Newspaper Page Text
4 mnn nrnTTUnvn TiTCO A TnTT_?iATTTRDAY. MARC?T 11. 1899. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE DIBPATCH COMPANY. The daily dispatch is dettvere?, to subscribers nt llKTY CEHT? pel month, iieyali'.e to th?* aaillS? wr. Kly Ol monthly. Mailed nt BJ i ?*t :? lanas, anya ble in ailvan? . for six BaontBBi I for throe BBOnthaj .'/) <ents for one ; i'rlrs per tS. Th?* wf.:ki.y DISPATCB leaned an?l ??tied in rare jirt?? at ji i>.t tsaaaas. . DISPATCH, or ',: ? sntS leg I ? S'lhiriipt , , Iri .'II aas itlvaiiee. an?l no pa . ! '.he expiration of thr tlrno paid fOT. I ? ri?. :.. v Older, ChS k < ' l?re<l letter. Sent by mal! a ?1 >?* ut th.- risa alshii-.u the i i ?Ttnee rhanKe.l mu?l arre their oM ri r "f" Pant? iflhe. Basspll ?-oi.ios free. AI>vr.i.Tl.*?lN<; RATES. ii \i.k inch Oil IS?tX 1 timo.* '' 2 tin.' * . ' 3 1?,,,.-?. ? ?times. - IS titii"--. " H ?b. ? ?months. Pusin.** Want? . ' \\ l all ration, P" ?' ' ' l?l '"'" ?rnaee tas" sr? ids or < ) . Above rat. | | r. fet ' ' 'or a-1 rerti?5ern?'Ti?s rum li ir eonsecuth Reading ?. ?lees In res i r ,v.r five line?? or )?.?>?, 41: 1 ed. five li * af ral ' :'!?'nr',, on ?M'Ilratlon. All letters an i a n I sjrisnrll to TH? DISPATCTH ? "MI'AN'v. p. :??d censmnnl? atl a "' bs re turned. >ti lath ra re ?eau a tot office must be p?l?l for t" in-ur ll, ir pabb Btloa. This is a h I rulo of ours. Resolutions ?.f reepeH to dec? memt" r- ; ? ? . tion?. associations, or ottvr ii?.ri?. win be ' rged 1 matter. _ l iT-TOWN OITICB, BROAD-STR1 PHARli ACT, IH RAST BR TREAT. MANCHB8TEB "l'ini:. U I H BTREET. SATURDAY.MARCH H. 1899. DIB4 imn\ Il i>?. SI n m t njeham nd sehe.lui- - lhal .li iitniii. i ? snd ???ir ' . our : \V. Bttl Baut? this n"t * the part of rallwa r much yleW bs ths lattet it Is a .-..- ... ahi? !. us. Bac? Iraln t .... m naral lii'.n and i i, i prevented from b< ins I I trad? t b? y *-1? ? 11 ? ? I city ii Virgin ; ! in lib? >"ij ilnst. Thus "iir farm? ; - and ? ountry d aie for?. .1 t.. wall tin late In th? i for Bsarhi papei . ond, whll? Inatai from ' Nortl Ifurnlsbcd them al an early h Thus lbs Ih? r our aie m?.te than ever tut m .i toward? northern busli i ither than I? ?? ird our own \ : , The situ il Ion mm? d up la ths fol lowing i ragrapl s I h we repnbllsh ?1..H-. oui i i ' ,y: l. On the Pn di rid ! the Bi t mall leaving R bm I i ng and ? s eepUaj the ? nain, which is too early 1er the moi a] atarts at 8:1 Thin tralfl for tii?' noon delivery of Us mail by the 1?tt. ! -..:' ; . and the con ear pap? rs ars nol d? Uv< ! ?i untl I tte In the raft? i nona i ?> Inte, Indeed, that i <ir;iiers do not care t.. handle them kf? mi" ra of Congress from Vlrglnl i. em ploye? ? from this state in ths i .i tars Bti and it." . ople a ho asa) h?- m itlna th.- i, Ulon ?I ? apltal, Bnd ; rs th? r.- from several times ths dis tance thai Richmond is from \?