Newspaper Page Text
- THE ?iPiiMOND DISPATC^-SATORDAY, MARCH . n^_-__ IN AN EASTERN HAREM. Seri.eWondetfuil?iValuabIeTtiingsforWomBntQKno*>. r,d.l within? few vc-n life in gggtgfg *~TOUM was a veiled ?ara*Wr?**** ademe and education have disclosed BOlM f??tB **hfch are ,?f the most vital l vglU SBd Impt.tinceto vsomankir.d. Thi ? .-.ridertul h?M*Jtr. ?nd besutj pOMggggd by Ihe IB mate? of the?? harems ha? B.wajl been bBOWB BBd ?dged but It la the reaaon 'for the malmenance of such marveloua health and beauty whk ? teresta the women of our ?and. The reason I* al The vrr-nen of eastern bgrgminivgr worl I-t nor worry I'roii bitlh thev are Irilggd to Uve? of ease ?mi indolente, with Bl fiM to rt eat, ?ice;? an 1 he merr?. 1 bnth, the toi et, the dgsjgg, gad the eweatmeats, gaabg r~ up the lili? Of the harem?. *"" pgart What wonder t |1 afta Mich ca-e of 1 - - - ,e tan main- . i , -slth and b e a n t ? ! ? >n ^^ phtrat the llfa .-.?.< Atner l.'?<:. woman is made up of work, fret ?nd worry, and ^^^^^^ these %rn.,\ tall? brea? fj i i her health, facie her ne? it* gad rcadei her areak, ner- _?<-,. _-r*t vous a- ' duty la i?*? ?>**tM ~4 i ?r.. health, sad If aha i* nut well, Li dawn from Baring debility, out of "r'.:r. weak and ahSBVnerve?, 1ms headache, baot fetus.- arssksnlpf dlttssae, ?he hnti!?i *.iar . -at ?."-at tOf. 1?1 t BBd IB? Btoratfv? for w?.?..en, ])r. Green?'? V'Tvurn b!( ' o,t_'i,^Mv<i.'t?vt'i<?Vm\??2rs4:%*n\ and t.crv-* remedy. This wonderful remedy will fapMSJjPaa1?I????B^fitBB ** restore h?r beauty, but best of al!, give her that ?.?>,?-?f??v?^. ?~? ?y?**? -***** * health and atre*?s;rh act her work. Mi?. 8. F. u :'.- -J, Vt., igjai Hi? , ? ?? : esagt D-. Grcr ?'?, Nervum blood arid JMfVa rtrird/ h?? b-,?n .?i " I . t i i . tin??* !" ' ?f th.? rtfmr It I wa, ?' !.?d??/ off ttiit I (Mid n-'t .-.rt?:. I 'o ie?. 1 en: j rot ?ir?-, ?t night? ?r.d err?rt al **-*>. i ?*r??,?? to IH s aei tilting iget!. I ?km ?sail nlgHt? ?ad ?m r. 'W ?bit ti attend to i*?v )- Mi I lull??. is rVervura c tjaadyla ?saataaanlaal meeMaiai I i I ? ' las v ' I * all Sflb ?r. ?u?Tct1?|; from dUMBM 1 MSSM ?ay le*S B*SCh H t? Itifylag te ti.e ' jr? " Women should remetT>?<;r also that in taking Dr. fircene'a Nervuri they are a r?gulai : tMCriptloB, tested and ??reven tor root? In the enor " . t 35 West 14th St., Ne ? Voir, i "itv.wh rledfed :.\ .Irian in Hiring nervrm?, chronic and female complaints, ? ?11 can consult'Dr. Greene freely and without charge, either personally or bj litter. \?> i?.m ;? w i i n <?m; ? itt.i?! i"i? ii. Paaaaaaaaech lull?-i\ * -' '" ii. ,,.-ii.ii.i <*..? i? ?> < hartare*. ? I A. 1. l ' i II. - ! '. R. H. Ion, .1 ..r .'. IN 1 HNGS CXiURT. ? rille ' ' In I II III KiNs |\ || WKKi p'| IV. i:. .1. Brndley, Liabilities s-sTl.-'i: AV. .?. aingjlelnn, Liabilities tl.5?l8.*3T, a in ? il ' ! ; J? -.]'li :.. Burnett, ? ; . I I ' i & . ; ir. IV. '!'