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4 tut,. nrr.iTUOND UTIOTTIT t*"-"?""- ?*- ?<? *? **?? THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY TUL DlSi'Alv ?I COMPANY. The PATI.Y DttPATCfl la delivered to subscriber? at 1'11'TY CENTS per month, payable to the canter weekly er monthly. Mailed at 96 per annum. | ble In advent?, v for si* months; li'* for three months; 80 rents for one month. Price per copy, 3 cents. The WKKK3.Y DISPAT4 ?I ' " ' * *"<* ?aliad In two pnrt* at tl per ni. The SUNDAY DISPATCH as PM P?r annum, or 'i tenti for sU maoism Subscription? In ell SaMS papaMe In advamr, ai.d i. > i i eootlnned ?' r the expiration of th? tine paid f-r. Hind post-office money order, check, or i tered letter. Currency s*nt by mall will be at the risk of the ? becrlberi Sngtllllg their peat OSOS changed must give their old a? well as their new post office, ?ample Copies irre. 1 l-l 2 7'i l'\vs|M,|.lt l?l IM'I I. h luit ii pouri Ing i n. tt..- w< athi r. n are I foi v .is snd years 1 un.i i ?tn.. ompany lts.-ir with a suitable pai aad le! ?a i a have u mov< m u on sari of the Carolina read which, almost ; ly, ?in ?ea.i to di i --i a commodatlon > <>iei our 1 VVe ma) the hope lhal aft r awhile the l>ii li of the Soin will l?' ar< thai it %mii pul Itaelf on -? better foot? ii>K here In the oapltal of the Old Domin ion i st ite te a bit u it Is Indebted tnn.-i in .) at The provision thai the and pott i rosal i ompanii :- ha? iiiiui.. h. i ledatlon of I - highly -..' Thejr Uyr-I Su. Itablc t<> a t.\w of our population, \ the trai'k'i of th.- Alleghai * i ..! reeaeved fren theti preaeal location, th. i;\ i -, |tn Ital ra ? n only appear t>> inm-h t,, ti. r gdvtgd i.ut v.ui t>? !.ir ssore aooessJble -< to it win i?- snap i.\ waj Street* At pressai the train? or t!.. Al \ roed ?n, on. a an obstacle to " v. i to and from the !i\i.isu . ? sta tion. Ho. tin- Isaprevesaeats that are te kg made her? t>y the ? beaapaahe and <>h!? Ossnpeap win not only t.* u m fetal to the patron? of that ?Teat roat| but ,t ally, to the patron? of the Ailantl? -Coesl lin,-, and those of th. ksburg roag. atea. Two companies are asking our City " ''"1 for terminal franchises. The AIA'Kk'iIMN'? RATES. HALF INCH <-?H LESS. 1 time.* t times. 8 tlmei. ?times. 12 times. 1 month. t months. Ituiine?? Wa-its. Wsnted sRoation, payable '" nd vanee 01 woedi <>r .< ). Above raten arc for "01 vertlaesaenta runnli s < Reading notlo i In i lyP*< five lines or lees, ft: In i pai lead ed, five Iln," or lesa, ~'o cents. i'tmI of rates for mo , fui al hi ? on application. Ali letters m.?\ t< legrem C-, | to THE DISPATCH POM1 1 will ,) au ?mmendlng candidates for office huh t be paid 1."ure their j . ng-standing cf o,.r _ Reeolutloi ? of respect ti fleci members i>h.???mi by po';. es, rj tlon*, associate 11 r mis i I rged fer ai ad t matt? UP-TOWN OFFICE, BROAD-ST1 PHARMACY, M9 EAST BROAD STREBT. M W -il TER OFFICE, 1201 HULL ' STREET Wf 1>\T.S1>AY.MARCB 1. 1899. \\ H \T OF THE i i i i REI Ti' lag tl . P tlon adopti d by the ' ' i )i . ?. ' id n W Ington M m In harmony ? Ith t1 .|.. 'i Ine i ild down by the : . laers of the republic, and Itei ited and i. it* rat? i bi u and patriots Who :" , ?. .