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4 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, MARCH 28. 1899. THE iUCHMON? DISPATGl BY TPB DISPATCH COMPANY. TbS DAILY DISPATCH in deliver? to subscriber? at FIFTY CENT? p? month, paysbls to the carrier weekly ? monthly. Mailed at I- per annum ble In advance; f.. for six mouths; 11. for three month**: 60 cents for one montl Price per copy, 1 ?cents. The WEEKLY 018PATC1I Isiucd ar mailed In tW4> p.ris at II p?-r aumun. The BUMDAl M.-i'A','i'H as 1177? P< annum, or T_ cents for Fix month*. Subscriptions In all case?, payable i adv-iice. and no paper continued aft' the expiration of the time Bald (ST. Ser post-office morir y order, check, or NaT* tared letter. Currency Bent by mall * * ? be at the risk of the ?under. PBbaerttX I ?Wishing their post-offlce changed mu give their old as well ai thtlr new pos office. Sample conies irre. ADVEI-TPSIXC. PATES. HAi.F moa o* u?bsl I time.? I times. * I timer?. *? ' a times. , un?"*. J; 1 month.* I months.** l-uslne.? Watts. ' Wanted eitunt'-m. payabls 'rl ea? - '? r>r 9?"-el. Above rat??s are for "ivm y day" or *(1 asrilsemsnts ranrtfrg eonseeulleeli". Baal?ig BOiteee in laadlag eepAtm tppe fli-e lines or Uaa. ?1; la nonpariel. lead Sd. five Un'? or If?-.. 77- cents. Car'! or tutea for more BpaOS furn!.h-*( on Bpfdlcation. All letters and tslSgrBma BBS I BS -"1 | | ta TUB DliPATCB COUPANT .Rejected communi'allons will not be re turned. Ail letter-? rseOBBBiend-ag candidates f<">l Office must b? ?.-I?! for to liioiire theli publPntion. ThtS !" S !-i-.i: ifanilng ml? ef ours. _ ItesBlutloi ? of ' ? ' r rpora tlons, i 1 l : ?as, or ?th' r I , . | I for M advertising matter. . _rp*TOWN <>i Pit ::. BIIOAD-8TREB1 1 HARlfACT, HI EAST BROAE STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, OBI Tlt'ET STREET. T\ BDAY.MAP.CB 2& SS m it i'iiiiii'I'im: n mi. - M ... t the cost of valuable Amei ' "r money wrung, from t! try. VI li I and the I brilliant victory for our soldi? r . Willi grlt-l >' ' B*B >?, .: ' this ha II ?? from '.'a - Well, Bsveral dsys ago ws did Inlttats o'n Inaldo, meal \\ s i ortaln fall 11 t number : , 4in the ' ful? : l*i!i plnoi ' from it. Ihe 1 only ) , v. n. WS Uttt ? i tin- . st Ion's i Wa regbrd it as a! ?t violai? latinas, it ? ., to the lnt< ?"* i.' r i BBS.! Of 111?* ?h. laid down i - ? tin- fatl era of th?- republic, ?.mi ? th.-.e g?n?ration? Bg th-ni. li i? i . tot I ?lent McKlnJe. ' own wo minal aggression." Hill!. . \\" | m- athlse iviili "i ... >i,.. Kill* :i to the Philippines, and iweognlBs that since i!i<- oond vhnt they are, ti i ? one hiBion of lia- matter. Tl o** Am As 1". to keep up the Si light, ?ml we. must to win. liofsoTST, we Beeognls. that our troops have displ i Bgkttng quaJIUes ar und Manila of which all Arjjcri'ans Should I?" PfOUd. As BOl? ' i tin y hat h fiecti .1 credit upon th'H'?-ii\ i and ths tltls of Am? rti in soldier. Put aotwltb the gnllantry, dftSh, add endui ..i our ti and tin that cur of raaBpaign "ia working beautl? fully, " ths outlook la thai PhtUpptrae operations ate going t" bs Ism we wei fond .if 1. veiling at Ihe Spanish I i m- ?.r our ja t pi : in Cuba v. i? that Spalt tspealsdly fallad to k< ?> her prom brin??- ths Cuban rebi Ilion thus s(oi? the anaaual honors incident ti u i?ioti,i, i, .i i o.itin t. Th- reai ?n Spall did n<?t bring the Cuban rebellion to a aieeo becauas she couldn't I hope was In pra.lhally . \W riniiial ?id ilio giierilla Uitnla In CUDB, and I lar troepe arare al ev? ; > dl pursuing these. Assuming thai aaldo's oti;.iniz'd force will bs M.insli.a!, it Will r? In 1 tho p"w. r of ether "r. b? I i- , nmfroiu vis *-*-?. that ?1 lbs Si la i i kagaiaai, an i u tan?* notwitbi sate sad sanguine telegrams thai ?i . :t ?lolll M. as to tho situation ? \| n ased ?it ?71 ton. the man la Wildly opt I mi* tie wh< ?xi?_rt-i .... I r Filipinos to 1* COBBS .in ,n "in,'li ' until thousands 4.t Am rlcan livi been aacrtBood oa ths sitar of Wiuiaa McKlnley's ambition, and that altfir reski with th . r th.? Am. from wbesn wfll i-? wrung tiit? money t? may tor un, la a pretty Ight "on" | cuae, IS'. Y., betas? the i ity BUthOrltlef and the oempaay watch oontrols ??H th? street railway Inas in th_ city. Th, ori? gln of th- ?llfticulty, it is Stated, refu.?al o.' the. company to pay certain taxes said to ti- tine the city. Th< ?