Newspaper Page Text
6 tub RICHMOND D1SPA1. a-WEDNESDA?\M\R??1?IlI^ A Royal Deal in Black Dress Fabrics. The Interesting exhibil lia-; its touch of the unusuaL In ti>e very fold of the hundred or moro bargain lots linger the moe( aristocratic f.i 1 nil s of this season. The " Gold Medal Drees Goods fabric agents for the United States loel controlo! the entire stock sold it auction, and scored one of the buying re cords of a whole century. Be low is a partial list of their _printed wholesale prices com ? -at X. 1 ^"sia^ aJasa I''1"''1 ui1il 0Ur 1'',,;mI Prices. 1 " ^* * I he catalogue and their printed prices are open to any one that feels interested in the perusal of them. la \ ?son Bros . Our Wholesale Price. Price. All -Wool Brocaded Valeria Cloths, 42 inches (P?S rids .11.10 Finest Grade Frerj i. B Qgaline, lar Stllill > 1.1 - r., i ,,i 11 tonn. Annorettes, exquisite quality, satin finish? I. 16 inches wide.....>]. " Fteured Jacquard?, in 11 varieties of designs. To 4i-in.ii Bilk Striped Cr< pons, clusl signs.H-85 Bilk Tufted | i. pons, choict d d< snd patterns.I All-Wool Double Twill?. " 42-inch All-Wool Lystras, large snd Bm ' -. . MJ 44-inch Brocaded Fedora Cloth, new, hand? BOB - ' . >'l.10 60c. 85c 69c 34c. 76c | 1.48 29c 89c 65c. pwill. -I ' II" , , . .... ..... sad many ol t can never be duplicated for less than double our aski Ladies1 Tailored Suits Arc Plentiful To-Day. Among : hi i. ill-Woo] Covert Cloth Drosses, silk lined jackets, stitched in iw cut skirt, besl pt rcaline lining, for $6.75. Tailor-Made Suits of Gray and Tan Oxford Cheviot, tight-fit ting jackets, with double roa foi ?8.50. Black and Navy-Blue All-Wool Cheviot Suits, fly-front jackets, ilk lined, inlaid seams heavily stitched, new circular skirt, 1 i |9 -, ? , j ;*. }),,. usual 112.50 suit. Handsom ? Vi ClotL Suits, in all the colorings and styles, skirts snd jacl ets i laborately braided and taffeta silk lined, for $14.98. Misses' suits, m all Bizes newest <-ut and style, for $6.98. Separate Skirts?Special Prices. \l? SiH Gros-Grain Skirts, with large and Bmall designs, for ? -.:'i.t. gell usually for $6.50. Stricth Made Skirts of silk-finished Brilliantine,new fid skirt, witli neu pleated back, besl percaline lining, for $2.76, the usual $6 sl.ii t. Well L" n* u up skills of brocaded mohairs for 89c < ach. Can't be duplicati - than $1 Utica IO-4 Bleached Sheeting, i8c. a yard. Rest < M'.i'li Shirting Pi ints, 2 : Scotch 25c. i urail i< - ' ?r 9fc. N .in! \\ id< I" aud l" .-. I'm ales for S !.' c. Pillow-Ca ' " Ni i Dr< i'iint>. . 