| thl :t. firm a cardli of ?n government, which v. lated in"? writti n jiniii'i.ii tribu? al In Ihe land .' tury ago, and v- lu h ha i never 1 tlofl drunk on Ihe wine of imp. rails? i they n lleve the Democratic membi rs ol from the odium of count? violation of th.- ). - gave as I tahlng up arm n. In our view, bowi wo d not have mad? a i ... ' irther und adopted al ? lhi i. lution down to the point where II maki estloo . to a proti This course would have accentuated Ihe Imperien itlc pronoun? menl i mbr.*n d In the declaration and i tuat were ; t. d, and t < ild have emp ) . . i .. m. mbi '. ol the i that the Cub in n olut loi bind i llut this apart. The qi whnl li RoinK' t--. be the ] of the a 'tlon of the caucus? No one i xpi House to adopt . the minority of the 1 i immll t- were Instru? led t > u?. ?ii. nee to tint insti m lion i mat let Stops th" I- . I !:: rel) 1 ! 1 li To all intent It will amount le nothing m i perfunctory ; Ing of the 1 ?. in-., rats in the i > ?.ii r.. el i Vltel . Is, does th llverenci of I - k to the J : shall be ki ! i tllve and m of the t -i which the l ?. mo ? > befoi th.- people in l 'Are ih.- declaratl in mid tin- i i tbe l. !' the Demo. hi in t?o- i *. ilgn? \\v , arm stly trusl so With ii" i l tlon of the treaty by Spain, and in di Pi - Idenl M.Kinl. y will be afford i lh m ev< r bel - amp ol the Constitution, ai I lnni i I up to this time, he may be ti I oppoi fullest. With what maj n iblj expected ol him along this line, and the grlndlns tan itlon ids poll? idows, h- ru.iv. we believe, >< depended upon to i m - to, th'- Democrats, if the latter will do k< ping th. i and forcing it to the front. and Ohio Company W unit" Its three roads under the n depot which is to froi sad the BJcaaao I Carolina Company daaeroi to ski barg to this ci . , t pot eomewfe . r tII ir Main or Bread itf -',1 the old st charlee Hot perty ard ether property la thai tad Oh deal of property down Main street and m other ne but M be sed to teg franchie? grantvJ it thre? yeera i . have plan i la- t ?ty from the. river, at" to bridge <'.'': . Main, Franklin, am i an of them eoi tar? h'-ie . ?m? in or rladud work and depot sad buildings. Both of them win benefit ;:,, hmond, in turn, w sur", win do -:t by them The i tnat the on ,,f th? : n !' at? will be t town Of S ?rout . ' , ami Ohio ?.i,,, idy gr ?a Ing in Impoi d. f> b. link m a big system exte into the far South. i :!.! be made b itl rn read. other ro . thai might * Ish to coa u would be a gl< I ?g ff,r m mil. We should not only have et >na that are now denied ua tien C ?ty in t be ta Ighborhood of thi l ' i ,. v.' ??.i b< gri atly enhanced. th? Chesai iii,i i dia. < ompanli - both we think there can be no d K\i" ndlturc each afford loubti tl ' vld< nee of 'Ii- lr pi ' ?s wh' ther thej can r and unite in one '! pot at I of -|l , seem manlft t, bui we hi -, tin general wli i to which are noi advised, and cannot ihess i te, Riehmon I I r ; -.!_'. 'I'll" out . : a > ar or . not only hav? i ifaotoi y - , ia w line o; ?ng up ' rn trade to the en i manu iwhlle, th- "|.l H nail Mills bt - m th" face irth, and In t h> ir plu > will s which to Richmond's maaufactui y and make brtghl and bus; borhood which for many ? ... n th.- picture of decay. Itl 111 IRD K1PLISQ. The i.. ding public o, th" i ivllia a . i\\ with interest the outcome of roU9 malady which has prostra ?Cudyard F Ipllng. The I t deci . :i him flash like a meteor kcrosa -ki. s of 1 ho llterat y woihi. ami tboi 1 evr (if he is apart ,i> h< ill y i ,-,i t ? r- promise. I ol !l oil ' Ineni tnd In Europe, v. ho maintain 1 Kipling la I' o ii.