Newspaper Page Text
rm'^S!m?^?S^S!SS!J?S^^? SATURDAY AS THE ?ARGAIN-DAY IS A SUCCESS AT Manya srailin?* pot**OB il ?*? ?' l his or her Wat wjoicinj*. l-?<*y on?y ma<h> without working EOT ?that** th?' lu-nctit that our st unlit v patrons enjoy. A"-Y xly's uifki-1 will 00 Mine ? aty, ami Bnybodyo ?bsTtli dollar Tes a dollars work on that day. ft ?lone to make .'t slow ?lay I ist on*'. Ill 'tllT-MtllK SKIRT*? e -pffCOd In the most Ott! i-dsy. Th? mat?rial and pott "f tae iaking cost you nothing at this I sup-1.,, Quality : ^llk ? * extra fidl fi?'". best I aline lining, v for ii 8?. ,1 silk Bklrts, newest designs, Handsome ' s?.,'! red and ?trl|a;l \ : *- ** > isuaiiy ] h and Navy-ltlue All Wot I Ca? Hair Cheviot SI n, h others at B.7B , _ .. all i.-w designs, for SI.42. Ins.end of S. P an i lln? 4, w? li HOYS RIBBED niiAlKW CV< LE H? 'SE, Sl/i.s 8 to 8 l ?. FOR BOYS' DOUBLE - FLEEC1 DR. WRIGHT'S BHIRTH AND DRAW GRADE. NOW LAI Hi - MERINO VI rS AND PANTS POR ,,,.,, I.A I?! ? s ' ' H' M STITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, TO DA 5 i ?leached L!-'. Pinlabed \ ti IRISH-POINT BMRR01DERIE8, that for - dge? and ln?< r tiona '-. yard ri Unen >' rfs, 19c Fancy Striped Knit Petti, c ones. f,'i tl Kll? ?'.I.? >\ K8 F< 'It 60c. $?25 AND 0 '" KIP GLOVES, BUT TON AM' CLASP, V IR M . 12 1-2. shell. side-combs for es pah: BLA? K i'i!i;\il i.i: l" >T VEILING Be GRADE, FOR Be. TARD f-OTJNCE VIAL OF . EXTRACTi F'oii M? Highly-Scented Violet Toilet Soap^c kes. f? r.LAOK MOHAIR ANT' \ I ''' ' ~" i'l/iTH WAISTS, v ?w H -' BLACK AND COLOR] ^11^ waists w< re up to p;, now tl THE COHEN CD. THE OO FUEL CO. D(?AI.I> MUllllVtlli, President. la, <;. SMITH, Mu imiter BSMtOSM liriiiieb. N< IVe B rikttng, i'isii, ?- itulldlnf ? 'inc.- . Jhl Chamber of Comim Ilit-hmoiiU, Va. The Best Domeslie Fue IS ALWAYS <kC.&0.KANA\VHA. [lag] MUKTtnea. PAST- M ASI l.i;:-' ASS. >? '! ATP ?N. Th. annuor meeting ?no banquet will held ut Mas Je Templo TO-NIGH lanuary u Brj order of Jam? s m. Capei lu. sld? ? I, LOVKN8TKIN, Ja H retarj and 'n M? r ' ai IF and Ml I i Lull In run.: C? I apany), Si north i Richmond. Va., Jan .u v 12 1891 THE AN NI Ai. Ml i:; i \'l E4T1 -. K I" " RH ...i-' IHK ME CH iNTS . D Ml CHANICS' XNG Fl M. ? IMP INY, ..- KP h a...i Va., will b? held ai the office, ol i company. 9 n'.rtii I ?lev? nth str? ? t, TUESDAY, J uar 17, 1*88, at 4 O'clock P M SPENCER OORNICK, rotary and Treaau ei t Jaltill?M)i7-lt RI Km ?i '.. "\ a., January 7, 188! TH10 REG? lar ANNUAL ME] JN'j "i '.? stockholders ot V.MTKP RANKING VNU RlTLDl. ?COMPANY wi i be held at th? the corapanv. Ml ?cist Main Btroet, Mi DAY. January a, 1888, at if i 'i lock EkL SAMP El s ELA?t, ja k-i.; s. creta r> ii d 'i. THE ANNUAL MEETING di' T BToi'Kt? . t.f;S < IP THE R1CHM? i PBRPKTl'AL BUILDING, LOAN \ TRUST COMPANT will be held on TU ?JAY, January 17, 1888, Si T. o'clock IV at il, Alain sir. et, Richmond, i HENRY S. HUTZL? R ja 7-td_? The Columbian Bullding and Loan A ciaiion of Richmond, S January i u? Till". REGULAR ANNU \i. \lli:i of the stockhold? ra oi the ? '' >l. ItlAN RI II.D1NG ANIi I.'?AN ASSOt TION < ?F RICHMOND, VA., will be nt the office of the issoclation, in Planters' National Hank Building, I mond, \ ... on w ISDN ES I ? \ V. .1 m & 1888 at 1 P. M. 1.1' AYLET1 ui Boer? - Virginia Tmst Coma R| bmond, \ a , .lanuary 2. p THE REGI LAR MEETING OK ' Stockholders ?.f the VIRGINIA Tl; COMPANY will b? P. Id a i'- office, li cltN of RI binon.I. Va., at 12 o'clock ?n TUE8DA1 . January 17, 1899 Jajt-td .loilN M? iRTON, B Utlico Virginia Htate Insurance Com] Rl< bmond, Y., . January 3. l THE ANNUAL MEE'J Nt] OP tockholdi - ol th.- \ li:?iiM \ ST INSURANCE f. >Ml'ANN ,v ; the eomp ' ' '' N ! ?', Mi. 1 ' on Tl 'SLAV, January 17. 1R< on Tl k P. \ M S-td CHARLES K. WILLI s-, ret? imiiii ad mu k r* DIVIDEND N.?i i bVTLANTI? -?'?'AST UNE RAILR MPAN? OF VIRGIN] I The Board ol Dire tors I CLAREO A DIVIliEND OP ? CENT nu lh. 1 ,,-k of thi luntit Couat Line K ompui Mrginu. m. hiding the original the Clans u stock of lb? Richmond Petersburg Railroad Company ai DIVIDEND OP 4 PER CENT on f th? Petersburg R pany, on the par \ of it n? i ai aii compati the six months 1 1 l;i?? , ? payable -ni JAM akv i-, , holders ol 1? cord In ? the l?th day of January. 