8c. grade, for 3?c ! ! Bi Cotto I i Hhirtiu M ' '- r R?c. i . '. ible I tamask for - Checl 1 Mo . for '<< . i !.. ' inch v ide Vi I lj>eu I!mbii?itlerj I Ladies' Best 50C. New Shirt-Waists, laundered collars, lor 35c. each. 1 ii v ,f Muslin ( to? us, usually 59c, Solid Back Bristle Clothes Brushes, regulas 25c. quality, for 3c. each -a limited quantity to a cus, tomer. Willow. Clothi s Baskets for 25c li 0 Imported WUIow-Coti red M B iskets for 15c. t rich. cans of Putz Liquid Metal Polish for 8c I idurated Fibre Wash Ii; sins, 8c each. Triple-Plated Butter-Knives and Sugar Shells, bough! to sell at 25c, for 5c. each. Large Nickel-Plated Coffee- or Teapots, 12c each. i'?.'. Japanm I \- ?Shovels for 2c each. I hranite < lake Turners, 2c each. lu\ 11 Senn!. Hs < Iblong < Iranite Tans. 12c Hot Plate ( las < looking Stoves, 5c. each. ('ut Pattern Glass Comports, .'!? . fach. Large White Poi ?lain Vegetable Dishes, regular 20c. size for Pc. t ,'lfh. ?hresden ? im a Butter l'iin?s. 8c each. Satin Band Hose-Supporters, the 25c ones, are 14c to-day. Cotioura Soap for 16c cake. Browns Shoe Polish, 6c bottle. Pure \\ bite Castile Soap, usually 17c pound, for 9c pound 600 Smoking Pipes go on sale to-day- well worth 15c Buyer trtniiiutl. for 8c. each. HIE COHEN CJ. MM I \l. \i:\\S \M> l.nsMI'. l'r?-|i>irl un lor ?lie 4 oinlnu of Rile] ? 111?? Vildit in* -? l.i-i-l in,-?1',-ri.oiiii I-. 'i'h. re "4 L?o.' . i I y? terday at t M P, M, at the HI ivltta hli ?i. rgi w. atas''- '! pi The ethi : U.olil. V. 1 iiith Mont Ml . Noel i< it, I i vi . 1 Misa < - . ?unit-. Tha Hierin *; S tails ol .i.iio' .- W i wlucS Ikk | my Mar? h luth. Mr. i: Iva p< rsonal . the patho and i la much vent and hut audii nee a I lu his K' alus. Hi i ' ids roi ot the ItOl nu.n y Lil ? . Not only Of I'" 11, bUt . world . ' Ul Hi.' .1 r-.-n b under the ausp w n. I . ui;li ter . ' . I . lentl but h< r . . in in,i on ; mined to |ni igui ut' i similar - in i^ i. nd, * ho I -i life Of the world ly'ns around Ii ' ' ' t \\ ..: ' ' I. - r-.. n. tr. ? # ' THF COHEN CO. m wen read, and ti. s thai made :i . . ,.?.. ,,, ?.n pri . William Taltal Wight and I. .! '!. I. IV foi - hi v \\ ill be : he | n ker. . Hartley i i imilj a\ ill .-p. nd .1 f< i\ n Ing for ' ind. . one] '. ? - i. ? owan In, 1W i IM RIM 1KB M IM4I ?K IDE BAU . 1 in- 1 : iitii'iiii n in?-1> t of >ir Mason ?on 1,-iioi'.' a Blgnnai laceeaa, nnual Puria ' I!, Was an unquallfl th? m . icclted .1 sn al a' r.. djr.itk. 1. .i by "i'i . l ....k ih. - \ hai Hellst? third < ike, 11 irn hospital the eol "?'." Tbi nui m v. I .-, .Ml - II Mr. n--. Pui m \ I . .. . Mr M Black W ' ' ' .,| ! . '. . \|.- \v A Bra Id t : Tn I 11 , w i, 1 ... . 1 ; ll,< M ' ' I ; ! ' ! . ^, Mltteldorfi B 1er ol _ |lr?t ??f III, Bu) (hi 1 -il toi n.,t FI . 1.1 \ 1 n d f 0 sa 11 ms p?i baute ON THE APPOHATTOX'.itsin m. BSUSABOIWa to BH ti;m> t til itTBWIfse lu v IBffOBUfc A HEAYY MORTUARY REP0R1 Murk Klllril lliirliiK Hit- Herrn Moriii-ii|i??i'i l iinnlv lliiiiiii'inl?. 4 on r? n I Ion or 1'riiini r> ??