Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND PF^Tnu-TiriTitsnAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1899. - Procrastination. Steals time, and everything that time oujrht to be -nod for. Possibly it keeps you from using Pcarline. You know from others y, of its case and economy?bul \^ you're " putting it off." , ,, m ? Why not begin the use of Pearline with iht very first thing to be washed or cleaned- your fact; and hands say Pearline hurts nothing ; cleans everything, m "US&. (do 27?d Tu. Th & Ka i v. B o w) Soys' Watches: h'tg ht packst \ire and made to . i tout;h manga. MIS' WATCHES : ?ivy Oj?mm t, plain i'r f.iurv ' 0) prucd or COttl) . OMEN'S WATCHES : Ptomt or emgrox < / silver, gold at gold filled, oxmtioad dart, fir. , alto, the i me Oj fiqui ttiiy loljtrd tnanatit, MEN'S WATCHES: //;,..,. | toting it<H dt*n . gold or g td*?Ued;oito Watihf's for t.'urh , nting. We ?tate Our Warrant I ?Plainly and ?Positively, _ ?very watch is carefully tos ted lit its case, and is thoroughly guaranteedin every particular. MM96969696969696S696SKR (J_-Sua 8 lu* I'd) SICK HEA0?CHE Po_ .lively cured by theso Little Pills. TVy also relieve DbtltMfag. Dyspepsia, indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A pt r feet rcBBedj ? r Dizziness, Nan t, Drosrai ncs?, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue I'-in b the Side?. TORPID LIVER. They RggulsM the Boasiia? Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose? Small Price. Substitution tbf frmul tu' the ?by. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills? S. ULLMAN'S SON'S I.KIM I lt\ HSltl.AlNS. MIUITfii. TO SiYK IOU 25 Pfii CE1T We an a i , i 1. ililely lili l? . tu are paying ? . . i mon and ' ;i lia, I poundi \ i .i . . .- . q ai.ty, a . 1 Blacking brushea . 5 . a . i, . 5 . m Carolins Rice. p> i i ?und. 4 i . . . i r .', per i Bcksge. & Good c'aia?? i.a and Blackberry ?\ in? i quart . 10 on 'title ilruik). 'S'.! ' 'tie . ? can A] i le Butter.? I 25 I Lag. foi . ?3 l t Rnuai Con pei in. G : matoi _ 7 1-pound b x Baking Powder . 6 B iking Powdei .... 3 Oliver King Mini ni l'am lly PloU l" r I'.iriei . 4 |p . :> . ? 1 . i, he m , poua i. Bu ' . - iap for ?'las. pel ."/ 11 . B H. rrings, per bos . 1 1 1 II I S-Btrlng Broom . |] i-xtiiiiK l.loom . y M ni.' re! pi I can. 10 ? .muni Salmon .> l . G Bhai,- Soap for.... 25 Lu t, Coff? l-l ' ind : ipt-rt. 91 11, 11 ci. .m. - ; pound_ 7 Preen Bod? Crack? per 1 ind_ .-, 4 S. I I.I. M IS? SON. ISM AM* . -MAIN STREET. i ; !'"\?n Btori 'iah. i lotb It Will Wl f ' : complete price-Hut?, lt'i s regu m ?a?? r. Me ' COUCH CURE enrea g-ickly. That Is what it m mada for. Prompt, aafe, ?uri?, qulcl relief, quick cure. Pleasant to taki Children like It, and adult? 1'ko it Mother? buy It lor t?oir children. ??Vr??i>i?rf il by K. O. In-WItt A Co., maker? o - Wit.:'? ..iule Ejurly _._?*-_, (ho fa_-OU ??As; il?? 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' AIR i.iani 11: ami BCAtri l.KAM I; Bre JO? ?al* tr,-, ,,. ,i?? ?,.,?, W||| ro?tor* &A?tuUVt?Q?0T*. b-"*T ?"""