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2 TT?P PTPTTAfniVr. nTRPATntY.--.TTTM.AnA Y MAI-PH 2N. 18??. FEELGOOD FOR NOTHING Dr. Greene's Nervura Makes Weak, Sick Women Strong and Well. *_?_cr\ r *v v \ y* If t?tere I? any pt v-?eivr. ?.it? It i? the ?Aoniaii who, with all rmr work l*i - , ?? ? ? . ? ?i ?i nervous preatraUon. She fee la ?freak, tired drag? < - . >? ??>. ami unstring, she auftera tortures - ?Saadschf * 't rat it ?.leen well and ?> ? - ??he tec'.? like Crying v. ?th orn ? ? e\ i ... antsMsli ?.? . .- ..?.- ?? ? ? ? V . ? ? I I e ' R i : - I . 1 . : . utc 0 a mi -, 1-* F . r.'jor t - Nervura blood snd vA.*' l./J-A i . Dt. Gi Nervura, I/. y% . ./,?, k^ ?a ^_r * /a?"? ; Fe'J1-7, ?W/Z*if?tfZ ', ' **,% ** ' ''"?.' _, \'Viiif\ ikeC'l/ti ? ^~*^??*< / """7?-'?W**-"!* i ' i - l< Ian In cm i - nt the pr?t ..nd nsel without charge, foi rives free i ' - 14th St., NewYorkCltj. ?or If ... STREET-CAR SERVICE I Hi. i.?iM.-ril?i**-il**l.l> if i l*?Uf I i?? it si mil n in i Hi?. l.\ BRISO. OIDBUCE WITH PEIiLT! WANTED. i>, iiiimi ?.i V?retela Blcetrlc Rail? wn> nuil Development ? <? tee I It imlon ?<f 'I'Iiik* In *.<?? ;? M.v It ?* ? ? |i cii?Joint losstna 'I?i-MmIh. i the various < I in tb? a t eld In I ? i ? and the i . .. n . ?be i i | . ; by force ret? nd ?bad it* ginla Elec tric B ' I relopm? nl Um.- In whl? ti to Hi. ral but the < been arbll i.?i? i ' i . t resolut! ': ??i" um. a/ill ?i to the con \ ? ?tiilrncl \ ioltittil. T tu? ? '.?.i Print ing m- 'i trans? led rou tine b H? n \\ ? Bloom ? h ud La wd? i wer? i i i m ? ? m? ?i from M? i nuth, M? li i? i & ?Smethle, th? ? i :. thi i attorn? j. Mr, Sol. ? 'i his 11?"? i sets i"!ih tint a ocntract hai been entered Into bets th? ? it y of Richmond nd tin plaint a b< i> by the I to do all ?the binding foi the city. It rei, also, '. ? ih? firm n-t\a a p? nalty bond ol \A00 thai ?h. \ are prepared and equip* ? ?all the city's work, bul that r-splte the contract i li ? woi k ol t In the ? ' i ' ' - the etty of Richmond for th? hag heei t? Ev? i? 11 Ws the tinn understands itm i? Is content* i e other a orb t>. the The i" tltloners ?say th? > hat . quantity of binding I dons toy othei b . that th? ? on mil ? will ? tain te? m,a laaui u wan snt In favor <>f M< V ? jnnoi th M< Istei i Bmethle for the uin.iuni thercol ordlng to the i jlxed In the contract. They claim that it Ih ii ?violation "i it'-? contract ?>?i 111 part "f >?iy officials, The p? titlon -. ,i to the ch ?ii man, eh rk, and ?City Attorney for .. r, pon Stase >i? ?liiiu?. 'i in? ?Cbaunltte? on ? n dli night, with Meesrs. D?rewry, Cutcl mut Bloomb? ic i?i. the meeting \\ det? rmlne mi i ordlnsnc*es should be bound In ?the "ready-reference" volunv and d? tails ??i the binding. A Joint meet Inn of the Council Board of Alderim n will be b? I I ho? i ti ?i- ? h m .i m.? i;i\ er Bridge Comml The r.miii.m? * k and ihe Commltt? >?n Finan? i (.Muck t?i?. Committ? Tin', last muht mu? transacted i ?at minor Im portani.??