Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND msPATCff-THITRSPAY, FEBRUARY 1?. 189?.,_ WONDERFUL PRICES to induce you io weather the storm and come to Reckless Selling ! Nearly every price points in that direction. The present state of affairs warrant the movement. There shall be no dull days at the Big Store. The following are only a few Bample pri-oe* fromthe Ta rions departments, and give little idea of ro-day'a offerings: 4-4 French Percales, light and dark styles, loc. grade, .Vc. a yard. SJn'i'iiia- Prints, new designs, for Stye. |; cached Cotton. 6c. and 7?-. quality, forJtye. |)nir Plaid Eiderdovi ds for 5$c, a yard. 1<? mu? i'/,,-. I" id ' '1 T-oOtsdale and Berkley Cambrics for 5J& 1 h Piqne Welts, n< w d< sign, 7|c. I -1 i.i Heavy Brown Cotton for ityc. a yard. io? ( White Wool Blankets, $2 quality, for $1.25 ; 11-4 for $2. >?:. - s. god -i" Bli ; ' - - for $4.50. ? Cotton Twill Blankets, Gray, Tan, and White, for 85c. to $1 WOl'fil ?iniiolo. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, In Navy Blue and Black Serge, made new fly coat and skirt, from $12.50 to $6.50. All the $10, $13, and$15 ?Coatsfortfl: nil now. this seis--... s sha i' Solid-Colored and Two-Toned Rustling Glace, usual 75c. quality, 30c? yard. ?tri| edand Miniatwe-Chec-ted Double-Twill Snrah Silk, worth 79c yore, 1 '< yard, Black Duchess Satin, warranted all pure silk, $1 grade, 50c. yard. Silk and Woo! Dress Fabrics, all the newest Spring shades, for 18c a yard. All-Wool [mperi ' _ rions ?colors, for 15e. a yard. All Wool Cheviots, tbi latest Bpring productions, for 29c. a yard. Pure Irish Linen Table Damask, 2 yards wide, the best 80c. grade. Is here at 58c. vard. I ?ner Ruck Towels i"',< . om >. are 7<\, or 75c? a dozen. Fane*, Linen Scai Bug f? ?r 9c. yard. Ladies', Misses'. Boys', and Children's Winter Wei -ht Vests and Pants, soc. to 69c. ones, for 25c. I. lies'fc] 50 Wool Riblsed Union Suits are 75c. now, Ladies' Seamless Black Hose, usual 10c. ones, to day se pair. Black Cashmi re W< ol Efos . 1 _.',?. pair. Black Spangled Bow Knots for 20c. Hen's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs for ic. White Checked Nainsook and Dimities at 3?C. for 8, 10, and i2?Jc. grades. Ladies' 50c. Muslin Gowns are 34c. 85c. Chemise, lace trimmed, for iri<\ Colored Knitted Underskirts, fancy stripes, 35c. Dressmakers' Kid Cambrics, in everv color, for 2 ,c. vard. Talcum Powder, sift, d top tin boxea, is perfumed and borated, worth 10c 1 box, for -1,?'. box. Woodbnry'a Facial Soap for 12c. cake Alexander Kind's Soft-Finish Machine Thread for \\c apool. Extra Heavy Linen-Finish Canvas for 4c. yard, well worth 10c. P> oorated Blui Ground Berry or Fruit Saucers, 5c each. 10-piece Toilet Sets, decorated, $1.98, were $2.75. Individu:!] Japanese Teapots, !"