Newspaper Page Text
J_ TOR PTPTTMOND ! ? B p rt TI i tt- vv E D N B8P?Y. M A RUH_hJggi DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes ?ou Miserable. SWAMP-ROOI Is the Great Remedy for Kidney, Bladder, and trie Acid Troubles?I o Prove for Yourself Its Won derful Merits, You May Have a Sample Bottle Sent FREE by Mail. ib if 1 ' yea 1 ' Thi i i kei p II ' and fn bot four I If yt nays, I w. i they will hi lp all I i ilth. 11.- treatment may i - inger. Not so with * um;,h of the ' ered - m< r, and h truly * onrti i fui h? ding a< I ?- a on I I it will i found both i wo- i Kl.ll. catarrh of the I form i c : IDlt i 1 I to n main IT houre, ' 'ilinim oi 11iiiK. or has a . loudy api I your kidney? and bladder mi r'a Bwamp-Rool corrects ln . hold watt iptly ov< .Ity of h<Mni; ften during the day and : j times during the night impt, mild, and wondi in 50 it or fl bottlea. M il "f tn? SWAMP TU ?. it, Dr. K oot, and remember it li . i i?r. Kilmer ft Co., iiing mton, n. Y. iwamp-Rool has been teated ?n ao In h pltal work, In private among tti ptese poor to rellel I has pi ovi d so i i ;i arrangi ment han i read* ri of the Bpatch, who ha\.- doi already tried It, iv have a sample bottli ol at. olutely mall > I ... a i.k telling Knot and some th<- thousands u] inda of t< a i mi i' t?. 11 reci ivi '. from men and .-. ho owe tbel hi It h In to tto- won ratlvi i f Swamp-Root re and mention the i. Daily : sending your addn '.Kill ,i, N. Y. SAMPSON A.NDSCHLE I \M i ( ICS81 I 1. ?IIOH PO i i>M not nu nt PROMOTIONS SAMPSON'S ALLEGED UNFAIRNES It i* Mauls lin- Basla of Opa-oaltloa a lite I'url ol It itltr, i'ct t i k rcw, ?ii gtSW :irl ? Stille > '? I'll.-mis \?lv At tlttii. Hut in \ ill ii. \\ ASH1NGT 'v t w.,> n ei mi\ to-day confirm the nomln aions advan i Bampson md 81 hit y and other ofl i.-is \.: ; pated In the campt due to U .ill. :'. petti and Bt n '. v. ho t ,u.. .1 through I : : : tv- a vote. . 'i - entiri Benn - Jectlon I ?n ti,.- rc\ ral for a Imlral : I Ci? i In. THI I E?t >8 TELEGRAM. Mi i ' that the -,.- bi I n Mil , i m Bampson'a ben gponatblf itton ol tti 'i hi n "f riiis j. ?lnt let to impaon ha \\. i i 11C UNANSWERABLE, ley's statt "t in Ma) n-chle m lo the enem) ai s I woi thy of com in> nd i Ion at thai l Ont ow it could grown mi i . It tt.-r of July lu "No "i.' gel around that logh.' add all Pett grew. "This matter Is o ugh t: kli"W n to BkOW the Uni aoa, without rt^'io to the other matte) at iill." H ? ida o? . i that ht agreed with thoss a I that tht ?. minatlon - that !. ted bin t u.' rmt d, and he s if pro lag St bley with la t -. ?.. n unacted upoa," si P 1 cannot be don ..d Mr. ii Ut tl. lj,l !.. Mr, P< ttlgn w. Hut tht sslo? tlon. M n> V litttm it\ i BAROBJg, OaasaaMtaa akajasatg iii.d? Be raaai MfaaHti *?k? Casta*? aaarah. adiar, Irosa tat _ !*"K ted to I ** ? Of that ..ui... bribery In the i lection Hon. If. A. Hanna, as Senate. Th? re no direct remonstrance out thai Mr. Hanna was nol -lit to be expelli .1 from th? by t he Si nata, it wa that no oni bas appeared be ommlttee, and that no . been r< celved i i yond the foi m ' the action ol th Btate ? notwithstanding these failures, the com has Investlgati d the ?