_f Hi- m it:? . i that all < I the railway company have been for ..n nui? Units i" il"-!. Th neatly ?me new ruleg regarding transfers gnd the running <>. seems, wrtlch proved the i.uhik-. it was aarked by th M i Chamber 4,r Commsrce n> change th?*se rules, but it paid no attention t ? the re? ?ueet. The Mayor then |,i\. I ? id saderee every evfttauace touch? lug the spaed ef th- ?.?is and |h tar> eandttlea, and noaM bring into <t fe?-t many lava vrhl? h l.-.v f?.r a lang tune h. ta ? ,. ., ,. ,-J ?l. ...? |. i-,-. urday night ti i i. i . BlB inches, ?tid this gave tin. Mayor un - * 01 l.i'K.'.i-for opportunity. Sunday morn lOg the company had out *ih snow-plowa, which resulted In the plllniof the enow bebido the tracks to a ?*onsSik*alilo height. An ordinance aftya <hat th.? i?nt?w shall be sarted aWny, und.??hi* i Ai'; don.. nmlssloner of PSblidnVorks was ?ottered ?te ?xet out his men a?! ?shovi tin* snow baeh m the tracks. M etteottmlly W?g this carried oui that In l?V>" than nn hour after th<> order was ISOWI almost fa m Was tied Bp. '.When the . u and eojiductors attMStol '" move th. ir cars they were anmtOd <'m?l taken to folio?' headquarters foiwrlOlBttOg a <iiy orShMtae* All of the caa tar tied small fl'?ii*:hs, which would f-iove the ?now ?from *ii?- it w?as abovolled en. Tha men W'te toi'tmatd : .m ball, and were allow??'o rua their cars Into the various hams. M this far as they were p'-niiitt.'d'to no. Sow it . ?that tii" tsars aaddther i:i?. company will bs ?t . , -.t.iiity thatJsyra ? be without street-car ?fSMftlee for some time to Come. IMII.IIOUI i o\M.? MON*. te promlnenes to ?lbs foil a i immunication ?beeauae It i ? whkb is of too frequ? nl renco. While we ?now nothing at v?>? matter s?p< tally eompUlood of, < ? ; lb .t mu? h ??f tl? in Virginia h due u> i ni?: "mleeed." Tht i - t?, nog oi - ?has i'" n ?greatly I 4 ?d in this respect, gad we trust thai to Departan :1 ,,s ",ir . win try to furnish a r? medy. Here i - Iba lett? i : To i?i" ?Editor of tii" Die-patch: I \tt bad a long i I ex? ?Sing ly , ir , r beaded "The of 8 ' showing hew .poor th" etTopigapodatlena for the ipaper peopl? sie In ?getting tti?-ir morning pap? n away from Rlchm N? w i aiao want to add n word for an? ? ; ?people Main" !y. tin- trav? 1 ov< r the road The i illro id ? om m to take a d iikhi 1*1 wtting s i miss bis train at Junction i ?.mi connection* ?Por Instance, s i ! .ilon t ? corns ov? r the Norfolk and Westers road to ?Ljrnch burg, from the West, end wanted te ?go invllle. The Norfolk and Weetorn : ii'. and thai there were several ?.a the train who i ' 1" ,-.?,: . I ; a (rain was i,,,i , .?. f| few minutes i d at i.? ni h burg! Thai wa , pa-si 4 la tha afternoon, ., ' , wall In J hburg until rest m ? nlng s1 a ce i to each one I RM. I the ?Southern s for that, us tin y bring ?the train i?.I il??- Norfolk and v.. ern brli ft It ?main to the ?SoutheOn . 11-.'.-. or was, . that ths ratl in? nta for th? - con? . II not be put to this trouble end expenso, bul the law di ' ,f;' Ion i" "?. ? ''??I" <'t' ' tot, :|S te . '; :.? d< points In 1 Btati d -"in.- a? don i i?? tak< h to ???ii. ' t them, by r" qulrtng the n llroad whirl? i-- on time to r a late train. - rod, aber? the d of ii,. ? mpanl? art a oonsld* , rab? th ?i " tak? ;., . tes to go from on I i h? r ?and purchaae your ticket, there .i bs sufficient time I n this travel from on? d< pol to anotl '. i"> addi tion, lbs tlms ntsceesary f>>r a del ion, t?, a ?limit* i. lit an hour. I propone to pi to b I ?eicht to a t, m. ii> i?; thla \i!. which I am i uro, If i. ? ill I.? I by the travel* s me "f the ?roads claim to ible time for a delay? .1 train, If th I there sre par** tii" .lu tor "r ths d< - notify the < onn? e* Uon, how is the connection to know they . tfully, TH ?VVELLER iu\ BS w m:n GOOD. W ! irn from the i ?ond in Chemical 10th that, hi n letter to porary, Mr. A. 1!. Bm< : th-rate, and the ppllea <>r various large towns, Britain and on the ?Conti nent, '?