\ ii .\ p l>roii<li lull Mnrrliiu?*. PBTERSB1 RO, VA., Ft braaT] [Spi i lal r?An a being n, i te axti Ml 11 the rat m the .\. ' I B'l ragh Hi loath, 'ih' -ni' r the quest ' > nter itnmi nl of I ? :, .: and h HBAVY MOBTALJ The i for th< i inusual! lity in oui Inflammati i : ' . among th< olon I, 10 i 01 IV. t.-ll Then ; from ' ' .f th.lored popu i..-r annum. I . ill? tl: I, n i : w S ' [i w. w . i ! I i s lovable, < mown, In, M '.' -. Wi ii the city to i thai mu h Buffering wsi i.i^. .1 t f near!; ll'l l.l T ' ..Till V. go. .1 haul. I everul < I atlon of county rly en Mar h 7th for fli 1 i, Clei1{ th?- incumb? ?.t, lr. Hai I ill T! II ' v A. Hi ' popu? i ed in with Miss M er of o?an W. W meetings at 1 ' - n at the ?f th? m er cltli ? I ' ? > M,l(illl)-i 11' MICH IEL. I'rrtty ( hurt 'i WsdSlna in It'lin;-. i.ii.. \ i il . Bis. LKXINGTi i 'iii-k'r Carmlchael and Mr. i - i ride, who ? ,1 , ir ,, I She wa attitf .1 In a in and i m a tulle ll ?hi?! ?oro, Mr, Oliver 1 rd, Jr., I Mr. ai ird, of Lexington K H nd 1.- ' I'nlvi r?ity t . r the bride and daushf t t leorgi Tucl d I.".- I'm :1k. ' .'.111.- .'.' 1 . M i 4 Ik Dillon, Mary ! l K a i | - the BTootn ? i i , Mr. 1 * ' ngton. - To the *ti bride? i ?ded Qroom maid ol . : . Sarsaparilla i ^'ot the Kind made simply to sell. None can match its recor'l of over half a cen?ury o? cures. Medical Treatment FOrt FREE Weak Men Who are Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. A identifie con Mnedi I si and m. chauicsl cut hs? becu discut en I f..r Wt .' -"i Men " The pmnrii torean? unce thai thi y will send n on trial n medli isndi without advance -aysaaaf to any horn -; man. lr not : - - i:. rlalmeil all you wish m n l it ? Vl back that end? Ii "*>?*? This i.iiiii.1 treatment quickly, tborounhly, and forererall . | iter ex rtc Itcn BU i henil tain - m and i::i.I, v.-].,|.< 1 portions ol I. dj to natural dim? - ?nd functions. >:" ' Any man ' will ?.?y r.-.-.-'.- and refi p? in a plain - Proles SWf ... !.. de> i nor imposition ' ' ''' d :--i' backs! ' Addresi L'ie Medical Co.,BuifaM.Y? |, Jl "..ii, \V. V.l., m. .1 by I .?i. left I ker and Mr. Edison .\ men. te and I w and yellow i i in the n of th Ki nu- nt to the bi oom, who i.: n m? in. th> Alpha Chaptel .!'i until I i and ng l hem were H i L G Tui ker. Mi I.aura P Pi I O? i |f t el and M '- - Tucker; r I! Mi Q t Vv . Mrs of . I.- t ii- r, S i : - . toi Let A Iford ; rhere ' trip. They a their I 1 II \ l.l I \ I DE HOI RATS, No I'l'i li.m in..!. l!<< toil?The Tolim-i o I o t. r<?l ?It i ill x. , BOI TH BOSTON ' \ ' ' 1 . -Hi .--. Mr. .lohn R. I .' ' their i ?111 ' iW. 11 day. Mrs R. W. 1 J. .1. I...V- I'l'-dl v 11 M ?d mi i ! nun - Alolln-r ?ml 11. r -.on Hi null. >l i ii roaa ii ;i itjlt. N' IRPI ?! A ' .