^ Extra Pianos. Superior Value. Fourteen years since we be ! (j.-tn the s.ile of the Colby Pianos? In the meantime \\ ?* have sup i plied them to the finest players of Richmond und the best mu siciftnf* (?rove-Avenue Baptist church and ten other churches ?have purchased COLBY PI ANOS. Recently we acquired an EXTRA-FINE COLBY UPRIGHT in a piano trade, and while the piano was worth, and still is Worth? $4r,o, we will sell it 1er $250.00. It is thoroughly warranted for five years, (.all or write. MANLY B. RAMOS CO* ik> EAST BROAD STREET. [oc I7-Ta.Tl<BBBBl S Misfit ! I Shoes. + Ws have on li?in?l about ? 100 pairs of Men a Shoes, uhi.'ii we mad? to order X X tVoui $4 to $9, and ? hich did t X oof fit oi were Dot called ? i for. t \\ t jut closing them out + I Hall Price. I X Cavil early and get the pick of them. i We hare just received a X new supply of PATL5NTED CUSHION 1 : i X Rubber Heels, t wliieli we ]?nt "ii any shoe? t X l;nlios or men B, 'Phone 1850. J f W. E. DREVV& CO., | ?. .Main and Eighth BtS. * UlMIttttttlltttttttttlil de .-Pa.Sun. TuAi h) lieware o? luiiuuiaiii . Va-iW-S*? Vi. yQw&rshiretnf) xiMN r>? ?<-*>?i s" ?. aaaaia ?-?W ' (Tn rh&Sa) Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powck AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. j Used by ?peOfalS of refinement I for over a (?uurur of a century. iii^i-u r? The only blood remedy guar* inteed purely v<*getab)e, contain? ing not a particle of mereaury, [xotash, arsenic ? I any other iniu iral, ii Be ift'i Specific, dade33 Thfl Oil I*lt(?Kfc>M??t AI.. EUGENE C. HA5S1E. oll'ne-? r<'m??\etl to 1113 East Main Street. Rooms Nos. 3 and 4. <.Sun,Tii.\:Thlnii _ v'-"'? A pi'.rl.-ct nielli?*1 U,<:,-i< ' jp |j/\*a 8tiSUgtlien, enlarKu uil ??t-uk I ryir ?iiiiiUl. itchle |.-,,iti?iii?i<jf tl.. MP M liodx. Kffeets oi iron aint "TlrT e.VT-?.-. uo .1 AalUi|.|.' I'la.l ONLY iuii?xr??xl bj 1 a?>l-i.iii*. A^ gjBB^?^f.J*Ba?i i'iU'" ' tllJ t'fUilMelit ?.ent ?j?i ^^^SS-asss? apcsoral n > mooe* la ? ! \.inc<-. Write for ?i l.i nation and proof?; mail- i in plain, Muled letter. Uorre*poixlence ooa ERIB Mfc DiCAL CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. THE SOCIETY MOTH. V?SV THAT MIST I? AT II \>? (?All: IV IS MdUl l-l? THE LENTEN SERVICES TO BE HELD. 11 a un li I? ?'? of II??- S tiii'i'il'ltii K'-i'iln tlmi Until llK-lr SleillUK ?IS liHl i im i ?la i.i<- People ?r?* l'Hindi r??r Hie l'??or?BoolOl B?OarS Sntrm, l? i.. mm. lian Bt? inly 'i, ; ' ittcr fiy ' arltb it. p, naotk uinga, ly IntO a col. 'I'm n. Bntertolnaaeftta In t nan ore torn, m i devout Croira apon gejrety ?if any i m. t,ut i., i do not mln i a mail . pally or .1 thu ouaal i i-.i ii.inelng la atrietly forbidden, ?rui ?hi entertaining nun I 11 >- "sun* io.a. TO ' -'?'> ' 'iiits'i.iy?the ; '. arill ,i inklnd ai.-: i; ir m ail i .1 Pis tiin^ in eburcb? and in r. B i b .? sm^. The dainty m iMi a will i t a. If. aid alt. |d | i ' ' aii dan? - ? and dlnm r i rtii i the the ni.