Newspaper Page Text
2 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 18 ROBUST MANHOOD l)r. Greene's Nervura Makes HBFP*^E Strong Bodies Pure Blood Hk^;1 '- ^B 1 \r.\u:? ^l( rtn*.fdT li__B^^^__^r^ -'-^^TO iffth j g\\r/ /l !/^**^l \ Wf^/ Y P* 11 i .r.t maahe It I rtcX ol vitsl I \W.f\ i _I J\ I ?^f^~-'\ N.&y"*^' J ?? i nwtaokr? I ?^-?A\ ^'-^a r m i s- r\ ??B>0.____?v**-** ?rjr ?am ffonic v.cik. A not: ?-i')!p lji..:rc I ?b^ v _/^ __H I _l i '^^ _aP (..How. a 19 B' %~T~~ ?*___? deaden?, c. lnlen?iivine; the n??TTousderangeinoBt. I s) ?z^^-^eWoB& The ssoeeaeb become* jiifiir,; ?sai-shown bv b;i- \ ggV'yti^J^^' ^*^^__8 i ? '.?-es: ?on, ?iv-;>r:?si.i, weak ^ . [?aH^^BjH^ i ^ .1..-/ V IB bel until :l.c 1 ? _ ' \ V J_4i ?sai i to desjwlr ci recovcrr. _P \ v " _? l>i rviii-n i? fbe onlv ?perific lor IB I ir.2?**"-"**"*__B_ *i*-e ami w.-Aiick-.f. <if the blood ami nerve?. | Wl', ? lj ?___ I ?. t ___>? . :?.ip;?i*sr I l ?H M? and huov.'in.v mark tlic I I /H i ? ? i happinesa snd success. I k . fl M . < C. Miiiov, f>4 vi*1! 1 trsl Stici-t. H j / A',s,- .;!H ? a " _*"*(' s_ ' ' iir^d?chc, Urk I Hi??**- ?aSSSV / * " _>a! i> HA/ -?//^I_N ^ (*^_ I In / BJBn . _L. PJB ?jf ?a \m\ hI the ?tpaagaOl I ? ?r 9H j _9 II / _H BW? md I B9 I r__B ' Be t^zs _?*"*J _ffiS 1 fib I ->uM ?take n m i ?I /?J? ? __ I I l^i *?v_,'l_B 0J * "'-' Pffflte"af '$S___Si _E all* BJct ''Va?* .Be At s -rviirs, mote - > than i Ear ^' \?LwKmz l_S*-_9 Jp U?sSatr^ iVs_M B?)_8<*_>S^_D>___*^'/> _}?i__r ';i Street, New York Cit*/. ?fieti v. u the . ' ? or cost, cither be Lallhig or ?UTitinf ?. -?.. STATE CERTIFICATES. MBB H v? im BS '?o -SB i ti :->. ? ? 4.11 ? ? il n i:\ Hin ITHIBS. W1 WILL FWU THIS SUMHEK. | \ r, I iiiiii.P :<- li-l ? !' BlalS? , ,, ,, i ( ;u,i(.?i n? are-? m x?, ? ?.. iiili.rii ?in ?il" .irl???: a PaniH? I? Mislrenlcd. ' . . ' ' ; , TIP. 111" ; ment, 1 Irglnia ' r 'I ht folio** W. Pat ton . i Ho. John il. ' > 11? ) '. 1 - V? t Pi ' ' IALLY | a 1 i to iiii | ory, 1 - . : ' ? ! ' . ' srnm? i Va. ; 1 J:? 1?. Hun?. .. ivllle, - tory, 4>n i : Ml. and pi ? - - i U i Hall. ' tity, \ . Reading, spelling. ? .??? n. . mid tory, ph? i kology, and theor? > ad pi i ii. A.. d proel .lau.. i. ts Ml ' I p I in?-!!.' ) ; I ) ' ? i ' ry. ? i>!i\ w m un w Lent? i. ? t? I Va '<: r? 1 Va.? srithm. 'i i ! I Rit? ' .:i.i ,iiiii.iii' ti. John il . Itng, a,- irithmi 11< m, uit.i , uii < Bsal . ugi iphj civil i dlng, ?A? ap? \ i arii ?n Lia, i,.. i p Worr?U, Hll vill? v ft. Hun:: t|a Hing, arttbn t> . raphj > ... It . iiin.'iii, und 11 i ' W. i ? \\ hii., Btauntan, I R? dlng ?pi Hing, grama! ph) l'oit? . civil i> ?. rem?nt, Virginia and ] mpositton ? John p. Zirkl? - Va l" i- , ai, gtogrsi aJoitsd ?Jute? lilbiury, civil government. . -:i?. m* \\ if? Ib MletreaseS, ' bla wlfi ter-ln-lev? I 1 of ( |'ii. ' i man la Hllno ' p. a , K !! wish? - th m th'' ii'l'l'' BB "1 s 1 . "! lut I i v ry FINE TOB iCd ' ? omtt lorn ' . men! I Ived some \ rglnla 1 ?