1898. Th?' 1 ter books will l? ,.,,?, from tie l? the 16th of Jaiiua- ?-- ih lnclm ??S-^l'I^._NV 1: *J' 'NES. Ti east Virginia-Carolina Chemical (\?rn Richmond. Va . Dei er "T THE BOARD OK DIRE? this day d-clared the regular u|\i: *Lg DIVIDEND OF : 1 i.i< WCEN the ?referred stock of the ennu?ai quoi 1er ending ? 1 K)V being ?i'.iarterly dividend N on and after JANUARY 16' 18*9. atockholders of record January 6 The books of the compnny f,,r the far ot preferred sto.-k win b< anuary tth to Januury l?tt, de PMta 8.8.11A118- W- TK DANGEROUS SURGEKY OK. NTH FOLLOW* TUB SI ROFOV!? BJHf BBut Tin; si hiikoI'I KAI LT, UK COI nSK. UK CAS'T H K.I.I? IT? \OV CAX. pyramid Pile ?nre < area Piles Uwifkly, ralnleaaly, Wlthnot Danser. ivople go along for years mifferlng wl?h TbSB try this, and that, and tho other thing; from catrytng n buckeye to ri-ttinr treatment from a physician, They obtara temporary relief, maybe, bat they ?ver quit? BUrsd A little strain in itftinj? ezcesatve fatigue, a "ole connti , dion, or a little ilarrhaaa, nr.d the piles come back. . They doa'l fern to amount to roueh. sal tbay i>?m?h sleep and appetite. Ne position i" comfortable. Thi rr is tntensa Iocs! pain and that dreadful feeling of hi in thi? perineum. I Maybe In the aarty stupre* some of the i many aslrea oa asls ?rfll afford temporary rei-.ef. u tbe ess? hi of long ?tandmg, there i? only one ?peedy Bad sure remedy. n is Pyramid PU? ' '- tea m light it la the ?sfest thins; to'ose, Other spplicatlona may eure snd may not. Pyre? Cor? i- aleras? er nain, alwaya re liable, slwsyi brings comfort nt once, prompt as? ?are meaths of ?svOre Bg. in extreme caaes it ?rfll ?sra r.p.rations and their attendant omforts. it is- b r Will eure easier, quicker, Thousand? have asad it. Thou? ! . -i sured by It Tl g, comparad With what It does-. The Moat anybody a gladly i ay ?18 to be i sell Pyramid Pile Cure. If it ] ; > t ii for i ou fron unto1 Drug Company, of Marshall, Mich. <suie manufacturi TELEGRAM FROM GES. WIir.KI.KH NA ?re? Mis 8sSSBWlSSllS of Inritiiti"? to attend lloreptlon. terdny that hf would b? happy ; . to tx - In n In hi? hono ., bj tti" Ci M< mortal Lit? ra? y Soi Mrs. .i. T 11er Blryson, of thi ?rtn d ! ; ral vl I r as foil rsn : Bl bmond, Va-, Jsauary IStb . neral loi Wheeler, Was! The ladle? of th< Society deelre to tender you i Jefferson Davis mansion. This is wiU i.. \. ; r.:;, snd U Ci n ; r ... n.a i. ive Pli ' iri .1. TAYLOR BLLYSi >N. PoUowrng i> rjeneral Wheeler*? reply: Washington, D. C January 18th. Mrs. j. Taj Ii i, I-*< hmond, Va.: My warmest thanks to yourself an Ladles' Memorial Society ior Invitatlor I gladly accept, with condltlo lorn d by you. JOSEPH WHEELER. There will be a call . committee of th? aodety, eon of the officers, chairman, and rlci . this afternoon tit 4 o'clock, i ,. njamln -f_'ir.. ll'i r n Idenc?. N ith Third^tn 11. Tbe ra for ill" parp?se oi completing arrange m, ... for l hi i ci pi Ion In honor ol ( ' m ral Whi 1er Tui ?day sfti n :. ei ptlon to be tendered O? i i er by G fl< r at tho E^eo tivi mansion Monday night will bi , ,i by the k< neral public, withoul Woman's Club will t. nd< r Gern i i r e reception from i JO t<-> on. I.KF. CAMP MEMORIAL SERVI? El IE R r> id, on 0 5T the \r, >,t IN in: ND Nl) i:s M . ING l ' M - I ' id the Uch uary r. ui\, II IK 1'ST i th? BOOB ' '">. THE ATE Id at Main larvlvtag CMBISiei Honor the Men ?rr of the Head of MSB. Lea Camp held it? annual memorial si m.,, in the I amp llaU last Bight '? i lucti .1 by Rar. ' Power i plain of tl ana vero impressive and appr priste, Alt- r the USUSl routine bUSlm I >1 mander Peav turned the meeting over in Siintti. w n.. i ' ad a Sei iptui m, and tl" n Adjutant ,i. Tayl stratton read a hsl of tBi no i-wl i had died during tl tui ntj tive in numb? r. i ?r. Smith thi n d< llvi r< d sn inunemoratlve ol thi i outran vu., bad fault n during ii. aa? followed by Rey. Dr. Z. sw. einv in a ' hai ' and i loquenl i areas, wnicn mciuaed a spienaid tnot to the character of the late * >.i<>ri.-i Jo i'.. Cary. Ri v J>f. J. William Jone? paid tribe i., the ' bai acte - ol G< m ral W. B. Tal ferro and Colon? l \\. i:. 