Newspaper Page Text
6 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATHRHAY. MARCH 11. IBS?. A Bargain Day of Ribbons. S;il:ii(l;iv is tl)(! ?fa/ where Sel-Ilg ?8 ftfSJfJ ail?l Hundreds of pieces of Fine Ribbons are to be sold to-day. Tl..? ?ii.o?i>l i?ei,-.,? .nu f.?r loca mi r??f:?il lli:in * *- I. I - - ?S3i!? busitirs?-. RIBBSBS. Al IK??. >?r.l: 4-ln Ribbons, ill 10 t t ' crushed 1 ard. AI gSa. .? a ard. Ai IBe.1 '! i Rlbb? i . AI li??-.i i At I 7?-. i !.. lid. l-'.ir le. .?iiril: all color toi sei ? t ILS rou ?* \ 11 hi? % ? - I mi l ?>i- gSe.i HO - oa ti w a i * fu I'm Be. gain k Find ... Up p 1'or gge. pillr: . ! . i-..r r? I. 1 <?.- Igj .?. .-,??-1? : |-.?r :: ::- l<?. > uni I I ?aril: ; ' 1'or 7!??'.: unit.I in : 1 ..i s : :i??: i, tucked Ing t uff Bl IB ?itliM. ? i ? i I ? - in i IDIB9' Ml K N BAR. I'.ir I!???.: d P. K ., with VVhltt P. K. 1 SI ?7.-.: ' or any house COUId now ini.v for ;it wholesale. The whole lot ('.'inie through a jobber who, after re-con?ng his now stock of spring I ? 11 ? < >< > > i . con cluded ko go oui of the Ribbon lor gBe.l l.'l.. : iv Bllb Ti. , i Silk Ruffles, . lor ti???.i latest ft yles In I. . : \ -IT? i'?I. raiCB BOB BATtJBDAI DM?1 . I. IMBS? ? K IBTg. I'or r?Jd???: and ; - I or ??r..????: B . : ' ! \ ' " nt Bhlrt-walst ??kirt, ?... I 01 .- . ,981 ? .n ?ai. i ;: cr< pon BXlrti foi ? ... Sl.l-.*: ? ? ilr Skirt?. Bl ?.< n ? (iM-ii ni' i-itii i: run 4 (I I |(?\ (.(Kills III.|) 11 . I or It I - le. > nr.l t N- w i- a ry ! i . i-He. grade. 1 iir .". 7-*-??. ? n nl : M Ti ni !i Pe? !.. S i I l'or .'! :*.- I<?. > i?r?l. \ d Wide Fin? BrOB n CottOB, v. ?; i-lc. jar_ lot- ."???. > ?ii-iI : N? w Dr? .-ii.d Fia; I effect lard. .-.?m? \\ n \i*i*i n? 'M ? BE ? ?id' T' DA*? HENCE THESE PRICES l'or ls??.: v I] made lined, ail col !-? and ii lot- T.*..-. : trimmed with new ei t Innei ?,?.. ' : worth | For Kl.????: Percale V I dlng 1 '.-: and ?'.i i y tt inun? .i. ti. round ' . .lue. I ?r gl_gl Wl ' with fiounci Ktra-full skii t--. ratelj trimmed with embroidery; lull lin- .'.oit h 12. THE C?i-ILN lai'i'MI. COHEN ?O 0tmnu^aMM9MaMO?mantmmommawmma^ _. i I.i 'il-, mir u . I,!')? Mllfl t!1(. CHI ?l????-?: L?clala Iva lela?Appropria? ii??,_>?-., Rnllwnys and Buaaks. KA - ' ? 10. (8l ? Th? . it will 1 1 .m,I il Will 1 col ton, \. . that I itlful rill be turn? in > ' . ne m : tau I 'I h 1 ' . 1 . I ' f I .1 t.. .... w 11 ., ' : ... 11 - 1 Hog? ' Tii re in this ? t? d until :. I. Xh< by the L? 1 ..1 .... : B? he 1 In? I 1 pital, 146,000; Agi I ultural ana Mi ch?