- were ? snd appro*. *HI.O()\-Ml\ 1M1 Till*. TAX. Strona ??i>|m'?i i i..ii <i> Hie l"r?i|m*??-?l Iimti-.i??-?tin?- ?Inn > \ le??. < un i?. Will l.j? . t !lu? i? dstton of the ?Finance ?Ooassalt t. from 1 ii->? ? ?. . mmenil I i- - . . - out . 1 : : as in Imp il have - ? 1 Ii a tas in-keepei IHK I lit G \**-\\l???V 9 Will Tl,(*> n,- lt<ii.ili-t-ilf?\ lrnr. ?il a I'i-o m i h <-ut ?nil, lui. of the rgoat -vital i the ' ?. .-.i the present time lg the propo 1 In regai . tlun, out (hi , *?" i? h..t ki th....i i A '' ___ osn. tata, although ,mo ovel for th? - n Individuals and p| ml Mo oth? r . ing an ln?*oms o . rain I - with? . to put the y , works In good i ..: .i? r II i ini tin- ig upon the wall In th? pr? aent i will N? much iiios to be rid or the Th? ... i ,, a rka but If it hor It to 1 i , n very high limit. (?I I i Mill \ (.It w i: IN II?) 1,1. WOO 11 Picket! ( ?ut?? Tandera a Ipol for -tiiijoi? Pl?kell'a ?<.-nfltt _.-!'in?-.-. At the i r?solu. 1 sett's : dead veterai : it Hoi amp h.i been Inl ' r comrade, Major Chai P p ? : ; a- man a I t th? m brother, < >< i by Com i. s. r. id P P v. Colon? i I; - tii.. .1. ton, who s g ..i' ih?. notice i' ?Ion? i ii to make Borne vei \ severs strlcturea i of the Conf? very plain terma a i.i. , .1 i : . : crlption of 1 and then Coi i made a very earn? plea II gh tribute t.. i. Captain J, '.' Bulllvai n lid nol m the 4 b ii.o 1er "t Mi i -avis, he said h< I bs true t good man and a great ons, and ti it t , im,, waa ?in" ?n large meaaure thi pplendld stand s hi? h he Conl i i . ' i ..... ' ?aptain Bui i i \ .in. "we bad no army, a i id no navy, w? got them all, and wa m aa the world nevi r saw." - iptaln Bulll*. an spoke ol how the South, which a :, i the - oui.I iii-i wtthatan I i/ei mall of the ' ' ?ur months. ? -, .m i.. .an and ( llbbs each r ill . t ih" atti nu 'ti of the camp to I loe Wh(. i. ? at Bantii Vdmiral i Marylander, had been toi on ' he !i i the deatruction ol the Bpanl h At st. colon.! Morris disclaimed ilng bittet i,. - i., i : of matt? I? Bd and % ?na i i and . ., -,?, is ,ii -?.i" .i .n d ih" ' amp l.e?. Literal*.' *?iit?i?l> . The I.? i. Bo ilet) held : .m. resting m< Baturdai '.ini i. The to* mi-1- In full : . bate was ighly and The question, ': thai the Putted - -d the ssnltb : |. llo\\ l afflrmatn e; Mr. ? ( T< ? i. stive, snd -Mr W II. H' 9 ved to keep in : i , t fro - .? will, no d i. . r* of the I I . ' ' '?'. I corre . a t' T? rrel i ??? ?. ,?, _ , 1 Jil.lieinl lleeUlon? |; ?i |i,?t,e,| ' ? ' I : ml di th i ? time. Hunt BsBsUlaw Baaaaattea < anemia?, bat take Orot l to lbs Dip? mpt at* I work and priera a ill he ?Urs to pieties }_u. DR.SWEENE1 RESIGNS i.!.?Miii:\T i'AMToii o?