- pi.|n am nil it hors, And ai mi " to 1 . .. with matui nid .-?.III to the literature ot th" Eng] "in-ii.nonunaent whi h will -.' or manner, th" famous yoi ! man who now battles tot life - of ;'4 i i a man of Illimitable v ?atillty. With thai self-confidence wh s born of ability, he ha a boldly pluni :. '.i of literature, in pt. ltd v. i ii n equal ability, r he in fit lier restricted him if nodeln or precedents. Only a few wei p."in '"I'll" Wh \lan*s Rurden" appea i - ,l to i ti mild sensation in ri?. literary and polttli iv.ulil. lake all hi? ether productioi lh.- vei wt 11- i ol t.?r and wide, a while ' nlstic to thi .r millions, there are i. w t.. gainsay t ni' i it of i effot Mi i u hard finlshi ti th.-. uasin? Ins "Truce of t l:, ar" when Kipling, who apparently survey? the world, to take m hand "the sullen, silt ! Il 111. No oti" win, i- touched by ths beautlf i ni-lime t an evt r forget Kipling "Recessional," which was prompted i the Queen'? jubile", or fail to appr?cia n humor of his "Fuzzy WUXZ) a poem descriptive of the Soudai exp ditlonary force. The following, from tl I., I m 11 I v.. i Ii nt, is Inlmltab '"E's ail 'ot sand and ginger when allv Ami ' ; n< rallj i bammln' ti. ad, i a duchy, 't-'s a lamb, i j -rubber Idloi ?n thi I the on'y thing mat doesn't curt Poi a i .ni' nt " ni m- n infanti ee r tht mo i i i are m - : merit with hi i though a i. v. o? i ht m may have Ii among Americans on account of the <il 1, ,'ts U! . !. II" has \.-t to Wilt? so lar as we have seen, lat Is commoi or lacking In ori.rb ,llty. ?1. an. , all in ' * > repi nt it ?v.- ... their country, the people .-t thi t . : oui -in author. He mai i led Misi - i It r, au Amerl .m Kill, who for mai. ided in Rochester, N. \ H.-r brother, W o!< .?tt I '''; m ::d ami with hin i ated ' 'i he Na .. I novel o: Ami i hau and In- i ..ais brother-in-law, was a mai ot unusual i i ed befon a y, .', . Th who think I ais du? to , ov< i work in lit'i.ay lues. Another brother of Mrs. Kipling's? 1" attj : i t tO have Kutten along so pleasantly with hi? English .. In lh' summer of UN tht- publli I with Interest ot a squabbl? between the tWO and tht sabs- cjueiit arrest of Hal. atler, wh wag i h rged with threat? n lug's Ufa a,a an ovtcom? ol this : tly brought suit . Kipling for all. Kid malicious pros ecution and falsa erreat. The damages ar? placed by iii?- plaintiff at B3o,OM, The whole affair has been most distasteful to Mr, Kipling, and it is to be hoped that bis illness ami recovery ma) patch up tin? family quai rt i. 'iii.- \- nog Bagltahmaa is sxtremely re tletiu and appaarg to shrink from noto riety, indeed, timre have been many who misconstrue hi* dlfndsnce and attribute. pride ?ngeader?u by mocase b? this U it Ray, Kipling us an author Is the delight Of the hour, and the prices !.. command? In literary marts are aim.,.-: fubuloua. MOM M M \ TIlAPrF.D. Whether the plB?tHllhT will ?e able to produce en >ur)i evtdenes to tonvlct Roland 15. Mollneux when bis trial comes on* is u ajaestion; but, se fir. it has shown a eonSsrfel tilgte" <.f aetuteaes?. At the Coroner's Corniih waa never under serious suspicion by the ofrl whil? Mollneiix always was. yet it,:,, - id.