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18 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. MARCH 19. -1899. TI1K NEGROES1 SIDE... MUMS on mi ?>*.? 11 :. ircimi:. sa?s n conuro to his arrest. immmmWUU mmmtA *0 '?'"I Mi? ? I lip'Ul ton. v???.i in Heel Hi- ? ?' ' -mille ill !< !? M I? ?lili HI"' O."?? O .1 ?*?< ! < ? I lir I'l <?i;li . ? Ill7.ll"?. P . : 1 . h . ? ,, I with I ' 1 - o. 1 . . ! reck. "U I ? . i i H< * ' l?li I* ' ' ' ! : . wb? ?US' d lea to 4 triad to 4 .. . i a ,. . . .... the ? n?M i r I ' map 1 : '.,? , om - of B . .. Qeseraei v lit. I4-.SU*. In I _ro vill -. ,!!-lt Lo'.'. . ,, llgl.' ' .?'.I ' ?UP. . potty In havli > i . ' "f : ?. ' er:. SialaasrM Iroai Or. Bf* J :., ' I : Jtl !. i West 1 . ' ? seen fit i P ' i i ' : ' ' Of I Km? i ? i ; In i \ were t B . I from A ft ' ? ? ? I lierlff. In at B the : Iilv ' tifty ' I o ..... H M 1 :, ' liovtrnoi 'Ulli i ' 1 , ! I ii-n ne v . ? fro? ta ?ii Tri it ?O I, I ! ? 1 ' i .. I I III . t!. til' "h ,\ ; I ? f II ' With II In t in t i th> n ?-?* a. ' ? ' 11, 111 1 . ? Jirar???? mi lied ? l ?... .A I met is ns I ,'" ' 1 ' ? . ' . .. 1 fe \ IRG1MI \ vi t m ?, ,? iiixi Haas w ?u ' ? i m? ited, '' ' ' ' * " ' ' , ' II-n. ? ?; ? *-..? _. t? ?i 11 v' ? 1 In K? ft his i ' ? si lbs ? onctuston of Mr. ? : b-sg i llr?l In ft* * k. \? a tl ? i\? ?i in i, r?r? ??n ill- m it - ,n effort will I : of V havs | 1 in i nosrtt of III i lhat l?t |1 || ill' Mil. I. UIIAIH. pnliir ^..iinii Mm? ?>f rtnit?l? HolgrfetS I'naa?-?. *? .*. i*. . I ' I? 'I III? health "i ol ? 1 i this vet ? Burton 1 : I , v iptaln If. w . v? . id? stfr. II Mr. John I'. ?.li/.-l>r?.iil. I?.ml. F. < 1 I morn? i -i lhe n In? H with th*? malady which m the i fternoon I T, Pullla) Fourth si I I i in. rviiiv nr.iMir. ?ii? ? roach *.. i*.-i-i.-.-1 loa al ? lu-lin- ia iatt?faotorg, Effforl : i ,f ur? ? ' i i : y I < > i more - s new ; I i lie .uni thai 11 U i-.iy. i. .i \\ ill..mi- hai i.? n -n he Mr. w llllama la v? i y a?lv Int? -' ?i in the Hi hm? i Mr. \\ :ii . ? it ill . on v 0 ii"i Hi ' . teasi- nml Brief?. n? h thi ? E t)i? r ... . . Ii v. '/.. T. Sit church ere ala . ly nt eall? ?l m? ? '.?! - (?r th? ' Hospital ? n the n- ?r i . . .i t,. - ., aled h? r l: uii * ? 1 :i v? ry i ti. r in.? brsM ii four \\? I il '.I imond and ; will hold a ? - jll.-st I I Immanui. 1tii'?.ii:iiiiiili-ra in \.-.v A ?irk. ' "UK. II i : I? i? Malaria * >.- I lasa t ; ' I - I : ?I : I - - I ' i ars i :i" -"in?. . n.i...i iing I 'i'T. ASS1NG OF THE MILL. IB?T nivroitv OP imp. oi.n II w w i.-riir.Nsii \\\ ni it.dim.. (WARD MARCH OF PROGRESS. le of lit?' I'lral l.ilat Mill Pi Bleh* niiKiil-TIn* ltd ?nrie? ?if I'P'Otl nml | Ire?Tlie Sew Ige ?