-hau il finds that "in. n- is no proof iUh .?ti. .i. ? ithi i Mi it ih Mr Hanna wai senator thron?.-' brfbi i :-., or (2 hut hi h .-l any agent . ngaged in car Benate, a hi tlj or Implli d! luthorlaed bj Im to resort to corrupt methods or to an] orm ni \\ i.- .i".' g; oi t ?) that ho lia - - of the facts .. hi i "i It n ay i said that then no . > Idi in ,- whli h fairly tends to prov. Ither .-i ihe foreg Ing three propositions i: vi.-v. i ia- Comm ' i i Eli ctiona have i - n that the United Bi iti ' . ali. d "I i -- to take any a Ion i; the preml MINOR] PI BJ PORT. A mlnorltj repot 1 inii. y. Pettus, andCaffery, waa pi I by B< nator Tut 11 talo Itlon thai a further lnv< stlgatlo - quiti fully ln1 ol ; te case p iy ihe i ?hlo E 'lid that th? attempt ..n the part 0 loyce to buj < Ills'? vote foi M il.inn. b mpl 'I'll. : laim that ll ' .. '. anil Rathta .;! ih Kell House, In Columb Kann iul 1 li > h.- id m with th? i Dvcr the tel< from the Otbsot 11 . In Cincinnati, as "\> i hi ard by c ! "11 was in their Interviews," th< the purchai m' the i ' I - twei PLENTY OF EVIDENCE. with th i ill extra the committee of the < ?hi- - .a these convi rsi ... .-. tin- latin 1 ind Ffanna'a m - thai to Qti ?te it woul carry the report to unneceeaary langt . > ' \\ think the ( to which w :, Standing ted and unexplalne :. of Mr. Hanna'I man; not only k:? m thi pa had In vi< a h CIik natl, bul ah o thai thi y aid? d i i:i i arrylng out t h and that th whlli Mi . Not teas ?>' Wm?i'?M??iii,i', BIRMINGHAM >\LA P ?i Iron and Bl C< mpany to-di thi Ir coal mini ling to-morTOu the wa would be Incn ' t iilitii. i t rtala nt Madrid. M \ I i ., , . || ,--. I of the In final vote on 11 - I " - of th.- Phlllppll U tl cannoi boj i alngl? addltlo i _ Bagara BeMtenr nim-haraeti. lam- s Byrd, the ool >i Virginia Reglan i some time ago ,-r, i I N ' ' . Burton, a t had a tlnnl heart' rvtohffc 'in- i a been i ? . lim? und a^aln. Whten tus ^. j?. .. * j j sa * ?*e ? ? **m -? - _ tailed yeaterdav morn Irr. however, every-' thing was reedy, and lbs Brtaeace spun mu. h length. Tha shooting oc curred on .January ^th. Just s montn Mr?. Johl I riury ?tieet. where the Bur ton woaaan ?hh < n p eyed as a Hasting (calorad), was with Byrd ??..n the shooting oa irred, and he too res b? Id. Attorney?. M. } '. Maury and ,;!eiTi rsptaagatad tha two men. while colonel Bpoottawood appeared aa f.,r tha Commonwealth. The men wars discharged, mainly upon the evideace of the lturt'.n wo maa, Which whs very confllctlng ?A how? ver, for carrying a i1 .'led. HASOXK HOME wm V Tha I.miles to I niilliiiie Tlielr l.ooil Work?Hie Saw Oltleers. was a ! the Temple of the axillary. 'I he ; lb) the i i> lidi at with - tlful prayer f"t- ! dlally welcomed, and every nun, .-;. i . bi.: in .1 name?at the n< i I of the a "f i>r. ' -. .