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tub ninininvn ni?p ATPTr?S?TVn A Y M-ARCTT 1ft. 18ft!) 19 IH OF NIAGARA ?oil Ul ?" " ,,,, n * |UX1 o ,.,...? -i ? ITSHAI i. ?! i-i A FROZ I WORLD. " ' ' ?? i?-? | IS? I .. ,| ?..Tin ?. ill? er. n ?I 1 .niP? Hi. ... _ - " mi - ' ' II! I g ..,.' I (I ? n north? '?i PTi lower II heeSst. t un? I .1 of tl " ? I ?h?? ihr?-** ?ceras? it 111? ?ho ' t a- 4 ' , . tin,. Is 1<v < In the the foot of th? ? I , -!!? ;in? and I i:'.-r.i ? :- | I t. - I I I . ?r> . I ?, t i no! . lake / . Mlesls w-iior?-?. | I I N . - i h?v liar- ? !.' !:? ' ' I B nnilrr Si Hns Traced Niagara Origin! Il !. Pgi ?rchfld "f i. 4 ' - t ? I ' . ' t ot M ? 1 ? ths gi ' ? d lu piusll ?c-fit -r r*'iv.ri v. atlo an in ' ! ft. I PPi FAIRCH1 ' .\ ;\ . \ *. <,'i \ . ? > mil \4 li. I Inleresllea su? ai 4 n?.?-. i In tha - it ' : ' ' ' .11 ill ' al n up th .? In .t fe? :. . died " et thai P.. ' ' ' . M] ?na a : ' ?U 1 i in? Mad? :? Seli-BIsI riet. ! '! !.. I ;.. n< , oi tl . \ - th? r ? Wtllian n : y. of tl Port Ca] leHee "i* ? *? las??as. \ " .i . .. ? < |. .. 1 . . !tf KUlaUS. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE. ONE=PRICE HOUSE. THE BUSY CORNER. sp , READY FOR SPRING. TES* The displays in our several show windows arc ?indicatorsn of the grand array of spring stocks now assembled in this store for your inspection and choice. A gathering from the world's best mar kets of all that is most desirable in DRY GOODS for spring wear. ! Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Waists* and Jackets. I This great department of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments lias blossomed out in radiant spring \ beauty. The immense space devoted to these stocks is oterflowing with new and serviceable garments. ->-:? :? The Best Attractions Vet In Si?ks and lOress Goods. T),,v bydayinteresl grows in this remarkable sellii Hi.!?. ^ND DRESS GOODS. The opportunities for buj I .fly twav so quickly seem to return again with companion* ThesWingto-morrnw will iful,andmort - al than ever before. ? on u il .,, rdl. ?izewhal thismea i i bave b in keepinj trackol ?npreceden-ted values these si i ihibiting. Dress Goods Attractions. tes, ? :?i. h All-Wool Pin Che? I ir?. lian Twill? ... . ?it 41 > ;ird. ?riots, ii. i I Brok? m .: ' . Silks. ?BO-lnch Fins <*" ... line of 27-lnch < I I lins, In The Silk Attractions. : Siltti rd. rd, .' ! Black Goods. Uns 01 ?it ?I ' I a--? m-^t>M-v-9-m-s9-m-9-i? Ladies' and Misses' Ta?tor-Made Suits, Skirts, and Waists, UNSURPASSED _N PI BFEOTION OF DESIGN, PIT, \NI> IVOBKIM UNSHIP, ?comprising the Latest ?OTodutstions, siso ?novel cannoi t'.'iil to be appseciated. vie quote ?s fe*?f <>t' ths Bpecisl inducements, ?sninspection ol which ?will con*rin?oe STety r that 1 adrepree ml v-niitoc ?Mavap R_Iai_ Known in This Citv. ? .11.1- I a.?or ?v. _.? ?. Suits. a ; Pine All? - pretty ? M 17.50- All - \V tied with I bound. I f , ? Eton In Et >n immed i-oy-o-o-o-o-o-o-* o o o-v-o Skirls. Skirt i, fla I trim In., ' Hh;ip< at I?", in.! ? fl m 13 t tl.