* *r.vF.vrn Mltll I ?HI H( II 1.1. t*. VES. CAME AS A GKtAT SUHFHISE. ?liil> II??* mmnmta ?if It??* ( liurrh Knew ?if Hit Minister'?. rur|???i?e?I'omestle H, iiM.i.? for H<t?iriii?ni to (ol am bus?Kraliir?? of **>unUi?)'s Services. eveath?Street ?Christina church is again ?Hot. it. z. t. ?Sweeney, in many re pot i yam m ... thlg . it> ' nd? ; his resignation Sunday niKi.i at tt.? ?,f ,i s/oaderful servies, te taki aflteet at a that ?eight 1 for ,. - ?aged father la ill. Th.- ?re which Sweeney ?read the formal ?announcement of his Int? i.-i on? of ?the i :~ . as??-mbled in the ?'!:?.r U. 1'r. . ?powerful and eloquent sermon, ? tiling m n Natur? to i?: m ?of her ?He sed wi'h deathllks ?ii..*. no word ?shoul - At ?the oondueli .ill ol il.Vl!. ami :. t?> ?make i ?prof? i ion of faith in that ?Hod . ... eon* hill i il f? . ? . tunk 1er fron ; t, .?.;. 'I Ii' ; . . FAREWELL?. II- I fol . "My ?Dear Brel i bat - a painful dut) m in my . i .. i. , . .. ; . ? ; ? i , era tern?, ? 111 : If I co ild find i so 1 Il m ths tiitlii.? If nfutally d? sir? d. l i ?v then ; make my : : . matters 1 thai my d itj I lly realise his :?ih Ins i . \er 'iri n most heartily tak?.. m > thing ;ir.y of y? r left ?i , . . irn in a me end mut ted a me. l l ? > ? ? very on? id wish th i with you ntlj srlth my but 1 with me iti ? m? nt and thanks for youi - fore the Thron? - ; ' rich? upon . as In dividuals, you ?'in aff? i - tlonat? ' -l the l>-t? ig iti<- Illness of .-. bei . Ind., .i . . :. baa b? ? n 111 i i i u tlon of 1 Id the ' the i >r ihK but trul) .n the mini tho Iniorn - .-. for the kin I . blm. h ty ol . entry ery one .- illy an) - . i !.. h.i 1 b n In I He said be woe thai any ? ... if he wl CAPTAIN ?PULLER RE8PON1 ? ' iptaln W. O. Pu man ol the nf the church Ha - ltd: ...p Br ol tlon. It ? >n?s, i?"! only ; hm ? to 11 11 ?V . and ' the last i iiin'ii. bul ?they thought It wie? to in we r? ri: ? t t?. i? In oklcn timrs mistaken * enthnsiests used t?? inflict fj*J i leelves til! ?seen? * ' ? ; patatal and horril t-.;t. - M? n * ouTgcd them ?selves arlth whins .mil hot ?irons, and rubbed vineger in to ?the wn-.nn.l-. ?and arore hail th next to a? their skin day and night \V * \ ?torture is discount! "y- \ ?aan?ced )' y mon and trot I torturing them :t .HU? ' * neg K I ' . ns phya ?>f the worst d H ?slow starve food into a : ?giving impair? I Dilated in'.? i of the .-. . I only suit is physical sufl ring I old time ?sealot wo Ths tin i death I?i I Medical In* covery ? '. I t.? aateral laws h i- not ( . Bpui .'. . Itgeatlj rt-tiou makes . ...n .?i th.- food pe? feet, (avig ?rales tin- liver a:. .. ths blood, it toe ' tirsh it .ni* s nervous exhaustion ity, sleeplessness .nul ??il tu?- evil.