-tri. t - Attoraey Oahoeaa'a agai aas ?ras harsh Upward? Cornish whil* it was ion "lllatory towards Mollneiix. it turns out, however, that this Was the attorney*? stiatesry. it was believed to be SBBSntial to the sueeess of the ti cation th-t .Moim.,ix sfaoaM be put a?. - Thus, while I'oinlsh was brow-beaten and Inthxddated, Moltneox was coaxed and coddled. I rnlsh was made i.,t". He believed hltne"lf In Imml danger, and this ?mbotdeaed him to acuse Mollmux more daringly tot?" b? had ever before done. On the other hend, under lh? srotllfylng treatment given him, Mollneiix. who h id before been ver] wary, b?casse confldenl and i-ommu niiativ. Without knowing what he waa doing, be contributed many links to the State's chain of evident a Before th* Assistant Dl trie! Attoraey in this "litt!? game" Mollneux had, by advice of counsel, refused to i under dictation to afford specimen? of his handwriting for examination by ex perts. Fut under ? iptng pra? ha wrote all tl d. This waa a stupendous blunder upon his part, ami Ii have been consent? 'i to by his counsel, Mr. Weeks. "With all this writing in their ham!-, seven ex? in handwriting were able to com? to the poi ?Uve conclusion that the In criminating letters and the add on the Cornish package were written b> Mollneux. But this was not all. Ht i k man, the keeper "f the offic? where Mo? lint m r. Dted a. pri\ ite letti r-bok, poi I? lively identified Mollneux as tha man who had come to hla p!.i<" time and for answera to his foi ??ists. And so, in one day, the attitude ot th? District Attorney changed. Instead of smoothing Mollneux'? way, anil treat? Ing Mm as an inn,,,-, n1 person, thai oftlt t turned upon him wit ii a Hero m i, \ and precision which must have n Mollneux'a heari sink within him. That an entrapping policy wa there can be no possible doubt, tin- D tint I I i Bird Gardiner, ii mself admits if in a, letter published in the New Vork Journal of yesterday. We are noi prepan d to ext? nd sympathy to Mollneux, but we must say that we feel sorry for Cornish, it la conceded body that be Is an inno man; bat think what he bad to en dura day after dap! Tha prosecuting offi cers as min h as said to him, "Thou art th? man," and ho suffered visibly under th* si "lnii.k; accusation. Most Of the New York newspapers, however, stood by Cor nish and soundly berated the prosecution for taking side>. with Mollneux, S they were not "up to" OardinAPs and "little pmif." But Corn all righl now, who- Mollneux la In n i ite si tait it i- sold thai he ln-ars n;, bravely, showing little concern, while hia i.r old father and moth? r ar" almo hi. i t-broken. \ wife, It I t., be doubted lhal deep < Her status in the i ...-. h is nui >. t been clear!; defined, sin- sent Barnet ti and a tender note of sympathy while h" wa? in bed during his last I With no other evidence than thai which 1st now b> fore the i do l ' b Hi \ ' the pi : oni r i ould bi convicted of the murder of Mrs. Adams or Ba either; bal it la sate I pose that th? pi h et utlon has not yet d I its h i fully. The t. tlmony of Heckman, from whom MO hoy, and thai of th. handwritli w.'ih enougl to authorise the Coroner's Jury to bring in the verdict thai it did, ?nd ht m-., r , - able thai i orne i f the State's evldei was withheld. !3y the way, it i rather an odd thai one Joi ph N Early, a member ol i he Coroner's lury, i tated to "tl the verdlcl i den -ti, thai he thought their v rdld would i to be held as well m uxl The New York Tribune. In an article hi ided "No Terms to Filipinos," says: "Th? government may negotiate with another government, it can .