-k. and the i - - ... from th in, the iry. A txillary will contln the t ili phone ,-e ($46 pi : li "in, Mrs, m. E. ? Mi W. .T. Lj nham h den k i. .n i will n i" i ! order i nd k. ?. ao teeth of one orphan. ' rch. The Beers of tl dent, Mi -. W. s. M n on Mi I. A. E Walt, T< mpli i No. 9; Mrs. tl. M. 1 E. P. Hulct Bett [j No. 11; Mrs. A n -. No. 11; Mr \. .1 i: inond Ram -. No, lit; Ml - M iry t '. I Ind. St. John's Lod| L T. Christian, Joppa Lt dge, No. H>; Mrs. Augustus At p||, Dovi Lodge, No. .".l ; Mrs. 9 !.. \ irtney, So. 76; Mis. .!. I'. M i?. if. M. Harriso w bington Royal Mi W twt od M. William-. Rh hmond Comn No. .'; Mrs, Wellford C. Reed l'omm indi ry "t Bt Andrew, No. i l Mi -. Frank \\. Cun ningham ' - s. nd I W. Hall < n w, Tt-in t ., Royal-Arch i ptei No. 32; T W. Fiel ; ion, La fay< tt Royal-Arch ? Ihaptei. No 'i Bryan, i hall n inittt -; Mrs. ,(. S. Moon . hall man of n? 'onstitution and : R by Bodek' r. chalrm u J R. Glll, ma of Flnanci I lommll H P firman ol House Com : Mrs, T. N. Durvii ri in of ! Committee; Mrs. w llllam w man "f Membership < omm Ramon D. Gan In, eh i|i man of e Committee; Mi F Committei Wafl nn Uni in n r> |)n-. - one of Justli .i . i a then for him to th> a Coll -, was be fore rest in oiiv. : tice J?l t ned ' - - ; offi ii.-e- that of carry il ir i he ; for carry Ban w h cr?ai ince In the Bijou Thi end waa R Charles Rosser was il'unk again, and irity In ?- - ten di Prlnaroae ?it Docketader'a Minstrel?. Thi ht, at the Ara Liny | a Do h Il be seen f,.r the first time in tl la M< . ?n d i loi kstader are m t-n nt of superiot quantity, many of Its novelties being unique and top Un k of comedians In Iti there nre i four of the mi ri tl tha or ganlzatlon tlona of th" t t"?riamme I ,1 list of promini nt tumi - and A i ugh the prlnclp of tht city will be given this morning. Mis* Baagbss Wed? .Mr. I.arrett. Mr. Samuel M i: isa ft i led at tha resident of Mr . li. C Mlllei. N Carrlngton stn n >' k The ' ' ! n on) form. .1. S. I'ill i '. P., pastor of , nabli -- reel Baptist church. The happy young people left Richmond on the ":)."> train of i he Chei i i ?hio roa.! for N v wa, when W ill reside. \ Month for Revenue Collecttoaa. Tho Inti mal rt lions al Rlchmt nd office for I of Pi bru? ary amount t., abo I ng, and I I |y twenty-eight days in the month. Thi . more I o and cigat bout S Keeplag I'p *hs Good Work. Al . ' mi etlng of th- Citizens1 - , latlon < Becurity Bank Monday afternoon tt lowini re made; Clt) Mission .1 I . . IV \ lously donatt d . l I Total . Itonter of north < urollnn Troops. Mr. Graham Davis, ol Ni w . A<\< \0 the North Caro Ins B m the Confederate Museum four * durai th" roster of the N federate soldi? i are n val i ributlon to the room, and are hi tain much val uable Infoi. To He Miirrted 1 o-l?.i ?. At ri .- Count ued . Mr. William ). t; w< ll-knoa a gi iln-dt ,.r thi-? cit f. <imi Mis? Bad A daughter of Mr. Jacob B. Atk 0. li." ceremony will take | ty at the home renta, and the . . ..n ?i northern I I Mr. B. P. McAllister, HarrMs. burg, Ky., says: "1 employed nu meruus methods of local treatment for a s.