'I anner. R i ?t, Jani' s Nelson also euloj n i- of ?e m ial Talla!? ro. lei Alexandi r W. arch? t S| oke i he charai ti r of th lat? John B, I Kenney, and Mr. John Boiling paid tut.m. to iti" ne m..iv of Samuel man. 1 aptaln i ranb u. ? ?unningnam si ; .. ctlon, sad ti ailjolli : I'l-opirir Transf?ra. Richmond: Gi an te B lildlng i to Minnie R . wlfi of William R. Can on south Bide Pli ai nit feel v.- o'l ); indolph, $i.ih?>. II.mi"..: W. T. Armlati ^ 1 to P. H. T I on south ?Id? Ashland street, i. i . asl of Carl lid Dominion Building ?nd Loan : n to Ellsabi tb P., wife of B. 21H feet .m ast ?Id? Twenty-nl tn ' t, 128 t ' ' south of V. W. s w o A on t ' M. s. Dickea, n a< on Deep Run turnpike, two mtlei s Richmond, 88/160. 11:11'AY. Richmond: Michael and William i\, Nellie and John I.. l;. m i u i. i I'Orady, 55 f< et on Plfth .-n . orner l >i nny, I ll< m ico: S P. \ Clerk, to J? B. ii i m r, loi ol land, thi local di at ti m sb< reof wai 11111 street, in nan Jam? n Moore, tor i Voll? Miller in Ills New l.ei-tur Polk Miii.r appeared si I Mi a's Christ I I itlon Hall night befoi e a very i nthustastlc audl? ir anj thUig wa needed t.. d< mom power of attraction it a supplli u la-1 night In tin- fact that i iv three hundn d people were wtiitii . ' Be ' si eding inclemency of weetber to f? el of thin am ' ni' rtalm r, Hi n< >. i. .Mire. "Mon World Wags," was n complet ii was a two-hours traffic ol ? i in i characti r skat hi i | 11 with ; ngi wl i. v ? tali .Mr. Millar wai plaud' .i without stun, and, In fa< ai ror b< n n i Ivi d b< with g? ty than n y. O AD SSV??*] Mi-U-ltomna. ; Mon gui has : l day? to be out He H Imor Mi Pi ink P. Brenl State Board of Education, who ha? f nt. ring for >m? tim? with an a ?attd i ?, is still confined t bed. Governor Tyi. r fa i i. . ., i for th dsya with a i ?ti u of ti" bead. Itev. Mr. flSSllBSBS to I'ri-iirli > i .i-ii fcaai m. f, nt i inamben to arrive ?are t< snd will preach a| tne in-- i-.i ran i hurch .-n Si Br. H un., s nomlni ol tni lAithemn M to Um vai am pa toi tt? of tins el though tin call will .. IV? to be ext by the Superintendent t houipaon to At : n i utlve .11.111111. a ot .mu: ' " railed to m I'.oston Saturday, the 28th instant ? inunden! Thompson, of ths Ptra rnent, is a mi mber "f this ,,, ti Thi objeci ol the meeting is tu s tor the eonventlon held in WllaslBgton, Del., in the ne tur,-. Thfl humnn machine Htarts but on Stop? but once. You run BSSB is longest and mast regularly l.v usl Witt's Utile Early Riaers. the f Uttle pato f or conaupstloa aad all at and liver troubles. They don't crt| DOINGS OF COOHCIL MIMHKM'tR PATIIER? HOLD 1*4 TKRKSTISO J \M All? SES*4IO*4. DR. IHGRaM ?RGBS Y?CCINATI?N. HI? Letter to the Board of Tfteallh? Ttlephone for School-House?Mr. Ilpunn Hopes to netoulld?The Tan nery Fire?Olher Hems. The January session ot the Mnnche*ter Counril ami noM UVE nicht, and conside rable business was transacted. Than WOre pc Bant MOSsra John O'Brien (I'resident),' W. O. Randl<-tt, It. L. Ps> tram. S. P. Jones. L M. Nunnally, James T. Abbott, W. B. Bradl-y, and J. R. Green. A litter was received from Mr. J. C. llagan. WhOOS baitier-maklng plant, on the suburbs of the city, was burned du ring lain summer, and rood to the Coun cil. Mr. Hngon has not built on the lot, which i.-vertH back to the city if hOdOO? not do ho. The Council InCtrUCtod the City Chrk to write to Mr. Hagan and lind out. what he Intends to do. The lot* t. r read at this tlm? ?TOS his i-ply. He asked for more tlrn?\ and said h. hoped to be r.f.le to rebuild the plant; if DCt he was willing to turn the lot over to the city. Mr. Hagan was present bhSMOlf and made a similar statement. The letter referred ta tho Buildings and Land Committee. wants THROUOH TRANSFER? Mr. Bradley wants a troosfsr upon a transfer. He offered a resolution tor B . pe ital - ommltti M i pi toted to soi UM officers of the Richmond Kailwr-y am i . my and endeavor to ge' them to giv? tWO ' I when th? ' r IS going In a eon tlnuoU? direction. This OSOd to I K Ac ordlng to the present orders of th railroad compouj b parson would have I pay two tares to get from Barton 1, to II Mr. Bradley wants th? transfer ej'ven to th- I a] - reel line tl ba repunch? d to tho 1 t or Hull Btreel Um - 3 he resolution was ad? i ami Messrs. Bradley, Nunnally, and Jen? appoint? -i to coneUtute UM i an mt* i * i. Tbi BuiMmgs .