> befort ..M m be aa ; I But, on the other band, it I sided that the m?! ii?. i n pa] i. ill? hin.ui.I h I.? | \\ i have to ? omplaln fi rth the sch? dul? of ? be i aetabry al I '- well, Peno Iford, thai the Rh hmond mall arrh late In he tahen late the countrj on tbe mu routes. Thus th. ?rth? ? m panera and ths advan? ment of aerthern bvu our cities, but Into ths h Nii.'.i ill- Ail'. (be Rl liuii! . m.ill-,'?nil. r m i- left with lb? noi tbern in.iii i,. u- bag ti. - R* bmond I til-, i unit, n, .1 Bgali si In . bee north? n i No4hlng could Uli : of this scbeduls i?? tter than ths i M..t. i ' be fnel thai noi tii? rn papen sre sold al Bothw? 11, B (Ren, i'? nula, tftlford, Qulaeaa, Summit, !' . . ? troohe, v. Is w star, i'"t"iu ic, \?..Ibi k?r?. .iii.i RBaiagjasaa bel tas train with Rl h? ni?>? ?i pap? leavea hi re! i The C\ Ohio i asarnlng ill oui ol Rl? bmond ?tally, . \. ? ! \?. an- e..iifi.,in, ,i i ? n, H ?, ,,.u i Yaaltiagdni aennti > ? with tbe mm nina i pera of this tiain knaves Rh aasond aa this rpad sun F m Thus * ''?' ' '"; IB . ??ith the i.'.i thernpa] ths Ituiitiii.ii.i p .,,,.. do i."t re ? h il,, m 1st? at Right i:> Biases ea the south? rn r illro id i.? ta '^.im.s.i?e ami Wsshlagt n .,t, am hut w? mi*? ?n erumi jggstf* atad?< 0 th, 1.1,1 ? ot.tu ( lion? at BtggBtOr fol I-'* w, bavi la t* t'-f?.ro spuken, On thi R?htaaad *>n<i Allegheny roi train ont from Blcbmond ? H.,. BB4 riatn ' ?'Clock. <'ti Ihl Pi BlBSUla Hi?l -'"ti 'he earll? st I I raoralag trata ta at I o'doek, sBd Ihts, a , ,?ta - i1 Hi.dun"! d with tb? I 'in'- ni" ttooi r U id Ipl la, B tlriamre, aod Wash i t that I : a from the North emwhelBwd " N.uth. m and N ?rth i a Ihr worst of all the Ai? criminating Bobedulea I ' ' train out from Rlchmoad ? D | ; The aften I pibe, - the n< >r en Rich paper geu to Danville Bboui 11 time ' New Torh. 1 and V 4 -.,.. ! . i we have ob the At ...?, urg an? ' , i d Rtornli | ' ' . of the South' the only road running out ol t morn? ! road d< liver mal the post-oil o? the n id; a |T< it of the paper? h ive to be brought bach by the Rl? hmond-bound trsln and -, ta? tl Btat To this tondit ion of affairs we lnvitr on of the ' -men ,lf and country ,-k them if .:. s are iali V wo ild have ... pro I libei rallro . -ul.mi' monument din. 01 OUghl to . : VOlt? i i i i i in?, t . s. -,i:\ ITORS. .: \a lo] m? in th<? i id cae? have added fr? i? to n Ion of the | ted States I plan- la- I.? a for the hod, bul only two are n ir pian, a I '?Ved a majorll ?hits In plurnlitv . ; the first n ni ballot \\ here anj plurality. - and V'tiiie. ?hall : .- the dir? r plan, how? . r, I rraph I Republli in) points d.l play into the hands ol I tb? mselvi * t th B c Q a ,- is in. Mod ov< i our : u ai v . hat gea that then conspiracy on fool among the Quay mea th. pian pui h? d through. The detei mining to tai d by th? i" to the end ? T to i?. ep thi eal recant for the m Kt two y. ai b, If i* cannot be HU? d by Quay, it being believed by his Henchmen thai in- will still practically control the Fed- ral patronage of the Btate I -i the one senator who hold- ..?,. r. and will by tbla m be able 1 I Ion ta it y? n- of ,-i auffielen! num ber of legislators t.. bring about his re el? ctlon