? . each. Oraaits iron 6-Bing Muffin Pans, 10c. i-?iu.'irt Granite iron Buckets, 6c. each, were 12c. Silexo, 3?J?c a ba r. THE COHEN CO. | THE COHEN CO II 111 ROM I K? ?111 I Wilt Xltl X \. Promotion Car Geaeral xi?ii?t. the ( n pior of 11,?Mo. WA8HINOTON, February II l'r. Btdt lit t' .-.all- l'a llli Vjntinn? to th< ?Sei te: P Hiiiiei ,i Barros to be ? o|,,11. | Mai P m Hi i. Third lory, to i- i ?i? iH-rnl Mill? i i- non In ? B tin- Am? rloan ti llo. Tin? comma' II" errang* m? cotton plant? ra und n-prenentaiix Int. i, ,-t in the trade, h finally <! - k, ] une i ic ' ai.vaiiiioii to an Indefinite _ ?aaaaa??aa?M?a??a~. I ?rf??rr.?qMM.iaaaai V'w.?-li0i:t>UAS *H??co t: $3,50 ? loOXCAtF |?LACKVIC. jtHiAOK CA? TAWsVULOWC?l/ KL.m?0! ?JMl?Ni; U>' l> .tA.'jCpOC Tiic*.r: >. man dreaiggMlIsM ? an labil . of his character. Wo can ?1??- ?-..?i un e\e.-ilt-nt ir. I ili.???j coatlug fmu. .???..1X1 ?o i, ? . ?>'. P \.o Bude? and ??eil dlreel ? / \" i ?t . n* i io8t,?avlu(; ? i?, -i ?. ta I M '.. - m Um IkrsMi ? ) . ?I'll 1.1. y JR STORF, Z E. BROAL? ,TI:F.ET won1"-/ ec-,*t-p ?t'aU-'l 'b'l'haoJBixtsU.I ?*** TURRE BAST-END WEDDINGS. On?- 'lu U?'s ri?e,. In l'ii Hoi? nuil 'I'-?? i? un < hurt-li Hill. A pratt) home wedding took place yes : pddonct ol Mi , m. Betrn? Pulton n in n .Mi?.? * the bride of Mr. A. l>. m mi?. hip 'rue Rev. Pather Tl? n St. 1 ,.Hi?lale.i. The M ; T J. SI eehy. An < leganl ption followed the at i i > a large numb? r of 111? brid? i? a h rj ome and accom] ii li ed young lady, and the groom conducta the Third Market, ?vii. te in i knoan. Ml '.' i ' . n ;. .. nuil rurner wen m " ' lock, at i he End Hapl 1st cere?a ?nj m u rmed by Res lo I" Tucker. The i daughter of Mr. G Turner, <>f No. 718 north Twenty-fifth .. and . popul u j oung la? j. Mr. olph corably ki The youns couple bai > i ha bi 11 a iy ni. nd?. Mr l'uUc- and Mil ? i '< ell A. B itk m.,: u, .1 .a | o'clock losl night, ai th? t. nid? ne.- of the to ,' tract. Tha ?'lei k ..i the n C i I marrlagi lie? , to Mr. .\l betl K. Kid?) ai,.I Mi?- liinma J. Clark, daughter ol Th II i Clark. >l i: si n i lit?, (iriiiiv.'s STAFF. (ii nt nil?? \\ . 11 i I unit I'uml FOM ? In Komi lo \\ UNliiimiini. Captain Joo ?a B. u Ittord, of Major* ' Pltshugh i.' b'i ?tail, and Captain . ir iiniiy, win, !: .1? .111.11 tl l Ii: i- I. ! ,'!i Lca'a st.'iT under Bpe loi ilgnment, ; i lay, ?n ' Tin > v, i. ': - Btatioa n re but a for ( i . M. ii i mi III, I. . . here | olng North, ? !ap . lain Pond v. 111 P ObObl) tail r? - turo, bal Instead, Join his i i which h. i., i -iii" colonel, \ .. . . th Mrs. L ra . Inee th< y \\. ai to Hai' \?.i. all.turned .. !l"lii . tain Will oaateloeeaoo of tin* ?i?i>i?ti Kloo. Mr .1 i'i, V r ,'l th? i i il, I- in iii- ' I i ih. inti n i "i hla lar >t, .?,; . , i.i th? : ' i.? in-, ins r .