-, that .i tin n trata Pound at all ?medi ta! ta a may ?be represented ea 'jastasgood " " i ? heartily t.- raimes ' in ?Meras*! r.oM eti Medi .??-h ' in ligeatioo sod i >'i?i>l In. r ' writes M. G. < : I < .ii.ii.l : ? i . . ?Jamil) physkiaa me. I p :n\ n-:i I could not eat .n jrihing ?>ut it i.inv ?i ., ii. n? | :;i\ s: , nach 1 havr takes t.iir I Otle via! of) >ur ' ?Peltate ' *ii?l tssta WOtk s ..?>. bsib to he has only done hla Christi; duty." The beloved minister, as all heads Wi bowed, pronoune.-l ti,- bsnedlCtlOB. T ;i''i.p.c. afterwa***?i teers a?BCUng- Bvei who tt.ul.! (ire.?s...l M the front a shook the minister's hand In fare-*-? II? ! m :: .,1 In th" ?hur- h loulii, ?-aylng K'.otl-hy t" all, ami th hurried to the train anil waa boob leavi Kkhmond far behind. Ills lar?< libra und h!s baggage had bei-n .?'. ata ad. i?r. Bweeney win not accept a i a- -, wta te al pesa? et, I o? will i ehurcbSS near Columbus which he Cl reach In a day. HIS FINAL SHRM^X. Dr. Sween-y'.s ? ? rnnm Sunday n!*"^? w a tbs -i in< r'' . basis <>r his dis? a ws ?,. \-2 -"God, who an.I in divers mann Hm. . pasi '.ni" the father? bj prop let n these 1 ist da).-? -i k< n unto i by hi- Bon." Ac. ri... purpoi a "! tbe ap? ik? r wi the ?i- m. ndB of atheism, th it ; an-! of Infidelity, th. I- in..?- tha dlvinlt ' fi''- ' 1 tattng thi" the ?mi tras rsllgion ,. ni il i roposltlons: Fli (i, ,| :- that God ami. third, that . Ben to J - ,i? ma th- Christ. TI ti .-.- ihr..- things in I . t it?-,! constituted thi of th. Mi -i .- rmonj ; irom ; ulplt . _ In attt station of the exist - ?i S| ?a? al t.. lie Bll I ig aalde from tbe Blbl? tha qu? ?tii n on the gi i' branch -f I ? [bit, thi something Is M? lug onward ' truth, be furthsr Btatsd tm matter is. that mind i--. that man ! . h - ited th n. rlority of mind <.vr matter, and - of th ' ,.: mattei Impllc than the l ted. li of i . then whom ' nt. H adduci wisdom ai ' ' know wh ' I that th? ai syll ibles, God apata I of th man. (in the m : | n ..f lili subjec that i 1,1 at m. !- came mar 'si wllh all I Would Bit* BB to him ii answer to the dem ni'i? ol h ?t n? dy a', pi in-, h | apokei to mai I and Immor n . poki n to US b. 11 s .n. l ?r. Sv. ; r Christ lanlty namel), th? i. id's day the Li -ul <ihrlBtisn bap ill of which in pi and li I story Implied il : ' I smong th? i? porti 'i in the New T< Btamei l ; 'hrlst's death, hurla!. ' ' . l'a Christ, th- S"n ol I .- -.lour m i?r. Mil's Last Ion ?- -. - Dr. J. E ? ... - ; Baptist church, in th l?r. i?ii! pre.a. tad in the morning to thi members, and ' 1 in this city. A morning thus .... !n the Lord, ii" in the providence .if our mu? m.e in aim, "i,?' in tbs i for whii ii a our ah? s tii m 1 s-.r I ?nly thank you for : you, and i i "Let t o th all tl . ?Ul, .! . It Ind - a! d, ad with i - we aball 1 tbs house . i! In i i i i ? rsel his wi i. v. ni 11- i ' . di rlt ad bj i let I Fine Bet*?tans *?