If th? npjllcunt hns a clean prison re ?fird and can get h favornMe word or two fr.-m the trial lodge, and can satisfy the board that i?<- <>rm gel employment if re teassd, h.- is pretty sur? t i ami " ?n. Then II reebi with th? Qovernor to pay whether a con ditional pardon shall ??r shall not issue. After awhile this system may lighten th. labor? of the Ex?cutive somewhat, tor. It ha? had the opposite ? f .. tor thai is simple and nut oral. Cpon the poSUaSM Of th? MW re lative to conditional pardons, ti? <>f Bcorea of prisoner? wenl actively tc work to ?eeBfe the release oi those Is Whom they wove Mtereeted. Th? buen that "us ander the new law hat i . the dogi n The Investlgstion thai the board has t< make in thew i ses la tiresome, but no? . ; v , iffle lit; 1 m upon ths Oow *nor ther i a'ly the saine worry and i".| , Blbillty as li uses. . General Assembly will he call ed up. n to amend the law in n conditional pardona, so as to give th live purpose freer i would then be w? i for II t" take up thl whole qu? stl? n of ; irdoni W' no doul ' to the policy and , of giving the Governor some sort of r. lief. ?>f all the duties of our Executive ti, li the moot re poi Ibli. disagre? able, i d unsatisfactory; but und I I Of the S' ?tltutlon he eannoi be wl ?ity n them, The best that can be done is an advisory hoard to divide wi him the responsibility and the ? Right here W? must add that In : ai r boa m si Iy alwa . . LUtJously used, We doubt if In nt . I. I a i'li urn. OOd judgment. I. IW \'l BW II < I ititi.N? \ REFORM. A W ishlngton sp.' B iltinu ai root Ive Hill, when he h f,,r the reform ol ;l i urn m y end bet ?mi laws referred to the Commit on Coinage, Weights, and Mea ste id of to the Com? Bank and Currency, will probably i>vjit iji n ting of a hill to the present HoAa when then*. Not*? far as n forming the < m the near future is i lia-n't h inna, the chk f spoki ?man the . tl.?n, said thst the cc try n and that there won'., rrency legislation for many dajn . om< " And ha1 I the ip publican party deep that tin y have given up all hop? ot for tl if the currency question is gotten be Ith? r tl ii or the next, i' aril Juggled with. That Is all. ?llcan? will i. sort to their old u king to UM It to hoodwink the O they intend "t thing." It v. Ill be made. ' HM i.' Of kd pin?; i >. m", rath party dlvlaton on th? question. However, a successful effort to get ; bill or enj ..tia-r currei ' HOUM may n : i of good results, if the l cmts seise the opportunity th? bRi will present to them, i>. mocratlc should b, to i res? Hie Republic i Wly and m | ,,n the and hold th? m bo uni slantingly to bllity in th? pn mil i that would I tal rlty and \.. a th? re could be no bei awakening the m to i r?alisai I that the only hop. n foi ml Democrat "inph. 1 ild be no buti.r ? proving . . th? f> rnocrotk party tl i now to gird up Its for the ?truggl? In lit??. There , a no b. tter way of bringing buck Democi old Its member In th. mpalgfl seduced by Hanne ?t Co, im,, st aller l . lion of a life of the R a committed B 11 H Wllmli |to N. C. i ?i p. | ton He i''i. elve b iti is ?rrith n H? - -. and un I i ted With th? life and el th? distinguished