-.. f". ''? ??lllt 1? I ' ..i i o inty is from s Ired ] . is fron lot t : ou n in Not tow i) ? bleb so|d "T*ji crop In A Inla last year "bul : Ilk. that, have piece owing ihi id ol h? r in ths .i." 4 IT*. DID ATE? BAVB I? Ml) I I*. Ml of lliuar- Wim ?spit.? to (?III,.,? in Boaslee Ceespl] Wiiii iii,- Law? , salon . - tlon i" i?.- h. hi on : v on under th id? pt< d 11 ti,,n 6? ing K' n . k Count; n : P. LUI. i a ill Broaddus. i'-.,r 'i ' E. Andi Jr. B ilomon. W. W, Til? h", a Wil iiiiui Hi- T. L?Bwrei , ppi r t* ' ey, Cask Basilli. Hi i : *-*ei i. ii K( '"! and ? I . i . . . . I h? Ri vei . 4" .r? r "I Hi. I: I. ? : . . .nu...ith'a Attorney . : minor i I i . ? ?i i.ut .'?I! hsve sn? , i hi Ir i..mi' . .!'"!'. ? Browning. eace?A. W. 1 i. ii?:, H. Jackson. Hoe t. . .. .?i. m p.. Con .1 I I I all BROOD LAND DISTRICT. i. r s.,p rvi ?A*. P? nick and .3?hn For Jus? i-i ?errs? i a. p. T. Sale, sud A- R. i i [sham L Ford and ? ' p . . .a tar Lltchfleld i'\ii:l'!i'l.D DISTRICT. p h Hicks and B C p , i P. Non t Bin ford, W, Griffin '- I p t . J. B. Lohwa T - -.i ... It I* ii t Poor?P .m. Houston ?,?. Tiller. :l? r ' R. w. Atk - i . I I W. B. 1 i lust . p. . A. W. 1 I ' P a. Illllll. V. ??. , . 1 . - . ' a ' BIBS' "H?'hi.- ? tul..'* th? ! .? ' 1 . Bits vent h ami M : ? HI i?. )i. Id. A liiiitii ... will ?istias .if la nd vocal :i The He??t Pfa?riigtlaa l?>r Muiaiiu. : ? i i .? i., , . irows'a 'hill 'i nil i: la simply Iron and ('.?in.- toras. Ms eur? go pay, prk?, m oenta ACROSS JAMES RI Y EU two NVN mi:\ i*nDi:itiE i.*4 a FIMK *A 4K. TAXES OP RETAIL MERCHANTS. Oftflaaaee Caaiailltee Bseosasaoa?s nu Or?lli?iiii?'?- ktoAWM What They sln.ll l'nj-flioiiKl?! Il ?m?- tor JlillUI?l'rr?.????!?? ??ail Urlof?l. jame m Usai* ,lr Beventh ire? .. Mas h i i , ?I. k. Pita V. ?i n i: a ?s over . ; I : : I r. ? -,... , In tbe ban I man ai lad aboal I o'd kl ?-' ,n?i brought to lbs ORDINANCE ?'??MMI'lTE? MEETS Th?- ?Ooaadl ?maimlttri " ' iTdtnanees ?,,, . n, tb? ?Council i-? unbsr gad r. i-omni. nd? d to tbo I n <<r din.-.n? . ?governing tl II? ; ou i sasrnhsnts Tb? i st an .?- . i*. Jom -. Ifattbesv m i toa, k. ?U P ? n mu. h m. Nunnall*/; 1 ? : ? ?itaa, city Attorney, ii'.'i Mr. Banautl P. ?Oa ?' mmi loner of tb< Rev?s Th" .o?! ?ap bj - ' Attorn? m?" hants was 1 ? ?,. i. :? m? lopl 1?. I' tt ,? ? . i tux ..r t.-, . ?nts "" "? - t?.??k ..; . i .i indi < ne i . Man? bester. It 1 print? ?i m the? ? '?.um..- 'it v. m? ml. it In \v. B. Bradl? . thi man Mr B. P, J ?n? i was n I . BROUGHT HOME FOR INTERMENT. ? ' ?lay, who ?li-.i in Noi folk ' were ? ?i ' id, In I U.. . J I ? ? i* i - knon i. in tl snd i po] ' ? . n.I t\v.. children aun h him. II.? lef1 thre? ' '? A. ni.? Claj and thi bi irles, Bamu? ILS AM? BRI] A 1 . ? ' ,T ? l:?. ?i n s? h ; i . , i.on Mood) Moody, N i t.. her h? m a ? ? ting "i" lbs Manch Council of Roj ,?i ak .in mi was held night |n!? . - '! !,? ii ptssophs ol ni", ting also i ?: i night, snd Irsnsa t< ?i i ; . llau? I ri? ' ? si i was lined ?i. whl? h he : WILL OF JOHN now \ltl). ThS llinn ?..