> Blabop Ja-asas*. Lai | treated Blsl ?- I ! Bt .| ..a* tl ! I , His i ' ward i i ' of Go. i for ti on. Th? rarel) ; : ; led th room and i ?1 th i. ' burch bull' li . which bad ated . the . ... . unit? " ... ' ' \"i - - imkIki), Klnaalvlng > ? BraaU. ih In th im? - ., ui ... . | ? n Ba< - - ' : 9* -.11 lia I" ? Is i" sail '..r Brasil sb ?ul A| i lie?. "He. Kli'i'tui im Ihr * >lii r r 11? _. . Ir-.l." \ ,n. i?: , ( h. it 1 , hun b. lie had s ..-:. IM took a.? . ; knl ..n oui was both instructtv. and . I Vu BOB, Of the ?. . "i the Union Thsologlcal Sominary rupled the pulpit at the Third church at nisht. ll-ptlat Minutera' Conference. v? -. i4i.iv tena si port d at the n.ii?tist .Mlnl.-t-r?-' Conference. Ka? h pasto? pfUB? Ont guv-- m a. i-oUt'.I -if I 0f .-. ork In his church ?luring Ihe ; month, a ??umber reported additions by im and letter. I?r. j. L. M. Curry. who baa |u - ' - i ''?"in ; tiding winter in Cairo, was ?present, snd warmly greeted by the ministers. Dr. Hatcher goes to Norfolh to-day to ore Ding 4'f his bob, Rsv. !>r. Efdridge B, Hatcher, pastor of the First Baptist 4 hurch of thai i Ity. llrlef Bsrtaa from tin* i'linrcliea. Ra? B, W WUIIams eondneted servloea at the county jail Sunday mornlna. He I -. Ri .-. Th'Uiias Ma.Un. There wen even r iue l ; for prayer. The n rival which was conducted at ths chur? !; : .- ill go 4.n thla week ths r i;. 11 : i : m< Hi _ at Bi night. II- waa aided in the im-i hing by M " ' ' : r- - from >; me? ting. un San lay al C< nt? n iry Methodist -, Rt v. Dr. W. V. Tudor, j,-. 11 i 111 |y and ;*>:" mon on "The Ma Lan." h( ii" ol iiv itlon ih" i iw Is Bol mad? void, but Paul, snd smpba? sised by him. thst ?>? thi n of Chliat the I ar am? ihed. llixl m" win be Bung Holy TrI ill I hurch Pi night. No ticks! A, Bishop Gibson ' " ?iimsd a la Including twenty-two adults, at H Trinity church Sunday morning. II?' ? i very ibis * rra I'.'.y. .!. T. M isttn. of Trlnltj Ifsth? EpiSCOl a 1 4 Inn , T-r.i ?ri Of inda) ?m Paul's work at ." g for the su murks, first chapter, flrsi versa, LCa i B An A of ?1 ..! " Corinth '.!' ' eded all th< eltlea of of Its' publlt huill?n.-- t- mplea : _ all! :; tl in -if Paul was an ai God to a,i tf ths mi m ? . h would conalder tl rival ?un? Oltl. \M/i: INTO V ? ?It It? II. Pas-ems win? w ?*,? t On? from drove* \v?'?lil?. I'.imii ??neh i, II...I?. Boms of lie- ; !. Id a i Monr. ! ' . . i ircb. Rev. It. Ii . the Th" Bction taken by I a unanimous, the Irea from Grove-Av< '. the ? the il., m ;.< a church and give th? m " t. Th? ! nge m tjoi mem? -' th? i" ? few ; Id bi i their II I ?in ths ' Im? matter to be und? r . hastily. The .. burd? ill ? fall very h tog? lie r as B i hurch. 