-.ral i^and Commltte? was instructed to put a telephone of th. Southslde Telephone Company at ti. whit? school. i ROES VACCINATION. i from Dr. l*nw ronce Engraso, pr?sidant of the Board o Il to moke b appropi latlon foi 'To the Honorublo City Council of M?tn ole-r "?Gentlemen,?About two monti ?all. d a nu ting ot the Be ird ol B ill and orroti to your body advlsuu ' : sni.ill-p..x at p lar distant from our Ott ) . and -. toapOl lance of an ; tiOfJ fOI general vaoolna lion. Ei I hi guine an now i- h Imlt thai th ii:-, ad dis? i . i.- psialyai rof hi on the Increase, In ?i yralai wortii. f tu?: hi alth th. Infect? 'i districts, end then Importance of such on expendltun mantfi st than ever. "Our d? ath-rot? (or the ; malty *.1, but It baa b sine,, the- vaccination Of th? City I although it has bean adv? ?ted sevei time? bj in-- Other cities bave n ! i advanta] of such an Investment will bs patent (Stghed) "LAWRENCE IN?.KAM. ' i '. The letti IK ?Kb, with the request ?>f ? plan f vac? ?i aiion. and tin amount of tin appr print ion w A number of building permit i, and much routine business w ted, after which the body ;? jour: THE BHOTWBLL PIBE, The tl.-nia i which gutted the tanm of A. D. Bhotw? H t Co. and tl factory of the j. j, Wright Com] ay morning destroyed t of two of the most broad-splrtted ami ? m this city Th.- il ls good tau- though, th it work will stopp, d fop Put a very few dies, and n Plant? will P. put up as Boon .?^ a f torca of workmen can do so. The t; nery employi about twenty-five perse and tin- collar-plant nearly a- mai . a. D. Bhotwell > C ind it> nee : by in-uranea, Th? 18,80 th? coltar-fsctoi > is fully cot ered. Ti porcry >u ucturea and th? na i tor i a still standing will be used until B l 1 .i 11 ! I i ri a? -j can b? M ?Ctsd 'lh- Hi?- !- thought t,, have .riglna in tie botler-ream from an sverhee ripe. The r. pon?e of the Manchester I Department was prompt, and their w and Ilia' of the department at th.- p] i and woi thy ! ail praise. This is n. i im? the tsi burned in rece?? yean, having been duced by flam?* about when COnSldsnbl? loss was sustained, THAT KIKE BELL The graateel dthnculty was yi terdsy morning by th.- police oftl m linging th- ti i? -1 .?it over Um eng bones, end a m? an? oi an an by which the un can Be rum; with ii ind Mm danger t?. th.- limb ami of the poll .n lh a matter fOf the Commission? i? t?> eonsldsr Ths i.?ii is three stoetea from ground, and is reached by ue rickety stairs, that a man walk up oaf? ly hi tin- ' ' mu, a at night in "pitch" dark. The,. from th? le H to the ground, it , s terd ij m< rnlng it was so full ol that it ?rou I aot work. Vl.KSiiNAI.S AND BEI] Mr. J. H. MllStOOd, or w, s' T.v street, i., - the Un d eel H AtwelL of with the Kri|.,. Mi.-. F K. Ellington end .--on. d ?j ti - :, s, ima, \. i . The fune-ral of little Eddie Moor? U .m.i -Mis. I. H. M? on . who ?iiii. Thariday morning, took ,. i . lunch y? su rdoy afternoon o'clock. I ' party gfvoa at the nslden? M in. Henry ami WiUie Jones T day .-veuing was much enjoyed. ' present were Mi>s?s Betti? Dodd, M E il m, Ev.i un ! Lucoli? li, adricki Haynes, Mottte Taylor, K.uiiii,. Joh viola Miionry, Thsn?a Bangh, D Hoi n.-r, Llssta 1 lent ?' min-- B Evans, and Mr- Blankenshlp; m John Jennings, m. l. Wood, w C k. Asherook, B, M. steg. r. ?;. E. B Floyd Hsodricks, w. Jennings, i i .'ti Henry Jennings, E. Wayi C. Way ma. K >i a, M. "p enahlp, John Williams, Toni Ealem A. 1!. Matin. Epiphany Souk fertlre. a Batastonsxy song servie? win >., at St. Luke*? church, -orn? r BeVOfi Washington stnets, tO-fOOfTOW nit S o'clock. Tills BBSrVtCC is I" tin Sunday BOhoOl of this chur 11.,- Beard of Ml - loos for th day after Epiphany. The address .. come will I..- mad. by L>r Ed. McC and the missionary address?-? will be by Hon. Beverly B. Mum',,id, of St. church, and Mr .1 ?' R?ttln, prcsid th.- Sun! > S- !: .,,] Association of H parish. The sis.ject win be the of the Sim ?ml the Extension of C Klngiloin ..! Peace to Them." An o taken for mission?. The are cordially Invite?!. Or Hull's I'oukIi Syrup Is ? ? ? cal; each drop Is effactoua. It curei r^T^^Been Deceived? I 1 T|? 