>ut <'f twenty?two towns In "it is vei i lafactory to not?? that ILondon, the only one aupi lied m Itb i h sr wal r, i-: ah the beet, the fever death-rate b< Ing only Brlgl toa, ?i..; Bristol, K, snd Plymouth, M, being ths only towns t?> boat It; whereas, the much-vaunted 1 ? -' v. , LtV? "pool, ?and Man chester give fever death-rates In IM, 17J, ? fast la ths woret, with l,BR i" r million." This ought t.. ?1 of com* to th? .it ink . web r, ' nidal'.I, Which is tl"! ) ? t r old, and which start? d as a seven? ? I been ? omnelled, b* : ' to enlarge t?. an elght?eolumn ?paper, and le tb ' t thai ll has ' - ? : rertlst nu nts thai it ?eon? I uni'. Hat)],- or unlit for introiluc tlon m;?, ths family .-it. le. Th? of ?the Standard Is due ly to Its policy of k? ping rna i? In \i? w 1". al in-? stabil ii Itself i us oi . ommunlcatloa betwe? n the i? opls ?.f Its :- ?lion. The m ful country m aspa? uh.rc are thoae wht? h t? alae II i.-; of Brsl Importance i?> the I.?, -ii news of their fk ? I 'i hli Is s i it not only Influes rlptlons and advertisemente, i.nt is the criterion by which ths outslds fcd B " the bis ValUS Of B ?'"iititiy j i;j.ox ?U p . m< dlum. 'i ' " Si lunton r will aol i sfter tb 1st pi April n tt Mr. K. S, Turk, the ..liter ami piopi me s thai his determination to dis oontlnne its puhlteatlaa arises fren no Snandal reasons, ?but ?Htreues he bas un d'ttak-n a bnsiaeee affair which eOSahlm . thS dty, and, tie icfore. h.? cannot paper bis poreoaal atfc atlon. The Weekly ?Spectator wttl, bowev r. he earn. -'.. and It is promised that its i.-. fulnees ?-hail h? tncreaaeS, and that ?go 'it?, ?make aver ?betes* The at the Daily ?Spectator win tted. Chli tnciuded to make ? - on ht : 1.1 The ?Dawager Em] i to hare sent ord? rs to th.? of tie iii.iriiiiii?' i rovlncei of the -1 ttng th. m t?. oppoas with ?any ?landtag of erased fofelgaers. I. it w!i || Will I ?' g a tlOO now avail'.' will it not ?rather ?haeten thaalkiagof tin* ?flow? ry ?King : distribution >?i among th? "outside 1 .*' ? v. it Is said, ?ill abandon Mis ' '. Unis yi.i.'ili;; a pnlt.t in Hi?- ii. liter of th- Samoag dtfficelty. As a return tavar, she tgpaau ua to to? ?aii ?Cblef?Juatke nismhern. Cl B.% Al-D THE CL HASS. Since military operations have become a. tlvo In ths Philippines, the American public has been paying very little atten tion to Cuba and Ike Cubans. The Cu bans, however, continue to take them fafvea very seriously and are restive, If not demonstrative, under tho military government which th.; Datted States have IflBBBBSd upon th'-m. Their army, which usually was invisi ble to the Americans during th*? war. Is n.w moro than thirty thousand strong, nine it la likely that the pajmaster will soon apt-car. In thla reapset the Cubans remind us of this government's pensioners. who grow more and sBOfSJ numerous as the Btvfl war recedes Into the past. For the sake of quieting the Cuban rs and giving them a start in life forty acres Bad a mule, a.-? it WOti Ah li. -ahnt has sent to H.iha HI li " ' t., bs turned rarur to tin- so-called patriot army, it bolas onyooi ?ritk Oe??eral Oobbsb ihat it will .lishand thin. Quito naturally, however, r?.?? military patriota tiiink they should bavp more money. As we bavs ...n,l th? ' take thSBBSSlVSS seriously. They bold that Cuba Is the!? oountry. and thai bat i"r tinir rlabig sanlaat tim Spaniards, lbs Spaniards would be in j. mot i ion ' I the . land to thla Say. 11 believing, and Baaing that the i Oov? iiitn' nt i Ike reve of their - oantrj. Ik? y think it would bs DU! fair f'T them to I? paid B COU? ibis portion of lbs mom y long das them. Put ?nele ?-'.mi has no idea "f do lag that Th- inoie i i nnd th? Cubans, th.- : I I Jastlfisd la making any greater a,?vain?-, then tks ? ?Ma, TkS truth I--, that the I " ition of our '.ni.nt towards the cuii.itis la very ist.-nt, hut (-hers is no help for it, ITe : tippoxi'. H II uii'i'oial'ly true that hut for the lasurreotlou th.?* Bpanl wnuUl b- on the i s 1. t : ?, 1 y.-t. On th" Other ). nai, but f,,r oiir 4?"t. rmlaatlon t" aid ths i Minn; cut, we .should ho richer WS new .an- by many BVSS ami many millions of lollari--. And?to ho v ry cundid?