Richmond mh !v Bbyterisa We hear that though 1M had n . in arriting i collection ." i.. left an and many a i mon? in ms., ..r u : int. Rl v .1 P, Smith, editor of the thinks i?r. n : pi. n ii.i oration was that di 111 the unveiling of the Bttnu wall statu? in th? Capitol Peinan public pro] r fl red at th reinterment la Rich i" i- - Uly thought I - ' . " a, 111 i in, ie s. but his i rsclnss* nib lam BOOaai taller the The nomination of Chauncey M. I>epew fur United stat.s Banatet by lbs ..t BepaUBua? aeeaabst? of the Hew Vui-k l^sahSsture is ?arareateat to an election. The eau.-. aalght bars ?'"i"- farther with the i reap? rt of tho country's farlag a That I? tu ?ay, Hfl Choto? rnli?ht haw fallen Bpoa a mm h WOtBfl man. If Mr. DflPSW H a I'tateftnan. nu one knows it. hut n'l tin- ?rotM know? that be is lee gaad a peet-prandkU ?peaket and KeiilHl a BSntlStBSS tu h? a rr.alleloim par A *?tt.t In the upper br inch of Con .:,i t,, be th.- ii. Ighl of Chaaai iitnl.itHm. And although II rr.ay not b? written thai Whfl? be hi arrayed In bis iu.;.i. ii?' ' "'"Jf1 h's long'!", we ri."k BOtbtng W I in/ that wheneret be ?ions ?is ?wellow toiled rig the Washington bon vivants m i\ ooBtlaV ntl antldt] ate a II U.volvlnir through Mie maze of .lo as? -. A roll of jut lud- ?waiter th:in her sunc." The fad la, tiiat atnes it fres destined that a RspnbUeaa v. d the prosea! Democratic aenatat from New York, we ate met? satisfied with the action of the cancos, s., loob Chaunoey. Here'? to you. May ron Un long to prove that "In iiftet-i'ilnner talk, v. me," not only eloojUl nee, but "A little nonsei md then. Is relish, d by ' i< v. t of mea." TO THE POINT. The Balttmot? Herald, Ilk? the DI? patch, 'Hap teten t tOei ral L has i omplalned of hla I In Cuba In the D forth In i i tain ?pi ' iai telegrami from i Horn the less, Un Herald thinks thai i tb? report? M to his treatment are trui hi-- frli nda her? grli i si M It i" of opinion ; Hog they ar true, the government ha? mad? a i The Harald "in slew oi Oenerel Ls?*? famlliarti with the Cuban situation and of the pul i. 11 latlon that he would receive pa t ..: . ..i import mce s? a militar commander, it would be a matt? r of asp? clal regn t if he were nut accorded th. : ration wtll I I VOS. "HOWl -,. r, i'e in r il I.. I- a BOl know? how to obey aa w< U as to con mand. HI? friands may feel assured Uta or, he ?rill beat brmse dutifully and with becoming dignity." Both of our oon are to the point. The. or,.- ?I appreciation of ths raluabl? aerrl Q . ral Lee te < bli ; n i Ii ring the go eminent In Cuba. The other yjtn s . \ : proper i tlmata al La ' : ' and BoMler. MOVE t ! : if our ?treet?cat eosopaaies haron'l nil.. requiring ro,-:-'r'nRers to "move u and not crowd the roar t?Ia.t forms? of i cats, they shOaM make such ruis : \y It Is a crying shame that ladles, iJ ntly the ' a^e. i bi aid, on boardl i... cotapi lied to push thi i; wsy promla nous crowd : f both i oloi a wb blocking the platform is that they w< to Snlab ?mi I Our sir. ' t-car condu> | r-> atrui ted to m da until their cats at? full, and the r hould be applied without fear or fat ttism. Tb? better sentiment of the commui taad behind the eompaali matter of : log an arder to i effect, and b ii?r,,| ti.e conductors in ?t to A member of thr> Sixth Virginia R n.' nl (the m ?re i . Qa.), wl ? . i t" for? tl,.