-vtre eaag of Catarrh, but the dilCaag grew ?.>r*Hsteadily.getting e tinner grip OO me all the time. I finally realized that this treutment did Dot reach the diseuse, and fatuidad tu try ?wift'a Specific, SS?Blood which promptly got nt the seat of the trouble, and cured nie perma nently. ' Catarrh It a blood dis^asa a".d can not be reached by sprays, inhaling mix tures, etc. S. S. S. i? the only eure. Btfsfj for valuable books Bulled free by baiit Bpteiflg Oonpsoj, Atlanta, (Ja. >^*%%%*%%*^ If YOU WANT "THE ONI, Y GENUINE HUNYADI WATER, ? Insist Upon Receiving ^* _t B^BRU APERIENT WATER, J the only water which comes from the Hnnyadi Springs J of Hungary, owned by .._.?- rIIMt;D ? ANDREAS SAXLEHNER, J Budapest. J SPECIAL PRSCES. Expecting to wmoTO shortly to our NEW BBOAD-8TBEI?1 ?BE, Wh Ii.-iv,- determined to make reductions on au Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Ac. EORGE W. ANDERSON & SONS, 1,204 Ecist IVIciin Street. M W > ni' l ill: on < Ol RTS. dsja A\ itt appoints Jnstleea? nr. trump's will Approved. ' !h mci ry < foui I Hai Harris quallfli -l aa execul Harris. Emily A. ? 'rump quallfl i '' ump: est ite valued a: Susie it. Bis lighter .| . dined aa lx of S irah P. Blaugnti r. in the i :lty Circuit < fourt Jm I of J. S, M ' i J Crowder, for IM.94. a ..i : qulty i , ase of x. w. Bows i. P. R McLellan, for 175. Howe qualified to pi ictlce law w and Equity Court. Witt appointed the following : for the next Is montl L'lay W, Tyi. r; Madison \\ Ward, I ?. B. Cates; Ji !'. Montgomery : . J. McCai thy. i en in a of Those ol mi ntloned In the abovi list criminal warrante, bul b.:!. The Hat Is cbangi d by s Property Transfers. ond: Bllen K Ca? miel iel i Lan? i X. Young, 431-tfeet on nnrth side Cary ,,.] if Bnruc H L Denoon ami srlfa to R. B. Bowi ' - Thir.l Stt oulstana and Denny, $200. William J Holni.'? and Emily C. - Tnm>.., to ;"-i ?;\ ?' Holn es. 28 -? -.-t on el I : , ::. l>-, l ! feel on n nil -* de Br eel ) - :t!i t side v Franklin and fi ft on north sid" Venal a 1301-3 feei ??st of Twenty-sixth. J1 ,,.1 a , ,t IIS lUth of Marshall, Jl Rmlth to H mi II, 1? 3-4 ' ' t on north side Franklin street, M f^et ?" it of Wall, s<ub|ei.'t to (1.*>.) of tn: I ' 10 feet on nurili side ('f ranklln stn ' bel neat " Blx- , 1 of trust. ' _J '. f.-#>t <.n Franklin it ! ner Fifteenth: 48 I nth, and M feel ) l'ail strei ' trust, 15 ' " ' : l-r, t th side ' '-'ry street et east F Si ice all* i MM II. nrii-o: Allen O. Collins, trustee, to n : A. P lots li !'.. and II, in ,. Leonard li- Ights, J1 0 The Monthly Pollen Report. Sergeant Bhlnberger's rej >rinry Is aa follows umber of arr -ton I es l.. ordl . in-.- vlo al nlghi CASTOniA. Bear, the J?TU M fa I Ht? Ah mi li MY MOTHER 8UF WITH I ! by two ph) si-Mai n, who t i She j; ,i rhoi a Hem- *v d five di ?es b eil? f. 1 ke - ?: marl E. ! .