. ? a pel i ?m. .??tii I (? SING Till: MRSSI Ml. Chais <>t **? I'm.i'? ii?? rill*? Mnale in l'ri-|iti.'iill..ii Tor <i?io,l l'rl.ln>. i ii"ir of nt, Paul's ? hurcb ; n,?m i?,, u whhh win be snng oa Good Pi I Rr IP. -i 'i II '" n srlll i lets. The v. or? a ro of the ? . ii but t . ?*??< n?.t only I i ' - ? ... . , *di-t iiodut fasti a r lohaals. Ai tl of the I t, Rev. ? ' i. full Of ! ' ? .mil ,.f ?.|i|i, Hla. ? 1 | V '? . i . Biackfurd tut piaiuuif m error and errot mit I W _ THIRD POl ICE STA1 IOI4 \? < EPI ED N?*a.Reaident* Ma] N?>t Dae City Hater--Th Haxnll Viiis. I in tho I Engineer : uthweut . : Mr. R. !.. i. ?.. -i tor one thai It, and which would i and j . me dai i bill "t* i .... , the re? I too ,iJ th? . of the Th? " ' USE ' v.A'i BR, . i ?mmltt? e . m? t in ih" dvisabllity of wat? r. mm? n?J tii it ! ..... I i loi urn taU? would be well t" i? ive th the mills to tii? . 'i I.,, wtiiiit?* Darte Monnaaanl i??,. i. la monument V. . ti.) Unit : l'll.i; ' ' \ . . II ' i?. Toyloi Mr. .lain.? \V. I . 1 Ol i . . 1 ? I y . 11 ??' . Pr?t . Toti ' ; : . i tal to I he unvelllt . 1 i : l M n l'nr Men noil M<?> s. ' ' The . ?ray will ? Dr, i?. A u R. Ma ? Mind th? tt of Char . will m t In th? 'lln- 1 ni?-li.-? Woman's i?r,li,?l ru. 9 . : .. , . -..nil. i numb ': b? ?. ' . ; Inist, i? ? . pi i>. i ii. ? ?. Dun'! *????lli.?\ >,?n.iiiilin ? apsnlr?, ? Ibsolutely tly sJtsoutst] si th? Dlspatoh Printing Uj. .-. EN??.NEKKS CONFER. raasraoff <?? * ?M,,v ******* min.n i. m i iti;si??ii'. THE POINTS OP DIFFERENCE. The < li.-aiijHiiKi* nuil Otilo M utils the nit iiitioiiti. PelersBavB bsmI Oara lltiu t.? I Bta* ?I??? dtp Over Its I rue!.- ?It? ni Betate ?*I1 ?II? 4 Ion. iki gnd th? RI? hm. I, Peten burg and both ' ' ' a union depot I of th? city. THE U \IN D iTT. Pi ; i into th.. city over Uk I . r right of v. such . . not ling bul to ?co-op?*" ate la ! Id? rauta ... ter, tl end is at I | ?Aid B , . ron in'nt . i. . mj amer with ' ' ompany. - RISON OP BEN1 PITS In | i?*f1t? to h?s city by ih'?- two < ' opinion that ?.... r '. ii". i ' . . and trade. i nd, 3 lina i .n through ' . , Mr. th? matter i i - la to run - E NEXT :k. ! I 1 ' ' ralli dtj . It .... i the lin. ,'i up? 'I ? iriinv'rr?, flerh nf B. Shell, (fl il n? ' : r and wif? ' Lublin nth, ? I Ills \\ | I Mill | 1* \IV. ?if lln ?In?? of tl..- Heal l'r.illiri?, M?\v Pile ? u i S. The Pyramid I Of pii'-s. ? . This bis point Is not ol raply :' th? lief, ' m- rely radical - Thi: If. aim. nt for 1 and In m" the i Pyramid PUs < befoi - . by too n . it to with ' "ti*?. If ye. t'f 1 . ! ' . per p<* M'MUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the ?1ru?r. by which l*? - effect? are removed, while the SIS ret.iln 11 all Um a? .a and aaU-apastnedlc pewera of opium, but luces no alt-knees of tha Btoiaacb, BO altlng, no ? utd n.rvoua diaonlerj it Is an Invalu able remedy, and is rSBBBBBBSadsd by th? n-.. phi ab : una I:. FERRETT, Agent, 379 lVarl si., N,?', It.rk (my ?