- public on sen ral publishes a rather peculiar card in raph of th t city, it ?j ; the M." "ii dUseno, knowing that th? i ment Is ?bout tu he mustered out, appn hi nslve of their futui wish them oui of th" nelghboihood. a rlti r of thi mmunl worry; that the men "wat aie tOO bad to talk about .?nn tin- , itj oi n iking trouble." Ho gua th it Bvi bout? atier thi It aas could not Bad ? "Sixth Virginia! Ua i on. oaugf (Life.) Lore and I a-bt i. and 1 together; Trudging bravely through the ano in thi- wintry w< athi r. Here wa si Lore and I togi thei ; Rlnir a song W? VI BUOg I v. not ti u? ?s oi Ah. w? know it wlthoul ; Lor? and l together; r Kraut to Love, prithee, Love and me : if there be not room for me, i ?ean -t keep my love a Ii i l will tr.unp and "bide a i gram l worthy be, That some, day you w ; ime me Lovi and mi togcl hei . w is T A lltCIM \ \Tl Tho kdjwnmlng 'i settee??, Tho tortol Mnddla, CHARLESTUN, KANAWH \ ' '' ' w . \ A., Janu h y ii : i ' can 8 ' of West Yir?:n of unie irnlng win be !< pi np all wlnti r. Tin ni.-t this m- rnli until to-morrow at 10 o'< lock. The ii. ri m "ii th Its h ind r. the i(* ma rata a ho I i ' oi the aa .ii "t In view. Mr. I ?avis, the youni of the Demo ratlc aid? in the llou your i thai n mitte., on ll moi roa ind a< Uon would mediately, This is the third daj. mil has net ' om] leted its sat Ion Th. senatorial sltuatloi somes ?iai of a chsotl OnpatosM i?f Soeooso. niulj 'p. r Enterpi The Richni' n 1 1 ?Spatcb cali, r, wa- th.- capstone of su Virginia I? irnaUam Thi ?ditloii i ,i. ist ?ras a t. ring e mpll th? ble management ol the kt ull Of Hie St it?. Constip?t. ratm s hilly half the sickness In the retami the digested food too long In t and |.tote? piliousucss, torpid 1 Hood y t ?a, ?ad tests, osaled flBBgi ( toaga?, Hl.'k headai'lie. in- KLJP i esssae, aa*. Baaflra rill? I esreconsnpaUooandar, its rr?nks,eai lyssxlthoroagBly. Ba% ? Prepared bj t'. I. Head ? <'?.. I? ?Ue ouh i'dli :o Ukc With Hood's ? jE?CNAM* Powder ?iTjor* iv:aa.i? ?lid wholesome Makes the food more delicious ano w ?,?1 ?.IM PO*??? "-i" AI.HTM \HI E. Not Boooo? ? .- i a P" b? od I . of for ml In ule : tho 11 ntly the til IT S! ! iv i > it to lying ' A Sorulenl OinTiillon snr>. cii.\i:i/)TTKS\tli.i:. va. JUfsunry " laL) At the ?.'ouncii *sM8tlng East BVSttlog Mefsrs. J. IP Whod, C <; M !' phtS, .1. F. Harbin, and W. W. I'Inwid die w< r.. re- '' h d na ml i ' ' ' Board, Mr It. Ii Ander?.m. who DOS hewn i'' .l?ihns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore tot ment, returned |p-day lo h'15 horn?. : Hill. TI ai ?Ided that ipil, ig onnei esssry. His Itl B I? verj much improved. ehnpel pulpH al the I nlveralty win be Blled 0O Sunday by in. W. O. Starr, of Richmond Th? Hon. WUMam L. Wilson, prealdent ,,f Washington and l>? rjnt-mrrity, Lex ington, will deliver an address bettors I -. ?.Roa of 'i B ipttst '. en People'? which will rneet m this dty i His Bubjed win be "Chrtstlsn Citlsenshlp.' Thi Rev. Dr. B R i ? . ' mi v i to i pr?s? rrt nt"l sp.