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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH._ WHOLE NUMBER. __.__& RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY, MARCH 26. 1899. THMB CENTS PER COPT,; LET THE PEOPLE SKY. - fment Looking to Selection of Senators by Popular Vote, EIING TO BE HELD HERE. nee of All Interested Calle?! for Thursday, May iit?. i*iii". i it m ?i \M* rOB I ? M IBGB, A?l?l'??' l-?ii<4l l?> Inline,it ?nl ll'-iiut rrnt?, Polnllaa (?nl (lli|e<'ll?n,B to Hi,- I'ri'st nt 11 ?I? ?i ?in!,? r StatOfl fat-laa \?iloa_, I' inner.',I? ?, ? In,1.1 , ,, f|,,. IplC Unit tin- |i??i|il|. nre full? lil? ?>l ?Iii>ii??ii_; ?eiiiitn,?,. ? IO at'' ??ill ti-; 1'? m.Il,, ir1th i un ??T.irl It. -.rctiia (,, (h.-in .l.?.i?li..l right, ?In? lu? l.m . .1 In BBS? ml.le 1 n rita ' on TharaSa ?. i i id ?la ? .,, Ma ?. I88B, for the i,iir|n>?i? ,,r it,?.,?.i: tack m Havre* n? m.-?> ' i Seal i?t |.r?>ii??.ie tli?* ?le? (ion ol ?.nil? i? 4.1 ,li. 1 liltt-tl "It,!.??? I.? tlir? ,l!r????t vol.? ?if il??? people, mil ?tifil thai r?? 'i,'' .?4i. i ?i, .i ,,?- pari) .. ? i.? . ?i?.|.ii .... ii.i.ii." ' t" of t. ' l , ' , that " | I ? 1. .. ' ? Ni v, . - I '. ? ; . m i. ?. oi lbs countr* u, nm. new and ii m - of u plan i. ? rat!. \\T BILENCB. Kp.iii it the up. , h ilion.? ', - - ' 11 Instruct! Flfty-thir wit hin tl tlon-a ; irty, "I am In 1 i have : it all tl.-.- pow r VIRGIN] \ : EM-OCR VTB, Th of tl 'i'h. I - In I 1 II It ?.?. i they vii them. ; n this poa it. it i vain "?' to say thai : Ki ? . Iding for s? natorl that H S Ipal t Its merits, 1 : upon thi been ? ... Im : on tii.n subj? - ?, u i . 'i: ? ! ?'? RP ?RAT1 Th? ?Leg! r oi I i of I , g hundredi thou l prof i - a mill n. a in the his on n .. . h te. If 1 . ?t until th? u. In the II That In mai v ell ' additl : Within a few ? ' their entire I Senat? will be de] .11."I. ill i two CALL : HERB. ? mwealth In th? ?a of the n? Senator to 1 from With th? . at, and, th ? '? s g Into ] effecl i .-?i forth, tin i ?I. Id to the i : - 11 r : the iii.m: STUART, A J J. C. I'ARKl .! JAM A ERSON, : ru K. WIL1 tRD, I \\ . ?' KI.'l'I'V. N LAMB. HI'NTON, ?>r., \i.\ IN 1 WILL. VM Kl K K AILWOH ' i: T BART* I.RLES ) . LE, i , ' i [SHALL ' IILL, I,,. \ p. Lf>\ Kl K. N- s. WAU.BR. v. . i: F i?: FW'II, .1 si \.;i.i-/i "\ DIOG8, !*. BRYANT, j K l RINl K W. J. 8BBRELL, I I The Champion of the Administr?tio'i. IN TRUSTS WH TRUST. HANNA, ALGER, M'KINLEY?"BRAVO! I H >REf i a, m. ?n RUINO W vu THOMAS TEMPLE I M. BRAN i .1. K. M. NEWTON, HAKEll T. J ' . M. T. l' N. II. il '? W. W. K.M. .1. DALT? .1 \ M i :.-'. i HEATH . \ JES P, ''i i. ! ?STAB * I! 'I' \Yl,"i;. Jr., ,i. E - ? - BAGAS * SCAPEGOAT r.iil tli.r.n. PoBBlbly I mother Coart**Martlal for l'or,?er I iiiiiiiii??,;ir\-i.iiii?nil, ' Joui I ' ' ' dividual .-" . , i. . blllty. high admli l a*ho ;. '.n.*. tint the plan i" m : ' t.. ii. : : . : Wh tri? I ' all tin- .?-'turf It'll IEP THAT GENERAL V, 11.!, la; THE 8C APEGO A I'. . i ' i to the An th.- .' ?toi I ? ;.. -,-....- hall v furnish t " ?. rnment . ?y MAY 1 ?IN tlARTIAL. \ t the Judge A : ' ' I r i tha Wi . i ' I Big l<t'-?il'*?" l'I'"11 l Iinnucs Un r. il?,. (N t the 0] 1 .?,... ' . . il.. Amerli in . 