- ??.Ill not i ia ' I Bui if sha mi i .m pi tic i ,..',,. ry leur i IP. H rth I \?'ii di ? -blown There will be a mld-d e for i- . . i", k, i and Bun I 206 east 1 . : Bt Andrew. ' : .Mark's ami C v, ' ii:.;.- and ' ' ' ',n's. i lia!, "Si . P. M. uml I Will take plot I ' [ v. i i : kind hearts and, wb er, the ?abstan . ;, 'i. :' a a and the City I ' mil t'tli ' . whl ii have I |i ,'i.ii'l work in aid ?oor, many private individu: riving largely. To 111. ti \ Ion and the City M nol ipplled to either organisation a d. * for vehii well re . my a ?1 Too much pi he noble-hearted men and women who ' ' The r. athly meeting of the volution : noon at the rirglnia H ni priaii ' ii" ' lo u?e* ham. Ail After the ' i ommitt. write a I. t - 'or her in h< r re? ent affliction, ' klnsoi it Ion. A sot.- of th : . i 11 y t J. It. i thanked 1 : the de* . . wTltten to Dr, I, a. Whl luch an ?Hi i< i.t mastei m mies at la- bull. Thanki a extended to phi r, and I ' : 'or lights, an i last, bul t, to Mr. -'ry, fif ' ii Hotel, for hi . ? 1 king with ; '.. Mr. V. a ill ho en h ami. and .,. the "p house. Thl to i ;rin?* this ipell of I - it Bt PouI'b el srlll not 1 - sr< k. bul they will km atai laat 1 ginning with 1 M., and will t'?? cnnd'i' los W. A. Brill hardly b? able to gel i k In time to begin 1 mor* row morning, sa originally Intended. ? Mr?, w. Ruesell Robinson Is the | Of MTB. ?, No, -1 -' Wl Bl .'laliK llil .?He' r. ?. ... i;. . ". Lyons I i., i M irshsll maul up the ? . . ? Mr. i.!..; lin B) un K Btevens, of New York. u*eoi lll*ili<?i' G \l i.ow s\ iniliil. 11, Will Sililr,-?? Mi-l li,,,ll?l? at < 1-11 I. i-i. ? > I >,-\ii-lit. The Metho . i ta i llan tera ami representativa loymi n fr? p* ois'ri t" thla .. nable In masa-mi sting at to-night, t1 t. ;. ?ddr< u from Biabop B i lowoy, ..t t1,. Ifsthodisl i. Church, Booth, la l lg tin- Methodist? throughout th? s s] million doliere for . ; hop <; tih.w > i 11 I i . i | : . r the 1 ' Bum? : him t?-nigl ..'. B . SliiUh. ch.ui II "f BChOOll Friday ' Igh! Bishop Qui] ?a ly will Irai cbun h, Manchester; 'ic thin?; at U O'i !". ? la- will de livor a sermon et Cet isoory church, uni in the ai'.-i'iiooii , day, ?t 2 :to Bro? Btreet ehurch, It I? pre? ibis thm. in the ? vent of m, previous sngsgement the Bishop win preach at st Jam.- Metho dist ? lunch gunday night Hosen i lail <. Only ?. |,|ien i ., .,,.- II, re ?,.'!.. fOI tic Com |.i i di. whl? h is to i e given a th? .? of Musi Saturday night, February ?'ah wui begin i.?m Monday, '. office ha? toil ?si ibllahed In ?le- ?toi M -i- Waii,i n M,,?., ,?. f... ?rher? i : 'I . ,s may nOB ? ill. t). ?There arc ubuui _w ?_u.i_.i- ou th?? list. und ?bout 1.100 ?.at? In the Academ?.. I l all tho deairable ?fe8tx will by nt? means tiava Been tahes whea the Box-ahect is Opt n to th?? public. . . Th.- weather |,r?,ph?'t of the l'nlt?d Btetea Bureau i? liaiit-.i >> the b. lief that th? weather ?rill Im brave und fair v n-ii th.- gi-sst planisl r* i? bee Richmond. Which, In thi i.r?