-nt.-r into no uch n la t Ion* w Ith Irri aponslble I ?m,i felons Toward them it can show no phase but that of giera reprei Ion." Again: "If Aguinaldo and 1rs f, How cut-throat? and Incendiarle? and his unhappy dupea want terms all thej havi to do la to sub mit thet ?lawful a ithority ol the United Stati And again: "For the rebel who lay? down Ids nrm? lion is alwaya merciful. To tin defiant rebel in arma i la rent unrelenting." The metamorphosis of the "gentle Fili pino patriots" Into "brawlers," "felon-- " ". ut-throats," "li ..-is," ?s one of th" n able Hi evi r occurred in tht history ol I he b iman To the line That Until III* llenrt. (Blanchi i Jndaay, in thi im.) Aurora. In hi ' lame n> ntly i 'ei the hill. The slumber of thi lark she broke. ?n the bot :-;li ah "i : left the iorekl atlll. Bhe hatin .1 bi : anklt s i j tha mi re Belon \ on bell of fii ; i ?f pi r no 1 The stars had fit d, tie- sky w. The sun but seal ' e astir. Whi n lo! were all at iwn The You stood Upon this dew j law n, I r golden I - itdld the dawn, Atni swept mi I iifortinitlte Mini lUent ?tied. Ml INTERET, VA . Ft bruary clal i The In im ti am] i taki i In . hargi b. r by the authoritiei ol Highland 1 ? ts ol r Carpi m. i, been Identified as Phlllj vs..rut,., of Rosi ill District, llaltlmore M.i. \\<^ frequent allusions t.. ,M] Town" led Mr. Carpenter t" commui with tha p tmaster it Towsen Station B limon . win. seal an edv : M which John Woriln? sought Informatiot as to th? a*h< reabouta of hia broth" Philip, who wandered from his bom?, h Rosi dab i rtetrli t, Baltimoi n. 1K97. Mr. Carpenter has v.i John Wot line, and It Is hoped that th' unfortunate man may soon be In th< ol his friends. Dentil of a \eiiernbl?- I,nil). id hay \.\. February M (8) M:s. Catherine Orayaoa, widow ol Wtl< ham F Qrayeon, died Of pneumonia al an early hour this moralag at th,- beau of her niece, Mrs i>r. J. u Brumbaeb mar Hop? Mills, in this counts. Mrs Qrayeon waa perhaps th? second eldeel person In th? Couaty, having reached bei Hd year on the 7th day of the present month l'|. t.. her last 111' feyed KOo.l health uml w.i? quit?- SCtlVl anil vigorous. She bad I'.-en fur in.u;, years a member of the Old-Scnool Baptist church, and leaves a "on. Mr. W. E. Qray son, publisher of the Warren " Fiont Royal, Va. Dr. Hull's (?ugh V>ui> works rron. dera for an asthmatic soften Try it Vi 11.1,1 l'Mil ItG. Heal Batata Sal,*?l'eraennl nn?l ??enerii I. WILLJAMSBURO, ya. rebruary 0. (8p< of the largest real i il.-als made in the county for a long time, was closed to-day. The farm lelonuing to Dr. <; orge \. Henkln?, of this place, ami located Depot, James City, : .. ??.is.-d by a western man It Is th.- Intention <>! the i* ' ICt With a a wlre-fen . onvert Into a stock farm. He ? 111 bring on with ! on the Ida.,-. Deputy-Sheriff Walker Ware arrived i t evening from Toano with ! i In custod) D gs la charged with i ? ndi Ids ' i be fore Justice Whlttaki r, i mlna and was e< at on to I !: Idge Is n 1 to live. . neai > and are well known In that , inty. Thi y , I pen it lends, and thi i a friendly tussle. 