-?'. ir Skin- ': with BStl rlbboi Bill -' 1 Che vi t Skirl to. Silk Waists. A' I Shir! Ilk, (.-?>! ' il Satin Shir! tuck? ! ititch? . k ?nd lane collr, \- Pins SUk or I cm1' -?a-- m B B S-.-.-43-S-S-SH ! ?ti I ^UIIIO III Basement. < This ireekws | ?ro?oso toniako < tlii.s ?floor ?the fivtli?tst ??pot in , th-? ?home, an?l in onW to ?ac COmplish it >v?x hnv?i tint priiva OH erticles will .istoniahthe ' t : !.?. soi only onr cnssoMsns? ( HANDSOME IMPORTED MAM-tAS. , IN DELICATE ?'?.'. ??; IN."!? K< ?R WA'STS AN? I ?KIOSKS, AT ?Ac.. ? ?' i it UINn'TAMS*. ALT. ? NEW KKKl-:? "I'S FOR WAISTS A VI? I K'i.-fS: '< \T ' . Y XUI> ( tJINV.IIAM.-4. SHKBR .? Nl? riNB, C ?N T TELL ru ? I ' ?SAL MADRAS IN* ILL TH? NEW ( IXOS vN'D i:ki-'::?'ts. at i l or FINE i i ? wAJi rs *. I -SHIRTS, v TH U L?Se, Y \HI>. . l-'??l; ?,' PRRC VLBB, ILL NUT*). ( Yl.Ei '; OSE OFT IT fe. YARD < ?-VI.I.-SI/1?: BLEACHED 1'ILLO* '.'fie. t Housewarc 1"-1N. If KKATIUTi DOVrEM AT ICH ROLl B OR PACKAQMW, OF" ' . ; TOILET I'M" . ' ? , IA 8 flLl.Hl?! IB*. RAL i ? ? ? g, K' -if MOND IT 10c, ?EACH < ! i;lP *T8 AT ( ' NICKEL CUSPA DORFS . AT 1AIR-C? ?'.'- ? TUB I NO, ILL . : '!!-'. IT H t tAT A NI ? PER8. ( KIT? HEN MM? - ?MPLETE AND ?WICK. F< ' i . . [I] ' '? ItVINO KE PH I I at - .... Hfl Nr.T, I SIZES, at \ i:ky LOU ri:i? ? ( HIM m 9 m m ?- Ml?i ' 7>~ rcr Dro_Tfc K l*i ' ;" *J ?' '-i*Jr* W " J" ^; , Of AN ONLOOKER Il I a In nn- of ths for tl Insana Is a still 1 I wo? I Btir m :' pi? twenty. Th Her 1 living with h tit'ul little i The bios . iro b .' ,i litt . the l" Bl : ... : ? a!? . their fury: . - upon . . . to- prot t bli .i- ad. it . - two ,".. mpti d to i r was noi p ed to retui '.?.... a '.', B B?l .Uli. i . ird her "' eofBn ?. p . 1 lau k. .. - 0 B] . ..'. .! baek to tO tin lift!?- ' _ : ijrlas ?a I) It ? houra 1 ' : x . Ural - >' . pi health bf body I I a ' i lank It - rini nauahl ' of that i1 But ob a ' : ' ' i 8 i , ..?.'i .in wind ' tal th? ?ttet r Of h II ' : her ?hup snj_ bsr ) ' I? i,,. fl I.- 'airrn .i:al wild arlad wak? Ik? al??plns tuom * i' ii r i r th? . - - . - ' - . : great ei .. in a ft ;ng ht - ?ough . ? - ' I ' n thi ' lylnj t I ' ?wdrlft. -ht tk? ne. I tl . 11?' lllll. - T!..-? . ' , t-Ii PiK ,!?.!. h p under if rh>! - -.'. i girl I "H, Mu P" . - als? ?f h? : had h. .trj th'* Itt i lnatst fury ->f th.? tona Oae acaro glrl loi ar ?e.?n m : : ' ' tk? ' ' P. pur h w caarr? ih- grava l? ' In | h? county jail y.ur? aitt-rvsui ! H, '.' . I 111 1' ?I ' ' ... - ' o f the 1 Qlbbon illy 1 : ' i . i would .? - I ?jf hi? hls eentl - : itnan thoui thsl I; U G hl will be l .... ?unt of ih.? i . '. - I ind fall of "I do not hold erlth those f.i'i ?. . the r. t Ing |.i-"i . w a I. K. - jast as pou think a ' ?ur?e with him. .-i : i lomel ? who do TIP. I !.. - ?KBB. Ill i Save ??i??