-??.int dilemma, la W( II worth while iiiaklinx ? note of, though the ? nay i- based on the hypothesis i 'at aft.r ? -1 .11,, i. mu? -t of n? "tin? n ?-?Im. Tl icert Of Marl/. ithni xv?tii hardi) i orne under the ery of smusementa hut muet b? .- hewed in Lent, for It? tendency is un . ??i ?ably - difylng, and, In the light ? f the Kreat muetclsn'a preetlas? is tl?" part of it llbiral e,iu at ion. A TH IIII?"J SAP 5TOI1V. II?? axsal ??i?i?ilii> Mslit on Street? i:\ery Dour ? lu-.-.l ?n Him. Monday BftenMwa a prepneeeeaJris-look? aras iirm <?r about -- a-osl la the r a!.nco of a well-known ? ritte? B Ot ?? ' mi - mi asked f??r food The bolder toM blm ba tvosld : lee htea B pint? of fou|. to xvnrm him tip, Bttd if ? willltnr to ?roth I UtfJe f'T it li" xx -uM ?rive him a s<.i;?ie BMSL The tramp said t areold ?Jo th work <a111lna> i\-. Be dranh tl and tvoa then given the ahovoL R? ?-i?ar??i away IUOW until the K'-nt!?>man, xvho Worked along xvith iiim. thought be bad done enough, asd then nt down ?to i good ?iin -.-hit li be M r-.i.-d to enjoy a |1 'ih' ii he t"i'i a pitiful itory, if wiiik? BU of EUcbmond all nijriit -.- night, beoautsa in this greai dty ,,f ? hurt h?-s and thtOOBBBda ?>. peopl? b? could sol gat ahelter oa such a night He tu. -i .-n nil thi.( tlte ' ? they ?would n ?I I' I him ?toy. Ilr | . ' I tl ,. ? came to tl him somewhere t?> go in oui ( th? atorm, bal "t,,,, h? hod no I'laa ." if-- w< nt t<> the industrial Home, but Mr. Lindsay Bald had ie could And bo it was Wo one ?would help him, and death la the storm ob Buaday him in th? fa-?-, ir- aim? I whls v. ii- o he said it. bat i found fi'l.-nd tli it h*- WOOld BOi have i if h. bad bad any no? hi.-? on. Th? gentlem? n wa > a, and couid .?.-at. ly bell? v? lui h l thll Until the tramp turn- 1 ip thi I Of hi? troii-a-r? and truth of his state ment. Th? man said h-- area a painter, from Huntington, W. Va., and I look r x\a,iic. He waa given tl to pay for nigh! and ?vas -now. i in: a.i-:i *>ir \ niMi-ivv td-miiiit. I o ??pell Its 1-1 ll Kill!,-III?-.It tit lha X.'iiili-ni l in '-'I'll.? ? iri-ua (?ii-l." To-nlght m the ?leadamy th? Q? v. ii .mi Daly*? '. Mi w York, xvill present fur the Brat time n this dty thi grt ? "Tha Circi?v?? iirl." The. pieci 11 iid to be a nnateal pi ly t th? - ty sort, xvith a ?f French vivacity, hm absolut?!? rity in its fun, and with any amount Including several cl loa and rattling chorus.-.?. Al r. . tO ing. Thi? hi r.- 1 'at Th,- company preseatlag idmlrable In evi ?il tli mes em : in the original Ai : ir \ w I rk" i tcademy I fternooi I f reprea te th i Iven n,an who goes tO NOW Vork . . I of innun the n .lohn I ?. Otlbert, ' k. and l competenl company. i in Nor ' .Ik I t, and will arrive in this mi r-.ii ?ni i. ri i i.nit i:\pi? ni? o- xi.i? Mi in the Appellate <<>>?? ? To-iniy?( nan?aa-Baoaa Brarltiaa, The i - : pri Morris w iot to proceed until Judge Qoff, of .tha 1 Joel : day. i by the i nit"?l bere yeet Court | I on Edwin Pl< i ho is wan' ' in the see "f th.- United .:Mt?t William vlth end ixlei t of bank I i;i< .?I ? till not th'"- a^lil?