-ak. .Mr. Willi: ni 11. Amis'- and M v. Rhodes, "f Woodridge, were mnrried afternoon, the Etes H w. Tribbls At their annual meeting th etockbojd? p ; etu ,1 Building ind I b this city la tsd pr? idem, W R Duke; Vlce ii. M Oleason; Treasurer, M I retort W. Wnorlddto; Bo - M. WpodS; 1'*: C I : A. Russow, rhii. Leterman Ok I W. Vent, W J. Relier, T. S. Relier. F. B ... T P COrvor, ?r,d BoL Ka ifn u The association ssgjolated i committee to reporl unen F .m? plan for InCfi the business of tho company, nnd i - chilly upon the advisability of applying . chart, r to conduct the bustneea of i i ank. A telegram i ?est ?ad by Mr. J. Wstkins of th? Jefferson-Parh Hotel, n.-ar ity, Btntes tbni his hotel In Bi ville, Flo., ^a? hurned yesterday, Hi? lost |a about 815.0tgt? no Insurance. The telegram stated that about half th.- town of Brooksvllte ?ros destroyed. rii.ASKi. Indicted for Murder?\ Child "bol and Killed. I'T.ASKI. VA, Jonu UV ' Th- County ?'oiirt is still in session. To day it beard the application of Gteners v Walker to have the i nd ballot? in ;. upon giving du? notice to J\\.]-? Ith-a and bi The order o t::t court m em d to b? Batiste both parti . 'i -i Walker*? notice .. ?. i Pulaskl county chargea whole mil Intimi. en pw ein, t in the county. rt; moa lona if i i it than in Pulaskl, a? cording to the sei Pulosl urg? , his ?u v. Ii . i Baldwin's Det? Uve Agi m v h up the Cory murd? r ? , murd? i bi ! lot and the Pi : m.I jury I. 1 for the mu I ?unn, The William Lui la r four young men II it j I- : ' son, win. w? re soldiers in the Second VI a hile drinking- ' In Ja The public knows but little of the t? fa, is, as both th? i and t i tng thi Ir ow i counsel A little t-year-old child named Ka , was sh.-t and killed this nvu ?ag by .iiniiny Rogers, a t>ov i ?me it r* old. Th ted In pin Ing with a pistol until it Wem oft twl ,-i. oting the lime i:iri m the b? i ii.H r FOE < B1LDBBB. i i i Nl'Y, nd the k. n :s until : I? ad. r so, told i. com .oil *-?, tsn im ?n,1 the draw lu?* out of ? Dtvaroc?Pra? n*?nt (ill/en Dead. RMONT, va.. Januai < ; irnett baa I en al Balada r benring ha bi seem? tho Phillip Pttshugh, a citizen agi n, I?. ?', ab tut tan bter of ' v.. T. Purklne, of this county. Last he su. d foi his wife in court <.f the Dtotrlcl of ? umblo, h ivlng left hlra and ; to hi r father's hom., with I children?a boy and a girl. The Ju ng the divorce directed that be brought b thirty days for him to decide whether or tin- mother should have cha of them, th? y being in the r, Parkins. Ii. I? r I ht m Pitxh igh obt writ, and aft,r four day? of hot tigh t to the writ, and h la taken mon on r and 1 I Iston Until later. B. n ? ' ewnlng, who I ad be? u Cler sex for t adjudg nted F. M. B i itman Cli i mi th? rgest ti count), died at I it Orl \\ hoi k to pla - oday t In < rkabui No. i \ M 11. bad a vault built and a put in . He w? . bla ider in t st . burch, r IT M. \? i IDETtT i is Ight, in on world. It he bowel-, Iver, ltu't s ?Ils well. Mass. arsiipitfilUfc Tu u Ejaa*sWharrmaa?Basfa1h I'? ?I -lions?