* ... ? l? .m State 1 State Ouard, tlti BOO; V . ment, I tal ol ; p. claJ appropi ; itlons 1 'i h. Board of Agriculture will ? "-. : iMUi ' Bah hatch? , ..n ail. sound. This was de cid? i on at to-? in of ths b Th?' board will quickly beata work on . .ii.ii. \ tO Hi,' The followlna la a liai of the new rail? v , [ - . . rtered by th 1 * l?lamond, Roanoke Railway and 1 1 Compan). Bast T? ni.. and v? 1 N"i tii Carolina, U? lufoi t and P 1 ? Btlc and Yadkln and fadhtn Valley), Kllsab? tb Clt) and ijVestem, ? 11 ollns and W< tern, D Mwarnp, Tr tn Ipj Unvllle, Cap? Fear Terminal, Pungo and Matte? naushei L 'i be n? a I . B ?hj Mount ; ?31tls n 1 ?city; ? !' (.'. Companj, ?d Balem; Qr? ? ni b < >' und Ti ii-'t Companj ; 1 m . ?Bank ol \\ id? iboro"; Bank ol Murphy; Bank of Moon avili? ; bank of Chapel H Bank] of 1, boro'; P< pi? ?trille Barija?, botb ol Ash? ville; v? ?Tssvlngs; Bank ol Eastern Can Mr. of < a; Merci ?>f l? Dli lison, ?Ti.? 1..11. Beth? 1. ? lint? b, l boro', and for ?he counttea of .\i i.-mi. " a n r. n, ami Colnaab IMM1 M> KIT I HI HIM. For.'Mi Him 1?? Drink Boson PlnasSB ut lA h i?.U?\>. w ;:i.i"?\. v ? Mai h i" (&> lal) Tin rioting ? olon .1 Immunes b? 1 .1 worthy > .-in. At ti?,- point of ) ' bin*) t" ?Ii ink ? v?. k? Th? nettTO ?\ In th? 1:.ol N? s ofllce ? food band. John Battle. A emptied the of liquor, be 1. II inter I ?, llmj 1 t-1. hut *" ' I * ' . lu? III?- h pi..r . ..nid be 1 Ulli;., d #" in ' ' id? r out ths ?1 N ' ths n \l . I ? li.i-L,- .) ,! 'liiu?. BYV1LLK ?, ' ., at V ' " " I r? ut v? ry .-trotii.'. ana wneq me the whole w< Ight i two two ; ' ' thrown on the remaining rope, which broke under the ?-train, and tb? nately the m. n '.ni rol rid without ! ing done. The heavy i Her v.ith r still ren nandoah river I '.'.'ttli the V'-. p er thai waa d me. mow BBJWPOBT \i:*?\ I \<? I l>. Pr4?i??????il Btrnt?beat Llae? Political Heat ion. Nl'Wi" IRT NE*il B \ \ M fitly m ide by I ollna ti.e pro* lin,? beta ?... -i i ? 1 Suffolk, Wo ..;* the - ?ty. Mi . i rom? in the :t. pro*?Ided the people of : ! i that tin. time will .a iia hie- can i i- a paying institution. , - hi hi In tbe office of th.? i the it?, o! le i III:'.' a pri ll Ibi . i ion. li was d< elded ui mously t.. hold a primary April 11th be i* m | r I : an r and f*V< n ' mon ? "im. Ihnen. 11 i m i ' m" ratio ? Mty Bxixutlve Commltt?.- at thi The Board >.f s. bool 'i i h ,i : H crltli Ised tor its i -n in the public-B? bool let the week lost during the l^bruary at?jrro, the full weeb by the board, T'a t< think this is " B* ill" work, and i cltlst them The i .?