- i 'l- i k's office. No i Tribunal i.f Ji:??(iee .John. John had quit? n I i being j. i,, i in he flowing bow] m U. TU-1tie Anthony was drunh, and : n .1". ? i"t thin? . ich i i-rht t?j 1 Juli i, but he i irged ' tutting ind Btrik r ?with rged. i of t Ing lnink oi ] ; lath. The r. malnlng l Bin?;. ?m?? i? iii-iiiii.ini. la h? aitiii'ui," - m thli : within ' i snow, r the air btoarlng ov< r it. N"t only tills, la.i i bard ?? iinin? r In which i. Oreen a xui.i ( laaee? ?.t \. m. ? . \. Botmm ?" it all clns.??'S Of thi arith a : l'riipi-rl> Triunfen. ad: k it- B. Jamai'a truel 144 feet \s. at . | nth, ji,t>). La Grippe Lea??? a wsaknoae behind il un- .li render? tha tystttn pecu liarly BOaaOBBBll to ??Bgfcrou? eii?i*nt?. Stitnutb auat as Bjulatl/ built up, TAKE LIEBIC COMPANY'S rR, EXTRACT OF BEEF. tt?gr^air-jBMmmwtmtm $yf_M-? THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRl'P OF FIGS isdi?oi'ot only to tlii' originality and simplicity of tin? combination. i?ut also to this can? and skill with which it i_ ?ailfgctured l>y scientific processes known to Hit? CALVQBBIA Fir, Svrcp Co. only, and ITS wish to impress upon all tlii- importance of piirchusiiiff the true ami original ramodjr. As the guanina Syrup of Figa is manufactured by the CAUPORBtA I'm BfBUP <o. only, a knowlodgU <>f that fact will assist ont? in avoiding t'uo ?rartblggg imitations manufactured by other par ties. The hitfh ?t.-iiiilina- <?f tin? I'AI.I POBBIA l_g Svut.-p Co, uitli t:,c medi cal profession, and tlio satisfaction svhich the ??-??niiiue Sy:ii?> of Fig! has pivon to millions of famili?-s, makes tin; name of tho i'ompauy g guaranty of the excellence of ils remedy. It i.s far (g ?dranos of all other laxatives, a-? it gets OO the kidneys, liver and bowels without (rtitotillg or weaken ii-ii" them, and it doe? not tfi'ipe nor DSUaeutO. inordortogOt its b?n?ficiai '?, plague romomber the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. *At PBABOaagg, CM lormriM v NKur ragf.IT. tf? l-Tu TO A go ly A svaow-tiier? AFE PEEDY MUE. LE CUt?'S S FRENCH REMEEV Never Fails. INDORSED IY TNfiOSANDS. Twntv-tve 8 cr?t ?turr.p? brag? triM r-ckaar? and Coaviuce? ihu mull %ke\ 'ictl (if >.nt?r wonderful J.rej/ erti*i. A?it**% L-tClai? Ph.l Co-, U. S \?:ev It,-i' ',' ! .? N B A.l^orrtt?nniJencflCyrili.ier,!'/ and rr-turnfii bv wail with frifl r-cli^C' -? in Mam] . f r l'nm?hlr( coatttmng Taluabl?, I nriirninllon I ?or ?_.e in iilchmoud by POL.K. -I.Lr LEK lJt?_i_. COMPANY. my H-W.rASi&tTu.Th& Lli.l'AHlTRE OK STK AMEIU. _ o L? DOMINIO H ITBAliBHIF COMPANT, t^-sCLVX^' DAl?l UINI3 |>i^ n ?b I - NEW VOKK. ra boo '?