-nu i in Portsmouth, thi :. the Hanoi i ll 1111 .<- Th. t ' Ik and the tow n of H ' ' i the . own I ' Tri a ? ; r. i . i -.1 N. -.-. . ,i. tlon - \ Hli.iM \ ut<?\ in : ? Bl 11 !'i :.n*.l?-r ol l*r i.-i"? tSJ ' ?? I oio lill ll > A |-?.tlT<lll> . ' Crane Ii . : III. || . - : : - ' - ' - ' ' . ? I ome tin?, .i \ j? |n. ' D I.?Thi - ?AYO'S BRIDGE OPEN. ?OIIIOTKH CAM WIM. ritiun Df.1 in I o\ 1:11 it rt)-n\\. A PRETTY AFTERNOON WEDDING Misa L?sais Seasiatsea Beaswaaaa tin* llrltlf of Mr. U. II. .Irnklu?. of l.rnruln ?\ on :iu I,hiI?'m II.-,,1 Arrl Seni?ivrsaaal? ?nil Briefe. 'i Meyo'a Bridge Bod Land Company ii ni ?i force of tif n it work on -in, > tho thaa m tha river, and have aboul pal the *!rno ture in .i- |.i . ondltl m is II w? - befon ?a and iii^a^iroua st< Th? bridj 'i for aboul s v. ', k for i "|i- n f.. i ii nd v. ry I : it win probably. i y t'l-nio, row, ?.. ? l ,; Mull-stri t line will doubl M-, Ir ti . and fi Richmond by Fo n teenth - I ' going to i:i, bmond by Um way of Seventh . the Pel line, Th? p. o-1, bav? i- a m h p th i id OO.V MARKIAOE : n afti i : u . i ; - : - in the followli g oi'i. r, and form? d p i man, Mr. 1 i r maid of honor, Misa Annie Ro T ro a handsome travi - i" I.'. ?:; ii'1 of hoimr wore pink i . 1 wore, pink or.: indie over [..ail , Mr. .I?t '< f M Jenkins, of W u renton Va, I ' with the P nn tli. Imrni " train for futur" hotin . Th? Almsl '( lock ?n th.- - Onl) routine Hi:;;. ARM BROKEN. ! L. Rich -?i- h ?ia unfortunati Mrs. \. i. ' I Sema in, is nos - Hall Ml ..v. r a chair, and I ft arm a en Dr. rr.its. in w.s \xn briefs i p. Mr. 1 of 1 ?ir III. Mr. I lav - '. :-it i'ior.l. Moo,;-, : Will hold lock. who um ' - ' - turned h >h:i: i im. op i m: m.R?. Reports mi i steresli nu t ssra?Pe i-in lertala Medical Koriety. A'n mono" ' : I M T IJ lor ti ! H< ' ' I fill lor I iiii i Mi" the .v 111 it a ' tlf * of . ting. : v iture Three "?tin-1 harass. 1 -1 in from K 111 F. - - i Ml-sTuIhose FerNifM Yeara. C. td ay CUTiCl'fiA Af! id. I ?rea -. t . | .\ . . i i ..I : > t rood. My i .- . i v . raa t , i . - i ... , Walla t . i 11 ? - , . ...a 1 v.r.? ' ' - . I I -, ... I. i - -. ,. i r - : - taa* . ? . . - / :.,_ - , . - I > t -. r ... .,,., roa RBBT. | j roa m ? M i Iralilj : ,:- ?Ivei ii " ' . . A t f 1 AKTION lAIiBS-Thia Dray. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS BOLD THE TAX? l'""K THE CURRENT CALEN DAR TEAR ARE TO BE PAID PRO RATA BT THE VENDOR AM? Till. VENDEE By the \ slentlne Auction Conrmany, vj:> . HMt llr-iad -ir.-.i. DRY OOODA, .NOUONS. MAT TINOS, I AiCPKTa, MI.'MI IK". KH .. AT A l ? ' 'fit ?X We arlll seil at oar I i nom ' THIS (We.lni day) MORNINO. MARCH 1 at 10JO .'