7?. ?< ??? b?afco' i > Honyadi Sems NATURAL APERIENT VATER. NAIUi^u il-m^b?at?h.m?dssl?wc?n!i D? roarI*i*g* e*veyo? .cheap g?AT^rf^AJB ! I ?S'-aus^^^?^^rr-^ ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN. ? -- " ' ' " I ._ _.,uSellV?lT IIIM. EAGAN CALLED OUI, (CONTINUED FROM ITU.ST PAGE.) feeding of Iho soldiers be?? allowed to at ! nd M the?e matters quietly in their owi way." eagan n wow QOivr. Oflflssral Bagaa, when seen tostar, ha. nothing to ?ay, Hs rssjrattad, bfl ?akJ thfl Baa ?UB pat notoriety Which It hai; L'-^n involveil. Tin roiitrnv. rsj was not of his assslng. and bs should de . Una to Bay anything further regardlnn it. In the excitement created by this lnel dent, th?- pending Issui before the coat mission, the ouaUty of the army beef was wall-nigh lost sight of. There wem, BOW1 \- r. two ptCSJI to that part of the pi oceeding? oiu: constating of the testimony i ml w.i lo thi Si ci thai no amount) -iny coin plaint as to ths i : th? oth" i Isttsr from Theodor? Ro?reit, m?kln . omplaln ROOSEVELT'S NAUSEATING BBS9J Governor RoSSSVSlt'a letter was to Ger : New fork, kfis cutlvi Cnsmbe Albany, 1, USB, igton: ral W i do not dii tinctly und? - trover what 1 I \\ I 11 :, '"m h. .i we found to b? called ci it bei : that s u for travi I ral .. h on tl .ii ind on ihi train, snd whlcb >? .i ?lona 11. got vi n at the front, wi my worm ess very bbi gry the ni'-n would not touch It, Si tbsy sevarsate a Bfth of it. At : , Laateli as; at tb? iroi it, Il rheri - onlj i i y of be tin the shaps of quarters) ?rhli b was p atu. 11.i irt al Tule, i ll ?fl rai troptoal h? at, but it > ' .. that we h. .m . .. rate h ?ras condena THI MEN PARED BALDLY. a? got in Santiago sftet abo n ..i 8Sth of July thai . ..i end? 'i, and wh< n m. .i a withou fresl mi , i ,i month By that time the- cavalry ItlOn i ne i.iii i.. Uy ed ver; . bardal m? n. ano i : 'low \\ hat U , - .' lu ?ti them m proper condition. Very : THE? ?DORE RO -s EVE ET mom Fount i: di:m \i g. lit i nimm Insist Tin-? \re Not Aldi lilt' i'Hi|lillt)H. Bl ?RLIN, .l.ii.ii .f. I '. -'I ont ? f Hi" a rough Inn report that Q many I the Fill BOS SI t^rini I? Bbeottttel ' :. Baron \ Buelow, i ; tati f.- Is are ju.uii by nothing or i : paring I A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION Legation CouooBloi Hamai i I - iffloa, being for the government, sapplom? as fOllOS I : "Tl ? Ol 'i"ii t*t tin- wa] in ?rhleh i rumor? have been orij M Snd i . ?v. .i thi? morning from i I Hamann thai I ipStch to nt of thi an dated Pr Thi Ki.-t. of it is thai t urty leal Noven unimportant des Filipino newspaper ststement that i had alwaj ? I at : ?rltb thi tr i . i v? .1 from the FlUpl hoped thut th? good relations would i tinlie. QBRMANB REPUDIATED T1IKV : pi .in COjO ?I .Manila and Hongkong prom I a .! laration assorting that ti i11 m bo wa nted I bs v of the colonies, :m.i assuring Um An : aymp ithy, tl ai i te antl -Aue tine ms to Qermana In the Philippin? Se far d-i Um doings of th < Ion i binent and aary ?re i n-rr He mann said positively that, a lutely Botl red which ? bfl COI bOStUlty toward thfl ! of ths Americans o? vanee of thf Filipinos, il ir *i eluded hi- I to the \ . with the r- m u k ! am sn that su< h bias? i .?i i i " The offldalfl at th? Unit? d s i. ' aere |fl BOI whatever in th?- rumors, TEltllllir STORMS i\ I \i.l.\> IsnnsaauM Pa ?nag w on Lausd and Tin- I Imme* II? I'l-lliiH eil. I.? ?NI'uX. Jar i U v II B Ml rsstatl? u en land and - - b p -uit i.i the storm that i t few da) i Immense, Thi i -11 >' tii through from th? provint : Sowing Ii. I flood? d, < ittle and she p d snd limb Cram ' tiling debras. Loi parks and bu iff? red b< Tbe Thane ? B trppi r n aches, a H h - dw? Hers ?m tin- banks. Host of ti; have at .- \. 11 ?;. . 1 : bav? 1" D by the asa and I . I ptsrs aged. Parts ol i i imptoa ars wat? r. the achool - I and thhi ' alas ? ii boundarla? and tl n suits. in many pai ?mouth boat .i iu the mala ?to take tb? BChOOl ehi' i.'Mi,. N 01 email Wh.k r | and B boa ta an lingl -.- i>us\ Three men who ?rere returning i fun? ral near C lath i laa i. 1rs] ad lifted by th? wind, hurled late a u kiii.'i. The channel ?teaugssra have had t expert? n MfS-, The fab-Hora?