- ive Rich? Tussdsy iTuesday freight only) un Ch??ap?ake un.i .?... i? A M. or I'.ichmonil an I Peti h and ?Ve?t?m roa' , a m ing at Norfolk with old don Lin? - -am. eve ,1 eh ro? v. v, fork. AM. ?VATER il''i l'Ll. RI hmond leavi ? Rl< bmond It S P. M 1er New York r?a Je: . i Ivor, Ticket?, on ?si? at Richmond Transfer ''til) BBS m.I Petera! urg d at ny'a oflice, 1211 eael Main ?treet, II hm nd Bi - .'J through. PRE-OH 1 a York and al I I can - tiling ir_.n M'a?! al r? i?. M ; i. ivlng KU-hniui'.d ?very Ai AND .s .TURDAY ut .1 with itasD - '''<r New 'i v Mu;: .' hour heror? ?ailing : and for? I bill? of Isdln . for all it.S. .1 NKW Ti p t 3 p. M l i' M ? t.? r i fort, i " - n nal ' into roll river n>nte> iTi : ' IP m (pe < eight by Norfolk - : MONDAT vi 3 P M. yallli gs from con , No. M ' '. dally, \ : S r furl n 'Tl'iy to JOHN P. MAY1 -i ret, V i **f i i, Vlci -Prealdent ?ml [Yaffle Manager, New 1 Ja 17 VIRGINIA NAVIGATION coipin. JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. ?., ir,. , i'.,. AHON i 'AS loovi i MON i \V V. RIDAT, al 7 . at Ulli ?oint and Norfolk for v. Boltl? '" r''- i , ., ... . nred tor tha night at i direot to the wharf .ar* ; : il to Norfolk M . rum. .in..; place? a and forth Carolina. IRVIN WEISIQER, Oenei il Manager. A. H. Pre? -.- la 17 PLANT LINE. 5 Sailings Each Week. U. S. MAIL SItAMSMIPS. Al pointed to Sail fi"iii I'Olt I 1 l SIPA, > p. SI.?Monda ? ?, Tliuradnya, Satur. ?lu ? ?. ! I*. St.?I u?-?ilii> * anil Krhluya. i s sirs iivs non i. \o\s opiiv. Iiiforr:.. I i-" ' r l to \- 11! -fi Division 1 isai a," - ..\_ nr. Tempo, | B W. WKl-NN. . I'abs.iiKi r Tragic Manag r f- ''lm PBBHCH I.IMl. ;cmpagnie Generale Transatlantique. Direct Mue |0 BOvre?Purla (h ran??-,. A If, prom PI?? - (Sol M . i., Cbsmp'gn? Mh.ii La Bretagne _t Norn ' Mh 25 Ha vi . : n'l A* .a.? tor _f. a. an(j Can. a . N V RICHMOND rRANBl M LNDREW WELSH, III ea rtreei f? i-d?,ni AMERICAN LIN B. l \si KBPBBgg -i K\ let. VEW VuRK, SOUTHAMPTON (UUf* Balling uli > - al 10 a. \i ,t. Paul.F?b. 2- .?1 March 2J It Uouia.Maiv'ii Et. 1'dul.April ? It Pnui.March if, Paris .A?;.i ?_ RED STAR LINE. NKW V'oUK AN'I V, ..'<tJ, PAJlia, Even Pi'?Un Kensington. FYb 5 1 .lurch 1 \ r.d... I"?b - uthwork..Mori h | 'I h. -? ?teamen earr) nd-and 'hlrd-claaa pa??anger? al low rate.?. NTERNAT1 >NAL NAVUiATIuN CO., piers M an?! II, North river, O'tice, ti liov. it:.k '?r?-.n, N. V. V H PAUMER A CO. _, ?. ,t r? Th?i_l. riM.mnnil 9W CHESAPEAKE .su iLjyg^gy OMOKAILYVAY. KUVi-li ? ' .Ininn.? > K?, 1HUU. TRAIN? LKAVK RICIIMo HU-UIIOAD WntmWB siAiTu.i. U.OO A. M., ?aii>. wiin ' - ' ' lf iot ' atauens, Newi>uri Novi?. o?-i Point, NeriOtO, and lJor;riiiiciu?vn- Conn? I at Nartolk v?i;b New lorM tcamars, tx'ep' Tuesday. Steal P. Al., Polly, with pulimaa for I?" a. ?lai.oiis. Newport .'-.. ,??. old Point. -Non-,.?. and Portarnoath. Conne ta at um Point will? Washing* leo BteomerBa ?>, and with Baltimore steamers, ex cept pun lO;i*o A. AI., Daj Express, ex.-ept Sunday, foi ? . ; ? '-.. ' 'ounect ? at UordonavlUa for Orang . ? alverton, Muni - is, andria, . \ a; at m Statten, Chariattee? vide, for I. at n..s(e City f< r ?i igerstoxsn -?.T5 p. If., j. Hj- H|.h j-uiima,, to On cinnail. Loin-'ville and St. i- 'os. connecting at Qor? donsviiie f, r ? <r inas, and >' Orange with Bousaern raii w -. nor)h ti and, .