-ii and v .Mi. v 111 , . laid he found itli i ol a Jo\ - I n Ulli n for "II-' '.! ','. Illel 1 , \| nt th, i" id \. ; i . . ' litful Ii tiini? pari? >. ti may. . i u?in h ' n ib? r of iii. Bubacii? Lelo lu l?ie RO-CO.tluI c-u-au Keep Your Youth If you are voting, you Mtiirally appear so. Ii you ar* old, why appear ao ? Ayerts Hair Vigor i will web roatore color to pray hair, an?l it will ai.? ' ,;ive your hair all the wilth and gt?* < f early hfu. I?o not allow th?? fftaVaaJ of yoar hair to threaten you longer with baldneas. Do nut be annoy?,! with dan.iruff. $1.00. At all dm^nLa. Wrtto to tha tlor.lor. If ?"i in i - t ' M i!?i all th<? ttanefiu yon rxj.ect.-rt (ran Ilie one ot tha Vigor, write um .. ,< tor aasal it Addr*??. Da J. c ATaTS. Lowell, ?J,-. A Milt? i I "It ll'I'iHX I IT?. Uni. HtiIiIo?i-?i gaeireeSa Dr. lantknU on ii llllaaaaksirp ii<?ni-.i. For i ?a i.i 11 time . lac? Saturday ? ; -v amor Tjrl? r ?roa al bai al rdar? ii- did not Und nnieii work, M ?h??' llttl? of im; hi?- in ill 'i : .n of Dr. P. T. ?Southall, mi mber of thi Board ol Dlrectoi f the Eai tern -' t< H ipltal, at Willlan ? The <; .- i not appoint? ! .' ' i. F, Hubberd, of rork countTi to r n ibbei ntly ted a mi mbi r ol ? lit board, his term to b gin April 15th, the time at h Dr. Boutboir? would have expired. term nil! i .? begin at Btee among h-s at the - Mr. !.. ? ' - tt, of th? Auditor*? offl ?, ?ft? i i ing ?now-bound al hi? home, n Aahiand, since s iturday, not i?, H ah tl recen! rtorm probably be w a ounly, Mr. Scol - | - ?. and that it th? fl ' ' :< 1- d itali. Commissioner of Agricultui B mich in' mattet i :. WOUld 1' . Of obin shooter told him Saturday that he I irk. Mr. ' n obtain the ?la r.r the I - \> i ! 1 1 g month. - i I retu in Amel : lp. l ?i. Southal] will leave M. for Columbus, O r the IS 11 xx i ; i Which 11 - - f tl t year. 1 lennial Buperinl ' Library yesterday. dli ? THE lll.iol OPE*?'?. I I*. Very Oaod iiiii. TTeaaph Ranas l?:i laree ire Dein)? ?i. All of th? m- mi- ra of the on i Hot Vet ill Ule City, 111 i,.i ? t, i at ?now bel w? sn Baltimore id .n- b York but with th? fix .?t n, in gt i to (/?-t her? befi - ?un. Bupplamented by m- turn anag? r well? aucceeded In i od crowd, considering the a i at the Bijou ai the matine? for th? ben? Hi of t h tor in i n turned OVi I I'u.-ns' Ri iiei A--o i,, money i help i Police) y g-lvli | plendld olub-*wlng1ng -nil bops? ?ii it hia , h? r< in l .- i" i formam a th He 1 .p : mi hem Inl m that th? v ?viil com? by thi and !>!' k Ft rguson arrh ?, ill? after,.n, and th< pleasing, m Thi II 1. | V i' tVormwn . Wortn I doga and monk? . ii \?..,i n. The m-?nk. \ s re trail i funny - ; ? i u- old All ol ie llttli ; In .?nun. a nrough th? ir \?p.ik like n a. tora. Tl id on? ni the military manual of arm l n . ill . did] d i- i ' >i icks. B< rnard I > llj n, th? a favori t in singing, nd it plea fen. All of t' Inn an?! Mack and Ken o and \\', Ich > iv< Ion, ?nd Mile. M< li os? In Hat, B. O. Mr. Olli? I lamploi ! . r VVi Ils air? d to W *1 nigh! ' i p ; ! take pi i t,i noon. will i ia tit to rn Ladle?' A ' the Virginia Hospital. I'll IM. 1*1(1? t: I (?It (?HI.. I!. I. in ii. 1 Pi t? i .i i . Wi .x .X N. ti I ! ni. I pi n ar . d a II, al an ar] i Jol 1. : cal C s? i \\. A ? lull-. I |. I?