-. I : , -'! John Scott, a coloi . ihoremai ployed ht t "t ' b? ' ''.d I loo Bt< -i.. . ' , Injured yeeterdo] by striking lr.s l" s loaded tru? k Into the hold. He wa lysed from th? uaiat down and to .... i , . Norfolk N i Bank, was to-daj ' thai Institution, The ling an one t ?r small p ferers at tl d of County m pr? senti d bj : lehnten Btar, I ith tak.s the BBS edltoriolly. An Inv? tit itloi den .1. llito. . . \ BesaarScaTst) iimim?- Cs IP ?A M ,|\ |. \ , daughter oi 1 . Melt, dlv?rtoi . i i road, became remain? d in tha lion 'Juttl h, r d. nth o, ,iii ri .i i n Ing N . m i,. ,p i . Vive h. r WSI I? fi u,,don? but ill. It was a ren: ?trangi Mlsoloaaei D ?EVILLE I v lanttan Mr James w Bouldla left v. .? '" Chins, as flBl with the "Chins Inland Mission.' pects to s u the Jvtti of thjj moi Vancouver. .1 of IL il hfl t.. :\ Hi ll > ait it of ?jro M fall wo ?ge th.? In the il K" of : tllll? dey th? k of i in r k lu this inel'a lj ?la A " Mtn Hint y l. Ul baad Itag a of the el? t d in ! - proml t. The " r HP N K"iie me. -. ?Il Wsa larkahly aslonary Hi ea ith irora Dentil i?f n Balare d LnBF Fare?nal mu? Qa natal? PBjTBRSBURO, VA.. January U-(H?" - ?lai I Mrs. .1. A. Thompson, wi'h.w of Mr. a. i?. Thompson, arhos? nines? has h m. tionrd, died at her rssidsnce on Mar? kit this aft rimen. Hot htishat .1 preceded her to Um grave hut u f-v months, and during I ihrse re < - she had i thn Two r?. Jam- i ii. an I Charles Thompson. The dsesascd wa? h ?atrmabt? and much beloved lady, whose death win be lemented by aB who knew her. Pr?paration? ars being made for the i ^tlon bj a. P Hill Can p of Con federate Veteran? "t Oansral L?e'? birth riuy. January 1Mb. Th? veteran? will pa rade through Um ?tn el i, and at nlgni ill enjoy a sup. rt. banquet, and heir LdmlrabU ?pet case, Caid bat i " ti lasued to th<- marriage . Ml - Man E x lughter of Mr. s. ii .\ of thla city, to Mr. Joseph Jscobs, of Hew Yurk. Th" msiriage ' II t.ik.- place at the First Baptist church hare "'i Tuesday next, January iTth. The will Of U.v. Dr. Willi .m II. Platt was admttti d l ; t? to-day, und a I in .! . - !. Mr K ' i'l itt. uf Toi k. quallfli.. iecu1 >r, giving in i in- aum of R2..M'i xhe estate u\ bequeathed In eq i n ! \ i thi chlldn n ' : Dr. i \ numl ' Amcrl ' an Talap ' '-u my wi'l i fir? nw early next wash on a tour "?' Inspi of the hir,ti-di*tanci> line? In ; in this conne ttlon it maj be ! ted th it tl?.. work un ?ii" long-distant* Hi tween Petersburg ant Lynchbu % la uro ig favorably, and it 's eipi eted Uiai i? will i..- ompli In opera' Hon by the iprlng. I iffli aa ?rill ! open at Blaokstooe, Crowe, and Partnville. The decision Of th.- Supreme ' Aip.-ils in the appeal ess? of Darb Bailey vs. w. s. MeCance, lfflrtalng ?h< verd ? i, -,,i. red in the Huvttni ie r... uf M.O90 damages against Mr. llalla was read aitb interest, ?'apt tin McCanc hr..iiuh- -mt for fle.iMO dmagss, ami th i'ii\ ?a arded htm *::.'? >. Th. un hmond, Petersburg Railroad Company hau contrao' d for ih ry fadllUea fur tin- water auppl for i's locomotives, t.. i.t : i i on s.-t itreet. spe.i ii pr.iv.r-; ?rare offered at th gue to-d iv in behalf of Mr ; orn "i Uta ot?V at and most hoi "i.d Hebrew cttteens, who 1- -. rv m . Idence, on Bycamore ?tn '.t -~ ?