. letch, loi ol Dry-< loodi tlons, eti . in pai i Oren idfnea ? ' ishmi re . B . iffs, Rll bon " ' Velvet ind ? "ui rrimn Inns, i A . und . ral line of Furnl S'ln-;. Sldel Bui Wa?-b*tiinds C luches, w srdi H ,i| g, t y, ittn ?si a and Spring?, Mil -. i i ?ik and Walnut i - Th? i ol?. i era mosi re illy Invited ttei tl .1 n VALENTINE mhl II i I ion BALKS?l'unir.- Days. \ No U . ?rth E ?enth si rilRUHTEKS' A I CIION BALE 1 l RAME I " El LI - ; So 1110 N< ?RTH ST PAUL STREET. ? ?. BRICK !?v, ELIJNQ S - LIU NORTH st : :i:t. By virtue of I of 1 July. iv' . default l' ,. and bel -i by thi i. MARCH ' J'U BLI I NO nui ' et wld thai BRICK DWELLING i. This i. i t . thi illej rtbov. With Iran. rent? r. The brick if a nice home, TERMS: i ami a i WILLI VM . ""*" IMITAQE, B M FOSTER, Ii ?SEPH W 'l HOS P OMP\\Y fe .-". I w ni M IKE i:\riiiiMiN i. M > -.i?-i-ion . t ii .-i |i|i.-n ra "< ? ?i ?> Be iiiniiui ru? ii. NEWPl IRT NEWS, VA. I'- bi - u ' Ni a ; nett, of 1 S'orth from I that he i nako the experiment if Newport ' Mr. ' Brown .* Oakley, un ton, n home - Third and Fourth Pennsylvania Voluns mi m-;, m h under Monroe, mil ?m i?, .nil in ltu|i|ii*ii.i oho, I.. \\ ASHINOT) ?N, VA., ! morn : The . rai Moore Triad Poatpoae?!. NEW I ' I in te. 0-^IBTOn.I-A.. Bears the /) ' ' ' & ': ' ' ' HlW AlWIjiS ' CMfMG&* 1MIMII1 MINI \\ Wl 1, \\ W I KD, TWO PRESS HAM'S AT ONCE - tH \\ I III. A WHITE K"'. ' ?RTH 81 DRINKAHD .-' H \ki:i:i . ' \\ \\ I I II, ERK l :!. ;. W. RICHARDS l-lt? Va M Wl BU. . BRAL Si l:\ \\ Slll.Ul 1- II. _ W \\ I KD, \ Bl BINEf M tNAOBR FOR A DAILY l Ad \> \\l KD, PI \ Ml > \l l>>! ?. V WANTED \N EN Ell I . \N'l? THI . . i, "MANI 300 WHITE QIRLS WANTED TO HAKE CHEROOTS. [ne 1 v.ill lu? taught THE vY!t!M OJK BRANCH, Twenty-Mixth anil I ;u> Streets, . te '.' WASTED i:\ ... . ' W ni i:i>. IOFITABLE WORK ' loud pa) . r lion -.Mili told In a lit 11 1 - II HI. OMPAN : : 1 ' 111 M\ !>s \, i\|-, M M 111. ' ' - BRIGHT ::ml.i r of ' H\',l p. !.. Ill I \ .- I , r INDI ... _AICTio* SALBS-Tater? i?r, WHEN REAL BSTAT1 I TAXES FOR 'IHK CURR l'Ait Y KAU ARK TO BK , RATA UV THE VENDOl , ;.*' VENDEE By sntfon x- <-,, it'.i! Bal rorro r Tl Bth ,. ! I I : rrursTi:i::v AUCTION BALE A . I ? LARGE DETACHED FRAM AT THE S"t"i HEAHT ' Ol o a_ I.AM!; AVENTE A> l? l STR1 (B tRTON HEIGH I ' - I ' in mi tv. ' MONDAY, M ' ' n . i rout iln . and rut ; ft TERMS , - rty. mh i By I rEES* Al I SMALL I'K t.ME 7 si i 171 i IN ' 11 ' - ; ' Il 1- M . t!. ' The i - ' I !: rmUSTEE'fl P????MPTi JL 1 IOS - *L1 N - .. I i ' - ' ' ' I 'III' \V, i ' ' ' T 'IM.l'si KE'H -Ml. 1 I >K8IRABLE No. 15 south Morris s i o!.. TH1 '! M?t'll ' ' ' : I' I. .^ II 1. - ' l.i 3TB1 9 - ' 'P?a i El B U I l ?on ?ALE -? u RAME ! v. AM. \\ ll.i.i \ : i -m i . - \ n ; i price? a . rea