> 80 Cents IVr HiihIii-I ? l(e|i..rl?.l gnl?es ?il .**7 I'er 'lull. . . Q 'a put pi Id s iiv. ring ? - -il t-? pldly aa they can nil orden, bul a : ' re paying neat In almosi evi rj Ii mall !? ah rs liai I th? bul i hey i i :nmi charge i ?li i? 0 ? hel, w in -!i. . ired on th? rice what it would !.. . jo. ii into i.. ; : i. in : | urns di 11 f am ii id Wi \ irginl i city, Wl?*ed of III? Kntlicr'? Dentil. Roes, of Loud . \vh?> ? er - i\.-.i : telegram . : : ! i BBl nut? ; John T . borne til ? A ondent Mall, the ' en t h is uddi -- lar tu lbs v. i - expressing 11? wi I llngnes? to agr< .1 r? He'.,. ! 'I tUU'Ui.ll.- IJ mi liar U, m ul ti??. ,-.??i?. A in i ii.a litt fi T Cut r M ? r i A : sbo i' Is I 1 ? a BO tlOl li N \ of Ilia It \ OU l'.l? ONE LIHE OPENED. M-lUiiEKTiiit OAM OMM sow itl'S nm l.VI'O HK HMOXU. AN UNDERTAKER'S WAGON USED. Wood anil Coal llaal?'?* Ifl On?? Mnnr FotBNMM Sie <nrr? Inn All the I im-I The?- | ?ni?'Miree 1'uurml. in u Day. The Perry-street cnr line la now open I'l'in Un? p,,wer-h"ii"" to MOifl street. In Richmond, ami "ii" ear moa raantng yea? tardo* evontog and loal night only ooa track COO I,- n ...i, ?nil niiiy MM car In Ming u.seu. Thin ear oMfeea Hi" trip In lin-ut forty minute* it is expected thai "it?i tract v. 'i i opened to-day, nod a ?agolar achedale oMlntalaad batwoaa tin-? viwr-hoiist ?uni RlchanooA Whan it i? ?oturiden ?i thai Main Btraot a I ipened until | .-! rdoy, and then only roa Mala aod Vina Btraeta to Twenty* 1',-hih, the Blty Of M in'h.- i.T BOB ?ongrntolate bei teil thai iba boa a m r* lOB M sonn gfti r tin.' BOOW. Mr. It. 15. leiden, th.? BOperlntendent, is entitled t., redil fiiim the pecplo Nearly all the im- be in** overoeen the irork ??f n> BOMog tha BOOM Nothing rhotover 'nit ba aold M prolac of tho lanagecneot of tha Hull-atraet line, and ho p??"pie ?ir... aooiog boom very bard iiingB about it. Pu far m eon ba -it one effort of ooy kim boa been moda ; thin Ilii". though a greol rt. my oapeclally aromen and girl spend? nt on thla Moa t<? ajel to (hoir lace of employment in Rlcbinond. ir is hapoeelbla to predlcl when the lina ill Oped, 1 ill IIJlKsS I ': al of werk in ih" way i f melting daya iii miiitii'iy i i : k. ma v be weeka. u: Bidewalkfl along Hrii atreet ara col to norroa but no mow baa been moved from the BtreeM. Th? citizens a eaerclah Ir right of raising i ioa '." fa - bun It Moyoi I -ui either the Street Commit!.r Hit iponj la fore him to in why tha prli >? >i Btreeta are not be* ' d off Tl e ci np Hi a the at m< rcl ?t enough, a .1 people are suffer " nit. UNDERTAKER'S 9. AOON U8KD, \ number <n pi ,.