*.: Mil! on I rlnl?.Imla ii?-iif? nuil Baila. Th? win of the 1 ,t? John H admitted ?to prob its In Couri son, J.?hn Moa Jr.. qualifying i valued Tbs win mat written Jaauar-j U .-.- ii tbs testatoi prop? rty, real and pi i ton?al, ; ? r : ?nd th? b tit ? : chlldr? He coi his ?on, William T. Hoa Hill .-. ' name? itors. ! '? I i U U y . 1* - i : William T. ii..w.u.i, hat Ing 1?" it? ?1 in ai; i . . John Hos Jr., ?I tor. In i ?9 M? ?/. C. Will i"i A Ohio, non ift? rnoon I ?. I day ev? ?ras noi until ibis In ? moi . ? I |*W. m. patrli k*s m n?? mi.?!?. Th? Bijou st 1 of Bt. Pal the B. H ' ' algi *.< not m ?it ih. mal ? ? .iriy Miss O - . the ol I. Her in the *.?.? k. / . .. \ ? - non. th? cos I nil : th? bill whlli ?? T rs, In th. Ii .. tis? il, snd i? 1st? 'i i - to tb? lery. a bo think tb? y ?groas? every night bei . A Mr 1'i.iiik II <?f N< w ^ "i k. was ???i hand si both forman i Hs will mi Mr, i i until the Istti w< Th? tbs ?_ ua| ?g i?? Baa-as <?i It, -i?>v.*i?ii. .m high n... i ?.ill be i? brat? ?i si Bl i m h. i...i . r Bt. Jose) ... i ?, m..i roa high psaas ?Niii b ?. i? liow. d l . v will ? i con- ! In tl i?r.i* Mopeasan ?Baaag. ' - "'">' ' ' ternoon ..; i ' ' ':'" h. at - . .?,. CASTOR IA ! For Iniants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought _ ?.: lal warm) tfk Mrs. M. J. HUNT, ! Of WASMINlHON, I). C, will sxhibJt a( I III. .h-IM'I'K.NO.V on I Monday and TUESDAY, March .'?Uli ?mil glit, Bonnets, Hats, and Toques , from tin? l?eadina Paris lu.ti?. ? i?. which th. LADIKH OF lilt II.M??ND ?vue co um au. y lwiti d tii \a-?i For Constipation ^? use *i&^ AND BE Sure ^ YOU GET THE GENUINE hi: CAM? ril4)>i ST. AI 01 SI IB?. A Basas H??y Moil?- the l.??i Trip < IwiIim-iI ll.urnlh n Triiln. Utsarga Darig, ?i ?umtnutive oelotnad boy a! .'it 1J yt-ar? of age, Sb? tOS* 1?" 's bootbbji k at CStra, in., eaaas ben: > -. y innmlng on Hie, glertSa BBSSlBl over Hi? Atlantic-Coast Line? having eeaa? tbiwua-h treaa st. Auajusttae, Bla?, : i? la-.itii a ?loaning rar Th? lad ?a..s found la a. half??tarv?d ooadlthui bp r Jak- LSn?,", gad taken to th? wb< i.- in- la balnf ' 'r''' tot. H? has suri-red r*ensldsrebly, mid Is greatly wi iki asd bj his trip, ll" soya that ha ? IS r. II At , ' ' I to i as nor) Mb th th? Floi I ila? Ing hi? ' A " a ladd? r which h? I strap] ,. i anseth i aleej er, be mode th? - more than i m nail? i ': tched a In i,! i "berth" ysstsrday morning at th? Bjrrd i thi* smbuiancs ws? asnl for. Dr. Brown cams Bf it i th? i id ?raa ' arrl? d to th? a n i - ' i auppl to m ika ui I ?r I? i time, good I "ii, Borne m? ! pul lo i ' tor thlnki hi aill I ' n will i-- k? ; I el .. g|m '. : until from. Was n Mesarais Bastaras Day. isiness day foi J i n J, CrutchBsld, of ths 11. man Folks?, on th? ' lag in fren ths parson of John Reai on t" th? grand Jurj v. , i Ret and that tims in bad ii," u, ... i don ?? ;?. ... Qabriol Bowsra and John Bowers wsr? i with bsfa g dla '? dei I] and thro? - Ing ?toi I 12. Walter Toler eurssd snd ibrsatsned to i . - and was tin? ,i i. Kitty Lewla waa hsrgi ! wi :. atriklng pup Rogers with and waa fined * -' 50 and i William Robinson (colon I) cams pa? ?n inks. H? wa charged with giving a i Burke, and WI j dut) ' ' Dmi 4.otlfr<->'. I'nintuia lia in! Two eon i ' - mal las? i Bd evei nil bi | it M la at the A n?. by _outonanl Den liodfey ami his celebreted Britta i Guard Band. appeared before the President, at th? White Umist, iir,.' hi m id< hon srary n - " oldest [Jolted Band In lb? of |h? ..t Btaunton Itstsa Marina S ihington, and given a reception .?pie i , a-. .:. .. ,,,: .; or their vIbII i thi are falling i :i.i- k and be given I i . . Hi.? elite of . . now i Ing, iirniii.-.? ? least (? . No. SB w?s| Msrsh I was I I !.:' '' I .. .t.: .! ' : Ut? B) ?a !u?n M i '. B ItSd ?n in Mr. I. AI , . i i i lar and teughtsr ?f Mr. Ho ' raes w. ?Bradley, a ?wahVkaown cob ?r of this dtjr, Whlbj tbS ?JTOOt? formerly of .Louisa county, n??w r?islds : In this city, s vilu??! smployee in th fraph semi? s <>f lbs ? "; ?; sks an? Oblo r.i?w.iy. On gccoaat of the lilt. th*? bride's fa?tber, tbs marriage was ver quiet No Invitations hmi been sont, but ?score <-.f th? fri? n is or the happy jronni ps ?pie had ii.-Kfinbi.-'i t?> aitnees tbati nnptlala ?r"i la wish thon J">' In ?tbei haw sstate. Tbs ?ceremony was all th moi-f* Imptaestvs ?lor Its ???iaipUolty, an? tbo bride, stttrod In purs w?b|te, pti ;. j I? 'ur, <?f nog? si l.iv.-lin.'s? that HI i worthy of ?i sculptor's dream. "oi?i Rasaestead** iiun;t??ii?* to-m?)i To-nlgbt tbs origin .1 "? Md Horn? ; ?Mal? .m m ..!* ?uch 1 reputation by the ?inging v( hnil.i'I? It 1 n in Thompson's "' Ud Horn? plaj ?the 1 ??ling Men'1 ? . 0 1 tlon Hall In 1 con? rt pi igi tmi tbs seventh num bar of 1 ir 1 coarse. They ?sill bs .1 si i?-?i by ?Mlsi i'- . .1. slocutlonlst. '1.1 ?sab 11 large, and th? Indie ?Moni .it?* thai th 1 bout 1 will l , crow |sd ??Bight Th?? <|U lit bs ?it us bsol gad xm?r th?*ir m - piscos, such si "Tbs ?Passing Regiment,' 'i in? Paints,.l'ii?- v? si Uli H? ggars,.?Tbs Old Oak? n Bu? k. 1 Reception Committee has mads th? sdmlsslon - mbsi - ..r th.- aaeootatton ?m.i ?tbs gsnsral public thai th" sntei ?iinht ?will ' it fi ??n % m : Only tin? ?Details to n?* vrrann? ?1. Tb? i.- w<r' no n< w develop in tbe situation bel a ?en iii< Chesapeake and ?Ohio sad Richmond, Pe* n. 1 ?' n? lin ? railroad -. Mr. I ?.-< iiu- Axt.