m 1WH. M< ana hue, i. at thai tune, "i po Ibly at , ; i. - istui aii.d for of filling the vacanl i year. This scheme, ezpl i "h. is nothing less thsn a vital modification hy a< t of ? iba i iw i. gulating the 11? ctlon of Unit : i o change the sei of 1M8 si tin- joint An embly to B( ctlon 1 of Ar- i. i., i. of the I t'ltion ; t "the G of the L'nlti d stati s shall )" com] senatoi , py the Ac. Section i of ; nd mam I holding : ? shall bo i bul the Of ( ll" .-. \ to the nun Consti tution is silent. Thai Co the plurallt) t to a Mch our P i of all ti. i/o n of all the i?. .. i of tbe st.., k on ' ?option by the i. . banging tb? ry tn ei., ?m a ma loi ity t.. mera plurality. I?Uh Ql ! I mi". ! t' (R| |. i Ilcan) ai.?-., dlacuasea at bobm length th? nu. stit,n of a i foi m m eh i Uni * and wh i mil Itself In : thi Hoai or i - Bed thai ?a It Is ? rid? nt, saya fir St. Loula eoi.t. mi h will rei . me ol th. ?.. undala ati snd ! arlll hsve t.. | And in tit s at >: t.. ..ii ov? i the country. r Jersey L pssssd a law BBShlBg il a tni-d' me..nor foi wo m. n lo w. ai 11,.i .i, i',, i- hat - Thta ll Of the nied < it"i t- ... pie who eoati n I sag nil the ; btught? i ol feathei . : ! mis n, o? i .m. ..i it?a. Mllllona of birds are killed annually for '.his pur 1 II IJ If IVIVll.'i?-'?.'?--' ? ii peee, bel ths proportion ot woesea w ,l?,w .,,',,.!? s agSlBSt BW* n.ltlltions thslr li.ailt.ear i? wofully ?Ball. We have not had IB < ? t'1 ?'" ' ''* ' ' >' "' T' lh.? Nl ? ' ? lg?Ti lad h' 001 ?BB f'. BO Idea a? I" Us merits or 10? Bitty. Bui with proper Limitai hould think a. ,, i!- ."nid be B s ?set H' n' parpoee. WI thi i nothing win. h adds so greatly ?t woa* ' **** lire thai th? ?.I I "' "'' ,'"' *-'' ti? no? are by i c '" nS*n' "' testhery o? ?' ! || i!,.- -i Iffed hd.l -. win rto brought V not I i Udfl when mill" : . ill ul li :,,,,|; ... hot,led t'.'h'k \\-, ... , : id tO lede tl Bt tl '' I ' I,, dill l,,t ii- re? n m 8 to Blaui [ here i complaint on tl . think the turn t- r It? the trat lUld be mot'- Il munit w , p. iii ?,. i he i till schedule?, and at the un- 'it . v. .. ' Btaun tor. It 1 - . .'..n that wi cornpl ll ... 'on. It is sin of time, little. I ma to I on P? bl nary 17th wr< ?. a , ompli lo ro? from this "Mi i-.,. ntlj In regard to the | . . -, Tht departm? I I i and authi Ised a ham ? I i er, whli h ?-" -, y next, B ! Now, ?t that la not ?cknowledgmenl n -. n I? a, ws do not know what P maatei ro t, wi 1? Ueve, la il ,.f opinion that ?etren minutes ta a .ugh time to make the tranaf? r. i il] \. n mil ul row n I I : 1 pa i It will b ithoiIty und. r thi 'ion, t pardoning power being In the ' .?r the Board of p rdona a i.nly advisory. ?'il?'1 II a? without -.. n will ' ' leet fact when make re< omme dation?. bul the < lov< rnor 1 full now i . had alwaya bad Th ville Tribu 'i ne ] im. law aei ma to i In la 1st t?ut in the : ?i m< r Stst? th? I of the ' a lad t.. ?