--. THE Oil) III Hfi. Doath of n Foranos dtteew-?Pntnfl Aeetds nt. FKEDEKICKSBURO, VA?, .lanui?ry n i Mi WIM* m PrsntlM Ob h well-known printer of Wi Mi rton, und native f I d ".i rest? i ?ras born here in UBI and moved to Wai bad since resided, in l? Mr. Oeorge B. Col? snd Mr. J. R. o relativas of tho deceased, left this mot Ing to attend the 1 La bleb I i : uon. Mr Lelteh had hi v< rely cut thh m n ntng wood at his yards. He atten pti a , a ol ?rood that we? eon red s i ban the blade .-iipi ?d and j i - of his ll, i twin the mlll-dn at "AltO Mil!." m Kll -,' G< "fj<e, 1 broken, doing ty. H will be at i? is- nve wi the br.-.ik i . : l re) aired M clently to admit of the mill'* ninn aj?uln. At th? National Poultry and Pig Show, m Washington, Mr. Stuart Tain ..; Mm- .i'y. v,.is awarded preml his "f Bed i'' Bantams and Brown-Br< ted ''.nine v ':im~. Willie Balabrldi I ?on of Mr. .y* ;. ii- -, ' ; ' sett, d* ? it I rents, Mr and I i: B. Merchant, this morning, of pn< u Ilia. all. r a hi lei IttUOSS. 1' 11 . ... lu i., hi id to-mei row i venin? :'. "'clock. Mr. i:. T. Baher ha? ben called i by thi< s< rloue Uli "*? of Hi": !i. r. Mrs Laura Welch, of Orange, is I Mr?. l?r. N- wm in, Mr. John A. llarrir in..- returned fro hie eh r, Mrs. .1. D. WhlUoi i ll inovet county. Mr-. Mary v\ Bernd tfhw F . r ih mi! ?n, sad Mr. Wime Rerndon, laai nlghi I ?avilie, Pia., m they win remain l?verai months. Mr. M II. Di ?klni ?n, "f M'li - r ] : ton her tract of timber n<-ar hunch. Ti i ? * ?* vi mi im MY. ( otinty Conrt?Shol I" the Fi llrle??. OATI ci rv VA . .! te irj i County Court la m session lure. A dies, charged with it J. Walling, with lnt< -.t to kill, un ii... ' Mori ml,. r. tried and BB; Jam* m Spurrier, for illicitly s liquor, | ton. for the . ... ., : I It. Homy. H'.'ed 17. Itvtnf. i .ilked BOU young nun ; i? road - ral :n Bi Horn ind. Ing com ' i inty. ?rtp nt in this \ m>\ Buf?n, Stricken wtiii i'unimnui i-t pronahloaj Marriages BOTDTON, VA.. Jai tleman h. r.- reei Ired a n fr un Brodasx, Va., ( ?-day whieh that Mr. 11. T. ' Of tin- Western Telegt pany, of Blchmond, down with pneumonia while on to reletlri nrut, and m Mr. It 1' i "., .-..n. Cerda log m in.. Versbel Oghurn i" Mr n tri Id a. Taylor, Th.- prospi tlv? 1 compllshed daui * Mr H. i*> ..f aeat South urn. V? . sd h - ?son. ti win t,,ke Bhtloh M i hur B. in thi- i uiinty, ', Boon, .' ?aa? ? \ Mt h. The count. dltton now; the sleet and rend) t Ing them w< ll-i ibk?. ? -? i:\niiilnntlon of Voiui? luv CPortsnsouth Star.) The law governing Ux law la ^^ - ik su far sa Um public I? concerned, day tin? Supreme Court of Virgin four roang men. though there w tr-two appUcant?, n this low I'x-posi-factu Bttaehflkant its u both to :he bar and P<opH- of "wuuld be immensely tuhunced. I, NORTH STATE. THF LRfiULi ? .... - FVIssSsBsWRCI 4M) ( \iioi.i>?i. THE Q?ES1.0N OF EMIGRATION. To Hoot Oui Ihe Pusloulst BlOOrl Ion I.pv?*?The Baatsletlaa of ??offro??? Some Plain Inll? on ihr- ?n.iji-et oiiier u,-m? of lata vane? il se i I ,\\ .'h ied m. las th? ks ifl Ing .'OU im? III and Ir-. mo Mr? .it to I RALEIQH, X. ?' . .linuarv It/Hah* Favorable action woe taken by the i, laturo to*day on the bin t?