-ll uml Mr. J. .lit? Bkell ?II Williams wer? both oui of th? city, but th? y are 11 nd an : ..- in r?-.-r.?i-.l t.? s union depot il ? m?, cted by thoas u ha en ted with both companies Mr, WllUami U reprs .-- ? :.? i.? -a company In tbe n? tlons, bul It was stat?ed si bli ?MB > t? day 1 bai bis pre* nl trip lias no 1 Ion a ?th th?- busine ?a "f thai rood. Tbe rsel*estats situation i. ri.tir ?is far gs both roads are coneem?d. and wl?th th.- engineering di|B< .?-..iv? 1! the points of dlff? not vu y ?great aprense < ourt ??f Appeals, Kelson ** -. Turner. ?Argued by Judgi .'. 1 ? HorsI? y for sppellent ?said J. T. Jeffries for sppellee, snd subtqltted. Tato vi ? ' ?sun? r? lal Bullding a tton. Argued by .1 T, Colemsn for ap? d Randolpfa 11.un- ?n (V.r ap pellee, and continued until Monday negt. 'l'ii n? ii ' ? - -- to bs j'.nrs \s. Morris snd Oliver va, Mutual | ?ranee Company, of New v..rk, No ; ? ?gad ' ? I?. i:i, It III?.I ll. ?I.Ill I?.'II. ..I'? At the Third ITesbyterlen oburoh, h?-v. . pastoi rt let - 1 j v 11] ! "t unusual Interest. At ; Will I ind Si night they w ill bo ordained la lied. Don't *.???! In?? N 11 uih-u 11 n * I u pun??**?, lake Qrovei r Q i'.> ? , - ?i*r?j. Abeolutel ? rssd bj Soap-heredity. Women who use soap don't c?o so because they know it's (he l)cst. Probably they haven't given a thought to the matter. They inherit the soap-habit?their mothers and ?Tandmothers did, before them. Women who use Pearline do so, because they have used soap and Pearline, and have found Pearline to be better?more effective, saving time and nibbing ; just as harmless, and more economical <wt ?~ . a ^. ??. ?S O WI o dpi? \ it l i Hi: OB M p IMBB8. PSBII H l IM.. Compagnie General?, Trau sail ant,que. Ulr??'? to IPiU'-l'in I? (I rnni'iM, Balling BB loilowa it [t a. M, I'm m Plsr iVo. p. North river, foot Mi rton Pa I M . ?1 , ! .., . .p| P., I OUI -I I :,,,? l., Noi mandil Api 11 p., | Fii I .- i H i .ii. ward. Q\ a'\ A$ aci for P B an ! p., is Green, M y RICHMOND II: ?.NSFER CO Man ' ' I RE\I U BLSH '- : ' ?' Mam atreet._ i. : I.JJ DU -M 1 N 1 OH lEAMdlilP 00?-T -?NT. ?'.Mi.v ppm; FOR _ i\lw *?u;?. p Richmond daily ex :> a. M. ?i ii' bm i ? k a,.1 va ai 6 -v M . connecting at Nortolk with Old . teamer sail , tam? svs? sing at u o'clock t"i New fork. API. S, Aipp. ;;ut : p. ., l'.' inn'".'- Rl< ?.mu?a rl ?"? 1'. _. i.t NSW Yoik u .-al?; ut Rlcbmond Transfer *?? n ? i as? y .m itreet; Cbssa . : . . iiol p ?at offl .-, Uli u?: Mam sirSSt, HI .i.iii ...a. P?.?,. ig? ? i?* k?d thi I KPl'iliT .. \.,.,. .i.i . ii points bsjrond ? >u -.. i steamer seillna f.? .. .?..i? MONDAI R p. m , . leaving HI A PHNP-I'A i AND n .-, i i - Norfolk, coi wil . team? r for Nea York. Man?! rad on? ??our baton sailing I, and ,.f lading .- it? ?i - inriiK-i ii. t.i.ttrii. u..?.l ..... , n ?, 1 ,-. ?1 .SiAV Tuiiii. ? ' - ? luadsy ;>t :i P. 4 p. u , t? Noido? or it' I p tH t ting with Norfolk a .un ..?a or Ch?.?ap?