< rve witho pay, while In the latt??r th? y ? per day of but 1 proprlatlon I ; We in wo- k. if w? : done, will bt . i men ?Ah" und. ?talo? lt. ; John <". Brown Bivouac ha . the dt ' om : W. v Pn ' . nel i-inian and ser' army In a Tennessee comma ll - '? ' ; i Blvouso, and who wi t, and ti u.." Tl i from apopl? already 1 eh. "lull Aip" and his bettei half < ; brated their gold? n wedding Tu im?, ia CsrtersvUle, Os. Klpllaig Isklaaj for Hli Dead Daagl 1er. CN( w York World.) Had?, aid Kipling want, d i daugbl Hi i loom In which l was ill for ht. He ? pleased. No "ti" could tell him tl : H? rep? tbout the . I lid ill ol distrusting tbi mi still Ht t ill ? d, h. a k. d Pu ? he n< v. apapi i and i" Bonal Ii .1 to H' ma : to him. His daughtei i.. Is wa ao mncb both her little broth? r, J? bi ? dmltti d ml" h? r ri."in '. ther Mr . K pling Ii ; fortitude la the admli itlon ol I - r frl? nd Tribut? i to h'T come In sbund every m ul. It la Daiiue rim .. This thing ot u m. ,. , otton m. roua v di- un bam ' in it ii- Id of labor, ?"it. sa the Lynehl i ?utchman - . . n mpt ?-"in. of our nortl i" ' Kti nd the franchise. The monk ataj a b< ; i hi beloi ? * \ ??> lie?.! Ion ol l.oealll?. "Vi oi love In . ' with "Thai : replied "in tl ve you I _-, litt boy?" m k. d the "! ' r . .. ... : ',,, look big i nough I ' Ma < ii. N. Mir -. i V, l thou blusti Thin? Ii j \? v> n m wrapt ii ?i folly? Blithi . To . all on i -n -1 Rail Han tb ru roisterer, rail Thj bittere?i gsle! ?.'.' ill, s Inti ) melsBcbdvl Hon > ? than thin? sssafl M hi i- - fond folly! R ul. Mar h lh\ bitten Si i i'"i "not st hi me" Is 1 ?oilyI Shin.? Man h tu u . oui tl r, shine A .?mil. ., foil) Ai ever June ritdsl i m Im ! ?i?, moi ? th.. , -iu Ere I i,. i i ' .m. a Doll? The Q< nth >-. man : u Constipation ruas, ? t dt? ] .'t the -,. kassa la _a world, i treta?a the - i (ot : u-u long ht thi bva al ami produces biliotuuess. torpid liv.-r, Itu? Hood's gestion, bad i a ng^ m ?!<-U llt-atlache, Ul f*L~JW I I ga ?"tnnia. etc. Hood's PI?? I ?|?]|S car.BstipstlsaaBdsBtta nal a B B ?_ lest i:? aaatlyis I thoroaghly. He, AU? i*r-|iar.'.i b] ? i Hosd ?s. 0*. Lowell M isi 'tb? ouiy PUB to KsKti v.ilii Hood's ?imfVilh 4EIV KF.\T C4M>inATKa. A ?isnrni ?r Thrm la liBB.Be a ( 'onrl-nnr* oar; KsTW bjbnt ?m-nty. va m rcb u (Spedal) v? sti rawf aras 4M regular ?'..iiiny- -?.?-ri-i?:iy. aad ntnaal ,,, ,,,v psopls ???it. The ? indldntes for tti varlona e?onnty e4Rtes to bs ??tad for I m , -?-era here ?- thl? h i "n* ii??^ mlllpond. 'lii. were graatlna IB with -mi!' - Bi '1 with words Bos ted i ? ' n;>' :1 claim relationship with you, and, ? are v? ry mm b Inter? it? d as I the health and c aei 'I w? II ire of >"; family. They nwre here In ell stylos sn , oiors. There an :"' ?re n'ir'" old enough to tare ""'' "" , of th?*lr primen and olh? '-; who have sro* n . or trying lo do so. in tot either aft? . out f to N? wpot N? \?s to live, still. parklln ,M.l priched m. y et tii-if lection. Were II et th? m al the county would ' officer nd our i ral Board < would ii-v. r be able to et raj ip anol ?to tha ? u h? h the ranal I the Indian T< i ich to nil of them, but hat t?. mat joy ?in gltawser o ill- Ir mili.I. And leave tha Hghl of bops behind," ? hi n the vot< are count? i the Bl?ht ? the ritb of m ty next. itn?, DTOM. iiiH|ii-?