1 ' tter frf-m the attorney of the Tss Title Company, ..f Radl | h- will be hi i th.- next few days to com] ' i mal representative! About eight) applications for real estai were til- d at this place by the "land A lai and drying-kiln will be erected o? Tarmouth creek, by Colonel R, M. Rli hardson, of Hampton, who pur? Ick and tiU- plant al thai cash An Arti Ian v II i . an i be pn mi^.-s of i j Councilman A. Probasco left for Rich mond tin-, morning on private buslni HI - Bi ' . (Jam tt, of Halifax, who been \i Ithag relatives here, b ft for homo yesti rday morning. Mr. i. w. i-ii te, Ji . and Mr Robert t.. Spencer will go over t., Bmlthfleld morrow ?>n a fox-hontlng trip, as the guests of the Bmlthl ?' They will iak<- abt thi m, and esp day. Mr. Bpencer Henley, who I- attending the University College of Medicine, I mond, Is h visit io his mol t. i. who ha - h* "ii quite sick. Mi Kate 1 amb, from Toano, Is vl-it Ing at the home oi Mr. II. (1, Bj Francis sti i '.o i ' ' A nd Mr. John A. Harne?!, of James City, a member of the Hoard of visors, were hi re to-da>. The Coll. Pin u ce and Executive i om ;. whii h were previ nted from mi t iwing to 11 n i 111 i In re Man h %?. 1ST MORE LIGHT. That Hi?* Vertuet of'FreSorlekehnva \ , :.i ,_Hrl.Uo Hire. tEDERICKBBVRO, VA., to whether or not the i Ity Bhall an i i . .1 in the prop . At heai d. The Richmond, Erederleksburg and Po tomac railroad brld i ks from an Tim? ly disco vi i y, how -->. t ?. i ?mis dan ? *? Mrs. Rtsuart's ite-iunntlon. BTAUN PON, VA . F<; I i - to tie- Board of Tru nation gg leSSCC and | i '< male Institute, the ?h jol of two Virgl -' y? .u - Mi-. Stuart b the h.-ad Under her dl the I I In numbei . i to its hlthei ' rail, d r Mra. Btu irl - 111 be -i bj rtie i:...ird of Trust?es, of i ?dent and Bishop Randolph u. pri s ben II ,riv convi nes here In June, in the ? i lie Mr-, Btu ut mil conduct the Institute . re. tin || felt on every hand that : h.-r relations to the In? sYHllnma ?ahrr WINCHESTER, VA., February is - (Special.) l?r. T. Clayton Williams of Winchester's ne et prominent physl m Lala Baker, tha ai.m pUahed daughter of Mrp. Edmonta Baker w.r? married by the Rev Dr. Orammer of Christ's shureh, at .". o'clock this eva nlng. The event ems tha social sui of tha season. The couple 1-ft on ti? evening train for the North, where th*? will spend their honeymoon. OA9TOHIA. Bean the j* to Kind Ylu Hjvb Alean Bought ti ^-F.Su&Wiat.waim) k and .lob Printing neatly executed al the Dispatch Printing House. J. M. FOURQIREAN & CO.,! 113 East Broad Street, So many have rorn^ to us that we pick out ,1 few from here antl there ADVANCE SPRING SHOWINGS. just to show the trend of the season. They're all ehic and jaunty in their way. bearin, about them an unmistakable tone of style and newness. They 11 be of interest to many who may desire to have their wardrobes replenished before the season opens Irish popMNs-The popular silk. II Tile finest pOSalble Shades IP the fol lowing colors: Cray. Crocus, Pink. S-il forlno, Turtjuolee, ?Rose, Lettuce, Suma tra, and Violet; and the price, $1 pi r yard. TAFFETAS >Aa much sought kfl as ?-ver. ' extra freights In the grente^t showing of colorings we ever carried: Saiin and Two-Toned; White and Black; T'e. per yard. satin DUCHESS The lateel spring shades; mu. h In demand for wall l t .Aid. WH ITU SATIN DUCHESS?A spe cial and extraordinary value; ?i $r. || quality, by actual teat, for I- i? r yard. DRESS TRIMMINGS An elabora! nenl the most up-to-date ?' patterns; appllqui I hands, and .