*aka and Ohio : Din. i ?u ?in-! i? ivsr rout?) ?..,?.. ? ever) SATL'ItDAV I P. M ,. , - . in*.-r? and freight), aim H ?-isht by ?.ia Nortuii? every jjondiy u.,1 \\ pp.spsiiav ..i a p M. rleihng? from ??>nipaB| B pier, No. ?b ?'ortli ri\>'r. foot of Btrs?t, reeelvsd ?um t ?rward?d dally \. it i-iiniU-iy. l-'or futtimr Information api?.*. io JOHN F M ?TER Agent, 12IS tait Main BtreSL Rl inn.?nd. Va. W. L OulllainJeu, Vlea-Prtaldeot and rruflle Manager, New York. fe I dip \ii ri i( h; o.?- PTBAMBBS. VIRGINIA ?NAVIGATION COIPUT. JAMES RIVER DAY UNE. Surfer I** AMONTAS Isavss MON? l'Ai. WKDN?aU>AY. .1,1 FRIDAY, ut 7 A .M : it?, i lid Poli Newport Ne??. Clareinonl and Jamei. ... nd ? onneoting ai Old point ?ml Norfolk rar Washington, Belli? ind lha North. State-room?; reserved for the night at . Pi. ' tin- what I Fare only 11 50 and ii to Norfolk Music by ??i.iiai ? ?rchesi ??..n. Fn Isbt recelv? d for abo-re-nsaii i p and all i Ini? in P.,.-'.a n v ir.ln ., North Carolina.. ir.\ IN WEI8IOKR, < ? nei t' M mager A. H. Pre? : lent ja j*j iiHM.Aiji i.ruu i:ii:?.-EU^ IfONQ ANO NORFOLK ?*******Se lAMSRIP CO-HP ANY. Apj 1111? days: Bvsnr 'i I n ?. v FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at U.v ! : i il daii*. until '., p, M Pai ng ii.e Ps . pj u?? I . engei steamers. For furtl . *o I W. M AHMI.'K. rent, i >r?< -, Rock it? W. I* CLYDE ?v f,, j i 17 General .' . ,?,..,. AMERICAN UNE. l am RgPBSSS ?RBI 11 I. NRW .nl'.K, SOUTHAMPTON iLuV DON) ira ^Ur i at 10 A. M. st p. - March B Parti . at. .April U St. i. . ? RED STAR UNE. NPV, |. .pp. AN1 ,'? ; .:p PARIS !.'. er> ?A ?-;,ri! C 'Pia. '! h'-s.- Bteamer? carry . . 1- -sn?l thli.i , lesngsu low ratas. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO Pier? ii snd ii, \.jr'?i river ( iffl. e, I Bowltni . , V? P PALMER ?v CO nih i:.-Tu.TliAS...? p, ,hmond. TOI 11*. EUROPE $185 -Ji.l- Inl ih Tl! AND UPWARDS. Sailing .Pia? Ktli. _ Hiirr.. r..?.-, "f KPWIN' JONES : - Putnam ivenue, Brooklyn N, v Ktn.'i" Egypt, f i Hol) Lead, >? I..S, iinlv lit??. mh 7-Tu TlutKillt I ?k ami Job i'riiilUig itfatly ?x?cuted at. i Ik i>Kp.?uii PrinUag-Housa KaltROAV LIP?. A, C.L ATL?NT?CCOAS UNK Schedule la E?eol Ueecuibcr 1?, I?? tBAfM LtAV? IMWM.MMI M?Vi, U?ii>? ?arrives ???^abui ?_ A. M , Norfolk UM . Al. t?ijpo onl| ai i't'.'.-?alHiri V/avsriy, ?ana nun ?.a, v?. 003 A. ?I-. D?slly. Arnvss Psterab* ?:0? A. M , Weldon U? A. W., Faycttevlll? 4.15 J M, Charleston IOJ0 i'. M tjavani.uii U.Jv A. M , Ja?.i ?onvIU? IM A. M., I'o Taiupa H.'Mi P. M- Comic al \n ?lson'i No. a, a ruing (j?jldslj?.ru' 3J?) i'. .VJ ?Wilmington t>:4? i'. M. Pul man ril?^ptr New York i j.. kaonviils. 1X30 A. If.. D?Hy. ' ?- "Pl Btwday. A rives Pstersburg 12:01 P. J Bi - i -'?.r, Dr? wry i.iuif, ? ntralla, ai,a ?best? on signal 8 33 P M. Dallj i-"- ?1? Arrive? P. ?. ? IM P. M Ma.