-Sad ... mj LAVILLE'S Liai BH ??it i'ii,i>. II I I?! \"1 !.!' and ?--i'l i,!'a'.i: \ CHRO. NIC ' IBES r.-inpiiiet with full Inter in from t. Fou?sra& Co.. 26-30 N. William bt.M.T foc7-g?o'.iu >p^o*v*=:?rmiCrm~ir-v~vi^jr v Hiiapdi J?nos Natural Laxativo Water Has herit: ^Reputation : Superiority. Constipation and Hemorrhoids TT IS UNEXCELLED m Beware of Substitutes! ^-^?_/>?w/X?-^C??^??}^^^ "lili.? IlrporliT" on I ?? "i.".. Reporter" Is te anaal .... anger tl ? ?t the I rm of Richmond Col? i for the ! ' ' ,>r?ai11 Hie row ' :,n Ah" ?."i.'ition Hili ti? Kl l ** H'' r- Bdhti - from i me ??f iiis . with srhlcb b? .. ?".Iiatil mt." "i .'.? VFonders of Cblcngn..Il"' ;., i,;. : , Qreal "How .^ii" - ??" tswanv? lillious." Mr. ChC tl will i loi n tills m. al by Miss i rlollnlst in r?T'll nf dented .ni,. Mr. Haddon Watklna, and ..thers. ..n of the "graphopbons gr an ii ii n n I Mi-i'Miiti ?,r tin* llii|?tl??t ?nu ll n > -seh,,i,l A m....-1 ntIon. ,ti.,ti of Rich) : inch? t< r nill ta te ; ; k at I i. : s I a M< ; .Ir . X. P. i . 11. Winston, leir ?-?. .- ' ? tjolr "f th?-; church . CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Hears the ?ignuturt. of (^f^^r (Jy 2-Th&iL' v.nrm) Contnziou.-i Blood Pinson is ho mo?t horrible diatNtM known. "h" ?m! n m.'ilv which ran reach 1 eHec. n complt te cure is v. iitV - ; ? cific, iS VS. Blood 5. ULLMAN'S SON'S (,11111 LK? 1IAIU. nag. UARANTEh 10 SAYt YOU 25 PHKCENT. .. .i ai a . f. ? IS ew Hoi vis for 0 . . : pound pa, ..... ii> . :i I . r : ill i irh . & i?*, i 1 . ,a. ?. ?i. > *? . , , :.l. K?| arollna I per . . Cider \ per . pound? ' . .is ' . : . j and Bla? kberry ; . tart . 10 nk). it lile . o i>"uiiil . er. 'j CO i. ; . iguayra Coffee for . 25 i . 7 or, 4 ???r . . J . .: Pi . !" . : I . ; on . . 7 ... . & 3 . ? Broom . 'j ?i . i| m . i. Mack? pei ean. lu . . w j r for . l 00 : I S. D1XMABT*! J?<?V ihalL , ?-.f our -Hsts. It's a regular m .n?jy iv?*r. ids 29-Th BaaTcTatS) Cl.OVFR. TIMOTHY, OR ASS S I.I*), ? 1 NORTHERN OROWN * > SEED POTATOES, ? i SIIf:D OATS, CORN. lite. ? 1 We atol 'v of High- \ I t FIELD SEED, buy m f mtitits. and ar? Areportd 1 / ? : 7v tXMtsi? . rw i v.- - ? i Write tu omen buying, m N. R. SAVAGE & SON, GRAIN A\D SEED MERCHANTS, RICHMOND, VA. I***eav***?y>*4^*e^**if2^?i? oA?mw\ro^A) t+ty**^ *o^ ***?bbt**"4V {te aVisaVjWAaf^sto) ~DE wirrs~ Witch Hazel SALVE R wdll knovra cure for pilas ana otan Inate wotmM, chartp kJ liacds, :zema, skin diseases. Makos turc* : ?. allsiialiii-ss W?? cou ?dut iru? :c-m tin* ?ju.iLLv ii pgJd rJooble the rica. The l(**st *alve that t*x:>fcrieD<*?a | vu produce or that niuuey ean bur. IT CURFS PILE8 (aa aVTb .aTateVTa) M (atxSiiMtor'a Basait lHa*<*?4 BrtvaS. rENKYROVAL PILLS ws?