1 ' 1.1. ii i 'l'!:" optloi ...n t.. i lion.., - i i: v Ham c, A. B. \\ Idrn? i. Th( .mrrirun Tobacco Compuni aill turn Biliar) plug t. ..?, ?:.-. i ...:..; mal. 1 GREAT BODIES ?MEET, O IBPOR1 W , -, I; | -!, I *, ? \ I HBRIXGS BBB1 ?"\. COMMISSION Of Pil ALL'.' : hia ?Bad ? la ? oai saa With th? If ?at I bar? h ?Il | (, ami 11.< lathera General Ass?**mbly u Moa i "i ?Late r, ' ' i'.m? I all i ' : rs R? v. ! U* Rev. V ': - j ' , V. DK. ! M. GRE! N.Ol D ,VIL1 B, kV., Moderator of the Southern Pr r t. neral !y, Wliicli t- ; Her I ? K - , ?. J. Bum u. and : l?r I I. a R< \ l'i. ' ' ?. n, '?i : bytertaa -? AM . 11 - b> ' 1 ll A. M. 'i ISth. '. . the i ? will i? given tl s m Union Tin i . . on i in: sob i n SIDB. Iteasa al latercal Glaaaed ?it Chen* nut inn :??i?i Highland ?Park, after a flying trip to v? ; i I i : : . il tha . n . i i II ... .i ge! B 1 . growing lo ii t. Gri it .*. >r_j . dune in la? !? I B It- membership numbers about eighty-fire. Little Alma, daughter al M-- C W Vaughan, met ?Kith a. 4 nient last Sha f? 11 from ! r wh? ii an4 rr ictar 1 e In tha lafl ana. ii?-':' condition, while not Barhiua, ta painful. i:? v. 1:. a tha 1 a paator of '' ! r.irk Methodlat < hurch, Ii gn My Uked by hi* c tlo'l. a . . A 'I'k. la tak'-n In tho coming i II ona |t" to pollad in tl Compl i be heard of the are bad this irtnter. Th tier, 1111: wott isrg COLLEGE 1 in? \?v. I lie "lililv Of l.J.Mis" to 11?* ?il? ?mi (It ti,?> aaaSaaay for iii?? Fund. "Tho Lady ol LyoB-P ta t.. be i d at th.? A'-.i'l.iTiy of Mu-?!.' ? n Y .? '. f,?r the h- i.-'it Of the library fund of the WoaBaa'a Colltga. Tli" 1 p tinted by Mr. l-''.? itumi a have I n d< 1 i.y Van Horn, of Phlla? and aothtag will be left und ' 1 ' I. -atlt. The play win 1. with the i by ?,"ittii' i 1 in r.ii. anal for booh ?rraalta, ry ?-ail-lai ; 1. f (a til.? I i-l.t mi'. Mr. .1 . th-? well-I - f Baltlmon bly come to 111? h* : . f A ha mply with it 1 r mir. Mr. Toung, it remen bi peai 1 In "Tha ?i by the to he an ' |y the nni'li 1--. library of th \\ oman 1 Btudenta ara particularly anxtoua to en It, and t; ha? J at worh thta ml in i one i?. 11 "nu.? ?t. will be giren, and tick? ta m inl? r. at ' MOCK TRIAL IT THE JEFFEBSOX. It Will He ?. i . *-11 l'or 111?- llrnlnla ll<i?pltnl-( .l.lirllle? lui.,. Part. a ni.i'-k trl 1'. i! to be gh 't i'i the pnr n 11 - 1 on Tl : Iday, th- SKh Ind Bat of April, f.-r tha ben? tit of tha V rginla H . 1 -. Mr. Evan R ? ? raa m, ?Tha Idle Rai . m, it will 1 1 ? ' . ' , .. thirl -' ! which win all 1." Bil? .1 i g< mi' : in-.- in ! . ! in 1* ; Man ig t- Pry ' . 1 .1 for the ': ilnmenl .. two lBI ' ' be trial, but ta the capacity la about four hundred, only .1 limited numb? m. Tick? ta m'- bow in rd "f - lor, of t: ; and < Ibo 1 Ined at the < tha hi ' ?(?( lit V OF TUE ? iN? l>\ \l l. I ?re? n( i\ c I ?,1111,?III??* \i,iiii?-?< for Meeting of ii"' Qetaaral lo?la?!***. 