-.? all blu?>d. 0:30 p. 2?i-, ?Dally. ?Arrives Petersbui ?M P. M. Makes all loci stops RI? hmocd uiiU Peter burg railroad, 7;30 P. M., iJaiiy. ?ArrlVM Petersbur 6.V. 1*. M., ?-uiir.ecis wu Norfolk aii'i ?7/estsrn f< Norfolk a.-ui lnt?rm?s*disi points; Emporta y.l'? (ooi with a. sad ?u. t' stations between Kmpori and ?Lawrsn ? ? lile), \v sido j fj p. 11, Payettevllle 14 A. ti\, Charleston ?. 11 A M gavannab ?vw a. m, jaci isoiivlll?! 1 P. M., Pen Tann a:?t? P. M. NEW UNO TO MII/I.I. ,:.' IROIA I ? IINT8. Ani\ . - \ M . Augu.-it a. M.. Macen n A. m Allai - I' M. i'ullma New V??ik to ?VVI niingt.'ii, ?Un ksonvl Tampa, A il ;;. a .;.ia, au - U OO P. M.. Daiiy. Arn. PM r a? VA " ' !' -" * M. Make? I? g ?nd v. r A I burg . A. M > m.; Bristol, Va., I .." A, I i p. r Ri? hm n t.. l.Mi.-hi urg. 10-oo P. M?. Daily, exced? y. TU NEW YORK A MD K!.' ?RI I-A SPECIAL. Arrlv? . hsrl? ? : i.? a. M.. ?Bavas nah I M a. M . .i.i .. ? 1 10 p. M.. St. A P. M nuil s 1:12 I' M. 10-45 P. M., Dsily. Arn-. I A. M TRAINS tlBIITB UH IMIOXD. 3 ??3 \ M., i 'ail ?nvilU t? i?. innah, ? '.'. .i le?ton, Ai lanl i, Ma . . a, a.. points ?South. ?a IK A M , l'.'il? . Il B ,Q A' lanta, Ath .1? i ?top, i-:- -i 111 urj snd I ' a\. ?i 37 \ M*. ' l:,II<'- '"" S in? v M., i i ' ? '>' ",:':' .from b ?w ?Ath( end th? HO? A. M . D?tlj. except Tami sonvfl ton 11 05 A M ? ?O? 'y- Norfolk, S uff ulk, am i*. ? rsburg. 1 3.*? P M., Dally ei epl Sunday, fn.n Centrslis I >rea ry*? Hi iff and Mai bt r_o p M ' ' ~ ri nab, ' ; .', and a! point? South, r tarn r M., Daiij. N? rfolk Suffolk W'.v.-i:-, ?i i P? ter ti.oA P. M , i1- ly i f'rrsburg. Lynch 'iUI'h, a'd ?lie ?M?et J. R. KBNLY, T M EMERSON, General M wagei i ? m H. M. i-:.\ii:i:s. ?n, Of n r ' v ?s'ent. C I CAMPBELL, ja IB Dlvisi'.n P igent SOUTHERN RAILWAY. H.ii.-.iulo lit?, il-, o il.n-,?li Ig, I*-:?:? thai*?* i.i;a\i. it h iimumv.? -? it ?)?? i' M . No 11, 'i.!i> fei Atlenl , I ? Ir? em boi .-,. lotte "i??*n ? " M . Char iot?? . . iNo. a Alken and v. Itl ?pointa ?A : ' rlott? u. .- . - - we< II rk ind x I'org and Men an.I N IB oi i* ai *. ley w(ta Fan I .. . t ?u. lim-. - \ .?. ? i which ? ii 11. t?. . ' i ; toui i | <?<? 1' M \ Isy i ? K Inter? medl ? i TRAINI AHKI\i: |\ niTHMUM). <; ? ?? a M ) U -.*? J' M ) Ir ora Al?a?i_, AilBUSta, Ashevllle a.lo A v' ''??m K local stat?. n i.o( ti. i iti:i(.iir nt %Mme\ i ..ii'i SPa UtiiHu. Man iu....r an?! Heapt YORK-P.IYER UNE iuwni powt. Till. tVMUlf?i: I'.ot lt. -lUki'U. i.u.wi; Kuuuu.iiu. *?*?O f .m._ Av. |. daily, sx< tpi Sundayi, foi ralul ai?. .!. a . Iiiak.l.^ 1011 S V. ? - Poini i n M? iiday?. W timer? ., ?witb M inoj .-?., ',v . ippa. harueck un Tu l'hu? ><i^.s? snd Satu? 2 30 1* ||.( No ..I (I M ,.?,. da) - " tor Wem ?-.?im? nia i ?tailor..-.. Connect? wu . lal.|j.ih;.iin... .-. ...s . at all < - ->ioi)? 