-<? Cov ington. Va., ?o- Hot Springs, s only al impai M? ,i- erv? .1 on /'in nK Cera N i T. local train exi, pt Bunday, followi above train from Goi'don? i? o.? t, ., v'"" t0 Stiiunton. s .??? i ii., a omm es t Sun day, for 11 il W( I] * " P- M., Dally, foi Cincinnati, with P'lllmnn to Hinton, XV Va., an?l tjcrdonsvlUe t.. Cincln ind laOulsvUle, -- ?ve,i r,n dining-car. Con? n? < unton (*\e. ?,t Sunday) for Winchester, Va., - ion Va., f - t*i??wi " - v? traivi i.rcitT** rronTH-aTi-trrT STITIO*?-. o? iS a. ||, j ?ally, Cor lajroi hburg, iaex Ington, Va., aad Clifton Forge. Conne t -. em ?pt a Rurkln and Aiberlno bran I at rilftoti Far?-.? with No. i for ?Clnclnni tl BOO p, M., Kxeept Sumlay, for Cnlum bla TWAIN? AltltlVK AT RICHMOND llROAIl-MHl?KT STATIO.V. h:(?o a. M., Baeept Bunday, fmin Do?. S:.*tO A. If., Dally, from Clnelnnat?. ii::u? a. IL, Dally, from Norfolk und Old F?,lllt. 3 .'.?> p. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and it no T> M , Dally, tr m Norfolk and Old Point T 4r, p. II, Baeept Sunday, from Clifton ; TRAINS AMBIT l? ll'IITH-.XTKEHT STATIO.V. 8.40 A. M . F.v i : Sunday, from Co luml-i i 6:*o p. y. . I?.u: -. from ?Clifton Force. I., aingt' n. \.... and i.? n h bw Roa ney. JOHN I?. POTT8 \ - ? RD JPr p Rictiiiiond, Fre?a rlcltsbarg? Potomac A i? lirdnle lu l'ITe?! Jiimi'iry Hi. ISSO? i { I.KAvi-i in iti?-M!ti;i;r station. I i? Stats A. M ton and I North. B1 Nu.lord and Ktedeiickaburg. Pullman to N< a N:.(i a. M. Sunday only, for Washing ton and points North . ?Elba, Ol? n All? n. Ash R?ther (ili a. Pen?la, MU? . i , Wood summit, i Tcd?-rieK> Brook? ind \.i Pullman ?i:45 a. II., Deily, except Sunday, for i and North. Stops at Elba, T i\ lorn Hie, Doswi it, R?ther Oi< a, aill oid. \\ oodslane, I, Summit. Fr? d< Brooke, arid Wid? 1 '..-:, j? n.% A. M., Ditflj " nday. New Solid train, eom? posed ezclualvel) of Pull man cara, for W h iiumore PbH i Sew V" l; ?0 I I SU M Dally, except 8 v. , nington -i n o ! North ' ? I Ali? t?. A in ind, i?. sw.-ii. M i 1 r u r ?1. oke, a n ?i ?, : I? ' ?' ' p irlor rar. * ilona] laimit'-d at "?v 7 ??? p. M . Dalli f? r Wasblngtoa ann poin's North, Btopa at Elba, Ashland, DoSwell Mill Kreoerti Itaburg, Urooke, an?i xx'id..-?? i ter. ata tinns Sunday* sie. mnnd to New Tort Sleeper PI '-lia. ?nnivr. BYUD-STMBMT ITATIOM, ?.40 a. M . D "' Wldewat? r bro a.- ii. a mcaaeurg, ?n.' AaniBBd tlha. and ?. j?icns Sunday?. Sleeper New \ r* to Ri.T.moiid. :t .?u P. M . Doll a: ?\ i o W S t e r, lir Fu- S ?i m m i t, ; , i-i r Olei Olen v and !-.>' ? i'.irh.r ear Ii on ton. 7-10 p. M i Itopa on!? nt Frede? ri? - b? Pullman ? from .\. w } ,,rk K-:eu p. M . I ill) Btoi w -,?. water UrOil, s immlt, Oulne . . Mllf? ro i tola, Rutn? r Dea? Hen A : .( ear. l?..l(J P. M-, 1 Mew York and ! . . - Prom Nee v ri, - only at pt Ri:DERirH?(H*G iiiior.!iiimin\ ?l'a - M..L An AM ?- -.-?" .non. I?lll AMI TRAIX??. ? IS A M :. '-'?? P, M [at K? .\ M., Ai rl - Elbe. Sa p M Arrlv? ? Klba. XV P TAYLOR Tiaffie M.tnaner. | T D Mveia, ja 13 I I (HI P xf^WHorl^Weslsrn HMMmmt'ri-K* Schedule in Elfcct 1H, 1MD8. i:\\i: ri? HitoM?. in iti?