-. li ,: ' IMl SEMENTS. ACADEMY OF Ml MC, m IRCH JAMES W HITO ?MB RILEY, for ROSEMARY PUBIJC LIBR IRT. BIJOU THEATRE, Cornei Eighth and Broad St rants. 1? PerformaneeEeerj Night, i al ?tinsse iu?-siia>, Tharsdajr, Sntnrdnj. A \ naonster | Ennanf? 11 Progn iiin.i-, ! i red bible, n Keplet? with Davenport lirottmra, Miriii, ^lu?ir, Kbertnan's t. .<< >, Terpslchorean, Dnwson 4 Booth, rt?,i Campbell .v Benl e Aerobatle Cross and Holdon, v Achievements. | Origin ? Orl nth. r.ijnu popular pelees. f? ?o'-ot \i 1DEMY. WEDNE8DAY, MARCH 18T, MATINEE AND NIG f, PRIMBOaE a iiiiiiv-t\iii:ii'< j OBEAT \Mi:itu \n misbtrbls. a all I in Black Fl : - THE VALENTINE MUSEUM , ELEVENTH AXI? CLAY ITREBT& li from 10 A. M. to ."> l\ M. Admissl ?n, X cents. Free on Saturdays, de 13-ly i MU TI RE?. LECTURE bv i MISS JANE APIUM-S, of Hull Honet. Chicago, under Mi> THI-: W< ?MAN'S CLUB, JE!- FER* ?X BAIX-Rt >OM, FRIDAY. MARCH Sd, 8:30 T. M. Tick*tr- ' ' room ... ?tel. mh 1-WdiFlt* PBOrBMIORAlt. GEORGE BRYAN, Attorney at Lav?, Hertais' National Back Building, Rooe Fo. 20, Third Floor. (Dill l-WAHU) Mil \i I.Kfl. WN I ism? Uli li l,t> DOM \ TO Svu.V MEN'I AM? WOMEN'S NEW 1st? l U.l. BH 'YC new being of and st-ni to any one . ht re for I ill examination t. iymi I . - hiuI ? - cut this it and to BEARS, ROEBUi .- Chi? I . mh l?Bt MM.? BTBBTWHBBM, IS CWTTS, Ife 10-W l y> R?DAM'S ~k MICROBE KILLER 'urea ?ill Hloodnml < hronir Dineaset. I ?.-r>,l for free b it try <>f reme.iy and t>'?'i- m i 'i.e Had h Microbe Killer i ., B U PrineaStreet? New York City. \ E. LONO, ZU 1-3 n. rth ?treat Rich ind. (oc Uev VT) DtnnnitB of tTBAMBRs. )HILADELPBIA KIC1I ^t MOND AND NORFOLK : v.MSllli' COMPANY. M 'i \rpolnte.l sallin.. Il ES | SUNDAY at day Prelghl i P. M. 1^ b), 16, on | ti m. rs. r^^ ? 'or further informat:.m ap| J. V [CK. neral S W. P. CLYDE & C( '.. la 17 phia. PLANT LINE. Sailings fach Week. U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS. App. int? d to Bail fn m POR i TAMPA. I?. m.?Moiitla> s, TharsdUayfl, Satnr ?S >*. p. m.? i sesea > s sad Frldaye. TAMPA It V *? HOTEL NOW OPS*. Informa I : ri r? : urnisht du n to W. \ Division nt Tampa, l-'ia. B. W WKK.NN. r.i: . Manager, fe ?-lni (Ja. huai it i.ivi:. cmpagnie Generale Transatlantique. lireei Line to Masrs?Parts (Fraaee), I .M. From Pit i No. . . uot M ni a Norn. Ill Toul lin -, M'h 2.'? a ! La Norm 1 - ad up i.i. ', U. s. ana Can. .S Y RICHMi 'M' TR ' 901 Main reet; ANDREW v\ ELSH, 91 - f* l-d6m O LD DOMINION ..__?. STEAMSHIP COMPANY. i v.g.^'V - StaJ^.-.V DAILY LINK FOR _ M-.VY i< ?UK. i lly ex It olllVt , uhio rails \ \i or Rlchmi nd and (Norf ik an.i Wt item i H#1 , N Ik with old - same eye ing ai 0 t'k. ALL WATER ROI TE. Steam ' Richmond w?y M " P- M. tur New YorK la Jamt t 1 nd Transfer al Main Btn illway, and Richmond ?SI Main street, I through. FREIGHT. >r Naa 1 I all beyoi e shioptd b) imer Bailing from ' INDAY Bl 8 P. M . mer le ivlng Rlehi VEDNE^DA) AND UATUR1XA ? ? .