>f Bla??s*killr?*? *? Sleri >f ii'??'ii>i)ni.-in. Cre? n has i ni. of the J?? ??ring; th? n? tt age : I he la of II ... ed t.? ? ? v. h?. i. Is - Id mill I in y pit n is , .. . ' ' re, and thro? ?VII. " ' d it has 1 . tlq i. ! . ? ho | ten the 1 li. FIRST GRIBT' Mil ' HI . . [ am told .?. rocka . ' n of th? ' ' ?rhich tt by s rebuilt I the ot. r II !.. . it who never I ?vi red l'y the i ill Mills to : tlchmoi was not then j k wa i, rf v. m ly ; I . . a i 1? than 1 ?wer than all Ihe way up fi om 11 t] look? .1 th i -shot m n h a? Sinai y flow of the r th? low the memoi mil ui ' FOI ' i i . e shmlow uf mil I I which ? by Hi" v e third, more retient than tl way of Shock : still In ough little i. I . ut .Pi... k; ih" old ' "in-mlll DOl I \lt IMNM'.K \ l'l.o IP- I . b Perpese i?. ?.hi?? Dlsepprorel or \ir. ? raekri ? i ..-->ih>i i>a ? ' i i i ? : -,. the i h 'i- m n ol - moi if pi ite spreads, the gh thai I' U'l. e prln< Ipl? , of Jeffei i i ; , i , . I ai y T? r in the I i "llar i thing') up t ih. ir : ; ' ?I ' ' I ' ' , I ' I ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Mii.wi-nt in ., BalUBaa. (N?w York ben C. Mel 1 " ' ' : ? til v. - ' ' i s* H i i tien ii aad laaaj, whleh iiaa sunk .-. i |. 'f hing ; ? ! ? ' \\ ISTS \ lti:ili. *.M\?.. * ?i. raie ' . ?. ,n ?t. loi i i la '' - ?.O - I 1 -. ' I It S \\?ll?. j \ gen i).|...i-i'?? Mafcltag s? :? ' I in??I'nriniiii; 0|ii-i-;it ??him lli-liln ?ER \i INI iR * I M ' i> lx la" Kl 1. m ?nd ? - : ' ' ' k Pemberton, Cordes &Mosby. The New Silks. All the ni w Bilk ideas?bright, ?ill colors, entirely sew patterns, ?1?.-.i I.,- all tne^tsple . snd som?odestly pri?8ed ?M ?.Tor .'?i onet. It 37c. I 11 It 50c i It 75c. Dots. \\ 75c. T ' ' .Special ?ei Silks. I : .'.' ' ?ish Ptpltas. r su Im l;rk? . ' Il . Embroidered ?nlka-Do! Liberty Safins. .u. Safin Duchess, ( ill lino of . Plaid and Striped Taffetas, c . ;' : ' . j J BL?5X SILKS. Shina Siiks, - Figured Taffetas. light* . i P ?Two Specials Slack Taffetas, '' v ii eoc. Qunl li 75c. S A f Armures. r i* ish Poplins. i ? . New Ribbons. : i ... ? Till! lit: _ ] n? w snd -. . ? i: RuHled Ribbons. i 1 Dress Trimmings, . ' EMBERTON, CORDES ?& MOSBY. four Easter Wants. Ihs shopping pablio of Richmond Bild vtcinnge have learned thai they oannot afford to be indi?erent i<? uny of ih?* lines <?r g<oods that form a part of this store's system The completeness of the stocks, th?* reliability of the mer chandise handled ivv iic. and the extreme fairness of the I mi ?"s (quality considered;. are what have iron the confident of Richmond i shopping public. On these principles we ?in- 1 < ( i?),>.''- inert .'