-??l i(t:i: l MAIIOV i? ?>?> A M RICHMOND AND NOR? I-' ?LK x E8TIP.I LB I.IM! i - ED Arrive? Nort a M. Btopa onlj L,i:iai '?". . tick? :s nol m. ii (>.-> A. M THE ''Ht- ?GO - M for ] puli * lumbui. i K p. M . !' B ifcTi Ik, -?nl in .1 ? f P M S:4S P. M. For Lynchburg and Roe ka, ? !onm - .. t R ?a 11 h Washington and ? hat nooga lain Sleeprra Roanok? Mem ne. l' ill* : p- bet? i al .,-, I ?. i ,,| i i ;hi r*.o!? for r? !* M AI i IB M ' i" ' Pet? : i ;r?; ?nd K .UI.UK Tram? am?.. Kl. timond from I.yueh urg ?nd lb? \\e?i d.i.:. al 1:11 a. m nd ? >, P. M . from Norfotji ... i u?. la?t at 11 '*. A II and VESTI. JMITED at ? r? P M Offlee: treet. U \v ?COURTNaTT TM?t' ?tr Agent. W B BEVIIaL. General Pa?*enger Agent. Gen<-r?1 n*" loke, Va ^ %j M ??1.1? PAPERS FOR Mil; al UJe. P?:R Hl'NltRKl? at fh? DISPATCH OFFICE. MAILHOAll M.VKS. 83 SOUTHER,1,' ?? i??-?iui?. Mggttm .j.uiiiiir. ig, |S.,, J It 11 >?* LKAVE RICH MO AU,? x l_:10 a. M., No 11. _.0utr. dally tor Atiani . ., .?ta. . point? .? . , , ' '. i?-. Col imbi ', .... __ '1- r .,,,, r, at :?.:; ? P M f ' SI-'1 ' '" :- ;" i k? un -i . il .? 13:01 { '., ?> ' 1 to Neu , ,, ,. ' and I 6 IK, ' mod Tll\l\s W'llM I ?, . ,,? ? SO A M ; II 2.". ?' M , Fr ?j As!,. IO \ i i?? \i. i in i?.n i i u mN, ' ?II U ' ?ORK-RIYER LUE riAiri un: i *, \ MIITI g i , i: muii n. II VII Itll .I'.UlMl. 4 !" 1'. M . No. Point and _ tin.. S I SO lor We?t PolnI ?ta tli i with at all I SS j m. \. i local a ' , waifcertoi lltSINS tHHIVi; ? | |Ul MS|..M> \__ a. M.. . ' ' ' lay? and i SS 11 \\. ' i o iltlmi i t 5 P. rickel alo D .. and frorn 1? 80 P i ' I - Q .NNON, Third V ' V.\ WESTS! I : : IT) ITLASTIC*C0?S1 __ UN* boBolo in Bflooi BaessBBlBB IB, IBBB? LAIBS iivvi: ?a?v*oiiim)-i Mo> in_?'o i . ou A M ? a Airnoa PeaaSB A m Mor?a u_? AI B IN duly at P< vVaverll , i a. or. a. ?i . Dal Arrive? I I ? a. M . S\ al \ :i , Psystuville ? M . . 'harleaton 14 . Savannah .-??> a m otfVill? 7 tw A ; amps 1JB P. M. _t Wilson vsith No rlvini, Gol v. iln&ngiOn o ?: y 10 III *?i"T Ni; I? 1 J i k-Oiivlile. .30 A. M., I? "V ??l'it _-i ii. i' . Ht'., prewry ? Bluff, ' ?ntrSb taiei .33 P M , i tersburg 4:16 I . lopS. :3i) P, M . Da Arn?. ? Peti , p. M. Maki - _., . buig rain .in r. M i Arrives P , i m . connei i ?S est. rn N -importa l : \> V. I 13 P. M . 1 . A .',! v UNE ', ',1a .?.'?I lue ?SA. M - ?.lu A. M.. M r m . min? Mu .ou p. M., Dull) Arrlv j v M. SV? M i ih> p. M.. Dally, ex M... ?oKK AND l A BPEi IAI. A ! p. J \ p. M.. Tampa S 10 P. M.. Dali) ' 11:10 A. M I TR.USS IHHIVi: HI? MM. . , ? M D ith. , ,? i M , 1 I a ?... n Lynchbui ;.?? v - , tu? , f?5 A. M >' ' '' Tsmi I ' i-.. os A M . Dally. Noi Petersburg. 35 P. M f. rittalt?. Dr. ? ?1 ?a P M _Ol . m ..?PI P. M . I>" ?n * V" hur, ?it'.d 'he ss ??sr R KKN1.N T M 's . ...... ?'?s! II. M K>' . Oen?ril 1 ? la 1R CL i su i ?i??> ov COU LIS 1 II Ol Mgggrail by Pur, ?-H. l.i.ii * _aa pr?-v?.n by long egfrrteni J?_t" 6o COBtA Do ?ot take au. ,UT?_?CBLjU uAi.D A CO. ua u-ta) i _*