* \\ u? Kill, Th- cab-hOrsa ??donning to Mr. V lb Sutherland, w)u<-n was Injured resuli ..r contact with a Bva srli kiii?,i at sn e? riy hot lag by agent Pu? >. >( the Bodi tae i n renuon "t ? rue;ty t,, .\ i .m. u a i as of ti-.,. i? Sutherland ami in his stabls. l I was broke? at the- should, Mr. F.. A. Callaban Chnr?ed V? It Osdlaonno violation. There was a r*<c of much interest b. /ore Justice Crutchfleld in the Poll. Court yesterday morning. Involving tl City ?las-Works and E. A. ?'aliaban. M ? aliaban Is charged with violating se tlon ?.'. Chapter B, of the City or. aances, relating to the gas-works, in n String pP'P'T notice to the inspector turn off tho gas from Residence No. : north Seventh street, which he was abo t.. va- ate The complainant claimed th thereby the deUnejuent ma bin of $3 bad been Increased by BwtB, which ha.i : by the property-owner. The he; Ing was postponed Until this morning. Jasons Jonas, an old-time end ma times offender, was Charged with bel a suspicious character, ami 0 iai,..r for sixty .lays, .inn la a keener, a did ins to get up a eons of larce It hlmOOtf. H-- knew that a pel would :-' ml him t>> .tail for ab, . and really meant thirty da , .,] . imfort, ?rlth ?- good pi ind HO board bill to pi Justice John'? keenness was put agai .lim'-, and the result shows tin- < r. Justice .I'din said be would Jim a common vagrant, and p -, rib- a good r< medy. wi : 11 mcci the s.-ntence Jli 1 . . ral feet Willie i: red) struck Jen Mill.: with a Huil?n, and was sent on ?ii.. grand jury. Tin- rcmalnlng m unimport. WH.LIE Ml. allOW S IS DYING. This lli<- ?1.round for Applications His 1'iinlon. Covrnor Tyler is being urged to par Willie. MSOdbwS, a young White man 1 kill, d '. river in a saloon m city s.v.iai y.-ars ago, and ama i . to UM p.'iiit.-ntiary tor M .lows is dying of consumption. Dr. Turman. surgeon at the Btst? f" win r. M? ' I has t' writi. n i ilting f.>r bis pardon, on : thai bis pn sence Is Injurlou ' the convict h Meadows, an ; ad? s ben . be th- < luv. rnor to I. t her "ii ? otne lu-m her to die. Tin- pardon will hirdlj granted. a newspaper >.f th?- State in critic! : ner M ni igue b* c the taw requiring merchants to -su for ti .-ir | - iwom? n is alssl . including lawyer. Mr. Mon,: is ?i ' man, and ardent tal i advocate. 1 g, Work on ships llene llore Nn? in c, t -, ,|U. m , of th? hurrj : .- T. Morcan. ..i the Richm N'orf,.!k and ? lhai lei ton 81 pun) on her. Y? - \ ii who bull? the -, m.- Wlllt m R Ti.-.. Comp and arrai v, ork. Thl? si Of th? William K. 1 Company to Ri< hmoi d and its In need of work hod 1 be ik ho a a : r t r aa r y li nd ,11 - -? .. d wa irt i ,-u ioa led, so Ultl rlth on i sed A. P. V. V. < bnirmun Meet. ntlqi The chairmen of the A thi ti ol \ irginta a fortheoh li '.Midsin t'a Dr? having in ' I tlon of i- -i in he roon i Hi? i al Boclel - la) aft? i noon. Th porta i ?ray h iry, and the date ol th.- ? talnn elj fixed. Then loth? r mooting of the chalrma the r? sldence of Mi - E D. Hotel n.-xt lues.iav at noon. \ ,. ? .. i o T l,e,i | |n n i ilng 1'Iu iin aim's Th. appointment of Mr w. M. I - m as Assistant District Atti?rn<-\ been long delayed. It 1? well k that be la the choice of District ?tl Allan, but bis nomination bis been . - ppoeed b) Congr? samen w and 1 o favor th polntmi nt of i " ii, ,-n 1 i\v\ It has been demonstrated r? ; In tho Union, and In th,t ChomtM i cough Remedy M a certain prevent!* cun tor croup, it hsi i- i an. tfo vei.-ai i, med) for that i of Liberty, w. Vu., only r h said around the glob? he writ's; [ hay,, mad Chumbe Remsdy In mv family tor s yean and always with perfect si w.. believe that It I? not only th cough remedy, but thai it is a. sur for croup, it boa saved the lives This i is. for sale by all ?lrtig,; - - Sun.V Z *W***nw ?>**W^?J)F*"*,W ,i. - the ring ? Of . in rail loir. ? Um i > to i the om i rril.a Del -s lie Was morn y for itniiis. t M r. . v left I irrow burch. d the mi i l 5c. i ? CIGAR. ? We are BOl : ul nun our IS! Hand-Mad? H Fllli r i gars, ' a ; . QjUal tO - | ' You'll lik? <de J Dl tro llt MM "'RTI MTU". roit BALM, GOOD-WILL HI AND : of thi known and stablishod : and n the cuy, uni and gron Ing trade. I f rea rhla is a fin who m.ans business full Informatl be given and a - ___Ja LOST, SJTB VIEIl. AMI FOI U -ST. BETWEEN 818 (VEST P I No 16 .' Pi mkHi ' ?SHIONED RRKAS'l PIN, . if returnei 1 j ;: i-1. RlER. Brown b< ad with ?mall i - ?SKPH Ml '. .