| ! v bold a '. . hi'h v. perho] lu kiin! in thi Ir -\| 1 - ? prominent rit!? n to gel any him .1 load ol 1 vehli l" of y other hind, had 1 under 1? v and ?v.i? lillint; i- m ?od. Tin y. _ t ir pn singular appi rushing" snow, Olli d oil fui I, wi nt t.. their d< : '1 UREE PUNERALS FESI ERDAT, 'he fun? ral of .Mr. II. B E ht? r, who .1 sudd? ni?- Mond ly moi I n M itoai nains were rak. n out by the m In. H family, I;. .. J. ?: - .in ll, : "... I'nil' .1 M ' ; i'.,, i. w. Toi? r. ?.>. J, An i J i: a R? M induct? .1 th 1 he ti, i i 'I \ WI nail' m her ii'.n < Interment was made in W y. Ri v. l >i l_ R. Tbornhill con : : I I '. ?rol tributes PERSONALS AND BRI! any ?>f the cl I their Ir. I fri.nils In ir. Floyd D 1' 1rs. \ ' itrii k wtth pai i verj ely. ;.. i.. ,'. talned : woi k. in i C !" ,ke a,l. sh-W? In j moi la I ei, ireh. All during es will i" held t this ,.? k mi Mondays 1 b, la Id at I i 'il' M, P , ets, f. II on ' ' nn( t herself badly. Di i a ? led an I the child. Ilii ?I of I'liitiiiii'iiii?. . ,- ?... w Ibui ' ivelll ntbury, hl* G i . i from pi PLAGUE OF THE NIGHT. iil\.; PILES sm> olliilt itlii l ti? i ROI n l>' BASIL1 < I Hill) 1 S MISS IMD SAFE METHOD. Hi nutrU.i ?lit- Ninnlur ?if I ur<-, iiiii?- ii? in? Pyrooald Pila i nr?-. ' : hing ,-, in,a :.,liable || he p ui n . ie "i.. Pyi . i .-, n..t only f"i ii hing pli? ' -, .th. i form of pli- - Mind, bl? ling. Th. lirai appll? i ind the continu? ' ' di la ; 1. S. tup id thai HUp| imllar di b I . I . I n (.. I . ,,! -lai. Ij fr. e froi ilum, or, iu fa? t. any i a Injurie Pyramid ''il" Cure mpt in lin I. le ' . ?,i lot - know?, the oaly poMtlve for pli , e? ?ear the Pyn arid PUa Cori ?, . th? i.i kii"?n. the soi \ ''..:.['. , i.. '.lie. .,1 iini-ni il a ai M P n Id ' >mp my, Mor* II, Mich., tor book on luae u . and alao bondr !? f t s tuno Bl! parts "f the I'iilfeil ?: Bg fr.nii BO) form of pi!. i drugghu for a pockog of Pi rarold CttlO Wd try il 10-hlffct : i r wli . T ni-, eh i I s. m in i" ' the be i ir ui' I I.I Mil T 1. ' Of 1 "1 of N ? Will 1. IS ' ' am "1 The do ?i v. Wit I l i ill the \ and froa i net? mai b? in \ m.a by Hr. e.l Ullll G afti pui loh bat S|.? aan ?\?i m i pllb ack ITCHING Burning Scaly Instantly Relieved by One Application of Rathe tho afTrto-1 pnrto thonne-'ily xvith Hot WaTBB aad fm Cfi'-.x S"?v, tor-move ;!i??'ni lt8BJ idaOBlas, and arftt tithe i:,ti;iin.>d, crack, 1, bl - ig or thickened cut:? ! -. S it apply C\ nct'RA Ointinont, the peat skin rurn ami BBJBS) of emollii nt?, to allay itching;, irritation, ami iutl.imiu.itiou, and OOthe ami bl (1. Lastly, lake) S full ?loso of (Ytk?i-.x IT gets? IB I. to cool and ek m a t!io liiood, and expel lit mou QansTa. ThlggiaoiBlitaliiifit ?ffiailt hialanlmlliif.piiimli? - land ileep,aad point? to n> gpaedy, psnasnant, and ?'conomicil mi-oof ?the mo?t toajtoring, disfiguring, llching, barnlng, ami acalj skin and scalp htpnors, mahaa arel Irritations, ?vitii loas of lijiir, xv?i n all other igaedlesand even the best phvaid ms tail. And f'ki-i by '.i?lrn( Cctk DBA ' ???.P. fraftte?? of la Ptttityvm and Beautifying Hoapa, ?a well ? urest and BWaMaat tur toi!, t, b?lb, mid BSTMry. H ,1,1 thnr.jfhont tl.' mrtt Pnrit.Tni- B*T, Il ?'