-the mom "m- !' ") ." see of the Cubana tie !. tin y likt! tin m. Th.- great majority of A?ericans who bavs Informed them? . i as t" t?a- comparativa arortb of ti.'- aatlvs resident? and tin- Spanish real dents pref? r Hi" lath r. it n? now HS vT.-H m ttled ai anythb. relating i" the futurs can be that the United Btal , ng to sei as si If? sppolnted guardians of Cuba, until they tlilllk j' sift: t'l gtVS that people an ";. inlty t" shear Its -enpactty for .eif gOV? i nnient. How leas this trusteeektp will last no HI tbll; but til" I'll!.all SOld ml !il as well BCCepI the situa' a fully and gs about th? ir b If th<y bavs any. Tin y would better ?al.. . i ths conditions off? rt d, r< t heir "eon: .. band thi ir army, and turn their machetas Into prunlng-hooks, or fish-hooks. A i(?NTi:nr?ilt\ltV i:\PI.\l\f*. g been m lori?is t] ; svlous Clinch Vail How? itl? n: "Tin. ed i al k the til" l a|'t r Wan publlBbe I, an I ill for nearly Mr. Bmytbs, 4iur form I to fur? nlih .-"in.- edit tbi last mentll ned, 'inahi-' to i< ad uni il ' out in Iba i 41 -1. Bine? them we fesl thi I -me taint.! in th. m, which wi re written hastily dly, as Mr. .-. \. ivinii for a trip \\ i, ,-n too aw? pl i and ..,,li"iint, and ahould not bavs .-'i'!" ared In lb? paper, an i ws : did." v. a hope that tbia lit?. - r will not lead to a repetitl n ' i fld In a certain I ?if,a nia i, i . i- office, ' t upon John to the editor of th il irnal, as Mr. S. to tin- editor of the Clinch -. a i. \ ws r- m? miii-r the i lohn, while doing the friendly ad for tbs Call? i sditor, and during the absei. ; ml r, Chang! d Hi" polttl ; i iper. When thi editor returned the two i "iit quartet ir In ths pn ?m, wh re they bat ame rerj much m ? "-.- 'i up, and John finally sur- i i Bd in qu|( lin-,' his friend by holding him down upon ths bed , by In? aerting his (John'a) boss between the edi tor's I? ' Ih. Alger l'ai li"'! Habana Sum?a some twelvs leans lit... m? luxuriously 11 ? i ii-up govsrnm? nt t I her bearings on ths waj Bcro s the strait and In adi .1 for MatansBB, Insl Cu ban capital. Things bavs t" k..oked* |y, bs ??*.' Il B - be crooked, apparently. it is not unnatural that ws should I Won at Polo. Poll ' alii". lin- I be?ii|teiil.f mil ?Ihiii RallfSai n i,<i its t '.iniii?>> ses. T.. tbs p.ii-.i of tbs Dispati h: l notleed In your paper "i" March t. h wii .i the Staunt ?n s-. : about ths kiii.i consideration ths officiais i the Chesapeake and ? ?hl . i. Pompan?, hava for th .remploy?es. Thal was very ni, >?. ami ahowa how broad? mindsd snd truthful t., ir Is in Its atati in- nts. A lett : i" the Huntington Adi 4 : M lieb ttth Is I pui to know wbal he Is I H tivelj mlsi i : IlUv la?!. hat Ing such stufl sown bn i i our il-, country. i : fflclals 1 by a little i i -. ws : pr?vida for our Blck ai m? a st let raoi .?m .i table ters, in lbs mo Vii known aa tie bealthli i placa la tbs world. Th, hospital qui ?tlon a ind carri? d into i i to-day vse bavs s hoapltsl as thoroughly equip ped as nnv ?u this . . oiitr?. aay thai Dr. ?'. w. P. Pt at its head, with at : hospital ?? - hi a. i " one shudder i.? enter it if ths circumi required it. Th? ampio) froa r down, si ral cording t" ih?- salary rscsivsd by them Tbs i ?capital Is and? r the managt m. 11 ol b board "f directora, arttb the general manage? at the h? ad and s braki m in st tbs bottom. This hospital Is ra as are all lastltutloni of a Ilka kind .\t tbs ? mi "i ths last re to?ad that, by Jinii. ; . man u ment, we Hood's Pitts Are prepared from N?-.. ture's mild laxatives, and while gentle arc reliable and efficient. They Rouse the Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bit iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by C. I. Hood _. Co. .Lowell, Ma s?. had a BurplUB of W.I?O. The board voted thut It be hold aa a reserve fund, ami in reetad In ?*hesapenke and Ohio lionas. Now, sir, tht? money belengs to the hos pital fund, and not a dollar of It goes to the Chesapoake and Ohio railroad proper. I ?believe that nine out of every ten m?