-. ?U? .11 ... . .. - ? \ . i. v ; PctlVA'8'0, FOR BALfJ, HI NORTH T... 'iv r sir. et, Ti - Btoi I? d Pi une Dwi 1 Mrs ! '. .'. IM' .Girard avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. _ In HEHK ts v IBAP FOB SOssB i HAVE i n i. :.i. m ,\ni(i-, forty apptii ations moo on m lands; M in tne i ounty Of Buck and fifty or mor.- In ?P 01 hi.ind . heap. Cal" St S notel for particutan . J**lj-U;_j A M EM K Orders far priming asm t., patch Company win be gtean pr tcntloa, and the Btyl? of work i will be sure to pieuse you. sropher "and Typewriter. Jausi wrm good hand. W. O. Box m. Ja 14-2t U41TKD, EDUCATED MEN TO ORGANIZE 8TA tlons Travelling Library University. Sa ?i ry guaranteed. Twelve'men made ?je net tait month. I'AHMEEEE. Chicago ?a l7-8aAW2tawtf _ -"~~* WAITED, A COOK. WASHER. AN l> IRONER Apply at No. 22a north Thlrty-seconi street,__!_____ WttTKS, POSITION BT COMPETENT ANDRE liable Druggist, registered In V?rglnla single Addresa at, 0., Loclt-Be* M.T?m well Courthouse. Vs. J? l*-*1 - \\ \STF.n, A ? oMI'ETENT <'<?OK. APPLY AT X east Franklin street ____?_. WAITED, BRAINY MAN AS MANAOsUL MUS have 8500 sn?l !.? willing to ?o to'.'A'1' burp S.ilarv. ?l.s"< A<l?1r? s* MAM I- v TURER, Dispatch. Ja 14-lt fH'MIKKH? WAXTS. D.O'SILLIVAN'S Eighteenth and Hain Sts. FINEST cniTl'IR CREAMKKY BITTKU. Virginia's finest product Always t same. NnthltiK in this town oin equal for purity. Barer, and auallty. Its ? Melons flavor Is not squalled by any Ri Xer at twice the co-it. Ol?BT B pound I ?ample. trie. pt?r pou nil In eanr quantity. -f-M-t- v-H f-f-H-t-H1 i CLF.MMI'.ll RUB RYU WHISKKV. a perfectly pur^ Virginia mountala <i tilleul, mellOW Rye Whiskey, in 1 June, BBS, 40c. per qnnrf; gl.CO ?nllon. Gibson Old Rye WhNkey. per quart . old Pepper VYMsksy, m half gaUon jt^s e.u h . Kin. Old Tom Oln, in quart bottles . BV "ti h Whiskey. In ?Hurt bot tles . Duffy Malt WhEkey, per quart Dried Peaches, sliced, fuU of meat, 1 poui da for . New Orleani Molai es, th.- iinest augar goods, gallon. B.0O buabela Pineal Water nd Men! . 100,000 pounds Rieb Cresm 1 ' BOtbing better, I pound? . MMMMIM imported wishs. xxxx Preach Brandy, quart bottles, t ulur prie? ?j ia %2. tills Brsnd ?t Newport New? to pay duty. BTs b *) easss, and It'? s Jim dandy m* try a bottle . y ? MM? % % Mil? W f f+ 7 $1. $1. $1. 8 Finest Hl.iekberry liramly, por - quart . -* Gordon I mir Importe?! .Sherry', m quart . 5 MMIIMIIM Mocha ?nd Java ?Toffee, Snsly , cd . I gallon? Cb impsi , Cider . I CO i/i-n Lake Mackerel, very larga and fat, per dozen . Nonh Carolina Cora whiskey, : 1 old, luarl . A l1) 808 1 1. d - r.. aporatsd slice?! Appli 6,000 boxes Fin? at Rolled 1-pOUnd boxes, each . 800 dozen 1-pound eanfl Klnrlda 1, nie*, fresb good? . Il/' di a- n t-pOund cans Aspara- - gas, i .-r ' an . * 880 can? (full q lartS) Finest Byru|. per caa . 88 La Bottlss , . 12 1 est Bun-Cursd - Cbewintr Toi . * ; ? h irdgrovs Ward Brand, - I resra old . ^ Virginia Bright Plug Cut To- ^ 0, i larKe bags . -^ ?.' i pound? nu'ter Crackers, Mi 1 pound drums. 3 plug? Dill'?-test Cbewlag To- m bat co . Dunlop'a Patent Fatally Flour, p.-r bai rel . O Sulltvan'a Pride, i"t*r thai-, Of tlleui . 10.000 Pat? m Fami ly Flour, |n-r t. tg . lu?*1?'! dozen BB1 ""ma per eaa . MO barn I? N< rtta Carolina Cut Harrlags, per barrel . Fiae La toasted C See.. 10.(00 pi, Best Family Lard IVS8I 8ug_r-Crred Star Brand n im? . pound? Family Pork, suKar curad . ? ? H ?'X) tons Eran, pet bundred. , 3.C00 bags Sliipstuff, Bet liundr. 1 fy> rs? bushels Placet White Corn, bel . 10,000 bushi tai '- ' '-us.... boo barrel? Ket? Orleans B?ag_f Syrup, pail?n. 5,000 bu ibi 1 - Fini at Ii Isb : par pees" . 1,000 1,.ix. 1 Qood Latch "r Hluo -, Baking Powd? rs . ' ; ?a und 10 pounds New Mountain BUCB wheat . 10 tai ge bar? Laundi y s tp . $4. $4 $4 IMPORTED CASTOS <H\l.< PRESERVED I.IM.I It, dozen 8-pound Chin 1 , bin? a? Pn ;- rved <: our own Importation, : 1 . vr sold In this 01 oth.-r town. They an rapidly, snd sn vei . c Per FIM. Ol.l? MllTllHi:i.l) 11 V : ol good Kam I . 