*. rch L / a ' * It was warm, * I : ;l ohll.l ti? g| . Wkal ' a?l -hf In, Put princfl; Ilka t'r. ! ; : I ' town, : i Pie ?-urlttU I -I !. u l i ? '? r . , ;. : rnlnd ? . the ' Sh?, bed ?all tke Ihlagl that ar ' ih? knew. i i , i ... ' ell then to. And rJea in ?h.* la?y*a b? wi th?r? lay Such aowar uf iovir._ and giving, th?y aaj ta?amBamtmmBmmiv?mmmmMmswmmtmmmmms%mmMmmmmaamm . fora k.i ..f of lo |y tm ? ir? r a child ills or iif.?, snd Ions, . ?ton. . ?B I " r- -> ?; ??.,, ... COl ill ?s. VIRGINIA IN THE [NO H A 2J i iii.-i own . - i . ?... u?:?-' a ?l . Plaintiff, - i: ?. ..I Ar Franl . i. r E p. W. Bti m N. ; *1 ; ,V Of R? bit A. IN CH rVNCERT. ' i, ...... Frsnklln 8t .. .i?.tr?l, i Oc? ..... unty -. . ; PlttU con : : iving ? i - file iWll. . .. . 111. :.. . S* of ?.lvli ' . . ?? aft? r li it ?i> lo proi .-m m this - la farther ?rdsrsd ,i . .; v . ' ? ?oops* ?bs pos i <i?..?r ?.t ib? I this cou ?lay o? the n*?xt tsrm irt. A P. A POR1 -ric. ,i - .nit ? s for printing ?ent to i*ie Dls ' patch Coapsny win te giren proaspt ut teiition, and th? Atte of work snd prices ?sill be Ittri to you. .?,-? a.\mmvm\TmO0immwmt<u?-T;??m?_.i^-*?,??*i_as??eiaa*??a*.. ?r? -s?. -_< .?*??..-si?. ? ?-? ?.'.??... Our Spring Suits. We have used ever] endeavor to make this Spring's Suits better than ever before. The cloths used an from the beat mill ?, the patt rns sre BOB and handsoni.*. the mikim* is as ?fo?? i .:-? l i?-* ii in heat-priced labor ran prodace. The Suits ere made fn our own work-rooms and placed on sale without the jobber's profit added to tin- ooat. $5 TO $20. Spring Hats In All the Proper Blocks and \evv Shades. ?oung Block Derbj Mats.98c, P? ,tri Fedoras.98c, The remainder of our AS 'inter Suits and Overcoats lor men boys, aad childron at ABOUT ONE HALF. BURK & COMPANY, 1003 East Main Street. Marrin.i>ton, Uonta Columbia ITRAGLFS \ SPECIALS I I *? I J Monday. Tuesday, an? Wednesday ? t *' i N :rst, 2 2?!, and 33d. I A I'KW OF ' ?' l*Hifa I? S'l Wir..- .?r <*ir?1:il. 'IT ? Ferm?t ri ?-s_ S I ? ?.? italas Tabi? m. yv t 'l I S W Tr. Ri? ";: ? >A t '"* ? / 11?.*, *j 7) f, . Tonic .... ^7 ? r Pli ? ..17 A. ? r. ?I ?*"v? f/ <i>?, fi at ?r ?? 1?-. i.- ""'? '? I) 7.'..-. I. ?.? im.iii Hyrup 47 A) ? 1 BMht a T i<. ?i Import? ?i in*. f: i ind .??.i ? f? ice. I-- ' 1 ow I? Oun? .??? ) I Death D ? I prln-ces* Mar" ?7) * .3? y ? TRhGLE'S CUT-RATE DRUGSTORE S I 811 ta>t Bread Street. ? ?Tin i.H { r*W'^'??k*?%^?*^?5*^ei*ei,?%??>3 \\ hoi.pliiK ( ?ugli. I mora - 1 than from KSrlst-fSI t. >? * * thillev-?? thai n.? can? of srbooplna .?;!> has f?vsr I r r.tilv wh. ?. ' o 114 h R?tn 1. It alway? afford? prompt Theft I* no ?iaasjsr in j?ivlns It t?5 . !-.i!.lr?*n for it coatatas n?ihlnt In sny way lnjurlou?. For ?sir by all drursl?t?. m! ,*4\V ill 1ICAL. MANDOLIN CLUB Musi? 1er 3 to 12 Ini'l?. Nr? Lui I* Ri?- ?lenipl? lo?o ? .Uc. ?. r.?,l,l l?utir? ?A tarn.