*n (M our road rejob?. thut. If misfortune In sicknoas or accident should overtone them, thev could be taken to Sack a tBO rough heapHal, and receive wich medical attentions as they would Save that* witn as nice, falth'ful. and Intelligent a 1? el trained nuraSS as ran b>* found atiywh. r?'. .s.ime as difficult cases of surgery ?have been suttsaafaWy petforased al thm hos pltal es anj when in ths eodntry. Th-* Huntington man has tii' ! to make a bad -tory out of a ?good one. Mark Antony said of Caesar that the ?vil men do lives ?after them, but the g""l Is oft Interred with tludr bones. Now. I will add another instane?* of the ganeroetty of our oflhrlals, whi. h this Huntington man did not take notice of* It is n known fact that the men in the transportation department have the liard e.-t 11 m* - a.*? t?. loss of si-"'!? (being "a duty niiiht and day) of ?my mea In ths ?railroad ?service. R cognising this fact, oor of* Sciais have had built at BOT t? : minais (where seen have t?. Ils over) large airy rooma, wltb ?good, single, ?sprlng-beda We ?bars as good, ?kan ?coverlag as you m And in ?an) hotel In ths land, ?with s man t?, look ?after the lodglnge, night and day. a i' port I? is to be mad?- to our ?sup ? In t? ndant w? - kly m to the condition of lodgtnga, ?by a man ?selected by the nd? nt. Wh? n we f ? Ii "ir t r . Into our h? ils. and ?gal as aweel and quiet tap?os as we could ?yet in Cbamhertln, or Jefferson. But fee ?the thoughtfulnese ??f our officials w< WOUld have W sleep in cur cab"??-. or ?under the ?shad? "t tree, W. J. ii. yr.i.iM.its >?i\v i\ .1 mi. Afluir i:tiiui;?*riil?-(l?\<> < l)i*ili He twaan Cftlaana < <' Mllitln? BOWLING OREEN, Man h tl -Joba and Paul Zsltner, who on ?Saturday and killed Attorney Weetenhaver at h i-viii", and, after ent-renchlng them* selves In their bouss near thai placa, d*> Bed a mob of cltiaens, Bnally surrendered .Sunday morning, and are DOW Id Jail. it now appears that ths whole affali bag be. ?i exaggerated The ?situation was for a lirne, but the extent Of the excitement vas magnified At no tim there any danger ol a clasb between tie- citisens ?and wo militia When the Bloomdale ?Rifles srrlved at Hoyt's Cor* ? at 1 a. M., the ?greater part of the crowd bad dispersed, snd the excitement had subi Id? d In facl I efore the mllltla arrived the i-:?.ar.i around tii" ?Seltnere' home l1 id b? en - i relaxed that they coul?l escap? d. d? monstrstlon a h? n the fugli morning, the i""! i" apparent!) ?being satlaflod to permit the law to tue Ita course. Ths o- Bhei Iff, however, t" fore ?they agreed t?. surren der, that they would be fully proterHed. : crowda of people ?gathered at the loi g the railroad ae the - peclal train which brought the prisoners to Boa i wbll I? d by, but there were no ho tile lona. A large i roa 't gath?.-? ?i Iroad station In this and follOW? ?1 III" pi ; ort? 'I ilitla, to the Jail, bul there was no diaordi r, u nd no I I aummary e. It 1 i ol t II? red here thai there will be an attempt t?> lynch the prlsonera The ri) ll, of North which was t.ik.-n aboard the ?i train, ?were not needed, and the ' embarke I. The i ii lud? d thai the pi militia here was uni and the Bloomda I Ribea w? ? s. nt home. ?Late last night the i toners m re in In the |ail. The oldeV brother, I: "1 sm ni ni I killed him" im. ae nhai er) a hll? th? j ? brother, J thing on th? The Jail was ? rowd? d : ? venlng. Ta tin* I'liiiitii I a rani ?hat, m? ? i ? - late law, ? led tl ' the .i this .?Hi a nd law, mads March Vt, IMI, tot for th? : ! fOl II.? I I: ? T, th bool.. Va., the whol? ... i two yeai the time laa sill i i 21th Mar? h. and pn para ?tax i i for . and (lie them in this offli I would ad rise ail | ... in lerk'a . law. and those thai - t this * i by not ?doing bo. I Onl ; i tl ' ?ice for ths i tu fit of the ci lis? i i ?unty, alth ?ugh i . rn ? bj Is m, but i i" have inn?,, to suif, r from ?when i > : i it. good of all c< illy, ?'. J;. MARTIN, ? Icrk. n????*r Man fnelMtlca. (Tidewater Demo? I W< heartll) i i ' efforts In behalt tr tin scbedul? s, which will t? nd ? i m? i rapl. d m the .?complaints from different pai | i . the star te the on? - a hieb Interest the n I the i r sectl ?n, a i il?" railroad i entirely, tb . i. Insult to th.? ?peoplt i nd tbe Post-Dffl? ? 