\ i^*ast?tt*asru ?.I >?~?.. iu? mi >ii ?rt?.\ .j / mi Usai ?i*i ? # ?K. .< . T*?. *.'??.* */?. ?>j?j.i ? . .??ira?, lim, ??j ,?j ,.a.n. ??Ori^fii?, u.m.? I,. IS ??* ? ! I |II*?M. t.. '?...?I*.. ,l| iff5! ^W*?"" *?.'*" ' - ??pa NaIL I'.IIOC Imi.mI?. i>w ^?w fMti.ILX_?T! \. 4k wo, win FAMOUS KME. LE CLAIR'S FRENCH REMED Never Falle. ?doom, ?r T-tuiMOi. Tw*nty-five S cent ?tamr? hrinc? tt:al puck??;?? ?n c.iivine??? the moat ,1c ?ptinl r t their wordtrful l>i"V ertie? A: drts? I?? i ?w? I'm La. V, 8 A??t t. lo?*ran. Mass. v? 1< \ i--???pord-neeeonfl iMim ?nd rfMirc-'i by B ail srith trial tickiif S.nti *?n -i r Pamphlet costamisg Valu???!' lagars?siles ' rot s_a in Richmond by POLK MI! l_k lulu cu?i'A?N.. my U-W.FA.Su&tT'j.ThA?n"taw?fcalt.t A perfect met In ?d to ?level?, .ill ?ve;i I DJ Of - tdy. b?euta of errors ai execs?. t bple p!;i i bi phyiiclaina. a pilanca and ti approval. No money ?ri a ?pi ' ; malk sled letter, uorrespondence co ;. . ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFfALO, !.Y. V.: it.-f..r ex |'..nation and pn In plain, Tin BS. EUROPE, -::-.. AND ?PWAR1 ?i all INQ JUNE 17th. JULY 1st and Itb. Itin< rarl*? of EDWIN JONES, H? Putnai N. V. Eur?*?ne, Lgyp and Holy jL?ii.i, H dsys, OBly ? mil 7-Tu,Th_Sal3t DEPARTI Ml". OF Bl i: IMBHS. AMERICAN LINE. i \m gXPBBgfl IBBTICB. NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON (LOS I- >N). B ing Wedi - ?d lya at 10 A. If, i.iprll 3 '?-. .A] i II ? N< u fork ...\prii : RED STAR LINE. ?RK, A.N'i ' IRIS. Every W? inesday at 12 Noon. ' ,..W ind .\prii third-class RNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO I'ler.? H and la, North ri ' ". N Y w. B. PALMER A- CO nih r.-Tn.T1 . _ Rl VIRGIN!? KiYIGATIO COMPANY. JAMES RIVEf DAY LINE. Sieo> POCAHONTAS leave? MO!? LAV. V. .1 '. A M. i ?r .'- Ith, Old Poin Jsmei liver Point ' ?folk for Washington, bait North rt 1 lor thi.. night a r -i. cara direct '- rf. Far only $1 - ' " ?nd ?1 to Norfolk. Music b rlon. named plac.' ..a. IH' IN ' EISIORR. A H I " Is 1. PHILADELPHIA RICH MOND AND NORFOLK .->i LOA?SHIP ' :ompan i r TUE? FRIDAY, B NDA1 at day ! -' P M. -. and berth), IC, o l , r furth? r informattt .i api lj l i . . - : W. P 'i.. ! >E ?*? . PLANT LINE. 5 Sailings Ldch Week l S. MAIL ?STUMSIIIPS. Appoli t' d to bat. from im?:i i i IMPA, it r. VI? Moiitlu? ? Hiur.da>a, Satur .Ii. ? a. m i*, si.?i ?i.'.?iu?j ? aaS i'ri?in> ?. TAMPA ?? HOTHt SOU OPBB. : I reset* . w S SEY, Dlvl ? Pa . or B. W WRENN, Pass, ng . f. - i mim ii Compagnie Generale Transatlantique Ulr?*?'l I ine lo lin ?ru- l'aria ?1 rmicri . I : . Pli r No. 4.', North rlv?i, Morton ?treat. La Champ'gne.Mh.? , L La Bn La Touraln?. M'h 25 |L ' ? RICHMOND Ti: | M ?treel ANDREW WELSH, ?13 eaat Hall ?treet._f? Ud6m / i I?D DOMXM101 STEAMSHIP OOMPANT. DAU.v LINE FOR B 1S-W KOBE, ?.??. ii can ?a e*.?^ijt i ht oaly tria i h aa] O A. M. Ol ' an I l'eterabur? 