.or Soir. ?> , <)i?tvt?t. W . g??!?? ?(V*lf *!*?), ?A?. Puriski/. ?sol ?-p.iSV.,I'i?p? . P.S.A. BrilUbd pot, K NrwH??r *-'.- ..,Loodon^ 11 j?r t-.i n-, il ..,,... !..e. 1st Step 2d Step 3d Step SAVE YOUR HAIR. HANDS ; rlUCHBETTERWlTH?. (CeONTIN?BD PROM PIR8T r in i i? lia m ?n report l il M il! r. poi i al 1-' .M . and ift? rnooi M. i a 111 i Inf i ! of their ' m al t< im, and On l'i-i :.. ; ., - .. ir re? . ' mi arrangem? ni m tde for ; the Worn d a holiday since Monday, all recita? tu- ? I th: i I'll,- nlghl ' a the i irk last eight. 1.1, i>ii,.a, Byatcn \'l Right luperini f the ah' in mpiiny, an* : . m was irking well all over the city with the The ?vice there has I m Ii i] i?'hts wai b : wli ii Richmond lanent line i i ' i : had thirty or I ra llnemi n '.S , 111' ' hmond T Compa I r in M . t. n up. Sinilher Lull' ?Inriii I uniiiiu. \\ the \\. st (iulf . rgy, which i by milng ??ill ; shown by ii riy wind?, ami 11 ing tem? o. WI a the i i , bl, matical do no! think M i? llkel) thai It ? i i : ' :n that direi ? iniuMi nui mi? TREATED HIM. i fur iii?- laalatnaea ??i Dr, Mae? ?-mi Death Might Have Reaalted he N? n i - -? "i Hi. attempt ii. Ruffln, N i ' t?ly, i'i ii Stuan i V I 111' king al? ng th? i ?lit; tl :. the t ugh th atlon, '. ' under i A'h-ii Dr. Mac] ? The tor Irli . " ' Will. ? ' pur- j of in " !" the i inns hui n had borrow? l needl? :. - had II h arm. Rufl knife, ; ' ward. ?VI1. ir, Mai ! u have . and ulnui. f i>. hoe Irona ami in ' in prime ta 11 e ai Vhen Raflln "., i. .1 he n 1er the skilful it of D New y< i k. and : tin* . tance '' ' "' -da I .,, ?, ii,i m ail prob iblllty havi . S???ir?l i?n?l lllhle lot Phllflg, .1.VE8T? ?N TEX Pebrua ? i , Tin.? rri'i.-n a t.tlful ?a il B id i I,, in Bui i : ' d children ' . v were pr?s? at? tl to i lommodori : u \\ Philip, ?? ho i ih" i tleahlp T? ess ' irlng th? war with m. ri,,. aword waa made by th i.. (inn which iteelgi I l ... . i in appro? il "t Comm i lor? PI lie utl< ran iftfi th? Hani nowMdglng tun aoverel?gt|i o? a. mighty ' 'rio battl? ihip ' here, com? i by Captain Bigsbee, and all of her m? h .. ?ny. It I : I : C \Ri: OF ? ilii.HHi: v?. llill 11 I Co ?mi Hoir? Hibcobb and iiu?.?? la the .lnnii?. W 18HINOTON, I'. ? . I"? b State 1 1.1 "A resolution ?Aha h i? ?sell worthy of and whil 1 In the Am? rlc in 1 by the - ell ol v .valia, tli?- seat of a rslty. According t?> tbta resolution, the teefh of 1 he poor ?pupila of the ; thai cltj the parents glx'e l i. te! d to treat dl ai in a liki hould th iful." NEW PO8T-OFFICE8. IX he- 11 !.. int), Va., T. 11. i-un?? .