*tii?K a i.?it.i Mlan?a Vetota in. ! m ?N, va . i -i dal.) 14 .i a. Blue ai d J i a,. V i . the old gold-mine aboul two miles fro .. ? in basing ai . The old mine wi ago, ai la situ?t? .1 in ., lai s? bodj of * ? go l the name of "the mine woods." Mr. George ?'. Taylor, the Jeweller, ha >Id bis busts ' 'her int.-res here, a 111 move to I ?anvllls April 1st. Mi. v?\ ?'. Curtis, Clerh of the Circs Court, who baa been quite an Invalid tl pasl i w< Ive ni"i ' lahen very and m last r? ports i- no be t. r. l le la - ulTei h partial paralya and premature old sgs. Mr. Curtis m ii ..i hla pn fl for three or fot terms, and is held in hij m by all M< chlenburg? I ?x-i '.?:,. oldler, a ho enll I i tinougb th.- four y.-iii trlfe, losing hla lefl arm and He I years i \\ tilt M.I) s \ii.oms Irrls ? >i'?|i<ii? \i-iv?.?i:?i'fipr > inn I l-l'i. \ I'ntienl. NEWPORT NI. US. VA . March 19. ' ? ih : i ty . th'' . f w B ' Liner M \*. hi. h w . i for I port wh? m n. arrivi d h? re l ih.- ?Hd Domini i to th? LTnlt? will be tal burg on th Uner A which will w ; on Mond The I'nll m !? at the mornlnt The ?.th? rs following the clue ?I min i r.i-.l.i and Etichraond. ll - t y brok? feat .-it! il tun i he nil liman J. P. Hugh? s to-day with i for l . ? M \ I .1 ill ?n Burglnrj m Bn**rlseahni?a>-Vnlle lo tlil .-.-. HARRIS) ?NB1 RO, VA., ' I.) The book .in?, stationery a|or ..:' Bplta. r ,\ i ! '. ' .i in the Bpotti I .. i., was entered 1 num. . ired about ROI La momrj The safe v. nn?l the cash-bo rifled, it was a b? il j"i?. snd itly well a with the i'f? ml lii jury in the Rocklngham Clr lit I.ill. ?1 t.. 1 : ' ii-, Paul tlmot B illdlng it 'i Loan Asso elation. Thl third trial of th tiff Is J r ml. of th Di tricl Court, I loan that v re| the maturity of stock on whlcl the loan was made. Jui se \\ blttle, o I, I I al the trial Hi-porli-.l *? m ii ll-1'ir.v. LYNCHBURQ, \.\, March 1 been i : "t- -l at Concord, aboul I : f Lynchburg. The ti Health has I : ' ; 't*?ct th. city. THIS P//.UT?FUI HAIR IS IBS r:sult of cuno*? m ruriCv'RA t . . ?.'. ; ' ! - ; mi i ?v. bmj aTalld ? faced < ! ' ' - '?ita id? . : . ? Btnssnl . H? : en ' Hi ' ,;' IIIAM, i?j-; Ko.Csltforats .v.r.,? ai? i .... i - n ? <,.. i .? , Solel*roi?.,Uo?*.JO. "A.I AblNUtha S'ilp *i? 11 LMl LHION OF cod i.ivr.R OIL, prepare.1 hy I'ur , il, Lradd & Co.. in i ii ' ? ?n l?y long ? x, Ita nt> of other ilmllar pre? parstions, i-'or s.iie t.> .?it iim?? K.-'. - M cea: s. Do not laku .-?ut, htl Ut< -. .'l KCELL?, LADD ?t CO. ?Ja ll-ts) III? .? I l>. IMNS Mil *i? LKS DOR \ I ?? *** ?..:.-.. MKN S AND W ?ME.\ H NE*A : ? . MODEL BICYCLI I - ,in> wh . , full partlcul mall t.. PBRBOM IL. Itlchm ,nd, \ ., is ? TAKE NOTICE ALI. PARTIES H IV? S'i'l- \m LAl'Ni'H MAUD will j ,:' them tit within ' to W M ? ? ?l.'UN. by authority of T. I I ._ ml Or.?era for printing sent to the Dig. patch ? map inj *.*. ..ip[ et tention, and the style ef arprh and ?.rices will be surij to ?.i.ea.