'A ' ? n i A. M., conn? t? ?ah o?. Dominion Une atestner ?ail as ?-?une e-ve mrio; at ti o" lo k toi New i a ALL ?VATER KO Richmond teat ? :n :. t\"iy ... ?"? i'. .\i for .New .un ?.i.. J imsa Ticbcta on aala at Riebmond ] n. - i . :... .. , 1- ? - - J 'hrouzl for New Volk and m. ; unta t ?-yond cal be shipped by ?lit. tillni fron 1' ?NDA? . .'. i- i? in.r leaving Ri htnond everi ' ' *- ' m ; ! - a Y at f P. H conn? etlna witi Korb " il feat closed ?-.-. . hour bet?re aalllni ' recel ' ?nd : - w irdod an. *?? lluIllleFll, > .?ru, ai., for? gn , 1 R ' ' **-'<.'KK P BP I .? v 4 i> . Norfolh or Old -,?..! h Norfo ka i . : ..i ' beaa] . ?lio rail? iy m?ri ' I i ? i ' .u? . . . ive? BATURDA. * I* m , m . :n?er.-, bu i frets, ireisbt i?\ . Not t . k every y. und WEDNESDAY al 'l P, M. Batlinga from compan) i pier, Ha 2\ N ?tu i'vi-r, foot of Beach '.v?d and forwarded daily S .muy. Fur furtner informnt'on apply to JOHN P. MAYER, Agi nt, 1213 asat .-t. Rlehmon ! ? . W. L. GuUlaudeu, Vtce-Prssld?at and IL CL L 1TLANT?C-C0AST _LI?NL Schedule In 1 ?>c. Drct-mber 18, I**!jn, TRAINS LEAVE aU04U10>U-t MOM DEPOT. duo a. M , palijr, Arrlrea tevet?iuig 9.J1 A. M.; Norfolk UM A Al. - i onl> ai Peti isburg, Waveriy, ami m?.i.j?s, Va, 0:05 A. AI., l '..ily. Arrive? i' ritn? ?40 A. .M. Weldofl. 11:?* A. Al.. FayettevUl? 1:11 k If., Cl 10:30 P. 11., t?a? ai.nah UJO A. M., Jack son. ilh .'...? A. M . Port Tampa l?n) P. ht. Connecta at .? Hi i u with No. ..'. si - riving (i W P. ht, Wilmington o 16 P. It y . . ruar? tJleeuer .N-.-vv York tu j.. ks? /. 11.30 A. M-, Dally, except Sunday, Ar rlvea Petersburg 12.?w P. Ai. t?t'.yd atanchtsster, D re wry'? i.'.urr. - ., and Chester t?as P. M., Dali) Lo ?I. Ann - IUa P. ht M*k s g;3u P. Ai., Dali] Artii s Pstsrsburg 1*20 P. ht Makes ait ?ocii amond and I Luit- - 7.31) P. ht, l'ai,y. ajrtiVSS PeiiTsliurg !?.'>4 P. Al., corn.- . Ik and .\<j|l",k atul Hit? : .' ? (?*en a A. ana i>. l ?I btau .? t.?? : ; Otia and Lawn nceville), VV? d P. M . , S 1 ?>7 A. M.. < :hai non ?> - ,\ M gavani A. M., Jack? eonvllls 1 P- M., l'un 'lam, a j):4? P. ht. NEW LINE TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINT* Arrlv IngAikSi 7.- '. M., Augusta >? ;.. A. M., ' . M., ,.", P M, i N? m V?'t k mlngton, ' il Alkst Aui Ma?on. ooo P. M., Dntly. Arrt, Pet . '.. .? V M. W? Id M M.ik. a tu. .-n Petsi irg ? ? v.. 10 <M> i? M.. Dally, excepl lu.iM? r. m.. v.i;w yiiKK AND ri/ DA SPECIAL. Charles Tl? A. M nah '.?.Ul A. ." j I* : .liai i v " i 10-4S P M. 1 ?ally. Ar: nao a. m .\ m Roanoke 25 \ M Bristol n i" * M Pu Hleeper tu^timomi to Lyncb TRAIN? ARRIVE RM HMO\n. 'l"U \ '?l ? ' .ville, '" * Bava ana h, Charleston, At ? ?Irai i South. B?ll A. M.. 1 Al' A - -??-?n, Lyncnburc, and toe hit \ M Daily. Pe 'ocal. k im A M B rs.ov a ^tnengi , f-S?? A. M -, ' ' ll:' i sonvl i.uaii, Charlea* 11-05 A M, Dally. Norfolk, Suffol)/, ami rg. , .?.?i p M Dally, Jay, from ' 7"n r y I ?