-in.iii.i have i. t i?. d tii lr pay i I s I v ?..r the mi i i h bul they will not t until to-taorrow, sa the board de? I that they \* ould have t.. aaabe up v. i of closing the i socordlng t" the origin? under? ding, the schools ? ill i"- ki it op? n until .linn? 2d, In ordt r to make tiie teach s ' >%. . the vn k li I i they will gel pud for thai week, bul thi > wen their ?board-bills during n thai ? tin**, it i- prob .M. ihn an . gort win bs matte to have I boai i t- ?naid i H - se? The Seventh Ward Dem?crata have noml ?ted Com ml r for re? ? i. ction. it Is also staled thsl < 'ounctl inan 11 Donnell, ol the Bh ind . ?:-i 'oun< liman D. 8 f the 1 Wsj r the field. Hi th.? i ut and Mr. < I'Donnell the ti ir.! president of the Ooun?*il of N< Hoirs, III I.I.IPT in in** mi \l\. Siilei.te of Hr. Hurl I'liiu-c. ?>f '(udforil. RADPORD, \ A M irch Isl.) - Mr. Bui i Prin e, foi rai i Ij a m. rchant rast? of Blut ii. Id, w. Va., commltt? d aul ci.ic leu- tins morning at t o'clock by ough the hi ad. Hr, ia, to Radford w edn< a lay to ',: \ Rlfft :?i 11 was ins Int? nil?n to retuib horn? this mot ntng ?m th? ? arly train. i\\ WOk? linn and told him she Would pi. w hill he Li? Wht fl i ' I 1> t"I II i ,11 She W< It ui -.- tab to find him In tin loom be bsd sent t>> h.r i there I und a I : mi ?-i UK- Bh? went Into ths bath-room sad found Hi ! .. tched on tb? Boor dying. H? li.ui dressed hlmrx If, pi.; on walked Into hi-. *aster*? rooox gotten the I, and Koiti?; Into the bath-rc n b bal] tato il. in. i hut a t. w minute? at ti r th? i hooting. Mr Fru?..- waa a Baa bush a id l? SB v. i \ fortUBStl I ' . d Ill-health b "i pr? r? d os gis naiad until iif coat?lifted ths deed. Hi I? ?v?fh a artfa and . bHdrea, to whom b? was s hand and h.-r. Mr. I'i ir , J I . ; - Bluett? Id, and be ha i . i a tb? politl? ". . a? - -it to Bra? Di Id . ni. a iiv i reg il ''..i and i ad. d hilil* . I i. A ?If?. _Ittla Barly Rlssra the fsmoua Uttle i ON THE APPOMATTOX m:w I rn?)*f > ! ?<? ami tiii VII im i .. THE DEMOCRATS OF PRINCE GEORGE iiiiininiK in f?a?si?x ?t'ouni.v?Beenn* ?hill ll?ll?-r?l?rrr???lnfc ?lir ?tlulm* ,,r MnwMMIe <; m nil ? ? ?. * i?? ' lir,?Hole siuiiii-i'??* Ciednos. PETER8R1 i;'i. \ A-, PtoTt h ., ii , -ri!, i,. ti,...Ti i "i Pria ?ill ai . mhlS .I'll; ..urt-hou?,. on the 7th ,.f April t.? > ..?d appoint v, i. . ;,i ,,n thi i ;tii ' i latte! ,;, ii o?' int< ' ' mantl being an, in Be t action of l ' Coma i i in the Dee rat! in the Count; Court of Prli \. rda;? Prank B . . hieb hi' i. . Id in Jail foi it in th? h. ,'. ' . for the i th?- . ?. im. John B. Blick, wh?> Is iil fr.mi tin . I> ? bl I. : of her body, ?.- somewhat Improv? . ii to-day. .Mr. i;. ton, ami .Mi I: . . Inter, t I . i Hi. i fought "ii ' ,t have : and experience tbe It. by t??' well ai ii,. .1 with statlptli i in tin. i -1 ' : tin- m,m.t.