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Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUE.SDAY, FEBRUARY 21. .899. 7 __ J. M. FO?RQUREAN & CO., 113 east Broad street. Now the Weather's Right for Shopping, and the lines wc can show 0. the ?pliflg's fir?t outcropping will keep you ri^ht in your selection*?. No season in our experience has been more productive than this or the dainty and elegant in cotton fabrics. I he designs are SO varied and so rival each other in beauty as almost to tax ones selective ability, while the colorings, in most instances fa?t. take in the whole ;;amut of ?hade. The exhibit i? worth ?ttU?gt and those who appreciate ?irst choice will buy ri^ht now. Il ZBPHYft m? ' - Ht'-' ' i ' , : ' I ' ' ?l.aiKfi?, fill * * : ' / J, M, FOUROUREAH & CO, J, M, FOURQUREAN & CO. J, M? FOUROUREAH & CO, ?papp aassossssssasssssssass aaaasss assssssss ^??r?r><>sassssostsss SCHLEYS RESPONSE. - i i i - il t ' - ' - ' - ? ' ata-a \KI' 'I - ??r t?w lii-wv?... n | || I .... . ... ' l< 1 ' . .1 .1 I , , . V\ , i . i?i , MarJ.trlt \ Wlr\L Or tAKOUl .' ' - . iBlaaool IbIbIUMs fOR WOMAN'S P.CULlAlx WUKN.SS?8, i i ?: . ,.r, s I - - M ?Uf HUfultD t BH-tl' I It 1? I?? SI ' ?1 ? I . . ' - . j .. Ufi. ?ir?_?th< . ?ret rosa, i? U' ?J. ?. !'..t. ,1 ?? ?i.tu sv:., ?; i ? t w.'ut.u ?uft ir aai tte.- i -cbt XVin.- I ' *? ? f r K Ml? ?: ?our -rug i h BBSS? '?-?""J ??r??-v_J _.,- ?, ??? ?,' ?.V? : J,?? AJ .. ' ?_? ' x-o? .tf.tiioi??. I?.., t**?4 taaot^a. 7Vw?t. ?.? I a IBI1M. C??m?.s.S C...??t "S???!? y??d*(?te jIC. 'g-i?i ? js-.a Si t?liir.f of tfe? aaab ?n?3 I ?"Mraij cur?? har." 1 *RbM miles m ihe sw : i NT I XII I II..1.1 ? I ll"i -I? ll"l ?I XI \ I M I ? ... itlessl lulu .- H- it -1... x -i .... i - i \ ? . .. p ? i ' i - - - - ?rteraa'a l?r ter.alur.l ?Bielde. - ae ?o* c - ' lua affected ?' . ? l'HILL TO PA! SPAIN it rt??F.a notai: i six h ?t? PE4?IOt OF THE BILK?. HI! R?0RG.IMZITI0? MEASURE I f? Rarnn.. laflni.hrd lln.inr.a I ??raste, Ttiaa fli.pi.ln? ?f (nil ?mining Bill f'?r Thl. ?...In?-fit! to R'p.r i.a.ftnlr. Tasar. Unas?. ' Baa ?uapaaalOB day In th? Bosse minor bosln^.a waa - - ' '- > ' .Sassui -, Pa. a.? war claim. was r< I jspenalon < a 4, Opposed ' I ' -, failed to v ?aaaBBBaa! - ' ?*aaBB****B****BBBBsassBfl^^^H**| I I ' ? I '??BBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBfl ? - - ... in, ? ? Pr.? rr.llaa? I:?.. . a . ? 'ha*. Ik ; .- .. . :i....!?si :. ?Id : . ? ' ttg BB. r?r?ort ?o Ocr?-.?? by Mtnrh ! 1 art rail ing, aft.-r man. . m ; > ir?, n- for IS? bnsertio t - *m?n<!r-??n! B ?BBS ' ?t?S? Vl ?a-r.riM.nt a i - ?tola . i and agscodaiont at . ?-m rrnw. I Mr It,-. -naa of th. M:ilt*o- AB UM arm-- r^r? , BsaagaaasaM -. i-. : ? I i r?f ? : .< ' - ; ' * ' - . - - - V.- It ? . - :-, : raj Mil tbo aaflnlahad basin?*?. ? was passest am*?~?1tra an act ' - I- B p. r .--.t ?' BBBa M ! of a : - s' vv n in i? vi ?it un ti? v Mr I ut II It'll, .i. U. BOX? ?I II?.- lira Ihr In frrliir BS|iart n?.> n t H I i ! ' . . B : . . I <?s v i i.,s in nut ss l.allrr llrpral? ?IKInlr? < ? u I ?i I ?.il. ?