-. ; pieces, In Black and Colors; jet' i lllc and j. v..-i effects and Sti I. All popular pri- I d. EMBROIDERED ROBE 81 Imported, veej handsome, new color ings, two toned emhroldery with do? a appliqu?e; pri?e, 190 pet suit. SPRING BUITINGS- Imported. checks and strip? olor? styHsh; ?i S per j ENGLISH CHEVIOTS Por tailored gowns, unrivalled for style and wear, Sumatra. Vai.- Blue, Lichen Oreen, and Castor, .'..'-?lieh width; Be. perl yard. WOOL BUITINOS In Grays and Browns. Checks, Plaids, and Herring .?lor.-.I suits and gOlf skirts; good weights; Wc. ?per rard. VELVET CORDBTTE All i for waists and 'cycling mi?is; El yard. C \l.l?'. ' >" : ' I \-- " '" ' Ground, F . now sprl Hlvi ly the grade thai sells ala now : .'.' per yard. NKi'KW EAR, An ment of Natty Club TU?. ? the; Solid C ' PUFFS. FOUR? IM HAN TB Tu ti.. and colorings, extra meterla workman hip; 1 LADIES' PUFF Tl In Strl LADIES' Bl i crushi full rhowlng; TAILORED ; the mu and with i appllq I J. M. Fourqurean & Co., 113 East Broad Street, 113 Fast Broad Street. AFE URE PEEDY "IE. LECLIIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEIY Never Fails. ENOORt? IT THOMIMI. Tvc'tlty-five 8 cent sUnir? brin*?. tri?l pu.'-art lod convine?!, the BMtt <k.T':cal cf thtir wnndritsi pr?p rocs. Addcm I.hC i air Pill lo-, L'. .v Asm?. SOSTOS, Msfl N Ii A. i ,,rr?ipopdei:ctCnnftdertia aid rrturoed by tn?il with trill ptoklfr Scud . a. i'imp* f i I'amprilrt eostSiniBg Valnattle l.iii.tttiiiii.. . For suis In Richmond by POLK M1I? LKH DRUG CuMi'AN?. my 1l-W.F*Rii& M'MUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the drug, by wfelcti its Injurious effects are removed, while th? valuable medicinal properties ara retain ed. It possesses all the sedativ?, anodyne, and anti-apaamodlc powers of opium, but produces no sickness of the stomach, no vomiting, no osstlvei aa no headache, In acuto nervous disorders it Is an Invalu able remedy, and 1? recommended by the best physicians. B. FERRETT, Agent, lil'J Pearl St.. Now York (my ai-Ha&Wlwtalrm) IT IS VERI Ii \i:i> :'> STAND IDLY I . loctor. An .Mb ni) i\. v.) ,!..n -, man ?toro there for to come u n . sick with croup Not finding tho doctor In, he lefi word for me at once un his i- I urn also bought a I Chambei . which h? h ped relit t until the dot 'or shotdd In i few houi i n irneii . , . , tor need not i ome, as the child a mu. Is, save ih mend? d ' 'h imbi rlaln - C >ugh Kemedy to their i Ighbot - and frtei la intll h? ha - a demand for i" from thai par! of | -. all drui - mh 1-W.SatftSun Mil I IM.-. " 'riir \\\(a:. Mr?ET'l?fa "1 THF HUOVBN MERCANTILE COMPANY Id at the ci y'a office, over National Hank of Virginia, Eleventh and Richmond, Va., on WED N L'SD \ V Mari k A. U W. T. HOOVEN, fe 23-2w md Treasurer. Ill ilMBSfi IHAMB, D' i LATlON ' . by m\ "Sate Mi thud' ithln thlr \\ rite f.,r RICHARD OU \ KR, Hanker and til oXei. I Wit PROPOSALS. THE JOSIAH SIMPSON GENERAL HOSPITAL, NEAR FORT MONROE VA., Kebru A!.i.l ' I'Ri ' POSAI?S, in ti here until 12 o'cloi k (M), MARCH ano then opet Inch wrought Iron pipe, i fui ition. i nltt '. i proposals or an) pal t thi envelo] nt J. j HOWEL.L g 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' hah: i.kou i:i: \ . 