'I la f the Old All-Sali ight. iVM at morning, nt. si iiooi. BOAMD PIP? I s l'M V? HERS Will Ise Colored \ r mor > ?The Lute **ir. ? . p, __a_dy*s Pwrtrnlt ?Praaontoa. Ths ths City .-' . In til- City ii .!!. nim; i! The folli Ellj fin. - H ' Sup? rli - k. : ' f at .''-. ', . Il il le I , ' \. i-:.!. ; - i .?-. s. hool ; urn : : 1- , ' i k. ' Mr - the de '. i * by H m. . Ike HOTELS \M? I IRR-E8C IPEg. ? I . is Pallor Hinl ?lut? on it Tiiiii of In?]., ell.mi. of lb? - - i ; i ? The Kind You Have Always Bought,ami wblrh has been in u.*jo for over 30 years, hftS homo tho .signaltiro of an-fl lias been SMde under liis p?*r sonal MpSB-ftslfMI sin?*?' its infam v. Allow no ono to ?I???, i\?> .mu? in this. All Counterfeits, Imitai ions anil ?Substitutes ar?? but l.\ I><*ritnents tliat? trillo With ami cutiauv? r the health of infants ami Children lsTpcrlsaes against ?Experiment* What is C?ST0RIA Castor!.*? is ?i lubstltute for Castor Oil, I*ar??t;ori?*, Droni ami Soothing Syrups? it ?m Harmless and Pleagaat, it contains neither Opium?, Morphin?? nor othor Nar?'??tic Hihsiauei?. Ils a?ro is its guarantee? It destroys WoflDS ami allays Pmrrirlihnfaq it eures Diarrhosa and Wind C'olie. it relieras Teething Troubles,cures Constipation ami Flatulency, it assimilai??*, the Food, regulates ths Stomach and Bowels, giriag healthy and natural si?-- . Tho Children's I'anacca?Tho Mother's rrieml. GENUINE C?ST0R1A ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years. CCNT?U* COMFUNY, TT MlJIni, '.Tl.- ST, ?II* YORK CITY. i ni: t \i LEI CITY. ?<??iri-l)ii>?r im ?Mil nus?1 ho ! n ?I lu ii lliirliir'?. Wir?'. STA INT? ?N. VA., M This la the 1 ' better a ?and Int] are in town en m Th.- 1..1 polit - M- re formai ma road Ths ant organlzli wlllrh and a local-opt summer la looked for. ' The i? ? 'ounty I under I - dian m? I from i l< i ; 1 i ' : ; tall bri - .-r b? m< t in? s I all ind a ! rol In the net Di M I-' ? Kj ?In I he Mldwa I \ ? uini'in .- ^ I - m it SBM \m.r. Worm Harrlag in Sartk ? ar*allaa? i'?? risae. - a barn - i! ? | I ... M *.*. -. , | I ' ' rS Will . c?.-ry ?articular. '?or ?_-_-Z_r.~- ti SICK HEADACHE Postttralj ? iit?'<l by these ? Ittle Pills. 7" D] i, , 'il arty I - I r ! . . ] i . reis? Pun y ' Small Pill. Small Does, ?moll Prlco. Substitution I of i_ Ask for ( lartei . I lll-l til'!!!.: ' i Liver Pills. _ for EASTER, PKA.lli-B0tkNUI.KS, (I'OVS . ROSARES, -ind (Kl (Il MS; ?f COLIAR CUSPS, (!l\l\ COKES. MRDIT ?I NSI'S SNlKI PINS, ?nul many othi mo ' ver in BU6N1 IIM-nii.',?.. ANS G??if K 001 !) NMSII. tSSSSSI Br^nr \V/1 ?\ WLi .*_?, /w? Jfm- ?m- . ."iW** *B EN1 THE ACTS ? little cigars andcconomi'.-l ? ! Cf smokes and cost | I io cents fono SHIS MEDICAL CO.. Buff alo. N * I'l .*????. ?,l(t. 1KB, I i ? ? It ?in .... lUMW, 1 ?.it*,, a ... ? -s u*