11 ! the Clndanatl In the State of Vln - t th? ' ' mmonwealth <'!ni>. In this tails for tie- I of tl in fork "ii tha I next The gi ntlemen bare tx en ch n nf Patrick n- ory 11- Hi i,n 1 -.: John . || . im i il linger, and Ua lor Herb?, rl A ? : ilborne. The and the d th New York Dtonmenl t of t - : on the Hud ion rivi r, * 1713, . ft a-,I. 1 111: l?K B-fOBTD IMH iTBl \i. BOMS?. a Plea for Help?it? 1 haatoa a*ad 4 on?! it ill ion? I he Mem lie r?. I. ?Uli ;n I what ,? Ige 01*1 i'i:, I Hospital, the i-mi Iplng the by fiirni ihing them work, and th 1 from tem? 'i he i.a March "f the 1 ii in. K it. h? rd, .-' a : : R iv u It. W, it? hfli Id, ? . 11. s Idon Brown, Jan? ,1 h.un I Prank W. t L, T. Chrlatlan. BOMSMs ?n???m:i> si 111:? rsicm lororal loeWeala Oaaat at Cortaov ..i (.it.-, mu? Harrison Btreota, The tu I114. - Injorod. K? 'I I pot, I their - rliiirlot!?'?\ Hie. cil ai :!.? '! T?:-"? il.:. - I : - ' .- ?.f : . ; . art th? ! The ' : 11 Browning ' SellO.illlflll? (.Ullll.ill. R l "A.. Mar? h 1 M I mpbell an n In |. ,,[< 1 . :. t () olfleld. of cm ago 11 n .. eld . ,. . by Rer. J. ?' Jon M? lia . i the Boutb-1 Florida, wh.rc they will aolourn fur a* ral _ii..;itli_. ADVANCE AT MANILA. Americans Moire in Force Toward the filipino Strongholds. OTIS STRIKES A BLOW, He Drives a Wed^c T?rongl. Centre of Enemy's Lines. OI R VOto COMPABATIVBLT LIGH1*? That of Ike Nu? I*?*? Heavy?OaS 'I roiipi JIImmiiu* on the Field, aaa\ Will Resume Their l'orvnrd Move? ment T???l>ii?r. WA?HTNOTOrT, March ?.-This ? I < \ ?u* ut at tl?** w -.r i : that . n . ?lar? mind? war with! Intently looking for . . ?mat.? n as to the I illant exped?s it v. i not? l th it th? ited like i lock It was i one ef gi?at . y, yet th.-? officiate not ?1 i\:tri >.< ? llKhr the j Hon of the arrangement^ ' i i the | * ? itch? i*. th? wurk <>f the signal ni n. well up with ths troops ii ?h" . dvanoe, runnlui; c?rps clone up t?. the Bring tine, ahd th? pressing for? ippUea, Although Hi?, end was not known whon the department closed, tin? greatest con" offli K-? in the ; ut the American urms, ". - i ?i'Uinif in;- . h?>;ir >l for tl u h) Majot ; nor I ?Ma? \i th ir < .->*.? - . iu for . ummendatlon, I? ? ..?If c??l ' II n*i. Tli? t area that the Amerli an ti I blvouag mi the i i itber In the Jui I would t-'k" up the fors i movement Immi dletely the . ioi i >?'. . There a is i * qu? lion about stopping at :i?!< >l nd ll won: I m ?he rel ? to th* tins m ?i i Uta thai otis ador h?-? \i uilla and hi Agnl ii-.i'i". iceordlng . bag about i ;.?: u. .. ral C ?rbln ?satlmai thai the ?American n > i n g <*ui ln a? tlon it . ?X. The insurgent | t<> i In ll Hut Agu?? i, flabtlna: Indeed, n I < unp. t^d that * I of them. Indu !.. . - i lerl? ?n-?. Tin* ill rsdi <ii i ' ; I. ..u of the raid their iu??\ement I rally; . eon? of ? ? n? rula Hals i ?. i Irving Hale i Colorado In? i i i i ?in?.i i ?. i i I of ? ? ; ? i ii. Hall a i form? rly ?.tolon? i ? t l ;l pro of volun? i r? In the ! inlla. OT1 RT.? i ; :I a of the ?battle ?gran, ment thla ? alth i? ? r ? i 1 . . iu ti t lin i.i*. b i iptdlj* ' . .; Ill left .'. II : : lade, on tl I P * ?i | It t I Ol :, tai f inal-. , t . ie enemy, ' ' , hag ? .i his - U A m? m ' ?to-day - - Krl > ' . u i th., -, ? . - I In ?1. The Mol tl..- hottest i > frota ?I tlia t front, for .. dli i t 1 . th? aro i ! I r? i ?. - . d In si lag : aAi w i KDKD BINO. Am ' ?si i u??i<ht m . .. torn \... aetre lurtes bravely,