(..? Misil? rtSBlBBg 4 I - - - ' '-..hlr.g S.? (k??|. la X.uaii.rtal Mo??? B'AJ N'? Cli --y it? ':.< ? .---rial flgbta. UPROAR IN CORTES. I | I III X 411 ? Xt ?in?!' Kill? ?I I M? ni-l'Xixi. '?I i hi im"! rH\M. FUL SPANISH SURREN. II Vl.i.p.ia 4.1?. XX I? ? i.rn.riil? XXI... ? i |.l, u Inf. il ?<? II???1 S.n llii'i, ?hot ?M?? M BB h.-uu. r.l as a >n "m |il Itilr i , ?>?r " gallerl?? i 'i ' i ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' Hi ' I I g ?tilt ' ' ' * ' ' a? ' I ' ' ' HA ' 4 I . ' . . 4 V ... - I I IX ! HI "??II??? 4 1 II III ! I ? lUmirl I li.l ?K li.naliKra ???ara? M.'.rmiir Is* ? ' BBS ?I?' 4t?riii|?|. I that Sa - '?n?i'l?ra the aao * h the |ea4> a - Sew? - 'a fa 1? - , ,i, -'>ssi l*r a t:oa?v I:xtra Pianos. Superior Value? Faartsaa asara liaea veto? IJlltl til*- Slllt? ,tl I lu? Colby Mano* In trt?? BBMtBtlaaa 91 li.t v | ?.it ;t 11 , i iiiritt i> ?h.? liinst ala) ara .t Mu iitiiiiiiii aad 11"1 keel _m? tit uns. Gross? Vv -tun' Baptist ? luir? ii iiti'i it-it other ohurchsa bass pul. liis.,1 COI II IM \M>S. i;. nilv acquired ifl IMK\ MM (01II, IW.IGHI m .1 pis no ir.iii., .uni s ii lia Hi? i ,?t s*.?rt h. and si .ii Bi w i 1111, > i, ". ara Bill n 11 11 tur S250.O0. It ist horoutjhly wan i ntsd for fl ' Call or sri MANLY B- RAMOS CO. no BAfl BROAD ?TRI i I 4444444? 4 4 4 4 4 ? : Misfit : 4 / - i Shoes. 4 : , s.. I,av. nn b t'i'l ni"mt | r . ..I \f i \ . Sll"' . ..ill T . | ' | ' I V\ I,|l?|| lll'l I I 1.1 ni si !" not oalt ? : W . i f ; all Price j i Call'. I . ' i hi- pu?, ' in x 4 w\ i Isad a t I ppl ? a? PATENTED CUSHION Rubber heels, i ,i.',< f VY. I. IIK?.W& CO., ? Z >ibIb and Klglilh -it?, a a 0. ,,....??... ............ m % ? , The E. B. lajio? Company's IvoStires So. ION cast Vt.i.a anJ V | rast Brood strei-t. 4 Hoarls Sa . .. er?, Be / m> cul ((Sine i ha la ., '. g * Will. .. than th.. (arg an?i Coal hii?r>ir Lrtahr? arid Crearri : g fj.gjtsfj wku.1? Hiittor?, . 4 i? 5 ,ff?-r' 4? ?6 pgg IrUl- !s-_tTu I IHKMI.I.? lilt.?.IBs. VS4I.OS?. ??. VV I ?HI I II I'? 14 -: iZBS ,\.? _r-,.\o Ait i- ?. Kfc.i a .;:-. wf all I.nil? tloa?. jatt-lsa ? Soap-sprung -Pearline. Came from ?soap??in ?mprovfs t?^t*i ment upon it; a sort of hi^htr development '*^*ib??i\. ot soaP? jl,st a* man *s s?\4al to have been "S^ T*| deveajpcd from the monkey. Kvery virtiK* that gooxi soap has you" H find in Pearline All the soap is in it that's neces sary. Pearline isn't meant to be used with Mxap. but to take the place of it. Fvery? tiling that soap does, Pearline does, and does it better. mi ?d* r -*1 In. ,U'V??a?w?owi Wood's * Trade Mark Brand of GRASS ? CLOVER SEEDS AKI ,V \ ". best v in be ohtatnexl, sadcastooi ama csn sla/syt iiep.'ii?! on i >n?i ?ai ?sit is to pi i 11 r m I ta iMilv tant ?nit UBdSf ?tal, ?tnJ with a ltd l?'h?'l ot * ' taSS. Fall Informatisa in ear Oescriptlxts C*!a?o?ia* at Garasn aad Parat Seeds, allai ?III be mailed free an application. Writt tor it and prtcea > any Saadi r?e,ulf?d T. W. WOOD ti SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Ya. THE IABQCST SF| "i HOU9C IN THC SOUTH