\i i r Noi oik, connectnn.' with New Vt rk. our bet?re sailing a d, and hrough bill of tor a.l orther. . arts. PROM NEW YORK. i can leavi at I P. M t P u ? t.. n irft ik or ' 'i i Point i cnnectlng ?i'h Norfolk and w or Chesapesk* and <?h!o railway. Dlreei steamer (via J route) . rery SAT1 RDAY l P M tj i in.l ireigtu by tesmera \?a. Norfolk every MONDAY md V. EDNESDAY al :t P. M. Sailings from com? - No. ?as CortU river, foot of Beach ?street. Frei?!. : and forwarded daily, BCept Sun : For furtner n apply to JOHN F MAYER, Agent, IL' t RI hin,.n. \ , w i. Gulllaudeu, VIce-Presldent and VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY. JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. bte?*".tr POCAHONTAS leaves Mux ['AY WEDNESIvA , V, at 7 a m' ? 'h, o?d p mt, Newpott News. ' 1 I m.. I - l>,.int a: r Wushington. Baiti mon. : , , for tht? night at direct to th.- w hart" oniy $1 M ^t'1 ^ ,0 Norfolk. Music ty Grand Orchestrion. Freight received fora ! places smi n't pointa m K?stern Virgin , North Carolina. IRVLN WEIS?OKR, <'.- aeral Manager, A. H. Drewry, Pr?sidant Ja 17 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. hetlule Effective January Id, 1*911. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMONU.VA. 10 A. M., No IL Southern Express dally for Atlanta. Ai/?usla. and points South. Sleeper Richmond to Danville, Ureensboro', Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia, and Augusta, Sleeper open at 9:3?) P- ht Stops at all ?tat'ons between Richmond and Danville to take On ana let otf pas.-vngers. Connecta at Danville, Salisbury, and Charlotte with the Washington and Southwestern Limited (No. ?i), carrying sleepers New Yoik, to As.'ievllle. Hot Springs, Chatta nooga, and Nashville; New York to M. Bphin, New York to New Orlcann, New Yak to Tampa. New York an.I Atk-:i B. C and firSi ?laaa day coacb between Washing ton .is Connections ai mada f,ir un'points in T. xas and ?-ailfornla. Sleeper open for occu pene/ at %m v. M. ,-i , No- ". solid-train dally for Charlotte, X. c. C'onn-vts at lioan? '??>' w|tn r;)rrnvllle and Powhatan railroad. At KeysvMe for Clarke? ville, ??yforil, Henderson, and Dur nam, and .it Greensboro' f<>r Dur nam, Ha?p|Kh, and Wlnston-8 i "> at Uanvlii? with No. B. United states rast mall, ?mid tram, daily ?or New Orleans and points South, which riirrlos Uaapera New York to Xi-w Orleans and New Y->rk to Jacksonville and Miami, fcr N M I end Habana. Through p!-?per 8i iHDury to Memphis; -t'*n. Pullman Jf_u?"t aleepsr every Wednesday Washington to .?an Francisco. without chanje. o M No IT toral, dftllv #*crr-t Biindiiv. fnf. k>v?v<1'o nn<1 Inter mediate n?i?._ TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND. no A. M.) :-S P .Ni I Krom AtliPtA, Auglista, rille 10 a M.. from Keysville and local %\ nions. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN?. s'os. ?1 and alj between .Manchester and auolls. )RK-RIYER LINE via wF.srroiNr. Tilt; F.WOIUTIO BOFJTfl >"ORTH. LEAVE RICHMOND. :30 P. IL, Nu. Il . . Limited, i- -.;>. > KCept -San? > B, Point ami intermediate stations, Uon ai Point on Mondays, \\ . Fi Ida).