11 .m should 1 ir exp? ctatlon T 1 ; I Harm ,i.-r In tin y ?ell 1 when ?x bav? t] Vor pound. l_ic. 10,000 Huh s Choice Timothy Hav. \\ INTRD, TO RENT T<> PARTIES OP standing, a 8? cond 11 ? i a iih month. ; n. ja \\ wit:i>. BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILiT to Nlntb nd Br young ladv Addreee "Bi ? ^RDINO " D I'KIU'IIS *I.S, NOTICE TO CONTRJ BIDS Wll.i. UK RECEIVED F? building 1 JOSEPH M'DONOl la ll-lt 1"> north i. Ksstern Stale I Willi -ini.-l.ur PROPOSALS Tt> Ft ItMsn B| 1 UNTIL JANUARY is. dersisned will receive bid institution With OROCKrtlKS, li'KU'S. SHOES, and other warn lbs three months ending Marca List? of articles needed and qui each, together with Instructions mi for the delivery of goods, .1 detail? e_n be had bv application < p, ARMI8TR Bti war,! RsStern State Hot ja 11-Th.Fr.tfadjButt Wllllsmsbu vttiir?k'? \ t*Ta avT WILLIAM II. SARWaj ATTORNEY at law AND ? SIONER IN CHANCER1 Kor Plebmoad City and Hearta Circuit Court?. Offices: 20 and :'.' Chamb? r Of C< _ (?le ".l-linoi Ordcra for printing ?nt to Patch Company will bs given pr tention. ana tii? at;U of work a Will iai iur? to nl?asA AlCTIt*,** SALB*? Kai or? o? y?. WHEN REAL BffTATB Ut S-JLU i Hm TAXES POR THE CUBRa?NT ?.Aij- * DAR YBAJi ARE TO B? PAID y*? BATA BY TEE VENDOR ANO lHl VENDO._ _ By 3. M. Elam 4> Co Est?t?- Aue; meers. BY. ?WrBlll TRUbTEE'S HALE AKTION OK iNo. 308 SOUTH SECOND STRKEl A NEAT, sri'Sl'ANTIAL, CON BNTTLY-LOCATBD, TWO-hi? BRICK : v. ULLI KG, OP FIVE KQOMS, WITH 1>>-, ?T, ROOMS, WITH M. ? ON v I..M..M ES I T' ?at? i |C >c >c y ?I I rht CC yO )() )0 je oc oc ft> 6c oc 5C oc 8c 6c 5c 5C 5C oc i SC 5C 5C oc SO 25 ?>c 6c 50 ?oc 5C IOC H* M-4* "5C I2C 55C i.SC 30c 25c 25c .Oil?. in ? xecutb?n of a c?rtala d?**?i ?-.f >r .lai.,l December Book 128 1!. page MS, I Court, I will s?-ll by public . pnmlsea, on THUR8DAY, JANUAR) 1 - ,, , lock P. M DWELLINO. with lb? lot BtOtlds, fronting 8) foot OB ' -, Si con.I street, beta Anil Streets. TERMS: ?'ash as to exponse* P5?w, with Intenst thereon from Per 19, 1888, -.i terms t.. !? announci d ja 14_J. B. 1 ton 8 corner Tenth I '. Boah - reata, RUSTEE'S AUCTION KALE A NICE HOUSE VT THE ! ,a W EST CORNER It AND I'D' . IN THE PLAN OF HIGHLAND Vi*. HENRI' in execution of a certali 1880, ai o Count) "A." a tit!? II' d, '' ... -it oi n ; 1 tlon WEDNESDAY JA . t?te eonvi yed by the - il The house oonl tins el?, . a I the lot The lot I and runs bn. k rty \" la any ; TERMS: < 'ash ia to espei any ta ses that ma] of $400.8 ' h, with 4 1888, and month!) said mi' such t'-rms u ? shall ' Of her failure to gtve : m h '-1 ms as the trust all of the deferred : md to ' trust on the pro;, K Ja 13_ Dy J Boni COURT HALF. Of K!S<.S Mill., trOBSTEBB? < Ai USD ''ROCKBTTS MILL ? I CITY MILLS." 1 THE ENTIRE I'KANT. INQS, MACHINE) Til AND OTHER CONT1 I 1 ! In pursuance .. and December the un.b 1 -, tier will the pr? M ?NDAT, JANUAKT *3, UP?. st Vi k M , t?rn . to In *.ild daorei - It beim I hi . s MILLING ?'IP .|*E1! : V. .'. < w 1 KINOS MILL" lira i Ml? . IV- Rtehov I Plis Mills"). 1?. VYI11I ' Chesapoal ratlwa fe thi rising tic corn and Suma I ; Land and Bul!<"l;a*N used In -, ith, \\ ater and Bh 1 , 1 purte about rail? ' ; I burg litig north line of Poplar of CI o f a ' ? . These mills . with all the t..' . n a few . ..m corn ; Ity. 'I a: aie . . 10 fourth cs 1 two, and I m per anni sal?-. : th? s 1 until all th? by the court. R M PILCH I i 1 r. by certll 1 . b) i; M PII? hi r, trul c dccrei CHAR] 65c ' 4-t fBJL what. s Will B spidly 4OC. CON IB, ?R KE OH, PLIES, E IN'. ish tins inn - - lltllV of how 1,1 id other a U>. ?ital. I \ 1 .MMIS mtnen-e. be DBs >mpt M ?4 prtaeo By J. B. 1 , i - PtJBLIG Al? 110s BALE > KEV - ! - .' \ . TI \K. VND \ \l.l' vi . STORY KKI- K No. 131 I - Tin- re live ' \is One third with It fer. J. B. El. BY VIRTUE OF A iriut dot t r- ot I in th? I m th? 1 um of 1 Mil at put.. MONDAY at 5 o'i loi k 1* M th? - of Chesterfield, vu.. I street I I v. t 1 ?tap Lot N plan of Thurms I TERMS: ?ash - BY VIRTU F. OF a CI trust deed from loi:. u I ord in lh? Dsed-B .; 1 no I IC.'.IU \ directed t.. d MONDAY. JANI UO I k K M th. RJ \ described as i\ 1 of Chest? 1 e Id, \ I nu? g turnplk". t?i t r Thurman & 1 TERMS: Cash. |a H H A J. BEAD? ,