'i M AIT ( I.l \M |. are the only proper itloi -na', will resn-rs the b;iir toits uriuitial beaittiy condition. AT ALL UUt'i.t.i dlyj ?3EERY S DUW-T * '^r, Will Eradicate WORMS FROkffTHEHUMAN BOOY PRICE25r!?= ?ER VIA?* (ap ?-W* Sa ly) INfcf OF (fe 17-F.SatAW136t) S Xanthine, I Professor Hertz's fi rest dor , man Hair Restorative, i . will give you hetter ( I satisfaction than any ? preparation for the hair i you have ever tried. f Itwillremovethe dan druff, make the scalp clean and healthy, and ' impart new life to the ' hair. ' l The highest testimonials of its . mt ?its ?re given. All druggists, Price fi.eo, < Insist on f?cttii j PASan) ( g??4g>M*aV>?#*?'?" ? ' "" "* " " 'H I SEED. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ORASS SEED, NORTHERN (iHOWN seed potatoes, OATS, CORN, Etc We make <i specialt Grade FIELD SEI l>. i large quantities, andar? prepared t,i ?take low prices, quality consid ere i'. Il rite us when buy ing. N. R. SAVAGE k SON, GRAIN AND SEED MERCHANTS, KltHMOM), VA. (fe ?-Sa.WAw-'.'m, J?abies Thrive On It Little Book INFANT HEALTH'Sent FREE, Should he in Every House. fl.Y. CONDENSCO MILK CO. NEW YORK. b EAlirnontiry ILJAIR l*tl ?Jl dedai ip ?alatitlall *Krntn, J-. S?MM raws ce., \? ft i: : i PEBaos \i . ..ond. Y.i I IN CONMKyUKNCK '" "> 1 h' .i ih I I, .. ? .luh. R. w ILLIAM8 n s? itie up the mei fore condu ted by i -.i Rli l her i-1?'i JOHN UOJR KItS Mil It K. THIS IS TO IlSrORM THE PUBL1 In geni : - ions In pal tlcular, that th re li bul ONE THE JK1 i'!-:i:s? ?n LAt'N : one e > rh und* thai Hi sold .ut to -m..'..-- laundry, or ! um.:; ' hjauinli i- .- .i- .lie ,., it),- sain ng i fids* Ig? -em. My wuKur a.- all plainly l< 5 i "THE .ii>'H.?:.~.i.. LAI S'DRl "THE JEFl '.MM .ind I have no lrani>n wltl on it Our 'phone In _ :.,; OLD < ?N'l.V Till: JEFE RH?N LAt'NDRY R " \\ ILUOEROD, l'ronrletor. fe n-Sun&\V7t I X Look! Look! Look! I ? THIS WEEK. ' i dozen Beaatifnl ? blew, 18c. * Large lilass Pitt ? l.;i- i? Kam Boili i - I E ttri Heav) Brooms, 16c. I BOc. Aga< Dis! I ? week, 28c. ? Good Toile! P : i 3c. ? ? Bes! Waffle Iroi if |3 Toilel Seta, $1.8 if ?Mi, I ?inner Beta (coi i f p?ete), li ' f $8 China Tea s. f ( 'oal-Vaaea, < !oal-8cuttl< r, 1 f ( !oal Shovela, Pendei , I Pire Hete all al !? - th 111 tory price to cloae thei t Miller China Co., ? ID! [?ST BROAD STREET, J Bet. First md Second. B?e??-a>?aJ -. ;.-?. WOOD'S SEED? Wood's naine-Qrown Seed Potatoes ar?* unqu-'itionahly tlw h.--' io?-i for Southern ?.Innung ( tot-s an* grown espeelstl] [,..-. | || - I M| ; Maine, SI 1 ?r- i. .*. : ' ntformlty and lar.. th- .-.uth an- pTantina toes, v> sad s VA. SECOND CHOP PO l'ATOI - 1,'ripwn from Man.. ! < r-.;> resB rywh?-r?\ Wood'? Descriptiva Seed Cat laforaaatli I'riif- quoted m., a r. . T. W. WOOD & SONS. SEEDSMEN, Richmond, \ a The l.arg' ?t 5e<d Home In the South. VltAV THfc Galcski OPTICAL CU. at our an II know D *>: ? | Bvt.;- thing rellabls si gUai I 'ennyroyal pills ^-&" \. ??rl?4??,l?t,4???ljr t.r?.,lnr Jt -^j?j- . r?a* \y hVHW .?a I....... .* * I -',.. -- -?? ~ a ?.?i. ... ,..??.?: >' Ar Mall. I ?.?' * r?-- ? ?' '*-*"' l' k- ? ^ ?1 '?.? ?. - ?.IM?* ??M ?? MI Lv * , ,|.| I, .*.,??. Uli* t ;?,6u, ..??-t.. .,! > Orders tor printing s?;.' ' I pauta Compenj ?rill be glvea * ? " , tentton.