-'t ? ), Savan? i. itti a.fCR p M.. Dal!? . IfOlk, A BJ?)* P. M., Da ly ) i. Lynch* . ?1 J R l.'KM.V. T M EM General M IT. M. EMER OtitiiI Pi ' ' r. 9 CAM Ja 15 Dl via n Pa - > \ |ent_ , . SOUTHERN ?**-> RAILWAY. Iahb4lnle hUKaatlv? Jnnnnry n>. i ** >!>. TRAINS I.i: WE RICHMOXU,*. \. l-.iu a ht, N?> U. points South uutid to " . .- .. bury, ail - UanvlU? t0 ul?? i ? bury. and -, . a?"? m Limited i. pera New xork, to A i see to 1 . A ? '' ans, Ni m i oi.. to Tsmi ?. Nt-?v I Bret ihlng? '" 'i sn I \i n. i. . as are " -.u - i- "i O 00 u ;.. *?-. No f?>r '*'-V ' irks i Dur Dur? L. ",'; ' " * ? . an ; Vt I iton-a ? at; , Id train '",' I'll, vw.i ii ,-,,., , for Nassau II si ' v without > Run.' ' " " trains AitRi\i: n nirilMOVfl. ?. ?>?' .'? Il J ?? -!.% r If.) i'r.rn Atlanta. Augusta, ? to a M , from ? : - i OCAL i ni.i?.m r TatAiaa. ?? and ?, betw? r ami .lb. YORK-RIVER LINE ruwmponrr. TaU luiiitii,: k?.i i pj KORTss. ItaT-ATB KliuiiuM). P?* Hats biationa, naktng . . West Pon 1 ' nu.. . '.. '. and ' ' a*aa ' i?r. ' ' a'? dally er, Str. v.',?u,rr fmAISt ARRIVE Al III? SUMID, of: A. at, dany, ,0t?"?i>M" UL,i'" ' 0:15 S S ,': 'y ' rr^'" t,' leav? W< lay?, t\ed ?esdays, ai d . ?ni Baltimore at ? p y , . laya Ik . t " ' i street. ?O] I ? .. M sn i from o .*?? P M to IB A U tickst ' ' J M CULP, W, ' nt. F S QAN'N? ?N Thh : ? : aei il Mai igei. ^^ C If. WsTafTBURT, Tm*>. Paas. Ag*nt. 'j.*o i-u.t Mala strsei i ta ad. Vs. (je IT) 7 SUTKERLA?.D SISTERS' ti iii- unos nn ind -i \i r ? 11 in en ?r? ttir uni? i r?., arum,?? that will r^at rn th.- I ?tr ?<> ?i? r-t .?i.-*: natliur ?x>u.litk>u. AT ALL l>ltl ii.-l-.iv. U I -' ?lji H til lt?l SI? I.I M. H?B_^ ^ R I? A p lleta?! .-" il?, A. U i.firMm SaaeaaUe la BBssI eaaaae* LBATH m it n-?. i iti.i i .. ,. , ** ?* ? A ,1 , I BU M MO A M ' ?-?nur J . .: S-4.A.M..1 1 i? ??n A. H 1 * M , ! w - p II 7.44? P. M Ashl AitRivr m i? t? ? * it ' i ?.iU ... IJI'ja.? 1 :t go p. M ! ' 7 n? : ? * H ?J?) !' " 1 .? I?:."?U !' M I IM 01 ' ' .M BATIS! ) ??HO P Ej gfi A ' ' iphi uro TH uns. ?, i- A i. ." 4. -!<? A. M . ,. o ? B T D. Bfvera ' - Ile. . . ,!..?!- I I i: VVK Ml? Il ?H ?M?, -. I liov ?.u?? A : U;05 A a 7 80 P. W ** 10 t.', P . Trains srrive l ' i>n? ral I JA 1. k CHISAl A OU m K/ I'Sccii-??*? Junuar) . TRAi.M) i.i: s\ i: ici? fl ?i? ?, ; B?SI 11 '? i u.oo a. _., - 8:43 P. M I 10 BO a y S:18 P. M . -il ? ? ' _ n .to v* ?' v l ., .. 10 .JO ' " piillma e?" - nt UBI i r.\vr. nfimti ?" TITIOV. ?u ?SB a. M - ' ally, . and Albert ne brai nt ni'?. ? for C B WP. Il ?. 11: siNH IBBIV? ?T BB '" il lia? IP g i mi. i BTATIOS. sa a. m . i i . . ?a :to \ ?.. % i i :>?? k \ a :t?> i* m I:B P. M 7 Ig !' M lit vi>s ahi?i\ i i ; .h il - i min ? S Kl V M II t(l 1 . M bturg; -M ? N Aa?K* - ' i i will Im sure to pie?..? ) ?