-i. poetm ister; S, Murreil, Po Bl Itts, Rol . ? ., mail to Orrun; 1 ?olph, 1 luplln ' '"int.?. ni to M ty; Harman, M county, N. C, mall to V . i .'.' k Mi 1? Joe, 1 lu , Ve., mail to D*> it. ?STAR MAIL SERVICE. and ai ?? kly. d In North ;. sick coui coua tj ; y ' Bl OYS IN THE J \M have 1 n . 1 Il II tile lower ! .1. the middl? ol the ut channel through ? ; ?ode'fl !. "un Decei . I 111 e. ' of tile (,. 1 111: I'll I ?III Ri TOI lt*x lill'.N I. iiu Cnamploa ?rrlved 1 ???? \iuin II.- II ?II I'll.? To-Mul.l. Th? 1 ?ng-exp t d Mr ! . . Ill? mil. li-l ilk. d-al-.ut -. '; 11 I, and all (Val Was'll.Ill' -I ?? It may n . bui tbal fact Mr. P 1 the 1 the Urn? K .llilit tlon w? light. : not 1 ' hilaI ?in . |l noticeable unnaturally lari .1 al 1 under ROI ?.?i . mi itn mi: x r II1. Pnssengrera sa rn-im-iu Havs 1 '? .?(?nu TI111,?N,, l'uni)., |l,,\?.-i.r. PLYMOUTH, l.N'i , F . The ri t '.? ... . . -i 1 mo is rrlved 1 I In i 1 - Pretoi ?port? d ill U -' du ring \ 11 waa i the ?xa? bitl ' '?IKll all Ich in ?Pretoi 1.1 a I t?> a 1 : he "?n 1? 'k at tiaiea w ia In ne a ' I a 1 -1 r11. -. \ ?ex 1 - hurricane ?Hi 1 ' 81 h eaus? -i ? . and ' Il s ?as fsi t wo da; . um. the -' -ami t ma ' i? mile? ta I fine? bad to be ?topped la thu o?a lees? r, Tii-i.i? . 'il-, ? 1 ?S ?-, j t *\ IRTED. POSITION AH llursi'lKi.:., fined lody '.f eapei Ad'lr. . .'| i, U IMllI), \ pnurr-CLAss cook <lr. ss, no locumbram . i m on the loi r N JONES, ?;. -, and 10 noi , i fe Hi-lt_ SS S M 111?. A rOUNO MAN IHOI work In l, ik' i r. "aun.' nd? d Apply to II I S\ \ VI 111?. EXPERIENCED MAX. i ilthful, win. ', 1 \V \\ I I.II. l'I.r-\ll',i:i;. in OOI.D8R? . ? wages \S S \ I I li LADIES AND Q New 1 t,, tai ' ' \\ \N III. TOI NO MAX WITH H - W ?Mill 17NDERORAD1 I ETASTI i PROFIT .1 LE A| : -. i irork ?' a thorough! ' :' ' . Pl'BLISHi: i ' 111 USES* ss ssi?. M . \ l i 11 "ION COMi'AN ' I... ?\l?. I?l \? I HU I? I III I WE ' ' i . m kw hi at Pluur i- liai' WAI.LERSTE ruAThll ?\M I II. MINT m , - JOHN H 11 ' s\ s \ i i i. ' ate pri? ss \ \ ? i n i i v . \ - : ' bith 'phom \\ SSII l ?r no Dr to u pull; r : i ?ORGE T, KI? _ i V* SSII 11 \ I.I'lH ' \ : ' \ S\ \\ I I II. ?lot Mai v : REN I SS S\ III?. ihth, J. RINE \i: _ W IMIIH. 'RNI8HED H' ?OM Bl Ol ' Hing ' ? \ s i-: M S\ SSII H. Vi - OR THRI I" !: ' ' IDIEOI Chicheater'B Enj!;?h P n..l: , ,,rft xh? Best. T . I - '. !..' ." . '? Return Mnu. (.hlcbealcr C?Ja_jlc?ri.o.. l'li!. i ,. . i,. (au I-Tu.Th.Sulyl l all RBIT. t? a i ou RE? r. IAT VERI A i i i: \. i ,' " -.-1.. r > : -i\ i ... ?nth. .1 ': ' ' I I. _ I Uli HIN' I .P 1VERN? >R BTH POI.LARD a i 7 north Kl n I nil It I N I . IE TWO-STORi i la ,k ' L I'H'I'a'll* - - \| I-k V f th? H nk l I : ' .. int-('olon< III HUBS* DFFOR I l SITU ? ' _ lltlll ?I.IIV Ml ???.I" s, SS ??..'> I i SMITH ?et. A FI? T " |ii \ I ?I? I. SI It ? \ I I?. l\U POI l-H TR IVED TO MV I ? iRHK va y m inklla. UROADA? ,.A,K .IOI.U Sl-I 1 be suis lu plaosc > ?-1*-*