6 OU A. M V? ?, || i i;',' ' ? at,,.! . Interm? II . . imAIng vllliivt: m niCHMOMO. ?17 A. M . o... '" 4U -. '' "'" - - - ' IBB I'll -a, ? m:4Q?r?i ! - from We*t I'.iiii ai.l ii e Ala. tioli*?. 8t*samer? lesvs West point ? u p \i v" '' ' : " lays, and ?Friday? 'au i Baltimore ai r, P M ?ley*, aae: ?Wtui 1..U.B Ticket ofll t, foot off Vlr? ?inia, atr i .. .-, ,, M and from ?.".?? P M > . t^ a ,. ' C \V. WESTBrRl \i i . - . ? J M i ?I.I' ?K, 'i. .U1; ' F S OAN.NO.V, Thlr.l \ . '! W n I? ? 0' pomitii'i*:;.'." i t HBO "V LAVILLE'S l.iQtun ou ru is. i'se.l ?iii?,?-?{?fully by leading physician? ?m?Huh?.i,i Europa m tr. atl?n? :l \! . OMPLIC.?Tl.i. an 1 s rUBRORN ?'i?K?) v?.' CASES Pamphlst with full infer? nation fr<i:i i. Fongcra? Co., 26-30 N. William!,.. M |se7msA9tj RAILROAD LISES. CHISAPEJ A .a wf?ST OHIO K A IL WAT, UffrctlY?**. ,!?nu?r> 10, ls!?.i. TRAINS LfcATB KIOHIiiMii i ,.,.,. TBflSFI ST?MMOS. U.UO A. la.. Dam?. WHS lllUi?..**? a al Kim?, Old i u.?d Poriain at N'oi to.k n . steamer?, a . ' 3:45 P. M., polir, local ? ? ' N*.?*?. ?ld ' and Portsn , i ut Old |4 .i ? ?an : Will, ?epi Sun? 10 20 A. M., 1' F ? at '. .. 1 ' ?1 -. f 1 L .. 2:18 P. M. Delly, wlHi l . Iman -. : Louis, donsvtlli* f ; ' way, noi h b un ingf.,n, \rf 8 , . et tfi' Dining Cars N train, except , e train fr?>i ? vlll,- to Si n'?,n B .10 P. M., A nu _ dn>, f Dos? 10:.1U P M ! ?. P'illniai: to Hlnti.i and i '" nrtrl and r. t I n?-?;. . -, ' .. . * - IRAI"!? I.FIWR KIOMTH-sr**r.i:-i ST-iTtOI. 10 30 a. M., Daily, for Ly ? '...' nnd A:!u*rtn.? bra: ' 1 ' 3 OO P "M !? n| P Ma m vi\s Minivr: at RM i BOAD-STBBVS ?p, H.OO A. M , ? x- | well ? > :t?> \ ?: H) 11 : .<< nt. 3 .10 P. M ville S:6S ** M . I>(?! ? 7 i.-. " y HtAIBS ARRivi: I STATIOB. 8.40 A ?PC?) P. M.. ?Daily, from < buix. I. ? IOHN . Ass - ? NftW-MttWiftn .ibbibi'iiii Sehe?!'* Bareb 13, LEO II IIKIIMIIM), iiliPP-IHIir -I *. I .'V I "(I A. -M., Rl< 0.03 A. ?\1 7.30 1 . _ *t N 0 SO P M 1 at l\ ?ai Trains, arrive 1 - - , LIMITE! ' l: W I-. ' ' Central Of?., a H RU h O RicH;uj3l, _Jf r. a J'ruLtbiftAi s?.? ?ai? in i.nrii ,i..ii?.i. .< 1 LBATB 111 BU-SI m.1 ; -1 y.i?:' A M., 1 ... i p . in t? -4) A M . . t*J 11 m m . , i, Pi ?:?-> A. M., 1 ?alt) * i I'ay I 1 , : m m I t, 0 or? a. M ' i-. 1 1 \ 1 1 lA.Oti M.. 1 ?> N All?n. ?-' a n ! v. ' 7:40 P. M . ! ... v liar ' I Pon?. AKRIVi: Bl KU-.-.THI Kl si I o. ?u .'.. .1 1.1 '?..I ? 30 P. M . Daily, t*? H ? I ! ? ?.?. a l ' : - . ' . VA' 7 10 I'. M e f at 1 1 . ? 40 i* M I ? :> 00 p M 1 . . I'lll'.IHr III? U-114. %( ( IHIMIIIH PIOS il?.. .-? 4 < ?> P Ml I - "? A M . \ asm. nu in \i>? (P.'. ? < I- Va ?I -J4I P *,! u ? ? 4P??*? I \' W P u*\ B. T I? IfVSffS, prr?. It ? ' CalO?. Stll-1 Head?, Not? H? ada Clr? u 1 ' Comj aay .?t loa 1 ; gasd wefh ?t th.- -?.in. Inferior **"' k. ?> ad ?1? i ?' ' we will guatea!?? ?ati?f.??',.oii u? nariasulai.