> chaj-ter the l;|. linio:,,!, r*Ut?TS*WMg '?nd CSSTOtlUU rall v. . and a bill t., rspSOl the tux on unl ,. | , tpa? i li or let in ib.- Senate to-morrow, it wit* i - at.- in Bi read further south great numbers i I net n as tins bill poses?*. A Mil infodnt, i in the Bonate to mtifj orgentaetlofl i f the South Carolina and . ., railway. it is decided thai no bills ?boU he lotro duced ?ift.-r Februar) Btb. The Senate paeo?d bin repealing all the !' > tlon laws i I ISM and IStl s were passed by the Fustontsts, The i' - i i ,i a Pin abolishing ihs Stat? i:> ird of Tax BqusII? i.rion. it I the phi to remove th.- corner from thi new building of the Institution for th" White blind !: re on which : r, whole i dlou - i.? t'n., Dem?crata Two negrota voted in favor of this bill. This afternoon the Joint Coansnltteo on Amendment? to the Constitution gave a hearing to negro leaden in the of Cue restriction of the ?UffragO, and the use ,.f all tase? paid by whit. < for whit* Three negroes addressed the committee?Isaac H. smith, Rev, k h W. Leak, and I'n-f. BS01 Th ired that there was no p ?.bridge negro education, Thi > ais,, t.'i.i that the experience of ti?rtv in North Carolinu hod shown th? negro unfit for the ballot, and tint rmf frage must be curtailed, lank said h? w? uld i.e Batlefled ?rlth ?rhatavar th? Iture did SO to the franchise, a? In would try to d? what was right ClOSby told the com mitt? a '<*iii ..r t'v 125,000 n? gr > s in the ; a , "lifted to fore . ?n opinion os lo ' suffrag* He aak tint t>!. load thoae of the! own race win. voted Independently, u regarded ill's solid black vote as a grea menace to I | rernment, and tali that th.- m . tO bo oaVOd fror thems- lv< B. WAS H\l> o\ ELECTRIC Wilt F.?. The Meet Uns n Most llemornlUln i:n?',t ? Wiiriiier \\ ?sther. The temperature will continue to rts and by noon to-dny there will be a veettge of the Ice formed during t 1 .. . ft tO tell th- tab weather pr?valut in all sectlo of th" count) : the Northwest a the Upper Missouri Valley, when it Early y. iterday morning, as men a boys wen starting to work, the si, walks and un rere Ilk I v. . it until the sun in the that it began to ?u. and tin I I of tie city WB ' i Of m . in th. ' : digntfll d and ki .'.I el Bui erlni the Fire-Alarm Department - k? pt ,;\tr. ne ly In-.'. '.'-i !.. i;an tO ''all on ThUf - ml t? graph-] n. 1 almost . parted, ss hich In I broken boll Two f. legraph-i collapsed om m the nel rr-"t. ?rben It Ml i i a re and did n s. rtous damage. There is every Indi no a nuosber of telephones hi bei n burned oui, alth atan bavt Tie- alarm clrouita have '.n s.-rio, '.. and axtra. men en k. pi d.o. ? Bighl , tnd remedy . The haevy ?trouR-wiree, fwaytng ur th, weight of kOO, are. in some pan i he city I] - M oth.-r g there r uni ii 'he thaw s,-t that the Insulation would b.- worn off mu?', hies would i , aus? d ODD-tT.lJLOWS' M Vss-Ml.l i im m a i, in ark left hen Va., ndle toad ,. F. K. P. fined elUng : civil tu s?me . The ill., \\ . mak -t ben Ote, of II \ll l .''111 itrlcki n s unc?. . of New the ec ? 'gburt, u rent y after. IbtO con meltlni ill h im \n Btslayanla ganlal Bwonlaug wp Ii> the Tlirt-e-l.i iiUith, The ma Felloen l: i 'con.