11. partaient, m ill ? oros emlngly si : Ive with ?! cont? nts only that, but it looks BJ I whole Tidewater section needed a g? aullng v, hi? h ?would shake up a num t i of the counti y postm id d? - in that If tie v . ontlnue to hold offl th? y mus? n t - if there Is ti'.t a change made i maaters ? the of tlt.m-i lv? l wiil^? turned oui to lers, n-11 , omp? t? m and ?careful, lei . , put In I:- ll I' I In* Hescuc of Mr*, m linrliiii ill Hi?* \N ?iid*.oi' Ilol.l llr?*. To tb? Bdltor of tbe New 1 Mi- 11. M V .' In il.?? ii del Wlndaor at the tii il tit.? on i-'riday. Man h 17th. came Ixth floor on I ind several gent lei to have been unco th?? v. y ham a I udl '. Injur? <i. Mrs. \'. i : II -. ' InJU -, which w/?re , . . ?and ?sraa . I irrite to a -k that ur column I eu ho i. Bcend would T ,? ua know win the kind frl. were who ground, inking : - u In advance for y? ur kind. i ..m v ' y truly youi . H. M WHARTON. llaltlniore. Md., March ^th. II,m> Market? Ar?* Affect? ?1. *: ! Wllaon, in Brool Wh< n Iphnny ateala th? I Jam th? m up together, II r .. ind so oc -urs -A rise ; ?. J fall In ?Leather.*1 Tha i itritish nobleman To ti-."? I an heir? m chancea, A nd then - ' "London makes Som< tm .... : Ths board? r from the dtj Is through tha i.. lur? ?he? ilng; 11?- h'-a? a i" ?low, th? n th? "A v> : y strong l.uil f.-? lniK." When Uncle ReuB s eom? t< a? town, He ; ? ?">- hi ? They both have < < in.- from Podunkville, ?So "Money now m sosy." When Tommy snu.i?.a ?behind the siu.i, Hi- l'a comea In S hurry, ? it :- that t'??-?? rinaui ? "A shurp flurry." When Jones com s berne si ^ A. M . Ha ?gets nt.i rod and i ? li? i. .'m -> the lodge, and then it la "The ?Street is quite unateady." Dr. Hull? i uiiuli *t)ru*i la |i I <*n?n tit to the t.?.-t<j. No child refusia to take it? JEST REMEDIAL AGENT Mlmnlanl Which Mri-iH-tliei**? "??I Forliaee ihe Syatrui to Repel On Uniulit*. Huffy'?. Pure Malt Whi.key fa? B I I IT rea medicine, and mithin?; within IDS nge of th?? Whols pharmiiffipite a COSB? jns with it in sfBcisney as a preventiva ad c-'rc for coughs, Colda, ?ir Chills, i? a- m4.r?- ssrioas maladlea, fjrtp, ABthmu. roncbltla, doctors preecrihs and adm,ln-i ter it freely, in Pneunr?_nia it has In-1 iriaMy brought oa the desired res mi i"-. n a mor- potent remedial agent ! efTectln.'- a cure than any otht r m?ii- ! ne. The medical profession rscomm? ad freely, huvtng lenrned by ssperiencs to -ly on Its uniformly stimulating proper es. Altogether, Its record Is one proad suc re Bon 4.f cures, and BO "ne has . v- i k.n it without receiving distinct bane?? it strengthens the system, bringing te such a rdnts dl sggr? ?sIts hi slth | Uli il enables on- 10 lightly throw ??fT ; ir.ieiis. which "i might bavi rne doom and overconts and mads ons ; prep i i dis ..-.-. TUB LATE Mit. i.l.FNN *V ?if lili? l I n le real in c I !ii-l?l.-i,l III?*. .Cora -- .n.!.-!.'.f ths Dispatch ? BEDFORD CITY, VA., March : Not rut Binas ?Mr. Michael Qiennan, whoac ' -lit 'I' Btb is .-" ill -tiie t ,t IOSS 10 Hi" urnallstlo profession la Norfolk, \ hen for many years be gava tin- beei ' 'its of hia Ufa to Ita pui mit, i - following incident to a young man. ?to bad lui ? , nteri -i tha ttacei nold of itorial life In his employ, Mr. Qiennan said thai in ths early day? ireer, soon after ha had aasumed ' tha .N'oti..Ik Virginian, night, i-, rath? r In th? a en of ins morning, when a drlszling falling, he l it ths fun-- for ins ni". In i stats of much dt . it-it. It was while in" Southland ? ? thro? s i t* ' instruction, i ons? -u< nt on tin- clos? of tie- -ivii war. and ths r :' illure of the \ Irginian eeem hanging In the batano As he mads - war along ths solitary streets, almost era helm? d by ths silence of the night il his own brooding thoughts, suddenly ere came out of the darkness the sound a voice, whistling joyously, lik" the ultant Bote of a bird singing hia native tb? m. clear and thrilling, He "Uii'i In aatonlahment to dlacover lence auch melody could corns st suck hour for awhile, but in vain. Oreally ssled, in- follow".i the Bound, and ffnaf found a Uttls negro boy, all alone upon - street, whistling the beautiful, Irre* ?tibie music to whT h ths hour and cii matan?