-. snd at Foi i Mom oe it has I? ntal Are to Ming I..?U ud win. ii- :.;. ... .i. - wai . by the >i , A l' ,ln .ii . ] . train thl : n cap? .1 ?i' .?Mi ..ii W -i tif tra ? the train m ?ved a ? h, pon lue : ? : . ' and. in.. . : Workmen are to-day It . Ill?- lint?'!: ' will . ... bold i t.,1 ii of cloth? I bj I?:-. ?' \. Itobini "i?. is Health . k. ?>t by the Docloi neai the build!) I? ni. . ular and .- young 1 . dl< d m h?,m. . rntng, ri m .i' " Mi m a. FI? Id, who died ?'ii \\ n irtsmouth, t ford ? ' ni-* i> Mii: n,..i nlng, ' ni' mi., i - . i!.:; I" til. rit!) ' soi I'll IMPTOM. Sadden Dea4fa of Lady?The Prl iiury |*I.-im. FRANKLIN, VA., M The ?! nth ?.i y J ' '... ,i.| ?odd? n only about -1 ; : : . :.,' . Kansemond oounty, and (hill ?.n W? ?in. -da ? later i'. ?lay I,. . m :.?,?i ded by Dr. J. K. .... ill I .1 skill could ?i" i apldly gr? n \? . o'clock i" hm led ?m Sunday by th. .-i h? r moth? r, not tar from Hol) N k ?Chun ?i. m a i.i- tnoiid county. i I : ?. - t t : neighborhood, n< ral fa j oung i 'r i?' i. kn< n b? v. . i y | . 111 : 11 ' . ' . re over th two comml . , nominating i b? ??i on Saturday, Api .i r ??ill ex? .?ni..- \',ii, r? n. wo candi? ai.- 11.- I if neither cand a majoi i?> then ih.- ?in, Main uiii n,.- two n .. -t iiiiin I : I Choice 1 th" III -t , receh th. rot? b thus cast will 1 Mr. B. F turn Ion? I l.. R. Ed il f..i- til.- position "t ' Mi \. .i Itlon , ... . i ; ). 11 : ' - . i; i rquhart, Jr.; Mr. R. M i ROVAL ^ T ?BSOWnVfWBt. BAKINC? Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome or the p i?,,,., of c< ?iBl aloBSf "f Boo*" . f..- D 1st riel Na i by Hr. a. F. < "? ? . Mr. .1. s. Oilliam Incumb? ?t, la i | m- i . s. n Dr wr. Barr?a, h. !.. Smith. W. l?. Fort, r, .'ind probab .? .,.?,,, ,,r ('ommis-ioii'r : R? \. nu.- f..r Dtstrli t Ko. Ii -,Ir- ' xv ' W 1111 f"r ,h'' Rslty i.v H? isn J L Olllette und John I. Tun ST. M ; il ' ' wiil I ,. , ' . .a . . i i t. i with any dsgrai ' ,l,:' t in-..? w hat ti?,, i, suit w"' be. Some bit? ter p? rsoiiaiiti. hsvi i n Inji eti d Into -oui.- of ti,, fights, Lu? 'h'- campalgB is, ?n jhe main, giiod-natiii'' d. ?ltd When the 0V4 r all ' ' iil "' ' -W ..- primat y will rot? a tlcbu t wtth b print d pl< dg? on II ,-,. ?or and n?tala It la not thought tb R publlt na will i ut up nnj opposition on ?i In Hsy. Hon. d C i several daya ol thi I "! Wight Courthouse and Bmlthl !;" n*< n? ' to tie wlndini il?t d -tt a d up most? I? imoBg tt"- n? pb< s - ind i i i ?pta will gsi will. DIBTHRBBI ?G il I? IDE ?m- b Bgotsylvaaln Paraarr?JUsslag? ir? derlrksbarg Brlrfs. PRE1 ?ERI? 11?IB1 RO, VA . M tr b ' il.) Mr. William P. Prl'tchett, s wi ll-known farm? r i i ouu Ici nburg, yest? rday d The i rtlculai : l urrence a d here ta i waa bl? ' uatom, Hr I eai ly and w? nt ? !.' I . bla not t ' tila from his wil Mrs, Prll ol him, ..nd found him l> i floor of tb? m ; been lorrl mina tiim du? N r i . with whl( I'm- b? tt waa an I il man and Tin- for his l. tal?, n hio own Ute waa return dread n that Thlrtlt tii ' I dit r. a a him. H ' toob j \ pecial n ' burg durii blixxard, but aa I from hit ihed In thi i., Hr. ? ' :; t city. sliling '!di r Of t it .... ' ig, i ' a . by Il r di. il 11' le thlS 1 . Col county. i :. 11 Bl lyii, who have 1 ? M. B. K- i mlty, left I I _ j j hmond, v the 'burg Mr I! ville ri .the counl It : i 5 enter- * I .?( i IN <?\ \\< <?( K. \ Gallant Plight ??.?ih the Plaaaer? \ Barrlaar. ( 'NANt't ?'K, Y A M n 10 (8| . ling iti th?; mido and f..r awhile I ' a tioii of that pari of thi town north the South. ' om? iiiL- out f the roof of the building i ci u? - Mr. lohn Wall .. llitii'. Thi It whlcl . nt, . .i i two pow< t in! at real upon the burnli il. mm harm ter. but '? out. * : i: Marsl Balls ! ! . I The ceremonj u*n, m thi W< bater Mar I) V. W of 1 : th. I'. ' ! ' en? gaged h ind 'rain for ? di i TO IK.Ml' ?*.! I?L-POX, Action ?if i up?- i bar?es < aaaaU Bad ??luiii? gagearlaaw. CAP! -di IRLES and tl.. Caps ? ' City Cou purp* i arrangemimt? to. for .?-in ill i Dr, ' ? P. Moon health ofi find . olOI ? ! man OB - . ll -b?>at at :: \ : BUtl lillg Witii t\|. Tl an . under the al the ?ion. i. -. to point th and s h-1 ' ' a. I end of tbii ' Cape- Chart? ? Ination throughout the count). ? ?. I..?ui.a Psnrs'Law ? u?..?. I ."l'ISA, VA.. -, ' '.,? bi ef In iw < ta j:-li i Ing m the Court of Ape ala. BASE-BALL BCHEDI LB r iin* t aiToralip al Flrainl i,-n m. , CHARD .'i"i'i:s\ ii.i.i:. VA . Man h MI ?i-" ?ai i Following is th" schedule ? i ii ?. .' . ..i \ Irginla ba -b ,11 t ?? . 1.1 ..n. d by Man igei a. W a March llth M.Iberry Por? t A' . : .ill?'. March : tth Epl.pal Hlgb Behool, . harlol t? ?ville. ', ; ! Bellevue High Bcbool, i hariottesviiie. rjoth, 22d, and 23d Rl hmo intic i.- i, at ''I? iriottosvll e. Mu' i :,t;. 1.1 .. tie, at Charlotte lite, ?Cornell, a? Ch trl ittesvllle. March *>th (. high, at Charlott? ?vlll April 1st Sale, at Richmond. ... -.ill... April "' Prin April ,t Charlott? ivill Aprtl m!> ? ieorg? town, at .Charlotl April llth and 12th Boston N cagu? ? ' b ' ' trlott? i lile. April 15th II irvard, il i April 17th P? un I C irlott? Ho Api il 18th P rile, at Lynchbun April ."th Cnlv? ralty ol Marj land, . lie. April 29th St. Albans, al Ch i i wn, it W i?i. hmond College, at ? '!