- v. : ti - amer toi tim< llan< i . ,- \l. ? i *..i. and T ippa hannock un i rkursdaya, and Satui : 30 j'. if., Xo. in, local express day . M ednesda - rlday? W< t nit and interim stat i? i.s i ' inn? cts with stai \a ster Manor for Walker ton and Tapi ihannock; also, ,-,? West Point a .i!i ite imer for Ball Imore. I at all stations. >:00 A. M., X... M, 1 -cal mix-.I. ' <1 illy en pt t :i Virginia* Btrei t Station for Weal Point intermediate stations, conm-ctim? with st.i?.. ;,t j.. sti r Man >r for Walkerton and typnahannnck. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. i:i7 A. M., o ?to A M., Wedm i laya and Fridays only. I 88 P, M., dally except Sunday, from U - . t Point and intermediate Sta tions. Steamers leave W< t poinl at o p. M. ifg, and Fridays, and iltimore al 5 P, M. 1 . j hurs VS, and Saturdays of Vir il, i sir. et. i ?pen ft m B .\ M. t.. 8 P. . and from ? SO P. M. to 13 A u < iket office, 903 east Main ati M. C?LP, \. TURK. ; m f um, Agi ni. S QANNON, Third VI ? President and ; Mai iger, Washington, D. '. W. WESTBURY -^ent. 920 east I Kt< Union..). \ .i i :>_ ATL?NT?CCOAST LINE. gl liedule lu Effect December IS, 1S?8. RAUM LLtlU bic?01ond-inion DsVOT. i.oo a. lt.. Dally. Arriv?e Petersburg . . a. M-; Norfolk UM a. .?l. Biopi Peterihpfsjt, ..j, and Suffolk, Vl ?05 a. Jl., I'.ii.j Arrives l'cc-rsturn 140 A. M., Weldon 11.4* A. M., Fa i.15 1 M . N i'. M , tiu\ . ' A. M., Jack t - s A. M , Port J-. M. Connects at U ;..! .II VMttl Xo. ?7, .u . 2 JO P. M., .'. 1 ml igton - -' P M. Puii D ... r York to j.i- .. 1:30 A. M , 1 >"- Ar rives P, M. S .-.., i Bluff. Ceil trail?, ?uni * 1. J 33 P. M., Dali) t. rsburg 1:1* P. M. Make? ? ?I s. ?i.;?j p, ?i., Dally, -\ i.sburg 1 ; k ?opi *.:io p. M., Dally. ai.. ersburg ?.oi P, M., conm X. . . lur u. for and Las 'J O P. M., : 0 1.-01 A. M., Ch S:?3 A. M., \ M., Jack sonville 1 P. M., Port 9:? P. M. NEW LINE TO MIDDLE -. HA l'i ?IN lri. Arriv ing Alken ;..> a M.? August? b LO A. M., Ma< on il A. M., Allanta 12:1.*) P. M. Pullman . to Wil mington, Jacksonville, l'on Tampa, Alken, Augusta, and . on. U OU P. M , OhIi>. Art rsburg P. M, Wi Idon 11 M P. M. Makes local sti pa be i-.Uig and W'e? 000 p M, l -t-1 v nday. THK AND FLORI 1 a SPECIAL. Arrives \. M.. Sevan? 1 1:01 A. k h p. M., Pt. Augustine p ". . 1 impa 0 45 p. M., Dally. Arrives f "-rsburK A. M.. Lyni A. Al.. Koan - .\J , P liman ... acn burg TRAINS AHRIVK Hit I1MOVD. 3:3 A. M Dally, from Jacksonville, Bavannab, Charleston, Al and al! points tiouih. 8 IS A M., iJ.'ily. except Sunday. At? ? inta, Atht-iii. Ralelgn, H l tho s rt7 K..M Pet?T8bur? local. sun a. M . 8 ?nay oni) from Atin;it.-j. Atl rson Lynchburg, and ?:?5 a. M . 1 except y. 4 i ville. Savannah. Charles tOB. il:05A-M, Dally. Norfolk, Suffolk, and I'.teraburg. 1 :i5 p. M . inday. from Petersburg Outrai.a. Drewry'i B K, 1 ..n .signai. T:H0 P. M . ! n ih, CI ton, Qoldsboro', and all points South 3 .'?5 P. M., Daily N h.&H p. M., i). ly ) < ?'Ur< aiid 1 tie a ?