*es gava s weird charm. rhe poor little creature was sadly nf? ivlng -..m.- spinal trouble, which . i.; .1 iiini standing erect. Hs a ' ? seinl-recumbent position, with his to turned upward t" ths sky. th" rain ?ling in bis face, and was using hia mis to propel himself along. Mr. em in said thai wksn hs saw thi?. un rtunats little creature. Mack snd sp rently friendless, all alone in the great ni ". a hi itllng bo ' !" prfully and won? rfully, tho contrast of bis own blsss ;s and opportunities <>r his being d above all s whit? man. strong and ?pable of Intell? ctual i orb. broi 'hi"ii rerulsli n In his whole i elng, . rded as perhaps the pivotal inf in his career, and tbe new t effort i and subsequent s voass in lbs magemenl of i he \ Irginian. He pur A his way homeward, pondering ths s.-ii he bad learned from ths p ?or, hap? is little waif i r.'i ths wholeeurrent of ? thought changed. liar Mr, Qiennan was a man "f warm, r."i on? Impul ?es snd : pal hy i .-vim .-.i by tbe fac? that eai b n y ?.f I'atli. k's I 'a'. !a I tOWl 'I -i I ' i, >. up -a i rl tin H v. he* , . nom) bora t hs t of the i - i Irii hm in; he k? pt a warm ] -'or.. ini'Mil i?l s gAD 81 < t BBS. illara i<? I?-aken a VohMi. Who -?llee'.m:l,??il li, Hie *?|i??ll. tOCHEBTER, N. v.. March IT. Tbs am of Cnnndalgus bs - been n. : up m er a i - - n-. Flint, a I ' ' relllng rough S* w V"i k state, recent! hi gave ex m hypnotism. Sim" the I - re town has the .?a, and " u Hi" to pot .ii' nda under the spell. I the Doctor's mosl attentive ob . rmei I -. the name Harry Wilkinson, residing some miles i of ton n. Hs Boon i im small ublltly, 1 ! ? i . quaintances under tha spell, srithoul for alarm, until hs att? rapti ?i .m John Perkins, a harf-wltti I a an adjoining farm. 1- found it a v< ry simple ma ics Perkins in 1 i luaing tii- sp ictatoi u i.. go through : -, lie ids ti; l In bring out of the I This had B Pi i kin- tii in i ii tu fall Into a half-cons m a hich he ? ould not rdlcal aid ?.r summoned, but Perkins aal n.o i.. who la r? ipon? his condition i; almost frantic :ii grii :, ai .i He- town "tii' lal? v,..n tor any m? am? aln pul in th? MSB?? . pin ??-I I7\ FM CASE IN BOSTOH. [ I lll-el'.iw? DISCUS? II.-?. ?I _. It t l'1-iilil naala t?.. .? -Weeks a*g*a? ' ' ?ST? -.\. March IT, Loula Abram path m suffering h om I ph i I -i Hospital, in i !1 ,i n- cli rua i ii ,i Health, i prevent the 11.ta mo vi'/. . landed in New Vork city, ut t" the h 'in?' of hi: broth? r, lal Wal ?.?.?ii ill it a we? ; n ne ?i ' . 'i?-: . '. er na vin g n an spldemic I It Is a d . - Itb tilth snd "? rcrowi i v. hi re b; . I ons a r < no i : - m " mm' vr. iiri^ii? in Be Ordained. io.ii a Cor. ! i th. the i nlon 'I ii" . - to the | cnurcl i ?-on. i. [t i ciimmti o ihe Ppl-copal Chui b, aft? i i for many \. in lab? 'l pt? ach? r and the tlogl non. but !.. ; o. u.i. ii from the mil flrn m- n he - ., to i" idmitl? 'l to boll Proi tani Episcopal Chun h to the th iritlea of the dlwi ol | . was ordain? ! to 'he ordi i r.ra,.- Chun h on Mai !T, I n Hi . ibmitted an ap ea t ton i" b..lain?.I to the prte*tho?>d apiratlon ? non ol ill- Chui ? ??,.,ii |n i the rilinatl in i cation was acted favorably upon i.? standini i ommltti e, and l ?r. i rdalned within a few v.? 11 then go lu Knglund for travel ind i.h. AAvtos Wnvth SHektag* To. 'You can I am a lesson from nn- if yon I : ti." ,-.u- piaater to tin iihfui apotheeary. 'What is that?'" indifferently queried latter. That buslai - Is ??ire to iol i -.- ',! Ilcatlon." !: ; < ??he ats b Uva? regulator aad i eau . .i- Hi. world." ? ltd a nonius. The iggtsl handed him i bottle .. D. Witt's tic Early P.i.e.-s, the famous Uttlc pills. ? Easter Jardinieres! Pedestals, and Vases, (Miller China Co., 109 FAST BROAD ST., Between First and Second. This Week Special White English Porcelain Tableware. Oyster ? ad Soap Plste^ fr.50 kiii'l, this \vt1k4c. ?