> i 'I'la iti. hmond Al lub ..a 1 earn will < ach >?;> ' < k t I I Ivei Ity, Manag? i B< . - m? n "ill pr? bah | e h? i .r th.? w? k of April 10th, and II ma . i?.up | i exti . 1th th. m. The ichedul ith? rn trip la now being :?l be taken al ? id will proba blj I !.. I.. |.i.i. > o in At h? n ro In Al d wit ' nlty, Tillan.', an . I'm-. ?Una. \ \ it it i ?a ESCAPE .-.i-.. n Terrible Railroad ? etna t rophe, DANVILLE, VA., March 1 blngtoi way, which i' M. to-day, ? i i ove I I mile .ith . ov< i \? hi, w hile th? .m,?Hi,. sigbte, I ,i"t .-h. "I i before passing over 11 reached th? pped, a in!" si m?' ol th? Had N ni?..I!. \n ? n I \.,(? ?.. )LK VA.. M treh 10 . . : ' . ' ' \ mi britrlt? : B. C when much t? _ \ ? H nd s? ? le 'i!? at ill i v. ? I ' M : ' till In ! -nd yard. TI il il M u.l i ?liant....? Saya RntlBeallora. \i. . ' ; hav? ; h? p ipul Id: "I ai, . . ni't Swallow Xnnaeallan Capaal*?, Pow rs. Al 1.1 ! Ipreq. 1 |?M. ? rRAYKD, \Mi roi M). FRIDAY EVENING, BITHER - LADY'S i.Ii \? IT? :i lid. A .. ird will ' th Third. _ u-ii Vf boxt raved tnanj doctor i.iU?? ?m.. i ?n onr h.?m?. Wi keep a bot? ?pen all the time, and who :iy family <?r tu- a ta , .;, h 1 are begin .._,?, k,.i?1( . in'l. . i\< to ?1 an ii for .'. .1... -."t and n .r... ?"i i--!!, for Chamberlain's t : t..? trure. it is cer? ? medicina tnerii aad ta. I) 3. Mi \uki.i . ?;? neral Mer? m .m.l Farmer, Mattie, Dedf ord num. Pa. l*'or laic bj all di u:li ft>\v\Sa&Sna (Il r.,.-,?n? nnim, No Flowers, Please, Present Thi? tit the D< or. HMMMtHt-MMIMMM* I'i.'-o dOt?IB Ha?...v r-.M Ida BggB, 3n I dOI n . JVC MB bsrrela Plural F mil Plour, tB*J (|f) per barrai .. ?DJ-vU IH ontii-.a Purest ' lundry ** _. Soap. . -*J*? Bss Plus Ft- a h Pesa, p t id)-? can . ,v" ! ' pound- Choice < '.illforiila '>*-./' lui. .1 pea? hi four pound- . . * j\. HMMMHHHIHHHMH ri LPBPBB CRBAHEH1 BITTB?. tubs of th? Exqul I i . I'ia\ Or? . d, Ki'-h, M< Mow t 'reamery Buttei. no hing liner. Per trz.. ! . ' '* I ? Boston (%/? F.'k'.r B. "** IS 7?*?.r -nti:i:: * m*m 500 largi cans Epps's Im] orted IR, . ,'JL 600 iai v Bucket 11 rm< )i\r .-*w-' ?' ) M ? ?? ? B m B HlgK i ?. fi*"??. M ?It \\ hi - ? . OJ?w If ?I* . .II.<?, ?' ? l.tincii ?on n n,,. : ... und , - . 1" ?St, : . 15c 7c lie 25c N. w But kwh? :t ? pound*?_ - ? *> I'lMAI TIMO I'll! II \ *. . 11 now on tra H ?^fii* main unsold v t. Pel ; - J"? ( Bl i <?*? TE ?.. I ?>u i him.,1 n ? ? OBI B. I***,* '!_ ,Jt iTiu- p. r p . h -* ?> -? ?* ' **- -? > -? > iimai ? m: IMER1 ? ui:i:-i:. ...i ' '! A ii. 2 y i' I Sard:... -. f?,, . *-*'? Mitons Water-White Rock? oi*?r . ?JVf?l> ?^ ^ -??- *?