*t I. H. KENLY. T ' ' >N tieiieral Man.igi-r Tr."' Mai H. M. EMERB N flen? Pn-?-' ix?r AK?-nt. C. S CAM Ja 15 Division Passei . r Agent II EMtL-llON OF COD MVC.Il OIL, prepared by Put - . .t Co.. iven by long ski i superiority of other ilmllar pre pHM.ti.jns. For si!? by all drug gist?. ?? cents. Ijo not tak? suU gtl UtfK. ?uRcsm uD? & co. Ua U-ls) ^?) T??IU %fivTt&r 0II10KAJLWAT. Kfleoti?c January If?, Ivi:,, IMS LEAVE HH HMOMl-lllt(i\|,. ?Till. I. I "1 \ I ION. H> A. IL, Daily, v.uu perlst principal sallo . ., old Pota . . . . .a. at Norfolk with Ni . , , steamer?, except ' ?S P. M.. Daily, with Palis News. Old Point. and I'mumou'h. i "t old I'omt with Waal ton sti amers, With J'.i-tlQlOie a ><. * ,. EPS* Sunday iv A. M., Da) Expr?s?, except s i at Gordonavllls tor 11 i ton. Manit?i UTa, and V. i - , -. for r?yn >' ' I? City f. r II IB P, M ' I/Mils, en-, dons-. Ill ? for Oi ng gi with .-' -i way. r.or'h-t. Ington. Va Stop? only at Omina Cara N tl ra ., a t, w V,"? ,0 p' "'"'' n SO p. gg., A 80 P M., ! , '.. , P man to n Gordonsvl natl and : s. -ved on rt nlng-t n- eta it f - AIXS I.EAVK ncnTn.HTSl r BTATWsT. 30 a. M., Dal >. tor Lym l : i for CI i ' '! <wp. vr, . pt Sunday, f - ?lTI9 AHRIVE AT RICHMOND uiioMi-tiui lit STATION. ?OS a. M . ' v ept Sunday, : well, to A. M . 1 v .'to a M . i . from N< r' - ?t. ;30 P. M.. I 'ail). from *?P. M. Da rf Ik in ' 4.1 P. If., El AIMS ARRn i: i l< HTH-ST RI i i ?TATior. :40 A. M , I '\ ; ' Bui v. ' lu m TO P. Tat, Dally, fn m !.. xlngl n \ bur from Ni Assist V St p Ricnmonl Pi itttuie in Effect jiiootii ? BAN Bl BO-gl in. i i ^ i \ 1101, M? A. M., : N irth. H ; 1 ami Fn uo a. M., Sunday onJj. ton a'.-! i- :..' ?I 1 . lie, R?ther t }|i n, I'?n- I i> u m m ? t, . ?."? A. M., i ' mi except Sunday, f ton an.! at Elba, A - Ruth : i. H i.?dt' . Summit. and \\ ' I a man car. .06 A. M., I ' i eeattbeled t. man curs, f.,r Wai New Yoi k. No local oo ii., Daily, i a< ?pt But w iiHhtn<'"ti a n 'l D Nort Mien. Nahlan t. 11 M 1 I CO V il. 1- rea>rlrk--i. Brooke, a n >l v. eat ;or rar. Also, come," with On " a ?ton 41) P. M., ! 'ally, for ;!- ''! A?hlHnd. I? ?Well ! redencksbui i tlons Sundays mnn-l In . HRIVE IllRO-STUEET STATION. ?O A. M . I - i ird, I i Iba, and fcundu> t., R'.chm :jo p. M., i ?ally, at v\ 1 'I i- W a ' l'it. Bu G itn? , \. K u t h e r ; *" io p M., Dally. .<:" land, and i so P. M , Dally. ?< i O o K e | i Mllford, r. n, . . :r.o p. M , Dally enrs. from Ne" fPatmiCatSSfC M ? OMMOOATIOf. (I la M? P M :.'. A. M AUDI.AM) THWNV %\i A. M SO P. M . I . IO A. y DO P. M W P 1 B, T D. Myers, Pi ? 1WT'- SchefJdK) in E*. Peaaashas IS* l.v.??.. . \\l. Hit IIMONO, 111 III)--I STATION. I;00 A. M., RIt li.Mi'.-. . ED, Am tiur?'. Wavei 1.03 A. M . THE CHI" i i. i iumb man I I um r.:$o p, M. 1 r Sufi k, N at N. if' Ik n >:45 P M.. l nok< ' - rs Roanok - K >ai Tratns arrive Richmond I g v md VEST? r m Office: M M General Of x l . f?r printing . ?atlea, a??l " * ' work *nd l rtU tm sure io pleaas you