*.iii!. Breakfast Plates, 51.5?? kind, this week ; '. each. Meal ?Dishes, 13c kind, this week toe. each. Heal I)i**hi'c, .fc Mad, this -week 18c. each, Gravy DoaU, 250. kind, this week 1 b, Cuvrri'l ?Dishes, 75ft kind, this ?week 2<k'. ?each. Vegetable Dishes 25c. kind, this tret k i' c ? ?ich. r ?Bowls, <r.7s kiii'l, this ?jc each, Buy the Improved Bissell ?Carpet Sa ecper. C? it '- \v iter PUtei - from $3 up, ?See our variet* of Dinn?er Sets, Te 1 Sets, am] Totli tSets. MILLER CHINACOMPANY, 109 E \S? BROAD ST., Between lirst and Second. ;mti _? -?* * 1 > - ^mmmW/naY^ MM,Cr'S Sdrsaparilld l< the H'-t V Spring Tonlo, y jp/^g -xV 50c. /<S?/gi (Ja 29-Su.Tu&F*) DE WITT'S Witch Hazel S W?llirow? cura f arpillas ?ores obst?nate sores, cbapped iir.nds, yonn, skin ? urns ad scalds painless. We could riot Im? tc*?4) the quality if ?paid double tha ri"(!. Thebesl sabre that experi t.'ca lu produce or that, ?money can Luy. IT CUP.FS PILES. (SJ) ?-Til S l&TU) Mechanically Perfect ACENT3 EVERYWHERE lerv. rroubl?ss, an I 1"- n tiently cures a',1 .?. i : v.i Fr it ?1 all lypeet mksnodroodition ?t iim Nik-. $1.00 PER 30ITLE. AT ALL OHUG?ISTS.' (mh 7*41*--ape*-7tb) K.Ml I.SIHT* OP* COD LIVJ.I* Oft* 1 Co., 1 by Ions ?**, 1 of 01 her pa I ?1 taha ?>ub ?'... ;>1 kCKI.t.. I.AIM) t C?J. 7 SUTHERLAND I SISTERS' 11 m i.- niton an in i? ?I Ml* ? 1 I \ Ml I tl m 1, ,,r ..1 Hi r.rtr/lli .1 i AI ALI, i?i:n???j>i**'. -illy? Ct if LOW1RS, LOOMING UNO DECORATIVE PLANTS I ? IK EASTER. :i;ynoi.i>s m BBY, Mo. opi i. tre?t Thou 0 ' .?.?l.'.M.-'VJM.'ii-iAplI ls:??? m? \t 1.1 l?:li O S H DOl.l \ II. wi: * ILL BEND O? ,: Iil(JHK> P " A? ii.? : i? distribuUns <?f 1 ? ? hi. h > ??i . m du !'i tin. . > mom t ?.nr ? Urs' work ? ?it i hi l mall . u si. \t;s K? - ? tnh I PROPOS ILS. o? i? H to i'i\ ;**?. ? ??mm \? i ami. 1?, t. PR? >p? ..;.\i> w n.i. ri. util i t 'I Hi. HI :! .. T ?'? ?MMlTTl'.U I >: ' K 1 Kl?Sni HO. VA., i ?ok M . i the i/ill iiVi OF APRIL, U WIN?; ?..'.. i . UK VA RUH F ORAXITK i... K- ASI) 13 '? I Jl" \HK ?, AIM'S ?H \ ITRIFIED 111? KS on certain mr** \ i. ? i f"t ms ?if snd i>r..|' of work .u>- - i? I til? y ?-.m I..; ? ..ii application. 'il.?- . ommltt c| any or sll Mda W. II. T.u.l.:.*. Chairman elitee. _h i'llW Special! Special! Special! Piano s??l?l ?it "t'.'Joo. It is Dow in tho saint? tints cniiilition .,? when new. We j-ruaramVo it for fivo years, and will sell it for cash for at $145. Also, one Steinwajr P _o wliich shows tisc, but other? i- i: tine ??nier, f<?r $150. MANLY B.RAMOS CO. no BAST BROAD STREET. foe '.l;.?'.i;. ; i \ THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY'S TWO STORES, No. (Oil east Main ?mil No. 0 east s?. p \\ t? have just reo several hundred ION.I 1 SETS of over fifty distioci decorations, showing all the now sprinq shanes and ors. both in tho cheap? and finest sets. \\ e have marked prices verj low on the same, and invite an in spection! We have also just opened an attractive line ol now colorinqs in m !. i AL B. ?N H. ROYAL AKT VAS1 5, URNS. etc. We have about thirty BANQUET LAMPS. sorted kinds, which we of fer a! less than cost to clos? ?lit. -, ? . i . : _/*** **^^*b^^a#^^*a^^aa^^aa^paa^^ea^^#a^^4#^Jte^^ee^J t TRY EVER? TAILOR j [ in town, >ge. samj and i [ prices, then con fot _ ^ comparison. * re s We guarantee to k'1 von better values Cor you? a ew/igI , t < f money than yon rau g??_. v j elsewhere. I Young Men's Department, I i SLITS, ?SIS.OO. I I ? ?____, ? -_, I i > ? (Late Sliafer'si, i f "New Era" Tailor, j p Main Bet. Seventh and El._t_. _ t fiiiii *i?Sb?.TbM. t? ^ ?aV** wF**^P** 9*+^P** v+* ^_K* S^* -_)** ?**^^** * *. ; IMMMH-1M tMt.MIMMS [ Misfit l t - t _ Shoes. I . * A\e liavo on hand about * I 100 pairs ol Min's s j i ? - i -, ** vJiir?i ire made to order I I from $4 to $9, and which did * ? ii"t lit or were not eullod ? t for. : r We ?'O?? elosing them out 7 I Half Price. \ Ay ? Call early Budget the] id \ * ni than. * t We hate just received s ? _ oes supply ?t{ r t : PATENTED CUSHION * r RLibber Heels, : i? which ire ?>n( "ii any shoe - ? ladies' <>r men's. * 'Phons I23S. t t W. E. DREW& CO., < ?Mala ami KJshth Sts. t ? *_ ^4-4 - e t..i? .\ E. H. SPENCL-, ?Jgft I'.lo.l-i Sll THl'NKS, TRUNKS, TRINK?. TRI NK8, TRUNKS, TRI S TRI NK8, TRUNKS, TRI S .SA'l'i'!iKl..s s.pre H Kl.s, SATi 11E1-S, 1>ki.s .SES. C a O Railroad < waoira sioa aaoAO snuna Bill T-Tii.PA-UU-B.