-c you. GOVERNOR STEPHENS, His Family Joins Him in Sincere Praise of Paine's Celery Compound. .__**r*l7_-_?.?^^^^ / /, y - rr *./ i; *jr_a* ?^ga T?on V. .' Governor "f Missouri; t Ken . A?. I ?nonti? : Oavernor Btephi ns frankly recommi tnpound. Ha has been t, and whenever I i ckness In bla family l" . ' ' ce : Is tin- remedy that ta DJ As i w i t n. --. to the wonderful afl of tins remed* In sprli i experience of i E? itlve of the state told in the following letter cannot I over. Ex? cutive i ' i i tm< I -1 i i bave n- d i ? It in my I titiil it a splendid r< n Verj i/.\ \ BTEPH ' Why Is F to-day the t. - Id? i i? no wond i i n n i. l.ll.l???n?riT-r?T-JiaWlTTST s u? ? ?; ?*5^v? rd-f^v ?- !-''-?x^^ * > v'?^?s ' And of w i'a.t Othi r f. n ' in th.- t v kind and of tl die? i . It- i - iched physicians, t Infoi m- d part "f th. i'. pi.? are everj s hi re dying of i full? I In . I i 1 n r\. ? tie? ! ! when . 1?\!T" - motli-rn remedy 1 i all ... . when I is being rould ? ? - ' u ill Inaaabarar. WILLIAM8B1 BG VA.. M (gp, ..'.'! .- il .1 Butlt contalnli g '' '" Ohio. Tile p. w 1 I. Hi m .1 ,' B tftei i brief vl ill to tile .?S' mora llalli,. i yor John i. " ' ; i irk, went out to I ' \ 4 till?. SEWING M A ? ' 111 :. i anil i \ v -i. .?:\ is. BIJOU THEATRE lo-Niulit ami Ever*, ?tight I h i . Week?-?gallares i i ?.i a ? rhursals*. "?ain i ?i n ?. BharkavMeCai I -i_ 1.1 Plrtarrs, presented :,? tnaerleas Vltaarraph, K4. i ?it'n. n.n.xii. Drew, i c. monis, ?lein.... I'?.? ?.nil Fields, ami I I nui 1.1. III.Kll POP? I. IB ''Hit BS, I mil 7-,',li t'UI?.BUK S lllliri I? \ -->??? I \ l'|??\ BENEPIT AT THE VOl'NG M! ? l'hi lat?an I 1 : , 'i ,,. 17th. The 1.11. :. 1 ?illard. Mr Haddon v. ... S.n\ . the Colleg? tnh 1" it \ih 17 lAI?i:ili:s gOllVI OBC'IIBBTBA. i-: . Mi ?NO t*t NIGH I'. MAH \ H Ta ' IHEV?LBIINBU'SEL'M ELEVENTH i%ND CLA"i ?JTREETS? Open ?la - P ?. Admission, _de Ut-li _ ''If. I 1 I.-. MASONIC NOTICE MEMBERS m OF ST. Ji >HN".- LOI* I ?*B*S P. m.1 a 11.: 1 ^r . \l IN It 'A A 1 "I 1 .: \, .... . con lo k t., ,,.. u * I tribut? air di rased brothel M o ( . Eppi M?aid'? 1- "1 al : 1 . : 11 d B) 'Id' r ..; t;,.- A . Ji. NI. S A ISBY mli ll-lt? .-?. r? Kl i?-'? i ? -iit\ I? EN -I Kl) AY. II IP I I??!. CHl'RCH : IP, M ir. < '" ' A. M. All II . ' I ? BAP i CHl'RCH . :. I. Bn 1 A. M. 18 1 ORACE-STHKKT HAPTIBT CHCRCfl ? i i \ M THE ANNI'AI. . Rl< II \\t ' I'll i !.'![ ?tl II?. - h v ... 'i iri ii. i . 1BYTERIAN ; l> I? . \ P. M. 1 % by \ ? lilllMIW. ' ' 'lU'Rl'tl . \ nd % P. si . i? r i: m ?-?fr. P ' Ii t 1*|M ??1**1.. (Pr*> ' i i- ? at 6 P ?i Hoi Coin linda) during Lent at ...' A. m ?' BKMOIOIM ?I It \ I? I ? -? M"* II.I IH'tHST. PARK PLACE M. "E. I S I N fill li'H '. ' ! ' - ? \ ' ' ', ' 'III M ru. i l. i-. -m DIRRft' HOUR. ROLDIRRS* )!<??.. ? \i M . I " 'TUMI e?1* -ONE MINUTE couch cime mtmqvkkit. Tlit?. I# v;' ! Ei.i'lrt i??r. iToniijt, .-af?\ ?ure, i r quick cure msi I I Chi . . > lr nii?i adult* J-1* : ?Pi ?pared I ' . o * . a ?UUla Early -J**i-, ? .-?-** .?.t>..*i>. lal I'??