- ' ?1 merit. For this ?week's sal every depart ment in our house It represent d bj the choicest of NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE, so attractive!} priced ss to sppenl to ei in tconomlcal ill : } ; . ' M " A mos( ('"iiii?1' te sssort?i rerything that is distinctively ?I i be correct oew spriiig eluding sil the si r Gray. t 50_. a I ' ' ngllsh Serges, coicb and ngiish Tweeds, rat new pstti ras to .ji. eiiftfian G'cths. i and *c. ovelty Pteid Suitings, '? new, wo-Toned coich Suitings? : . Herringbone heviots, and ?n i y ?pillar . eal English Sui.lngs, i .i rench Challies . he New Parasols pi .-?"m mhrellas. : p p row n. I ' . 6-lnch i - . i Black Osids. Tiie Pojjylar Crepes ill wool, wniil ?and m??hair, silk and w "!. >'? ahov n by ns in ;) most profuse assortment of tho ronghlj sew and corred patterns, ? ? m r\- pri??e ] on s ill find here the ' ' ii vnJ te 3our ?money will ??iv. Prices: 69o., $1, 11.25, I, -.:. _.': " . $2 50, I '. 1-3.50, and 14. Go 1 * 73, I .:.".. ?Se., ?!, ??i-?? I !.! Irish Poplins. Cheviots. New Grenadines. I trg l>; I I High-Grade Tailored Suits. ]' oui 1 for? I Shirt-Waists. I 1 - i The New Wash Waists, j 1 ; Prices Special. 1 ,. nil t - Ladies' Neckwear. . 1 Linen 1 . . I ...It. 'ei??berton, xirdes & Mosby, 'able m\i Bed Linens i advantageously priced tba ' ! * is SPECIAL OPPOBTtJ 11 \ < n curing Lu r - prin. ly at i lavia endable only?all nurse. iiree Specials in able Damasks, i wo Specials te Towels. .'-? n. . .. inen Sheets. 11 . . ' lentlemen's inen-Bosom Shirts, i i all Uni n i' i!rt. \ ' : aunderc-d Shirts. v I ' iderwear. - . a- In. tor Dr. Jaeger". ' WASH HOODS, rlnk.ed Gingiiams. . ' eal French Organdies. . gal Scotch Ginghams, ordelia Cords. i ; > \ \ M. I : . ? .-. License Taxes. ! . ? , ' ? ? ? I : . i U?AY. the ; to] : . . P. a., (oi ? it.? tnmll i?>? .. ? n . nn till J. VVAKKI.v * uili iiiiuii B.lgs Awl ?i,,. Senator ? ai - - Siitlsb li?. v.i. ?i '. ' bas .1 . \ < i ? i ii??I. r. ' ? lull l' .?.".! . h ? ? . -I.. ? . 1?, IU| Mrs. B. W. Cosby,^ 307 EAST BROAD. Grand Spring Hlinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday, Mch. 21-22, 01 French Pattern Bonnets and Hats. The Porto kijo Round Hat, the Cuban Stan, all the latest effects In Soft Hals, Mourning Mats, ?Bonnet* Veils, Sailor hat*, Vloletti &C? AIRS. B. W. C05BY, 507 '-*? l5r0d" v 0 A oil ft WPfcEBY h ML If iilit?'S FAIOIJS FHENGH RE?EI1 M eve ir Fall?. EKCOilSjn gY TnOa?A!i?l. ' '-."Il- . .1 ??? i. N H A ind r? : ..- . l'V m lil ?i-- , r Pata ant ?r I . ?u:u?hl?* sa ?ihr?allai : - si ?als '?.1 Ukhmonl by POUC mir L.I?H llitLli aj.Ul','..u. my 11 W.F?fcSu*tTu.Th4Utaltaw? Ladies' Tailor. - 1 a I ? IN , , K? - DAVIS PERLIN, . - ii . i?\)* pon ?ai ? it Um pispa