-> <> < II IBOUBOl t:*? PIKKST M \-? llll.l) TOB ,< < <? plug .-.. 's "i .' . ^^ BtW l*?* .",|i. Ian lAf? p n . ,v,c > -> (? ??. IMPOB1 II? PRES! H BB \M>*?. ' : mus? be sol I mod. Uli g Silver Skin ? ?nloi f t irt? , uic ?r8C ? > -* > ?? > > MR. ? II M'll.K's | IM; (?I,l? W HI9KB1 ?. Hi?' ' ly ; \ i ?trt. quan . r"? r-ojd, from the o d or? "A.. -*"* B <tal it*"? Pin? Inn came ? iY ti> CI fifi on . " W . J/C Ulc 2?)?" **' ? 20c 50c 5c * -? in . Salmon. fiat, III.? "* 1c I . - We ' ' id Dynamite. Can i D. O'SILUVAN, Eighteenth and "lain ?^ts., RICHMOND, VA. New 'Phone .27.*.. Old 507, .r?o \n\i 11?. . ?LD FASHIONED Fl RNITP ?. >. I F and High ' Addr? is H. P. H ICI? I \\ \ ?I I 1 I :. T? ' I'l l.'MI I8E A Pi \ l?IA " mil 1! It" M .*?. I I.I?, TO BELL A PIR8T-CLA88 SIX-TCBE Dana ?Will b< h ilr ; !.' IV . \\ \vn:i?. S [SHED) A .-' "FLAT," BHPLOI BEUT \\ \\ I ??. 300 WHITE: (URLS I WANTED TO 1AKE CHEROOTS. liitx]? 1 it-in-'-'l hands will l?e tang THE WMII'OCK BRANCH, Tu.-iit*.-??i\iii ??mi Uary stneeta, (nah 1 : ! tu I ? -" \\ \ *. 11:1?. ?LADY not i .. : 1 - en.. Ap| HOOT. H H t? v? t? mil 11 .?. ni t;n, HRLB TO DO 1 IGHT .. :\\ IN-.'. V. . I ' w \\ 1 ED, AT ONCE A GO? ?D w HI IE, TO : BALDWIN ft HR? ' \\ Will). A ?'.""!' I \ 1 1 R TO SELL tit free. \\ ?\ I I II. ." EMPLOY a White M m . B inager. \ 1 - PIN ?. \M l?l. PB ?l'ITAl.l.K WORK OPPERKO A .. t 1 or -,-or I to v. ,.rh .. cos. 1 B * ' mal t?t Hos Id m .1 Util? booklsl s would Ilk : t ?rtraita ..t - with th.? .-,t,.r> , bos th?) mad? Il l>aj THE CURTIS ?'i".lNt. COMPANY. Philadelphia P* J*H4? AKTION ? 41K-.-I ?.,?,. ,. I ""?a. V. HEN REAL ESTATE l TAXEB rOR THE '? i I ?Alt YEAR ARK 'I?, , RATA i:', VENDEE "? v r T- ni h aad ] 'p.;rsTi;Ks' AUCTION \iF A op A DETA? in:i? PRAM No. KB NORTH i In ei to the ui . n in Deed-Rook 141 and ?I"'! mi' mem of a port I shall 'l Hi : ". 'i'ii- ;. ' alley. v. it h ii ?'. Il .i p Rol n0478EBOLD I IJRN1 I , , l'LAS i - \ J u. will ri Til FURNITURE i L? i n h 11 T ' I i'-; i.i.s BAI " R \i:i.i: P \': ' NU IDD1E ill .1 ' I th" n. TI ' 'i i:i. ' ' .Inly T I ? wniiM 11> i ??it ii i n i \ TO M V I i.i /.i'.N.- 0 lit' : . W< I : . h" ??.III m,', du ' KIM ?AN . Al?? ?l.l'lll S KLAI i: W. OATEH t HA I'M ?I .i r. moo a so ?' W AN WILLIAM Fl WES D " DA HARVEY, t'.LAIL JA J"ll\ L CAR! I SLATER Ml ERH IRLES DAVI ' l. P tRRISH MILLER ill U l M UI \ I PR I \ \ ? i B4LI I ?HI ??Mi. I ' . . . I ??II HI ST. ?. i i I I ..II HIN I . NO. " No. mh lilt I Malaria and - . . Flessssl II.?0 PER BOITLE. Al ALL imh . WillEradicatf.W?8M3 FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRtCE?:F? " PFR VI A?v (ap t~W? Sa .y) $flNif OF Chut? (f. l7?F.Sata,A i-*?)