* and ' Hall ,'hlr.l floor) 1 I ' ni- il by many Three Linkers of the tu 1 >. and Was ^1. all. It ems In no ind - :% body had it. The rn< . , i . . i l -. 1 ', -1 r i : Mast? i \\ llliam A Clarke, Jr i h tarj T. V and thi n brl? ! I? livered i I t-Gi B Davis, Grand-H senta .-.:;,. Davis, Deputy-Grand-M v\ illlam Bail? Musical select I I d ' Il >r II men, Including M< ' Oes II l'hlllll : i Lodge; M. H Ramos, o'f k Cunnin i Roal i II re, and Loul G -, i deal of ,n. .1 the ii" tit of the order >>f FellowH R? of Harri by Hin CASTORI For luiauts and Children The Kint? You Have Always B Bears the BlgBEbtTtJ (ja fg-Th?tSafrtO pie who sniff? rh< umatlsm i know thai i Pain Bi lm r? . i I me i ever ki'.ov. n l A DOl til' Uli: lion ! AMfSKMBsMTU. tiling of ? ". i ?ret? I ; IT. tweli had an safulneoa, Virginia, BIJOU FAMILY THI \l REFINED VAUDEVILLE AT puPM.XR 1'RI It ATINEE TO-DAY 2: LASTCHANCl Fb-NIGHT TO SEE PRESS 1.1 DR] ami the other entfTtainei NiAV BILL x.-.xt WB1 ya Mi? THE VALENTINE Ml! 1:1.i:\knth am? CLAY RT Of?? dally from 10 a. m -, Admission, \i eejits. Fre? oo S do 13-iy how to cuss wmm, I Was a Great Sufferer from Neuralgia for Years. Dr. Oreeno's Ncrrnra The Rom? cdy Which Cured The Pain. Nervura Bnilt Me Up AU Over. I Ft?] Like a New Man. Mr. M. P. Mitrhell, 42S Bast 5th r? South Boston, Maes., ?as?? "I .. , been ? suttrrcr ?rom nruri in the head for a ?sambar O? yean I parchased .1 bottle of Dr.Green? :... vura blood and BSnrgtCfnedJ verv little faith in i?s belpil tskl ig one bottle the pain *n. r,ot 10 bal so I tried another, and the imp . an? anote ootkaabla, ??d sltei U bottles the pain left BSV head and 1 f? like a new man. 1 will add thai 1 ?1 very much run down In bealt! -- .. of fo^s of sleep, and not betas ?I but the Nervura frcmpd to I ! r< Uo all over, as well os stopping the Bah If you haro weak r.erve?, htadirrei, neuralgia, rheumatism, wsaVren / In the back, two Dr. GreeneV N. rata, I: isa wonderful cure. Consult it with Dr. Greene, JJ West Ul York City, the most successful | I ?icu^ in the world in the cure of such dta The Doctor chnrces nothing for r lion and advice,whether you call >. ^ about your case. s I of .'. ..I id. V. Il 1 Half Prices! Calendars AND Many Fancy Goods LAROB NUflBBR OF MISCELLANEOUS G00!\! - ". ?... AT CIT PRICES! WWW?? Hunter & Co. 629 EAST BROAD. ids l?-W.To.t?u) AELHUOI S 1EHVIIKS SC.NDAT Ml.l HOIJivi. I'll' IAD - BTREBT M I T l; CHURi H . w. a. si ht, d. i? ' Bundny .-. 11 I ?:30 A. M l'i 11 A. M I.-. K.v. It. T. \V11-", At ? P 1> 1'., I.I.. 1' , |l id' r.t PARK-PI \''K Mi.l HOI IS P.M. CHURi M i' orni r PI Franklin -m, '-i-i;.v. Th l'h. D. D.. 1 1 1 ce:tten vry mi -i I'M. i'H''i:< H. S 1 r, 1 ' 1 ' A. ii P. by 1 Th.- Bplrll . ri.AN -8' PAL tor.?? - I'. M. I'NION ?'Mil: i ' ?'. M "Tri. . ' n-i.iil API 1? I FIRST B \l'Tl- ' ' \ M Ali 11. ' ed by l I Pitl>n\ im in THIRD PRE8B> 1*1 l : \ ' R 1.,.tii ? rvli - moi I'NION THEOU '?;t< \i M. Hund CMMS1 1 w SEVENTH STREI '. V t'Hl.'Ri'H - A I ? ' . 1 . n Rolla ? VOl llirils ItOMI SOLDIER* HOME I'H v ?III I' tb? sou ? E n .'- M atudi nts . r ;: : the nun let r an' Bva *' Mill? 1 and Hi.- BtUdl i.'- tl Hunda) p . I '-.Hi > * l?r ' ' . bj M. - Eva i' Mill. 1. -?